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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1887)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. rfc to a every Frlrfay by STITKS & NUTTlNti. tllMK4erriCE-la Stoeaaerat Btllaee HruaUlta MNI. ttaNS OK SUBSCRIPTION tog to mm, par ;mt, to sdrmes... ...... St 0 elects eey. P 7 w. stand of year I M ekufle oopy, stt month 1 06 oU eopy, Ur eaoatas AO utit MHW t PROFK8HIONAL CARDS. xrrr : L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public tlaaay. Oregon. Ottos upstalra, over John Brigws store t street. vMnSStf J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, 'ILL PRAOTIC IN ALL TU1 COURTS OF TBI State. Special MUotion firwn to collections and t metter JCBCMto to Odd rUo' Temple. !: . O. POWHtL W. R. HILT BO POWBIiL A BILYKU, .TTORMRYS AT LAW, Aid NBiiPitors in ( haiffrv, a I, A W Y . . ORROOR. OolleoMon promptly made on all point. 0 ane n (foliated on reasonable terms. aBTOfflee In Foater'a Rriok.-SaR vl4alff. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND (Votary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will praotloa In all of the Conrts of .his State. All bnalneea lntroated to him will be promptly attended to. U W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Sittings by appointment, COPYINC AND ENLARGING. Tweedelea Building. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, end everything kept In first elaas Drug Store. Also a fine stock of pianos and ALBANY. 0RE00N. FOSHAY & MASON, -TTWkui 4a aaraib Druggists and Booksellers, Rents for John B. Alden'a publication, arbleb we eell et publisher's prteee with eoetageadJad BLSAIIT, OKK4JOW. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST, itationary, Toilet rticlet, Etc. rinCtlPTIMS CA1KPCILT riLLBS, Open day sod night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. bae the bee stoHt of arm tare In city and w II aell tbe Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only tock of WALNUT FURNITURE u tha city and tbe loweet price In tbe f allay. Coma end eea. Undertaking, a ooospietn atonic end can give 8ATIS rAXJTIOIIf. Try me. A. B. WOOD IN, it o any Bath Mouse. r ig an DiasiidNiD would respect 'ally iform tha litisens of Albany and vi litytfcat I neveteken iharge ofthls Establish keeping 'lees room and payto flit ttteotlen to hoainaaa, axpeeta i tsit al a leanta aaayf aver ns with tki nrtrooag artarharatofora carried oa notkinr but rirst-CUss Hair Dressins Saloons .toittt to rtra aatlr fatUf.rtioa to al W "!! Itao Ail Ladies' Hair neatly es i.nnoil JOl WBRBgR. DR. J.L, HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office or. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. O. O OH It but. o.B.rrsKsa ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sneoeseora to O. O. Cherry.) Machinists, MillwriglitB, and Iror Founflers. WE HAVE OUR NEW 8 HOPS completed, and are now prepared to bandla 'i fclnda or heavy work, we will manufacture Steam Engines. OH at and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. r sttrksh Htna os short msticb. lipecial attention given to repairing ail lads of machinery. Will elan mannfac re the Improved f 'herry dr White Grain ep ratoc Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Land, U Land HTlce. Oregon Ctv. Or. 1 Miv 9th. 1SH7. J Notice la hereby triv n that, in oompli tiiice wlih th- pravi-i -m of ihe Act of OimwreKH a. rovd h 3-'l IK78 entitled Sn Kot for if, m 1 ,f tri-r La:Ufa in tbe Siauj- "f Celbrele. ' th n, N-vaV an a-f' nr .iory." luvf I M er w - ffl res t M.,i,, liinn j..u t v. o it a I- la ri't hih lti ''i" a.H ore'' in v of E Va " u i -"'"'if n No 18, in T .wnbip , i- Kause No, 1 eaatof the WtlUniecife meridian. Al personN holding any adverse claim tLereto are required to resnt the Hmt at thie office wphm sxy dave from tb flrat pub'loatkn c' t.ii- rotic. W . T. NKT, Atcgisier, VOL. XXII. First National Bank OFJ4LK4N), ORBalON. President i . runs Via PraUwt ..... S. R. YOUHji Chler ORO. R, BAMBrLAsf TRANSACTS A GENERAL kaaaittf business. ACCOUNTS RRPT sebjeet to check. SIOIIT KMIIANUK and Ultrraphla Irsuefw. soU' on Now York. San Praiiclerw, tfltoajr and Pwril C&LLKCTIONR BADE on favorable Urtue. Maecroaa, B. Yavrn, Oao, R 0aAHaeBLAW L R Row, L. run. Wauik K Ttaaeu, J. L COWAN. j. w sua tax Linn County Rank. cowan a CISICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking DRAW 8IUHT DRAFTS oa New Tare, taa Rrea etsee atxl Pnrilaad, Oregon. LOAN BOSKY ae approved enmity. RKORIVK deposits subject to aback. COLLECTIONS entrusted to aa wti receive pruiupl eeSJSB. H. F. MERRILL, Banking an Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Sail aaobanaa on Raw York, San Kraiwiaco ami PMSSSl. Buy note. Sta'a. county and e'i-j warrant. Re ceive dapuaiu subject to chock, totorett allowed ott Ubm depoeite. Collections will reeei a prompt attention. Carraapandaaoa solicited . ejftBSca boura from S a. et. to ftp. m. Ross House. J. GIHIJN, Proprietor. Thia house is now open and furoiahed with tbe beet new furniture. Kyerythittg clean sad ctmmodioaa, otTerieg to tha gen era! public superior accommodationa to any is the city. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber .laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. WILL -Dealers in all Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Oigans and Pianos. A full line of Sheet music, maaical me'chandie, ammunition, flabtnz tackle, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knivee. THE BEST KIND OF 8EWINC MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN INSURANCE CO. Repairing of aewlog machiuee mutioal lnatrumenta, guns, etc neatly done. ALBANY, .... OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agriciiltural Implements, Agent lor Fire and FRANK BROTHERS PORTLAND, -Dealers in Farm and Mill Machinery. Walter A. Wood' Mowers, Reapers and Steel Wheel Twine Binders Thomas and Royal Self Dump Rakes ; Hodges' Double Draper Headers ; Baar, Scott & Go.'s Threshers and Horse Powers ; Paick Island Walking, Bang and Sulky Plows. Most Complete line of Buggiee. Carriage end Spring Wsgons on ilurintr tho low rates ',n freicbt frem tomera the benefit, and aell them goods in coo Catalogue anil Price Addreaa-FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., Portlsnd, Or. or J, ORADWnik, Agent, Albany, Or, iT 13 IMPOSSIBLE TO BAY TOO 11108 IN l'RVISE OF THIS GOOD OLD STANDARD family medicine. It cannot b t io highly rocimo;cudcd( aa ft is truly a MARVKL Off THE AOS, snd no booaabold abould bo without it. It pn vi nta aa well as curea 8 tin Dlaeasea,Qout, Rbonmalicm, Gravel, and all Ki DiCMaen, XttucUal Liyer, Headache, Kauaea. Dlle Wind, Indigestion, Conwipatlon, DUrrUceA and Djst ntery, FevaranJ Agne, 8:eplcsneHS, Lassitude, Foul Un nth, and every disease brought on or cRsraT&totl by a disorders.' stomach. It ia a Kje eitie againat contagion and an efficacious remedy (or Biliouanesa, Kervoaaueas, Scrofula, Jaundice and Dyspepsia. It Purines tha Blood, Cleanses the stomach and Bowels, and gives tbe whole system s Healthy and Delightful Tone. There never was a Medicine for the Nursery equal to it TO WHOM It May Concern. Albany, Or., March tlt, 18S7. Self preservation is the first 1 1 w of nature. Among; my old frlemls and customers who hsye been trading with tue f r the lat ten years, and who still do the same end profit thereby, some designing party with emnlty in his soul Is circulating the report that becusnme onefe) re ceived thefsugsr contract (list was let last week by certain bustneaa matt- agora I am higher prices men others. Gentlemen, it waa Impose!. bte for me to get the ntnvo contract, ss I was not asked for a b'.d, why, la beat kuown t I hem elves. Bycali. ing and sscert-dning my prices you cad judge for yourselves whether justice has toen done to you or not, and whether the prices or my goods are not aa lorn r lower than any other house. In case that I should be com pelled to give up my busmeaa on ac count of the abovf,I will b compelled to become an office teker. Very respectfully youra, P. COHEN. Red Cro wnMills I80M, LANNIN'U 4 CO., PROPR'8. aw rmocssa run scraatoa ma rAJtiuss a i) BAKaaa osa. BEST STORAC FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Administrator's Notice. Notice la hereby given that tbe County Coort for Linn county. Oregon, bee tbla Jay appointed tbe underalgtieU Ailraiinla tretor oftbeestste of Alary Ann W. It. Savage, deceeaed. All peraona bavlng claim agalnat aeld estate ere noiltted to preeent tbem properly yertfted to the on deratgned et bi reeidenee near Hbedda Or., or to Weatberford At Blackburn, at torneya at Albany, Or. May lot- , lSSf. JORK MOSUAN, Adtnluiatreuor of the aaid eatete. BROS., tha Leading- Marine Insurance IMPLEMENT CO., OREGON, the Pacific Coast. Having received eur the Eait, we are going to give our ous- oor line lower then ever before, Write for ALBANY, OREGON, LKTTKK FROM M Its Jl IKiK Hon II Ms ClALc-jm, Mtrch 22nJ, 1887. My JJoar Frimd i After many dsys, I shell make an other effort to redeem my promise to you. I have made several unauccessv ful altempta In wrlto a letter to the Democrat, aa my "better biir'prom Ised I would do, hut some unforeseen cause always Interfered and doomed ray good resolutions to disappoint ment. My physicisn has forbidden my writing so much, and f hope my friends will be lenient In thei judg ment of me, If I u to meet their kind expectations. This climate Is about all one etn nudum for any length nf time during the het,whlch omraescea about the first of March and continues until the last of Octo ber ; but thla year eras an exception ally trying one, as November was al most unendurable, but December was better. January and February de lightful. May la usually considered the hottest m .nth, but September and October are toothing to fill one with apprehension. We only exist then, and I think, s tuetimet. it would be a great relief If one could lead a sort of Rip V nWinklu existence during that time V e eelu no see a Wob. fool" day. When we do, I am happy, yet I sometimes long for a good old fashioned open fireplsce,wltU glowing fire to drive away the m ddy da rop es that covers one's clothing, hoot", shoos, gloves, books, picture and walls. We hero been here a year, and I have never aeen a fire lo any dwelling house during that time. Only a few houses have fireplaces and those are seldom used. The ltlth and 17ih of February were eventful dsys lit India, when toe great jubilee was celebrated, the fiftieth year of good Queen Victoria's reign. The day was ushered In at sunrise by an imperii! salute of 101 gun- from the ramparts of F in Wil liam, atouslng tbe inhsbJhsma to hasten through with their "Choio Hsxerl," (lltt'e breakfast, which usu ally consists tf a cup of tea wln or without toaat,) and repair t tha Msidan to witness grand military parade snd lnseciloti ol she troops by L rd Duff rio, th. Viceroy and Uoveru ht Oeneral of i .'h , who wta promptly on hnd, aeoompanied by Lad Ihifleriu and Sir Rivers Thorn p. son, Ihe Lleuieoant Oovernor.aud by the Viceroy 'a personal staff, esoorttd by Ida bdy gur-l. 1 can give yoo no adequate idea of the number of people present in the bright morning Nunabine.or whet au animated scene It waa, or bow pretty tbe picture looked with the bright uniform of officers syj men, the charming airy dresses of the ladles and the pictur esque costumse of tbe natlvee all thronging th Immense parade groonds,wblle the trees about afford ed advantageous points of observation, of which many nstivea were not slow to sv il t hernial ves. In the evening there was a raagnirlceut di-ptay of firework", after which there were dinners aud receptions. On the ever ing of the 17th the city wss brilliant ly illuminated, Government House was lighted from dome to basement, Hoy; little lamps belog lngeni'i-ly arranged all over the dome, around the terraces and the great pillars that support thd gateways, and all along the fences. Fort William and alljthe principal public bulldings,many pri vate ones and the shipping were a glowing mass of twinkling liithts. (Jhtolooy monument loomed up on the Maid an like a lofty lighthouse, but the most magnificent sight waa that presented by the Museum, which resembled some fabled pa!ace,studded over with biasing, shimmoring,scln- tellating beads of golden, prisoned sunbeams indescribably lovely, the admiration of thousands and thou sands of wondering eyes. We hsd a splendid view of a!t this fiery display from our veranda, and I felt a throb of sympathy for the unfortunate thousands who endeavored to follow the Viceregal cortege, who were finally blocked five carriages deep on the Esplanade until long after 11 p. m. The jubilee week will long be re membered in India ns one of unpar- alelled display of wealth, generosity, magnificence and kindly feeling among tbe Inhabitants. Schools and hospitals were endowed ; ma y of her majesty's subjects were knighted and bad other military and civil hon ors conferred on them, and there were 23,000 convicts liberated in India, questionable kindness gome people venture to say. The reason is now over, and Cal cutta in season, and Oleutta out of season, are vastly different. All who are so situated as to make it possible go to the HUH, the only method left to thoso who remain in India of mak ing "life worth the living" during the long, hot. rainy, steamy, horrid months. But the cool season here b delight ful.all too delightful, brief, bril liant, flitting, and now one meets the FRIDAY, MAY 30, belles of the season on the drlves,pale languid, distrait, longing for the coo hre xe of ihe hills, or sea, to enable them to endure the fatigue and diss! pation of next cool aeaaon'ac.rt.pslgn Owing to my health, I do not go out very often, yet I find It a difficult thing to keep from being drawn Into the giddy vortex of fashionable life here. I hnve learned there are cer tain duties obligatory that t must ful fill as far as my heillh wilt permit, and I am learning to enjoy sums of these a.iclal displays. I alwiys Imagine I shall find s quiet little nook Where I can take unobserved obser vations, but I alwaya find I have been "reckoning without my boil," t r I am never parmitted to indulge t my favorite atu 1 of mankind, (and wo mankind,) for It'a rather difficult to maintain an Intelligent onversttl Ms, make mental notos and use on'a eyes to good advantage at the "a me ftaae. At first I felt rather awkward at find ing mtseif among so many stranger snd being introduced only to th gontiemtu who was to take me into Ilnuer ; but o-t reflection I assure you t was rejoiced to find such a sen sible fashi in prevailing. Jud think how v rv era'Mrrasdng it v ,ui I be tO be "Will-died" H'MUt a tt ug sj those L rd and L' lies, and having to re-pnd to .15 ir IO dtfforuot eople, ao l the'), perhaps, catling them by tha wrong name, and I find toy K-g- lish coudm nere d 'li't always wait for an introduction, but are a aoelst and p lita as uuu could wish. I find 1 am alone only lo one thing at these fashioned dinner. lak only lee watsr,an l at private dinner al Ldy Dufiertii'a not long ago I f .mi 1 myatdf nooplusaed. I hsd declined s.l wines; but, at laat, the a. r vmt quietly re moved ail the glass hut one. Th be soon returnel l filled b re msioiug glass with ruby wine. The geottemin on my right, (thi young Earl of St) beat hl need and softly said, "you must drink to the Queen." He had scarcely ceaed speaking when all the guests eroev, wine gles io hand, aod drank ihn heilth of Qaten Victoria. f .u---, I went through tha iras.bit the young .ri mm a merry, liugblng glance at me aod then at iuy uuiaaied glass, and I only answered him with a smHe. ooa does o it like lo be enneptouou ; bit know, der friend, how i t'el about such subjects, aud If my silent example lofluencca one peon I aJMatl be thankful. I have found one or two young Englishmen and ricotch- here who, when they dine with us, exprets their f leasure at finding a hoeteas wh j o them in a g'.at of Ice water. Speaking on this suhj act reminia me to tell you, (and I afuow bow deeply you .are Inti-ret'ed In the cU4c,)Jbat the temperance question io India Is b lof agitated very suc oeasfuiiy. I often seethe 'toy blue ribbon worn in tbe mm uoostent i tious maooar. Tnee ia a quiet, un pretentious, unflinching, untiring en ergy at wurk heie, vigilant and geii tle,that wins succ s Id the right way. Mo eudden outburst of tnthui tara that sweeps all before it for a time, theo fitfully dies away, but an unwav ering, steadfast purpoee,governe I by Christian faith and charity, that re deems many a wandered an t uphold many whose footsteps falter over the cruel, thorny pathway of life. You have no Idea how many heroic,geotle, refined women are working and pr ty ing for those of little faith, r. gardtess of nationality, color, east or creed, fearless, bravs and true. Men honor them hero, and rougn "Jack" doff-; his cap to them whenever he meets them. President Clove! ind has a sis ter at Ceylon, who, with her huabtnd, Is accomplishing a vast amount nf good. 1 have visited several of the Zenana Missions and take grot .pleasure la so doing. 8 true of the good Christian lad lea, teach era in these missions and tho schools, expr. ss to ma the sadness itctuaei them to see how little Interest profesied Cnriat lans manifest in tnr spread of Christ's kingdom: not even encouraging them by an occasional visit. Oalootta abouodH in ohur.-hi's.sohool-, charitable institution", asyluma for tbe destitute and hospital for ti e sick. I attended the distribution of prise in a native school, (a few days -iuc,) under the oare of oHrisviao llir enu chlidtiao teaoheis. There were 3U0 little ones preaeu, but 500 children be longed to tbe school ,( which were unit ed for tbe day ) Tne prizes onisted of book h, tlollh, ptStty box"s, eta sent out rom "bomi," whicl. deliga'ed the little ones. Piciuie to youran1' three hundred llule c.iihlcea wufl dusky face", pret'-y fe ourea, lovnly (Ink eyes and whttttt tefh. "'I 'H attire. I in 'he moat got o is' . f i nUI o iorp and COS.nrnea, vi h j -.vein in tltnir hair aud eats, (and r.Ose,) q.ti-tly c tuiit( hy tro aod two, timidly holding ojih a little browo hand to your coiresjiondent for a prize. Even the m .at timid ctuie en couraged bya srailf and hyly'!8lamed" me as they retmated to their place in the ranks, and I enjoyed seeing them. tmumt 1887. A patty of u -t visited the ei-Kiugo Oude's psIhorm and gsreVnaM the banks tf he I loathly. ot toftg sgOtbOt failed to see his Hoyal llightess, ani only oujh 11-eiing glattOes of dark yes froui the 1st ic-d windows .f one of the many preaaf haUsape, ..eupiel by soma of tha kia'a wiwa. A fun-lovtng Anaricso in the paKy ventured fo ask the gutda hoe many srivea the king really bad. Ho saiiliuvly replied 300. Only :)0-'i-Heaven Ne'e the tnan I sol- ecnuly t jioularei ihe OaWl iooer,who,by t'te by.wsa a aki-.ail bachelor. Tb groin. U are lovalyfWauiifid shrubs aud fisrers adorniriK the if. ding walk" and ground" aud rare. tree". Iteie f saw the ml i tre, Him sago snd caoipoor. Ih psrk ia till.. I i h !.utif., derr of variotM specie-, r. laid and numerous ay peoock, while niuit.Ie moakeys swinv from the breeches of trees, aiin- latin lake. bi ;u l end great, graoeful hit" swana on tint plaeid waters, but il... ma; attractive sitfht waa tha baatif . ne, nspeiiall) the white oo.irt, h i, and thouaands i f tbem Iraiaed, a a glysN aigeal, ( he wavieg of a sei I flag.) to all fly logs h.rr, at another a ges', to Ssarsts, the white oes flriri'4 , rta fl wk an t ', 1,1, m anothe-, sad ao e. 1 a .a a beantifn) and no. I Mathn an I i w I. h -lt-fl at their haau'y au l lauitiewa Tha gnlJe, who learned from tba letfeia ad mitting us thst we were AmeHcen,atd when (iaaeral (i-ant was bete, he was as tnue . pleased wih tbe pigeotis as I was. Here, to-I f nnd a saravt;t in tb'a garden, a g-, den built ayr.rely fO ' snakes, iricload in a m a tf pale grey (oaks 25 r M (s f high.wi'L here and th-et w shruSs grsWiag, aod graat fcol I free whidh a h.r. il aiake thruat hi h ia I aol acn i- z d m as wa wa'kel by the stone fmne i- lring th ; d s A. native snake charms br - ,', i n larg oibia 7 or 8 feet long an t let hint twl ah mss f r a fm tn mi i',ihen he w ol I id I ntty oreai hit hooi'i heed an I auik fl-Tdely at the Oative.wllQ warn-I fl the bines aUh a wd'oe heluat,tal whao ha grew died of that (ui.'U'M ,V, waehtnghis op portonity,ai Manly ealsti the eohie bv the haak of his nejk au l iH uat bim in ift hiscir. s great efll iw la-ke'. I did Dot enj iv that pin rf ihe ahow, I aaUaWe yoo. Tne't m waiit Ut see the ean-l', a on . ff n T'li'tt:, h fr a A'anii, id H i e Id.ek hear. A', one tin- th ki ig a I 4t. Rngtl tig-a e j .11 i h-r-,'Mt uadsjg ti thecirelewa net at -h it ;. r one e eaned. swam the II fH'v rieee, e. int . .h B dan- j ica. 5t- lei I 4 f,ar Otediea h- fiie he wet e car- I. Tin the king gen aroui'y usvaauie I th I t to the Znotogi-clgtrii-, v.-..- aa -fn atthe?e, grett to iguiedant ;, mj-aioally march t ig up aud dow i their iron cages. But yon are tired and so am I Titis is written very kasvfiadty i t a brief time. Good by. FOlt sriinoi. TLACHKIts TO THINK OF. The bondage of the teach -r oondsts in : Tbe low appr- ctati n of Ihe pople concerning tha profeaaioua. value of a hat ha has to. do ; iu other wurdu, a oonoeit among thousands that they know aa mnoh about teaching as be .leas. His forced subserviency to boards who do not on let aland his work. Insecure tenure of office. Want of professional c nutty among his associates. No pension after he is w irn out through a long petiod of a rvtoe. Poor pay. The peon liar wearing patuia of his work ; often destroying the nervous nystem. Ro(eate re-examintion. In many jiUoet a want of social re. cognition. Want of freedom iu using methods and adapting subjects to the needs of pupil. Want of rus. on the part of those in authority over him. lea itng them re peatedly to extraine his wrk and pre scribe the questions he shall ask. IJniqonl and unjust diflf.-r. nci in salary piid f .r doing the same kind of work. The poor opinion he world genei--.ail y has nf his business qualifioationi. ONE WOMAN WHO WAS HAPPY. A letter was received, duly addressed to W. H. Moore, muaic dealer, Water town, several days since, with fl inclos ed with an order for twelve pieoeH of raush. As the wiiter did not sign nams or give ad Irsss Mr. Moore wrote to the pctmater. Thursday a latter was received from the sender in which she said : "You most excuse me far sending you an order without signing my nam", but the fact is I was just nasrried and almost forgot I had any name." She oidered "I Love My Love," "Home, Sweet Home," "Lover and the Bird," "Grandmother's Chair," and "My Love on the See," and, as the music wsa promptly tent, it ia expected she will recover. ..,. . . Old papers at ths Psmookat office for 35 cents a hundred. NO 43 I NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Ee At prices never before effered in Albany aa N. H. ALLEN CO.. are the ones that are propose to sell CASH AND only, and will duplicate the price3 given in any a ring Oatalouge in the State. We propose here er to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and sampleslaent upon ap plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Streetlbaoy, The report of the Department of Agriculture fur May as to the eendition of winter grain indicates a decline in the condition f wh?at of two points since April 1st, the general average for the whole com. try btnf 86. Tho changes to condition have not been uni form throughout, some States showing an increase, last tbe majority a slight decline, and a few a heavy falling off. Drought has reduc-d the average some what in the Etatern gulf States and has wrought very serious datnege in Texas and Arkansas, lowering the condition daring the month 19 and 10 point8,ra speotivaly. Favorable temperatureand seasonable rains have improved proa pacts in Turn eases, West Virginia and Kentucky, the condition being consider ably higher than in May for tbe last five years. Tbe most serious reduction is tha decline of eight points during the month in Ohio. Michigan and Indiana shows a slight decline. Illinois and Missouri gain one point. Unfavorable weather In Kansas and California has canst d a slight falling off,while iu Ore on the proots have advanoed. Ua dttien by States is : New York 86, Pennsylvania 72, Maryland 84,Virginia 80, North Carolina 90, Texas 60, Ar kansas 93, Tennessee 96, West Virginia 89, Kentucky 95, Ohio 71, Michigan 90, Indiana 87, Illinois 93, Missouri, 96 Kansas 81, California 89, Oregoa 101. Tbe condition of barley ia lower average being 87.8. Tha longest wd in the English, or rather Welsh language?, has, after a long period of oblivion, been once mom exhnmed. It is Llanrairpw)igwngyll gertJobgllgerchwyrnbyllgogerbwllxantt vsiliogogogoch. This awful word of seventy-two letters and twenty-two syllableB,thatisme of a village in Wales, constituted the sujct of a lectmc lately given by the Rev. J. King, M. A., at tha museum, Berwick, in which he abowed that it us.tns "St. Maty 'a white hsel pool, netr the turning pool, near the wbiilpool, very near the pool I of Lilantsilio, trontiug on the rock islet of Gogo." Drunkenness, or Liquor Habit, can be Cured by aiminutsring Dr. Haines' Golden Specific It can be arisen in a can el coffee or tea with out the knowledge of tbe iwrsou taking it, ef feeling a speedy and permanent nure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alco holic wreck. Thousands et drunkards have ievw made temperate men who have taken the (iolden Specific iu their eoffee without their Kiuinledge, and to-day believe they quit drink- iig of their own frie a ll!. No harmful effect "'i;ts frem Its administration. Cures guarau- '1. Send for circular ami full particulars. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE Y ALLEY, Hpeclal buslnea notioes In Local umns 10 cents per line. 6 oents mth aouiuoual insertion. For ieeal SLtlii iranainiil mrllrns-f8siiaeaiTtsa u fji CT 1 aassiswatv ssta ' Ol i Ml Baal V SJSf ay fl 00 Pr square tor the first Insert Ion .and inwuon,Pr qure for mcb tkahMO",cl . tor other advertisements mar'm known on application. Boots, making the offer. We goods for PRODUCE or otherwise that wil The New Second Hand Store is the place to get tbe beat bargina In FURNITURE, STOVES, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, CLASS WARE, ETC. We buy for cash and aell for cash trade. All kinds of or Second Hand Furniture, StOTSU, fools, Carpets, etc., Wanted, It is to your interest to trade with oa. M. FRANKLIN & CO. First Street, Albany, Or. THE RICHEST HUMOROUS BOO ftie Aff is SAMANTHA AT SARATOGA by Jaatafc Allen's Wire. Miss HoJty spsat a laat seasons n.iJ the whirl of fashion at Seratoee and takes aff iu follies, Mirsatteus, tow neek dressta pug dogs, etc., ia her inimitable mirth -prov eking style. The book ia nrofusely illustrate ay Upper, ths renowned rtlt of "Puck . " mil eell Isaeacaeetv. Pricass-ec jmwmr agkxts wast. id oVes A. L. RAXUROFf A CO,, Pubs. San rraueie so, Cal Remarkable Offer. Ths Democrat $2.00 Nxw York World ion 1 Fikk History or th 17. S. 1.50 K s i - AMERICAN FIRMER l.QQ $5.50 And cheap at the price ; but we offer tbe four for $3.25, giving a remarkable bargain. Drop the American Farmer and you can have the three remaining for $3. Drop the World and Hitfery and yon eaa have the two ethers for $2.25. The history is a 390 sage book nicely bound, and is worth the egnlar price. Administrator's Notice of Final Settlement, Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the estate of 8, T. Jones, deceased, has filed his final account of his Ad miniat ration of aaid estate In County Court of Linn county, Oregon, and said Court baa fixed Monday the 6th day of June, 1887, at the hour of 10 o'clock: a. m of said day for hearing the same. All persons interested in said estate are required to appear at said time in aaid Coort and show eaase if any exists why said estate should net be finally settled. Dated Albany, Or., May 2nd, 188T, ants, Administrator of said HOLY ANGUS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conducted by secular priests and lay teachers, First tsrni opens first Mendey in Sep tember. fftocoDd term opens first Monday in February. For prospectus address Rev. F, A. Becker, Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. AI NTS AND OILS Of all kinds, mixed ready for use. kai- somine and alabaatine brushes, etc , for sale cheap by -- , i Strh art a Sax, 1