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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1887)
SUB. TO DEMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. A ilrr lining isle a made known on ap plication. tmntx THE DEMOCRAT tbe I f f Adt riisir g o tilmtn In ibe Vi i. trad Wlllsroelle Vslley. (Mi. X. X. I ! . ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1887. SO 4U t m PUOFKSSIONAL CARDH. L. H. MONT AN YE. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND-- Notary Public llkAMft Oregon. Office upstair, ow John RriggV atom, nl street. rl4n2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTOKNEY AT LAW, AMUNY. IKttK ST ILL PRAOTICR IN ALL THE COVSII of thr State. Snsolal attention irivrn U Elections and rhte ni titer. m9Um In Odd riwt Temple. U:1 f, o. row ill. w. m. riltkv POWELL A BILYEU, .TTORNEYS AT LAW, arB a a a jmmi ab! Nenruer in i banee nr alHAWY. - - OllflOV. Collections promptly made on all point. f.-an negotiated on reasonable tsrms. rOfflw In Foster' Hrirk.B Tl4nlif. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND otary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In .11 of the Conrta of .hlaState. All bnslneas In trusted to him rlll bo promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON, I'K V LER TTf DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept In flnl rltu Drug torn. Also a flee stock of pianos and organ, ALBANY. OREWOX. F08HAY A MASON, -t'W.I SB ft KT A Sir- I) racists and Booksellers, Agent for John R. Aldan's publication, which wa aell at ptblinher's prieaa with oatageadJed. ALBAMV, OHRtiOM. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. PlllCtimiRS CalEFtLlI FILLED, Opan day and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. f have tha best stock of uruttnre in city and will sail th Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, Tha only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE a tha city and tha lowest pries in ths allay. Coma and aaa. Undertaking, A oomplete stock and can glvs HAT1N F ACTION. Try A. B. WOODIN, DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlca cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. O. O mCBBBT. C.R.PV4KK4 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY ft PARKES, (Bnooeseora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Mill frights, and Iror Founders. K HAVE OUR NEW 8 HOPS ALL completed, and are bow prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Hteam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all klnda f Iron and Brass Castings. rATTRBRS MIDI IESBT NOTICE. apecial attention given to repairing all lads of machinery. Will also manufac re the Improved Cherry A White Grain eprator Notic8 of Application to Purchase Timber Land. IT. 8. Land Offlca. Oregon City, Or. ) May otb. 1887. j Notice In hereby given that, in corn pi I ance with the provision of the Act of Congress approved Jun3ri, ih,k, entitled "An Act for tbe sale of Timber Lands In Iba States of California, Oregon, Nsvads and Washington Territory," David Myers whose post-office address is S io, Linn county, Oregon, has this day filed In thla office hie application to purchase the 8 H Of N E X and NofHEj, Section No 18, in Township No, 10, S Range No, 1 east of the Willamette meridian, Alt persons holding any adverse claim thereto are required to present the saint at this office within sixty days from the firet publication of thin notice. W. T. BUKlfKY, Register. Notice for Publication, Land Offloo at Oregon City. Or., ) May 25th, 1887. I Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his Infant Inn tn makn final nroof In feunnort of hie olaim, and that said proof will be made before the Comity Junge or fjounty Clerk of Linn county. Or., at Albany, Or., B TBsaalar, July I'flb, IXHT viia : Hylveater Prichard, Homestead En try No.4838, for the N W M of See, 2C, Tp. 9 R. 1 E. He names the following witness' to prove bla continuous rMsidence upon, and oulttvatlon of. aald lsnd. viz : J L Brry, of Jonrdan Vallsy, P. O., LIuh Co , Or., J Shelton, of Jourdan Vallev, P. ()., I. inn Co., Or., D. Hadson. of Fox Valley. P. O., Linn Oo , Or., J. Prlchara, of Fe Valley, P. O., Linn Co., Or. W. T. Bubnbv. Register. NO HOME Bl KSSED WITH A BABY is oomplebi without the monthly vieita of BcLijtnotl, that delight,com fori and aid of the mother. Only publica tion in the , world devoted to tho ears of young children. We are glad to recommend it. (5 Beakman St.. N. Y.) HI. 50 a year ; 16 cents a copy - Clubbed with the lsuo-CB-aJr for 93 a yawr. First National Hank OI.U HIW. ORKUON. MJwi i . K.iajN Vl.-a Pr.elJSjit a. K. Yet!. whlr UKO. K. CHAMHkMLAW TRANSACTS A tl ICS KRAI, banking hualnaas. AOCOL'NTB REIT aabject Is check. SIGHT KXCHANUK and tcleifraplito treiiantr, aoW ni New York, San Pram-ieeo, ChLwtf" and Portl i COI.LICCTIOXS MADE on favorable tenni. MHmiRi R. Voi mi. din, K Vu a utiaai. k s L. R Riant, L. rUHN, Warns K T fwm i , J. L. COWAN". J. W. BUStCX Linn County Rank, COWAN A CI SICK. ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a ranaral banking hue! asst. DRAW Mi HIT DR AFTK s Nw Trk San 1st tarond Fnrtlsnti, Oro.n. LOAIf MOWEY mi wrrd twrnritT. REl'RIVKaMwlUwbjt U cSMk. COLLECTIONS titruld ; ua will rsrslvt prtHi4 HHsa H. F. MERRILL, Banking and insurance. ALBANY, - - - ORECON. SM a xchantf m .Na Vorh, San Kmnciavu aitd lwrt)and . Hu.t notas. Bis', otniily J l)r ararranls Ra fllva tlafaarila aubjart to cImn'Ii. Inlrrral llor. uri lima ilt ita. 'llMtln will in ti., pnmil allaiitlo. CorraaputHlanrw autlcitad . EBXHc h'tura from H a. in l .. p. m II II a, W .1 OIOIIIV, Proprietor. Ttiis house; ia now open end furnished with the best new furniture. Kvsrythiog eleea and ecntnodiona, offering to the gea ersl public auperior accommodstinne to any ia the city. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILL8. All kinda of rough, dressed nd seasenad inmber, lathe and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. MISS EMMA 8CHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. WILL BROS., Di alers in all the Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line of Sheet music, niuainal met-chancline. ammunition, fishing. Uckl ale. Warranted rsKors, butcher and pocket knlvaa. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines mimical Instruments, guns, etc. neatly dona, ALBANY. - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery. Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and Marine Insurance FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., PORTLAND, OREGON, DedUrs In Farm and Mill Machinery. Walter A, Woods' Mowere, Reapers Thomas and Royal Self Dump RaKes ; Hoages' uouwe uraper Headers ; Saar, Scott & Oo.'s Threshers and Horse Powers ; Rock Island Walking, Gang and Sulky Plows. Moat Com plat line of HiiBieies. Carriage and Spring Wagon on the Paniflo Coast, Having received aur "f . . . ' i.i. r, ilia wa ara irnniir In a va nnrnn. firooas (lurins ine tow rsien on iru-guv n.ui . - ... a a . f Uimera the benefit, and aell them goods in T.nmiuKuo x nn.TurDulvri)i i'uiriiiTin th a rv- igue and Prices. Address FRNK BROT1 or J, Gbabworl, Agent, Albany, Or, AuOreSfl' r rv IN rv Dtvwi IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO 8Y TOO MiX'H T. rBAISE OP THI9 GOOD OLD BTANDAltD family medicine. It cannot ho t jo highly rerommended, u it ia tmly a MAItVEL OF TUIJ AGE, and uo Uouaahold alioulil ba without it. It yrevi'iita as well aa curaa SWin Pineaaea.Qout, KheumaliNW, Orarrl, and all KHney Klaaaa., Affecttsd Urar, Headache, Kaua. T.llo fTtad, Indlgeation, Conatipattoii, PUrrh and Dyamtery, Tevcr and Aue, BlecpJeaaucaa, laaitnilt. Foul Br ath. and evii7 dlaeaae brought on or aruvnt.-.l by a diei-rdored atoinach. It la m Kie. clfie agalaat oontauiou and an efth-aeMu renwdy for Bilionsneaa, Nenroaancaa, Scrofula, .lauudica and Dyapepeia. H Purl fit a tha Blood, Clesuaes the atomach and Bowels, andgireathe whole ayatem Haaithy and Delightful Tone. Thera never waa a Medicine for the Nursery equal to it. SKIN AND SCALP C-lMnxt. Part flea End HeMtitifl etj by tkit) iillrwr KetMeatee. rarakaaatai ih gfcln Eoslp ( UUiWarK Humor, t.r all lug Hotting. BBratttg 'iu tutlaui utatlui, tor ourlnif ilia ftrat ayinplam ul Ri Jiama, lrlao. Mtlk Criut, ticaly Hd, Bcrofsla. and nthar Inharilnl Olclu a id Hloml Plauaaaa, Culli'iira, tha grasi hkln Curs, slid Cuikcurs Esap, sn xquUlt Skill M-autinar..Marully, and Csticiim Itswdvtllt, tha now BIxhI rMrtfttr, iMt-rnsUy, ar tntslltble. A OMPLMTC CUBE. I hsva auffarsd all my Ufo with tkin dlaaaaa of dll farant kind, knd luva 'is far found parmanant rallaf, until, by tha ailrWof ldv (doa4.l ut yosr Ju hi- cuiWnra KaaMdias. Inn isa s tkoruugh trial, ualng . bulUst sf IA (tittcurs BSalaii. twa b..4 nf irutU ura1id strsti uskMof CuBrtira Basn, and tha rsaull -aa JuM what I had bass 114 It wmtld SS a owuiplata cura . HKLLR WAPE, Rtotansnd, V. Itfaraii. t) W UUntr, Dr.tglt, Riihmnd, Ts, MALT RHEUM ( I RED. 1 wat irouhlad with Salt Rhaunt fur a tinmuar of yur. that tha akin anUrsly oatns sE nna of say Baud fruni lha flugartllMt to tha wrkB. I triad ramo dla and davlura' prsatri4hina k it earn until I loniMian. ad la kin,- Cutlvum ttaiusdisa, and no I Mu eaUrais sarei. K. T. PARKER, STB Jfo.-thampi.Mi Huston. DRI'tifUISTN EX DORSE THEM. Hi add quantity of your l ull- ura Ratnadlao On of my cualouiora, Mrs Honry KUtU, wh bad lot tar on bar html to eaoB as saUnt a w nauaa tas akin to pal (T. and far aight yar ah augwt . A graat If. waa"niplatal i:iirat hy tha ua or our iuadi in l',X, BYK, UriiittfUi. I'antnn, Ohi.. IK, MCAtYt PIMPLY. for tha last ar I hava had a tpx-io of iW hlnr. sslv and plndv huiion on my faoa w which f hava applll a grmi many malhoita at treatment without uooaaa, aiwl which waa apcodl y and anlirly rurd by Oaataaea. MKn, 14AM- I'tlEl.PS., O. no MEDICI ME LIKE THEM. Wa bava aaUi yaui ulU una Rcmmllaa fur lha laat al yasra, and no madUlua m rur .halra gOa battar aMBBBBBBa t . r. A1IIE;iTn. Dtusy'. AILnny.R. V, t'ntlrura Rati.a.liaa ara aold avrrvwbar. Pric, CBakura, M) .anU . Raoleiit. l . Ixp, ii aoata rt parad Uy tb Potior Dnt an--! t 'hcnthml t o Itoa ton. Mas. BeaaUrsr "Ran is ar sata Bia- PQHHQ fimpla. Skin Ulamiahaw, a.l llaby UlaVDOf Humor, ourad my I'utlcura Soap. Catarrh to Consumption. Catarrh In lu 4truclit a R.rvo aBuid l to aod undonbtadly lasda ou to ...i.aumpu . It I I bar for atagular thai tboaa aaticta! with Ihla fasrfot dlassa aboutd no mk It tb bjavt of thair llraa t . rial ihrtuaoHaa of tt to4lro nHuaalk loneootad b lnorajit pratsndSrs to rnadkwl koowladra ba Task mail lb tifldnao ut ii. grwa' ma) iiy uf auf aind talif of mlaarr ratbrr than to tsr tbm- ala wiih .to iliHul paJllati.o Hut Uat will uavar do, t.'atarrb moat ba iixlst vary ata and oorabtd with ail our wight. In Tb boaw and osrtrilsg d Um so . lb or- -an uf haariuf. of aag and of laating u aEartad sa to ba uaalaaa lb avn'a a 'iomrd, lb Utruat o .nflamuaad and Irritslwl as t product s xtaiant arul iliatrwaaine rough Sanford a Esdsnl tnrs U ovary pkaaa f CaUrrb fr,.m . .imi4a haad ...4 l tb m i loathwMtia ao BSlractlre lura It ia 1-al and email' uuonal. iu iaami. iwdbiu, i hi i.nii,, a i l naar fillw. haattla ul Lha K1I1..I 1.... 1 .irrl..i M .,!:. a-iJ an !m -r.nJ inhaW. witb a-oUaa . prt, t. rtlr lrui and ckmM c" "kindey, pains 1 HIMTB, thai waar. Ilfaloa ,.r aonaailu.. er i-raaant w.m it... . - - a'k lltrfc aaa Lata. FAsSlnx llil- -J N'W, i-tonua raiua, amaajj l..ftim.ati.7n. la rllaud and mti- 'II. IK. ItallMN laH.I.lB riaaaar. a naw, original. ata;nt and infallib' an Udla U. pain and liiniimaUn. At all .rutflla, v Sr for fl ; or of Potur IH-ur and fAsaBBBl SEj and Steel Wheel Twine Binders . our line lower than ever Before. Write for v..., - " P . " . h I . an h int.. ax than shah hsfsnA W mIia aVk iiniw imi urjHiMi. . "'t tuiu.iiu) vii u u h i i i u ton (Pre ear regular terrstsesueet WAiimoTOJC, Jun loth, 1887. For tha Iwt two WNk, thlt bwiu tlfu! city hau had tha umnul vhiU t ton of a hoavy rain, bIiuomI UaJly, to axparlaaca that N bacotolngextratna ly raoDotonotja, nwt to ny annoy Inf. Id politloal circle, fipaciiiUy atnoug Deqiocrata, thi quaetlona tuoai dli cuafteti ara tha tariff, tha aural M In tha National Traaaury, and tha prob able extra session uf Oongraat to Oc tbar next, t tfrnaldr theso momoo. toua laiuei of such grava lmsirt both to tha wolfare at the country ar.d tha su r. of tha Dain'xrracy. Mr. ii f dull and (It a protection ivLmW0tSi ganctaliy, appoai an extra aeaaion, and It la thought the President rather Iodines U the sama ofloroo, whila Mr. (; ul:il. and Ida adherents je understood to favor an oxtra aeaaln. But, while there U grast dlvarsiiy of sentiment upon these subjects, sll agree opoo tnn prnptMl.l m th it aomathlng roust ladone by Ongrra to rolleve tba people of the TJnlle1 States from evils rerulilng from our present system of Internal Uxsllun an 1 m faulty flscnl iollcy Inherited from the Republicans, both of which appear to combine to produce indus trial depression and increase of tha surplus. PuMIe Printer Benedict i still weeding out a large number of his employes, aud it would seem dismiss al from the public service is tba or der of the day, as ten clerks in the office of the Second Con I roller of (he Treasury have been i" tut d that thtdr official aervice a ttt not he re quired after July 1st, and about the i imc number will ba diopned off the Palunt Offlca rails about that time , theru ara no charges against these unfortunates tbey will be situ ply IsglsUted out of office. And an, be tw.toi the fetr of dismisaa) are! the new nightmsre of civil service re form for tho MinstM ss well as the "outi," many of tho poor clerks are broken of their real and have a ptle, haggard, hunted look. So ucf'ea'iful wu tha late Nation ! Drill fr in a mliltHry standpoint wholly the result of Individual eff irt that Oeneral Hnorldn, sa - o nviader of the Uited States Army, win, in his annual report to the Sec retary of War, recommend that Con gress make provision for an annual drill and encampmtnt, te be held under the auspicee of the Army in Washington In order that the Irre pressible American military pi tit may be gratlfled and disciplined. Tnefitgf on all the public huild ins in tho Ntlonal Capital were (laced t htlf weal, by order of the PreslJent, ou tbu day o' the funeral of Win, A. Wheeler, the nun who, by tne favor ot fraud, Ailed the first term of Vice President Tho.nss A Hendricks. Mr. Wheeler, after re tiring from office, lapsed into such utter obscurity, ecoinlng, too, both a mental and a physical wreck in re. cant yenrn, that ha had boon almost forgotten by the public. I will do tbe dead man the poor justice to say that be was far better thn his accomplice, it. B.Hayes, who aa a common chicken frmert aurvlvaa to bear the shame ef the greatest outrage on lib erty of the century. It I whispered from the White House that an event of a most inter, eating nature, one that will be memorable in history and in tha home.tife of t ie President and hit youthful wife, is likely to occur In thnt grand mansion in tho melan choly days of November, t John Sherman has formed a com bination with Lvi P. Morton, the millionaire iatensin (?) of New York, by which it is proposed to wrest the Empire State from Blaine's support and make the Republic to ticket Shermtti and Morton. Toe lattnr's chief motive in the deal is to rvenge himself upon the Blalneaos for defeating him far United States Senator last winter! The strife in New York between tbe Blaine and Sherman forces is waxing so warm that it may ultimately revive all tbe latent bitterness of the quarrel of the Stalwart and Half-Breed factions, which led to the resignation of Conk ling and MeToo Piatt, the disruption of the Republican party of that State, and the assassination of Garfield. One morning Mr. Oliver, Juntice of tbe Peace for the District of Col -umbia, somewhat like Lord Byron, woke to find hiimelf famous. Tbi doughty Squire had been notified of his reraovul frr;m the office he holds, by the President, but Squire Oliver denltrH tho Executive's right to re- move him holding that such power is vested only In the Cutirt . in (4en eral Tern, and refusing to budg" an inch, he appeals to that tribunal j for protection. A Georgia legislator proposes to tax ts Urn THM .IL UISDICTION OF r KOEItAL COI'ltTS. While some of tbo Republican pa pera are growing very excited and denunciatory over the possibility that tbe President may appoint a S uth. em Democrat, anJ perhaps an ex - Cot. fade rte, to the Supremo Court to fill the vacancy caused by tho death of Judge Woods, the New York Tinum, which still clilmf to Ih Repub lican, not withstanding its mugwump, ery, hopes that a Southern man will be appointed to tha vacancy, and says vary properly that this ought to in done. Reviewing the history of the Su. pft mo Court, the ftater points out i that R was reconstituted when the Republican party came Into power in 1101. The Tim is not onl not alarmtd over the poas blllty of a Southern Dotu'vrat being appointed on the Supreme Bench, but looks forward to tbe Democrats accusing atatolute con trol of thoeourt.aud is neither fright ened nor sorry nver it, lndeel, wel eomea It as promising good for the country. Th Timm -ays : In anna respects a change uf the kind tbat la likely to ncur In tae next six yesra ibat l lha appointment of a ma- J rlly of Damonrat in tho court is dssirsble. The conslitutHniil Ques tions arising out of the oid order of things are pretty well tattled. There Is ill tie chaoee of conflict over the righla of stab-, and the tendency to give predemi nance to national author ity haa gone far enough. In tome rjepect thre has been a disposition to construe tha powers of the Federal Oovernroeut hxj brmdly, as for In stant in in .-lining to uphold all gnu's and patent mad by Ira authority, however that auihriiy may have b-tn .i u, i try its agent. The moat important question arising now-a. days and likely to arlso (or a true years to c me affect th rights of tm people against those of chartered cor poratlooeani grantees and pitenUxe of the government. A little more sympathy for popuhr tights and a lit'le lee regard for interests that have become veeted, thmugn a vio lation of Uw ur of eouo J principle, if not through actual fraud, w uH d . no harm. Of course, conserv.tiiiu I a neeesaary characteristic uf the tri hunal of last resort, but It should be a conservatism that would shield lha jOst rights ef tbe paople a effectu dly as (hose of corporations or the direct graotee of puttie fa v ire and prt v leges. The Timm ia very right in its con clusions The Federal C am hve been very grasping in the last two decades, snd have eU luted much Ju. rtediction that did not belong to them. The mid-night onier of Judge Dure ll, eialag a State House and overturn ing a 8tate government, ia a fair sample of the tendencies of the K.-tl ersl Courts during the last twenty odd years. A halt ought t have been called long ago. In the West, even among the Republicans, there Is a strong feeling against the usur pations of the Federal Court", and Iowa, Nebraska and the great North, wast would welcome a Supreme Court which waa opposed to an ex tension of the Federal Jurisdiction and more favorable to the people aa op posed to corporations and monopolies. A NKW l iKN Kit ATI ON. O jv. Amss,of Mssachusett8,brought out, in bis KaneuH Hall speech befoie tba ex -Confederate soldiers of Virgiria, SB idea which the demagognsa ignore in tbeir appeals to tbe old war spirit. "Wa sometimes hear it naid," re marked tbe Governor, "that there ia a new South. But that only half atates ths situation. There is a new Ninth, too there is a new American t ation grown ii i since the war. The entiie country in 1861, when tl.a graat civil conflict began, had but thirty million people. To-day it contains rixty mil lion. There are two nations on our soil to-day of tha size of tba nation of 1861, and they, thank God.are under the same flag." This states an important political fact in a concrete form. Thousands of men wi'l vots for President next who were not born until two years after the great civil war ended. One of ths men who fought on ths other aide said to Massachusetts : "If you get into any trouble with your neighbor across tha border on the fishery question, and Khali need any hlp,the men of Virginia will come and help you." Another brave Confederate deolared : ''There are no more loyal people anywhere in this broad land to-Uy than the people of Virginia." The new na'.ion will noi respond to J ths qis t er-CRirt ry-eld war orirta. L i, the atrife-H'irting demag igues make a txite ef tli. it. Small wraea of ruby, deep blee,(erra cotta or Viron velvef, with garnitures j of black are tn vogue, ire The St. Paul (tiobe ptibliabes a Oslo ful and thorough eauvssa of im eiioia and Btvettaeiu prgftfcafh1 rf the. tloo an the presidantlal (juration,! ivrt ing the slates of Miniie.ol-, lows unci Wisconsin, sna" tha rmitm(iHi of Dcoia and Montana, The rs prt'Ssinna hav been ubtsinaii by circular und through 0orrepmidenta,Hnd oever ihe field eery fullj. The ia pisstlcally ttn oip(wi tinn o (;inv-lnd. The dsmauil for hig renomination i utianiuouc. There are a tew Hill or ii, hut Cleveland over shadow everything and everybody. Blaine ia the favorite with tha Repuh lioans, but thire i a very rrtarkad feel ing of opnaefttea io Idtn. The former anthaslsatie BJsiae feeling is nn loafer sppsrent. The gsnersl sentiment as- praise I by RtublioanM is that ilo-y IsM glad to aee him ri,nminahd ami elr-e'wd, but they f'ar ba will not heeisete'l. AHism lesda Blatnio Iowa 45 to 40 15: . ii.. laada Seimsn in Minnesota IJtfwtM, Line. In, lis w ley and Allion ur ih" Itv iiit win r'si- dential eud: 1 i s s-n , t.b )tpob!i cana, with jiig'tt 'brT-reocs Wrrn them. Vilaa bad efesaa r-ci to Ket ahead of Crli-i. Hi on stats aavrd him. K 0tr - f ili vbmm would tin doubtadly suit tbe D racy of tbe Northwest on a ti.jk'1 tth C.evetsnd. The poll, foor-tifiha of lbs ,. ssiot.-s being from e luorif, ii ,w, as f lluwa in tha at ite and tarritottaa named ; Clave Ian I. 297 ; Hill, 23: scstfeHej, 19: Biaine, 23H ; Aliiaoo.O.I ; Shnusr,,78; L-ncu t,iy ; et tiing, 20. Kir Vies- Presi. eit : V.lse, 10 J Carl s'-, 6 j BUck, 10; McD'.nldI." ; sentteiing, 60, Lined. , 60; H. ;- s35; Allison, 29; llMiaint16; Busk. 16; Fairchra', 25 ; Sro rman, 23 eaateriaga 70. An lawg thst the lauff are ee btauninliv arraeged that it tr M 4 amwe as fovi. children sod others aa a being tits taritl otk fish free of p c hi d i fi. I Hat T fiaherruen M of Eastern ra s liei' aalt ir euring In y. Itit the farmer, be i 'bee,, have te psy 83 per 1 1 bulk aali 39 oer can: tag au-ji el cant l k,- r On ai:t in bey if t iry want to use aalt in their fsrtohou-ies. Tba Tieaaury, groaning uteltr a ao,, u., f $100,000, 00), 4W ii io a iltea- daty in 1 886 ot $70ti,.'l2! 31 on for tj, s.U. Ti.-home pndii!fion i va .ii t aeasH $5,000, 000. Tn. beiug eajh ..ic-d ' lrast by dint of th tarttf; e,v )2.0u0,000, it therefore follows thai ih v pays a tax of so u- $2,700,000 f u the luxury of usin nsI'.iu r- th nt hlf .f whicn is aid bv rh- f;trurs.' And with these fan's brf rf iIim, 'he plufsCtliBlisIa, or rather b dep .i, m, want (.ba revenu tx seasneed lr aaa h tch luxmies as whis ky and to' c.j i i nrdaf to leaaen the sttp!iM in ihf ltani y, hi'e the tariff remains en s'l ihe necnt iK of lite. How fri-ra sie induced to vote for mv. Waa bowl f r fre whtshj, while sll tbd necS'i ii of I.f'n Hie iii'vtiy taxed, is ae)eajd on. e mprriinaiori. asmmBBmaamaas rrom ajn cil in testiga - x . ov?r the Miiire stse ot Soo.h Carolina it ap,n r iImi the c:ops in i.eiv coun ty are betii-r thiti ib-v h re leu for lwnit-6vs jests. As ihe crops are a . S . a a aa na tnaue, m- outlook li a bt untcous hareaa is ad that oonid 1st dired. The nmall grain ha been hmeed. Wheat and oats am 20 pet eut betlaf than laat yeai's crop, and the ield tf cirn, fiom the preaeut muiook,witi be 50 per cent better. The chief crop of the tate is cotton. The area of this yaat's ctop is 10 per cent, ueoe t h ttt Isst )ear, and i h cor dition tbt crop is eati muted at 99, 86 at ibis lime last year. Farmeia ate in high bpitits aud say that, ilu v will be sbie to atsrt off on next aai'a wo k wi h all debts paid ittai uiuuey in bank- The rice crop, which m coutite-d te the neseoeet, is in spleudid condition, but there ia dHog r yi t from hi;li water at.d rioe bird a. The iVeaideof a4 a)el pteasedtia all rt-sptctf, ai h bin recent jnui.t to Lk that i'.e I. us ahjesd) m p ptd pat a f imiLr t ur, up. ii wI.kIi he will start with Mis. Cleveland in July. The t XKCt detitinalton h nu yut knowu, as tbe Preatdenl'a deatrs ii that the p'aa fhtll not be dividend until he Is ready to start. What tmth there may be tn thw repoit that the President and Mr. Cleveland will aienn the greater pari f July stid Augnit travel ing in tho WfKt d.xR not trni apir. Certain it i, howi vt.r, h;t the pUns for a short trip aafly in July ate al ready matured. The Pren leiit diives out t.. H'd Tp m-arly ewry at ei rio-.m, and dini'H i h Men. FoUi mi and hir aiater, Mrs. Welch. Th't k white dreP.e,tt in taOllgh-f ,will be much worn.soma of lha mwet how in infer A'oven op"n-work stripes. Corsets, N H. Allan & Co., have in stuck a splen dil line of corsets. Cnnsistion of the justly celebrated C, Pa, Dr Warner's, Dr Ia'a 8. K'a, the Albany 3taadarfl, our spinal brand, &ho if Everlaatiug, i sn I in I XHW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Ec At prices never before offered in Albany and N. H. ALLEN & CO.. are the ones that are propose to sell CASH AND only, and will duplicate the price 3 given in any Spring Oatalouge in the State. We propose here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samples sent upon ap plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co. 57 First Street Albanr. TBS Btarrol f oiublnailoa. Tree delicacy of flavor with true elBoacy of act ion, baa taiea attained in the me of a California liajaid fruit remedy, Symn of Kige. Ita pleasant taste and beneticial eflVctx have rendered it imtnenssly popular For amis by Fcsthay k Maaoo, whoieaBle and retail, -as- Bring Mare PlesafBt. to ths taste, more acceptable to tbe afcnusch sad more truly beneficial in ita action, the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syrap of Figs, ia rapidly aopersediag sll others. Try it. Foraale by Foahay ft Masoa. , ;rtiakeaaess, or Liquor Habit, can be Curedb; almiautariag Dr. Haines' Ooldea tpacifle. It csa be a i veu ia s cup ot coffee or tea with rat tue ktiowlettge of the person taking it, ef. le tlrtc a speedy and permanent cure, wht tlier oe paltaBI Is a moderate drinker or aoulco wreck.- Thousands of drunkards have u made temperate men who have takec tbe il' it Specinc in their coffee without their mi ledge, and to-day believe they quit drmk at of their own free will. No harmful effect i-e- i.ts from lUadmtnUtration. Cures miaiaii H i'd. Kend for rtrcnlar and full particular. A litress in confidence Uouir spKcirici'o., iv, ltace St., Cincinnati, Ohio. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. This Magazine portrays Ameri caa thortpht sad life from ocean te oeeam, is ft I led with pure high-cla literature, and caa be safely wel comed ia any family circle. PliiE 25o. eg $3 A TEAt IV MAIL. BBMBfa Copy ef current number mmtieel upon re ceipt of SS ets. : back numbers, tS ets. C re in iu m Llat with cither. Addrets: E. T. BUSH SON, Publishers, 130 & 133 Pearl St., N. Y. L. W. CLARK, Portri i Photographer. Sa nigs y appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweed ale's BaHdlng. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Red CrownMills IS0M, LAMING & CO., PROPR'S. NKW PROCRAS M.OUB SUFSRIOR POR PAWILIKS ATi BAKERS nSX. BEST STORAGF ?iCIUTlFS. Highest JPric in Gash Wheat ALBANY OR. fo T J: STITBS. 2Y AT making the offer. We goods for PRODUC E Mew and Second Hand Store Owing to the increased demands of our buainoaa we have teen compelled to move iato a larger Moje and we can now be f mnd next door to H, E. YouBe where wa will be pleased to see tor patrons. If you i ced any Moves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, earpea, pietaras, frnit jars, trunk-, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, planes, etc., and a theuesae dif ferent and ust ful artie'es you can not da bett r this sid of San Franaisco tbsn yen can do with us on a purchase er exchange, M. FRANKLIN & CO. 123 Fi rat Street, Albany, Or. THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLMOUTH ROCK 13 JPANTS. Cut to aider tmm woila olvtha tatiraf)- aeicced frat,vle an vmr. Krr air muri,tii and Mon ey proD)tly rrf.dd, or a new pir nuue, if c4a returned aa uuaatit f vctorr. DO YOU WEAR I PANTS ? . TaU ua atioiH what oet ryou 'ila, m-i4 us your vaita, hip and inaide lea; nieasiirr. ti.pthrr wi'ft t nnd 3:. cuk fvr pasta ra pscHag, Or a. 0 a eta BXa &oMm ed you, itu-twlinff Sood ijp,.., ui-maaura t va SBBUMM ..t theao pwAatreiTor aale at nix oewts. PLYMOUTH ROCK PANTS CO., is mummer M B.toa. Nns THE RICHEST 111 S0R01SBCUR f the Affis SAM ANT HA AT SARATOGA by JialsB A Ilea a Wife, iaa Hollv imi.t at last aiMMoitaauiitt ths whirl k4aaksi a Saratov and takea uff ita follies, fltrtatu n, Uw neck tlretMa Iiuk Jasra, sto.. in her Inimitable mirth-provoking style. Ihe book ia nrufusel.v illustrated h Ouier tha renowned artist of "I'tn k . " Wi) r,i I ti Mr SS.W. I AKXTS VaTtTlT Id ureM A. 1.. RASt'ROrr A Ct) Put. 8u Kiancia- 90f HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conduoted hy aecnlar ptieats and lay teachers. J First trrtn npetjrs flrsi M.t?,T in Scp temtier. Hcnul term opens fiisi Monday in Fetrirtiy. For proectus adrire Rev. F. A H-kfcr. Vsnconver, W. T. Box io;?. C. K.WOLVBUTO.V, o, H IBT1IIB WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTOHNia-YS AT LAW si