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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1886)
THE STATE RIGHTS -DEMOCRAT rafctisheel every fridar STITKS A NUTTING. SSftlMSSAOrrM k-. ilMni nsllriiaa -wwww,awai IITMI. TURKS Of SUBSCRIPTION ia fl tnpr. par year, in adranto oopjr, par rear, at nod of SI aar... SO ( ortor, thras raoatas. stasia tumbe- Jil.l. lit Mimlki 1SS N. II PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONT ANTE. MTOKNEY at law, Notary Public. l amay . Oregon. moe upstairs, over John Brigs store. h K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) a i kin k y AT LAW, 4 LB AWT, OKKOM. " aUsbUob (tTw, to mlUctioM nd tSTOiRo. In 0.M Fallvw'i ftaapU. ri: t. rt an mwmr , 'awwraw. - BIltTBT . . jiiPiiors in nance rv OnlleetronB nromntly made on STIllfrtOBS rioejotmrei on reasonable torm eaTfflc In Poster's Rrick.-ew elSOlOtf J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Oonnsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, .,7-.' prwT!.m of the Conrta of '"'r" " ouaioees intrusted to him win w prompuy attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., lll7OIHTS. Books. Steti nd Toilet Articles , A LaHTBf'Stoe nu uow mm CITY IDRTJGr STORE, 7l 4MS4BT. OStCe!, F OS MAY & MASON, TanjBiV.a Baa rata- nraggfetsand Booksellers, ABM for John B. Aldan's publications, arhkA waaall a pMhllahar's Tiiama with ALBAMT, OREflOR. A. PRU8HAW, DRUGGIST. SUUoiary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PlESCElPTiejl8 CABEFCLLT FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. hare the best stock of nrniture -In city and will ssll the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, riie onlv stock of WA1NUT FURNITURE .o tha cltr and th nnt price in the valley. Come and nee. Undertaking, (Dp rh Stock and can arlre 8AT1M- . rry mo. A. B. WOOPIN, ioany Bath Mouse. jt ta. ?f JB H ?iJNXO WOULD KKSPZCT L 'illy iforro tha sitisant of Albany sad Tl i taitythat I havt' tkao -barge orthn EtUblish ttepiajr, less room and payia trtststtentlan - HbsIssss, azpeets to salt al hosa aho SBy 'aw as with tkeir patronags f tsiae: heratafor' -srrted ea oolalsg bat "trat-OKse 9 sir Drssslatr Saloons i tD-tat it gtss satire latiifrrtisa to al 'Hisb LaAtes' Hsfr seatW ea . s JOS WBBBIR. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OfBee oor. First and Ferry Streets, AS ANY - - ORgQON. 9. O OHKBBT t.I.PfRtH ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Saoesssors to C. 0. Cherry.) Machinists, MillwTights, and Iror Founders. w 'B HAVE OUR NKW 8HOP8 ALL i plated , and are now prepared to handle all klnda of heavy work, we will mauuiBDVU rw nwsui Diiiinn, uu. 8sw Mill Machinery, and all kinds ' Iron and Brass Castings. rATTBSBB H4BHB BHOBT MOT1CB. Speeial attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also mannfao J. . IT.. J.i mm rlmtmt mwA tare the Improved Cherry A White Grain sVraarator N. J. HENTON, Notary Public Insurance igent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Repre seats ssvsral of the best Firs In anra BCwOemnso eson tha Coast. Call t o nina forreliable msoranee. A. 0. U. W. M saahera srishingwrnptormsnt or desiring aln. will o aueoill st Re .4 ft Hrosrneli's " - gr m m stern iid rsgitet thair namss. hr Oaasa or Loosb. Notice for Publication. Latnd Office at Orgon City. Or. ) October 6th. I88e j TinthM is hereby aiven that the follow. inr named eettisr has filed notice of his inren'lan to make final proof in support nfhlB claim, ami tbit said pnof will be made before the Connty Judge or Clerk of Linn oonnty, Albany, Oregon, en Sstnrrtsy. Nov. 19th, 18M. vi : L K RroltB Homaslead Kntry o 44S for ths H u nsM W W. N W t of S W M and 8 W id of N W M of Sec. 80, Tp. 18 8 R I E He names the follow! nor witnesses to his continuous resilience upon, snd eoHlvatl'an of. said land. vis. A Ralston. J Shea. Geo Hows and L McQueen, all of wset Home, Linn county. Oregon. W, T, Btjrwbt, Register. THE" NORTHWESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. HIKMllArOLII, KIIV. Plann, Orran, Vc Jea. Theory, all Orchestral and Bnnd li ntrumanta. blodsrn Uanauacas, Blooutlon. BPBCIA. eOl S MEDAU for prosTSaa In Plao. organ snd toloa. Va.LVA.BLB TBIS l.AasJBS. gtro iB-eat corps of Taachsra lu tba Wast, t- vo 815 for Olaaaona, Pupils raoaivad st any Bote. Vail term tMjrlofl Sept . Band for CsJoadar. CSAaXSSB S SSSjataw, Blreetaw. V OL. XXII. WEB. rill rHIll vto&-5? i",B r rSl:OlBl AND BSalSSS. 'mm v n ! , .waaB DVk.KtlTiaWKB.aB. Red aSSa. I faafwrr f -free Vwtn Oplatt, assst iwwn. SAFE SURE. 25$?- PROMPT. the .a a bum a. vessisa cv., but isobx,b-. WMIN Ann 1'lillU From 115 Ibsto 161 lbs To the Cuticura Remedies I owe My Health, My Happiness, and My Life. A Jay nevar aaaaaa that I do not talak aaS k klndijr of iha CuUcura Mesa alia. Sttsa tanW atse trow a cbwrry mUmf to aa erase. T laraw BJBJ psopt turned ssMs waea tsar t at, la diaraat, aaS 1 was ashsaisd to aa on that treats r la soeUar. PhyBlcUn Baa satr traatatent, and all bmbbUms M oo aa good. In a atoajMot of dsanir I ttwOBBtaaini, BwiiMal i OaJlaajaa, taa mat Baaur, MUrrnaliy. Bad Chitlcttra B.lrnt. iha iw Bod ruriaW. iataraally ; iaanaaB tasaas (aa I call tbBB) (radaaUy dlaaaaaarad . ad. U aoaa aroaaj a aaaam tva aaaaa. aaaaa lUBTiilUa ol autiar. laavinc two allcht n " aag aa aai BM Btory at aay bbbmbSbI aad My ay Bratfi-bt bow la aaaa b ini oaa bmm, baaltby aoaa da. aad atr aafarbt la BtlU- i anly BBt fia ineaaa. In aay tratato I Dtaiaad tba north, soutb.aaat aad wast. Ta I owa my haaltb. BIT aaawdaaaa. A aVuilaaalMaw Turk drtkt kJk methoib-raay, "to roa Btill oaa tba Cuticura BaBBBdlaa ; soalawS to ba la parfaet haaltb r My rspl Wm "I so, sad .halt always. I bars Mr known wbaBalaaaaaa laalaaa 1 aaaaaaaad tutn. tba by sraialBa tbasa to bbbbIb aot aeauainUd wTth tbwir tbajr will aaaaa to tbrtr as doMBB bars whom 1 bars toW. May tba tbaa arbaa thara shall ba a tarss Catiaswa Baasay i Bbali ba a larya Cviict ttjr In tba ww!d, tor tba lhai'uMrura KasaadkMBl llunae In aery cit hssisnity. whors tba Cuttears Baaasdba shall ha aald ost.r. bo that thora will bararaly aaaadotssa lariBf a draw stars. M. HI SBABDS, tlO raltoe St., Ns York. N TV Cuticara Bsatsdlas at a BoattiM mmn tar orarv form of Skin aad BWd tHssassa. from nmUst to fula. bold erhre. prcs : ttTlcfSa, M b . Soar V. sou : Kbwltfit tl r. Pnmared bv tha p,rrr.B Obi a . ChiulilCo It t,.t..Moa asBM lor uow to ir Skin fwr "How to ratre ahvta TLBS. 11 u mora, oaa Cmcraa Soar. 1 Kintn rti. sTtits. bak tCSlB. Weaknass sad Waartnoas csstsss by orsrwork. diaaipatlon, Uodlnf.aalk inv or '.h sswlnrMiuMhlM. cured b lh. CiTicrsa st-Pats pLurrss. faw, sis- gant. onglnaJ ai:4 us.UHti.... MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, HEEVOUS. OE RECTAL DISEASES. DR. J. B. PILKINGTON, Surgeon Oculist, Amist & Specialist, OlT.r. fne oonalutl.n. Will b.t REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday forenoon, Jouowtngr the tst Monday of oath month. Will make tbeas visits monthly for one year to coma. Am caring scores of the m m a aa a essa at wsrst rorras or anove assesses, nerers in Albany to Jss.8. Cherry oared of blind- A, Kampy, uraggist, ana rrea Deflren backer, farmer st Hsrrlsburg. con cerning Rectal diseases. A sooie of other names given on application. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. So i A Stewart have neck-vokes and single-trees, ironed or un Ironed, neck yoke Irons, single-tree irons, nio irons, felloes, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for sale neap. I. CASE PLOWS. This famous plow is well known in Linn Connty. The chiliad and steel piows are well made from the very best material snd sre warranted to do aa good work and cour fully as well aa any other plows Sox A tttewart are the sole agents. . J. STITES. A.TTOKNEY AT I,AjV -AND Notary Public- J. L. COWAB. J. W. CUSICK Linn Connty Bank, cowan & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS s gsnsrsl banking bnainast. DRAW SIGHT DBAVT8 on Hew Tork, Ban Fran ciacoaud Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on spprorsd security. RECEIVE deposits sabjoe to check. COLLECTIONS aatrasted to as wifi rseatrs prssspt ten O on. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber .laths and nickets kent constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. GOL flalda ara aaares. swl mm wbb wrfla ta SBaaaa S Co. Portland, Malaa.wtil rc1 frae. rail infafmatioe aDoot work wtlch (bar can Ho, aad live at bm,tbat orill py tbras fr t to S par day. Sow. saeaeiOTBfSSOtoBdsr Ettbar omtotl rounjroroia uawwa ai sbbb OERManreMEDY Star TELECRAPHIG NEWS. VLAISK MAatBAISIBti WITH siMBCIB. Nbw York. The Star says, editor ially : "The purpose of Blaine's visit hare is to form a coalition with Henry George." It tats that tha program is that George Basil plsy ike pert in tha next campaign which Butler played in tba last. WABNIBCTwft atHIAB.LT. Wasbinuton. The season io WrV iugton this winter will ba exceedingly short, and will not shine with the rsdi ant btiiliancy which coarse tensed Cleveland s. first introdustion into aeei ety. There seems to be a wall ground ad belief that Mrs. Cleveland will not take part in tba festivities of the win tar, sod that Mia, Whitney's receptions, hisb w. re tba feature of the Sueial g atoning a year ago, win not we re- , A 1 4 B a a enmed. These two facts wilt throw a wet blanket upon society people gener ally and wilt cause many who intended Io visit Washington to forgo their in tentions. rtNisauau tbajttwm Sax Fbancisco. There is much dis satisfaction among the Republicans with the ChtonicU, owing to its action vw s in the recent eleatioo. Meat olaim it was the cause of; the Repobliosn defeat w as it threw moat of the Rfpublienm nominees overheard. Rumor says there is a project afoot toetart new Br pobHcau paper io opposition to ths Chronietm one) U whieh the H-publi- esna nan tie. One hundred and fifty tbootaud dollars has already bean rale ad, and $900,000 more is assured, or, in fact, the smouat iat disposal is al most unlimited. Prominent oitiseos are interested sod intend to push the matttr. n sue srsMwave. SfBiNoriELD.Iu The aehool aUtis- tica of tbia State for tba year 1885-6 heve been collected by the Superinten dent 0t Public I or i ruction snd are just now tabulated foe use in the biennial report to bo submitted to the Governor in December, They are vary fall and complete, and are compared with the i e port oi the earns department for 1884. They show a total popnlaiico in the Bute under toe age of 31 ye-rs of 1,624,921, against 1,674,624 two v-isrs sgo. The school gotnc populs lion, that is, the number of persons in the State between the agea of 6 and 21 Tears is 1,096,450, against 1.079,274 In 1884. Tha total enrollment in tha schools is shown to be 743,345, an in crease of 14,664 over the last biennial report. The number of teachers em ployed has increased from 19,897 to 20,540, of whom 1,251 males and 5, 630 females were employed in graded school, and 5,489 males and 8,220 fe males in ungraded schools. The bal ance on hand at the beginning of the Cecal year sm wonts to tha astonishing total of $12,422,308.77,00 that the bal ance on band for beginning the next year is $3,369,884 76. lb vat t no nexuses a sckbs Boston President Cleveland has communicated to the authorities of Harvard College hie desire thst the de gree of LL. D. should not be conferred upon him, snd consequently it shall 'not be. The President's reasons for de clining the proposed honor ere not ststed. TMB MOP MA KB ST New Yobk. In the hop msrket the new Pacific Cosst crop is showing marked firmness, brewers in many in stances giving these goods the prefer ence over foreign. For first-class ar ticle 30 cents cash is the inside rate. Sales to brewers 3233 costs ere not- ei. For less than 28 cents only aa in ferior article can be seemed. State hops are dull and wholly nominal. Foreign move only in a moderate way, and prices show no improvement. mn nm IOWA KBKtMTB' MANDATE, Ddbuoub. Iowa The Knighta o' Labor of tbis city bsve issued a mandate that hereafter no contracts shall be let by the City Oonrell fir street work, but thst all wotk shall be dooe by the day. The Council has acquiesced in their demand, the members bsieg afraid to oppose the Knights, OUSIBtl THB BOB MB. Washington Severe! Nations banks hsve dsclined to surrender Ibeir 3-per cent bonds, called for redemption by the Tresnory Depart meet, prefer ring to ictaiu the bonds although the inteiest ksd ceased, rather than buy is or 4 1-2, which command high prem iiims. The banks contended thst thsy could iegitimstelv hold the celled bonds it they desired to do so, and thereby retain the circulation which the bonds, when purchased, privileged them tois ae. Fhilarlelphis is one of the great tim brel Is centers of the connlry. The whole uumWr msle snnnally in the United'States i rrskoasd at 8,000,000, or one to ererj six persons. Hslf a million are imported from F ranee. Rijlits ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER THB COMB TIKLB. Wasiiibotoh - The report of the - T- . Department of Agriculture says the yield of corn, according to revised re tarns, is twenty-two bushels per serf, making a production, upon the present adjustment of soreage, of 1,660,000 bushels. This accords wall with recent returns of -he condition, and will not be naturally ehaeged in the float re view of the work of the year. LABI OK STKCcnLB. Nbw York. While great promin ence ts given throughout the country to the labor troubles in Chicago, com paratively little attention le paid by the) public to the straggles going on in tbis Bute, which Io solves es roans, and sa much capital, and principles of as vital Importance. This is the contest oo tween the knit goods msnofacturera and the Knight of Labor, which has now become an open war upon the let r. aa an organisation. Though the tnort conspicuous fscts to the warefare have been noted from time to time, bat few parsons have a clear idea of .the con- treveesy or realise thst fully 20,000 men, women and children are employed in the knit goods mills througheut York Siate, which the owners hnve etoeed agatnet all Knights of Labor. 1 wee THB JBRISSIBM CAPITAL Sab FaARCtsoo. H.H. Wiederfrom, of Montreal, Canada, who is interested in the scheme le bay up Palestine and make Jerusalem the capital of the world. is at the Baldwin Hotel. He etatee tfiat 81,100,000 of the capital stock ol $10,000,000 has been subscribed. He hse been aesnrsd that Eoglieh capital Ukj will alio subecrtbe when the pro jectors are ready to complete the echsms. Windatfrom is a subscriber to the stock. lie states that Sir Hugh Hulbertaod snd T. Allan, of the Allan Steam r Ltoe, are also heavy eubecriwers. Bostob. The lobsggen erase has taken pussssiiOQ of i be sporting element in tbis ysainity, end Ride fair to eajusl the akatingarink erase of four or ft vs years ego. The rtoke are ell skeerted people ere realising that one-half hour of citmMng sp hill and eliding do wo with safety in the crisp, btaciag air o winter, is iaftuitely bettor than any es- nee they nan get in ekettog rinks, or CTao in the gymnasium. A number of the bes bail associstioas are making es. una tee on lbs probable cuss of build ing artificial slides oo their grouoda,aad thus utilising the property it winter as well ae in summer. A Chicago e port leg house bss ordered 1,000 toboggans for distribution througheut the West and 500 for .r barn New York and Paaney'vania. A single man u factor ing firm baa agreed to fill all of the ab ive orders and hold 10,000 more to boggans in aiodt. T Loots It m learned that the Or end Jury has found indictments against express msesnnger Frotbering- ham, aTtm Csssssings sad two others, whose nam' art not given, for the robbery of $50,000 from the esprees ear on the 'Frisco road recently. Tba detectives claim to have located a por tion of the stolen money end to have evidence of a conspiracy net ween Froth eringham and others. is vi t into WMR4T strnv, CbticawO. The rrtoune, in He finao- oial oolnmm, says : "The invisible supply of wheat (with flour ledueed to wheat bushels) on hsnd now is estimst ed at 01,000,000 bushels. That of last year at tbia time wee put at 109,000,- 000 bushels. 1884 at 80,000,000, and 1883 at 81,000,000. If tbis estimate bo spproximstely correct, it oan not fail to have an important bearing on prices in the coming nine months. In fact, unless the invisible supply is much Isrger than the figures here given denote prioes of wheat ere likely to be higher next winter than tbey have bean any time since 1883. MiOCSt PKOOCCTIOS . Minneapolis. Ths flour output of the mills here touched the highest fig ures last week, being tho largest of any single week for the year, 157,170 bar rels, assrsging 26,211 barrels daily, sgaisst 90,000 barrels the preceding week, end 162,650 barrels the corres ponding time in 1885. The same number of mills-nineteen were in operation this week, and tho product promises to reach as high a point ss last week. The daily output is fully 26,000 barrels. Another 1,500 bsrrel mill will be added to the active list noxt week. Advanced freight rates and low erster are stpeotsd soon to have a desided effect in curtailing the piodue tion. The flour saaiket is less active than ten dsyssgi, though many of the mills are disposing of the current out put at slightly reduced prices. Thers is soma demsnd for flour, but the prices offered are hardly high enough to ssll f real v. 0 W Loaslsr at Co., oi Psrtlsad, srs del srtthorissd sdvarUsisgsgsats fortes 0aste osjao aw start sis a sot nan srmiKs. CaiOAOo. The strike st the stock yrd developed no serious feature this feruoon or ereoiug. Greet numbers oi sawn are arriving on every train to take the nieces of the strikers,aod to.morrow it Is the intent ion to start all the look ing bouses, even it some have to Wutk with but a dossn men. The packers claim they oan get all the men tbey want, and in n few dsyswilt have as Urge a force es ever. The strikers have Innulged in a good deal of loud talk hut have not ai yet committed any est of vieleooe beyond chasing some of the new men away from the yards. Two regiments of militia sre on duty. VIl&AMBYS orSKATlWBB. New Tork. Henry Vlllerd is nego tiating vltb C. P. Huntington for the final transfer of the Oregon t Califor nia railroad company, though it was thought this bad been consummated sosbo time ego. Yiltsrd wss a bidder for $5,000,000 wvrtb of Oregon Rail way A Navigation bonds sold by Kiijsh Smith to a syndicate, but wae not ruc- coeeful. "ABB ' OB "IS," WBJCB The d$kmam le still trying to prove that we should sty "United Bastes It Instond of using the) plural verb are." We showed In oar issue of recent date that as s mere matter of "BRBiasr the use of "are" or le'' would depend anon the sense in which we one the phase. Our cot tem porary says it is R question of fact and not one of grammer, sad right here fern Btumbiee into deep water without being i able to swim. The fact is that in 177$ s coagreae of the "united colonics" by revolution de clared that tbey, the cv4onlee,aretand of right ought to bt, free Rod lode pendent states, ThereWere thirteen of them, a II now elates lu the anion. At ton clues of the BevolatUry war England acknowledged. that they, the eoaonieo, were fret sod Independent statoe. These colonics at the tisae aeeoclated together for motual ftotecllot). At the clows of the war they elect v J delegates to a constitu tional con veu lion to frame a constitu tion for the general govern meat of nit. T'ie constitution was formed, snd in It WRR placed n provision to the effect that It should become operative when adopted by nine states. Kach state WRR left absolutely free to go into the anion by adopting the constitution r4TJftin eat by rejecting It Every one nt that time beid that the people were the source of all power, sod that the peoplo of a state la adopt log the const Hull jo gave up only such power as was delegated by the constitution to the geotral government. T ehow the dense fog In which Bra- HallerM stems to live sad move when contemplsilng bis politics, e quote : "This nation, known and hailed as the United States, is com- posed of several distinct states. Each I state is composed of several distinct J conotiee, each count? of several die. tlnct townships, scbuol districts, etc Now if the United States "are,"tben, Oregon are." If Oregon 'are, "thea Clatsop county arc,' and Umatilla, where dwolisjottr states rlghtafrlend. are. ' IB Here (he Attorian asserts that a! school district is to a township what a state Is to tho union, that a town. ship is to the county, or a county to the state, what a state is to tho union. This proposition is so utterly fallacious that WO can only express our surprise that a man, otherwise so Intelligent find fair as the editor of the Aatorian is, would make It. Not an Intelligent lawyer in the Republican party, aye, not a Republican Judge on the bench in any etate or the United States but would repudiate euuh a groundless,aa well as dangerous, doctrine. The state is sovereign as to the exercise of all powers not dolegated to the gen- eral government. A state of the on- ion exercises no delegated power. All her powers are orlglnsl, inherent, The powers exercised by a school die- inci, town snip or county are sucn on- ly as have been delegated to them by the state. These powers nre not In- herein. A count v or district can ex- erclse only such power as Is delegated to thm by the legislature. A state can exercise all powers aot delegated to the general government. The Aslorian should remember that the people of the United States have a wiltten constitution, and that that constitution was made to be obeyed, and that the general government Is ae much bound to observe its provi sions as any state. Our present Su prerae Court of the United States, although almost unaralnnmlv Repub lican, in ail their decisions touching this question have as carefully pre served toe individuality and autono my of the states as we do above, and this devotion to the constitutional rights of the statos is and wilt con tinue to be trie great palladium of American constitutional liberty. fiwtat 11), 188G. (Ersrs our rtsular sorrsanondsut.) Washibotob, Oct. ,10th, 1886. The week has been rather a quiet one In Washington. The Preeider.ft and his Cabinet returned promptly after the fatigue of Bsrtholdl dsy In New York, and eel tied down to thefr desks, I do not think they ere billed (or any mere fairs or on veil Inge this fall. The annual autumn races, which have always attracted Isrge coo tin gents from the feshlenabie,dipiomatlc,' army, navy and official circles of Washington, ere Is progress, bat the weather is nnprcpltlotts and they have excited leas Interest than usual. Those of yon who live far removed from Governmental machinery can not realise the extent of the improve, meots In Departmental work under the new Administration. Bat those of as who here been here ell the time, end who have seen so much of the Idleness, extravagance, worthlesenees and corruption of the old Republican officials and met hods, take special de light in the new order of things end feel as If too mecR could not be said about It. For Instance, lbs current bos loess of the Patent Offise Is In a much bet tor and more prosperous condition than when Commissioner Montgom ery assumed control. At that urns the work was largely In arrears, and be bee succeeded in bringing much of it up to date. Toe application ef an Inventor for a patent 1b now reached In about three moot be after filing. The time for Tier I y wee five end a half months. Mr. Montgomery seys be expects to be able te bring all of the work substantially op to date within the next few months, snd so keep it. A little over a year ago some of the divisions io this office were es much aa seventeen months behind la their examinations. To fully appre. elate the work accomplished, consid eration most be given to the fact that the Commissioner was inexperienced end bad to study np and advise him self thoroughly on all points relating to R very difficult practice. The at torneys practicing before the office are much pleased with the progress made, end nek that the good work msy go on. The Patent Office, beeides being self supporting, pays a balance in the Treasury. There te now an account to Its credit thereof nearly three million dollars. Lest year 24,134 patent were granted oat of 87,695 applications. A new order of thtegs eonffonte poli ticians these days ; oo heip from Wash ington, snd stumping federal otfUutls to be called to account. Consequently but few oan be teen here this week. The elections are .only five days off, bat the habit of running to Washington to a harry to get ft tends or offices to assist to the eleottoo,is not in order this year. No assistance beyond sanding out docu- menu by the campaign committees bss been drawn from the Capital. Notsrith. standing the great interest felt in the result, the Admintstrstisu has rigidly abstainsd from everything that could be oonstrusd into official interference, S . .. and no oamraurn oontriu.iens nsve been collected ia the Departments. There is much doubt ss to the general result of the election, but wh stover it may be as to psrtit, there will bo a Urea number of new men in the next House. The recent action et the Pres a ideat ia suspend iag District Attorneys stoae and Bsutoo, one s. Dtm ocrat and tha othsr Republican, f r do great political activity, is scoaptad a sa in dioatioa that ths order is te strictly enforced, it t expected that a number of disomsals will result from violations 0f this order. A general court ot in- hmiry would probably not lm found practicable, but where serious charges are made and supported with Rurhc.ent evidence, dismissals will follow. oampaiffa lie has been goii-,' the rounfa of late to ths effect thst when tQe ageat for the ssle of Gsnersl .Grants Msmoirs asked permission to oanvass the interior Department for subscribers, b,... T..mar refused to rrant it.but .t., .n r,,. Lrla LJfe of Robert E. Lee" was aocorded tba privilege without the slightest ehjsction being interposed. Nobody ever solicited per mission to osnvsss ths lotsrior Depart meat for the Lite of Robert E. Lee" until last Tuesisv. when leavs wss promptir nted. When the Agent of Grant's Memoirs made known to Mr. Lamar his desire ts go through ths Department with hU subscription book, the SecrotAry not only aooeded to the request without hesitation, but headed the lift of Interior Department sub soribsrs with an order for ths twenty- five dollar or costliest edition. Fancy Werfc N. H. Allen A Co. havsin stock a fail lino ot material for fancy work, consisting of Fairy sphyr, Shufclaud wool and floss, che nills, araaene, tiUasilia. 72 inch English fait, KO 1 1886. FALL AND H. ALLEN & CO.. To the Front! With a large and well selected stock, BOUOHT FOR CASH, and will be sold at PRICES SEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES or Dress floods, Trimmings, Velvets Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN CLOAKS, Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and style also keep a full line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. Dry Goods, Hats, Oapa, distance will be promptly executed, and samples will be sent upon application. PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for goods, H. H. ALLEN & Co., a 57 First Street Albany, CAS A WOlIt VOTK At ths late a'sction in Mur. a a wagon wss sen to start from s ft m house to ths vrniog plac i of the preeinct. It contained the farmer and five sons, each of whom was about to exercise ths freemen's right to deposit a ballet. As they drove off ths mother csme to the door, and, pointing to her five boys,naid proudly : "Look st tbsf and then ssy a womn does not rote.' When the wagon rcbed the polling piece ths fstber hopped off and put in a straight Republican ticket, while the five hoys hopped off snd each put io a strsijht Democratic ticksu Can a woman v ! Youbstcherlife. The Parent ef Issessals. Ths parent of insomnia or wsksfulr ess Is tn nias eases out of ten a dyspeptic stomanh. Good dl seat Ion gives so md sleep, Indigestion interferes wit a u. rne brain and stomach sympathise. Ono of ths preminent symptoms of s weak s ste of the gastric organs is s aismrosiicf oi the great nerve entrepot, toe nrsm. in Tigorats the stomach, and von restore ehnUibrium to the great centre. A most reliable medicine for the purpose is Bos tetter's Stomach Bittera, which is far pre ferable to mineral sedatives snd powerful narcotics, which, thnugh they msy fur a time exsrts soporific influence upon the brain, sson cease to act, and Invariably injure the tone of the stomach. The Btt tera, on tho oentrsry, restore activity to the operations et that all important orjsn, and their benefloeat influence is reflected in sound sleep and a trsnqutl atete of the nervous aystew, A wholesome impntu$ is likewise liven to toe eotisn of the 1 ver and bowels by Its use, The Barest ef CesahlsaHehs. Tree delicacy of flavor with trus eflb acy of action, has been attained in the ate of s Cslifornia liquid fruit remedy, Syrup ef Figs. Its plssssnt taste sbd beneticial effesta I ave rendered it imraeassly popular Far sals by Foahay A Mason, wholesale snd retail. The Meat Ageeeshle As wsll as the moat effective method of dispelling Headaches, Colds, and Fevors, or cleansing the system.lsby taklnar a 'w doses of the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, 50c. and SI Iwt ties for sale by Foshay Msson. Ra eh tea's Arstcs Salr?. The best salve In the world forJC its, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum.Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilbla ns, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and p si tlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It isguaranteed to give perleet ssslsfaetir.n, or monev refnnded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Foshay A Mason, eaeer Co t Help as at Hsa4. "I'm afraid X shall hsve to be taken te a hospital or to ths poorhoase. I've boca siok so long that my husband, good und pstient as he is, can't stand ths worry and expanse much longer." No, yon wc n't dear wile snd mother. See whet Park w's Tonic will do for you. Plenty of women as brtdiv off as you sre, have been reso led almoatfrot the grsv by It It will build yon np, curing sll sU men's of the St m aob,llyer and kidneys, and is, pleasant and safe, STATE RIGHTS DFMW THE BEST ADYERTI'i; KIBIUl Iff TEE WILLAMETTI VALLFT Special business notices to latest eoi i' inns io cents per line. cents addlilonsl insertion. Kor If'tra! arwl lrs.nai,r c Avmt'mm. a - " : . -.v,,, ei.w per K'piarc for the first aoerlka sod 1 fiMru'"f) IH'r w " r" for tntbassqawot Kstes for ntbmr 3 veriiwenssnie known on application. WINTER. 1886. cannot be excelled We etc., etc. Orders from a FARMERS I BEFORE YOU BUY A RIGHT TO ANY CATS, BE SURE AND SEE MASON'S WHEEL GATE ! PATENTED JUNE 8, 1888. The superior points of ezoelleney claim ed for this gate sre : The running gesr esn be stUcKaa te any common gate. The entire eost ef ths gate for materta need not exceed f. No high posts are needed, All tha rnnnlnn tram rim it I W m 1m k :t cannot roemo cinggCKl with mnd, i or trash of any kind. It does not fold up nor Up over te norses, - bjbj It requires but little form to npersso 1 : s It foot Rate rising only one third ef so in oh to esch foot of opening, snd he csw tire rising and falling is oniv 5 lent this on wheels or rollers. It uses no lever or complicated ery. It never gets out of order o as te hiaeor its working. If the opening and shutting tser te al! broken or removed, it is still the beet gass made to open and shut bv bar-d. It fastens snd leeks Hacrffsoss to he bog and stock proof. It esn be opened sml shut witbent get ting off s horse or bice-cle, or esrt ef a wagon. I is tho simplest in eonstreotlen, ths easiest to operate, the cheapest to and the best gate In exiaifsioe. Rights will be sold as cheap or i tnsn ror sny goon gate. No other gate has hslf so many est sot -lent snd superior points. A few minutes examination will prove the truth of these statements Go and see a model at Peters A Stewart's, Albany, Or, W. W.CRAWFORD, Traveling Agent, C. H. MATTOON Albsny, Or., Qen'l Agt, for Una Co; V, A. CHERRY. JOHH HAKSVAW. ALBANY F0UKDRY ARD MACHINE SHOPS. CHERRY & HANSHA W. Machine and Mill Bnilien, Having opened up U-.n old foundry sod machine shops formerly owned by A, F, Cherry A Son, snd added new and tsae improved mschinrv. we a:e pleasures! to handle a'l kinds of hssvr mashlasrv. "We will manufacture Steam Fngisea, Haw and Gnat Mill machinery .also wood wsaw ingmacbinsry of ail kinds, aJl kinos st iron and brass eastings made ie ojosr Repairing of tirm machinery a sseiaUy Patterns of sll kinds msde on altar notice. The best assortment of bhts in the State. Shops corner 1st snd Mcntgomsrv fib ALBANY ORCQCN. g TEW ART Snoceseors tc in all kinds of coal , paints an tswaxt, d