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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1887)
, i "SH-iaaaBrsMssjjjpjssBB!. mnmi ... . . .MaR.,- , ...T-gmmmmmmm INDIA WHEAT. 'DOM PRINTER INK PAY K Within five month Harvard College hat received $5,000,000 In gifts. It I a gifted Heat of learning. The state grange of California, vote of 44 aye to 3 noes, hat adopted a resolu tion in favor of woman suffrage. We heartily congratulate our esteemed cotemporary, S. F. Floed, of the Review, on his taHoa to the office of Recorder of Roeburg. Here's our fW- Shake. A radical organ at Portland applies the 1 .1 "M I I . toiiowmg r noire irrnis 10 vicyciuiiu , "Monkey," "fat-demagogue," "uneducat ed," "gross feeder" and others that fitly represent the character of that sheet. A centurv ago there were only 40,000 Catholics in this country, with 35 priests and no bishop. Now the church hat a Cardinal, 13 ArchbUhopMy bishop, 7,658 priests and membership of 8,000.000. The number of pensioners in Oregon on the Joth of June last was 1033 ; the amount paid thrm per quarter wn $30,698. 3 5. The number in Washington Territory was 009; mount paid per quartcr,$7,a6o.5o. And now they say John Sherman in tends to start a paper in New York City, to boom himself for the presidency. Ez Postiuaster General Hatton is to be the Hon. B. F. Bonham.formerly of Salem, but now Consul General for the United States to Calcutta, In India, has made hit report to the state department at Washing ton, In which, among other thlngs.he aays that during the fiscal year ended Mnrch 31, 1886, the area devoted to wheat was about 27,500,000 acres, and the total yield 389,000,000 bushels. As compared with the wheat of the Pacific Coaat.the wheat is inferior.but when exported to Europe It is mixed and ground with wheat of a supe rior quality, by which procett a fair mark etable grade of flour is obtained. The mode of cultivation In the main Is the same as It wa centuries ago, and there seems to be great difficulty In Inducing farmers to In vest in modern agricultural Implement ; yet, with .all their simple ana primitive methods, the Indian can, in the opinion of the Consul General, successfully compete with those of the United States In the pro duction of wheat. This it due fo the fact that the Indian farmer's outfit represents a capital of not more than $40 or $45, and the hired help works, feeds and clothet himself on about $3.50 per month. The exportation of wheat from British India has Increased from 3,000.000 centals In 1868 to : 1,000,000 centals in 1886. Mr. Bon ham says that some of his predecessor have claimed that the United State have nothing to fear from India a a competitor in wheat. He doe not concur In this view, but believes that to-dav India Is second onlv to the United States In wheat grow Inc. Hesavs wheat trowing in India i . - . Prushaw, "The Druggist" can be found two doors west of the Revere House where he continues to put up nothing but pure and fresh drug. Try him and you will try "him again. Seed Barkhart A Keens name and ad dressee of frtenda deatrine information of Ore ti and thry will mm id them coiiics f tho U bUtatc (Vwovyor whioti eon tain a oom- plots dioriptiou of on county tn each iaaoe editor. Tohnnv will learn bv experience that this kind of an enterprise will never! ret in ita infancy and developments are succeed. I being rapidly made upon means ot trans portation to the sea board. He fears that in these constantly growing and Improved facilities for transportation, the United States will find India a formidable compe titor. Thus more and more does the fact impress itself upon us that while the farm er is taxed to benefit every manufacturing Industry In the land, he is left the helpless victim of competition with the cheapest laborers of the world. This I one of the beauties of tariff protection The Portland Xews says when Cleve land was nominated for president he pledged himself to the one-term theory. This statement has been made before, but we feel sure if our cotemporary were call ed upon to produce the proof of this alle gation, it would be compelled to go out of court for want of evidence to support it cae. We feel quite sure the AVsw be lieves it statement to be true, but we be lieve it is misled. mi 00 POWDER Absolutely Pure. wssffiCahMB) arpboBisB Misfasr s, aetewavts Ojuss. mm At, Maama ldiiaa 0.. 10 Wmm I Governor Waterman, republican, who succeeded to the office of governor of Cal if omia on the death of governor Bartlett, democrat, has been turning out democrat in a wholesale manner from the offices to which they were appointed by Bartlett. Thi is the kind of civil service reform which republican leaders believe in when thev are in power. When democrats are In power their belief changes. And this day .comes a Salem cor respondent of the II 'elctme and intimates that there is an alliance, offensive and de fensive, between Dr. Harry Lane, Super intendent of the Insane Asylam, and Dr. Josephi. ex-Superintendent of that institu tion, to in Ac either Pennoyer or Hirsch United States Senator to succeed Dolph. While the alliance spoken of may not be a defensive one, yet one thing is certain, if uch a one exists at all, it will be very of- Jemsive to the people. Mark the prediction. The Roseburg Revirw pointedly says: 'The more the democratic party dem on-trate-that it mission In life 1 not to shut up factories, but to make them hum right merrilv, the madder the Republican organs get. Exactly so. The more prosperity a dem ocratic administration brings to the coun try, the more these republican organs growl. But our friends, the organic ene my. will learn later on. that the great busi ness and farming class of people want just uch a clean, healthful, economical admin istration as Cleveland la giving them, and they wi'i testify their approval at the next presidential election. A GOOD SHOWING. The County Court but week made the following tax levy for the current year. For the State University .one-tenth of one till. For State militia, two-tenth of one mill. For public schools.five mills. For State tax.three mills. For county pur pos es, three and e ven-tenth mill. This make a total levy of 13 mill, being the lowest in the history of the county. Thi is a re markably good showing and speaks well for a democratic county. No county in the ttate putt Its levy so low. Marion county, that has been under Republican rule for the last 37 years, has, we are tn- forreed.a large indebtedness, and now put her tax levy at 17 mills, while Linn, that hat been under democratic rule for 31 years, has no indebtedness, but on the con trary a surplus of $37,800 on hands. We may be excused for asking our republican friends how they like democratic rule In Linn county ? For county purposes Linn levies three and seven-tenth mills and Marion eight and seven-tenth mills. "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." No more pointed and forcible application of thi old aw ha ever come to our notice than the case of the warfare now opened upon Pre ident Cleveland by the republican press from one end of the country to the other. For aker calls him a "Jog." the Portland .Vew calls him a '-ho j . i another Portland organ calls bi n a ' ;n nkev," and 10 on from the New York Tribute down. These brethren are mad, and no mistake, and that the gods of public opinion will destroy the n.wiil hardly admit of a doubt. These brethren bhow by thii concerted attack by vituperation and mere abuse, that the president is invulnerable as to all matters of m itcrial intcrctt to the people at large. These attacks are making friends for the president by the scores all over the coun try, though our brethren are too, too mad to see it. A bar lev Blaine organ, down in Port land, sayt : "Prohibitionists now say positively that St. John will not come to Oregon. The managers think it would be imprudent,and therefore will not bring him. But there are multitudes of republicans who have long memories, whether he comes or not." Truth, for once. In our issue of two weeks ago we warned the prohibition peo ple that the Blaine leaders in this state in tended to defeat the prohibitory amend ment whether St, John should come here to speak or not. The threat that has been made by some of these Blaine leaders that they would defeat the amendment if St. John should come was and is a mere pre text. We think the result wilfabundantly prove what we predict that a coterie of Blaine leaders have determined to take vengeance on the friends of prohibition in Oregon for the defeat of Blaine in 1884 by giving prohibition a big black eye. TUE PKESIDKNTIAl. TRIP. When the presidential party reached Chicago an immense throngof people had gathered to welcome the President and Mr. Cleveland to the hospitalities of the great city on the lakes. The enthusiasm of the people was unbounded and such crowds, such bright faces in similar num hers were never teen In the great city be fore. There were said to be 50,000 people gathered within a few blocks of the station An appropriate address of welcome by the Mayor and response by the President were delivered. At Milwaukee the President's proverbial good luck followed him. a the day wit bright and beautiful, though the night previous had been very unpromis ing Here, as at other places, large throngs of people were out to meet the President, and it is said that between the surging of -hp immense crowds and the movement of the different organisations into their as signed places in the parade, the city was afforded a spectacle never equaled in ita history. At Madison the reception was equally hearty and joyous. At St. Paul, we are told that the crowd was unparallell ed in the history of the clty,a conservative estimate placing the number at 50,000. The People's Cash Store. SOBER THOUGHTS FOR REASONING MEN AND THINKING LADIES. 111 QaeaMoas -Y7oer in Al oao v is the beat place to hue goods for oaL T Kobo baa long answered Where.' But far iig HEaLWv I Vjni0u I , , YSSMs lift ' 1 'r lr'"..esHH IEp t i flllllllB .7...- il : lit "BUB I W- are egvmta for SPRINGER BROS tailor made garments for kdiee usee and children, and bay a lull lie in ell tb new atylee of SaeQues, Wraps, Newmarkets, etc. Our etott) la crowded with NEW GOODS, and t displaying attractive lina in rt dpan rom.t. Give 1 Monteith & Seitenbach. It. UN M I10RID TO THE MEMORY OF THE lost DOLLAR rnrr nrr r i 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1,1 1 u.r 11 u.i L I 1 1- You are the Man wo want to too. A CRiTiCA L COMPARISON rrn n miiim. TTTT ERECTED It WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind eon of tb dollar jot might have eared by taking advantage ef their eleee prloee. NOW FOR THE FUTURE ! W. T. will aell you more groceries and better qualities) -t lower prloee than any ether live mess. Rectify the error of the peat, end ve mon In the future by pstroelaine; Wallaoe A Thompson, Mrs Street, Albany, Or. 7 CMia eo re rheumatism, neeralgta ttethaofc PoBhay k afaeea, Agesta. MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK -Ha arrived, Including- Oil SHADE. LONSWAY The r publican plan of reducing the ur plus in the treasury is thus succinctly stat ed by Hon. W. D. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, who is f ami .i.irl v known as the "Father of the House :" 'These three subjects of taxation to bacco, fermented liquors and distilled spirit; produced in the fiscal year ended june, 1000, .-pi 10,(4,01.41, ami in ine year which ended last June, 1 18,03s, 70. 30 and tin: commissioner expresses the belief that there will be a further increase during the current year. Every dollar of these enormous sums was surplus revenue- inoney in excess of the just demands of the government.ahstracted Irom the people by an army of about four thousand office holders, stationed in every gressional dis trict in the country, and maintained at the diract cost of from $4,000,000 to $5,000,900 per annum, the taxes, and the charges for collecting them, should be promptly abolished." There you have it, and no bones about it. Every particle of federal taxation, in spection and regulation of the liquer traffic Is to be swept away by the republican par ty in the interest of subsidized tariff mo nopolies. Lumber and clothes arc for their benefit to remain dear.while whisky is reduced to less lhan twice as much a e gallon as it now cost per drink. aeaVMBBB Tbrifty pei;ls will appreciate our tallica and price. 1UDFTELD & BkOWNKIL, SH.Nirit .VNT WORDS. State rights under the constitution of the United State are the same as they were before the war. The people, to be secure in all their rights of constitutional libertv, must recognize and admit thi truth. Justice Miller, of the Supreme Court bench of the United Stat,a repub lican, appointed by a republican president, sees plainly the necessity of the recogni tion of such truth, as is clearly indicated by the following taken from hi oration delivered at the centennial celebration of the constitution of the U.S. a few weeks ago at Philadelphia : "It ts not out of place to remark that while the pendulum of public opinion has twung with much force awav from the extreme point of state rights doctrine.there may be danger of its reaching an extreme point on the other side. In my opinion. the just and equal observance of the right 01 ine suite ana ot the general trovern mnt, as defined by the present constitu tion, is as necessary to the permanent prosperity of our country, as it has been or the 6ne whose close we are now cele brating." Good Work. Have at last agwewered with a certain sound, They have removed tbelr buaioose to the store formerly occupied by Fox, Be urn t Co., where tbey oarry a mammoth atock of Dry and Fancy Boois, Furnishing Goods, lillinBry, Boots and , Shoes, Cloaks, Etc. we don't propose to write an Ingenious Mvertlamsnt q noting pries of gooda to mislead the public. We wlt give 70s prto. at our counters that will be, to any ins h-sst, stsrtllng. We don't lou nd to ll pea Cat A below oust as a ball, a4 chs on mKblng not so Umliisr. Ws sH tils'ik end mrk i goods in VLSI rioCMKs. Ws hsv l H nR s u er.d thai ibe lowest Moat merchants ha s ' Bi Seek" crtee but we tsvs got oars tn 'under the bd rwek." en J now our customers want to know what we are res' I a on. That qutl m U a mooes ton one It la tbe nrt dieo very of that rion. We easy not aoooe 1 on 00 r 8HA0B OF PROFIT Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept In s flret-olssi Drv Oooae and Boot and Snow House, from the cheapest to as pood s quality a there Is a demand for. I bought these ffsd rootly In Now York and Chicago sod AT BOT TOM CASH PRICES, plan bat we awing out Hope, uklnir fo- inniio 00 Faith sad Thoe m easd t spy Ki l l l pri t liould not forget that J H Barkbart baa new typbatifl doe first class work si let rat titsu any offii-s in the state. Do not accept any work done on old worn out type, It anil inj tire the reputation of the city, say ins; sotaitig shoot the office that is so far behind :ns units a to torn oat Much work. Whan Baby was akk, w gsrs bet Gsatsrls, h waa a CbUl, bsm mti far CssOria. When sbs becsms Miss, hs clang to Cseteris, sb had CbUdtsa, sbe gsre them Caetoria, lb. Most Agreeable as well ae the moot effective method ef dispelling Headaohas. Colda and Fever. or cleansing of system, ia by taking s fsw doses or i- in, noo. and f l bottles for ssle by Foshay Mason. N H. Allen k Co.. have ia stock a tplsn- dil line of corsets. Coatiating of the Jostiy celebrated C. P'a, Dr Warner', Dr Lee' 8. K's, the Albany Standard, our eptaal brand. also the Ererlaatiog, Self Adjusting, Nettie nd many other n.akei. Ladies are vtpeeial ly invitad to call and inspect them. EXCELSIOR Remember we make s Imported specialty of floe Velvets, Plushes, Silks, -EC tc Our great stock of Domestic Good will sve many dollars to sensible house keep er who wilt trade eiclunively with ua. Table Linens.Napkms,Towal8,Sh83t tm, Muslins, Ginghams, Away Down. Flannels and Blankets at Mill Prices. Ho siery for the Million. Ribbon and Lace Departments Overstocked, Oar Millinery Department embraces every novelty lu vented by Dame Fashion, with Minn Fountain, at Us head s San Francirco artist. If you need millinery go to the "Fountain Head" for it. We have been driven into tbe Boot and Shoe business by tbe importunities sf our eustomers and again bring our long ea petience in that branch of business into aotlviiv again. We are agents lor the W an am aker Clothing House of Philadlepbia. We aell all gooda for cash or produce. Ilon't Go in iebi ! We will piy you 70 cents a bushel tot your wheat on trade, and have and am receiving Novelties of the Season ia every line ; am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted In the pspera er circular, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not torn you off when you not "Ut of money. Samuel E. Young. wiiimlf ervt to tbow tmto ,ipl 1 Mficai ont methods of daftag basdassa, W- k tfr eon arisona, W- like hem. lVmr our uck with any ethor ii. vbe O.ntrsl 'Wtllsmf-tto Val ley at-d 5011 ill And ii WE LEAVfc THEM ALL BEHIND. we have a atock of Clothing:, Gents Furnishing: Goods and Boots and Shoes, which fir quantity, quality and prises beat 3 the world! Tbe choice wsa never more extensive, in fct We have a Full House and hsve placed everything in it et .'. 1 which WILL S00X EMPTY IT L E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. r.w r ji u r v nrncrtar s v4o C&EB8ATE0 BOOTS X SMOE3 CHICAC0 TSe Very TP. SOi0BKSNH,TCNtU I hays' added to v boot and nhct stock line of the celebrated Laird, Schmber k Mitchell, Philadelphia fim koe for ladiss, "i !- and children. Aeknewledeed by dealers generally to be tbe beat vale and ht-it nttins fins shoe mads. Widths C. D, R, nA FT? A child can bov as cheap as a OAMCIL K. XOVXQ, bole Agent, Albany, Oregon. . Or. li Tbs PkoUsrseker, Albany I have all ths negatives Uken . Paxton snd any one can have dup eats from their negatives by addreasln ua, at ite following prices : Card aize, per dozen, oabloet alee. t8 ner dosen. bou- dours, 6 per doaen. I keep the finest line of Oregon views In tbe west. Cata- gue furnished oh aonliustion Ooovinn and enlarging old pictures a apeclalty. J. G. OaAWTsas, S, Tn. 14, 8 Si tie names tne Albany, SHINE & LONSWAY, Oregon lot ce for Publication, Lscd Office at Roeebnrg, Or,, ) October loth, 1K87. J Notice la hereby given tbet ths follow ne named settler has filed notion of bfa intention to make final proof In support of hie claim, snd that said proof will be made before tbe Judge or Clerk of the County Court of Lion county, Oregon, at Albany, ur on Matorday, November ISth, 1SST, viz : WW Robe, tiemeetead Entry No. 4331 for the M JS Ji.seo weat Willamette meridian. following witnesses to prove bis contin. uous reeldenoe spon, and ou 111 ration of, said land, via: O F Colbert, of Crawford- vdle, Linn (Jo , Dr., a Hamilton, of Sweet Home, Linn Co., Or,, B 8 tf araters, of Brownsville, Linn Ce., Or,, C B Tyoer, of Brownsville, Linn Co.. Or. Chas, W. Johsston, Register. Albany Market. Whest 88e, OatH 28o Butter 25 cts per lb. s sa cents per dor. ay -14.00. Potatoes 60 eta per bushel. Beef on foot, 2Xo(& So Apples 60 cents per bn, Fork 4c per lb. DO YOU WANT BARGAINS. THEN GO TO A. B. McHwain's, where yon can get tbe very beat in pi ices and qualities, Hit stock of Dr oonelatlng of DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., ' mJW 9 m sar BajHaw ausaauo boots a smjta - , 1 tWmMMMMUMMmmMMMMmuMm We wewr thf Little Red School Ueue Sheet, stid so do our tistcta and car cousins snd our aunts,and,if you want them go te tne City Boot and Shoe Store where you will And a large and complete assortment of goods in this line, of nearly every grade and m kf , and st prices which will open your eyes. A dollar saved is a doliar mttde. REDFIELD & BROWNE LL APPLES. is unsurpassed. Call on him far your BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing- and Furnishing- Goods. Cash er produce taken, and price given that defy competition. JOHN BRICGSy FLOEIST,- ALBANY, OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lota planted snd attended to. CROSSED & ALLEN, Albany took and Dray Co., Ho, 1. Good handled with cars sad dispatch. Wm. FortmiMer & Co,, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse jnWAfter business hours call st residence, corner Fifth and Baker streets. Gash paid for all varieties of winter apples, de livered at your nearest railroad station, NO HAND PICKING. NO BOXING. Inquire of GEO. E. PORTER, SCHMEER'S LIVERY STABLE, ALBANY. J, J, BEARD, TANGENT, GEO, E, PORTER, L, MCCALLEY'S STORE, LEBANON. FOR SALE. 73 acres of good garden land, situated 3 miles northeestof Leng Station, Linn coun ty, Oregon. 25 actes under cultivation, 18 acres slashed and burnt, 45 acres under good fence, 30 acres In timber, most young fir . some alder and maple, comfortable d we ling house, 16x32 feet, story and half high, well with plenty of good water, shed barn, young orchard of 250 choice fruit trees, an excel lent hop vara of 5 acres, good hop house and dryer 16x32 feet I offer, for sale, the aljovc property for $2000, cash. For further par ticulars address me at Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon,or see me in person. Joel Sherfy. Administrato r's No tic e. Notice ia hereby given that tha un 'cr aisned hue been heretofore appointed Ad m iniatrator of the estats 01 Jnlia E. Whit tng, deceased, by the County Court of Linn oounty,and that all peraons having claims against eaid estate will present the same properly verified to the undersigned at bla reeldenoe in Lebanon, Oregou.or at the oftioe of L. H. Montsnye. in tbe alt of Albany, Oregon, within six months f ort the date hereof. Dated October 7th, 1887. Jnmc F. WHitiNe, L, H. Montants, Administrator, Atty for the Administrator. NEW TAILOR SHOP. W. McLaughlin, Fashionable Tailor and Practical Gutter, is located next door to Mr, Thompson's Saddle Shop. Main St., and is prepared to make suits and pants any style, below cost. Spring bottom or straight panta Best in ths iiirkH $8 10 9 Also oteaa tag and repairing promptly attended to and hep-r than ikvs here Celt and see Mo , Albunj, Or to jefut operation inc 1866, patroaksd heat Uuiiuesi men am orthwest, endontd by Mdiu educators HOST PKRFECTLT iquiPPK SCHOOL of in ch-s on ths Coatt it effer private or rm .cti,,n, ..y siui cvmg throughout the rti ia AwhsMtjc, W riling Correspondence, Book-ksL Hanking, Shorthand,! ype-writing. Business moA feS Formt and aii Common School Branches, Studaatt pf all age and both sess admitted at r- Catalogue free. Armstrong and Wesco, Propriotsw. MUSIC LESSONS GIVEN BY At her residence opposite Albany College.