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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1887)
1 Sbt mmit. tEotsred at the Port Office at Arbany, Or, m aeoond-class mall f RIDA.V.. JULY 1 1887 ariTES A HUTTING. SJHr ! Irerleier. rK r. ItrriVU, I. seat SJIIse. A MAN AROVT TOWH. White at the picnic at Jefferson Friday the If. A. T. observed the lact by conver sat ion that in all probability eight out of ten of the farmers present wilt vote for the prohibitory amendment in November. A farmer who declares that he will not U a curiosity. With Portland left out there is no doubt that the amendment would pass. That city, though, makes the matter some what uncertain. O And now the Oregon Pacific starts east ward again with a rush. There is money and push and energy back of the move ment. The Cascades wilt soon be scaled, and ere many month have passed a steam horse will puff into Albany direct from thr Atlantic with a snort of triumph. The fifth line from Coast to Coaat will have been completed, with Albany as the distributing point for the Willamette Valley, its center, the junction of two railroads, and the most promising of Oregon cities. This savors somewhat of poetry ; but it is prose all tit way through. O All along we have supposed Y equina CUy would be the termlnous of thU new line ; but, alas, according to the San Fran, cisco CkromkU that city wilt be the termin ous. It take several columns to prove it, a highly Imaginative map being used to establish the fact. It Is ever thus that the big try to alisorb the little. Time wilt tell. 0 'Wild Bill," (William Weaver.) the Man About Town learns, is now located at A I den, N. Y., where he went recently, having ob tained not long ago a back pension of $164 and $8 per month, which wa the means of setting him down among his relatives. He attested his appreciation of the friendship of a well known Albany gentleman by sending him a fine chain and charm. ''Bill" wa a peculiar character here for years, a land mark as it were, and, with ail his fault, there are those who will be interested once In a while In knowing where he is. O The attention of the Man About Town has been called to the brutal manner in which a man near the U. P. Church treats hi horse. According to the reports he ha no conception of feeling in the way he manages the most noble of animal. If admonished he tell people to mind their business. Already he has the eternal enmi ty of all the women in the neighborhood. Oar Opport salty. Vow Albany has its long sought oppor tunity to secure a woolen mill managed by a man whose reliability is well known here. v At the request of Mr. Thos. Kay, Superin tendent of the Brownsville Woolen Mill Co. a meeting of several citizen was held in this city Tuesday evening. Mr J L Cowan waa made President of the same, when Mr Kay made a formal offer of establishing a worsted and woolen mill, to be devoted mostly to the former, here, in consideration of a bonus of $ao,ooo in water power, land, and money, lie would put in 830,000 mak ing a total capital of $511,010, which would set in operation a mill that would be a busi ness ornament to the city. A committee of three, consisting of C Wot verton, E J limning and J W Cusick, was appointed to anvass the matter. Our citizens should enter into this matter in earnest We cannot get a mill here without an effort, and this is just sych an opportunity a we need to show whether business is meant by our citizens in desiring a woolen mill. Pull for the mill. It will add another several per cent to the value of property, and a well wonderfully to the prosperity of our city. LM -rortzsiUer Weddlag. On Thursday evening of last week, June ajrd, 1887, at 8:30 o'clock, at the-Preabyte-rian Church in this city, Prof. Wallace II. Lee and Mis Libbie Fort miller, were united in marriage, Rev. W. B. Lee, of Olympia, father of the groom, performing the cere mony. Rev. Geo. H. Lee, of CorrallU, a brother, played the wedding march. Mr. Will. Lee, of Portland,another brother, Fred Fort milter, John Geisendorfer and James Powell acted as ushers, and Mr. C. P. Fort miller, of East Portland, a brother of the bride, and Mia Bessie Lee, of Portland, a staler of the groom, acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. The bride waa dressed in cream colored albatross trimmed in bice, ! and the eroom in the usual costume. The church was full of invited guest. Af'er the ceremony the bridal party with a few invited guest gave a reception at the resi dence of the bride's uncle, J. W. Althouse, which wa pronounced a fine affair. The happy couple immediately afterwards took up their residence in their new home on the corner of Calapooia and Ninth Street. The Democrat extends congratulations, and as well thank for some very fine wedding cake. Oa to Boise City. Monday the two months pay due employ es of the Oregon Pacific was paid in full and before the 25th of July the old indebtedness of the road will be liquidated. There is con siderable spice in these facts. Bids arc be ing obtained for grading bevond the Santi- am, the surveying party is pushing into the mountains, and rails are oa the way here sufficient to build about one hundred forty miles of road. Arrangements are already completed for the construction of the Com pany' round house at this city, work on which will begin in a few days, and the ma chine shops will follow in due time. Friday Mr William Hoag and Mr Wall is Nash, of the road, called at our office, and gave the most encouraging report of the onward movement now to take place. Hig Cold Kxritement. From ex-Asses ror Dozier, of Brownsville, we learn that Nat Htsndish, George Dyson aod Jade Moors, of Brownsville, have dis covered very rich gold mines abost 30 miles from that town, ou the McKenzis side of the range of mountains, between Calapooia Creek aod McKemzte River. The vein is about five feet, two of which is rotten quartz and the other hard quartz. One of the parties in formed Mr Dozier that he panned out one panful of rotten quartz and obtained a teas uoofifal of round shot- like gold The parties brought out a Hour aack two-third full of tb rotteo quartz and ssnt it to Portland for assay- The boy think that thy have atrock it rich. Oregon Post Offices. The gross receipts of the Albany Post office for the year ending March 31st were $4,054, an Increase of $503 over 1886. This is exceeded by four offices. Following are the salaries of Oregon P . M's. : Portland $3,2001 E. Portland . . $ 1 ,500 Salem 3,200 Eugene 1,500 Atoria 1,90 Corvallia Moo The Dalles 1,700 Oregon City.. 1,200 Roseburg 1,000 Ashland 1,000 Jacksonville. . 1,000 Albany 1,500 Pendleton 1000 Baker City 1,500 The above are given in the amount of grosa receipts. order of the Notice. Good fsncit g lumber for sale sb easy terms The til range Picnic. The C range Picnic given at Je fferson on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last weak wa a successful affair. A D knock at man attended on Friday afternoon, whan the a attendance was very large, people being present from all part of Linn, Marltti and Polk counties. A universal spirit of socia bility prevailed. Friendships were revived and the strings drawn closer.the young men sat close to their girls In the narrow seat of the whirluglg swing and thought lightly to the tunc of monie musk, or something else, that Hew from the riddles of two young men who sat above them ; young women gossiped and old ladles remembered the pat,young men talked foot races and drank acid water, sometimes called lemonade, or ice cream.old gentlemen talked of the wheat Firospect and everybody agitated the pro libit 01 v amendment, pro or con, mostly pro. All these besides listening to the exercises of the dav. In the forenoon Col. Woodford delivered an able address on temperance that had a powerful effect on his listeners. and in the afternoon J udge Boise, Hon. John Burnett and J. K. Weutherford delivered addresses. On the other days the exercises given were pronounced of a superior nature. These picnics are the most popular held in the valley, and one's summer career U hardly complete without having attended. A Ossa Htga. The following letter from the Jnd Assist ant P. M. Gen. to J. H. Mitchell give the situation on the mall service In this and Marion countle,and indicates that the route between here and Lebanon is to be rrestab lished by way of the O. & C : Sir : -I have the honor to Inform you that in compliance with the agreement with yon April 14th, 1887, a thorough examination has been made touching the cause of com plaint against the discontinuance of star ser vice between the Oregon and California railroad and the Oregonian Railwav(limited) line, and Superintendent I L Wilder reports that an exchange of mails between the two railroads is made at Woodburn, thlrty-ix miles from Portland,and that by the present time-cards on the two railroads the mail are delivered a promptly by one road as by the other to the post offices from which com plaints have been received. In order to further facilitate the delivery of mall between the two roads service wlfl be retained on route No 44,1 38, from Salem to Silverton, and No 44,1 v.from Turner by Aumsvilie to Mehatna. And if arrange ments can be completed with the officer of the railroad company between A'.bany and Lebanon, service will be retained between those points. On the other star route it would appear that service need not be maintained Inrtween the railroads and therefore route No 44.ib (Salem to Knight) will be continued as cur tailed, to begin at Macleav, and route No 44,151, from Jefferson to gcio, will be dis continued. Very respectfully, A. Lao Knott, Second Assistant P. M. General. Barksslc rrraa Some days ago a floe Jersey calf belong in to Dr. J. P. Wallace was found to be sick, and the Dr. as doctors often do, pro ceeded to administer a physic. The result showed that the calf was suffering from an attack of what is known among medical men as "invagination," or the reversing of an intestine at ome point and the literal swallowing of itself bv itself. The rcsuit was that on the following morning after taking the physic, about four feet of the in testinc passed from the calf, and the follow m 1 morning about tour feet more, and on the third morning four feet more, and after that about a foot more, in small pieces making thirteen feet in alt. Remarkable as it may appear the calf recovered and i now fat and hearty. Taw 4ta. There will be a big crowd in Albany oa next Monday. The eagls will scream and peanuts aod lemonade wilt vanish . The program a psbliahsd in the will be carried oat with probably naespscted ver.atioua. The principal feature of the day will be the bicycle races in front of the Court Houre, where an eight Up track baa bow msde by the Bicycle Club. There will be a mil race with two prize, a slow race, rae with hand off and perhaps one or two others, with from si to ten starter In the even ing there will be a Sue display of fireworks Another Shoot in?. From L. Senders,just in from Princville, we learn that in a difficulty between Law rence Perry and John A Id ridge near Prine rille.the former shot the latter with a pistol but whether fatal is not certain. The cir cumstance as related to Mr. Senders was a follows : Mr. Perry is a sheen man and was driving a band of sheep near the farm of r. Aldndge, and was making ready to drive through the farm when Mr. Aldridge objected, when an altercation arose between them, which ended in Perry taking a pis tol and shooting Aldridge. Mr. Aldridge is nrotner to u. w. Aldndge of the Frineville Newt. 4th of July Loach. Next Monday the members of the At bany W. C. T. U. will set one of their pop ular lunches in the building nearly opposite the Dkmocr at office. From morning till night the appetite can be satisfied by calling on them. Full tables and neatness and de- spate! 1 will be the rule. A splendid mea for 25 cents, with tea or coffee. Ice cream and cake, 25 cents extra. By getting your meals at the W. C. T. U. tables vou will not only help a good society, but as well get much more than your moneys worthy, tor the Albany W. C. T. U. has long had reputation for setting splendid tables. Car Load of Pine Cattle. Iast week Mr. A. tflaker, of .Sliedd, re ceived a car load of cattle from the East that will rank with any yet imported into the Valley. They are the Holstelna and Short Horns, full blooded, just the kind Oregon farmers need. It pays to keep good stock, and those desiring some cattle of the best blood should call on Mr. Blaker. The HoUteinx and Short Horns have no su periors. Teaerablc with Age. I nele "Johnny" Crabtree, of the Parks celebrated his 87th birthday last Monday ,he and his venerable wife, who will be 80 years old in a few months, having been married oyer sixty years. He has been a subscriber to the Democrat from the hrst Issue, tic uniformly pays In advance which is only one of the many commendable traits in character. his Ths Mountain Uoad. Mr Gilliland was in town last Saturday and informed us that at that time the road was open and in fair condition as far up as Fish Lake.but on the other side of the lakes was a stretch of six miles of snow about six feet deep. On this stretch are many logs which he said he would be cleaning out the latter part of this week. P.. r i well Dianer. Charles Pfsiffer takes pissesnoa of tbs Rsvsrd Houss to-day, Mueller St Garrett re tiring last evening. Thsy gave a farewell din. nsr yesterday noon. It was a fins affair and greatly enjoyed, by nne more than by tbs jjxmocrat's eating sditor. Company P. Lieut. 1. A. Manning, of Brig. Gen. Slg tin' staff, came to Albany Tuesday even ing and mustered in Company F, of the O . N. ., fifty -one joining the rank. After a spirited contest the following were elected to the Commissioned office : O II Irvine, Captain. O A Archibald, tst Lieutenant. E I) Cusick, and Lieutenant. After the election the officers named treat ed the members to a tine Icecream lunch at Hoffman St Pfelffcr's. The company I composed of good material and will be ornament to the cltv. Here thev are : an Geo U Piper, M H Ellis, M K Brink, A W Thompson, V I Glllet, W Portmiller, T J Overman, O H Irvine, E I Cusick, G E Chamberlain, Harry E Woodln, K 11 Thornton, T L Wallace, M L Dorris, M I PfiTfllpa, P P Donley, I. V Lonswav, R B Vunk, Fred Fortmlller, H J Phillips, Carl H Ludertnan. E Moore, W A Humphrey, P 0 Anderson, E L Power, M 0 Brink, (i W Caldwell, Geo H Skeela, J T Waton, 0 H Parker, E E Parker, Geo W Keencv, J F Hall. 0 L IMerce, U C Hale, L W Clark, H F Mcllwain, W Wright, A E Ketchum, O A Archibald. I BCouglll. J Mc McPerou, O P Jester, 8 E Watson, O C Clelan. C B Winn. Til Rhodes Parker, F M French, Jaa Callahan, 1J I Duhruille, W M A Contemptible Fellow. The following is sworn to by J. Y.. Find ley, one of the most reliable men in Clack amas county, and shows what the Dkmo cat at ha al way claimed, that the State Board of Immigration luts been a partial, "labided" affair, and that C. B. Carlisle, the Secretary is a contemptible fellow, any other expression would do him an injustice : On the 18th of May. 1887, while in Port land, I visited the State Board of Immigra tion rooms for the purpose of listing my farm for sale, in hopes of obtaining a pur- chaser. When I entered the room I found eight immigrants In search of home and desiring information. One man particular ly, desired to go to Tillamook county In search of a dairy farm, and was Informed by Mr. Carlisle,' "that he couldn't possibly let over the coast range, as there was six cet of snow on the mountains and only a trail to pass over," and with one argument and another finally convinced the men that they must go to Southern Oregon to find any thing to suit them. He says : "Gen tlemen, the lower kalamath country has plenty of Government land In it and Is a good 'country, and i just the place you ae looking for. I essayed to mention the fact that there wa yet good government lands In Clackamas county, and only fifteen or twenty miles back from the railroad, as well as a great deal of other cheap lands for sale and not distant from Portland. 1 very soon found out that any Information I had to give was not desired, and ascertaining the drift of things subsided. Afterward, the same day, In passing toward the ferry I stopped a moment to talk to two immigrants at the foot of the stairs leading to the board moms. Mr. oarllslc was In a store at the time near the sidewalk. Seeing me tie came out, poke gruffy to me, and remarked that he didn't want me to talk to the immigrant in the office or around the office. Mr. Carlisle admitted hi course in the following note to Hon. T. A. Mc Bride "It has not apparently occured to vuu that the board is uptorted wholly by the con tributions of half a dozen gentlemen of this city, whatever benefits your county gets is gratuitous work on the part of those gentle men. The State ceased to have any con ncction with it financially, en the list of March last, rhese facts have already ap peared al the Orrgonut. If we are not mistaken the Immigration Board is a State concern,snd continue to be run by the State money. All parts of the alley have Iieen discriminated again!, and It is a burning shame tliat such a man Carlisle sltould be kept as It Secretary. REAL EMTATK. Following were the recorded sales in Linn county during the past week : Ceo 8 Royo to J W BIio,25.37 lost east of Albany Walter Jobosoo to 8 T Crooks. 'A' 1 1500 2S70 VT Wight to John Witl. 5 Daaiel Lesdy to J L Wigle, 3 acres. . . C R Parks to Cieo W Kseoey, box 1 10 feettraZod. A 200 520 1200 330 Zelia Watkios to Rosa A Ferguson. Ill acres Teter Smith to Evert Btiyeo, several parcel of I ad J C Moss holder to DoamreiU Rtos. 1 lot in Lebanon Dcmoretta Rio to Sarah Mosaholder, same 350 J W Jonnson to S T Crooks. 20 acres 1 U to Y Uobtoett, 622 4'. acr patent C Q Rideoot to C R Parke. 66x110 feet in H a 2ud A HX Mary A Uoddard to Minnie Adams, 2 lota 10 Brownsville 400 W E Price to Msry AS Hits. 2 lota 10 aodavtli 50 0&i C It R Co. to J C aod Hearv Lyoos, 80 acre 100 R 8 Bark hart to J Wsssom. 306 acres 1 Wrote a Lettsr. Mr. Saunders, at the present time a cook In the State penitentiary, before assuming the responsible duties of his new office penned the following self explanatory letter : Sal km, Wednesday Noonjune 22,1887. J W Minto, E M Croisan, T J Potter : I cannot leave here without expressing my appreciation of your kind and generous treatment of me while a prisoner in your care. The long dark night has now settled down upon me, but I want to assure you that during all the dreary years that are to come I will neyer forget the many kind nesses I have received at your hands,nor the high minded way in which you have dis charged your duty towards me as men and officer. Truly your, W. W. Sai ndkrs. A Floe Animal Last Saturday "Uncle" George Hughes displayed In this city one of the finest yearl ing bulls ever seen in the city. It was just 1 year to days old and weighed 775 pounds Its heavy weight for a yearling is due more to compactness than to apparent size. His immense breadth of hips explains this. The animal is three-fourths Durham, and his owner may well be proud of him. SEE MelliWAIVS CLOTB1NO Be for Baying. S BeBBSSSSSW He has just received a large stock of clothing, on which he has placed greatly reduced prices, that will open your eyes Suits heretofore selling for $20 he now sells for $18. $18 suits have been reduced to $16 ; $16 suits to $14 ; $14 suits to $12, His stock is large and varied, ranging in price per suit from $4.50 up. Customers cannot fail to be suited. Cull and scs for yourselves. New To-day. We are showing a beautiful line oi lace curtains, in pairs, and by the yard, plain and printed scrim, in designs entirely new to this market and invite those desiring goods in these or other lines to give us a call MONTEITlI Si SKITENBACH. Yob will find our stock of carpets, oil matting and window blinds full and tive, all that Is new in patterns and can be found in our assortment, to s cloth, attrac CURRENT KVKNTft. The Civil Service Commission talks of coming to Oregon. The startling fact Is now learned that Hon J N Dolnh, U S senator, walked into Ore gon In ins, He come In now on a free pa, and his daughter has just married a newspaper man. A big fire occurred at Dayton, W. T., on Thursday night of last week, two blocks being burned, the loss of property being placed at oyer $100,000. Dayton's lire de partment proved inefficient for such a Are. Work on the now school building and church presented by Col Hogg to Newport has been begun, the corner stones having been laid last week with formal ceremonies. Another Pete Olsen was arrested In Seattle Sunday morning. Probably a "Chestnut." The condition of wheat through the Mis slssippl Valley Is about 80 per cent of aver age. The coffee ring also bursted, not very much of a smell either. Most people like to ce big wheat and coffee rings collapse. It spreutis moncv. Ashland ha a venison cannery. A CufTy county man recently killed a white deer, and refused $10 for the hide. McMinnvltle has a girls broom brigade that has received numerous call for services on the 4th ; but could only accept one. A piece of property sold on Commercial street, Salem last Saturday for $310 a foot. Salem will have its fruit evaporator going in time for the present season s crop. But 1 he present Is a poor fruit season, hence It will start in with a limited business. -Some of the newsiest j wipers are often published in smalt places. Anions notice able Instance arc the Milton AWA, Hepp- ner irsrwesnu flllverioti Afmt Mr John I. Hughes, formerly of this city, was re elected Recorder of Albina last week by six majority. He wi ticket. The opiioslng . 1 ".i .. r was on the People's ticket was called the Citizens Ticket. Just what the two names signify has never been ascertained for certain. One of the best things Ham Jones has ever said is 1 "The most beautiful shrht In the world is to see a family around a cheer- tui nre with the head of the group reading hi local newspaper which he lias paid for In advance." A natural bridge after the pattern of the celebrated Virginia bridge, has been found in Southern Oregon, t6H mile west of Oakland Mrs C How. k has been in Salem the guest of Dr Irvine at the Asvlum. An Item that appeared In the Kalem Stiittsmam last Tuesday should read a fo! lows : "Eugene City has Improved more within the past two year than any other city in the State, outside of Portland and Albany. There ikam not seem to he am boom" In Kugene, but the growth is evi dently the rcsuit of the legitimate growth of nusiness eiruton ot trade ami cunfidenrc of her people In the dtv' future. Eugene (itytsavery pretty little city, and the fourth In the State fn point of commercial Importance, and her people seem deter- mined to maintain this stand," i.raas Jsry Report. Im th t tit Stuttm Cirtmt St.ite of t)r0g0n. 7V As Hm$e, Jdgr cf Mtd Comrt : Ctmrl pf tkw H m. l. I The Grand Jury for tb pros at torebave th h..nor to report, that, a poo inspection, we find th e unty jail 10 aoud order, olswolv, and aa socare a the prsoswt struct or oso be made Th Sher.fP. urfi. is meeh improved to appearaoos aad asmyeoieooe. sod his books r w. Il kept, sod the dettea of bis properly adiaioistorsd. Th .Sheriff' report snow 1 Sat there ie a dolasqoeney of a boot 17,000 on hie book at tot date, th greatsr part of which is due from the Daodeo sod other restdeot IMip is sad iodivtduala. The Trees a 1 er1 books are Weil kept sad his ottio ia good repair The fi asocial affairs of th county or ia a moat aaufsevory coo dittos. Toe Treasurer reports the ooaoty free fro debt aod a cash alaawsof at l.t tweotytive th.mseod dollsr to the Trs ery. The Coeoty School hopenotoodaot offios is not in a creditable oootltUoo, ad wa would recommend that il be forouhd with s car p. t and sock furniture as ia Seeded to make it oooveoieet end cotnf rtsb!e. The .Clerk's office is in sxoelleot order Th reo- ords are well aadnea ly kept aod the Record aod lodex hooks lately porch d are of -perior quality aod mors 000 ve meat form thsu than those heretofore ased. The Csssty Court 100ms appear to be supplied with all tost is no wary fur the transaction of the bastosa of toe Coort. Ws would reepeot (oily oall the attention of the County Court to the oeoesaity of rem wins th msus to the Clark's ottos. Those sow is use are nsarlv illegible from loo uo sod is our opinion should bs renewed as soon as it son bs 00s- vooiently don. The appearance of the Coort House grooods would bs moch unproved by a tborouah clsasing aod repainting of the fence surrounding it Albany, Or., June 29tb, 1887. Willi am Cvat, Foreman of ths Uraod Jury. Common Council Ilsgular meeting Tussdsy evening. I ' -un cilman tiradwohl ia tho chair. Wash boos matter continued. Street commissioner was roqneetod to ardor 0. ft C. to re.i.nv switch near ths 0. P. warehouse in too days. I K Young anil C H Stewart were granted privilege of building lateral sawsro. Petition of Psts Sohloissr for rsbats 00 license referred. McClsin & East war 1st contract for building lateral sewers across Ellsworth St st 00 cts par foot aod ttS for the catch basin. Linuor licenses wore araoted Win Faber. Cha I'feiffer. Pets Sohlosssr. M Psvssr. M Bsumgart and John William. Several sidewalk improvement wre order ed made and bill allowsd. For Stile. L Sender, of this ciy, hs just rsturosd from Prinsville with a drove of fifty hssd of horses, consisting of mares, maroa aod ooita, yearlings and aoms two years ohLall of which he oilers for sals on reasonable; ternn. B. C. Kmbrco is now oor authorized agent to collect 00 subscriptions and solicit new subscribers and sdvsrttsemsDts. We hope our friends will treat the young gsntlsman wen. firoeeries. While looking after your supplies in ths sbov line, don't yoj forget that N H Allsn ft Co. kssp groesriss, aod don't you forget that you can gat last as much auoar.tsa, cof fee, rics or aay thing else for a dollar y" caa gst in any a tore in the city. aud all of ths best quality. Call on Allen ft Co. when job want groceries and lemember thsy never si low themselves to be undersold. On last Tuesday 00 ths streets to Albaoy a diary poskst-book containing a $20 green back and a to greenback , and some bills written in ths diary. Will give suitable re ward for return sf same to this office. C. D. Comptox. Great Millinery Sals. Oa and after tkia date ws will sell all our spring ar.d summer millinery st cost as we positively will not carry any stock from one season to another. June 20th, 1887. Shank & Lonswav. Cyclone Brick. B. W. Cundiff has just burnt a kiln of first-class brick at the Cyclone brick yard, which he offers for sale at retail or reasona ble terms. Uur Spring stock of dress goods, fancy goods, boots and shoes, etc , have arrived and ws are now showing the most complete aod attractive stock ot goods svsr brought to atoro will convince HOME AND ABROAD. 1" H French, jeweler, Tbs best harass at E L Thompson's. Oamp-rnsstiag has olossd at Sodavills, H. Kwort, praotiosl witohmtker sa l jew- Isr 0 B Garliala has bottabt the Modford Mon itor. S. l Wallace, Physioinn ami Surgeon, Al bany, Or. 10 hi I IS yards laii,uj pttoru,at Ma II W,, 35 onU of Ash sad 0k wood wanted at Will Bros. Ouu Store. Nsw Hue of h-idery st Mcllwaiu' for 5 osnta per pair up. Kias stock. J H Tnvnsend. special sgstit for iii- Stat InsuraaosOo. sf Sslsm, Oregon. Six shsves for a dollar so t ft alt so toWSt to very oustoiosr, at L Vitrtok'. Just received at Mollwsiu' now line of ginghams, 10 and!2 yards ft rf I. A good horse power hey press fur sale Inquire of Andy Hunt, at AtlNsoy. Rev V N Nystoo will presoh at ths Osfiats iau Vborok is thw oily to -sight. Highest cash pries will hs paid for wool by Smith St Hsinmaok, at Tsllmao. Ths Istsrststs Commissioners will bu iu Saa Frauoisco soiostitne tbi mouth. 7 0Hk ours rhsumatUtu, nsurslgi 1 snd toothache. Foshay 4 Masoa, Agent. Little Jo Sternberg fell from a cherry tree ICedneeday aud f rsotured an arm slightly. L M Curl, of this oily, hss hssa eugagsd to teach th Soio school . A goad selection Ice orsam, lemonade and all k iuds refresh msats un the 4tk at Rodllel 1 A BrowoelTs. 1 Jit am a booed, set and put. in order at I Vie reek's Hhsvingsnd Hair Dreuiug Salons F M Frouoh, agoot Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellow Temple, Albany, Or. The Usmocsat has s larger circulstios in Albaoy than ail otjisroouuty paper togather. Team for Sale A spaa of large wr.rt. bar mm. For parties Isr oall at Oeyos A H os's Thers will be a spread esgts celebration at Ssreet Home ou the 4th. S. H. agamss toe world. Dr. M. H. Kill, uhysiaiau aod urg-n All any, Oregon, ('alls male is city or country. Th Kus ff -Mse has a hass.sud the llevere House bus hss bono newly and e'ogsntly ropatnted. AU styles wt boU ami iom a id a large tiek of grnesric i whst we carry Uodlbdd A' Brown!!. A $0.0b0 firs ocesrrod at full mas, W I' , Iset .woodsy, orarly every buina bouse oiog horsed. Ws take the om n, too customers take ths bargains, aod the bsrgtia take the cake. Redtieid ft Urownell Ths Salvation man has boss making a air es 0 hiniaelf by appcartsg is th sttt m s completely red salt. Th Benton C unt v Bank began hitiiusas ssCorvsih Ust Tuesday. M S W. .:cck being st the head of it. Thsgrssd jury fossd "00 trse toll against Dell Iard. and th same sgsinst Ojorg Slaves art ted for perjury Usees W Psrosy, s runaway book keeper from Frank Brothers, oi fortUnd.bss recent ly turned Sp IB Kansas City. Fsbrsoy's Celebrated Blo.4 Class er for ale at Deyoe St Robooo'a aod Read Si Brown lis, P J Btltimore. sgost. Henry Martin, sf Chamoeg. Marion cms lv, was arreatsd Monday for rape 00 Mis Koima Ogdcn. aged twenty -two. Marsh held, Wis., was dost roved by firs the first of the week. Lose, $3,000,000. Oaiy oso boss remained untouched. Every customer sill bs s walking silver tisemeot for or bargain wheu they sa osr price. Rcdtisld It tkowusli. Owe of N II Alton ft Co' prise ticket good for 5c os s dollars worth of goods pun bal st lbs sow Seoosd 11. od etose. Dejee St Rebsos roost vod lbs O.aogs oos tracts for binders and twins oa Mosday. See sot toe is soother eolomo. The Darn hat's tut of correspondents sow is large. Every ssettos of the county, though shosid bs rsprssostsd. Mrs M H Sarl.aa aooosat of wluuMseri oss accident wa gives last week, is lowly improving, with good prospsetsef rerovortog Woodworking mscbisery, shaftiu . pnl hng, bsltiog snd etc.. at half price. Inquire sf C. L. Hrosb, foot of I.yoo Street. Albaoy, Or. Rev O W McGibssy. has accepted tl.e pas 10 rat of th Froaby toiian Church st Lh ftov McOibss) is a gTaduSto ol I'nncc The Salvationist wars taking up s col; ac tion on the street M .ndsy to n.y a detn-tmry of about tOO which hss accumslaud m tl is stty . Smith ft Hsminsek have opened a grocery store at Tallmaa. Both ar squars mea from way beet asd deserve aaccsss in tbs sotcr priss. Last week ws mentioned Mrs C H Spsacer as tbs daughter of Capt W N Phillip. This ws a mistake. She wsa the daughter of Mr Jeogls. Dr Mas too is building ao office 00 tho cor ner of hi lot just south of th Dxmocbat of lies, which wksn completed hs will occupy htmssJ. Another shipment oi ladies line shoes i all WMSSa SOU BIO JOSS IB inn unioni sm rcm&rk what perfect beaatio. Redtil St BrowBsIL A fearful mining disaster occsrrsd at Vir - ctoia City. Nev., a fsw day ago, a lsrgs anmber of miuera being kdlsd, tbs number tot vt ascsrtsissd. Lsrgs a took sf ladies fins ahmfs toft rsonv ed direct from tbs Eastern factory st Mo ll wain's, ranging ia pnes from $LZ3opfor kid button shoes Oos of ths Sbsdd carrier pidgsoos a few J days ago n-ade the trip from Portland to L&hedd is 2 hoars 15 minutes, being st ths 1 rate 01 a muea ao a our, iaiS esuss or effect Outside of toe tne si a a It I tro polls tbs Democratic nswspapers in Ore gon are far superior to the Republican one. Beat 1 orttaud r octet, John Hawk.wh.i disappeared from Cobarg, I June coojityf--rflw months ago, has bean heard from to Umatilla county, not dead, as feared by some of his f needs. Following is tbs grand jury at the Cirsuit Court this wask . Oso W Davia, YY A I'sui, A K Thompson, Joba Osios, Wm Cyrus, N O McDonald. Robert Olsaa. Strawberries have eons. Lsft several days ago. Ths cheapest they told for in Albany was three boxes for 25 cants, a fast not often re corded in Lino oounty, A party of young pes pis wars riding in a ail boat at The Dalles Isst weak wheu their boat waa capsized and Ua am pas ana a young lady were drowned, Tbs Cleveland Bay horse, owned hy Mil lard St Klkins, will return from Salem by the 1st of July sad make a fall season at their place Bsar Albany. See notice. Should you desire to sell yoar property osll on Burkhart St Keensy as they advertise property placed in their hands, aud charge nothing unless they effect a sale. Plunder's Oreeon Blood Purifier is the great conqueror of biliousness and Liver complaint. Relief certain in every case. Sold at one dollar a bottle . Try tt. Last Friday while goiog to the Jefferson picnic the team of Mr Edward Robinson rati away, nearly dissecting ths cart, but fortun ately doing Mr Robinson no injury. Send your nam to or oall on Rod field St Browoell and get some of their Prize Pump kin seeds free. Thsy have offered oash prizes lor pumpkins raised from same. A strawberry mac informs a Democrat man that on the same ground he only raised one-third as many strawberries this aa last year. It has been a poor spring for garden ers. When in town the Fourth oall at Red field St Brownell and look over their large stock of ladies aud gents fine shoes. Plenty of extra help engaged so that you will not be kept waiting. The editors of Benton couuty have formed a prtss association and invite ths editors of Oregon to meet at the Bay 00 Saturday, July? 80th for the purpose of organising a Sea to. Press Association. f IJJuss-J-iJJJsLl Pa ) aoWaswaBjgw html, mashing asvsrsl lingers snd breaking ths thumb. Several of sur oxohasgss tiav atated that Ad mi Korepongh was oowiiog to Oregon With his great circus. Ws srs unabl to Hod uy thing In ths bill to that sffeat. Adam will probably not com here. Ths grasfl jury this week only found a true hill iu one ots. that of ilobirt Kdls. Boone, ths Vi '. man, srrestod for hbol, was disobsrgod, likewiio Rogers, th j&SJsSJI iiior, also arrsskod for lib I. Feto Olkoo, ths Califoruis 'murderer has boon found sil over Oregon, but jot shout the same "Chestnut " story has followed each time. One man has slremly been killed for him snd BBOthsf nearly killed. Ths msnnr of sslling wool unbt well hs imitated in other com mod ilies : It is shear sd ons day asd bsfors tkit end of ths weak the csh is in the producer's pocket. How different in the case of wheat. Why will so many people allow themeiv to go mopiuu about, kwsartsdf saitsw ssjjhWaksJSn, full of bil, wbes s fw desos ot I re.. mbtirg Tea is an absoluts aps oiHu for a'i complaints of this clsae. Thos h . .of the Browssvilfs Woolen Mill Co., was admitted fo eitiassahip in ths Cir i"' it Court in this city last Tu- day. Mr Ksy cams to the 17, H. whsna miuor.sod through s misunderstanding bail never taken oat pa fieri. Wallace U Sirs bis, recently of ths Ohro. kh, it is ssid, will now conrioe hi tims to j-r. aching ths gospol. It is to be hoped bs will get enough grace in his hssrt to trsst people with respect eveo if they do uot be long to hi church Pec nous wishing ths "St LoSS Silver I'oiish" for cleaning and pdishiog y.old, silver, nraas, iirittasia, uitrrois, winunws. etc., can iiurchasn tb same from Y L fketltoii at th Toet Offios. This is Lbs best polish now ia tb in.. f i.ef Sent by mail for 23 cents. By the removal of ths Cheadle dd build ings several have changed tbir piece of busi ness. Currau Si Muuteith have moved into the CoWan ft Cusick block. Otto Sslnigar to opposite IKiyoe ft Rohsnr,, and Hale Hack' enato has packed up for a fw weeks. Mrs l.ucy A McCosnoll i building s large barn oa the lot recently psicned by her, 00 Fourth Si ret between Ellsworth and I. yen S.ret. We understand Dr I N Woile, th Veterinary Surg-oo wdl occupy it in his basimn.. On oar tirnt psge is so arucle entitled "iiu it d l - n It i.iotensiiug ; bat lease it pietnwl psrt by toe fact Ciat DSnnis has proven not to lie Crawdatl. He waa discharg ed at S.lem last Friday. tne hotfalo detective thU be waa nut ths mas wasted. While the Willi met U at this city bs boos down to nssrly low wstor mark the Cotum- Ina hss bem on a regular t- ar. at rort'aod the lack wa'er rcbing nearly to Front St. The Co nnvna ao i will bs urmiel have sosree tu entirely d.lfer nt oosatrisa Last Saturday an excursion party of sbost three handred pud Albaoy s sprit on ths teamer "iteuttey. After visiting the cwle heatod mduts of tolsrset in our eity for tbtss r fwr hours tbsy reinrn! homeward, one of tb mty bands giving then a serenade as they left the O. P. wharf. This summers hat vest of grouse promises to be s good ons. Already the moat u under goiog that sweetening pro -ess amoog the Wueat liead tbt vontually gives it a flavor SBsnrpassed among all kinds uf wild bud. Oroa taken at th i-tfics m nsw suiscrip- tion at the market price Tie nest S'.ats Teacher Asaoeisiion will bs held In Stiem Jsly Ch, 7ih asd 8th, aod will be nnder charge of Suporintsndeol Mc Kirov. Osn I'eohles, O V S Reid svxi R F Rvdnoon, Esecmive f-i-nmittes. Os Wsd- nes fay evening Rev r . Hrowriiu will de liver ao a tdreas on "E omenta of Soeeoos is I hs Trse Teach"" aod lre:dent Thmpous. f ths Albany C.diege as address, ,-sbiect out named. Several Lisn emuty teacher will at tel. J. Tlss 1st high nrtoo for whsat wdl be an adoceuieut for fermer to keep their wheat oal wtotsr as loog as thsrs ia a ghost sf a or i.-.t l..r a d ibjr, aud as a resolt well, wo dn mt know su. thing about what thr rssult will I. I'eraap history will rs- p-ftt itself though. Retnendior this fact ; s dollar a bushel would not hsvo been paid bad ih'to becu innti heat to sell. The ntstory of Oregon shows that the 'osl prices bsvs been paid is Octob-r aud ' over bar. It will take rmrsby gooi judgmest to toll s farmer when t- sell the c uing htvt. PKILSOS L AND SOCIAL Swie I'rioter Bakr was ia tbs city Tues day. Prtsis'eBt Thompson aud wife havs bsen at the Bay. Qn W Cooper left for Pendleton lest Tues day os laiaissse. .Mr Joo D Overton, of Brownsville, has been atteadiug Court this week. A W Sfcasard. of Brownsville, rstarod last week from K. 0. with a nsod of horses. Dr K A McAllister has moved from Knguoe to this city ssd will locate hers permanently . D B Mootettb an i vod home from the Coear D Ale m country on Tbarsday evening of last week. B S Traia. of the HrrtAL loft 00 Saturday for Sontnern Orswon. seekios health aod rest. Mrs M J Bridaefnrd and daughter, of Set, hse bseo in the oitv. the guests of D P Mo soo. Mr Arcbie I'rushtw rvturnd ths first of the week from sn sxteuded trip through the r. M t . Coatracior 1 1 ant is in the Valley and will bid on the grading of ths 0. P. beyond ths Sao tiara. Mr Wn Lsaeh aad wifs, of llarrisburg passed through Albany Saturday ou thotr way home from the bay. Mr J Ij Cowan returned from Ptintville the first of the week. His brother Sam, who has been ill, is now nearly recovered. K W Lsngdou and wife ana Pearno Cocti- rane and wife !eft laat Wednesday morning for Lower Soda on a rusticating trip. Mr Al Ewei t. of this city, has accepted a position in the jawelry stor of W II Fink A Co., of Seattle, and loft for that city on Tuesday. Ur Mendenhali and family, of Hrriburg, lsft for Ktn Oregon a fsw dsys ago hy wsy of the McKenxie route with a band of oattle. Taylor Props! and familv have moved to Gilliam oounty to reside. Wssommcnd them to the people of that couuty as good citizens, good butter makers and good chicken breed era. l.rt it Sunday Mr L Senders, accompanied by his ton Mann v auct Ed Schmeer, arrived in thia otty from Crook Couuty with forty head of horses They were nearly six days coming. Mr. Hall Williams, of Nansetie, Wasco county, has been in the city this week, hav tug been called here as a witness 111 the Rog ers libel suit Hall was ones a oooiposttor on the ileram in its earlier career. Called durirg the weak, amoog others J J Crabtreo, of Soio, NO McDonald.of Soio, J J Williams, of Scio ; Geo J) Overton, of Bownavitle, NbIkjii Crams, of Brownsville ; Hon Enoch Holt, of Hsrnsburg : A Rlaker. of Shedd. B Crv, of Sheiid t M Snider, of Lehauon ; Hall Williams, of Nauseuu ; F S Doughteo. or Albanv Prairie ; Hon W M Kamsev.of Salem ; Metier and Thos Morgan, of Shedd. Ft rr at Lewisville. From Mr. Noltnr, Jr., of the IKorW.who was in the city yesterday, we learu that on last Monday uiht the store of Dr. Smith, of Lewisville, Polk county, was borucd.ontailing a loss of $13,000- The store was insured tor 16,000. It Uauppoid to be the work of an 'noendiarv. Dr. Smith has offered a reward of fttfO aud thoiusuraoce Co. $300 for the capture of the inoeuditry. ltlcr Mat. Following is ths list of letters remaining In the Pst Offios, Albany, Una county, Oregon, June 30th, 1, Persona calling (or thuse letter must give Um date on which they wore advertised : Dukes, Mrs Minnie B s'u. ST C Ktranffci. R 8 Wjfseoft. Miss W PEORIA. We wish to correct a mistake we made last week. We were misinformed as to the name of Major Johnson's sister who has ar rived here from Missouri and is vl thing with him. Her name Is Mrs A Charter. We sincerely beg pardon of the parties interest sd. It was not, as some supposed, done purposely. In gathering up the news of ;i neighborhood, mistakes are alwsvs liable to occur the best we can do. For some reason there Is a large amount of cheat and wild oats in the fall grain IM year. Can anyone explain It ? Some of the farmers are binding their fall barley, ft is rather early tor harvesting. The warm weather is ripening tne grain fast and the hum of the thresher will soon be heard. R Oarrett will start on a trip 10 W. T. Thursday of this week. The correspondent acknowledges the pleasure of a ride in Major Johnson's new phaeton. There Is aoms talk of a picnic ut Peoria Hend It along. we think it would be ; success. Johnny Crewse ha returned from a trip to New Vork City. y Dave Crewse has finished the contract of cutting Mr. CHngman's clovsr. It yielded five tons to truj acre, and whs so tnkk It was very difficult to cure k In the field. Some contend that clover cannot le grown successfully here, but we think this proves It otherwise. That field of clover put us in mind of our native state Illinois. Jos Carter ha gone with his family to the mountain on a trip for his health. Mr. Carter ha been quite poorly for the pant year and we liopc the trip s ill prove bene ncial to him. Mr. Jane Crewse, who has bsen spending the spring In tlds vicinity, hss returned to her home In Albany. A large number attended the picnic at Jefferson from this place. The ball at Jake Bear's was one of the mot brilliant social event of the season. It was conducted by Prof E. May, while the Myers' Orchestra furnished the music. Every one present voted R a capital time. SHED IK The farmers are quite ilteir hav. busy putting up Mrs. Rachael this vicinity. Moore is visiting friends in Mrs. Mary Davis was in Albany visiting relatives a few days ago. Thomas Arnold, Esq., passed through town Sunday on his way to I ,'a Isey . Davis Bros, are offering 80 cent per bushel for wheat to be delivered after har vest. Geo W Davis went to Albany Monday where lie wld remain the entire week. The Prohibitory Amendment League has not niet for some time. We org the Presi dent to call a meeting soon. Turner St Nelson are deSjfg much better titan was expected in the line of hardware. We hope they will so continue, as tt good hardware store is needed to this place. moWVHVtld.E Mrs Root Coehow, of Joseph, has been visiting relsUves in the city. The B. W. M. Co. purchased nearly $15, 000 worth of wool in one week. Tliat Dennis mentioned hut week proved not to be Crandall. Donald Mc Rae and Win Thompson have gone to Harney Valley. Jaa Blakely recently returned from a visit to Missouri and Tennessee. Brownsville will be quiet on the 4th. Kate Coshow. who has been attending the Albany College, is home on her vacation. SODAYILLK. Geo. L. Sutherland has just closed a 9 months term of school in tlds plscc, and taking all in all, it hss been a very success ful school. The 1st 3 months there was an enrollment of 63 pupils, with an average dailv attendance of ci dudIIs. Th and quarter an enrollment of e8 ouniU with dailt attendance ot 42 pupils. The trd . . J auarter an enrollment of 61 pupils, with hlailv attendance of x nunils. Whnle S'n of pupils attending the school during the 9 mourns, ou, 18 oi which did not belong to the !istrict. No. of scholars renorted in the DUt, oa ; No. of scholars attending the school belonging to the Dfct, 6s ; No. of scholars who did not attend belonei 1 ' to the Dist, 30 ; average daily rttendancc for the 9 months,40 pupils. The school Is oren to the application of some good teacher. Tr.thii-Bia!. Sodavillk, Or., June 24th. 1S87. To -. ham it muy tomcer : Tb is to certify that George L. gather land, has taught our school nine months with great satisfaction and e take pleasure in giviiig this testimonial of him as a teach er. We believe him to be a fair, honest, industrious and irr partial teacher in every sense of the word. And those who found m. I 1. .a a a uic most latnr. wun mm done so, more through envy, than anv just grounds for complaint. And we the Directorsof hchoo Hist. No. 13, Idon Co., Oregon. Having visited the school once in company with County StMt Reid, and several time-; since conceed with him in saying that Mr S ithci land in a good teacher. We are highly pleased with the advancement of our chil drcn under his Instruction, and think there are few teachers indeed who can take 63 puptts ranging from 4 to 22 rears of age and in studies from "A. B. C to as high a is commonly taught In District Schools, having an average of 30 recitations to hear daily, who will give as good sathdnction as Mr, Sutherland has done for us. We would gladly give him the school another 1 ear if he would have accepted it, but lie thit ks he can do better. Therefore we him abundant success as we know him to tie deserving teacher, and has taught the mo-. prosperous and successful school durit g the nine months, that has been tautrht in th! Dist. since we have lived in it Respectfully, W. W. Pakrisii, M. M. Jac kson. S. W. Ross, Geo, W. Wilson, (retired.) Directors of School Dist., No. 13, Linn count v Oregon. Not lee to Farmers. We want hO too old cast iron within the next 2 weeks for fthiob will pay the high est CdsA price. C'HtCRKY A PAHKr.S, Albany Iron whs. Money to liOan On good real estate security, office. Call a) this Notice to fool Haulers. Sealed bids will bo received at the cflioe ot the County Clark at ths Court lioutte in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, until Wed nesday the sth day of July, at tbs hour of 1 o'clock. D. m. for furmshinir for Jmi county, 45 cords large oak grub wt od, the earns to bo tree trout large roots an! in good merchantable condition aod 5 cords of body fir woou. Said wood to be de livered, and stacked iu ricks 8 feet high, along sido the woodhouse in the Court House yard, on or before tbs 1st day of September, lftS7. The right Is reserved to reject aoy and all bids. By order of the County Court of hian cour-ty, Or. J. P Gubuitu, Cerk, BORM W HITHER. -In Portland uas 25th,t9 the wifs of Fred V hittier a boy. Andrews & Hackleman, W.UMUGLAS": S3.00 SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, . - OREGON. HARDWARE"! HARDWARE! For tho next ninety day I Will anil furni' urn at cost In order fo reduce my stock and make room for a full stock of hardware. V bile at the same time 1 will contloos to maoti factors furniture st bed' rock price. E. (JOAN, Lebanon, Or. LEVERSHAM. Tho no'ed Ciov land Bs; Stslltoo wiJI msk- a fall season at the plaes of or.dtr sfgnsd, 1 mi n south of Albany, beginning Ju'.y 1'. Brains from a dlatgncs can have pasturag's for mares. Tsims- (26. In mi run MILLARD & ELK INS. Revere House; ALBANY, - - . OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFEB, FROFI.IETOK. Fitted ue in ftrftUcIss ntyls. Tables upplied with the tt In ths asrket. Rio s:piBff spantnsnts. Msrup's ro i: for oointtH-reiai traveler. tJ Free ear to asd tress the M. irl.Tta Administrator's Sals of Real SttatJ, In the Comuly (wrt im amd for Li mm Comm ty, Ormf. Is ths matter of the ssUto of W H Mc CeigBt, dvcesesd. .V i i Vt u hereby given that by virtsa sf sb order of sitls d aly mads aod entered of rec ord by ths ahoy entitled Crart is tho above euUtbd cause st tbs regular Juse, 1847, term of said Court to -wit, Jaos 7th, I SoT, tho oo dorsigned Administrators r f the estate sf W. U. MvKuight, decetaaed. will on salaraay Use sots stsjr sT Jsly, las:, at ih boor of oos o'clock, p. in., of said day at the Coort Moo duor to the City of At beoy. Liss oounty, Oregon, ss-U st poblk ftuctiuu to the highest bidder iu pat eels to soil purchasers ths totlosriog deseribed real property belonaiBg to aail estate to-wit . 1st . Tho north half ut the sortbwest quarter of Scti'o 16. th southwest qaartet snd ths outb half of tbs imrthweat quarter of Set tioo 'J, all in Tow 1 ship 10 south range 01. wsst of th Wil;iQtte meridian in Lias coauty, Oregoo. 2 d. Lots numbered ons I., tws (2). throe (3). four (4). live .") aod sis () IB block numbered thutoea (13) and lots numbered oos (1), two "J., tSroc tS)asd (4) sf block cuosborrd tiftsou (IS) as luswe-a aod da situated open ths map, plats aud sa vsysot Wbseler's additioo to the tows of Scto,LisB eoaoty, Oregoo. 3rd. TbsBsdivid sd ass sixth of the li lowing : Begiotiiag ?A) test east of toe nortlitvat oun .i . f Block No. , in Bilyca s additi. u so in - tows of Scio to too ouoly, Orsoo. asd rm cu a tbeooi outh along ths cosisr of the road bout 127 rod to tb Donatio Land Claim of E M Ban Jail ; t hence west one hundred aid three rods to tbs south w ast corner of the north et quarter ot th southeast quarter of Seeno eightcsn in Tuwsshtp 10 soutn rang 1 wo-t of ths V illiamcttc mertdun ; tmttb SO rods : thence west ts Thorras Ciet : tbooce sateny up ths ssotor ot said GrrvV to a point twelve rod ed two feet west of th northwest corner of Block 7, ia said i.i.- yu sddition ; thence south stghteeu aud -half rods ; thenoe east fifty oss aod half rods to the plaee of be inning, isclBdiag block one sod four aud fractional block hve 10 Bilysn'a additios to th towa of Sdo,LiBu oooaty, (Jregun, Io tn mwUw i quarter of lbs norths sat quartrr of Section finrte.i Tswnshtp In, sooth raus I a est, vvdlam ette n-en lun, eouUtning ou handred and seventy -iht acres mo-e or less in Lion Co.. Oregon, 4th. The undivided ouo-sistu l ths southwest quarter of the sorthweet quar ter of Section thirteen, township lt, swuth ran.-e 1 west of the V :1 atnettc uiendiun is Lisn county. Oregon, coutainiu forty arr . 3tb, Tbs undivided one-third ui the follow ing to -wit : Beginning at the southwest cor ner ot the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 17 in Township 10, south range 1 east, of the Willamette ntendiau and ti-eiice couth four ami tn-'i urth chains : thence north 58 , east 11 14 HX ohaius ; ti eocs north o cbaius ; th.or north 43, wct 2j chains ; thsacs south 31 i", wsst 11 chsms ; thencs sutb 2 22-100 chains to tb plac uf (Kuuitig, coutainiug S acres ia Liuu county, Oreeon. 6th. Lot numbered two aud part of lot three, beginaing at the sottihcsst comer of sa d Ih two ant running thence saat 17 fvt ; thenes t-j ths bank 1 1 flsssass Creek ; thence artl follow ui tt:o toiiaitHitiijs of asid stream to the east line c-f said bAS; theucs seuth along tho ejut liuo of Hsid l it 2, to the southeast ear ner of the saiu. all n Block No. two in Whee'or's additioo to tho City of Scio in Una oounty, Oregon. 7th. Th undivided oa third of the west half of lota unmhere 3U in the origin a I soi vey of ths City l.nio insiiiri, 0'voo. 8th. The uu OSS lhir.t t he follow in. to-wil west half md tbe southeast qu titer .1 The tho of .. ; r. .1 t-.t H4re-r of Section 17 in Township 1.1, south run" I fast of the Willanistto muiidtaa. O.e-g -u, uotttaiuiug wt hundred asd twcuiy spates. Tvims ol lr -Ooe-haU of the pu i hase price cah is hnd. and the rswtsiuiug one half iu six BsnsytSjM from day of sals sith eight per cent iuteiost, ths purchaser ts t;i mtirgsge on premises to secure the sam. V. A. McKsioht, A, K. McDosAU. Aduiinb tiatots of the estate of W. 11 Kiiibt, teceasetl. Dated Juuc 20;b, 15S7. M. TO THE PATRQBS OF HUSBANDRY 111 AVE THIS DAY MADE A SPEC lal contract with Mhm. Deyos A Ko bin son, of Albaoy. to ruruh-h a lsrgs quantity of purs uitmla binning twice to numbers sf our outer. All patrons an call at their pla e of bosinss-s, snd by tho" method adoptso st our but-inest council stmitre the tuefit of my contract. 1 have also marls arratiuetneutti with tho same firm to fuiuish a tot of (Nborns stool frarsa litndsrs Send iu votir ordeis as soon as posaible as harveat m roar. Signed, Msbt MllUi, Financial Agent. Administrator's Notice. Notic is borshv given, that the amh r- signed has this day been by ths County Court or bum oounty, Oregon, appointed Administrator tirthe estate of Annie Bam ford, tlecsaei, late of Linn county, Or. A tl persons hav tug claims against satd esvate are required to present them to the undersigned at llwlasy, Oregon, withii, six mouths from Uiis date, vertdeU aa by law required. June lath, f7. fmsm 4 I I r - . n im ar ui c sssseazaw if I shoe f$ mm ' aaraaaaw m sbbk