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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1888)
Conrad Meyer, PROPHlKf U 0- STAR BAKERY, Cnruar Broaialbln and First Sts., -DEALER IV- CaaeI fraitt, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tttbaee, Sngar, Co flee. Etc,, CaniM". .Heals, J Qocmri Vegetable, Cigar, Hp Ire, Tea, Ele In fct everything tbV. U kopt In a gen ral variety and grocery "lore. IIlgbeM market price paid for ALL 1UFIDS OF PRODUCE. OYRUM) TJ CU? UM1 -sVIA-s Southern Paoiflj Coapiny's Line. tub wr. eokiri Borx Tim sAsnsMi Albany ana Sau FrvicUo, S hour OAuroaxu tiruu is, tins saut atetweea rsrtlaa J a4 Ha fraaeWes. oo'-b. North 4.00 r. . Un Portland Arrlv I 10:45 A at tltra UN Albtny Lile 1M A a I Arrlv. flan Knnoltu Uiw I 7:K r II ayAtrAsssajsaTaua daily (axoopt ttvwdvr). :lW A a Law KrtUod Arriv r a l:iOf Arrlv tiiwm Ut 1 OO a a local rAttaxoaa tajlimi bau.i, axcart csdat. i)lt La. Albuiy Arriv I &.SJ A a Italra Arriv Leb.w Loa. :5a a 14:60 ra Lull Albany rrlv :44 a luMra Arriv Lebanon '. Lea. S;ir TUrougli Ticlcetw To mil HlnU SOUTH .AJCT1D EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. Tourist Sleeping 0ar3 Wr AceesaaiedAtiea el aeeeasl-CIa ru Ker. attached fa aMpreae Trams. West Side sVlvlsleau StlTKEt rTtAJfB A CaKVAlMS tail BAILt (Xpt Sunday,) 1X a a I U li.t ra Arriv Portland Corvillis Arrive I 0:i r a siraiis tiaisi AiLT (xcjp". Suadty . 4:W p a I L ' suural Ar.l Portland M.:Mlnnill :00 A a 6.A5 a a LV AtaTjanv ml CorvallU connect wila trains ot Oraf -w racia, Kaurueu Forfait inform wtlja rssrjinf nM, -. . til OB Cmnpui' Ajmi aiwj. R. KOiULKR, K. F. BO..ERS, lis is V'' i. ' ' IE YAQU1NA KOUTE. Oreita Facifis 2ailroii.: goo Development Company's Stem BQip IjIUS 225 smiles saaim 20 H0UH3 LSS TI?;1E than bv f ny ottur routr. PiriUa ttirviirli om i:U . and freight'froui Portland and all point In tbe Willamette Valley t .u-l from ai Francisco, Cal. WillamBtt8 Lin) of Steamers. v." Tne "Three SUur" are la arTlee lor both passenger ni ireu'ii ir u j n.trirBllU an.l f. irilAivl ainJ IO.r mediate polnU, Jett-ln CompADi 'i wbarf. Corrallia, and Messrs. liuiuiia it Co'n wharf, Nos. 200 aul 20i Kront St., hoit- land, three ttmea a ww:K a Ioiiowh : U0AVA V irVAItiJ, MJniAs " J - dil ." A'bOT. i:iJA,a. Arrival it SAlem . u .i r . i . , Tmiuiitf m' nr- A DJ. OMWiM "7 i . J - Avla U I '1 lit m. IJMVIW 1 - - I UOVTU UOVSit. La7S KjrtUll MfUiA, Vl:inljr :1 r"rUI UtaiSa. m. Arrive at dguaji At 7:1S p. iu. Loavc lUlan TooAdiy, TtaorUy aJ anuria Mil, a IVtt m&lca rIrA cnnascLian at Alban with tralna of theUragoa Pailfl j lUilroad TiXSdmOULK (exsapt 8uiiJ)a) Ur Albaajr, 1:W r. a, , La TAqiunA, C.45a, Lnn C rralli, l:HP,i. Utn CorrlU,10 A.a. Ajrir YaqotoA, T. a I Arnr Ai'nojr, 11:10 a. a l O. K C. traiaa connect at Albany and Corrallia. The aoove tralna connect a Yaqulnt with the Oregon Development GompAoy'a Uine or bUsaimuipa ueiween Yaqulna ana aq rrancuo. SAILIMti D.iTE.1 . tllMIU, r4S tA PAAIOIOi. faom ta4Uiji WilUmAtW V Alley. Than, Vn. e b Wd. Dec. YilmeUA Valley, Mou. Dec nth )ln.bx 2tb AriUametU V Alley, Bun. 80th. The Company .f7w Jie rihi to change aailing dates without notioa. N. B. PMn2jr.i fratn P-rUndnd Willamette Valley pol iti c-ia maVit -to' oonnectba with ih3 trio of the Yariuiu route at Atbtny or Crv4ilU. and ii tlo tlnedloStn Frta'iini all il 1 arr:ee t- Arrive at Yaquiut fie uvituij bef r l.ite of sailing. Iliaaeaxer aa4 fflbt ttte Hi way tm lawril ' For lnrjfmU- i apply l O J 8t!iart, Freiifht an-l Ticket Aunt. AJ'oviv. o:to U II Hv!l. Jr. O. P. A F. Agt Orjjoa Dcvalopinj'.t Co., t llontif.jmcry ; K.-X r.tnl?: km' . )r;u Pt'.iii t t it. in . HOTlGS TO SHIFPEESr (via Yaqnina to Sao Fraocu&i.) Of wheat, otta. hopa nd aoul I am pre pared to take Marino Inmrarce i d all certalt. hop, wool or any coaMgomeuU of yood to andfraai San Francisco. For farther partic- nlarr, adrijeas Ala Hakbm, Agent California Iua. Co., Yaqaiua, Or. Andrews & Hackieraan, W.LDOUGLAS 3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON - - OREGON "Jim Wcstfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese gooda of all klnda on band. Also fall lice of JAPANESE GOODS. OEESOH PAOFiO CONTRACTOR, for thin section. Laborer, furnished on abort notice fo e.ny purpose. Opposite . S E Young's, Albany, Eed CrownMills IS03I, L1NNINQ & CO., PROPR'S. iriw process rvovR eutzaioa job txui'-isf AXD BAKEBS P3S. BEST STORAGB ?ACIUTiES. Tlhhtzt Pric9 ia 6ash fo hrm SkmA WARRANTED sS- . C ' Win. Fortmillet, 1 -FUNERAL DIRECTOR. rompt Attentioa-First-slasa Hcirsa r" After tmalriAM houra call at retiti'e liO corner Filth and Baker at root. The BUYERS GUIDE la iaaued Moron and Bcpt., Ieaoh year. It la an oncy. olopodia of useful lnfor matlon for all who pur. chase the luxurloa or the tioooaaitlea of lifo. We ean olotho you and furnlah you with all the neooasary and unnooesaary appllanooa to rldo, walk, danco, aloep, eat, flsh, hunt, work, 'go to church, or atay at homo, and In various oiaoa, sty lea and Quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' OUIDE, whtoh will be sent upon receipt of 10 oonta to pay postoRo, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avonue, Chicago, lib PATENTS btalniKt, and all other business In tha 0. 8. Patea Wcs attenUetlittl to lr moderate lee. Uurolllc taoniHwit the It. tt. 1'aWnt Oltlce. and v ean obuln IVtcuu Irai tim thau lho reniot rout Washington. Henil mutlla or tlraalnir. W at'w to natnt ability fro ot charg ;uil mak charts unls w noiain pawnv. W Trfnr her, to lb Pottniaster, th SuiiL ol Muney Onlvr and to offlcial olthall. 8. Fatant Oltlcc. t'oreinular, ailvios, teras. an4 feruora oattoal elieut in your own Stat or county, address Cm Ae SiOW &COe, fJr'"IUI a MIHIt v.IlIL'T, VI Nlllllaj MU, tV SAM MAY G. SLNDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Mtrcnaiidi-c. HARR1SBUF.C - - - OREGON- Will bny Grain, Wool and all kinds :' 0(1 ntf. : lll'IIH'AT AIL YHJ? DO Ton fori flnTl. lantruld, low-cnlritod. ltftv. lesa, and tndrflrrtbabiy tnlst-ntble, both hysU caily and mentally; experience a aeoao of f ulineas or bloatlnir after eating, or of "gone ness," or einptinrmi or etoiuactt in uo morn' ins-, tonirue eoated. bitter or btul tnsto In mouth, irretruUr appetite, dizzlrx-sn, frenueut neaoacoea, oiurrca eyesis;b,nofltinr spet-ks before tbe eyes, nervous prostration or ex haustion. Irritability or temper, not Uunbf-s, aiternatine; with chiilr aensatlona. aharp. tiitins. transient palna nero ami tin-re. cold fet, drowsineaa after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefresblna; sleep, constant. Indescribable fooling of dread, or of Impend ing' calamity r If you bavo all, or any cotuldernble number of these symptoms, you are suderinir front that most common of American maladies . llilious iyspepla, or Torpid Liver, aasoclated with DyiiM-pnia. or Indigestion. TUe more complicated, your disease baa becoroe. tbe greater the number and diversity of sytnp toms. ro matiir aunt nntrn it im reai beU, Dr. Pteree's Uoldeu iricdlcal Uiscoverv will subdue It, if taken aecordinir to direc tions for a reasonable lunirth of time. If not cured, complications multiply arid Conump iionot toe Liunira. r-xin lnscaflt-a. Heart ijiscsjio, ltheumatism. Kidney lWiw, or other crava maladies ara quite llaltie to m-t in and, sooner or later. Induce a fntnl tcrmlnntion. Dr. Pierce's Cioldeis iVIedlral Dlsw eovery acta powerfully upon the Urer. and tbrouirb thut areat bUwKl-nunf vlns- omn. cleaniiea the systeio of all blood-taints and im purities, from whatever cause arUinir. It Is equally elucnclous In act i ntf upon tlx) Kid neys, and other excrutory orRana, cieanainir, strengtbeninir. and healing' their diseases. As an appetizing, rt-Dtoratire tonic. It rrouioU-e diRestion and nutrition, thereby building; up both Utah and Btrentrth. In malarisl disUicta, tins wonderful melicino bos ;ainej sreat CPieDruv to cun no; ever and Ague, CUlll and lever. Iiurab Aau. and kindred rllseaaea. lr. Fierce' Cioldcu raedical Jla- CURES ALL KU7.10RS. from a common Illotch, or Enipt Ion. to tbe worst Bcrofula. Halt-rhcum. " i'ever-aores," Scaly-or Uough Skin. In short, all dlseaaea caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and Inrliroratinir medi cine. Great Rating L'lcv-ra rapidly heal under Its beniern Influence. Kspoclnll baa it mani-f'-sted its twtencv in curing Tetter. Kczi-ni Erysipelas, lioils. Carbuncles. rVjre Eyes, Scrof ulous bon-s and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease, "Wblte KwelliDM," Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands, fcend ten cents in stamps for a lanre Treatise, with colored Jlates, on Skin iJiHoasrs, or tbe same amount or a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly clnso it by using Dr. Pierce', fioldeu Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital Strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula of tbe Lungs, f arrested and cured by this remedy. If taken In the earlier stages of the disease. From Its mar velous power over this terribly faial disease, when fir! otTerlng this now world-famed rem edy to the public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling it his C'ON8Ciptio.v Cche," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicino which,, from its wonderful com. bl nation of tonic, or strcnKthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, tcctorel, and nutritive properties. Is tmequaled, not only as a remedy- for Consumption, but for avll Chroulc Diseases of tho Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bhort ness of Breath, Chronic Nusal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efliclent remedy. fo5jruiTgiata, at $lAO, or Six Bottle. sr Send ten centa In tlamns for Dr. Fierce' book on Consumption. Address, . .World's Dispensary Medical issoclatios. C63 Main St, BUFFALO N. Y. First National '"Bank OFALIUM,()i;i:(iO.V. f"'lnt - U KX'XN Vio rrwident H. E. tut HO Cashier. .......OtO. E. CHAMtll'.KLAIN A,tCabier JAH. V. roWsXL : TBAK3ACT3 A banking bu!nea. ACCOUNT.' KEPr subjoet to tbock. BIOUT RXOHAKGE and tclcraphio trtnnfcr, sol on Now York, Kan Francisco, Chicago and Pol Oregon. ;uLLECri0rf3 MADE on favorml.lo terms. DIKIiCTOU. E. YOU8,' GaO. E CnAMB4,' " L E Blaik, L. Flish, Walibs E TlrbiiiL, FRANCIS PFELFFEPt, PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works And Manufacturers of CMOS OOSFMIOmi. We ara how prpiral t- nil at wSol, sale, always, fresh and para at PortUud pricai to diUar.. We also kgap a full line of Ms and Tropical Fruits, 1C.QARS AND TOSACOOI-v IB 1T 23 33 3 .. albany, - - - mm. 8ell exohn23 on Sj firk. 8a Friiteiaeo an J Portland . Bay mte), SU'e. cmt a il c'tv wirranU Tta- eivdap.-Miti subject t chick. I.ito.'ott oil jivel on time deposits. . jrCoIlectlon will raeelvpronnt atttnt1n. Correal lOndcnce solicited.1 - - Fire snd tntrins Iniunnoa pliaol.' in' reliable com ( CTJCOBS Ol FOR RHEUMATISM. w g ws 3 a I a sr rJN lz i r is? g 2.3 & S, s o a n - - f P. ? Sold by DniQatdi and Dtotrr Ettrywhert. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., BALTIMORE. MO. Administratrix Sale of Real Estate. Kot'.co la hereby given that the duly ap polr.tea and acllnir Admiultttratrlx of the estate of Kdwaid Murray, deceased, by and under an order of the County Court tor unu county, Mate or uregon, in pro baio duly made and enterd of record In hi Court on the 6tb day of November, 1S8, win on the ad day af Dereuttier, IKHM, at tho hour of oneo'ebsk In the afttrnoon of said day, nt the Couit Hcuse dour li the city of Albany, lnt county, Oregon , I ollor for talo at puhllo auction to tho high-1 et bidder all the right title aud interest or reward Murray, deceased, at the tune cf hi death, in and to the following de scribed premises, belonging to aald estate to-wit: 1 he west H of Lot 4 and tie north ) of the east li of Lot 4 In Block No. 11 lu the city Oi Albany, Liu 11 conn ty, Mtatecf Oregon, as shown by tho map ol aald city, together with the lenomen'a and hereditaments thereunto tielooKine Terms of sale. .One half of purchase price to be cash in band and the remain log one-half on a credit of twelve months hoaxing interest from the day of sale at tberateoften per cent per annum, and to be Hecured vy a mortgage on the prcm riii Nov. 5th, ms. Ajmx Murray, Adtninlhtrctrlx of aald ciaio. CaII on M J MooU-itli fvr big bargains. COLD riv HE AD J r Try tho Cure Ely'sCreamBalm ClonnBC8 the IfaKtl Passages. Al lays Inllarnmsition. IIcalatBo Sotob. Bcetorcs tho L'oasos of Taste, Eraoll and. licancg. A awrtk-le If aevlled late eneli naatril a ad U avareblp. FrleaAOe. at Vrncglata mr by snail. KLY limf UiOtao Warren btNcw York. C. O C1IERHY. C.K.rVKBS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY k PARKKS, acliiflistsk Millrvriglits, and Ircr Founders. 7 15 are now completely prtar J to handle all klnda of heavy work. Vim will manufacture Steam Engine, flrlht and saw Mill Macbinery,an4 all kna rriroo ana unuw castings. PATTEESa M4DR OX KIIOKT NOTICE. SpecUl attention given to rejairlrg Kcaa or macninery. When I say Curb I do not mean merely to top them tor a time, and then havo them re turn again, i he aw a uaijiuax. c title X have made tbe disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or , FAXLHTG SICIOsESS, A llfe-lons; stndy. I warraht mr remedy to CURB the worst eases, because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving: acure. fiend at once for a treatise and a JTres mottls Of tnv JwrAIXIBLR KEMRDY. Give Kmreaa and Post Office, it co t v0a nothlog tor s trial, and it will cure you. Address H.C.ROOT.M.C, l83Ptm8T,KtwYoaK raP.Ta.aasAs.ssS Assignee's Notice. IN the matter of tbe assignment o James P. insolvent debj or. The nnderslgned having been dnlv appointed AiiafgrjGAof the above named Insolvent debtor under and by virtue o an act rf the legislative assembly of th State of Oregon entitled "an act to sccur to creditors a Just division ot tbe estato of dibtons who convey to Aaalguecs io tho heufifit of creditors, approved Ootobo 18th, 167 and amendmems thereto ap troved February 21th, 1885 " All pero having c'airos egalnti said otato r hereby nctifiodto present the same to m at HairWburg In Linn county, Orectone duly verified ai by law required wilhln, threo months from tbo date h roof. Daied this tha I'jtli day of November, 1888. ; It. A. IUmpv, Aetlgnep, Bi.. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Ollice cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. L, W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Ptuaio eornor Second and Ferry Streets noirOpora Hous. Ground flow. Children's pietires a sprclalty, J. K. WEATHERF0RD, (JfOTABY PCBLIC.) . tTT03NEY AT LAW. ALBAWT, OREGO.V. Wl r. RACTTOK TT A tIi Tins COURTS OP THE tatfc- ktmmi .UHion given to mlultiOIM and roaato matter. . -., A. r hJ ' tm " V, 1- Sa3 I0UNTY FFICIAL and APEE. 'ITT A Hlg Offer. San Phancihco, Dec, 14. It Is stated here that dipt. John Howard.of theschoon- Kossario Yaqulna Hay vessel alely Into this port - . . W I I for $6o,ooo. Most people think this offer li absurd, a It she could be Honied, the sum Is too larce a one for the job. I he Ya qulno Hay was worth $17,000. In Honor ofOolnmliui. Waihnu$on, Dec. 14. Gov. McCreary hupe to get throught the house at this scs I slon a hill to provide for a dcrmaner.t expo-1 sl.lon of three Americans, In honor of the propriatlng $25,000 for the expenses of their meeting. Will (lore. San Iokk, Dec. 14. At a meeting of leading butincs. men this evening It was deckled to Incorporate a company to bore gas and oil In this valley. 1 he cupll stock will be Sioo.ooq divided Into io.ocm ot sio each. Exeludln Them. Sam Francisco, Dec. 14. The steamer City of New York, which arrived from ,,unS Ko"B nl Yokohoma to day was the hist steamer which has arrived from the wncni tor a numocr 01 years wiuiout a 1 single Chinaman aboard bound for thl I port. Probably Ktanley. Lonikn, Dec. 14. It U rumored that Gsman Dlgna in hi letter expressed a wil- ingnes. to surrender Kmin Pasha and hi white companion, provided Kngland would agree to abandon auakim. Appolutmrnta. Waoiiinctun, Dec. 13. The prcldcn sent the following nominations to the sen ate: G. Parker Norton, SaU Lake City t'tah, to be surveyor-general of t'tah; J. M. Krut Indiani, regUtcr of the land tf fice at North Yakima, W. T. ; H.T.Tolmin Minnesota .agent for Indian at the Nez Perccs sgencv Idaho. r, U. I-aI ward, poAtmaoter at I.IUuiook, Tillamoook couuiv, Oregon, ha rrelgned, and James C Mawm lia been appointed in his place. W illiam W. Chcmara has been appointed potmatcr at Peoria, Linn eounty.Orrgon vice Samuel H. r Innegan. resigned. A pohtolht'e ha been cktabliohed at Trent, Spokane county, W. T., and B D. Nacy lu been appointed po.tmaMcr. The Iiralk lUlr. San Francisco, Dec. 13. The state board of health ha Lucd it monthly cir cular for November. In a population es timate at 654,400 the mortality wa ;", making an annual death rate of iS per tuo which U aKve average for ihc pat lx month. Coiifuntion caued i dca:b. Want 1 hem Had. San Fracil-o, Dec. 13 The tale of season ticket 1 for the llxiccn H.-rformance to lc given bv the French arti.ts, M. Co- quelin and Jane Hailing, closed yesterday. It amounted to $i3,uuo. Marcu Mayer, manager in advance. Mate (hi U d.iuhlc the amount of Hernhardt's sale, and out- ldc of lOKton and New York it I tne great et -ale the French arlLis have had l.i the Cni'.ed States. Jlllrlwll Mentioned. CiiitAi, Dec. 13. A special from In dianapolis say : A Ignlficant bit of go- lp regarding the next cabinet came from one of General Hart hon' friend to day and relate to the recognition the Pacific coakt will probably receive. There aic various reason for the belief that one of the administration adviters will represent that sect ion, and according to the gentleman whose views are followed, the honor will not, as everybody has supposed, fall on a California man, but Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, i likely to be tne choice of the preidcnt-elect. A High I.lreae. San Bernardino, Dec. u, Thcboar of city trudecs ha pained an ordinance ralInz tne citv liquor license from Sio a month to S.'io, clo.lng saloon at midnight, exacting heavy bonds from keeper of saloons,and providing for forfeiture of bonds and license if there I disorder on the purm iscs, gambling or other violation of the or dinance. Look Mere! Wc arj closing out our stock of boots and hocs, and to show you that we mean what we say quote you a few of our price Ladies bct trench kid button shoes at $4 3", regular price, Sc.o, none better In towi ; Indies extra quality 1' rench kid, but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies good French lid, button, nt $3, regular I price, Si; ladies' bright Dongoia, button, at $275, regular price, $3;o; Lidies blight lioiigolu, tulio;i, neat and good, $2, regu lar price $3; ladies' American kid. $2, reg ular price. $3; ladies A merlon kid, $1.25 regular price, $2; child's nil grain button school shoes, frciii $t to $1 20; u lew pairs of ladies' lubbers, yt cents U 40 cent; men', rubbers, 50 cents; alo a large as sortment, of men's hoots. Come and see. Brownkli. & Stanaku. Rkmovai.. Misses 15. & C. Howard have moved their millinery store into room. in the Pcarce block over J. J. Dubruillc. harness shop, where they invite old and new customer, to call on them. All kinds of woolen dress good, are 25 per cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Our tortc is all frosh, consequently wectn give yer 'iw prices. VV A Widk Indigo Prints A large invoice of the above good ha. been received, and will lie sold at reduced prices. They aro ds sirable patterns and ore a bargain". Samuel E. Young'. Absolutely Pure. ' varies. A' marvel cf purity, menes. Mor eeonemlcal than " d cannot be sold in coropntitioa low test, short weight t lum or - ) Hold only m eaos. Koya Wall t N. Y. Co., Ajfente, Pon'.and, Or. 40oh anniversary of the discovery by Co- voica 10r . i..Kn ... n y - - - - - - iumbus. The bill Is merely preliminary or their brolher. and sUter are reaping he liw In It. provision., utl.orlalnff7U. prcalden't egltlma.e cop from the seed sown on Nov awoJU.Mr goo.. tosTpolntaboard of nine directors to h. Dr K.Urt, of Walla Walla, claim, to have formulate a plan for the explosion, and an. - . ...,, ,t .um k i. , 1 .J TAKE YOU 11 MEDICINE. Harrison was elected Prculdent on the Gilt of November on tlio 13th Cnrutlra cotton mills, in Philadelphia, reduced the i the wages of employes 10 per cent. Kerrs cotton mills in the same city on the nmc day started tip with a reduction of 10 per cent on the wage scale. Leak's Star mil 1 manufacturing erry towels and cloth, on gierry the same day cut wages aa per cent. Uut the tinklndcst cut of all was Hall's Safe anti Lock Co. of Cincinnati. Thl company, cavc Mv mcn to understand that It would c tinucnmiy tor vncm u wicy uiuh .... t 111... II....H If .1 ,lH!t tfftfl for llnrrUon. A iargc majority ci incin obediently did so. On the Saturday ltd lowing the election the (lllcrs were cut down 3" per cent, and the wood workmen it ocr cent. November 17. the Atlantic cotton mills cut their wcae. 20 per cent, and two of the largest cunler firms In the United State made a cut of $i per week. w cfln eongratuiate ine woraingmcn who UK A li EisTaT. KAU'.I. A recorded in the Recorder's office fori Linn county, Oregon t . , Win Cyrus, Referee to U W Han k, 40 acres, 1 1 w 1 ? 1 1 w I 300 O&L'R R to Tudson IK)flourrow, 04 acres, 11 1- 1 -."5 W li Yates to J A Heard, 'A Inlrrcst In 52x150 feet, Lebanon f.50 1500 J A Heard to W li Yates, yt interest in so acre M J Alklre to S K Thompson, 3H44 acre, low 3 200 S II and A F Hamilton to W H Don- aca, 109.61 acre 5rJ0 I 111 Bryant to M I Alklre, 344 acres I Jacob Smith to h J Lannlng and John '75 I liond, 44 acres, 10 w 3. V C Miller to Ja L Arnold, 'bji too acres, 10 w a 2000 S II Allhouse to P M A!ihoue, 2 lot, block 6 K A, Albany S II Althou.c to H F Merrill, in tcrct lu K y, block 1, K A, Al bany, also all personal property of every kind and description.all mining claim and Interest In same. In trust for benefit of cred itor and wife and children.... H J Clark to ; B Montelth, 2 lot, bl 32 H's 2nd A, and piece land near Callpoola Noth Shank to A J Shank,5o acre 14 w 1 DJ Haves to F M Morgan, 1 lot, liaise 1 W J Kibclan to F M Morgan, I lot, HaUcy KKKP PO-m.. SSo TOO SO loo tVhsAt, "4 cents. N.w fill goods at Bead's. Kre those new jersies at V. F. Itcad's. New ribboa all shsdos an.! stylet at Bead's All lines of toys kdt suit, at W. F Bead's Fine Hue of bread koeaJin iuus at O W Smith's. A oolhcr lot of Hull cherte at Brewnell Si Suuard's. A U'e slock of lifting force 1 umi at ft W Smith's. fjood at, cost at M. J. Moult i-hV, at the old I ou:i ' tore. (.0 to A. ii Mcllwsiu aud sk ti tee tiioi-j 5! suit for mei'. In a calm se every r.ivi i$ pilot.' In dry go k! '.V. F. Roa-t i le l.-- If j 04 w tut to .vo fro 11 10 l 2j J)?r crul by your giMnUof v. 1-. Kv.. Six shavct for a d!Ur and a cli an tael to every, at I hn. Jonc. Buy your tickets through ltlii Kut W L J-i.U-r aud sve farj l Portland. A complete hoe of heaticg and parlor stove at ti W Liiith', no better in thu valley. The ch-pt place to buy meii's under wear iu .te state is at A. B. Mcl I wain's. W. P. Bead can and will sell drv cool cheer thau any houee in Albany, (VI and seo fr yc.urelf. All the latest iioveltic iu miliiqery cootl at (J Howard'. JaII and them. No trouble to show good. The line of Pseillc and Boval Argnds at (5 W Smith's it a large one. The; aro among the beat cook stove uiAle. See them. G'Kxi not soll for les than cost, woods not given away. Cut gna boaest goods Hold at rtaionahla profit at W. . i .1 v Jnliu Gradwnhl it now making a special ty of crockery, fancy good and silver wsre, ( T winch he csrrie a Urae and select stock Hissilver uare is 1S47 Roger Bro, hi. atock ot crockery i the l't in the market and hi. use of dolls and children play thine goner ally is complute. Hi price are tho lowest on tho cosKt, Wk Want, Your butter and egg and will pay you cither cash or trade for it. Brownkll & Stanard Smuts, Siioks, .Siiatcs. -In thi line w have always shown the very best goods to be found in the markets of America, the knife will be put to good in this depart ment as thev must go. Call and cc for yourself. MONTEITH & SKITKXB Vt'll. CUKi: I'UK NICK lKA) IIi;. fin to 1 want a roinrdv tor B'llruM., I'in.plo. on tl.e fiuv, ii a nra cur f r sick litMuisvhe, ask lr. (iu:i ami R111., th Din-ijlsUi, fur' Livo I', IN, try a dun', samiilii fre full box ii ctut, IHC. HO N t.V KO in his unw discovery for Constimptior, suc ceeded in producing a medicine which i j ac knowledged by all to be simply insrvelons. It is exceedingly pleasant to tho taste, per fectly I arinlesi', and does not sicken. In all esse of cates of Coutumption. Coughs, CoIdH Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pains in tho Chest, it hs. given univertal stisfactiou. Dt Bosankn's Cough and Lung Hyrop is sold at 50 cents by Dr Uuis. & Son. Delccate women whs complain of a tired reeling, pain, ia the back and loiat, de.iro to tleep, dizziness, painful or suppressed men.trution, will find in Oregon Kidney Tea a faithfol friend. It can be relied upon in every instance to give immediate relief from urinary troubles. Thousand of women are suffering every day from some disorder ofjthe kidneys or liver, who might be permanently cured hy using Oregon Kidney Tea. Sold by Fo.hay & Mason. Highland, CUckama. Co., Or., March 20 I have .ulTered with a disease of tho kid ney, for 6 or 7 year, and for the last two months have Wen laid np with a pain ia my tack. A friend sent me a sample of tha Ore gon Kidney Tea, and having used it one week T can do a good day's work. I have derived more benefit from it than from all the medicines I haye ever taken. J. Q. NEWBItaY S-iId by Foaliay & Mason, Letter List. Following Is ths list of letters remaining In the Tost Office, . Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Deo, 1.1, 1838. Persons calling for these letters most give ths date on which they were advertised s Anderson, R B DArttctt, Mrs Harrott Connr, Harry Collins, II Airy Duriirtn, Janie. Hardman, Miss fa E Kinzer, Henry Macklin, Mary (2) Powell, Fred Ruttary, Cathatlne " Van Hooson, Miss Elola Walton, John Zeller, Miss Annie (2) Albert, Wl.llam (2) llerryhlll. M J Cox, Ediila Paley, WM Embro, O If Jones, Jas W Low, Mim Lizzie McFadden, Thos B (2) ; Riser, John Bnydor, Mrs Ellen Willis, G00B Wontworth, Chas A Zeller, Leo. ft. THOMPSON, P. It. When Baby was slckv we gave her Castorla, When alia was a Child, she cried for Castorla, "When she beoome Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. 1 1 r 'e"iuiwT vuimi via 1 s7 iihumiwi vsr va THURSDAY. Htato Suu linlendent McKlroy was ia (h olty to-da. e Mr, J. Powell kit to-day on a trip to Suund. - ' Wheat lias dropped a cent, Jm'gi) f'-urnett, of Corvullis his hern in tho city to-day. Kl. ihurg. VV. T.. is to 100,120 feet. have a new thre Whiiuekatingat Ithaca, N Y, yesUrday two younn men were drowned A a result of the P.raden Underwood dc- ha'.e at Sdvtrton a big 'religious revival is taking, place there. ('! . 0ru) Woo lfor I, the treat temper- anus revivslut is now in Hrittsh Columbia Ha may posviMy do the valley. Bumo obe wants WtttVirKiida to be calle Kanawa. I lease do not. Giro it an Ameri can name. Anything but noma inuisn names for Htatea and cities. Jjliu IS Sister, formerly of Lebanop, has been ro-elected connty judge of Colvillo ciiunty, V T, by (!5 majority. Mr Slater oieo runs a newspaper. Mrs Ton nsetid And children left this morn tat rli, aLdsAys there is no use of throwing away niouey should ho more local phyicisns to mske a r i .. ! l li. 1 , I Mr d II Htoehart has a largo collection of curiotities secured from a friend in Alsska. jt comprises specimen of useful implemeiits snd odd contrivances that would require an Alaskan to sxiilsin. There are several ban- dred pitces 10 the collection which Mr. Uhinebsrt intends toarraage in an attractive form subject to inspection by any who may be interested. Kugene llnjUtfr. Of cur railroad the Coquiile llrarld sajs; "The Aotoria and Willamette Valley rail- rnail will hava a tw.wfnlil benefitting remit. I - tir.t tilnt-a it will lecama thediatanea to the sea and oroduce a livolv competition : and in the second placs it will cause Port land to improve the Columbia and Willain ctlo rivera." FRIDAY. Corvalli now has twelve kerosene street lamp. Nearly all of tho Albany 8 8". will have Cbrtstms. tree. Butler, the Portland pugilistic Larber, ia ia tbe city. The Oregoa Pacific talk of building a dry dock at Toledo. William W Cbnmora will now cancel post' age stamps ai Peoria. Dr. O'DolI, of Sodavillo, i lying danger oa!y ill at Lebanon. Mr A B Culver, of Crook county, a former resident of Linn county, i In the city. Perhap. Mr Hermann would like a place la President Harrison's csbtoet. W hy not. There ia a piece of land in Portland that is assisted at the rate ef 430 an sere that the ow(.er I roved in court was worth 25,000 an acre. Dr. Cl:.i.lnrl:n, mr new hoaiopathic b)ficisn, ws called to Lebanon yesterday on professional business. 1 he district teacher, institute arranzed to tie held at IJorvalh bcifinninz Doo 20, has leen indidinstely portponed. Mr Lindseidel. of Pittsburg, Penn. who a living with hiveotl wif, eomnitted ttlcido yetcrdy. No wondsr. The indication are tint tho exclusive gaa franchise ordinance hi been laid ti rest. The present council at l4t will not pta it. MrandMr Jo Webber. Jr. are in the ciiv on their wav to Por'.lai.d from Califor nid. whera tbev bare been on their bridal tur. M A Heard, of rosui!. tj.igon. wa in the city to-dv with hi br-tther, J F Beard, of Tangent, from whom we acknowledge a Call. Iii tho city elect:. m 1 1 Astoria WcIoeday 717 rote were ct 'J 17 le tha a yerej0. Tht i the interest people tke in city elec tions. Mr L V Lonsway, formerly tf this city, is tsov in the wholtsve brftcher butties 10 i'oAttie, and, we undcrstaud u coining money. Gran'.. Pass hss a Blue ltiblou Club, tho only 000 vre know of in Uregoo. Albany used to hsve a very flourubing one along about 1SK0. Cherry ft Parkes new foundry and ma chine shop buildings at Tacoma are complet ed aud ready for occupancy. Tho firm will mcve their Albany plant tnerc a soon a. their work here ia finished . Tbe citizens of Albany and vicinity are in vited to call at F. M. French s, "The Corner Jewelry Store" aud sva his stock of Christ- ma presents, snd examine prices, which will be found very low. SATURDAY. The lGth Oregon report nid be issued about Jsuuary 1st. Next Saturday tbe people cf Aihljud will vote on tho cow question. It costs five cents a mile to ride on the 0 R A: N in Washington territory. Mr David Ciewse and wife and Mr Neil Shedd, (f Shedd are in the city to-day. Warren Hclbert eniyed in Albany tc-Jay from Pendleton mini .evcral hue Llydes dales. Hon W UBiljen has moved hi law (.(See from tho Foster block iuto the Fuh..y & Mason block. Hetretary Kldcrkiu, cf the Alhany Insur ance Company, is expected in Albany in 1 few days. Tho Uoxehurg Iti-v!eic8a there is only one esse of sinttipox there, aud that 11 about mile from the city. Mr. W H St John lnr been appointed prenlet.t or tho Albany W (J T U to sua ceed Mr. J H Town&eud. Dr'S G Irvine and Bcv Aehcson, of this county, nave oeen in 1 'ortiaoa several nays attend ipg the Moody meetings. Ja. Allen, the intoxicated cock wh.? tried to escape from the marshal Thursday was re leased, last eveuing aud left tne city. An order has been issued on the Southorn Pacific that no freight shall be delivered uu til the presentation of the shipping receip . Prof Leo ha. concluded to retaiu his posi tion in thu Albany college during the com ing year, cue he has (illea with fcrest credit. Curt Wilson, who has been attending the university at Saiem, returned to his home in to is county several days rgo, and is now sick with the typhoid fever. Mr tjmgley, the gentleman who fitted np tho YaquiiiH Bay, ia now at Newport. He says Col Hogg told him to spare no expense iu littiii(j her up, also that it was one of the finest boat, ou tho coast. Forest Grove Ltxlcoti, that' it. name, and No 1 1 on our table. As it. Iirading mer chaut. ouly inn luch ads, we cannot make aay very coniidenc preuition. tor it. It 1. nicely gotten ap though. Mr William Vance leave to-morrow on trip to Tacoma aud Seattle. We hope Mr Vance will net get the Sound fever that is striking some, as we ncod men of hi. enter prise and push at homo. The citizans of Lafayette haye offered the Cvangelioal Church its L-ourt House and jail and seyerai thousand dollar, in money, they will locate their proposed Collego there a startiingly liberal otter The Yaqiiina Biy made the trip to San tiancisco fiom JNew York in 03 day. and hour..' The fastest previous time recorded, according to McCarty's statistician, ws. 62 days and 4 minutes. llughts &. Ward, the temperance reyiyal tgts, wno were in Albany last year, have each goue iuto tho- itl estate business, Mr Hughes in Portland and Mr A ard in Tort Towneond. ggMr Carl Ludenmn left last evening for Ashland to make arrangements for opening a boat and shoe store there. 1 Mr Lnderman understands the business thoroughly, and will make a valuably addition to Ashland's population. - ' , As was anticipated, tbe Portland and As toria papers are trying to make capital out ot the wreck of the Yaquine. Bay, They aro in very small business. The metropolis of a state particularly should be willing to labor for the building up of all. sections of the state. Not so with the small soulod Port- for Infants and Children. """"""w"""Bwaaaswawe ' "Castorla Is o well adapted to chlldrcti that I Caaterl aire. Colte. f3ofitfnatlon, I rcommnd it as superior to any proscription I ' gtotnach, Dlarrbosa, k"'") known to ma. 111 cn s a, M. dT, I ZZZ l0Cp' VTOtaM ill Bo. Oxford St., brookljm, K, Y. WuLut lajurkma raedicaUon. T CsaTAVa CoMPAinr, T7 Murray Street, 1. Y. c A ptctnre of Chrht in Dr Ouis ft Soi'i, owned by Wright, was psioted in 1031. J)r Gilbert; of . Salem, pastel throrgh hs eity last night lor Sweet florae, where tie delivering a course of let tartr. Mr Chss Metzsz iaformthe Dkm M'ttA 1 that be want ten bridge ctrpsnten aid tei laborer immediately for work on t'ia Oregn 1 l'actlic IUv W W Locap, will preach i- t le U. P. Church to-morrow moruiiig sou evening, bile Itev Irvine will tuM-ly K ;v Ixjvan'a pulpit in Portland. Some one has likened a sslnon to a mill. Where tne Utter grinds uu wheat ihe rmer grind, apyoang men, and men are as nc-cei-sary to a saioon as wheat to a mill . Mi. Hallie Parrish .tog in a concert a Sslem last night, being enthusiastly received after her return from the Kurt. She is also i favorite in Albany, and we hope to tee he here tin ring the winter. Uandraff is probably one of the mott diffi cult disease, of the scalp to cjre; but Du tard's Spccilio never fails to remove it per manently. Bareness after shaving is instant ly relieved by Its use. Sold by Fathay ft Mason. sv '1 -9 wr a.-wrsHi A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follow, thensocf Syrup cf Figs, aiwi acta gently on te Kidneys, Liver 3 Bowels Effectually Cleansing tho System when Costive or lhliotu, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and pcrroancnlly curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without weakening or irritating tho or gans on which it acts. Tor Sale In BOeand Sl.OO Rottles hy all Leading; lrag;s;Uta. MAirrrAcrcaaa oxit sv rna cALrroEsiA na syeup co. Pax Faax Cisco, Cal., Loctsvoba, Kr., 2,'ssr Yoaa. K. Y. THE PLACE. nyoH ci.'t;i ssll un Parker Brothers. Successors to Joint Fox, er your Groceries, Produce Bikei Goads, Ets , Eta. Their goods ara tbe bant and tht Ir prices reaaonaole. nrov 8,000,000 Kt,1 Ot UM Urswt aud munsil. bounaoa larj 1 Ferry's Seeds D. M, FERRY k CO. are acknowledged, to M to Largest Seedsmen In the world. D M. rritsT A Co's DliMtntMl,Discrip tiva and Priced SEED ANNUAL For 1889 WUlbamAUMirRCC to all applicant, and tolaaSrHar'ae larllCAaUfl I ofrJL srithont nrdanoe it. iara'a. "'" snouid stM lor n. Aoanm D. El. FERRY & CO. Detroit. Blch. Citation. m Ae Counts, Court of the Slate of OrefCt, for Ltttn count. In tho matter cf the estate of Mary Jane Costollo, deceased. To Mary Ann or Margarett Caldwell John Caldwell. Honse of Providence 8is ter Superior, Ann Brown, Ester Costello, and tbe daughters of 1 nomas lostoiio, Greetlnu: In tbo name of the State ol Oregon; you are hereby citod to le and appear In the County Court, for the coun ty of Linn, at tbe Court House, in the olty or Albany, in saiu county ana state, on Saturday tbe 1Mb day of January, a, D. 1S80, at the hour of nine o'jlock In the forenoon of said dav, the same being a day of the regular January term. lHb9cfsald Court, and then ana mere suow oauss, ir any ex 1st why an order of sale should not be made directing and lioensing b'amoel JSixon, executor, 01 tne last win ana tes tameot ot Mary Jsns Co&tello, decoasod to sell all the right, titlo and interest of tbe said Mary Jane Costello at tne time of her death, both in law ana in equity, or. in snd to the real property hereinafter uescribod, as prayed for on the petition or tne saia satnuei ivixon, executor, aforesaid, which said petition is now on file in theCouuty Cloik's ofllce in Idnn county, Oregon, which said real property is nescriDea as ioiiows : Beginning 82.8B chains east of ths SW corner of tbe Ponation Claim of Thomas Shepard and wife, Claim No. 51 In Tp. 14 S It 4 W of the W ilUmette meridian and running thence S 2.24 chains to the line between Sections 0 and 16 : thence W along said line 27.70 chains to the corner orseotio ns 8, u, 10 ana 17:thenc9 W along the line between Sections 8 and 17, 20 chains to the S W corner of lot 4 in b'eo, 8 : thenca north 40 chains to the N "W corner of let No 3 in Seo. 8 ; thpee east 15,34 chains to the N corner of said lot 3 ; thence N 2.45 chains to the N . W corner of Bap, Conation Claim of Thomas I Shspard ; thence E 82 36 chains ; thence S 40 chains to the place of beginning, con taining 198 acres more or less, lying and being in Liun county, Oregon. 7 Done by order of the Hon. D. R. NT. Blackburn, Judge of said Court. In testimony wtereof, I, E, E. Monta gue, Connty Clerk of Linn county, Ore gon, aud Clerk of tha County Court of said oiunty, have hereunto &et my hand and affixed tho seal of said Court my office, In Albany, this 10th day of Decem berj A. D. 18SS, l. s E. E, Montague . arVsT4h. t- as. , f tfZ 't M, ..- . j Witt. - ttrf Jr a ALBAF.Y SAW AFiD PLAF1 IFiC HILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seas. . lumber,latlifi -pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only be st Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. - ROBINSON & WEST. (. 0. FOVvELT. W. B. R1LTXV POWELL & BILYEU, sTTOKNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALRANY. ... OULGOar. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. romc In Foster's Brick." 14nl9tf. T J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAV -AND Notary PuMic- ALSANY, OEGON. ' J0 J. WHITFIEY. itteiney And Connsellop At Lay IVotar Public. AlBAIR OREGON. Will prcci'ce li all of the Conrta .his State. AllbAcines intrnated to bliD will be promptly a '.tended to. till Vii Liav'UO'LvJ OF PORE COD LIVER OIL &HS HYPOPHQ3PHITES Almost a3 Palatable as Milk. Sm dtscw-tscd tttavt It em at be taJbaw, dlcastrtl, avatd swUstlUste4 by the awsMt esistUv. stosnscb, wxteo Use ptaJsx U canast be toleravtedt svod toy the btatavtlos off tba oil with, tbe bypoptas)). Dhatea is mscb xaora fltesvelosxa. KesaraAsle as a luh inducer, rtrsoEJ gala nphlly wlUe tallss tt SCOTTS EMULSION is admowledgedlrf Physicians to be the finest and Best prepa ration In the world for the relief and euro of. CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHROMIC COUGHS. Ths great remedy far Csmnanpticm, md Wasting ia OuZdren, Sold by all Druggist. D, R. fJ, BLACKBURfl. .Attorney at Law Officf, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Notic3 of Appointment of Admin istrator, Notice is ht-rebv ci ven that the nodersiinied hss been by the County Coort for Linn conn ty, Oregon, duly appointed and qualified aa Administrator cf tbe estateof E. K. Gaines, deceased. late of Linn connty, Oregon. All persons haying claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to tire un dersigned atScio, Oregon, within tix months from I hi date, properly verified as required by law. This the 13. h day of Aoveml er, loos. J. IL Peery, J. K WKATnERFOBD, Administrator. Attorney for Adininistntor. Palace Meat Market. J. V. PIPS, PtLOPRIETOS. -FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, 08. Will keep constantly on hand bear, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc., the best meats and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all kinds.-of fat stock. J0HF1 BRIGCS, FLORIST,- - - . AL3AHY ORES Roses a Specialt. " - ! planted sad attended to ALBAHI 00LLEQJAU INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888,1889, First Term Opens September lUb, 1S8S. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to ni9et thr need of all grades of students, S fecial inducements offered to students from abroad. - Tuition ranges from $5.50 to $12,59, Board in privato faml'lea at low rates. Room tor self-boarding at smallexrense. A careful supervision exorcised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7ih. For circulars and full particulars address the President. REV. EJ.BERT K. COXDIT. Albany, Oregon ACADEMY ;.- -. . of . Onr Lady of Perpatua! Help. ALBANY, - - OREGON. Conducted by tho Sister of St, Benedict. This Academy is incorporated and au thorized by the State to confer academio honors, BAR-DISQ SCHOOL PER TERM. Board and tuition......... .$40.00 Music, insrtumental, theoretical and vocal with use of piano and organ 15.00 Ouitar. ...... . 12.00 Zithern... , 12 00 Drawing and painting........... 8.00 Fancy wort and mending free to boarders, Tuition in select day school ranges front vr lu iv, - " ----- - Normal Instruction of aspirants for teacher's certificates a st-ecialiy. Graduating fee, $10. For further particular i apply at tha