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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1887)
mm STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. rablUhed every Friday by STUBS 4 NUTTIKti. M 41 KM o F 'ITKia tveaaerral Ball I ttriisOelhlN Street. ritaae or suitsmiPTioN leele copr, per year, In adranee f. 0 si i4;a oo, pr ywar. MMd ol yssr M sluxl ,opy, tx month 1 Oft tnls mpy, three month 0 ul number e .(MiOKKHSIONAIi CARDS, L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT I AW, -AND- Notary Public. t, Oregon. OlTloe upstair, ovar John Brigee store, st street. vl4n2Stf J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC.) kTTOHNRY AT LAW, ALBAMY, OBKGO. iff ILL PRACTICt IX ALL THE COURTS Of THE Yf Stele. SpeoUi Attention given to collection and rbte aatltar. pi)1t la O LI Polio' Temple 14.1 I. O. POWBLL. W. II. RII.YBC POWELL BILYKU, vTTORNRYS AT LAW, And Solifitom in Ckifrr 4 I. It VI', ... ORROOlf . OollsoMons promptly made on all point. ( nnit negotiated on reasonable term. BsfOffloe In Foster's Brick.", vUnlOtf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND "Votary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Courts of .tits State. All business Intrnsted to him rill be promptly attended to. Isb W. CLARK P ortrait Photographer. Riflings hy appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Twsedsle's Building. ALBANY, - - . OREGON. E. W. LAN COON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in a first class Draft Store. Also a fine stock of pianos and organs. ALBANY. OREflOX. POSHAY 4 MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, A (rants for John R. A 1 den's publications, which we sell at publisher's rices with f ostageadied. ALBANY, OREtiOR. A. PEUSHAW, DRUGGIST, stationary, Mat i tides, Etc. rancnman cturcui t hied, Open dsy and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. I hare tbe best stock of urntture in the efty and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the city and the lowest price In the Valley. Come and Undertaking, a complete stock and can. give s.VMs r ACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Aioany Bath Mouse. fa g UNDgRSIUNID WOULD RgSPgCT 'ally lfortn tbs eitissnt of Albany and rl i tUt tkat I havetakssflhargsofthii Kttebllib aat, and, toj keeping- elsan rooms aad psria riot itteatiee to basiates, sxpeeta io init si oa who may favor us with tboir patronage avtofSeretofora serried os nothing bat rirst-Olass Hair Dressing Saloons tptot ta iv satire iatifilon Is s! ffTlMHtM sal Cisdiet' Hair nestW en kneee4 JOl wipPW. Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry St reets, ABANY - - OREGON. for Infants ;sso well adapted to children that I It as superior to soy prescription I reoonimsnd it as superior to any prescription oal T. I saiiiaaeBSS." a. A. Aacmta, II. D, Ui So. Oalord 8L, Brooklyn, It lsS sfiSJniOT BR TOO HIC.HXT BECOJIMETiIlED. AM IT IM TBUJLY A MARVEL OF THE AGE, and no household shonld be Without It, It prevent aa well aa cures NKIK i IKE AN EH, CiOVT, SIIKI -If ATIHM.URAVKI- and all HIDKEY IIHE AHEM, AFFECTED LIVER, HBADAOHR, NAI NKA, BILE, WIND, IHDIGEMTIOM, CONHTIPA TIOBf, DKABBHtKA and DYHE.VTEUY, IE VERM rind AGUE, MLEE1. T ssalSMEMfe, LAMM ITU DE, FOUL BREATH, and every disease brouffht oat or ajrravated by a disordered Htomarli. It is st apeetfle aaalnet Cesttanieit, and an eflleaeloaa remedy fr sudden and severe COUCiHM. UOLBS. AsTHJIA, the PILES), J A US I BICE, etc It Puriflis th Blood, Cleanses the Stomach and Bowels, and gives the whole system s Healthy snd Delightful Tone. There never was s Medicine for the Xursery equal to it, snd brdag competed of herbs only, It ran be given sifcly t j Infants, It is s triumph in ruedirine hsnalsss, ye; efBeaeioas. Invaluable in the family, ou the road, at the mine, at sea, sad State VOL. XXII. A Little Sufferer Clennsed. lurUlel, nnil llenull. lied by lh uticurts Remedies. II afford m pleasure to give you IhU reptrt of tit our u( our Ikttl gran lihll.T by your t'utii-ur Kni edle. When U mouth ultl hi UK hsnd titn to swell and had 01 ) eppesrsnea el s largo boll, W i 'i iced It. hut all lo no purpose. About flv inoa'ks lurwrj It tnvAiup sruiu.litK or. Soon othr Mtr formed. ll thit had two w( them 011 e-h baud, and aa hi bkxxl hfuem mors ami mora Impure It took lea tint for thorn to break out. A sore osam out on th chtu, beneath th under Up. which was enr of fensive. Ilia liead was oue eolld osb, dlschsnf In grest deal. This was hla condition at twenty-two luoiiUia old, when 1 undertook ts oars of him, hi mother having died whan ba was s little mora than year old. oteummmptlo.t (norofuta of count) II oookl walk IliU. but oould not get up if he Ml down, and could not move when Inked, having 110 uaa of hla hsnd. I lnunellstel,v otuiuencsd with the tHiti, ur. Ratiiwlin.. utnjj ihe tntvurw imI lutUnir .! freely, end when he bed Uhan one bottle of thei'uttouis keeolveut, hla head waa oomoletely ouret, ml he wa Improved In every way. Ws werv venr anuwh it-.iir.l, and wMNiind th tte m the KomiHitr for a year at.4 halt. On sore after an other heeled, a houy metier tormina In each one of these are deep one Jum before heallnv, which would filial I v grow one and were taken oat ; then they w..o!,t hral rwutdH Oueofthcee ugly boee form tlon I preserv ed After taking a dnsen and s half I kU lea he was completely cvfwtt, and la now at the age of eix veara, a atrwag and healthy child. The awn on hie bend must alwaya .t-nuJji ; hla band are strong, though w on.e feared he would never he able to um them. All that physician did for him did him no good. All who saw the child before using the Cu Ileum Kemedie and the child uow eoneider It a wtrnderful ewe. M Ike ebo-e facts are of any ue to yea. yoa are at liberty to use them. May Jth, lsH6. MRS. H 8 PBIOU8. SIS g. C'ay St., lUoomlngtoa, III. The child wse really In a worse condition tksa he a i pew red to hla grandmother, who, being with him eve'y dsy, became ar customed to the dlaesss. MsUtilE IIOPPINO. Cull cur Remedies are sold everywhere, Prie fuUcura, the great akin cure, AO ets ; CuUcurs Soap, an siiiite IwavutlBer. th ets ; Cut! cur Resolvent, the New Bfoed Punflcr, 11. Potter Drug sad Chem leal Co., Boston. Beael for "las le Care Skla Bseasea." sAfjN;, 8osir, pimply sad Oily Skin keautl I I Ull fled by CuUcura. BACK ACHE, WEAKNESS, L'Wiio Pain. Horiee snd LsntencM teedUy cured hy that nw, origin!. e!c , -.ill and latalllbl antidote to sin and aaWaaaSJasssaa, th t'uticur Ann nMS Plaster. At Druggists'. SSe, Red CrownMills (SUM, LANNINO & CO., PROPR'S. saw raocaas rxocs srrxsioa fob pamiubs A Sin BABBBS CBB. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Kighoit ;Price in Cash fc Wheat ALBANY OR. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only bst Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. AUK NTH WAKTBD to U "KEVIN I8CEXCE8 of 0 TBABS la the NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BY BEI PERLEY P00RE Illustrating the Wit, Humor snd Eccentricities of steal relet. 1 tic. A richly lllaslrateel treat of Inner Society History, from "ys olden time" to the wedding of ClsveUna. Weawerfally smpalar. Agents report rapM sales. Address for circular snd terms. A. L. UkM'UOVT at ., Pvbtiah era. Ban Ersncisco, Cat . c. r frnr.nm ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Sncoasaors to 0. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iro? Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AT.l, completed, and are now prepared to handle all Binds or heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds "'Iron sad Brass Castings, PtTTEK MASK Off SHORT ffOTMR. pntal attention given to repairing ali Kinds of machinery. Will also manufac tare the improved Cherry A White firslo Bsearator and Children, I Cattserla cores Colic, Constipation, I Boar Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Mils Worms, gives sleep', and promotes dl WltSotttuJorkms madksBaon. CawrAoa OoaVAinr, 1M Pulton Street, If. T. Wnwhinif ton. (from our regular oorrstnondsut. ) AsiiiNii ros, April IHth, 1887. Next inonih tho Nttiionsl 0pUul will see more of th pomp Bad clr cumstsiirc ot wr" tlian evpr before. It la prottable too that the largest crowd f vhltors that ever aaaomblpd lo this sH will come to wltues the most novel event that will take place here during the present year. The National drill will commence on the -'3rd of May ami will cloae on the 30th of that month, De0sfrtton Dty," with a grand comhiritlon parade upon the brood, atphait streets of soldiers from everywhere. The North, South, Bast and West, Lake regions and Qulf section! will he represented hy their contingent f sightseers as well as their cltlsen sol diery who will compete for ihe prists. May finds Washington In Its glory ; fresh verdure, balmy sir and flowers, aod military dixplay are always po pular. The flare of brass band, the phrlll piping fifes, Ihe "heroic voices of the tugtes," the rattling drutaf, Ihe burnished arms, brilliant uniforms, prancing steeds, white city of tents, ard flying banners always appeal to the senses snd martial spirit of the people. The grounds fur the camp are the monument grounds lying around the Washington monument ; and the drill ground is that level ellipse lying just south of the White House,known as the While L i This level plain Is one half mile In circumference snd stands will be erected around It on which tn seat the spectators. Here will dally be held the contests to prove the excellence of the cavalry, Infantry, artillery snd snisve ladles. Every evening during drill week there will be a grand brigade dres parade, and on Governor's d".y and Memorial day the entire army corps from Gamp George Washington will parade through the streets of the city. Each evening also the grounds will be Illuminated for promenade con certs, and other attrsctlons which are being prepared for the public. Resides the $26,000 to be dlstrlbu - ed in cash prizes, there will be gold, sliver and bronxe medals, special medals and plate trophies aud atands of colors. Some of the companies which are entered for the drill have aid In advance that they have no expectation of winning prises, hut that they are coming flmply for the recreation and pleasure of the trip. Thirty-six States are already repre sented In the apr Iications made for entry, and yesterday one was receiv ed st the drill besdqusrters from Ditkota. One very important feature of the affair la tbe provision for board and shelter for the Immense crowd of visitors thatwlll como to Wsahlngton fs a city of hotels and boarding hous es. It was not crowded during the Cleveland inauguration, although it was estimated that tnere were then two hundred thousand strangers in the city. Washington often many inducements for a week's visit, be sides the National drill. It It hy far the moat beautiful as well aa the most lntrrestiog city In the Union, and Arlington, Bladcnsburg, Mount Ver- non, Harper's Ferry and many other historic spots aro close by. The action of the two military companies In withdrawing from the drill because of the participition of colored troops In the contest, crested . Hill S no nine surprise among trie mana gers. At first they wore dUposed to credit the dispatches from Alabama. When they were confirmed, Secre tary DeLoon of the drill committee remarked, that he did not propose to criticise the withdrawal of the Mont gomery companies, they had a per fect right to come or not as they pleased ; but regarding the admis sion of the Virginia 8ale Guards, he said that they are rocogniapd an1 regularly organized aoldiera of the State of Virginia, and their right to enter could not be denied under any law, civil, military or moral. Gov. Ie had assigned them places In the military ceremonies' at the laying uf tho corner stone of Richmond's City Hall. Our committee," said he "Is composed almost entirely of Demo crats and of Southern men : but there wan not the least hesitancy or delay when the first colord company made Its formal application. The Montgomery Grey's and the True Blues are the only organizations whl?h have withdrawn, but in view of be fact that colorded soldiery took part in the Inauguration of President Cleveland without giving offense to any section, it Is to be regretted that the admittance of colored military lo a National encampment of volunteer soldiery, Intended to illustrate their proficiency in the manual of arms, should be construed ag an impropriety by even two companies. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, APPORTION HUNT OK COUNTY Ht'HOOt rt;Ni. April U b, 1887. No. of Districts reporting, 99. N.i. tf pet son between 4 and 20 years A700. mount pro rata per op.t, $2.00. Total amount apportion I, $19764. 85. P 1 P, 1! 1 1 ill i 1 32 132 20 51 27 11010 2 57 198 20 52 163 473.80 3 68 226.80 53 29 126.40 4 89 281.40 54 41 156 60 5 740 1974.00 56 77 250.20 6 51 182 60 56 67 7 73 239 80 57 8 124 372 40 58 37 146.20 9 22 107.20 9 34 138.40 10 29 125 40 60 45 167 00 11 63 213 80 61 29 125.40 12 67 224 20 62 30 128 00 13 91 286 60 63 19 99 40 14 89 161.40 64 34 138.40 13 66 221.60 65 25 115.00 16 219 619,40 66 89 161 40 17 89 281.40 67 40 15400 18 66 195 6 0 68 37 146 20 19 47 172.20 69 28 122 80 20 70 232 00 70 37 146 20 21 31 109 85 71 34 138 40 22 56 195 60 72 10 76.00 28 26 117 60 7 3 69 229.40 24 48 174 80 74 98 304 80 25 61 208.60 75 42 159 20 26 79 255 40 76 42 169.20 27 33 135 80 77 30 128.00 28 59 208.40 78 26 117.60 29 37 146 20 79 25 115 00 30 26 117.60 80 60 806 00 31 44 164 40 81 75 245 00 32 71 234 60 8 2 41 156 60 33 31 130 60 83 35 14100 34 33 187 80 84 38 135 80 35 30 128.00 85 11 78.60 36 65 219 00 86 18 96.80 37 93 291.80 87 38 135.80 38 30 128.90 88 36 143 60 39 60 206.00 89 42 159.20 40 46 169 60 90 39 14 30 41 149 437 40 91 80 128 00 42 215 609.00 92 22 107.20 43 62 211.20 93 28 122.80 44 19 99 40 94 60 206.00 45 33 1 35 80 95 01 208 66 46 25 115 00 96 31 130 60 47 25 115 00 97 26 117 60 48 48 174.80 98 26 115.00 49 60 208.00 99 24 112 40 50 43 161.80 100 23 109 80 D. V. P. Rain, Co.inly H hool Superintendent. I'Klt-o s 1 1. King Willi u hs b-en tio told by fortune tellers that U would live to be ninety-six ye trs oli. Mr. Genres W. C olds will present to tbe West Point Military eaUmy a life sizi p tinting of Gen. Grant. Gsn. A r.hs n D. Hasan, third as sistant poitmaster gsneral,wbe has jest retired to private life, was the first to recommend the r ..imiioi of tbs postage from three to t cents. Mrs. Sally GUlette, of Buektsod, , eelebrstd bar lOOto birthday r can 'ly. SSe shook hsnl with 200 friends who called to oongratu'at bar, and, it it said, "iVitnJ rata social pow ers. o Msj r E. Burk, of tbe New Orleans "Times-Demaora'," has jnst been given sn estate io Honduras tbst will make him one of tbe richest landed proprie tors in tbe world. It is ISO miles long snd 100 miles wide. Anthony Btnio,nn of the late Pres ident of Quetemslsds a student of Wnst Point,nd youog Ztrala, the son of the man who overthrew and ceased tb destb of Presidsnt Barrios, is !so at West Point,trd is biolaam. C ilonol O. W. vil engineer, who located the line of tbe Central Pa cific through the si.n-r Nevadss, is tbe origiostOf of a scheme thst will, if con summated, sdd immeasutably to the wealth aod prosperity of this country. His idea ia to bniM a cnl 3fty miles long, costing 1.000,000,tocariy water from the Ofta snd Colorado rivers to irrigate fbe alluvial land io tLis sec tion. Colonn! Norton and John W. Dorriogton, president cf the Mobawk canal company, have matured the form er's plan and have submitteo tbem to a syndicate of capitslitte, who anqutli- fledly indorsed its practicability with an assurance rf ample financial eneonr. ageueut. It is thought the canal will reclaim not lest th in 180,000 acreH of as rich and productive lnd at, there is on the contiaent. The Mark Lane Express,in a review of the British grain trade during the past week, says : 'Deliveries of native wheat have been restricted. The re mainder of the crop ou hand is now supposed to he small and vslues are hardening. Sales of English wheat during tbe week will reach 36,967 quarters at 30c 10 J , against 49,954 quarters at 30. 10 1. during tbe cor res ponding period last year. Foreign wbeat is firmer, although inquiry is in active. In Liverpool tbs market prices are Id. higher. Quotations of wheat' cargoes on passage sre nominal. To-day wheat is quiet but steady ,nd prices are rather against buyers. Flour is steady. The United Labor party of Chisago has divorced itself from the Socialistic element. This is a split in the right S5 cubiuus racTs. Neither win,al nor brsndy baa ever been manufactured in Japan. Coy Ion la tba only English colony that contributes snytbing to lbs im perial navy. f here sra said te be between 3000 !! 4000 pensioners of the United 8 stes residing in Gsrasuy. fbe slave ttade flourishes- opt nly on the Mtdagasear ooaet. Tbe slaves are oaptured io tbe interior uf tbe ialsnd b roots agents. A GisSow marsh ant akd Quu Victoria to aeeept j ihilee gift of a seat weighing five tons, mads from tbe milk of 8500 Canadian o s,hut aha de clined. A chelating villsge named I To r, in tbe depat totem of Aideuhe in Franco baa become unintiainUMe, owing to U,e number of crimes, and tbe people have migrated in a bsly tj mote peaceful regions. Tbe Kt ig of Denmark mWi bate a soldier in his army iitless tbe unu has a large and robust noes. Such noses adteate firmness ucbaiacter, and tbe oitetv-seveu men who eomtiose the Danish army must Im d-?udd on to repel all iavaeioa. Daniel Miller, wbu recently died in Chequers Township, fa., at the age of 103 years and eight mouths, are the father o o n ch I Ire.i, tba grendf4tht of 71, the grest-r nd father of 155,ai.d tbe great-gfeat-grndfsl ge of 3 A faulty of Florida natives rees'.t'y pasaed through Gaines vi(ie,four of whom boys from sis to ten years oid, wore al most ex.c ly the same aiaa snd w. tgh . The father explained tbst wbee tl ey Cams from the chills and f. ver were o bad that tbs children stopped growing whan they were about sis years .,lo. During a severe storm remssjtlj at Heels, Pa., large floeks ot eild semj and docks flying northward were driven doaru, and tLsn were attracted by the light of the coke ovens. Many birds fed upon tbe evens and fl -ond-nd around, dazed by the light or singed by tba beat.and about ten swans and twen ty ducks were oaptured. At last lbs Great Etstern is to be emyloyed in tbe trad f.r which she was constructed, voyages to A us r die. Her pad ilea wilt I tsaso out si I stronger engines will be put in, will which tbey h tpe te get up a s;m, uf twenty knots. Shs bad m I- f on '.sen knots with bar old engines. To eeoom pttsh tbe hopes of tbs new owners, 18, ODD-horse power will be required. Forty years ago aa old Isdy io Raid w n, FIs., about to die.made ber child ren promise not to bury bar body. She threatened to baunt them if tbey did, and so when ahe was dea I they pi seed the body in a stout coffin -f Florida pioe, placet it on tbe surface of tbe groon I in ti graveyard, at.d built a strong log M?n around it. Tbe log bouse is in goo I o todition now, an I at is tbe coffin within i. GOOD SHOWING. Brsdat rest's, a paper devoted to tbe subjects of financ, industrial progress, etc, bss secured reports from three thousand points in tbe country with reference to the number ef persons em ploye I in the various industries of the country and wages paid employes, as compared with the number of persons employed snd wages paid two years ago. At tbe latter date, as reported by this journal, wages of industrial employees bad bean reduced throughout tbe Est- srn, Middle and oeutrsl Western States an average of 10(a) lo per oxnt., while nearly 350,000 fewsr employees wore at wotk than in 1882, when the proapetMtis season, which began in 1879, a at its heighr. It is surely worth knowing that at this time therv are at least 400, 000 more industrial employees at work than io 1885, and that wagita bare, on the whole, together with full tim now, as against reduce 1 hours of labor then, brought the reoeipts of labor generally to tbs level of 1881-82 In some in stanoss thty bava been advanced stiil higher George William Brown, Chief Judge of the Baltimore Supreme Court, was Mayor of that city on the memorable 19th of tVpril, 1861. He is now ater seventy )eats of age, hot at the last municipal election wm the "tefotm candidate for Mayor. H was defeated by a smali majority. Though Mayor Brown in 1861 wti uot opimaed te secession, lie did all he c ml. I to pt stent tbe Sixth MjsaacbuHLtc-t Regiment- ia its disastrous march through tbe city. Later in the war he waa imprisoned in Fort Warren by the G iverrmeut. Her Majesty Q lenu Victoria hits scut a check far 100 to the Q teen's Hos pital at Burmingham. Her Majesty must be growing geuerou, as during a M e s a .-n -v a a tbe famine ot loou sne sent only oue hour's pay to the feudal-stat ved Irish. During the same period, a sea Lustres?, who refused to give her name, entered the Pilot office, Boston, and gave John Boyla O'Reilly six months' sav ings,snd when asked for bar nams.said : "G d emocrat 1887. HOW TO MAKE YOl'KHKI.K AUKKKABbK Very tartly, if ever,yourg persons w quire the ability to Converse with ease snd fluency. This implies. 6. at of all. W B) W good idee,olarly sou sensibly i x press cd. An euip'y mind never made s good talkt r ; remember, "you caut.ot drssr water out of an empty well.' Next in importance is ttlf-pos sssion. MSel(-posseseiou is nine HiiotS in the Isw" of good bleeding. A good yoice is sn essential of self possession ss good ideas are essential to fluent language. Tbs voice, from in- fene.v, should be carefully trsined and developed ; a ful', clear, flexible voice is one of tbe surest Indies tints of geed breeding ; it falls bite music on the ear, snd while it pleases the )ietenar,it add to the onfldsncs of its possessor, be be ever so timid. One mtv be witty with out being popular , voluble without be ing sgrseabls ; s great talker snd yet a giest b-trf. It. is wi-r, then, to note csrefu ly the following suggestions : Hi sincere ; be who hsnitually sneers at everything, wil Uot only render him self disagreeable to otbers,but will soon oesae Ut find pb-asu-e in life. Be frank ; a frsnk,open couatensnce, and s cl-ar, chnery laugh, are worth far msrr, even sucisliy, than "p. dsntty in s stiff cravat." Be amiable ; you my bide a viodic- tire nature under a polite exterior for a time,as a oat masks its sharp elswt in vehet fat, but tbe least provocation brings i ut ooe ss quickly ss tbe other ; tll-ne'ured persoits sre always disliked. Bi sensible ; society never lacks for fituls. If you went elbow room "go up higher." Be cbeetful ; if yuu have ne great trouble on your utnd,yon have no right to tender other people miserable by your long face ar d doiotoos tones. If yen d you vi. ill be gem rally at oldest But above all, be cot dial ; true cor dteliiy unites all tie qualities we save euumetated. Ch-mbetlain charges :hst tbe follow ers of Gladstone have allied tbsmselves with mu whose I ends are stained with h ood. He seems to think that tbe Irish psttiots ihoold lie down aad per mit themselves to be stamped on by himself snd but Tory friends. When a man defends himself agsinst a brutal B'greasor, he does occasionally gat a little blood on bis fingers. 'ea , Tbe Interstate Commt-rce Commis sioner vary in height from the gigantic Walker, who is ntneb over six feet in height, io Judge C jo ley, who is only about five f-et six. Conmisaioner Brs;g is the typ:cet Southerner. In bis dr. he evidently takes Attorney -Gen atal G i land for a model. Commis sioner Schoonmsker looks like a censer v a i 'e buainnea ma. His features much r-s -ruble Blaine's What a terrible sourge to the coun try is this "curse of Democratic admin istratiou." Iira,Utrtet$ tells us tba aggregate of receipts of wages by labor ers is as high now as in tbe high water mark year 182, and that there are nearly half a milh .n more man em ployed in our industries. Either com mercial statistics or Mr, Blaine's pre dictions are wrong. Both cannot be right ; and io ibis case it is quite cer tain that the figures uo not lie. The Director oi tbe Miat has issued a circular inviting designs for the riUt r dollar and minor eoios of the United States. An award of not to eacoed $500 will In mid fir each aoaspted set of designs. What ' Pass Will Do. The following account of how Wachita, Kan ., was built up, I so good that we give t in our local columns to show what can be done byenterpriae and push "We organized. We held almost nightly meetings, and among the nrst things we agreed upon was to hang together, and stay by each other through thick and thin. We had but one purpose to benefit the place, knowing that if it prospered we would all do well. We advertised by hundreds of thousands of circulars. We set lorth all our advan tages in such a manner that stranger who were led by our circulars to give us calls were not deceived, but on the contrary agreed we had not put it as strong as we might We thus got the confidence of the visitors, who wrote back East te friends published glowing correspondence in their own local papers, and carried back with them wonder ful tales of this delightful southwest coun try And the newspaper advertising did double the dutv. Our people made it a rule to ad vertise in our local papers, and to ask their friends to advertise. We then subscribed for large numbers of copies, with local advertising, and full ac counts of our future prospects and great ad vantages, and we found bv conversing with parties who finally came here prospecting, that the full advertising columns ef our pa pers which they had seen, did more than all else to impress them with the growth and importance of the place. We found that we could not overdo this the more we paid out for this purpose, the more were our profits. Every newcomer was a customer to most of our stores, and while their advertising paid to them rich re turns, it served the double purpose to im press the Eastern man who had an eye to business, with the fact that Wichita was In fact a rising town, and thus we have gone on, until we have an added population since I came here of over 30,000, and property has increased in business places more than a thousand fold, and in the country round us the appreclati.n has been over 400 per cent. Rev Editor, Brother, Clerk, J R N Bell, P. E , of the Rosebarg Review will retain ownership in that piper duting his connec- NO 3! NEW SPRING GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Etc At prices never before effered in Albany aa N. K. ALLEN & CO.. are the ones that are propose to sell CASH AND PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the pries given in any Give You Prices upon application by mail ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicitor!, and plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 rirst Street Albany, Pateats SiraateB. Patents gra ited to citlsens of the Pacific States during the past week and reported cx- prescly for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash ington, D. C. : H Albert, Crescent City, Cel., elevator. J Fatjo, Santa Clara, Cel., sulphur sprfnk ler. A Gaukroger, San Francisco, Cat. tank bottom. E Hoaford, Oakland, Cal , vapor bath. D Lubin, Sacramento, Cal., clod crusher. J McKeon, San Frandsce, Cel., pin rait attachment for vessels. E Remillard, Oakland, excavator and grader. E H and S Truax, Truax Land, W T., car coupling. A P Whittell, San Francisco, CaUphotog raphic apparatus. Near Lincolnton, Cia., is a spring whose waters are said to have the properties far which Ponce de Leon was seeking when he discovered Florida. As a proof that the water is conducive ts longevity, it is said that the inhabitants of a cottage near the soring have all lived to a remarkable oid age. The youngest person known to die in the house wss on years old. Another lived to be 95, another' 1 10, and tbe present occupant claims to be 115 years old. It is just possible the vhtue may be in the old cabin and not In the spring. Druakenaess, or Liqmr Habit, can be Carrel by aimiaittariag Dr. Koines' Golden Specific It ran be gh en In a cup of coffee or tea with out ttte Knowledge of the person taking it, ef testiest a speedy and yci nnmcnt cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an a co lonic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have is on mads temp-rat men who hare taken the t; ildiMi Speclflc in their coffee without their fcnon ledge, and to-day believe they quit diink- int f their own fr-e w li!. No harmful etleet -eU ts from Its administration. Cures tuamn- -I Ret id for etreular snd full partlettiars. ' tress tu SoUld' see Uot wen M'scirtc to;, ;.- ,ue M l . O...0. An Eastern paper in perpetrating the fol lowing shows how little it knows about the Jfreat Northwest : The Indians of Wash ngton Territory have an ingenious method by means of which they kill a great many deer in a short time. They take some old blankets, well scented vith Indian, tnd fasten them at short intervals upon the bushes, making a long line of bushts so covered Then taking in a large area of timber, they gradually close in on the frightened deer. When the animals h;ive reached the line of the blankets they travel round In a circle like a whirlpool, reins ng to pass the line of blankets. This enables the Indians to kill them as rapidly as they please. THAT HACKING COUGH em be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Fosbsy A Mason, ag'ts, '0 WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiio i's Cure will give 1b mediste telle f. Pilss TBE RICHEST HUMOROUS BOOK if the Age is SAMANTHA AT SARATOGA by JestaB Alice's Wife, Miss Holly spent U lust seasons aiuid the whirl ot fashion at Sarsto ra, snd lakes erT its follies, flirtation, low neck dreed i, pug does, ate., la her Inimitable mirth-pro v. k ng atyls. The book is profusely illustrated hy Opper, t He renowned srust ot "rucK . STATE RluftTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVETI8IHtr MEDIUM IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Special basines not ire. In Loee) ceJ UD,I 104 cents per line. 5 cents esfh additional Inserthm. t,r ''H! and transient advert.'semer t SI 00 per square for tbe flrat t iV "fl1 Per srpasre fur each snbstoneet laser Uor, Rates for other advertisements mad known on application. making the goods for offer. We or otherwise that w ii New Store. Something Entolj lew in Altai j. We hsve some to stay, and will deal in SECOND HANB GOODS ofsllkinda. STOVES, TIN WARE, CttCKEftY, CLASS WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING G0001 People who have heretofore eeen oaat.le se or aispoae of articles, will 4a well esli st our new store and reeetve sava or trafle for same. We will mU nmw you will do wll before snvine elawhere the stare oocn pied byr, Zsker man, e solicit your patronage. M. FRANKLIN & CO. First National Bank OFkrAf.BBri or :;. - - - 1 ifniitni WM B w r 1 wiimi 1 p $5 '"T- OEO. 1. CHABBI TRANSACTS A OKXERAL hanktn? Hustaeea. AOOOUXTS KEPT subject to check. SIOHT RXCRAKOK snd tslerrsnht krsnsfw. sold jKew Terk, Baa rrsoctaee, oaJVaaafSril . (X)LLECTIOVS MADE on farorable Ssrsss. MsacToss. . R Torse. Sso g SsissaaaAi!. L. B BtAw. 1,. Km, Walts g Tt asstL, J. L. COWAN. , J. W. e!j3lft Linn County Bank, COWAN A 0USHV. ALBANY - si OREGON. TRANSACTS a eensrsl bsnkinr kastasss DRAW SIGHT OR arra nm ar v-i. - etsenaml Portlssd, Oregon. LOAN MO.VBY on approved ssearifty. RBTKIVE depvdt subject to abeek. COLLEOTIOVS entnuui,! . . -ill v tention. H. F. MERRILL, ALBANY, - - - GRE6GM. EXCHANGE oj lias Y..rk, few Frsaeo sa Portland, Or,, boujrht snd sold st lowesv rate. $oBJ DEPOSITS received raUjeet U check. INTEREST allowel .in tin . lrA8iti. COLLECTIONS will reeeiva preaapt atteaUes. Fire and Marine Inuranee pHaed is reliable at. passes. MILLER BROS, Field, Vegetable and Flower leeif , IMPERIAL EGG FOOD, GARRDSIK TOOLS, FERTILIZERS, ETI, es Keceaa Street, Bel. Salasea aad Tar las. k ery where.