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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1887)
"" " " . ' ' j " ' ...i...-....M..y. SUB. TO DEMOCRAT, $1 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. A dvertlslns. rate mad known on ap plication. THE DEMOCRAT I HlV" I f Me Advertising medium fn the Centra I Willamette Valley. VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1887. no a reWSscMSSSM Stilts Pri f'ftS. NAI. I AKDtt. L. H. MONT ANTE. TTOKNEY AT LAW -AND-- Notary Public. tlUaoy, Oragaa. OilW upstair. ovv John Hrta" aioro, tatrast. vUnatr J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBA!, . tlTIM. FRA-OTICR IN ALL THR COTtRTS Or THE V? SUM. rfn tt :.HcUnJ.t raSae sutler I in O.M Fetlow'a f. 0. row R l.l.. W. R. R1L.YRI' POWELL BILYRU, vTTORMKYS AT LAW, All fUHe.tors in rtianrtrr, ilrint. - - ORlteo. Oollosttone promptly mad on all points, t.oans natroHaf. 1 on reasonable term JTOffle In Kostsr'a Urlck.-t vlanlftf. J. J. WHITNEY, 4ttomey And Counsellor 4t Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of tba Court of .hi Stats. All bnsln intrnstad to him will ba promptly attondad to. E. W. LANCDDN7 DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, nd everything kept In a first el a Drug Store. Alao a fine stock of pianoa and organs, ALBANY. OREGON. FOSHAY A MASON, I) racists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Aldsn'a publications, wbfash we aall publisher's prices with tesUgesrfJsd. ALBANY. OKKOR. A. PRU8HAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary. Toilet rticlet, Etc. rincnnitn cimtuT filled, Open day and night. Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted do iii Arstcl style. Table aupp!! ith tbe t--t in (be market. Hies eU-epios apartments. Sample rooms for eotuuitrHsl travelers, C4Trrt ix'li im a art from te Unlrl.'TO DR. J.L.HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OflScs cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. 0. O nVIRIT c..rrtR4 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Soooessora, to C. C. Cherry.) Machinliti, IiUrigiit8, and Ire? founders. 1 ATE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL v completed, end are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engine. Orlst and Uw Mill Machinery, and all kindaf Iroc and Brass Castings. riTTCKSS M4DE OS SHOKT KOTM'E. Special attention given to repairing atl lsda of machinery. Will also manufuc re the improved Cherry A White aprstor Administrator's Sale of Land. Hotloe ta hereby Riven, that tbe ur.der signed Administrator of the estate of Geo W. MeBride, deceaKl, will in pursuance of an order of tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, dulv made asd entered of record on July ftth, 1887, st tbe Ceurt Honsedoorln Albany In said county on Satarday, Amgntt 13th. ISST, at tbe boor of one o'c'ook in the aftetnoou of said dav, tiell all the riht, title in terest and estate of aid Geo. W. McBrid Rt the time of hi desth in and to tbe fo' lowi:g described r prop rt v, to wlt : Beginning at s point 16.50 chains north and 9.5 chain west of the soutbwert cor ner of Portion 15 Tp. 15, R n R 4 west of the Wlllsmette meridian in Linn county, Oregon ; thnre truth 40 cbsins ; tbenrv north P-W 60" east 40 chains ; tbence north 40 chain; thewe west 40 chain to the plae of tieeinning, containing 160 acre to the hiahe-t bidder. Terms of aJe cash in band on dav of sal. Julv 0th. 1887. J, A. MoT niDK, J. C Powhll, Adminiatrator. Attorney. Notice for Publication. Lend Office st Oregon City, Or. July 5th, 1887, J Notice is hereby given that tbe fol low ins named settler has fi.ed notice of bia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, sud that nid rol 'wilt be made before the County Judge or County Clerk of Lion county, Oregon, at Atbei.y, re gon, on Tetlar. AHMt Vint, 1K8? iz: George Wasttfttiiton, Hom oat aad sn trv N' 42-i8, fof ttie M X of W of frn 22, Tp '0 ' H 1 K He UHtnn- tho follow ino si'n'"- t" pro hi eonttniouK reid-nee upon, ad cnltivstsjn of, eaid land, vz: E Wnut, U IVperliug, C W Kicbardson and P It Bilyeu ail of Jordan Vailey Pod. Office. Lins county, t'rrgou. W. T. Huhwk, Register ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. Alljkinda of rough, dressed and eeastw-i lumber ,latht .. pickets kepi constantly hand- Bills sawed to ordev wi shortest notic Use only bBt Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fall aod winter atook of hoot ami dbuMfc I have aa nioely a fitted up Bool and Shoe Store, d aa complete mock aa any this aids of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy s'l my hocta and shoes iirsot from mauufsoturera and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in b? has aa 1 buy in qnanfities and pay the oaab. In ladies', miases and children's ahoea, I keep tnuoh the lirgaag. bet sud great tat variety in the oitv. Mv aim will always he to give aa good value for the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank OF ALBANY , OREttON. L fLtVX a. c. yorxo Ot.O. K. H MIU HI. MS TRANSACTS A OSNERAL Wnkitix IrsSrSJI A -i Of NTS REIT ub) t to clMxk. SIOIfT RXCBAXOE nd tel.yn.f.hlc trxnwtnr, moU on Vew Vrk, Sn FrwWo. Umc and purtl QRSRaSj (LLEmOVg MADE on trorKI trnx. MMCWU. . R Tonsj, Ok, E rntV3a L. E Btiii. L. Pusa, WLTSk B TVKMLL. N. F. MERRILL, Banking and Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. on N"w Tort. San Kru.-U, aJ Port)t,t Bur ma, 8to, county and e'tf warrsnu. it- BweespasaaaaDjm tocaaea. ii.'crti ..(, mm Colksctioss will netirm pmsipt attnUn. tasssttorf. hoar from tu to . m. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. w ODD CUTTRRH, ATTENTION f Never forgot that we siwsys keen in stock a tall line of axes, cross-cut saw, titsel and Iron wrdge,sledfe, maul rings, etc. st k w rt A Sox. WILL Desleraln all tbe Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line of Sheet music, run ales 1 ma-ohandlM, ammunition, - Ashing taeki ete. Warranted raxora, butcher and pocket knives. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. UNN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sevrin-r machines musical instruments, guns, etc. neatly done, ALBANY, .... OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and Marine Insurance flAlfKOT BE TOO HieHXY BECr.IH!.Mri, AM IT Im TRULY A MARVEL OF THE AE, and no household should be without It. It prevents as well as cure SKIS' flSEARt. .oUT. rUIEU HATIfllf, GRAVEL and all KIDXEY lItEAJEtt, AFFECTED LIVER, HEADACHE, KAL'tsEA, BILE, W!XO, IXDIOEKTIOM, COH&TIPA TIOH, DIARRHOEA and RVREBITER Y, FEVERS avftd AOUR, SLEEP. JbEft81fE(, LA&81TUDE, FOI L BREATH, and every disease brought on SVT aggravated by a disordered Htomaeh. At Is a specific against Contagion, and an efficacious remedy for sudden and severe COUixUM. COLDS, ASTHMA, the FILES, JAU3DICE, etc. It Purifies" tbe Blood, Cleanses tbe Btoxaaeb sad Bowel, and gives the whole system s Healthy sad Delightful Ton. There never was a M-dlclue for the Nursery equal to it, aatt being composed of herb only, It ean be given Safely to infants. It i a triumph In medicine harmless, 7t afflcaclotts. Invaluable in the aaailSesa BABY HUMORS And all Skin and Scalp Diseases Speedily Cur ed by Outioura, Our itu o i will lie rmn 4a on ths tfttk ItMt. In MT. IMA. h sa aiUrto.1 will, a vr Mtn tul brsaklnir out ! lha akin. Wa oaiW In thvl ,uui wbi irraw-l him ltr about lour wort. Tha vlulil raiH'lvitl UuU r m yumi tr in lha araatateut, the broaklujr out, uj(inal bj tba phvalalati W hlvaa In an aojrftvil turti, beuutia laryar lit biotuhm aiil mora ami more ittalrtiii W ro nSHiuaiilly ol.lpMt to gal up In tba ntHbt atl rub hla with ) In waur. atruitrf hiihuaiiU. Otf. Kinaliv, aacalhxt othar ili.vatcisi, unt I no loaa than alx bad atlamptad Ui cura hint, all aliku .aiuo.-. au.l tba hild aUlly vt ltnj wra and worae, until ahuut tba wnh of Taal July, alien wa bagan ro fir a hint t.uiWura Hoanhotit iiitarnallv.aiHl tbe CuUoura, ami Oulloura less a, tornallr, aod by lha laatol Autput hawaaao n.ailv wall ' hat wa gtra bitu only nna tlusv of Uir lU-o.tlvatit. hottt avary aavonil day fr about las day Hassr. and ke haa novar haan trnublad a'.uun arlUi the horrible mUd.v. In alt wa ul law loan ooa half a I...UI ol Cutlfura aasulvant, a UiU law tbau on I. . .f utl mira, and onlr on. eaka of Cullrtira Snap. II K. RYAN, (Utruf. Uitift4 Co., III. anhwrnbnt nd aw urn ua thU f.oith dav M January, lw. C. N. fOK, J. , I 1 III MDBS. Last Hrlnx I wa i i-k, Uiog o4varr.l with noniu kind uf ariofuta. Tba doaaora aouul not halp na. Iwaaadtlaatl to try lha CuUcura ltanlvafit, I did an, and lit a day I graw battar, unUl I am aa wall aa aar. I thank you for It vary stsob. kiid wauld like to bava It laid u lha n ihil. K0W IIOKMANN, jlnrtli, Maaa. fKI HlvHSI I I Ki ll. Mr. Frank MeCluaky aat that your Culkm.-a Ratu ohe t:urd hla bo of a kkiti dlaaaaa aftar aaatal doe Um had tailed to halp tba boy. Ua apettt near ona httndrctl dollar with doctora, Cwiiura Ic ' t urad him. t. K.TIH-ASV, Plassant, Cstkmra, Uta great akin aura, and CuUctjra Koap proparad rroat It, ternallv. and CuUcura Haaolvant tba na blood purlflor. lotarsally, are a poaiUva rura for avery form of akin aod MssT BBSRSS from plmplaa to acratula. Bold ovary whara, Prtea : CuUcura, esula Cu Ucttra Soap, 1S eeuU j Cutk'Ura RaMlst, ft, lra pared by Hut tar and l.hemioal Co., tloatuti. SeiaSl fo, "Mew ta rr Sklat Rtlaease." piaa, Hlackbaada, Kkln illomlabaa, and llaby llnmura, ua Cuuaurasuap. i Word About Catarrh, "It la the mn on, membrane, that wonderful aeml fluid ctiralope eorrwimllug tbe dclloaU Uaauaa of the air aj.J !.od maaaee. that t arrh mahaa Ua atroSf hold titKt ejMb.ifced, it ala Into Ua vary hum, and tandem lib but a longdrawn brwath of n.u-r v aod dtaraaa. dulling tbe avnaa o bearing, trammaltng tbe p-.wer d aach. destroying tba faculty of atn.ll. udnt tog tba breath, and kiidng the aeSned fdaaaurta l taete. loal.llouao. by craeptng oo fnsa astotpta ould in tba baa-1, it asttulla the uientbran30 lining and onrttopts let bone. asUsg UtroSwU tba AalMseS oawa ami cuai.g iuaamiualion, aloo ,hilw and loath. .lhti. Miori a fital cralw-aln will to Ue SSSSSSk ano all alletla'lraa ara ateafdy pro craatiiatailauSatinga, lenllog to a fatal tanuinallou. M.of rd'a Kaul aJ Oara. o loba'aiton and ! InlrtraJ admioieuatioii, baa ne er (ail ad ; even when tba dle aaoa baa utade frtghtlul turunda on 4atal conwiltu tio.ia. bearing, aataJt ant taete bava bass recovered, and taa diaaass Utoruagbly drlvm out." baaford'a Uadbml Cara eSaSBRa sj on batUa of tba Roltcal Cura. oaabna Catarrhal a dvent, awl ooa Im i.oed Ifcaler, naeUy wrappad It. one pwekaga, with toil dtra tin ; wuv il V .Mar and t lmiu. On.. OH! MY BACK ! MY BACK! a it.iut n uit ric. ti-hln f tiull hi.. U..I .l.lM h ' . i.l.-f. . .. ...Vhm, ....I l.tLwiMlLn. rhi j.lic. tiauTdV, aclaUv. euddaa. abarp k.J ! ui .., .. ,-ti,, .Me and etraina rTr, . i i aai, elpgnoi and infaJiibla aoteSSt to pain ami iiiHeiutiot Oon, the t'alirara fair, riaalar. 6ata ; 'forfl j all dm or V Iter Uny aJ C ical Csw RSeVm, J. L. COWAN. J W CVHItTK Linn County Bank, COWAN 4 OtffifCaL ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a generel banking bualnasi. DRAW 81QHT UKATTS on Raw York. Saa fras daco asd fort bind, Oregon. LOAX MO.-t R Y an approvad aarurity. RRCCIYC dapoaiU aubject to rbeek. COLLKCTIOMS euUuelad to as wilt racwiva prompt aawsa. House. OIULIN. Prop rietor. Tnte boose in now opeu and fsratai ed with tite beat new fornttare. Every tidng olesn sod crtnntodioas, offeriog to ths Rsa eral public aaierior rcommodationa to any ia the city. BROS., family, on the road, st the mate, at sea, au.l 7 Wiiihitigton- (Pram our regular osiraapssasst. ) !Mm - ii Wahhinoton, 1. C, July asth, 1887. Prcaideftt and Mra. Cleveland, have re turned from their pleaaant tour of north ern New York, looking and feeling all the lirttcr for the delightful outing and cordial reception throughout the trip, but more especially, at the bovhood home uf the President, where hl old friend and neigh bors eagerly thronged about him, glad to honor the man, w ho had rUe n, tike a me teor, from the humblest to the proudest poaltlnn on earth, and who greeted each and alt with a good word and a kindly mile of recognition. At the White is not yet known what other summer plans the Prettder.t hat arranged only the Atlanta visit hi October having been positively dechufd upon -but, 1 do not think he can . refuse assent to the importunities of St. Louis, Louisville, and other wctem ottlea. Souk alarm was felt at the White House he other day at the discovery that the laths and rafters. In the southern portico were decayed, and It wa thought that the mansion was In danger of a collapse, but an examination has dispelled alt fear, aa only slight repairs will be necessary to stay the defacing hand of time. 1 learn that the Administration regards with the liveliest satisfaction the delibera tions and nominations, of tbe Ohio Demo crats, and, that the President feci that his course has been substantially endorsed. The receipts of the Post Office Depart ment for the third quarter of the last fis cal year were t ,ti p; ; expenditures, f 13.a73.e08 ; deficiency $3dopo? 1 ; but the latter will per hap be reduced to about $10,000, by the receipt from international money orders. A comparative statement of the business of this Department for the first three quarters of tbe years t sn c v, s;. show that the receipts have constantly and largely increased and thai there has been a corresponding decrease in the de ficiency so that it is very probable the Post Office Department will he on a self, sustaining basis in a year or two. The count of the cash and securities in the Treasury which began two months go -incidental to a change of Treasurers has been completed and found correct to a cent, with the exception of a deficiency of $2.40, though a formal report will not be made till next week. In reply to a great number of Inquiries, the C'oinmisaioner of Pensions replies, that, under the Mexican Pension Act.pen aions can be paid from the date of the passage of the Act, Jan. 39th, 18S7. only when pensioners were sixty two year old previous to that date ; In the exceptions rule, tbe payment will begin on the dsy when the pensioner is 6a year of age, un less in cases of dependence and disability. The Secretary of the interior ha won additional claim to the admiration of tbe fair sex by the important ruling that mar ried women have the right to enter and buy timber and stone lands under the taws governing the sale of such lands in several of the State sod Territories. There was no surprise In the Interior Department when the resignation of the chief clerk of the Patent Office who is one of these n railed "indispensable" Repub licans, holding office under a Democratic Administration, was announced, lltough the Wahingtnn newspapers cither sup presses or uere proton ml I Ignorant of the real reason, which was the Chief Clerk's relation to tite Bacon defalcation It being the former's duty, under the law of the United State, to examine the. ac counts of the financial clerk every month, and certify whether or not they are cor rect. And the Chief Clerk regularly cer tified to the correctness of the Financial Clerk's accounts, for four year the latter being a defaulter atl of that time. And no sooner Is the Chief Clerk shown the door than he essays the difficult task of "white washing." his corrupt associate in office if in nothing more. There is no doubt but what the various Departments are literally honeycombed with Republican rascals and thieves who should be sent on with Forger Harvey, who will serve his country twelve years in an humble capacity at Albany. In one of the Departments, a certain profninent hold-over Republican, has been so urgent in insisting on the destruction of some of ficial papers that lie ha been placed un der surveillance as a suspect . because such great solicitude must he of much signifi cance cither to this individual or to his associates. Most men are content with holding one office, but I know of several, whose ambi tion cannot be bound in such narrow lim its, Vid as my intelligent friend, the read er has divined, these gentlemen are al most invariably, Republicans, as a good Democrat is generally satisfied with one office. I was led to these reflections by contemplating the easy grace with which the Hon. Carroll D. Wright, holds the Federal office of Commissioner of Labor, to which he was appointed in 1885, by Ar thur, and the State office of Com missioner of Labor in Massachusetts. In the last live pigeon shooting match in Louisiana, the contestants, with an ception of two, used assumed names, and "one of the crack ehots" stated to a writer who communicates the information to the Picayune, that he would never again in dulgc in the cruel sport, and that he be lieved the last match in which live pig eons would be u6cd had taken place in that section. At the .tt li of Juhs celebration in Dan villi III., Miss Maggie Lingenfelter won a fine tirev pattern by harnessing a horse and hitching him to a buggy in less than two miuutCK. Another woman won twen ty-fivc y.-mls of carpeting by showing up B family of thirteen children, eleven of them under 21 years of age. She is the wife f a M iliodist minister. The dignity mid popularity of agricul ture have been increased bv the improved tock on the farm, and increased profits therefrom arc a strong attraction to the farmer with a business turn of mind, The average business man of the city is arabN tiou to become u fine stock-breeder. PATRIOTIC?. '- i . Harrow Post.No. 194,0. A, R.,of Mount Vernon, Indiana, has passed the following resolution which shows the good sense of It members ; Wiikrkam, The Presidentof the United States has accepted an invitation to he present at a meeting of the National Bn campment of the (i. A. R to be held at the city of St. Louis In September nest ; and, Wiirrra, He has Iteen induced to with draw hi acceptance of the invitation by reason of dUloyallty and threatening lan guage by certain individuals, who claim that there is not enough mom in the city of St. Louis for the President and the G. A. R. to be there Rt the same time ; there fore, be it YsvW, That It is the opinion of the members of this post that all individuals whose tanguage and acts contributed to this result, If members of the Grand Army of the Republic, arc guilty of violating aecttotis 4 and 5 of article 6 of the rules and regulation-, of the order, which read as follow : "Section 4, conduct unbecoming a soldier and a gentleman in hi relation to the Grand Army of the Republic ; section 5. conduct prejudicial to good or der and discipline :M and they arc further of the opinion that all said individual whose acts caused or induced the Chief Executive of the nation to withdraw his acceptance of the invitation to be present at the said meeting of the National En campment are guilty of disloyalty .and are a reprehensible as were thote who en deavored to prevent President-elect Lin coln from passing through Baltimore on hi way to Wahlngton for inauguration In rSi. and deserve like condemnation. WaXL MA I It. "By the will stand repeating that Douglas county 1 happy, prosperous and contcnted,llkewise the state of Oregon and United States of America, and all are en joying the rich blessings of Democratic admlnlstrarion." Roscburg Rrvkrw. Tite Smmdtty Mtrcwry aays : "The civil service reform commissioner of this state take a peculiar view of the duties, which devolve upon them. It would be interest ing to learn, from them, the nature of the charges brought to bear to secure the re moval of any Republican official, who has been displaced in Oregon before the cv piration of his term. The civil service dodge is an arrant humbug. It serves flimy pretext,through the mean of which President Cleveland makes a cheap display of non-partisan patriotism." Really we were not before aware that thi state had any civil service reform commissioners. We would tike to Inquire of the Sirrrtiry what Republican official in Oregon whose tenure of office 1 governed and regulated by the civil service law has been removed from hi office before the expiration of his term. We would ask the Afrrcmry to name the offices in this state that fall within the provision of the civil service law. There Is a huge amount of ignorance in the land on this subject. A few day ago an engineer on the Bal timore and Ohio road, while running from Peerless to Marengo, observed a large black object lying near the track, ome where near Culver's wood. On nearing the object it moved to one side, raising its head a high as the tender. The engineer saw that it was a large snake, but could not tell its length. Arriving at Marengo he spread the new, and soon a great many were on the chase. The snake was pursued for several day. It track could be plainly seen In many places. Through the meadows it broke down tite crass w s leaving a trail . in crossing the road it would spread the dust, making a track eight inches wide. The monster was Anal ly seen about three miles west of Sparta, o . and killed by Dave Hunt, of Bloom field, by being shot in the head. The snake measured 17 feet 2 inches in length A Palermo correspondence of the Stcolo gives an account of a panic accompanied by shocking consequences, which was caus ed by a priest In Canlcatta. After a ser mon, in which all the hprrors of 'the In fernal regions were depicted to his flock, he caused a black figure provided with horns and tail to appear suddenly. The women and children shrieked In horror. many fainted away from fright, and two children were trampled to death by the fleeing crowd. The men were about to lynch the priest, who, however, made his escape. The Milan paper vouches for the accuracy of this report. A successful balloon trip over the Irish Sea has been made by tbe well-known Eng lish aeronaut, Mr. Simmons. He started from Preston for a short ascent,but a con trary brecie took his craft directly over the channel, somewhat to the aeronaut's dismay, as he was neither provisioned nor provided with apparatus for keeping afloat ifthebaloon suddenly descended in mid channci. Happily the wind landed him safely in Ireland, at a farm at Ballyboden, Rathfarnham, seven miles from Dublin, after six and one-quarter hours' journey. Two visitors at Marshville, Wis., live to tell a wonderful story of lightning. One cf them was struck upon the shoulder, the current passing down his leg and through the sole of his shoe, making a clean-cut round hole in the leather and entering the floor. The other was likewise struck on shoulder and the fluid passed out through his slippers, making six clear-out holes through the toe of each of them. Apropos of the weather, It is instructive to know there are about 7,000,000 pores in the human body, and that each pore fs a quarter of an Inch deep. If the pores are hitched together in one string they would reach a distance of twenty-eight miles. When you remember that twent-etght miles of drainage i bringing its sewage to the surface of the body tite necessity for frequent baths this weather ean be ap preciated. The Southern Oregon TrnHscrifl pub lished at Medford,comes to us replete with local newt, and crisp pungent editorials. Success. . v tTRRKMT KVEXTS. Since one of the proprietors of the Eat ureganian oceanic postmaster, mat news paper has discovered that when newspapers go astray the newspaper offices, and not the postinastcta, are to blame, host rortlantl women should learn to swim as well as men. Read the follow ir,g from the Walla Walla journnl : Thursday, while Misses Minnie Swluler and Dora llobson were bathing in the Columbia at Swltzler's Is land, the undertow carried Mi Dolon off her feet and out some distance into the river, and although Miss Switxler swam as rapidlly us possible, her friend sank Itefore she reached her. As sosn as Mis Dobaon came to tbe surface, she was caught by her brave companion, who, although nearly exhausted by the struggle, brought the un conscious girl safety to land. A 8a ism paper its bsso very much troobl axl ovr Mr Wtt directory, now being pub tislied. For its iufortnsti m we will aay that ths dirsetory has n -t bn t su-d ,., ai we ought to know as reoab u--u it as a Ha iem piper. Wbn issued tt will contain a list t ths rsaulauta uf Aissy sud ft to Ordissn ess of thee ty. for wtiiett Mr Wstts will get SO cents a psga. a division in pro; Itoiwaso theeitr and W. as it is a corvttf.tce to both. The dirsetory which tl: AUm paper was informed about probably on of the tax ptyrr of the county issued eeveral mosttia ago, whtr-n had 00 c-m-teotioo with this one. The following from the Heppner Gutette Is tiuite cute 1 "An enterprising cltisen will look over this week's copy of 1 1, is nap kin and be disappointed. He wil! be hunt ing for a personal society item about some of his women folks taking an out door trip for their health. He himself wrote the Rem and sent it In. It wa written on the back of a bill-head, and the bill head was printed In Portland. So the gentleman can go to the same place for hi personal puff. He say that the ladies requested him t write their item. They should now request him to have hi bill-heads built at his home print shop. There is no compulsion about his doing so, and no compulsion about hla village paper giving some of Rs space to his person! use. But sauce for the goose can be made sauce for the duck." The Atagmtim of Amerkmm I littery for August comes. u the front, as usual, with charming and Instructive articles. The ! leading paper Is an account of the "Presen- lauuu 01 1 1 , ivrvui. ooip ivrwiuw w mi Queen of England by the President of the foiled .State." in the year 1856, written by Dr Fesscnden N Otis, Secretary of the ei pedition. "The First Newspaper West of the Alleghanie" I the second article, from the pen of the accomplished Kentucky writer, William Henrv Pcrrin, and It 1 ad mirably illustrated. A shorter paper it The 'I -a l robe lorn-ekalk Columns' In the Capitol at Washington," bv Eugene Ash! on ; thi I followed by one of the ablest studies of tite season, in "The Origin of the Federal Constitution,' by Professor Francis N Thorpe, of tite University of Pennsylvania. "Indian Land Grant in Western Massa chusetts." by Mr E W Canning, of stock b ridge, i excellent TIms editor adds a pleasant chapter. "A Love Romance in History" ; and Judge William A Wood contributes an engaging sketch of "Lafay ette's Visit to Missouri." Among the con tributor to tbe varied department are : Rev Dr R 8 Storr. Hon S G W Benjamin, Professor A (i Hopkins, Rev W M Beau- champ, Edward F de Lancey, Profesor OMver P Hubbard, Mis Rose Elizabeth Cleveland. Col Wm L Stone, Col Charles Idvard Nortonmd Geogc William Curtt,' Subscription price, $5 a year in advance. Published at 74J Braadwav, New York CWv. The B01ielt' Item. Following is the way the Salvationists here "dish up Albany in the last War Cry. The account make interesting reading In a measure l Alhanv. Two souls. New brooms are having a sweep at the devil and sin -a would be suicide gets saved. I evening while sitting in the barracks a few minute previous to our street meet ing, the doot flew open and a peer drunk ard came sia-germg up the aisle, I met him half way, look him by tite hand, and inquired what was hi trouble. One look at his face told the tale. We got on our knees, and stayed there until .he got -what he came for. Number two, the Itailelujah baker, said, 'The people used to call me 'Louis, the Crank,' but thank God, they can't say it any more, because I smile all the time, now. He says that while under the influence of liquor; a few months ago, he attempted suicide by shooting himself with a pistol. 1 had shot mvaelf and was waiting for death, when I began to think about hell, and felt sorrv for what I had done. All my sins seemed to come up lefore me. 1 wanted to live then, because I knew I should go to hell if I died." Thank (lod, he got well again, but better still, got hi sins for given ; all glory be to uod : Ueep con viction is resting upon many. The two hallelujah homshclls, Cadet C rt s for Lieut Cnappci. AVCD'C Sugar-coated Ml Ltl O Cathartic If ths Liver be- Q I Q comes torpid, li the rllss kW s bowels are constipated, or if the stomach fais to perform its functions properly, use Ayer'a Pill. They are Invaluable. For some years I was a victim to Liver Complaint, in consequence of which I suffered from General Debility and Indi gestion. A few boxes of Ayer'a Pius restored me to iterfeet health. W. T. Brightney, Henderson, W. Vis. For vears I have rolled more upon Ayer'a Pills tbau anything else, to Regulate my bowels. These Pills are mild in ac tion, and do their w ork thoroughly. I have used them, with good effect, in eases of Rheumatism and Dyspeiwia. O. F. Miller, Attleborough, Maaa. Ayer'a Pills cured me of Stomach and Liver troubles, from which I had suffered for years. I consider them tho best pills mode, and would not Ikj without tueiu. Morris Gates, Downsvillc, N. Y- I was attacked with Bilious Fever, which was followed by Jaundice, ami was so dangerously ill that my friends despaired ot my recovery. I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and Boon regained ray customary strength and vigor. John 0. Pattison, Lowell, Nebraska. Last spring I Buffered greatly from a troublesome humor on my side. In spite of every effort to cure this eruption, it in creased until the rleah became entirely raw. I was troubled, at the same time, with Indigestion, and distressing pains In The Bowels. By the advice of a friend I began taking Ayer's Pills. In a short time 1 was free from pain, my food digested properly, the sores on my body commenced healine, and, in less than one month, I was cured. Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ga. I have long used Ayer's Pills, in my family, and believe them to bo the best pills made. S. 0. Darden, Darden, Miss. My wife and little girl were taken with Dysentery a few days ago. and I at once began giving them small doses of Ayer'a Pills, thinking I would call a doctor If the disease became any worse. In a short time the bloody discharges stopped, all pain went away, and health was restored . Theodore Esling, Richmond, Vs. ft v Ayer's Pills Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Aysr Co., Lowell, Mas. Sold Ivy all Dealers ia. Medietas. NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Ee At prices never before offered in Albanyan N.H. ALLEN GO.. are the ones that are making the offer. We propose to sell goods for CASH AND PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Oatalouge in the 8tate. We propose here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail orderslsoli cited, and samples sent upon ap N. H. ALLEN & Co. 57 First Street Albany, HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OK Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers uf- CHOICE COKFKCTIOim, tVs ore sow prspsrsd fo sell st whole sale, always fresh and purs at Portland prtees to dealers, we sisoTkeep a tun fins sf tf ut8 and Tropical Fruits, -OUR- CSGAR AND TOBACCO department is eons' 'fas. We keep ths vary nnsse atoos of ajox. a an.i skewing tobaeoo, meerschaum and brier pipes tbst is s delight to smokers. Palace Meat Market. J. T. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, Ot?. Will kep constantly on band leaf, mutton, p- rls, veal, sanaase, etc. tbe test meats and largest variety in the city. Cash pa'd for all kind of tatsock. HARDWARE ! ; HARDWARE! For tho next ninety dsys I will tell furui ure at cott in nnlet to let.uce my tork and mtko r m for a full stock of hardware, vv hile at tho m time 1 will continue tu manu'aetnre fu mi me at bed rock price", K. (JOAN, Lebanon, Or. lea W.CLARK, Portr v ' Photographer. Ait. tugs I y nppt'iiilui'-ir, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweeds'"' Bui'din. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNIXU & CO., PROPR'S. NRW PROCESS VLOVR SUPERIOR WR FAMILIES ajan baker nam. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest Pric in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY.:) T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -and-; Notary Public- 4 New and Second Hand Store Owing to .he Increased demand of our business we have teen compelled to move into a larger ttots snd we can now be found uext door to 8. E, Young, whsrs we will he plaWto see cur patrons. If you i.eod any stoves, fu rait ur, tinwsrs, crockery, clocks, carpels, pictures, fruR j irs, trunks, books, roller skates, saddle, saws, planes, etc., and s thousand dif ferent aud'ueeful at tides you can not do . belt, r this aids f San Pranstsoo than jsu ean tin with u on s purchase sr exchange. M. FRANKLIN & CO. 123 First Stiewt, Albany. Or. THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLMOUTH HOOK 13 PACTS. Cut in anlar fma amotas --ltha carefSl' ac'tad ? r "! aud ar . Ivery llr guarantee len t idm- ar ptaHJr rafnnasa, or a new naJr , if o-ie ara ratu ma-1 aa unatte- ractry. DO YOU WEAR PANT8 ? Tall a an't what ao -r "vM it a, im! tut your alts, hit, .n (wide ! wavira, taefcer wtS tS vxt 85 c a, tr r It) l.r. t,i,l .TnriH,) .t t' ,"'E- Orsa. . i , us, or . tbeoffce trVar, . a.mbaeaa- d Tt S; UM'thtt tim titpa-maafura, a a ha i iiu;f vr,t! t Hi the ,r.., i tot ! thi. paper a ksj hei Meiae ptcVa f ,t ae ,r. f, ttlM, PLYMOUTH FOCX PANTS CO., lKMeUra-r (M. RUH,lMa.. - THE RhUlST HI'MRtirs of the age it SAMAN1HA AT SARATOGA fcy e!kla Allen Wlft. v ke. Holly spou .1 ' -t .mij the hicl 'tftekkinn a &araV.a ikaa fit its loltta. ff.rtaUHM, tow eck lrsitiu 'UK tteRS, t, i her Inloti'SMs urtti-?rve.k.m tv o. i he ho.k i pr.ifttfc-lt tl.mrt.l h tpar, ths vit-wmd s tit t' P.tV ft" I c t Im enfi' Pn.vjtt.-0 .;. i.t Ultrsttl l S Ad 'ttvej. X, t,. U V. U l?V X t. 'i,, tVn. S ,t. rraurh :t. I'al t Mvihu S;-hooi Its: Bm ! 1'ondu-tn i f.-.iHt j-'i -t an i lay r ae1!fS l"1r.f i r.i ; M ; ft'-,' v ri Sap , i,K,.r '.(.,!, 'ii ,ihMwA-v' n-'ay t't fsrttarv. Fr irii. xd.irvss t.v A tU)Vr. '.uvt-r. w. T. Box 103. 0.X.WSI.VRRT0N, 'I W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, A l'T H Si K YS AT LAW W- Hjtee up Mairs in Foster's Block. , ALBANY, ORlfiON. x vr note Hi nu snnau.ui sitrvcconav