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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1887)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. rb i est every Friday by STUBS & NUTTIN. a u 41 K440t Ht K.-le Deiuerat tteildlsR oa neaailalela atreet. TERMS OK WmilllW InId oov. Per r. In advance H I M 1 OA stifle vtpy, par year, st tnl ol year, i i if copy. iiii. . . tairls ooy, lhr months ufHi number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONT&NYE. T rOKNEAT LAW, Notary Public Obeny, Oregon. Otnoo upstair, ow John Briggn tore, hi etreet. vMn2Stf J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALANY. WStKSiOff. Sir ILL FRAOTloa IN ALL THE COURTS or THE Vf Stats. Speetal atteuUon gtvsa to collections ami e.;u m it tor. i In OJd Felloe's Twik (14:1 S. O. POWItT, W. W. MLYBU POWELL, & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Soliftters ia Chancery, tLR4MT. ORK01f. Collections promptly made on all points. Loan negotiated on reasonable termn. rofflo In Foater's Brick.- flWM J. J. WHITNEY, ittorney 4M Counsellor it La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In alt of the Court of . h la State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer Sitting by appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedele'a Building. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. E. W. LMCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, end everything kept in a flrat-elaea Drug Store. Aleo a fine stock of pianos and crgana. ALBANY. OREflON. POSHAY A MASON, "HJH,.l AS ranv Driggistsand Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, which we aeil at publisher's prices with postages Jed. ALBAHY, OKEOR. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticles, Etc, PIMCIIPTI01R CAEEFFLLT FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. I have the beet stock of urniture in city and will aell Mm Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE te the city and tbe lowest price In the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, a complete atook and cen give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Aioany Bath Mouse. r.II US DStlSiaSBD would respect ally iform the eitiaeaa of Albany sod ri i litvtktt I haye-aksDharaeofthis Establish keeplox leaa rooms snd psjin rlet ttteatlea te basiasss, expect to salt al ssawbs way favor US with their patronage te Htofor irrled no oothfnr be Mrst-GWs Hair Dressing Saloons ceeetS ee lvs sntire satlsfrtloa to al n"!KHfse r) U1Im' Hair neatly v s.ti ro wwbpsjr DR. JeL. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office uor. First and Ferry Streets, (A BANY - - ORFOOW. O. 0 rrweaBT O B.PVKKSt ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Sncceseore to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror founders. W E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kiods of beary work. We will manufacture Steam Enslnee, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Iron aad Braes castings. WATTKBtMa Bl4a OR HHOKT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing ail kinds or maonmery. win also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Or it? Separator GOOD for the cure of Constipation and Indigestion. GOOD for tbe cure of Biliousness and Dyspepsia. GOOD for tbe care of Bowel Complaints. GOOD for the easa of Kidney Diseases. GOOD for the cur. of Languishnesg and Weary. Back. GOOD for the euro of Liver Complaints. GOOD for the euro of Boils and Carbuncles.- GOOD for tbe cure of PonI Breath and Sour Stomach. GOOD for the cure of Sleeplessness and Irritability. GOOD fox the cure of all Complaints. VOL. XXII. TO WHOM . It May Concern. Albany, 0R.,Mrch 9th, 1887. St'lf preservation U the first law uf nature. Among my old friend and customers who hsvo been trading with uie f r the last ton years, and who still do the same and profit thereby, some dolgnlng parly with e .unity in Ids soul Is circulating the report that letu tome one oho re calved the sugar cod tract that was let last week by certain buslnesa mau. agera I am higher in prices than others. Gentlemen, it was Impossi ble for me to get the above cootnu t, as I was not aked for a hid, why, is best known t themselves. By cull ing and ascertaining ray prices you can Judge for yourselves whether Justice h i been done to you or not, and whether the prices of my goods re not a W low? r than any other house. In case that I should be com pelled to give up my business on ac count of the above,!" will be compelled to become an r (Bee feker. Very respect fully yours, P. COHEN. Red CrownMills ISOM. LANN1N6 A CO., PROPR'S. a aw raocaaa riots sur an to a tea rmiun axn rakers earn. BKST STORAGF ACUITIES. Highest ;Pric in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lnmberjaths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. First National Bank Or.tMltM, PreaMent M. .U VUm PreaMent a, k. ny.o. a. citAMI TRANSACTS A OEKERAL bwiktng ACCOUNTS KEPT eaejeet te eneek. SIOHT EXCHANGE and telemphis Wmnetar, aV en New York, aan rraaetaee, laueage and PerfJ t COLLECTIONS MADE on faroeable tenaa. w. E. Yoowo, ao, E fa meat. L. E Blaik. L. Vuss. Wautcii E TeassLL, i. L. COWAN. J. S Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking bwrtseaa. DBA W Hid HT DR A fTS oa Hew York. San Rasa ewes sad renswa, Oregon. LOAN MOtiEYen speeoved aaeerHy. RRi'EIVE deposit anbjeet to ahask. COLLECTIONS entrusted le us wlB reaeive srasapl awasea. Rass House. . J. GIBLIN, Proprietor. Tnis hoimej is now open and furnished with the best new furniture. Everything clean sod ccmmndious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any in the city. MILLER BROS., KDEALRR IN Field, Vegetate and Flower leeli, IMPERIAL EGG FOOD, G1RR0EN TOOLS, FERTILIZERS, ETI, OS Sreead Street, Bet. Salmon aad Tarter. PORTLAND. OREGON. nd for nw catalogue. i STe A PROGRESSIVE AGE ! 1 Women as Jurors. THB FRANCHISE NOT REQUIRED I Wisdom's RQBERTINE vs. All Other Preparations of a Like Nature. Hi TRIAL TOR MERIT, i Verdict in Favor of Wisdom's Robertine Found Superior to Anything of its find Ever Discovered i THE CUIM OF THE PROPRIETORS FULLY ENDORSES ! fit J (if JoltawtHg ofimiam$ frmm Ike lead img u iet y htdit Pmrtlamd, Sam Frameuee and Chi ago : "I have been prejudiced against all mattes ia liquid form, behevieg, like many others, that tbey alwaya contained aoene harmful mitred tests, bat at tbe urgent solici tation of a friend who wae asiog your Hob ertioe, I tried it, and te any acrpriae and aatiafaettoa it produced tbe meet charming effect of anything I bad ever aeed, tear ten tbe akin aoft and smooth. Robertine will al ways form an important peri of my toilet. Knowing it I consider it an indupeneahle ac oeenory." "I bayo aeed nearly erery prepaiation for improving the complexion Vj be bad, aad ! can aay frankly Robertine suite me better than anything 1 bare e'er tried." "Having need your Robertine, and liking it so well I have introduced it to my friend. All pronounce it perfect." "I have bid farewell te powders since iog Robertine. Its powers are wooderfal.'' A lady ia San Francisco writes : "FUase stud me one dears Robertine, but don't im agine it is all for myself, but for friends who have clubbed together. All hare lamplcd mine, and say it is just lovely." "Unlike any thins I have ever nsed, it gives tbe complexion such a delicate tint, and does not leave tbe skin dry aad rough.'' "It does all you claim for it. Its virtues will advsrtise it wherever known." "In commending year excellent Robertine I cannot refrain from mentioning the artistic and suggestive design of the label, portray ing innocence, parity and art, ail of which it gives me pleasure te say it justly merits." An operatic star known so well to Port land bas spoken so highly of it that it is but proper to quote tbe lady's testimonial among others : "It is the finest preparation I have ever used, and is a decided acquisition te a lady's toilet." It anyone doubts the genuine" ness of tbe above they can see the origina by calling at tbe Pharmacy of W. M . Wis lom, Portland, Cregon. We could go on quoting from the friends of Robertine until we had filled column stter coluxa of the Democbat. but tbe above is sufficient to show tbe universal satisfaction the article is giving. I'robably no preparation of its kind ever introduced here 0( elsewhere has in so short a time enjoyed such ao extraordinary sale. Though it has been on the market but a few months, its sale bag reached many thooaaad bottles, and tbe demand Is steadily inoress ing. PERFECTLY HARMLESS ! POSITIVELY INVISIBLE Wisdom's Robertine is sold by all leading druggists throughout Oregon, Washington Idaho, California and Britisn Columbia. Price, 50 Cents Per Bottle. MANUFACTURED BY W. M. WISDOM, Pharmacist, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. F0SH1T & MASON, Agents. ALBANY, Oa ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 0, 1887. 1 eorin,. On Wednesday evening, Aptil 20lb, t I ha tesi-Japos if Mr. Kinbon, tu Peoria, occurred the marriage of Mies Bovinoe AUerrtta Bamberger and Mr. Arbuslua B. Diikseni laitb of this place. At an early hour in the eenlng Ike guests began to arrive, until to spacious rooms of tbe large home were tilled to overflowing with (be 1 1 iends and relatives of tbe contracting pantee. At eight o'clock to the tntuio t f tbe wedding marob, played by the Meyer's orobeatrs, tbe bridal patty, preoedeil by iter. G. Bsmbe.wtth Miss Annie Siey. olite, Miss Ftorenoe lronapiker and F. L. Marmatiuke and J. A- le-lbrttrr as attendants, took their position be nsath a tastefully srranged itower of evergreens, and plighted their rows of allegiance for life. The bride looked lovely in albatross and cream brocaded silk, and nstursl rasas. Tba brides maids were dressed in orsam none veil ing, with flowers. Aftsr ths ceremony the young couple were the recipients many wishes for their happiness. Con gratulations being over,tbe company eat down to a splendid collation, such as only those skilled in the culinsry art know how to furnish. The presents were numerous, and by tbrir value a' tested ths astasia in which the and groom are hs'd by their friends. Ths happy sou pie left on Thursday for an extended tour in the East, where they will visit Washington and other places of note. Mr. Dirkeo will, on bis return, take charge of his father-in-law's farm. We eatend to them our heartiest eongratulattoits,and may their days of bappinasw be many. Tbe fol lowing is a list of the presents. Mr. snd Mrs. Packet, Western CwtUge or gen ; Mr. end Mrs. Jake Bear, maib'.e top canter table ; Dvid Ore wse, bale of barbed wire; Sheridan Smith, wicket rocker ; John Barton, hsnging tamp ; Cba. Msthewa, stand lamp; John Pratt, silver pickle castor ; Mies Kitty Goon, pair of towels ; Dr. Gaff, si.ver nspkin rings; George Devi, plunb album ; Miaa Kmms Johnwm,oraav piu casbion ; Mist Maggie Jtibnson, bend sainted tidy ; Mm. W. E. (Jit ben, 25 yards of brussels carpet ; Miss Ella Cliogmso, out glass sugsr sad cream hew I ; p. on etiquette ; Mr. and M.s. Clingman,silvet oarveis; Pass Gilliam, silver knivca and forka ; Dave Gibeon. ember water set , John Crewae, silyer teaspeons ; Rev. Bsyne, family Bible ; P. L. Bsyne, plush mir ror ; Mr. McNab, celery glees; Tone Gannon, gold lined silver oup ; Jebn MoBride, pi nab sofa ; Greg. Carter, Rochester lemp ; Jamea Garrett, fair of eogravtoga ; Mrs. Klleoore Porter, cut glees tnmblets ; Perry GarUr.embriaaed silrer cake backet ; B. P. Ztggler, decorated fruit s-t ; Mejor Jobneon. oil peicting ; Joe. Hawkina.bed rpiead. Tin: count LINK. When Senator Sherman was 00 his Southern trip a few weeks ego, be left a Birminghsm botel because the pro prietor refuaed to allow ooloied people at hi tables. 8 far, to well. But then Mr. Sherman, with much fuice of argument and heart of feeling,daeounc ad this "Southern outrage" snd con- damned tbe Boutbouism of the hotel proprietors, who instated on maintaining tbe color line in a form especially re pugnant to the enlightened sentiment of the present day. But d-Hta Senator Sherman Insist that the c dor Una shall be obliterated in bis own Stale ? It is alleged that in Ciw- einnati no reeanran or hotel admits colored people, except aa waiters snd servants. A colored attorney of WiU miogton, Ohio, while in OttStaaati recently was refused tba ptivilege si eating at one of the prominent reaiau- rants of that citv cn account of hie color. fie brought suit before a Magis " trate and jury, recover!, $25. and costs. A a an incident of the tital the testimony revealed tbe fact that no inoinnsti restaurant that catered fir the custom of the whites admitted col ored S6tde. The public would like U know wlnith. ar Senator Sherman is igoorent of ibia condition oi ibinga it the chief city of his own B ue And if he knows all about it what d JtM be do when in Cin cinnati ? Dues he avoid hotels aod restaurants and put ep with some lib eral -niiudt-d pi i vale citizen ? And is there any speech of Sen iUr Sherman's 1 ... . . . . en record dennunctne this violation of and restaurant keener, of Cincinnati ? To U, jn.. o.,o- au that, what is trood ssnc. for tha Al.b.m. goose in the matter of civil rights is good sauce for tbe Ohio gander t There is a faint but well-deHne.I In some qusrters that even on his favorite hobby that of equsl rights regardless of oolo. Q . -a . ua uin w k . in ii n iii ii i ea v a ri i ai m t. ri n h - ----- -w v f . uu aj v vt i ia w inconsistent. WHERE THE MONEY GOES. Missions, $5,000,000 ; public sd VIC tton, 185,000,000 ; sugar aod molasses, $150,000,000 ; boots and shoes, $196, 000,000 ; cotton good, $210,000,600 ; lamber, $233,000,000 ; woolen good, $237,000,000; iron and steel,$290,0n0, 000 : meat, $300,000,000 ; tobscco, I $350,000,000 : bread, $505,000,000 : liquors, $900,000,000. Two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight feet pur second was tbs initisl velocity of the 1800-pouud pro- jsetile fired twice with 1000 pounds powder frojs the new 100-ton gun in- tended for tbe British ship Ben Bow. MssWssWlaWsl ADORIdMM. tf the rttats Ceatral Oeataitttee of the Prohi bltory A mend went Iagee to the Voters of tbe Ntate of Oresjon fallow Citizens : In accordance with tbs expressed wish of man) thnusenn1 of I be people i Oregon, tbe Legislature Of the Slate ha ordained that tbe ques tion of tbs adoption of tbe following emsndarnt to the Constitution of tbe Slate shall be submitted to its legal votes at a special election to be held on the lib day of November next. ARTICLE 19. Hstcrio 1. The manufacture, sale, of giving away.or ths offering to sail or give away, or the keeping for aale of say spirituous, vinous, malt, distilled fermented, or sny intoxicating liquore whatsver is prohibited in this State, ex cept for mtdtcinal.scieutitTr, or tueehan ical purfioase. SECTION 2. The Legists tivs Assem bly shall provide by law In wttat man ner, by whom, snd st what ptsces such liquors or any of them shall be ins: u factored or sold or kept fur sale fot medicinal, scientific or taechanioal pur poses. Sxcriox 3. This amendment shall take effect and He in full force in s x months from the date of its retitlcetinn by I be electors. Section 4. The Legislative Assem bly shall without delay psss stl nacre- aary laws with sufficient penalties nee. eesary to enforce this amendment. In submitting I bis amendment to tba voters of (he 8tete at a special instead f a general election, the Legialatuie wisely dieengaged it from all quasti n f party pJitice, so that no Issue in volving detriment or advantage to any political petty as such is before the people, but solely the right and cxpl- tney uf making this amendment a par. o the "S'ipreme law" of the 8 ste. Whether tbe Amendment, if adopted, will lie tnede effective by laws paused by tbe iVgie'ature ; or whether such laws if enacted will prove sufficient for be end proposed ere quest ion a not now set for decision. Tbey will heve their place and their time. Itabo-ald n .t now be doubted that, if the majesty of taw solera uf tbe S'e'e deolsra in favor of this Amendment, fc'ia Lidetore will. in aceordety wilh that declaration,! J in c .:. funnily srt h tbetr wo oa!bs of office, peas such laws as tho amended Constitution will damadd. Tbe rffiebaoy ef such laws when psset d, and their bicding effect on ike couaetenees aid aetlooe of tba people, will dep-nd mainly, on two quest tons ; Fust : Will compliance with s eh laws tend to tbe good of tbe people as a whole ; and Secondly : Will they inflict injury, ar involve buidena acd resttioiious on tbe peisons and property of tbe people th its evils. Every effott to mske cf not demanded by the greatest good of feotive legislation fir such purpose bas .be community. That voters will he largely influenced for or sg.icat this amendment by any consideration other than lb t t the s ; - M " a e g1" " community si Ur4T d, n V'1 oursaleas fur a oment to believe. It would seem an unjustifiable ira- peach nient of Ameticfn citixenship to --i1 ""mo to be capable of cast- t..g bis vote on any other basis than thta. r cannot u"o:,'u ttil 1,,WI- lion ' . 'iar gu'.ci for - - . legialation, but that it ia a subject hose relation to all pubho interests is nuch aa imoerativelv to demand the moat repressive and prohibitory enact- r--r-- in ante, under the 100 t solemn and do- ciaive forms. If any are in doubt noon this oueslion. it xeetns unlv neueaaai v to outline some of th wrongs and arisaee met tne iiq-ior tramc mnicts and I a " . a s a ea a Pretuatea to remove such doubt. It ia desttuctive to the health, char acter, and morals of the community. It is ruinous to mary who are weak in bodv or mind. It is dangerous to young aad old ; but offers special temptations to tbe m a voans- ?u It.... 1 . . , it is tne aouraa unit i.tiintain neau 01 D0 aUWW CrlDnJ- . 1 . . It involves tbe HUte in an outlay tor 1 w . o. . Uudi. Vlriz, police, jails, ssy- ltun nd panitan'uries utterly oot of Pr0Prfc",n t0 e so oalled revenue .de- ved Trom It. I T. 1 i .ft .1 . 1 At aem,U(1 n ojntinue to ao- 10 tncreastog numbers, victims from everv eommunitv and we niirh - i m j ftom svery family in tho land. It sails around it tho ciitninal, the a. a vicious, tbe law-pppotig and law oe- fying elements of the body politic. It lays its hand on every cotrupting iniuence in politic and remorselessly tises tlat influence for its own support, tegsrdless of all the sanctions of right and all the sasrednesa of life. It degrades those who afe engaged in it, making many of them entirely unfit for the duties of citizenship, and inc-tp- ablb of meeting its true aohligations. It associates wi'h itself, snd is large Iy responsible for tbeir public existence, gambling, licentiousness, and all forms of of social vice. And, if there be any other fot m ' evil, any other character of public tmumi wrong, it will tie found closely allied to the liquor traffic as is now carried on ia our land. Under ibia impeachment of the trsffic we can ooneeivn of no good reason, no just plra for the ronti'.ntd. existence of the traffic under the license, snd shield ed by the sanction of law. If it must exit "ttbbli we do not concede it should only xist contraband of law,and with tbe brand of public disapproval and legal outUw.y upon it. Has not the lime fully come to apply to this deadly, festering sore in ibe community the surgeon's knife of absolute extru sion, the clean cautery of abolition ? Milder remedies are exhaooted in vain against it. Tbe softer sgendec of Good Templet's Lvlges, Women's Christian Ucionr, tba Christian Cbuich- es have failed to effect a cure. The home hes protected in vain. What is left to a ieopl. that have so lo?g suf fered the burden of all lbs wrocgS that this traffic hag heped upon them but to pronounce the deoision of etaolule lege! prohibition against itt Aad why not t Tbe laws to-day for bid aad punish the very Crimea, such as gambling, dtunkennees, obscenity,; lewdness, murder uf which this traffic is the prolific fouatsiu. Tbey ere pro hibited in lew, though they doexiatin fact. Why, then, should ,iot that ftom which tbey so generally spring be also prohibited in law ? Is it because tbe community has no right thus to protect itself ? This none will claim Is it lcause individual Interests may, poaeibly, suffer, and personal liberty may, in some eeea, be made to yield to tbe public good I This is ia the vary nature of Uw, and if, in anv ease, ft were ever justifiabl e it surely is justifi able here. Law must hoi I tba balanew firmly between personal librtty and public good ; bet wren advantage to tba eommuuity and tbe priva'e tights of tbe individual. And if it should hap pen list, in adopting the Prohibitory Amendment, some j eraon's 'rigbt" to inflict an it jury upon tbe poblio should Da restnre d, u should be remembered t'1- (hat person is himself a member of be community thus attempting to pio- Seat itself from the wrong of hie deed, sod that he MS b-tve no just right to do public wrong. Tba liquor atande condemned bef re tbe tier of public opinioa. Die- Unctions sought to be made between tbe veiioug branches of the ir.ffiV, fsii utterly to ekow more than that tbete be grade eod degrees of evil haw fluenoe and eff. et in i. Tbeadvocttea of high license bee had ao open held Vom 187S to 1887 to j aaa lawa to that aasl to demenstrato the; high IU canae wid fasttHst the traffic anddituin- failed. S m of tba atrongnst deuuoci- ationa of tbe evils of the liquor' traffic, and its allies, hive proceeded from the aame aourcee whence is now flowing op. ' 2 .. 4L a s .a. . poeiuon vo sns passsge ot u institution -1 Prohibition. But no friend of prohibition has fail- al to auppoit by vote and influence in ibe lecialstnre every measure hereto proposea to regulate or restrict, the defeat of such legislation doea not lie at -be door of those who are now appeal- w w" vrgon 10 UonstuuUonal A me a. J meat. Ins con- ceded mat many trienos of temperance 1 aaa. sa . av. ... at . -aa do not believe that Constitutional Pto- bibttlon la tbe beet remedy for the - wrongs reauhing from the liquot traffic But, to demonstrate that Ci8titutlon- al Prohibition is deairahle, wise, and practical, and that it cin lie made ef- feet ire, to show it baa resulted, whatever boueativ trietl, in immense material and moral benefit to the com tn unit v, to call as witnesses, officials, statesmen, ministers of religion, Journal lata, and writers, whose names are know, whose characters are tespeoted, whose testimony demands and will te- ceivs credit throughout Oregon, to ap- I pa loine ciergy 01 an uranvnee 01 mo lr s 1 -I !l t .. . I uuiuu cuureu, w sit euuuaujia ut riL. -i u i .it j 4. ..e 1 i 1 : .l il c ,1.000. 70oS, vo enu.v wouu v. ... I :i: 1 - - ; iij . . 1 : o s auamaruw in mw war, unng iu bear on the vote.S of the Stat all in fluences sppealing to aelf-reapect in tbe individual, snd regard for the growing youm oi inn otate are tne aim, auu I III L. iL. l e iL. T ...Uit.: win oe ine war oi rremoi io y Amendment liSague. Ibetr desire is to o conduct this OamDStso that no complaint can be justly prdVred againat the temper and spirit of their I I worsr. Those who have enlisted wt.l go through this campaign to the eod. The veteran and the recruit will vie in Cour (age until the final day. No oouuty, no town, no precinct shall want literature, speakers, canvassers of strong oonvtc- tions and earnest hearts. Sacrifices J will be called for tbey will be made. Opposition will be roused bat it mut be overcome. Arguments must be - vivid, real, strong, and every aid must be gathered in trm those whose eyes I are opened to inform, instruct and in- spire the doubtful. off No light work wassailed fcr whsn ltbl Legislature of Oregon submitted the SO 40 I NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Etc At px ices never before offered in Albany an N. H. ALLEN & GO.. are the ones that are propose to sell goods fori CASH AND PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the price3 given in any Spring Catalouge in the State. We propose here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that w il ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and samples seat upon ap plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany, Piohsbitory a.mndment to the people. Tbe work, tbe 1 (T r, lung, strong atid determined, is for us. The issue is with God. Our appeal to the voters to this state in behalf of t hi a Amendment is metis r,n no mere political or party grounds. Tbe occasion ia ton momentou an.i the issues involve! far too great for that. But for homes desolated, for citizenship Corrupted, for humanity degraded,for a country whose best life ia imperils 1, hose future can only be assured by the prevalence of right sentiment and the rule of right law, we ask them on the 8 h day of November next, to ingrsft into the constitution of thie State the "Prohibitory Amendment." To- lease of tho Otegon Railway & Navigi-i n Company's property to the Union Paoitio Railway Company, through tbn medium of tee Oregon Short Lne Railway, which is controlled by tbe Union Pacific,waa signed Mon day. The terms of tbe lease were sgrend to in November, but many obstae'es prevented the accomplishment of the scheme. Tbe last one to be overcome was the hesitation of President Adams, of the Union Pacific Company, in regard to tbe positive guarantee provisions of bis lease by tbe company. Tbe agree ment is ou bonds, snd dividends uf six per cent, on the stock far ninety-nine j ears. On account of leeal hindrances the lease is made to the Oregon Short Line Company, bet the Union Pacific guarantees the prompt and full per formance of all the conditions of the covenant. Ornaksansss, or Honor Habit, can be Cared b r administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be alien In a cup ot coffee or tea with out tne knowledge eAJbS person taking It, el. fectlng: a speedy andylrnmnent cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an aloe. lio.ic wreck. Thousands ot drunkards have i-een mads temperate men who have taken tho U tidaa Speciae lu their coffee without their MitiA-ltMlfte. and to-day hellcve they quit drink n? of their own fr WW. No harmful eftVcS -'i.ts from Its administration. Cures gunran---.l. Send tor circular and full particulars t trees m Qnundtnee (Joi ik. Co.. '. i .uce si., t ikvlnnat-i c.o. Remarkable Offer. Ths Democrat. 2. 30 Naw York World 1. 30 Fins Hwtort or thr U. S 3. 50 American Farmer 1.30 $5.50 And cheap at the price ; but we offer t te four for $3.25, giving s remarkable bargain. Drop the A merican Farmer and yen cm have tbe three remaining for S3. Drop t is World and Hietery and yon can have t te two ethers for 12.25. The history i a 3. JO page book nicely bound, aad is worth tie egnlar price. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADTOTISINO MEDIA..! B TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Special businea notices in Local eej nmne 10 cents per line, ft cents esfih additional Insertion. For legal aod transient arJveri'aemer t It 00 per square lor Ibe flrat insert ton .en ' 50 cents per so, u are for each eu bate nam insertion Rates for other advertisements made known on application. Boots, making the offer. We The Prinvil;e tfete is to be enlarged soon. Tbe .Veto is a ap:cv, neway, re liable decent psper. Patent .raaie i. PatenU gra ited to citizens of the Pacific States during the jxist week and reported ex pntely for the Democrat by C A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents opposite V. S. Patent Offke. Wash ington, D. C. : J M Thompson, San Francisco. Cab, mining car. J Pettinger, Santa Barbara, Cal , wheel and axle. F Reisner, Eugene City, Or key faatner. F Jackson, Oakland, Cel., stove or range. LT Chu, San Francisco, Cat., Chinese lantern. C C fJarter, San Francisco, smoke con suming furnace. R R Burrows, Potter Valley, Cal., beet puller. L Borland and T J Parsons, San Francis co, grain drier. Van Cleve, of the Vaquina Past never will quit his tad trick. Here is bis latest : County Clerk, Bush Wilson, and family. have located on their ranch back of West Yaquina, for the season. Brother Wilson called on us Tuesday, and we spent the time most deliehifullv discussing farming: ,and siock raising in the light of the latest scientihc development. As both of us held full hands m the discussion of these topics, what one didn't know the other having for gotten, time tied on silver wings. The fact ts, wnat we uon t know about these impor tant matters misrht be sold at auction on a rainy day and bring the top price, while Bush, by gracious, tell you what's a fact, in hgurcs and solid argument, he's a tower of strength himself, b'jerscy. New Store. Something Entirely Hew in llbaif , We have cmte to stay, and will deal fp SECOND HAND GOtDS of arkin.K STOVES, TIN WARE, CttCKKY, CLASS WARE AND FURNITURE People who hsve heretofore eeen enable to sell or ei--pi of articles will e writ to csll at our new store and reeeWe seek or irarte for same. We will seli new steels on hand at the very lowest figures, aad you will do well before buying elssws era to call at the stare occupied ly Mr. ZakeTr m. We solicit your ptronge. M. FRANKLIN & 60. THE RICHEST HUMOROUS BOOK of the Ace is SAMANTKA AT SARATOGA by .1 its la h Al lea's ir, Mit Holly gfast a1 lust soMonn tnuid tha hi;! .(ftshin st Saratov, sad takes off its follios, flirUtieits, Uw neck dretst UrsM A. I. Co, Csl UK'S pugi ya, aic, in nQr ituautabls nitrtli-provck u Btylo. The book i profusely iilustrsteS by 0per, th nmownel a tist of "Puck . " Will set Isasaesuetv Price t2.50. SMHUT ACkMTS WATSk a.i'