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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1887)
I Iggg sua. TO DEMOCRAT, $t IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. THE DEMOCRAT Is the best Advertising medium In iheTentrtl Willamette Valley. drer-tlelng rates made known. on ap plication. OL. XXII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1887. SO 48 fegStlg tci .tc 1 is PMOfKHSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTA.NYE. V r roitNJ KY AT LAW -AND- Notary Public. MwF, Oregon. ;toa upatnJra, ovar John Brig' atore, mt rUnUtt J. K. WE ATHERFORD, (NOTABT PUBLIC.) j'PTOHNKY AT LAW, 4LB4MT. BKiiOM. vitii.l rmcTie in ai.lthk oottrts opthr v SlaW Speolal att.mtl.n, ifin to jollecttona and - nn mxuar "SroStoe la Odd Valtoa'a Temple. fUrv .. O. MWK.L W. . MLTBU POWELL A BILYKU, .TTORVRYfl AT LAW, Ait Selicitcrs in f half err, ilhawy. . - okkgom. Oolleefone promptly mad on al points. G ana negotiated on reasonable term a e?aWOfBce In Foster's Brick.- vHnUHf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At La? AND . Votary Public. ALBANY. OREGON. Will practice In all of tha Oonrta of .ti la (. All bualnees Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept In ft first claaa Drug Also a fine atock of planoa and ALBANY. OREGON. FOSHAY A MASON, -hjm an aatAib- Oraggistsand Booksellers, Agent for John B. Aldan 'a publiceikme, which we aall at publisher's price with ALBANY, OBEfiOR. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. SUtionarj, Toilet nicies, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREPLLLY FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. I hare the beat atock of urmture in the city and will aall Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atock of WALNUT FURNITURE to tha city and the lowest price In the Valley. Come and aee. Undertaking. a complete atock and can give SATIN FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOOPIN, DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Perry Street, ABANY - - OREGON. a. O OWVBBT. o.B.rrc ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PAUKF.S. (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Enginee. Orlat and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kindef IroB and Braes Caatinga. PATTSatBB MtBI anOKT MWTICB. recial attention given to repairing ail inde ef machinery. Will also mannfao re the improved Cherry A White Grain ep rator Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Land. U. S. Land Office. Oregon Oltr, Or. ) May 0th, 1887. ) Notice la hereby given that, In cornel! Snce with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3rd, 1878, entitled "A.n Act for the aale of Timber Lands In the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," DaviilMrers whose post office sdHreaa la S.-io, Linn county, Oregon, has title day filed In ihia office his application to purchase the 8 Vt of N E M and N X of 8 E J, Section No 18, in Township No, 10, Range No, 1 eaat of the Willamette meridian, Al persona holding any adverse claim tLereto are required to present the asms at this office within sixty daya from the first publication of this notice. W. T. Brr.NKV, Register, Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City. Or., May 26th, 1887. J Notice is hereby given that ibe fallow ing named settlor has filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the Conuty Judge or County Clerk of Linn c untv, or. at Albany, Or., a Taesaler, July ltlfc, 1B87. viz : Nylveater Prichsrd, Horaeetead En try No. 4688, for the N W M of Sec. 26, Tp. a V R. t JB. H names the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upon, and oult.vation of. said land, viz : J L Berry, ofJourdan Valley. P. O.. Linn Co , Or., J Sheiton. of-lourdao Valley, P. O., Linn Co,, or., I). Haddon. of Fox Valley. P. O., Linn Co , Or , J. Priohare, of Fox Valley, P. O., Linn Co., Or. W. T. Btjbmt. Register, NO HOME BLE8SEO WITH A BABY is complete without tha monthly visks of Babyhod, thnt delight, cum fori aa i eid of tha moth r. Only puhlica tion ia the wt.rld devoted te tha care of young ohtldrea. We are (lad to recommend First National Bank fn-it.m.. ...... , . wm - am a a aaaeeeiaa ...... . . , m VU Preeidenl Oaehier B K WKO. K. OH AM 81 TRANSACTS A UKNKRAL hanking ACCOUNTS KEPT rahject lo check. BIOHT KXCHANOK and telegraphic tranafer, sold oa Maw Tart, Ban Krattcieoo, daloago and Port! i ' OOIXBCTION'S BAD! no favorable terms, atascvoas. B 5' Jfo""-' Can, B CaaaaaMiaia L. B L. Puaa, Wat.raa B Tvsaau, J. L. COWAN. J W. BVSICK Linn County Bank, COWAN A CU8ICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a gaaaral banking bmtasw. UK VW SltJIlT HHAV-IN ,. V.. v..,v a... t etsoo aad Portland, Oragiat. LOAN MOWBY an approved eeettrtly. RKCKIVKdapoalU tubjacl to cheek. COLLECTIONS entreated to as will receive proa mi.. i. Mb F. IKRRIUlT Banking and Insurance. ALBANY, - OREGON. Sail atchaiur u New York. Sau r'raiietai-o and PavUaai. Bur n.Saa. HU'a. county and r'tv warrauta H- oalva eapoatte eahject to oheok. lalarast allowed oa Collcetlona will raoalva prompt altanllon aolicltad houra from a. m. to ftp. m. Ross House. J. OIOHalTV, Proprietor. This house! no opn and furniaha.1 with the beat naw furniture. Kverytbiofl clean and ccrnmudiooa, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any ia the city. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seattaed lnmber,latbsmnd pickets kept constantly ea hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT. Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. I WILL BROS., Dealers In all Uaa Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line Sheet music, musical me-chandise, ammunition, fishing tackl- ate. Warranted raaora, butcher aad pocket knlvee. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of ae wing machine musical Instrument, guna, etc. neatly done. ALBANY, J. GRADWOHL, , Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent lor Fire and FRANK BROTHERS PORTLAND, -Dealers Farm and Mill Machinery. Walter i. Woods' Mowers, Reapers and Steel Wheel Twine Binders 5 - aaaam m aat a M W t.1 TY -1 . f T 11 m T - - Thomas ana noyai seir unmp ; nouges uouuie Draper Headers ; Saar, Scott & Co.'s Threshers and Horse Powers ; Fijck Island Walking, Bang and Sulky Plows, Most Complete line of- BuBgtea. Carriages and Spring Wagons on the Pacific Coast. Having received our goods during the low rates nn freight frem the Bat, we are going to give our cus tomers the benefit, and sell them goods in our line lowor than ever before. Write for Catalogue and Pr r NK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO,, Portland, Or. or J. CiKAUWoHb, Agent, Ainany, ur, W1XL, WILL. WILL. WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL CURB CURE CURB CURE CURE CURB CURB CURB CURB Diarrhoea aad Dysentery Pimples on the face, and Freckles. Old Sores and Ulcers. Wind in the Stomach. Headache and Nervous Depression. Scrofula. Bummer Complaints Rheumatism aad Gout. Fruits in the Bones and Joints. VITIATED BLOOD NcroftalouM, Inlterlteel aud t on taBjloue Hnmora t-nres by 4'titlenra. THROUGH U medium of oee ot your books re calved Uirmish Br Krrnk T Wray. Drumilal. A 'll., r. , I liacauw acquainted with yuur Cuuvura Routed le. and taka i lit. opt n anil t . . teatlfy to van ihl t in 1 1 uaa ha parniauanily ourad ma uf una of th wur.t I'wtn i if titixMi p . i... in lit, in omiitactti'M win, oryalpvlaa, that 1 hadavar saan, and thla allar aaTiiiK brn prtiiiuuncad Itiourahle hy sam u lha bast ph) airlatta In nur county. I laka araat ulmaura la tor wardltia to y thla laatlnioutai, anaoikSUd as it Is by you. Iw ardar thai othra auBaatua truat aitnll.r nm!a.tto ntay b ancuitraM-.d to ifira yoar futoura Menimilaaa trial. P. M. WaiTLiaana, Laa hbuoj, Ha. RtUnn( : Prank T Wray, Dtuagtat. Apoll". . S KOFI I.OI M t I MIS. Jaaaas K. Bkhardana, Cuatom tibtna, Naw Orlaana, on oaih aays : "In t70 Mcn4ua Vtoara brotia out on sty body until I waa a raaaa t uorruptlon. Kvar thing known t.. Hi. tuatitoal taanlty waa ttiad In ialn. I tiaaama a inara wrack . At timaa could not IHt my handa to my haad, Onuld not turn In bai j waa in esaetant ln, ana lookad uion IUV aa a curaa. Ma rallrt r oiira la tan yaar. In laSO 1 Hoaid of lha CulL cura Bamadlaa, uaatl thwtn. and waa prrtartly aurad." Swam to bafura V. B. Com, J. t Caavroaa. oxe or tiik wo suit caaUi. Ws aaaa bean acittg your Catlaara Kamaillea tar yesia, aril bare th a It rat .x.rupUint yet U rarelra a purt haaar. (hia tt tha worst assas ef Eerefeia f aver aaar waa rttraii b tha uaa 4 Av buttlna l t'liU ctira Baaulvatit, Culiaura, arul Cututira ana. Tha 8uaf Ukaa tba "caka" baia aa a madlrina! aasft. Tavus at-. I Tar a. Irutu. Kratik, Ban. Cuntactaaa llui....r. alUt Loaa ul llalr.ana' Km;. lefahsBfctn. aro laajillrrlr rural . t'utl.arm and Cuticura oa. aautnally. arui Ca'ioera Bm.l v.(,t internally, whan all Hbr tuoJIHaaa Ball. Hand l"f u..hlct Cuticura Raeaaulaa ara aaM avarywhste. litWuaa, tba Uraat Skin Cera, SOcU. . Cultct an EtquUte IkaMittBar. Mrta. . OBMBI K lrtce : uli. ura kaaolwit! the Haw Wood rHtrtlWr, tt.oo. futSw ln4 Co., PI .KM. Ularba4. Skin Hletnlabaa. al Itaby ail i ii, uaa t ulkura auao. NOW MY BACK ACHES i Nina and Waakliasa. .-.tra-.i.a anal i-n. fa iry the CttUeera Ant a L. 'i f. CLARK, Portr-1 Fbotographer. Srt toga t apiioiotment, COPYINC ANO ENLARGING. Tweedale'a Building. ALBANY. - - - OREGON. OREGON. Insurance IMPLEMENT CO., OREGON, In 9 HI NTED DOWN. it is lMtd for any man in Uiaaa daya uf railroads, and telegraphs, t eex'epa IV hi ibe"punUbiiui. tilting the oiine." Ti. ouly refuge lira in flight to Canada or Chins, as. a man is apt to fare ere in Mexicu or tbe South 4 Mrtoao states than at th place wOHre his orimh was t-d. On Tbuittdal uishv last a nan was artestl at BroafVtl:c,wtiuse history goes far towards treating us ant in i la as aaaurttons. His as we is Bry ant 15. Orsndsil, and he is a uative of western New Yoik,ageJ about 46 eist but he hss heeu gVtug UUUef Wi alaS.i of Lullr T. Di eoais in this state eod baa paaasti hins !f far srefrard ofreua olown. S i ! a tnau found no dimcaltj in paliutog lum . If off at a time Hke this when a prwhthitiju ame&doaant it being tubiultletl to the people, and pryi uHn tha ciedulily of the teur paranoe adosies in tbe hocolro xillsgaa of Ma'ioo aud Li o .u.ttt - To aay that be had bean a abo voieu atid bad rsiired from it because he believed it lo b a vicious and dieSoiuie a. caiioit.wa to oommend hiuiaa.f to tha gad graces of al those bnapttabla but vetdaut grangers who relj upon the lea lo so- eamptish for them what thev oannot perform for tbeotaahea. lit j an t B Oraodell want iato the war as a private soldier and received an honorable disobsrgo. Alter the sun at. - dar of Le ba want into tba oil regioas of Pennsylvania, where be worked ae a cwpruter.elthougb ho a e ear asrvod an ft;ipreteotiosahip at tht trade or ant oiler. But be was a man of natural mechantoel bent sod oould turn his hsnd to almoet enything. He weni te B iffalo aubatqlletiilVfand was for years a vary diligent and tadusttroua smo. Somrbow t r f iber, bs oooeetvrd tb idea f leaking a fortune suddenly by defrauding certain benevolent and obar itat I institutions, which make life in- tha chief feature of their organ. Uuiioo. Of course, this ia one t.f the gantr-a which, as Mark Twain's fellow pilot aaj,"you have to die to beat it," but Crandall waa fully eqa! to tbe emergency. He 8 rat joined tbn Anoient Order cf United Woikmat, next tbe lleyai Tewpbra of Tampranea. tbeo tba Maaonic Life Association of West ern New York,and lastly,' y amiialing to Illinois, tha Northwestern Masonic Aid Aaaocietioo,wboee bead office is in the city of Ohicego. lo a?b of three four eoeietiee he received e LenaBciery ertiheate fir two tbournnd dollarfop- dn which ba bad to pay monthly aseeee- asenta.var) ing from one to three dollars per month. To a man working along from day to day, with ao honest purpose in via) six or eight dollars pr month it a ptetty heavy tax; but to a tnau contemplsting th consummation of a f.aud by which bs was to receive eight thousand dollars, or hse his family re osn it to- bitn, i was a tuwrs drp in tbe bucket. H thinga wont alung un til the firai e-k in April, 1886, wbeu the opportunity came. The bo-l of au unknown man, lut 43 years of agar was found dr iMntel ner Ntagara Kalia, and vtitimraeM ynpeftie.i bsfore the Ojr.mrr ami aestin d their positive knowledge that the e rfose was that of Bryant B. atidll, formerly of Buffalo N. Y. Upoti th s aijowiug tha life in- arancfl ase.cisii tns atiovo namal, after due deliberation, paid over to tbe parties named as recipient therefor, tie ana of eight th )tsaud dollars ; aod there th - oatter would have ended in all proba bility, hut for tbe b torn whic overtook tat beautiful little city of Los Angelas ia the wiuler uf 1880-87. Among tbe ecu n I less tb una! d who sought to ex change the iei an I su iw of the Atlantic eilies for tbe belmy air and fragrant orange bl'tsioms of 8 xithern California, was a gHntleoua from B iflM ,a ra in of wealth and reliability, wLo net only knew Ci and il from his youth bit', war also w II uctuair.ted with Mr. NuUon O. Tiffrtny, secretary of otto of the benevolent associations which Cran- d iil had defrauded. He accosted hid man, who denied being the party lo question and stoutly asserted his Ignorance of the gentleman's identity. A day or two later, he had emptied the city of his presence and this con. vinced the Buffalonidn that he was the real Crandall, in spite of his asser tion to the contrary. This was about tbe ISh of l6t MtiKh, since which time circulars containing pictures of Crandall as he looked 25 years ago In the army, and also as he looks now, were addressed fr every Work man's lodge in the Pacific states, of fering a reward of $1000 for his re turn to either Chicago or BuffUUr. About a month ego, this reformer circus clown, calling himself Luther T. Denni-, applied to the trustees of the Willamette University for adnis sion to that institution, for the alleged reason that he wished to repair tho defects of bis early education. The trustees were not la any hurry to act in a matter of (his kind and took it under advisement to see how the re formed clown would turn (tut. W., and, having seen thU tnan about the streets of Halem, compared his psrtoiiAl appearance with the dr-u lars In his possession. The more he did so, the better he became satisfied that Crandall and Mr. Dennl, the reformed clown, were we and the sane person. Accordingly on Thurs day night he and Officer Ross started out for Brownsville, where Dmtnie was advertised to lecture on temper- ance, and arres'ed him in tin Imli just as he waa about to begin ar guments in favor of prohibition. In sn hour or two later be was aafoiy lodged In the Hslom JaiJ,te await the f tiAMltltie i.f saaw eaUtawaa t Ift . . aV I - - t - T m"""1 "uu'1- atarteu from that city that same night. Mr. Crandsll will find out that hl name is Dennf" and no mistake. Had he gone to British Colombia be might have remained wafe.for while tho extradition troity covers murder, eraen aod forgery, ft ia very doubtful if it could be made to cover a ease of obtaining money by false pretenses in me manner that Orsodall has obtaloed it. But on American soil he was cever safe and it was only a queetion of time when ho ah ould be caegbL Tner.. Is no wealth In crjoked monov. Klsesne Could toll O0 th .t - ir,,ury ItOW BACK I CAMK TO SB HtlOT. Lsst week ws mentioned tbe kill log of L L. Backtts.a former resident of Albany, near St. Uelees, on tbe Colombia. As considerable l qulry has been made lo reference to the matter, we give tbe particulars of the tragedy : Friday afternoon, June 10 about 4 o'clock, L L. Backus, with a revoiver,shotaod killed O. D. Stod dsrd ; the tragedy occurred near tbe property line between the two men, and about live (miles up Rnek Creek from Vetnoola poatoffice. Fence sod atock troubles were tho causes. Back es then met a boy on the road, and said that be bad abet Stoddard at d that he only breathed twice after be ing shot. He thee stole a neighbor's Winchester and escaped into tbe brush. Const aide Ohaa. Mel linger and Depaty Doc. Beeghley cepturod Backus. When they sighted him be ran, and they ordered blm to halt three times. As be did not sum . der and they held n warrant for him "dead or alive," they opened fire with tbelr Winchesters, and be fell, a ball having entered just under the right jaw. Hs died the following morning. For many years the Ropublirao party has bad control of tbe Senate, with Senator Sherman to help lt,atd has failed to pass a bill to reduce the surplus. That surplus Is the product of Republican revenue legislation. Not a single revenue law ensctoJ by the Republicans baa been changed, for the reason that Democrats could not change It. They have had con trol ef only one house of Osngres, while their opponents have had cor trol of the other. Senator Sherman is held to be the chief authority in bis party en matters of finance sod revenue, but although ho has been la the Setvate for the last six yours with a party majority behind blm and for a portion of the time with a Re publican President In tho White House, he has dooe nothing whatever to relieve the country nf the exces sive tax at lou imposed u utter the regime of his party. High license doesn't seem to lessen saloons very much in Chic it; . In tbe Seventh ward of that city th-ie are 200 saloons, oaoh paying $500 lioense,or one saloon fur every 28 voters ; in the Eighth ward there are 232 saloons, or one for every 27 voters ; the Sixth ward has nee saloon for every 19 voters, and tbe Ninth and Tenth wards have one saloon for every 14 voters. Beer,oiusio and tbe people must mix very freely out th ii way. A Wtsoousin mau was so augy on returning home to find that during hie absence his wife had had the shade tres in froct trimmed so that their beauty area mined thit be infused to sleep ti tbe houae,apeni the night in tbe barn, eauglt oil aud died. Aul yet they say that women have no rights. aa . The wife of Henry O-orgo u a plump and pretty little woman, accustomed to taking her husband's vgrie aa a mat- t Ol t ter Ot course, atio is osoriD6i as a mattr-of-ftct little body, loving h-;r four children devotedly and being anx ious to have r.hana well off,if possible. A. correspondent astts : "Wiiv bave you spoken of John Sherman as St. Nkholat John V While he was Seere tatv of i lie Treasury the St. Nicholas a a 40' . . a r i a magazine ws del vor 1 at his private rft'd . nci- iu Washington and waa paid fir m t of tba Contingent Fund ot the United States Treasury. s addressed a probibi- THE RKAl, fat'HE. As we saitl In our issue last week toe real cause of feeling cgaiust the president HUtong a few leaders of the O. A. R. is net hli order about the return of the rob A flags, but on ac count .f the veto of the dependent pension bill : The following dispatch from Washington gives what a (fraud Army man thus says about tbe mat tsar, and this shows that we were c r reel : 'A Grand Army man hero says that General Fairch.ld ha iu atore for the Prealdeot a more paral ysing stroke tha his prayer at Har lem. When a New York pe per rent out a circular to the QrKtid Army of tb Uepu Idle posli ef the whole country, aaking for the vote of spprew. al or condemn v Ion f the PreaiSenl'a veto of tho pension bill, Commtnder Faircbiid promptly aquel oed the on. terprise on the ground that the Grand Army of the Republic was a mm. political organisation and that It w improper to solicit votes such as were reqnied. It U undersea! oo good authority that at that time General FdirchIM j. 1 prepared a circular which he uftorwsrd --nt to every post In tbe United StaU, calling for the expression of opinions on ibe pen. alon uie-tion In such a way to deal tbeProsldetit asivae rebuke. From tbe voluminous mass of snswas re ceived the General has digested the report, which will be submitted to tbe Grand Army at St. Louis, when If President Cleveland h present, he will again realise something f the way in which soldiers Uwk at things.' Thla allows that Falrchlld was secret. ly getting ready to open up his bat teries long before the president mede the order above referred to. Gantnal Sherman, u a letter tbe other day, sai i "And Cleveland, resident of tbe Uaited Stas ay a fstr election of ail our p-opta." Aod Johu Sherman, brother of the Genera'. ii io a epeeob t Springfidd aboet the aam lime : "There aoi an iotaltimnr. man in the land who dews u t know that Cleveland is preaideut by virtue ot ertitej agaioat tba elector A franchise, ijcl iding mur der, arson, ballet o-x Miffing forgery and perjury, but fur wbieb Blaine would now be in his pwea,M ' l u ii 8W aaan baa retire I te pri t ite life an i hss no motive to apak ota ti ibao .ao wordi ef truth ar,d abe. ne, while J hn is s persistently ac:ie ondidata for the presidencr and would like to haye arroe capital .) " which iu fjund his cau pargi. Every pofeou of oae will ay that th G ewrel steakthe :ru:b,wbi!e aTolm pectssta it. ITRBENT EVENTS'. Claau oer yards, dardoiiaa them, rliave tlicm ot sarpiusege. cut yoar grass, mtka your homes look cHearfut oo tha oat ee wall as manic B's wife called hint au old treat for having hia hair out ao short, but S'. was ss stleot aa tha grave . The Ravers Houte ia beinc handaorne'y painted. A raeinr has been firoalsted that Southara Pacitio will haute its shops at Albany. Ru mors ara uureli-.bia but sometimes stiike. Oar next IUlatare shonld pass a bill malting K impoaaihla for infanta to marry, iu New York Stata a marriage cannot be contracted under 18 aud 16 years under any ctroomstaaces. That is business. If the wretch would shoot, the people of Linn county arc very much obliged to Mr Kelty for discharging his revolver in Polk county. We ve lurd enough, thank you H Keltv escapes hanging there is no such thing na justice. Seen. as if we bad beard Mich a remark in another case ; and etlll the old girl who calls herself Justice Rtands erect on moat of our Court Houses, holding a poorly balanced pair of scales in her handa She had better get down or stop aonr.e of her fooiiahnexs. We're aH getting tired of her making a dunce of herself. There is one place in Salem where a vis Hor to the city is sure of good treatment. That is A. Strong's restaurant, tor $ cents a better meal is set than at anv hotel there for twice the amount, and the place is one of the cleanest restaurants in the State. A Democrat man mAde it hit. headquarters last week and gives this free puff as a con science fund for tetttnc o much tor so little. The value of improvement to property cannot be two stronglr touched upon. A good example of what it will do may be seen in Mr. J. A.. Gross' property In the southern suburbs of the citv. When he purchased hia eighteen acres "he was laugh ed at ; but he made intelligent and exten give improvements, and the other day he was offered for the property, over $300 an acre, while property adjoining him has been sold for less than t00 an acre. Oh ! Abairail Duniwav. The charge is placed at the very dons ef this woman, that she is traveling and lecturing against the Prohibitory Amendment. How- can she consistently do so ? This woman is the only person, male or female, who has dared to take the public platform to advocate the sale and manufacture bf malt and spirituous linuors. Has she her price ? If so, who navs her and how much docs she net ? Is it possible that the Orrgomia also has its price and is to defeat a good meas ure, for a consideration ? Prof. Crowhurst says the Orgnia is bought. East Port land Packet Cor. I Q Vnughan, uncle of Hank Vaughan, of Lane county, whose arrival here was not ed last week, has entered into partnership with Hank and have leased a large tract ot land from the Umatilla Indians, which they will immcdiatly fence and farm ..Center villiatt. An Ex very truthfully says that always a little before "harvest, money Is a hard thing to get hold of and very hard to keep, even if you do get hold of a little. Mcybe you've noticed tt veurseit. Corsets. N H. Alien A Co., have in stock a splen did line of corsets. Consisting of ibe jastly eelebratad C. P's, Dr Warners, Dr Lea's S. K'. the Albany Standard, our sriui brand . ....... ...... -.- I NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Shoes At pi ices never before offered in Albany an' rl N. H. ALLEN 1 CO.. are the ones that are making the offer. We propose to sell goods for CASH AND- PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Catalouge in the State. We propose here arter to taiK to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samplesBsent unon ao plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co. 57 First Street Albany, Jest Merely Baste sas. Any program, notice of convention, etc, published in a newspaper once ia an item of news. K repeated it becomes merely an advertisement. An advertisement ia the same to a publisher as dry goods to a mer chant The i iKMtx rat only publishes auch matter once aa news. In doing this tt simp ly follows the practice of all newspapers run in a business way, Tata Karctl r f'eaaalmailaea. Tree delicacy ot flavor with tree eSeaey of action, hss been attained in tha asa of a California liquid frott remedy, Syren of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshay A Mason, wholesale aad retail. ' asa Meles Mere Neaaaat to the taste, more acceptable to the t to roach and more truly beneficial in its action, the fsmaus California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Fuxs, is rapidly superseding all others. Try it. Per sale by Foshay & Mason. . ;ranitenaess, or Liqaor Habit, eaa be Cared by almiaittsriag Sr. Haines' Golden Specific It eaa be siren in a cup of coffee or tea with out me knowledge of the person taking It, ef feetlrur a speedy nod permanent eure, a nether rite patient is a moderate drinker or aa alco holic wreck. Thousands of drunkard! bave Meeu made temperate men who bave taken the ;i!iKmi Specific In their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drink -erg of their own tree will. No haroifu eftert results from Its administration. Cures tnar v. eed. Send for circular and full partUulara. Address In confidence GOL.DBN Specific Co., m Kace St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. r BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, This Magazine pot trnys Ameri can thought and lite from ocean to ocean, is titled with pure high-e ns litrretnre, and rnu be safely v el. coined ia any family circle. MI3t -:Z-3. OR 3 A YEalt IV MAIL. Simplt Cep-j of currant auatesr moJM upon r. capt 25 cf j. f bttcti numbers, 15 ets. Fremiti in Lin with either. aabeet. a. T. BUSS & SON, Publishers, 130 & 132 Pearl St., N. Y. Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNING & 0., PROPJt'S. NBW FROCKSS FLOUR SCVBRIOR FtR VAM' 1 IBS AJTO SAKRRS USB. BEST ST0RAGF ACUITIES. Highest ;Pric in Cash fc What ALBANY OR. T. J. STITBS. wmm 1 1 at gne a-sww i a a a m a rim t aV "i : ' I mm. .jeHa ift naT faff mm ehiii aslaeJaMlBMBWMlHllt; 4 Boots, Groceries, Ee or otherwise that will New and Second Hand Store Owing to tbe increased demands of cor business we have teen compelled to move into a larger store and we can new be f mnd next door to S. E, Young, where we will be pleased to aee .ur patron. If jou nced any sfovee, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, ear pet, pictures, fruit Jn, trunks, books, roller skates, -addles, aaws, planes, etc., aod a thousand dif ferent and useful articles you can not do bett r this side of San Francisco than yea can do with us on a purchase er exchange, M. FRANKLIN & CO. 123 Firvt Street, Albany, Or. THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLMGUTH ROCK IS PARTS. Out to rJr nan waul lea Hatha cate'allv aanaraS tor atyle aiMt a-aar. Erarv Pair ircaratWJ aad saae av proau-Uy rafuaawt, or a naw pair, if aasats ar returned aa aaaatw factorv. DO YOU WEIR PANTS ? Tail ua abaut what eai ryoej Ufce, atae ucreur w-alta, hip au I naida lag wtas'tre, iogthr w1fe S nd ets. fr psskrga (k- trtta!d ,xurea) aad packing . Or ae d tt ata.. aith r to u. or t the oSlea of this paper, and a passage of aamplaa will ha a-atl-ad you, inuhidiiiv' a road leseo tjja utruit. sswa hat a depaaltad witti tha proprietora of this fatpaf a nutubei of these package tor aala at aix eettte. PLYMOUTh POCK PANTS CO., ISSemmer u. ttaatae. lit. THE Kim EST Hi sflROl S BOOK of the igeii SAMANIHA AT SARATOGA by Jaaleh Allen Utre. Holly speak at last auaa-tiis ataid tha hirl 4 tUlon ' at Saratoga and takes off its tatties, R.rtatu aa, low neck tlretsiag pu( d)ga, cte, In her itiimiatle mirtli-prevrkiag style. 1 ha bok is profunlv iilustratad h Oprer, tba renowned a.lUt (f "Puck." Will el tntanenaety. PrieaS2.rA BBH.BI A(.IM! SAMrs Ad dra A. L. UANCROFT A CO., Pubs San rranela ao,Cal HOLY AW GELS COLLEGE. A Boardirg School for Boys i Conducted by secular piiests and lay teecr8 F.rKt term pens flr.d Monday in fsep-tera,-er. Second term oHnt first Monday la Felrttrtiv Vttr proietua addreae Rv. K. A . Beckar. Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. C, B,W LTABTOK. O, H, IKV1WB WOLVERTQN & IRVINE, ntl .sn a. vr aatraa v mzAUUMJsaBBaBnadnMsBBaeeBeBaBBBaaHSJnHIH