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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1887)
Ihe mmt FRIDAY AUGUST 19, 1887. SCHOOL LANDS. Mow They ere Qshasss t In the Democrat of July 29th attention was celled to the fact that under the new law patted by the last Legislature reduc ing the price ot school lands to $1.25 per acre, these lands are all being gobbled up by foreign speculators. As tending to show how these frauds are consummated we copy the following from the "Harney Valley Items:" "It Is understood that the land grabbers have a man tramping over Grant countv examining lands and as fast as he makes a report the grabbers wjj apply to the kf t ft ear. a rt tv sen a Kits en tRa lanAa a a 1 tm.ft m v mi 1 'w uiivih we sasa f va v ihiius - v v 1 e lands ed, taken by the atate as Indemnity school I land, and as soon as that is done applica tions are at once placed on Ale for the lands, which applications and notes, as manv of them are signed by straw men who have never been heard of and these same straw men will assign the certificates and will never be heard of again. It is hoped that the Board of School Land Com missioners will carefully look after these matters and sit down upon such schemes. In Harney Vallev nearly every acre of school land haa been located and after wards sold and now belongs to one firm, and the names of the most of the original purchasers of the greater part of them have never been known by the oldest in- naouants Immediately after the passage of the act above referred to these same foreign and home land grabbers sent their agents to the I . S. land offices of this state to make notes of vacant lands that might be selected as indemnity lands, and to get such other facts and data as would enable them to successfully carry out their de signs. W e would emphasise the hope that the Hoard of School Land Commis sioners will carefully guard the right of Awsa fide purchasers and settlers in this matter. The passage of the law was evi dently a mistake protection paper says j "British farmers are demanding a duty I on wheat as the orice of their votes if I it lfrrntf th win i-. I llk rnnrMtlnii n I ur-n , . , , ., I wfl wr .1 mnn m goou m America, why may it not prove benehcial to the Fnirlish firmer ? Tm if th Rrlt. I a.L. i . . , .N. iwrsmc. snouio p.sce a isnn upon American wheat, our own farmers would lose just as much on every bushel of wheat . . , ' . ., urn iiic iria amounieu lO, DUl IPIS WOUIO ba simply playing the role of England's protecting her "infant industries" at the expense of th American farmer, a protectionist, would be estopped from cry ing out against such imposition, for if England should adopt such a policy it would only be carrying out the lesson taught her by American protectionists. Congressman Wharton J. Green, of North Carolina, says there is no probabil ity of the Republicans carrying North Carolina in 1888, no matter who their can- didate may be. "North Carolina," Mr. ureen says, "U safely Democratic. She as protection Republicans. The Orie ls, moreover, solid for Cleveland. Public man assures us in the most emphatic way sentiment in that state has undergone a that "beyond question the Republicans in decided reaction res-ardine the President I within the past two years. Our people find mnftniti4 Mr HaaM iuk. kl. .J I , " vasssca, uwt MP I ministration is a wise and conservative One. It Suits them. They want a COntin-I utncf of it Th will l i wi I . 7 ' r ' , 1 : J iK.rc.cHom vote in io, out tney win also send a solid delegation to the next convention in his favor." There will be seven Republicans in the Kentucky Senate this winter.two of whom hold over, while five are newly elected. in the House there are seventy Demo crats, twenty -six Republicans, two Labor Union, one Prohibitionist and one district to be heard from. There are enough Re publicans to give Billy Bradley a compli mentary vote for United States Senator, but not enough to do him any practical good. things are growing tropical down in Tennessee where a prohibitory amend ment campaign is going on. Willia Mc Dearmon.a school teacher near Gam betta, Jackson county, found his school house guarded by a mob the other morning, who refused him admission on the ground that he was a prohibitionist. McDearmon or ted another school house, when the prohibitionist was installed as teacher The pupils were divided according to the par ents' views on the question. The Newt, attempting to burlesque Governor Pennoyer, suggests that he ought, at least, to have a saw mill from Oregon to represent this stste at the Phil adelphia centennial of the constitution next month. That would certainly be more creditable than to have an Oregon newspaper with "raised dispatches." There were 59 delegates elected in New York City by the Labor party to the State Labor Convention. 16 of these delegates are Republicans and voted for Blaine in 1884, 18 are Butler and Greenback men 17 are alien Socialists and 8 are Democrats. It would seem from this that Republicans would be as much crippled by the labor votes as the Democrats. An election for member of parliament in Norwich division of Cheshire, in Eng land, last Saturday resulted in the election of Brunner, Gladstoneite, by a large ma jority. Thus is Gladstone rapidly gliding back into power it England. Home rule must win. Capt. Powell, in his report to the War Department, says that on July 1st he had $42,476.84 left of the appropriations for th? improvement of Yaquina Bay. He says $200,000 can be profitably expended during the next fiscal year. It is rumored that James O'Meara has been engaged to edit the Portland Newt. Mr. O'Meara wields a trenchant pen and Will infuse spirit and life into the columns of the News. At the late election in Kentucky Gen. Buckoner. the Democratic candidate, had 674 majority over all, and 17,050 votes over his Republican competitor. Every Republican county in Texas gave overwhelming majorities against prohibi- tlon. At least four-fifths of the voted against prohibition. negroes Gen. Doniphan.of Missouri, who took a prominent part in the Mexican war, died at his home in Richmond in that state on the 8th int. Prof. J. L. Powell, pnee president of the Albany College, died at Seattle Wednes day afternoon. COXTMPTIBLK. Bro. Stltes, of the Albany Democrat, rites to explain, in the last issue of that excellent paper, that the Democrat pro poses to advocate the adoption of the Prohibitory Amendment.but he kicks be cause all the Republican journal don't back him up In the new departure. Never mind, dear brother, let outer journalism and journals do as they may, let your ana luurnais uu as mvj t t . f course be onward and upward from this agaessof iU number of pieoes of coin ex rim, nnmtt vnti will doubtless beloralven hil.ite-1 iu a U iil.ibe in our front window, for the manv years frittered away in folly and Idleness". Advocate temperance with .11 wnr rniM nrdi It in vour dallv SBlSa W M IIIIHIIt 1 BWW - - -M - I ft, ami rnKv.ruil.ui urtui v practice -Kt nrrhii lat in nubile -and ou ill at least have the proud ssthfsc- -. ... 1 , . 1 1 Hnn rt mv nor at nnp IIP r I Oil 111 vuur iUlikt I -,t rw.r.lrtvr ilf-tried to ret into ffood company." Yaquina Ptt. I I A graater numoer 01 ucs, "nucroua . II . . 1 I innunendoes,cQwardlv,eonieinpttnie tungs m ever never eouched tu so few words. We did not rise to explain In our last Issue, nor in anv issue, that the Democrat pro-1 poses p advocate the prohibitory amend-1 4 V ment. Nor did we say anything that might possibly be construed as relating to whether the Democrat proposes to sup port or not support the prohibitory amend ment, hence VanClcvc knowingly and maliciously lied when he said we did. As to the charcc by implication th;vt w u.wc followed a beer-drinking Hfe.wc have only . ... sf 1 to say that no one but a contemptmie aneak and slanderer would attempt to In- )urpr... reputation In thl w.,. No. that we consider it so much a disgrace to drink beer, but that wo do consider it a (or on. to pro.... M. prlv...,, and publicly not to drink it, while doing so all the time. No. foul slanderer, no person lives, or ever lived, that csn truth fully say that the senior editor of the Democrat in all the day of his life par-1 took of lager beer in any quantity small or great. The following is the article in the "last Issue" of the Democrat to which VanCleve refers, and we challenge any candid reader to say whether it justifies the unprovoked attack above : "With almost practical unanimity, the Republican press of the state, either by open opposition or nv silence, reiusc to support the prohtbttorv amendment we mention this merely to call attention to the toct t"1 the Kepnoiu an party nas.ior the fact that the Republican party has,for yeara,proieaaea to oc in ncany s, naun with prohibltlon.claimlni; that all the tern- oerrncc entimcnt, decency and morality I of the land were to be found in that partv. .. . , . . . tne moet solemn plcdircs to temperance Rniihlii'n. that if the v would remain In 1,1,,. U ..m.iIiH,- ui r.irtv " that nartv would I r j- v- p . P.. . ,, a . ......f 1. I the pledae was made to be broken." inc picogc wh mac w ic A DILKMXA. The OrgoaLi views with great party satisfaction what it regsrds s irreconcil able differences In the Democratic party on the tariff question. It cannot conceive how a protection Democrat could possibly remain in the party. if the party in nation si convention should adopt a platform in favor of a reduction of the tariff. But the Oregonian, with much shortsightedness, overlooks the fact that the Republican party is in the same awkward dilemma There are free trade Republicans as well thlr national rnnvrniinn next rear wilt pronounce unequivocally for protection," j aai .1 u sis a sJ I gnu mat IHCJ "Will prCftft pTOlCCllOO national policy as never before." If this U u will nnl thrrm K. enuat differenrea ... .1 BmonK KePUDcn amon8 democrats n this subject f If a free trade Rcpubli- can naoer like the Oresrmniam could suo-1 port Blaine, or any other Republican,on a radical protection piattorm, could not a protection Democrat with equal propriety support Cleveland, or some other Demo crat, on a platform favoring a reduction of the tariff? The Oregniajx free trade pa per, from time to time, without protest or wincing. has supported Republican protec rionists for Congress, and thousands of other free trfwie Republicans have done likewise. Why may not protection Dem ocrats support revenue reform Democrats The truth is that both parties are worried by these differences of opinion on rarious matters that press forward for considcra tion. The labor question, the tariff ques tion, the temperance question arc all pres sing forward for consideration.and neither party is a unit on either of them. But we really know of no one who, by experience, can so well tell how a man may remain in his party while differing with It in princi ple, as the Oregonian editor, for he has had much experience in that matter. An interesting feature of the forthcom ing reports of Pension Commissioner Black will be a tabular statement giving the number of persons residing out of the United States who draw pensions from this Government. The report shows that 824 residing in Canada are in whole or part supported from this servioe. 218 more have their homes in Ireland. England conies next on the list with f 21. The Chicago AWjr.having been accused of lying about Mr. Blaine's movements in Europe, excuses its correspondent by say ing that he obtains his information direct from Mr. Blaine himself. This is sufficient certainly and accounts for the eccentrici ties in his communications. There is one thing about the demand for the President in different places it will have to be limited to the supply, but of course Cleveland stock is at a high premium. Tbe Very Best. D,SCh0saH,TcMeLU ll, I bsya added to my boot und tho stock a line of the celebrated Laird, Schober k Mitchell, Philadephi Fins hoet for ladies, niaaes and children. Ackoewledged by dealers generally to be the best value snd et fittiog fine shoe made. Widths C. D, K, and EE. A child can buy ss cheap as a man. Samuel E. Yorsira, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., Ban Francisco, Cel., i Natu i e's Own True Laxst I ve. This pleas ant (Jiljfornia liquid fruit- remedy msv be bad of Posbay dfc Mason at rifty cents or ana dollar. It la the most pleasant, prompt, and effective remedy known to cleanse tbe system ; to act on tbe Liver, Kidneys, and Bowel gently yet thor oughly ; to dispel Headaobes. Colds, and Fevers ; to cure Constipation and kindred ills. Ths Rarest of Combination, True delicacy of flivor with tru efn(-a.ev faction, has been ittained in tbe famous California liquid fruit remedy, ayjrup of r igs, its piea-ut ut auu benflfjil ef. fcts have rendered if immensely ooDular. For aaia by Fosbay & Mason, Wheat insurance at lowest rates, at H F Merrill's, Albany, Or. Haa and Orcaa Uivsa Away. Ou Jan. 1st, 1881, we will give away a $700 piano aad a 1 100 organ. Bar is the way til get one of them, For every dollars wrth of goods you purchase yea will receive a ticket, when you get rive you may make which, wun vr u moo will bereistersd, up to th ert or Uneasy. Tho 000 guessing uerit to trrn ri -ht number will reoeive the piano, next tu oruau. W The piano, a Bradford upright, 7 ooUvee, toaewoo - t sane, ate., an I the org4u ma ta by il,i,a Hiiir f llliiiiui H ii.i'iiifM l' Inn.. ----- ''-' - " " - may ba seen at the steie of S W Ul wnom 9J w,r Ktrsarv mm tut Mil fcMM. if rv 1 I 1 of im oods of ma will gat M wa-w ww . , h v ith tpiaodid st .) t s-i'eot from. N. II. ALLB!! ft to ,a a, t,o , Albany, Or. I'hrtlrian 11 no froaau Oat That a oontamlnUhig and foreign element In the blood, developed by Indignation, la the cause or rheums Imn This settle upon the senal'.lve aub cutaneous oover lag o the intitule and llgstnenta of the J lnt, causing constant and sklfllug pain, sua aanregattag s a oaiesrenus, onaisy I- no-lt whi.m produce Mtiaoea and a la- tortlos ot the J. nuts. No fact which ex Mtrieacs naa mnsrassn in regaru io Uoatetier Miomaoh Hutors has stronger - . " a . . . J B HVk9l(V t)l M,irl than th la, namely. that ibt ineoi lns of co uprheneire ue tau u in prfHrtilo in the poiaoos ofu 11 u-d to arrest It, since the uiedhdne oen A"'. ? Mtiuation, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder ailments, IMfsaity snu otoer uisoraere, See mat yen got the genuine. . a - 1 at la Urn r. and to the Peiat. Dyspepsia Is dreadful. Disordered Hear Is misery, indlgestlou la a foe to gaed nature. The human dhfelive apparatus la one rthesnoat complicated and wonderful thing" In existence. It is easily put out of order. Urwsvsv food, tough food, sloppy load, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours trreauUr oabils, sad many elbar things wbioh ouKht ntt to inea tnatla tb American people a nation or uyauwptioa ttut tirawo's August riowsr ussauiws ondoriul work la leforiuiug thU sad titisine snd making the Amsrioao pao- pa HO tMuby that they can enjoy tbeyoan enjoy their mmln aoJ baripy. Hr.rn. mber : - No bapplaaaa wltbeot health. But llreeti'a August flower brings hsaltn an l happiaesa to the dys- pwntie. AE vo. r diucaisi for a boitla eenty nve oei IS Etrlleaaeat In Texas. oxcttuwM . esusa I In the Tiotntty of Paris, rasa, by ths remarha Eg"? .of M r" ,J, K ( ;'r. w,h',.w go uelplMM h" oiiM not turn lii bed, or raise bia head ; everybody said be was dy lug of Consumption. Atrial bottl of Or Klna's New Discover was aen aim Finding relief, ho -onht a large bttle and a box ef Dr. King's New Life Piila; bv tbe tttutt he bat takeu two boxes or IMS and two boMlea of i tie Discovery he well and nl gaioe 1 in Hash IBirty- ; six pounds. Trlsl RiHIss tif ths tlreat Ptaoovary tor u niurnpnn tree at roan ay A MaaonV ladiopeasable U lUr Teilet. Darbya Prophylactic Fluid ouras ing, eruptions and inflsmmation of ail kind ; euros iufiacn md or sore eyas relieves p tins from bites or stings or In; aaflta and sore feel ; destroys all taint of Dereperatlon or offensive tmell from the feet or auv part olthe iiooy ; elaaasna and wrdtns ths skin Und ss a dentifrice 1. DU.-in-k tbt. hrMatb ; prervea the teeth and curetooths-he; sore gums and oank er. A Mule or th flu u ta tha water used J '1 ' The Verdict taaalsaeaa W. D Halt. Df.tgM . IlipjO. Ind fl- . j ot w fi n n-n, BU .era the vry nasi remedy Kearv bot tie s-ld ba-. given rhr In avery me man t- is ouie, ami w cured .Y itkuim ,ii,m at IS vm,.1 aramdin" braham ilr. drugiMt, Botlville. Ohio affirms : "lh ni 4:itng m H-ioa I have nrer ban 11.1 lo my tt) ytsrs aapa- pneooe. Is Keo'rtt Buters." Thousand at othnt beve addd their testimony, ibat the verdict is unsnirnous that aJae trie? Bitters do curi all disaaaaa of tha Us-er. Kidneys or B'ood Ooly a half dohar a boule st Fas bay A Mason Drag Store Tbe Pa fraer, Atbaajr. r I have all tha negat vae taken by A B. Pax too and any one can have dual! sea irom weir native by addreaaiog u. at tbe following price : Car J aiaa, $8 fssr onsen, cabinet size, S3 par doaea. boa aours, fd per dozen. I keep the finest oe oi oregon views in tbe west. Cata logue furnished on ap plication Copying and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. O. Cna Far Bale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, Sood outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds, ituated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R ., with the Lebanon branch of the O. Sc C. R. R. Inquire at this office. SM . 1. Baby was sick, w gay. ks hs wMaOuid. .-wdtor( arterla. she Mrtatne Via, aba clang to Casteria, ska sad Ckudeaa, aks gar feem aektek'a aratea Salve. The beat salve la tbe wor'd for Cuts, Bruise. Sores, Ulcers. Slt Kheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Cnspped Hands. Chilblalna, Corn and alt Skin tCrupttons, snd posi tively cures Piles, or n py required. It 1 guaranteed to give perfect sstisfaotloo, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Fosbay A Mason, royai IS POWDER Absolutely Pure. nsssrvariaa. Amarrclef parity. and whetaaanMness. Mora aaoaanfaai titan wt ordinary kind, aad nR bsaeki la er patdfon wfc tha multttaee of lew test, abort VMi&rt.V. m ta or phoapbsia powders. Sowcetrn? osx Herat, XUturw iWftn CO., SssralUfc 1 ii MY Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept in a int-otas Drv tham la a cinmnndl tor. a noagni tnnaa g man mmuy m iu sou vniongo sou AT BOTTOM CASH PRICKS, nod have and am root! Ting i Novelties of the Season la evnrj Hnn ; am MEET ANY quoted la the papers, a? drratirt, aad will take Cash or Merchantable Produce aad will not turn you off whan you gat out of money. itc a id TO TH uk near or TUB LOOT POLLS B rn rm I rm 1 1 I "Ti I I LLL ii r jj LLLL r I I I l I I I ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to ranalnd yen of the dollars yew might bare saved by taking advantage er their elaaa prloaa. NOW FOR THE FUTURE I W. AT. will sell yon and baiter Qualities at lower prices than any ether lira man. Reetify the errors ef the past, aadeaee money la the future by patronising Wallace A treat, Albany, Or. Thompaon, First Administrator's lotloe of Appoint ment, Notice la hereby given that the under. signed haa bean, by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Administrator ef tbe estate of A r men I o us Gary, deceaaed. All persons having claims against said estate will present the same to tbe undersigned, at his residence near Cra w fordsvi lie. Lin 1 na county, Oregon, duly verified la the manner provides by law within six months from this data, July Jtth. 1MT. Mi Las Caanr, Administrator, sea, Wbatst aare ana Blckbcm. Atty's for Administrator. fUTLBBY. In packet knives, batcher knives, earr ing seta, scissors, shears, raaors, ete we keep e very lane aseortmeat. Corns around and look at oar stack. Srawanr M Sax. Notice of Final Settlement, Notios is hereby given that tha undsr slgned, tha Administratrix with the will an hexed of the aetata of Jsmas Mady, de ceased, haa filed la tha County Court of Linn county, Oregon, her final account and said Court haa fixed Monday the Mh day ef taadeashev, t atT, at the honr of ana o'clock p. m. of said day, at the Coert Hause in Albany, Ore- Son, for hearing aaid account and the set ement of objections thereto All parsons interested in said estate can appear at said time and place. July Ilth. 1SA7, Mxaesaar hi apt, Administratrix, ate. WxaTHBaronp A Blackbubw. Attorneys tar Administratrix. Bids for Ooonty Poor, Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received bv theCoanty Court ef Lioa county, Oregon, for boarding, lodging aad doing the lsnndry work for all ths iodigaat paupers now supported or to be supported during tbe ensuing year by said county, for tbe term ef one year, commencing Sept. lets, 1887 Bidders will state the pries per week for which they will board, lodge aad de the Isundry work for saeh af said pa a pert. Far fall psrticnlsrs see terms ef s contract ta be a'goed by the successful bidder on file at ths Clerk's office of said county. All bids to be riisd with ths Clsrk of Linn county, Oregea, on or before Wednesday, Sept. 7th, 1887, st 1 p. m. J. P. Gaunurrx, Ooonty Clsrk. S CALKS. VP h M.VM a laroa ( nf m.i. a be sold en vary reasonable tersna, apaelal Inducements given to farmers. Wrnwajw A Boat. Wood working machinery, shafting, pal. lings, belting aad etc , at half price. Inquire ef a L. Brash, foot ot Ly en Street, Albany, Or. SPRING STOCK -His arrived, Including. Oxxu and Boot and Shoe Sotttt. from prepared to PRICES Samuel E. DO YOU WANT BARGAINS. THEM A. B. McHwain's, you gat the vary beat to pi leas DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., la uaaurpaeeed. BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Cash or produce taken, and prices given that defy com petition. C. B. ROLAND & CO. a NEW STORE AND CONSISTING OF Mens' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Gaps. Boots and Shoes, and line clothing. Choice selections in fancy Summer neckwear, silk underwear, Balbrig gan underwear, Fisk, Clark and Flaggs gloves. The very best make of handsewed shoes, The very latest styles in mens, youths and beys clothing. All the celebrated make of hats in every style. FINE CLOTHING A SPEC IALTY. Remember our entire stock consists of bright, new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair and Square" dealing is our motto. We ask the public to caU and get our prices. No trouble to show goods, C. B. Roland & Co., One door west of the Revere House, Albany, Oregon. HOTEL Fe KBIT, npHE EXCHANGE HOTEL 2ff TnIM I city is now offered for rant on reason able terms For particular inquire of er addresa Jambs Murray, Albany, Oregon. B ARB ED WIRE. A large stock on band and will be sold I eneap, Atao a naa tat er plain gaivsnixea wire for wo ran fences at tbe store of a .a A B a m a a a a TBviW Stewart A Sex. lLOWa Oeue in and see our new stock of steal end ebilled plewa. We oan suit you, both In goods ana prices. Every Russell chill ed plow is guaranteed to ba equal ta any chilled plow manufactured TBWRT. A bOX. LTJE MONDAY GOODS. ringers, tabs, washboards, buckets, ate., far aala cheaper than ever before by tawart A Sex Several kinds ef wringers and aemetbing new in wash eards. W AGOM8AND CABHIA'.KS, Macks, aingle and double baggies, carts, cooxooaras, ana sit ninas or wnecieo ve hieiee. Don't buy nntil yen sea what we ba ye end learn our tha obMpMt to m good n qoallty as Young. 00 TO and quantise. Bis of Dry af OaM on him for your NEW GOODS, Tweedate & Hopkins, DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tin and Cop per Ware, PumDS, Rub ber Hose, and Plumbing Goods. albahy mmm. Some Good Advice. When Getting Tour Spring Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods W nd your Wh) leads, 0 LO TH ING Hew and in style, la nnsnrpeaaed to the Valley. Hia bear stock a -I ATS Ia the best in tbe market, em b rasing all the latest sty lea. In FURNISHING GOODS e Be take a front peel tion, wib a reliable, well selected etoek. His seise BOOTS AND SHOES Are large, because be keeps tha beet, in quality aad styles A SPIENBID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly rasm hem lEvm We wear the Little lied SchoU Umut Shot, and eo do our ei&tete and our cousins snd oar aunts, and if you want them go te the City Boot and Shoe Store where yon will find a Urge and complete asaorttnent or goods in this line, of noerly every grade and rakt', and st prices which will open your eyes. A dollar saved H a dollar rondo. REDFIK l,n I. GREENBAUIVI DEALER IN DRUGS, STATIONERY, ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded DAY OR NIGHT 108 First Street, Albany, Or. J. P. Hail ALBANY, SR., AGENT FcR Oolttmbia Bioycles and Tricycles. Second hand wheels constantly on band. Send for 1887 catalogue, DR. C, WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Offtoe rooms 3 and 4. Foster's Bloek. ALBANY - - OREGON. G ARDEN TOOLS AND SEED- Stewart A Sox keep an immense tock r the any ol garden tools, and are also agent fci oelebraUd Walla Walla garden whieb gave better saiisautiou tbsu sold in Albany last aeasnu. jpOWDSB, SHOT, KTC. Sportmn oan alwavs fnd t ur a splendid line of ammunition of ail b and wa also keep giant and blasting 1 oer, ruse, eta, way to tbe store of Hia Stock o sf;.. mm h & BROWNE LL Leversham. The noted Cleveland Bay Stallion wilt make a fall season at tbe place af under signed, 1 nahe south of Albany, beginning Jnly leu Persons from a distance aaa hav 1 sat u rage for mares. Terms- 3S tgWItanc MILLARD & ELKINS. Sheriffs Sale n the Circuit Curt oj the oat oOrtgmor Linn, County. L Foley, for tbe use of A P Blaekbnro, snd J W Ciaavsr for the are of A P Blackburn, flsiutiffa. vs. George Fegle, Defendant. Notios is hereby given that by virtue of an execution isaued oat -of the above namsd Court in ths above entitled action, T have levied upon the following described real prop erty and seised as the property of said Defen dant, to-wit : Beginning at the northeast corner of A J Richardson a donation land claim, bituattd in Township 13, sonth range 2 weat in Section 4 ; thence west SO rede ; thence sonth to Reu be u Olay pool's donation land olaim ; thence east to the northeast cor ner of said olaim : thence sonth oa said claim Use to the line of the north half of tha south west quarter of Sec. 4 ; thence saat to the east lino of tbe west half of said quarter ; thence north to the piece of beginning, containing 63 seres more or less. Also the following, commencing 00 the west lins of the dons tion land clsim of M B Ward snd Ame is S Ward Notification No. 4000, about 80 yards sonth of the northeast earner of A J R'chardUoo'a land claim, Not. No. 6031, Tp. 13 S R 2 w ; thence sonth 32 reds ; thence in an easterly course 50 rods ; thence north 32 rods ; thence northwesterly to the place ef beginning, con taining 60 acres mors or less, and on Saturday tbe tub day er Aagnat, leaf, at the hour af one o'clock, p. m., at the Court House door ia the city of Albany. Linn cone ty, Oregon, I will sell aaid real property st public auction for caah ia hand to the highest bidder. The proceeds ef sals te be applied, first to the payment of tbe costs and disburse ments of suit taxed at $23.06 and th coats and expenses of sale Second to the pay ment to the said A P Blackburn the sum of 835.90 aad the further sum of $124. 53. with interest on e ch of said sums as th raxe of onoper cent je month from the 13th day ef oapteraber. l?8o Dated this 21st day of JoXy, 837- D. S. abariK, rawr di Sox, Shi