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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1885)
harrk Dlretsry U. P. Church. PrtMkohingerwy SahUth, at 11 a. m. , and 7 r. at. by Rv. F Q. Ir vine, !. I. Sabbath School at 2:90 r. M I'rayer meeting every Wsdneaaday evening. Bvanubucal rtu KCH. Preaching an Sab bath at II a. m., and 74 P. at. Sabbath School 12:1ft. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Uollenbaugh, pastor. Conoukoatiowal Church. Service every Sabbath at 11 a. at, and 8 r. at. Sabbath School at 12:1ft. Prayer meeting on Thuraday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, paator. M. K. C in' rch, South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 1 1 o clock A. at. Sab hath School at 10 o'clock a. m. Pray meeting every Thuraday evening at 7: o'olock. F. M. Culp, Paator. M. K. Church Soi'TH.Tanohht. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:90 o'clock. r. H. Sab bath School at 2 -.30 o'clock. i M. F. M. Culp, Paator. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 74 r. at. Sona aervioe in (be evening before lormou. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, lie v. M. Judy, paator. Prksrytkriam Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church ear. Kroadalbiu and Fifth gta. SundaySchool at 2:30 p, iru Prayer meeting every i dntwdav evening. Kev. Isaac H. Condit naator. CiiKtsri n Ciu rch Preaching everySab- nath at W. C. T. U. 11 A.M. 7:30 r m. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock r, at. Kev J T Kloyd, pastoi. PiRjrr BAPriar Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 1 1 o'olock a.ui. ,at Church on ftth Street. Sabbath Sohool immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting a ery Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O Brownsoo, pastor. Univkrsauts Church. Preaching aver second and fourth Sabbath of each month atCrawford'a Hall at 11 o'olock, A. M., and 7 o'clock, r. m Sabbath Sohool at 12 at. To the Unfortunate 1 DB GIBBON'S Dispensary. comer ol Conimer- atai, rranetaoo. Cat. in ISM. for nt of Sexual ana Seminal Diseases, sues aa .esorrRra, fcleet, Mrlriare. syphilis In all it lurma, aeaaiaai ...... iMaaleftf. anu uuaa buhw wrM..-ntlv rnrl. The c and aSUctoa ahou ...i ... JLu him. The l.Wr has traveled etei ivelv in Kuropu, ami inapeoted IhuroUfblv the ... ik.rv ,iiift,uimr a treat Jeal of talm.t.Ia information which ha OomUeteOt U IIU- at ... ii. in i.m.1 of hia aarvioee. The Dorter o,.--.. oihara fall. TTV him DR. OIUBOM .-ill ....! a mi ahaeaa unleaa he effect a cure. Pereses ., . s it All eoaassuaiea HIM ftSjtlllJ ooutWenllal. Ail lettara aaawarad Is plain envtlopes. , SenU ten collar for a package of medicine. Call or write. AddraIR. J. V. UIBBON. Boa 1S67, San rraoei x. Oat, (Mention Albany Daaocaat.) Sheriffs Sale. In tht Citrttit Court oj tk State e Ortycm or the County 0 Linn : BH v I RTt ' E OF AS EXECUTION DULY lSl'D D out of i he Circuit Court, ol the State of Oragoo.for Usj county, tested of date Jane Sth, A D, 1SS6, (and to me directed.) upon a Judgment, (end decree of tsre- closure of mortgage.) duly rendered la the said Coart and enrolled and docketed in the Clerk s office of said county, oa October 2oth, 1884. In favor of tha New Rnvbuid Mortmure Security Company, aa Plaintiff and aguinat Gamaliel Parriah, L i Parrish, O K Parriah, l.ara A Parriah. II E I'arriah, Ksama M Parriah, Aug c Uinx and P Landt, partasrs doing bostne the Unn name of Hlna and Landt. Bernard Held Samuel doing busineea under tbe arm name of Meld Bn.end Co.and 8 81 Ig and U Newman, partners doiuv buaineas under the firm name of aVdlsj and Newman, aa Defendanta, for the sum of (SM.', three thousand four hundred and seventy seven and mtv hundredths doPsrs in U 8 geld cots, together wiUi inurest on (9S2M), three Ihouaand two hundred and ftfty d. liar, thereof, from January 1st, 18S4, at seven p cent per annum, asd on (S227.SO) two hon- dmi and twenty seven and fifty hundredths dollars thereof, from January 1st, 1884, at Un per cent annum, and the further sum of (il) one hundied md sixty dollars special Attorneys fee, sod (SI IS. 26) one hundred and nineteen and twenty-fire hundredths lollara, coats and diaburseenenU, all actually do said Plaintiff upon said judgment, from the Defendants, Gamaliel Parrish and L J Parriah, and a decree of foreclosure of mortgage upon the hereinafter describ ed real estate, and commanding ma to sell said sea in aaid decree described aa follows, to-wit : The east half of the donation land chum of Gamaliel Par ian aim Lydia 11 Parriah hia wlfs. Notificston No, 2"ao, in section No. (5) See, (S) six, (7) Sevan, (5) cignt, in Township No. (IS) thirteen, south of lUuge No. () two, wear of the Willamette n containing 321 84-100 acre,(excptlrig 100 acres out of the southeast corner heretofore deeded to Henry Parrish. describ xl aa follow ; Beginning at the south east corner of aaid claim and running thence north seventy degrees and forty-five minutes west, forty and l 1 100(40 SO-100) chains : thence north flrty de gress and forty-nine minutes east, thirty -eight and 31-100 (38 38-100) chains ; thence south sixty -two de gree and forty minute east, twenty-one and 18-100 (SJ 1H 100) chains; thence south nineteen a 1 1 fifteen minute west, twenty-nine () chains to the pUce of beginning. ) And also the Dortneaat quarter of u.e south wee quarter, containing 40 acres, sod the northwest quarter of the south east quarter, con t .i oiig 40 acres, and the southeast quarter of the n trthwest quarter, containing 40 acres, and also Lots No. two (2X three (3, and four (4), containing 101 98-100 acres, all in Section No. (8) eight, la Town ship No. (13) thirteen south, of range No. (2) two, wist of the Willamette meridian, In all 221 98-100 a tr, and being a part of the donation land claim J Janes Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor his wife. Notifica tion No. ;;v. Tbe land above described containlmr, in all . 02-100 acres, situate in Unn county, Oregon. I did on June 0th, A. D. 1885, duly levy upon and seize said above described premises, and hy virtue taereol, and of said writ and order or sale, l win on I Friday, July 17th, A. D. 1485, at the hour of Un (10) I o' .lock in tbe forenoon of said day, at the Court Houen door t Albany in Linn county, Oregon, duly sell said premie- at public auction for cash in hand to the huh.-xt bidder, to satisfy aa d judgment and decree, c mU and accruing coete. luted Junetah, A. D. 1885. J. K , CHARLTON, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. 0. C CHEKRT. ti.B.PlTBKB ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Bucceaoora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millvraglitfi, anil Iror Founders. f f cxinipletetl, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. Wa will manufacture Htoam Engines, Grist and Haw Mill Machinery, and all klads Iron and Bratta Castings. Pi llKKW M40M ON fiMOKT NOT1CK. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture tbe improved Cherry A "White Grain Separator ' ' M - t f i i t lltlil more money th an at any thing else by taking an agent -y lor the best selling book out, Heginners suc ceed grandly. Nunc fail, Terms free,, Hallitt Book Co., Portland, Blaine, DR. VANMONCISCAR. LATlJi.tfNEW YctK, K0W LOCATW KO. 188 AR0 134 XBSKS Btkbct, ooaasa or Alms, Portland - Oregon M A If & II isvhe most successful Lung tg iMfl and Throat Doctor in Amen ua, tic i tell you your trouble without asking a single question, and warrant a permanent etare in the following llseaaea : .Nervous Debility, Bper iuaUi i li ea, Seminal Losses, Sexual Decay, Failing Meinorj, Weak Eyes, Stunted Developmetit, Lack of Kuergy, lnioverishcd Blood, Pimples, Impediment to Marruw ; also. Blood and Skin Diseases, Syphilis, Ei notions, Meir Falling, Bone Pains, fiwelliiige, Bore 'I moat, Mouth, Tongue, Ulcers, Effect of Mercury, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Weak Back, Burning Trine, Incontinence, Oonorrhosa, Gleet, Stricture received searching treatment. Prompt relief Mid eared for life without hindrance to business. 0'BOTll KKXES consult confidentially, If in trouble call or write. Delays are dangerous. Con kulMtini), personally, or by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Jhousanda cured. Office and parlors private. You see no one but the Doctor. Before oon ti.iiiiK your case consult Dr. Q. Van. A friendly let ter or call may save you future suffering and shame, and add golden y oars to life. Medicine sent eyry aliene, secure from exposure Office hours I to & Terms for treatment, strictly cash. .IsGLiw Mal er'Ubertr BallRSilealBa the tterleV The CorotnltUw In chars of the wtstrurtlun of the bass ana psdastal for the recaption of thin grvat. work, In oraar r imla ratal for it companion nt pit- lrvd miniature Suiudiv U liuliua to lung-til, tk Statu Mrunseil : IWmUI. Nickal ullvetwl. which they n now tUUvermg to ubauitbeni through out tli Unit! State at one dollar oach. Thla attract ivi, aouvotiir and IllftllUil or donk oril mptit l ft ne.fnl fatal litis of tha modal .1 liv the artist. Tha Mtatuetta In aaine nioUl, twelve tnchea high. at flv dollar each. uelivcnM Taadaaiana of Statu and I'etleatal are orwtectetl hv U. a lalunl. ana the tnodols can only ho furulshod by thla Cummltte. AUdreaa, with remittance. RICHARD HI Tl. Kit, Secretary, American Committee of the Liberty, U Mercer Street, New York. Final Settlement. In the matter of the JLsfofr 0 PamUi Iierry, dereoW. NOTICE la hereby given that the underalgnetl Ail minietralor of the act ate of I'amrla Herry, Ueeesaed a filed hi final account In aaii matter in the Coun ty Coart of Unn couuty, Oregun, and that aaiil Court haa appointee" Monday the Srd day of August, lvO, at the hoar of 10 o'clock, am., of sal J day aa the time for hearing objections to uch Aiul atvotiut and I ha aetUenvent thereof. Dated July let, ItHU. J. L. MiLtaa, llaviTT Rbtamt. AdmliiiatraUr. Attorney tor Administrator. THE 1 laCRIP ka blkUlU Q frltale aelapeaiaary, 1.1 400 Qearv St., San t'rftiictaco Cal. DC Conducted by tjuftlifled Pbyalclana f aJHl Surgeons regular grailuates. JsYThe Oldest npucialuu In the tf l ultel Mate, life long experience, ' 1. .1.. 1 ii.Clh d and ure medicine. usure siweoy and iertnaneni curve of sll Private, Chronic and Nervtous Dtscaata Affections of the lllood. Skin, hldlie), lllaiUI. r. Krunlioii., l inn, tna soree. hettiig o( the .tilande. sore M.iUth. Himat llone 'Palns.iiermaiieiii'y cured ana erai caled Iroiu the siateni lor life. hKffivMHM DebtUte, Impotenry, Bssninal Losses. Sexual levav. Hen SSj tal and Physical U'eaktieas, Kalling T Hemory, W eak Eye. Stunted De etoptuetit,liueUluiettle to Harriage Q etc., from exvea or youthful Mile. mym or any cause, satly, saiely and J-Ss privfttely cured. Z . MitldleAge1 and Old etf men, and all who need medical skill and experience, consult the old Europenn Physician at once itta opinion coats nothing, and may save futuie misery and shams When inconvenient to visit the city tor treat Meant, medicine ran be sent everywhere by exnreaa tree from obeervatioo. It at self evident Oiat a physician ho givia his whole attention to a class ef Jlsaatm ateSJSS skill, and phyetoana through out the country-, knowing this. trequenUy recommend difficult cases to the oMeat peetalwt, hy whom every knoam aoud remedy Is used The Doctor's age anu iri.iw make hi otttl hi opinion oi eupreinv mij u.i'. r sWTbnae who call see no one but the Doctor. Osa anltati.Ma frM ami SacrWOlT ConBdctlUal . C which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female dtteaaaa sucosaafuily trented. The Doctor will arree to forfeit $1,000 for a case un dertaken, not cured. Call or writ. Hour, daily .from p. m,8to8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Send fur the Said lariat Guide to Health, sent free. Address as bov mm. LiEtmrft Wander fad tertatas lBVlralr tsimsiiiiiHj ii si nits all Unnatural Loaee from the System, tone the nerves, strengthen the muscle, rherfcs tbe waste, invigorates the whole system, end reatoraa the afflicted to Health and Hapii'nee. The reason a many cannot get cured ef Seminal Weakness. Loss of Manhood, etc., Is owing to a con,. plication, called Proelatorrhea with tlyperaetheela. which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. UH leblg's In riguretor u the only positive cure fw lnlau.rrhca. with peculiar speentl Ucatmcnt the i.u-lnv rrlee mt lavtsteraUr. ffit. Case of six bottle 810. Bent to any address, covered secure:) from ob servation. Most powerful electric belts free to patient. To prove the wonderful power of the luvtgorator A kWttle fiiieca or sent fi'ree. Consultation free and private. Call or sililrass UBMICi BM'IAsiKt. - Uasrv Street, San I ran Private entrance, 406 Mason Street, fou Oeary Street from Kcsiney, Mainenlrsn Dispensary Drug Store. I PATENTS Obtained, and all other buaineas In the U. S. PaU-ul Cdfios ftttondadad to for moderate las. Our office is oppostl the U.S. Patent Office, and we can obuiu PatenU loss time than those remote from Wsshinfrton . Bend modi or drawing. W ad'4 to patent ability tree of charge .and we make o charge unless w obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Snot, of Money Order Div. and to official of the U. B Patent Office For circular, advice, terms, and efcrencee o actual clieute in your own State or county, address C, Am SNOW & CO., QsssraJU Patent Office, Washington, D . MX WA im. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MERCHANI8INO BU8I NESS. Bice, tea and .spanee ifix-ls. La.iiea' underclothes, so'd at bottom price. Contractor for uuna labor. fisTNext to CUv Bank. OF ANOTHER ACE. trad sally HsippUsted By a Belter Article Certain Old Times are Bene Away. In the general reception room of the Western Union Telegraph building on Broadway, New York, are exhibited tbe coarse, crude and clumsy instru ment of tbe infancy of the telegraph. They are only relics now. More irfevt machinery has super seded them. Yeaes aif o what Is styled the old-fashioned porous lasts r did some good service. There was then noth ing better of the kind. Now all that has changed. Science and atuoy have gone deeper into the secrets of medicine and produced BKNbON'H CAPCINK POR OUS PLASTER, whieb embodiea all the excelleotlea thus far possible in an external remedy. The old plaster are slow the Capcine is rapid , they were uncertain the Capcine la sura. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist doe not deceive you. Price 'lb cent. Scabury it Johnson, Chemirt, Krr York. CHONG KUNC. x. a TJisriDtirjwJiA.isr; Washes and irons clothes in first clasM style, at reasonable rateN. Successor to Iee. One door south of Kevere llouse,oo Ellsworth Street. ALBANY RKG0N The Buyers Guide is tomied March and Sept., each year; 224 piit-i s, .b'.xl 1 inches, with over ii,30O iliuHtnttiorui ft whole picture gallery. Gives wholesalo prices direct to coruutnere on all gootL tot personal or a. family uso. Tells how to BUi order, and gives exact Bgf jBk of erythingyou ft MS use, drink, eat, wear, or Wtaaefl L u v 3 inn with. These eJBi invalunlde books contain information cleaned from the markets of tlie world. YVe will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage tt cents. Let uh from you. O Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. asr ah aw Wasmah Aveaae. CSlcacw, la. (Guardian's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue and authority of an order of the Couuty Ctn of Yamhill county, State of Oregon, aui rr.alu a rA Anfrd (in rwrirrl nn t.)i ftth of May, A. D., 1885, I will on Saturday, the 18th day of July, 1885,at the hour of 10 o'clock am in front if tha ( Vinrt Ifnuan rinnr at Albany, Linn county, State of Oregon, pro ceed to sell at public auctioD to the highest bidder, for cash at time of sale, the following described real estate belonging to my ward M Ellsbury, a minor, to-wit : Tbe undivided nine-elevenths of the fol lowing described real estate: Commencing at the southeast corner of the J H Settle Donation Land Claim, Notification No. 1205, in Tps 11 and 12, South iiauge 2 West, of the Willamette Meridian, iu Linn County, Oregon, and tunning thence west 99.13 chains, thence north 5.04 chains, thence ess-, 99.13 chains, thence south 5.04& chains to tbe place of beginning, and oouUiuiug fifty acres more or less. Expense of deed to be paid by purchaser. T. L Joneh, Guardian ef M. E. Ellsbury, a minor. lit CttWJCVilt. FRIDAY JULY 10, 1885 TMBY IMIVI WANT FOKAaiKat. The Voter, the national organ of the Prohibitionists, will publish a number of telegrams and letters from leading Prohibitionists and Republicans of Ohio protesting Rirsinat tbe nomination of -p ear Foraker for Governor of that state by the R jpublioans, and protesting against the weak temperance plank in tbe plat form of that party. The Voice claims thai the Prohibitionists will poll 50,000 votes iu that state during the coming campaign. Syrup o rig. Manufactured only by the California Pig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cel., is Natures Own True laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy msy be had of Koshey k Mason, K W I ..molon and Co., at dfty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the moat pleasant, proaibt and effective remedy known, to cieanae the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly ; to dispel Headaches, Colda and Fevers ; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. 5. 10 and 2c counter at N If Allen 4 Co TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Orastsst Medical Triumph of tie Age! SYNIPTOfVlS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oe ef appetite, How r Is rosllve, fain In Ih head, with a dell senaniloa In the Mtck Part, Pnln snder the ahoulder blade, I nlltir-aa nflrr ratine, with ndi lu itnatten to exertion of Body or mind, Irritability of temper. Lew spirits, with m feeling of having neglreied awese) del v, U'oertat -as, Dlsxlsea. Flattering nl the Mr art. Dote Before the eves, llendarhe ever the right eye, tteatlene, with fitful drrnnia. Highly colored t rine, nnd CONSTIPATION. TTTT'S PILLt are especially adapted to auclt ease, one doo effects aooh a ctisngo of feel lug as to ttston tali tlie aufferer. They lwcrewse tUe A rptUe,an l cause the body to To Be cm Kleeh, thu the syt.-m Is noarUhfd.nt l by tholr Tonic Artlon on the 1 litest 1 v e Orgaav. Itea;ulnr Hloola are pr.-i'i. . l -r. e afW. 4 6 Murray at. TUHS HAIR DYE. Ukat lUtB or WitisKEMS t to a gm.ssv Hlxck by a alngln application of tlita I tk. It import a unturnl color, acts Instantaneously, hold by UruggleU, or sent l.y oxprt-sa on receipt of 1. Office, 4.4 Murray St., Now York. DR.SANF INViGORATOR Is just wlxat its name implies ; Turdjr Vegetable CoripouTifJ, that Bxts directly upon the hivcr ; caring the many diseases t vQ that tm. port ant organ, and merens ailments t ling the nu- anse trom its deranged or mi iction, such oj l)yspeps nee, Lnioasneti. CcsenessMaria. Sick-headjche- .r.hciatoaikrrctc It is therefore a tTuisdytli' To have Good Health the liver must be keptjn order." DR. sU8F0&D'3 LIVZZ KV.GCLATC2- I.t. icorates the Livrr. Rsv tdiilcs ilie Dow. els. Strengthens the Svalt m. Purines the Blood. AfwistsDifjcstion, Pnvt tls Fevirs. Is Household Need. An J:ivaluuL!e Family Mctllctnc for c mmon Cft:iplainls. IX iAJfT0BD'3 I.I7ZB imC3r.l?C2. An experience if Friy year, and j ". ; eande cf TtetirmminU prote it SI r t. 6 TOR SALE BY AM. DrM.EKS WMKDH r i. Tor f'lll infotrnstlon sn'l your sJflfies for V3$ ( JjooK n Hie " l.' r r. Bu. Axruua si avsAfi mt. il t cf-'-a"". s) , svt. vurj. Did Sup you pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tfie State of Oregon, for Linn county. Samuel Porter, Plaintill. vs. James M Ysrbrcuirh and Marv B Yap. brough, Defendants, To Jame Jf Yarhrouyh and Mary E Yar- brovtjh, gas JefemlaHtM above, named : I N THE NAMK OP THE STATE UK Oregon yeu and each of vou are her by required to appear and answer tha complaint of the above plaintiff in tbe above entitled Court now on file with the uierK or said court on or before the firat day of the next regular October term,188fi. thereof, to wit : On or before tbe 2dth day of October, 1885, and you are hereby noti fied that If vou fail to appear and answer naid complaint as hereby required, the plaintill' will spply to tbe Court for tbe re lief demanded therein, to wit: That you and each of you be required to set forth the nature and character of the estate er interest claimed by you or either of you in or to tbe following described real prop erty, to-wlt: Being notification No. 2577 and designated as claim No. 02, being all the donation land claim of aaid defend ants, (except 147 G8-I0O acres deeded to Matilda Cranfield ; 62 50-100 acres deeded to James Willougbby ; 22 20-100 acres deeded to W Willoughby and 6 acres deed ed to Lamar Cbeadle,) containing 403 25 100 acres, or any part thereof, and that the name be ascertained and determined by said Court ; and in the events that you fail to appear and set out and show what es tate or interest you claim In or to said real property, then for a decree of said Court quieting' tbe title of plaintiff to said prop erty, adjudgiug that neither of you have any estate or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof adverse to the estate and interest of the plaintiff, and perpetually enjoining you and each of you from in any manner In terfering with the possession and estate of plaintiff threin, and from in any manner claiming or asserting that they or either of them have any interest or estate in tbe eame or any part tbereof adverse to the entate and interest of the plaintiff, for tbe costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed and for sucb otber and further re lief as may be equitable and just. This summons is published in tbe State RioaxH Demoosat by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at Cham bers in the city of Salem, Oregon, on the 22ud day of April, 1885. Wbathebford fc B& ICKUUBN, Attorneys fjr Pialntlft BID'S ricidfJorl a. - Hfr.tLTH MITS "Half an hour's boiliug,disessfl-gst uis spoiling." Cheese, when excessively moid, is likely to produce aiarmiog gaetrs-intes-tioal irritation. Mosquitoes, dies ami other pests will not enter a room in which the oar, tor -oil plant is growing ; or, if they should entor it, they are soon fou nd dead be neath the leaves. Bowls, spittoons and similar vesaebi, if used in a sick room, should be rinsed with a solution of permanganate of pot sab, or with two ounoes of chloride of lime to a gallon of water. A simple test for the detection of lead in drinking water is provided by tinc ture of cochineal, a few drops of which will color the water blue if there be the remotest trace of lead present. Seven grains or powdered oyster shells and twenty grains each of pow dered saicp, sage and trsgscanth, boiled in a pint of milk, form an excellent nutritive diet in the chronic bowel cots plaints of children. Many forms of toothache may be promptly and pleasantly relieved by chewing cinnamon bark. And eottoo, soaked in two parts of chloral, ten parts of oil of almonds and sixteen parts of gljcerine, often allays earache. Distilled water saturated with oxy en is now prepared in Paris, and is rapidly gainintf favor. Aside fross its healtbfulnees for ordinary table use, it is said to be valuable in the treatment of diseases in tbe digestive orgfins. Bags of hot sand are much better than bottles of hot water to plsee in ths bods of invalids wh require artificial beat. The sand retains heat longer than water, and eand bags are more comfortable "bed. fellows" than bottles. When the internal administration of turpentine, or the eating of asparagus, produces no oharacteristio odor in tbe augurs iU for the su fferer from renal disease, orit points to very signif icant changes in the kidneys. Cut a pound of beef into fine pieces, place it in sn empty jar, without water, cover it and stand the jar in a saucepan of water to simmer for about six hours. This simple process wilt yield about a tescupful of all there is in the beef. A Urge draught of any artiScial fer ruginoua water immediately removes the unpleasant aftertaste of cod liver oil, leaving peculiar flavor of fresh oysters on the palate, so pronounced, indeed, as to render a dose of oil an absolute bonne bouche. In an boor a grown rasn iubalae from fteen to twenty cubic feet of air, and exit sirs from three-quarters to one cubic foot of carbonic acid ; he also fives out about two and a half ounces of watery vapor from tbe lungs and skin in tbe same space of time. At the French Academy of Medicine Dr. Combe has made a valuable com munication respecting tbe destructive HI", cts of the persistent use of morphia on tho teeth. He has noticed that tbe victims have not a sound tooth left after a yeat's addiction to this habit. MIMKlLAtetA. Tomatoes are nice with cream and sugar. Sugar loses part of iu strength by boiling. Wet and flour well tbe insHe of pudding bags. Never wash raisins ; wipe them with a dry cloth. Wrap fruit jars with paper to keep out tbe light. Sugar should he browned in a dry pan for sauce. Figs are good boiled five minutes and served hot. Keep preserves in a dry place; seal with flour paste. Boil coffee in a salt sack ; it is nicer than egg to settle it. Put soda in sour fruit for pies and they will require less sugar. After paring fruit drop it into cold water to prevent it changing color. A little sulphate of poUasa added to preserves prevents fermentation. When sauce boils from the side of tbe pan the flour or corn starch ts done. Alwsys put a little soda in milk thst is to be boiled, as an acid is formed by boiling. Do not boil vinegar for pickles. Boil the vegetables in salt and water, drain and pour the vinegar on. Seal tbe juice left in canning fruits in small bottles, and keep for making fruit pudding sauces, For convenience in cleaning lamp chimneys nothing is nioer than a small sponge attaohed to the end of a stick. A house at Schenectady was for a long time infested by roaches and water bugs. Last fall a servant, hearing that toads were an antidote, caught three ordinary hoptoads and put them in the kitchen. Not a roach or waterbug can now be found in the bouse. The toads have become domesticated, never wan der about the house, end are so cleanly and inoffensive that there is no objec tion to their presence. are Yen Tired or Being Sick V We want to say a word to the men women and girls who work in stores, offices and factories, There are hun dreds of thousands of you in the country. Very few of you are well. You are shut up too much and exercise too little. Iu this way you get sick. Your blood Is bad, your digestion poor, your head often aches, you don't feel like work. Your liver, stomach and kidneys era out of order, Parker's Touic has cured hundreds of such cases, It is pure, sure and pleasant. 5, 10 and 25o counter at N H Allen & Co HTHOLDI'S BIO f.lRI . The tPrejMdlees Met tor a raavaaser toe the Pedestal Vmmm. The Bartboldi pedestal fund is near ly complete. The statute has arrived and soon New York harbor will be graced by the most magnificent colossal statue the world has ever seen. "Liberty Enlightening the World !" What a priceless blessing personal lib erty is. It is the shrine at which peo ple, ground under the heel of tyranny in the older worlds, worship with a fervency thst Americans can scarcely realise ; it is a principle for which Ni hilists willingly die the death of dogs j and fit and proper it is that at the very entrance of the Bsy of New Yotk this emblematic statue should flash a wel come to the world. The press is entitled to the credit of this schieement. Mr. Philip Beers, who has been making a circuit of the country on behalf of the Pedestal fund, lays thst tho fund will oertsinly be raised, as the world does not know the word fail. Mr. Beers says that be has found the most pronounced generosity among those of foreign birth. They seem more appreciative of liberty than do our na tive born. Moreover, among some a strange- prejudice seems to exist. "Prejudice t In what particular ? "I have ever found that however meritorious a thing may be, thousands of people wilt inevitably be prejudiced sgainst it. I have spent most of my life on the road and I know tbe Ameri can people Mike a book.' In 1879 a reonel misfortune illustrated this prevailing prejudice. I sras very ill, bad suffered for several years with headache, fickle appetite, dreadful back ache, cramp, hot head, oold hands snd and feet and a general break down of tke system. I drsgged myself back to New York,aeeking tbe beet professions! treatment. It so happens that among tny relatives is a distinguished physi cian who upbraided me roundly for preaching so much about my own esse. Finally, with some spiiit, 1 remarked to htm : M "S'r, you know ibat much of yonr professional wisdom is pretense. You are controlled bv nreiudio. You can- r not reach a case like mine and you know it, can you 1 " "I bad him ; and he finally conceded the point, for it was Wight's si i tease of the kidneys which bad prostrated me. and ths schoolmen admit they cannot cure it. Having cured myself, how ever, in 1879, and not having aeen a sick day since, my relative finally ad mitted thst Warner's Safe Cure, which accomplished this result, was really wonderful preparation. Had President Rotter, of the Central-Hudson used it I am certain be would be alive to-day, for be could not have hsen in a worst- condition than I was." "I have found similar prejudices among all classes concerning even so laudable a scheme sa tbia pedestal fond." Mr. Beera's experience and the re cent death of President Butter, of the Central-Hudson railroad, of an extreme kidney disorder, proves that the physi cians have no real power over such dis. oases, and indicates the only oou-se one should pursue if, as the late Dr. Wilard Parker says, headache, sickness of the atomscbe, dropsical sweliiugs,backabe, dark and offensive fluids, prematurely impaired eyesight, loss of strength and energy occur, for they unmistakably indicate a fatal result, if not promptly arrested. "Yes, sir-ee, every cent needed for the pedestal will be raised, Of course it will be a great triumph for the world, but would it not have been an eternal disgrace had our people failed to pre. vide for this pedestal ?" bow ts) raso BOSSES. Indigestion is a disease, if such it on be called, of the digestive organs. It affects most of our domestic animale, especially the horse, and is very trouble some to the latter, being the forerunner of many fatal disesses. Yet not one owner in fifty is aware when bis horse is suffering from it, as there are no well-marked symptoms at first until well on in the disease. Even then the trouble is attributed to some other cause. It is an insidious disease, com ing 00 gradually, little by little, under mining the most important organ in the body tbe stomach, weakening its walls, preventing proper assimilation, caus ng an acidity of the gastric secre tions, and an unhealthy mucus gathers, forming a ready nidus for bote or worms. This soon leads to otber organs becoming implicated, and gradually tbe whole system is under its baneful in fluence. As a natural consequenoe,the blood becomes impoverished, the nerv ous system weakened. He loses flobh and appears in an unhealthy condition. At this stage he is more readily to be attacked with oolic, diabetes or other debilitating diseases. And yet all this can be averted by a proper regimen. Not half enough care is exercised in the feeding of horses There should be a regular time for feeding, and the proper quantity given according to size of ani mal. He should on no account be fed while warm, but made cool and com fortable first, and by ail means not al lowed to fast too long after the usual time. When this is the case, he eats voraciously and fermentation and in digestion are the result. Corns and bunions my be helped and oftimea removed, by the constant employment of oleate of copper, spread aa a plaster. FOB If Ol SI klKII H In cleaning silver kMrosooe may be used with advantage, Salt will romovo tho stain caused by eggs from ilvr. (t must be ap plied dry. Whiting and bon.inn mixed to a panto will romovo groaso spots from marble. Anything with water re quires a hotter oven than anything mixed wilh milk. Hoof for roasting should not be salted, as it extracts the juico. Sim ply sprinkle with flour. Old tea leaves may bo utilized by steeping, straining, and washing var nished paint with tno water. Indian mo il will romovo spot 4 of grease or oil from carpets. Bub it on the place to ho cloaiibud until (Ik; meal is discolored ; brush it off and repeat the process with more meal, until the spot has disappeared. Bats are said to abhor chloride of lime and wilt leave uny place where it Is. As it Is harmless, housekeep. era may plans it iu the haunts of those abominations without fear of tho pet dog or cat suffering from cold pUon," Knives and forks witn ivory, bone or wooden handles should not bo put Into hot water. But we suggest that when our reudcra buy knives for the table they get those with silver plat O'J handles and hi ides. They need no huh brick to keep them bright, but only an occasional rub with whit ing, and save "lots of !rouhl" Thr Barval er usselasflun. Pure delicacy of ft vor with irue ef ficacy of act iou has been attained in the famous California liquid fruit reme dy Hy rup of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have rendered it im rMBBB ly popular. For sale by Posbuy snd Mason, K W Laugdon and 0e riaae fur Kale Cheats A square piano, coat f.Vrf), will be sold at a sstcrifltt f(,r rash, Pr particular etil at this office. GEM THE GREAT AN RE fa 11 teen Rheumatism Neuralgia. Sciatica, lassase. Sactacn. HssSaeae. TooOtscfc. SsrsTbruni sr!llas. frtln. M -. Ilui .-a-. r . -t Htir. . tit ' 1 . iwim 1 rtivs n nsr. fits, ( -Oa tf ..itm la 11 1 a-4". mr i iimti . -! 1 1 it . . . a . a." -. a i. a. . NOTICE. f U s. Lawn OfrtcE, I Kosxiiuitu.Or,. Juue 25th,lM&5. Complaint having len made and fi'ed In tin office by WHbam J. Fox sgainst Philip Ulghlan J for abandoning in do nation rl dm in Notification No. MUtt f..r the ft. H of N K sn 1 N A f S K Se liin l.Townsbip 14, aouth of range 2, trfat of tb Willamette meridian with the view to tlw cancellation Qff said claim, the aaid parties, ineluduig the heirs and legs) representative of th aaid Philip High land are hereby cited to appear before the County Clerk of Una eoutsty, Oregon on MM 7tb day of August. lHK.- at 10 o'clock, a.m.. of aaid day and furnish testimony concerning said allseed abandonment. W. K, Bksjamin, Register. J. C. Ft i.i.aToji, Receiver. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. "Beagh oa Bat. Cluars out rats, entor, ruarhc. Sirs, aula, betl-hugs Besrt Pslaa. Palpitation. Ir..i.-al SwrlliiiK. DizshiMs, hull Ifestion. Headache, tUeUtntt cttrni l.v "Hells Health Kumacr." "Boagh on Corns. " Ask for Wells' "Hough on Corns." lAc. tjuick, compleUi cure. Hartl or soil eorus, warts, humans. "BHrbul'sllM." Ouitk, ctatiplvte i-ure, ull Kidney, hlsAisf and Ur'iiary blaoaMw, ScaMlng, Irritation, Stone, Uravel, Calarrah of the Uladdor. SI, ilruk-ttists. Brd.Bnga, File Flies, ronrhes, ants, hcil Ihhjm, ratB, BatSt, ifoplierH, chipmunks, cleared out hy Mftwiaja on tuts. U. Thla Froplr. "Wall's Health Renew cr" retorts hoalih and vigor cures Hystiepsla, Impotence, Sexual Debility, 1. "Bouku on lata" Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea.aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism. SO QSBtS. Hough on Pain P.anleru, ISO, Mother. If you sre falling, broken, worn out and neivous, use "Wells' Health Kent wer." 1. Druggists. Life rreservcr. If vou are losing your unp on life, try "Wells' Health Hint wer." Goes direct to weak sputa. "Bough on FUra." Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, PnMndUur, Bleeding, Internal or other. Internal and external remedy tit ach paukaire. sureeure, bOc. Druggists, Fretty Women. LadicH who would retain freshness and v'vaci'y Don't fall to try "Wells' Health Keuewer." "Bough on lic h. " "Rough on Itch" cures humors, tmptionfi,riig worm, tetter, sait rheum, frosted feet, chilblains. "Bough on atan ali Corrects offensive odors at oiu c. Complete cure o worst chronic cases, also unoqualed as gargle for Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Foul Breath. QOc. The Hope of the Nation. Children, slow in development puny, scra nv and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer." Catarrh or the Bladder. Stinging, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, cured by "Buchu-Paiba." SI, "Water Bux, Boaehes." Rough on Rats' dears them out, also Beetles, Ant. MEDl JULIUS GRADWOHL Its fhe only exclriMive fstoek of CROCKERY, CLASS.SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Eaby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sua ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND SAUCERS $1.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E 'I'll i: IIIUIIEST 1WAKMKT FliU !E FA ID FOR MM3 Bememberl What I Say I Mean. Civs Me a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- Buy the Best FRANK BROS. IMPLEMENT COMPANY DKALKK-S in Farm and Hill Machinery. WalU-r A. Wood's Hinders, Walter . Wo-xl's Chain Rake flrrtpors, Walter A. W ''" Nwix-p Hake IU-aira, Oaar, Koott A .Vs. afBBSStBfrj Uaar, Sott A Co's l'!ln and Traction Kngine?, CaaStSS J.ook Jvr-r Hay Kake. Walter A. Wotsl's KocLised fJear Mowers, A LAO A FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY. Writs for Catalogue. Addre either FRANK BROS., IMPL CO., PORTLAND, OR. JULIUS GRADWOHL, AGENT, ALBANY. OR. mux -I'liOPKIKToi ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALKKW IN Imported and Domestic Cigais, Tobacco., Gioterics Candiep. Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Vllrvtiy, - - Oregon, ON K LxrOR BELOW JOHN BMSOQV STORE. S&yl ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber , laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON 4 WEST, v GRAF, Manufacturers snd Deslersjn all kin rja r URN1TCJBE, AND UNDERTAKERS. S First Street Albany, Or R. J, TRUMBULL & CO., Browers, Importers and Dealers -IX- SK1DS, TREES AND PLANTS. 410, 421 8ANSOME ST., SAN FRANCISCO - - - - CAL. Illustrated catalogues for 1885 free on application. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - ALBANY, OR. Represents several faf tke best Fire In -su ranee Companies on the Coast. Call on him for reliable insurance. MILLER BROS., DKal.KHS IB rieid.Yegetables and Flower Seeds, Imperial Erg Food, Tools. Fertilizer?, Eto., Ktc. 209 SECOND ST. PORTLAND.OR. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LA . AND Notary Public- I. S. ROBERTS" City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices, ALBANY, OREGON. W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyancr, Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., - - SGIO, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Counslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Wil 1 practice in all the Courts in the State H OUfeE AlND JLvT FOK 8 ALE. 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot situated in N, W, part of Scio. The land lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Church, Unimprovel. 100 acres open, balance brush. Inquire of J. Jj. Mtltrr, Scio. and "be Happy ! k JOSEPH, OK O A Cm TIME TALBC, Albany Kluliou. iill-lEUUi; Ol lstal. Ot SO XoSTH. ALBANY EXI'RKSS Drfsula at r'HKlUHT TRAINS " " t:30 A. B 1 A. M. 115 A. B. U:0S P. B 11:45 A. B U-.-C P B. . 3:30 P. B. 845 P. B. MAIL TRAIS Armas at -( DeparUat sot s 0 aocm. I Arrive at -V lKi-nrUat i MAIL TBAOI nUEIQHT TRAIN " " ALIiAN K I ntBM ftSntfSS at - All Tralss dally, varrut Saadsj. NoTirt:. Or. and after this date regular tickets will I e o)d at our ticket office for following i int n Columbia river: Upper Cas-adcx, Ialtes Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walls aud Ainsworth. Will. B. Rick, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A C. R. U. Co. Albany. June ISth, 188'. 1 1 lilBT 1 CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Ernption, t tbe worst Scrofula. Sa!t-r henna, "I'ever-aores," Scaly or Houah Skin, in short, all dus-uscs caused by bad blood are t-onquercd by this powerful, purifvinjr, and iavigoratintr tniMhchie, Great atlus; III t ers rapidly bcal under its benign influence, liH-cinliy hits it emtvifested its potency In cut-in? Tetter, Homo KatB, Bolls, Car litimlos Sore Kyes, Scrol'uloiiM Sores and suclliiifrs, Hln-Joiut Bisease, White SwelliitKM, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and F.iilnrucd Glands. Stnd ten cents in stamps for a larjre treatise, with col ored plates, on' Skin Diseases, or the same amount for a treatise on Scrofvlous Affections. "THE BfLOOB Is THE I.irK. Thoroughly olauaja it by usitir Or. Pierce Ciolden Iff cdical Discovery, and stood digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spir it, vital Ntrcitfrth. and -outiduesa of c onstitution, will bo coUtbushed. CONSUMPTION, which is Serofnlona Bisease of the l.iinsr, fc promptly and certainly arrested and cured by this God-glyen remedy, if taken before the last stajres of the sre lt ached. From Ira wonderful power over this terribly fatai disease, when first offering this now cel ebrated remedy to the iubllc Dr. Pikhcb thought seriously of calling- it his ' Con MumptloiitJn re, bur almndoned that name oa too limited for a medicine which, from its w onderful combination of tonic, or st renpt hen infr, alterative, or biood-t-ieansitiar, anti-bilious, pHitoral, and nut fit i vo nroperties, is uneqtialed, not only as a remedy for consumption of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES Liver, Blood, and Lungs. 'If you feel drill, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of akin, or yellowish-brown spots on face orbody, frequent headache or dizzi ntss, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills, Hiu-ruating with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy borolxxlings, irregular appetite, and coated tongue, you are suiferintr from Indl izt stioii, Ejxpepsia, and Torpid Liver, or 5f lioiisiiewt," In many cases only part of these; symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such eases, Br. liercea Goldeii itEcdical Biscovery has no CYr Weak Itnugs, Spittinsr of Blood, Shortues of Breath, Bronchitis. Severe Coughs, Consumption, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. i-end ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Sold by Druggists PRICE $1.00, AVESS World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 063 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. Vvctfs LITTLE oai atvt r n im WTiSs FILLS. ANTI-BIT.IOITS and CATHARTIC. Sold by Druggists. 25 cents a viol. $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. 1 f you have a discharge from tho nose, offensive or othcr y iae, partial loss of smell, taste, cr hen finer . weak eves, dull nain or pressure In head, you have Catarrh. Thou sar d8 of cases terminate in consumption. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst oases of Catarrh, "Cold in the Head,' and Catarrhal Headache. 50 cent , earn.