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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1886)
Wkt gemocrat. FRIDAY NQVKMBSR28, 186 The moil braieo, oola-bloodeJ piece of effrontery that we have mot with in a long time to that of the Oregonian eoaplainiog oi Gov, Hill far not preie iof to sdministrstian of sx-Preeidect Arthur to bto proclamation announcing the death of thst petleman. If ib '$ charge eere i , that would be ful'y eeiopped from e mplaiotng,in view of tbe bbtw,dirty, viperous wsj it treated Hndmks,Mc Gielieu, Tildeu, S' ui ur sud otbtn statesmen who bae recently died. Thai paper hn no right to stand up and Claim fair dealing or decency f r eat on in snettera of ibi kind, for iu- b ease of ill thuee named who hae re oentl died it hit shown ii -lt totalis devoid of these qn-iui'n. But thV neper willfully mitepreens G v. H" for in bto pii'uiii n h n ihe td Jawing eulogistic lu:uge wiob mum be far more eatiafiorv to the friend of the ex-President th-ui h l-d in praise often bmtow. d io uch ci : "On thn dih of Pridot Qrotd he became President bv aMconinn, end with diaoitv to mnelf n i nii notr to the country b tilled th hiHct nffioe in our sv t-nmen' I ll b'k life he bore without etaine the n u gentleman.' We not .' ah mt hi paper ia ready to roamf tt niligut ustred towards any D ou or after death, but it maltoiowaly misrepresent tbe Democratic Geroor of N York to make bin. per as alaad-ring, by Indirection, tbe dd ex-Prmidr-iit. Fr th essence ol i Oy c uiue ti a toth New Y t Tribune" I speaking f the election of Dan ort OTer CmgreanMcan Saiel f Sooth (J.r lin, it use iht kiod of iogio to ho fraud : "A large mj rity of the vuU, of tbe ditnot are e lored, t . -f r a large njorn y of the vo'-ers of the dis trict ere Republicans, ihrefoi ) ni OOratio O .ngrern could not he elect -od except through fraud." Tne assump tion that ah colored vo'er are RepuH lioaua baa been proven false no of. en that it to an inauit to the intelligence of the oouoti y to thus repeat it. How untenable to tbe groond that because a Majority of the voters of a dia'riet are Republican, tbers're a Deaoora' oould not be eleotikl exeept through f nsod, to abowo io the defeat of not lat than twsoty Republican by D-osocite in fUtublican dtotno:, aod by oo tow than forty Deiooorau bv Bpunlioan in Democratic districts in be late etoe tioaa. Tbe Tribune prtonee largely upon the credulity aod igooraooe uf be tondera in tbto poor I v fortified case of m m w fraud against ita ieliMel onponents. IT MBIT The tiros to approaching rapidly when Congress will, of puoltC neceaMtt, ne oompelled to make some proviaioo to prevent tbe accumulation of hundred! of million of the peopled mcaey in tlte reaaury vaulta of the general govern ment thare to be looked np and remain idle, wbile millions of poor people, in oooaequeoee of the atringeooy of money matter, are waging an unequal welfare againat poverty aod atarvation. Tbe condition f affvira on thia aubject i abwut ae fullo : The total Interest Hertng bondrd debt of the United fcnM h $1,074,625,100. Of thi amount 9250.UOO.000 beiog bouda that oeer tour and a halt per cent interest end ... ini i vhle uuttl S f lt, 1891. $737,7?6,4uO are boodi that bear iu- Hiest 'st tbe rate or four net cent, aod r not payable until July lt, 1907, Many of our Lion oouoty reodari, eMeo)ally lho-e wh lie about L Hn oo, will remember John B. Slater, who for many years lived at or near Lab anon. He left Oregon in 1881, with nothing but bto g md name end an hon orable ambition to carry him through an unfriendly wotld. He oow lives at Col vi lie, W. T. , where, for some time, he hat been editing the Steven County If wist, a very aprigbtly readable Dem ocratic paper. At the late election be waa elected Probate Judge f i hat coun ty by a very Urge rojoriiy over bto Republican competitor, although tbe county to atmngly Republican. Hto many friend here will rejoice at hi 6nsooial and imlitio! nooeMe. Tang-ent. Togent 1 dull Mi Barnes hai moied In hit new dwelling. It teems tomt of your report am in Tangent take pleat tire In making re- tiiNtlc about other people' baine-. Ciut.uiak. the remark ebooi"ahiodig" being all the ge, but that to a mittok. All the hiodig" bad here knee been carried on decently. It waa a good thing those Albany Mhrpera came te Tangent, at it fnrnitb en goMM.pnr eomeihing to tak about, e Tbe divtoion of (Jmalllla county to tgaiu being diHLuard by the poplt of that ootiuty, d we auppoe the quei. . . ... i . . .. . a a. a I i..i miK SKH K4S.71M) hioh ate now I lion wll ootii" 'H-Tt ir ui I n- Itie and payable. These latter will all lime of the L-tl' "it. paid within the n. ' eiyht month The au nt of InX- NOW C ilieOied Kl i- him pit-tent revenue ayatem " Vet nd abiiv what ia -a t to ita b' 0u rent elenee of ih- tl 'Vi nru- nt tr koproxituateU 9l2ftOOO,000 annnallv. m Tbe money ibu Collected 0 tee almo-t entiteiy from tatiff tlmiee ami iotern m m a. k :. dutle. N tbe qiieaiion toe wha1 ahjatl d hp witb ihn annual surolu of 9125.00,000. Ac- eorting to ibn nb io 'iet -. ai'-tu ir for October h-rei 988.294,919 now avail able for redoo lou of the public debt, which i more than enough to pay off all bond now due. H wahall wo pr vtnl 'he aooumulaitoii .f 9125,(0u.000 OORRB3PO OSMOB. TT I 1 1 - - 1 11 OaUvtll'. Held h t d daV 8uiierinteml.' igtWaBh D. Fr waa h"f on St'tt SohooJ full. M M .i tin ia h, i f Batoey. A -oClal wee given a: tbe reeideuc Mr. Curtle on ll T'te"t i evening. The Roni. it fami'ly ga h. ir eghi Umn .o s fell audienonoii W fneadtv evening Of laa e.k. Araon White ha returned l , , Mr. Breeeler an' family bae movec toto the neighborhood. Toe Alliance m- mi Tuesday eve. aiaaay Manuel. ii. .u. i . ....... nK ! a noii-i i-en lance. in- owing aa iiie-uen ari n .raver oy R v. M. Arhoo. follow nt a deola- one of the t dlowmg w .v : ... V j. . a(. J ,,. . ii v J w w -' H -T rtra' ny i; iiiiree mi .ir i'L'e i-iitit r- i;.un. .ihi matl"n iv a u i w - aa . .w m - r - it ionaf r . arioua i.n'"ic impn'e I D vhm-e, .o'. reading bj M I u e. j . ... .. , i i. t ente..a.r..r .ean mail aunldie.tler 0uo,u """ " " e ll i .. hn J e,M.I .' i l. .. D . ; i . ; i . - I 1 1 'm -j vii 1 1 1 1 .hit a , t an iiwnnuiwi ii"i i" I' tin, etc. Seoi.d. y rducita tifT dun- ant inc iuje X-a, Third. T eHng Ot.i -h- lOk, aio buying bond and re tiling th oi. The temper of the peip' i- nueh now a to eue-uiagM el be. the first or last of tbe above plana. Mr. Senator Beck in a apeecb before tbe Iroqii a Club, of Cbiog , tbe a e Tb W. 0. T. V . of tbto piece, wil gie - :tai ob Thankagtving eve a he reMldeno of John MoC J. Tb. ii f ol 0kiiie U P. Church heoi a me'lng 'sat to oi k atrengemeii to heat iheehu Ch (hei dt-oided o pu rebate a echo .i r-om beat ei, ehieh Will tie put Up ibl werk. Mr. W H M v, of V on, it v toiling hi father. Aln bf to Nettie Smi'.b, of the a me other dV. eaid : "XoihlOg rematr-el .,i.CM viaitinii her manv frienda hat- m 1 that I can tee eacepl to rwluco UKes t. The coyotes have been killing aheei the point needed t r the wants of the I in this oomm iniiy of late, in apite A - . It J A g oernroent. If U iMgrtat ha not sen I OUDVBr nas u"g enough to do that, and I am af.aid it Tbe Ubineee pbeaaanta srt gelling kmm ,.,l ,l I quite numerous we m.p tne lew vino', rather than have the money P , . ... ' , , . . ' protecting them will te refiealed at the .uva.u up, .ur. a,.,,, upr ....uua IBCrea-e, of fUfB o' ex(iaTia.t nremiuroa oaia. i nn i vt t m a r it i i. w air. i. ii. oim1 ii, o, mi"!, inane ..r ipoae, bef re tait Caogreas adj oirna, Oakville s flviny eiai laai week. to loan the aurulu at aay 2 per cent iei - I ar a- annum to anv nne who will duoait tbe I XM.mmnsjr n,t t .1 . n.l i nra A. L ... I Mnl knnila rf I k. II a a. I mm . it.iArtiAhi.. I w - "Vi "rl t the firat of lbs week vtoitioe. .l . i i . i a ... i . m uiearoouo, .men toe nr. .a..ce Mf Rtor partUn tuoug tee states in proportion to loejtfato week. mm m m m I pelationnd eutbonstog either party Dr. Fry went gouib Monday o a to cancel the transaction by giving the lahort tour. titb' notice. Ii tbe citi- Frank Davisot. and T m Windom vera! satee de not Uke wen to Albany Monday. - mf WW . S a a a . . t .i i-rofirtion. I would, sfter nioe'.v WOO. r'Oley wi.i be down from Bt- ' r ' ' I . I 1W. i dT.. m.k. it frea for all Rome better w, ' I D J T . Tr..Tir.. 1.1 I IT t I mauintuaiaa, iMiniutivtuu ii. u 3'tii Wheat-flfte per bu. Data-81 6 flutter St nu per lb. Keg- 80 cents per do Beef on root. 2H fit Xo Hay - lled, 813 to f 14 per ton. ieoce.89 to f 1 1 Potatoei -78 ets per bushel Apple -40 cent per bu, Per 4 Mo per lb. Raoona bama, laVfo ahnuldem (h. aides Ite-i-rd-8eper lb. Klou-4.6n per bbl 'b t.-kena 2.80 par do. uger Hmn fram-iar i , 8Js Dry sranulated-7 o. Mill Feed bran 1 1 .ut par ton. anon a. 18 mid til04. 18 Caopa is Lnmeer eae rests The uadsrsigaed will sell all kinds of o'11-..-r an I al vr feno uoat at the fnllo otg atatioe oa the Ntrrow Qmaw ilailraod, leiiii'a, Lawaae and Bsllville. Peraona but d ug huune or barna oaa hsv bilis est and irlivoiexl at ativ of the above tationa abort ootin. Lun bar to of the vary quality, the leg being brought from th tun tr region on tb MoKvnaia Rivsr. w. & Srictm a Crawrert, I have all the neget ves taken by 4 B. Pastno aod any one can nave daeli nates rrom their neg alive by eddresatng u. at tt.H fo'i iwlug prioa: tJarf site, 'i per it is -n eaninet lxa, S per doeen. ou dour, 88 per doaeo. I keep tne flneet una or trgon -isw in tne woes, uata logue rurnlahaat o application Onpylag and enlargl g old pl.Hurea a apeotalty. 3. O. UaawToRD. '' It beau the world. It effects t cure in a hours. Try it end be convinced of iu wonderful merit. Call for testimonials. Price 75 cenU per bottle, at Pru.haw'. Drug More, corner Ptrst end Broad 1 bin Ufa., Albany, Or., t'laaka ! Ctaafc, Don't forget that N H Alien Co. have jast reeeived a large attek af tyl ia cloak from Mew Vera, which bay oner at unheard oi low prises. !,di, when yea are ia wast of s nee arses doot forget u leanest tot stack of N H. AUso A Oa. They have a very toegt aseea tesetect from and at prtees esver b fere offered ia Albeer- Prot. Wallace, of tin bur g,Scnt laud, is been invsetigsting the present ays of farming in that cnaouv, end finds that where mixed farming baa pre- ailed againat the aiugle crcp idea tht Ma u lbe snriTeriog from the deprenaioo to agricut tare hat been mstnrtsliy lets. We be- lt... lk. mmm mtm mt tmtm i 1 1 k.. aavw . mm turn iaw v ibuu win . . m . I plan to get tbe money restored to ciiou-I a. Um found to exist right hers in Oregon it I f , ' Tf , lirom osiem. . . . latum may be suggested. If eny of you I w nt ,u Investigation ware ro-He. msy be suggsstsd. If sny of yon 0Oo of tbe voutbs between ihe awe. - w o I - . co uo it i nope yon win. i nave no j of 18 and 40 took in the panorama. A It to no-" tbouubt that tbe tax oi. purpose except to keep tbe surplus in tbe close of tbe performance the roan- 1 : :n u: .u- . I nan till we can i-av our dibU mod avoid I T one umd iniua; io wtetwarnniin win orioK iomj iui iiitw i ' s li. j . . , . ... I had ant I wim anrl K ,.f rh.. n. k BT of tbe United States from $1,000,- "t of exorbttsnt premiums tbe woalS oUr giee them back Mrtl BTO to f 1,5(X),000 reennne. It u no f -'g eawr.v..oi. .,,l,ru,o.i...a, shekels. All eeemed mti.fiwl.nut 18 oUimed by tbe dealers in oleo that i or wort tbD !l loekiog op in our 40 stepping up with the nddo ess f v m mt m mm m - W m m .- :. m . m. ' . a - rill now sell in tbe msrket on its mer- the people's mooey. All wr tnotp demanded bts money. As h ibs and that good oWi will sell mo-e novsi oi oooeeeeaary sou un- yj,' - T . . T I . rn . . j I oaa now take to tbe thank givinu ftLdtly than bed slread B a- burdens. Tbe manhood sod mos- LBpptr W- know lhw y W q f tab papers are euoiiog good butter c, or ot,r IM" " aeoure our J, jj not reftin,, bln . ... . . i . . 34 to 25 cent, wbile the beat oleo cat anptemacy.' While this course would prof. Bibelio wet in town Tueaiay, bo bad for 17 cent. "O Tery unsstisfactory, it would tie bet-1 Bat be would not tell wLt bit bia note. ter than to board up hundred of mil- I I. C. U Tbe oolv ton. ir iu me ute elect ioi I iioos of tbe onoLlf'o Uionev wbeo its " ' I -a a tSaL diatnrhawt tUa Minanimtl v nf Ilum- I cirenlatinn ia an emnliatirvll v il.maniM I airYit) W - .L I -J J . I 1-1 U i . . I 1 wor.w we sue .ergo looepeooeo isoor oy eyery ...m-m. o, vni- penpie. The roteerd ia i fote cast in Wow York, but a careful 1 totaion. Forty accessions to tbe cburch analysis of tbe vote having been made apfoistsjemta up to date. wbtci shows that 24.000 of them were I Miss Lena Whit son was st home drswn from tbs Republican t arty, we The Postmaster General iu bto forth lover Sunday, in company with Miss now fiod tbst o.rtv is mueh disturbed oomiog report says : At tbe close of o'pe.n., oi A.ony i sr 4f & g - The flneat lie f wiadew Ogs St vTeedts's M Plmelsas boteher knlvesst WttJ Bros wwa were. TflKRBV K ""lf THAYER, of Boor boo. Ind , y: Both myself end wtis owe our live to HHILOHfl OOXBUMP tiux CURE," Foebey A Kramin Woodio'a Bxteeeioe tahtos. Twee eS . m a a atat e -wu ge ami ase caw tar yes reel r. CaflAaa. I as well. the fiscal year the totei number of post I ueorIIe oi-nat bst returned from offices waa 53,416, besides 497 branch Of those 22,214 were prosiden- "8returD,KJ tu tit0WD Concerning aDDoiotment I . . . Colhoon of tbat place is 106 vears old. Lb. ...... ,r I Pna M Oo"llt l0Krty w wuv awvw v w r as a KlviMViuruttsj aja uunba r . w . a 1 1 (jriueri 1 1 ' t i a ssawosssmi The citizens of Ceoirevihe, N. Y.,tty I offices. that there dan be no doubt that Janejttol offices. Boo ws born, maaried, and hat lived I masters di distant. onned bv Geo. McCov. I I tt- i e. -i 1 w lurinir toe last necai veer num. i v i:. a c. i i i . - . . .ii i . . " - jwiiwri oirtiuie auu ouie. or inr? uor -t ner oay. ,o tne district, and ber age beftd altogether 22,747, of which 9112 Uallto Chronicle, attended churcb here new ueeu rerioea oeyooo questun. OD were maJt, to fiu vacancies occasioned on laat Saturday night. af il . XT- S a a f iretpeuiiy waixs to nigMand.tour miles by resignation ot expired cemmissions, Mitt Withrow, cf Albany, bst been 587 vtcaiiciet cause I by deatb,382 on TltlD fr,nd "re- tbe etubliabtnent of new offices, and Mrm . Stone entertained friends on 9566 uoon removals. Of the p-raay evening. number of appoiolmet 1089 wers made t j "J dub'hter of u ,l d j . . Sbtdd, vtoited friends hete. oy uiB i rwwsai, vacancies OSVing 0C- -a w n u , . o i , . J i .u. i,.h : m. I. 8-i ...w.wuuni ...o .uuowiug reuses, re-1 here on ut Sunday at three o'clocx VweviTy, vi ; xy expiration OI OOm- Mr Millhollen i eaduall : iaa . i -. .1. n ' I w" mission, too ; oy resignation, liOd ; by ling death, 24 ; by removals or suspensions, Wm. Emery and wife have returned 247, and to offices which had been st- from Kltmath Agency tigned from the fourth to tbe third class. I Miss May Mathews has returned 47. The work performed bv tbe ear-1 boMe w I ww a a m o riers to mimmanxed . fniu-. . tu- urtUK seuora ana wile bare moved .W .WTS . JIUS gardener who rtcenUy received a touod rating from hto master, a land owner of Normandy, turned indignantly tjpon him with tbe rsmsrk : "You need not treat me like s eommon fellow. I'd have you to know I am the. nephew of Louvei, who assassinsted tbe Due de Berry." Tbe people of New York are to Lave B constitutional convention to revite their state constitution. Tbe most important subject of discussion will te f ! ?" ltwrOBf BrjEnt; to Portlsnd. Hto fsrm to rented to Borne role in the government of cUie.. There is too much iotorfetence by tbe legislature with tbe vernment of tht ity of New York, simply for partisan purposes. SE 5HHK--aee ing collections aod deliveries, handled A dancing party was given at tbe What puzzles tbe politicians in Washington Territory is not so muob tbe election of V.whees, as the great gaint made by tbe Democrats io both hv nareiara durintr I ha v... . . 1 QiO I ia a tx . j j i,v-9,- resiaence oi mr, trow on issc Wednes- 520,599, an increase over the previous J day evening. year of 20,983,186, or 11 per cent., while carriers increased but 11.08 perl Trade cent in number. I The reduction of Internal revenue and the taking off of revenue atatnps from WHY WILL Y Uooaeh whenShlloh' Core wtl. sire immediate relief. Prtos 10 ets., 80 eta., aad $1. BHILOfi'S CATARRH RBMKDY- pradUve cure for Catarrh. Olntharta and Canker Mooth. H HI LOB'S CURB will Irntnediatelv ra lleve Croup, Wboipiog Cough aod Broo chili. Yon am feeling doprosesd. your appe tite i poor, you are bothered with head sobs, your are fidgettj.nervons and geo e rally out of eerta, aod want to brace 0 Brace up, hot not with aUmulanta, apring medJeiaee, or hitters, whiab bsve for their baai very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an boor, and then leave yon in worse condition than before, What you want to an alterative that wilt Eur. ty your blood, statl healthy action of 4ver and Kidnevs. restore vour viuiiiv. and give renewed health and atrengtb. Much a m die in you will find In Electric niiiera, ana only so centt a bottle at Fo sbay A Mason Drug Store. FORDYHPEPBUand Liver Com Dial nt you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Mhiloh'a VltaTiser. It never falls o care. A NASAL INJECTOR free with eeeh bottle of Sbtlob's Catarrh Remedy. Price swevnis, "HAC grant perfume. OUR BREAD IN DANGER. ii i l i .!. m al.J. The Alarming Increase in Baking Powder Adulterations. Among recent important discoveries by the food analysts is that by Prof. Mott, U. 8. Government Chemist, of large amounts of lime and alum in the cheap baking powders. It is a startling fact that of over one hundred different brands of baking powder so far analysed, comprising all those sold in this vicinity, not one, with the single exception of Royal Baking Powder, was found free fsom both Hmo and alum. The use of alum is to produce u cheap baking powder. It costs less than two cents a pound, whereas pure cream of tartar costs forty. Its effect upon the s$stemhas been ascer tained to be poisonous, and overdoses have been attended with fatal results, Lime is the most useless adulterant yet found In baking powders. It is true that when subjected to heat a certain amount of carbonic acid gas is given off, but a quick lime is left, a caustic so powerful that it is used by tanners to ! eat the hair from hides of animals, and in dissecting rooms to more Quickly rot the flesh from the bones of dead subjects. The effect of lime upon the delicate membranes of the stomach, intestines and kidneys, more particularly of infants and children, and especially when taken into the system day after day, and with almost every meal, is pernicious in the extreme, and is said by physicians to be one of the chief causes of indigestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the kidneys. Chemists have found 12 per cent, or one-eighth of the weight, of some of the baking powders prominently sold in this vicini ty, to be lime. The wickedness of this adulteration is apparent. The absolute purity and wholesomeness of the Royal Baking Powder now affirmed by every chemist and food analyst of prominence, and conceded by all manufacturers of other brands arises from the exclusive use of cream of tartar specially refined by patent processes, which' remove totally the lime and all other impurities. These facilities are pos sessed by no other manufacturer. The Chemist of the De partment of Health of Brooklyn, N. Y.t in which city the works cf the Royal Baking Powder Company are situated, after recent numerous experiments, reports : " I subjected several samples of the Royal Baking Powder, purchased from dealers in Brooklyn, to chemical analysis, and I take pleasure in stating that this powder has attained a most remarkable purity. I am unable to detect the slightest trace of lime tartrate in it, while all its constituents are pure and of the highest quality. The 4 Royal' is a baking powder undoubtedly of the greatest leavening power, and perfectly wholesome. Be. O. GROTHE, Ckewnkt Dtvartmtmi ot ffrtrffft Drooktvn. If. T.m a rmpwwmw alTrwwa Wew yf mmfnmlmmww mmw w w m W w mm w ABOUT DRY GOODS And Where te Bay Them. LAST WARNING NOTE. Rearing the End! l mmim an knew M "Tea. City Dry Go 1 1 1 aaewa wttfeant iw n eaoere rtrrt haMkfhff Brr wa free e at retail a4 oM a whet to tb ie lately aas aaraate -f very and mUeaa' weal riaeal kit slevr imported. USV Sell- Etr tare tak See tinea iaoaa. alera.lees, newer. mllileerr. Tfce eieafe ell aew nJ mada u roar from th Barat rxataa will found In htaekala, artntar area eeeaa. uHlnc nrt to ba had alaaahare riecoan a one tumrmj, vr. nwjsnekal asfrawi kaat avT. A. Saaa fa Portlead. aw etar,- 1 sew la Afseer, ed ta Blai away efcawd mt and all resell Sl w eaat. Thaaa at Stela that aaaaaraa mrw uafe rtMetllBe thaw geada U ba wlllMlrawe frea H . flMI Tiaianai1lna ru aaii la lira an tn nail! fer it I tee late. pmIiJ tlaffle faaaflad iea lafaalaafc nf fwrv. k4 alaafSe and veleet aUka aad aallma. Vim r man fear wa eat, erne as aad ierf G ONN BROTHERS' "BTA.CfCMETa.CK" a lastiae fries and 60 oents. and fra Meat Exeelleat, J J Atkloa, Chief of Police, Knoxvllle, fV - - . a W Am a a . ' lenn., wrnee : '-oay xamujr ana I are Denenotariea or your moat excellent medl cine, Dr. King's New Discovery fer con sumption ; hiring found it to be all that you claim for it, deeire to testify to Its virtue. My friend to whom I have no oanmenaed it, praise It every opportunity." ur Bviog- w uisoovery sor uonenmp tion is guaranteed to cure conarha. mid bronchitis, asthma, crouo and evarw r. faction of throat, cheat and lungs. Trial uotuea nee at raanay dt meson umm Store. Large else 11 Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OF STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbln and First 81,, -DEALER nr- Catattwal Meats, Qaesnaware, Vegetablea, Cigars, Bp! res. Er-PraaUanf Ark. viA Proprietary Medicine., no doubt has large .V Utmi.hM.mti. tUmmmmm., mm home iu New York City, oo the 18th Rsring tbe burden of horn' maoufaotur- mat. As has been generally known he ST "P0141' . with branch ee of the leeialatura a wall ika baa en in 04(1 blt for some time, German Syrup, aa the reduction of thirtv. 0 --- I . ... I mt mmmtm wmm U I J J but hi death wa nnerneetAd k . " "a euaea to iu- r- - w V ' ll KM I T election of oouoty officer in many cone ties heretofore reliablv Rfnnt.lican n reltives snd oearet friend. He j 11 ' ' " became if resident at the death of Gen The messenger of the Western (Juicu eral Garfield, aod, thouch not a states- Telegraph office in Esstoo, Md.f is the map or expeiienced official, yet be filled oldest boy in the aery ice. He id over the office with a scrupulout regard to 07 yaerfi of age,and still would beat the j the interests of tbe people sod his obli- kverasw messenger boy of the city, gationss ohief magistrate of the nation. crease the else ot tbs bottles oontalolo these remedies, thereby giving one-fift more medicine in the 70 cent size, The August Flower for dyspepsia aod Liver ana tne acrman Syru voisipuunt, son tne uerman syrup for Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, tbe largest sale of any medicines in the world. Toe advantage of increased aze of tbe bottlea will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in erery town and village In civilized countries. Sample bottles for 10 oents remain the same size. Canned Fratts, tilMHware, Dried Fralts, Tobacco , Sugar, Coffee, Etc,, Etc., In fact everything that is kept ta a gen eral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. First Nations! Bank Of ALBANY, OREGON. rtont JOHK COfOflB CMr H. F. UK a KILL TRANSACTS A GENERAL baBklaf biuIm ACCOUNTS KEPTittbJcte check. SIGHT EXCHANQE ad telfYfihto trmetfer, mn4 on Nsw York, Ban Francisco, Ckioigo asd Fortl i Oreroo. COLLECTION'S MADE OS faronkl terns, Mikotoas. J Jwxs, Jour Oenits. h. 8. Btaw. L. Fmss, A8H GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Roboon's. ALBANY, OREGON. Keep a fresh stock of alt kinds of QROCKRIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS' ETC., ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, O ROOKERY, GLASS WARE ere, t ra. PEODUOE mm II EXOHANBB Will sell as oneap aa any store !& k:ny AT COST Prem and after August 1st, 1886, 'John Briggs, will' sell his entire stock of 8T0VE8, TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, I without reserve, 3Tow Is your time to famish cheaply. Albany, July Slat, 1886. ARN DOOBS, BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. I am now recti vine mv fall and a W winter stock of boots and sheet, I bare as nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and as complete a stock as any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aH mj boots and shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorized to warrant every pair no mat ter bow cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buyiug as 1 buy in quantities and pay the cash. In ladies1, misses and children's shoes, I keep oiuoh tbe largest, best and great est variety in tbe city. My aim will always lo to uive as good valoe for tbo money aa possibly can be done. 8AMUEL E. YOUNG, Axes axe. L. E. SLAIN, First Street, Albany, Oregon New Goods. His slock of CLOTHING. Is very large, aod eonalats of tbe latest sty lee of WEN'K, BOY'S. AND . YOUTH'S V ITS, OVERCOATS, RUBBER GOODS Carefully parrhaeer! in the beet market. Von get only tbe beet goods for tbe price with a complete stock to select from. HI stock of FURNISHING GOODS Is not equalled In Albany, nor aurpaaaed in tbe Valley. It include the very beat! makes of SHIRTS, HOSIERY. NECK GLOVES, AO. All m style, embracing noveltl and staples. WEAR, His stock of HATS l really choice. They are bought prf eivsily In Philadelphia. Are novel aa In style. A big stock te seteet from. IIistcck of BOOTS AND SHOES is tbe beet, without exception, of any In tbts part of tbe Valley. He leads In this Mn. and offer rare bargain, quality and pile considered together. New floods. His TAILORING it PAKTMENT iaCM ducte l by an expert taller. Good nta and MylUb suit la (be rule. His uiUegssre nobby sod of tbe bet patterns. THE CITY Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS rgeiy taerwaaea our scook or noou and Shoe and are now prepared t fie an J grade of goods st remarkably low prices. We boy of ecvera iotern factories and do not heeitate to ay that onr goods are etrietlv first We have la fumlh all sty of the beet Kastern raetortes and do not hesitate to y that our goods are etrietly first ciaaa. we carry no oanarupi ssocs ana can ruiiy warrant onr goods to wear equal la any in the market. REMEMBER We have the largest exc:tMive stock of ia tbe city and thst we ARE . contlnuallay adding new novelties. We are soiling so CjBEJE that you can not fail of being suited. We da .o not follow but lead in low prices. Re member the old adage "Tbe proof of the pudding ia in chewing the string " READ & UROWNELL. WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND C0RVALLIS, OR. LEADING DEALERS IE GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep's fail assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLERY, AMUNITION FISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS BUTCHER AND POCKET KNIVES. We handle ihe O VIS, DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, WHITE, AMERICAN, CROWN.NINGER, HOUSEHOLD, ELDREDC2E HEWING MACHINES, ABdfosUfk!,n mM d Owns, Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and extras Tor all kinda of machines. Repaying of sewing machines and fine inatru- meats a specialty. ALL GOODS WARRRNTED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. AT STEWART SOX'8. T ADORER'S TOOLS, a.d, mstrocks, bruah hooks, picks, snovei. apsaes, rorss, Bieaaes. wedses. crossc.u snws, iqsuI rings, wheelbarrows. I or an i tbtr tool used by either wood men or mud hu" Foraiie cheap by 8TKWABT& SOX. rer PQt un a new barn door nor re- bang an old one uuui yon nrsc can on Stewart A Sox and see what they hare new In barn door bangeaaemethii?g that will as break down. to to Stewart & Sox's and examine those fine Oregon made axes, superior to all others. Manufactured by H. B. Der riok, of Crawferdsvilie, Lion Co., Or. Wai ranted first class, Will Bros, bare received a large, lot 0f shot gnus and rifles from the East and will sell them at Portland prices. qARPENTKUS AND BRIDGE BUIL DERS. on't forget that we keep a full line of all kinds of tools and will sell as cheap aa the quality of our goods will allow. W make a specialty f fitting out car pen ers ana will be glad to see them at any time. STfc wart A Sox, DAWS, AXES, ETC vve are not bragging one bit when we aay we have the finest cross-out saws and axea in the valley. Also a flue lot of steel and iron wedgea, maul rings, etc. SraWABT A Sox. 1ANT AND BLASTING POWDER, any Irishman (Wild Bill excepted) wants to blow up rooks, atom as or Eng lishmen, we can it him out with glaut or blasting powder in good shape, Swwajw & Sean FIRU INSURANCE. All kind of farm proprtyf vis : Build tags, Hay, Grain. Hops," Fruit, Live Moek, Farm Machinery, Fsrm imple ment, Household Furniture, Fsmlly j jovial ana, , Wearing Apparel, Oa-riages, V11' Harnp8' MuKical Iastrumeote and Bo ks, insured against us by fire or lightning ia reliable Companies. Losses CKid in full, J. C, Powxix, Agent, Albany, Oregon, yrTAiiONS AND OA RRt AGJLS. Wagons, hacks, buicwies earriagea, siogie and i1c Li Kefore you bay come around and ee what we have. Sts-waso- & Rex. S PEC I a L. TO SPO Rl'SMEN. l r m k. otwi run duv your ammunition we nvite y u to oom end see a. We carrv awveraf different grades of powder, all kind of cartridge- primers, brass aad papers! eels, loaded shells end by far the bent oho l in town, SwrwABsr A Sex. C UTLERY We wt nt it distinct! v undarstnnH fk. we can knock the spots" off aiytblna in the country whan it comes to pocket knives, rasors, etc, Oome around and see for yourselves. Smwart A Sox. c HILLED PLOWS. W a re r cents for oneof te finest ahll- led plows ever stuck Into the ground. Wa oat tbem to sell and 1 you waat a fptew it rdll pay yon to oomejn and see il. STOWASV A SOX.