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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY 8TITESA NUTTING. MNBMtrriCK"l Oemacral Building ua fSroalalliM niMd. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION 4(nl copy, per year, in advance sln-i aupy, per jrw. at end of year. ......... a oo 1 M 7 10 single copy, Mi months iiMfle copy, thro month. . uirle number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R.3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany . Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court of this 8tate. Will give special attention to collections and probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. and-- Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brijrjrs store, 1st street. vnnsjiu J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) tTTORNEY AT LAW, linn, OKKUOV. WILL PR ACTIO B IN ALL THR COURTS Of MB Suu. Special attention given to collections and rebate matter tsTOfflce in Odd Frill Tempi.. ft f. O. POWBU- W. R. WILTRU POWELL BILYEU, kTTORMKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors io Chancer?! ALBANY. - - - ORKIiOX. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. In Foster's Hriok.-w J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor It Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of this State. Alt businees intrusted to hi 3 will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRFC1C1ISTS. M.xks. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A large Stock and Low Prices. OITT IDRTJtq. STORE, iyi sua is y, oascox. POSH AY A MASON, WSOULAJ.S AS RSTAIIr Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications. which we sell at publishers prices with poetsgeaOded. ALBANY, OttEGOR. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRBSCEIPTlOiS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barker Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp ruon. which are always kept In good aondition, and hair cut in tbe very beat style. REVERE HOUSE, p. iral mmm uuwam ainaij, .rrfsa. Ghas- Pfeiffer, Prcp'r. This new Hol.l I. atte.1 up tn first das. ntyl.. Tables with th. bawl tbe market afford, spring in every Room. A good ! I TraTSMrs. Caaenleaaal the aeL' FURNITURE. ( have the beet stock of furniture in city aod will sell tbe Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OK. The First Term will commence on Tnwday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the courses of study snd th price ot tuition, apply to SXBV. KLHEai X. COMDIT, Preouen Aloany Bath House. fgstllE UNDERSIQNKD WOULD RESPECT tally iaform th. eitissns of Albany and vi laity that I havetaken charge of this Establish n.nt.and, by keeping olssn rooms andjisyio .trie ttt.n tion to basinsss, expects to suit al thos. who may faTor as with patronage Having h.r.toior. oarri.a on sotning out First -Class Hair Dressing Saloons xo.ats to civ. entire sstisfsctioa to si ssftT-ChMdien and Ladles' nair nsatiy on Hismpoosd. JOS WEBBER. Administrator's Notice Notice Is hereby given thst the undersign ed has n by an order nf the County Court of Linn County Oregon, duly appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of James Keeney deceased, late of ssid county. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same properly verined within six months from the date hereof tothe undersigned at his residence about five mile, south of Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon. Geo. D. Overto.v, Administrator. Dated May 211th. 1S85. B A.RN door hang in gh, re A. always breaking, unless you have the kind seld by Peters A Stewart, of Al bany. Tbey are mane ot wrongnt iron, osnnot jump tbe track and will last a Hie time. Donrt hang another barn door un til you have seen them. (D1TC Soml ' ce"1 tor p, at rKlasCs riv.fis, a costly box of (roods A w'11 h tip you to mor. money right away than hleUitu this world. All of ofth.r sax, suc m Brat hour, Ths broad road to fortune fori the workers, absolutely sura. At on. Tsj sad Co,, Augusts, Main., VOL. XX. r-s r- w a a .SV POWDER MOST PERFECT, MADE I by physician with mmU nori, woMuio. ao Amtaoaia, Llaie or Aluut. Gatr enng- Grapes for Making Cream of Tartar for DS PKiCE J CREAM BAKING. POWDER. ' for Ml, by Cutting. Mart. Co. Portland. Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE SMS and mtrrmtrmmt V .,, t ? .... an;lla, Imnn. Orange, Almond. Km-, etc. navor delicately and naturally a the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHICAGO. ST. LOOTS, rr,'j hr Cu:tii,j Marl, and Co NMRSf. or (uticura OrSFICURINC HUMORS, ITCHING TORTURES, AND LOATHSOME SORES. I MAVK TRIEP for oleren )rtn t have my .11. B urpd tA a unibl. ain uiwaw. i'h. Cithiba KsMBbnia (On.1 ka Rmolvskt. the nw liloud I'uil- er. internaJly. awl OssBR aa. the rat .-km Cure. u-nially) have .lone In ais weke what I have trie.) for Icveii eara to have doo. You shall have Ule.1 thr trticTUara aa aoon aa I can alve Ufi to you, ami aa v. v. ao well known In the irt of the country, it will benefit you. an.l the retueijieai will cure aJi who us. taein. CIIAS. U. WHITE. ATS vuxs, k . BLOTCHElT Cl'BED. I nsad your Ct Tiers a Rkmrmra for Blotbe., ami era a Sear Is the baa I have ever used, and to th. I am oitiiiiletely cured, to in y ex rensioi. jot. vt ti- i i.r.,feaaion it is invaluable for -!ean.uijf th. skin, theraby remorlng sli "cork," greaas, psiot, aod all the stuff used by thaw, learlnir th. aJOn uor. ai.,1 white aaafJssR. My arsatssrt aaaasggS recom mendinir UH:h sji article. H. MACK. Champion CoinpiUC Roittr kaUr. BgftgaSSSWg, Ohio. BEST FOB AKYTHIHCa, Itarins: used yourCiTtrt'SA Ran km a for eiithreea motitbs Ux Tatter, arxl SiiaJly curwl it, I am anxtoiia to ret it to sell on commission. I can rccoirmicml It beyond any remsdiaa 1 ha ever used for Tetter, Burns. Cuts. eUr. Intact, itiis die (.i lact.ciiie i Lave ever tnel lr any thins;. vans, Mia., il a. iiurtruA. NEVER A CO.nFI.AI.VT, Since I have been sallinr voor Cmcraa Kz.ur.niKH I have never heanl a sinvle omiflattil. but cn the contrary e cry one who has use.1 them has tieen w.ll pleaaeo with tiiein, ana they oiimcii ail otnrrs. K. ii li i ; nr. in. , uruj;giai. Andrews, Ixn. hCKOI'I'LOl'M fiOBEli. I hailailoxen bad sore, on my body, and tried all aSaSaiSM I could hear of, and at last tried your craa KEMKbiEs, and tbey bare cured me. JHU. tiABSIL.U, IIkhhom, Thayw County, Penn. cT'SJZSlf: VSnSR by the Pirns I.iu AsnCHBHioatCo., Boston, Mas. . Send for "Mow to ( arc Sltla Dlaesses. XHil Sunburn, Mmplc", Hlackheads and Oily I All. Skin, use theft TitCKA Soap. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goltra.) -DEVLKRS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUGGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WI8HES TO Inform tbe public tbat he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on abort notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally In Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aiid resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post oftlce. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. J.Le HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce-cor, First and Ferry Strsets, ALBANY - - - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Three well bred stallions, and thirty draft and saddle horse. W. T. Cochran, Brownsville, Or. H OT EL FOR SALE. The Jackson House, Prinevlllo, Oregon 82 well furnished rooms, tbe only bote in town, iarjte and convenient, with al necessary furniture. Price reasonabl and terms easy. A. B. ColvehA Soa. Prineville, Oregon, r I ... , J IksvMwJ Hadok, a Jew, lived about 250 years boon- Christ, lie wss .he founder of a tec of religii nists called Haddusets, which sect whs very numerous in the dya of Christ. He, with hie followers, ttught that there was no futute date. no resurrection of tl e lK)dy, no such brings at angels, no heaven or hell, and thst there would he to future icwstds or pininhment. They were Deists and Materialists, believed thst (iod hsd cre ated sll things sod thstsll the phenooi 001 attributed to mind end soul were onlv the lesults 1 1 the eciiliar organ- ism ot tho body, end otiM as swsy forever, when the hody thuuid be dt- 04tnoed. They did nrt bell v in the snpernstursl origin i f a siNietu morsls ; but that reason wsg theouly and the infallible guide in sit ifintteis of obligation. Hence their iutterne,s to Christ aod all his teat bin gs ttecsuse his teachings oppone rheir erred. Tim' he ttught just the opHtsite U eveiy one if tUir tsnets.clearly shows hst every one m . ... f . v i is laiMP ftftfl the reverse is iron. wnwn you resd the Soriptures.retuemher their doctrines aud you will undttWu.d bet- tor wftst Chirst tauh'. U-.tder I Are you one of thia ecV ? Pbsriseee. The Wiaiisees were tfc most numerous body of religionists in the days of our Savi r. Pharisee means to separate. They separated from all other sects Lolding themselves better tbsn sll others. The most wealthy aod intelligent among the Jew's belonged to this order. The time at which they arose as sn organisation is not known, but they existed as early as l."0 years before Christ. They saw the wicked w a; as a -.a . a at ness snd unbelief that bad gotten into the Jewish church by its false teachings of the Sgdduaeee, hence their aepsra tion. They were very holy and spirtua' in their first existence, but afterwsrd, when wealth, lesining and numbers msdo them (towerful, they degenerated into mere formal worsnip.and lout their simplicity of life, and power of godli- n -ss. I bey were scrupulously rituahs tie, held strictly to tbe trsditione of the .... a a a. Klders, and sttsched more importance to them, than to the written word. They laid great stress on a stric obset v ante of all tbe rites and ceremonies of tradition, and taught that a strict oh- aervance of these eorstituted tbe true worship ot Ood. Their religion was all oatward, cleansing of the "cup and the bH. God adj.mU His amunition to platter." Their bitter hostility to Cbrnt tbe size of to in m he is sfuir. Mus arose from his teaching that traditions terd seed shot w.ll do for you. were of no moral force aod obligation, snd rites and ceremonies were not the , . Ju OI tne worenip BS WaW. bnt on'y means to be used to sttatn toward purity, holiness and spirilnslity, and growth in grace. They also held a lit- mf mm oral interpretation of tbe Scriptures. Christ often callad them hypocrites, be- cause under their loud piofeaaion of . .. I sanctity, they practiced the gestet oppression, hsughtineas,aod contumely, and rendered the word of 0d of no effect by their traditions sod practice, When you retd tbe Scriptures remem- i ber what they taught snd as Christ taught the opposite, their teachings are false snd his are true. You will also undr-rstsnd better what ha tsnght. Reader : Are you a Pharisee ? Essenes. The Essence, another soct among the Jews in tbe time of Christ, was the smallest perhaps of all the To- Hgious organizations of that d.y. They ..... .h.WaJ vmv muir. not more than 4000 at any one time. Tbey were of ths poorer clsss held a community of goods never married because eu nuchs from tbe "kingdom of hesven's 8ke," tbat they might not be encum bered with family cares and responsibil ities, recraited by making converts and bv adopting pool and orphan children. They saw the evil effects of the other two classes and contended for a spirit ual interpretation of the Scriptures, and refuted traditions. They were the p-ireat and the most sptritnal of sll the sects of our lord's iim, and it is ssid thst boh O i'isr, and , bn the Btntist, belonged to this hro'liei hood. Of this I know not. They were in existence about lf0 years before Christ,snd were much detested because of their simple Uvea and plain and practical teaching. Aa a people they were very devout and spiritual. Not mentioned in the Scrip tures. Publican. The Publicans were not a religions organization. At the time of Chris, Judea was under Rmn gov ernment and laws. Publicans were simply tax collectors. The Romans levied a tsx upon the Jews and those Jeva who accepted the office of tax collfctor under Roman authority were c tiled Publican, and were esteemed by the great body of the Jews the most contemptible and execrated of human ity. They were regarded aa having bartered their nstiou and religion for a falty and detested office at the hands of their conqueror"., really aa having sold their interest in Gjd and his promisee. As a class they were no doubt unprin cipled and deserving little or no respect from their countrymen, and regarded by the Romans as the inferiors, they avenged themselves uo their people ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY hy resorting to every method of collect ing the unjust tsxee, and extorting mom Wsides, which tusdw the in more oHous to their hrethreo. Many of thtu attended the ministiy of our Laid, and one of the Apostles wss taken IfORI a i a. ft ata a -a . iiiwt euw. wtin-n snows that sli were not destitute of nmisl worth. They msv have Ireen Sadd usees, Pliarisce K series or neither. Scilhrs. The Scribes wer thoe Jws win, wrote snd kept the sacred wtitinUH of thn Jmws thst they might not lie ("irrupted or lost. There were on printing presses iu thoee days and every copy of the O.d Bible hsd to be written tv hand in their eliaraelere. This requited luunh tires snd pains to iMinpletn eten one ouiv. They eg. f ainined each copy a it osiiih from the copyist to gen if it wss correctly trsns- oiiltetl and, hsd the proper ohsrsctsr in ch word and k. its prr pisce, and gJag ta see if ".him jot or one title" had lM en omitted. These coi ies were most ly ,n , , bsnds of (b Hjribee ss the cost of uissTo a c )py wssUo much for I . t i . . 4S too uissse to meet, lie new they he j cutne the teschers snd exiMninders of the law. Thev were the Jewish U iitsrs w or ilebMns, whoae duty it was to ex plain ths Uw and oremooies of the sloJriehrejji n to their dUdplea and the people. They tfttigjb.t the literal ibterpatalton of the Hiripttiras sntTgnw I held that the tradition wore of mote mors! force and obligation than the written word. Mny of them were Pharisees and bitterly opposed our L ml, with the other sects, because Lit teaching were simple and plain, and because he condemned their gross par. j version of the Scriptures and their I . a .a . a . taacbiug the tun. ling turoe of any t ra dition. Thus you have a brief account of the various sects and classes meo timed in the Testament. P. A. Mokes. ea Jnsgafaajs. Tb.Mgttla fraSS Brrral retell UlarMrr. f tin tUrargla laakrwakrr God won't kfwp a young lady pious who has her waist encircled seven times a week by tbe arms of a spider- leg gm dud. Home of yon little sinner., art sitting around here waiting for salvstion to strike you as it did St. P.ul. Snow. btr I waiting to he hit with a cannon Sow billiard., trap fool.. How ctrds, rMp g'n ' r H w whisky, reap drunkards. Sjw gst mane, reap spider The dude looks as if he ws melted nd poured into his pants Tberts . many a fellow with a white- wash brush trying to dean up a little before he goe to Ojd. W .-ft. 1 1 . . I - ft . ft iwny men inina tno peopie aon t know tbey are gamblers, but they do. You wear Uue clothes, rnd look like a gentlemen, aid think people don't know what you are. But you don't Qad tbe lev full of greenies, you big old fool you. Some men are feeling all right, be- cause all their boys sre girls ; but tbe first thing tbat you know, the devil will pack off a drunken son-in-law on you. If t couldn't do anything worse than that if he had a tbousaod years to work up a had thing. There i- itAttmmin nhatfcanonw. who doesn't have family prayers tbat has got as muob religion as a goat. The Ohio Republican party should not distress itself about th labor in the South. There is not an ignorant negro it. all the South who has not batter opportunities than many of she oppressed laborers of Ohio. No labor io the world has such sdvantages as that io the South. On the cotteo aod augar plantations the laborers have a lighter and better character of work than the miners and many others io O iio. Tbe Hoo. Taylor sod the grand old party should turn thrir attention to the Hocking Valley snd other miners, where labor is forced to work for star vation prices. There is not a negro in the South who woull swap pisces with a Hooking Valley miner. John Sherman lsdoiog more swing lag around tho circle just now than any other man witn the preHidential bee In his bonnet, John Logan not excepted. When the cool weather sets In he Intends to visit the Gulf sUtes including Florida the only one of the states or territories he has not visited up to date. We believe he is expected in Massachusetts io the early fall and the Republicans hope to have him aedress their convention at Spriogdeld, Sept. 30. If John Sher man is there on that date it will not be difficult to get him to talk. Citizen To what particular defect or (muhh, Mr. Roach, do you trace the inability of the Dilphia to comply with tbe conditions named in the contract 1 Mr. Roaoh To the ohanga in the administration. j WASsnitfiTOM UFfTSst. hi r vUr iHrrsKnl.iit.) hinotoh, JuNg,27ih, iS8o. Rppubllcuns Iu office have long locktxl lo the roming first of July sm m dnymt tli o ii. It will he the begin n,"g the now Hsrnl year, and thfy 0'mjfcaro ibKt tho Di-iiKsfstH a III a... .ail Ua 4L ft aa it) ut'gin it wiih new rinu ii w swiping the clistiKea uity be no one knows, but ait N llevo Hist some chftnges will be muoV, snd thst large number wid be 1hi,ihr-d,H'nl I heir siicis .ft vacan. Attorney mi tin taken Hie a i a a i 9 m iniiianire Sotr maiiH a tner y'.p u the Deptriim in ,,f Justice. Men after there wilt be none hut rVtno cmts on eusrd in nt least or.e fbtht. net nfleers (letertrnril. lb i h itiflttf days alftioe (.inula. lou.r Ml I tsk r h.rite of ih.- I ti. r. nsl lie venue Bureau, out of iitu the -irhty Internal Koveou" (Jnl. lectors In the itmntr he bss Hfp unt- eI sixty new miesj. Tne r-ri,.,i,,iriK 'rfftcers to lie ctiHiiged are one each in Coloratl.LHilewsr.', Florida, Iudtsna, Miry land, MUeourl, New Hxrtip. shite, New Mexico, Ohio, and Wis consin ; Ave each in Illinois and New York, ami three in Pnnyivii. HflM will be taken up as rtpblly as poaetlae, aaQtwaJrhre will nut be a tepublieati Internal jvetHMJter. or In the country. lieproaentat I va Springer was io Secreary Manning to-day. lUntyn he la ju4t from the pe iple. He finds there are three classes expressing dlf. ferent opinions about the ad ml it la tra il ; thoee who are in aay it is Uw fast ; those who are out and w int to gC lo aay it I to- alow , and toe Treat masses aay it U just right. Mr Springer agrees vith the manses. Mayor Grace of N v York is io Washington, and has is u in consul lation with the Secretary of the Trwia. ury. 11 is business hero Is U: regird io the N-w Y-trk oolUHHorihip, sod to give 9MW vtlutNe advice eon earning all tlit New V.irk putronn ..-. His presence here is taken as slgnifl. cant that the time for m tklng tn , appointments l clje at hand. In view of theclrculaiioj of pip ris to tbe effect that tho Ag ricultarl de. partmtM.t had been pxralyxml In all lis work by the exhaustion of the current fiscal year under the adminis tration of the late Commissioner Lor Ing, I to day made Inquiry of the chief oftteUb oi that detriment as to the extent of the embiraasment for want of fundi, and was Informed that the seed division under the present regime, had not been able to do anything bocsust tnere wss not a do lar of the fond belonging to it left to operate with. It was found neces sary tn furlough the employes of the tftatlstlcal division because the money appropriated to It for the oorrent fis cal year had all been expended. The laboratory fund had been used under the late Commissioner for the purchase of seeds, and hence tbat division was left without any money, which made the furlough log of some of Its employes necessary. Notwith standing the disad vantages Imposed, considerable work has been done in tbia division under the new com mis i oner. All the divisions except the three named have Keen regularly at work, and while tbe forces of some have been reduced more bat been ac complished within tbe same lengtn of time than hitherto. I have talked with a number of Republican Senators during the last two weeks, and I do not think from all I can learn that there will be any organized opposition to the appoint ments of President Cleveland. The Republican Senators are old politic ians, aod accustomed to acquiesce in the fortunes of politics. Tbe major ity of them respect the President, and concede that his appointments are in the mslo excellent Few Senators will have more Influence in the next Cngreja than Oeneril Lgin, and it is known that he is on amiable terras with the President, end his Cabinet. The aarne may be said of a majority of Republican Senators per haps the only exceptions are the two Senators from Virginia, Mahone and Riddleberger. The colored voters of Mshaska county Iowa met in-convention a few days ago Representative men of tbe party made speeches, and all claimed tbat tbey bad been under the control of tb Republi can party long enough, and tbst unless tbe Republicans would adopt ibeir candi date for Represantstive they would bolt tbe straight Republican tioket,placiug a scaight colored ticket in the field this fall. Tbe Republican campaign in that oounty Joo' precarious. Tbey have but 500 majority in this oounty, aod cannot well spate tSe colorerwvotari', who mi to bar 1,200. Io does not trouble a docfcjr a t all to have a skeleton in hi) c'oset. tmctal 17, 1885. H ri3en?Unf WV couldn,t fcake the time to go to the inauguration of Preai hher8elthia SnrTrfP a ttle iuauSon of our owt aR ON that oldnenof theople!6'681 Accordingly s HIGH PRICES &ZJ&S!im "Pon,.ad Prepaid for as a glance at our uneoualed new vinos you. SUO0BSS will crown oaV effortTif you patronage, for by large Our stock is all bousrht feato of our hSSSS-? reature or our business cent, counters which are as at. isaiii suai sr The New York Ti mas for some rea- SOU that It falls to make clear to the casual raider, Is not pleased with the selection of Mr. Hodden as collector of t'ie port of New York. As nearly as we can gatner, however, its appre hension is due to the fact thst Mr. Hubert O. Thompson, among a oum--r of others, recommended bim, and tb- Ttasss sniffs a fell purpose even in Him must Innoceut participation of Hint e:'rt!cinan in nubile affaire. It sss Mr. Thorn nsoo Is no artless boy. 'He did not go to tbe President, and in a gush of generous enthusiasm beg him to make his friend, Mr. Heddin, collector merely because be was his friend. He first took pains to build up for Mr. Hedden a backing entire ly respectable, and even strong, inde pendent of all political influences. He theo skilfully added to this the support of Mr. Tilden, through his friend and agent Mr. Edward uooper, for we trust that nobody has been de ceived by tho ostentatious publica tion of Mr. Tilden's internet iu the fortunes ot Mr. J. Edward Simmons. Then Mr. Secretary Manning and Mr. Secretary Whitney added their voices, very influential, and justly so, to tbe Hedden chorus " The Times seems to be building stringer than It is aware of. If, in addition to tbe very flattering business endorsement thai Mr. Hedden received, he was acceptable to Mr. Tilden, Mr. Thomp son, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Manning and Mr. Whltnoy, all sagacious and pat riotic men, the President would have been false to his pledges had he failed to appoint him. We sincerely trust Mr. Hedden is the choice of all these men. way do ctrs Pre afro Llsjasrs t Because tbey know not what else to do j or because sometimes a little liquor serves to kindle the exhausted fites of digestion. But this liquor proscription is bad business for the patients, for it makes drunkards out of a large major ity of tbena. Brown's Iron Bitters does not kindle a temporary fire. It nour ishes, enriches, strengthens, pur. ties. It drives out debility and dyspepsia, and sets tbe invigorated system at work on a basis of health. It is enough to make a brs mon key giggle to M-e "It" R ',,',C!n P pr pitching i'ii S criurv Whitney because of Us tf u r :. revent fiauds upon the Tieasfiry a.d to lorru the uu cleus of a futnie uavy. It is ver painful to the organs to have tbe ex penditures lessened and honest dealings enforced in the Department. But ibey will get used to it after awhile. Health or Jews. One noticeable feature about JewUh oemstaries In the south is the soaroety of newly made jrraves after an epidemic of cholera or vellow fever. Statlsiios show that fewer of them die than any other race from these or kindred diseases. During the cholera scourge In Toulon only two orthodox Jews died of it, while in num bers they equalled fully 20 par cent of tbe population. Their Immunity from dis ease, and the certainty with which they recover when attacted 07 it, is accounted fnr by the simplicity of their diet, 't hey are very strict about following the dietary laws preseribed by Moses. Isn't it a lit tle strange that Moses, if he was only a historian, should have pose8!ed knowl edge superior to that of the widest and best physlolsrs of the prent day? He evidently believed In preventing disease rather than, curing it. This is what lie Haven's Despepsia Cure aims to do ; it acts direotly on the digestive juices of the stomach and both prevents snd cures In j digesMon and Dyspepsia, Free ssmpl j bottles at Foshay A Mason's Drug Store WAR DV1D6URATED BY Allen salos at a s nail wVsi to wto tee igte. Come and Help Us. for OASfT nf. nhm- ai eU fc Pce3 taat defy competition. Anew is the mmu nunfni ov-hm! k m j i usuxlly sold at three times N. H. ALLEN & Co., NOTICE. flaring conclndud to close ont his bminess, now offers his entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIM, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As tMI is a gmlu cloiiaj oit, is tin tion for hoosawirei to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY,FEB. Ith, 1885. Mm sui Laies or iik Isaae Oil, Willi ypopUaatshltea, Yry ratals hfa aa strestfceatas;. Dr. A. H. DesanliouH, Oswgo, N. V., ear : "l have prescribed Scott's Etntilhiun fir tuauy years, aod, have given ti a ihotong't comparative teat. 1 canuoi rtfk tu too high terms of its palauhiiity, ss art-ll as its efficacy in all the wasting disorders in which it is Uidiostted." In walking, the weaker of two per son t-ke iI.h rui of the stronger. This ih why dud always take voting ladiW at ins As if hy magic oues pains vanish if he be a sufferer from rheumatism or neuralgia and applies St. Jacobs Oil, tbe pain-bauisber. For Coughs and Colds Red Star Cough Cure is a af, pleasant, sure remedy. Young man, it is the girl who will paaa an ice cream salojn without lock ing in who will make you a good wife mmm Ths Democ mat will take 100 cords of woo on subscription, and we would like as trood wood as if we were not public beuefactors. Parties 1 1 esdy subscribers to the Dkmo ctAT, who wish Jto send the ivaper i-HF to a f.iend or f 1 io ids can do so for WO MEN Ne4ta reaewed atreaaS. or we oatfor froaa laSraalUas peculiar f Hat sax. should try msmmmmM THE TONIC Trhis nsediclna combines Iron with pat vaaetab!a , and is invaluable for IMwilwiii paealiar to oineo, andjUl who lead sedentai? live. It En- paeniia lla It 1 nt ia loed, MUmutatea S the atuseles sad tho Appetite, stress. e Appetite, Strengthene the Muae ervea-in faot. thorouahly Invlsrorate. It doss not blacken the teeth, cause headache, or produce constipation alt ethtr fro mtdieims do. MBS. Flieabjcth Bahrd, 74FrwU Are., Milwan- kee. Win., a, under date of Dec. fattl ISM. "I have tumd Brown's Iron Bittern, and It haa been more than a doctor to me. havins cured tne of the weakneaaUdiaa have in life. Also cored me of Li v er Complaint, and now my complexion is clear and good. Has been beneficial to my children." Genuine ha above trade mark and creased red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by BROWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, MD. LAnnu Hasp Boos-oflafnl and attractive, con tsininc list of prrsas for recipes, information about coins, etc., given away by all dealers in medicine, c mailed to any address on receipt of Sc. rlamp K.ti.inisuru.N, woouARta;C0., Portland t 1, Clean uw com ul ex km. and makaa Che akin mnnnth fflH mm kii vjx HflH m arer STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BK8T 1BYERTI8IH6 mill IN TEE WILLAMETTE TALUT Bpeeisl bosinesa iiothe urn ns 15 (A VI ler Hue. r.llrs 10 rnts ner Una. In 1 eJ liei btgalar For leaal Slid Lr.nnient tux- i I (H) per n'jusre for the first iassrttoaart 2" nt" Pr "'piare for each aubsssaStt I asertlon. Hates for of ber sdvertlseiiienu araste iiown on application. Co.. will f avSr u, wtth oon- tit . , . the amount askedby us. First Street, Albany, Or. MCrowiiMills ISOM, LAKNIN6 4 CO., PROPER. saw process rtoca svtkrior ma rasaauaa and aaaans trss. BEST STORAGK FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. D, M. JONES, M, D. PHYSICIAN AUD SURGEON. ALBANY, OREGON. Office at residence 00 Third and Wash ington Streets, RATES OF CHABOBS. (with 25 per cent extra at night) Visit in town, $1.50, Visits in tbe country, 91 per mile for the first two miles , and 50 cents for each addi tional mile, not including ferriage. MedUanea furnished r&xx while visit in if patients. Obstetrics, five dollars and mileage, C. X, WOI.VBRTO.V, o, h, iaviNS. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JSVOfnoe up stairs in Fro man's Brick ALBANY, OREGON. UTLERY. he hast lien of cutierv in the vallev be founl at our Ntore. U am brass peeks knives, table knives, forks and saaena, batcher knives, bunting knives, paring knives, shears and sosrs of all ktsuas, ami th beat i'n of razors ever breagkl Into Albany. Come and sea fyr year selves, Paras'ts t". 1 " pOR SALE. One hundred and forty aeres, ain U3i!?s aliove Lebanon. 46 teres iu aul tlvatioti. 10 acres slashed and sows ft grass. Comfortable d welling, goasj outheufes. Cheap. Inquire at this office. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AND MIXM10NS. Cutting and fitting by the uew Tayler's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. raM iS MORPIHi HABIT GURU) W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D.t 1 truirstpo a cure In sll easaa if any JL o!re d.rec ions are striotlv followed, lie n or 1 jag of time from business, A st ress above at Albany, Oregon. 1 . -