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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1887)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. Iafc I eS every Friday by S TITKS 4 NUTTlNtt. BalKverri4' Deaaeeral IMU Mrsadalbla MrtM. TKRM8 or sraSCRIPTION lafl otpr, pr yr, In 4n.' - 0 atui op., par ysr. at ! ol yr t SS sk.ift aopy, al month 1 intf opy, lkre monUM ttflo nttMMT t PROFKSSIONAL CARD8. L. H. MONT ANTE. TT() UNEY AT LAW. AND- - Notary Public. llbnr. Oregon. Office upstair or John BrisBV stare, st street. vl4n23tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNRY AT LAW, ALBANY. eKe. .sTILL PRACTIC1 IB ALL THE COURTS OF Till Stat. 8pUl attention gtvn l xIlctlon ami resale ssattr in Odd rll.r Tempi. 14:1 , O. rOWNLL. W. b. BILTKU POWBLL ft BIIiYEU, vTTORVRYS T LAW, And SbliriUrt in Chancery, .sss4JT. - Won. OolleoMons promptly made on all points. L vine negotiated on reasonable Urm, esTOrac-e In Footer's Brink. vHnlStf J. J. WHITNEY, Ittorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OS-CON, Will practice In all e the Conrta of .his State All bnslnea Intrusted to him bill bb promptly ottei ded to. L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer Sitting by appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedale'a Building. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept In a flrat closa Drug Store. Alaoaflna atock of pianoa and organs. ALBANY. OREGON. POSHAY A MASON, iS 48 T.I I Dragjepstsand Booksellers, Agents for John B. Aldan'a poblkmtiona, which we af II a publisher's prices with poatagq added. A Lit A MY, OKEtiOI. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticlei, Etc. riltCtimHI CIIEPl'LLT NLLEI, Opan day and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. 1 have th beat stock of nrniture in the iity and will aall Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atock of WALNUT FURNITURE ta the city and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and aee. Undertaking, a complete atock and ean give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOO DIN, Aioany Bath House. (vin jtfDSdieiriD oulj kkspxct '40? ifiri '.a -Hi sans of Albany sad vi t'H C Saveteoae "barge of this Kttsblish ,it, cad, hi kseolir 'b 'ooai nd payia tt HifttUti -" Hasiass axpeets iu tait al ... . -v? 'r na wtb thlr patronage . ' s .tr.f(.r tarried in nethtos bat Clrat-Claas Hair Draaalnor Saloons C9ts t- fir sntirs nattsf-'Mon to al "illtu ml '.ll' Half aatly io ts aw4 foe WBBBBIL DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. 0, O ( HKKf.r C.B.PVHSXn' ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Successors to O. C. Cherry.) Machinists, lillsmghts, and Iror Founders. WK HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of iron and Brass Castings. P ATT Kb IS MADE N SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all klnda of machinery. Will also mnnufao ure the Improved Cherry A White Grain p arator I WILX, WILL, WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL CURE Diarrhoea and Dysentery. CURE Pimples on the face, and Freckles. CURE Old Sorea and Ulcers, CURE Wind in the Stomach. CURE Headache and CURE Scrofula. CURE Summer Complaints. CURE Rheumatism and Gout. CURE Fains in the Bones and Joints. VOL. XXII. TO WHOM : It May Concern. Albany, Ob., March IMh, 1887. Self preservation Is the first iw of nature. Among my old frlcntla antl customers who have been trading with me to the lat too yeini, and who still do the aame and profit thereby, mnne designing party with emnlty In hi aoul la circulating the report that;beoauome one elae re. celved the sugar cor, tract that was let Utt week hy certain boalneaa man. Bgera I am higher lo prlcea than others. Oentlemen, It waa Itnpopal bio for me to get the ab ve contract, as I ws not H-kel fr a M4, iy, la bectt known t therawlvea. By cull ing aod sacert tlnlng my prlc a you can Judg- f.r yunlva wnether Jutlc h -a b-in done to you or not, and whthir the prices of my goids arc nut a low or lower than any other house. In c ia that I should be eoin I" I mI to give up my, nutntea on ac count "i thoabovej will e eeaipallad to become an office Mker. V ry respect fully yourt, P. COHEN. Red CrownMills ISOM. LANNING & CO., PRUPR'S. saw raocass rtoca serration rob ram una axn aAKaas traa. BEST STORAGV V4CILIT1E8. Highest Price in Cash . fc Wheat ALBANY OR. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only host Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. First National Bank OrjALriSMl. OREGON. PrflMictant Mtifii ...... -. 1 it V S fist PrMMt a. B. TOtMX - ......... 6 to. K. CHAM KkBuAIN TRANSACTS A OCKCBAL tenlunff AOCOUNTS KEPT NbjMt to chuk. RIGHT EXCHANGE ana tltyspfcU trualtf, told on New York, Saa Tranche, oataagw sad Port I Or wan. COLLEOTtONS BADBob bUSSsMl y. B. Yocss, Oao, E r L. B Blaim, L. Puss, WAtirse B TnutSLt, J. L. COWAN. J. ST. BIMMK Linn County Bank, (OWAN A CU8ICK. ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS s gnnenl bsnklnc bettaesj. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Now York, 8ss Nrsn bwosad Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY so aprrrorsd Moorfty. RECEIVE deposiU tabjest to etwwk. COLLECTIONS entrusted to ua will receive prompt J Qtion. H. F. MERRILL, Banking an Insurance. ALBANY, - - OREGON. sell exchange on New York, 8sn Frsncieco end Portland . Bur notes, fcU'e, county atd ey warrants. Re ceive deposit subject to check. Interest allowed on time depoMU. CollectioM will receive prompt attention. Correspondence solicited . aVOflice hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. liass Houses J. OIBLIIV, Proprietor. This house it now open and furninhed with the beat new furniture. Everything clesn and commodious, offering to the gen eral publio superior accommodations to any ia the city. Nervous A PROGRESSIVE AGE ! ! Women as Jurors. THE FRANCHISE HOT REQUIRED I Wisdom's Robert in E V8,- All Other Preparations of a Like Mature. W TRIAL TOR MERIT, 1 Verdict in Favor of Wisdom's RobertinQ found Superior to Anything of its End" Ever Discovered ! THE CUIM OF THE PROPRIETORS FULLY ENOORSEO ! trod tktMa'afimg ofimio$ from tkr ImJ img MKiely .., Portland, Sam Fmmaxm md Chicago : "I have been prejudiced against all cos net ica in i..ui. form, believiaf, like many others, that tbey always contained some harmful ingredients, bat at the urgent aoltet tation of a friend who wsa aatag y..ur Itob erlioe, I tried it, aad to my surprise and satiafactioa it produced the meat charming effect of anything I had ever asad, tea lag the skin soft and smooth. Bobertius a ill al - ways form an important part of my toilet. Raowiag it 1 consider it an indispensable ac cessory. "I hafe used aaaBfJ every preparation for improving the complexion t.. be had, aod ca say frankly Rohertine suite me better than anything I have ever tried." "Having need your Itobcrtioe, and liking it so well I have introduced it to my friends. All prontaoee it perfect." "I have bid farewell te powders since ing Rohertine. Its powers are wooderieV A !dy in San Franc woo writes : "Please seed me one dosen Ribertine, bat don't im agine it is all for myself, hut for friends who have clubbed together. All have sampled mine, and ssy it ia just lovely." "Unlike anything I have ever used, it gives the complexion such a delicate tint. and does not leave the skin dry and rough. ' "It dose all you claim for it. Its virtues will advertise it wherever known." ' "In commending your excellent RoWrtine I cannot refrain from mentioning the artistic and suggestive design of the label, portray ing innocence, -urity aod art, all of which it gives me pi ire te say it jnstly merits." An operatic star known to well to Port land hss spoken sO highly of it that it is bat proper to quote the lady's testimonial among others : "It is the finest preparation I have ever used, and is a decided acquisition U a lady's toilet." It anyone doubts the genuine ness of the above they can see the oiigtoa by calling at the Pharmacy of W. A! . Wis dom, Portland, Oregon. We could go on quoting from the friends of Rohertine until we had filled column after column of the Dimocbat, but the above is sufficient to show the universal satisfaction the article is giving. Probably no preparation of its kind ever introduced here or elsewhere baa in so short a time enjoyed such an extraordinary sale. Though it has been on the market bat a few months, He sale has reached many thoussad bottles, sod the demand Si steadily iooreas ing. PERFECTLY HARMLESS ! POSITIVELY INVISIBLE! Wisdom's Robertine is sold by all leading druggists throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California and British Colambia. Price, 50 Cents Per Bottle. MANUFACTURED BY W. M. WISDOM, Pharmacist, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. FOSHAY & MASON, Agents. ALBAN Y, OREGON, Wn-Mtiinir ion. (from oar regular oorresnonseut.) W ammo-Tom April 22nd, 1187. The week hss been a quiet one ap parently in Washington, but when one soasaa to think of it osueb of interest has transpired, aod th Freeta jaf kmSt, can test iff that the drafts upon hi attention bam been guffioisat to oc cupy every moment of his time. In the first plane be reeiewod the wst bedrag gled emancipation parade, which was well oigb diveeud of all'lte glory by tttttttta of rain. Ee ssoordsi epeeJal reception to the Hadieea Sqaaro theat rical ootupsny, end attended their per formance for the benefit of the Actors' Fund,'' he bade several important ap pointments, had a conferranee wib the new Pacific Kilr ad Contmiionar, who have aerived in tbe olty, end,never neglecting Ins triweekly bandsbaknige fii the public, !i is been interview! osob day privately, by a aeora or ro ue of publio men, politicians and ft lends. Tbw Interstate C itumeroe Oommi- aioo oow oocup their mt msnant aier- tereio a hsnd.iue new building with a ni-a marbl frost, no F street. At laat the Cmuiioijn has dctdfd npoo and appt-io'.rd its Si-creUrv, Mr. Me- Ij, who' wsa found in Boston. He is a Democrat and a member nf the Mseaa- ehitaaita 8tate tesfislatitre. He ia also a Inm er merrbsnt sod bva hd valuaMn elperieuce in the railroad h'taio-. Tbe time of lb Commiesi o ia teka, up with the c o.eid iretvm of the oom- eretts conipleint a- ' ie'.itiis bef.tra them, sod with the recaption of vi.i I ore, the patiiitmers and c iropli-r, who eome in parson Tbe Commission hss been rtxviving letters oq ell soils of irrelevant aubjeote from different parte nf i he United 8'atea, and becoming tired ot answering conundrums, not at itng fiom "pacific o-isaplsiuts which liw aothorixea them 0 r, th y bav Just published a atetement of the limits of their jurisdiction and powera. This important utterance of tbe Com miaaton, white it apparently avoi Is tb questions to which t is applied a d re. fere the epteetioaere to the lailroads aod eourta i t the Mliminsry and ulti. male conatruettona of the law, poiute out the ran hods br whiob such qtss tiona can come before th. m, and mskoa a augea'inn, which, it v- d, will prevent oio-'y nine out nf ane hundred of aoob q!iM itSBMI (torn ever rieing. Tbe Iruitful jaaae of thee canun druma is the attitude f tbe, which eoforci vigoruusty, proaptlj and liberally avertbiug iu tha law that cn poaatbly tend to awa'i their aavanire., endeavor Ut suspend or avoid rrthiog which can nduoc their charges, and f-ll into a psnic-atricken oondition at the 1. 1, a of running thr risk f s ien I tv by giving a liberal conirue'ion to tbe clauses sutbo'iatng reduced raiaa in cartain cases. With many of the roada toe puree ia twofold, to make money and to create r!ie uoforte which may lie attributed to tbe taw hiinging to it if possible unpopularity and ieab The Commission asy that there ia nothing novel in the provisiona of the law estahluhieg the general principle! under which interstate oomuisice uiuat now Ite conduoted. They him ply bring hack the buidneee of tba common car rier to tbe well nettled principles of tbe common lew. Sir.ce I last wrote you Spring la arrived in Waabington and with it re newed interest in die National Drill which takes place next monb. Prep aration for tbe evant are being csr rted briakly forward and it ia learned that soma of the odmpanies will arrive considerably in Htlvsuoe of the time of the Kocsrapn.eiit. The monument grounds are bing put in readiness for tbe camp, aod grand stands are being erected for spectators around the ellipse ou which the oontest for prizes will be bald, and they will come from almost every State in the Union. Soma of the citizens of Waabington are com plainly frustrated over tbe en fet cement of same old lawa which it was thought warn ao useless from disiiHe that they eauld not be used. They are the old Sunday closing la we, which n quire that all placet of business where anything is done or sold for profit, except apothecary shops and Undertaking establishments, shall be beitnetically aealrd on tba first day of the week. Tha authorities have resurrected these lawa from the statute book which hss been bo long ignored, and are enforcing them vigorously. In view of the great inflnxof strangers expected here during tha time of tbe Nationta! Drill, gome earnest appesls have been made by tbe leading hotel proprietors and other public spirited i citizens for relief from the operations r . of that ordinance against Sunday shaving, passed, as they say, when this extensive metropolis was nothing more than a good sized country tovn. FRIDAY, MAY 13, Hon. J. T. Qregg,ex Speaker of the House) of Representatives ot the State Leglaieture, who has been traveling Kat, has returned and besn lUr viewed hy a Stutsman F-ib r punch er on po1l(lc4,and the ex-$p "scr nlr himself as follow t 'Cleveland ie in good hueltti No doubt be will be re-nominated, at loading Democrats have filled to find any one to take bis place, although one and ell concede hl d.-i.. Since Hill vetoed the CrS-by high II cense bill he has become very un popular. On, Blaine will be nomio a ted If be wanta to be. Democrat and He publics t, alike that In ii bm will be solidly It. publican. It la thought Virginia sod Tonne are safe for the Republicans on ac count of protection. Republican bust, nesa men think Sherman could tie elected more easily than Blaine, yet they all want Blaine " Now, t- the reader of current poli tics this will tut simply amuring. The Idea that toy man imo sit dowo In the present eouf.aed stattj of poll, ties and assert p altively that either Cleveland or Blaine will or will not be nominated is simply propoeterous, and We mu-t insist Hi . the genlsl x Sp-ik.-r N attempting to Imps upon the unaophistnctted credulity of the public Then, agmo, th Idea that Democrats will have to tmmlnate CievclBLd because they can find no one to ike hU pl-ero u purely laugh-abb-, and the ex Speaker was evl. ffsBttty inlendbig tu practice some kind of a J ku upon the reader of tbe SlaUtman. Has the eX-Spkf r yet to learn that the Democratic pry 1 s gtest mil .oh p.rfy, comprlalng more than half t he voters of the court. tsy, with ituodreMia and thou sands of leaden of Irreproachable Integrity, fit to make presidents that would rmt in worth and ability severs) who have icvupid the presldeotlel chair f As to Que. HUIN having rend red himself unpOfHilar because of his veto of the ( -aby high license hill, we cuiuot believe Mr. Gregg is In earneet, for thn very reverse l9 true. The Republicans of th lWbj I dure of New York have I e n mak ing War up.m the f v -rn ir . vcr since hla eleetlo. They know too well hl power and popularity In the Em plre State. They would kill him off If possible to do a . They fcfsf him much more thsq any Demo rat d h Blaine. In i he passage of he Crosby hill i hey hoped to pUe him in a f dee light the people, but iu hie message he showed pp the Re puttican of the L-glalature as a -et of p dittc-il sebemera and trick -era attempting to make p diilcal capital out of a one-set- d higti license bill. The Governor la t'o brtlny for the whole I'd of them,and they bate him with a bloodthirsty hate equalled on ly hy their whilom hete for T ides. Another statement made by th" eu Speaker Is quite amusing, md tbst la that Virginia and Tennessee will cast their vote for the Republican candi date. This worn nut story haa b n told and retold for the laat twelve years. There are not as many rea ama for believing thai any Southern state will go Republican as tbco ex isted four years ago, as any one can readily see who will reflect upon the el tuition. Sum ntentbs ago tbe ship builders st Detroit had trouble with their men, and imported ship carpenter from Meine. Tbe Knights of Lbsr ptid these men $85 esch and look a promise, to return te Mtina or latve th tt dis trict, as tbe men wboM placea they tilled were Knights. District Assim bly No. ft s.iel ona of thus men to re cover this money ,ctaimiog that the de fendant violated the agreement lo leave town. Tbe defendant admitted the oontraot, and that he did not return bone, but claimed that thn contract was illegal. Tbe judge oalled attention to the fact that the new comers hd been intimidated and unlawfully pre vented from car ying out their inten tion ; that the law condemns all pro ceedings regarding illegal contractu ; that all such designed to interfere un lawfully with individuals nrm violations of the statute, as strixing a blow At an industry. In aoc:tdnc with the charge the jury gave a verdict f,r the defendxrr. It is said that tho Snhero Paoifio Railroad Company have iu contempla tion the huildiog of a branch road from Klamath cn hroiigh Etern Oregon, ultimately t o .n or, with n point ou the line ot tbe Oregon Ra'lway and Navigation Company's line. This ill be good news to Euitern Oregon, whose people have ao long b-en without Sutti otent reiirosid facilitie. Now that Thus. NaSt, the cartoonist, has became a soHd Cleveland man, the Republicans might a well give up the fight. There has been no iofluence ao great in the Republican campaigns since tbe war a ths pencil of Nat. The organs and orators of the party wi'l have cause to 'ioce when he begins to 1887. HKNATOIt UKAOAN K WML Senator Iteagan, who hs had irsny ears of aery ice in tba nati nal House of Representatives, who baa recently bean elreted to tbe United States 1m ate for the full term of six years, aod who baa hitherto been a pronounced op ponent t-f prehibitlon,haa written a very important letter declining an invitation to address a State convention at Da'ias, aod declaring himself strongly In fsior of tbs prohibitory amendment. We quote tbe major portion of his letter as follows : "If 1 hail leisure to engage in this discussion, with sil respect for tbs opin ions of tbs meeting you represent, I could not concur with the slews sx- preesed ia yonr letter. While I have heretofore fe't constrained to oppose prohibition because its friends sought to make it a political issue and to an tagonize and overthrow lbs Democi alio party, that reason doea not now exist, and I am not inclined, by speech or vote, to oountnauce tho evils fioviog from tbs selling and drinking of intoxicating iquora as new practised, or to givs to them the moral support of public opin ion or tbe protection of tbe Bute gov. eminent. "In every community we fled men, ones bonered and respected, red need to poverty, wrstcbsditeas aod dishonor by spending their money and time in drink ing saloons : wives weighed dowo with grief and sorrow and want, and heart- broken and he I pleas children growing up in ignorance, beggary aed vies be- oanee buhan la and fathers bave bean mads diunkards ard vagabonds Hy patronizing the drinking saloons. Mil lions of dollars are invested in this bushiest of making men diunkards and in producing tbe denotation aod ruin of women and children, which, if employed in agriculture, manufacturing, or com mercial pursuits, and directed by tbe taiente and time wasted iu these drink log houses, would add untold millions to tbe aggregated wealth of happy fami'tea that are now mode miserable because ibis money aod time are given to the selling an I drinking of intoxicating li- qoore. "The f re mere f our State oonatitr. tion, having teference to tbeae evil'', provided that 'the Legtalature shall at its first session enact a law whereby the qualified voters of aoy county, justice's precinct, town or city, by a msj nu vote, from time to time may determine whether tba sale of intoxicating liquet a shall be prohibited within tbe piescrit ed irons.' It would be no great tono vatton upon this principle far tbe peo ple of the State to adop. a constitutional provision d clsriu tbat 'the manufac ture, sals an I txebsnge of iutoxicatieg liquors, except for medics), mechanical, and scientific put poses, i hereby pro bibited in tbe State of Texas.' The State Democratic convention which met at Galyeston laat summer insetted in its platform of principles a declaratwo in substance that a citizen m'gbt lie a local optiooiat er a pmbibitiooist, and at the earns tian be a Democrat. "Tbe ptesent Legislature wisely de termined, in submitting the qnenttou of tbe adoption o the prohibition mn I meat by a vote of the people, that tbe election abouM be held at a time when no other election was to be held, in or der that tbe peop'e might poes upun that question unembarrassed br any other politic tl qti'vition or elections, so that tba election should be non-partisan. In view of tbeae facta, with all respect for the meeting at Austin and i a i ommittae.I mint express ray regret that any effort has been made to make a party euestion of itj and especially do I regret that Democrats ahould seek to identify that great and grand historic party with the fortunes and fate of whiskey sbops,dunkards and criminals. "There ia a broad difference between law wbiob interfere with legitimate ttade aod with suob aa would interfere with the purchase and sale ot neeeasary t'jod, drink and raiment, called .sump tuary laws, and laws which have for their object the prevention and punish ment of crime and the preservation of publio morals and dccuioy. And I think it hardly jut to the memory of Mr. Jefferson to assume tbat he womd not have recognized thia distinction. "I bave during all the years ef my manhood henn a Democrat of the strait eat sect,and an earnest and enthusiastic diaoipls cf Thomas Jefferson, whom I regard as the greatest poiitical philoso pher and statesman this count r has ever produced ; and I would be as far t'retn dseiriog to ee liws passed which would interfere wih the freedom of legitimate commerce, or which would undertake to control the purchase, sale and use of neeeasary food, drink or ap parel, as any one oonld be. But I be lieve it to be the duty of the people in a lawful manner So protect themselves and society against the evils of the im proper sale and ui of intoxicating li quors. If I have not always so felt, it has besn in a great degree because I was unwilling to allow any outside isHue to subvert or causa the overthrow HO 41 NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, e Shoes, Groceries, Ee At prices never before effered in Albany an N. H. ALLEN GO.. are the ones that are proposes sell CASH AND only, and will duplicate the price? given in any Spring Oatalouge in the State. We propose herj arter to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that wil ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samples Jse tit upon ap plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albaay, tion of our free oons'it utiona1 0)St-m ( t government. We now have tbe onjor t unity to promote sobriety, thrift aod haopioees without endaneerinf the auc eeea and erpei nation of the principles uf tbe Democratic party, aod I ant in j favor of doing so ; and I shall at tbe comiag election ao vote, not bee use 1 tieiieve prohibition the mo-t eSSstsnt remedy which could be adopted for tbeae evils, but because in my judgment it favors a policy which will do maoh for the improvement of tbe condition of our people peonniarly, socially aod morally, and toward piscina them on a higher and better plane of civilisation. I hope you will not consider it s breach of pro priety for me to make thie answer through an open letter, as I may have no other opportunity to state the rea son th the vote I shall give on the question. And I hejj to astir yon, gentium-, nf mv great respect for yon individually ami ool!ec?ively,and of how much I regret that I have, to differ with yon in opinicn on this queatiou. "With greatest respect, very tuly yours, "John H. Reagan." &nd day by day there continue 'o fall from the eyes of the colored people of the country as tt wert?,cales,muoh in the same mysterious way that tbey felt from tbe eyea of a renowned man of old. Tha Pine Bluff Southwutern J? vievo of Arkansas says: "If our ex changes are to tie taken for the senti ments of tha masses, thou the negro will go Democratic by a large msj iritv in 1888." This must ie humiliating to the Republicans who have all a ong claimed to be the especial guardians of tbe colored race. The colored people a long dne nigb,awak tied to tbe fact that this guardiaitKhi of Republicans i such as wolves would give to lambs, and they aie deserting that ptrty with that act iv alacrity ' hat charactetix' 9 ra?s wlmi deserting a sinking ship. DranksnnsM, er Liquor Habit. can be Cured by administering Sr. Haines' Golden Bpecbie. It can be alien in a cuo ot coffee or tea with cut rue Knowledge of the person taking tt, ef fecting a speedy and permanent cure, whet jer the. patient is a moderate drinker or an al-o-m wreck. Thmiaands of drunkards love f on mads temperate men who have takes I he (ioldun Specine in their eoffee without their Knowledge, and tn-rtay nelieve they quit drink n of their own tree wilt No harmful enet "e'i:ta frrru Us admlntiaration. Cures guar: n- l. Send for circular und full pnrtiilns. . , !- in ormndfTN Got hum braoirio C ik, Vi- .kce bt - ii.ciiitiat , j:.. . w e) e STATE RIM f$ DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISED KKBIUri 18 THE WILLAMETTE T ALLEY, Special busbies notices lo Ltval col umns 10 cents per line. 5 oeste eoCn addliicmal liiHeriloo. For legal ami transient advertlseene. t f' 00 Pr qtjare for tl.e first Insert km, u ri cents per square Tor each uteoeet inaor.lo t, iUi,aj for other advertisements mad known ou application. making the offer.' We goods for PRODUCE! The New Second Hand Store is the place to get tbe bt I o-ios in FURNITURE, STOVES, C892XERY, TIN WARE, GLASS WARE, ETC. We bay for cash aad sell for cash or trade. All kinds of Second Hand FuPJitore, Stow, fools, Garp3ti, etc., It ia to your intereat to trade with us. M. FRANKLIN & 60. First Street, Albany, Or. THE RICHEST OEXOSOIS B00I f the Age it SAMANTHA AT SARATOGA by Jsatah Allea's Wire, Hiss Hetty spest a last eua amitl lh whirl of fashion at Saratov, and takes eff iu f-Jliea, flirtation a, low neck Srwaataf pas dogs, etc, in her initniuble ruirtb-prvveaiBg style . I he book is profasely illustrate: by Oppar. th raaowoed a-tist af "Puck." Will ael teasaejsserv. dras A. L. B.VN01torr A CO,, Pubs. San Praasw se, Cat Remarkable Offer. Tkb Dkhockat $2.00 Naw York World , l.oo Fimb History op the U. S 1.50 American Farmkr l.oo And cheap at the price ; but ore offer the foar for $3 25, giving a remarkable bargain. Drop the American Farmer and yon can have the three remaining for $3. Drop the World and HUtory and you eaa hays the two ether-, for $2 25. The history i a 320 page book nicely bound, and is worth the egnlar price. Administrator's Note of Final Settlement, Notice is hereby given tbat tti under signed Administrator of the estate ef H. T. Jones, deceased, has 0 ed bis final account of his Administration of said o tate in County Court of Won county, Oregon, and said Court has fixei .Monday the tith day of June, 1887, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. tu., of said day for hearing; tbe same. All persons Interested in aairi estate are required to appear at id time in said Court and ahow cease if any exists why said estate should net be finally settled. Dated Albany, Or., May 2nd, 1887. J. A. Jon ks, Administrator of said estate, HOLY AMOELS COLLEGE. i Boarding Softool for Boys ! ! Conducted by secular priests and lay teachers. Pi rat. term (inni first Mnnda. I Cm .tetnher. Second term opens first Monday iu rouiury, rr prospectus aOCUeaS Rev. F. A. Becksr. Vancouver, W. T. Bos 103. jp Al NTS A.ND OILS m CURE ail Skin Oi aii icinda, muatl