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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1887)
tmumt THE DEMOCRAT la IIih treat Advertising medium In (he Central Willamette Vslie. Advertising ratea mad known cn sp plication. VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 86, 188T. NO 4 SUB. TO DEMOCRAT, ! IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. mitts Rights 13 PttKfc8SlONAL I'ARDH. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND-- Notary Public. 41fcy, Oregon. Offlos upstair, o vnr John Rrlra atore, at etraot. rUntttf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY WJBUC.) iTTOUNRY AT LAW, ALBaHY. niRfiOl. ITILL PU40TICB IJf ALL THE COtTRTS OF THK " 'it. Hiatal l'n;("ii v'teen t i'lei-Ute and . ntrois n CM fallow Tmils ft:t I, O. FOWKLL. W. U. WITH' POWELL A BIXYKF, ,TTORNRYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, tl,ttAY. - IRF,flO. OollaoMons promptly made on nil points. 1 . 'ana negotiated in reasonable Urms. fftVOfflo In Four's Hriok rHniSif J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Pablle. ALBANY, 08EG0N, Will praotto in sll of the Court of .UlaStst All bustnea intrant) to him will bo promptly attended to. E. W. LAPtCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, end everything kept In ft first claan Dru Store. Also fine stock of piano aim) organ. ALBANY. OREGON. FOSHAY A MASON, -"wi jr amis- racists and Booksellers, Amenta for Johi B. Aldou's publiontlone, which we eeil e pi biiaher's prions with ptagsadJsd OltKCJOH. DRUGGIST; Stationary, Toilet rticles. Etc. PlItCIIPTIORS C4BEPFLLY FILLED, Open day end night. Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - - . OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Pitted np In flret-ciaee style. Tables nppMed with the loet In too market. Mice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial trave'.era. eWree ark ta aa.l DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. O. r nifiiHT r. a. pr tat-: ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKBS, (SnoBoaaora to C. C. Cherry.) lacMnlits, Iillfright8, and Imr Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all Kinds of heavy work, we will mannfaotnre Steam Engines, Grist and flaw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. r&TTBBMS M4K BOOST XTiCK. Special attention given to repairing all Inda of maohinery. Will also man ufao re the improved Cherry A White Grain eprator ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. Alljkinda of rough, dressed nd seasi ud lumber, laths a pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. KOBWSON A WEST. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given thst the unJr aigned. the An'rr.inifaratrlx with the will auhezed of the estate of James Mady, tit ceased, has QWd In th Coonty Court of Linn ooanty, Oregon, ber final account and said Court has fixed Meaaay (be -ilk day of He plena ber, last, at the bonr of one o'clock p. rn. of said day. at sits Court Haue in Albany, Ore ten, for bearing aaid account and the aet- Uemenl or objections thereto All persona interested in a tin estate can appear at said time and placo. July 11th, 1887. MAKOtHET MaUT, Administratrix, ete. WaaTHRRpnRTMk IlLACKmraf Attornuva lor Administratrix. Administrator's Notica of Appoint ment. Notice is hTby given that the under- f-igned haa beft. by the County Court of I-Inn conofy. "regem, duly appointed Administrator of lie estate of Anrrenious Cary, deeeaaait. All pHraon having :lann ste(nr, id Hs'at will present tbe aamo'.otiiM undersigned, at bis reaideace neir ('iH'tforrifcvill, Liua county pOregu, lu.y rifld in the manner provided by a wititn aix months from thi date, July 29th. 187. m i r.EH Cart, Administrator, etc, V' BATI7KKPOKD a BLAOKBUno, Atty'a for Administrator. Dissolution Notice. Notice l hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between Wm. Port miller and Chas. Qrush under the finn name of Wm. Fortmiller St Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr Brush re tiring. All indebtedness will be paid and accounts collated by the new firm, consist ing of Wm. Fori miller and T. H. Cone. Albany, Or., Aug. and, 1887. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. I am now iteming nay fall and win 'ft stock of Knot a and sin,, I have a, mealy a fitted up Boot and Shoe 8ore, end as complete a "took aa any this side of Portland and vry few better in Portland. I buy aI my boots and ahwe direct from manufacturer and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat ter bow ohap. No firm in Oregon bare any advantage of rn- in buying aa 1 buy in quam hi, and the oash. In ladiea', miaaea and children's shoe, I k-p much th largest, IkmI and great at varioiy in the city. My aim will always to give aa good value for the mnnev as pneeihly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank OF ALB4XI, OREfJON. rjsx a, g. Tot ft; .OKO. K. I'liAMBEKLAl.N Vtaa rVaaideril TRANSACTS A OCNKBAL bardnag buafaaaa. AOCOUSm KEPT subject ta ebsefc. BIOffT KXCHANOK and talevrapbU: taanafar, auk Mew Tar. Baa rrsscsMO. Cblssgs aa Port I CLI.EtTIONHMtroo favvrmbla inatTrnss it. Totras, Oso, K Cm 1 ana la: v L. E Btais, 1. Fuas. Waums B Traasus H. F. MERRILL. Banking an? Insurance. ALBANY, - - - 0REC0U. Hall aaFbaitfa on Maw Tart, Baa Fran -W and Portland. Buy note., SUa enunty sa e'ty war rant a Ba caivt d.KMTlU attbjart ta etvack. Intareat allowed on .iivie K)eii4, CbllSSllfaH will recefre prrvwpt attanUVwi. CnrraiposJaaea soUeitad . FsTOfBoa boors from I s. m . ta I p. m . MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. yy ;! CU1TKR8, ATTKNTIOIf f Nhvtr forget that we always keep In stock a J ill Hns of axea, -eroaa-ent saws, steel ud iro-i wedgee,ledge. maul rings, etO. ?STBW ABT at 8oX. WILL BROS., Dealers In all tbe lieading - Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Opns and Pianos. A full Sheet music, mualoal merchandise, ammunition, nahinrf'tackl ete. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knlvea. THE BEST KIND UF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES. Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sowing machines musical Instruments, gnna, etc. neatly done, ALBANY, .... OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and Marine Insurance WILL CURE Diarrhoea and Dysentery. WILL. CURE Pimple on tbe face, and Freckles WILL CURE Old Sores and Ulcers. WILL CURE Wind in the Stomach. WILL CURE Headache and Nervou Depresaoil WILL CURE Scrofula. WILL CURE Summer Complaints WILL CURE Rheumatism and Gout. WILL CURE Pains in the Bones tad Joints. WILL CURE all Shin Diseases. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AHO CftOOtRt BABY HUMORS And all Skin and Scalp Diseases Speedily Cur ed by Outioura, Our Hit U to 1 will b four ytars it ass n ths t.ith lnt. In May, I SUA, hs ttaokvU wita a vsry psln btl breaking oat ut Ilia kin. Wa oallsd In a ptiral jian wh trealMt him lor about tour wsska Tea chiltl rvoalvcl UUU or uu fond from ih irMtuiaat, a the braliiir out, ijnr.l by the phyaltftau u. k hl In an aaaravatvil fort. haoama larvsr In blot- Im n m .ie and mora niatrwaalna Wa war frpiunilv ablbnal to get ui '.n tha ilht sn.l rub htm with aoda in alr, atnm llniiuauta. ate. Finally, wauvllad nlhcr ihili Una, unl. i u U-aa than aix luut KtUmntad u vura hint, all alike lalllna, ami tha child atoadlv act ling riM ami wona, until about tha tOth ot laat Jul, wlwn wa began toatve him Cutloura Hasulvaut internally, ami ihr truueura, ami ctiiliura ffcmn a toriially, and by tha taatnf AUtfUM ha wm m nearly wall that wa jrlve hint only u d about atrery aHtl day fur about ha baa never bow trvublad siaa iliiav i.f tl enl leu da !noa with the h.irrili malady, to all wa iul Im than otie haif a h.tttlr ut V uueura tleautveitt, a !itt)s leaa than one l of full ears, and only una aka of Cutlcur , II K. ItrAX.CavUi-a. .o li.aet.-n C . III. Mubribait vd wou U MSJM me title fourth day a; January, iff, C. a. nm, 9 1. NCR 0 Uat Iprlna I was vary sick, being e erad with me kind uf acrofuU. Tha doctora iu1d tint heir ma. Iwaaadvlaed to try tha Cuticura Haaulvant, 1 did ao, and In a day I rraw oettar, untu l am aa well SSSVer. I thank ton for It vary aaueh. ami wnuld like to have it tale to la Pdblic KIW IIOratNN, North Attleboro. V SKI1I DiafiAUK ( I'REB. Mr. Frank Mcnuakr aava that ur t.'uUsa:a ad law otuad bla boy l a akin dlaasss altar saewal araaad taiie.1 to bei tna auy, lie aiani var howdran d-dlara with do.Urta, fallcura J' K. Tl KKan v, rUaaant Moattt, la. fnUcura. tha arreat aaln cure, and CuUcura nrcuared frum It. aitarnally. and CuUoara Rsaulvant tha new blood urilar, iataraslly. ara a toaiUv cure for atrery form at akin btaud diaaaae fnm dmplaa to ssreraia. Sold everv ehert, Prioa : ('UtlBara, fiO ran la ; Cu licura oae, U easts ; Cuticura Haaoivset, ft. IYs fesrwd by rattar amt 'hmi-aJ Co., Boataa. fa. "Haw ie Care akta tara." idea, llbw-kheewta. Kkin Btewlahea. and Haby llutuora, aaa Cut leura Spap A Word About Catarrh. It la Urn meeabraa, that mooderful aaaai indlng the deUeata Ueawea of tbe that CaUfTh amass lla atrotu.- it .ate Iniu Um vary vllaia. 1 varv vttaJa. tlsaaaa. eaittaw tba aeaaa of saariaa. iraaasaalitit tha power of apeex-k. deatr..iaf tha faculty sf SBaall, taiat- In tba baa. It aaaasSs the nmfcrsnsM tSsW aa Nothing t tbe Mttsat. and ail alUvU'lvaa ara atssUneUd auBennn, taadlas to a laud a Radical Cure, by Inhalation end by intr. t-aJ 1 ration, haa never faile.1 ; even when tha dla ColLtltU- itnna. haartng. atoeli am' lasts bats beam rac farad, and the dieaae Ihoruoghly driven ovlt." MaMfurd'a ItadUal Curs lis list! of oaa baiUe of tba Radwml Cure, una boa Catarrhal a-Jvent, an one la iitova IneJer, neatly wrapped it. ana packava, with full dlroottaue ; prVt. poller lrua and Che iBBi-al Co.. OH ! MY BACK ! MY BACK! K RUtt 1 1 I !K MIBITK. Ai hi".' bwrke, hlpe. and aides, kidney and asart n peine, In one minute aaalkahllible eaabiu-. u, i-in ami M.-rfl ai! -Irwgf HI Paltar Intg and teal t o,. J. U COW AN. J W. C11K K Lint. Gtanty Bank. COWAN A CD8ICE. ALBANY - - - OREGON. imAMKaOWassasiBl OBAW HliillT DRAFTS on Bow Tart. Bam Free easea rnrtbisll Qisaim. LOAN MO WIT an appmyed sscurHy. RECEIVE datmaiu aubjaot to abort. COLLECTIONS entruetad w ua wilt rsoatva prompt Rnss House. 3. GIBLIN, Proprietor. This bouse is now opsa ami furnished with tbe beat new fnroitare. Kyerything clean and ertnmodious, offering to the gen ersl public superior accommodations to any ia the city. line by that new. oriwtnal. n .n. ih Washington. (FYs si oar ragtusr urraavasasMt I Washington, D. C, Aug. 8th, 1887. Secretary Falrcbild haa Issued a clrcu lar In vltlng proposals for the sale of a Urgr amount of att ner cent United States bonds and 4 per cent bonds,and also Pact tic railroad bond, with a rebate of 1 per cent per annum on the amount prp$ld Explanatory of this action Secretary Fair. child any he thought It the best thing he could do under the circumstances HI purchase of bond being for the purpose of providing for the sinking funds and the anticipation of interest Is for the purpose of removing the aurplu. The Interesf referred to In the order amounts to $22, 319,784 and thealnklng fund to about $JS,- ovi, athlf.i to ihr j(vvavv of t jrr cent bond previously applied to that f find. The Secretary aaya that the surpttta can only he disposed of through the co-opra-tlon of the bond holders, and that if they do not accept the term of hU offer to them, it would appear that they are not greatly in need of money. The Controller of the currency h giv. en notic to the national bank requiring them to ubmlt to him a full statement of their affair at the cloe of business An gust m to default of which they will be fined and the lumi paid Into the United States Treasury the purpose being toae whether these institutions hv their ft nances In proper shape to meet any re quirements necessary In handling this rear a crop. During the month of July 10,316 name were added to the pension roil by the Democratic Administration, whlch.accord ingto Republican partisan, ha nothing but hatred and hoatilitv to the 1'ninn Veteran. , The pension which wa put through by Forger Harvey, a Attorney for a widow, turn out, upon closer be a fraud -and thu nearly $2,000 the last moment, saved to the Government. The Pension Office offers great field for fraudulent manipulation, but the evil doer almost invariably come to grief ; two men have jut been arrested in West Virginia on a charge of forgery in connec tion with a pension cas. Public Printer Benedict's reply to the New York Tribumt't charge that h dis criminated against Union soldier in mak ing appointments or dlsmissalaia clear and convincing to the last dagree.showlng, as it does, that Mr. Benedict Is a true and careful guardian of the interests of the soldiers, for,accordlng to an actual census of the office, taken by him, about on-half of ita employ eea are either Union Veter ans or their widows and children -all of whom are protected in their poeitloua by special statute, but, which the present Printer. Republican predeceaaora ignored when it applied to Democratic Union oldiere -example that might welt war. rant retaliation in kind on hi parttill he has done so but, impartially given, to all wham it is due.the benefit of thi cta legislation. Mr. Benedict has Increased the working capacity of the establishment, although compelled to reduce the force, and has won the lasting gratitude of alt the employee by paying semi monthly, instead of monthly, a wa the rule under the Republican regime. Secretary Lamar' request that the head of bureaus of the Interior Depart ment present their annual reports much earlier than heretofore strongly tends to confirm the general impression that he will oon be transferred to the Supreme Bench. Mr. Lamar would adorn that lofty trihuaal as few men in America could, for. In addition to being the firs' among Southern Statesmen and jurit,hla mind I cast in a judicial mould. President Cleveland savs of him, that of all the men fte has ever met, he believes Secretary Lamar to posses the clearest and mot profound intellect. About twenty patent Attorney of Wash ington who were the beneficiaries of Bacon's generosity with the public funds have been notified that unless they imme diately refund the sums borrowed some $5000- -it will be considered cause for dis barring them trom practice before the In terior Department ; the bondsmen of the late financial clerk have signified their willingness to pay his defalcation when It is certiAed to properly. The chief topic of local interest i the trial of naval surgeon Crawford for leading astray a school girl of thirteen and Madam Grundy i expecting sensational develop ment. The Judge has decided an impor tant and interesting legal point that the case can be tried under the Edmunds Utah Jaw the firht of the kind on record here. I think a conviction rather doubtful, for the reason that one of the Governments principal witnesses has been spirited away, the little co-respondent is in New York, but process has been isued hr her. Mrs. Cleveland 1st gleefully disporting heraelf in the foamy waves of Buzzards Bay on the coast of New England. The other day in the little village of Marlon where she stops, it was noised abroad that Mrs. Cleveland was going to take a plunge in the surf, but, when she appeared on the beach 3000 people were assembled to se the sight,yet I need hardly add they were disappointed. Theutrr Town. An exchange In speaking of Nome of th cities of the N W ns theater towns places them a follow : Port Townsend, V T. Good town to steer clear of. Salem, Or. An indifferent show town. Seattle, W T. Good how can play three nights. Spokane Falls, W. T. Combinations take desperate chances in playing. Walla Walla, W T. Good one night town. Astoria, Or. One night town and indif ferent at that. Dayton, W T. Good one night town. Neither Blaine nor Sherman nor Alli son can be elected President. Ex-Postmaster-General Hatton sees this clearly and admits it. By taking one step after , another in thi direction he will finally arrive at the great truth that the Republi cans who could be elected are all dead. (WKious rAcm A church organ constructed entirely of paper is on exhibition at Milan. A Florid woman ha made a bed quill containing 16,000 piece less than thesis of man' thumb nail. A trumpet ha bn invented for tele phoning at sea.hy which conversations arc aid to be carried on mile apart with no wire. Javelle water, used to remove tea and coffee, grasa and fruit stains from linen is made thus : Mix well In an earthen ves sel one pound of salsoda, five cents worth of chloride lime and two quart of soft water. The large dog kennels at Lancaster have been marked bv mlsnv curious holes in the ground lately Investigation ha shown that they are receptacle for puppies, dug by the larger dogs to keep the little one cool during warm Heather. The city of Pari is shown bv official statistics to have consumed laat year 4,- 000,000 eggs. It also drank 87, faan gal Ions of wlne,3,2t7xxgallons of spirits and l(quors,and something over 1 3,000,000 gal. Ions of cider and of beer, or o,oooooo and over of each. Recent experiments are said to have shown that snail weighing a quarter of an ounce, when crawling up a window, was able to lift vertically 3X ounces, or nine times its own weight. Another snail. weighing one-third of anounce.drew horl- tontallv on a table seventeen ounces, or fifty times its own weight Artificial cloud were recently made for the protection of vines from f rot at Pagny, an the Franco-German frontier. Liquid tar wa ignited in tin bote and pieces of olid tar on the ground near the vines. Large clouds of smoke arose and protect ed the vineyard for two hours. Although the vines in the neighborhood were injur ed by the frost, alt that remained under the clouds were left uninjured. Of course this contrivance can succeed only la the calm weather.but It Uonly in calm weath er that white frosts occur. A clock recently patented in France is in imitation of a tambourlne.on the parch ment head of which is painted a circle of dower, corresponding to the hour figure of ordinary diala. On examination two bees, one large and the other mall,arc dis covered crawling among the flowers. The small bee runs rapidly from one flower to not her, completing the circle In an hour, while the Urge one take twelve houra to complete the circuit The parchment sur face is unbroken, and the bees simply laid upon it. but two magnets connected with ta clock-work meide the tambourine move just under the membrane, and the insects, which are of iron. follow them THK -a mi- u.. Aa observer say a at alligator's throat i n animated sewer. Everything which lodges in his open mouth goes down. He is a lasy dog, and instead of hunting for aomethiag to eat, he lets his victuals hunt him. That ls,he lies with hi great mouth open, apparently dead, like the possum. Soon a bug crawls into it, then a fly, then sever tl gnat and a colony of mosquitoc. The alligator doesn't close his mouth yet. He 1 waiting for a whole drove of things. He doe his eating by wholesale. A little later a Heard will cool himaelf under tbe shade of the upper jaw. Then a few frog will hop up to catch the mt3quitoes. Th m more mosquitoes and gnat will light on the frog. Finally a whole village of In sect and reptiles settle down for an after noon picnic. Then all at once there I an earthquake. The big jaw faUe,the alllg tor blinka oneeycgulps dowrfthe entire menagerie, and opens his great front door again for more visitor. Tha Ohio pot is preparing to boil over again with bad politics and set the ember of ambition to sizzling. Now that Texas has goae "wet, 'V great many Prohibition orators lately at work in that state have dried up. A school-teacher's switch sh ould be a whalebone, of course. It makes the bov blubber. A protective tariff is a tax which a man pays for the privilege of eating food, wear ing clothes and living in a house. a ai It is believed that Tuttle's reputation ha been so badly hurt that he will apply for a pension. 1. v aw- .1 There are two Fairchllds. The big one is Secretary of the Treasury, and is bmy paralyzing the National debt. One hundred and, twelve saloon-keepers 00k out $1,000 licenses in Minneapolis last Tuesday. IVoule lh'tnand Prttteetlua Patent Mettlelats. What are they ? As a general thing they are prescriptions bavins been used with W " great success by old and well-read physic ians. Thousands of invalids have been un expectedly cured by their use, and they are the wonder and . dreau ot pnystctans ana Medical Colleges in the U S, so much so, that physicians graduating at Medical col leges are required to discountenance pro prietary medicines, as through them the country doctor loses his most profitable practice. As a manufacturer of proprietary medicines, Dr G G Green, of Woodbury, N J, advocates most cordialIy,-in ordet to prevent the risk that the sick and afflicted are liable to, almost daily by the use of patent medicines put out by inexperienced persons for aggrandizement only, and the employment of inexperienced and incom petent doctors by which almost every vil lage and town is cursed ; and men claim- 0 a s a a tne to be doctors wno naa oeiter oe unuer takers, experimenting with their patients and robbing them of their money ana health for the stood of the afflicted that aur gov ernment protect its people by making la W6 to reeulate the practice of medicine by bet ter experienced and more thoroughly edu cated physicians, and thereby keep up the honor and credit of the profession, also form laws for the recording of recipes of propn etary medicines, under examination and de cision of experienced chemists and physic ians nooointed for that purpose by the Gov- eminent, before thev are licensed for gen eral use. 'lie would most freely place the recipe f Uoschee's German Syrup and Green's August Flower under sucn laws, had he the proper protection, and thereby cave the nreiudice of the neoole. and avoid 1 the competition and imitation of worthless The Secretary of the Nav has let the t outran tor tne construction of five new navy vessels as follows : Cruiser No. the Newark, i awarded to Cramp & Son for $1,548,000, according to the Depart ment's plans for the hull, and thecontrac tors' plan for the machinery. Cruiser No. 4 to Cramp & Son on the contractor plans for 3i,3co3joo. Cruiser No. to the Union Iron Works, of San KrancUco, on the Department's plan for the hull and machinery for $i28xv. The gun boats No. 3 and 4,are awarded to N. F. Pnlmtr. Jr., 61 C o., of New York, at j4aa each Itoh Lincoln Is spoken of as the rising tar h the Republican part v. He is not a star of the first magnitude as far as good taste goes. He recently made a speecfl at a State reunion of the old settlers of low, those who were there before i8so,ln which he said, "I am too good a Republican not t" take the progre of your state a a reason for the advanced stand vou take In politics." To a mixed audience of cour teous hosts on a non-political occasion, such a remark was an insult, and the re- marker must be a feather-head, lit, dis tinguished father would never have been guilty of such ill manners. The invitation of Gov. Foraker.of Ohio, to Preident Cleveland to visit Columbus haa created great astonishment In Wash ington, and It I even rumored that it has become a source of unending amusement Bt Oak View. Foraker's premature dis charge of opinion regarding the rebel nags episode wa followed by a bitter attack on the President nt the Toledo Convention, and his smoothly worded telegram to Mr Cleveland is considered ludicrous in It bad taste. The following sure and simple remedy far the bite of a rattlesnake I furnished by the Baker City Rtvmtir 1 Take a ves sel large enough to submerge the bittea part ; place in it a strong solution of salt petrecommon saltpetre and wafer then place the affected part in the .olution.and in less than fen minutes the poison will entirely leave the wound. Experience ha sal taught us thia, and we can recommend it to any one so afflicted. There have been twenty two Presidents of the foiled States. Five of them were elected at nfty-eeven,and sl attained that great office before the age of fifty. Three military men past sixty have been elected ; two died very soon, and the other was General Jackson, and he wa but sity- one when elected. Congress will be called upon at Its neat session to provide for a new member of the Cabinet, whose title shall he Receiver and Filer of Invitations to Visit the Cities of the Interior." He will be the hardest worked member of the presidential familv. The first striking clock wa Imported into Europe by the Persian about the year A. D. boo. It wa brought aa a present to Charlemagne from Abdelia,Kingof Peria by two monks of Jerusalem. The word sirloin is derived from the French. It would puxsteourbevt lawyers. however, to tell where the meat we call sirloin i.tcak U derived from. The most cautious man we ever knew was the one who was afraid to buy a lead pencil for fear the lead did not reach clear through it. General 'I "tittle said in a recent speech : " 1 wa once a Democrat.bttt I am ashamed of it." So are the Democrat. General. Please don't mention it. The next Congress haa twenty members who are newspapers men. They should be made a standing committee to edit the ( ' ) f Record. The only time when a woman doesn't object to having it said that she got her foot Into it is when she is trying on a No. a H slipper. People who want to know whether it is pronounced Meether" or '"nyther" will find, if they investigate, that it is either. Dog day are here. The dog that owns this one can hav it, if he will only take it way with him, and no question asked. For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the hair soft and pliant, impart to it the lustre and fresane of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicate Dandruff, euros all scalp diseases, and Is th moat clean ly of all hair preparations. AVrD'Q Hair Vigor has given me M I Cn O perfect satisfaction. lata nearly bald for six years, during which time I used many hair preparations, but without success. Indeed, what little hair I had was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor. I used two bottles of the Vigor, and my head ia now well covered with a new growth of hair, Judson B. Chapel, Penbody, Mass. AID that has become weak, gray. nlli and faded, may have new life and color restored to it by the use of Ayer's Hah- Vigor. My hair was thin, faded, and dry, and fell out in largo quantities. Ayer'a Hair Vigor stopped tne falling, and restored my hair to its original color. Aa a dressing for the hair, this preparation haa no equal . Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. youth, and beauty, in tho a lsJll appearance of the appearance of the hair, may e hair, le preserved to for an indefinite period by the use of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. A dis ease of the scalp caused my hair to be come harsh and dry, aud to fall out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do me any good until 1 enmmencea using Ayer'a Hair Vigor. T,hree bottles of this preparation restored my hair to a healthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it is also free from dandruff. Mrs. E. II. Foaa, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists Mid Perfumers. Perfect Safety . prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily placeyer's Pills at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating in a disordered Liver. I have been a great sufferer from Headache, and Ayer'a Cathartic Fills are the only medicine that haa ever given me relief. One dose of these Pills will quickly move my bowels, and free ray head from pain. William L. Page, Richmond, Va. tf Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver Se Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all lki ia Medisiafc. I NEW SPRING Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Ee At price never before offered in Albany and N. H. ALLEN & GO.. are the ones that are .making the offer. We propose to sell goods for CASH AND only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Catalouge in the State. We propose her after to talk to point, and Give You Prices a upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail Orders Solicited, andsamnlas sent nnnn an plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co. 57 First Street Albany, HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, We are bow prepared to sail at whole ale, always freah and pure at Portland fine a to dealers, we also Keep a run hssaf Nats and Tropical Fruit?, OUR- CIQAR AND TOBACCO department ia oom'f We keep th vary finest atoak of exjok.ata'a.l ebewing tobacco, meeraenaum and brier pipes ttiat ia a delight to amokera. Palace Meat Market. J. Y, PIPE, PEOPSIEfOB. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly cn hand leaf, mutton, pork, veal, aa usage, etc,, tbe beat meats and largest variety in tbe city. Cash paid far all kindeof fartaock. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE! For tho next ninety days I will sell furni'ure at coat in order to reduce my stock aud mske nx.10 for a full stock of hardware, vt idle at th ratnn time 1 will continue to manufacture furniture at lsl rock prleea. E. GOAN. Lebanon, Or. L. W. CLARK, Portr- i Fbotographer. Naa lugs I y appointment, COPYING AMD ENLARGING. Tweedale's Hui'diiig. ALBANY, - - - OREGCN. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANSING &., PROFITS. tmw raocass rtouit supbriob for amm tw A XT) B AKKRA CSB. BEST STORAGF ACUITIES. Highest Pric in Cash io Wheat ALBANYSOR T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT -AND Notary Public ft 1 GOODS. Boots, nn n DUCE rn Hew and Second Hand Store Owing to the increased demands of car business we have Leen compelled to mT into a larger store and we can now ba found next door to 8. E. Young, whara we will be pleased to tee cur patrons. If you toed any stove, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, sarpeta, pictures, fruit jars, trunks, hooks, roller skate, saddle, i saws, planes, etc., and a thousand dtf I ferent and useful as tides you can not do better this aids of San Francisco thsn yea can ao witn u. on a put chase or exchange, M. FRANKLIN & CO. 12S First Street, Albany, Or. THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLYMOUTH ROCK 13 PAIfS. Cat ta srdar frets assoBsa cloths carefully ar'-nia tor atvleaa wear. Bear astr truarantee d -d ma er promptly rfwndd, ar saw pair made, It ara returned as unettat fetory. DO YOU WEAR I PANTS ?l Tall us about what aa r j.m d nsyaw ait. M, mi 1 'aside las; oieas ire. t.g rkhrr wi'a -utd s.. eta, for pasts ( trMid Kpr) sat r It. tie, ir la tha safes at eauti'lee sill ba ajssl sea tM inesMir, w ;.-pt,.rs of i his paper a tor ssla at eix esnts. at litis fepc it ytM, !VJu ! h tletWti .! . ! ut tl PLYMOUTH ROCK PANTS CO., sannatater St.. Saies, Has. THE RIMES? Ill HOROrs SMI ofthf Age is SAMANTHA AT SARATOGA by J last t titen's vrir. imiv ;.t ai efeM ihe'hirl -.1 fah"in s" 4sr't'jre Ufa Mile, S:ni'n. ' -. efa s.. In hsr iniwi'sl.M ..11. K-atnf t . is .r.fu! il'.i-lmte i 0:.psr, lbs Ht f "Puck." m i iiMMteasdy tnti;H' t(.tM n t.itn. Ai !!NvK r'r Ci.. Ptti fUi. Kraattf, drs oo, Ca V I. H3LLY CRS COLLEGE. A toiling Softool for Boys Oottditctod l: wettiar prints and lay teacher. Fir.t H rm ; na fi-i M ml r in Ssp- temHr. Mtrt.l term fit Monday in Farrurv. For nroapectus address Rev. F. A. Iteektr. Vaw-onver, W. f. Box m. e.K.WOI.VKKTOS, O, K, tRTTKB ETON & IRVINE, :-.YS AT LAW ajHftiiu Foster's "Bloek.I ill- K .