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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1887)
Site democrat. HOW IT WOHKH. OORBB8POND8N O rivvj"ji ISclo. THK It K Al KSTATK BOOM. We would call the attention of our rnadara a pi in to the very unfair and w . - - 1 a ft. ..4 FRIDAY MAY C. 1887 uoequtl workiogof the U under which May the r..iaeno. the public oftbe oouniy ; ere apportioned br the County School M. , . Q, merriei. We . .mrtn ihn several die L.-M.i itaKiiiil ill j t inn a. The boom in reel eetete now ee uni- , , . triett of the county. There ere one qq Saturday morning lest Mm. A. vera.! throughout the country .a a tract. ht)() JUulctB in ,ht ooUOtT,od the 0., daughter of K. M Da-lttt, lag the etteotion of people of ell dames. . . , .k.M .i:,.-!,,,. he. died of quick consumption, at h r homo w t-.-ii i. .l J 1 J. nurawr oi wrwu- u I , ... -Te near i in wo uiuwu-j w.7t . . j on i frtfM in D01O. tween toe ego oi ao " MY SPRING STOCK -Ha arrived, Includlog- on the atreete end corners of country towns end villages, the farnper et hie plow stops to ul'c t j e passing neighbor about it, the railroad oar is filled with it, the counting house ooosee in with e full share of it, end so it goes. Real 1 II r 1 - . It I . . ,i . Tini ih.UrtMl v niofl naa cntnmouotMi ousioess 10 in the smalleet to 740 in the Urgent. k ... u ,, , . I WIISIU IH Jtl"l liailllK IVUIHI I'll l" districts have " . n , . . . . Ill Ui ui k mi wiihifk v gum n wirn Oil Twenty-three of these less than 30 parsons who are within the Qro tttooett. ages given above. Forty-nine have ytT Oscar Johnson, of Hlem,was in leu than 40. Those draw public funds town Monday. who are between the ages of 4 end 20. Judwje U. L. l)n is, of Albany, was ' ! ir..i.. a. ulu.injinilrin(.hfiD hsii Bundav and smiled uuon his many cf year, from a variety of ..user, but it lZZ ill friend, st hi. old home. is evident now th.t it i. to .dyano. The Oregon Pecitto .urveyor. and tie from the prices which have ruled dor- of th county among the oral district at.North Scio receiving the ing the last few years, and that it will of hi 00,1,,t-,f' u r,,lr4 irit to ties that bate been made this winter, never return to those figure, again. Prt W for ech district without re- There ere 40,000 at this place. JWrfrsW's iniu last issue gives its I1 tbt l'P "oh The Odd Fellow', excursion to SiU reader, en iuelght into the -boom- Tb dw;rlc' '"J J 10010 1.0." tWMlr thMW, j.; . it that has but 10 pupils entitled to draw by the young folks of this place, footing twenty-three slttss where its r-r jt WM Mla that some toughs from Scio correspondent have made careful in- Blon,r lbu" Pr 'hoUr 10 lDii oausod trouble, hut they were from Fox veetigsUone The followiog is a brief firit apportionssent, while the district Valley, ws think, summary of its report. : In Brooklyn, hM bl P"li gtk ,lu, J. 0. Johnson is at Albany on busi- New York, real eeUte rules et from 25 0 Pr cbu,ir- Ther kis week. ti AO n.r saws th- nrU of thrM ' injustios here too Bagiant to be Scio has need of more business bona year. ago. The seme is trns of Phils- dsfended upon sny grounds of fair deal- es. .... . . .... . , lino Aftitr nh ilifttrittt ha. rOOOlVed I 101 aeipma, twswn, sc. laum, uoiusaous, . - . , , beck it un . - .. . m, ... I itm XAll. thn ht lit elt ol M1B BOOOOl I minneepoii-. Kansas uicj, wiceiw, yr - " - A Prohibition meeting will be hehi Neshville, St. Paul, Duluth, Louisville w ' et the old Providence Ohuioh, on the end CleveUnd. The meet remerksble "noM 01 lDe C0U0l,r " Il0"00 w 4th Saturday in Msy. advancee in prices of reel estate as well lhe nu0,br of P"1 hetween the ages Min J(ne3r evrai U trnohiag io lht ee progress io kinds are ef 4 anJ 3 J' tu,t wh b ,uU p" Richardson dwtrioc. We wish bsr to be found in Richmond. Birmingham, portiootncQt is made the em.U dutrict abundant success in the celling she bee n . r. . . . . . I nf ill .mm iihrtra nirnnd smla I OU uositaooogs, fori smith, sc. Joseph, " ' -r Rome Md some other southern cities. tr 0D'ur. WBU" l"r, w,n ' ,v The indiostions point to verv sreat ac- P0'" but 2 66 Pr ohoUr- 11 I.. . . a .il tf-ft. I ew t .a .tn . s tivttv in all kind, of business this sea-1 tD reexier win use ins raoie wmcn we iue raiuy wostoer sun oontinuee. published last week on the brst page of I Mrs. r . i. Smith, who b.s been sick, the Democeat he will see how the un w able n do her house wot k. smo.Dt in the severel distrio's varies Phil, rfunth end wife went to Silver- r no ait t S7 en mm. TK. ton Tueiday on the Odd Fellows' ex- ee wan. vuv ww v vw vva svs-w-- i w lo enother column we publish e tab-1 fewer pupils there ere in a district the nler .tst.msnt showing . financial ex- more money it gete per pupil. Thoee hibit of the eeveral aoliojl districts of who were instrumental in setting this Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept In a flrst-clns. Dry Goods sod Boot and Shoe House, from the cheapest to as good a quality them Is a demand for. I bought these goads mostly in Nw York and Cbiosgo snd AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES. H i BLAIN DOESN'T WANT THE EARTH ! ' " HQBsnsw fijfffl w and have and am receiving better location could not be ith so much cood oountry to I FOOtl for REFLATION. Novelties of the Season ijt ' s In every line ; am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted In the papers or circular, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not torn you off when you get out of money. Samuel E. Young. When Getting Your Spring Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing: Goods curston. Mr. Jassss Marks, of Tallutan,pessed through Cnsda Tuesday. On Anril. th. '21t. was hnrn la tha . m .1 m, . i i I I J I 5 1 Jk J ...1 1 I - ? . ' . ' mm couniy lor me usi J ear. ine wors raw pmaaen craiasmi w. u.Knu wife of AIex pllt9tktMf m ,U tighter. One hundred and twenty acres of the best Shows the number ef (ninths Uught in to help th poor distriots, that is those jjuie Henni.rn Hirt has been vr. quality o( improved wheat land, ait etch district fur tha r. I he .mount districts whose residents ware not finao- I aiok. into (our t1eld, good house, hard finish, paid teacber8,and the am mat of mone lei.lly able to tax themselves to main-1 List Saturday white Mr a. A. Kinder 10' twines 'west ol llebanon and one in the hand. ..f st.nh nl-rt mt thm rlnm tjtin tha nuhlin mehanU in districts, was returotoK from hnr fathnr-in-law a, nd a quarter mile south of the junction of ... . . ..... ..... . . . her borao became friirhusnnd. whirling I the Narrow (j write R. R ..with the Lebanon oi to. ecnool year, Msrch nd, IBS. sue law orad . .. io pra.rce , ,. 7 . t: 7 hr.nch of tire O. & C. H R. Inquire .t srnai on es curious in mis mat enect it wouia not os oujtnuao, hw foot BBIIein- tho Btirrup she was usuia is uw raot mr. tnsra ar. m irna u ia euet is o'iso ina o,( ir. a i draggx1 . nbort distance, out was not La4W FIm than 14 districts that had on band lis the dutrict that has the smallest I seriously hut. mnM .nnv mm tUm r a., .... .k I i :i. 4L.. I iii.1. t..r r A .,. man i k.. I N H Allen 4C. era aow;raeeiviax direct hv.w mm wtsv v. w iuau nuiumi v. pupils tuav h'm i .i I .' v ;"!( mow i BtacfSjOttlt"' H J HolbrOO 01 Co. had been paid for teach sr 4 during the benefitted Hy this system of .pp) tion- ordered off of his neighbor's L( h. V.. a full hne ef his j astir est p ci .1... l. . 1 j .u l. r j.-.- tor ioiii taiKioir. rehrated nee aheae fee ladle, aed misses la jvmmt i u.i a .in vj mijat uim mut, IUU HU. IU uuo wuv lDJi'rai. I C D R. I IKK widths had enother month of scboo' Uught at ere poor . For CXsm. le, there is a school . J ' , . . .. f wiU give splendid aatrafacttoa, te fact there the rate of wage. paid. 36 had ,oey dietrict within three mil- of Albany Jr ? . . ... Vo. I - , ew a enough on hand at the cloee of the year whose voters are alt wall-to-lo, heavy wb9u he ret timed with bis girl.) to pay teach si s wages for tarj m oaths, tax payers, there being no twor people buggy was opse 26 district. C mid hv hd .t nr m im anna them. Rv the r!irtrt 11 a. linear. MayrLowsa. months Uught. But we will not snaU th.t that district gets under this new yze further but invite every reader to fengled w.y of making the apportion carefully examine the table and mtk meet about $20 more than tbey would his own deductions. 1 have received uader the old law. This district had 7 months school last year gave Hi. The Kfferts ef Mental EiSsaetSB Many diseases, especially thoee of the nervoua system, are the prodoete of daily renewed mental exhautn. Iluslm avooations often involve en amount of THE KXAMINEK mental wear and tear very prejuidioal to and had more mens t lft over from Isrt physical health , and the prmfeaeions. If year than the wh de amount that su 1 arduously por.ued.are no lees deatruotive The San Franciscr Kxni. h...,,n- mij w- i, t. , u. . to brain and none tresoe. It is one of tne mU ' ' "J " moat Important attributes or Boetetter's der rts new mnsg4.m .', iec jme to be any district n th . c.unty is .b o to I Stomach Bittora, that it compeaeatee for the verv beet on this ooast . th-. I hi. rtM rbla undue iom or tuuet ana tbet it im - i - -r- - i put. new energy to ine orain ana nerve. We .peak .dyiscily whm we say th.t .hi. to do so. Tnnrn .r- et lesuit .10 The rapidity with which it renew, weak . r li .... I lened mental energy and phyafoai vitality ..... w.i uie le.umg dJStr.C . UI tie cunlT WOO-e eti in , rem.rk.bta n,l thkl ir. Invtao, newspapers of the K l8t. It is just such - k , k-n.fiM-l k. ,uu 1 ...,1 -t ratine properttaa are of the bigheat order. . J..-.;- . : i . . - , beaidee locreaaiog vital atamin. and .democratic papHr.snao.ded in every the ssme tine are abundantly able to I counteract me the effecU of mental ex Democratic boirsehold ia the land. It tk,m'.. k.n uir, .l, . hauaton, tbla potential medicine curea and . . " tax tnemse.vei to sep ort their schoo.s, pnT9(lta foTtr aud eaue. rbeomatlsin rs just socd . nesrsps.wr as every busi- wbile minv others hving a poor class chronic dyspepsia snd constipation, kid, nsaw man io Lhi kt.r -h...U h.- m . . , . r , , ney and nterlne weeJtnese and other com- nee. man io tois ute ebould of people who are injured by the law. ptalnta. Fbyslctan. .lio commend it ee a The farmer should bsve it,tbe mechanic For tbe information 0f a, t might be tnedlcld daoulot.nd remedy Saved Sits Eire. Mr I) I WUeoxaen. of Haras Cevs. KyM says he was, for many years, badly sJUetsd sritb Phthisic, alao DiahstM i the pains ware almost nondurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsions. He tried Klectnc Bitters and got relief from first hes tie and after taking sis bottles, was entirely cared, and had gained hi flash eighteen Canda. Kays he positively nenevesbe wonra ve died, had it not keen for the relief af forded by Klectrw Btttare. SoM at nity eeass a bottle by Foebay 4 Maaeo mi WILL BROS., Deader, in ail the Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A full line of Sheet moete, asnateel merchandise, ammunition, fishing tackle etc resora, butcher snd pocket knives. Warranted THE BEST KIND OF 8EWINC MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN INSURANCE CO. Repairing of aewiog machines musical Instruments, guns, etc neatly done. ALBANY, .... OREGON. Wnd your tray to the atom of jj5 WkobKfa, Hla Stock a FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. Dealers In Farm and Mill Machinery. Walter 1. Woods' Mowers, Reapers, and Steel Wheal Twine Binders Thomas and Royal Self Dump Rakes ; lodges' Doable Draper leaden ; fiaar, Scott & Co.'s Threshers and Horsa Powers ; Rock Island Walking. Gang and 8ulky Plows. L O TH ING New and In style, la unsurpassed in tbe Valley. Hla -HATS- I. the boat In the market, embracing .11 the late v. stylo. In FURNISHING GOODS He takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected aioohu Bis seta, of BOOTS AND SHOES Are large, becune be keep, the beat, in quality end style. A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly e ass -m . - . aajvtua nsTe h, tnt teacner stiouia bsve we to sav thsi all drtricte wboes Fresh Yaqoina Bay atnd Kutern oysters It, .ad, ii feet, oionle of all ulaaaesi t t . . A . I eonstantlj on hand after to day at Hoffman I uuui um kji prrt iua 7m , wocu auu I Pfeiffer S, ,or iW raoge ot reading n, thmn 58f g,0f wbiU lbT6 53 bj this new system of apportion- matter and naars auppliM the demand, of .11 class. See terms in another column. A eubscribwr Scio ssys : t the Democrat t iOD AI'IHHNTME.VT. ChlMrre e often need some safe cathartic and tonic to avert .pproeohinit colic, headache, alck aicknaae or to relieve stomach, Indigeel inn, dysentery and th. oomplaluts incident to childhood. Let tbe children take Mini moes Liver Regulator and Seep well. It ia purely vegsteble, not unpleasant to the AKlH Most Complete ilneorV BoMtssL O.riirtse. and Serine W w w m iuwwr loan ever dmi ronson rhe Pacific Coeat. 11 1 rem tne rr. si a .re Catalosrue .ad Priose. Addrasav-PftaiffK B BOTH ICRS ES I or J, O sue won a, Agent, Albany, Or, Having reeeivedeur I our cos Write for Portland, Or. c ONN BROTHERS' A8H GROCERY STORE Dr. B. L. Irvine, of P. iooville. son uste and aafe to take alone or In c mnec. "I have reed in several rtamihiicen Lf wn n a frVin . r ihi ,.:.,.. tko with other medicine. J. II Zeilin a papers that President C eveland said in bu 1-tter of acceptance that he would not be a candidate for , nor accept . rs nomination. Now, I would like for tbe Democbat to teU u. why it baa not given tbi. fact to it. readers before. " Our friend mist very unsophisti cated to believe all these cock-and-bull .tori. 1 whic'i many Republican papers art; telling kbout our Ptesident Tbe troth is tliMt it seeinH quite piobable that President will be renom inated, and these Ru licsn organs see tbst oalees bis po,uUrity among rea aonable Rpnblis.r.s can be broken up, ten. snd hundreds of thousands of them will vote for him end thus set bis elec tion beyend question or doubt. Ia consequence of tie gravity of tbe mat ter to them, (loss of spoil, for another four,) they seem to bsve resolved co beat him by any mean, fair or unfair. This is what President Cleveland said j "When an election to office should be the selection by the voter, of one ol their number to assume, fur . time, public trust, instead of bis dedication to the profession of politics; when the holders of tbe ballot, quickbned by a sense of duty, shall avenge truth be trayed, and pledges broken ; when th suffrages shall be altogether free and unoorrupted, tbe full realizm m of . government by the people will be at tained ; .od of the means to tbis end, not one wuld,in my judgrunm,be morr effectu rl thin an amend mam to th e nictitation disqualifying the President from re-election." Only this and nothing more. To read the Oreyonian now-.-dayr, one would think tbst we were in tbe very midst of . heated presidential election. Tbe "bloody sbirt" floats high io the po itic.l zephyr, started in mo tion by tbe herculean efforts of tbe editor of that psper, end tbe choice epithet, "copperhesd' "dough fce," te., ring out from tbe precinct, of tbe "great daily" with a steadiness of par pose tbst is truly refresbiag, wbile its editor stops long enough to hover over tbe grave of another one of tbe ancient dead Hawthorne. been nprointed second Assistant Superintendent of the Insane Asylum, l l. .... ... ,iA. -4 Soma, Tetter. Cnappe! lands, Chilblafua, has been practicing his profession at corns an J alt 8kfn ikruptiona, nd tsU slaefctea's Aralra Balva The best salve in tbe worM for (Juts. Bruiae, Mores, Ulcers, Halt Kheo'n, Fever jfrinevuio for h namoer 01 years, where he built ap a successful prac tice. The appointment is an excel lent one. Ajftoaishiax !'a ?eas It ia tbe duty of every person who bss used Beertec's German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in caring consumption, sevsre f Jonahs. (Jroup. Asthma. Paeumouia, and in fact all throat and lung arssaaes. no parson can use it without ids media to relief. Three deaes will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all drugg ists to recommend it to the poor, dying con sumptive, at least to try one bottle, ml 80. 000 dozen bottles ware sold laat year, and no oae ease where rt faded was reported. Such a medicine aa the German Syrup cannot be too widely known. Ask your druggist about it. sample bottles to try. sold at 10 eeuts. Regular size, 75 cants. Hold by ail druggists and dealers, in tbe United Statss and Canada Btaa'l Experiment . You cannot afford to waste time in ex peri- men ting when your lunas are in dancer. Consumption always seems at first, only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose n you with some cheap imitation of Dr ing s JMew Discovery for Consumption. Cough and Colds, but be sure yeu get the genuine. .Because he cae make more proht tie may tell yon he has something just as good, or just tbe same. Don't be deceived, but insist upon getting Dr King's New Dis- overy, which is guaranteed to ajive relief in ll tl.roat, lung an 1 chest afecli ons. Trial ottlcj free at Foshay k Mason druir store. upon Kim The Barest sv,smblaalIous. True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of action, has been attained in the uae of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For aale bv Foshay A Mason, wholesale and retail. Belag Here Neaaaal to the taste, mors accept able to the stomach and more truly beuetict, 1 in its action, the famous California IkjuuI fruit remedy, Syrup ef Figs, is rapidly super tedin; .11 others. Try it. For sale by Foshay St Mason. S 11 . Corsets. N H. Alien A Co., have in stock a splen did line of corsets. Consisting of tbe justly celebrated C. P'j, Dr Warner's, Dr Lee's 8. K's, the Albany Standard, our spinal brand, also the KverUsting, Si If Adjusting, Nettie and many other makes. L dies are especial ly invited to ca'l and iusps A them. lively cures Pile., or no py required. It ursruaranteed to give perlect ti faction. or money refunded. Price 25 oentn per box. For sate 0 roanay at Mason, Send Burkhart Jb Keeney names snd sd dresser of friends desiring information of Ore gpn and they will send them copies rf ths Meal Kut'Ue Uonveyor which anntaiu a com plate disoription of one county in rich issus with either desirab'e information as wathi r, Tbe Very Bess. axrareisB; I lisye added to my boot ami shoe, afcock s fine of the celebrated Laird, m'riobrr A Mtielull, Phitadelphim Fin Shoe for ladies, misses and children. Acknowledged by dealers generally to be the beat yalue and heat fitting fine shoe made. Widths C. D. K. Mid EE. A child can buy as cheap as a man. Sampki. E. Yocno, ?ole Agent, Albany, Oregon. B, The Photographer, Albany. Or : have all the negative, taken b faxtori aud any one can have nweirora ineir negaiivos uy autirewwlng us, at tr.e 1. mowing prices : Card sjr.e, 2 iwr dozen, cabinet size, 13 per dozeu. bou- dours, G per dozen. I keep the finest Hue of Oreuoti views in the west. Cata- loffue furnished on application. Cooviua and enlargii g old pictures a specialty. J. O. Cbawpord. Albeny Marker. Wheat -7 7e per bit. Oats 38 " " Butter -20 ots per lb. Eggs 14 cent per do,. Beef on foot. 3 'ic(w 4? PotatotM - KM) ciH (mm hiishel. Apples 80 cents pot- Im, Perk 5fo per lb. Bacons hams, 10c. .boulders, Tie. sides. 9c. Lard 80 per lb. Floare-4A0 per bbl. Chickens 2.60 per dor.. Sngar San Franciso C, Sc. Dry granulated 7 c. Mill Feed bran, i 1.00 per ton. shorts, 15. mldduotrs, i. Chop., 18. POWDER Absolutely Pure. lUspcwstertessrvselsa A saarval of parity, swesarfti ssst wholesoossnssa Mere ssoasssUeei ttian She oedi wary hlads.aed esaaotbesaMl. son bsBBob wtttt the weWlrt.alftin or w weM.s erSBBBB rt. nulUUKW f lew tert, ehort Ba4Asm.Tr. 108 WaJtaA, NOTICE ! This is to grye notice thst I have purchas ed at a very low figure the drag store, fancy goods, stationary, etc., from the Capital Ad vents e Company, I will sell all the stationary and fancy ar tides far below their value, Tha lew price which I paid for them enables me to do so. I will sell sll the patent medicines ten per cent below their usual price. Mr. Thornton, sb experienced druggist, has charge of the drag department He will fill prescriptions 25 per osnt below say other drag stars is the city. Bring your prescriptions to him and gat them filled at 106 First Street, in the store formerly occupied by tha New Deal. On oae side of the store I have opened ap . large and well selected stock of gents' furnishing goods, hats, notions, etc I can give better bargains in hat. than any oms in this eity. It will pay you to visit as. Don't forget your purse, for you ars bound to pur chase of I. Gbkxmbaum, 108 First Street, Albany. Opposite Deyoe A Ro boon's. ALBANY, OREGON. Keepwreah stojk of all kinds of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC, ETC, Silverware Given Away, with onr Silver Prize Java Coffee, con aiMlng of six, ii doz, table knives, Vi uoz medium tores, t do., tables noons, Vi do, tea spoons, H do. napkin rings and Kugar spoon ana ourter knife, all linger Bros Al silver ware, every ohaaer ef s can getting one chanc. H. F. MERRILL, Banking and Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. bell esrhfttitf on w York, Saw Iraneec Portland Bar note, fcu , cuvniy and c t v warrant. rtr it,uiii ii)jrt tu -h"k ..tcrt allowed an lime U4Hte. CallsetiwM will twelve .n. . j.t aiuuikm. Correependenea uhdled . SJTOfflce aoun from S . m in p. sjf, pur- CONN BROS. PRUSHAW THE Druggist Would respectfully inform the psepls of Alb my and vieicity that he does not sell drug or medicine for less than cost, but sells and compounds fresh and pore drugs at living profit above cost. Call on htm next Revere House and you will find his medicines always have the desired effect. His , f anrmn auat am maiieii UEHM MVI VII HUUC has oured thousands in this vioinity who will testify to its virtue. Call or testimonials. SXdCGTXIO New Millinery Store. We desire to call the attention of Al bany ladle, and tbe public general ly to I mm mr mr pur new and atock or FASHIONABLE MILLINERY under the management of Miss Bur bank, late head milliner of the whole sale millinery establishment of Moo ney Valentin. A Golcainith of Portland, while our stock Is all that can be desir ed, our prices will be found extremely low ror nrst-oiass goods. SHANE A LONSW VY, Fromao's Brink. Administrator's Motics of Final Settlement, Koti-o ia b reby given that tli under aieiifM Ariiriitiittrator of tbe -'date of M. T Junes, dect-a (HhaaQ'ed hU final sceount OT bis AduittiKt ration of aid estate in County Court of Linn ooiinty, Oregon ana Ksld Court has fixed Monday the fltb uty or June, is7, at tne hour or 10 o'clrn k a. in., or said day for hearing the same Ail persons interestrd in wit .1 ent.te are rci ui red to appear vt st'd tine In said Court and .bow csase if an- exists why 3 .1 a a .a mm . . ansa estate luoun not iwnimiiy t-eMifti. Dated Albany, Or , May led, 1887. J. A. JdNV, Adminlatrator of Mild est.te, I he Great Philadelphia Clothing House! JOHN WANNA.MAKER, The Great American Clothier and Leader in tyles has ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY In this City at the Dry Good Store of SHANE & LONSWAY. Hum red orSetnpleVto chose from ; perfect fit guaranteed ; price l,"BMIM",l'Mw'l'''SMaBSsiwa wn bss da ' I Ah'WkWST-S sasjii ui' 1 r if nrTinrnrrnTTi rnr j aWlWdlig. TMasrifiBBBi caoasTio boots x shoes 1 I SBbTCXCBBBBBBBbB Sw CHICAGO T J . I ,)lAs-erSw AIw y Victorious. MONEY TO LOAN In sums to snit BY BVBXUABT & KCENEY, Albany, Or. Kvery ono's duty Is not lo allow the liver, the stomach and th. aidneys, three groat beoamo "logged or torpid, and In time expol all impurities of the blood. Tbe Oregon Blood Purifier, a purely vegetable compound, is The Remedy to cure all diseases of the kid neys and liver, alao tboae caused by im- - ae . . . ... . ar ure otooo, as stiiousnees. Constipation, 1 e 1 1 S . via. .mm mx ick ne.aacne,uy.pepsia,tsororul., Ertip ons of the Skin, Rheumatism, eto. Try it and you will find it alwavs victorious In its battle with disease. Sold every where. $1 per bottle, 0 bottles for $5 Wo wear the Little Real School Wte Shoe, and a 1 da our sister and o. cousli . trnd our otiui-i, und if you want them go to tne City Boot and Shoe Store where you will find ;i large and co mplete Hssortinent of goods in this line.. of nearly every grade nnd m tke, ttnt! at prices which, will 'open your eye, a B as a B a as s A urMiai savea h n uoimr raaae. READ & BROWNE LL. W OOD CUTTERS, ATTENTION ! never forget that we always keep in stock a lull 11ns of axes, cross-cut saws, steel and iron wedges,slodge, maul rings, STKWS.RT A Sox. B ARBKD WIRE. A l.rge stock on hand and will be sold cheap. Also a fine lot of plain galvanized wire for woven fence, at tbe store of Stewart A 8ox. JABIBS, LOOK H&KtS. We want you to remember that we have a lot of those curling irons, also shears, scissors tracing wheel., abelf and flower pot brackets, and a good many other things you would like to bave. , Stbwaut A Sox. I LOWS. Come in and see our new stock of steel and chilled plows. We can snit you, both lu goods and prices. Every Russell ( bill ed plow la guaranteed to be equal to any chilled plow manufactured. BTSWSBT Ot. BOX. YyT-AGONS AND CARRIAGES, Hacks, .ingle and double buggles.crt., buckboarda, and all kinda of wheeled bioJes. Don't buy until you see what we novo ami team our prices. Stkwabt A Sox, RECTANGULAR AND BARREL CHURNS. The largest stock ever carried In Albanv and will be sold at lower price, than for merly. We want all butter makers to come acd see them. , Stkwakt A Sox. DR. Ge WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 and 4. Foster's Block. ALBANY - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and Marine Insurance B HIE MONDAY GOODS Wringers, tubs, washboards, buckets, etc , for sale cheaper than ever before oy Stewart A Sox. Several kinds of wringers and something new in washboards. ap UTLERY. In pocket knives, butcher knives, carv ing sets, scissors, shears, raaors, etc, we keep a very large assortment. Come around and look at our stock. Stkwakt & -Sox. s CALEB. We have a large asortrrent of scales t be sold on very reasonable terms. Speck inducement, given to farmers. STEWART A SOX. G ARDEN TOOLS AND SEEDS. Stewart oc sox Keep an immense stock of gardtm tools, and are also agent for tbe celebrated Walla Walla gardea seeds, which gave better satisfaction than any sold in Albany last season. 10WDER, SHOT, ETC. upuiHiiru wan iiwhtm I1IIU Bt OUT BlOf. . splendid line of ammunition of all k nde. and we also keep giant and blasting pow der, fuse, etc, STBwaaT A Sex. P AINTS AND OILS Of sll kinds, mixed readv for use. kal- somire and alabustine brushes, eto, tbr le cteip by Stewabt A Cejc,