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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1886)
THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT rfeUhed etsrjr Friday hy 8TITES & NUTTING. m44rrics-.ia aaar rst tiua Mreadftieia street. TIBMS Or aUBSOmtPTtON aiile.r. pryw. In ariranas , ft alale esy, ir yaar. at and of year t it ai-ijia opy, alt month , , o in' otpr. thrc mmitha , M MM numbar 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANTTS ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public. llbaay, Oreion. ... m. itniacr J. K. WEATKEKFOKD, (MOTABT PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. OftKCAW. W"'o,Lfl CTLC!t m ALL TH COURTS Or THB robate ma i tar ' umiioB una ia aniiainna earoftee ta Odd rellaWs Temple. ary w oit4Li BIliYEU, a "nitri in fiftiteerv. --" prompiiy mane on all points Loananotiatad on rea-oneh.e tarrna SsT-Offloe In Footer's Briok.-SJs vlfnittf. J. J. WHITNEY, Ittornej Anfl Counsellor It La? -AND- Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Prmo"??.ln of the Court of "f, v Aiioualnaaa Intraatad to him will ba promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., dooka, Stationery and Tollat Artiolaa, A Lrg8tock and Low Prloee. OXTTT TJHTTOr STORE, tyt uatrr. eaaco. POSHAY & MASON, un aatAHr- Droggistsand Booksellers, Aewnts for John B. Aldan 'a publications, hh w 1J pablJeaer's prioaa with poatageaddad. ALBANY. ORKVOR. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. StaUonary, Toilet Articles, Etc, PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany. Or.. FURNITURE. ( have the beat atock of ornitura in the city and will aall Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The onlj atock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the city and the lowaat price In the Valley. Coma and aaa. Undertaking, Aeomplete atock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Aloany Bath Mouse. TSl UVDIRSIflNID WOULD RRSPKCT f ally 1 aform the ettiseas of Albany aad rl laity teat I hevetakeD charge of this EitablUh kaecina- oleea rooms snd Div-is trlstattentisn te baiisti . axsectt iu fait al sate who may favor na with thai r patronage Hevlag aeretororeaemea on notatsg aai Firsf-Olasa Hair Oreeeine Saloons at pa eta te five entire satisfaction te al Udtaa aa Lad lei' Hair neatly ea hmoooa 70SWBBBIR. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Sturgeon, Office eor. First aod Ferry Street, A3AMY - - OREGON. o. o OHBRBT C.B.PVRKBI ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sneeaaaora to C. C. Cherry.) lacMnists, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. WC HAYS OUR NEW SHOPS AT.L completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Hill Machinery, and all kinds Aron and Bras Castings. rATTBSBt a KT BvTfCB. Special attention given to repairing all kind of machinery. Will also mannfac ire the Improved Cherry dc White urm N. J. HENTON. lotary Public an Insnrance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR llmnra .tnl. UV.ri 1 of tka beat Fire In anra noeCemnanioa on the Coast. Call to htm forreltable inaaranee. A. 0. U. W. Mambtra wiahiojemploT ment or desiring uelp, will plevMOtll at Reid A Browneil a to re and regiater thair names. Br Oaeca or Lodor. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City. Or. ) October 6th. 1884 J Notice ia hereby given that the follow ing named eettler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that aald proof -will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn connty, regon. at Albany, Oregon, on Saturday, Nov. 19th, 1880, vie : L K Brook's Homwstead Kntry o 4459 for the SWofRWtf.N WJ ofW4.and 8 W U of N W H of Sec. SO, Tp, 18 S.R 1 E. He names the following witnesses to etove his continuous residence upon, snd cultivation of. said land, via ; A Ralston, j rthes, Geo Howe and L McQueen, all of Sweet Heme, Linn county. Oregon W, T, Bujuibt, Register. N BW SAUSAGE MILLS. lot Of thUSA HAW Enterprise ssussge mills, which we Intro duce In tbia locality. Tbey positively beat anything you ever saw in your life. Come siid look at them before you kill year Bue. State V OL. XXII. i ui r mil taa csasiss a. roesma ra.ait.Ti murk. b. AT hut i.i.i-iW . wn mm . r R ED. STAR TftADl XJTJ MARK. tfURk "aaa jontrrif -aanw-" Free fnrm Optmt, Em Air a awe) rifsaaL ma iMiauti . roattaa CO.. nx LTtaosa. an. SCALY, ITCHY SKIN And All I tralna; and Aral kla and Meal I tan by t'ntftera. M ilk CrnM. ..f luh.n,. Burotnr. aaajr. rtatpi llumufa of aha rl by c niL-ura, Uta mat Mia Cura. aad CvUewra Ir, whoa aayslalaaa and ail otaw fatiadiha au. rSORIARlN, Oat SCALY SKIM. I. John J Cast, D D 8 , harlow rnilliil eaatawv hwowa o laawaaadt haraabowta. wish s vteerte hale any who are aAictad aa I haa heaa aw the past 7ora, ueurjr taat the CaUsam Baeaaaaaa SflSf laahrhiaara. ar tha Uactora wnh whoa 1 had eaosattos aave oaa J. Cias. D. . A X.wten, K. $. D1MTBKSSI!U ERUFTIOV. Taw CaUeaia Baanillii narfanaaB a woasetfal fMaaaaaaof arTantyraaraolatw. wrw saBarad with a fearfully diuraaatac arapttn on hi. hmA and taca. aad who had ariad ail -jni iliu sad deahweeSW purpiat J. r. asma A fo. Taaarhana, Art. nmPtRHL OF SCALES. II B r.rn 1 1. -- w yr I r teaaWLal i wanly yaaaa .tend in, . ky Cutkawa Kamnl ra THa Moot wondcrfnl attra unroaard. A assay any at or aaUas an frma hin daily. Phrsioaaa 111. EKE9IA RADICALLY ( I RID. For tha radical car of an obtain ta ansa of uaasa of Mar standing, 1 a annraardit to tha Caateara E. n. Btcaaaaaea, Naw lb, Coaa. hV4d hy all aragabna. rrltl gwaajsjat ta i QAF. M coou . Baaotranv, tl.oe. IWrad hy tha rovvsa taca caaaic.L C.Baaoalaaa. Bend far "his le C'ar hhla IT FEELS GOOD. Thooa worn vat with Paina. Achat aad Waaknaaaas lad rvllrf in ana aata iaSBSVl ate la aha: fntlaawa Awtl-fata ear. Ataruggwta. aau. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, KERTOUS, OB BEOTiL DISEASES. OR. 4. B. PILKINCTON, Surgeon Oculist, Amist ft Specialist, Offer, free ftonBnlUti.n. Will be ,t REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tw' Jay mftermo&n mnd Wednesday foreiuxn, following the t$t Monday of each month. Will make tbeae visits monthly for one year to come. Am curing son res of the worst foims of above diseases, Refers In Albany to Jan. 8. Cherry cured of blind news. R A. Bampy, Druggist, and Fred Deffenbacker, farmer at Harrisbnrg. con cerning Rectal d Is oases A acote of other names given on application. AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Sox A Stewart have neck-yokes and single-trees, Ironed or nnlrooad, neck voke irons, single-tree Irons, ntb irons, felloes, spokes, az trees, etc., all for sale heap. J I.. CABS FLOW. This fornrtna nicer ia well known in tdnB County. The chilled aad steel plows are well made from tha very beat material and are warranted to do aa good work and cour fully as well aa any other plows Sex A fftewart are the sole agent. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public 3. L. COW All. J. W. CU8ICK Linn Connty Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - OREGON. TRANSACTS a saneral banking bualnwu. DKAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Naw York, Baa Fran Cisco sad Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved aaeumjr. RECEIVE deposit abjoe to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to u will reeelve prompt tsBtlon. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber , laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. 8 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Ci.hvsi.ANu.Nov. 15. No! for jeara hii there been to much activity tnani feateJ in the iron or maiket bare aa S B. present, and tha rueh of ahippara to proourt vessel room fur bringing don their ore haa put tha price of lak freights up to a flguro that insured im mense proflta to tha chip ownort. Laii year, about this time, the rata per ton from Lake Superior was $1.10. This spring opened with tha prioa at $1.30. From that time it haa gooo Voaditv up tha scale, and vessel man arc bow ob taining $3 a ton en all ore brought down from Ashland, with probability of a atil) farther raise. There is a scarcity of ore at this port, tha greater part of that noa on the doeka halag a contacted tor. iaV, , Waibinqtox, Nor. 15. The annual sale of unolaimed artiolaa in the Dead Latter Office will be held about the 13th of Daeembar. In accordance with the practice of the departmental! arti. cite offered for sale here been kwpt, subject to being reclaimed, for two years, end after the expiration of I hot m a an a . owner appearing, they are otapofto Of to make room for the matter that daily aooomutatea. Defective addresses aod insufficient postage are the main reasons! why there is a ooneUnt to a of postage matter into the Deed Letter Office, iter reaching the office every means is employed to ascertain the senders or owners of the letters and packs gee, and the articles offered at rheee annual as lee represent the proportion of the entire matter for which no oanar oonld he found. The catalogue this year will contain some 7,000 articles. Pitts bv so, Nov. 15. Joseph D. Weeks, Secretary of the Western It en Aeeoeiation, aays there hee been a re markable increase in the production of pig iton in the year ending on the la. inat. 'Oo the 1st of November, 1885," said he, "there were eighty-nice ferna ore in blast, producing 45,189 tons weekly. To-day there are 141 in blast, with e weekly capacity of 78,990 tone The probabilities are that considerable of the iron sold during the peat week is for future delivery poeeibly not 'sr in the future- to th t it will not here the effect of reducing atock at the furnaces by tbie amount immediately.' Naw Yobs, Nor. 15 Joseph O'Douohuv.who dame near getting the Democratic nomination for Mayor in piece of Hewitt, eaid yeeterday : "If Cleveland bad bean running in the last election in New Y rk, he wald have been beaten. The stele would have gone Rer ublican BUtne would have won by 30,000 roajoi it y Olefeland ia waking ibe re-nominetton. I aball use bis Vitvr of acceptance againat him. Thirty thousand Democrat who voted for him before will turn over to Blaine now." Dallas, Tbx., N v 15 Two men have been here for five days organising a filibustering expedition againat Mxi rt a. II I Iv il co. ihey have new enrolled to uuea twenty or thirty trusted men, who ere ready to raid acrwe the border at the moment the summons ia received. The number will be swelled to at ieaet 100. Their object is to establish a new re public on the Rio Grande. It will be e socialistic confederation, composed of Northwest Mexican stetes, end will in clude Chihuahua, Duraogo and Sonora One of the emiseeriee ia a persons) faiend of Henry George, and for whom he bee the strongest admiration and af fection, and whose doctrines be unequiv ocally indoreea. Washington, Nov. 15. Issue of standard silver dollars from tbo mints during the week ended Nov. IS, waa $853,144. The issue during the eame week last year was $628,117. Ship ment of fractional silver since Nv. I amount to $406,544, sasBat Washington, Nor. 15. The Secre tary of the Interior addressed the At torney General about two years ago, ahowing that George W. Evans, of Cleveland, W. T.,d Charles Miller.ct Pendleton, fer, had out 1,000,000 feel pine turner on the public lauds in Umatilla county, Oregon, 522,770 feet of which they sold to Watson h Luhrs,of Fendleton. The latter claim ed afterward that be did not know the timber was fraudulently procured. Secretary Lamar requests the Attorney General to institute criminal suit against Evans and Miller for violation of the Isw by cutting snd removing timber, and joint civil suit against Wet- son k Luhrs and Evans and Miller for the reloe of the timber sold, at the rate of $10 per 1,000 feet. Washington, Nov. 16. President Cleveland began io-day ayet3rutio work on his annual message. He re ceived no callers. 1?miladelphia,Nov. 16. The official returos of the state election show that Bearer (Rp) lesdU Black (Dam.) by 42,851, end has a clear maprity of 5,595 ore? all other oaodidatee. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Nsw York, Nov. 16 An address to ibe Executive Committee of the Centra) Labor Uoion,printed yeeterday, if said to be from tbo pen of Henry George. It contains the following sen tence : "It is necessary that we should make war upon that great wrong which eausee poverty, primary, the injustice of which makes .and, on which end from which all must lire, the exclusive property of individuals ; that denies the rest of us the right to live and work unless we pay blank mail privileges." Cleveland, Nov. 16. Cohen, 8am pliner A Co., one of the largest men's furnishing goods manufacturers tit this oity.aud who have been in the basiaees for twsn.y-five years past, made an as- algnment to- dav f ur the benefit of ered iters; caseta ,1150,000 j ?iahilitiee,$300,. 000. Iusbility to collect debta due tha, firm aod the importunity of creditors is stated as the cause of failure. CmoAOO, Nov. 16. In view of the determination of th Socialistic element to concentrate all their energies daring the next three months on ward organ- issti-Mj, with a view of capturing the Mayorality next spring, a secret move- sseot has been initiated among a oum- oer of prominent business and financial men looking to a combination of the beet elements of both parties upon Robert T. Lincoln for that office. It is thought that if nominated as a law and order repreeentative be won Id, as In the OBse of Mr. Hewitt in New York, command the votes of both parties. Nsw Yobs, Nov. 17 The Centra) Labor Union is out with a PstiHoa in behalf of the faTadooad Chisago anar chists. Trade unionists generally sup port the application. It ia expected that 50,000 of those who voted for George will eigo the petition. eBaawasaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaMBjSssaawMMM i mim inaiaw Pimstmo, Nov. 17. The monthly report of the condition of the blast furnaces of the United Statee.publiahed hy the American Manufacturer, shows 312 furnacee, with a weekly capacity of 122,641 lone in blast on November let, and 271 frrneoes,witb a weekly caps ci ty of 63,499 tone ent of bleat. At the seme time last year 233 furnaoea,baviog a capacity of 76,723 tone per week were ia blast. The report shows an tnorease ia the roduotion of charcoal iron over last year of 25 per cent., of anthracite 33 per oent end of bitumin ous 80 per cent. 8t Louts. Nov. 17. Hon. Was. R Mobbisob is in the city end wee seen hy s reporter. Oae of the first subjects touched upon was the rumor that Mr. Gerliele would not be a oaadidate for re-election as Speaker. "There is noth ing in it," Said Mr. Morrison." -He will bo elected Speaker of the next, aa be wee of the present Hone, without O;uoilion. About ooe hundred and fiuvthre Republieaue and ooe butt dred and seventy-two Democrats will be in the next House, Of thet 172 mure than 130 agree with Mr. Carlisle oo the tariff, and a still greater number will tnpport him for Speaker mm m St. Paul, Nov. 17. The report has been current ia Chicago the past two daya that the great bulk of wheat elong the Hue of the Manitoba Railroad haa bean already sold, and that ibe move ment may be expected to be very light from this time forward. The iaota are that about 8,000,000 bushels of wheat are now in store on thet road in ooon- trr booses, and the road is nnabie to supply cars enough to lessen the amount, W w BS farmers' current deliveries are more than the current shipments along the Una la some sections the elevators now contain 10 per oent more wheat than when the publiehed statement of stocks was made some two weeks ego, aod none hare materially decreased. Jacksos, Miss., Nor. 8. The Su preme Court to-dsy destded upon what is oo as manly celled the prohibition or local option ease, Judge Campbell de livering the opinion. An elaborate ar gument had been made by the Hon. Thomas A. Wood against the validity of the statute. Toe objections urged were that it was dslsgatire of legisla tive power to an electoral body ; that the feature ultimately making twenty five freeholders the arbitsrs,restedthem with legislative power, and made them by a property qualification an exolusive cirole ; that the law waa to take effect only upon a contingent event in the fa ture that is, a vote by a majority for tjrohibition and that it allowed citieeos of Mississippi only to sell )iquorand excluded the ottixens of other states. The Court considered and rejected each objection as unsound, and declared the statute constitutional as a valid exercise of the police power of the state, ', , St. Paul, Nov. 17. Snow bogan foiling early yeeterday morning, and continued the day througb.although the fall was light. After midnight Ut night,however,a genuine blizxard set in. This morning the people found the streets and sidewalks badly blockaded, so that travel was next to impossible. Reports indieats that the blizzard be gan In the western part of this stats and swept south into Wisconsin. Rail road travel is greatly impeded, end street oars find it almost impossible to rue. The wind is blowing herd sod drifting tie snow. No snob storm bee occurred so early in the terson for years. St. Louis, Nor. 1 2 A speoisl from Chad wick, Mo., says that about one hundred "Bald K cobbers" entered town at 1 o'clock yesterday morning aod be gan a raid on the saloons, their object being to open the barrels aod pour the whisky out, but while tbey were al this work oitisens of the towu opened fits oa tbem, when the shooting became general, more ihsn one hundred shots being exchanged, which resulted iu the stampede of the "Bald Knobbers." It was aacertained that only one man wee seriously wounded, and he was a mem- bar of the "Bald KnobtW' gens, whose companions carried him away with tbem ia the datkna. The affair has created much exeiiement among the people ia that locality. raa rsaaaseatrs asssat a a r The new labor party in New York which has adopted the name of "Pro gressive Democtate" has adopted the following as a part of tha platform upon which tbey propose te build up a party to "reform" the government : L "We hold thet the value which to the surface of the north by of the growth of population ba- lejege to society at large, aad we propose, taSf sfoi ii, to abolish all taxation upon buiidiajs, improvements, end ell other thiags of human production, and by texatioe oo the value of land alone, to proriie for purpueee of common neces sity an i benefit. In this way we pro pose to mtke it unprofitable tor monop olisers to hold lead, mines, forests or eity lots which tbey are not putting te Bee.'' IL "We declare war oa that system whieh hands over the publio works to corporate control od permits such bsav efieent afsosies as the ramus I and the telegraph to be made the meane of rob bing the producer and "enabling railroad kinge end atock gamblers to throttle businaas and dicta to laws." We hope every reader of the Dxao OBAT will earefuily weigh and digest the Ires of the above resolutions, end then determioe whether aucb peUcy of taxa tion wuwld be ImneSeial Oi not. Aod. now at this time, comes for- ward Prof. Foster, of Burlington, lows, lo his own proper person, and pobtiehee his prediction of a great storm period extending from Dee. 4th to 17 tb, daring which, bo says, will occur some of the m est destructive winter storms of recent years. These storms will bo much of the ssme na ture na ibe great blissarde of laet Jimaery. Heavy snow sad high winds will greatly Impede railway travel, and he advises the railways to piepare for blockades that will occur in the Western states about Dec. 5th sod reach the Eastern states Deo 9th. Tnere will be ooergetlo electrical distarbencos that will affect telegraph end telephone lines. He suggests that many lives and mach property can be saved from loss by making preparations for this storm period. The VicUtto truthfully ssvs : "The Republicans are weloima to ell the capital they can make against President Cleveland by abusing him on account of his vetoes ofsoecia) pension bills B passed by eoogrees. There is nobody that hates and despises pension slurps and bums so heartily aa do the eoMiore. It waa against the fraudulent scheme of each that the President' veto ve directed, and nothing could please a true soldier more than to see those who are sneaking around oo tigress for special bills giving thorn pensions which tbey have no right to, white men who should receive pensions right fully have to wait for years, solidly sat dwn up n,ss Mr. Cleveland has done. It appears tbat there will ,06 quite s number of contests for seats In the next Congress. A very groundless ooe wilt be thst of Thoebs who con tests Cerlysle's teat, who has 768 majority. Mr. Curlysle fays there Is no grounds whatever opon which to base a contest of his seat. He isys be ie out seeking the Speakership, but if elected he will serve. Repairing Firearms, Xfe. Persons desiring repairing done,sueh aa guns, sewing machines, umbrellas, para sols, fans, locks, all kinds of small ma chinery and utensils, alae fitting' keys, grinding soissors,eto.,have now an oppor tunity to have the same done at most rea sonable rates and on short notice. We have engaged an experienced workman to assist In this department. All work war ranted, at Will Bros.' dun Store, Albany. Tha Blest AgweaBle As well as the most effective rasfaod ef dispelling Headaches, Colds, end Fevers, or cleansing the sytin,laby taking a few doses Of the pisaeant California lleuid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, see, Md g a3t. ties for sale by Foehay Maeoa. (mo era 26, 1886. "WfBBjhinsrton. (Fre ear regular earrafitvadeftt,) Waibisotox, Nov; 5tb, 1886, Those features of Tucad.iy'a con. test which were unexpected end seem Inexplicable are still the nhlof aut ject of discussion here, Indeed the elec tloDS were full of small sized miracles. When President Cleveland first form mated hie policy of civil service re form you heard a good deal said about the opposition it woildmeot with Id the North and tbo disposition of tbo Southern people to approve of It. Yet North Carolina lets Representetlvt Cox be defeated in rouventloo, aod develop a sudden lancy for entl democratic proctivitlee to haw delega tion. Kentucky cuts Speaker Car Hale's vote down to a mere shadow of Its former selffand Virginia throws ewsy her democratic seats In Congress with rackieexnesj. On the other hand, Minnesota, the old Republican stronghold, nails mo clo-o a vetoes to ioave the Issue lo doubt for a time. MasaattbuseU's pushes Aod re w most to the front, and New Hampshire al. roost breaks her straight Republican record lo the House. The news of Speaker Cerilele'e pos sible defeat caused profound surprise here. That of Mr. Morrison did not, es It had been regarded among tha poaslbllltlee. He has a! ways had s more or lees cloee contest, aod his district is really Republican, although he has repeatedly carried It hy his persoaal popularity. The question of who i likely to succeed Mr. Morrison as Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means Is one abeu. which little difiolte idea ean be iormed at present. Mr. a 8. Cox will require to be placed, aod (.here Is so impreosloo that he may be Mr. MorrUoo's He has a looger Congressional record than nay other Democrat la the House, aod be has beau very prom inent lo the parly. Hardly anybody ailudes to Mr. Morrison but speaks of his conspicu ous honesty. When Morrison pro. vious to 1880 was epokea of as a pos sible candidate for the Presidency, Goo. Bppa Hunton, of Virginia, then a member of the Hoofe, was said te have struck the mark when he ex pressed the opinion that if Morrison were made President there, woo Id be. more honesty aod lees maooerailo the White House than at any time aioce Gene faekeoo lived there. The president did not go home to vote last Tuesday, out he eat lo the room adjolxing the little telegraph office of the White H ue that even ing, aod re td the newt direct from all parts of the country a fast as it eame, Of ell toe flimsy reasons given why the P.esident did not go te Buffalo, probably the silliest explana tion- was that he did no' wish to vote for a certain Democratic candidate for jCongresf In the Buffalo district, that gentleman having made a speech some time ago, lo which It Is alleged he expressed lack of sympathy with the Administration. The whole thing about whloh so much ado waa made amounts to nothing, but I will state one good reason why he was not there. He removed from the district some time sgo, and although he is entitled to registration in Buf falo, la at present disfranchised tike many other residents of Wash log ten I here it from good au thorlty that Mr. Blaine kollevei thst Preeldsnt O ova! ind wilt bs r. nominated in 1889, and tsat ht wilt he re-elected T int is why he says he doee not ex po it to be nominated himself at that tlm , and why he says he does not want to te. He has said recently with great emphasis thst he would sever accept a no nin atlon for the Presldeccy unless he felt certain of e'ectioD. He will work tor some good Blaine moo, though, In the Re publican convention of 1888, and bide his time. He will keep himself be fore ths country, ss no one koows better bow to do than he, for the nomination in 1802. Mr. Blaine will net be st old a man, even then, as was Samuel Tild n wlie i ho was elected in '76. Mr. Blaine's recent at leek in one ef his campaign speeches, upon the civil service reform record of the Ad ministration, came with a very bad grace from hlm,to ssy the lets) of it. He has a number ef relatives and friends in fhe employment of the Government hero, some of whom are retained in their places because of a desire to show courtesy te the Presi dent's late opponent. His private secretary draws a salary at the State Department while he is still attend ing to Mr. Bialne'a business here. His brother Is still retained as curator of the Agricultural Department mus. sum, and his sou remained in the Court of Alabama claims until that" institution expired. I could cite other dependents of bis who are VO 17 1886. FALL AND N. H. ALLEN GO To the Front ? With a large and well "xv va.c n, ana will be sold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES OF Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvets, Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN CLOA KS. 1 Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and style cannot be excelled. We also keep a fiul line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES. DryOopds, Hats Caps, vAAowttinjw wul ce Dromptly executed, and 8awSLbl sent uPn application, FRODUOE TAKEN in oxehange for goods, N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany, quartered on the frovernmeal. Yt ia the flee of this hf has the effront ery to abue the a dm in i-tr t on fer turning out more fS t e t o d c!erks and potting their friet ds In ibo plscrs. From the 10th or November unti1 after Congress meets, the Fresidt nt will grant no more prltste Interviews to visitors except to euett ee rail upon business ef actusl public importance. Hi public duties are unusually oner ous Just now, end he roust huve time j te write his message to Congrats. Every day at certain hours there is e raid upon the White House by ihose who went to talk te the President before his announcement goes utte effect. Tae Parent T laaassaht. Tha parent of insomnia or waxefulneas ia in nine eaeee eat of ten e dyspeptic etomaeh, Good direst ion gWee aeund sleep, Indigestion interferes wit a it The brain end stomach sympathise. One ef the prom iaent symptoms of a weak s'at of ths gastric organs is a dlstnrbanee of the great nerve entrepot, the brain. In. igorate the etomaeh, aad yea restore eftuilibrinm te the great centre. A moat reliable medicine for the porpeas Is Has tetter's Stemeoh Bitters, which Is far pre ferable to mineral sedatives an powerful narootieo. which, theugh they nay for a time exert a soporific in finance opoe the brain, aeon cease to act, and israriablr injure the tone of the st roach. The Bit ters, on tho contrary, restore antirity to the operations af that all import nt organ, and their beneficent influence in reflected in aoond sleep and a tranqnU state of the nerrona sy steer, a wholesome impetus is likewise given to toe aotien of the liver and bowels by lie use. The Barest ef CesaMaatleBs. True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of action, has been attained in ths use of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial cf Vets hare rendered it immeasely popular For sale by Foehay & Mason, srhoiesaie and retail. eaeee Tp l Btelp Is at Ban. "I'm afraid I shall have to bo taken o a hospital or te the poorhoaae. I've bee si ok so loag that my husband, jjecd and patient an he Is, can't stand the marry and expense much longer." Ko, yon won't dear wife and mother. Sea what Parker's Tonic will do for you. Plenty of women 1 as osdiy err ss yen are, bare been rescued almost fret the arrav by id It ulll bail yon up, curing sll ailments ef ti e stom ach, ilyer and kidneys, and is simple, pleasant and safe, G W Leniler Go., ef Portland, are dul g,ath or ised advertisiagagents for the Djtve xra tor thst eity. palNTB AND Oil, ', A full line of lead and oil, mixd paints, kalsomine, etc., always on hand Srswasar A Sox. B A.RN DOOR I. Never out un it new barn door nor ra. hang an old ono until yon flnt call on Stewart A Sox aad see what tby have now in bora door banger scmethtng that won't break down. 'ISfSfSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSKSSSBmW STATE RIGHTS DEftMCftAT, m BEST ADYERTMNS MIDIB1 II THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY mt . . npectfti. butoners notices in I real ttA urnns 10 rents per line. S castas eeOa additional insertion. ISlr nd transient advertisements 1 00 per square for the first laeart)oa,se iDserSonPr lUr fwr sh entawaent Hates for other adverttaecnonta row's known on application. WINTER. 1886. 1 w selected atock, BOU0H etc etc. Orders from a FARMERS ! BEFORE YOU BOY A RIGHT TO AMY GATE. BE SURE AND SEE MASON'S WHEEL GATE ! PATENTED JUNE 8, 188. . The superior points of exeetleney eleim ed for this gate are : The ruaning sear can be attached to sny re mason gate. The entire ooat of the gate for skiIm!-' need net exceed fX Wo high poets ere needed. Leal A 1 All the running gear is sit he toa, tM44 It cannot become olofgod with ma, star or trash of any kind. It doee net fold uu nor tin nrr in an, horeee. It requires fit., little force to operate ti a 13 foot gate rising only ene-ietrd of ii incn to eacn mot of owening, sod the cf -ire rising aaa falllnp la only 2 mobes,ai 4 this on wheels or rollers. It usee no lever or oompticeted a -ehltr erv. -pr- ' II never gate ont of order so aa lo his -Jell ns worsing. If lilfl niWKlno' n 1 r.k ..Illn,. broken or removed, u j still tte hast paai made to open and abut bv bsid. It fastens end lacks ife'f'waa to be bo and stoek proof. Ifc oP" sod shut without tmg off a horse or bicyole, or eel ef a wagon. It is the eimsr.eU in aonetraeeiea, eh easiest to operate, the cheapest te OSsJes, and the host (rate in existence. Rights will be sold as cheap or eheaasa thsn for any good gate. No other gate haa half eo many eeaat font snd superior points. A few minutes examination will sreva thetrnth oftheae efatomeet wo ana see a model at Petsce A Stewart Albany, Or, W. W. CRAWFORD, Traveling Agent, C. M. MATTOON Albany, Or., Gen'l Agt, for Lien Co. K. OKXRBT. joS HAX6HAW. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS CHERRY & IIANS1 1 A F, laGbine aid Mill gmlders, Having opened up th -.ld funSi maentne shops fortner'r owned bv Cherry A yon, and ad.?d new aai improved machinery, we u:o arest to handle a' I kfnrts Ftaasawv aasasrlamasj We will manufaotnre Steam largja M and Grist Mill mnnhlnv..lM Lkd A Ingmaohinery of all kinds, all fctsS r iron and brass ceetinga made '. awsat Rapairing of farm machinerv s rpeeJel: Patterns ef all kinds made en r notice. The best assortment of pittsa in the State. hops corner 1st and Morjsscer a ALBANY ORgCON'. g TEW ART A SOX. dncceasora to Peters A Stewart, di in ali kinds of shelf snd heavy bardH ceai, paints snd otU, oppoebe O low's Temple.