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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1887)
I mamsBmmi in , . . SUB n DEMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. MMRMMMWMMn Bemocmt THE DEMOCRAT Isjthe best Advertising medium Io the Central Willamette Valley. A dvertlsing rate made sp plication. VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1887. NO 1J Maw Rights PROFUSION AL CARDS. L. H. MONT ANTE. TTORNE Y AT LAW AND- - Notary Public. ltftF. OrfKAB. Qm upatalrm, ovwr John Brigg store, .t nnat. Tl4n2Str J. S. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PViUO.) ,TT()RNKY AT UW, 4LKANV, S)BB4JN. rrtLL PR4CTIC IK ALL THK COURTS Or THK T JUU Spaoisl aitanltua ran o WlsoUMia and iUa maltar In M) r !!.. Tampla. 14 C.B.WSlVrBsYrON, O, H, IRVINB WOLVERTON & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ajaPfli up stair In Foster'. Block. ALBANY, OREGON. . O. WWII.L W. R. R LTBP POWELL ft BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors ii Chancery, tLBANY. - OREtiON. Oolloetions promptly made on all points. oana negotiated on reasonable terma. aTOfflce In Foeter's BrIek.-tJa HnlOtf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, WIN practios In all or the Courts of .uls State. All business Intrusted to him will ba promptly attended to. FOSHAY A MASON, -"nuna: s ass sstau,- Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden'a publications, which wa aall at publisher's prVaaa with aostageadJad. A B, HA MY, Ol C. L. BLACKMAN, Smccrsw to E. IV. Langdom. DEALER IN ORUQ6, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and evarytbhag leapt In first-class Drug Store. Also a flaa atook of oianos aud ALBANY. OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. nummm cuefully hlled, Opn day and night. Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - - . OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. PIiUkI oo In first-class style. Tablea npp!t-d with the et in the market. Nl" sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for comuirrrtal travelers, aVFree Csaek te sad trass Ike H .!. TH E7 BECK inIIUD HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, Orfics over Oradwohl'a store. ALBANY, OREGON, FURNITURE made to order or BEP A TIRE ID., el my shop wast end of Third Street, Albany, Or. S. A, DECKARD. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys ! i Conducted by secular priests and lay teaohera. First term opens first Monday In Sep tember. Second term opens first Monday in February. For prospectus address Rev. F. A. Beckar. Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds ol rough, dretied and seaStiiOti lumber , laths am ' pickets Kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calanooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. sam may. O. SENDERS MAY te SENDERS. Dealers in General Mbrcnandise HARRISBURC - - - OREGON Will hnv flrain. Wool and all kinds 'osatrv prudnee. m Westfall," VE MERCHANT. , .i , f mP Winds on ' o Ml1 MtS of UJJOa r 'WO CONTRACTOR, t tr thi- mction tP-'ie'i on hort notice for -i x ; 1 l t O- Opposite S. E. Young's, Albany, Or- t7j. stitbsl ATTOKNJEY at l,a -AJS1 BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fsli and winter stock of boots and shoes, I have as nicely a fitted up Boot sod Shoe Store, snd as complete a stock as any this aide of Portland snd vary few better in Portland. I buy sU my boots and hoes direct from manufacturers and am authorized to warrant every pair no mat far how cheap. No firm in Oregon hSve any advantage' of me in buying as 1 buy in quantities and pay the cash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much the largest, best, and great est vsriety in the city. My aim will always V to give ss good value fur the money ss possibly can he done. SAMUEL E. YOUNC. First National Bank OP I.RtJ, ORECiON. aesstslaWa. t. FUSS a. b. rofjrti OKO. C. CHAM BCRl.A 1 V Tke. TRANSACTS A CiKNKRAL banking bus! ACCOL'MTS KEPT sabjsct to cbsck. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tstawraehk est Hew York, Sss Eras raw n, Ofclesaw sad P-rti OresToo COLI LUBCTIOirS MADE on fsrorskts sisscToaa. A E. Yoese, Oso. E Crasssslats L E Bli. L. PUSS, Wsltss E TrsssLL, H. F. MERRILL, Banking an Insurance. ALBANY, - OREGON. Sell eichsnsw on Xsw York. Sss Prsnstsco taJ fort land. Buy notea. Sts'e, county snd s'ty warranU. R- aslrs deposiu subjset is chisk, Isisrsrt allowed sa Collections will rscstvsi isaUdtd. frost a. si. to ft p. is. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPUSITfc ntftnt HOUSfc. DR. JUL HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Ofltoe oor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. WILL Dealers in all be Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line of Sheet music, musical merchandise, smmunition, flMhirii? ;tac:kl. rtc. War runted razors, butcher snd pooket knives. THE BE8T KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINNCOUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines musical Instruments, guns, etc. neatly done, ALBANY, J. GRADWOHL, rockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent lor Fire and GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD for the for the for the for the for the for the for the for the for the for the cure of cure of cure of cure of cure of cure of cure of cure of cure of cure of Boils and mmmmammmmmKmmmmmmtMmammmmmmmm mmmmmBmmmmmm&mmmmmmmmmm SCRATCHED 28 YEARS, A Scaly, Itching, Mklu Dleaw with Rattles ftaflVrtag nrcd by Cutlenra Kerned lea. II l ImuJ kttuwu trf tit C'uUours IU-i..etl. Iwanty oifbl fMni Stf it would Insve mvmI in (lwo hum dred dollsrs) sad sn Innnuamaa mount s uffurias;. Uy disss (faorlaaU) loiiitnuiioad o my hssd In S iot uot Um'r than s cent. It spread rapidly si nrsr sty body snd est utdr my nulla. The MSI woultl iru.a t mo all lha time, ami my uSerhitfi was ssdlssa, aim without rsilrf. this Ihonssnd liullsni .ui. I not tratpt ma to hsvs this disss ovsr ss-sln. I tu s poof mm,, but leal riuh to Ik relieved ol what au ue i. the ilucbiriMUl m laproay. eoms rins worm, psorlaala, ele . I tosh sod Bsrsspsml iss ovsr one yssr ami Half, but no ours, I want to taro or three dWturs juid no ours. I csnnot prslsu the t'uiicurs Kanietliaa tco mu h. Ihsy hv uuula my kin M I'lesr sml rrsafrtmi srslosss mvby'a. All I uaoU ol I beau eras three bases of I'utuiurs. sml tbrss ettlea of Cutk-srs rleeovteiit, sml to oksa ol CuU curs Mose. If you had bosu here aixl sil whIU usveoursdms la SluV yau wouhi have had the sssn ay. I looked like the plotors In your book J l-sortai (lolure number lso. "How to Cure Skin Isssssia"! but now I m sselssrss arty porsmi ever ws.Tbrtui(b lotos of habit I rub my hvW over m nna sni tt-s to scrstrlt ones la s while, but to no purposs. I as II well. I sotatebsd twenty isttt yi sra. and It "t to Im kind of acs.ti.1 nature to me. i Utank you a thou- llmea. Anttbiiiic more that yi u,t L. hn.. wrlu me. or any ous who nsuU thla may write to me snd I will ntwer it. DKNSW DOWNINU, W.terbury. ft , Jan. 10th. ICS?. Paori ,i Mtsfworm. Ucbsn. Pru- rime, rfcJ' Head, Milk Crust, Dandruff Hsrusrs. Hskers , uner and Waaherwumsn't I vh. ami avary apnoiea of Itchlur. Hsmlior. sVmly. Hrsply Humors f the Skin ami Scalp and lllo,. with Ua of Hair are 1-oaiUrely .nusd br Cuiicurs. the trwrt t utlcursaeu. an etu,tltUkln BssuUrier eUrnatly sad Cutlcurs HoUsiit. the new Ulood PurlBor In Urtislly, when phrsiciana and all other remedies fail. Hold rtetverhanv I'i i. . ('uli.nin. U Resolvent t. Prepsrtd by the Pot itsr I" sud vo., usatse, SaTUand for "How to Cure Hk'.rt Ouwssce," 04 ae SO illuatratlona and IWtesllmniiaUs. PIM PI.Et, black beads, chped snd ollr skis prevented by CuUcura siadlcwtavl K-em, Catarrhal Dangers. Ts be freed from the of suffoesHist while ......, .i .. lyin dawn . to diatuibetl . to rtee .assdetssr. brain act) aware wer nwa asw eam. asrv a r sssee'w ssssse pnsou - ous, putrid matter defiles the brssth snd rots sway Ike asftssti macidoery of smell, tssts and bssnsv ; to f el that the eyeu-m dsss sot throujrk Its velna ai.d artetiaa, uck up the ntdsnn that Is surs to under mine and destroy, la laded a blaawin; beyond all ba SSBS enlormsnM. To pnrvhaae immnnity fiotneorh a fate anon id be ths object of sit affllcteL Bui thoas ho hsvs trtsd many rwmsJlss and physkiana deep r of relief or owes, bsnford'a Radlrej Cure mssts every phase of Ca tarrh, from s slmpls kssd odd Ua the nvt loath. .me and daatructles slasaa. It a loaal ssd ounaUtui easel. Inetsnl In rallovlns. rrnuuient In runitf, asfe. coo smlcl, ssd never failtsf. Sanfurd'a fUdloSi Cnre roiaie of asm kettlsof ths lUdiral CVS, oss bo of t'sUMrbaJ Solravrt, ssd , Improved Inhslsr, sit wrsppsd Is oss package, with trrattas ar.d dirsctl na. and wdd by sit druffvUte for .4 - - - fr.SM tasiti vS aVStaS - kimu. f lie I nit ' PoUer Drug a Ckssdesl Co., Bo Rheumatic About le. IB WBB HiBrrs. t & j The rwilesira Aati-Pslw rise .ffffL tm rrlLat.a Hlu-iui.alii- TllSalla SnilS 1L- Hhsrpaod Nsrvists Psisa, aHfafes tnd I Pfl X Wasksssssa The flrat and otdy pain. Y e"ltUnspsa-r. Maw. sftvlssl. umtsn lnlal'i4e. aale. A marvellous un'ikr a hI vaetly SS r 5 sll other aUra. At all drdxrUU. cetU , Ave fvar II ; ST, post aye free. of ro'.ter lruji ar,U ISaSSWSSI Sm J. L. COW AX. i W. CCitl K Linn guilty Bank. ( OWAN & Ct'SICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a gsssrsl banking Uui DRAW SK.S1T DRAPTH on New York, tsa Pra LOAN MOs'EY on sfsjarovsd sseurity. RECErVKdapoalUsubJsct to cksck. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us wlB rswslvii prompt entloa. Ross House. J. (;iiuj. Proprietor. This house is sow open and famished with the beat new furniture Everything elesn atari cemmodious, offerirg to t is gen eral public superior accommodations to an in the city, BROS., OREGON. Marine Insurance Constipation and Indigestion. Biliousness and Dyspepsia. Bowel Complaints Kidney Disease sjC Langnisfaness andtWearylBack. Lives? Complaintt) Carbuncles. Fonl Breath and Sour Stomach. Sleeplessness and Irritability, all Complaints. Till: MIHSIOM OK THK I I Irt.ti BCHOOh. A large number of people seem to mhv concelvr the mission of the public school. Verv, very many went s public school be cause Ikey hsvs children whom the v would be pleased to see educated,snd choose the public school system as ths moat conven lent, cheup and accommodating system by which to lecure that education. The take no thought of, nor but little interest In, ths educstlon of other people's children, look' tng st the whole mstter of our public school system from a purely selfish atsnd point. Msny cltliens there sre.who hsvs no children to educste, who look st the mstter from the tsme selfish motive, and hence sre never willing to assist by money or other mesns Jn maintaining or building up the system, ff the man, having chil dren to educate, hss no higher nor less selfish Interest in our public schools than merely to have s convsnlent piece where ai'j children ms.v be edursted.then the man without children to educate it eminently right in refuting to attltt by money or otherwise to mslntaln these schools. Or, toclothe the Idss In plainer garb, we would aay,if the man without children of hit own to educate hat no Interest In tbe education of the Children of others, thtn that msn should nsver be tssed nor cslled upon In any way to assist In msintslning the pub tic school system to educste children not hit own. The proposition we aim to es' tabiioh It thla : Each cltlsen of a ttsts hss s deep snd sn sbiding interest in the prop er education of every child fh the state. This interest grows out of the duties and relation, of citlienahlp In s republic. It is to the Interest of each citlxen snd tss payer thst every other citizen should be an orderly, Isw-sblding, upright cltlsen For tbj. reason .every cltlsen has an Inter est in seeing every child in the state prop trly educsted snd fully IfidoctHnsted In the pure principles of American citlsen ship. We have been careful to sayprop erly educsted,nfor,slas ! too msny children in our public schools sre only educated, not properly educated. Our schools, ss s rule, mske enough progress In mere book lesruing, but in the prsctksl application of uch learning to prsctlcsl eery day concerns of buy life, there I a sad lack of duty on the part of teacherauirieing out of their incompetency or willful neglect. Very much of the fa! lure of public educa tion ss spplied to the mases of the people coins from the fsct thst the hesd onl.v has been taught, while the heart and moral nature have been atudlously Ignored.This Is a utilitarian age in which the child Is expected to he able to perform all the du tics of manhood when he arrive at the age ot msnhood. Mot of the thing to be d?ne in this world sre (suwsses thing to be done in a common wsy. but till they sre much better done and more profitably done when their doing Is guided by Intel- Igencs. Our public schools add our prl- vate schools ahooldall the lime emphasise the fsct that education is not intended to enable its possessor to get rid of labor, bat to enable him to labor to better advsnlsge. whether on the farm, in the workshop, in the counting room or in the learned pro fession. So it will be teen that two things are neglected in our public schools. First, children sre Instructed merely in the mst ter found in the text hooks, without even considering the proper wny to apply the elementary principles thut obtained. Here in is a continual failure of the mixtion of our public schools. Second, merely the mind only is cultivated and developed to the utter Ignoring of the proper cultivation snd development of the moral nature. If s child ia not tsught to be honest.truthfjui, gen teel.Hober, law -abiding, Industrious and to possess himself of all those other good qualities that go to make up exemplary citizenship, then It were far better that he had no book learning, for if a person is to be dishonest, deceitful, isvtless, buy and evil-minded, then It were better that bit mind had never been trained, for such trsining only enables him to more success fully enjoy the fruits of his evil disposi tion. There is s fearful reaixmsihllitv -r resting upon the teacher in this mstter.. IT MIGHT DE WELL. It might be well to remind our republl can friends thst they are woefully mittak en when they attempt to abuse the public mind by claiming that republicans snd re publican states furnished the soldiery to put down the rebellion. The following table furnished by the war department in iBSo thowt the number of toldiert furn ished by each State : Msine, 72,114 ; New llmupahire,36jy ; Vermont, 35,262 ; Massachusetts, 152,048 Rhode Island, 23,669 ; Connecticut, 27,379 New York, 467,047 ; New Jersey, 81,010 Pennsylvania, 366,107 ; Delaware, 13,670 Maryland, 70,316 ; West Virginia, 32,068 District of Columbia, 16,872 ; Ohio, .316, 659 j Indiana, 197,147 ; Illinois, 259,147 Mlchigun,8o,372 ; VUcontin,6624 ; lows, 75.309 ; Minnesota, 25,052 ; Miakouri.109. 111 ; Ken.ucky, 79,025; Kansas, 20,151 Tennessee,3ix2 ; Arkansas, 8,289 North Carolina, 3,156 ; California, 15,725 ; Ne. yada, 1,080 ; Oregon, 1,810 ; Washington Territory ,964 ; Nebraska Territory, 3,715 Colored Territory, 4,903 ; Dakota Terrl tory, 206 ; New Mexico Territory, 6,561 Alabama, 2,676 ; Florida, 1,260 ; IxniUi sna, 8,224 I Mississippi, 545 ; Texss, 1, 965 ; Indian Territory, 3,503. Thit has reference only to the union troops, and shows that altogether the States and Ter ritoncji furnished 2,678,967 men to help put down the rebellion. Tons of the finest wheat in the world arc piled up at stations in Eastern Oregon wholly without shelter. The price is so low thut it will not nav even to cover thel grain. Where the fanner is going to get his returns for plowing, towing, cutting and t itrhinrr i. :i mvutot-v PaplalnU .,,, in allowing the grain to rot in the sacks. I The Slate Democratic Club has decided to take the necessary steps to secure the meeting of the next National Convention of the Democratic party In San Francisco. And we love George Fran the remarks he makes. He l'rain for "Henry tsand is George has on a pair of tu AN INTEKKHTINU CAMK. An interesting case was tried before Judge Shsttuck of the Circuit Court of Multnomsh county Isst week.entltled W. H. Northropr7 v. P. A. Marquam. The facts are as follows : In June, 1870, Henry Northrop died in i'oriland.leavlng by a will executed on J tine 11, 1870, sll of hit estate to hit wife and children then born, The will provided thst ths rest estate should be converted in to mousy snd placed st interest for the proper educstlon snd tnslntensnce of the chtbjren till the youngeat should reach legal maturity. T1S property was sold to Mr. P. A.Mar qusm, the defendsnt In the present suit. Now conies the rare phase of the matter. Atsdiit eight months after Northrop'a desth child was born to his widow. The post humous offaprlng,however,died st ths ags of three yesrs. The statutes of Oregon provide that where a legitimate child Is born after ths demise of s testator, that child it entitled to the same Interest In the estate of the deceased as his or her other children.or.on the other hsmls if the deceased had died Intestate, The property hsving been pur chased b M Marqusm before the birth of the posthumous child, plaintiffs claim that the latter' interest In the estate could not have been disposed of to Mr.Marquam, and the plaintiffs pray for the restitution of their dead sister's lnterest,whlch is said to be one-fourth ef the whole. Senator Mitchell representing defendsnt, srguet thst the plslntiffs are entitled only to the decesed child's interest In the monev de rived from the sale of the estate, while Judge Kelly .for plsintiffa,sserts thst they csn compel the defendant to disgorge.The tots! ralue of the estate I estimated at $100X300. Judge Shsttuck rendered s voluminous snd sble decision in the mstter, snd the aubject sttrscted s conaldersble number of the member of the Potlsnd bar. He ctotely reviewed the circumstances at tending the purchase insde by defendant, hi subsequent Improvement of the land ; he dwelt at length upon the law points bearing upon both aides of the question at Issue, and finally decided in favor of the defendant. The decision aeemed to strike the lawyers present a a clear and jut one. Good authority state, that there had been only two similar cases brought into the courts of the I'nited Sutra. 9Bmr9FmsuramamEs rUl'ITM Or HONKrfT .ti kcnmenT The fruits of honest, buines-like gov ernment are strikingly exhibited in the administration of the revenue law, whUh are the same under Cleveland that Here In operation under Arthur. It is natural that revenues should Increase to some ex tent because of the stead v growth of the buslnets of the country.but the invariable ruleheretofore hat been for the expandi- turea, or costs of collection, to increase all the time, whether the revenue increased or not. In both the revenues from Im ports and internal taxes, there hs been a tUaaVy and decided Increase of revenue and as ateady and decided decrease of the cost of collection under lite nreaent ad ministration. The figures are taken from the official records of the Tressury Department and are thoroughly reliable. The following sre the receipts from customs for the fiscal years ending June 30. 1885, 1886 and 1887; the year ending June 30, 1885, being the last year of the Arthur administration : RKCK1PTM FROM Cl'KTOMs. Vear ending June 30,1885.. $183.1 Year ending June 30,1886. . 194,189.35610 It car ending June 30,1887. . 317,286,803.13 RxraxsK or cxh-lkctiox. i ear ending June J0,i88c.. . .$6,018,221.10 ear ending June 30,1886. . .. 6427,6130 year cnuing June 30,17 6,870,671.43 The cost of collection In the last year of Arthur's administration was 3.77 per cent.; the coat in 1886 was 3.30 per cent.ind the cost In 1887 was 3,16 per cent. The same results are shown in the receipts Irom in ternal revenue and expenditures, follows I l ! K V HKV1.NI I RECEIPTS. Vear ending June 30,1885...$! 12,498,725.54 Year ending June 30,1885,.. 1 16,80.06.48 Year ending June 30,18871,. 118,837,301.06 KXPRNSES OF COLLECTION. Year ending June 30,1885 $4,455,400.27 Year ending June '30,1886 a.2oo.a8s27 Yesr ending June 30,1887 4,076,150.20 It U these substantial and sultt of administering the government on business principles, instead of wasting the taxet of the people in party plunder,which mske Cleveland strong with the people snd compel politicians who are ever on the hunt for spoilt to support the 'policy of the President even sgalnst their own inclinations. The one inflexible rule now in force In all public departments is that every official must perform hit duty with the same fidelity that would be demande in any business employment, and that it the kind of government the great mat. of the people of all parties want. New York Republicans are advised bi the Times to "honor the memory of Gen eral Grant by voting for his son, whom Mr. riatt would like to see defeated," and at to the other offices to be filled to vote for the Democratic candidates. It thinks that this would dislodge Piatt. For those who cannot follow this course "there re main the Prohibition ticket and the North Woods." The latest and most alarming monopoly proposed it a sugar trust to control the manufacture of one of the most Important articles of consumption. It Is said there will be no difficulty in organizing the pool when it is expected that the price of sugar will be materially advanced. An effort will doubtless be made to control the im portation as well as the manufacture of the commodity. It is stated that the largest tree in Cali fornia is to be found In Tulare county. It is 4S0 feet high, and the trunk 138 feet In circumference. To comprehend ihc size of this has only to reflect that a building forty-five feet square could be set on the butt for a foundation,!! the tree were cut down, and not project over the sides. "The Father of the Forest" seems HMPmHDl DBPAETMBll, BDtTSD T M illll'i Chriititi TfiDpenaee Uiiti The W. 0. T, U. meets on the 1st sn I 8rd Tiifidav of each month st 5 o'clock r. st., st the A. O. U. W Hall, orer French's Jewelry Store. YES OK MO. The man who on the 8th of November votes "yes" on the prohibitory amendment will say that the saloon Is sn snsmy to the public snd should be sbeltshed. lie will then place himself on record on the side of morslity snd good government. He will shew that he is a friend to the fireside j that he has the good of the young man at heart snd the welfare of the masses in his mind. The msn who rotes "no" will say that the saloon is wanted here. No other construction can be placed on it, though throughout Oregon, as in other places where the question hss been discussed there hasalwsvs been an effort made to 0 show that any wsy prohibition does not prohibit, snd we might ss welt have the benefit ef the revenues. This is never based on facts : but is given in order to present an excuse for a course thst csnnot be justified. There is si wsy as class In so ciety hunting for excuses rather than for truth j but the truth is what we want here in Oregon. If the saloon I. s good thing In society or even "passable," It should be tolerated, not only tolerated but protected; but if It is leech on our national institutions It should be taken off. If It, ss Is charged, causes eight tenths of the crime of the world It should be prohibited just the same ss the crimes It cause.. This is plain A. B C. language. A man sells disessed meat snd he it arrested snd find ; yet dis eased meat csnnot be compared for evil to intoxicating drink.. He throws a log be fore a train of cars and a dozen lives are lost ; but the use of liquor wrecks over sist thousand lives a year. Kverv time the saloon-keeper sells his neighbor a drink he places a log on the track, and the government he is living in save he is do ing all right. People wink at these things ; but they sre solid truth, snd thoe seeking for truth will not deny them. When the voter shall ptsce his ballot io the bos in November he will perform one of the most retponsible duties of his life ; besides which the sv erage ballot has no compariaou. lie will either help to tear down an Institution that iss blot on the present history of the world, or he will help to keep it open to continue to deal out its death giving lotiona. How can you vote for the saloon. Do not do it. "Nothing will lower the vital forces so steadily and surely, nothing vt ill degener ate the organic tissues a rapidly, as the use of beer every day, and year after yesr. It coarsens a man in appearance, in ssorais, n mental fiber, in physical constitution. It s more productive of brutality, sensual ism, and the lower forms of crime titan is whiskey -drinking. It Is the beverage of the Hilt Sykes, of the burglsr ruffian, the bestial tramp." Ninth Biennial Report of Wm. H. Maya, M. D., Snpt Stockton, Cat. State Insane Aavlum, to Stats Board of Health. "My predecessor, Dr. G. A. Shurtleff, states as a result of his long experience, that intemperance produces more insanity on the Pacific Coast than any other in fiuence. Nor with what opportunities for observation 1 have had, do I hesitate to add my testimony that no factor is mere po tent and active in the causation of insani ty:1 Ninth Biennial Report of Wm. 11. Msvs, M. Iv. Sunt. Stockton, Cat. State Insane Asylum, to the Board of Health. Throughout Linn county there is a strong healthy sentiment in favor of the pending amendment. Msny of its neigh bora might well pattern after it. and it is to be noticed that manv have the same senti ment. May the 8th of November see it large enough throughout the State to bring the balance down on the right side. The man who votes for prohibition votes for home Influences. The First Sign Of failing health, whether ia the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a sense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite, should suggest the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilia. This preparation is most effective for giving tone and strength to the enfeebled system, pro moting the digestion and assimilation of food,, restoring the nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalising the blood. Failing Health. m Ten years ago my health began to fall. I waa troubled with a distressing Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous, ness. I tried various remedies pre scribed by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go up ataira without stopping to rest. My friends recommended me to try Ayer'a Sarsaparilia, which I did, and lam now as healthy and strong as ever. Mrs. K. L. WUfiams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilia, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as an alterative, and must say that I honestly believe it to be the best blood medicine ever compounded. W. F. Fowler, M. D., D. D. 8., Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be impossible for me to de scribe what I suffered from Indigestion and Headache up to the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilia. I was under the care of various physicians, and tried a great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilia for a short time, my headache disap- S eared, and my stomach performed its uties more perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored. Mary Harley, Springfield, Mass. I have been greatly benefited by the rompt use of Ayera Sarsaparilia. It nes and invigorates the system, regu lates the action of the digestive and assimilative organs, and vitalizes the blood. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. H. D. Johnson, 383 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ft Ayer s Sarsaparilia, Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer fc Co., Lowell, Msas. Pries 91 5 six bottles, m . f NEW GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Ee At pi ices never before offered in Albany and N. H. ALLEN & CO.. axe the ones that are making the offer. We propose to sell goods tor CASH AND PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Oatalouge in the State. We propose h9? after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, andsamnles sent unon an plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co. s 57 First Street Albany, C. B. Roland & Co. NEW STORE AND CONSISTING OF- Mens' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, and fine ninth in or fin no 00ionino fancy Summer neckwear, v ol , 1.0&, uiarK ana -r iaggs gloves. The very best make of handsewed shoes, The very latest styles in mens, youths and boys clothing. All the celebrated m ake of hats in every style. FINE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Remember our entire stock consists of bright, new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair and Square" dealing is our motto, We ask the public to call and get our prices. No trouble to show goods, C. B. Roland & Co., One door west of e Ravere House, AlbanyOregon. P ' John A. Crawford, Proprietor. WILL furnMi ack to fartusrsaud receive v best at the usual iate of storage. The highest market price paid for sains. BKT Magnolia Hour always on baud, for sale or exchange at reasona'e rates, i JOHN A. CIUWKUKD. Palace Meat Market. J. T. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on hand beat', mutton, pork, veal, Mti-p, ste,. t Its t best meats and largest variety in the oily. Cash paid for all kindsf fatfsto- DR. Gr WATSON MAST ON Mxysician and Surgeon. Office rooms S and 4. Foster's Bios it. MA or otherwise that will NEW GOODS, silk underwear, Balbris?- lb and Second Hand Store Owing to the incrad demands oi ont business we bav 1 een compelled to more into a larger sto r sm we can now ha found next door to S. K. Young, where we will be pleased' to ?e tur pa' rr-ns. If your.erdny fov:r, fuui:u"o tiuwars, crockery, rl n-ks, oarpsts, pictures, fruit jara, tiunk loks, ro'ler vkstes, sdd'es, saw, plsocs. etc., snd a th ntnd dif ferent srt. .iv,.U- prttc'as roa can n da i bett r this I f t-'ntnoia -o th -u you can do U u 011 a puichaseor exchange, M. FRANKLIN & 00. 123 FirM Sn I ban v. Or. L. W. CLARK, Portr i i Photographer, 8t mgs 1 y appointment, COPYING AND ENLAR61NC. Tweedale's Building.