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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1885)
SI ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT TssOKD EVERY FRIDAY IT STITES& NUTTING. HrMlIUlM airs-el. TSM Or SUBSCRIPTION a.agle eopr. per rr. ln,lvnf-"T' ..n"tu c-M'V. P year, stead intrl oopr. Oiw month 1 twH numhsr a oo 1 M 76 10 PROFKtfSlONAL OA HUH. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW' A! barn v. Oregon. tti i PBAfmOR IN ALL W Court Of thi. State. Will give special atten loa to collection and probate matter. Office In PoatsrVs new brick. 49tf State 110 tils tmmxa T1IK L. H. MONTANYE. KTTORNEAT LAW, Notary Public. Albany, resrssw Office upstairs, over John Br1jrx store, IV Htree'. vHnitif J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY rUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. WLKU0X. PRACTICE IN ALL TUN COURTS OF THK W SUM. SpecUl stteotlon given to collection end rohaW matter tn Odd Felltw's Tetnpls. (: VOL. XX. TEST TOOR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! Brand advertlasd ahanlulwl) pur ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1885. N'O- S3 THK TISTt ,,'," top down on hot stove untt. heated, than move Uie covar and .mall. A .-h.-mi .1 will sot rw 4. O. POWBLL. rvAwV1'11 POWEIili & BILYEU, xTTOKNKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in hanrrv tLnANT. - - - 01ijf0?"- Oalleotlon promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jMTOfflee In Poster's Brlok.-s v!4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lav -AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, arm nruiiw In all of the Court of i hirsute. All bnslnes Intrusted to him will be promptly st tended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGIST. tika. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A lArjre Stock and Low Prices. OITY IDTtTJTGt STORE, Sri tUtff.SRW. FOSHAY & MASON, -nouuti ass ssvaifc Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with posisge added. ALBANY, OKECOM. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION CAREPCllV PULED. BJ Albany, Or. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Condition, and hair cut In the very best tyle. REVERE HOUSE, ,. rirst aad ElLwertl. Albanj. rom. Chas- Pfelffer, Prop'r. Wn.1.1 1. ftttad on In first claat style. TaMes t U UA mith Ik. hMt the Bads In every Hoaa. a wi o"p - Trsvelers. MTt rrr Coach ta from the FURNITURE. ( have the bes stock of furniture in the city sod will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only siock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv snd the lowest price in the Valley. Come ana see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try roe, A. B. WOODIN, i .jmivu iowwqi u preaonoo 01 ammonia. ErWC!f TOE SOIXIU A Orrat Myslrrv salved at tslTk Mound Mvllders almrrlral A Be a a 1 1 11 Tfcrerv spoiled a rarl of Ula lory attorn of Its Magic- and Hematic IHarma. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, m ttttLTNrt urn was wtvm sua at trriotsn. Inn nIIUon bonwt for a quarter of a century It baa .loud thr coiiMtmvrt' reliable tt, THE TEST OF THE OVER. PRICE BAKING roWDER CO., M IKBB Or Dr. Price's Special Flavorins: Extracts. Ttelraf.l,atatS.!lttee aa4 aataralSatar kaa,a4 Dr. Price's lupulin Yeast Oems BSf UBH Healthy i 1!. Beat Dry II. p Yraat III the World FOR 8ALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS, ror sl by CutUnir. Marie Co, IVitland. Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors, Vanilla, Lmon, OniiiKc, Almond, Kose. etc., flavor as delicately iind naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHICAGO. st. vovxa. FortkUby Cav.i; Marie and Co Portlirfl, or SSSBM. RAVDSINS tM0H QiticuTd DISFIGURING HUMORS, ITCHING TORTURES, AND LOATHSOME SORES. IHAVETRIEUforelevm yu to bate my wife urad of a lerriblo skin dliwaae. The fiTKi na KaaswaslfiTin a Basotvwrr, tbe nw Itlowl I'uii- der. inteniaJM. and Itwii, the rest Sktn Curr, ami CrrtcTBs Hoar, aa xqolsit Skin Uautifler, as ternslly) bare done In six waeks what I have triad for eleven var to bava dona. You ahaJI have triad tbe imrUctunf aa aoou aa I can give thtn to you, and aa we are m well known in inc pan inc omnwj, rill benefit rou, and the remtUiaa will cure all who oae them. ciias. ii. ran ats VBBA Kv. BliOTCHEflTct RED. I used your Citicte RnMa tor Blottiea, and am completely cured, to to j eKpreaaible Joy- PB n mt hL..i I. iYui beat I have ever uae-J, anu l the protcaaton it la Invaluable for cleanaltiK the akin, thereby removir all 'eork." freaae, jadni. and l the stuS uaed by mem, aavaa k hu and rft. My erraaUa pleasure la In reoom mending such an article. S.Satg. Champion Comiiue Boiler Skater. Torsosrowx, twno. BEST FOB A MY THING, ll.-l. ,,.,1 ranrClTRTlA Rhukdirm (or elghleeii month, lor Tetter, and finally cured it, I m SBSSSBJ U, eetltU. aell on eonimii'n. can .w- iyon.lan retiMaliee I have ever used Tetter. 2S!L JSC t-t itli. fhc beat medU-ine 1 r.unti, vuv,, .w.. , Lave ever tried for any thmif. lauamw JIvsTl.s.lliss, R. 8. HOBTON. NEVER A COMPLAINT, Since I have been selling your OnsmlHMS I have never heanl a single complaint, but on the rontrarve-ervone who luw uei mem na rai pleased with them, and they OSSSlaB eSSSSl. E. B. lt BUERLi , Druggist Axvatvrs, Isa. SCBOFl LOIN SOKES. 1 hail a doxen bail sores on my body, and triad all reme.llea ! .-..old hear of, and at last tried your .lTt MS R,.rs, ami they have nie IlKkuoy, Thayer County, Fenn. r .... fl ......... ... aolil v rvwIiLTC. IVlcC " rui - S-7-.: SI : .r. V. l'rc-lred by the PoTrr.a bai o iCnraicai.Co., Bjeton, MlMI"t- laend fr "How nrr. aaisi "rc" ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the courses of study snd the price ol tuition, spjuy vo gUV. ELBERT R. COSfDIT, Presiaea A.loany Bath House. r IB CNDEK.SIQNKD WOT LD RESPECT b ait.taaa the iitisens of Albany snd vi a',iitytaat I have taken charge of this Establish ment'and, by keeping olaaa rooms and i pajto tattamtlon to builnass, axpacts to suit si Sees ho ma, favor us with thalr patronag. flsving heratofora oarrted on notnmg First-Class Hair DresslnK Saloons ... . , . i i ipeot to give antira saturM uon to n. Vidian Ldle.' Hair neatly en " . 1 I JUI. vaaj Kunbam, Pirnplea, Mist-aiiL-aua -j I tHj Hkin, use thet.i tk is a posr. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goltra.) -DKAXiERS IN-n Farm Machinery WABOHS, HACKS, BUB&IES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, plsoo would likely destroy their crops also. The moiimls si a too low for! places of refuge from high water snd IOWA KBITONS. therefore we hsmrd nothiug in M7lfcf the cotu.ti v .luough which we have haapooed- TOR WETJBKR. Administiator's Notice Nctice is hereby given that the undersign ed has been by an order of the County Court of Linn County Oregon, dulv TPP,ntd(d-mini-trator of the estate of James Keeney deaeawd, late of said county. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified andequired to present the same properly verified within six months from tn. date hereof tothe undersigned at his residence about five mile- south of Brownsville, Lann County, Oregon. 3 Cbo. D. OVBRTOH. Administrator. Dated May 29th. 1S85. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS mHK UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO I inform the public that he is now pre pared do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notU. All work war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all k.nda of atone, but deal I prin cipally in Oregon City granite. G-eanlnK. repairing id resetting a specialty, can affl exaininemy prices before P robes ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Chop on west side of Ferry street oppo 8ite post office, y HARRIS, Prop. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, s KrAAkinor. utilese VOU have the kind sold by Peters & Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will last a me time. Don't hang another barn door un til you bave seen them. DR.J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon Office-cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - " OTl F OR SALE CHEAP. wall bred stallions, and tinny 1 HI OW T- t - drait and saddle horse,. T CocnRANi Brownsville, Or. H OTEL FOR SLE. AnniTC Bend six cents for pontasre.and fgf iCa receive froe, a cosily box of (roods which will help j onto more money right swsy than iSShini. else iA this world. All ol either sex, sue ced from first hour, The broad road to fortune SSs before the workers, absolutely sure. At onee address ff s snd Co,, Augusts. Maine, J... ri.r. Hniios. Prinevlllo, Oregon 82 weirrni'Hhed rooms, the only hotj town, lanre and oouvenleut, with al neSy furniture. Price ressonabl and terms easy. p & gow Prinevllie, Oregon, The question has beeu askod for cen turies who built the mounds ? When did they live ? Where did the build ers come from ? Where did they go to ? What were the mounds built for, snd how long have they been built ? It is right to ask questions about a hat we do not know, and about what we wish to learn, but the annwer to ail thlise queiatiooe, eaeept tbvii duration is no !onger left for future generations. Who has ever icad of the Wondeiful Pyramids ot Egypt who did not become fascinated with those stupendooua works of human skill and ingenuity, and sigh for more light than tradition and history can give ? Who has not eagerly devoured every book and lino and atcount of returning tisveiers from that ancient land and found out that the more he hears, the les he is satiaGed ; because the (lowing years bring to him no certain knowledge of, by whom, when, and for what purposes those huge mouuments of human energy wero erected 7 The historian tells ns that the same mm of eople, who built the Pyramid", built these mounds that spread all ovtr North America. This may be true, but no historian has ever produced a known fact to prove his a sartion. All that history ha said on these two topics simply amounts to this: They do sot know who built the pyramids, they do not know who built the mounds ; therefore the pyra mid and mound builders weio the same race of The logic ia not mine. Before I am through with these lines I will show that the pyramid builders did tfcjt build the mounds, that no other race of people built them, and more, that they were not built at all. This may appear bold in the face of ell that has bem said and written on this in teresting topic. The theory is tbis,tbat at an early perioJ after deluge, a peo- de of the East emigrated with their flocks snd beros west, settled in Ugypt, snd sulxlued its itihah'tents. formed a kingdom snd reigned fot a long period of time, during which they huiit cities and, among other w ka, built the Pyramids, made the Sphinx and did other wutks which have been entirely ost, or are still unearthed, and that after a long reign,tbey wero overpower ed by those whom they had conquered and driven from I he Isnd. Becsuse their wealth cootisted in herd and flocks snd because they wer superior ia governing, tbey were c tiled shep herd kings, snd are so known in bis- m a at a . h . tory. Being banished Irom BgJpSyUssj took a northeast course across the con tinent of Asia and in due time arrived on the west shore of Bebring Strait, crossed over by some means into Ameri ca, grsduslly travelled south and utii- matefy spread over all of North A CUSS i- co, into Mexico, and, perhaps, passed tinallv into S luth ' America. That all along this line of march and settlement, which took sges and generations, thty built stouo walls, pyramids,and mounds of earth and in Ameiica having lest much of thtrir former akiltfand unable to frame suitable tools, coased to work much in stone, and hence built moucds. which we find spread more or less all over the continent. This may be true in part of that ancient people, and this msy be the true theory of the peopling cf America, but it is no solution of bow the mounds came about. The his torian has told us who built these mounds, but has failedto tell us what they were built for, or at least has fail ed to furnish a single known fact to cjrroborate bis assertion. I rue some say for forts, or places of refuge, some for homes, some for retreats from high water, some for altars snd go on but where ii a known fict in connection with these mounds that tends in the leant to verify a single assertion above. If huiit for fort ifica'i !,., or places of refttg wh it people at war a ! with. History sy the same racs in habited the whole of the land, and we might all believe it from the simtlurity of these mounds, and also that this peo ple were numerous, from the countless v.,..- r,f iIimh little hill!', ana we U I lil JV- o " ' ' might add from all appearance that they had an abuudtuce of cheap labor . tf built for homen, would there not r,e found upon mounUin sides and as r.ide nations uuitily live as among th hills and mountains, n built as plawH of safely from high wa ter, where did the water como from and where did it go to ? And would not the water that would drive them to these retrels be likely, sometimes, to overflow the whole surface and drown the whole population ? These mounds are usually found on planes and level i-ri- and the water would overflow them very deep sometimes. Besides what would the peoplo subsist upon while standing upon these numd. waiting for the water to subdue 1 They would cnlcct iu these place in a baste snd hardly bi ing much to eat with them. The overflow that would take yiu r flections may not be out of TI W place. We ht v Ri veil some glimpses STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IK TEE WILLAMETTE Y ALLEY Hfiefirtl htndnean notice in Local Col umns tl cent per line. Regn'er Local notice 10 cent fer line. fot ierfal and transient ad verUaementa f ! 00 per square Tor the first lnertion,snd Ml rent per Mjimre for each subsequent insertion. Rates for oilier advertisements mat's known on application this hypothesis is all false. If buii ford altars, or for loligtous purpeses w iters ia the evidence. The pyramid ami mound builders being the same race of people wo rightly infer that the mounds wore built for the same purpose thft the pyramids were built. That the pyramids wero not built fot altera ot for religious purposes is evident from the fact that no sacrifice could be laid uj- on them and no worshiper coum ascossi j r thi ro, at aM.aiuitil a tern ?JP"i surfivf. work was taken away, the entire sur face of those pyramids being smooth faces of atone work. If built for other religious purposes, and by the same race sa the pyramid builders, uo inference can be drawn in this direction from what ia known of the pyramid, as no such belief lingers in tradition or is found in history. I will add that if these mounds were built for places of devotion, that thw mound builders, whatever may have been their religion, at leaat outwardly, wero a much mors religious people than those who now occupy the mound regions. If built for burial grounds, then must have the pyramids teen built for the same purpose as the same people built them both, and had in mind the same object. But such was not the csae, aa they were built solid, or neatly so, aud, besides, no history or tradition intimates such thought. They have been attributed to the buffalo as those animsls, wheu resting, after feed ing, generally stand in large circlet, close together, with their beads in, snd when the buffalo was numerous such trampled circles could be found in many (daces on the plains. The prairs dog ia aaid to have built thsm, and per haps, other animals, and some have as cribed them to tha agency of water at some prchiatorian period. I am pre pared to disprove every oae of these hypotheses, and will convince yon, reader before I sm done that they are all false. irolotfisU have given this phenomenon but little thought or in vestigation, so far as I bave beard or aeen, and therefore we can look for but little information from that source. More anon. P. A. Motes. so hurriedly iiise I. aud made brief B mention of the overflowing hospitality which was everywhere extended tc us. It waa one grand ovation ; one contin uous pionio ; one uninterrupted Fourth of July celebration ; one constant pan orama of wonders and mate hi ess grand eur aud beauty, from the time we wore fairly on our way up the bioad valley of the Platte, on through the lessening ertility of Nebrasks, the Kooky Moun tain u sinews m, the saga brush plains, the lava beds and dreary bad lands of Wyoming ; tin mining region, the rugged Maks and lovely little valleys of Idaho ; the lofty snow-clad peaks, the extensive mountain ranges', the broad snd fertile vsjleys, the matchless fruit, !he renowaed wbsat lands, the msjestio rivers, the deep canons, the roaring cataracts, the eautiful Cat- cades, the rich fisheries, the impene trable forests, the innumerable grand eurs of Oregon and Washington Terri tory, wssbed by the wstert cf the mighty ocean. Through all these and back tc the valley of the Plattt, ats. tern hospitslity, itaelf a stqierlative m e a aa S MSB expression wiibout a parallel, fairiy outdid itseif bett its own recot.i, having nothing eUe to beat , took its own champion beit and placed it on s higher pinanole. A vacate Tribune. It will not do to leave Albany with out some further mention. It ia a city of only about '.'500 or 3000 inhabitants but ht some hsndaome buildings. The bands cf Albany desei a especial praise. The Mechanic's Btnd haa4al our pro cession, and we were followed by the Citizen's, both in uniform, and the former in the most elegant one we saw. The steamer, Halem, was waitiog st the wharf, and as it is directly opposite the depat, we bad a good chance to BBS the town. As ususl the citis'o. m-t- ,n in foil fore and over 201 . f tbein cc. onpssB- ied us to CorvliM. Ttert sr irstsj large mill h-re and th vr c oiling through them nude what ererued to us, very fine fall, while wo were poti"S ly assured that the fl ur made bsysifl was the best in the world. Furwen miles up the Willamette made a pleas ant chsogn after our I uig railroad W1R DMOGDRITED N H Allen Co., ,1 J n? ? w? couldn fc take the time to go to the inauguration of Presi wtv.f wJ 9 ?d' Je concluded to get up a little inauguration of our own X8( B Spring which would interest everybody. Accordingly a war ON that old enemy of the people, HIGH PRICES was determined upon and prepared for as a glance at our unequaled new stock of Spring and Summer goods, and unparalleled low prices will con vince you. SUCCESS will crown our efforts if you will favor us with your patronage, for by large saios at a small margin we expect to win the fight. Come and Help Us. Our stock is all bought for CASH at Bankrupt Sales. We only sell for cash or produce, and propose to sell at prices that defy competition. Anew feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5, 10 and 25 cent; counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albany, Or. Now, suppose should ri-o of ssi M B at a nurnev. snd we were inieresteti an uie eomo UIBMPII time In the aeenerv and in the cherries upanusiymai win war . . wpre tu,rHj io fff, 4, bsaksSS the rebellion which wu. waged a , . k . fc wooj. eVcrJkl .as a i.LIII. 1 qusrter ol s century ago to esrauiisi. . f fc rf Uyyd tbe u a confederacy wfs a success, or, what or ralher truok of B , ln9f would bo equivalent, suppose some oq toj) of wbch wa9 an Mg)rfl n,.nf, D-mm rat Mioum now nso up anu .y . . y d u.ket gol that the war lo SUuun tne union waa , , bfJ birJ ,eft u a failure whst t. deafening howl of L Urrof(0 we ,iUjr4y tbe indignation wou:u go up irom sucn papers ai the New York Tribune, Chi cago TriLuiit, Ht. Lou It Globt-Detno-and other nartv or- .,.., -,,.y..,....M -w I . - L .1.- S7III.M g.ns of the g.o.P. And yet these ed soutnw.ra - hntm a urnru i.f fimfs inco t ltd 0110 V "Ut V I s m . -A. a as. IstsMiteirkJ anl leswlesi Informed their PrtlW, wy uy "u"u viv vw ----- .fc . filth miles In extent, in mis vauey are settled a majority of the inhabl- Bssalaiif the ntite of Oreeon. The Willamette river flowe northward through this vslley, and is navigable t r i . scream naptie jtiarz. We returned to Portland by special, over the Northern Pacific, and start- preidentiai reidera substantially that the war to establish a confederacy was a success. Kqwelally has the Ortyonian done this thioK repeatedly. But every iwastt sia-aat-tu rnrrunlu itlll f ) J mi 1 1 rt , ' , . . nr light steamers for about one hun . UIvabiIms tsstlAa aa sa t s-ta iwra nsl 1 1 i ! I nit. 1 O SDWWIinK UIHII.-I s nn.uh0 I j, . .. A..o ...,1- Tsi I . urt'U IIU l wcimj -u . w ......... HUM, uciii.gii5i i.i.cuiin,ij i . i ,,.. ,f UlnlUvl ID IBM' J .mi garden spot of Oreg jii, and la truly fMrtilM and Droductivo. Wheat, oats vsbw sr w and fruit are tbe principal products We saw several hearda ot sheep, some - M a a cattle, but few hog, uorn is not raised and tbe porker is fatteneu on wheat. We have observed but one car of hog In transportation since we left Nebraska. Tbe sheep and cattle are of average quality, but the few hoge rank with the "eim peelers" of rhft old school. Many cattle browso about and live without being fed all winter, but the more careful farmer provides sheds, roofed but not sided to keep off the rains. Furvbur south and east the cattle and sheep shift for themselves the year round, and that the loss rarely exceeds five per AtrMt ATI I o U I lKlON Tho advisory hturd of pardons for the state of Oregon have adapted the following rules : t. All application for pud ju or com mutation of sentence together with tho statements In support thereof, must be made lit writing snd address to the governor, and no personal soli cit! on nor importunity thereon will be considered. ttv Kvery application should be sc- ompanied by proof that notice has been given for two weeks of such ap plication, by publishing said notice in s newspaper printed in the county where conviction was had which notice shall state the name of the ap plicant, the ofTence for which ho was convicted, and the time when the application will be presented which, however, shall not bo sooner man twenty days after the lust notice ap pears. In case no MWBfstfstf Is pub lished In said cour.ty, then the said notice may be given by pasting at the court house door for the same length of time. Without such no tice, no application for pinion or com. mutation will lie corMidarcd by the board. m While no evidence f any nature which will enlighten the board will be njected, it is recommended that the following rules b tHt rvd : NOTICE. having concludud to close out Ms business, now offers his entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. is this is a ganilQ3 cloiiaj oit, nir? is tin time for housewives to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, 1120. Uth, lSiTJ. Tho Standard says it Is a substan- tial gain to the cauao of temperance that tho uao of distilled liquors in this country has been largely superceded by wine and beer. Tho official sta. tittles, as summarized by TA Nation, show that duriog tho past forty years there has been a decrease in tbe per capita consumption of distilled spirits of fullv 40 per coot,, an Increase of v - m 00 per cent. In tho per capita con sumption of wines, and tho enormous increase of 042 per cent, In the per capita consumption of beer and other malt liquors. Ution of tentence.and by remonstrsnce Or otherwise afTu i tbe fullest informa tion to the bard as to the merits of any application presented for its con sideration, t v. Th rynlHr mailings of the bosrd I i held at on the fotirih Tuesday if J inoary, April, July and Ocioher,and any app'ication which msy be iiresenied sfrer th- first tive d...' j session f Use hsatw will not be cousid-' 'i erel lf're tin i:xt regular meeting. will lied CrownMills ISOM, LANNIXe & CO., PROPR'8. N'KW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOX FAtaf LIBS AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash fot Wheat ALBANY OR. 1. All pennons rw Pt m ... "-jgj inr,. m ,.sUt the call mutation; should set f..rtti the of- lf h -)Vrnpr wieneW!r ,,, m,v (lwm fenso for which the applicant was The amount extended by the JNavy department since I860 is $401,758,876 Sa ablml. hnvn wl Ctfit. iiUU UIO uin:oui".' mm - o - I - . to show for this vast outlay of nnblio eew o. . - h'i Al. i I money. (Jur navy tor wnicn inis ast- ruu n9Utt ot Mtt bjlaixk sum ot money was appropniu i W4aKIrl(,,,4r, n n The son of build up is the Isugbiog stock of tie FfyQ of Mttint,f .vho has been suffer. ng from a severe cold, which some civilized world. It is really strange that tho people have submitted so long to this wicked equandeiing of so much money by dishonest and incompetent officials. Truly, it is a good thing to look over tho books and let the people know bow the offairs of the government have been conducted settled on his chest, was cureu uy a few doses of Red Star Cough Core. He publicly endorsee it at prompt, pletsant and safe. Dr. Cox calls It the best remedy. It contains no opi ates or poisons. Judge Foraker is accused of nut sins; n .....I Sl.,nu!.r Mlinr- a r3naioriai owu u uuu""v' man's friends are quietly threatening to cut him. Ohio politics are pretty lurid all around. The hop msrket Is still depressed, in New York, and no improvement is observed in the demand from brew er or the trade, and only small lots from three to ten bnles are dealt in. Prime quality can be had ;it ten cents, and oven lower. The crop in Europe is eaid to promise well. -nifiwin Barllett, MUwaukie, . v ...,,! CAll'a 1?mnl- ,: ,,;h r not says : "I nave iuuuu - ew muT virT: J.; " . to be one of the best preparations yet. irymg " l ..lollti In children's dls :...i.i. m r,tr shk in is m usr. on.-.v y ? . u..i ;n Ha I eases, on account uf the elegance of 'Uirr f MT BUi0e-.prepa, ad .a aKreeab,e 31 II I V, ' - aj cndiuacy tke people have recorded their judgement. sesrrs emiilsion v pubic VuS Liver Oil, With Hvpoptoesphiles. In CBUdren's Diseases. It is very desireable in wa?ling dls- eases. convicted, tho date of hU conviction, the date of sentence, the Htihstanee of the sentence in full, and tho reasons, considerations and facts on which the application is based ; also, the char acter and habits of the person prior to his arrest. 8, Ail applications so.iuid conform to the requirements of chapter 32 of the criminal code. 3. If Judgment, was pronounced on a plea of guilty, and no evidence heard on the trial of esse, a copy of the indictment or information sh uld be furnished, so that the precUo na ture of the offense may te understood. 4. In spplicattons based upon the grounds ol a mis-trin', or improper con viction, the allegations sh mid te sus tained by such re so m an I ev idence as would have been a good gi ' 1 of new ly discoveied eviieaee, the evidence should be such as WO !, " 'i proba bility, have prudiu'Hil an Mcipiit'al on second trial. 5. If the offm-H WHa c oiuiiii; d in a couuty different from tha whioh the trial occnrred.there shotiM 1 HUteuiett-s from officers and oitis-ius it th o muty in which theoffn.e wai o uruitte I. 6. If possible, the stateme nt of the prosecuting witness of tfi'iieiwe v WH as that of ad mauy i the jo rots as can be obtained, should also Hcoonijiany tbe application- 7. It is earnestly requeue ! th it all stttemetriH bs m-t le in wiitinjf and properly signeJ.that tbey ?tj he made jjait of the record in tlie case. iv. All person hve the right and aie specially icqueittd to present such statements in writing aa they may de sire to be used in the consideration of any application for pardon or commu- VI. These i nl. are not, however, in tended t i Hjijilv to cases whre convicts have eei ved nut the greater jvortions of their terms, sod remission of the re mainder, or lotne portion thoreof, is solicited oc it;oont of t.oo 1 behavior or c'h -r iecial caunf. Robert W. Hill, S. E. Joskpmi, A. Bi'sn, Advisory Board of PardonF. A j proved : Z. f. Moody, (iovernor. PartifR alrealy subscribers to the DEMO crat. who wish Jto santl the paper off to a friend or friends can do so for $2. D. M. JONES. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBANY, OREGON. OfVu o at residence on Third and Wash ington streets. ratks of cbaroes. (with 25 per cent extra at night ) Visits iu town, $1.50, Visits in the country, f 1 per mile for tbs il ret two miles , snd 50 cents for each addi tional mile, not including ferriage. Medicines furnished frkk while visit ing patients. Obstetrics, live dollars and mileage. BROWN'S MM BITTERS Combining IB0N wtta PURE VEGETABLE TONICS, quickly aad eaatslstsly CLEANSES snd ENRICHES THE BLOOH. Oslekeas the scttoa of tke Lirer sad Kidneys. Clears tas complexion, makes the skin smooth. It does sot inlsre tke teeth, eaase keadacke, or prodow con stipation -ALL OTHER IRON MEDICINES DO. Physicians aad Druggists everywhere recommend it. Da. N. S Rtwolks, of Marlon. Mass. ssyj : "I recommend Brown's Iron Bitters ss s usWeton o for enriohing the blood, snd removing all dyspeptic avmntoma. It aoos not nan. vua wnu. D R. M. Delzklu RarnoldR, lad,, says its prescribed Brown's Iron Bitters in lmmia snd blood dlssssss. also when s i has an Mr needed, and it has proved "I ot tonio was oroughly satisfactory." of blood poisoning, i those needing s porta or." C. B, WOLVKRTON. O, H, IRVINE, WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. pSTOiYiov up stairs in Frotnau's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- The best lit o of cutlery in the valley asp be found at our store. It embraces peeks knives, table knives, forks and spoon, buKher knives, hunting knives, PriBX knives, shears and soissors ot all kkssV. and the best Pne of razors ever braaght into AlLany. Come and see for your selves. Pitr.asa tester van. F OR SALE. Ot hundred and forty n, uim mi!?s above Lebanon. 40 serss in tivalimi. 10 acres slabbed sad aoi grss-s f'omfortahle ilwllimr, iiiihvi.-i'. Clieap Inquire at this office. mm EMMA SCHU 3ERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. The Genuine has Trade Mark snd crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by BROWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE. MO. Ladies' Hand Book -useful snd attractive, con taining list of prises for recipes information about coins, etc., given swsy by all dealers in medietas, oc mailed to say address on receipt of Sc. stamp. REDISGTON, WOJU VRDa CO., Portland Or. OPIUM AND MORPINE HABIT GUMS 'BY W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D., Tfti r.f.Meo a rnre in all sates If my d.reetioos are strletly followed!. Ma pain or loss of time from business, Ad. dress s bove at Albany, Oregon.