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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1887)
fat gemocrat FRIDAY MAY 13, 1887 Ssy, now, was Win. Peun . handker- ehief the irit and original pen wiper T Charles J. Faulkner, Democrat, has . i . Itd United Htataa Senator from West Virginia to ftucoeed Camden. igbt of th tmnere who met weir S, Mk . . .ft I death at the recent explosion in the coal mine at Naaaimo were membir la good standing in the A. O. U. W. i family will roost ve f SOOO from the io twenty dy. WWaaaa UUIUU .a......g I I K n Xhumin IB IRM1I Mill I1UW1I in I . . . 'line uv iimmuuuuifuv " teal estate and manufacturing enter- pri.ce, and double, hi, mouev every few minutes. He i. .baring the general ruin that was to accompany a Demo- ... . . ml. ' Oapt. Powell has gone to Yaquina Bay to open op works on tbe govern- mm .pr0T..nU oi tn narnnr. . 2 . . t I there are $70,000 to be expended there ibis Hummer, time will be vigorous and i full of life there, notwithstanding the potty whiaeo cf petty newspapers. - Tbe Democratic party of Kentucky in their State convention the other day totruck the key note of tbe doctrine of atate right, when they declared "that all powers not delegated to tbe United States are reserved to the states spectively or to the people." uur newsy oo temporary, tbe Lebanon jrnprsftft, aayi : "southern Uregon bss mor veterans of tbe Mexican war than I would be supposed resided here st this I date.eavs a Jacksonville paper. Many I of them have perfected their papers and I r pension, they merit no will soon draw saooh." Mr. Whitcomb, tbe prohibition lec turer, makes a remarkably strong point againat the Orey onion and Statesman by calling attention t the fact that these papers "cry a.oud sod spare not"agaiost alleged frauds against tbe ballot box in Mississippi, while they are silent as the grave about tbe open and indisputable treads practiced at Detroit and other places in Michigan in the late eleotion in that State. Senator Hearst, of California.says he is in a position to state positively tbat Gov. Hill, of New York, is not a rival of Cleveland' for the presidential nom- ination, and that if Cievelan 1 ftball be a candidate Hill will withdraw in his favor. He ears they hive been on good terms in the past, and tbat he is no- thorized to say that the sure relation exists to-day between them. As indicative of tl.t ronfiLAl r. rwli tion of politic, we would call attention to the fact tbat the R,,,ubliea, confi- dsotly pedict tbat ibey will carry Vir- gtnia, Weat VJf j,ioi.t T, nneasee, North Carolina and Pioridn, while Democrats are buoyant with tb prospect of carry-! iog New Hampshire, Masaachusets, Rbodt; Inland, Michigan, Wiaconsia, MinneeoU, Colors Io and California. Por some lisoa Rftpoblicsns have been building ibfmaelves op in tbe belief the last fifteen years the people of At tbat the Democratic party in Indiana tany district have been taxed to support were so hopeteasly divilei as to enab'e the schoola in oth' dstrict4 in ih tbe Republican t sweep the auto for President in 1888. The following die- patch which cane over tbe lines last I Week neems to dil all hops of that kiod : " Reports are in from sixty-five towns, and city elections bel I in 'his State yesterjay, an i the mult i-bow large Democratic gam. in all sections, many oit inn bertof .r partially Rapub lcan hiving eli'Cd an entire Demo- cratic ticker." "H im dufVrrrfd makath tbe heart sek. The Statesman aaen : "The Roseburg Review is iil nrgning the question of state's rights. It may bo oows to Fred when kf m him that John C. Cal houn is alcad, n( so i Hamilton, and all th rest of them exM,t Jeff. Davis, and the war is over." This is trne,bnt tbe constitution ef th United States is not dead,and all who ignore and nullify the following provision in that instru ment must be ciaaned with Calhoun, as nullifieis ; and, it nniiifiers, then ces sion isti ; and, i" sece-isi ni U.then trait ors to their country : " The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reasrved to the state re spectively, or to the people." Rev. Di. McOlynn, who has been suspsrded as s prieOt in tbe Ca'ho'ic financially weak district what tbe A Cbnroh, made the f llowin,' statement nancially strong districts lose, we should to tbe Cincinnati or espondent of tbe I New York Times a few dajg sgo,io re ply to the question whether bis advocacy of the election of Cievelan I had anything to do h'u suspension : "It .did. Tbe archbishop, Father Preston. and all the clique which surrounds bim.iiclud- iog the leaders of Tmmaay Hall, were bittetly offended at my cbampiomhip of Mr. Cleveland. They were all in favor The color of tbe c oth was dark brown, of the election of Mr. Blaine, and they The President wore wLite Mlk stock knew that I kept many Lish-Americans iol of American tnanufacfure. from voting for him. They have never Tere wa 00 Anglom-tnii in Qaore forgiven that. Archbishop Corrigan admitted to me that be was opposed to the election of nr. Cleveland. He is to-day in favor of the election of Mr. Blaine in 1884, and will throw all his influence in tbat directioo. I know of many incidents which oocurred io lhe campaign of 1 384, and which have oc curred since, which are of startling sig nificance as showing the dplh of tbe hiernrohieal intrigue for Mr. laiae,but their tarratior would ik- U o long. and, "how rr works" again. T h. L.t the Democrat we bowed the unequal working of tho law Uy under which scbcol funds .re appor- t i a -nrtk. N. Payne, fttfclffiptg a oritic.BlB of our remarks in lengthy letter in th tlsratd. I ' . . 1 A 1 ....a twuii ! ieeo not to uner.B . i We stated that -,Kn m. I MOD. cored the passage of tne new iaw M a reason that it would esult in nan- M . ft . I Khn ,oer, weak district.. lbisT Urr pAyu denies and says that "ibeyl i j cm - thrit nearly 8VJSr eoDt,try district io Linn county nayfJ inl0 tbtJ l0lOOi fund more moaey lofm they draw out after giving them . 1 AKA I all ii amJ AA.atA aaff I I , , I " -tt" toe puoac innus. vve know not Mr rod lfou" a,d lhe ct cfba kw! bai W! do know that the gentleman who urged its i a s so io the Lesiftlalure stated his views publicly as to the effect of the I law as given above. Mr. Payne seems not io unnai.ia.u nr v.. ..w, tor the old one.oontempUtes the divid- iog ef tbe money between tbe diatriots 1 in nronortion to tho tas paid by each w--w . I in'-o the county school fund. V suob wore tbe case bow diflWat would it be with Albany ditrie', about which Mr. ' irayat, wu vw,,..,.u -u I as see. li.e taxable projeriy o Albany dUtrtct last year ws 1750,000 In round number. At 4 mills on the dollar the i oounty tcHool fund teoeived $3000 from MUi N if nr tbM anMnr I -r, Hostmesii ws fwiu -mo., saowiog mm fiwu raiavu on o a P vrs of tbu district bs been Jts- tribute! smong the other Uijtricts of the oounty. Yea, voitly, Bro. Payne, let us ventilate this school fund question, But now, ,dsr,tod,tb.t Albany com- p ains not tbat ome of tbe money tais- ibkr i-iu i. O'her dutnets in tbe oounty, but tbat, nndr thia imutrftot law, it quite often 1 bapi ens that it does not go to tbe 6nan- eially ek districts bn to those that " are able to help tbemse)ve. No, ibsny pays tbe general tax of 4 mills and then every year is compelled to vote a special tax of from 5 to 8 mUl to keep np bet schools. Wbf. othvr dietiio. Io the county would be o intent to do this ? Now.for the information of Mr. Pyn we will say thtt Albsnv, B.ownsvilie, Lebanon and HWeey, at! pay iaor school funds int tb general fund thau they get back. Xw, if be ta ejrreot in saying that nearly every oiuntry dis- triet in th j em ity tmys more mon-v into the sch ot tuud twofJ tbty dra tat, what becomes of all tLis overplus, If Mr. Payne hit taken tbe pains to infjrD, hiawlf a o the facli in the hs would not have been led iuto ,ach an 8rgius bluoder. Mr Payee "th h iMr mention- mtm f tkin tired l-in U"', l niae fnod 1 fr P'"9 o( 0Dl,arn ""cts ano then voting a special t x on their prop erty in their teipwtive districts in ordar to give their cbil iren a UAt oJoeal i n h This charge, of c n-r , is gaisMN tbe Albany dtatrict, a Mr. Payne cat's it of the "strong" dis.riota. Wby.for county, and then ojmpe led it vote a special tax to give bar own children " education, and it is not tbi tht. comp'a us of, but tbe objectiei in that often her money goea to a district tbat to be,P tettf,while there arn others that caonot help tbemifhe that Ret bnt lilt e or none of this ovsrp'ut pssid by Albany and other financially "trong districts. Tkfor example,! bat district way ou n tbe borders of th wnose reiiuenui save no . a a property to tax an I, in fac, wn very little, ex:pt a large family and strong iron witi to mske a bnme for it. We say take such a district with its 60 or 70 persona of prop t site to draw school funds and compare it with a die trict whose residents are rish in roony and property, bnt poor io tbe u umber of persons to draw school fundi, ind two the result. Tbe people of the lattsr district, rich io this world's god, but who have but 32 persons to draw school money, while the former in poor but has 70 persons to draw moony. (Jnder this new law the rich gaio and the poor lose, thua literally making the rich ticbsr . e and tne poor poorer. We repeat, in conclusion, what w said in our former article, that, if tbii new law would 8 ppsrate as to carry to tbe gain ee no objection to tbe law The interesting historical problem ax to what kind of clothes G :org; Wntsh- iogton wore st his inauguration his been settled. His suit on tbat occasion rsg made of cloth from the ELnfjrd Woollen Manufactory, tbe 6-ftt wo .lien nill in Amsrici, esta'olishel in 1788 Waabnigton s in itee-u,.. B li Nye stys he expects to make a great detl of money out of his last book hac-tuse it is "iti-g-tr a '.id thicker" than any he ever iriblishfi b-fn-e. "Whst thi jiublio winu, book ne thtt c.n the lougw wif,h wh h 1 a I I , " s a big in md i'i pr up o it i i hi k nelng Mare Pleasant to the t at , and more t t'al more cc table to the stomach "TKU. THK TIIKTH, how many a man in ir,gu uu mm . . ft Aan will smile, and "fo in and niU gm, wnim no roans aucn .- log misrepresent ttlons of the truth, M the following letter published In the rofo,publltho4 in New York t MdUor T A Voice The Little David oi rromuiuon wn 11 ic mnuu me mlnnn Hid la h kAfm tr r tvt.' i ucr T.irI.itt oouoty haWt a salooo wt'hin Ita hot VSVIWWW V . . ' - V V . . H ill" . ' r . dpr(, t ttr RatuiiklleI. Buttermilk, Marlon County, Oregon, OORRB9PON'DB NOB I?eorii One of our enterprising young men, IU VUfl IUHU io the absence of anything beOer.adopfe- ed the noyel plan of po'i.hiog hi. boots ed the noyel plan of po iihmg hi with ouktard pie the other night. wilh 0luUrd Johnson and David Orewss are imt.108 ' u,Tboo Utww tbelr restaenoes, Miss Mftggie Johnaon is pending the in. lh cJuuUy iuB tha 8Ui,t of mfM o i n ' M. , . . . . Dr. Johnson, lately from tho East. Tbe evening paiteed awy merrily with music Dd uauciog . . . David Crewse is going to open a hardware store io Peoria. He will m ft lr A rukoiftlif nf kavkil m I . , ' , , ' Jrthfin (Vaull kail I h n.iJ.ii'nmt to aet bis ir. ur.'d arm out of nlaoe si Major Johnson's the other evening. Sunday School was largely attended Sunday. After the regular program ovor Rv delivered an ress w vna hvus ooi.aren. nr. .....I l A .1. .1. . J: l - M . . riburg, to tech tho Sbedd Jool this looming rail ami winter Aeftlva, rhia at Billable, Poahay 4 Mmuo en always be rated up oa to carry is stuck the JVim.bTt'u: e uateftt aua beat repotattoa of aetiva. oathtutf iul reliable, bv raeeeu ins artiola with wall raUbltahod merit and lSu'il eooftcmptiua, eokl and cuuihi, witi ssll it 00 Ptiv" unu.u Jwll a",y I an v and avarv affaotinn of throat. lti. or obest, and in order to prove oar claim, we I S a- OO a-.fa. " Joa w ""l""1 w'1 rw The Tessa who like to go to a country vbere it rains oceaeiooallv will do well to . . ... eesae so uregoo. it rata bere tbu year Uirontcjally occasionally. lie ii The Sard ef CeeaSlaliMa. Tree delicacy of flavor with tree effleaey of action, bu been attained in the u of California huaid f rait remedy, Syruo of Fit. Its plesssot tsftte and bnbcial eflVcts nave reanerart it imftseaeely popular Fur aaJe bv Poahay ft M whoieeale and retail. Ceraeta. N H. Allen ft Co., have io stock a splen dii line of corsets. Csnsisting of tbe justly celebrated C. Ps, Dr Warner's, Dr L ' 8. K's, tbe Albany Standard, oar sptoal brand, also tbe Everlasting. Self Adjnstinr, Nettis and many other ee. Lviirs are aopecial ly invited to call and inspect then. Now bare comes tbe jrrest RoscoeCookliog who says "that the smaJleet country news aper is worth more te ita country eabeortb ers tn oae moatb tbae its price for a yaar,and doe more fur it neighbore for nothiox thsn many a high official duca for his maniaceot salary." ChUdJva often need sons af catbartie end tonic to avert approecblnsjalckneaeor to relieve colic, headaebe. alck atomacb.lndlseaiioo, dysentery and tbe complaints incident to childhood. Let the cbildrea take Mlm moBi Liver Regulator an I keep well. It is purely vegetable, not nnpleaaant to th teste and ssfe to take alone or in oonneo tion witb other medicine. J. H. Zetltn a Co , Philadelphia. Pa. aeOtea'a Aralea Salve. Tbe beet salve in tbe world for Cuts, RruiNoa, Horee, Uloera. Salt Rheum, Paver Sore, Tetter. Cliappeil Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Kr options, and ioeU lively enrea Pilee, or no pay requlradu It IsgiMranteed to give pr!e-t aatlsfaotlon or inooHv reiuoaeo. rrice ii cents per I i.i . I i i . s m ' irx. rr hi u ruaiuj Of. aseeOn, 'ft lhe eoitnr oi one ol oor c ntemrorarii s speaks or tne ruuor or soother of oar on temporaries in tb following cneior manner nr :i a.- i .:. i . . i-riij jow omw, scrip pirste utiu hlack leg gsmbler is getting to . bold." Th smallest y oa the stree can call na.nes 1 mmm- Send Bark hart A Keeoay nam- and sd dresser of friends desiring information of Ore zon an they will aeod them oopies f ?b Uf'il Elit: Conveyor which onntaies a eora- plate liiacrtptioii n one county in each tsa witn teener eesinsnss iaior,n4tin ss wsthor. The Very r,i I haye added to my boot ami thoe stock a .c ""ted Laird, Hehober ft mucneu, rmiadflpM Fine hot for ladifs "inrw ua chuaren. Acknowledged by dealers generally to be the bust value and neas nuing nne shoe made. Widths C D E rwl 17V I -Lill . ' oooo can nay as cheap as a man. SAMUEL E. YOITKO, 8oie Agent, Albany, Oregon. " juur ueaiusea. inere an kmu eompsred to tbe printer who can invest a sHiociftnt aumoerof tops of columns to meet tne aemanis,and keep the local all surronnd ed by pure reading matter. As a ni.i. K. i. nr. .1. au: 11. '.I . u" mis wibu wicnout a ssyate i mm wie aovertiser once a month stands preeminently above your Edison. The Photographer, Albany, Or have sll the negatives taken bv 0. rsxton and any one can have pll nates from their negatives by address! n us, at tl.e following prices : Card size, i: ! per drzri cabinet size, $3 per dozen, hou- dours, $6 per dozen. I keep the finest ine of Oregon views In tbe west. Cata logue fumistid on application. Convins aud enlargir g old pictures a specialty. J. G. Crawford. Albany Market. Wheat -77c per bu. Oats-38 Butter -20 ots per lb. Eggs 1 1 neate p r doz. Beef. -on f .ot, 3Kc 4c Potatoes 1W ets per bushel. Apples -' cent per bu, PorK5H Pr lb-iteoon-4 haois. I Of. shoulders, 5e. sides y.v lrd Sijperlb. Flour4.50 per bbl. Chickens 2 50 per do. Soger San Frarvikc C, ac. Dry granuUtoi 7 c. Mill Feed bran. 11.00 per ton. MY Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept In a first-class Dry there le demand for. Novelties of the Season e Inevery lino ; am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted io tbe papers or droolers, and wilt take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not torn you off when you got out of money. Samuel E. Young. lajejr Ufa. What a truly beaatifal world we liveie Mature gives us graadear of moeataias.gleas mBt, W ft can desire no better whoa feet health j bet how often do tbe avsjetity of people feet like giving it ap disbearted, discouraged and wore eat witb disease wbea there is no occasion for thia feeling, as vary saflerer can easily obtaie satisfactory proof, that Green's August Flower, wdl rosksabsm free from disease, sa wbea bora. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are tbe direct oaaaes of ssventy- tivft per cent ef soch maladiea aft btliousoess, Iodigestioo, Sick Headache, Costiveaaas, Nervosa, Prostration. Ihriioftfts ef the Head. Palpitation of the Heart, aad other distressing symptom. Three doses of A ujttuU Ftotcrr will provs its weadftrfal efless. Sample bottle, 10 orate. Try it. Mummies are not admitted to the U. S. free of duty, and It is thought tbe scheme will greatly increase our population. We already have too many fossils In Oregon, hence object to the innovation. O Ho)lCo.. Wholesale and lUUil Druggists, at Berne, Ga.. says i We have beo asliins Dr King's Nw Ihecovery. Kiee trie Bt tare and Buck. Isn't Arnica 81 vs for two y sere. Have never handled remedies that ftftl! as well, or give snob universal sat ufactioo. There have been some weoderfal cares effected Ly these medicine to thia city. Several oases of proaooaosd ooasemp tioo have been entirely eared by ass ef a few bottl-s of Dr King's New Discovery, taken la connection witb Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Poahay Mason. In a game of poker at Benton, Mon., one day last week, $3,300 was in the pot at one time. That would make an Albany tin horn gamblers eyee bulge outward. tee Sato. One hundred and twenty acre of the best quality of Improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter mile south of the junction of the Narrow Guage R R ..with the Lebanon branch of the O. C. R. R. Inquire at this office. An exchange says a man is as welcome to its office if he brings s bit of news a l( he brought a delinquent subscription. Ditto here. Ladies flas Shoes. N H Alien Co. are aow receivius direct from tbe maaofacture, H J Hoibrook & Go., of Utiea, N. Y , a tali line of his justly cel. eb rated Sn she for ladies and misses fa C. D. K. sad K. K. widths Ths goods will giv splendid aatisfactioa, ia fact there are ne batter insde. Fresh YsqCma Bay and Eastern nysters eonstaotly oa band after to-day at Hoffman Pfeiffers. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nsvsr vsries. A marvel of parity, strancth sod whoissoiBsnefta. Mors soonomloai than the ordinary kindi.ftjxlosnnot be soW la com psUtkm with the multituae of low test, short weight, alum orpbospbets povners. Solo osit nt cais. Sot ai B ax ins Pewsaa Co., log Wsll-st, Wa PRUSHAW -TfiE- Druggist Would respectfully inform the people of AJhsny and vicinity that be does 'not sell dru js or medicine for lest than cost, but 'li and compounds freehand pure drugs t living profit above cost. Call on him next Revere House and yon will find hi medicine ilways have tbe deeired effect. Hi "DEAD SHOT ON AGUE" bs cored thousand ia tbt vicinity who will ROYAl SPRING STOCK -Han arrived, Including Goods nod Boot and Shoo House, from the cheapest to sa wood a anally aa I nought those good, mostly !n'New York Irt AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have and am receiving WILL Dealers in all the Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A foil line of Sheet music, musical merchandise, ammunition, fishing tackle, ete. .Vsrranted raaora, bulchsr aad pocket knlvee. THE BE8T KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines musical instruments, guns, etc neatly done. ALBANY, ... OREGON. FRANK BROTHERS PORTLAND, 'Dealers in Farm and Mill Machinery. falter A. Wooda' lowers, Reapers and Steel Wheel Twine Binders , Thomas and Royal Self Dump Rakes ; Hodges' Double Draper Headers ; Oaar, Scott & Co. . Threshers and Horsi Powers ; Rock Island Walking, Gang and Sulky Plows. Moat Complete line of- Husgtsa, Carriages and Spring Wagons arfWUta llirin tlaaa rmt Mlaa ran faalolil f mm. 7 n 'T, . "" ; I . ? ou lown gnoa n Add -FRANK IS HOT or J. Oaaawowa. Agent. Allny, CONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Oppoeite Deyoe A Robson'a. ALBANY, OREGON, Keepff rash stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC., ETC. Silverware Given Away, wiia our suver rnae Java uonee, con-si-ting of nix prnes, H doz. (able knive, H doa medium forks, dos, tables poons, dos, tea spoons, dos nankin rinirs ItL. , t Wa f W tttrn sam and sugar spoon and butter knife, all ft S fa mm m ftS - noser nros a i stiver ware, every nur- chaser of a can getting one chance. B New Millinery Store. We desire to call the attention ef J bany ladles and tbe nubile generally to pur new ana extensive stock of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY under tbe manegemont of Miss Bar kL i.e.. I ,j WWmtx it a a. i Insls millinery establishment of Moonev uaiiK. i hi n iiaemri mi inar ni inn wnn l tr.lutla. m- si i - - i . o n .. 'nunt a, uoiusintiu oi i ortiane, while onr stock I all that can be desir ted, our prioes will be found extremely iow i or iirsi oiaia aooas. SHANE at I.ONSWA.Y, Frornans Briok, MONEY TO LOAN . In suras to suit BY Burnt hart & Kxxwet, Albany, Or. B A.RBKD WIRE. A larae stook on hand and will be old cheap. Also a One lot of plain galvanised wire for woven fences at tbe store of Stewart A Sox. l A DIES, LOOK HERE. We want you to remember that we have a lot of those ouriing irons, also shears, scissors traoing wheel, shelf and flower pot brackets, and a good many other thing you would like to have. Stewart A Sox. TaLOWS. Oome In and see onr new stock of steel and chilled plows. We can enlt you.both in goods and price. Ever? Russell chill -a plow is guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured. CONN ROS BROS., IMPLEMENT CO., OREGON, on the I'iflo Coast, flavin? n . a I. . . V ftseateod our am, we ere going to give our cus our lower than ever before. Write for H Kits iMPLKMKN ret t,imnA ra. Or. " w' Always Viciorious. . : j rMBaaaaaafltaaftaiC s...-it.u.esintw,ien.ieiftii.f Every one' duty la not io allow the liver, tbe stomaoh and tbe ki ineya, three great oraana.tu become olo-icl er torpid, and in time x pel ell itnpuroi .r uim blood. The Oregon Btlaosi Pnrtfler. a poreiy vegetablo compound, ia The RemeftJjr to cure all dieaM ef the kid neys and liver, ! ih we caused by- im Sure blood, RiUoUfiteN. Constipation, lok Hadaoha.Dynepaia,Scrorula, Erup. tioiiH of id., skin. K brunt a ism, etc Try it and yon will find It ftlaars eiftoriou In iti bA'tlrt with diseaaa.' -SoLl avi whur-. p,r bottle, 6 ; n t for S5 AH kind ofuri-H i;, d .: j White i lover. AtSiSe tJlover, gn lne -silver Hull Buckwheat, Uermn NfiDet, Kentucky Blue Graae, and (ItrTurent vsaletlee of Siwret and Field Corn for sale by 8tow art A Sos w OU CU1TKHS, ATTKM riOM t Nver fortfet that we sIwavs kaon in I Stock a t'lll llnj of nxea. oroa-out saw, steel and iron wnlirH.a!odKa. maul rlnira etC. M'KWvKT A SuV The larsest stock everosrried In Alhsnv and will be sold at lower prices than for- uieriy, we want an butter makers to ceme and see them. 8 IB WART iX Sx. DR. Cr WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 8 and 4. Poster's Block. ALBANY - OREGON. Betrayed. One bay mare, from Salem, Or., about February 18th, 1887, weight if in iro.d order about 1000 lb, white snot in fore I J l . . . mt ... qphii, ju wane io s, o years o'.d this '(nrinir, high headed, apnArntlv wild. very lonst, slim, black tail Anyone giv ing information of the same will be re warded by C. H Mondok, Monroe Houe, Saem. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore existing between H. Bundv, W. Bundy, E. Bundy, J. Bundy and L. Bundv, under the firm name of H. Bundv & ons is dissolved by mutual consent. The bt dnsss will be continued bv H. Bundv. W . Bundy and L. Bundy. Harrisburg, April i9th, 1887. H. Hundy, , W. Bundv, E Bundy, J. 15UNDY, SEEDS. BLAIN DOESN'T jBMs JLmWm flB lit 4mL When Getting' Your Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods Wend you way Who leads. go CLOTHING New and In atyle, la nnanrpaased la tbe Valley. His new -HITS- la the best fa the market, embracing all the latest style. In FURNISHING GOODS Be takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected atock. His sale u BOOTS AND SHOES Are large, because be keeps tbe beat tn qa si ity aad sty lee A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly I tie Ureat Philadelphia Clothing House! JOHN WANN A M A K EH, The Great American Clothier and Leader in tyloo has ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY In this City at the Dry Good Store of SHANE & L0NSWAY. uuntirwis orsa nples ti eho o mitUMV III I HlU'Igl pUH We wxr the LxtUe Red School lieuse &AWt&S5r eeatw nine CM. HENDERSON A COS" iS&JtJmK9r. ftS22eftSllP2l CafBSATfO soots a shoes - 1 Bjft faJJe.rSftSat atSeLsiSTi t VrC I jt(ftaaejj5f k?.,8i cousins and our tun!, and if you want thtru go to tn City Boot and Shoe Store where you Will find a Urge nd comDlfto assort man t of trmv. In thia lino of nearly every grade and m ke, nd a. uouer savcu is a aoiiar raaOe. READ J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and Marine Insurance B LUE MON DY GO DS. Wringr, tubs washboard, butkts. to , for eslo chexftor ( hen ever before by tewsn A sx ev.ral kind-of wringors and something new in wash' oards. c UTLERY in pooaer Kniveo, nornner nniv. carv ing sets, scissors beare rarn. etc., e keep a very ' rge aMortment Oome sreund and look at our Ktook. &T h WART ? 80X. T . 1 . . . . . . g GALES. We have be sold on v WANT THE EARTH ! to tbe store of Ilia Stock o from : nerfect fit tumiitMl Slices. tnd a do our shtorj and on at prices which will open your oyes. & BROWN ELL QARDEN TOOLS AND SEEDS. Stewart A Sox keep an Immense stock ot gardt-n tools, and are also agent for the oeiabrat d Walla Walia garden feeds, which give better satisfaction than any sold In Albany last season. pOWDER, SHOT, KTC. Sp rtmn can alwavs fled at onr store m splendid line of ammunition of all kinds, end we also keep giaut and bleating pow der, fuse, etc, Stewart A Sox. -yiAGONSAND CA.RRIA.uKS, Hacks single and double buggies. art. or wneeied vo ou see vti at W Priest