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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. l BWINBftrriCK"lit Desaoerst wlldlagsa MruMtUlblu si reel. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION single oopf, per year, In advance........ .t. .... au wmr at ami of vear . H N S 00 stnjrle copy, tlx mouth r tnjfl copy, three months nl number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. "TsTstiShaii. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THR Court of thw Htate. Will give special attention to collection! and probate matter. , . . - OfBce in Poster's new briok. 4'Hf L. H. M0NTA2TYE. ATTORNEYAT LAW, Notary Public. tlbany, Office upstairs, over John Brig' store, l at street. Tl4ssMMf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AIB1MY. 0BKtiO. liritL PRACTICE IN ALL THR COURTS or TlIK W gut Special attention (riven to collection ami roheta tuatter. In Oja rellew'e Temple. f. O. POWRLU W. R. WU.TKU POWELL & BIIiYEU, .TTORNRYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in i hancerv, tmtY. - - - ORifcaoN. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jBTOffioe In Foster's Brick." vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney Ani Counsollot At Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of ibisState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Frioea. OITT DBTJG STORE, Syl tLBOV.OtEWIV F08HAY & MASON, WHOLSLALB ASS SSTAa Druggists and Booksellers, Affents for John B. Alden's publication, which we sell at publisher's prices with posts gtaddod. ALBAHT, OBEGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept in ood condition, and hair cut in the very best style. REVERE HOUSE, rorse. Vint aid Htowarth Alsausy, Orrges. Chas Pfeiffer, Prop'r Thla mw Hotel te fltted ap In flnrt class etyle. Tables applied with the beet the market affords. Spring beds Is erery Boom. A good Sample Boom tor Com- I Travelers. res Ceaek to ad frsss the Mai!." FURNITURE. ( have the best tock of furnttureln the city and wdl sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price In the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS-1 FACTION. Try me, A, B. WOODIN. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particular concerning the course of study and the price of tuition, apply to ELBfcKT N. NU1T, Preaiurn Aloany Bath House. r-fTiaE UNDB R8IUNED WOULD RESPECT I r.11 Inform the citiieni of Albany and vi laity that I havetsksn charge of thi EstablUh mnt,and,by keeping clean roomi and payto .tAni attention to baiinss", expect! o fuit si thois who may fsvor n with their patronage Hiring heretofore csrriea on dowwj First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons km miwm entire atiflfaction to al aarrOt'UdiSB sod Ladies' Hair neatly cu Tiraooed. JOS WEBBER. Administrator's Notice Nctice i hereby giveo that the nudereign ed has been by an order of the County Court of Linn County Oregon, duly appointed Ad ministrator oftheettate of James Keeney deceased, late of said county. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same Jroperly verified within six months from tha ate hereof to the undersigned at his residence about five mile south of Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon. Gbo. D. Ovekton, Administrator. Dated May 20th, 1885. B A.RN DOOR HANGING8, rA alwavs breaking, unless you havs tbe kind aald by Patera A Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought iron, cannot Jump the track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you bave seen 'hem. f n I V E Bend six cents for peeUss.and f IflaaSwB receive free, a costly box of goods flwas will help j ou to more money right away than w-nythlelse in this world. All of either sex, suc- Irom first hour. Ths hroaa roea to lortune p tn before the worker, absolutely sure diva Tat' and Co,, Augusts, Maine, At uuee VOIis 5kX.e POWDER MOST PERFECTMADE Prepared by s phyaloUn with aperlal refsHti to neaiUi. No Auniuaiia, LUus or Aluiu. Gathering Qrape for Making Cream of Tartar . for DR PRICE SCREAM BAKING POWDER. for aali by Cutting. M.rlrA Co, IH.rtlaml. Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Pumt and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Irtnon. Orance. AIiiknhI, !:, etc, flavor as delicately iunl naturally aa the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. Chicago, st. tovia. r by Cai'.inr Maria n.lfo Purth.i1. Or (uticura DISFIGURING HUMORS, ITCHING TORTURES, AND LOATHSOME SORES. IMAVK TRIKI for eleven years to hare my wlfe eureu of a terrible aan iIimuw- Tw ti m rUMEuiKa (Cmct aa BaSSM ar, the new HIoimI Iuil 6er, internally, ami ttrun aa, the great Hain Cure. and O tKCMA 0nr, an efUiait Mliln lteutm-r, SS hWaaJtj have Atom in elk fk what I lavv tnel i-.r rleveo tearetu have4me. You shall have tried the (larticulari a eooii as I can give thmu t you, and a we are ao well known In the irt of the country, it will beneilt yoo, aitd the reuivdiea will cure all who use Iheui . CIIAH. It W1IITK. AVIVIU.S, K . . ULOTCllKtfCl'RED. I oaed y our OMMMS BeMBMfca for llluthca, and am completely cured, to my cxprsaaible J'y. O r ti sa Hotr i the bast I have ever used, and tn the profeasion it b invaluable fr cleatuiiiiir the akin, thereby removing all 'cork," ereaae, paint, and all the etuff uaed by them, leaving- the aklu pare and white and "ft. My freateai pleaaure U recMn mcndliiK euch an article. H. MACK. Champion CVinpiUc itjlk r Skaver. Ycn xowtusx, onio. BEST FOR AM If Til I WO, llaviriirueMlvourCrTlci for eiKhtcan month fwr Tetter, aiwl finally cured it, 1 MB anku to get it to eel I on comrui-Wn. I can rtrcommend it beyond any remediea I have ever need for Teller liurna. Cut, etc. In fact, itia fhe beet medU-ine I Imvh ever trieil for anything. Mtktlk, Mii, K.8. HOBTOJf. NEVER A COnPLAIMT, Since I have been elHng your Ci-riu a Ktur-niM I have never heard a lngle complaint, but cn the contrary e' ery one who ha uaed them ha been well pleased with them, and they outeell all othr. K. B. bt'KUKBUY, Urugiruit. AnDftrw, I Kb. ICBOFl'LOtH NOREfl. I had a dozen bad eorea on my body, and triad all remediea I could near of, and at laet tried your f.'VTi- ci sa Bemkuim, and they have cured roe. JNO. CASKILI.. Hftftftox, Thayer Cotintv, Penn. Pi-ncfBA Urmkiiism are Wild everywhere. Price: Ci TM.TBA, SOc. ; BwoLvairt, II : SoAr, 'I'm:. Preiiared by the Prra Dri o asu Chbsk al i.o., umtn, mum. nf for How fa l ure Hkfa lUrar.' Sal Hunburn. PBSM e, Klackhcad and Oily I Alls Kkiu, uae thed TiCi ftA Koai- DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Cioltra.) DErVLERS IN- Farm Machinery WAG0H8, HACKS, BUSBIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOOrS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform tha mihlio. that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble . a a at I in ark - work on anon nonce, ah wwh mV. ranfrl to tfiva satisfaction. Will work rnnmrinir before purchas ina elsewhere as I will not be undersold. Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post otnee. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. J.L.HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office-cor. First and Ferry Strsets, ALBANY - - - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Three well bred stallions, and thirty dralt and saddle horses, W. T.COCHRAW, Urownsville, Or. H O'lELFOK 8 ALE. ITouhb. Prinevillo, Oregon 32 well furnished rooms, the only bote in town, larne and convenient, with al necessary furniture. Price reasonaDl and terms easy, A. B. Colvkb A Sow. Prineville, Oregon, r ' oapwer SPRUL THBS any and all kinds of stone, nut aeai prin cipally in Oregon City granite- Cleaning, . x A.m.. . ... .A!nWn 'nil a i OORRBSPONDBNOB hoi e lino otin.ov IfAlitors Democrat : I ouioliideil tn visit (he Soda Springs on Di'hiI Indian, anil here is the trip. 1 started from Jacksonville after din nor, traveled almost duo east, and in ix miles came to H ar Creek. This stream met n the Siakixnn Mointaius and Hows north into the Hgue Hiver. It is usually very clear, but the ccn slant tniuing along its bsnks keeps it quite muddy. Passing ilunnyh chap arral ami other low growth over it re gion of jhmh soil, I take up for the niglit with Bro. Weris and had ii'eaitnt tt'mn with htm stul fniuilv. Toe next morning I hie awsy leisurely fornix or eight miles sohjhh the dr-sert. This i a large level region tilled with hog wl laws or fiKttholep, (or rather low places running in every direction,) wheie the water UMtially stands until it tithe Hinkn or evajcrats, none can run ofi. The two Table Uwk's one to tny Jr-ft sotne milea off, by whoae baios 11 iwm the famous li gue Hiver swiftly andi- tug its serj entiue coune amid ragged r m k-, between steep hills and high mountains fiom its snowy source. To my right are ranges of mountains with deep gorge, nod wide mouthed gulches extending to the level ot the desert Herds of sheep, with some cattle, hogs and horses, feed on the t arly growth of this region, while uioe faruH, well im proved lie along the river and to the right along the foot bills. But fe v farms are on the desert as it is batter adapted to grszing than cultivation. At noon on th east side of the desert on Dry Creek I stoped for dinner with Bro. Matney. This Dry Creek is rather w msikab'.e. It drains a Urge arsjN id Terri'orj, on my right a kind of oen btsin, but with on living stream. Thi iionly a stream where there H water tn U, at Other tune u h dry. nfs tbialess in the spring sesnim, it abounds with the eicest bah. After dinoer 1 reuew my travels ovi r the hills end io a short tioic my horse alnkes his tbitt io the limpid wsters of the Aotelope. This stream beads far to the south and winding its way throntrh deep gorges and narrow ddil-, wa"r-rs mny nice farraf. Pushing ahead am:d the chaparral, I I! . 1 V SCO a mi souui Ulttauce i i re iue. hasten ou and tin I it is Brother Geo. litacks, I am good for auotber nigbt. Wa soon snive at Brownsoro. a neat little town situate J U(on the nght bank i of Butte t-reek, wiib bih mouutaina , . , 1 to fioot and its rr. lais b-jro is ,.... I. named alter Mr. Thenz Brown, .m en- barpriaing and thrifty K igltshmau, who settled hero ia an early day.and is now a Urge land owner. Tne town baa oce store, ono school bouse, oue wool an 1 iron shop each and several reidouc a. This ia the trading int for this re gion, currency, shingles, board, pOOU and pelu. At uigbtlall,after a ride up the creek three milas, we halt at Bro. r , , laacks. A warm reception, a welcome upper, refreshing sleep and a good breakfast, tit us for our onward march. So we start again and soon cross the famous Lost Creek, in which the lait expedition was made. It Hows from the north, limpid, swift and cool. Ia a cross to the suth side of low uuuin w vivo. - Bat Creek, WW cro L.k. Cewkwi C mml mile, mm poor oil aid low growth, recros again, leave Lt Creek to tbe right, and passing : f .- u-u ., thm house of Bra. i Geo. Rtno, where we tpmd Hfffil days. Lc Creek, like many of these mountain streams, haa high hills on each side, but bss some valuable farms on its banks. Thi. 1. .11 a rough, , . 1 t..r, mnnniu n fiountrv. US BW U1VSVU 0 - u..k l,ld a basket meetiug in tbe District school house, many men pre.- """ - . . . . i i . i ,i: ent. a cood Babbatn ocnooi, a gwu u.ii- ner and a sociable time generally. After several days I mount my horse and, with a friend. we start for Dead Indian, Tim st maw is so u uned from tbe fact thAt at an ea.iv day three dead indians were found near its source. Winding along the creek over bluffs with steep, razeed sides.sometime in a rough road and sometimes ia a trail, we pass Pois- on rock. This is a Urge, bluut looking rock on the side of a bluff, jutting be- j .u-;i -r? ia nrbans. nosioness. youu iue tun f-- i - i .m f. hsra to lick, and in a short t- .uAW Rre dead. To remedy this tha'neoule keep it fenced, and thereby Save their Stock. Qnnn we oaas bv Soda Creek where ninn waters flow, and also kill J J a k i J , ... . .1 AmtmJkm u 'Phou m par tip wnHii liik v unn& . - also kept from this stream as much as possible. After awh.le we are be vond settlements in a deep canyon, now through thick brush, now under pending clifls.amid Urge growth and dense under brush we wend our way ... .. .. otui Antunn ho. wnai is tills, lev us turn aside and see. Well, a bear trap, away off befe, strong enough to hold a grizzley. Look sharp, Mr. Bear or you may be bear met. Still onward ana a sudden squat of our equine said something is about,a lofty leap, and bang and Mr. Deer is upon the but bold, this Is not July. We ALBANY, OREGON, ruHeti Demi Indian, dismount, end some distance up this bcld, l mhing, restlosa it ream we reach I ho long wished for spring. Hndd ujwin a log we shtko our thirst ut.d rest our weary leg.antl amid the lonely gran duer, won tier and admire. Picture the time when no whites were hete, when tbo aboriglnco held undlsput ed title to theso msjostlc hills, Bi'd thli stntely forest, and tho wild anl nutU ronmed at large, wnlked, ran nnd slept at will, Rod hunted link own living. I nci-ardonly looked Jo all directions to see If some savage Indian or ferocious animal was i,t stealing upon mo ami oeeuslonly flln phed in the side for fear of an unex :dto. 1 felt like the lost Irbdtm n w ho cotu luded to pray and tagun in ymg 'here I am a long ways from home and ten m'les from no where.'' Saw where a o tigar had killed and bur ed a largH buck. Mr. Editor, did you ever sit by a hearty ftre, hun gry and tired, and cut thin rnicee of fresh meat, aalt and rook on a Mick, it ml oat heartily, before nil the soup rn away ? I mei.n beaf. P. A. Mohks. Jacksonville, June 1:0th, mi. I tltUINt. . UMII.IO. A'. )riu-rat : Having beard to much talk about Oregon farmra and their industry, when back ic the Kastern States,l have taken particular notice of Ibeir ways for tha iast few weeks and mutt say that I am astooished ai their waot of thrift, and can easily account for there being so msny farms for aale io this neighborhood. The tm-jori'-y of your frmera seem hardly to undetstaod tha fira. rtNtifltteats of aytieuUttni aa tbey raies veh.-i year aftei sr olT the same pieea Of laud, and evidently expect that Uud io iui.rov.. whin they are tskiog a'! ifc virtue out of if. Now anyone famil ar wiib Kuland md ita climate know that whl will grow tb-r csn If rsisel here with bet. ler results, and yet a farmer in the old countty can pay $10 jat acr for laf.d and gitra it tar more labor and make a good living out of it, here fhe fsrtners re iti ditliculties ss a general rfab H w a thi ? something tn t ladi clly wrong. I de land bd V N . I the climate at ft b ? No. I tlo mar ket ld ? N K '111" !'' Ib.iel ne moat lay a' ti e aWf of ihe Jariiier, who general I v kal mo'e land than be can ! bmawL aav..l i.l.kKlfrf aM t . ,,.... . - I I j ' Mtttl ' - r.ll . u I. ... I. ... ll.K la finite n eXlIO.U- I O n li" w I r scienliuc researches that bv growing a " 8 l.tlnrent iort id ctop we renovs me land as much as by summer fallow tag. In the old country directly after bsr vest they plough the wheat stubble deep and then plough again lightly io the spring, theu sow flax with timothy sod clover or Perennisl rye graaa. Why can not this be done here ss welt sa there? If 11 x were treated prorly, it would yield an income equal to, ir not J I eller. man kiiei. n uiri rji making twine was simply wasting good material, and far more money could be obtained if, after dressing, the fltX were baled and shipped to Knglsnd. Flax is usually pulled, but now that self-bind ers are ao much used, a great deal of . - , . .. .. J J 7 Io. enough no.b.og u loel. ee little or no nore is near tus run. .uo new vn " " , by the threshing macbtos working slowly and tbe sheaf held in Mm hllii so a not to go tbtpugt I, W,pg .u. -u,- pulatsd it should be taken to be steeped, nd when sufficiently rotted it should be taken out and spread, and when dry tm ... aaMas.Iaa I. .S Ur 1 g Y t tt TATISltA til Ik V " S- . fl argue tbat there are no ways ot scutcn- . . . . i . C J mg here, out vney wouiu vary soon uu I ani. ih.l if Ihnff had l.hfl Oil there j would be plenty oi macnines uo scutcn it, thereby making a use for all the grand water power which is going to waste. Rowans machines are the best and cheapest and no doubt could easily be obtained from tbe old country. These machines could also be used with a threshing engine at the farmers homes. Oregon has the finest climate and water for raising flax in the world, and would soon prove a formidable rival to Dun- dee, in Scotland. I should like to see i some steps taken in this direction, hav- ing been all my life among flax I am able to give these tact, and shall be Dappy to give me .uiibbv .u.oiuiat.uu w any one who may want to know. Hoping that I have not trespassed on mm m vnnr valuable HUHCe. I remain. i j Yours Truly, A. E. Democratic lawyers in Washington P- Thin i.iacfcice used to be almost excla a "vely given to the republican lawyers. Three-card monte men, thtmbie rig gers, and bunco steer?rs are punished by public whipping in Delaware. Twenty lashes is the average dose. A question of rank. Have you been eating onions 1 FRIDAY, JULY vY4asll.Vt.TON LKTrKR. (Krum our rWptat ourr-iaiiiiieiil. Wahhikoton, Junk, ItH, iHo. The republican clerks, (Mxtmasters, Internal revenue collectors, tc, who bave boen discharged during the last four months to hi replaced by ileruncrata ia much larger than Is gn. erally known. Toe changes have been ttogradtt il that the casual looker on has failed to note their total. The number of revenue collctre is eighty five -lnee the 'otrth "f Mandi atsiut sixty democrat Inve been appi i ibvl to take Ihe places of the republican collectors. M0tl follndor ha under bim ffoin fifty to ono hundred em. pbiyea and all that are being eon. stunt ly cbangoil. (t Is tbe siote Willi the eust'uii i fllce nnd post ottU'es. It no ex iggeratl sty that fully 2.',too ileiii t-fi have I a -en aisunted Io ..(li -e during Presi iboit i levi-huiil'- short admlnbirnl Ion. At this rile, only atsmt sixteen montba will be reuired to i bange tin entire peraonol .1 the ( Jove rn mem, but the probabilliies are that (dmnges will pra?eed much f inter now that the new heat! of doarttnoni, bur eau and division have begun to know their ground and feel leas de. pendent upon Ihe old and f rained, but tricky, republican office holders. The closing aoaslon of the confer ence of Charities has held here Wed neadsy night. The conference has held ita twelfth annual session bere during tbe past two weeks and It ba brought together many distinguished philanthropist nod sjMH-la l-K Da meeting on tbe management ttf prh QM was attended by Pr-ident Cleveland aid it was rcmsrked tbat this was the first time be hatj at lend e j any public gaiheri . eburcb ex cepted, since be can e t . i.siingtoo. Thi s-ltnt Heertar tf the Tr e, Ury, 1'iin hJUJ, made o n'bli be fore Ihe iieiferenew Mtwigt urct'o tbe eetatiliaii u'l of p st aavi c bankr. !! drew from tila extwri- nee - - -- mj- - of four test i" Iue District Ation e otlb e al New York the l r'thle of aifririg wfil-b followed tbe uhol.aMlo closing of private vi biuk, and declared it to la bi he, lief that It waa linj'-ii Ir for -!.! r national government Hi " -oper vIsm private saving btri a Co -sure sibdy to dejsisUor. But lh'r w no g mh reason why the nationit! governui'Mit shou'd not receive amad b p flfta Itir iugh It pt offlces,Hff ml ing to tbe fssir man aboluu security for hi earning, as I dono by al most all the cIvHIxnl government of the VMM. In reply to inquiries by delegates Mr. Faircblld expre&ed the onlntun that tho amount deposited u old bo limited to a com parti vely small sum, stating that the largest sum rex-eived by any government from a single de pisitor of this kind wa $1,000 In Kngland. (Secretary Manning has under con. slderatlou a plan for re organizing I no system upon which the different sub treasurlfs are now conducted. There has been a good deal of dissatisfac tion with tbat system in the put, not only on account of the defalcations which have from time to time occurr- ajoui siso oocause rusu.te ... w.v... drawln(f fr0m circulation and keep- , 1X.UtHl up VftSt sums of money a sa a a S a . 4 mam a a I 6 . - X 14 K (fl mmmeicl channeh of the mlgh u,Ujzf Tne geherne which has been proposed by Trea$urer jor(lori I8 to Abolish the 8UDtreasury so far as conoerus its fuo- I -.a . Lw ss S"a A t S l2uStK CUOM B mruK"wl v" ute the g0Vernm!nt money among 7 . ... t the flMtlag8 banks or me ciues in I km tl.n nK.lrnuaiir on nru risliiet wuiu mo Dw.-..w- r Ivejy located. Security Will DS ex- acte(j 0f the banks in tbe form of Tjuited states bonds, In the same way ag tne national bank-i guarantee their cifC0latlon, and upon a scale that will glve the government a hundred or a thousand times the protection that it now ePj0ys. The advantages of the scheme are obvious. The chances of defalcation are reduced to a minimum. The I cinrprnment is relieved of all the i - - enormoas expense aud risk of keep ing charge of the money. In addi tion the operation of the plan will be to Confer COnspiOUOUS auvnumgoa uF- on au the cities involved by adding many millions to their active capital TT'nrt.hprmnrA. it communicates to i - - - - commerce and Industry a powerful impetus In this infusion of commer cial and industrial life-blood (money) ftnd tnug 8tirnulatea every useful and beniflcout enterprise. w orn kmelsio of rusta osl Liver oil. With Hypophoshltes, Especially Valuable ftr t'hlllrea. Dr. J. R. Frayser, Memphis, Tenn. gsys : (I have used Scott's Emul sion for many years, and regard it as a valuable medfeiue for tiie diseases, of adults, for infants teetbijg, and broken down systems in children." emorrat 8, 1885. H Hb . f1111 w coul ln't take the time to go to the inauguration of Presi i. eland' 80 we concluded to get up a little inauguration of our own m?on?nl8 Spring which would interest everybody. Accordingly a WAR ON that old enemy of the people, HIGH PRICES was determined upon and prepared for a3 a glance at our unequaled new stock of Spring and 8ummer good.?, and unparalleled low prices will con vince you. SUCCESS will crown our eiTo-tsifyou will favor us with your patronage, for by large salos at a s nail margiu we expect to win the fight. C ome and Help Us. Our "stock is all bought for CASH at Bankrupt Sales. We only sell for cash or produce, and propose to sell at prices that defy competition. A new feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. uuoKOt MTTi:a I ti-. Ill 4! .. . -t IS 'in if yi.or rsh-r m tU utt w'ii cl lk m know what th web f .' fn.iii Ai'rii'v rt il ilng In Call ( r;la. We hsv lstn in Him Marvi'si li-ll I he lust Iwu wrk to' owl Ing mir Onyon rlttafl into Im mrnbimd b.irvMsiers. Mr. Dtv , t( Mffte.J. Ol,t ha- s nwnNned machine with which nej i iiv Ihe siib of five men ano; 'try-f fir Ii mI rf sfrs k, sixty a r i M i day hi -ad lug, threshing and clean- ing, cutting a swath of twenty-eight i fe t, and travel- along with a Htea'Jy gslt (H.caiOI)lrg ltss stnppsgca tt at a header would require. We havH attached oaa f oof Pissio vr to Mr. Atwaier's harvester. ll Is now d'dng good work in Merccfi psjiitj. although he is working under great disadvantage. Ills machine cuts a fourteen foot swath and Is run ning over very uneven land, thp surface of which derive, the name hog wallow" from the fact that at about every fifty or one hundred feei he land raises with a elope to about five feet thn slopes down again, which forms, hollow. These mounds and hollows elevate and lower the machinery to every possible position, yet, we separate the grain In a flrst claas manner, taking out one sack of oab, one-half of a sack of gras hp pers to one sack of wheat. It i about as hard to ride the machine as a bucking horse, this is what w call separating grain under difficulties. You may now have some Idea what disadvantages tbe combined machines have to contend with, and ou can not say too much io praise of them for they are the coming ma chines, being as far ahead of the roaper and header, as the reaper and header are ahead of the old cradle. A combined harvester cutting a swath of fourteen feet and run by four men and eighteen horses will cut on an average or tmrty.mree acres per day. Now Mr. Editor, figure thh ex pense and comparo it with the ex pense they aro put to the way they harvest in Oregon. Daniel Best. A Salem man has beou lined $10 for kissing a Salem girl. This is not right. He should have been examined lor in sanity. The mosquito begins to send in his bill as soon as the plumber leaves off. Although tbe tramp does not carry a atch he generally has plenty of time. Health or Jews. One noticeable feature about Jewish rutmAtarlAM in the south is the scarcely of mawIv made graves atier an epiueuiio oi " F Ahnlera or veUow fever. Siatistios show tbat fewer of them die than any other race from these or kindred diseases. During tbe oholera scourge in Toulon only two orthodox Jews died of it, wbiie iu num bers they equalled fully 20 per cent of tbe population, lneir immunity .roiu uia ease, and the oertainty with which they raover when attacted ov it. Is accounted fnr hv the simnlicitv of their diet. They are very strict about following the dietary laws nrescri bed by Moses. Isn't ita lit tle strange that Moses, if he was only a historian, should have possessed knowl Hr sunerior to that of the wisest and best ohvsiclHrs of the prenent day? He Avidnntlv believed in preventing disease raihftr than curing it. This is what De Haven's Despepsia Cure aims to do; it acts directly on the digestive juices of the stomaob and both prevents ana oures iu dia-Astion and Dyspepsia, Free ram pi bottles at Foshay A Mason's Drug Store NO- 4 W1B INAUGURATED Allen H. H. ALLEN & C, 57 riisi Street, Albany, Or. i Front, First and Vino Sts., PORTLAND, ORECON&cf I M eoKTEBS OI Saj " ''X g IiAEDWAEE, IILOITAOTTsTEEL: FARM MACHINERY? W-- OttfefUwtay eakliratol iinplemenU : waafwHs DUCK i a 3b fttk BflKi:V: ON TIIK KilAli. TUtuo miHiirMW arc t well l.iHwn tn need oom- : TtKMMaud of f.xr-... r Im'Iv I. .. uwl Umiii. a J of 1 1 cm aitli ralw TV- arc iu every w ihe m lu ultra ol 1 1 t -a. Uat-Luii . T1i- trfa of TirrvTT llr.vwn have niantfcat iImi miurkatiSe durabilay of Ue 111' KKYfc, mukine; Ir oi: u. and rf crtiis. of It. iH4Tlianiu, an 1 aii irutnrr- int'-.i ,i ( ' .t Urw.T in the Caeilic Htlc. ai .(1 TcrriUru . have (Lett the wnw verdict as I I i larnwr is every tatt of the aurkl trbere the Burkcyc baa Ukii uaoJ, i r-t.. :r.. u, it to be The oalj Harvesting Xacbiaa that rill give Entire Satisfaction to the Purchaser. The features that niot utrikinvih Sour illuetration. Itisslowvr, natr in a tnuslit line tir a I J . ... . .i i . . . . gjwat aice. It U rvaci i lukuuio-. y . ". The distinguished U. S. Senstor from Indiana, Hon. Dsniel W. Vwr hees, certiflas tbat in of rheuma tism in tbe back, ho obtained instan taneos relief from St. Jacobs Oil. He say0 it ia a remarkable remedy. When a oisn doR not know how to express his opinion be should send it by freight. The delay will not be felt. The Democrat will take 100 cords of woo on subscription, and we would like as pood wood as if we were nor punuc oeneiaciora. --a - Parties already subscribers to the DEMO CRAT, who wish to send the paper off to a friend or friends can do so for ?2. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine hat Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. REDINGTON, WOODAHD C0,, Portland Or. 4 I STA1E FIChTS ClrVCCRAT, THE EIST DVERTIFING MEDIUM U m IILL1MTE TALLIT. K cinl hnines notices in I ) Coi minis 16 cent cr line. htjjulsr 1 tn-a notice 10 cents rr line. I r ltal hum transient advertisement SI (M per square for the first insertion, ass) M r-cntK Hr Mjuare for each subseqnent insertion. Kates for ofrr sriverli-etneiils tnsde known on application. Co,, XOWJhlR AND HT?1 ATglXt. Send for Catalogue, 1885. wae.-4Dx.- o i M o : - l oeuu .or opociau vutiu. i- . l 'I.T.HAJI C.D Xrw yo4vl Vibratinv Thresher. The nmt Effertire and Stn nissfiil Coaabinetiea foe Saviiv and Clean Ing Graia ever eooetruoCed. P The New Model Threeber is tbe result of years of lain-nt and careful experiment, wrabSfSwi by Mr. Miller, ono of the m.wt exjwrlenced indeweeeee. In. h iiUlcra of threahins machiitee in Awverka Th I a: uiiil at was to uroduce a macbine that would tltrceb taster and do better work than the beat ssa : i ontion were capable of. and mm raedd, in addition, separate out from the straw i ba (rrain in s more perfect manner thaaaay peai HSM inacliine whatsoever. ...tWlVvi ' I'fonn Ulii-kr will be made ohvloas ay a tiaass ' ' e levator mnaer. ri f lymt ran w .... i : ..... , . : 1. . J i. . ' A 1 x awn ii c uao innnumwiiwii ww ww Red CrownMills ISOM, LAXMXll & CO., PROPR'8. SKW TROCKSS FLOUR SUPRKIOR FlR fAwBLraS ANO BAR Kits VSK. BEST ST0RA6F- 17 POLITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. lUTLERY. The best line of cutlery in the valley be found at our store. It embraces peeks knives, table knives, forks and spooas, butcher knives, bunting knives, parhsg knives, shears and scissors of all ktssSis. and ths best line of iaaors ever breaght into Albany. Come and see for your selves. PdrHs ircwi.a. F OR SALE. One hundred and forty acre?, vdn miles above Lebanon. 40 eres in cnl tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown 19 grass. Comfortable dwell! nif, gwsl outhousea. Cheap. Inquire at tbis office. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILL'NERY AND PRESS-MAKING. Cutting and fitting by tbe new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. OPIUM ABD MORPIKE HABIT CTOJgD -BY- W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D.f tt muripiM a cure in all cases if inv I d.reotious aro strictly followed. No pain or (ops of time fr t u.-iuess. Ad dress above at Albany, ueegon pOR SALK, One half block in eastern pn el the city with fair bouse and tarn wi!lt4;a sell htap