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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1887)
. " . - - - '""'""wwHiHMMMlllMnMSMMM TO DEMOCRAT, IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. THE DEMOCRAT Advertising fi.esliom Ie tbe ('enfmi WJlieiaette Veiiey. Advertising rales made known on ap plication. VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, ORECO FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1887. NO 1 easaBSBkj r L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTOKNKY AT 1 AW AnU-- NTot iry Public. !!. jr. OrfeR. upstair.. John Pin' tort. .! street. vl4n2Stf J K ATHERFORD , vi'tHV ITMl.h .) . r rOKVK Y AT uw, tin IVY. eKKVSJM. fTiUL PRACTlCt IN UUTUS(XURTSOrTHK f ias s(e.el attention given U ; ait.) In Odd F. I low's . O. fOWiU. W. H. ILYaW POWKliL & B1XYEU, vTTORnkYH at law, a .a . , m Ma 74iifiiom in rnairerr, HRiWY. . ORgfiON. 1nllaeinns pronontlv made on all point. 'n nasrotis' 1 on fvmhio tarrne. rofln( tn Poater'a RHok.-taa, vHnlftf. j7j7wnitney9 attorney And Counsellor it La? AN IV Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in ail of th Conrta of .blaState. All bualnaaa Intrusted to him will ba promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in a first class imi 5 All ilsoafine atock of piano, an ALBANY. OREOY. FOSHAY & MASON, wnMkM". ass Draggistsand Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden'a publication., wnien we sett m pitiittere pneee wit:i 4 LB4NY, 0BK60N. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticles. Etc. riESrilPTIIlfl CAREPCLLT FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. fitted an in finst-clsss style. Table uppMd with the bea in Ike tear feet. If lee alee p or apart mnte Sample reome for commercial traveler.. the eltt FURNITURE. have ike beat atock of nrmtare in the city end will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only aioek of WALNUT FURNITURE 1 u the city and tba lot price In the Valley. Come and Undertaking, 4 oemplete stock and can give HAT18 F ACTION. Try me, A. B, WOO PIN, DR. J. L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Omoe oor. First and Ferry Streets, All ANY - - OREGON. 0. a OHKKRT. O.B.PVRKB4 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) MacMniHts, Millfrights, and Iror founder. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines. Grist and lew Mill Machinery, and all kinds Iror. and Braes Castings. rATTKKSa M4B ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all lada of machinery. Will also manufac re tbe improved Cherry A White Omin eprator Administrator's Sale of Land. Notice is hereby R'ven, tbat the ucder atqned Administrator of the estate of Geo W. McBrid-j, deceased, will in pnrsuance of an order of tbe County Court of Linn eonnty. Oregon, duly made and entered of record on Jniy 5tb, 1887, at tbe Court House door ia Albany in said county on Batarday. Awtmrt 13IB, 187, at tbe hour of one o'clock in tbe afternoon of said da r, sell all tbe right, title in terest and estate of said Geo. W. McBride at the time of hi death in and to the fo1 lowing described real property, to-wit : Beginning at a point lrt.50 chains north and 9.54 ohaina west of the southwert oor nor of flection 15 Tp. 18, Sol R 4 west of h tAMIIernotto meridian in I, inn countv. Oregon ? thence m nth 40 cbsins ; thence north 80 50" east 40 chains ; thence north 40 chain. ; tben'-e weet 4" chains to tbe place of beginning, containing 160 acies. to the higbeH bidder. Terms of sale cih in hsnfl on dv of sale. July 9th, 1887. J, A. MoPrtiDB. J, C, Fowhxl, Administrator, Attorney. RECTANGULAR AND BaRREL CHURLS. The Isrgeet stoik ever carried In Albany and will be soM at lower prit-es than for merly. We want ail butter makers to ceme and sen them 1 i v ) ' A Box. TT ABIES, LOOK HKRE. We want you to remember that we have a lot of 10 ise c irllng irons, also "hears, eclssors traci'ig whtwU, thlf aud rlower not bra -k els and a "Ood many other things yon would like to bave. Stkwabt A Sox, BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 ats now reoeiving my UW and winter .tock of hooU and .hues, I have aa nicety a fitted up Boot and Shoe 8tote, .lid a. complete a .took aa any this aide of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aM my boots and h oea iirt m fmtu msnutaotnrera and am author tied to warrant every pair no mat let hoar oheejt. No 6ru in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying aa 1 buy in quantities and pay the oeab. In ladtea', misses and children's above, I keep tnuoh the Urgent, and great eat variety in tbe city. My aim will always be to give aa good value f r tbe money aa poeeibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First NationsBank OF 4LR4N1, ORECiON. Vice President t. FLIVN - . K. Yot .. O tO. K. CllAMBJLHLAlN TUANHACTS A OKNKRAL ACOOC NTS KEIT subject to cberk 8HT EXCHANGE teterrapbtc truiafer, eol N New Tort. San Kronci,. Chicago and K evajaii C6LUKTIOK8 MADE oo favorable terras. Diaaoieaa. . K Tonra, on t. Cs.sssem L. B Bun, l. wmm, Wilts E Tcsssu H. F. MERRILL. Banking an Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Sell exchange on Sww Tort, Han Fran.-ia.:.. and fereaaeT. Boy Sta'e, county and e'ly warrants. Os ne time lo aaaea, I stores allowed ea i will recetre proeipt attention, taneeaollctted. BaTOtNa. hear, ftreei 4 a. m. to 5pm MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, UrKUol 1 1 HfcVfcKt HUUSt. w ODD CUTTKB8, ATTENTION f Never fartttft tbat we slways keep In stock a full Ilea of azea. croaa-out saws, steel and Iron wedga,aledgea, maul rings, etc. M'KWtKT A Sox. WILL BROS., Dealers in all tbe Lending Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line Sheet music, musical merchandise, ammunition, nshingl.taekl. etc. Warranted rsxors, butcher and pocket knives. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines musical Instruments, guns, etc. neatly done. ALBANY. - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and Marine Insnranee IT 18 IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY TOO MI CH IN PRAISE OP THIS GOOD OLD STANDARD family medicine. It cannot ba tjo highly recommended, aa !t 1 truly a MARVEL OF THE AOE, and no houeehold should be without It. It prevents as well as cures SWn Diaeaaea, Oout, Rheumatism. Gravel, and aU Eidney DieetseM, Affected Liver, Headache, Nauaea, Bllo Wind, Indigestion, Constipation, Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Fever and Ague, Sleepleaanese, Lassitude, Foul Breath, and every disesae brought on or aggravated by a diaordered stomach. It Is a fipe cine against conUglon and an efficacious remedy for BiUousnass, Nerv'ousueae, Scrofula. Jaundice and Dyspepsia. It Purities the Blood, Cleanses the stomach and Bowels, and gives the whole system a Healthy audj)sligbtf ul Tons. There never was s Medicine for the Nursery equal to it BABY HUMORS And all Skin and Scalp Diseases Speedily Cur ed by Outicura, Our HtUa o i will be l.ur year u( age on the tAth jaat. In May, laa, he ra. .turtel with a very pain M breaking out of the akin. We tolled In a pbvti .'tan who treated him lor abeat lour week. Tbe ehlld reoetred little or uo yoed fri'Bi the treepn.ut, e th. breeklnff out, euiiKeed by the phyaleta. to We htvee in en aygrNraletl tor u, became laqpir In eloUhee aii1 iik ire and umrg oLireertiitf We were frequeaUy elMpMl to get uo In the nlht and rub him with enda lit water, etruug llnimenU. W. Ftuelly, we relied other phyeioieita, until no leae than u had attempted to cure him, all alike laiiing, end the gttild etee-llv get tiny wore, and wore., until about the h J Teat July, when we begen to five him Oettcure Beeolveiit lutornally, ami the CuUuura. and Culferara Soap el ternally, and by the laaiof Augntet he week" noarly well that re give htm only one doae ot the Heeolvenl alut evory earuad day for about ten day. longer, ead he he. iioeer keen troubled aim with the horrible malady . In all we ueed leea than one half a bottl. of l uUuure Reeolvent, a little leea than one bos of Cutl mre, end only one nake of Cutloure Sue.. U. B. BVAN, t'eyuge. t.Wlog.i. h On . III. Nukaertbed d tworu te nefore tht. funh day nf January, Ike, 0, N. t'Ofc, J. I'. M ROI I MM H IIUMOUaJ. Laet Hprius I wee very aick, Mag eovered with mm kind of eri'dula. Te dotttore oottM not hfln me. Iwaeedvieed to Iry the i'utkura Beelvenl, I did aa, and In a daj I grew bettor, until I aw aa U aeeter. I thank you for it very naeh, end wettld Ilk. to have it told to the nubile. LOW llorMA.VN, Korth AUtoboro, MeM KIM DlfiAiK ( I RKB. Mr. Frank Mciliwky aave that your full. u. -a iUea cured hla boy 4 e rtin ahaWSI after aev.ial lore itad Ulled to help the by. lie .pent over nuo.ired aoiaurs with dot lore, uatu-ura cured him. J B. TIFKANV. Fleeaant Muit, I t, Cnttoura, the great akin cure, and Cutkitra Soap prepared front It, eatomally, and CuUcura Beeolvent the new blood puriaer, IntereaJIy, are a poetuv. cure for .very forut at akin ead btowi dieeeee from ptaajHSS to eerefula, BaM everywhere, frlce : CuUcura. UO cetile I Cu licura Soap, 4 eenU ; Cutlcure Beeolvent, i , Pre pared by Potter and theeUeal Co,, Uueton. aeasl re. "lew ie C'aur. aitla laease.'' plea. Blackhead., bkin Bivmlebe. and Baby Humor., uee futieura itoap. A Word Abont Catarrh. "II la the muoeu membrane, that wonderful eeml fluid envelope aurreundiug the delicate Uaeuee of the air and toed peaeagee, Maat catarrh makee lu etmng bold tune etb.i.hed, it at into the very eiteie, and tender life but a kmgdrewn breath f mievry end dlecaee, dulling the aenae ol hearing, trammelma lb. power of apeaah. deetreylng the faculty of email, taint tnr the breath, and killing tea PeeVied nlcaeurv oi Mate, laaediouaiy, by ereaptug o tr .m a emipU c14 in the head. It aetaalts the eobranie linine and eavelopee tbe bonea, eating thruUjfb the delkete u.liig n.iliiiinu..u. elouhtu and deeth. M..thln Mtort of total eredkeliou will eecu re health to the petiettt, and ail alleviarivea are aimpi pro craHiiate.luffennp. leading to a latal termination. aAxilurU'. Cure. b Inhalation nd by tnw.i .1 administration, bee never failed ; even bn the dto- aaae aaa made rngbtf ul inroad on ttotiB, hearing, etueti aix1 tan. have end the aim i tnoreugbiy drltm out. hanford'e Badical CureconaiaU of one botUe of vbe KadUmi Cure, one boa t'mtorrhal Jwiveat. and one Ia ptoved I eater, neatly wrapped ii. eete package, with full direcUoue t price II. Potter Uruj and t.heaamaJ awa ea a. vo., OH ! :Si BACK ! MY BACK! MKUKf BB (B t MI4ITK. Aahing bactu, hlpa. ajd eldee, kidnev and uUttx.- peJoe, weakneee n l IxBamutatloii, rtatamtte. t.euraiev . ertellr. .! ten. .iiaro and nervuua ine. cuOgBa, eoida and eiraitw relieved In oue inoiut 1 that new. orkrtaal. v aitd luJaJlthi. autut'ita to tiain and '-Srmma- atoa, the fetlic m rm AMlirala flaaler. tit eta . Sf. ril ail draggieta or Potter Urug and ch.m HB1 UBa, i. L. COWAN. J. w. ONW Lioo County Bank, COWAN A CtSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general baaktwg boaineee. DBAW 8IOHT WBAPT8 on Xew York. Hen Fran ctacoand Portland, Oregon. loan mo , k v aa approved aecurtiy. BKTBIVC depoatta eubjeet to cheek. C0U.ECTION8 entrueted to ua will receive prempl estioe. Kms House. J. GIBLIIV, Proprietor. Thia house! is now open sad fnraished with tbe best naw furniture. Kyerythiog clean and commodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any id tba city. VeW Mil BAN DA Lb ON TUB Hl'llFM.. In a letter jus' ubMhd MflnHifie dall renes hia suggestion that tbs sur plus ir stopped iiy abtlihiog t jo urnal rrv. mil' Uses on and t ibaooot These are ,arar taxw," Le says. But afa thty mote war u thss U flS? r o nt. ol th etistirag tsrlttTf jfiaV ii duly in 1H61 was 18 psr cent. Tills was inoVeaaed to SO per oeuU by the Tariff Aot t,f 1862, distinctively at a w u measure sod ''to make proer rep arataun" to sbe mauafaetarers, as Mr. Morrill said in. iotrodncing the bill, fur thn internal Uxea ftnpoMel on tbero and long ago repealeJ. Htmileriy Thd Stevens said : "Wo iutended tu i Jff . an additional .1 ,i" oo imKrts eoal to the tax whiuh had been put oo domestic srtloles.'' To meet the neeossitiee of tbe war tbe duty was gradually ioorees ed until io 1808 it reached the mexl mr m of 48, 70 p r cent. At the height of the war tezatioo the tariff prodticci $179,000,000 and internal Utae$309,. 000,000. In tbe year just cloeed tbe tariff produced $217,000,000 and Ike internal taxes $1 19,000,000 an in crease from tbe tirst source of $58,000, 000,s droreaae from tin latter of $190, 000,000. Tbe tvercge duty test year was 45.5A per oent., or 2 tim aa muob as before tbe war and within 3.1 ft per cent, ol tbe higher t war rate. Mr. Kendall says ! "It has been the in varying prt-cedsiit of DetJsOCiatio sd ministratious to abolish the toterosl reveeue taxes just so soon as be neces sities of war bad reodered them un necessary." This ia juat what Coogrese baa done. Of all tbe internal tax re only those on spirits and tobaoco remsio, while tbe tariff stilt tax's over 4.000 arltettoM, and produced last ynar m -ft rereoue then in sny year of the war or in any of tbe Brat ten years after its cloen. Can Mr. Iteedali tin i eer Dmoeratie precedent fur perpetustiug a war tsriff of 4ft por cent, tea years after the necsstfy for it bee passed t The "RamUer" of the Brooklyn KgU bee seen some wonders in hia travels : "I bsve often read of tbe wonderful feate performed by skilled woikmen with tools, such ae engraving tbe Lord's Prayer en Ue back ol a silver three eenl pn c-, or mekiug steam engine that svonld Uod oo a silver quarter, bat I ssw some wonders performed tbe other night thst surpassed tbem all. All the minute articles manufactured heretofore have been made with small tools and in some cases with the atd of a microscope, hot there is a man in the 8ea Breese palace exposition on Coney leland who works out the mrst delicate articlea with a land saw nineteen feet long and revolving at tbe rate of over a mile a minut. Opon this immense fuachiu the skilled operator in my presence sawed uat four chair, eJl complete wiib lg and hscks, but so u. h.I that the four were placd oo the end of a lead pencil at one lime. Then a dizen knives and forks of the moat diminutive sixe were made and pleeed around the lead pencil. Ho small were they tSat although tbe entire dozen were placed round the penil.not one of tbem touched the other. Tbeu the operator trimmed bis finger nails on tbe huge saw ss cleverly and as easily as o&e con id do it with a penknife. Wetting bis thumb, be preesed tbe ball of it into some aawdust ami tbeo sawed tbe sawdust off tbe thumb without scratching the skin, yet single nerv ous twitch of tbe arm would bsve cost him a hand. All sorts of curious puz zles are turned out with astooisbiog rapidity from all ot!s of misshapen blocks of wood. Even srticles of cloth iog, as ibio and flexible s oloth, ere worked out by ibis mswicisu from little pieces (.f wood with hia nig saw. Tha Cap he works in was snwed out of over 1,000 pieces of wood, uo two of which aie the same sise or shape." The New York Commercial Advertiser iu h orig article on the Knights of Labor, suys : "Prom figures given out lately by Powderly, not to teporters, however, it is ascertained that the mem bet ship of tbe order has fallen from 1,000,000 to lets than 600,000 within the last fourteen months. The loss has been steady and on the increase, while accessions to the ordr have grown fV.wsr each month. This is attributed to itn failure to carry its points in its vital strikes in two great struggles that on the Missouri Pacific and the coal-handlers here." The article continues ss follows: "Losses have been greatest in New York. Dintrict assembly 49 lost hlf i's members within fourteen month. The first defection w- that of the in fern a ion! cigsrmskers,which lift thu eaHemMy in h body, on sccount if ittietferenee with us sffstr during he mike. The Ki.ihis of Lsbor lost 26,000 ain ly the move hIous. After Wiocis there were Himilur troubles with ibe bakers, bricklayer, and slmost every other cl8 of artisan, resulting in the withdrawal from the ojder ol various union and individuar meutbr-x. Re- ports fiom till seeJions of the conutry show the same condition. JN early eveiy day th;-e are dispatch s in the j papers announcing tbe retirement ot wwe assembly brDch from tbe Knights Of Labor." THK ObD Tbe continued attack i tj en Presi dent Cleveland and Pension Commis sioner Blsck in the alleged bebslf of tbe old soldiers bj certain Republican pa pers has led to the investigation of tbe charges made of discrimination against the relet aus by tbe present administtaa tioa. The result is shewn ia tbe fal lowing statement by a Washington or respondent : The pension bureau hss prepared statistics relating to the cumber of pen sioo bills signsd by President Grant and hia successors in office that will prov interesting to Grend Army men end others. From this statement it ap pears that daring Orsnt's first edminie- tntion 321 special sote were approved, and during his eooud 251 Predtbmt Uayoa approved 903 epeeial sote, and Prfsidnt Arthur 26. In the first two years of President Cleveland's sdminie- tt at ion be approvnd 826. or 275 fwr cent more than durinir Grant's first ' rtn. 940 per cent more than during Great's second term, and nearly doub'a the number, or 100 per oent more than in Grant's two terms. Prestdeut Cleve. lend has approved 185 per jent more then Hayes, and over 17 per cent mo'e than Garfield end Arthur combined. As a still further msnifoatation of tne attitude of the present demoorstio sd minietretion toward the anion eoldters. the pay-roll of the pension ofiioe alone, n bureau more closely connected with tbe soldiers of tbe eofhltry than aoy other, show tbat out of 1,531 employes, 831, or 54 jier cent, are einr soldiers' or sailors widows, eons or daughters, while only 1 00 ar civtluns, most of whom occupy the minor positions, as messengers, watchmen, etc. Three buodmd and aerenty soldiers or lhair kindted ooeupy the higher positions, pay in $1,200 and upward, against 292 civilianr, a difference in favor of tbe soldiers of nearly 27 per oent. In refeienee to tbe appointments mde by Commissioner Black it ep pears by tbe eame statement that oat of 416 appointments made from March 17tb, 1885, ut Jan. 30ta, 1$87. 230 were soldiers or soldier' kindred end 186 were civilians, a net differanot tn flavor of the soldier ef 44, or ,Hy 24 per cent. FtTten out of the 18 United .States penaion myn-n recetviog a sslsty of $4,000 per annum each are smnng tbe number of ex-Union soldiers sp linted, aod one is tbe widow of brave Gen. Mulligan, whoae fame is oysociatssl with tbe battle of Lexington, M . Tn only two who held over from prviou4 administrations are dUtinituisH .x- Coton soldiers who have Ugn eoverelr wouade 1. Geo. Black has -ppoin' 1 29 eseiUoton Soldiers ia excess if tho t.usi n MUiber dropper I from the roll by dsstb, diacbarge, rssigoatioo, or olbet wiee,snd this, with 150 employee leea tbeo on tht rolls during the last fiscal year of tbe previous admioistratioo,would make a oet difference io their favor of 179, hich, upon the basis of the total num ber upon the pay-rolls tbe last fiscal year, would leave at preeeot almost 12 per oent more soldiers, saliois, or their widows sod kindred than were eve a poo its pay-roll io tbe history of tbe office, (if course, tbe Republican ps- pers will not print this report, hat will continue to allude to Cleveland ss the veteran's enemy and to Gen. Black ee tbe Benedict Arnold of tbe Grand Army. The cannot be blamed very much, for having no leyue, they must any something. Harriot Boochor Stowe Is felling rapidly. The brilliant Intellect which conceived the immortal tele of" Uncle Tom' 8 Cabin" is perceptibly shatter ed. The death of Professor Stowe has added years to the appearance of bis lonely wife, and sho hss lost on ttrely ber vigor and enthusiasm. In her m ad eat little house, In Hertford, ahe awaits listlessly tbe end of her basy life. Sedly she said a few days sgo te s fr'end,"No ; I write no more. I bave done, I have done, I have done." It is a curious fact tbat any great hotel keeper in New York wilt be ready to corroborate tbat many peo ple who come to New York aod put up at th "crock" hotels depart with out feeing the porter, and pack a fam ily of four Into a coupe to save paying $3 for a hackney coach, AH to be able to say : We put up at such a hotel and paid $1$ a day for oor room General Francis E. 8pinner,former)y treasurer of the United States, is greatly enjoyiog life in bis tent home on Pablo Beach, Fla. At 80 years of sge be is as genial and hearty as ever and wel comes hosts of visitors. He is a parti cularly successful fishermso,and envious rivals say that when worms are scarce be uses his signature for bait. Next yeai's round up of cattle on the Colorado ranges will probably be the last.if the Denver Republican is correct. Cattle raisiog on the range exclusively is said to be a thing of the past in Col orado, the change having been brought about by farmers settling on the grazing lands, which they are taking up under the homestead and timberculture laws. Mnv persons do not know that Jef ferson Dsvia is blind of an eye ; and mre do not know how he was thus afflicted. When he waa about fqurteea years old he and his cousin, Joseph L. Davis, were shooting with crossbows at S mark on a pine stomp. One of the bolts filed by young Jefferson flew bsck ana struck him fairly in tbe eye, putting it cnmplete'y out. Mr I H Parient, who recently boarded at the hotel de Smith in this city for over six months, we understand has recently gotten i relitrion at Corvallis, and no doubt in the future will be on the most peaceable terms ; with ins neighbors. The wheat croo of Nez Perce countv. , laho u the iare6t ever known. The vieid ia estimated at 20,000 tons between j Lewiston and the reservation line. HIK APMINIMTKATION ANIl HlfUtlKltS. While Judge Francis was holding court in Bsrnes county, Minn,, hat week, so ssys the Hi. Paul Globs, Juror ssked to be excused on tbe ground that his wife was at home alone with six sm ill chl!dreo,the old est under 11 years of ege. He was excused. Ur sprang another with the excuse thst be had seven under 10 years old , a third said his wife hud two pair of twins and he feared an early event would add another pairand sb ut all tbe Jury seemed bobbing op when the Judge called a halt. Wheat might be short, hut he knew oi:e crop that never failed In Dakota. Mhs Alice Decker, of Mill ford, X. Y.f baa attained local reputation by the manner in which she rides n fierce young mustang pony. Bhe frequently rides the Utile horse at a breakneck psoe through the streets, without sadd!o or br!dle,emJ nothing but her tiding whip to guide or re strain the horse. Bhe may be seen almost sny dsy by the passengers on the trains toward and from Coopers town, wheeling and rait ing alongside the railroad tracks, going somewhat faster at times thsn the train. Bhe is vain of her skill, and before tbe pssscngers she vaults fences and dltchrw without ceremony. When burglars first carried kisses Instead ofcnloroform Into tbe boudoirs of sleeping maidens a great step was laken in thu'-prof-sh." A Portland, Me , girl wit awakened by a noise In ber r om Mondny night, when a burg lar put his band over ber mouth, kissed her and said : "Keep still, sis ; I won't hurt you, All I want is these trinkets." Bhe managed to arouse the house, when, with a polite Good night, sla," be sprang from a window, having Io a bundle every portable article of value In the room. He left his hat behind and it was bung on the rack to be given to tbe polfee. Tbe family then retired and the burglar returned aod stole tbe bet. es - i A lady attracted considerable at tention In a Broadway, New York. r, wht-n it ws discovered that the buttons on her pocket were $5 gold pieces engraved with monograms, which bave long been fsshionahie for tangles and charms. A second look revested the fact that she worn a b ingle on each wrist, and by actusl count she wore $125 on her person in tne stispH of buttons and chnrms. It was concluded that the ldy was a variety show perf inner, who h id re ceived these monogram pieces from her nu-tt r . -ih admirers, usually so. clety girls who cm li-phy one sue h ornate roosbter ttoon ;v m h doing wetl,as there Is a c t for the engrav- ing, besides the intrinsic value of the coin, aod the monogram piece Is oo!y asked f Intimate friends. Toe prophecies ef the failure of tbe Psnems esnal continue. The latest are founded U!)u the cuiveraelioa of two officios ut tbe canal comply returning fro-o Fa asms by way .t New York. It is sstd that mud ts sliding into tbe cuts and thst a inouutadn that has been part ly out through is m ftn so as to b'.ock tbe way. There his undoubtedly Wn sn enormous expenditure to little pur pose, but a greet many people will be alow t talieve.wiih Admiral Ammem, that the route is iraprsctictble- Wok under tbe auspices of the present com pany may be stopped as predicted, and still the canal U likely to be finished within the next twonty-fiva years Such a great enterprise will not be lightly abandoned. The frequent train robberies in Texas bsve resulted in a decision to aim eifbt men on each passenger train. Tbe Governor is to have tbem sworn in to serve as regulsr rangers. They will be, so far as possible, regular train men,and will be armed and paid by the railroad companies. To put eight men on each train will require 400 men to be sworn in. The First Sign Of failing health, whether tn the form of Night Sweats end Nervousness, or in a sense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite, should suggest the nee of Ayer's Sarsapsxilla. This preparation is moat effective for giving tone and strength to the enfeebled system, pro moting the digestion and assimilation of food,; restoring the nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalising the blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fail. I was troubled with a distressing Cough , Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous ness. I tried various remedies pre scribed by different physicians, out became so weak that I could not go up stairs without stopping to rest. My friends recommended me to try Ayer's Sarsaporilla, which I did, and I am now as healthy and strong as ever. Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer's SarsapariUa, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as an alterative, and must say that I honestly believe it to be the beat blood medicine ever compounded. W. F. Fowler, M. D., V. D. 8., Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be impossible for me to de scribe what I suffered from Indigestion and Headache up to the time I began taking Ayer's SarsapariUa. I was under the care of various physicians, and tried a great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's SarsapariUa for a short time, my headache disap- S eared, and my stomach performed its uties more perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored. Mary Marley, Springfield, Mass. I have been greatly benefited by the prompt use of Ayer's SarsapariUa. It tones and invigorates the system, regu lates the action of the digestive and assimilative organs, and vitalizes the blood. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. H. 1). Johnson, 383 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ft Ayer's SarsapariUa, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prtee 91 ; six bottloe, Stft. I NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Ee JSP At prices never before offered in Albany and N. H. ALIEN GO.. are the ones that are piupueu lu sen CASH AND 2!?' ald J11 duplicate the prices given in any SS&iJS- We propcse here Give You Prices upon application byTmail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders?8oliciid. and plication. H. E. AUM & Co. 57 First Street Albasy, HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE C03FBCTI0H1M, We ore now prepared to eeil at whole ale, always fresh and pare at Portland prices to dealers, We alsogkeep a full line ef Nats and Tropical Fruit, OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO department ia eornVt We keep tbe very finest steak of suokUgnnd e hewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes tbat ia a delight to smokers. Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPS, PEOPRIETOIL FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. wm keep constantly on band beef, mutton, park, real, sausage, etc., the beet meats and largest variety in the eity. Cash paid for all kindsf fat'stoek. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE! For tbo next ninety daye I will sell furniture st cost in order to reduce my stock and make room for a full atock of hardware. While at the aame time 1 will continue to manufacture furniture st bed rock price. E. GOAX, Lebanon, Or. L, wTOaARK, Portr i Photographer. s.i mgs 1 y appointment, ' COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedale's Building. ALBANY, OREGON. Red CrowriMiTls SOM, LANNINti & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPKRIOK TOM f AMI MRS AND BAKERS USE. BEST ST0RAGF FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. T. J. STITBS. A.TTOHNEY AT -ani Notary Public- 1 making the offer. Wo gooas ior PRODUCE r m New and Second Hand Store Owiog to the increased demands of our business we have leen compelled! to move into a larger store and we can now be found next door to S, , Young, where we will be pleased to see cur patrons, if yon need any stores, furniture, tin wire, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit jars, trunks, books, roller skates, saddles, aawe, planes, etc., and a thousand dif ferent and useful articles yon can not de better this side of San Francisco than you can do with us on a purchase or exchange, M. FRANKLIN & CO. 123 First Street, Albany, Or. THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLMOUTH ROCK 13 PANTS. Cat to erder froai wantlsa jtoOis carefully aelssl ""tleaod we ar Every pslrgiaarantaadashl men y promptly rsfu.ded.or a saw pair suds, if ?c-s factory0"1 unslUr DO YOU WEAK PANTS? Tatl us about what e" -ryou 'ile, aerd usyur aita, hip and inside )C measure, together wi'o W vd SS fts, tor E pack!.,,. Or se d 0 cU.. ej hlr Z. JLKW m aLdUd'wh2J , mieaiMx et?nls. PLYMOUTH ROCK PANTS CO.. TBE RICHEST HTOROl S BOOK of thr Axels SAMAMJHA AT SARATOGA by J -:h a t le-B s Wtfr wujcusaeKl thsahirl sod takes fff ita rallies, flirt I'Ujf di -, c-p , hi litr style. I he bonk I in t Holly stiest a' fashion at Saratoga lis, low utck diamine rahla roirtli-irov eking I list rated by upper, tsa , , , wv ..TH tVlMUi Ad- drc-sA.L. RANCROPr fdt CO., Pub. San franeis- tl .11 r A . - . " - " . . s iwtmeescty. H0LY ANGELS COLLEGE. 4 Boarding School for Boys ! t Conducted by secular priest and lay teihfra. First terot rn fhst M ndsy ir. 8ep temrxir. Second term opens lirst Monday in February. for prosctus siiriress Rev. F. A. Broker. Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. C K.W01.Vr:RT 'N. O, B, IBTIKK WOLVERTOR & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW , j&rWot up stairs in Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON. POR SALE BY AIX Dt3UaQIST8 AMD GROCERS-