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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1887)
iharcli Btrerte I. P.Cborum.- Proechtuf every Behheta, sterols and evening by K. v Q Lr ttaa, D. D. Sabbath bchoul at Si' r. m Peyer ateatiaf every Wedueesday euiag. aTVAXUBlJCAl CaOKCH. PrtUohU ..U :at- teak al IO,.iO l IL, ud 7 f. M. Sabbath School KMO Prayer meeting every Wed eesoay availing 7ifc. S B ftevm. paetoi, Ail are inv te l A LWWUATIOHAi. abbots morning abWI at IJtla. Wwdueaxtey eventual V. K-tmiUHur, Pastor M. K. OBOSMMtXM . th .rd Sabbath la eesth M m. aod al 7 oVloos I u oaoh tfehbath at 10 a i to. , aK? ""' " '!" I. iiltn ?k)l i' A. ML Ft . ulue J.VV. M. K. Cmubob South. ' l tag OB ike Orel Sat.u tag aikI ewtiiitU o' baMi at 10 tut. Tbareday evening J W Urntg, Pee. M. K.Caoaca. Preeohtn every aohoatti morning and evening. Hoag servio in the eveni-ig before sermon eoimth aobonl at r m. Prayei dyrainx. R. U j . , Pumruttux OUMl ... . Skaaath morning and evoui . i aar. Broadalhin and Filth bta duoo. -immeitatel , alter the mora tog sets toe, iff ateotiag avary Wedneaday e. . Bav K ft Pritehard, paator tvut ftArritTCacRcM Pvaaoningavvn Bab bat a asocuimcaad i ' ..b on 5th Street. Sabbath Sort .. mem attei maruiag service, r" Thnriy evening at tresou, paator. Catbouc Chcbch Bay at 10 30 a. B. a... . ef the month servte. Leal Metayer, Rm ALBMI COU I tilRi A LB AN 188u SUtV. B ,J f BBll a tall eor. CLASSICAL, SCIhKuno, uiuua., COMMERCIAL ANO NOKMAL CLASPS. Courses of study arruai t. meet he need of nil gradeagof atudfuia. Sfmxtal iuducemonis Jfrd lo stmdemts from srarf. Tall Ion rangea fnai -- so u iv -Board In private faii i .a r. Koocna lor anh-boamua al mm I ex hix A oarnfni auperviaion xt-r ij ovar eta dbnta away from Bou Ki .arnu ona Beptaoibar 7th. r r circuan and fu: partloulara ndd:as me 1'itwid. hi. BtBV. C. J TM-h. a.i a. a lbauy. Dreg n. Conrad Meyer. -PROPRKTOR ur STAR BARK 11 V. Corner Broadalbia ani First 8(1., DEALER IS rraiti, C?avitMl Henla, rare). Quern ware. DricdJPralU, Vegeta blea. Clgr, Sclera, Etc,, Kte., In flat rnrythtog tha. in kept In a goo ral variety and sraoery Mora. Mlakaat Baarkai prtaa paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodation a nan r panned for com fort and aafety. Farao and frabebia via. Tnqnina nod tha Oregon JUeveiopment Company 'a Staamahlp much lean than by any other ronta between all nc lota In the Willamette Valley and San Francieoo. Dmly fmMsengtr trmms mtctfi Sundays. Leave Taqalaa, 7KA,a. Leave AJbaay, l M . a, Arriv,CervmlUa,tua AJB Arrive CocM, t:t r. a. Arrive Albany, 11:1 a a, Arrive Taquiua, 6:40 r. a Oregon and California train connect at Albany and Cocvallis. FBto between Corral 11a and Albany and San Franciaco : Rail and Cabin. 14 0 Bail and ateerage, $9 00. m. MAC, C C. BMMlVB, A. O. f. end P Agent, Cerrslh, Or, Oregon Developement Co. Firt-olaes Staamahlp lino between Yqoina and Han (rsnoisco connecting at Ysqnina with the trains of the Oregot. Paeiflc Railroad Company. JA.IJL.lSfO DATES . nou TAeeiaa ro BAM fUllCHM W. V., Munday, JsUy lath. K. O , Tuesday, May 24th W. T., Hetarday, Uy 2ui K. O.. auiiday, Juu 6ib. W. V.. Tburday, J tut 9. W. V., aatorday, Msy flat. a. O . Taaaday. May 31st W. V., Saturday, June 4U CO.. Ma'.araay, June 11 W. V., Thursday. Jan 18 a., Friday, Jane seta. V., Tuesday , June 28. O., Wednesday, July 6. K O., FHday, Juu 17th. K 0Wadueada), July 2H. The Company reserve .he right to change sailing days. L. B TWT, Oen. F. end P. Agebt, SM Moutgomcry St., San. Prawc-isco, t,ai. CVLHAND TO CAllFfcRNIA TIA Oregon & California K. K AND CONNECTIONS TIE SIT. RB1K1 4 Sol i Cies osnnecUVrn mad Ama d w th tags of tit California, Orsge and dtbo dtags Komymny . O Only SB Mile l imk Tia between Albery and Sbl Prsoeba, M hours. eauroaxu uprmi taaii daily. South 4.00 r. a. Leev 8:06 r u I Lear 8:80 a M Ar.ive North. Arrive f 10:40 a Leave 7:06 a a Leave 8:00 r M Portland Albuy Ahlaiid local passsBJBBi IBaSAS aili teacept Sanday). :00 am I Ieavti Portland Arrive! 8:45 V M 12:40 r a Leave :40ra Arrive At barn L-ave UJ6 A M Kus-ene Lo e ! 0 :U0 A H LOCAL FA TRAI.vs BA1LY. Albany Lebanon Albany LebaDon Anive r:4& a a Lrave i 6:IJ a u Arrive j 2:4f. r M leuv j 2:UU r u IMP M I Arm 18:50 ru j Leave 1:86 ru Arriv PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. daily between Tortland and Ashland. The O and CUR Ferry makes connections with alt lb regular train on Lb Itt tilde Division from feet Mr tweet. West Side Mvtaloa. BBTWSUtV rOMTLABB ABM 4'OSt t'A Ll.ia, aAlLTAilir DA2LT (exoept Sunday . ) 7:80 A u It: r a Lave Arriv Portland CorvLlli Arrive i 0:15 r m Lsav 1:80 r a leases track daily (exejp Sunday .) 4:40 r m I Leave Portland MeMinnville Arrive L-aTs 9:00 A M 5.45 a a liMm Arrl-e At Albany sad CrvsJUs connect with train of Oregon Pacific Hail read iW Yaqulua Bay. Per full iiiforeiatton regarding rates, maps, etc., all on Company's A,;ent. B. EOKM1JKB, X. P. ROGERS, O. r. a Fa Arrat Freh Yaquiua Be oy ter UofTuiAu m haul a CHA8. H. DODD & CO. Front, Mrat and Vine St., Portland, Or. wHOLitAur oialbrb ttt FARM. MACHINERY. Sole Agent (or Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho far tha BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER. t fhaee Machines are too wall known to need comment Thousands of Farmer have Off them and apeak of them with praise, i hov are the only Harvesting Machines that win give entire saUsXacUun to the porch sssr. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRE8HER. PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The moat Kflbeuve and nooassful Combination for Thrashing and Qeanlns; drain ever Constructed. l BUCKEYE. STEEL FRAME . TWINE - BINDERS. The Ibatara that dtoUngnlsh thU Twlns-Blndar Is the Lightness of Draft, combined with Ua Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder 1 of the Appleby pattern, the only really ease fbl one yet known. We have two style, the Elevator Minder and tha Binder both i i tf. ank H. Sprague, BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fall and wiLi-cr atock of boot end iocs, I hBTd a nicely a fitted op Boot and tboe Store, and aa complete a stock ss any Ink eide of Portland and vary few bettor Ms Portland. I bay aU say boots aod BAoaa direct from Bsuofaoturere and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat tar bow cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage, of m in Betyiitg aa 1 bay in quantities and pnj tha Oaai la Ladies', miseee and obiidrwo'a s I keep ma "i fi 'awbI end ajtaa eat variatt in tba city. M aim wit aiwsys Wa to give as good pbIsm f r the money aa possibly can h dot.' SAMUEL E. YOUNG. W ODD CUTTERS, ATTENTION I Never foruet that we always keen In atock a f nil ita of axew. sroout aaw. steel and iron wedgae,sledge, maul ring. SrpawaaT at bob. Sheriffs Sale In the Circuit Court of the StaU of Oregon for Linn County. Z F Moody, vrnor, R. P, Earbart Necretarjy of Stela and Edward Li Irs- fa, i rrasu rer of the State of Oregon, ciriii. Uiing the Board of CMi.misMioue for the -ale at erb'oi end oufyeritv lande and for the Invesuuieot of ttie funds arting tberefn m. Plaintiff.. ve. B M Savage and Mary f Havage; Ms w-IV, L E Blaln and William Mtaiirr lef u CBMBBSa NOTICE is hereby given that by vtnn. of en execati'iB end older ol ae ..! out of tba arov name- Curt in ibe ntviu ontltied ctim to me directed and ;eiiv red, I will on Saturday the St to day mt Juif, 18ST at the hour of one o'.' .iok, p. ns. in rrOsfi of the Court Houie d-tr in tle rlty of at bany, Linn eonnty, retgon, eed at public aucti n for cash in tiand to 10m liighevL hiddet tbe real property dsecrli ed in mMu '-xacutio n ad order .r hh U iowh to wit: Tbe frMCIioual k- ii.hweat jun. rot the northwest quKru-r. lnc i.-u 'In nd ihti aet one-naif f tha nonbeaai quaitcr of Heovion 26 iu l owi anip 12 a"Ulh of Kangja 4 west ot'tiio Wille-romi nirioian in J.nm ouniv TeHn, coiaelntricr ili6ajrs l ire proceeds 'n-u from li.i- a le of said real property to he applied n follow , lo-wit: Firnt to tbe puyuieut of the cost of huh taxed at 948 25 and the ooeta ar.d rp n- of sain. IS ciinii to payment u- the Piuin HffH herein thenuor of $1290 2 ) Vi itb inter est thereon at toe rate of 8 , per cent (er annum from the 27th day of ctoi)er, 18X5, and tbe further sum of 125 Attornny's feee. Third to the payment of the fallow ing soma to tbe Defendant L E hiain, to wit : The sum of $330 75, the sum o eh8.29 and the Bum of SS0.M7 with accr u UK interest on each of said .sums at the ruui ol 10 per oeot per annum from the 27th day of October, 18S5, provided that should the pr.eeede of eaid aide of said property be insuffloientto pay ea b of said three sums last above mentioned iu full, then said proceeds shell be applied pro rata there on. Fourth to tbe pay man t to the Defendant, L R Blaln the um of $298.55 with accruing InNoeit 10 p r cent per annum from ctobr 27th, 1885. Pifth to t e paymeat to the Dafaudant, 1. E Blaln tbe sum of 170 Attorney fen, fcuxtb to the payment to tho lfeacaut, Willi tmSteigor tha emu or $151.35 wuh interest from the day of September, 1885, at the rate f lo per cent per annum, and the overplus if any to bo paid to the Defendant B. M fcavace, his heir. or um aigne. Dated June 9tb, 1887, D. 8 SsnTfr, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon- S CALEB. h are assorticent of act r.-Hsonao.H terutrt, ! Veu to larrn- rs. loom man dad by hundreds of palrong. Bohutt ler Farm Wagons, Deeae Flews, Deere Sulky Plows, Cook A Co.'s Car riages, Phsttona and Top Duggie. Fona. Spring Mountain Wagon. Buck board. Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbln DUv, Harrows, Bodgaft-Balneg HB4tVS XLalah Barbed Wire. animtaemjLWL Agent, Albany, Or, 1st aliifs'HDteliSnrgica! InstrtotB 33 U X-'X-'faJLiOj, 2T wttM a fan BtaST as? siantiia atasrie-c4 a ad SaUUfal rbystclHS irseens far t'jo treateaeaS ef alicaurenie CUB FIELD OF SUCCESS. aflBSMaite) Keasl raiali Tk, mM ----ce, Ltvcr Hud Kidney PJ4 'N Bladsler sitaeaeca, Diaeaaee vl Women. Sxluoa Tllaaene an il s piseaaes nu on red h ro or one Aiiccuon, ourwl Imto o .:-!-r without .-. ag t) e patw-nt. mm, oured Iwro or at home, e ins thenaMcnt. Come end see us, oraaa i n ori 'i m Stan or ur "invaiiflii Uttifla ai 'invalids Guide ktoo gives A. ' uartieulAra. nepvone nobility. I mpo. OaiUTl fandVA Diseases I : wieurafca. sy jreysaeiieea era speedup Ikej post-paid M ota In stamps. cally cured, without tbe'knifr, without dependeooe upon Q' F very TftUn At stampa. j.'vAj llm , sgNsBM . FILE TTJBIORSi end rrWICTT'MKB nwasea wtw toe treat'-' i u ".. lik ernt foaxn's uumutaART Mann ao. 10,21. Y. .The of DllEUES 0F Wsn. AS Of to Snnrinif' DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription M the result of this vast exrsarhmoB, It M a powerful nstorattve Tonlo ilfJjL1". lmpuru vigor and strength to the eysteea, end cures, as If bv me4n tJ. corrMoa, or whites. TVTcamI f lowlu7, pa inf nl mensirnstlon, on- I. BasBSjaWaTiBaaaa Bw S natural a up railing oi It promptly rcuevea and cures ifanaest end Weaknee of (Honsrh, Indlgea. tlouBloeir j n t, Nervous iroet ration. and Sloeplcaueee, In cither sax. I IIIUSs 71sUi-; Bold hy Irrncatnte eve rvvhera. Send r. Pleroe'g yam nan. lllieBielaii " mBewme Mare). Seed tan centi In starnne f-r Dr. Treaties on Panes as of ouon. fferir s mmaj KM stttttloB, 003 lualn Street, EUPITaXO, B. Y. SICK-HEADACNC. HHIone Headache, l'izzlnesa, CJonetlpn tlon. Indigestion, and Blllone Attacks, prrmntly oured by lr. rcea Plenennt raaxtva sellta. - 01 . -- v-il. by Tuffs Pills The first doeo often aatnnlshea the In valid, giving; claatlrlty of mind and Bouyancy of Body to which he va before a etranger. They aivo appetite, GOOD DIGESTION, regrnlar hovrola and NOlld fleeh.e Nice ly eugrar coated. Price, itSete. per box. Sold Everywhere. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby giveu that the ur.dsrsign. ed Administratrix of the estate of James B. Downing, deceased, has filed in the Couuty Court of Linn county, Oregon, her final ac count in said eatste, and Tuesday tbe 5th day of July, 1887, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m. of said day at the County Court room in the Court Houe in the city of Albany, in L nii coutity, Oregon, is the time and place eefe by said Court for the hearing of objec tions if any to eaid accountand the final set tlement thereof. Dated May 27th, 1887. Matilda F. I owkixo, A i ministratr ir. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Roaeburg, Or,, 1 June lat, 1887. J Notice is hereby ttiven that the follow log named settler has filed notice of his ! intention to make Anal proof in support of ins uiaim. una mat hhiu proor will be made before tbe Judae or Clerk of tbe Countv Court of Linn Co.. Or., at Albany, r , on ! Saturday, July 2;kJ 1887. vix : Perry Mo ! Queen. Homestead Entry No. 8612 for the ;8 WJi. Sec. 8, Tp. I4SK least wllism i ette meridlBn. He names the ioilowlna; witnessee to j prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol, said land, viz : John Hca l derson, M. Berrigau, Minor McQueen, Frank Malooe, all ot Craw ford sviile, Linn f Co , Orecion. i v UAH. W, JoaNBEC nnl.Mlnii ?vts aonaatfone, chronic congee, tlon. Inflammation and nleeratloa of tho erosnh. inflammation, pain and Mnderaeea In ovaries, inlerttal Meat, and "frmeln waknM. n i1 flu democrat. ritiDAY JULY 1,1187 PPIQI4L yand If APR ta on Ma In Philadelphia at the Newnper Advtir Using Ajmu'y of Miejfe. M, uur authorised agesta. TiipmMoi mmum, aui ran bv tb Wsbbii'i Ghrtitin TrBpcrsiei Haiti W O. 1' U he 1st ad 8 Tucrdav of enoh month at I o'clock p. M , at the A. O. U. W. Hall, over Frenoh a Jewelry Store. COL. woouroBO. Tin" ,BMen apes a ju closed a o tiras ' s uih ! hi our ,. .. ,ul and loioal rrdvooate of the tBini' in no risuaet, and after listening to bU wt uvet Appi a t hm home, against .be sal. oii, it aotild so n tm oeblefor au v man to find e rcasaiBlle exonae fof ve'tng agaitoai ih Auaeudmeut. lite as oaiteua .fib high Itecnse IsUey we m - o inpiwta, and should botiaard by very vi iter in Oregon. He is a strong an .ff-o'tva BJWfcs. 0uld h I hihition Lcrsgue do a wiser thing then secure ba eer vice ' ha entire State, not only in our -rgar towua but in 0'untij j.isfee, where meetings ooo'd tie he., io'h.pfn air. Hb is ust the men for the work. IN THE LBtilBLATUtt. The Lstgielaiure ol tha State of New York for the year 1887 will bo noted as mora under boodega to tba liquor internet than erer before. It paaetKi the notorious Oo cert-Saloon Uoboao Bill, the ''Pool Bill" to ttoeoee and legalise gambling, that the eo-called "liigh-Lioenae" Bill in tbe interest of tbe beer -makers sad sailors. It delibe rately refused to repeal tho infesoaog Mandamus Act, and also refuse lo re peal tba '-Five Glloo L," which gives free rum to prohibition towns. II refused, it both Houses, to listen to the petition of tba united temperance or gan a' ions of tbe StaU Bad tbs grett eseat of the eburebee more than a hundred iboasaod strong for tbo eub miasicQ of s probii-ition amendment to a direct tote of the people. It labored faithfully to put tbo Governor "in a bole," but fall into a deeper one itself when it gars its solemn saoctioa aod license to gambling sod legislative. "fl. ony." Tbo pretence that this Logiela torn was a -'temperance body" will de ceive nobody. Its record is an infam ous one, unparalleled in tba history of fgtalaturea tn this oouotry. Tbe Now Orleans Picayum aays "Ooe oi tbs eoeored frortersof a parlor- oar a;mpany was tried before Jvetice Hoodersoo, of Meridian, Mia , leeemly 3 an affidavit made agaiuat him by tbe Meridian Temperance Reform Club, ebarged with eeliiag liquor in tbe Care omtrary to law. Tbe accused was fined a small amount and imprisoned (or one bjur. Tbo oompany has instructed their employees not to cell any more liquor to tba oars in tba dry Bounties of Mississippi." It baa been e meimes elleged that tbt prohibition movement in tba South was intended, as en ceooomic measure, to deprive tbs negroes f strong drink, aad so insure grater inauetry and o king capacity on towir part, while She well to-do whitee would retain the wiacbottle for theme'es. As lbs nor job do not yet travel muoh in par lor ears, clove t as porter, it would eem that tba of Mississippi lad rosolved that prohibition shall pro hibition for tba wbitepartor oar trav el lor as wall as the colored laborer. I' is a faot cf groat significance. strikingly ill h rati ve of the practical value of prohibitory legislation in di minishing oriru , that, ss stated in the forthcoming aunual report of f.b Secre tary of Stat't of 1 1 , theie -rw tbe past year filtv-fivc ci-mtiei in thai .State without a single occupant fur thru jails for the while yr I It Bfmsr also that there were but 1,645 oo..v lo tions for criminal offence in tha eatirs State, snd that of .hii nimbt.-657 w.t. cenvtotioos of atloon ke,era. Th rt ceipte fron tines for the yer ending September 30, 1886, were $46,326.91, -tn increase of more th m $15,000 over the previous year. Teis is making liquor selling, as criminal, pay "high'' firirs, without lioormia,; or legt'izing thtir int'tmoti traffic. Iowa is to be congratulated. ay m - The Chattanooga Evening Herald says s few days ago a lessee of the Ten nessee convicts said that there are 535 convicts at Nasbvill, aod on a vote on the prohibition question recently out? . a i i s one ot them voteu lor wnisicy. xsuie tenths of them no d iubt am tnafw from having drunk the stuff Tronble Ahead. When the appetite fal!a,and sleep grows restless and uarefreahing.there Is trouble ahead. The digestive organs, when heal thy, crava food.the nervous system, when vigorous and tranquil, gives its possessor no uuoasineHs at night. tonlo, to be ef- fVcliva. should not be a mere appetiser muvi v nuvutt f r v 3 nor are the nerves to be strengthened and v othed by the unaidod actien or a seds !ivo or a narnolie. What is required la a medicine which invigorates the stomach, and promotes aasimliation of food by tbe Mvatetn, by which means the nervous eye tHin, a well as other parts of the physical orgnnLm. are strengthened Tbase aiethe -rtei't of Hostetter' Htomacb Bitters, a medicine whoae reputation is founded nmiy In public confidence, and which ptiy.dcians commend for its touts, anti biitou aud other properties. It is used with the beat results in fever and ague, rheumatism, kidney and uterine weakness, THIS PAPER J$OvKftIK KUKLL'XMtf IN IOWA. he ftratioal Republicans of lows have been showing their loyally again 10 a characteristic fasbioo. A man oemerj Harlan was spoiuud Postmas ter at PooaborvB,grsatiy to the disgust of the patriote, who looked upon this innovation as a blow a', the star apeo g ed banner. At first b v reeolvetl th' iliey woit'd set up an oppoeitieu postolli.i-, but when they discovered that tin. saBejrej o irk sWf resorted to u'oie Uwirss uifBsures, They would meet in the office std in loud wefsjs ftft insult to the Postmaster and his -if-. A' ngh to y would put Bfiske 8, null i." sigii the door, sod tun up OonfederetB llage. Finally so mo of them visited Harlan's house one night and stoned i',brrektig eei! windows. Fearing vilee of this rot', Harlan bad pi. w.i with a abotgao, snd w, I we made upon him be Bred th on, doing no da to age, boat". Mi use of fire-arms reused taw loyal coi sitS of lbs town tn a fevr of indigna tion, and they sought to sjsjwfa th- of tettdci'a indiotmeot i,v ,, gi ami jury. Filiog tbe fllSl t finel y p-rk-ed B jury, snd be Wm ti dioifd f.. .... suit with intent o om. i u i. Harlan's trial ba juat le-er. firtixhfd . t Humboldt, whvre be was ssBjoittaj . tha charge. Of onurKe, the truly lotsl ci in - of P Cahonlae Will COt lo the m'l(-r BI here. Hlan is as touch a Dvtot o" now aa be waa bsfore his ttial, and it will bo in order for tbo liberty-loving POoIbo to make things as bot for him Bt pes .iblf. Young wives sod husband eeonot be too strongly reminded of tbe prob able ehipwreck they will make of their bsppineas it be yield to that ill-temper wbiob expreases itself in discoartesy, wsnt of oomplisnoe, unneeeasarv opfto sittoo, and, above all, that moot dinaa trons amusemant of "nsggiogsnd creat. iag a tow. Hundreds of households have gons wrong 'or tbo more went of checking in lima tho habit of annoying as a relief to tbo momentary feeilng of irritation or discomfort. High issea on eoel, iron, wood, wot I, blankets, clothing, snd otbor neocene riee of life, and no tar on whisky that is tbst slogan of tba Republican and Dews oc ratio protection iats. High Uses on whisky and low taxea on tbe neceeesttee of life that is tbe plat for m of tbo Democratic r even us reformers. Probably. Senator Sherman thinks tba ensanguined undergarment will create mora enthusiasm in the rural pre cincts than tbo tBttoood man did in 1864. If Sherman or Blaine ware president and had promised to attend the Grand Army encampment at St. Louie, would tho Democratic members of tbo Grand Army refuse to meat htm ? Hatdly ! fbs mosquito will soon bo here, snd then sro shall reads that there aie other troubleeom bills besides the In teretato Com ma roe affair. Don Quixote Sherman' atmor rat tles sharply SB he fraotioslly waves bis swotd at tbo peaceful and industrious wind mills of modern times. If John Shermo w mid on! v mkf bis Sunburn sreeohea io th" N th sad his N inborn speeches in tbe 8mth, be would gain in public eaieem. Iowa and Ohio will eiot Governot sod other state officer this fall. We no1 ice that the suarcf ist who believes iu breaking down sit lews, is vary glad to iovuke the Is w Veld when bis own safety ie thteatened. Tb streets of Canton are only thtas or four taut wide, and when a woman with a bustle on gets into one uf them, she has to go slear through betoie she cm turn i ouoi If Allen G. Thurman ie nominated f r GivToor thi yrar, O.i-. ili . x perieuce aoutkai Ri Up Wii'tam AHeu." emp4Jgo Summons, In th Circuit Court oj the ataU of Oregon for Liu County. Mary E. Baasett, Plaintiff, ve William 0. Holmes, Defendant. To William C. Holmes, tbe above nam ed Defendant ; IN the name of tbs State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and an ewer the complaint of the above named riaiutitrin the above entitled Court, now on file with tbe Clerk of said Court, on or ueroro tne retirm Monday of October, 11187, it being the SSta day ef oetefcer, IS?, and you are hereby notified that it yau fail to appear and answer eaid complaint, as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief demanded there in, to wit : that Plaintiff be decreed to bo tbe owner in fee simple ef tbe equal un divided one third of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section one and the north half of the norteast quarter and tbe southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section two, all in Township twelve, south ef Range one, west of the Willamette meridian In Linn county, regon, containing 165 82-100 cores more or lean, conveyed by deed by you to Plaintiff In 1876, which said deed has been lost, that auoh decree stand and b3 record ed ae a deed therefor and as evidence of Plaintiff's title thereto, and for auoh other and further relief aa Plaintiff may oe on titled to in equity snd good conscience. This summons t published in the stats Right Dbmookat by order of Hon. R.P, Boise, Judge of said Court, which said or Jar waa made at Chambers in tbe City ef Jalem, Marlon county, Oregon ajid dated on the 19to day of May, 188?, WaXTBEHFOKD A BiaCKBUKN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. RECTANGULAR AND BaKHEL CHURNS, i he largest atock ever carried in Albany and will be eaid at lower prices than for merly. We want all butter makers to Ml B as S'SB UI f I vrm LLSnMBRlCflNS. otl.lus, RrrMr.. Rnrittg .Iters' Drtsk lasPeer Mleeidiis - BSBi Jt-alesr-ellaieal Awthltle t teleat 1'aeeleas The Itaee fer Aleaer - Tho I'lannino; dMH?ai of tbis country i TmrriMithty and prostraiion. It com under nany immcs but it in asnen ially tho mm complaint, lonpittti ttipi privatt institu ions fog tp-iMMiH puttenU art rowdt)!. Tlit n itvttfg of life n the Unitfftl States in do TifHwing every year. Sudden Jeaths from hpivouh (collapse mong our luMiiuHH, profegg nal and public men are c requent as ncarcely to excite remark. The niajority of ui cides, committed without ap parent reason, or under ao-cnl led deiiression of Byirits," are eally prompted oy nen'oua iroatratioii, which is a fruitful ource of inrmi! nn 1 crime vvith all thei: gtSI hovrar. These ff? r-. lj Mauling. Tliey threaten iha vvy life of he DLtrOtL 1 . it y p ; til the pringa oi its pov'( r and pros crity. They wreck manhood'n ortmgth and woman's useful ness and beauty. Every one sliould know the causes. What are they? The answer is easy and terribly plain: Our vicious personal nabits ; our careless ana lawless eating and drinking; tbe in tense mental and physical strain arising from our mail race after money, position and influence; the fears and struggles of pov erty ; the use of narcotics and stimulants; our fashion of Miming day into night and night into day; and, briefly, our de-x pcrufc willingness to pay any prit-3 for an hour's pleasure or success. So we bum life's cant lie at both ends and fill the lui atic asylums and the graveyards. The disease from which we Huffer and die is, in plain Eng lish, Nercous Dyspep$io, as it is seated in the Nerves and in he organs of Digestion, Assim lation and Nutrition. Healthy digestion being impeded or des troyed, the whole nody, nerves included, is literally starved; even when there is no emaci ation to tell the sad story. Nervous prostration sends out its warnings: headache in the morning; a persistent dull heaviness or aching at the base of the brain; wakefulness; loss of appetite and disgust with food ; loss of mental energy and interest in ordinary duties and business; restlessness and anx iety without any assignable reason; eructations; bad breath; foul mucous on the teeth; occasional giddiness; palpitation of the heart; sal townees of the skin; coated tongue and gradual failure of strength and ambition. The remedy is a total aban donment of the habitijiand cus toms which cause the disease in each individual case, and the use of Shaker Extract of Roots (SeigePs Syrup) to cure the mischief already done. This great remedy, prepaml by the Shaker Community of Mt Leb anon, N. Y., is especially adapt ed to eradicate Nervous Dys pepsia. To do this it' acts directly and gently but power fully upon the disordered stom ach, liver and kidneys, restor ing their tone and vigor, pro moting the secretion of bile, ex pelling waste matters from the system,and purifying the blood. Upon the nervous system Shaker Ext ract (Seigel's Syrup) acts as a safe and wholesome anodyne without the slightest narcotic effect, and then leaves the nerves to Kejgsia their nat ural tone and strength through its wonderful influence upon the function of nutrition. It is safe to say more nerv ous dyspeptics have been re stored by it fiom the depths of misery to a fresh enjoyment of life aud labor tliau by any or all other forms of treatment combined, Ladies r i..e Shoes. N H Allen St Go. are sowTrseaivin direct from the maauf tsture, H J Holbrock & Co., of Utica, If. Y., a full line of his jus ly eel ebrated fine she-s for ladies and misses in C. D. fi. snd E. E. widths, These goods will give splendid satisfaction, in faot there are no better matte. Administrator's Notice, Notice Is hereby given that the ond signed nas nied ais final account as A -uiinistrator of the estate of Henrv W i lisins, deoeaaed, In the County Court tor itnn county, u regon. and the 0th day of July, 1887, at the hour of one o'olook, p, m. Le by the Court been fixed for hear ing objections thereto and to the settle m ut of said estate This tbe 3rd day of June, 1887, Hiram Williams Administrator of the eaid Estate. . Notice for Publication. Land Office at Roasburg, Or., Jane 1st, 1817. j Notice ie hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that eaid proof will be made before the Judjre or Olerk of the Oonntv Court of Linn County, Oregon, at Albanv Or , on Saturday. July 23rd, 1887. vis: ".vl vector Coohran, Mrtngtead Entry No 3618 for theS K M 80, Ip. 14. s Rl wet Willamette meridian. He names tbe followir.g witnt-sar e to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said lano, via : Geo s Miiler, Sam'I Glass, Joseph Seli K f, EdcCaw, all of Crawfordsville, Linn Co , Oregon. Csus. W. JoHKsros Were a wsr to bieak out in thU oooniry we presume that Oan. Tuttle ard ether Grano Army men ut hi kind would i. fu.. io lake part beeaset Pies dr Chtrii.i.d wottlst b the c uitii ti llta'Sl ct nniMiide'-tr BbatJ'oJ O.e army sr d r sty. 1 1 re is a wood d b v al-ouf Q,i n (J -f r "iigv-r than l is tuottf, v l VtaiHtgti mm foik-t ral has I i -'in r.g ei.oiig to ejialft hies P j"-t .11 tii'.n . Tbe Iroubh v i L Hi. n man ie b for- 1 gats the fount n I, - . ,ckI f,nm tnl s ' ir n -i I 'thU ytX V inatli i Kchekos i arte h u.aid f wt ii I i- Irs t iittteU A oechvirrr wf b. i . i mo . t. in. in cmslan hliot-it h u : i S. ii i ( id I,- i irrin to Slanghtel the D'Bucracy anh the JB I O! . t.f e. MM. TwvH)ue thousand bar-msitis of veriotr drgrtte (4 i esuty,dispeore "'alf nd alt to the ibireu deuisenacf Lon- d. n. A Bean u) be oad fgg, but bu'a ell riybt till he H 'i.rolte." m e Sa Tawr Meet. St. John' Lodge, 62, In Foster's Block snd Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, st Hsll, 1st Sat urday. Bay ley Chapter, 8, at Mall, 4tl, Sat urday. K of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. F., at tnetrmu'i.evcry Wednesday evening. A- O. U. W., st their hall, every Monday veiling. Orgeans Encampment, at O. F Hall, every and and 41b Friday. G. A. R., at A. O. U. W. all, 1st and grd Saturdays. I. O. G. T., at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacifk, at O. F. Hall, ist and 3rd Frjdays. ee Second hand baby carriage for sale. Call at DbMOCBaT office. G ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE t pposate Teyoe A K beon'a. ALBANY, OREGON. Ke-p a tresh stock of all kinds at GROCERIES, CROCKERY, C LASS WARE, ETC., ETC. Silverware Given Away. with oar Silver Prise Java CQV, c n aiating .f six pr jte, 34 dos, table kelva, M doa medium fork-, doa. Ul.les p. one, H dua, tea spoona, doa napkin rings and mi tar spon and I. in r knife all KogerBroeAl sbver ware, every pur chaaer of a can getting o e chance CONN BROS. I. GRFENBAUM -DEALER IN- DRUGS, STATIONERY, ETC PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded DAY OR NIGHT 108 First Street, Albany, Or. EAST! xican Mustang Liniment Sciiitioa, Lumbago, Scratches, Sprains. Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Sores, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Eruptions, Roof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Galli, Piles. Kheumstl : Bnrat Scalds, Stings, Bites, Bruises. BunioEf, Corns, THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY Acopm?lthe for everybody exaetly what iselaunt d font, Ouo ot the reaaoa for the great popularity f the Mustana Liniment Is found In Its universal n tU'Hcubillty. Everybody needs such a tasdlotu s The IiUntbermau aeods It Iu case of accident The Honsevrlfe needs It for general fAtnlly no . The C'asaler need tt for histeaauAad his men Tbe Mechanic need It always OB his work bnch. The Miner needs It In caae of emergency. The Pioneer needs It cau-tgetalont without It. The Farmer need It in hi house, his s titbit, and his stock yard. The steamboat man or the Boatman need i It la liberal supply Afloat and ashore. Tho Horee-fancler needs it tt is hi bee: friend and safest reliance. The Stack-grower needs it it will save hln, thousand of dollars and a world ot tronble. The Railroad mas need It and will need it so long a hi life Is a round of accident and danger. The Backwoodsman needs it. There hi noth ing like it as an antidote tor the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the Pioneer. Tho Merchant needs it about his store among his employees. AocMente will happen, and whan tksse come the Mustang liniment is wanted at onoa Keep a Bottle In the Hease. Tls the best of eseaasay. Keep a Bottle In tho Factory. IttHmssedleM ns In esse of aootdsnt saves pain sad lea of' t:OK STaV ftl How's Your Liver? la tho Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole svstem is do- I ranged. Simmons Liver Begulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthv Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. MEVKft BCCN OlSArrOINTED Asaseneral family remedy for Dyspepsia, Torr Livr-r, OmaUpation, etc, I hardly ever use anything else, and have never been disappointed In th effect produced : it m to i. almost a petteet core fiar all dlarasee of the Mtonuv-h and Bowels. W. J. mcEubov, Macoo, On, Palace Meat Market. J. T. PIPE, PROPRIETOL FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on band beef, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc., tbe beat meats and largest variety In the city. Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock, HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER -PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufaeturars of OEOIGE CONFECTIONERY, We are aow rasnaisrl to il m ekai. sale, slwayn fresh and pure at Portland prices to dealers, We also keep a foil Una af Huts and Tropical Fruitg, I TV GROCERIES, Wekeepafnll line, al way eg rash and at very low prices. OUR -CIGAR AND TOBACCO department ie com'VHt We keep tba nttta'. atot of a2josuaAanl obowing td.a.00, meerschaum and briar pipes that m a delignt to smokens. O Taw yasur. 3.500 whole GIVES itlrret tm etstumn era ell personal or family sue TU I orter, aaad alve trvort eeat of tnttaa ys eat, drtatst. have reus with. Tawae IS V A1XAI BOOKS eoatata iBflissaaltoa sdaasiaal frenss taw mar Beta of taw wo lit. Wo will matt a c-opy fRaCK to ausy wV eapesis?a?saatltsia;. Iat saSwr ft Sara yon. KpM trolly, fvtO-MTGOMERY WARD A CO. 27 Oe 939 Waaoefc Avssa, Chleatara, tat. jpOR 8ALR. One half block In eastern part ef cltywith fair bouse and ham will aheap PATENTS an a. . . voMined, and all ether busiace In the 0. a. Patea wo atteecleaed to lor moderate tees. OureSleatseppoeit the U.S. Patent Ofle. aod - v.niw reroute was usae tasa taeee i Washinro.n. JBenS mod fa or draainsr. Went' M ABtllty hoe ef Okaryt and nmik. u immm Mjbtaio petewt. " tw refer her, to the PoaUaaaUr, the Boot ef Jwwy Order Dlv. aad to offlciala ot th U. & Pataat OBwt. Foreiaular, advice, term, sad stirsaesa etUAl elieule la your own Stat or county, edit rat a A. SNOW Si CO., Opporite Patent Office, Waahinatoa. D . ujenby th Oelek BamBBsssafl OIL l'lEhOB'8 PAX1 TMACNETIC EUtSTICTIIUSS OaioiNaL and OaxT Qsurrmta a i toot rro Truss. reriectHetsiaat . j .tan to renew eter a thnMMaa. KWh'd lft. nd for Fra lllaatr'd Paaanhlet BeL SO north a7wVaVV'i 'YKK a 1 Sat f- T I n Bf 1 tt K a If: T II I I V 704 As 0e Ua W. Member wuhinremplnyment or dtatrin; nelp, will pleacll at Red 4 Browse!!' store and register thfir nsnie. Bt Order or Lt i-ca AGFKTS WAh'TKD to sell "REM1NI8CEKCES of 60 YEARS In th NATIONAL MKTRnpOLIS. BEN PERLEY P00RE Illustrating the Wit, Humor and EecentriciUe ol Bated eeleh- ttie. A He ly lliatrated treat of Inner &oeiet.v History, from "ye olden time" to the wedding ef Cleveland. V . aderfUHy pepttla , Atrcnta r. rapid salra. Address for circular aud teru.-. A. I. SlU'NIU'T CO., Publish trs, S&u Francieoo, Ol. SAM Mat, 6. SCNBERS MAY fc SENDERS. BealoM in General MbrDiaiidiBe HARHISBURG - - - - OREGON Will bur drain, Ww! and all Iwk nrEtMOt'IPJi ta 3 IB BMEa, jlAnEY 2 O BJrjaoT uutut 18 FOR SAUSKgCALEWS gflBTT SfslERg. u-kly and Vanuanj rated