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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1885)
SPATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES& NUTTING. HI lt os l Ft 1 lcrosi-rat Itwinilugoa BrunilMllilM Street. TKRatS Or SUBSCRIPTION nijrif copy, par , In wIlHWn eiugte copy, per year. t ami of year single oopy, six month single oopy, lluw month ugls number....... H 50 S 00 1 AO 71 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany , Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will give special attention to collections and probate matter. Offloe in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTA.NYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. O?" upstairs, over John Briggs store, 1st street. vHn28tf J. K. WE ATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. . MflLL PRACTICE IN ALL TUB COURTS OF THE Vf State. 8eclal Attention given to cuuwcuone uu rohata matter. Office In Odd Fellsw's Temple. (14:1 f. O. POWRLL w- B1LTBU POWELL & BIL.YEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in ( hanrery, Lit AN Y. - - - OREGOS. Collections promptly made on all poinU. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. iTOffloe in Foster's Briok.-tfts vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney Ani Counsellor At Lay AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of ; his State. All business Intrusted to lit in will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. tt Hilts. Stationary and Toilet Articles, A Large stock and lxw mom OITT DBTJO STORE, tyl 4 LB 1ST. SHHMMt FOSHAY & MASON. VSOLBLALS ASS fclTAlV Druggists and Booksellers. Airents for John B. Alden's publications, whieh we sell st publisher's prices with posts gtsdded. ALBANY, OKEGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles. Etc. PIESCRIPTIOSTABEFCLLY FILLED. Albany. Or. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, wbich are always kept in good condition, and hair cut in the very best style. REVERE HOUSE, (.rnr. vmt and El I worth Albany, regosn Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r- This new Hole! is fitted up in first class style. Tables rTTaH with the best the market affords. Spring 6eds In every Room. A rood Sample Boom tor Com saarciai Travelers. arm Ceaeh te sad front the BateL" FURNITURE. ( have the be etoek of farnitnre in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE iu the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OK. The First Terra will commence on Taesday, Sept., 16th, 18&4. For particulars concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition, apply to BY. BLBBKY M. CONBIY, freaiaea Aloany Bath House. rasriE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT tally i iform the oititens of Albany and vi isUythat I have taken charga of this Establish at, and, by keeping olean rooms and payin .,: t Lttantiou to business, exoecti to suit al thoia who mas favor as witb their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing Dot First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons xpeets to glre entire satisfaction to al jBrChudien ana uaaies- nair neauy baiapnned. fOH WEBBER. Administrator's Notice Nf tice is hereby given that the undersign -el has been by an order rf the County Court of Lion County Oregon, dulv appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of James Keeney deceased, late of said county. Ail person having claim against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same properly verified within six months from the date hereof to the undesigned at hisresidence about five mile 4 south of Krownsville, Linn County, Oregon. Qbo. D. Overton, Administrator. Dated May 29th, 1885. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, re A alwavs breaking, unleHS vou have the kind sold by Peters & Stewart, of A 1 btny. They are made ot wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will last a Ills time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen 'hem. DDITC Hend six cents for postatre.and A lal JaCa receive free, a cosily box of goods will h dp you to more money right away than hielsi in this world, All ol either sex, suc m first hour, The broad road to fortune tors the workers, absolutely sure. At onee Tar and Co,, Augusta, Maine, St n r VOL. XX. TEST YODfi BAK1HOP0WDER TO-DAY! I'r n.l .itv.rtlMHl alMolntply pure COItTAirr AMMOfJIA. TMf TtBTt Place can top down on a hot .to. unti: heated then remove Uivi-ov.raml amvll. a .-in- t will uut iiu re ."""-I to delect the urseeuoe o( ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN' AMMONIA. its KiAiTiirt una ru NEVER ssss ui serums. In million homo, for a quai-tar of century It has .loud the t-oti.umert' raltable t. -I THE TEST OF THE OVEJf. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Dr, Price's Special Flayoriaj Extracts, TS. itrMuni.aMi r:Ma. l ilan I a..r k.ui Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems .or i.-tfi.i. iii-niny limn, me let I" r II j, V . .. -1 It, 1 1 World. FOR SALE DY CROCERS. CHICACO. - fcT. LOUIS. r'or salt by Cutting. MarleA ('.., Portland. Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest stid strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla. Imnn, Orange. Atnonl. " . etc., Savor us delicately and naturally as the 1 nut. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., cnicaoo. st. tons. by Cutting Br!e m I Co porth.d. Or QltlCXLTd DISFIGURING HUMORS, ITCHING TORTURES, AND LOATHSOME SORES. I IIAVi: TRIKD for eleven yoars to -nave, my wile ured at a terrible skindiiwaar. The CMMHM KtsiHE(Ctnut as KksoLviut, the new liiood Full fier, Internally, and t.lTKa as. the great Skin Cure, and Ci ru nt Soar, as esquisitc Skin BeiuliAer, r ternally) have done In six weks what I have tried for eleven years to have done. Yon shall have tried the particulars as SSBS as I can gt them to yon. anil as sre are so well known In the rt of the country, it will benefit vou, and the rruwdiea will cum alt who uee thcni. CHAS. II. WHITK. AV4 VIU.K, Kv. blotcheFcired. I used your Ci MP MM Rsmkdiics for In )..., and am completely cured, to y cspreaslble Joy. Ctn-cx-a Hor is the best I have ever used, and to the profession It Is Invaluable for t-leaiuun the skin, thereby removing all 'cork," greasr, taunt, and all the etuff used by them, leaving the .kin pure and liite and wrfU My greatest pleasure l In reuom mending such an article. H. MACK. Champion Conipiuc Kolkr Skater. Yol SHSTOVS, OHW. BENT FOB ANYTHING, Having ued your Ci th i sa Rasrmr.. for eighteat month, for Tetter, and finally cure.1 it, I sm anxiou. to get it to sell o coumii'sion. I c:m re mmend it lieyMMlsi)) remedies I have eter used f.r TetUr, Hurns, CuU, etc. In fact. ktis fhe beat medi ine I Lave ever tried for anything. M v k'ti.k, Mint, K.8. HORTON. WfiVEK A COM PLAINT, Since I have been selling your Ci ti rss Rssr.mits I have never beard a single complaint, but en the contrary e ery one who haa uae.1 ihem has MM well . ... . . . . it 1 1 . . . i. . pleased with tlo-nt, aim miry ou wn K. B. DUBIIERbY, Druggist. Avdskws, Isn. ICROFI LOUN SOBE. I Itsd a dosen bad sores on my body, and triad all maaSfcae l mttXA kaaw of. and at last tried your Citi- cc aa RxskniKS, and they have cured roc. liaaaox, Thayer Countr, Pcnn. Crntra RRMsniss are sold evory where. Price: Ci tii i it , !iOc. j KwtoLvssT, si ; HVisr, Ute. Preparstl by the PoTTSS IlSI O ASUCIlKMIt ALUO., utmum, laaae. Head tmr "Biaw to sire Skin IMaeaaes." TAN Pimole.. Blest heads and Oily Skin, use the Ci tuts a MOAr. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Ooltra.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUBGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL OOOrS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any snd all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally iu Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchaM Ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Pbop on west side of Ferry street oppo site pout office. Ci. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR.J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY OR jjtORHALK CHEAP. Tbrwj well bred stallions, and thirty draft and saddle horsm, W. T. Cochran, Brownsville, Or. OTKh FOR SALE. TI.a r.irduAn IfiMlU.e P F I 1 1 A V i I W . OrALfOtt .",2 well furnished rooms, the only hote in town. lare and convenient, with al nt-cessary furniture. I'nce reasuaui and terms easy. A. B. Colveb fc Sow. Prineville, Oregon, KHBHDB3ieVBnr- MA PCj Jtfwcr , TSSK tfMOH V . HtslHVI.I'lO LtaTTKB. (Prom our regular corresMindeut.) Wa8hin(iton, Junk, IGlh, 885. The new Cabinet ofllcer.s and the Chief of Bureau under (hem are very much embarrassed by their in heritance of asylums for the aged, blind and deaf. The Government oiTtcea are these asylums, and there are in them hundreds of auperanuat ed tut ii and women who do actually no work. They were not remarkable for energy and efficiency ever in their prime. Now they are sans eyes, sans ears, sans everything but pocket fhey go to the Department day after day as has been their custom for yeare, they sit at their desk and do nothing, but once a month, whin pay day comes, they are each hand ed one hundred dollars in crisp new notes. I have in my mind an old man both bund anil ilea', wno is daily brought to and taken home from the l'ateot Office by members M ins mmny iu orut?r tiiwi mn draw the pay he is absolutely Incap able of earning. If these superanuat ed people should be discharged, they at S a II t I . t i. . S I. . would doubtless die from the shock, and more or less suffering would be entailed upon ihtir dependent fiml- lies. Hut It Is nevertheless a gn-s wrong to the tax payer and a sub- verlon of the purpose or mo t ivn Service to make the Government offices an asylum for this class. The Government pays thousands of dol lars yearly for rent of office, and the rooms of many Departments are overcrowded with deaks. It wou'd be in the interest of economy to pay these old and helpless people to stay away fr.,m the Department so tlmt competent men might Ih placed at the desk which they only encum ber. There is another claa that ought to be discharged. The Departments were filled with pretty women by a system fostered and practiced by the Republican party. There is not a Republican Senator or ez.Senator who has not lovely proteges, ami some have dozens, 1 1 the Govern ment offices here. They were not appointed under elil service rules, but indirect ct ntratrntlon of civil service principles because they were pretty and helpless, or because they were sister, cousins, aunt, a&d mothers-in-law. To say that they are not effit lent is putting it very mildly. Ten good clerks such as are found in the business hoase of the city can do more and better work than one hundred of these women, and will be glad to do It for less pay than the women receive. The fact Is that the civil service has been moat shamefully run down al the heels a well as at the head during the iong ascendency of the party of moral ideas and loose practices. During the lust three and a half months great progress has been made in the neglected and belated work of ma cy Government offices, but the best results cannot be hoped for until radical changes have been made in both the men, women and methods of the wort demoralized Civil Service under the sua. Proof that a new era has opened In National affairs Is seen every day here. The last Republican Senate succeded in passing a subsidy bill of $400,000 in favor of the Pacific Mail Steamship Com. Mr. Vilas has been looking into the euhject, and be flnds that the present rates paid for the mails are amfle. As the act of Con gress !s not mandatory, but merely givea him permission to spend the money, the P. M. General will, with the approval of the President, expend not one cent of the appropiation. This will be very fatiguing and nau seating to the Pacific Steamship lobby, but -vi!l save the tux payers the sum ol $ 100,00 J. Tin is only one Instance. But wait until the account is mode up at the end of President Cleve land's term. There will be literal "millions in it" saved to the coun try. MH. WHITNEY'S FAVSBITK "Structural weaknesa" is good and will go into our every dy vocabulary along with "offensive partisanship." The more thi administration probe in the various departments so long uuder republican control the more "structural weakness'' it will find. Take the agri cultural department for example. Iboae squash and lorgbum seeds may have been all right, but the gonial doctor's way of accounting for the funds is ap parently a. I wronj$ iu fact structurally weak. SCOTT'S EMUtVsieN OF 11 KK c.l aJver With Hypapbospbltes, ia a most valuable remedy for consump tion, kcnd'uls, wasting diseases of child ren, colds and shronic coughs, and in all conditions where there is a loss of flesh, a lack of nerve power and a gen real debility of tin system. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY WHAT TUB DBHeM'MAT rMOI'OHB- A very interesting inter lew was had thn other day with Speaker Oar lisle respecting the nounta to bs pur sued by the Democrats in thn next Con,rs. The Speaker thinks that it will he one of the moat important pet iods of our politic1 histoiy. The Ad. at in ist rat ion shares with the Demo cratic leaders in tee denim to broaden and deepen the issues which now divide the two great parties in this countrv, and to thi en. I will hasten to tuaugu fate a policy which will biiug them clearly and distinctly tadum .he people. First, they will endeavor t make rea sonable provision for the reconrtruo lioo of the navy and the erection and armament of proper coast defenses ; second, the revival of our merchant marine and the extension of our com mercial relations with other count lies by a revision I revenue and naviga tiou laws ; third, the restoration of un earned land grants to the pubho d tnsin and the preservation of the pub lic lands for use of aotual cettlers , fourth, the regulation of interstate com merce and the adoption of such mesa urea as will tend to ourb the domineer, ing spirit of railroad and corporate mo nojiolv. Thi is a brief but suggestive resume of the Democratic policy in ('ingress, as Mr- Carlisle underatanda it. There will he no attempt at 1'gia- lition for tterely partisan poroaa, b it the istues which now separate po litical or,; n Ia l ions, growing out of needed reforms will be brought promi nently before toe pnblic. An attempt will also doubtless be made to settle the silver question upon some just and pet manent baai. The Saker does not bfttevs that C.ingre will ever, under anv circ .m-Unoes, agree to dispense with stiver as s BMBHtf metal, but be say msy "it is poaaihle that some measuie he agret-.l uj. ,n which will more nSHtiy equalix the value of the gold and sUvBt coinsge. ' Altogether the program is a splendid one, and if urged with a vigor cannot tail to rebound to the lai interests of the oouniry. ti ft ABfttrr. Gil Hamilton, a niece of BlaiiieV, ia out iu an snide in the July nu inner of the North American ll-ei-,t entitled, 'Prohibition ia Politics." Tbete are two significant feature m Una aiticle. One is the actual "urn slwiUt" on ihe prohibition qtSBBtlftw over to ihu license aide of ihe (pusiion by ihe writer and the other la ih inevitable conclusion that n sr'icle is inspiretl and approv ed by Blaine himself. The evident pur is to call a halt among republicsn lesslatl and change the supposed tenden cy of that party to prohibition back to the license system. There sre many ingestions that point u a combined effort on the part of the most astute leaders of the party to make lie m-e the emphatic and nronouncsd policy of the party. The plan adopted is believed to Mi to havo Hamilton write the aiticle spoken ot as a feeler of the pulse of the party on this Subject, and, if the effect is favorable, theu a bold strike will be msds to place the party! ly on the platform of restriction and in antago nism to prohibition. If this ia easily Accomplished, (and indications lead to believe that it will he,) theu Blaine will come forward as the leader of the rejuvenated party and place himself in line for the presidency io 1888. This, or aomething like it, is in the air. It iu apparent that enough disturbing ele ments now exist in the g. o. p. to kill it. Well, let it die. The question ss to the aotual excess of femsles over males has at last been settled bo far at teas, as the large East ern cities are concerned and the result is moat striking. The exceaa cf females at the ages from 20 to H) for each. 1,000 males of the same ages is in Baltimore for the general population 125; in Philadelphia 90; in New York 3.i. Examined in respect to race these figures become still mote startling. For each 1,000 oolored men of the agea named there are iu Balti more 1,353 colored women, a dispro portion calculated, the computor thinks to affect public morality In Philadel phia the excess of colored women within the a ma limits is 255 ; iu New York but 60. For the white popula tion the excess of women within the age limit mentioned above over men is decided, but not so extravagantly great, being in Baltimore for each 1,000 men 79 ; in Philadelphio 83 ; ir, New York 33. The large excess of white ffca!es of marriageable ages in Philadelphia is remarkable, and is to some extent, per hapD, to be attributed to the large em ployment of women in factories theie. The colored voters of Virgi iia, who have deserted from the camp of Mahone and ate j ining the Democratic ranks, were told by Mahone and hia followers last full that if the Democratic party came iut power the negroes would be "tiut bck into hlavery." The negroes hive discovered tl at they are net pu ba:k. it is only Mahone who has been set back. Cflll BKFatKMKK OF 4 1 1 If, SCKl It SC. J- Without making an extraordinary fuwfovor the work, the Secretary of lb JL Mury 5 wrry,,,i' oa tensl and most practical reform In thtertof the civil service which Is luitoeoirtteiy under his control. lA th Internal Rjvenue Bureuu, fr example, he has reduced the trie force io th'vo month an as to ssvb too government about half a million dollars In salaries hitherto paid to unnecessary officeholder. Further retrench menf, It ia believed, will reult In an anuust savlnir of a million dollars In thi overgrown and extfavagunt branch of the public aer viee,"ffnout in the least degree of Interfering with the legitimate bosf. nesa of the bureau Nothing like It ha been seuu In Washington for years. It is real re form the sort of reform tttil the people call for. The same thing is true in the other divlsiona of the department, Score- tary Manning is reducing the tax paid Indirectly by every eltfaKfl of ihe l nlted Slates for the support of the Government. He Is applying business prinrlpls to thn mirage mnt of the Treasury. H j Must, ing the tax enters away to earn their own living. This involves the dismissal of hun- Jred of Republican officeholders, 0 whom, perhaps, aooordlng to the the odea of the self-styled reformers of the civil service, there ought to be assured a life tenure, with funeral ex pense paid afterward by the Gov eminent. Mr. Manning flnds them alive and superfluous, and out they go. Therein is the difference 1s t ween genuine reform end humbug. rert asft a -israc. Qalvanlaed-lron water t mks ruust not be employed m n rd of French men-of-war. Dr. Wu-'b- In s pur read before the American Qnsstsbtal -x bdy, bss shnwii tbat water fmrnmA f brouifh :KJ yards of Klvsnix ir.m pipe look Ui grains .if ,m , r. bona e per gslinn An Ingenious PatMsmi, M. AdrUn ilnin, has Mtfnted a Masting pw. ler wbit b pmvidea a new expl.nlv comiMtund Intendetl to have the force of dynamiba without Its eitrs nsardous properties. The fl imp iuu I consists of b mixture of nitrate of pot. ash or nitrate of soda witb sulphur sitea ami tannin. Angle worms, fish, etc., ar often caught up Into the clouds by re vol v. ing storm, i.nd then dropped again many miles from thn place where they were taken up. 8m d! fish have often been found In puddle of water in village streets, to the aston ishment of people who were unac quainted with the phenomooon. TSJB MsSsT BBWsrAPBM Tbe oldest nnwspaper in the world, the Pekin 0'ntttU, baa recently taken a naw lease of life. This venerable jour nal haa changed in form. Established in the year Oil, the Pekin (,'azHU baa been published regularly since 1251. Under the new arrangement three edi tions are published the first the King Paou, printed upon yellow paper, con stitutes the official gazette of the mid dle kingdom ; the second, tho Hsing Paou (commercial journal,) also printed on yellow sheets, contains information interesting to the trading community ; while tbe third, tbe Titani-Paou (prov incial gazette,) printed upon red paper, consists of extracts from the other two editions. Tbe total circulation of tbe three issues is 15,000. the r tsei s MarTKB 4MB. On the 30th of last January, the Sis ters of the most noted Catholic ladies seminary in the United States, the famous Notre Dame, at Govaostown, nar Baltiraore,Md.,made public a card, certifying to the beneficial results at tending thn use of lied S ar 0 High Cure in that institution. They state that fhey foiiod it efficacious alike for relieving cough", oppressious on the chest and irritation of the throat. Of ficials of the Boards of Health of Brook lyn, Baltimore and other cities have likewise publicly proclaimed the virtues of this new discovery, which is entirely free from opiates, poisons ani other objections. John McCulloch, the great trage dian, has been examined by physicians and nent to Btoomingdale Asylum fT treatment. A HB41ITIPHL WOlllV A woman with pleasant smile, ulear ikin, biii-lit eye, generous expression, elastic step, hearty hand shake and courteous welcome. 8 ich a woman is not the victim of debility, languor or dyepepsis. She has overcome th"se pents fy usini; Brown's I'on Bitten, the world's great soiiic Mis M.'tiu Benson, South Pamontield, M., hhi, "After using Browu's Iron Bitter for weakness and lack of appetite and en ergy, I felt like another person." 10, 1885. N u I III We found w couldn't dent oEZSJZa 'SrtS - T8.8 t0K0 t0 the inauguration of Presi right here Sis' Bnr7nVwMrf?ed t0.6- a liUle inauguration of our own i& SS&tSS" everybody. Accordingly a HIGH PRICES W.tH detflrmirmfl linnn anrl rrona rA 1 atir f a fl- IZZ rr?"Km"J t btooo our unequaiea new r,r , dttnnaaZTtry":1' "'" u"Pttiiuiuiow prices Will COn- wav, vvwxaoo wiu ef , w - w - m v ia patronage, for by large salos at a small margin we Come Our stock is ail bought for 0AS3 at Bankrupt Sales. We only soil for cash or produce, and propose zo sell at prices that defy competition. Anew feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. Ml SSHSts Hit TKfta A g khI nun t t thn iljsbiu' inisan n The drummer. A strangf ttion of ile4S : "Dl;hin m very economical, ia le nor ?" "Yex, li- is the Diut loan 1 how. He alwavs asks tor a pear in- n f t f'"i ataud, be- .use it- sounds as if be was gettiug tbe in if for his money." I'm- dnsdian rebel is said to be in !' , nut withstanding the fact th .t le HNr fftel views about thing. Oue ef lb Wasp York (tapers sas that one f the N w York rougha is very low. Smie Mople believe be w in that condition before be was shot. The 'fiinese nocors preacritMi rrj tilea for iheit patients. Our physicians hav another way of mtking people rue snakes. "Yon sre not going to leave town so early, are you ?" "Yes: there must be a hot Spring somewhete, and I'm anre 1 can't find it round here." A new tendering of an old saw The pitcher that goest ofteneat to tbe base-hall field will get broken at last. "My son whore were you laat night 1" "I just got up " "Don't prevaricate, you know you didu't come home at all." "I was about to observe, sir, whin you interrupted me, that I just got up trom down town." A aage aaya : "No matter what cornea in, if more goea out you will al ways be poor." This man never c uld have been troubled with bores. , A contemporary says a President must have a party at bis hack. This may be true, but it is certain tbat he will have office-seekers in front of him. Tbe June days may be rare, but we are sure tbat most all of the May days have been raw. An upbolster's joke : "Thete is one actress that 1 rlwaya have with me." "Indeed ; then I presume you are married to her ?" 'Not a bit of it. Can't you see that my chair covering ia Terry." As a matter of fact, New Jersey mos quitoes are no worse than those found in tbe United States. , There does not appear to he much oppoKltion to the nominal i-m of Thn r man in Ohio, exoep' h.t ahich oomos from Thnrman himself. Philadelphia ban one saloon to evni v 2f voters. Philsdelphia t a very strong lepublicsn city. Tlese two facts depiive it of the privilege of a n longer going under the very f licitous name of "Q'teJter Citv." Nealth r Jews. One noticeable festure about Jewish oetneterioH in the south is the scarcely of newly made urraves alter an epidemic of cholera or yellow fever. 8 atisiica ahow that fewer of them die than any other race from these or kindred diseases. During tho cholera sconrvro in Toulon on'y two orthodox Jews died of it. while in nuin hers they equalled fully 20 per cent of the population. Their immunity from dis ease, and the certainty with wbich thev recover when atttel oy it. is accounted for hv the Rimollcitv of their dint. 'I hey I are very atnet ab ut foilowini; tho dietary I . ' 1 as . . ' -a. asa laws proserineo nv tvioaes isin ir a in tin strange that Moses, if he wa only a historian, should have iovmsoiI knowl edae suterior to thai n' the wiost and best physioi'irs of the prnnent day? He evidently believed in provorttny disease rather than ourlo it. This Is what le Haven's Despepia (5ore aims to Jo; if acts directly on the digestive juices of the stomach arid both prevents and cures iu . . a TV I ts t j nigesuon ana iyspepsia, rree sampi S bottles at Foshay & Mason's Drug .tocj SO. 50 WAR INAUGURATED BY Allen take the time to lur , a giance slz our unequaled uiowa our enorbS ir you and Help Us. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 rirst Street, Albany, Or. HASc II. UODD CO 4 Front, Plrat cr.d Vino Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON iMftHnans u - A Ti TTr ATITI TT1 LlxUwU Vv AxUj, XIIUIM AlNJL VI i FABM MACHINEEY. . as t i.T i ! nucir: "BVCKXVP OS TUr. Bttan. T;m Mesfcelsei ire Ins tiicwni a ncvA oiu i Hi.t T.oMiwikN uf rarsMls lit-rr have 1 th-iu. a . '' uk ot t a.ili j. ai They arc in tnery ar . . Uh BS !u t'ltrs at 11 r i-wt Uat-ttincv T!i tot f Ttritvrt l::vriT hc Mivli: BBSsHSSl saHkaWsi ifcBfty tat BD KEY w fesiiltlag rr.s.i i:m-s n;ttk.:y aimI prrfvsrMis tts .. .:... -m. 9 ; .v.i lUtiiicsi-e l. .1 1 i it i I mi i r. in tli f&ritir s .ittt Mui Tcrtttrt i n hr.vr j; -.i the Mine n-nl-t an I i ixmcri in ncry urt I Uue aottl utitrv the ll-H'tc., c l.-a Ua.ii utol, runtiuiiciii; it to be lbs oalyHarvcstiiig 2achia that vill girs Satire Satisfaction to tha Purch.aser. Tno raiiclLc The hsasSSi that mo-t str'.Vi'i-;. . . at our.lllustration. , nai U srill ss In a ft ru'V ! o ' - '. at aaifjvt . 1 1 iai-. It U i t i Lawttt It is said that Mr. Blaine intends to stump Ohio. If he does not have bet ter luck than he iid bst var in the same state he will probably go out of tbe business. (iovernor Hoadly'a declaration that he doaen't want to he renominated is construed by several Democratic papers to mean that he will run again if asked. The Dkmocrat wit take 100 cords of woo on subscription, and we would like as good wood is if we were not public benefactors. Parties 1 1 eady subscribers to the ( tT. who wish to send the paper etT to a f.ieiid or f, ie ids can do so for $2, At this season aearty emnr oae needs to use some sott of tonic. IRON enters Into almost every phy sician's prescription for those who need building up. 'THE .Btai.tUNIl. n sanaa m , Foe Wenkness. T.aMitude, l.ncU o f lineray, &c, It HAK NO KQITAIm sm Is the en It Iron modjeine that is not Injurious, ft Knrlcbea tho Blood, Invlaoratea the Hyateast HKeotores Appetite. At. Distention It doss not blacken or injure the teeth, eanse head -ache or produce constipation other iron medicine do Da. G. H. Bdjsijet, a leading physician ot Springfield, O., says: "Brown's Iron Bitters is a thorrmhly good medi cine I use it in my practice, and rind its action excels all other forms of iron. In weakness, or a low condition of the system. Brown's Iron Bitters is usually a positive necessity. It is all that is claimed for it." Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no othrr. Made only by BROWN CHEMICAL CO., BAI.TIHOKE.Sn. Ladies' Hand Boo useful and attractive, con. tainta list of prises for recipes, information about coins, etc., given away by all dealers in medietas, eg nuiled to any edd&ss on receipt of 2c. stamp. xvcuiiNtiTON, WOODA.RD AjUO., Portland Or, ei. SPRING FEVER & Ml 1 nl hsaH9 taH& mmm mma mom v SH SaWaS H BBBS BBW B HI i vn ru. itiniurT. THE BIST IDVERTIelRS MEDIUM I 'II IHJjlltfl TU1L I Npioisl hiines notice in Weal fn uinoH 11 eeeta per line. Brgulttrl ixa neHeaa in asnta rr line. Kr.r legal and transient arlvertlaemenU I J 00 ier square for the first insert ion. and ' cent per stjiisre for eadi siihseonenf insertion. itaSeft for ether advertisements mn'S known on sppllcatien. Co., A- a - will favor us with ww in x t w J 1 u 3 W X sjLk Villi" expect to win the fight. AW A .TTS I WI'll H I IT 1 EE Mlxwiiig rcsehrated iinphsiisiils" sa, OlTsTTEnai AND XUE2lZX!X BmA for Catalogue, 1885. rt . a as sm m ona lor special uircuiars. . u i.TJi.t a ce.s Hmm Meistel ViBratinB Thresker. The ntost IJJot-tivr aud 8 ' I f'oantSnatiou fat Saving anil cleaning Gram oomtruuted. Tf o New M'kIi-I Thresher i. the result of years f (otU-tit ami rarcful cvjicriment. CHKlocted by Mr. . M;lt-r, otic of the ni-rt evpeneix-ad and SSBSS lnl luijUliTu ot throJiinj; niai-hine in Antarira. Tt.i i t atassi at was to atsluce a mat-hine that aroaki I'm- u t:Mt r and do ltter aorV. than the beat ata- sln-wly in ofieration ware casbl of. ami .. n-ai'.d. in addition, M-.mrato om fnun lire ir ' an I svs t!ic erain in a more (H-rleet manner thsnkai n mtditiio whsisoecr. ! In? erPI 1 ma.l kats by a g iause I" s ii tor Mnder. ; i It ess le Ssaws through a . ! j .. i:i:i.u!t ud as ai tisaas Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNIXG & CO., PROMTS. SEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS VBBa BEST ST0RA6K FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cask for Wheat ALBANY OR. The host line of cutlery in the valley nau i be fouud at our store. It em braces pocket ) L t J eat a 1 lt L- t una fplr u anrl ttlVAntBB nui ' V aim i VOf vsw eiuw wsra'vwa') butcher knives, hunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors nt all k'ad., and th best lne of razors ever brought iuto Albany. Come and tee for your- selvea. t -ii'Kt srtvxar. JjsOR SA.LK. One hundred and fortv aeres, v u iniloa ubove Ijebanon. 40 acres in et I tivalinn. 10 acres slahd nnd snwino Itraea. Comfortable dw lli gx d outhousea, (".leap. Inquire at this office. rVSISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLHERY AM) PUESS-KAKISF. Ousting and riftimr ny Ihe new Taylor's S stem OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. OPIUM AND MORPISE HABIT mm W. Fa P Lie KAN" FP, W. D.f I ITM r i e 'M ns le . ..! l-i, I rbne fr.i ;V re ' . w .1 1 1 1 1 . "l" n n v A.t- t ree nam o i--s One half tiek in eastern nart ol the city with frir house and baru will be sold b fa Binder