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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1887)
emoffat SUB. TO DEMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. THE DEMOCRAT is thi ' -I Advertising medium lu the,! Willsmftte Valley. (i nji rati - made known on tp plication VlL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1!, 1887. NO 3 t I. .1 1. 1 1 . i .diOiNAL I A K1S. L. H. MONTANYB, TTOKNEY AT LAW -AND- - Notary Public. llama. Oregon. Ml-., upstair), or John ftrlrjra atore, U street. Tl4ntttf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) . TTORN RY AT LAW. ALBA!. . ILL PRVOTIC IM ALL THK COURTS OF THR State paeialatWnlUu girmn In joflecttan n.1 .-itrt mttUr la Odd Fellow Temple. M:t . o. powibL w. n. niLTicr FOWBIL A BILYEU, iTTORNKYS AT LAW, Aid Meiifttora in rnairfnr. A LRAMT. - ORrfaOM Jollsina promptly mill on all points. . ana oearouatod on reasonable terms aTOfflo In Foster's Brink.- vMnltlf. J. J. WHITNEY, Utomey And Counsellor it Lav -AND- otarv Vu bile. ALBANY, OREGON, Vil! practice in alt of the Court of .bis state. All business intrusted to him w 111 be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, an&ererythlng kept In a first els Dru Store. Also fine Htock or pie no and organs. ALBANY. OREGON. FOSHAY & MASON, III Jf STAU u racists and Booksellers, Asrentu for John B. Alden'a publications, arhloh ere aell publisher's prices with oetageenaea 4LRANT. OKKUON. A. PRUSHAW, ORUGGIST. stationary, Toilet rticlea, Etc. rmriirriMt cutwui nun. Open day and night. 41bany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up to first-class stylo. Tables applied with the beet In the market. Hto sleeping apsrttnnta. Sample rooms for eomuieretat travelers, KWWv S'oarf ta aad frsa the Hatrl.lUi DR J.L.HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offloe oor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. a o rmsmsre ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY ft PARKKS, (Buoca ore to C. C. Cherry.) fiacMnitti, Millwrights, and Iro? Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AI.L oom pleted, and ere now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds ofTroc and Braes Castings. PATTEKX M4BR OS StSOKT MOTICK. peels attention given to repairing ail hide of meohinery. Will also manufeo re the improved Cherry A White Or Id eprator Administrator's Sale of Land, Notice ta hereby given, that the ntder signed Administrator of the estate of Goo W. MeBride, deceased, will In pursuance ofoordr of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on July 5tb. 1887, st the Court Hontedonrln Albany in said county on ftatarday, Jagust 13k. 1HK7, st the hour of one o'clook in the afternoon of eeid dev. sell all the riht, in terest and estate of eid Goo. W. McBride at the time of hi death in and to the fo lowing described real prop rty, to wit : Beginning at a point HJ.SO cheins north end 9.5A chains west of the south wert cor ner of Section 15 Tp. 18, Sol R 4 west of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon ; rheive wrutta 40 chains; t bene north 80 60" east 40 chain ; thence north 40 chains; thence west 40 chains to the place of beginning, containing 1A0 acies. to the highest bidder. Terms of eaie cash in band on dav of sal. July 9lh, 1887. J, A. Mcl niDB. J, C. Powm.i,, Administrator. Attorney. lotica for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or. ) July 5th, 1887, J Notice is hereby gi?n that the follow ing nxmed settlor has fiied nettle of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aid that sid proof will be made before the Couuty Judge or Councy Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Alb&i.y, .re gon, rD Tweafay uzmi 3rf, IHH7 Ti : Oaerge WaeMaejtfWw. Homestead en irt 4', f..r the N of N W of Sen T to fi K 1 K. He nnrneH the follow io wim--?' t prove nw continuous riddance upon, d cultivation of, tsid land", vz: E w. not, 1 1 imparling, C W Kicbardson an i t K Bityeu. all of Jordan Vailey Pot otfiie :m county, Ckrgon. W. T. Buknrv, Register. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. Alliklnds of rough, dressed and sea st taxi lumber, lath ft pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only bst Cal&pooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 sin i"-v icciiiug nil fall and winMr stiH'k i twiot ad idiies, I have as nioely a fitted up Boot tod Shoe 8torr, -tud c u.. a n- '. as sn thin sfetili t PiUand und v. i v fw i irr in Portland. I but M my boots and ahoes direct from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant ever pair no mat tet how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of mM in -boring as I buy in quantities and ey the cash. In ladies', misses and children's ahora, I Iteap mioh tha latest, Het and great sat variety in the city. My .aim will always he to give as good elue f . r the money as poaethly can h done. SAMUEL E. Y0UNC. First National Bank OF ALSIMY, ORECION. VTee PraaMeiTt . . rvntt ......... . a, R, Yot si ..... UKO. K. CIIAMBKRLAIX TRANSACTS A ORNBRAL banking boat AOtWSITS REPr aubjaet to check. SIOHT KXl'HAVdE an.1 . i . oaNaw Verk, Han PnneuKo, Cbicaaw tad PurU sMM ir, IXRfTlOMBMAIiKon favorable - R Yocao. Oao. K Ca L. R Btars. L. Vuse. Watrsa K Traasu., R Caasassutis H. F. MERRILL, Banking and Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Rett on Raw York, San Pranrtaeo mr.4 FefSJase Unr m.tea, Sta'e. eoonty and . It wwrranU Re. eeive drp.dte eubjert to check. In tercet allowed on tuna at poena. ( "Ilect lone win receive pmeapt tllaajeinn. 0 r1 BBSS boun from Si.m. to p. tm . MISS EMMA SCHUBERT) Fine Millinery, UrrUol 1 1 KtVtRt HOUSE.. W ODD CUTTK1W, ATTENTION ! N ver r.rKt ttiat we always keep tn stock a Reg 1 1 j la ef nxea, croaa-ciit eawt, steel end iron wedRes,sledgea, uianl rings. etC. Tr.WHT A Moz. WILL Dealers in all the Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line of - Sheet music, musical merchandise, ammunition, fflshin?l.uckl etc. Warrant ?d razors, butcher and pocket knives. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing midlines musical instruments, gnns, etc. neatly done, ALBANY, .... OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery. Glass Ware and Hardware, OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent lor Fire and GOOD for GOOD lor GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for the cure the cure the cure the cure the euro the euro the cure the cure the cure the cure of Constipation and Indigestion of Biliousness and Dyspepsia of Bowel Complaints. of Kidney Diseases. of Languishness and .Weary! Back of Liver Complaints. of Boils and Carbuncles. of Foul Breath and Sour Stomach of Sleeplessness and Irritability. of all Complaints. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND GROOCR6. BABY HUMORS And all Skin and Scalp Diseases Speedily Cur ed by Outicura, Our IUU no j will ba four year ors ni tha Iftth in Mft.v, !-. , ii" kllkcktMl with vfr iwiti ful brasklnir ant t th tktn. W ostlel In a parst nil who iii m ( tilin fur hIioiu tour weuk. Tin vlul. I i-wi'IvihI lit I lu af liu aovd fr -Ol the trtuu-iit. m uii. i.r..iuitf ..m, huk,mhi nv tin. iiti vul clan t he ir n, D, mi niiir anu niiirv aiipiif w iu lriiniiv i.l'jtwl to ir up in lh i.liil.t .! rub hin. with hU In wur, mroiirf lmiiuuu. U'. Finally, wtutliod uihar pii.i.i iatw, until no Irm than ) haU aUouitii U SB him, all alls faillag, ami lh ohIM twtly ,r tiny aorta ami wars, until aWout Ihs tnth nf lt Jub, whon wa began to gira him Outlrura KmoIioM titt.-t nail , ami tit full. ur, ami f til I mi r Noa a tvrnally, and by lm tat ol Ausuat lis was nuarly wl that w gtra liliu only on ilnaa ol the Kaaoivtnt ab..ut avory wooml ty for attnul tali day lunirar. and kn ha. uvr Iwan trwullt '.. with tto l. ttthU. maJ.l. In all l laaathau one liaif a I ill.-of iliu ara Kaaolvant. a little ieaa than on I.... ..( l'utl nr., ami ). own rake it f utlouta Muae. H. R. rAM. Cyu. I.ltt...t..ii C . Ill, Subacrtlied iul aa.Mii ta na tht fourth day p." .taauar), W. V. M. NR, J. P. Lwl Hpriiu I w very sick, balo oavera.1 wlih oina kind ut acluuU. Tba dortora roilld Hot help nta. I waa edttaed to try the fullcura Hfaolient, I did as, and lu a day I fte twtter, until I am as wall aeeior. I thank urn for it var imi. li. l wruld lika to have It kfd U the iMbitr. HW HOniAXN, NiMth Attlebore, MM HKIS ilaAaK tRI.D. Mr. Krai.w MuCltMky aara that your CuUcara lUtu e-Ue cured hie buy 4 a atrlu dleaaw after aevetal doe tort had tailed to help the buy. lis epent urr one humlrwl dolbua with UoeUww, Catlcur Rematlle. cured him J. . TIKKAM V, IMeatai.l llotir.l, la. OnUeura, the great akin cure, and CoUcura Soap proparetl rouu It, ekternally, and t'uikitre kaanlTent the new blood puriter. Internally . are a ptatitlve cure tor a very form of akin aod. blood dteeaee from plmplee to ecrafuia. Sold everywhere. PrWe - f uth-ura, to cenU ; Cu llrtira Soap. S eenU ; Cuttetira Keeolvent, SI, Pre pared by Poller and Cbemleal Co., Uoavott. SesMl fe "slaw te Car Mhla aiaease." plea, niackheada. Skin IMewlahea. and lathy llumora. una fuiteure Soap. i Word About Catarrh. "It It the mttcwut membrane, thai eotnlerful fluid . nvelojw eurroundliif the delicate ttaauae of the air eod ktad paeaagee, that Catarrh makea lit etn ug bold Onte eaUbitabed. It rata into the very VlUla, and render tile but a longdrawn breath f in i wry ami dtteaae. dulling the avnae aj bearing, trammeling the pwer olepeech, deatmytng the faculty of emell. Uimv ing the brvath, and killing tha refined pl.tatm og latte. In.i n -ui,. by ervping on f fae a Simple ejoei in the head, it aaaauiu the membranous luuiuf and envcla twi bonea, eaUng ibruegh the eelfaaf aoaei aod eauatn intUminatem, al.aitdg ami death. N "tid lit abort af total eradU-alU -t eaeure hratth i the paUent, and all alteyla'ivee are shepiy pro. craeUuateil BBSM inga, bnvltng to a lata! UrmuutUon nf .rd't Kadi ai (.'ore. b Inhalaltun tad by InUn al aduilnlatraUnn. has never fatted) , even hM the dh SSSS ass made frightful inroad on delicate eoneUtu. ttona. hearing, enteli am tatta bo beaa recovered and the dteeaee thoroughly drlvea out ? Manfnrd'a Radical f ure tvwuttett 4 ooe bottle of the Radical Cvrp, one U.x faUrrhal M dvant, and one m proved lakr, neatly aranped It, on ekag. altb full llra.-u.Mi .r.c ft. Putter IrragandC ejeje, OH! 1 BACK ! MY BACK! .. RUBtElt IV obR MISITR. .Arliln.' bexAa, hl,-a, al atdaa, ktdnev and .in, arakliint -ml rb.'.iatic, netiraigio, aclatic. aad it. rv.4oi f-aina, roogha, e. relieved in not tnimrte h tlwl etseaal and Inhlbhie aoti iot to tMatt am! uon, the Cattrara Aali-ralr ria.ter. eta ir-rgi aiidru.-gtti.ur rtur irng anj r ir i J. L I'OWAJf. J, W. i ih K Lino County Bank, C0WAH A CI SICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRA. Kit ACTS a general banking buaii ORAW Ml J MT UKmt. u. New York San Vrm Iseeaasl PVittstsag, Ofssstt, LOAM MOeRYao spprufsd eccurlty. RRllVRaapoalUsabJaet to cheek. COLLRVrtOMS antruetad u. . it will reaatv prompt saatsa House. J. CiIlII.I. Proprietor. This housttj is dow open soil farnishml with the l t new furniture. Everything olean sort oc inmodrous, ofTrring to the gen eral public saperior accoeimcMlatioas to any ia the ci tv. BROS., Marine Insurance Vrrr VVitsjhiiiijton. , (l"rata ear rtguisr . .irrt.taui.) Wasiiinutox, I), C., Aug. tut, 18H7. Ahout the busiest man in this city at prenent U the clerk of the House of Rep. reaentatlvet, who Is engaged In looking Into and preparing the contested C'ongrea sional election cases the evidence In which must !- printed before the convening of the Fiftieth Congress j it i thought there will be only Ik mb cses In the body one each from Alabama, South Carolina, Indiana, itnd Illinois and two from Call fornla.a much smaller number than unual. The Republican in Vahltigton viewed with much interest, not to say anslety.the late meeting'and action of the Ohio He publicmi State Convention ; rSbftman's friend feel elevated over hi victory si though many of them seriously doubt the policy of his course In forcing an endorse ment.whlle nininc's followers are In a rage and sweur they will get even next year by sending n delegation -from the Uuckeye State favorable to the aspirations of the man from MAine. One of these Infuriat ed lllalneitee wa heard to declare that Sherman' action in capturing, the con vention and shaping It in his own interests wa one of the most hamcle and hu miliating apcctacle ever witneaacd In American politics more like the mani pulation of a scheming ward politician titan the deliberate conduct of a so-called statesman, seeking the highest and moat honorable station on earth. For once I am willing to hold up thl lllalne man a a true exponent of Democratic opinion on the ouhject under consideration, so, 1 will drop the matter right here. Probably there are few persons who re. alirr the tremendous tak of comnilluc and publishing the war papers known as the "Rebellion Recoril," the eighteenth volume of which has just been printed and is ready for distribution. Tills volume only takes the great work up to the year iK6j ; It ! calculated that all of the rec ord wilt make 17 rolumca and that it will not be finished until lets in the next cen tal, at a time when there will probably be not one survjvor af the civil strife it com m em rtrat e . The total receipt from all sources of In ternal revenue for the late fiscal year amount to $1 18,835,757, - exceeding by $t.oj3,888 that of the year before. There wa a decrease in the tax on dwtiiieu spirit, snd sn Increase in the tax on sil other articles, such as tobacco, oicomar ferine and fermented liquors A showing almottaa good is made in re gard to the imports and exports of the I'nited State for the same period a fol lows : Exports of merchandise, $716,704,- 784 ; imports $672,459951 ; exec of ex ports, $14,445,733 : go' exported $9,701.- 1S7 ; imported, $4 4,908,901 ; excess of im ports, $33.7.74 ; silver exported. $46,. 376, 304 ; imported, $17,460,191 ; excess of export. $936,313 ; total number of immigrants, 483,116. The jolly drummer have been halted in their triumphant march by the ruling of the interstate Cd.watlssion that the rail roads cannot legally give tnat fraternity reduced rates, but only for a moment, aa (be commercial traveler realize full well that at last the consumer of the good he ell mut pay his expenses, and so he goes on his way rejoicing, seeking new fields of trs'jc end denouncing the Interstate Com mission as "no good," and a "hollow fraud." The drummer I Irrepressible and nothing short of death can stop his pro. gress or flow of conversation. The Navy Department has made a con tract with the IIotchkis Ordinance Com pany. with the understanding that a branch of the manufactory will be established In the I'nited States. Regarding the enter prise, Secretary Whitney says : "The erection of this manufactory will mark another era in the reconstruction of the Navy." Continuing, the Secretary said 1 "Mr. Ilotchkiss was an American when he died in 1884. England, France, German , Russia, Ttaly every European power In fact, had an establishment for .the manu facture of Ilotchkiss' Ordinance." The Secretary further declares that this coun try can no longer depend upon foreign nations for war materials. There has been a new and agreeable de pan ure made in Military matters, too, for the armjr must keep abreast of the navy in this age of universal progress. For the first time in our history, details of com panies from the regular regimental posts have been made to participate in the mill tia encampments and Grand Army reun ions In several of the States. The unpre cedented demand for the presence of reg ular army officers 'at encampments this year shows a vigorous growth of the mill- tary spirit and an increased interest in militia organization. I wonder if the army authorities took the precaution to ask the permission of Palsy Fairchild and Howler Tuttlc before preaumingtomake these de tails some for the Southern States. The President and Mrs. Cleveland have deserted the White House snd are spend ing the heated term amid the rustic and delightful shades of Oak View ; the rtresi dent drives to the White House mansion every day or two to transact public busi ness but makes his stay brief. Invitations to-visit many Western and Southern cities continue to pour in upon President Cleve land ; he has accepted several of these and will probably make quite sn extensive tour. Since Brawler Tuttle thrust himself up on the attention of the country he is get ting a good deal more notice than can be entirely agreeable to him. Among the latest record6 brought to light is that of a suit brought against him by a firm of li quor dealers in Natchez to recover the sum of $2,00 which Tuttle demanded of them, while in command of the military department, "as a consideration for his good will" and permission to carry on their business. Tuttle made no denial.but pleaded the statute of limitations, upon which the suit was terminated. So it ap peals that this fellow added to his other accomplishments that of a blackmailer. He i a nice person to hold a high position i n a patriotic organization. At. HUTU I It Ah t'OhhKtiK'M ATTKK Iw as curious to know how Mr. Pipe wouio meet certain questions I propoutt ed concerning the "record." From his boasting so much about keeping to the record, letting it speak and soon.I suppos ed he had some startling revelations to make on this subject which would con found the cbfircb party and decide tills issue at once. ao I hinted at some points very essen tial even to a semblance of a case, on his side,and which have hitherto been assum ed by him all through this dUcuselon, but on which, so far as any record I have ecn m heard of i concerned, there is not a particle of documentary evidence. The point in issue are, 1st Ws there a for mal and legs! tender of a transfer made by the Conference or the Hoard f Tru. es, and was that tender formally accept ed In the Legislature . Produce the rec. ord. 4nd. Where I the record of any change being authorized in the terms of the Dayton Conference resolutions t The Conference Is the recognixed source of authority In this matter by alt parties One thing i positively certain from the record, the Conference did not authorize a sur render of the college in J.m , 1889. I challenge Mr. Pipe or any of hi party to produce the evidence from the rdcord.Mr. Pipes ha not answered a lngle question I put to him on these points, and for the imple reason, as 1 think, that he can not and dare not do so. It L much more convenient and agree" able to hi mode of warfare to brand my letter a "rot" and to treat these questions a deadjssue which his infallible dictum has long since decided. The pains of par turition through which the gentleman must have passed in bringing forth this "new issue are appalling to contemplate. He honors me with the title of "Dr. Kelly's defecder"and the spokesman of the church part. Much a I appreciate his Intended compliment, and would covet such an honor, yet candor and justice to the Dr. and the church compel me respectfully to decline and to say that 1 am writing al together "on my own hook." I will, however, while not forgetting the older questlon."meet fearlely thls"ncw lue." I see nothing formidable about it. Allow me to say o far a I am personally concerned I do not consider the question as to whether they were or were not ap proved of much consequence cither way. As the Dr. says,and,a we nave reiterated from time to time, we are not depending upon "technicalities," a our cnemie con stantly assert, but upon the broad princi ples of justice and equity. He say "it (my letter) i a fair sample of the suppreaaion of truth and suggestion of faiachood by the church party." Thi Is the general charge and the only speci fication is In not copying the Albany Con ference resolution In full. Were they acceptable, I should be only too glad to do so, and if the editor so desire the entire record from Independence on up to Wes ton both of the Conference.Board of Trus tees and the legislature can be procured and published in his paper. All these facts are just as accessible to the editor as myelf. but it would require some labor to copy them and considerable space in hi paper to publish them, and I am not sure but the editor is under just as much obligation and ha just as much leUure to do such work as myself. He know well enough that in the short apace allotted me, H waa Impracticable to quote the records, in full, and how "dlsingenous" to insinuate an attempt to "conceal" on my part. I simply appealed to undisputed facts, and upon these based my reasoning. 1 do not know that the "Conference secre tary will allow no one to see the records, or furnjsh copies even for pay." 1 know that Mr. Bell has asserted this ; but,furth er "this deponent saith" not only that I would not become a party to such conceal ment, if I knew it, and do not believe the statement. The main fact of those reso lutions was the fact of the rescinding. The reasons for this action not remember. The editor may be correct. He seems, at least, to have some knowledge of these things which have been so carefully"con cealed." He sys my defense of the Dr. is disen- genous because "he waa addressing his letter to those who knew nothing of the facts." The Dr's statement was intended, mainly, for the people of Oregon, and to say "they knew nothing of the facts" after all that had been published in the various newspapers of the state is,either to charge them with criminal indifference to the interests of the college, or to insult their intelligence. The editor can take either horn of the dilemna he chooses. The facts" as given through the Orjrti$in,by Mr. Pipes himself, were read ny many who will never see Dr. K's article. I"did not know"the facts as stated bv the Leader concerning the minutes of 1870. I do not know them yet, only as the editor asserts them. For though now, the custodian of the records, that part of them has never come into my possession, neither have I examined them with reference to that par ticular point. For one I stand by the record as it is, and say "let it speak."Ol say "speedily," lest the "mistake" should become a "falsehood" that thosCminutes" were not. adopted by the special meeting Jan. 49th, 1885, which created them, but were "approved" by the annual mcetinsrof June 8th, 1885. There, now, Mr. Editor do you feel any easier ? , The "older auestions" it seems hav e all been decided. Sorry I have not been reading the newspapers. 1 bought l had noticed every article appearing in the Leader on the subject, but those in which "every proposition contained in my letter" had been answered unfortunately escaped my attention. For my own benefit I am sorry there could not'be an extension on the "short life" of our worthy editor to enable him to answer the following ques tions, via : Did the Dayton Conference authorize the Board of Trustees to surren der the Agricultural Department at any other time than June, 1885 ? Is there any written evidence that the Trustees, or the Conference, ever accepted the change in the terms of the tender as made in the legislation of 1885? But why ask ques lions. Poor fellow, he is too tired and "life is too short" to go over this dreary waste again. The little "mouse" of a"new iHsua" which this "mountain has brought forth" must, henceforth, absorb our atten tion. Albany, lulv 16th, 18S7. WHAT IIK TIHN'KK. Gen. llcatty, of Ohio, a stalwart Repub lican, has this to say of Blaine : "Mr. Blaine is not, by any mean, as strong as he was in 1880, Those who know him bet, and people arc getting to know him pretty wcll.know that heU s political Jesuit, courteous in manner, cordial and plausible in speech, but silent, crafty and unscrupulous in the promotion of hi scheme ; professing open friend -.hip while stabbing secretly, keen in hi scent of money, not particular as to the modes of it acquisition and lavish in its expenditure lu hi own political advancement, brainy and fertile in resources, with an element of meanness so audacious that it does not always provide against exposure. "He wa Garfield ' evil genius, hi de tractor while living, most eloquent eulo gist when dead. He involved hi admin istration In needless and distressing com plication from the effect of which the country 1 atttj suffering. He used the power conferred by a high official position to enforce Ills private animosities and ex ecute personal vengeance. 1 Ic encouraged his following of Half Breeds to strike dow n Secretary Kotcc-r for beimr a Stal wart and thereby elected Cleveland Gov- ernor of New York by a majority of 400,- 000 and put It In power of the solid South to obtain control of the executive office. He will never be forgiven in full for this treachery and he never ought to be. Hi nomination in 88 would simply multiply the Mugwump of New England by ten. these would be reinforced in every North ern State by better Republicans than Blaine ever so. He cannot carry New York.hc couldn't touch bottom In Indians, and it is doubtful even if he could again carry Ohio. In short, he Is a Plumed Knight who doe hi fighting with his jaw aad employ a subatitute to incur the risks of battle. We have carried him on our shield too long ; it I time now to prod him with our spear The people have had enough of irim and hi spotted record.' OOOIi HitowiXtt. It appear from careful invcstlga tion that President Cleveland, w ho I represent ed as the enemy of the soldiers, has ap. proved, within the two vear and five month of his administration, seventy- seven more private pension bills than Presidents Grant and Hayes approved in twelve years, and one hundred and turn . ty sev ?n more than President Garfield and Arthur approved In four years. L'pon the seme careful inquiry it is stated that he litis appointed more ex-Union soldiers to omee than any other President, and he ha approved variotf acts increasing the pension of Union oldier, and of their widows, minors, and relative . Moreover s there have been 1 icMSornore rcnion cer tificates issued In the first two years of the' Democratic Administration than in the preceding two year of a Republi can administration In the ame time there ha been an lncrcae of more than $i6xxvoo In disbursement on account of pensions, and a net gain of 1 5,408 pqa- sioner upon the roll, in favor of the Democratic administration The cry against the President upon thi subject is political. It is an attempt to prostitute the Grand Army of the Republic into a partisan acne v . But intelligent citizens ace that It is not the cx-Confcderate brigadier who are fostering sectional hatr-:d, and attempting to rekindle for a party purpose the passion of the war. OolFJ Parker, of the Walla Walla StiUnmuu. new in England as Commission er of Washington Territory, was recently surprise! by being recognized by one of Buffalo Bifl's Indians named Clean Shirt He was with Col. Parker on a prospecting trip in the wild Salmon River mountains it vear ago. The next year he joined Joseph's hostile, escaped te the Sioux at the last battle at Bear Paw, drifted east to the Paw nees and finally enlisted in the Wild West show, and thus they met per chance, on the other side of Jordan. Milton Eagh. The wheat crop of France i good. It ia estimated that the yield will amount to 110,00000 hectolitres against 105,000,000 in 1886. Russian harvest reports are sat isfactory. The crop is cspeciallv good in Bessarabia and Podolia, doubtful in Volh ynia Minck and Mohecicr.owing to exces sive rain, fair in the provinces bordering on the sea of Azov and the river Don.and exceptionally tine in Charkoff and Poltava. The First Sign Of failing health, whether in the form of Night Sweats aad Nervousness, or ia a sense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite should suggest the two of Ayer's SaraaparUlav This preparation, is most effective for giving tone and strength to the enfeebled system, pro moting the digestion and assimilation of food, ; restoring the nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fail. I was troubled with a distressing Cough, Night 8 wears, Weakness, and Nervous ness. I tried various remedies nro- scribed by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go up stairs without stopping to rest. My friends recommended me to try Ayer's Karsaparilla, which I did, and lam now as healthy and strong as ever. Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used A ver's SarsapariUa, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it ia taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as au alterative, and must, say that I honestly believe it to be the best blood medicine ever compounded. AY'. F. Fowler, M. D., D. J. 8., CJreeuYillo.Teuu. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be impossible for me to de scribe what I suffered from Indigestion and Headache up to the time I began taking Ayer's SarsapariUa. I was under the core of various physicians, and tried a great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's SarsapariUa for a short time, my headache disap- S eared, and my stomach performed its utie8 more perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored. Mary Harley, Springfield, Mass. I have been greatly benefited by the rompt use of Ayer's SarsapariUa. It mes and invigorates the system, regu lates the action of the digestive and assimilative organs, and vitalizes the blood. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. H. D. Johnson, S83 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ft Ayer's SarsapariUa, Prepared by Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, i'rlwi ! J Six 6oit lee, art. N E W Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Ee a At prices never before offered in Albany an N. H. ALLEN CO.. are the ones that are making the offer. We propose to sell goods for CASH AND PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Catalouge m the State. We propose here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co. 57 First Street Albany, HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OP Albany Soda Works, -And Manufacturer of- CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We are sow preired to sell at whole sole, si way fresh and pure at Portland nrtoss to dealers, we aisogkeep a run line ef Nats and Tropical Fruit, OUH CIGAR AND TOBACCO department la com-'-, We keep tue Tory finest stoek of a;.iok..t sc.1 ehewing U.haroo. meerschaum and brier pipes that ia a delight to smokers. Palace Meat Market. J. V. PIPE, PROPRIETOB. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constsntly on hand I af , mutton. p"rk, veal, sausage, etc.. the best meets aod largest variety In the city. Cash paid for all kinds'of rat stock. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! For tho next ninety day I will aell furni'Utn st .oat In orler tn reduce my etook and mske rM.m for a full .stock of hardware. v h'le at th muh tmt 1 will coul in ue to matiuracttife rurni'.nr' at ed roek prices. E. UIUN. Lebanon, Or. L. VV. CLARK, Portr . , Ftotograpber. S.i Irtga y Bpi(illUljn . COPYING hMD ENLARGING. TwelHl'n Bui dl v. ALBANY, - - - OiiLGON. Red CrowriMills (SOU, HNXINti & i0M PROPR'8. tnrw process flour iupsrior for ram libs ANT) BAKKMS USB. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Casli fo Wheat ALBANY i 3R T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AN1V-; Notary Public, 1 SPRING GOODS. Boots, New and Second Hand Store Owing to the increased demands 0 our busliwa we have teen compelled to move mto a lareer atore and ie can now be found next door to S. K, Youne;, wtere we nllbe pleased to see ur patron, if you 1. fed any foc-e, furniture, tinmre, enx-kery, clocks, .csrpets, pictures, f,ttlt j tra, trunks, bocks, roller tka'ee, wddlrs, saw,, etc, aod a theusand dif ferent snd useful artic!s you can not do better thla aid? f Sen Frantlsco than yon can do with us on a purchase or exchange. M. FRANKLIN & CO. 12S First Sneet. Albany, Or. THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLYMOUTH BOOK $3 Pllft. to irlr t ota waullaa lr ""cteti ror sty aad wa ar. aar saw guarantee dan ntoa T pwinptle rfuid, er a a rJr nude. If e M returned as unsOir fcwMorv. DO YOU WEAR PANTS ? Tell u about h' -. rja 'j, .,,4 a. yer S!U, .t, t:, .,, a ue.rr. l-.ttitr ai'S S m.i sr, ets f..r po-ttfr ( " 1 , i,.r .hd pai-sinjj. Or ... "I thUlL.r, bjmJ d y.w. Int.i u i. . i t ) .ta r irt o., ..r V he dffes f-unsi ir. h i .i v-i -- :Ki-ni?r. a et " i .). I :.., ..f (,;.. .per a .v iirni 41 tx cvnis. PLYMOtllh rCG PANTS CO., Sa w i S SStSBiSM r ,,. fthviuft. ., THE: K! -HENT. Bt'IClfitS UM of the kfth SAMAN1NA AT 'SANTOS A '' J (Ilea 'a Unr-. Ii .. . lv vet t 4 e a.n tit.:.! Die thirl . t f .-!..,,), -. ..atoff mmI taaslt hh (olfi.M. tt-r' is i . irwttlas UTMr, 9t., t hr it.-..i .. ... i .. uin ttyte. 'he Sn..k te ir(iMeh iii-.trrc t t .-r. ta ivn-.wnnl -x ; .. . u.- h.i i t. . .ei. Prta tie.. m i. vcvstsTK Ad- dr; . I.. RVMCR-'Kr A CO , ... .. I'raajaja. t t'ti 4 Boardm? School for Boy i ' (rnd lifted hy Mwular priest- ii d lsy r tfbrs. eYrst teroi opens ftrai ., i. 8ep fftncr. srennd icriu open first Monday in Ketrurv.' F.r frrtpctUf adr'reea Nv V. A. K-cktr. Vrni'-ouvur. w. T. Box 103. O.BrWOLVKRTON, o, m, XBVWB WGLVEBT & IRVINE, !T)Ui-AFs AT LAW ( 'hee up Mira m Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON-