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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1885)
lite gottoaat. Entered at the Post Office at Albany, Or, M seoond-cluss mall matter. FRIDAY JULY 10, 1885 8riTE3 A NUTTING. Ktltiitr ami rrerleler. tKKDr. XITrHU, twnl Killler. Official County Paper. A Wersl I IWMWi Kariucra, w bliv we can inaks it to your interest to com around and mo us. We have a large took of lubricating oil aud grease omo of which we will tell for loss money than you ever bought it for before We believe we hav the beat binding twine in the market, and you can tell by coming around and looking at it It will pay you to investigate the matter. In repairing we can lit yen out complete ly, having a full stoat of bolta. riveta, draper Heft draper tacks, pitch forks, neck-yokes double trees, singe-trees, aud almost auy thing you wast. Pou't forget to MM and see us any way Pktkm k S.WAKr. . ! " tire Harm Last Monday afternoon ab ut 5 o'clock while In hla office In the Footer brick Hon W R Bilyeu discovered atnoke iaautng from the warebouao of Foehay Maaon, just back of the block, t Jiving the alarm the tire department was promptly on hand, only to tlod that five hand grenade had superseded them. When the alarm was first given William Daniel, Clerk of Fo shay it Mason, rushed into the building with his handa full or grenades,tbe flames at the time Teaching from the floor le the roof. Breaking live of them nothing waa leil but sparks, which an application of water completely extinguished, The cause ef the tire watt the combustion ore quantity of pLospborous which had been placed in water in the building ; but owing to the extreme beat of the day the water had evaporated, leaving the phos phorous in a condition to easily ignite As the warehouse contained a large quan tity of kerosene the eall waa a very close one to a conflagration perhaps or laige di irenslons, raaaleabers Mai.nrU sita. Harrisbnrg waa the scene of a vry serious tragedy on laat Saturday. On the morning of that day Arthur Brandenlnrg loaned Oeorge Smith a sum of money. About one o'clock they met iu the Song saloon, when they bad a quarrel oyer the matter, aud one or two tights. Finally in the heat of the excitement Brandenburg drew'oot his knife and attacked Smith with it, hitting him a blow over the heart close enough though so that it just reached the pericardium, but did not pierce it Smith fell senseless, and was taken care of by his parents, but it is thought it will be im possible for him to survive the cut. At last acoownta he waa juat alive. Brandenburg mad bis escape and left for parts unknown. The Markets. Wheat remains at 79c. in Portland and about 02 here; but aa there are almost no alee there ie little else than a name in the price. Wool is stationery at about 1 4 V for beet qua. ity. Hay begins Its an miner campaign at $4 to 6 for loose, and $8 for baled. Hama are quoted at 9c., sides, 8c. and shoulders 5Xc Egs, 30c.. butter, 10c. Potatoes are down to 40c., apples 50c, plums "5c. La ige Oregon plume are unknown in the Ea-tt, except a they are shipped there. Recently a Chicago man smt a large qiantity from this State to that city. They cost him Wc and the ex preeeage 75c. a bushel ; yet such a luxury are they there that retail dealers pay 5 a bushel or 10c a pound for them, and sell them to their customers at a big profit. fatal Arr ideal About dark on the 4th a man named Cnbb , was riling ahorai at full speed along Broadalbin Street when he came in contact with tbe tongue of a wagon coming from an opposite direction. He retained his position on his horse until in front of Mr D ', when he fell to the ground, and soon after picked up and taken into Mr Mansfield's and Dr Wallace was sent for. It was thought at first that he could not live, but on the next morning when Dr Wallace went to attend him he had gone home. After reaching his boms he began expe riencing serious effect from the wound, and soon afterwards expired. The tongue truck on his left side, near his stomache, aud injur ed bim internally, bnt it was not at firt sup posed to be ot M serious a nature. Kail read Aeeldeal. Lat Wednesday moruiug A D B rker and W B Rice were riding srsilroad tricycle near the depot at a tremendous rate of speed, esti mated at about forty hour a to to the mile, when a switch appeared be lore them. Put ting oa their triple air brake, the concussion leaolting, caused a collapse of the machine, with auch suddenness aa to aend Mr Rice a long diatance, the smallest figures being pot at 10 inches from the rear of the apparatua, while Mr Barker landed in a well preaerved condition several miles thia side of Tangent. Great excitement prevailed in the vicinity until it was learned that no one waa hurt. Mr Barker though, who carries an accident policy, ia not very well pleased at the result. m Tragedy at Weston. From tbe Weston Leader we learn that Mrs T H Cone, (nee Josie Garringer,) formerly of this city, on June 23rd, at her home in Weston, whi'.e In a fit of despondency, cut the throat of her six months old child from oar to ear with a razor, killing; it instantly. She seemed to be laboring under some peculiar bal lucinatioQ aud wanted her child to die while It was yet innocent. Mrs Cone was taken to the insane asylum at Ralem, where she is at the present time, her mind Dearly gone, The tragedy is indeed a sad one. Fire at Qasrlzvlllr. Lut Saturday a destructive fire occurred at Quartzville on the Santiam, in this county. burning the machinery for the White Bull mine and saw mill, causing a loss of about 85,000. The loss ia seriously felt by the mtuera there, who were juat getting ready to work up a large amount of quartz. Curiosity. Mr N H Allen, the merchant, has lying ou bis desk a regular curioaity. It is a last year' potato with young potatoes growing inside of it. The old potato is bursting open to give room for the new potatoes. It is a regular monitrosity, You Mijltttocalland see it, . SalrMe at rervallls, Ou Thursday night of laid week at about 10 o'clock the report of a revolver was hoard In the store of E. Rosenthal at Corvallis. Some persous standing near who heard it rushed into tliu store when they found Mr, Rosenthal lying ou ths floor dead, a revolver In his hand and blood flowing from Ids mouth, he having shot himself in them mth, the hall going upward Into the hralu. The ciroumstanues which lead to this tragedy were of the most peculiar, as well as sad, nature. Mr, Rosouthal several yeats ago married a daughter of Mr. S. G. Kline. About a year ago she died, her loss being greatly bereaved by M r. Roaciit hal . 81 nee then there seems to have been trouble in the family, about which dilleretit stories lit told, one being that the Kline family want ed Kortenthul to marry another daugh ler, which Is probably the correct oie. Anyway it cutitiiuuteii in Mr and Mrs, Muse a ml Tolly Kllneenter ,ug K'Mttiithai' store the evening of the suicide and giving him a severe cow hid ing, thia, with other thlng,so completely broke him up thst he took hio own lite a- stated above. A note was left, in which he charged the Klines (except lug a son) with being the cause of his rash act (J rent feeling was excited iu Corvallis. the sympathy being goiiernlly with Koft'iithnl, who teems wo have had many friend among the people there. Friday the four Kbnte were arrest ed for assault and battery and were lined In all $1 lid and osts. Several stories are told iu connect i n with the unpleamut attalr, but it not the Dkm crat'8 place nor purpose to repeat them. Sunday the remains of Ibisenthal were brought te this city and luterred with ceremony. In the Jewish ceme tery. Ou last Monday the Kline ijuartut were arrested for causing a riot, and Tuesday were held in the sum nl I ." to awnit the action of the grand jury. A triuljr ftlr. Sou. hern Oregon has had a geuuiue gruuioy bear sensation, the following ac count of which we get from the Portland "News Jaa Oeorgs owns a hog ranch mar Klamath Springs. Friday nigitt lsl he and George Chase heard the nogs i deal ing in the big corral 500 van's below the roriner'a ctbin. They mounted two eay usewand rode down to see wbat the mat ter waa, Chase having a six-abooter, but Oeorge being unarmed and riding bare backed, with only a ha ur to guide the animal. Tbey rode within and rooliMhiy put up the bars after tbem. They ap proached near where the squealing boga were, and were horrified to ie confronted by two huge grizzly bears, which aprang at them. Immediately the ponies and the hears began a mixed race around the in terior of tbe corral. Chase lost bis reroi er before he could fire, and George, not having a saddle, aeeral times t ame near being; thrown from his vaulting stood. Finally tbe bears slackened their pace,and Chase managed, without dismounting, to throw down one or the bars, when the poniea lead over and tbe ridera reached home in safety. Next morning tbey found rive dead bogs in tbe corral, the largest of which, weigblug over 200 pounds, waa almost com plete'y eaten up. Both bears were very targe. A good deal ot stock has lately been destroyed in Jackson and Klamath counties by grizxile. Treasurer rp.rl Following ia tbe report of County Treas urer II. Harwell, for the yeir ending June 80ib, 1885 : llil o hand July, 1UU Kec'd from Stat Treasurer.... HecM usiinquet tax, lsS2 RaeVt delinquent tax, IssS Rec'e Ui of 1 - Kec'd U'.r ..... nr Kec'd Kerry license Kec'd pwidlsrs license. Rec'd trial fees Kacd bUt. AU'jrs fees and Iws... Kec'd Oiroiier. inquest Pid State tax receipts L , , , , Paid County Clark's receipts. Paid School Kupt'i order. Co. fund 67 Co. orders oo hand Paid (or improvements (or County Paid Supt's order's, Slata fund lUUnce on hand 4U4.27H.W A MeaaUla Pink. On to-night, (Friday.) July 10th, 188. Laura Daiuty.wbo haa been meeting with ao much success through tbe Mute, will appear at Crawford's Hall, Admission, 75c., reeerved seats, I OO.for sale at Lang don A Co's. Folio wlag are among many notioee given Miss Dainty : "Laurs Daintv is the 'ltta' ot the day." "St. Paul Pioneer Pre.," "laeura Dainty, who haa previously ap peared in Denver, first In readings aud then in "A Mountain Pink," re appeared at tbe Taber Urand last aignt iu the play. The improvement Mb Dainty shewed between her two firet viaita, (though great was not nearly so marked aa that made by her since she played a year Ago, It would be difficult to irnsgine a more perfect 'Sincerity Weeka'than she makes.' 'Denver Times," May lit, 'tfft, They Were Sharp. The Iowa editor were sharp, Tbey got tbe good graces of the people wherever they weut by telling tbem that their girls were tbe handsomest they bad seen yet ; until even tbe freckle fsced girls of Eu gene, the monstrous footed gitls of Anti- land, the Kentucky cave mouthed girl of Corvallis, the cross eyed girls of McMinn- ville, and tbe milk and water girla of Salem, began to think tbey were really handsome. What a fall there is now when it is learned that it was all put on in every ease except with Alb toy ; tint they were playing tbe hypocrite to get a Kqnare meal. Al bany -gave tbem no dinner, but they complimented our young ladies be cause they could uot do otherwise. ' e Hot Member Items. Ice thoroughly packed around the feet at night is a sure preventive of flfcUH. Do out talk politics. Pay your printer. Imagine that you will get $1.10 for your wheat. The thought is refreshing, Do not cook any tiling. Eat crackers, plume, oranges and peeled turnips. tio in swimming at 4 o'clock every morning. Bathe your pulse iu 4th of July lem onade, that is, iced water. It cools the blood and raises your spirit. Wants to Know, Eds. Democrat : allow me to inquire of the Portland pa pers if there is a hotel in that city wher-t a ibhd can get a drink of water without going to tbe bar. If there is, it would ac commodate several Linu county men to know where it i. Inquirer. Rev IS A Banks, of Seattle, W, T will preach in th Methodist Episcopal Church ef this city, uext Sabbath at 11 a, m, Pub ic invited, JJ137.' 4,la.uQ S0.03 Boauao ............. 7iS2.7& 71.00 34.00 .06 ist.te MWMMMM 20.00 J20.IU.00 - i.m i : 0.&S4.M .. 1,771.7a OS. SO 4 104.7.' 1 1,011. 30 Jaaaushek, The rendition or the tragedy, "Mary Stuart," at Crawford's Hall, in this city, oo last Fri lay night, offered to the people of Albany the most finished acting, which has ever been witnessed in this city. The fact the a "Peck's Bad Bay" or a mluatrel ahow can draw a good house, while such a finished actress as Janausttek can only get together an audience of about seventy, la a comment ou the public taste which is only alleviated by ths large dimensions of the admission fee and the iiiitlltisof the Stage aud poverty ot scenery an audience has to wltneaa, Madame Jauaushek is a great and pow. erful actreas,MiipMrted by an uncommon ly good troup. The fact that with their surroundings and tuuall audience they did as conscientious acting, with ths excep tion or Miss llaggar hm Marg4ret Curl, as they would have done on the best mount ed tdage, speaks kit Washington moiiu monlsorthe thoroughness mi l culture or the management ai well as or the com pany. Madame Janaushek, as Mary tuart, meets our conception or Scotland's nmr: tyred queen, throwing a force and a com pleteness of expression Into hr prestuils tiou of that wonderful women's character, notsurpasaed on tbe stage today. Asa tragedienne she haa no superior, if equal. Mlaa Helen Hand, though a Portland paper, salt! die waa every inch the proud queen, looked about as much like Kli-t bth as a beardless hoy like a man with gray hairs. F.llzabelb, at the time of the execution of Mary, was a woman of about llfiy, wrinkled, with rod hair turning grsy, aud a monatrously long nose ; but the P.lixabeth or thla play was a young, rresh looking woman or twenty-one, looking twenty years younger than Mary ; whore aa ahe was about ten years older, hut Mias Baud displayed a power or scorn and pride, which, to an extent, recompemed for her lack of age. Miss Nelson aa Han nah Kennedy, Mary's companion, Mr Chsplaiu as Lord Leleeater, Mr Stuart aa Sir Kd ward Mortimer, F Clemens as Lotd tturleigh and Iouia Breesn aa Shrews bury put a reality Into their parts which showed bow welt they were suited for tbe characters, The hlaiory of Mry Stuart is intensely Interesting, and tbo play or It as preeented by Madame Janaushek and htr splendid support Is none the less so. Tbe costumes were magnificent, Iwdng in keeping with the character,"!" the ri h- est and moat coatly make. Carreal Kveal. Thero ii tin denying the fact that Oregon people want to atick to the silver dollar, and they would like very much, if you please, to get one fur every bushul of wheat. We are solid on the silver question in cuuuty when presented lu this light. The Iowa editors are all homo, it is to be hoped the Colorado priuters are not such im mouse eaters. It is a lucky thing that tramps are not like absconding bank presideuta who uever allow the grass to grow uuder their feet, else th. r. would he a complete failure ot the hay crop in tbe V ilhunette valley. A Portland club played at Dallas last Saturday. aud now all the papers h the form er city declare that all of the cloe dectaioua were in favor of the Utile club. Is uut thu very sad as well aa serious. There is a in Salecn so lazy that when he wants to speak asoutenceof nfteen words he has to get uu at three o'clock in order to gat t..rough at uight A reeded improvement in Albany is a hath houae for tramps, m rtfti attendants to force them into it. Tney should be giveu grind stones for soap and there should be a rushing, mighty undercurrent to a deep bath ing apartment. This is intended for s svrtous item. The Mt Hood party tells a good story sbout their red tire being itited before dark. The narration ia just hkoa live Alphine sd Ventura ; but. coma boys, now just that you did not go to the top at all. The rrjonian accuses tbe 2few of mak ing up ita special despatches from old matter. Now look out for stone throwing. A gallon of milk should weigh eight aud five eighths pound. ei.uuu.iaju naa just ipn loanrti to .New lork SUte for 2$ per cent. Kight per cei t is good eoongb fur Uiegomana. An Kastern Jersey cow recently produced 40 pound 12J ouncesof butter u. seven days. This beau any of our Oregon pumpkin er bear stories, i . . ., . An Iowa baby wa. recently blown o fr by a tornado that its pareoU have u,i yet a. .... . . neerj lounu. i ne ciiU't waa uncovere l in a field dying. I'ashlon lr f amp ed In Our Own OOlre. BelU lor waah drown are made of mo rocco, alligator or seal skin. Albany girls will aee little that Is of Interest in thia item. - - . . . . . ... . A bow of ribbon or. the side ol the t.eck is tbe bunion. On auch occasions as the 4th though Oregon girls prefer a good atrong arm. " , ,. , , , , ' , Beads of lead and wood are is favor for , . , trimming walsU, fronU of sklrtssnd man- t'e In the Democrat office beads of per- spiration only are to be found Short sleeveless j4oket, with a deep scallop In tbe center of the back are worn with either high o low jack and the. bodices. Albauy boya in their evening prome nades in tbe ditch seem to prefer no jacket at all, nor anything else. Bracelets are very narrow, They al ways have been for criminals. Also ribbons for millinery purpoMm are expected to be narrow. e Tee Late. "Do you plead guilty or not guilty," eaid the C rvallls Kecnrder to a rich but mierly ptisfiner, arma'ad for assault aud battery, one d i I lag week. "Guilty.'1 said tbe prisoner. "Fine, $&0," said the Recorder. "foO," screeched the prisoner, "theu I pleads uot guilty." But it wss too late and be had to pay tbe tine. Lust. On the 4tb, in the afternoon, somewhere In tbe city tbe golden bar of a breast pin. Bar is about 2 inches in length and scal loped on one side aud oval on the other. A suitable reward will be paid to tbe finder who will leave it at the Democrat office. Mrs, O. A, Parrisu. Coffee Club. The members of the Coffee Club will hold their regular meeting at No, l's Hall on Ssturday, July 11th, promptly at 8 o'clock. All members are required to be present. Secretary. The O. Y. Satisfactory arrangement have beeu made with the creditors of the 0. P., aud laat Tues day the first train started from Corvallis to the Bay. Regular trains will leave that city every Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday. 5, 10 and 25c coanters at N H Allen k Co 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen afcCo 5, 10 and 25ccounters at N H Allen k Co. S04-IAI. AU PJHtSONAI. K N Beach, of Colfax, W T. has been in the city this week. Wirt Saunders, of the Ueuton Itadtt, wss in the city Tuesday. M 8 Woodcock, of ths Corvallii (htvtlr, was iu the city Isst Tuuxlay. lion Lark Dilyeu, of Kugenu, arrived in AlUtny last Tuesday owning. William M MuImoii, the twine man, ot Portland, was in thu city Tuesday. Mr Newteu Crehtree, of Scio visited our sanctum the llrst of week while ic HM city. Mr and Mrs I' II lUymond and children, of Salem, hsve heuu visiting in Albauy sev eral days. 11. Raukin, of theO. I'., with headquarters at the Summit, was in thu city over the 4th sud the llrst uf the week. T J Stitus, of the DtsstOOkAT, u up the (). AC. H. U. llusweeU, m the mt.'iv,i oi the iirand laidge 1. t). t. f, Mi4S M ttttn Koater left yesterd.iy for Fort Steven, where she will spend several week the guest of her sister Mrs Cept. l'owell. WattsaM SiuiMon, who has beeu with Senders Co., at I'nueville iliinug the pAl six uiouth, is uow iu a storo at llultx. K F S ix, of Seattle, arrived iu Allwiiy Wednesday eyeuui. He wilt ho aooomi.u led home by his wile, children ami mtier lu a lew days. N II Allen and Julia Jotoph went to I'oitJsud lat Tuesday as delegate to the Sute meeting of A t) U W Irom the Safety 1 . of this city. l'rof Wyckotfaud wife are peuling sever al weeks lu 1'ortland, where Mr VVyukoir will occupy thu pulpit of one of the churche at lat Mtrlof ttie time. Snl, II. ib ami Frank Utrris, Claud Strahau And Harper OMtWf are rustuuiluig ou t-rab-tree Crook tin week. The lKMo hi ollice will expect to be reiueinhored with a few ot the fish, (ware aud coyotes caught. Mr J G (Ir.KS, of the Waterloo hotel was in tho city last, tVo-lnemtay. Waterloo it be coming the pqoiiar reaert of l.luu couuty, the aaieran.l accoiiiinixiatltMis tnere beitig unekcclieu. cMie al iiisuoiitur column. UCtiove, asi aastslants. who have j'it couipleloit the tmprovouieiita oa the Ued Crown Mills hsve gone to Salem, where Mr tiave haa th contract for putting the r oiler process iu oue ot the mills uf that city. lost Tuesday John Schrneertleerge Humph rey, Fred Muellet sud W H Harr lelt this city for a few weeas exourstou tu the inountatus. They will go to Fish and othr placon, aud will bring lawk pouderous stories ot lih caught ktol (fame killed. W C Ta-tH'ddir.i.iand Msster of tbeCrand lnlge of thu I t) t) F started Tuesday on a trip to Southern Oregon in the lulervet of the order, lie Will VUlt the loUxoa officially from P.ugene City south, going to Hoeehura, tii aul I'ass, Jacksonville. Ashland, Kcrhy vd!e, Coisi Bay and other points. The first of the week, Mr J l Wagner. oJ the Uotilrn -.'rit Mwju Jh, and the Hunch Ftrld untl Farm, ui .sian Franctaco. called at the mt othce while iu the city in the tulereat of ih..- H-rnxliol. The feA's Mru is a snlandidly gotten up monthly, while the .'.-f'ifbt 'in- F a in : an sgncultural pa per, as its name implies, ably edited and full of instructive and interesting matter. Mr Wagner la writing the country for tbe latter production. Tbr lawa kdllor. As I. inn eotinty people are anxious to know what tbe Iowa editors said or Ore gon and iwrticularly this part or the Stale wo shall give aa fast a- received the moat important comments, whether favorable or unfavorable. Tbe following is from the ' 1. veiling Gazette" at Cedar Hapida : At Altmny they were warmly issjicsSsMd am' oo.rUul llirougb tbe city by two brass bauds, and to a boat on tbe Willamette river that transferred them ten miles up the river ami m ion it to another line of railroad which entered Portland ou the oilier sane m loe mountain ; - Hut" sine is good). After one continued ovation, Perl land waa rea -hd in Ibeauern.-ou of .Saiur day and that evening a grand banquet waa tendered to the visitor by tbe uoard ot truleaud cill.ens or Portland aud con tinued until about one o'clock Hnndav morning. Tbe following 1 from ttie Iowa "itale Register," lb- ten lin sper of the State t Returning trout the Sound tbe neat trip was the Willauieue Valley, a region! "sbouioilog in fa.. in land-, tasautifuM acrerv and pretty girls This waa found I.. I ,a. lias li-Wseet tiflullli'l It'M rl l,.li V lal'Oil ' gi d DTOS)d mBmWxmethm to tiie agricul. i oral nii.inlMr of Hm party. In thia val m . . m . . r . Helem. Albany, Kugene City, Asblaud, ..rwallla and others, each of whom added greatly to bHh the pleasure aid profit of the trip. Returning again to Portland, a I to01 enjoyable trio was made down the ! riv"r. to Astoria, after wLlch the home ward roan wae Ukeu. Muscstlne "Dally Journal:" m the mi)frjll of ihl lb. rty UK)k brmk. f4-l ml Alb(toy. Here two brass band ........... .... nv were found tb thriving Utile cities of eaav.rted them to the Willamette river, whre a steamer, tbe Salnm.look them Un miles up the river to Corvalli. At this plscn a splendid dinner hail been prepar- I uy the three ladlea'temperauo ax'itle of the town-the WCTC.the Young l . idles' W 0 T U, and tbe Coflee league. Tbe following from the aame paper 1 ahowa how they got matters mlaed : It should Le noted here that Juat before reaching Salem, the train atoppod for a j faw mt' Korwl wher. J located a mixed Ii.dlan school. The ! acholara were drawn up In line to greet us ;nd ,m br bu,, P f otvllhnel Indian youth gave us au uuique serenade. Zl 1 " 1? -.,..' ... . ., The II it Over J'tUnot : Wo reach Al- hfcny in th. n((htf uktl brwkkfut there juiltt 20th. and are conveyed by hir citizus in a boat up the Williamette to t'orvallis where ths temperance inn has st a Uhle lor ua, loaded with the best the country produces. We are right royally entertained and pasa on un the weat aide of the valley to Purt- laud, whose citueus uow take a band at en tertaining us. Muscatine Deuly Journal : Well, what of the country as a whole ? Candidly, in many things it vastly surpasses Iowa. For wheat raising, portions of Oregon are not to be ax celled by any other part of the world, (u fruits, they alao H lawa. The climate. too, it muat be admitted, ia more desirable, though in portions of Oregon frequent rains and ex cessive moisture in the air have caused it to tie called ''the land of the web-footcd." In fact, the moisture ia a little to- much, as we should judite from the frequent mosa-covered roofs. Cold and aevere heat, however, are unknown. But what are the drawbacks ? The chief of theae is remotenesa from the principal marta of the world. However great the productions of the soil, ths surplua,after home wauts are supplied, cannot be dtapoaed of to advantage. It ia estimated that at the lowest possioie rates at which railwaya can carry freights, it will coat $15 to bring tbe average steer from Oregon to a competing point with the Iowa steer. The same cost at tend transporting grain. If the water route is resorted to, it ia by way of Cape Horn, making a distance of 19, 000 miles and a voyage of eight to ten months. This one drawback, therefore, is quite serious, if none other ean be named, and we must confess it ia the only great one we could discern. On the whole, the Pacific coast is a grand country, where people can live comfortably and pleasantly on the finest products of any soil. But we lowans caunot forget our own native or adopted land. - e To I'n l run of Husbandry. I have this day made a special contract with Peter A Stewart, of Albany, to fur nlsh a large quantity of binding twine to members of our order. Members can call at their place of business.and by the meth od odnpted at our business Counct!,eoure the benefit of my contract, Also I have made arrangements with th e same firm te furnish us a lot of Deering binders.. Sen I in your orders as soon as possible Albany, July 1, 1885. Mart Miller, Financial Agent. Letter List. Following is tbe list of letters remaining In th Post Offloe, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, July 9th, 1886. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised : Aekerman, F Edwards, Jonathan Laugho, Mick McOlure, James Stewart, Mrs Anna J. M. IRVING, P. M, Ml All ABROAD, Hot weather. K M French, jeweler. All kinds of fruit at It 4 Hs. The Mountain Piuk to night. Tartaric acid ruled last Sstnrday, Tlie best hsruess st J J DuoiuiIUm. Mercury 1I'J iu the shade on Sunday. Try the American Star cigar at it. & li'r. The let hreadstulfs at Conrad Meyer's. A, IU and I3l counters at N H Allen 4 Co, Itnsd k Hrnwnelt have the Masuu Fruit jar. Fresh Hiliion at Conrad Meyer's every day. Ynu will find gixxl eitormoudy low at I'. k It s. Hiibinsbn's oiicu is to be iu Albany Aug. I3tb. Swimming in thu Willarrette is fsshinn able. J. V. Wallace. I'liy oisn and Surgemi, Al bany, Or. Mt HoimI did not illiuniiiate on the 4th worth a cunt. i W Maston Aln'Miy, Oiegou. I'liysician aud Surgeon, F-4hrney'o iu4uetic blooil vitali r at DejMs 4 Itiibsou's, Hevaral u miner fruit dryers fm sale at cost at John llrigg. Harvest hand m tin Vlla Walla country got 1 7ft to 2 a day, A County Agricultural society ha l-cn orgsuiaed in Yamhill county. Haying is in full nlaat. The saiae ,,f hv will Is luwe than lat year. Four or five cros walks were ruined Ly threshing eugiues ou last Friday. We have choice cnod mack irrl which we will sell at wait. It. It. i.iuinine at cents an ounce is quite a contrast to the - ot a few years ago. Go to Miss Msltie Foster's fur btrains in untimely. She kee the latest sty bo Hsrry Wilsou, s Slm boy, w dmaued uear that city en r relay ot last week. Msdame Jaiiaiuhek put on iota ! style and ha a teat live maid to wait Sal H-r Several doxeu of live chicken wanted by J C lauual,jut MMIth of new Ssssssa) h-ue. Tweedale keeps a nice hus of tin and oj . per ware, aud doea rqetring lu guoil ahape. F M French, aeut Singer Manufacturing Co .oppuatte Odd Fellows Temple, Albauy, Or. We see that W. C. Tweedala has ju.l re ceived soother lot of new styled parlor stoves Dr. M. H. Flits, physician and surgron All any, Oregon. CJi made in city or oiiutiy. The real estate transections in l.inu couo ty fur -June amounted to $4u,000, a healthy showing A good and large assortment ef hrnW at the yard of ( aii.-r al ways on band. Give him a call. In order to close out spring stock of mil libery Miss Mattie Foster is selling good very cheap. At Dallas on the 4th the Sure of Portland defeated the Alerts in nine innings. Keore fj to ao. Thanksgiving comes nest. We hwutd all be thankful that th 4th wf July only come once a year. Th County C nirt i in session this week, and the usual bridge question are tbe prin cipal to pica, TheCorvallis steamer has i.-hun running on the Willamette. It only diawa eleyeu feet of water. ilurkbart Hros. will avUertie our Uud for sale free of lure. Giv l.'iem a call if y ou t ant l- I, V. H Humphrey formerly of AlUuiy, i UectirdlOg Sreretary uf tbe Multuoiiisli Tf pographicat I'oem 1 to Prusha' new lhu,i Store for pure drug, patent hiIi. im. etc I'roeonptloo, caret ally ..mpuuolwl , The freaheat snd pureat are th I beet, par ticularly of groceries, and Courad Myr a is the place to th get them. NVarly ail uf the Casino shows in I 'or Hand are now called benefit in order to draw a ftli house. That I an old dodge. Tbe I' r i lo I StmmdarU ha been lunged to an evening paper aad tu name, iu a new dress, to Th Iktiljf Smmlanl The Adoria is just twelve year old, ia ,phndidly adited. lull ol live mattei, and U ewywjiv (, ,r to Astoria. J Th ltceose to sell honors at Hoeeburg waa ranted laat week to S.'ttst, and four saloons immediately dosed their doer. Rev W K Stevenson, ,,f Purtlaod will preach in the U P Church in this city next Sabbath, morning and evening. I, t A black Spaniel pup with white breast and feet. Finder Will be rewarded. Leave at Langdou's Drug Store. Window shades, lace curtain, oil cloth. cariiets, and wall paper. The nicest stock lis town at Montetth k Set tea bach s. Caudiea for pienica, camp-meetings, etc , can be obtained at Ho fit nan k Josephs at Portland pricea. lietnember tins. Mr Fred Oraf has just brought on a splen did hue of baby carriage, with the latest improvement. Call and aee them. The Colorado editor are to be the next who will visit Oregon. Let them come. W are a hospitable and patient people. At the tiremeu a election in Salem laat Mouday Thoa Holman wa elected Chief Kn giueer and George Anderson Assistant Chief. Univra!it service at th usual hoar, 1 1 o'clock iu the morning, at Crawford' Hall neat Sunday, conducted by llev O H Deere. Hon J K Weatherford, of Albany, deliver ed the fourth of July oration at Stayton laat Saturday. The effort ia highly apokeu of. Oet the Osborne Twine binder, thu eaaieat running, with the only absolutely sure ktiot ler tu ike market. Deyoe k Robaou are ageuta. Iilie', misses' and children's fine ahoea. alao coarser grades, can he found at .don- teith k price in keeping with hard time. If yon want auy novelty in tbe alum line call and examine Read k Hrownell'a stock they hsve styles which no other houae in town handle. Sheep near Olalla in Southern Oregon have beeu poisoned by a mixture of wheat, salt, strychnin and glass. Over thirty died out of one man's baud. Mattrosaei and loungea for aale, and all kinds of upholstering work repaired at J K Hayes, just east ot Deyoe aud Robeson s, Albauy, Oregon. Hay is in the market in big load at a moderate price, $4 to $t loose. Even this price, with a market, is better thau wheat at the prevailing quotations. Auy party wishing to purchase a good farm, either for gram or stock will do well by calling ou A it Cyrua k Co., Keel Eatate Ageuta, at Istbanou, Or. The Harrishurg band furnished some good music during the fourth in thu city. Auded to the two Albany bands and music certainly played ita part iu the celebration . H imes k Lang are now getting up a history of Eaatern Oregon. If they would make it a success they will leave out their trashy biographical sketches of subscribers to the work. ' After the advice given in the Leader laat week it was astonishing to see the large num ber who attended the 4th of July celebra tion in thia city, nearly aa tnauy coining from there aa from any other place in the valley. Burkhsrt Bros. , have several cusii custom ers for small pieces of laud of from 24 to 80 acres. It farmers wib be willing to divide their land into thia size tracts we uaa sell tbem. There is a violin in Albany which was made in 1517. It ia of Italian construction, is finely engraved, and ia now worth several hundred dollars, Mr Adrian Comely ia its owner. Members of the Chriatian Church residing in Albany or Liun ounty, are requested to meet at the residence of Mr A D Barker in this city, on uext Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. A Portland pane f is going to have the new crop of wheat atarj iu at $1.10, which would make it about 93 cents here. Theae figures are, we predict, too high. We hone not though, Last Wednesday a daughter of J N Hoff man tumbled into the pond near Monteith's mill. She was duly rescued by D P Mason, who plunged into the few feet of water after her. . Mr Fiamc Ketchum if the first list coun ty man reported to the DaMOOk V? an having completed cutting uud binding hi wheat. ll of which was fail. Tin he did on I . t. Friday, July 3rd, several week earlier than last year. There are ouly tvo eutriei from Liuu county for the S ate fair race. Those are A U Marshall' A I wood be. ze in IfsttJO clsss, and G F Simpson's Qvilff, iu the two-year old clas. Kesllessness at night ; uervou twi'chiug, nightmare, etc.. give way to peaceful slum tier, tired nature' sweet restorer, byr uug l'i under' Oregon Blood I'mili'-r, the Voge. tshle Sedativo snd Tonic. Ii you want your property a lvertiaed call on ('hue, Montetth ami Co., immediately. H you want your property sold mil on them. It costs you nothing to sdvortUe with this hi in aud very little to ell. The extreme heat remind u that it is a good idea for the public to lay m a supply of siala water, pop, lemons, ion croam. KM astd everything cooling, which can Imj done by ualllug st Hoffman k JosephV. Wednesdsy Mr I. Koer, the popular foreman of the improvements ou the Bed Uroeu Mill was presented with a handsome watch charm, made of afo piece, on one aide of which was neatly engrsvc.l a crown, over it being ths words "The Bed 1 town," I) H Mothorn, of Sweet ! me believes in advertising Oregon. He ulM-ribcs for the Dwatl mat and send it to Mi Uther-iu-law iu loss, who i highly ulsasml wdh the p i per, snd of course with hi son tndaw too. Now is the time tr sell your Isud, i.l.e it in the hand of limshart Bess., they hav letter facilities for advertistug ami selling land than any other agents in Orei(on semi them your iiamnand they will send you their Ileal fUtatu Paer for one year Ires of chsrge The Monday moruiitg r"j mi ni is a sgsa uity, N. l. In order to ion aales of the Sunday Ofijonina it gives no Saturday newa SS ell, r"tulsr suia idei .i Mm ' here ttnuk they are entitled to all ef toe news of the wink without taking the Sundsy paper. A good illustration of hoar a Very small tlnuK can keep the hibiciim up or down was exhibited the other day by wu thermometer. one betug on esch sulu of the u trance to a store in this city, aud loth la-ing in toe had a. Oue 1hm1 at 'J- and the other o, due entirely to the )KHUtiou of the therm,, in eters. Already reports are enrre it of slight on the 4th to t'orvallis peop.. . tt hat they were we can not say, but if there were any it w nut intentional, ami everyiwKiy u rry. Bat on thing is certain, there wire not nearly sa in .uy a there were U Albany people. Not a ingle member of th DKM Kr force was saked to take dinner at the basket ptcuic at the Glove, HM report circulated, and a well stated in the Dr.Mo SAY two week atace, that Mim Faume Htrahan was alb- ted with musical paralysis iu one of her hand, was, we are glad to learn, a mtwtake. Mi Straban now aud a?w-aya has Sad the complete use of In r hand. not having bees troul.ied with musical paralysis at all. Th Hkmis mai i in receipt from Ht I'aul, Mmueaota, o( 'i4.0(K sheet u( white pajf-r, which will laat us eevers! week. It takes piles of money t pay for these sheets, about t'JO for the freight alone, so our subscriber will please call and see u with a few fi 00, $.s, $7.-V) andflO. aud help us out. A large number of papers received from Iowa shows that almoet universally the ed itor admired our grand river and snow ai'tied mountains ; but they do not dwell much on those qualities which make Oregon desirable aa a horn. They did not come here a., w . . - a si . . s a. . I lir ui.. . - s. s . i ! M "'KMH, aw 'IF l. 1 IU4 IllTt'- tofor .tated. but to have a good time Thomas Alpbin who made a trip last wedc upon th t oast Fork of the Willamette in forms u that he found plenty of government Land vt to ue taken. It ta timbered bar, be says it i rich and wtii produce vegetables ami all kind of gras. but not wheat. The land are mainly bottom lauds. He says it is an excellent stock country. Men without Uud-, he think, would do well to go to thia place to get homea He leports good crops esospt about Tangent aud Coburg. Fal I grata very generally gi-od. And now the startling announcement is made that there were ouly about fifty genu ine editor in tbe low excursion ; that all ot the gush and free dinners was for the benefit of the friends of publisher aad hay seed sgncultural correspondents of a few paficra. who took advantage of it for s cheap summer excursion. Ire nope this ta not true. At the same time it is a marvel to us how even fifty editors could k t together aa small a sum aa fifty dollars a piece, that be ing alsout tbe ayerage cost of the excursion for everything. Tramp are altpfjHry fellows. Friday Mack MuU-uh had one tu tow, at work, on a cross walk. Having occaaion to go into a Ur he did an. leaving Mr Tramp iu charge of mat ters. tin returning the gentleman had taken quick atep towards greener field. Monday another aa lazy a looking fellow a one often sees waa asked to serve out his sentence by satiating in building another crosswalk, but he refused to do such mental labor, until a chain aud ball were fastened to him, when he concluded he had aa soon work as not. Card mt Tfeaak. Tbe ladies of tbe Albany W. V. T. I . hereby tendor their heartfelt thanks to Mr A rea roe, or this city, for the use or his brick building tree of charge for their 4th of July dinner. Also to Mrs K xoatur and Mr strong, met chants, for their kindness In the loau of dishea and giaasware. They alao express slncnro thanks to MoKsrsCraudallaud McDonald, draymen, for their asMlstanco free of charge. Passed by unanimous the regular meeting July 7th, is"., Mrs, M. J, Towns no, M rs. R A. McALisTKK, President. Secretary. .", 10 and IBs counters at N H Allen k Co. . '. . Just received a case of thu Celebrated Ball Coil Sping Corset, the only corret that can be returned after three week's wear if not satisfactory. These corsets are bought direct from the mauufactuier, eaving one profit and enabling me to give better value for the money than any other corset. All styles and qualities always on band. Sami f.i. K. Vocsg. Ksleriy Twine binding Harvesters. We have the agency for this popular ma chine for the coming harvest. They gave better satisfaction last season tbsu any other machine sold. We will not be un dersold by any machine. A la:ge supply of extras of every part ol these machines always on hand. Call and see them. Bdhkhvht Bsos. u tit it sin. - . T CARTER MILLER.-Ou July 4ch, 1885, at about 12 p.m., in Albany, by George Humphrey, Esq., Jambs I Caiitkr and Mary Miller both of Scio. As Mrs. Carter waa the moat recently married woman she ia entitled to the prize of a Japan tea pot tilled with tea offered by the committee. That they may enjoy many 4ths is the wish ot the Democrat. PORTER RUMBAVIQ II On July 8th, 1985, at ths residence ot the bride's parents in Albauy, by Rev. Judy. Mr. Jou.vson M. Porter, of Poiuoroy, W. T., and Miss Sarah F. Rcmbai h, of Albany. Ths bride and groom left on yesterday for Corvallis. Mr. Porter's old homo, and will go thence to their future horns in Pomaroy. Tho host w ishes of a large number of friends goes with them, ) i .is, iu . u wjl eg KOK.V ROYCE. On Thursday of laat week, July 2ud,to the wife of George S Royce a boy. Weight 10 pounds. PEACOCK. On July 7th. 1885, near Al bany, to the wife of William Peacock a boy. The woight oi tha gardener was 1 1 pounds, full strawberry weight. Now who can well, he is a bouncer any l all are do ing well. TMK 4th AT ALU AMU . Mailt Thousand People la Ike lly The celebni'io in A I -oi lt Saturbiy I r nl'dlt t g liter th I .ru, Mt . hody of peo ple ever iu AHiiu- , at letst all the old set tlers put it that wuy, sa a ell as an unpreju diced edimal.ioii. A gentleman who ha attended the gate at Hacklemahs grove f. i nearly eiery uelebiation and event for a great many yeirs, ssys led ween mhi and MH) teams passed through the gate, The largest previous nomlwr was This would make shout looo who drove in, but vry little over half who entered, and many 1 in the city did not go to the trove at all, I'eo pie were here bom sll paite of the valley; large numbers fmm ('orvalbs, in fact most of the oelol. rst uitf people th, re. ear load from Brownsville. Lebanon, HsImm, Shedd, Harrishurg, hx I Waatea SM waiot load from east, t, ie:fa and north. AN bany seemed i be thu center of the Ksgle's creamiug. From hsif psst live, when the IXKipls snd firemen fmm a bauuu mM ibowua ville arrive.) ou the morning trin, until eleven o'clock at nigh', the city wss the snoue of sll kind of active ut. At l0o'coi!k the MsssjMssa burned in front of th- Court II n e m the ftdtliwttaj opbr. ASIiauy City HsihI. Olhuers of the Hay. Uniformed ladles on horse back. Mechanic I'. i K. of I, in uniform. lwhe Coffee Club ef Albany. ittisooo hietc team. Albany hose team No. 1. Steamer of Um No. 2. I. inn Hoe team No. '2. (('rowd. Th linn uf mi'i h wa through Fourth to Washingtm str. c , thence to First, dow n Find to Maker i t , t Hacklcman's Grove, with it piet-si.t brer. and Urge sprestling shay nine. The exei uis-a here were of much interest. The excessive heat and dust command-.! a lafy .'ronage for ttto lemoiiaiie. loe craau; sUiel. amt rc-volv tug seaU. Tfstev(sj at dummy ciuuacters. hMtillg at gla ball, interesting expert tumhltug, ete , celled for the dime ef the immense throng. Tne genuine lya! rxcr eiacs of the whole day were enacted on the stand in the grove and consisted of muM: by the bands, prayer by ltev. Harris, leadiog of declaration by J U Whitney and orjtion by Judge McFsddeo, of Cor,ai.i, an at le and interesting effort. Iletween 1 and 2:30 o'clock the crowd re turned to the city. At 2 o'clock scyrra) tiue balliKm wte sent up iu front of the Court Hooae, acompaute I by the tiring ot ssJate. Tm ws followed by the half mile bicycle race for Lion county riders, oue of the most interesting exercises of the day Tnere were four entries. Tbe race resulted a follows : Tons J Overman, time, 1 In ; Percy Kelly, 10; John Hoi, sw Mack Montetth, 1 CV The medal aud prut wre a war b-d Mr Montetth. Toe following time, ws made iu the elow race, 100 yard i John Hail, 1.17; Mack Montetth, 100; prcy Kelly, 45 aecoud. ti Houck. no time, TJ j Overman, r-o time, j plae, lor I.tnn A utile race, go as you inty pedestrians only,hau at,. a Aa as j ipanu. who mad the following lime : peacn, u.ui ; r j iHitrm.u ; U B I'eters, tj;37 It has sine beeu learned that Mr Uach, who woo the race, is a resi dent of Corvalli, and never lived in this coooty, aa he denned. The celebrated Powjay here put in an oh stre porous, ponderous aod must demonatra tive appearance, causing much amusement. They hniebd their parade by the reading of their owu declaration of jsriaprudence on the fiend atand, which waa d'ne amidst the most death-like silence (?) It wa a very high flewu aud amuiitug production uever excelled except by Tho Jefferson. Another bicycle race, ,e hxlf mile, free for all, took place. Following waa the time made : ti Hoack, of Kneeue. 1471: John Hao, XMt Maak Montetth, 1:44 ; T J Overman, 1:47, Mr Overman receiving the medal. A three legged race of about 80 yard, caused much amusemeet. It was won by Frank Propst aud William Lines in 1:10. There were four starters but only two cou ples suacecded ia reachiag th outcome. At five o'olook several ex dtiug contests occurred ou First Street, witnessed by an immense throng, all of whom wanted to be tu trout, lu a 300 yard foot race tive start ed. Tom Feebler, of lebauou, crossed the line first, H Putnam second. Six started ia the 150 yard race. Geo Cameron, of Cor- valltx.cloaeiy followed by l.oog.of Salem, lirst to the outcome. A l.oae race lietween the Ibaoou hose team sod Liun F.agine Co. No. 2, through a charged for both the calico ia taken. Now nnsii i br-ta iding in the amount of hose to how ia that for taste. I have seen anch as be na. d, did not terminate satisfactorily, the tors as Booth, Barrett, Mary Anders, latter on unreeling 300 feet and the former MO !, Time- Albany, 05 seconds, Ix-b- anon. .. seconds, Aa tbe bills called for 200 fejt of hcae the prise waa awarded the latter team. A foot race of 90 yards for boys under 10 was woo by Charlie Kader, - of Albany. Time 13 j seconds. The one for boys tinder 15, 90 yards, wss won by Dell Reed in 12 seconds. fa grand ball at Crawford's Hall closed th events of the day. The pnae for the beat lady waltzer waa awarded Miss Anna God- ley, of Independence ; for the beat gentle man waltxer to Mr Al Boeneki, of Altmny. notes. At about 7 :30 p. m. , an exciting foot race was run on First Street between Dick rat- ton, of Salem. and Ed Kay burn, of Corvallis. Hie foimer, though nearly sick, won with ease, tousiaeranm money cnaugeu iiauna . i - -1 i i i over the event. Kayhuru being backed by all of the Corvallis boys, otters being made aa liberal as $2 to $1 ou Kay burn. A grand display of fire works took plsci at 8:30 111 the ev-t-niiH'. as manv renunniug to witness it as circumstance would penult. Lemonade ami p p stands hid a harvest, those st the grew aveiafctetr, u, about two hours, about SIOO a uu., wlnlo th t in the oit v il id as 1 1 . Iraase ..r.iv rr..r. tor drunk. .I.soid erl tc., were uiHile, but m ist . tt.c parties - .1- were released. Tne Coryallia spott got h ld of the wrong man thia time. Several tiithts wer- rviwrted, the moat noted one o.scurriii at the Grove, AU kind of fresh vt jetihios can be found at Kl'. AO gj s Browskll I'ln Itey's mI fMrluji. Tbe tiiid-reigited ia now prepared to furnish board at 35 lsr week. Men Is 26 nants. tine horso over niabt,, oats mid hay, 50 cents, hay alone ?6 cents. Water a i,i eam p ground tree. W. K, Fin "LEY, HaniUui'- UiuhrwMierj anil tuners. N. If. All-n it Cu hsve ju t leceivjd splendid line of the above gom e, which will be sold remtrkaM.v cheap. Our dress goods have arrived and the ladies are invited te calland see them. Kverything in new colors a id desg is vv ill be found in our complete ssaortment. Montkith A Ski rs?t uacu. 5, 10 and 25c counter at N H Alln k arsl Kslafe Safe for Taar. Con. C W Cnrdwell b Henrv Nawrran eult claim tyi the tf M of tbe M C Mo- Claim D L C. 9 H K Powell to owU Ward, th 1) L ( f K I Kirkenda 1 j 27 acr-. tl.Wi VI Payne to TI H Powall, IfW seres In Sei'. 1. Tp. 12, K 3 W. 2f7(M Meott Wsr I to II K Pmell, 140 acres In See. I. Tp. 18, H H 3 W. 2,800 Murv c Skinner to Jnbn fsom. the S of the D Ii C of H M Pennington a,t J I Livingston to John V Aeche. a part of the N M of the D hCnf E O Mif lain ; 112 acres. II. James Hlaln to W R Kirk, a r-art ef thu D L 0 Of K Orlfflth, No. 2070 ; 10 scree, flea I 'avid Peebler to M M Beelsr, s part of he i L C of John Burg, No. l.TiO ; 2M scree. 7 Amer'os Prh-e to Gen Nelbert. th E W rf the N W V. snd HisW oftbe N v yt af See. 7, Tp. 13, s It 1 W ; ISO acres. tuOO 0 C Pengra to H J Pengra, the K ef blork 4 an,! h In Sbedd. 2,0 W fochsrn to W T Owhran, f be W of the W M of f 10, and K W of the Her-. 24, Tp. 13, A R 3 W ; 878 acres, $; I, llashrouck Is fJ M Brown, a part off he Jsred Michsel D tOj ltO arresfl .INS) Vlncont I'mtroek to A If llollenbesk, right of way for r? d. F FCraftto MartLsand M A F.Swsnk he I t C of J A Imnlap. also the N 4 of the N K of fee. 22. snd the N W H of Ke. 23. and tbe If of the S W H of Mce. 28 ; An acres. 8,000 A McDaniel to W A McClaln. o,ult Halm to the undivided interest in the Husan K Met 'lain to I, C. fee Lydla Bond to Win Boii. a part oi tbeflirsm flond to 1, C, Not. 2KM ; 112 scree. rMt Henry Newman to Omn A Aseh. a part of the K C MeC.ain to la C ; 154 acre. 81 ,41 ft W I lunlnf fo Msry A Yag. the C 14 of N W of Sec. Mt Tp. 13, 8 R l fh 40 acres. M If and Beth Rochwell to J c Pow ell, a part of See 12. and the S W U offiec. s. Tp. 11,8 R 1 W: 200 aase 4 1,000 Ljdle Me. ker to Edwsrd Meeker, a part of i he li h C of Sarah Tp. 10. S R ;t W. C C Ham r non to Sersh M Tabler, Iota 4 snd 5 In b ock 50. in Albany. $70 Wm Cbsataiu to Minn'e v ' hastafn, ItaaaOl in Sec. 14, 8 K. 4 W. t : H th f ;iiaatain to EHzaU Roe,o0 seres in Sec. 14, Tp. 11, S R, 4 W. $j Wm ( -hsstatn to J W Chastein. 6 in See. 14, Tp. 14, S K, 4 W. $2 W L Smith to W II Willard, lot 7 and H. to block It, Ic. Albany. 512 Q B McKinney o Alfred Ansorga, 106 aeras In See. 21, Tp. 12, S R, 1 W. 678 Dav'.d H Peterson to L II Peterson. 6 acres to tbe A H Peterson DLC 84 J h Peterson to Ida fa Peterson 0 M acres in the A II Peterson to L , 84 A 81 Jones to o Cbehir. a rt of the Richmond Cheadle U i.t'; 'n a-ree.85 ti W Smith In P W flunk, the H 'A of the S K ; of we.-. Tp. IS. S K. 4 W ; lift acres. 1 C h Ievl Fanning o tVn One-, w tu tbe town uf Whu r oo. Iredell And" rnn to f a vi t-'nti;. 1 loU in m- Iom ii of Wslor! Hurkbanio Wm rtiew4' .;. If 1, C oi Time nol in . - 6 Mad M, Tp. II, 8 h 1 end 2 ' ; 4 i -r- jr J K. fbailUiii, St. riff, U. I, Whi" iA acre lu Sees. 14 and -h in 'I ,.. 1.1. s 4 w. fLcw lieo K C'ImiiiI r!nln. aaafcne o R t.oadie. lots I. 2 -1 4, i. i u d 7, uf See. 14, I p 12. & H 2 -V ; 15 a-rwi. $219 Geo K Ctiami-ero-i-i a-signee to A Brandon snd John F. shav,fhe.SJJ of tbe D L C of A Wh neiduui ; Itf i are 2,. J M Home to E C U arren, lots S ami 4, in block 123 in Hacklemairs ad dition to Albany. ifl C H Cowan to Wto Hun-er. the N W 'a oi So -, S, Tp, 12. S K, 3 W ; 154) acre. 15,900 Mary 8 Brown to A Poweii. tho S P. of N W or Sec 20, also a pari of tbe H M Biew n DLC; 100 acre. $1 J W McObee, et at to ileo P Syi ter, the W M of the 8 E of Sec, 24. Tp- :3,SR,2V. 2,00t 0 II Myers to Nspoleon Don regard , ali right and Interest snd to the lota of H Myers estate, in Albany. $ I H Thteln to F M Patten, water lota 10, 1 1 and 12 in Albany. f 1,000 Farmers should rem ember that J J Du bruille has on hand a stork often feet bid der whips. Call on him. a D. It, V oai ike rMtr Tssie far Trash. It is very curious iodeed how, sll tbe world over almoat, a genuine, instructive, historvcal play will draw a small house, while a sensa tional, emotional play or minstrel ahow will bring out a full house with not even stand ing room. If a show like even the Bad Boy is worth $1 or 50c, then Mary Stuart by Jan- 1 auahek ia worth $5. It" the former were te be called calico the latter would certaniy be silk : yet where about the same price ia Fannie Davenport and Modjaska, sod got more genuine benefit in five minute than j from a Georgia Minatrel or the com Dion run of shows in three hour. It pays to buy good good in the loair run. aud ao it navs to buv a - m good entertainment. Better had you boy Jananahek er Lawrence Barrett than half a dozen even Kate Castletons. In other words ao to the soon ahowa veu if yen pay mere and then stay away from poor ahowa enough to make up for it. Now ia not thia aeaeihl. MaKI M LWaA. ye nave m0ncy to loan in sums to anil troui one to nyc year lime, at per cent .a . a. Bl' KK HART BatOs. WATERLOO HOTEL. QEO. GROSS - - - FroDristor. Boariuxu and Loosing 1 rK , S3 rs wxaa. SlNULK MEALS, 50c. Good accommodation for all. Waterloo Seee Springs have been greatiy impreved by eon net tins; 1 shadi.igthe spring. A new pontaon SridgsSfMt wide spaas uie river osiew u springs. Stag lea yes Lebanon for w aterloe w edaesuays sua v. Saturdays. Camper supplies an outata at Water . . ... loo P)t Otftce Stors. Horses eared for at rsssouable i-aU'. MILLIftEBT STORE FOR SALE. A first-class millinery store, well located in Albany, for sale at a bargain. For part ic ularn call at this office. GAMBRINU8. On um) after July 4th Mr. Gross at ths Depot Hot will keep the celebrated Gamhrinus bet r oa draught. All win appreciate the bast col beer are invited to a .ii. Sealed Proposals. The trustees of tbe Willamette United Presbyterian C:;urch of Oakvllle, wilj ceivo sealed bids for painting their church building up to July lotn. specincaiiona may be seen at J. B. Ouuey's. The true tees reserve the right to i eject any or all bids.fc Byjorderjof trustee. VJ. VQIIIY, f. B. i'OUKY, oh N Ka:icx. atrnasil w BBBBBB m Whe i Baby waa sick, we gave Iter CABTOSIA, Wheu ah waa a Child, ahe cried for C ASTORIA, Vhe i she became Miss, she clung to C ASTORIA. Whvi she had Cbikuwn, ahe gavetham C ASTORIA CO