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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1887)
SUB TO DEMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT ENO OF YEAR. mumt TIE DEMOCRAT lfJt he treat Advertising medium In the Central Willamette Valley. A d vert Is ;iw ihuh n known on ap plication. VOL. XXI II. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1887. NO 9 BL , ,r " 1 wit... i i ii ii,. i i ... I,,,,,, t i PttOFfciasiONAL UARIW. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNE AT LAW Notary Public V lb any. Oregon. OtBoe upstair, otw John Brigfrs stora, at street. vMn'iStl J. S. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW. ALU AH t, tie). iSTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THR IXM7RT8 Of TIIK Si-telUMtl..ii e1t. . .' an,t robat tntUsr In OU.t rUr tU:t C,.WLTHTOM. o, K. mviNR WOLVERTON & IRVINE. ATTORNKYH AT LAW .Istr oflx op stair In Foater'a Block. AI.RAXY, ORFflOV. POWELL & BILYEU. vTTOHMKYS AT LAW, And Solicit in Chafery, SLRIWY. - ORRCiOM. Collection promptly made on alt point. Gonna negotiated on roaaonable terms. eRTOflloe In Foster's Rrlok.-m vUalftf. J. J. WHITNEY, Ittornej And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public?. ALBANY, OREGON, will practice In all of the Courts of .unsute. All b isinem Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. POSH AY MASON, vsjsvirs ass imiv- Draggistsand Booksellers, Agenta for John B. Aldan's publications, which we sell at publisher pries with sostageadisd. ALBANY, UKKGOK. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST, itationary, Toilet rticleg, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, . - . OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted on in first-class alyle. Tables supplied with the beet In the market. sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. tm sad frss ike Ml.a E. BECKiYlTH, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, ORee orsr (.radwobl's store. ALBANY, OREGON, FURNITURE made t orer or at my shop end of Third Street, Albany, Or. S. A. DECKARD. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys Conducted by secular priests and lay teachers. First terra open first Monday In Sep tember. Hecond term opene first Monday in February. For prospectus address Rev. F. A. Becker. Vancouver. W. T. Boa 103 ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seascned lumber, laths ana pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. THE NORTHWEST and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 5, Washington St,, Portland, Or, HKKKRKSCE8 FOR ALBANY : r,. Flinn, L. E. Biain, H. E. Yonng, Stflwart A 8ox. Money loaned on approve real estate ascurity. tl, H.TOWNSEND, Special Agent, Albany. SAM MaV. C. ftfcXDER MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Mbrcnandiue AARRISBURC - - - - OREGON Will bnv ifsii. Wool and all kinds Country prodnfc. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line f Oifi--. gn-tda of all kinds on bsr j,1o full line of Ji A 33E GOOD ?. mW P CIPIC CONTRACTOR, for this section. ls orers furnished on ehnrt notice for sny purpose. Opposite S. E. Young's, Albany, Or BOOTS, SHOES AM' SLIPPERS. I am now receiving my fall and wither stock of boots and slues, I have as nicely s fitted up Boot and Shot Store, and as c mplet a stock at anv this aids of Portland and vary few batter in Portland. I bay aU my boots and snoea Jirect from matiufaotursrs and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat fer how oheep. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of ma in buying as 1 boy in quantities snd psy the cash. In ladies', misses and children's shots, I ke p much th- Urges', bet and greet sat variety in tbs city. My aim will always He to give as good talus for the money aa possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank OF ALRAN1 , OREUOK. Vfcs PresVletii - .t. Fi.ivn ., S K. Yot St UKO. E.CHAMMRLAIN TRANSACT A UENKRAl.bsi.kii.jj busi .e.. ACCOUNTS KEPT ssbjert to eHsck. SHOUT RXCHAMOK ...I tolscrsphlc trsasfsr. mM f ssm Tors, Ssn rrsacisso, CMsss) sad Port! COLLRrnOX8 MADE on fcrorsb! tern. StSSCTOSS. . ft. Yoiss, K Ciusssslais L. V Btats. L. Puss, WaLTBS R Tl LI.. H. F. MERRILL, Banking and taraneo. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. tal o Smw York, 9m t'nisciam and Portland Bajr Sue, count y snd e'ly warrant. Ks- estvs toeassk. latstsst sHswei sa wilt saroatos Rears frosa Is. si. to 3p. sj. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DR. J.L.HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Officecor. First snd Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. WILL BROS., Dealers In aU the Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. m A full lins of Sheet mualo. musical merchandise, ammunition, Ashing "tack l etc. Warranted razors, batcher and pocket knives. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINNCOUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines musical instrument., gUn, etc. neatly done, ALBANY. .... OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, rockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent lor Fire and T Ig IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY TOO MUCH IX PUA18E OF THIS GOOD OLD STANDARD family msdlcine. It cannot bs tx highly recommended, as it is truly a MARVEL OF TUB AGE, snd no boasshold should bo without it. It prevents ss well as cures Skin Diseases, Gout, Bbeumatism, Gravel, sad sll Kidney Diseases, Affected Liver, Headache, Nauaoa, Bile Wiatl, Indigestlou, Constipation, Dlsrrbm snd Dysentery, Fever sod Ague, Sleeplessness, Lassitude. Foul Breath, snd every disease brought on or sggrsssted by a disordered stomsch. It bs s . cifle sgsluat contagion snd an efficacious remedy for Biliousness, Xervonsnes. Scrofula, Isuudiee snd Dyspepsls. It Purines tbs Blood, Clssasss the stomach snd Bowels, and gives tbs whole system s Healthy snd Delightful Ton. There sever was s Msdlcine for tbs Nursery equal to it WOW SALE BY ALL ORUOOI8T8 AND GROCERS. VITiTATED BLOOD Metro fnl cms, Inker H J m tftglons) Hnmorn Cared by Cntleurs). Throut is medium of ns.o ynur boo rsesiveti tsrvugti Mr Frank TWrsy, DrussUl, Antlls. I bsosni Nu!led with our Cutl- urs Rciiiwli, snd MM UiU siMrastf-t titf v to y.m ttxithnlr u perms iiatttlv rurstt ui 4 on nf ths rl tiliMi.l itMitiiu, In iniinllott with t rvli'l that I hsvs svsr sssn, snd this s'Ur ssvhts bsss l.r..n Ulli. rh llli ur(lr Ii, .iii i( 1 n tli ati'lmit In our ro ;tity . I toss rrwst tdsssurs in fiSwsnllittt tu you tbi IssUutonki. uao)it'ltnl nil Is by vou, Iti 'nlrr ttit othira ufferiiiK from imilsr hisU'IIm uiv U c i."urKsl to irt four ( utlrnrn RsnMMlisa s trtsi. V. H. WHITI.INOKR. UstKtiburv. Hs ItnfsraiK' Kisnk T. Wray, lruiflat, Abollo, ls. M UOI I MII Ii I 1.4 LIS. J tinea R Richardson, Cuatoni Houan New Orleans, a onto asjrs : "In ISTO Mcmfulius Ulesrs brass nut mi my body unUi I wsss msst of iorruitlit. Ktrry ihliifSsown to ths msdlil faculty wsa tried In rain, lliwnm.Hi.r. w:k Ai BBSSS SSSM '"-t lift mv han. I. to my hesd.ixiuld not tum In bed ; was in coo tant aln, ainl t..Vet iiimui life a. a rurae No relief it rats In ton year. In IMS) I hesrd of tbs t.'utleum Kacnedlra. tuwd Ihsm, ami was nertertly mirsd." Sworn to before V. B, t'om J p Caswross. ONt: Or THKHfOHIT (ARM. Ws asvs bsss seUln) our fHUU'Ura Itetnedisa fur )sra,snd h the ft ml (vmiidsint ytt to re'sfros s pure bast.-. One of U ret eases of fit rofnta I vsr saw was cUrsd by Us tiss wf flu lulss 4 Cuti rura Ksaotvent. Cutlc lira, snd Cultciira Mosp. The tiusp taksa th- "cake" BSfw si s nuMlicins) soap T xtlo t Ttua, brugrtats, Prsnkfort, Ksn. M ROH I.OI S, INIIKKITKD. And Oeatsstous llssiors, with Usm (f Hair, snd ..I the akin, are poaitlsrlv i-urwt by n rs snd Cutlvwrs Kosn sxtsmsl-y, sad ( utiiura t 'till Kesol vent Intorssily. when all other medlcinss fSlL ftrn l for psmphlsl. DKI (JUIMTM t C Til KM Ws bsvs obtsiu'd asUsfactory rsaults from the uae of lbs t in 'rura Rsutsdlss lu our own family, sad ' omiueuil tbeui beyond auv ..Uer rntedtea for dlasssss nf the akin a id blood . the demand f Ihsm Kinws ss their inert la hemnte known. MacMolax a Co., Drssjatsto, Uttrwbs, Ps. ( I Tit I RA KKM I'.niF.M are sold eterywhwro. Pries: "uticttra, tbs Orssl Hbln Curs, - tm , Cutlrurs Mosp, tn equill beau lifier. 26 eta ; ( ul intra Mesol rent, tbs Mew Wood Purifier. 1. Potter UruK and i I. Co., Boston. (lies, ilia. klirwU. Kkitt UleruUltra, and Uab UnnsMS, uae rutii-ers p. Choking Catarrh. lists you awakened from s disturbed aleep wila sit lbs horrible svusatlon of an satstin rlutoMsst your ihrtatt and prsssiuf ibe life breath from your lightened cheat T Hate oub li xl the lauifOjoe atwl debility thai euSOMNl tbe eSort lo clear yune throat and bssd of th i..a kaasssjosh IhU cstorrasl matter What a teiires Upon the mind. . lo idtdj the mcmorr and Oillnf lbs head witb pairta and etrsne noiess ! How d i rite ii It ills to rid ihe rssai uaaeagee, ttirost and lunss oftals soiaonsua umk-wi all ssn tes til, ho are aHti- ted artlb ostorrh. How duekvlt U pr.ite. t the eysU-ln a.'ailut iU furllxj pr-cr... i ward tbe lungs, liter and kidnsys. s.1 (dirahtons will sdttdt. It to s lenltdc dlaisai, and ertss ost for rs- Pk rssssrasbts earsllic ssrasbk eorsiliv power, when all a utferly fail, of ftanlord a Rsdioal Curs. are attest sd by lb .uaaode who greatefslly to lo l , .uScrera No .itcmenl la warding It lhl rwunot be aubatonttaUd by the Saw BStllS Of the Uadic ,1 Inhaler, with tnatCss snd dirsvltona, and is aukl by all druggist fortl . usio ass i nssaat c . it wtwn. IT STOPS THE PAIN . :,.! bseka, MB aad i... k due ns stisrej in on minute by that I and InfallHhle astideS to BSSS SSst SV UMfuSirora Au Pais Itour. dm.u . i tor at ; at all druggista or Potlsr Urug and trail-, Ifrwlmi. J. U COW A.N. J W. I I HICK Linu fonty Bank, cowan a Gestae. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS DRAW Mff HIT liKKTHott Ksw York fan Pre. taOO aVBai srVlrt tslfwla OsJtefl UOAX MO.WRY on spfirovsd sssrhy. RRCRIVRtopo4ts ubjsrt to ssesfc. COU.RCTIONS sntrastod to us w.U re .wive prompt fsSsVaSi Rum Doase. J. OIBIITV, Proprietor. This lion s is bow open an 1 farntshtd with she best new fornitorr. Kye-ythirg clein and ecmmoiliofu, efferit g to tte gen eral public aperior accommodations to soy is the city. Marine Insurance 1 at BApOiK aKl utsrtns psina, wssavnsae a..U inttam 9rMmt- rliWHuUc, larursljrb. M iallc. I sWm hi. td nerroua iiaina and new, assSsa W a m h I n f ton. (.'rem uiir rssnlar (Hrfrsii)nsenl, Wamhim.iun, I). C., Sept. tath, 1S07. In polttiml circles at the Capilal, thr 1 hlcf topic of ptiMU interest and di.'ueiti is still the tariff conference at Oak View, iHflwecn the I'reaident. Secretary Fair child. Mi l uli.le and other atltrUcr. vfhlch has jtut been concluded, doubUes to the full satisfaction of the conferees,, at least. That an Administration tariff mea uir, emliodvlnf a ubatnntial reduoHon of thr custom ilutie upon the neceaasfea of life and a repeat of the tobacco tax, was agreed upon, I have not the least doubt, and further, t have reason to believe that the 1'residenl will hrin to l.rsr all of hi famou firmness and vigor In impressing hU views upon the attention of Congress, as of vital Importance to the futnre of both the country aiu! the Democracy TheaV tit tide of Mr, Randall and those- of his way of thtnhfng upon this regarded with much Interest and solicitude, but f believe there Is no ground for alarm, for I think that the ex-Speaker, white differing with many other Democrats upon a re adjustment of the tariff.realises the necea It v of a reduction of taxation, and will agree to a fair compromise that In a large degree will accomplish the rennlt o great ly desired, and to which the Democratic partv so solemnly pledged Itself In the plstform of the Chicago convention. Surprie I expressed in some quarter that ex Speaker Carlisle has taken no tea. timony in the contented election proceed In&s filed against him by Thobe. Mr Car llsle say, in an interview, that he took no testimony because it was unnecessary for him to do so.a the contestant only alleged the casting of four fraudulent votes for the contestee. and that a his majority in the District was 835, such a claim, If admitted, could not change the reeult. t 'nder uch circumstances It would be simply prepos terous for the contestee to produce evi dence. The foreign delegates to the CoaglSts. after uniting with their American brethren lit a visit to Mt. Vernon.aaid adieu and left for an excursion to Niagara KalU before turning their faces homeward to again brave tbe billow of the briny deep. The project lo open a fine roadway from the Aqueduct flridge in this city lo the tomb of Washington, to be called Mt. Vernon Avenue.seem to meet with great public favor, and there can be little doubt that the work will be done ... the popular support, both of the t itixen of the District of Cotumhis and of Alexandria county, Virginia, which is becoming enliated In behalf of this truly patriotic and politic undertaking, eems to warrant such a con ctualon. There will he a public meeting at Alexandria on the 15th liiat .to consider the matter. A memorable and Important work in tbe religion, world i the location of the great Cstholtc L'niveraity In the city of Wash ington. The estimate of the cot and en dowment of this great work is tbe ins mene sum of $8xxfxx,of which amount ijixxjaan U already In hand. It is design ed to upbuild here a grand university that will favorably compare with the far-famed sats of learning of the old world. On the 17th Inst the President an bis w ife.the Governor of the original thirteen statex and other dignitaries will .it tend the celebration of the Constitutional Centen nial at Philadelphia, and a great time is expected. It Is hoped that the event of the day will be in keeping with the spirit of the occasion, and that there will be no outburst of partisan feeling by thoughtlets enthusiasts. Such serious conflict, of opinion have arisen between the members of the Civil Service Commissioner over the question of the right of removal of clerks.that there s some talk of the resignation nf the Pres ident. Mr. Kdgerton, who holds that the appointing power has the authority to dis miss employes in the classified service ab solutely, without asking questions, while his colleagues maintain that no removals should be made without specifying the cause -that this power isextremelv limit ed. It Is expected that the President will br finally called upon to settle thecontro versy. Despite the carping criticism of a few malcontents, the International Medical Congress, which han just adjourned to meet in Herlin two years hence, has been a great success fully realizing the expec tations of hs projector and conferring lasting blessings and benefit upon man kind in the rapid strides made in scientific development and the improved treatment of diseases. The state election this fall in New York will attract an unusual interest, not so much from any importance attaching to the elec tion of 1 he state official but because It will reveul the strength of the several fide par ties that arc breaking into the old party organization. All of them are claiming a grcfl advance n numbers and prospect. Th chief curiosity will he to sse which one of them is the mo-,t disappointed. The statement just prepared at the Gen eral Land Office shown that the quantity of land restored to the public domain by the action of the Interior Department under the policy of President Cleveland is 2T,coo,coo acres. This great territory is sufficient to furnish 130,000 settlers with farm of iU acres each. TIiIh is genuine land reform, a common sense and honest enforcement of the doctrine "The peoples' land for the people." The long drought in England caused great embarrassment to the umbrella trade, as sales nearly ceased. One manu facturer, who was. sued for a hebt of 5, declared that nothing but the drought pre vented payment sf the debt.and the court v granted him a i- onth's respite in the hope that rain might come and umbrella- he salable. Representative Maton, of Indiana, is confident that the State can be carried for Cleveland if Governor Gray is given sec ond place on the ticket. It probably can anv how. MOt-THKHN VHinmtm. The South is making progres,not alone in the Industrial pursuits, hut In education l matters as well. The amount of money expended for (itihltc schools In tHHo in Alahutna, Arkaitas,Klorida,Georgia,Kcn' tuckv, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro Una, South Carolfne,Tennessee,Texas and Virginia wa $0,4 StT- ' " ,H'' "' stales expended $t i,545r.lV Thr number of children enrolled in tSSo was 2,154,376, white lu 1886 It was was 3100,124. The average length of school in da.vs in iH86 was naV This average in the entire South exceeds that of the state of Oregon which is only tot. While no one questions that there U yet much to be done In order to edu cate all the children InthcSouth.lhere ha been such progreaa as to materially weak en the chances of the passage of the Blair bill through Congresegiving federsl aid to public school. White not yielding up one jot or tittle of our devotion to the educa tion of the masses, we must exsfe the hope that the Blair bill will meet defeat. RRTKIVKK We have received from the Brewers Association of Oregon,"A Solution of the Temperance Problem," "Real and Imag inary Effects of Intemperance'snd-'Idquor Laws of the t inted States," all of which seem to be replete with statlath-al facts designed to counteract the Influence of prohibition and the spread of that senti ment. We have not had time to read them, and hence cannot pronounce upon their merit. The city of Charleston, South Carolina, exhibits a wonderful degree of pluck and vitality In having so greatly recovered from the many inflictions which it has ex perienced. The warjH-stilcnce.bankrupt-cy, the earthquakes have euccessively scourged it, but its record to day shows it to have had a surprising recuperative en ergy, Kven during the continuous earth quake scares business was but nominally euspemied and it now reporta that there have been - within the past year 6,;f6 resi dences end other building rebuilt or re paired . 271 new buildings erected,the cost of rebuilding and repairs amounting to $4,)4,775,of which the people of Charles ton have expended $3100,1x20. Atlanta, (ieorgis, will soon be again In the turmoil and excitement of a prohibi tory, or rather anti-prohibitory, campaign. The ant!' wilt soon petition the County Court of that county to submit the que tion of license or no-license to the voter of that count v this fall. The petition must be signed by one-tenth of the voters. s hlch will be easily obtained there. The negroes hold the balance of power asd the anti's will make a deperste effort to control them. A large majority of them were for prohibition before. The contest will at tract th attention of the whole country. The Republican party remind its of the man n ho yoked himself with an untamed steer. As the man and hi voke mate plunged along the former shouted to his friend. "Here we come, d u our fool souts ; head us, somebody." Intead of an unmanageable wild steer the Republi cans yoked themselves up with the un tamed prohii-itioi.i t, and thrv cat! out now in their utter helplene for some one to "head.them." Some time since a man by the name of Itodring,of Kansas City, was brutally abus ing bis team. A young lady psssing.wss a witness to the driver's brutal conduct. and remarked that the wished he would fall off hi wagon and break his neck. Al most immediately he turned his wagon on himetf and died in two davs from his wounds. Never abuse a team in the pres ence of young ladies. The Jacksonville 7Vsvcj very truthfully says : There is a good deal said just now about getting rid of the surplus in the Treasury. The trouble i that there is too much money collected. The common sense solution of this problem would be to collect lessor stop collecting money which is not needed, and the more the country ret to undertand the matter the more popular this plan will be. Winnipeg is an exception to the saying that there is no Sabbath west of Chicago The streets are empty and the churches full. Indeed, there-is .aid to be church accommodation for 15,000 in a imputation of j 3.1 jo. and it is all utilixed. TANUKNT. "Yea," sighed the fashionable maiden as she applied her handkerchief to her eves, "my poor little (.'oggie, my cuttle is dead. "It'U very sod," said a sympathizing friend, ond all the more so as the loss occurs just on the eve of your contemplated marriage," "Yes it Is too bad to think that the wed ding must be postponed nfter ail our calcu lations being made." "Postponed, surely you do not think of postponing your mar riage because of the death of your dog " "Why certainly how heartless you must think me, I could not think of getting mar ried within a year after such a distressing accident." Some things that young ladies should avoid : Uad company, for their Influence is fjreat If they only think how they can use t for good or bad. We once knew a young man carried home one Saturday night drunk across a horse and the next day wc aw the same young man come into Church with as nice a young lady as there was in the neighborhood. Avoid any young man that uses cuss words for we heard that there was n young man not many miles from Tangent who gave some cuss words to some ladies. Avoid any young man who will steal watermelons or'in any way vio lates laws. Show us any young man who would associate with a vour.g lady who would get drunk or give him cuss words or would ko in Uie night and steal melons or smoke and chew tobacco. . IuliitUHall to th ToiM. riarltva Propbviaollc Fluid cures ebaf intr, eruptions and inflammation of all! kinds ; curs inflammed or sore oyea relieves pains from hit ns or stings of in;! seets anu sore feet : destroys all talut of 1 perspeation or offensive smell from the feet or anv part of the body ; cleanses snd j whitens the akin. Uaed as s dentifrice i. , purines the breath ; preserves the teeth 1 and nrM toothache: aoro gums and eank- ' er, A little of the lluid in tbe water used j in bathing is very refreshing and ospcflal j ly beneflHal to the stak. C1TRRRNT EVKVTM. 'Die 11 iic lu !of as Albany man who paid about 16,000 for a piece of lasd near Sao Joss uins months ago has lost been offered 5.1,000 for it. Sportsmen who want to fill game-bags witb tba least prwsihle etpendittire of powder, will be iotsrrsted in Charles Udyard Norton's illustrated description ef "A Pot-Hunter's Paradise,'' to appssr its Th Atrvriatn Maya im for October, Ths Rw'itttr, of Lafayette, speaks in the fallowing panted manner 1 'In oooitnos with other papers, tbs HefiHer has received patnphlats from the brewers association of dregon, with a rr quest for an opinion. Ws have uot had time to give them 'a favorable psrassl' bat oar opinion is, as Bro Whits expresses it, thst 'liquor in any form leads to eternal damnation.' " Once Id a while VanCleve of the Po$4 does get off a good thing, and here it is : "Never judge oy appearances. A shabby old coat mav contain an editor, while the man wearing a idgh-toned plug hat and a dnde cane may be a delinquent subscriber or ad vertiser,and playslnch" all day." In a factory in New York City the tollow mK legend Is posted, and It might well be passed in all kinds of establishments every where : We work for cash, And not for fun ; fes And want our pay When the work is done. The young people in Kastern cities have a new "wrikle." When taking a walk they toss a piece of money at each corner to see which way they shall go. If heads are up they go to the fight,if toils to the left. Their course t necessarily a zagaag one.but it Is a novelty and lots of fun. Albany young peo pic will be sure to try It. The followieg from toe Ashland Tidings hows that s former Albany gsSitlfassse knows which aids his bread is battel sd t "L. Martin seat by ex pre s yesterday to -Senator Hun ford at Portland a box of some of tbs finest pssches that svsr ripened on trees. They were ft cm ths Dana place south of Ashlar d " Likewise the following : "Two more earlosds of apple and pears ore ship ped to Portland this week from Ash! ami by L Martin. This prices paid ass good, snd sU the fax mars are beginning to realize that they should plant out mors apple trees.' At t he New York custom bouse but Fri day a am an from Paris was inspected, when tbe following thing were found in her bus tie, a monstrous affair, which she ssid was the latest in Paris : Five pieces of black lace and lace trimmlnif.hve lace collar and two packages of hook and eyes, one watch, nve mooches, two pair of bracelet tn hand some cases, twenty-four piece of worsted binding, three piece of cotton braid, thirty Hccca of Mis in.Kl,twevc pieces of silk rib bon, two pieces of black etlk, three pieces of ace trimming, yard of t!k, eight and one half yards of velvet and fiftv and one- half varda of silk. aSSl m 1 .! 1 Patent Ursstsd Patents gets ited to dtiens tf the Pacific State during the past week and reported ex- preseLy for the Da mock at by C. A- Snow & Co., solicitors of American snd Foreign stents, opposite V. H. Patent Office, Wash ington, D. C : D Htt. San Leandro, CaL combined header and thrasher coupling. J t Chapman, Downev. Ca!., automattc top for windmill. I Collin-, Oakland. Cal., splicing cable. II C I lolloway.liilroy.C'al., steam-gener ator. F Korttck, San Francico,Cal.,butcher's leaver. M Leaman, San Joe, Csl.,bustle. W II, Kst Portland.Oreg.. berrv box. (i Niculescue.San FrancUco, Ca!., com bined trv-qunre,urface-gage and level. II r l'arks, Fresno, t a! .combined plow and seeder. W E Norri. Ssn Francisco, Csl., reduc ing and melting magnetic oxide or iron. I rortoi. Nan r ranctsco. Cat., wheel- fender. F Ryan, San Jacinto.Cal.. bridle-wink er tav. W T Small, Tacoma, Wash. Ter-piston- rod packing. Pbyslelsss Have round Uot That a coots sal noting and foreign element fin the blooi, developed by indignation, is tbs csuse of rheumatism. This settles upon tbe sensitive anbcutsnsoua over lag of the muscles and ligaments of the join's, causing constant and shifting pain, anu aggregating ss a calcareous, enaiKy aeposu which produces attmiess ana aw tortloo of the Joints. No feet whieh sx Birtenos nss demonstrated in rsgsra to oa: otter's Stomach Bitters has stronger evidence to support than this, namely. that tuts mooteino or comprehensive uses cheeks the formidable and atrocious die ease, nor is It less positively established that it la prereraois to the poisons often used to arrest It. since tbs medicine eon tains only salutary ingredients. It is also a ohraal re mod v for malarial fevers, eon stlpstlon, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder ailments, denim and other disorders, See tnsl you fret the genuine. Sore Eyes Tbe eyes are always in sympathy with the body, and afford an excellent Index of its condition. When tbe eyeo become weak, and the lids inflamed and sore, it is an evidence that the system baa become disordered by Scrofula, for which Ayexs Sarsaparilla Is the beet known remedy. Scrofula, which produced a painful lo ll animation in my eyes, canoed me much suffering for a number of years. By tbe advice of s physician I commenced taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using this medicine a abort time I was completely Cured My eyes adfcnow in a splendid condi tion, and I am as well and strong oa ever. Mrs. William Gage, Concord, N. H. Vot a number of vears I was troubled with a humor in my eyes, and was unable to obtain anv relief until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medi cine nss effected a complete cure, and 1 believe it to be the best of blood puri fiers. C. . Upton, Nashua, N. U. From childhood, and until with a few months, I have been afflicted with Weak and Soro Eyes. I bavo used for these complaints, witb beneficial results, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and consider it a great blood puritier. Mrs. C, Phillips. Glover, Vt. I suffered for a year with inflamma tion in my left eyo. Three u leers formed on the ball, depriving me of sight, and causing groat pain. After trying many other remedies, to no purpose, I was final ly induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By Taking three bottles of this medicine I have been entirely cured. My sight has been re stored, and there is no sign of inflamma tion, sore, lor ulcer in my eye. Kendal T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio. My daughter, ten years old, was afflict ed with Scrofulous Soro Eyes. During the last two years she never saw light of any kind. Physicians of the highest standing exerted their skill, but with no permanent success. On the recommen dation of a friend I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, whieh my daughter commenced taking. Before she had used the third bottlo her sight was restored. Her cure is complete. W. E. Suther land, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Draft. bottles, Sfi. NEW GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Ee At prices never before offered in Albany and N. N. ALIEN & CO.. are the ones that are propose to sell goods for CASH AND PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the prices given in any a ring Oatalouge in the 8tate. We propose hsr er to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, andsamples sent upon ap plication. N. E. ALLEN & Co. .'-. 57 First Street Albany, C. B. Roland & Co. NEW STORE AND CONSISTING OF Mens' Furnishing Goods. Hats and Cans. Bont and Shoes, and fine clothing. Choice selections in fancy Summer neckwear, J TTl s e - fan unueiwear, risK, uiarK ana i?iaggs gloves, he very best make of handsewed shoes, The very latost styles in mens, youtns and boys clothing. ah tne ceieDratea mane FINE CLOTHING 4 SPECIALTY. Remember our entire m. -. new, rresn goods, and as "Honest, Fair dealing is our motto, We ask the public to call ana get our prices, no trouoie to snow goods, C. 8. Roland & Co., One door west of e Revere House, Albany, Oregon. MAGNOLIA MILLS, John A. Crawford, Proprietor. WILl, furulxh sck lo farmers aud receive whest at the usual ratea of storage The highest uiarkft price pkl for sam BEST Magnolia flour always tin hand, fo ste or exebsnge at rM'ifa'o rsttw, JOHN A. CRAWF0W). Palace Meat Market. J, Y, PIPS, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, DR. Will keep -ons'antly on I mi I lnaf, mutton, nrk, vK Mmag, e i' ' est meats and Urgent variety In th Hy. Cash paid for all kindslof fatfsto-k. DR. & WATSON liASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms S and 4. Foster's Block. ALBANY OREGON. making the offer. We NEW GOODS, silk underwear, Baforicr- t s en - or nats in every style. stock consists of bright, and Square" Hand Stoi Owing to i he incr. s...1 iiuiu! of ooa business we have l.ewnootn (t iled to rnovsj Into a larger More and we can nw b found next door to S. K. Yourtr, wbrra we will hffplased loseo.ur patrons. you t.?r d any ,iovrt, t'urniiu' tiitwsM rnvbari rlrvu- ninit ii'if iiuia invl . . , . -. ...... . . .. jars, tmn!-, okt, ro!lfr vkates, ddk saws, plsn-i et, and a thoun ' ferent an 1 uu Mitio'es mh k .t . bett -r t!ii -i ! - f Francis th n J ran do with o on a purchase or eacbstfi i M. FRANKLIN & Ct' 123 Firt S r.-t. AUnnv, i r LU W. CLARK, PortiM.) i Photographer! H,i nigs ly appoint utru', COPYING AND ENLARGING. 1 weed ale's Building, ALBANY, - - 0REG01