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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1887)
SUB TO DEMOCRAT, tt IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END eiwtmt THE DEMOCRAT IVlthe beat a Advertising medium In! he Central Willamette Valley. OF YEAR. AdroHlaing ratra mule known map plication. vol. xxm. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1887. SO 10 Rittbts .. - ' . ;" II PKOFK88IONAL CARI8. L. H. MONT AN YB. TTORNY AT LAW Notary Public. titoaujr, Oregaa. OHoe upaUlr., nvm John Rrinra atore, t Ntroot. vMu23tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, 0OTAY rT&LtC,) iTTOllNEY AT i,AW, ALKaftY. . IITILL PRUmcR IR ALL THR COURTS Or TIIK . s"t PHl llntloa rive lo nt,i uul C.K.Wnt.VRimiN, O, H , IRV1MB WOLVERTON A IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW -OHet up ataln In Foster's. Block. ALBANY, OREGON. POWELL A BILYEU, .TTORVEY8 AT LAW And Solicitors in Chancery, Oolloationa promptly mada on all polnta. Ooana naarotiatad on reasonable terms. MVOffloe In Foster's Rriok.lM rl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Utoraey And Counsellor At La? AND . Notary Public. ALBANY, ORECON, vVt I praoiloa in ail of tba Conrta of bisState All business intnmt! to him vlll ha promptly attended to. POSHAY A MASON, -.;.: ajo) aarn.- I) racists and Booksellers, Agenta for John B. Alden's publications, blob we sell p-hll,rer'e prices with oats jrc erf Jed. ALI4RT, OREGON. C. L. BLACKMAN, SmrctSMfr to E. W. Lamgdom. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything knpi in a Hrst-nlase Drug 9tre. Alaoaflas atock of piano nod ryans. ALBANY. OREUON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. P1E3CBIPTI68S CAREPILLY FILLED, Opan day and night. Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fittod op In flrat-claaa sty la. Tables supplied with the heat in tba market. Mice sleeping apartment. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. oarn la anal Crass the Slel.14l E. BECKWITH, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Office over (trsdwohl'a store. ALBANY, OREGON, FURNITURE made to order or HEPAIHBD, at my ahop west end of Third Street, Albany, Or, S. A. DECKARD. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys I I Conducted by aecnlsr prieots and lay teacherH, First term open Arat Monday in Sep tember. Second term opena first Monday in February. For proapectus addrea Rev. F. A. Becker. Vancouver, W. T. Box 108 ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds' ol rough, dressed and seasv wt lumber jathg a x' pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON d WEST. SAM MaI. S. SCNDRRS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Mbrcnandlse HARRISBURC - - - - OREGON Will bav Grain, Wool and all kinds CoHiitrv produce. "Jim Wcstfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of ail kinds on hand. A lao full lire of JAPANESE C00D3. 01E80H PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for thi section Laborers furnished on nhort notb-e for any purpoae. Opposite S. E. Young's, Albany, Or- T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA -ANT Notary Public. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fall and win'er stock of hoots and sh.ts, I have as niotly fittod up Boot and Shot Store, and a complete a atock a any tbta aide of Portland and vary few better in Portland. I boy a'l my boota end tote direct from manufacturers and em authorised to warrant every pair no mat tr bow oheep. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying aa 1 buy in quantities and pay the cash. In ladtea', miaaea and children's above, I krvp much tba U-gest.t heat and great eat variety in tbe city. My aim will aJwaya He to give aa good ralne fur tbe monay aa possibly can h dona 8AMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank OF ALBAJIl, OREUOH. asident.. I- r.iw Vice HrsaMent H. K. Tl Rti "li.r. liK. K. CM AMBtUl.IN TRAR8ACT8 A ORRRRAL banktna bastsssa. AOCOURTS REFT subject la it Ilk SIOHT KX ( HANi iE and Ulevrarbk trnfr aok cm Raw York, Baa Ptoneesco, Caiessw Ml PWti OOtXRCTIORS MADE on fsTorsbte terms, etsavioss. E. Tocse, Oao, R Cbamssslajs L. K Hun. L. Puss, Walts R Tibssll, H. F. MERRILL, Banking an Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Ball eiehangv on Nw York. Han Krenciaeo and Portland Buy notes, Bto's, county sad ly warrants. R air dporU aubjerl to ckeek. Intorsst allowed on Urn deposits. Collections will receive prompt attention. besetted. hours from ts. at. to ftp. m. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine MiUinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DR. JaL. HILL, Physician and Surgeon. Office oor. First and Ferry Hireeta, ALBANY- - OREGON. WILL Dealers in all tue Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line of Sheet music, musics! merchandise, ammunition, fishing tackl te. Warranted razors, botcher and pocket knives. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINNC3UNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CP. Repairing of sewing machine muafral instruments, guni, etc. neatly done. ALBANY. J. GRADWOHL, rockery. Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent lor Fire and Marine Insurance gAMMOT m TOO HIGHLY BECOMHEHDEO, AS IT 18 TBl'tV A MARVJSI, OF THE AGE, and no household ahould be without It. It prevent mm well an euros SRI9J OSMKAtSKM, OUT, KHEl -H ATIftX, GRAYED and all HIOKEY IMMEAftEg, AFFECTED I.I V Kit , HEADACHE. NAUSEA HI I.E. WIXD, IXttlGEfeTIOSf, CON8TIPA TION, DIABHHsEA and D YftEUTE BY, FEVRRf and AGUE, BLEEP. juES&X ES, lAlsWITUOE, FOUL BREATH, and very disease brought on or aggravated by a disordered stomach. It is a specific against Contagion, and an efneaelous remedy for sodden and severe COUGHS COJuDS, ASTHMA, the FIXES, J AUXHICE, etc. It Purifies tb Blood, dssasss tb Stomach and Bowels, and gives tbe whole system Healthy and Delightful Tone. There never was a Medicine for tb Norsery equal to it, ssd being composed of bsrba only, it can be given safely to infants. It is a triumph in medicine harmless, yet efficacious. Invaluable In tbe family, on the aaad, at tb mine, at. sea, snd or err? here. S SCRATCH Kl) 2K YEARS, A Mealy, Itching. Nktu Dlaeauaf with KaUlfM NulIcrlMg Cured by Cutlenr Kent die. it 1 hul known w( ih Cull, urn IUtnHr twenty l(ht rnn ago it oul,l l, mvmI in r.iMin )iua iirJ JolUr) u,l n Iidumiiim miotihl mlTtrliif. My illMMW (rural) i-oniniimi-,,1 n lil in ,Mt nut nrgtrthsn ,-nt. it jrc.l r.i.n, al Vr m ImmIv tti.l irnt mulnr mtr ii ul. Tim k Im w.iuM lrniS of mo nil tho llinv, ami My iifforingl wm llea, atxi without rrlli'f, Dm ili,.nMint l,.llr "uia not uttit in tu lwv ttii uumm over jcm. I altt jwor hii. , but tol nli to n Hat ! o( lit "!' at lit duct r Mid wm U r.i, Midi, ring wn, l.irtMi, etc. 1 tak ktv' trmrtl- i ovr on )wr ami a hail, tiut m ram, I mmn: to two iir thro uoctm, kimI no rur. I rla lh (Hitivum RmllM tco much, 1h h mail my sin m olr and trro Irani kIm m a lh'. All 1 iiJ ol thni wa tlirvu box of t?utkura. ami thr bottle otCuUfura RMovlani, ami to . w. t t'uU uura Suao. If you had Iwon bar autl aaiii you ouW hvr urthl n for fJUl yea wouM ha had lb hm y. I looiieil Ilk the picture in your lk 4 HaorkMlt (I'li iur number two, "How tu Cure bkin PlMami X nut new I aw aarlearea any arwn ever a Thr.-ub Mm nf hblt i rub mjr hnml. over my arm ami l;fa b aeratca oinie la a while, but to no puipoe I am all well, I aoiaU'beU twentyetyut yram, and it . ( b a kind of eeoumJ nature to me. i thank you a tbott mod time, tin Umu more that u want to know writ ui. or any mm who read I hi may write to km and i will tuwr it. I'KSNIN Im.W MM.. Watrbttry, Jan. 80th, lalff. loriaU. Kniu, Tottrr.Ri lTwori. IJubvn. Iru r.t.ia klall U.l klllk . . L tUflnn' Kilrar.' 11.,. ..." u.i l . l. .... mmn, mi ' - I wn, n.,iuw0ioM i . ... pelea of Itching, Bwrnlug, Hoaly, limply Humor l lh Skin nl Sralp ami ilo,Mi, with Ue of iialr sr lolUTely noted by Cutieura, the fraat Mkln t'sre.and t utlcura Vi. mi ion...! hklu UesuUner (lnuilly aixl CutU-ura Reaolvmii, tli new Brood luriar In Unially, whru phyakiUmiand all other rasisdisi fail. Mold cii'in h. r. 'i i.r, CulleUTa. 6M, ; S.s, ff. Reeolvent 1, I'reoand by Ike foiter Urug and Chrmlcal t o , Bieton, Maaa. .ajrStMl for "How to Cur Skin lUoa,-' 4 page 'M llluatratlona and l llimon,at. PIM PUK-t. i.)a. k head, chapped ami ollr akin prnld by Out t urn MedkraUed temp. Catarrhal Dangers. T be treed from th da.uyeta of uBoeatln whiis rut down . to brass freely, !ep aoutwlly and un tatmbvd . to rise retreahed, bead Hear, brain SSta nee from pal or ark : to know that noMassa- oua, putrbl matter daRles the breath and row aa-ay lb iMt'-ate machinery of smell, ten and bearing . to feat that the ayatem oss not tbrooab lis rein ami art, aurk uplbe p 4am that ta Mtr to uu-ler mine and deatroy, U Imier,! a Meaiag beyond ail ho assa awkjyssapts. To pur, ha Immunity fiom .-b a fau anould be the object of ail aAMed But tkoae a ho h.t triad many rvmediee and phyairiana dpa r of relief or rur. Bsaferd't BadkmlCur meets ery pkaa of Ca u. rh. from ainiplbad cold t th moat I miiiim ami oetroctiv etae-aa. ftlaloeal and noujUtutlonal InkUnt in relierin, permanettt lu curing, eat. seo mimical, and never failing-. Baeford' Radical Cure roiaisto; oaa boitie of tbe Uaitirsi Cut, on bu of t a'arrbal Solvent, ami on lm.r..wi Inhaler, all wrapped in one parksge. with trraiia au-l J I recti jam. ami sold by all drurvtet tor rdtr Drsj t ,ic,, Boat. Ho Rheumatiz About Me. I eK UIMTK 1 X Tb rtUaira Aa(l'lala eia flVg Irr rli IUiiritte.Siti-. Battw a V Mharo ssd Ksrvutrs fstns, Btrslaa nd fl x H aaimssw TB Bret ami only beta 1 M 1 Plater. Neat, origtimt, liaitsa f e .ammo. lafalUMe, ami. A aatulote to psin.laBamntallou mot eoaknoae. Utterly oalik a'l ramlv eopertor in all Hbr imtera. At all druggiau, tt esaw ; Ire for il ; or, oiage frte. of P,iur I'm .i. ( tictiik.l t o.. r..'o U. J. L tOtVAN. i. W. CUBICK Linn feunty Bank, COWAN ft Cl'SICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general bssaimj install. DRAW SIGHT DBA ITS m ls TarB Sat. Kras aBjsssad Portland, Oragoa. LOAN MOa'BY on sectiritjr. BETKIVK defMatWl ab)(rt to eBscB. oi.I.Ki TIONS ntraated lo it trtB re -eke prompt ntloa. House. J. ; 1 1 ii .1 Proprietor. This house is now open and furnished with the best new furniture. Everything clean and commodious, offering to tie gen eral public superior accommodations to any in tba city. BROS., OREGON. all Prwggtsts and reeera W a m H In gton. I rum usr regular wreant.) W.miim;hn,D. C, Sept. 19th, 1887 The niiine roti. lullitarr ImwHoi darketHn the hrlghteat and gave.t of uniforms thai dallv parade the atreeU of the CapHitl to the thrilling noteaof martial imi-h.',vivldl. recall the actneaof laat aumtntr's drill,ami remind our that these soldier boy are re turning from a great and glorious pageant, second otiljr lu magnitude and Importance to thut other Centennial of America' program and triumph, celebrated "with so much erlitt and enthusiasm eleven years go in the Mine City of Brotherly Lore, which hue Juat rejoiced in the commem oration of the Centennial of the Constitu tion of the l ulled Stalea that wonderful Inatrimu-nt of patriotic Inspiration, detthv W to stand for all time as the masterpiec e of Hip world'a wUdotn and statecraft, am! a the rock upon which real the greateat of Republics, And here 1 will write of a really remark able coincidence In this connection -In-deed, almoat as much so as the death of the Mlustrloue Jefferson fifty year to a day after he had algned the Immortal declara tion that won his most famous dUtinction and that ia the death in this citv of hit last grand daughter, Mr. .SrniliiiA Hum dolph Meikleham.on the very day that the celebration of the Constitutional Centen nial began. Tills aged lady bore a striking resemblance to the great saga and patriot who was the founder of the Democratic party, and she had distinct personal recol lectlona of her honored ancestor's appear' ance and conversation. She leaves three children a son and two daughters the eldest of the latter, MU Alice, holding a small clerkship in the Patent Office.which Is the sole support of the family, the son being a hopeless invalid. Hie resignation of e-(io. Porter es As sistant Secretary of Slate and the appoint ment of his successor continue lo be topica of discussion among the politician There appears to be every reason to believe that Mr. Bayard and Mr. Porter were at variance on aevcral questions of public policy that, in fact, the latter waa too much dis posed to assert himself in affairs of State mong those mentioned for the succes sion are Congressman Belmont, of N. Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affair in the Forty. Ninth Congress, and es-Congresaman Cox, of N. C who was Chairman of the Committee on Civil Ser vice in the same body. It is eaifl that Mr Bayard regards the latter the moat favor. amy, on account of his administration of the North Carolina Statesman' progres sive course on Civil .Service reform, and also the jtossrssion of con aider able wealth an important factor in a diplomatic po sition. Mr. Belmont also has wealth to back himnd he ia not without experience In matters of diplomacy. It is understood that tne Secretary claims the right to se lect his assistant. To a distinguished Southerner who few days since called upon the President to urge the appointment of one of hia con stituents to the Supreme Court vacancy, Mr. ClevelancTstated that he had already made the selectlon and did not suppose he would have reason to change it, and al though no name was called, the .visitor, J from subsequent remarks, was firmly im pressed with the opinion that the judicial mantle would grace the shoulders of Sec re tarv I.aiuai The report of the Secretary of the In terior, in response to the demand of the select Committee of the Senate, of which Mr. Cork rr II is chair man, make volume of 40xpage,printed in steall type,and gives a detailed statement of the amount and character of business transacted in the de partment and the methods of conducting the Mime. It also shows that there are 9154 employes of the department -of which number 411 are Presidential and the re mainder deparinenlal appointees. A sim ilar report shows that there are 600 em ployes In the Postoffice Department ; that then.- are 54,774 postmasters ; 75 first clasi, 400 second, i ,84 third.and 52,314 fourth. The Illinois Democrats in office here have formed an association for the pur pose of looking after the official scalps of all Republicans credited to that Mats a commendable example to the Democrate of other States. -"--' e st e 1 . - - ms The telegraphic statement that govern or Hill of New York refuses to be consid ered aa a candidate for the presidency, settle one question which really needed no settlement. Governor Hill has proven himself to be omr of the mft successful among the many eminent men who have filled the executive office in New York, and lie will do it again. We never believ ed that his name would come in conflict with that of Mr. Cleveland to divide the preferences of the state. And s- it has proven, trovernor Koks. of New Meico. says that the population of that territory baa in creased 14100 within a year, and that bv iH, it will 1l' full v 3o,r:x). This is one of the territories that, with most of the others is knocking; or preparing to knock for admiMiona a state. Dukota,Montana Utah, etc. Perhaps half a dozen applies tions will h- pccscnted to the next con greas, with the chance that none will sue ceed until after the next presidential elec tion. Bv the death of et -Senator Joseph CU ley, of New Hampshire, Simon Cameron becomes the oldest surviving ex-Senator He was born in 1799 and in followed h ex-Senator Tames Bradhurv.of Maine.born in 1805 ; Jefferson Pavj, horn In i8o8,and Hannibal Hamlin, born in 1800. Mr. Cameron Hrved in the Senate with Messrs. CiUcy, Bradbury, Davis and Hamlin. There are three "wet" counties in Geor gia. They are named after Georgia's three signers of the Declaration of Indepen dence, Hall, Walton and Gwinnett. Some body says it is the spirit of '76 which keeps these counties "wet." Henry Villard is an accomplished musi acjan and often spend his evenings in play- Ping violin to his daughter's pianoforte ii , 1 accompaniment. SKWU IS HKII'.r' At the present rate of increase the popu latum of New Mexico will reach aor,ooo in 1890. Col . Da w - on , com m laaloner of education, who has recently returned from Alaska, t epoi 1 great progress In the work of civ iluliitf and educating the Indians. At Sitka there are two United States Govern ment schools, one Presbyterian mission and one Russian school. The native Alas kans are very docile end sharp wltted.and the children learn rapidly. It apprara front official statlstica that on the flrat of January in the present year,one person in every thirty-four of the popula tion of England and Wales was a pauper On that day 8;2,jf 5 persons, men, women and children, were receiving relief under the present poor law, 301,598 being indoor snd 610,517 outdoor paupers. while too re ceived both Indoor and outdoor relief. Of this large number more than 70,000 were inaune. f Mi'iax s f 4 mk.-i Ik After successfully competing with the raisins of Spain, California intends to show France what can be done in fine prunes. Shipment will arrive in-New York early this Fall. According to an official return thfcre are 2i$( foreigner residing in Japan. of whom 1435 ire British subjects, 593 Americana, 353 Germans and 19H French. It is said that aa an almost direct resutt of the Wild West show in London, there haa been a very large Increase of the mid- tile and lower class emigration to America. Forty five years ago there was not a postage stamp In the United States.During the last twelvemonths i,'8,i 1,000 stamp were utilized by people of this country. Statistics show that blindness Is increas- ng very rapidly In the United States. Be- ween the years 1870 and 1880 tbe popula tion increased thirty per cent, and blind ness 140. It cost $35400,000 a year to sustain an army of over 50VDOO blind peo ple on the lowest basis of cost and wages that would have been earned. The chief cause of the rapid spread of this infliction Is said to be contagion, assisted by immi gration, which brings many Infectious dis ease of the eve into the country. Four hundred trains carried over 1 50,000 people from Philadelphia on the last day of the Constitutional celebration. In all the crush not an accident was reported. Statistics show that the consumption of sugar in the last fifty years has gone up from about fifteen to seventy pound per head 1 of tea from to 4 4 pound per head ; of tobacco from .86 to impounds per head. According to Yucatan journals.that re gion has been visited by a fabulous number of bets, which have attacked the cattle cauaing much destruction and making I ini scare ' 2 Tamaiaa. .r. all nr th rn. try. The Maryland packers have long since declined to take ordersnd the New Jersey packere have abandoned all hopes of filling their orders. Only a term of two week of favorable weather can pre vent an extraordinary scarcity of canned tomatoes this season, unless they should come from the West. With the aid of science, even the desert of Sahara is becoming inhabitable and col onisation U encouraged. The Lower Sahara is an immense basin of artesian waters, and the French are forming fresh oae with skill and success, so that the number of cultivated tracts is increasing rapidly. After a period of thirty years forty-three oases have 13,000 inhabitants. 20,000 tree between one and seven years old and 100,000 fruit trees. There are immense forests of hemlock in Oregon and Washington Territory, but the bark is said to be destitute of tannin, and therefore useless for manufacturing eather. The most tannin is found in the hemlock of Maine, and the farther West the tree grow the less tannin i found. A new swindle upon farmers ha been perpetrated. They are invited to sign an agreement not to kill birds for a year,and the pledge,with a little manipulating, turn up in the form of promissory notes. Some on in Iowa has Introduced to no tice a new fuel which is designed to take the place of coal in th prairie coustrle. Thi fuel is made by grinding cornstalks and coarse prairie grass together, moisten ing them, and then pressing the pulp into blocks about twelve Inches long and four Inchea thick. These blocks are then dried. It is claimed that one block will give an hour's steady heat, and that the fuel can be produced for $3 per ton. Ht'NTSVII.I.K. W T. A son and daughter of Hon A E McAll aie attending i-chool at the Seminars . Covotc come right Into town and catch Mr Zumwalt' chicken. How would this read Kast r A son of Mr Groom had a leg broken at the ankle n few days ago in the mountains. The boy rode home in a wagon and worked the brake. Or Day, of Dayton, set it. Bad case. Officers from Woitsburg arrested an Indi an near town here for stealing a horse. Drunken Indians entered the house of a Mr Bate man, near here.and drove the fami ly off. They then took possession and had a good time. Mr B. was not at home. Is not much of the apparatus usually em ployed In asphyxiating patient in dentistry unnecessary ? Wouhln't a shot gun work chloroform r Cn. A very sensible man, who lias lived In Salem many yearn, was in tni city last week,an4was heard to remark that he had seen more life in Albany in two days than he could see in Salem in two week;.. And so sav thev all. The thanks of every attendant upon public assemblages should now he tender- ed to imperious Fashion lor decreeing th t ladle' tall hat must go. ' liiitiHireHsatile ti the Toilet. Darbya Prophylaotle Fluid ourts chsf . ing, eruptions and Inflammation o? all kinds ; cure itillnnuned or sore eyes ' relisvss painM from bites or stinga of in; sects sna soro feel : destioja all taint of persperation or offensive unell from tbe feet or any part otthe body : eleanaea and whitens tbe skin. Used as a dentifrice li J purifies ths breath ; preserves the tseth and cures toothache ; aore gums and oank 1 AJltt . or lUe u;1,a.,"lD in bathing Is very refreshing ,y beneficial to ths alck. A little or the lluid in tbe water used and espial ! 1VP0RTAMT TO HKTThEsW. The officers of the Roseburg Land Of flee, under dale of the fOth inst.,give notice that pursuant to instructions of the Hon. Secretary of the Interior,dated August 15, 18H7, and under direction of the Hon. Commissioner of the General Land Office dated Aug. 30, 1&87, notice is given of withdrawal of lands for indemnity purpos es under the grant to the State of Oregon for the Oregon Central Wagon Road Com pany by act of Jul 2,i8o4,and the grant to the Oregon Central, now Oregon Sc Call fornia Railroad Company, hy act of July 5 i860, has been revoked by the order of the Hon. Secretary of the take effect from the date of the order. All lands so withdrawn for indemnity purpos es under said grant within the Roseburg U. S. I and District, except such land as may be covered, by selections approved by the Commissioner of the General Land Office and the Secretary of the Interlopers restored to the public domain, and opened to settlement under the general land laws. And that on and after the iKth day of Or tober,iS87, aid lands will be open to filing and entry. All application for filing and entries on land covered by unapproved selections will be received, noted and held subject to the claim of the company. And when presented alleging upon sufficient fnma foci allowing that the land i not ubject to the company w right of selection, notice thereof will be given the company. and t Mm dav allowed within which to file objection. If no objections are filed application will be admitted ; but if the company shall appear and show cause, an nvestigation will hs ordered to determine hrthei the land 1 subject to the compa ny's right of selection. Dlde't Uses Mi Ujm. A cranky sort of fellow riding through this valley on the train thatr passe north through Albany in the morning wrote the following for a Portland paper. It shows that his eyes were not open and that he is an exaggerator of the first magnitude. This is not a perfect country, and we have a few poor farms ; but thank goodness few liars equal to this man 1 Yet the former have failed to see the fa mous Willamette valley, the "garden spot" of Oregon, if not of the United State. To one just from the finely tilled farm and orchards of Sacramento valley, tlte garden spot is a sad misnomer. What do we see ? No evidence of thrift or energy or enter, prise, hut dilapidated rail fence,! most hid den by weeds and ferns, orchards neglected, tic Ida half cleared, farm machinery left to decay in sun and rain ; perhaps a few apples spread to dry on the house-top to be hostilv taken in every lime there is a shower, as If an evaporator had never been invented we almost expect to see these antedehtvian 1 I ....... - I.!, .IfL... ..l,t. M ..(MWfeL . . I ,ist. lit- the Mexicans. This may seem severe, as one ought not to judge a country bv the hasty glimpse to be gained from a win dow, but first impressions are lasting, and these arc the impressions of a traveler view, ing "the land of the red apple" for the first time, and of an observer who find nothing different from the way it looked eight year ago. True there are doubtless finely culti vated farms in this vallev with every Indica tion of prosperity around them, but they do not strike the eye of the casual tourist. The Philadelphia Hnrd must has e just finished a reading of the proceeding of the New York republican convention when it savs that -to want free whisky and prohibition at one and the same time in volves an elastisity of principle and con viction very trying to men's consciences and judgment but the republican part is equal to it." Pkyatelaa Have 'sa Oat Tsvat a c ontaminating and foreign element la the blood, developed by indigestion, hi lbs cause of rheumatism. This settles upon tba sensitive sub-cutaneous cover log of the muscles end ligaments of the joints, causing constant and shifting pain, ana aegregatlag a calcareous, enstsy deposit whleu produces sti trass ana Dis tortion of ths Joints. Ho fact which ex nsrianos ass demonstrated in regard to Hoa'etter'a Stomaeh Bitters has stronger evidence to support than thi, namely. thst this medicine of comprehensive nses cheeks tbe formidable and atrocious dla nor ta It less positively established that it Is preferable to the poisons often used to arrest it. since ins msaicias con tains onlv salutary Ingredient. It is also s sia-nat rsmsdv for malarial fevers, con atipstlon, dyspepets, kidney snd bladder ailments, aeon 11 ana otnsr aisorasrs. See tnat yen est tne genuine, AYER'S Sugar-Coated Cathartic If the liver be- Q I I C comes torpid, If the I I IssliSie bowels us constipated, or if the stomach f alia to perform its functions properly, uas Ayer'a Pills. They ore invaluable. For some years I was a victim to Liver Complaint, 'in conaequence of which I suffered from General Debility and Indi gestion. A few boxes of Ayer'a PilU restored me to perfect health. w. 1. Brlghtuey, Henderson, W. Va For years I have relied more upon Ayer'a Pills than anything else, to Regulate my bowels. These Pills are mild in ac tion, and do their work thoroughly. I have used them, with good effect, in cases of Rheumatism and Dyspepsia. G. F. Miller, Attleborough, Mass. Ayer'a Pills cured me of Stomach and Liver troubles, from which I had suffered for years. I consider them the best pills made, and would not be without them. Morris Gates, Downsville, Sf. Y. I waa attacked with Bilious Fever, which was followed by Jaundice, and waa so dangerously ill that my friends despaired of my recovery. I commenced taVW Aver's Pills, and noon regained ray customary strength and vigor. John C. Pattisoaf Lowell, Nebraska. Lost spring I suffered greatly from a troublesome humor on my side. In spito of everv effort to cure this eruption, it in creased until the flesh becamo entirely raw. I was troublod, at the same time, with Indigestion, and distressing pains in The, Bowels. By the advice of a friend I began taking Ayer's Pills. In a short time I was free from pain, my food digested properly, the sores on mv body comim n ed healing, and, iu less than one month. I was cured. Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ua. I have long used Ayer'a Pills, in my family, and believe them to lie the best pills made. S. C. Darden, Darden, Miss. Mv wife and little irirl were taken with . . . 1 r . aim a 11 uu loses of Ayer'a , doctor if the disease become any worse. In a short time the bloody discbarges stopped, all pain went away, and health was restored. Theodore Ealing, Richmond, Va. tt Ayer's Pills Prepared ty Dr. J. 0. Aysr & Co., Lowu, Mas, told by all Dealers in Medietas. Dysentery o lew oaya k bearan civins them small Pius, thinking I would eal 1 a V NEW GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Ee At pdces never before ottered in Albany and N. H. ALLEN CO.. are the ones that are propose x,o sell CASH AND only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Catalouge in the 8tate. We propose her after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, andsamnles sent unon an plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co. 57 First Street Albany, C. B. ROLAND & CO. NEW STORE AND CONSISTING OF- Mens Furnishing G-nnrta TTata on I Hone Tt and. onoes. and fine nlat.mricr flhnina caiaiAnn . fancy Summer neckwear, wi ctiiu r mggs gloves. The very best make of handsewed shoes, The verv law uy m mtna, youms ana ooys clothing. " wv vwymavouuia&O FINE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Remember our entire stock consists of bright new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair and Square" dealing is our motto, We ask the public to call and get our prices. No trouble to show goods, C. B. Roland & Co., . One door west of e Rover Hojsa, Albany, 0 regen. GIL! A II n JVJ John A. Crawford, Proprietor. WILIi AiniVh Kni-k" in 'irw h nl rwflv, ht'Hl i' h hi ki iuti-i . Moraicf. Ti blM iimiku pri 't- p-t'ul t i in PBsrM)lp.o'i;!fl,r.lllv. on hmmU JOHN A.nt.VUTulin. t I llIlK ( .IU d I- ,11 a I MM. J, V. PIPE, PROPMITOR. FIRST ST. ALBANY, CR. Will kfp eonaiatit'.Y 'o n-l hmf, tnntfon. prk, val, -aut'. e!i. ' cat meftta nn lnrmM VMriiy in th miv. rnh pcUl for all kinrlaf fmi"lofk. IIR. 11. WATSON MJ.STnN ' - - Physician and Surgeon, Office r'KmiH 3 noU 4. FoHtr'ii Blosk. ALBANY - - OREGON. IA 1 making the offer. We goods tor PRODUCE or otherwise that will NEW GOODS, www autovuiUUS 1U silk underwear, Balbrig- Ui JU 0,15 lu evry SuV-lO. iw and Second Hand Store Owii m tl.n i,.r, ,rman.l- of our j b:iitus e ?iav.. i .n,,n,H'cd m mv into n larrci ut ar.,1 o now I i f .H1 n .f 'Hr ! . K. Viirir. hIim I .... . I.-. lo s r if I Vmi M I any vlns, lUii.j . (inv rm, jrv ,,:c-,r r.1 ir. iin k Uofcv rsi'Irr .rf.i. vS(h, , ( t fte. t .....J . r -1 .... . . llt. r i!in s . . f ,rari-i.H"'i th n i , :u, ,4, IH f( J(I,M.,,HM. I" M. FRANKLIN & Cr. I'.'.'? Kir- I S i I L irV. OLA R IK- Portr . - Pbotographer. " i . s.. iisgfc l y Riipnintiion , j COPYING km ENLARG1MG. I Tweedale's Bui'din . alibany, . - 0Ri