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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1887)
KIUDaY...... AUGUST 13. 1887 QUOTE US CORRECTLY. PLEASE. The Prohibition Star copies our article of week before last, replying to certain question asked by T. W. Bryan t.and makes much confusion In the sense by leaving out part of a sentence in one place and changing a word In another. We said s "We find no such power delegated to Con gross in the constitution, ami, as "the pow ers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by It to the states, are reserved to the states re spectively or to the people," we conclude that the power to prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors Is one of the 'reserved rights or powers of the Mates." And the Simr made us sa y : "We find no such power delegated to Congress by the constitution, and, Mas the powers not delegated to the United States by the con titutiott,nor prohibited by it to the States, respectively or to the people,"we conclude that the power to prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors is one of the several rights or powers of the States." We believe the power to prohlttt Is one of the powers that was ratarvad to the states at the time of the formation of the federal constitution. " stated. MULL WE CHANGE t The Roseburg Jfttmt w opposes the adop tion of the constitutional amendmen chsngingthe time of holding our elections from June to November. It thinks that state and count officers should be elected on state and county Issues and not on na tional Issues, as the would largely be If they were elected at the same time that a President is. The Democrat believes the Rtxirw Is right. There Is but one sin gle argument In favor of the change- that, once in four years the expense of holding an election will be saved. While every reasonable change should be made that would save expense to the people. vet the real welfare of the state and counties In securing the election of competent and honest officials should not be overlooked- The TaUgrnm says i "For the past three years the course of the Democratic press of this country toward the organi sation of the Grand Army of the Republic has been one of constant abuse and villi- fixation " We have never known of more deliberate and braxen faced falsehood In all our lives. No one who Is conversant with the course of the Democratic press for the last three years towards the Grand Army, and who has any spark left of re gard for the truth, would make such a statement. This lie of the TtUgram was conceived in sin and brought forth in ini quity, and Its author Is justly entitled to be classed with those "who trust la vanity and speak lies." A dispatch from Utica, New Vork,say that a drive through the hop region south of that city shows the crop to be In a fair condition, as far as it goes. The reduction in acreage amounts to fully one-third Contrary to expectations, the vines have done fairly well and now give Indications of about half a crop. Several growers have contracted their yield at 20 cents a pound. The yield will be less than half that of 1885. Prices promise to be 20 cents or better, and some think they will reach Jo or 35 cents. The yield for the state is estimated at 50.000 bales. Latest crop reports show that the winter wheat yield in the different states, is as follows : Fifteen counties in Illinois,! 3 bushels : thirteen Wisconsin counties, ia bushels ; twenty-three Michigan counties. 14 bushels ; twelve Indiana counties,i3 bushels ; ten Ohio counties, 14X bushels. LaRue county, Kentucky .reports the yield at 00 per cent of an average ; Webster county, 50 per cent. .and others 10 bushels. Eleven Missouri counties, ao bushels, and eleven Kansas counties, 10 bnshels. The united labor party in New York is showing signs of a collapse, according to the papers of that city. The socialists have succeeded in getting the control in May of the districts, and finding them selves strong are insisting on the adoption of their peculiar views. This frightens the more conservative element among the laboring element, and they are quietly dropping back into the old party lines, so that it seem probable that by election time the new party will be in entire con trol of the socialists. In the cattle graring counties of Central Illinois, there is considerable suffering among stock. Water has al.nost entirely given out snd grass has in many places diisppeared. . Farmers sre shipping their cattle to msrket before they sre resdy, in order to keep them from starving, while others are feeding green corn in lieu of grass. This will be a bad year for the cattle men. In at least a half dozen Republican pa pers we have seen the statement msde that if St. John should come to Oregon to publicly advocate the adoption of the prohibitory amendment he would injure the cause very much. These papers mske this statement as though they regretted to see the prohibitory cause thus injured, and yet nearly all these papers are oppos ing the amendment. Can any one explain this inconsistency ' The Portland Newt announces that the Plumed Knight of Maine, the man,who,in his checkered life, has seen "so many channels in which he could make himself useful," is the choice of that paper for President. Democrats would heartily welcome his nomination. They larrupped him before and feel more than able to do it again. Gov. Pennoyer has received from Ban croft, Whitney & Co., publishers of San Francisco, an advance copy of Hill's An notated Code, which he is required by law to inspect and approve before it shall be recognised as the statute of the state. It is In two volumes and contains 1840 pages. The New York World by its very fool ish warfare upon the administration is working itself into the same attitude which the Sun occupied at the time of the Chi cago convention. Let Democrats beware of the silly course of the World. If protection is a good thing for the ountry.we have too little of it. If it is a bad thing. we have too much of it. Senator Sherman is on his way to Alas ka to viiit the other great American glacier. PARTISAN BIAS. For madul terated, partisan, political bias commend us to one of those paper that make a great pretense of being Inde pendent. The Ashland Tidings taking a circular sent out by Harvey Ftsk & Sons, bankers ot New York, says j "The treas ury department of the present administra tion Issues monthly bulletins assuring the people that "(he national debt has been reduced some eight or ten millions during the past month," while in fact the debt has not been reduced at alt." What Is strange about this matter is that the treas ury department of past Republican admin istrations for years did the very same thing without a single criticism from the Tidingt. And why did not the Tidings criticise that In a Republican administra tion which it so freely criticises In a Dem ocratic administration f Simply because that paper is a Republican paper, in fact, and it refrains from doing any damage or injury to that party. That's all. GOOD HEN9E. The National Veteran's Association, lately held a meeting at Des Moines, Iowa, at which they passed resolutions repudiat ing utterances of certain members of the G. A. R. in connection with the proposed visit ot the President to St. Louis. The resolution commenting on the President's veto of the Pension bill, condemns the efforts of those who seek to make use of the rebel flag episode to rekindle the flames of sectional hte and contention as un manly, unpatriotic and meriting the con tempt of Intelligent men. The resolution also compliments General Black's admin istration of the Pension Office. Charles Whitehead, chairman of the committee that presented these resolutions to the As sociatlon.sent coptes of them to the Presi dent through Gen. Rosecrans,and assures the President that they represent the sen timent of at least lOyooo ex-Union soldiers of Iowa. The effort to use the O. A. R as a Republican machine against the Preeident is proving a miserable failure. BRITISH AQORRMIOXtf. For some time Canadian authorities have been seixing American fishing ves sels for fishing, as Canadian's assert, la Canadian waters. England stands at the back of Canada. Now, the United States authorities have been capturing British vessels for catching seals in forbidden waters near Alaska. "Tit for tat." Johnny Bull should not forget her foolish policy that led to the war of 181 3, in which the flower of the British Army was routed by Gen. Jackson at New Orleans. The spirit of Jackson calls aloud to the patriotism of the American people, and the wearer of the blue and the wearer of the gray with unalloyed earnestness yearn to exemplify their common devotion to a common coun try by standing side by side to resist the aggressions of Great Britain. REPUBLICAN VIEW. The Ashland Tidiugt,n speaking of the surplus in the treasury of the United States, says : "Reduction of the revenue la proposed as one plan.but If it cannot be accomplished except by removing the tarn from tobacco and spirits, while the neces sities of life are still held under the exist ing taxes then the better sentiment of sll parties will favor the continuation of the large income and the disposal of the sur plus by liberal appropriations for solid public improvements." We agree. If a reduction is to be made let it be upon the necessaries of life.such as woolen and cot ton goods, crockery, medicines and other things that the poor must have. But let the tax remain on luxuries.such as whisky, tobacco and other things not essential to the comfort of alt persons. SETTLED. "There is one little thing the people of Albany will inaugurate a serious "kick" against in the near future unless it is remedied, which is nothing more thsn the present Potomce hours on Sunday." Herald. There, now, that settles It. The Post matser who delivers mail and the people who receive it will take note of this. It is a curious fact that the only men who know just how a newspaper should be conducted are generally engaged In some other business. The Democratic majority in Kentucky will be near 20,000. The prohibitory amendment in Texas was beaten by over 100,000. Tos shoe's The regular public quarterly examination of teachers for Linn county, Oregon, will be held at the Court House in Albany . commencing at noon on '.Vednesday, Au gust 31st and continuing until noon en Fri day, September and, 1887. Teachers de siring an examination for a certificate be fore the last Wednesday in November next will take Mace and be present at the Au gust examination at the time of commence ment as none will be admitted after the hour of commencement and as private ex aminations are practically done away with. u. v. s. Kkid, County School Supt, Spokane Falls people candidly believe that in a very few years that city will be ahead of Portland. S F people will find themselves in a sulky mood so far as that Is concerned. Ths Tory I hays added to my boot end shoe stock s line of the celebrated Laird, Sckober A Mitchell, Philadelphia, Fin hoes for ladies, misses and children. Aekoewledged by dealers generally to be the best value and best fitting fins shoe made. Widths C. D, E, and EE. A child can boy aa cheap as a roan. SaxtriL E. Yociro, Sols Agent, Albany, Oregon. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco, Cel., Is Nature's Own Troe Laxatlvs. This pleas ant California liquid fruit renssdy may be bad ef (foshsy A Mason at fifty cents or one dollar. It is the most pleasant, prompt, and effective remedy known to elaanse the ay stem ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels geotiy yet thor oughly ; to dispel Headaches. Coids, and Fevers ; to cure Constipation and kindred ills. The Rarest ef Combinations, True delicacy of flavor with trne efficacy of action, has been attained in the famous California liquid fruit remsdy. Syrup of Figs, Its pieasant last auu beneficial af fects have rendered it immensely popular. Far sale by Foshsy A Maaon, Wheat insuranoe at lowest rates, at tl F Merrill's, Albany, Or. Piano and Organ (Hvea Away. On Jan. 1st, IMS. ws will give away a 700 piano aad a $190 organ. Hare is the way to got one of thorn. For eyery dollars worth of goods yon purchase yoa will receive a ticket, when you got live yoa may make a guess of ilm number of pieoos of coin ex hibited in a gluw glube la nnr front window, which, with your uama will lie rejitired. up to th first of January. The one guessief uearent to the riht nuiahor will redvivo the piano, asxt th organ. Ths piano, a Bradford upritfhA 74 octaves. loaewoo l .to, ete.. and tho oivan mads by Julius Bsar, ot Chicago, 0 octave, 12 stop, to. may he seen at ths store of K VV Lang don, of whom they were purchased. every ohm tiurenMiag goods of mo will got them at a low a prtoe aa in ths Valley, with a spleodi.1 stock to S0let from. N. H. Aixriv Co , Albany, Or. m - mm Fayslelaas Rave Toaad Oat That a contaminating and foreign element la the blood, developed by indigeatlon, la the cause of rheumatism This settles upon the sensitive sub cutaneous cover ing of the tnuaolea end ligsmenta of the J dm. oaualtiK constant and shifting pain, and aei regaling aa a oaioareous. chalky dtpolt which produces attffhMa and die torvioa or the Joints. No gM whtoh ex iwrle 10a has demonstrated iu regard to llostetter's tAtomaoa datura has stronger evidence to support than tats, namely, that this modi -luo of oonprbensl ve usee ho w-t the formidablo and atrocious dla e. nor la it lex p Mshlvty eatanlUheJ thtt It is preferable 10 im p im often ud to arrest it, since tb medicine eon ulna only salutary Ingredlenta- It ! alee a signal remedy tor malarial fevers, eon ati potion, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder alluienla, riiillt end other disorders. tout yu t the genuine. Send Bur'hart S Kwaev names and ad dresses of frieuds desiring information of Ore gun ard they will ssud them 00 pies id th aW SttoU ?0MVfjf9r whio-i 0 mum a sse piste disortptiau id gee county to each las a with Kitbor defw - ior iSte as Wether Ulve them s Chases 1 That Is to y. your lunge. Also all your broa hing mummery. Very woo der ul machinery it la Not onty the larger air pag, but tho thouoaods nf iitiielu'oja tn I osvUins leading (run them Whn these are d-4g -d and choke l with iri4.tT which ouaht u t to he ibets, your lungs oauuut half do tbsir work. And what they do.tbey cannot do well. Oall It cold. cug", croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or an v at the family of throat and noeo and need an I lung ob atittotiofie, all aea bad. Ail ought to oe got rid of. I here i just one sore way to get rid 01 them. That la o take lloechee'e German Syrup, which any druggist will set I you at 75 ooois a bottle, atvsn If every tt ing olee has failed vou, yoa may depend upon this for certain. " eji Weaderrat Ceres. DHt4Co.. VThotale ail RU1 Druggist, el Rome. Oa.. sava : Ws hsvs boss) Betho lr King's New Discovery. Klec trie BtHere sad Booklsu's A rates Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies (hat sell aa well or give sach universal sat (faction. There have been annus weederfal ares effected by these medicines tn tats city. Several cases of pronounced onossntp uoa have been entirely cared by ass of a few bottbs of Dr Kiug'n New Diaeovery, takes in ooaoeettoa edth Bieetrte fetters. We gesraetos loses always. Sold by Pas bay A M ladlspeassaie to the Toilet. Darbys Prophylaetio Fluid curse ehsf Ing, eruptions and inflammation of all kind ; cores inAsmined or sore yea relieve pains f u bites or Mings of to; and sore feet ; deettoya ail taint of Ion or offensive tnell from the est or say part of the body ; cleanses and whUeae the skin Used as a dentifrice It pu rifle ths breath ; preserves the teeth sod eur toothache: sore gums and oank sr. A little of the fluid la the wster ttaed Is batb'iig Is very refresh ing snd especial ly beneficial to the sick. i"imiiiii S-- mi active. Fa hi eg SBg Sellable. Fuahay A Meeon eaa always he reded op eo to carry ia stook the pa rest sod bet goods, sod sustain ths reputation of being active, poshing sod reliable, by recommend isg articles with wsli established merit sad aa are popular Having the ageoey for the celebrated Dr Kittg's New Diaoovery for seaeainptioo, colds and oooghs, will sell it 00 s positive go treats. It will so rely cure say and svery aflVittos of thrast, la'igs, or eh set, and to order to prove oar sisim, ws ask yoa to oall and got s trial bottle free. The ee4rsaer, 4 1 Sear. Or I hare all the aegst res taaen br A B. Paz ton and any one can bsve dnpll eases from their nag ulve by a idreealoi as. at 14 fo 1 twl'tg n 1 or I alas, 12 per dtea. oahinet sis, gg oar dozen won doors, tg per doaeo. I keep the daeet nue 01 irragon "ie in tne west. v;ata logue rurnlahed oi spot lot' ion Copying and enlsrgi g old pioturea a apectaity. J. O. Oaawpeao. rr One hundred and twenty acres of the best ae ate ... e. Runv improved wheat land, all fenced into tour fields, good house, hard finish. gooo outnouses, excellent fruits of ar kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R ..with the Lebanon branch of the O. St it, R. R. Inouire at this office. shy was sssk, we gsvs her sks ws a Child, as 4 Aw , sa seesaw HOss, she shasg ts Csassria, eU Lad Children, 1 lea's gra lea Salve. The beet salve ia the wor d for Cuts, Rr 11 IMAM trrea ITlfefM I haum Cuuar Sores, Tetter. Cnapped Hands. Chilblains, uorna ana an ikiu Kniprrmn, aria 0011 tively cures Pllos, or 0 p iy rquirod. It is guaranteed to give portost aUiafaotlon, or money refunded. Price '25 cents per box. For sale by Foshay A Mason. ISA POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varlss. A marvel of purity, stsgtt& and wbotssooaensss. More seoamnleal tttan fiw ordinary kinds.and arcot toaoWin on ftUtioa with ths xmdtltuas of lew test, short ysarkWatuai orjhreiasseewdsrs. SotDouttm o Kcyau Sakms reWMn Co., m WaIMm "" 4 ROYAl MY Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, OH Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept In a flrat-elfttc Drv Own nnd Boot and Shoo Home, from the ctatpmtt to ft good a qaallty as there Ig t demand for. I bought thee g oodi mostly !Q New York nod Chicago nod AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have and am rgotivlof Novelties of the Season e. In every line ; nm prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted In the papers er circulars, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce nod will not torn yoa off when yoa get oat of money, Samuel E. Young. - IAOIID TO TBg MBMOhY see or Tan LOST BOLUa MiMliHII 1 I 1 I 1 l 1 l 1 I I l 1 1 1 I I i II 1 H I M 1 l I I I II M M NIMH ERECTED IY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind yen of the dollars yea might have savsd by Using advaniags sf their eleee pries. NOW FOR THE FUTURE ! w. A T. will sell yoa nance greearles snd better anallUes t lever pries than say ether livs men. Rectify the errre of th pent, and iavs money to ths future by patronising Wellao A Tbompeoa, First wrest, Albany, Or. Adminiitrator'i fotlce of Appoint ment, Notlee Is hereby given that ths ander atsMurt baa been, by the County Court of Linn oounty, Oregon, dnlv appointed Administrator ef the estate of Armenlona Gary, deneaaed. All persona having elaims against said estate will present the same to tb undersigned, at bis rssidsnoe r Cmwforaaviile. Una county. ureen, daly verified In the manner provided by saw within six months from this date, Jnly 2tth, IttT. Milks Cast, Administrator, eta, WRATiiaroRS s BLacKBtrea, AUy's for Administrator. riUTLERT. V. n nmtthmt knleea kntekar kntva. far. ing aete, aotssera, sneers, raaors, etc,, we keep a vary large assortment. Corns are and end look at our stock. Stswabt a? Sox. Notice of Final Settlement, Notion le hereby given that ths under signed, the Administratrix with the will sn hexed of the estate of James Mady, de eansed, has Hied la the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, her final account snd said Court has fixed Msaeay the Mh day ar seateasbcr, 181, at the hour ef one o'clock p. m. of amid day, at the Coart Hease in Albany, Ore gon, for bsariog said account and the set tlement of objections thereto All persona interested In said estate can appear at said time sod place. July llth, 187, MAaaanxT Mabt, Administratrix, ete. WaaTMKaroBD A Blackburn, Attorneys for Administratrix. Bids for Oounty Poor, Notice is hereby given that sealed bias will be received by theConnty Ceart ef Line county, Oregon, for boarding, lodging and doiog the laundry work for alb the indigent paupers now supported, or to be supported during the ensuing year by said county, far the term of one year, commencing Sept. lit, 1887 Bidders will state the pries per weak for which tbsy will board, lodge sad do ths laundry work for each of said paupers. Far fall psrticnlsrs see terms ef a contract to he s'gnsd by the successful bidder oa file at the Clerk's office of ssid county. All bids tabs filed with ths Clsrk of linn county, Orsgea, on or before Wednesday, Sept. 7th, 1887, st 1 p. m. J. P. Gauium, County Clerk. s CALEB. We have a ?arge assortment of aealaa to be sold on very reasonable tersea Special inducements given to farmers. Stbwakt A Sox. Wood working machinery, haftia& pal lings, belting and etc., at half price. Inquire ef C. L. Brush, foot of Lyon Street, Albany, Or, SPRING STOCK -Hit arrived, including- Do You Want bargains. THEN A. B. Mcllwain's, t here yon oan get ths very beat ia pi Ice DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., la nnsuipasisfl. OaH BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Cash or prod uoa taken, and prions gi?n that defy 00m petition , C. B. ROLAND & CO. NEW STORE AND CONSISTING OF Mens' Furnishing Ctoois, Hats and Gaps, Boots and Shoes, and fine clothing. Choice selections in fancy Summer neckwear, silk underwear, Balbrig gan underwear, Pisk, Clark and Flaggs gloves. The very best make of handsewed shoes, The very latest styles in mens, youths and boys clothing. All the celebrated make of hats in every style. CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Remember our entire new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Pair and Square" dealing is our motto, We ask the public to caU and get our prices, No trouble to show goods, C. B. Roland & Co., On door west of the Revere House, Albany, Oregon. HOTEL F RENT, mQE EXCHANGE BOTE 1 1 .M THIS I eHy le now offered for rent oa reason able terms For particular Inquire of er address J am as Muhksy, Albany, Oregon. B ARBED WIRE. A lare-a atnnk nn hand and will b sold ohaan. Also a fine let of Dlala galvanised wire for woven fences at the store of Stewart 6 Sox. -pLOWS Cam in and see our new stook of steel and chilled plows. We oan suit you, both In goods and prices. Every Russell chill ed plow Is guaranteed to be equal fee any chilled plow manufactured. SmwBTdt Sox. LUE MONDAY GOODS. ringers, to be, wash beards, buckets, ate., for sale cheaper tbaa ever before bj Stewart A Sex. Several kind ef wringers and something new In waaht cards. W AGON8 AND CARRIAis, Hacks, single and double bnM)es,cartc, buck boards, and all kinds of wheeled ve hicles. Don't bay entil yen see what we have and learn our prices. Stow a Sox, GO TO and qualities, ills stook of Dry Good or 00 blm for your NEW GOODS, stook consists of bright, Tweedale & Hopkins, DEALEU8 IN- a. V aj Hardware, Tin and Cop per Ware, Pumas, Rub ber Hose, and Plumbing Goods, ALBANY, OREGON. :?M !i .:y y yy F SBBBBBBBBV 1 Some Good Advice. When Getting Your Spring Clothing', Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods WatJd your way Who leads, Jjjjjg IS C LO TH ING Hew and la style, ia u as nr passed is the Valley. Hie new stock -HATS- Ia the best la the market, embracing all the latest styles. In FURNISHING GOODS Be takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected stock. His sales ef BOOTS AND SHOES Are large, because be keeps the beet, in quality and styles A SPIEVDID UHE OF SUITINGS ON HANOIN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly ftnutmMmtnmuuwmuunmwnuumwmnwmunnn9unnm nmmamaunwmnnwmnnnuumnununnmmmmmummaummm itBlfSFaaaWlt 0aATE9 BOOTS 8 SHOO fL- "H wffHglff1 aWWfW -CM,CAtt0 JBn9n C "'BEBlBBBeBMBE8Sgt aflBv tnkmklL9!!!MkSrn7 m f '8aB7 99aLlpajBsasm sJHSEns "SH BjBgSy SJeaWSEeBEW ScW BBBSM gSBB 1 1 . DBEaBaaasBLBBLrf ml ' jWjl Sl We r the Litre Bed ScAtxd lJnt$ SAoern, and ao do our Iskia and our cousiita and our auute, sod if ou want tUtrm go to the City Boot and Shoe Store wher you will And ktfe snd complete assortment of goods in this line, of nearly every grade and m ike, ni.d at prices which will open your eyes. A dollar awd Is a duller made. REDFIKIJt I. GRfENBAUM DKVLER IN- DRUGS, STATIONERY, ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded DAY OR NIGHT 108 First Street, Albany, Or. J. P. Hail, ALBANY, SR., AGENT Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles, Second band whaels (constantly on hand. Send for 1887 catalogue, DR. fir WATSON MASTON Pbysioian and Surgeon. OfBoa rooma id 4. Foster's Bhsk. ALBANY OREGON. "1 ARDBN TOO US AND iSKlCDs. tstewsrt A fco keen an Iramnnxe stock ot garden tools, aid are also sxent. for tho cwlebrattd Walls Vaha riia ras, which gave better sedetecii a tliau any sold in Albany ls.ot wMnu. jpOWDKILSHOT nTC. 8 port men oan alwavs find t our store a splendid line of ammunition of all kinds, and we also keep giaut and bia&Unj; pow der, fuse, ete, to the More of His Stock o & BROWNELL LEVERSHAM. The noted Cleveland Bay Stallion will make a fall season at the place ef under signed, 1 mils south of Albany, beginning? July let. frereoas from a distance can have pasturaze for marec. Terms f 25 Insurance, MILLARD & ELKIN8. Sheriff's Sale, In tkt ChrtuU Ctvrt oj the stats Ortgsm or Lim County. L Foley, for the use of A P Black burn, and ' W C -aver for ths ace of A f Blackburn, rlaintifs. va. George Fegle, Defendant. Notice is hereby given that by virtue el aa execution issued out of the above named Court in ths above entitled action, T have Isvted upon the following described real prop erty and seised as the property of said Defen dant, to wit : Beginning at ths not th east corner of A J Richardson's donation land claim, situated in Township IS, sooth range 2 west in Section 4 ; thence west SO rods ; thence south to Reuben Ciaypool's donation laud claim ; thence east to the northeast cor ner of said claim ; thence south en said claim hue to the line of the north half of the south west quarter of See. 4 ; thence east to the east hue of the rest half of said quarter ; thence north to the place of beginning, containing S3 acres more or less. Also ths following, commencing on the vest line f the dous ti oa land claim of M B Ward and Amelia E Ward Notification No. 4000, about 80 yards south of the northeast corner of A J R chardson's land olaim, Not. No. 6031, Tp. 13 S R 2 w ; thence south 32 reds ; thence in an easterly oanrse 60 rods ; thence north 32 rods ; thence northwesterly to the place of bgtnoiog,con tatniBg 60 acres more or less, and on sstarday tne tTta day er aagast, lSSf, at the hour of oue o'clock, p. on., at th Coart lions door in the city of Albany, Linn coun ty, Oregon, I w 1! sell said real property at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder . The proceeds of sale to be appose, first to the ay men t of the costs sad disburse ments of suit taxed st 823 06 and the costs snd expenses of sale. Second to the psy ment to the said A P Blackburn the sum of $35.90 and the farther sum of $124.53, with interest eo each of ssid sums as the rate of one per cent tr month from ths 13th day ef September, 1686. Dated this 21st day ef July, 1887 . D. 8. SmztSt, Shert