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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1887)
SUB. TO DEMOCRAT, SI IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Advartlaiug rates m sde known on ap plioetlon, ii'I!!JJ - ...-L-J . PROFE8HIONAI CARDS. L. H. MONT ANTE. TTORNEY AT LAW -AND-- Notary Public I assay, Oregon. Office u petal ra, orr John Itrlfgn atom, t atreet. vUnSStf J. K. WEATHERFOBD, (HOTABT PUBUO.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, IU. PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURT! OP THE Stata Snectal attention riven to Election aa1 -iit matter te 044 ratloafe Tease. n:t rf. o. powiLL w. n. nrLTBtr POWELL ft BILYKIT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicit m ia C.aicery, 1LS4IVT. - . . OREGON. OolleeMon promptly made on nil poInU. Ci ana negotiated on reasonable term. e?Offle In Foater'a Brios.- vMnlttf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittornaj ind Oounselior At La? AND olary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the ConrU of btsMtate. ah business intrusted to Dim will ba promptly aleSSanad to. E. W. LANCDON, DEALRR IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, ana evervmmg Kept in a n ret class Drug Also a nno atoek or pianos nod ALBANY. OREGON. F08HAY A MASON, W-H,.J' ABB BRAIL- Uroistsand Booksellers, Agents fbr John B. Aldan's pnblicotiona, which wa aall at piblUher'a prioaa with ALBANY, OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rtielet, Etc. riBSCilPTIOM C1REPCHT PILLED. Open da j and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. i hare the boat atock of nrotture in tba dtp and will aall Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, Tba only atock of WALNUT FURNITURE iu tba eitr and tba lowest prlos in th Valley. Gome and aeo. Undertaking, a complete atock and can giro NAT IM PACTION". Try me. A, B. WOOPrN, DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. Firatand Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. . o iMtrtir c.B.rraR ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY A PARKF.S, (Bnooeaeora to C. G. Cherry.) lachiflitts, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. WR HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all klnda of heavy work. We will manufacture Mteam Engines. Griat and Saw Mill Machinery, and all klnda of Iron and Braaa Caatinga. PATTRBf I4N OR SHOUT NOTK'R, Special attention given to repairing: all lada of machinery. Will also manufac re the Improved Cherry A White Grain ep rator lotice of Application to Purchase Timber Land. U. 8. Land Office. OreRen City, Or. 1 May 9th, 1887. J Notice ia hereby (riven that, in com nil anna with the orovialooa of the Ant of Oongreaa approved June 3rd, 1878, entitled An Act for the aale of Timber Land in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," David Myers whose pottt-nffloe address ia Soio, Linn county, Oregon, has thia day filed in thin office nis application to purchase the S 14 of N E 14 and N of 8 E J, Section No 18, In Township No, 10, (9 Range No, east of the Willamette meridian, Al peraons holding any adverse claim thereto are required to preaent the saint at this office within sixty daye from the first publication of this notice. W. T. BnnuBT, Register, Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City. Or., 1 May 26th, 1887. Notice ia hereby given that the fallow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to mke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the Couutv Judge or County Clerk of Linu countv, r. at Albany, Or., en TnesaJsy. Jal.r IXk, 1S7 via : Sylvster Prichard, Homestead En try No. 4888, for the N W M of Sec 26, Tp. H. R.1E. He names the following witness to prove hia continuous residence upon, snd cultivation of. .ald lsnd viz: J L Berry, of Jourdnu Vallsy, P. O.. Linn Co , Or , JSheltcn, of Jourdan Valley, P. O., Linn Co., or., D. Haddon. of Fox Valley. P. O., Linn Co , Or , J. Priuhare, of Fax Valley, P. O., Linn Co , Or. W, T. Burnet, Register. N (Thome blessed with a baby is complete without the monthly visits of Babyfiod,txt delight, com f art and aid of the mother. Only publics- . - . . 1 a a. V at tiouintbe worla uevotca to me care ui 1 reu. We are u lad to recomraeua OL. XXII. First National Bank OF.ALBAN1, OREGON. BmMsi l. runt Vl Prldut 8. R TRpNti Calr..M OKO. K. CUAMRimAlK TRANSACTS A GENERAL hanking business, ACCOUNTS REPT eshjeot to baok. ElOirr EXCHANGE Mid Wlegrephle ' 111. mm on Raw Yerk, Halt r'ranciaco, Chicngu and Purl I Oregon. COLLECTIONS fevoieble Urn. Diaanoaa. tK Ton am, Geo, E CHAaa.atAJB B Riaii L. Fuss, Wautwh E Tvaasu.. L. COWAN. J. W. OMiCR Linn County Bank, cowan & cusick. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a Mrl seating ssataeee. DRAW BIGHT DRAFTS on New Ttrk Baa Man eteooand forUaad, Orajaa. LOAN MOKEYm spermS eeerhy. RECEIVE depeelte .uhjeet u eheek. COLLECTIONS minuted to ua will receive antlon. H. F. MERRILL, Banking an Insurance. ALBANY, - OREGON. Salt eichaugv on Maw York. Rm Praaoiaou uJ rerUand Buy not a-. EU'a. county and e'ty warrants Rw esivs deposits sasject to check. Interest allowed ea tune dHita. will receive prompt atWitli on, hour froan a. at. to ft p. at . Ross House. J. i I III. ITS, Proprietor. Thia houae is now open and furaiahed with the beat new furniture. Everything clean sod ccm mod ions, offering to tba gen eral public iHperior accommodation to any ia the city. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on a aar hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. I WILL BROS., Dealer In all the Loading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A foil Sheet music, raupal merchandise, ammunition, Bshln; tackle, ate. Warranted rasors, butcher and pocket knlvea. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines musical instruments, guns, etc. neatly done, ALBANY, - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and Marine Insurance FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., PORTLAND, OREGON, Dealers Id Farm and Mill Machinery. Walter A, Woods' Mowers, Reapers and Steel Wheel Twme Binders ; Thomas and Royal Self Dump Rakes i Hodges' liouule Draper Headers ; Saar, Scott & Co.'s Threshers and Horse Powers ; Back Island Walking, Gang and Sulky Plows, Most Complete line ot Btiaales Carriages and Spring Wagona en the Pacific Coaefc. Having received eur timers the benefit, and sell them gooda in onr line lower than ever before. Write for Catalogue ad PrreMFRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO,, Portland, Or. or J. Qradwohs., Agent, Albany, Or, GOOD for the cure of Constipation and Indigestion. GOOD for the cure of Biliousness and Dyspepsia. GOOD for the cure of Bowel Complaints GOOD for the cure of Kidney Diseases GOOD for the cure of Languislmess and . Wr'yiBacks GOOD for the cure of Liver Complaints. GOOD for the cure of Boils and Carbuncles. GOOD for the cure of Fool Breatn and Sonr Stomacnv GOOD for the cure of Sleeplessness and Irritability. VITIATED BLOOD Neroftaloiin, Inherit and Con CoRloua Humor C'nrrd by 4 ti it cum. aFUROllUit tha niatlluui u( oaa of your bouka ra I oaivatl thruuah Mr. Prrtik T Wrajr, 1'rumr. A olio, ., 1 bacaaia aoqualntail with your OutioUra lU-uiiMiiMi, ami tako ttita oiKiuuiy ut uwwrv va reu that their ua has parmanantl cural uta of inta of the rl oaaaa of klood polaolliag, In eoliBatitloii Willi rryaipalae, that I bl ear aaen, and thia after liavliitf i- n .r..ii .;in. p i incurabia by aame oi tna imns tny alolana In our . iiny I u ureal ilnajniro lu for warUtita to you thl taatlmonlal, wuaotlolud a It la by you, iu ertlar that athar auRosiiitf from afmllar naMNai may h anoouracad to irlva your cuuoure IUuiHltfa trial. V H. Wutruxaaa, I.a hliuig. IV Rofarane : Krank T Wray. Uruggttt, AmiII., Ha. m BOH l Ol l IU KU1. Jama R. Rlohardami, Cuatotn llnna. Naw Or I nan t, on oath aaya : "In 170 avrofuooa I'tear orohe et on asy body until I wa a niaaa rf corruption. Kvary thliiK known t- tint madul faculty waa tiled In rain. I eeeatn a mara wrack . At time eoeld not lift my hand Vo my baad. enuld not tarn la bad ; wa In ntnatant pain, ami lookad upon Ufa aaaoara. No rallaf or enra Is tan year. In 180 t beaid of tha C'uU cura Ramaillaa, uaad thorn, and waa parfavtlv aurad." gwarn u hafora V. a. Com, J. I) Caaaroaa. ON OF THE WORST 4P4KK. W ha baen alng our CotWra Katnadkaa for yaara, efd bara ih Brat complaint vot t raeata Iras a ourciuvMrr. on of ia worn easts or aareniia i avar aaw waa cured by the uw af flva hotllae of Cuti. Raaolvaul. t'uliaura, and fun. ura goaf Thu I takaa tha "oak" bara a a aaadlcinal aaap. Touji aad Taraoa. Prawgkau. frank. Ran. M'KUI'I LOI H, 1PJHKKITKO. And Cuataious Humor, with Loaaof Hair.and Crap Uona of tha Skin, ara piaVitlvaly cttrad by CuUrura and C uttcura Kaap axurnally, and Catleora Raaoi vant Internally, whan all other madldna fall. Metul for pamphlet. f utlcura Re mad We ara aald ararywbare. Prloa : ' tha Oraal Skin Cora, SO eta. . V uttcura soap an Kiqulalte HrattUlar, 26 eta. . Cutkura Hoeulant, tha Naw tttaod Punfter, Potter Prug ai.d f heokal Co., Doatoo. KJB, . ami Baby If UUWN, Ua Ct HOW MY BACK ACHES ! bank A.he. hi lar) Pain ami W.-aki.eaa, toreneaa. Uimram, ft rail., and taa ra te, ad In one minute by Ih i uncut a Ant faPlaater, Infa'ltabl a . L. W. CLARK. Portrait Photographer. Silting by appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedsie's Building. ALBANY, - - - ORECOff. line ALBANY, OREGON, MEMORIAL AUtmm Delivered by V. M. Millar. Sea.., at Aiheay Or., Mar 1101,1 i sst VmivixamU t , C'y mi rotii, Ladies and Utn tlemtn : Tbe day set apart for the strawtng of flowers upon the gtaves cf departed oomrades and so! diets of the wer,tor tbe perpetuity of the I J ni.n.hsH ootne Rgsio, With it ojfoes tLo aad though cheriahed raooHeotiona of a struggle fraught not only sf blessing already realised, but which is hoped will atill go maroulng down lbs stresm of tim with ever in creased blessings to our country mud to The great t t of intelligent free gov- eminent was plaoad in the balanoefanil the contest in whieh tbe heroes whose graves we belck wuh flowers along with the survivors, net not only tbe emergency of tbe oocasion,btit triumph ed ia such a manner as to hand dowu te humanity of every age and olitne tbe great truth that a free government was not only a possibility, but a grand feot and that it was itbin the powei an 1 ability of a free people to maintain tfci tsse. The wiaeat and some of the greatest statesman of other f t im of government in which the cttisus exr- sue but little influenoa, long prtdioted that our day of sell'-governmeut by the people was simply an experiment and a del union tbe rising, aa it wrn, of s meteor in tbe western world and which wou!d deoay end finally die out when tbe strong test of oivil commotion and MSSstio war should oome. Tbe mighty shock eame like thunder f. iu a clar skv. The biatorr of tbe world nowhere preaenta a struggle in so sb n a t hu", fought upon a larger Mule and with greater dtermtnatbn tbm the war f r tbe maintenanee of tbe Un ion. Tbe enemy. brave,eif eoufilent. hrooght every resource to tbe conflict, bile the evil wiebera snd false prophets ef free government abroad aided as far aa p.waiVr, end yet amid the oombioa- tions of all, tbe gloriona flag repreeet,i ing relf-overnment at.d the home of fresman gained a d..-cisive end triumph ant victory, which as tine rolls on will ever answer back that self-government is an established fet. To tbe silent eleepeta as we II as their aurvivieg com rades, ibe wotld will ever be indebieaJ for this nver dying truth. What oouid be mere appropriate in (bis dy of m m nmentsl noiiiing to iudividnal men, N irth as well as H mth, tbe propriety of wbicb in s me inatanoea might be tees- )ned for tbe country's g d, while to others the t.nown and grsti nde of whieh waa purcbsssd by tbe grest rank and file of tbe Union army,wboe d- d. are rarely told, and whose ptaiset ar seldom sunf , and who, like the H on m soldier of Pomiieiifatnidtt the toturiog earth and flaming river of 'eva,tO'd at the post of dui v,ever bearing al- ft the nation's standarl,thsn to raise a monu ment like (bat ( Washington at the oapitol of the nation iu honor of tbe brave mvn living and dead, wbo I sred their breeate to aave the natioe. Suoh s memorial like Liberty Enliuhtentug tbe World and do- statue of Washing ton would be the guiding a'ar and dee tiny of bopS to (be libei ty loving iu every age and country and a fitting tribute, to the multitudes that lie,or will shortly 't,in tbe eemeteriteof onr land, and whose nesting places will soon be forgotten and unmarked. Tba daad, tba patriot gallant dead, On .vary Hold tta.y lis , On aeery Said U rtrifa Mad. red With bloody victory. Their hoses are on ta. Northern hi I. And on the Southern plain. ; By brosk and river, nuuad and rill, And in the ee touting main. Tbe earners th:it led to thin great con flict are not plain, tbe reason assigned meet not the obet judgment of the pres ent, let alene the calm marshalling of facie and the deduction of impartial historians, undoubtedly the utterances of ambitious men Rnd- would-be party leadt-rs cf tbe Scuth, bed much to do with (be teaing of m cession used. Tbe argumf nts put forth by these men would aaver have produced a bloody harvest bad not passion and prejudioe oame to tbe rescue. Secession is aelf-defltruotive in any form of Government.. It builds its own tomb and will ever die a suici dal death. It (liflsrs from revolution in that, that it calls far separation acd division, while revolution demands a remodeling of the whole, a contest with in, and not necessarily a separation. Tne ene i justifiable, to meet the progress and exigenoiea ot the times aud will ever be sanctioned by the govern ed, the other is a rope of sand and otn not be maintained on principle. Slavery aa an institution did not oause the war. A vant toaj urity of che people favored, or rathwr acquieecod in it, but 'every mm a ditOOS4o& and a theory adiled greatly to t.he issua. If. furnish ed the fuel upon which psjsion anJ pre judice fed and which produced mis tust of one section of the country against the other and fiotiUy engendered war. Wei! may it amaze the future reader of im partial history to ascertain the fact that the most enlightened and Christian na tion on earth began, and finally fought FRIDAY, JUNE 34, log out of and appealing to the lower i'lstiaotief human nature. With no high motives in engagiog in tbeoonteat,snd no grievanoee tbst might aot have been adjusted in a peaceable manner, it is idle to assume or ssk who was in the right. The eiber thinking man of the oonutry to-day, North as Well as South, have answered the ques tion ; tbst those who fought for aud vavored tbe perpetuity of tbe Union were in the right and those who stood for disuoicn, fighting liks brave men ss they were, were in the wrong, yet in their defeat, reaping a larger bsritage than had they been successful. The men actually engage 1 in'the war would not fall far short of five millioos. Tbe number of battles fought were more than two thousand. No leas than six hundred thousand lost their lives dur ing the eon test. A million more,tbrough wennd and diseasn,bve died a prema ture deetb sines tne struggle ended. It was teught s th desperation and enei gy, aad with tbe best soldiery tbe world ever beheld. Tbe oust with tbe proper ty destroyed, whieh oanaot be a -curtained, would extend into tbe billi ona. The wounded an i disable i by ex (Ca ere and diaesa . aeei on avvry btr.d. Cuutlegs thousand of wiv. were 1 ft widowlesa, and o'tildren fYli.ol.--e. Weeping and mourning went up from every hamlet and tUlege i i the land, 3 aBLa .... i anu wioespreao u-solattm waa seen in the fairest portion of the oouutry. The European armies combined dur ing tbe entire 19th eentury never broeght into aetive service in all their war atfh an ttfootive lore. E , gland inc the time cf WilH.m the Conquer or has not mustered in line of bs ile the number of fighting men as ws in settve service on tbe part of the N uih during tbe tibeiiion Mure men were in one single hutte kiHed and w hi t ied than outing ih eratire revoloiiontry war. The entire tossie tbe M -fie to war was m ire than cover od by a dx hi different euggru'-uts. The great btt tle of Waterloo wbceio tbe combine J elli-d power of E ir v- fough'. aud OveKhrew Nepoieoo wasqualled at tbe eingle battle of Uettyeburg. And wbi-o we take to e nsidetatto-t the I'ettinguta dmpetgn, Aniietsm, the Wtlderneea, Shiloh, Atlanta, Vickabuig,snd numer ous other engagements, modern history nowhere preaenta such bloody battles as were fought during the tour years of tbe war by tbe forces en gged. The (Stress of tbe ten thousand under Xeoopbec, celebrated in Grecian history and aong as one f tbe m t remarkable even's of ancient tituea, ai well a in uiodvro times, tbe (earless match of Nap iet. to Hmcow, theas feats of prowess, tbe wonder and admiration of tbe aorld, sink into insignificance when compared with that match let ma-cb of Sherman to the sea. And yet trout this mighty desolation enormous loea of life and cotti,with all the attendant evils of a bloody war, tbe na'.ion baa emerge i with greater grand- ass a a a as. tot, higher situations auu a nomer destiny than ever before. Peace has returned with pro-tpcr.ty in her wings, ever to remain our nation's guest. Tbe foregoing is but an outline of the heroic services snd grand results of the mighty struggle in which tbe fallen comrades whose graves we decorate, as welt aa tbe surviving soldiers, achieved in tbe wsr for tbe onioo. One bsif of the brave men are s.Veping tbe sleep thst knows no waking. Their earthly pilgrlmsge has ended. They are oi top ing on the shores of the unknown land where tbe bugle blast of war will call them to duty no more. Tbe other half aj of the surviving heroesare parsing away like the autumn leaves at tbe rate of fity tbouaand as escb year rolls round to join the silent campers. Before an other quarter of a century passes the great majority will be enrolled ou tbe muster roll of the departed. As living survivors and ss citizens of the great republic, it becomes us to think rev erently and kindly of the sacrifice made and tbe results achieved, es we ap- nrotch each mound and drop a .ilent H ! -TW tear as we girland with flowers each returning year the graves of the j etriot dead. Tl. meet thus to hallow the memory Of the loyal, th true aad th brave ; With feeling of pride and ot sorrow ; EtnbolUh each warrier grave. They've left ua a reeord of valor Var th page of our etory to tell ; They battled for the flee of our Union Guilty dlauaion to quel!. Since we last gathered in his beau tiful cemetery tbe great volunteer sol dier and oomrade, John A. Logan, has been transferred to the army of the dead. His services were emirent in the field and in the councils of the nation . To those who followed where be led, the announcement that he was no more caused a deep faeliug tint a mighty man uud ftiend had fallen. Well aud faithfully he p iformed the woik as signed him, and be rests as tits patriot should, with the robe of honor around him. While live the land he loved, Fondly hU fame he keep, And patriot pilgrim aeek the spot tmmxal 1887. In oar relation hh citizen of a unit ed country there can tie no quarrel between the old soldier of the Union hihI the Mouth. That the soldiers of the South fought invf ly sod well was shown on many a b tttefleld. As Americans they displayed the same gallant bearing and courage the Union soldiers.snd should these qosl. ltios bo lakon as a criterion of judg ment, they sro as much entitled to the regard and respect of our com mon country as the Union defenders. But with the eld soldiers of the Union wheu memory recalls the time, there is a reeling when the missiles of deah were atlklug their comrades down. snd when mlnnie balls like A pi II showers were strewing the field with (Jtmd and wounded comrades, that gallantry on the psr( of tbe foe should not efface all other considers, lions. This sentiment msy and does And sn echo in the breasts of some, but ss a practical principle, applied in a free government, It may prove the rock upon which our ship of state may wreck. The cause tbat produc ed the gallantry ehould never be loet sight of. The American soldier has fought on ntsny a fit Id since the for mation of the government. It noodje in nrtlftYia! rentiment to claim bravery In an unjust cause In order to uphold national honor. It ia a device to elevate the ouo at the ox pensense and degrsdstlon of tbe other to stela Union end whiten disunion. Comrades with us there can be no trace of bitterness with tbe soldiers of the South. Brave men carry no III feeling when Ibe strife Is over. It Is left with tbe people of a saved na tion. If it should be decreed that alt ttr - Mjotlly rleaervlng o' the grstl tude of the nailor, we bow in bumble submission. The old defender U no meoicant nor is be a psoper. W bin tbe line nf exiet Justice Is crossed by the government t tho soldiers who ssved li ut d their widows, It will be HUM tlMS) to sjeak of Its grvat boun ty ami gffic rosity. O ir r tee i aimot run. Tbe aetting ann of th Orar.d Armv of (he Repub lic baa paa-ed tbe meridian and will soon sink to live no mote. It should be our duty while living to ever be true to our country, aid in perpetuating the memory of our f.Heo c unrades sad ever ready to assist a 'ar aa possible in re lieting tbe necessity of oomrades wbo are needy, together with the widow and father less. We've etowd A flns, snl an Beany a batUeAeid stibruken line, And faead tba foe and eoeraed ta laid In tbe da ef Aald LesySya. Aad aa tbe day. g eertfU. by And araakar grota our Use, We'll kecs together Uil we die Rot the day ef Auld Laag Sjna. Oar Ea Sseak. The 14th volume of Oregon report ia re ceived. It ia a book worth, and which ought to coat, about $t.o or $J ; but it is printed contrary to law in San Kranciaco : and no one can obtain a copy without paving $6. Pendleton fc. No matter what vou may think, no mat ter where you are or with whom vou talk, never talk against yeur town or its people. If vou don t like the town nnd one that doe auit. If the people are not congenial find tome sunnv clone where vou ean be In ympathy with people and measure. Union Scorn t. Will B Rice, the jrencral traveling agent of the Oregon Pacific Railroad the Ya quina Bay route was in town during the week on hia way south, ana made our ot ftce a pleasant call last Wednesday. This company has done and ia doing much to benefit the people of the Willamette Valley and deserves the good will and support of the public. Mr. Rice i a very pleasant gentleman, and i welt qualified to repre sent the interest of this enterprising com pany. Stale Journal of Eugene. The stingiest man in the United States, until recently, was supposed to be located in Missouri, 'and he wa so penurious that he would stop the clock at night to keep it from wearing out He was the second I cousin to the man at Oshkosh, Michigan, I L aaadb, aW.M t 1 aa A who was a church member. He would hold on to his pennies until the last possible moment when the contribution box came around, for the interest to accrue on them. But the stingiest man in the world, so far discovered up to the time of going to press, is the man in Albany, Or., who uses a wart on the back of his neck for a collar button. Attorian. A large number of subscribers on our lists are due for subscriptions for over a vear and a half, and we are of the opinion that it is about time they are making a set tlement Very few people expect, and would ask, two years credit at a store for goods ; why do they expect to get their local paper for two or three years without paying anything for it ? We ask an early settlement, as it takes money to run a nea s papcr. La Grande Journal, r" Railroads will nearly always combine in giving excursion rate. The O. & 0. though is not one of them. It refuses to affiliate with the Oregon Pacific and -he nee that road is obliged to run the "Bentley" from Port land to this city. The following '-notis" was picked up re cently in the streets of Baker City : "Tnik Notis. Runned away, a white calfs. His hind less was black. He was a she calfs. Anybody's who doesn't bring her hack pays live aouars, $5. rse ttvtn uown twu m-ics behind der bridge." Bismark, Dakota, once had a tremendous railroad boom, somewhat after the fashion of Snokane Falls boom. Now the bottom has fallen out. Ten room houses rent for $5 a month and large brick stores for $re a month. Steady growth is wnat counts The constitutionality of the foolish bicycle law winch requirss a rider to stop hia bioyeie within one hundred yard ot a team ta to be tested by Portland bicyclists, a lawyer hav ing been engaged for the purpose The Casutv Court held a four day session. last week, an exceedingly long ene, neoeaaid tated by tha trip to tne aite 01 tne propose Mehawa bridge. David Carnea, of Waterloo precinct, it is tated. will be 105 years old on the 19th of VO 47 NEW Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Ee At pi ices never before offered in Albany an c s N. H. ALLEN I CO.. are the ones that are propose to sell CASH AND only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Oatalouge in the State. We p rrpoe here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samplesjsent upon ap plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co. 57 First Street Albany, fatea ta iiraated. Patents giraated to citizen of the Pacific State during the past week and reported ex preeely for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patent, oppoeite U. S. Patent OftVc.Wash tngton, D. C. ! J F Atherton, Portland, Or., combined presser foot and guide for use in enbrokJ rinK: .. ... P Scltarbacti, Sliverton, ur., enect cum vator. An old darkey fortaae teller, blind for j ears, waa ia the city Saturday and for a few day after. Thi old gentleman a lived in tbe Northwest for years, having baee ia Al bany many times before. His fsos is familiar to most of the old residents of tbe State. A blind darkey or blind anyone else, though peculiar ia their ways, who try to mate their own living by selling pencils said tell ng for tunes, are entitled to better treatment than being termed "dirty old bilks." People who have their fortunes told are not bilked, for they know whst thsy are paying for. J Q Vaughan, uncle of Hank, of Coburg, Or., wa in the citv this week and made us a call Thi gentleman was here last win ter but owing to the mow could frame no idea of the country. He is now taking in the beautiful surroundings and ere tene we mav be able to note him as another addition to Umatilla county's population. Cemrr villain. The United States is now safe for another vear. All over this srlorious Reoublic neo- j le have been duly informed in refeicnce to I . . A the labor question, government, how to reg ulate strikes, monopolies, etc. The Seniors did it. Prineville saloon keepers have entered into an agreement not to sell liquor on credit. Strawberries are somewhat worm) this year. Transcontinental lines will pav no atten tion to State Railroad Commissions, which by the way, are generally "N. G." anyway. .jrsaksnneis, or Liquor Habit, ean be Cared bj a imimr taring Br. Hainss- Golden S teeific. It can be Riven in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It, ef fecting a speedy aud permanent cure, whether t he patient is a moderate drinker or n u alco holic wreck. Thousands of drunkard have ueea made temperate men who have ta ten the tiolden Specific In their coffee without their know ledge, and to-day helleve they quit drink -nix of their owu free will. No hamifv 1 effect results from its administration. Cores guaran teed. Bend for circular and full particulars. Address in confidence Oot-osx SPBCiric Co., 183 Kace St., Cincinnati, Ohio. RedCrowriMills IS0M, LAXNIN0 A CO., PRCPR'S. U1W PROCESS fLOlTB SCFKRIOR FOB PAXILIM ANn n.KKRS raK. BEST STORAGE dUTlES. Highest Prio in Cah fo Wheal ALBANY OR. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LA -AND- r THE DEMOCRAT I the licet Advertising medium In ibe Central Willamette Valley. SPRING GOODS. Boots, making the offer. We goods tor PRODUCE New and Second Hand Store Owing to the inovased demands of oar business we have Leen compelled to move late a larger More not we ean now be bond next door to S. K. Young, where wc will be pleased to see cur patrons, if you r.eed any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, ear pets, pictures, fruit jrs, trunks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, planes, etc., and a thousand af ferent and useful articles you ean not do better this aids f San Franeisoo than ywu can do with ua on a purchase or exchange, M. FRANKLIN & 60. 12S First Street, Albany, Or. THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLMOUTH EOCI 13 PUTS. Out to ardar fmra i cteses carefully f"ry learnt wear. Every fur caarattteed aad maa i proeapaly rWuaeed, or a near pair aude, if ret anted aa uneitl Uctory. DO YOU WEAR PANTS ? j Tell as about what cot or jti'ile, send us yeur waita, hip aad inside i measure, together wth 3 -va.t S5 eta. fur ooetrg (or i 'repaid txpreae) aad packing. Or a..S t eU.. eiUi-r t m, or b the office ef this paper, and a iakg of eamidee aril I he vail ed you, iiic'utliit a rod Itnoo tap-raeaoura, aa wm hara depnelted with the proM-ieturs of thia paper a nujibot of those packatre for sale at eix cent. PLYMOUTH ROCK PANTS CO., IS Hammer St.. giem. Ha. TBE B (CHEST IH M0R01S BOOK of the htt SAMAN1HA AT SARATOGA by Jaatoh Alien' Wire. vi 11..H? t s Ut aeaaons aniid the whirl f fhion at Sarataca and takee aff its follies, fhrtattcna, low neek drataiaf pug dogs, ate, in her inlmltahle mirth provekieg style. 1 he book is profwiely tlluatrated by Opper, the renowned a-tiat of "Puck . " Will aetl isMaaiejaeely. Price S2.SO. tiKlt.M I ASietaTS WAkThe. Ad- dreaaA.L. RAN'CROKT A CO., Pubs. San rraowa so, (at HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys ! ! Oonductecl by secular priests artl lay teaehwrs. First terra opens tirt Mmt.lay in Vep temher. Recopl term opens first Monday in Ferusrv. Por nrrtapeetns address Rev. F. A. Beoksr, Vatu-ouver, W, T. Box I OS. C. K.WOLVBRTOS, O, S, IRVIlf M W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORN KYS AT LAW jstr4'vAes up stairs in Foster's Block. ""If V ft J UJ - IIRonSL. N. Y.) 1.60 a year; GOOD for the cure of all Complaints.