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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1886)
Site gfmomt. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19. 1886 IT WAS NT A SI Bra I IK Howim other may have been sur prised at tit reaolt of the late oongrss sional election, it waa fully expected by the DiaiooaUT, although we lay no claies of being endowed with prophetic ffceioa. Hera waa what we thought of the outlook expressed in the iaaua of the Democrat of Oct. 8th: "Besides the Democratic and Republican partiea, there are greenbeoker, prohibitionist, workingaoen and other local orgauias tiona of different kinda in various parti of the country, whoee entering upon the fluid of political action will very much nyatify the reault. At the present writing the indication are that the Democratic majority in Congress will be materially reduoed,end it would not be aurpriaing if the majority ahould be entirely wiped out." We now predict that the reault will make the Democrat atrooger In 1888 '.han they would have been bad they maintained their largo majority in eengtessin the late ejection. AtHUY TWaJi The question of admitting Washing ton. Montana and Dakota Territories into the onion will be up for consider tion in Congreaa thia. fall. Uufortu nately the admission of new states too generally turns upon the question of polities. Wast Virginia, Nevad,Calo rado and Nebraska were made states largely because their admission would iaorsaaa the voting atrength of the Re publicans in the United S la tea Senate Now favor the admiaaion of Dakota and Washing. on because they eaeb would add two Republican Senators. Thia is not right. We be lieve these territories aSouM be admit tad because thsy have sufficient populc oVou to oall for their admiaaion. Admit and start them on the battle of The Demuora.a of California elect Qjveraory8ecretary of State, Controller Attorney General, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Clerk of the Su preme Court, while the Republicans elect Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer and Surveyor General. Republicans elect fonr Co ngi seamen and Democrat two a Democratic gain of one. The legis lature is Democratic on joint ballot, tbua insuring a Democratic Senator in place of Williams, Rnpobiiean. The seata of two Republican Congressmen will be eon tested on the ground of fru I. Official retoi ua have been received from about seventy of the seventy five coo a ties of Arkansas, showing tha Pro hibition vote in th election held Sept. 6;b. Tbe total vote waa 165,000. Tne vote for license was about 75,000, while tbe vote against approximated 5,000. The Prohibitionists carried some thirty counties. The vote shove a large gain for that element. Ia 1882 tbe Prohi baunniste polled lees than 20,000. In 1884 tbey poMed 44,000, thus showing an increase of over 21,000 in the last two years. Although a white Democrat coldly murdered by a number of colored Republicans in Texas on election day, no outcry has been raised by tbe bloody shirt organs aod eyen John Sherman baa failed to denounce the outrage. In tha light of eveate witnessed by tbe last generation this is singular, to say the leaat, but it may have been due to tbe fact that tbe tariff waa being saved. It sometimes makes a di Serene, too, wboae bread falls with tbe buttered side down. That was an interesting meeting at Harvard University the other dev. A Democratic president of tbe United States waa welcomed within tbe classic walla of that justly rsnowned and re vered institution by tbe Democratic president of that institution itself. Surely tbe linea of Harvard continue to fall in pleasant places. Only a few weeks sgo President E iot renounced Republicanism and cast his lot unre servedly with the Democratic party. Sensible man. Tbe vote ag.iost Speaker Carlysle for Corigree at the late election wag e) Dot half as great as it was tjevi years ago, yet he rmw has but 7G8 majori ty against 6000 majority two years sgo. Con Juki v evidnc tbat voter staid at home in very Imgu numbers. Tha tendency ot politic! thought and sentiment is cleark shown to be to the Democratic party by the fact tbat President Eliot, of Harvard Crilege,bss formally broken hU relation with tbe Republican party and ucited himself with tbe Democratic party. Tbe Republicans are usiog tbe most atreuuutift efforts to cheat tbe Democrats out ot tbsir maj rritv in the Indiana legislature. Tbe tinea vory Col. Dudley ia helping, and every one knows that that mrans the dirtiest kind of work. Blaine had 32,000 more votes in Ohio than Cleveland. At the lste e'ec'ion tbe Republican i carried the state by 11,000 and are now boasting of their big victory. Another case of blood be ing extracted from a turnip. Tbe Vidette, published at Salem, has cjme to the front as a Democratic pa per. Success. The Prohibitionists oajt 20,000 votes in New Jersey ajfaioeb 6000 fjr St. FAIR RUU TIOVS The Ortgonian and other newspapefa of Republioan faith keep up a continued howl about how elections in tha South are carried by fraud, but when we look at the reault of the late elections we there i no truth, nor ground for belief, in the charge that fraud prevails there to a greater extant thaa in the North. We ar.e aware that many read era of Republican newspapers never saw anything else upon this subject than the ooutinually-repeated charge that they do not have any elsottoas in ths South, thst the vote is counted before the elections are held, and many other sim ilar charge, and it it not aurptlaiog that these Republican readers belief e theee oh arses era true, but most of the newspapers that make theee charges know them to be untrue, and especially doea tha Ortyonian know that they art untrue. Look at Virginia, sonoerning whose elections most of these oherges have, in times oast, been made. One j m w year ago, after a brilliant campaign led by Gov. Lee, the Democrata swept tha atate, placing the whole state govern seat and election machinery in their hands. Here waa a moat favorable op portunity to count the vote before it was east if tbe Democrats had desired to do so, but on the oontrary tha Re publicans gain four Congressmen and sarry tbe state on the popular vote by 15,000. Lx?k at their gains in North Carolina and Kentucky also. No, it's all bosh. There are more frauds com mitted at a single election by Republi cans and Democrats alike in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana than in all tha South. Aa every one knowa it ia a common thing for Republicans and Democrats alike to cry fraud when beaten, but it ia one thing to charge fraud and quite another to prove it. But tne great, tbe damnable, tbe delib erately-planned fraud tbat towers above all otbera combined, waa committed in the South by the Republican party when, with "malice aforethought," tbat party deliberately cheated the American people out of a duly elected president end inaugurated one wham the people bad rejected at the polls. CORRESPONDS 1ST OB Tangent. ontinunj to stir at tbe warehouse thia wetk. TbeTangeat nursery is doing a rush ing nasi nose, judging from shipment made during the peat few days. Mr. Barnes' new dwelling ia almost completed, and presents a very neat ap pearance. Tbe present term of tba Tangent acbool closes on Fridsy, tbe 26 h. Mr. T. Gordon, who is traveling in the interest of the nursery at thia plans), left this week for a short business trip oot South. Tbe oyster supper spoken of by a correspondent from tbta plaoe in tbe last week's Herald haa been postponed in definitely. Well here we are again, observing some thinge, whi.e perhaps there are some things tbst be escaped our ob servation. We are glad to lern that there ia a revisl meeting guiug on across the creek at tbe Fail view Church, a few milea from here. Q tite a number of Tangent tolka have been attending, and have been benefitted tberebv. We learn tbat there have been a bent twenty (cessions to the church. We would like very much to bsve suoh a meeting in Tangent. The Bras Band of Tangent ia atiii mskiug imorovement, although tbe drummer boy baa withdrawn. There bast been twelve or fifteen thousand bushels of wheat bauied from Tangent to Albany on wagons, to be shipped by tbe O. P. R. R. This climate suits our village Dr.. as be is growing fat and alwsya haa a smile on bis face. P. A. M m ia building a line of new fence for Hub Bryant on tbe Beard place. We saw on tbe farm ot Mr. J. B. Jenka a 16 months old pig of the Jer sey red stock that measured stx feet around tbe girth. Thia pig is quite a show of itself, although Mr. Jeoks has quite a number of other pigs equally as tine as this one. It wonld pay any one to call and see those fine pigs and learn of their habits. Mr. Clayton,of Eugene city, who wss viMiting in this vicinity, took tbe train for home tbe last of tho week. O. P. Daniels wss in town the last of the week on a collect iug tour. There was a drummer from Portland in Tangent last wetk, in he interest ot some scale house. P. W. Ryan discharged two of bis Chinamen Saturday. George Bevios,'of Oohoo",is visiting relative in the vicinity of Tangent. List Fridsy evening ome three cr four of Albany's sharpers were seen playing cards in an old out building, probably attracted here by tbe shindig, which came off tbe same night. Jcine. Mr. and Mr. J. M. Thompson went to Portlsnd yesterday to visit relatives. Mr?. Metzgar and son, of Sheridan are visiting her sister, Miss Mendenhsll, at present. A horse belonging to Mr. T. Taylor, end valued at one thousand dollars,died frwm lockjaw tbe other day, caused by running a nail in the foot. Mrs. S. G. Thompson it just recover ing from a severe attack of erysipelas. Mrs. M. A. Smith aod Mrs. Mattie Taylor went to Junction City last Fri day on a visit to Mrs. ttobt. Bargei'a. Mrs. Smith returned home Saturday. Prnsbaw'a "Deed Hunt ea Agate" It beat the world. It effecta a cure in 24 hours. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful merits. Call for testimonial. Price 75 cents per bottle, at Prus haw's .jjf Store, corner First and Broadalbin Ilaletey- Oot might scratch his head in vain for items in Halaay,and find none. Frank Hayee b Buffering from a se vere attaok of rheumatism, raault of the reoaat cold weather. Several others are similarly afflicted. Geo. Cohen was in town last weak Did not stop to inquire how long ha waa going to stay. John Oiabb haa moved on tbe farm formerly occupied by Mr. Piatt. Mia Anna Mark, from near Leb anon, ia going to apend tbe winter here. Mr. Churchill was thrown from a horse Thursday, but received no serious injuries. Win. Marks, Tr, and aiater spent a few days here, viattiog friends and re ativee. G. W. arrives at the 1 1th hour if h doee ait on the fenoe during serviose. Tramps are likely to be taken for the 'old msn," especially if he ia driving bis team. Mis Ollie Pearl is visiting her aiater, Mis. John R Hb, who is sick. ansa evanaaa a a aire. Monroe Miller' health in im proving. Mies Lattie B'tt haa rem rued home, after apendiug a lev weeka 1 tha country. Thins I'll have to visit tbat flu apeliing school at Sod vide, aa 1 think 1 can soelt "my finger is aull on the sore list." I. 0. V. As there is considerable inquiry as to Oho I. 0. U. may be, I will say tbat I first bad tbe opportunity of meeting tbat individual at the opposition barber shop, standing at tbe top of the stair case. And aa the first exclamation waa 'don't give me away," I leave the rest of yon tbe aame opportunity as I had to form tbe acquaintance. Dr. 0. E. Fry visited Harriaburg last weak. Our town baa again been etruek b Brick Dust." U has sold Us County. Wonder where he will suite next. Miss Idend Avid Jack of this vi cinity were in Albany thia week. Cha. Windom is horns from Arliog ton an a visit. Mr. Hern. of Lebanon, wat in Hley viaiting bis freu. Sobool re progressing very well under the aaoagwmnnt of A. O. Coo lit and Miss L. Worth, aaautant. No bone have been broken yet. Tbey have 68 scholars enrolled. I. C. U. baa tbe rheumatism. Y. E.S. .Mabel. We are having pratty cold weather with now and then a rainy day for a change. Wo have very few item here tbat would be likely to interest the rest f creation. I see tbe China pbeaaant is ba-ing jdtscuased in 'be papers pro and eon,ard I think "con" will get away with bin after awhile. We are not troubled with them here yet, as they have not wan dered thia far into tbe woods. By tbe way, however, is it riget for the lew maker to pees laws to protect bsjae aaoc, aa th farmers seem u pssssfsj those birds ? And, again, of L-t u s tbe present law for tbe protection of game f I hv trqiieny beard it aid thai a law which waa not eufrc d Wa worse than no law st all, aa it haa a tendency to a disregard of law whieb really ought to be enforced, which ia oot tbe case with the present gam law at alt There are iust as mnv d-ei killed in the mountains as tf ib-r were no law on tbe statute hook for their protection. Our acbool is progressing fieeiy with Mr. Cattron av tbe head. Rigga k Son have the timbeie in tbe pond for their boom, wbieb they wilt put together this week. The roads are s muddy tbat hauling is about done for ihe winter in ibi part of the country. We have now and then a new pettier here, and atill there is room. Mr. Smith is putting as fine a lot of loga into the Mohawk for Craeford 4t Fuller aa ia to be found an v where, and will put in a lot for Riggs A Son when he gets bis contract filled for ihem. Mabkuts. smessasssssam Oak Creek. 'J" you need no longer wait to bear from tbe Sodaviile "Wave," although we should never be nor sre not. weary in waving our pen. We willingly step aside and give place to "J." Are pleased to know tbst S daviile still haa a correspondent, for "Wave" is always gisd to bear any items of interest from tbat place. Tbe members of tbe Oak Creek Bap tist Church are talking of getting up a Thanksgiving supper. We hope it will be a success. There is spelling hcIiooI at the school bouse every Tuesday evening. Consid erable intereat is taaen. With aa cood order as we bve bean having, the pel- ling school is sure to prove beneficial to our young folks. The msgio lantern abow at the school bouse on last Friday evening waa pro nounced good by many who were there. Prof. D. V. S. ReiH visited our school last Friday. The farmers in tL is vicinity are most iy through seeding, Sabbath School at 'be Oak Creek Baptist church eyery Sabbsth at 11 o'clock s. ro. Mr. Olney Fry intends poing (o the Bay soon, to look after bis interests there. Quite a revival i being held at Trin ! a SI ft . S t uy imspei, several persons nae pro fessed religion. Cupid. Crawford, Pbotesrapber, Albany, Or. I have all tbe negatives taken bv A B. Paxton and any one oau have dupli cates from their negatives by addressing us, at tbe followipg pries : Card Ue, S2 per dozen, cabinet size, 83 per dozen, boa dour, SO per dozen. I keep the finest line 01 uregoa views in tne west, cata logue furnished on application. Copying and enlarging old picture a specialty. . JT. G. Crawford. ai For lame back, side or chest, use Shilob'e Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. Snntiani. Everything quiet on tho Potomac. Heavy frotta ard cold weather. Tha wife of Eprlam Ausburn died the Uth Inst. Their Infant child died a few days before. There waa a wedding In thla part Sunday, tbe Uth. The contracting parties being Mr. Clinton Kokert and Miaa Druellia Manser, all of Saotlam precinct. No cards. J. R. South aod wife are still away. They are visiting relatives aod friends east of the mountains. The Pleaaant Home acbool Is pro. greasing finely with 81 pupil. Toe teacher ' Russet lsM them around real lively. Jamie Sylvester Is visiting his par. ems at Pleasant Home. He has da cldad to atay in webloot all winter, and consequently will attend the Pleaaant Home acbool. Some of tbe boys fsel lonesome slnoe Hester went east of tbe moun tains. I feel for you boys, but I can't reach you. A few of the "boya" went hunting for China pbtutsxnt Sunday evening Tbelr weapons were rather novel, an old flour barrel and a stick. One man to hold the barrel and drum them In, while the mhere were to drive. We have beard of snipes be !ng hunted in a similar way. No one got anything but tbe man that held the barrel, and he "ffot left." H. Y.Z. asBssmaaasmsWB iVeastcaccn, Bay. The weather ta fine, and the Bsy i like a sheet of glass. L Liuenweber was out on the yesterday sounding, in company with Willie Com p too, of Woods, Mr. Hibley of Tiliamook,and Wm. Cox, of Oretowo Tbey report tbat 9 feet waa tba least. Tbe Bay is full of seal and dog tab 8. M. Shipley, Superintendent of tbe oonaoltdted Packing Co., is spending a few dars at hi horn at Oiatnwn. Mi. f!rdv GuNge, l Oretown, aod Mtsa Joeie Duteber, of Wood, were united in tbe hly bond of matrimony last Sunday. Tbey were treeted to an eld fashioned chaiivsrie in the evening, and after Hardy had eat 'em up the boya went off a el I satisfied. The mall contract for earrying the mail be.wnen Ksbo and Woods will be 1st neat Tueadsy to tbe loweet bidder J. B. Upton baa eloeed bis Bah trap at tbe telle for thia season. There ia to be a grand ball given et Oretown Christmas a Basaita. cieeSwt via ana I Don't forgat tbat X jest reestved a large H Allen ft Co- bar aSeek el tha ales ta cloaks froas New Yers, wbieb bays a at unheard of low prices. Ladle, when you are ia wsat of a new Area doot forget to inspect the steak of N H. Allea Co. Tbey hare a very I stock te select from and aft fare offered ia Albany. N. H. Allea ft C. have ia steak a fsll lies of hoots, skews and rabbere, wbieb will be sold eS very lew The Aaeat liae ef waadew sge at vTeedta s. A sea, A sea mo to Stewart A Sox'e and examine theee fine Oregon made axes, superior to alt others. Manufactured ny tl. B. Oar rick, of Cmwferdevllle, Unn Co., Or. War ranted first eii FlreUclsss buteber knlvesat Will Bros TUAT HACKING CoTJQB can be so qulcaly oared toy Bbiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. a 8LEFPLKSa NIGHTS, mads miserable by tbat terri Me cough. Sblinb'e Cure is tbe remeJy for you. Kllrain licked" Herald near Baltimore last Monday, and It only took him one round. One block in West Albany, good boo, bare sod other improvement. Will self en easy terms, inquire et thia Kxatnioe Woodin'a Extension Ublea, They see -well go end see them for yoeraelf. Will Bros, have received a larae lot of hot gun and rifle from the Beat and win aeit them at Portland When Baby waa akk, j 1 she was a Cattd, aba cewd Jar ( aema Mtas, aha elaef to Caatoria, ahakadChildtea,! Tbe Verdict 1 aaataa W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippua, Ind., tee tides: 1 can. recommend Bleotrlo Bit ters aa the very best remedy. Every bot tle sold has given relief In every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing," Abraham Hers, draggiat, Bellvilte. Ohio, affirms : "1 be beat nailing medicine I have ever bandied in my 20 year' expe prience, la Klectrio Bitters' Thousand of others bsve added their testimony, so tbat tbe verdict is unanimous that Hec- trio Bitters do cure all dl-oeace of tbe Liver, Kidney or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Fosbay A Mason Drug ; Store. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, bv Shi 1 oh' Catarrh Rem i edy, Price 50 cents, Nasal Injector free. BHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Core is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Excitement ie Texas. Great excitement has been cause i in the vicinity of Pari, Texas, by the remarka ble r 000 vary of Mr, J, B. Corley. who waa so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his bead ; everybody said be waa dy ing of Consumption, A trial bottle of Dr King's New Discovery was sent him Findin relief, he nought a iarare bottle and a ox of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of Fill and two bottles of tne Discovery, be was well and bad gained In flesh thirty six pounds. Trial Bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at Fosbay A Mason'. Beg Cholera A reliable gentleman who raise ovary year about one hundred head of hoga told me be never loot one from cholera, althongb Ihe disease had often appeared among hs herd. Hi remedy ia Simmona Liver Regalator,ad ministered in drenching quantity, aboat doable tbat given to a man, I give this in formation for the benefit ot those who e h s maybe attacked by cholera. Prof, F. P, ABOUT DRY GOODS And Where to Bay Them. LAST WARNING NOTE. Wearing the Knd I Tim utnrk ( (oU fnrmorly knt hv T. A Thnj mutt; I now In Albany, ami the SMSSS I Imng Bat retail ferltw rail, Tbaaa ara liu-ls that rourcrna Anar a aeeri t lm thW unmla will li iillran araav. nnw, rTnrjanr nmumm nry gaatia ia urg - nr it m tee ieie. Basses; setae irni tee Mron'i and senta' vara wadr. wear- Ktlm larirn aaairrr. ami Biuanra and vxitri. anil utiai. ta. waa a at a and sanara) miiiitiara. Tha ratairrma ... ij Mrrai namaiHa wni no I'.iinuin Ukiu Miauk --a al IL a. .. I . ai i.l. a " a i ana ami vnju ruinninatinn aiming nut faiMTOiimwr me iaxa-- Tea :ily Wry aioaala What Tree Narlt Will fta. Tba ftnpreeedented sale ofBesehee's German Myrup within a few yesra.hs- aa- tonlahed the world. It Is without doubt the safeet and beat remedy ever dlaonrered fortheapawdy end affaotusl oureofC muha, Colds and. tbe aeverett Lung trouble It acts on sta entirely different principle from the usual ereeorirKlone elven bv i'bval- elana, as it doea not dry up a Cuusjh aud leave tas aiaease ati n on tn ayateru, tut on tbe oont ary reiuoyaa tba nauaa of tha tree hie, heal tbe pert etTerted sad leaves tbeut Ina purely hesliby oonoltton. A bottle kept In the bouse for n whan tAe diseases :nk their appearaoee, will eave doctor's bills an S a long spell of seiieua lllneaa. A trial will con vi una you of theee facts It Is poaltlvely eeld by ail drngglataand gaaral doalera In tbe land fries, 76 eta., large nottiea. An Austrian gbutt ia 8 feet 6 inebca tall. Like nearly all giant be I sort el a num. skull. as" ft.Hr as Past. The eodersisned will sail all kind af am bar sod oadar feeds poat at ths follow tag atatiooa on tbo Narrow Oaa Hailrand, Ixiog's, Lawaoa sod Ballrilla. Persoea baild iog nous or barns use hav kills eat sad delivered st any of tba above station oe short notice, i .an bar ia of tbe very bast Quality, the logs being brought from the tine timber regions on tbe McKensie sUver. Wt. K. " !' EU. KHILOH'H VITALIZKHls what you need Cir (Jonattiation, Ios of Appetlie, Dlsslneae, ui mil symptoms of Dyapepaia, Price 10 ana 76 cents r bottle. CROUP. WIIOUPINU CXUntI end RronebiUs immediately fettered by bi loh's Cure. keO POWDER Absolutely Pure. seal Co . 109 Wall, B ARN DOORS, Never put op a new tarn door nor bang aa old one of til yea ft ret oajl 00 Stewart A sox and aa what tbey have In barn doer banger! eesaetbteg will net hssak doww. invaJids'HoteUSargfcal Institute 1ST "ST. with fall Staff ef sigbteem a ad Rkinral Phystelaae aa Saw the treat aaeet ef ail Cbswads Rdaeeacs. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. CbieAMle Ssasl tatarrlt. Throat and tiUMg DlMSweea Liver end Kidney Dleeieea, HI adder Pteeeaca. trieeaaea of Women, Blood Dieeasee stud Nerv- ons Arreetione. oared nere or at borne, with or without using she Patient. Come and not, or send ten cents in stamps lor our .wvsUtds Ooide lftookt which gives parUculars, Nervous Debtlltr. fmno- iHKlinwcHirnPi avva andaQ JRoibtd Conditions paused by Youthful lei. liae and Perntctoue Roll tener. noetaruiu 1. tary fractleee are apeed and permanently cured by 0 xrik post-paid. W eta. in stami ny our Special Ik i. Bookv pot.psld. 10 eta. m stamps. Rnplsro, or Breach, radi ally curodT without the knife. without dopendenoe upon trossus. and with very llttlo nain. mrmt. fnp fan ant In stamp, - FsXB TtTSIOltR and RTRIClTTTRES treated with tbe greab8t succea. Book sent foe ten cents In stamp. Aodrms World's DiseamARY MspicAi. AiWX?ATOTR,968 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Tho tiaaiiBSBt cit man a thousands of oosas of those ojseassa peculiar to St tbe Invalid' Hotel and Sunrlcal Institute, has ef forded huge experience la alapting remedies wc uaw euro, sou DR. PIERCERS Favorite Prescription It the result of this vast experience. Restorative Tonic id down eeneatlone, enronie eong tlon. Inflammation and ulcere ti es ef the womb, inflammation, pal on Sna tenner neae an eat. and femeii n ovaries. Vila puna internal t and. ''female weakness. and weakness ot Stomach, Indices tlon, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleopluaauess in either sex PRICE $1.00, E?6 eSJSS Sold by Hmgglata everywhere. Send tea centa in atampa for Dr. Pierce's larjfo Treatiae on Pkwaaoa of Women, mustrated. It promptly relieves and cures waneea Is 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, 29. Y. SICK-HEADACHEs Bilious Headache. IMzziuess, Constipa tion, ladigestion and Bilious Attacks, promptly eurea oy sir. Plcrce'a Plesaset BespBsjaj bsosysjw? VBeTeaHs as BMbTVB )g asaa aaf SHWai. eaaur rwaa Ral JBEUfiiTEj BlSEASElj I Disuses of I I WOHUL I I It is a powerful ana nervine, imparts vigor and strength to the system, and cures, ss If by magic eu corrlaosu or "whitee," exeeeelve f lowlugf nalnful menstruation, un natural auppresstoue, prolapsus or falling of the uterus, weak Sack, anteversidn. retroversion, bnariiit. In t'ortlatul, and known aa "Tba City Dry Ooadal i.ut arid all ei without renarvo aw oSarad kuauikMiiiM trutm at at retail &nl a ilil a whnl to Oia mi to ran Iraittniiairlr an'l aacura barsalaa t Masstaas af rarjr fl Mia ami mlataa' waal Quo linan la. f eiUtm lilrda. riawava i lii um mnortirf t ..ti. .kit. riaita n a.u maa u, order ir,,m n. aiaekala, wlnlar area seed. I rxiJtirl Insr a van .. a a . . ' - to m had wlaawhefe Slara, Fr.rtuan'a brick, Albany, Or. Albany Harkf t. .Wbeat66e per bn. Oai.;u' Hotter -30 eta per lb. wntS inr iloz. HMnf -on foirt, '1 ( 2 Vic Hay tjaled, I vi te per ton. loae,o to ii Potatoes 7ft ots per hoabet. A pplee -40 cents per bn. Perk 4Ha per lb. Bacons bains, 12Jn shoulders. 6a, side 10c. laird So par lb. Plour per bbl. Chinkeoe 2.&0 per doe. Mngar Man Pramtiso c, Go Dry itranulatod 7 e. Mill Feed -bran, 11.00 per ton. shorts. IS middlings, IS. Chops, IS. BOOTS, SHOES AND SUFFERS. a 1 am now receiving my fell and winter stock cf boots and aboee. I bsve aa nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe e Store, aod as complete a stock ss any thia side of Portland and very few better ia Portland. I buy aH my boots and shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat tat bow cheap. N firm in Oregon have any advantage of ro in buying aa 1 buy in quantities and pay tbe eaab. In ladies', misaee and children' shoes, I keep much the largest, bent and great ea variety in the oil v. M aim will elwaya be to give as gnd value for the money aa poaaibly can be done. SAMUEL E. Y0UNC. G ONN BROTHERS' ASH CR0CERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Robeon'. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep a fresh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS' 0 ETC., ETC. -RESIDES- TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY. GLASS WARE ETC., ETC PRODUCE TAX? IN EIGH1H8S Will sell as onespas any store la kissny AT COST From and after Augnat 1st, 1880, John Briggs, will tell biseutire stock of STOVES, TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, without reserve, Now is your time to furnish ohespiy. Albany, July 81st, 1888. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OFr- STAR BAKERY. Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN Canned Pratt, Olstsswaee, Dried Fruits, Tobacco , Sugar, Coffee, ,,, Canned Meats, QaeenNwsre, Vegetables, Cigars, Selects, Tea, Etc., In fact everything that is kept i& a gen era) variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for OF PRODUCE, L. E. First Street. New Goofta. HI stock of FURNISHING GOODS is not equalled in Albany, nor surpassed in the Volley. It Includes the very treat makee of HHIRT8. HOSIERY, NKf.'K WEAR, GLOVES. AC. Ml In stylo, embracing novelties am staples. His stock of BOOTS AND SHOES is the beet, without exception, of any In this pert of tbe Valley. He lead In tbti line, and offer rare bargain, qualitv aad price eosuddered together. New Goods. THE Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS we nave largely increeseo: oar stock or Boots end shoes aad are now prepared t furnish all styles an 1 gr.tde of goods at remarkably low price. We boy of severe of tbe beat eastern factor Is- and do not htwiiate to any that our goods are Htrfctlr Area elaaa. Wo carry no bankrup. slock and any in tbo market REMEMBER We have tba largest exc: naive stock of ia the cit f and that we ARE contlnuallay adding new novelties. We are selling ee ain & MSebaSBa vJmmM TTTTVi i JB that you can not fail of being suited. We do s.o not follow but lead in lew prices. member tbe old adage ''The proof of tbe pudding is in ehewing tbe string," READ & BROWNBLL. WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND 00RVALLIS, OR. LEADING DEALERS IN GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep a full assortment of RIFLES, 8HOTQUN8, PISTOLS, CUTLERY, AMUNITION FISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS BUTCHER AND POCKET-KNIVES. We handle the DAVIS, DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, WHITE. AMERICAN, CROWN, a IXGKK, HOlrlBHOLD, ELDREDCifi SEWING HACHISES, Aad all of the leading Piano and Greens. Sewing Machine Needles, Oil end extras for all kinda of machines. Repairing of sewing machines and flue instru ment a specialty. ALL GOODS WARRRNTEO TO BE AS REPRESENTED. AT STEW A RT A SOX'S. y ADORER'S TOOLS, A.ds. mattocks, brush hooka, picks, shovels, spades, forfcs, sledge, wedges, crosscut 4Wi, maul rings, wheelbarrows, or and other tool used by either wood men or mud lati." For aie cheap by Stkwart A Sox. al ARPENTERS AND BRIDGE BU1L DERS. Don't foraet that we keep a full line of all kinds of tools and will sell aa cheap a i the quality of our good will allow. W. make a specialty ef ntting out oarpemer'n ana will be glad to see them at any time. Stewart A Sox, rjAWS, AXES, ETC We are not bragging one bit when wo say we have the finest cross-out saws and axes in the va.Iey. Also a fine lot of steel and iron wedges, maul rings, etc. Stkwabt A Sox. 1 1 ANT AND BLASTING POWDER. Ii any Irishman (Wild Bill excepted wants to blow uproeka, etum s or Eng lishmen, we can fit him out with giautor mvmsg powder is good hu BLAIN. Albany. Oregon His stock of CLOTHING. Is very large, and consists of tbe latest styles of MEN', BOTH, AND YOUTH'S en ITB, OVERCOATS. KTJBBFR GOOD a?6 Carefully purchased in the beat market, y. u B-t only tbe host good for the pries with e complete stock to select from. P?rr.V-Jel aaaaa-iai rrlffitBsaS His stock 0 HATS l really choice. Tbey ere bought prl t ciraily In Philadelphia. Are novel aa , in style. A big stock te aeleot froas. ills TAILORING I) PARTMKNT la conducted by an expert taller. Good fits and etylfsb auHe ie the rale. Hie saltings sre nobby sad of tbe be-t pet tern. CITY n fully warrant our goods to wear equal te FIRE INSURANCE. All kind- of farm property, vis : Build lasts. Hay, Grain. Hops, Fruit, Live Stock, Farm Machinery, Farm Imple ments, Household Furniture, Family Provisions, 'V earing Apparel, Carriagea, Watrons, Harness. Mut-ical Instruments and Books, insured against lose by fire or lightning in reliable Companies. Iioaarjs paid in full. J. C. Powbxl, Agent, Albany, Oregon, W AGONS AND CARRIAGES. Wflgows, haoks.huituieti earriaaes,ainsU end don! 1- ttelore you bay come arounJ auu tee wnai we nave, Stkwawt A Sox. CJ PECIAL TO SPORTSMEN. O Before you buy your ammunition we Invite you to come and see u. We oar re several different grades of powder, all kinds of cartridges primers, braes aad paper sheela, ioaded shells and by far ike best .shot iu town SrawAUT A Sox. jpUrLERY We want it disttlnotlv understood that we can "knock the poW off at. vtbing In the country when it comes to pocket knives, razors, etc. Come around aad see for you reel Tea. Stbwart A Sox. Q HILLED PLOWS. re are agents for oneof t e finest chil led plows ever stuck into the ground. We got tnum to sen ana it you want a good jjgenw wiu pty jvu eo come m A purgative 1 i - ?rte a via!, b: