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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES A NUTTING. HUlllK4XOrri-Kltt wewwerat Balldlegaa UrtHMtalbla Street. TKKMS OK SUBSCRIPTION I... ...... . a M ainvla rmn. lor Veer. I" advance i. ". . .1 .11,1 llf M'lll single copy. si months. . 1 ? single oopy, three months PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT 1AV. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL TH K Courts of Una State. Will ?lve speoial attain ion to collections and proluste "'omoi In Foster's new brtok. 4tf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORN AT LAW, Notary Public. Albany, Oroa. Office npatalra, over John Itrigg store, latatr t. WmW J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTART PUBLIC,) vTTORNEY AT LAW, WILL PRACTICK I ALL TH COURTS OF TI1K Sut. 8eciel attention given to coltwuUous ami robete matter. ITOfflo la Odd Felliw's Temple. tCL tit Eights VOL. X? ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 86, 1885. NO. 48 TEST I0DR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! flrancl. i i - tl tl . . atMulntrly i m .. CUIVTAIN A.MMUMXA. THKTMT I I'licp n can top (town on a hot itove unit'. haatiHt.thsn rvtnov Uiacuvrml .moll. A rhvmirt will not bat ra quired to dvtrct Ui prwavuco ot ammonia. f. O. fOWRLL. FOWGIili & BILYKU, vTTORNEY8 AT LAW, And Solicitors in -B"2Kaaew ILRINV. OIKsSJ. Collections promptly made on all point-. Loans negotiated on reasonable twmn. jaw-OrBce In Foster's BrUk.-s vl4nl9tf. . -c r - Made a J. J. WHITNEY, ittornay Ani Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Pnblic. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of this State. All business Intrusted to him arill ba promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., dki ;;istx Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Price. OITT XTtXJOr 8TOBB, tyt 4MS1SIT. okec. FOSHAY & MASON, WHOLSUAIS D aJtTAIfc Druggists and Booksellers, A facta for John R. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with poetagt added. AI.RIM, OEEGOM. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PUSCR1PTI0SS CAREFULLY FILLED. Albany, Or. LOUIS CAMPEAU'8 Barber Shop. Shavlnj? done with neatness and sharp raaor.. wbleh aro always kept In trood condition, and hair cut In the very best tyle. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITS MtALTUrt LXIM MAS NEVER BMM l KSTWMS. In a million home, for a quarter of a rvntury It baa ttuotl Ui inpi.iimori' reUabl tt. THE TEST OF THE OVEB. PRICE BAKING POWBEB CO., Dr. Price's Special Rii oring Extraci, T. ! I M I it. Mill .I.Hrl.u. m! ..turn "...r k ... Dr. Price's Lupulin Ytsst Gems tor Ujfht, lUalthv t'.rrad. The Hunt lry It p Yra.l m Um War. DY FOR SALE CHICACO. 'or nit hy Outliiiir. ItarteA t'..rtUiKl. or GROCERS. ST. LOU 13- aPWEJB SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and st nm .-.-t Natural Frutt Flarora. Vanilla, Iiiwhi. Orange. Almond, Kne, etc, Hat or it tlflltMtt'ly ami naturally aa the frulL PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., cnicAOo. st. lotna, F l4a bf Cuulnj Mtrla nd Co pk.rtlMl. or tM0 REVERE HOUSE, Pnai Sir aad ElUwarlli Albaay, rrm. Cha- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thla nw Hotal la flttd np In Brit claaa rtyla. Ja,eB mtliil with tha baa tha market affords. Btrlngr tteda In arary Bvxjm. A food SampU Boom tor axb OMrcUl Travelers. Caaek tm aad frosa tb Hotl."l Citicma Infantile Skin Beantifiera Aupeal to Mothers Try Them. BBfBJ tie Skin awl 8c Up of tUrth llttiwra, W l-r allajinic IU-hliiir. uurninjf ai" n'" (..rcurimctbettrat-yiniaoaai of rni. ,'''rl"'1 M Ik Crut. trail lleail, acndnla ami other innrtl ,km iind Hsai Jiaea. O tm u. the grrat WM j. sain - t nr , aiu VTU't'SA ir, an i'uw .- . -- S..r, exinnally. and Ci tum s ', H' i furifler, intarnallv, are infallib a. Abaolulely mre. TEBBIBEY asTsTlsfa7aSaw.M Mr and Mr P.verett Sf-ebbina, Belehertnwn. Mass.. write : "Our little boy aa Urrribly altlietl with S. r.-lula. Halt Kheuro ami Kryeipelaa ever autre he Iw.r.. nothin? w-' -ul'l ifite him hll"l hin jntil w tried Obsjsbvba Kssmwm. shtrh irrulualty ured him, unUI he w uw aa fair as any thlld." 200 FOR XOTIIIXC;. ' Wm. Oonhm. " Arllnirton Ave., Cliarlealon, Maaa.. vntii ; -HavInK U1 about t flmt- laa r U cure my baby, without etieeraa, I tried the CrTI asaa Kmimmsm, which coodeU-ly cureil. atter ttli.if three lawkaifea. FURNITURE. ( have the b stock of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the city and the lowest price in the Valley. Cotue and see. Undertaking, Aoomp'ete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODS N, FROM HEAD TO FEET, Charles Kayre Hlnkle. Jeraev City HeighU, N. J., writes : "My son. a lad of twi-lreyeara, waa ly cured of a terrible caae if Rcieira by thaCi Titt aa Kkkmkixrh. Pnanthe t-iof hia bead to the eoi hi teet aw one me of acaa. Kvery other remedy and h)ician had been tried in vain. FOR PALE LANOtll sajsjsj rhlMren. with (dmply, sallow ski", lbs MSJM aa KaaitDiw will p-ort a Ifrf"" WMfi cleaiMinff the blood anl akin of Inheriil Impuritie ami expetHnK tbe irenia of acmfala, rhcumatlam, -on--!'.;; 1 1 ii, and aevere akin dtseaaea. BEST FORTIIESKIP!.M v... i:-r,,-. ,.m hrurniM are the beat for akin die- ....... i i .-: r .!.!. and your Ct tici sa 8Mf the flricA medicinal toilet aa in tbe tvarket. C. W. BTAPLK-t. ltrtigiri-t, Oaceola Mills, Wis. an BolAft raialy awaro of the fatatt IrtiMH and NapOPaiMUtlsw itwaiting tlioni. In a "very few yeare the tnwn who tuiw bflid swwy will have lived out ihfir three score years and ten, and paHod to tbe other vv n I.I. and tho boyii pT to-day will be the mo of th near fututr. Yes lwys, not many yaars hence, you will le cHi"l upon to be the farmers, the merchants, the mechanics, the teachera, the editors, the jmlgee, the legilatort, the congressmen, the sens ton end peaiJents, but aboVe ell you will be called upon to be the promoters ami defenders uf constitutional liberty. Yotl wilt be i- ill.'. I upon to regulate tbe stlairs of this great governttiHiit of ours. It will be youra to accept autf take charge of thi pi useless hertUge ol humaii freedom which has been sac redly preserved and defended by your fore fathers for tbe last numbed years. Will you be njual to the great taMks thus iinpos.-'l upon yon If the states men of to-day lind grave and ntotnen tiotia problema meeting them ou every hand in the administration of humsn affairs, should you not now terioualy consider of these duties soon to fall to your lott Tbe quetlion with you should be, how beat to prej ar to meet and petforni these grave responsibilities. Boyi who sj end their time M kttaatM will grow up into carele, indifferent men. It would ba unsafe to trust the prosperity of the country to audi boya. Boy, then who loiter about tbe streets with nothing to do, ahumting their booka, home, and home influences, are laying tbe si most certain foundations for a future, useleas life. It may be . . . i .. a . . i .... f aslU tllSl naotts OI inouairy, mv. mi honor, ami reaact for and obedience to i.arinttf. constitute a c-rlain ami enf , foundation for luture auccea-, useful ness and exemplary citisvuship. The br y. in frrowins up. must form babi h if s w of life. Theae hau la will be determin ed by his aurroundings snd the influen cea brought to tar fpm hia daily con duct. Hoys will be very much like bova with whom they asvcitet and if a good boy shall aaaociaie daily with a had bo), e;tb-r the goial boy will form babiU like the habits i f the bad boy, or tbe bad !ev afli form salMll like lh good bov, but e, atjMlfwl tion and Mtaltlea wlvta thalvil in tent and eil pui"ae usuady pre.lomin ate, eo that tbe chances afW that b-d hoy'a habits will ovfrcomethe habits cl tbe good boy. B-y. 10 ceaaf,1 in hf.-, there is only one way to do when young. Lay lb foundation f r usefulness by learning habits of indus try. Avoid idle ways a tbe eaja-riei.c-ed mariner avoids the dangerous rocky fa of the great deep oe your e . . a .a home. Kigidly adbeie to the truin and let h and honor lie your guiding star in all under takings in life. EM Woy who thus improve, bis opriortuni- tiea and thereby wins a worthy nam- ill have secured that which wiii Rat .a a a a bint to hither and nobler aphtre in m-. t mi iHiiir 4 flaaassaa. M)ct Potttr Pniif and fU.ld by all drusfiriete. Prlc-e : Kkmolvkkt, $1 ; Ar, M eta. Cheuiicul Co,, IViaton, Ma. Hrnd for "How to i are Khln Ulaeaaea.' ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBA1T. OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., ICth, 1884. For particular, concerning the couraea of atudy and the price of tuition, appiy vu aEV. ELSBST U. COaiT, Preaiuen Aloany Bath House. iiv. UN DEKS1QNED would respect I fully iaform tha oitisans of Albany and vi t..f T hiLVAtakanchariraofthU Kitablish lfU w V W aw v m. aw.w w w at, and, by kasptng olaan rooms and payin ...i.t.ttantioa to businen, axpacta to auit ai thoia who may favor us with patronag. Htriax hsrstofora oarriea on nouting u. rirt-01a Hair DTeaatng Saloons an exquieiUsly perfumed akin BraallOrr. ninU 1 m f-Mltrtira horp DHD I DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. (ioltra.) DEALERS Y&s Farm Machinery WAGOHS, HACKS, BU8BIES, "Sa m Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, Htviug carefully chosen a tew fiied, we should never let them g) out of our lives if we can by any p' nihility re tain them. Friendship is too rat sod sacred a treasure lignlly to be thrown away. And yet many ptopln are not carelul to retain their ft lend. Some loan them through inattention, foiling to maintain thus little amnttite4, cu" toaio, anl kindneesea which cost so little, anl yet are hook of steel to grapple and buffi our friends. Borne uVo old IViemls for new ones. 8rao titkn ollouse easily at imagiuuiy slights or neglects, and ruthleaaly out the moat tutored tie. Sjtae lufcome impatient tl little I tolls, and diaosrd even truest friend ah i. hi. Some are incapable of any deep 01 M't taaoetit atf-ictioo, aud Hy from friendship to friendship like birds from bough to bough, but make no neat for their hara in any. There are a great many ways of losing friends It li when we have once taken tbem la id our lives we should cherish them as rarest jewels. If slights are given, let them he overlooked. If misunder standings arise let them be quickly set . aia. -1 . Tbe legislature of Tennessee hs passed a resolution asking 8 tin Jones to deliver n sermon brf re it i" spile of the opposition of a number of Itepubli- can meaalers. It is very hsrd to saske a Republican understand that be ought to be a christian. There are times when it does not pay to h parliamentary a when a D4S Motoes fire companytoppd in the llreets, (when the whole town was ltvc with excitemen )to elect a foramau Wf r turnir.g a stream of water on tbe burning building. A teacher io one of the Albany arlixiis ircnlly electrified ber pupils, who ere annoying her with questions: Cliil lrr-o, I in engaged.' Noticing ! the gen ral hrfdt of astonishment she asMs): "Rn not to any fji f i man," aim tlM esciteqiant dll away P. T. Dai Wimm will snrttly take his big show cro tbe Atlantic tn Kuru and wilt nnver exhibit it again on the Aiut tc tn C ntnent. This preaitme is i t c Mte itt io f Cl v-Un l' -b i- I v t waa t : I in wk f-inn-es. When Sen Uir H has the na tie Indians ranteil r. i. 1 i, , it i suggea'td tut to do Mom"tbirtg t ir the native Bhnals I dander, who, nn'eaa he ons land, i aja0l worse otr lhan the Indian. If he rin d nothing else, he might, in the !nterot of deceucy, ejver MM Mate with a fig-haf. Bs.-Qoaraov Ht. John, of Kansas, IEMPERAHCE DEPARTMENT, -W KIUTBD X THK ME UK US CIlfCCRAT. m 1EE WILLAMTI TALLIT special tinolneaa notkea In I teal Cot Dmu li cenls ier Jine. Rtgulsr I otm noltets lOecntaper line. I or legal snl trsnsientsdvartlsement i (M per square for the first ltsertlonfael flfl cents per Mjuare for each autawqaaut insertion. Kales for other advertisements made known on application Worno'i CbrliUia TemperiBee Uiisi w . i Tbe Csntei.uial Temparsnoe cunfer- euceheginato "materialtxe," its dates being the 23rd and 24th of Septemtwr xt, A centennial volume giving all the akdi-eases of historical jmpms and irocwtdings will m one of the yiaiide and tungible outcomea. Tho skelcboa will include graphic hiatoriea of the uatiotisl teraeisuce society and puidi. cation house, the Woman's National OhriftttsH Temarsnce Union, tho In- lependant Order id' (1 ood Templars,! he Order of 8tna of Temerance,the Tarn- dar of Hmor and T Mperenee, the Catholic Total Abstiuenoe Union, the Oonreasiunal Temierance Hociety, the National I'rohibitiuu party ,t he National Iiw and Older Laague,the Royal Ten plara of Temjiersew ; aluo doubtteaa,the iH-Kinuiags of history made by the ntw MNjn-lilian L'-igue." Am mi its tooics I'.r pa peis are : The iioqietuion of the f;mrtrauo teform, total asti- nence during tne century, a cent ury of liquor legislation, the history of pro hibitory le.islatiou during tbe century, what has the eentuiy shown in temHr alien liteialure ? tte centennial verdict of Kcitice, collet Motional prohituiion. temperance ia public Schools and rdu cstionsl instttutee, temperacce in Hon day sctitola,s century's evolution ot the t mi reform, the latter bring the theme aiaigned to the president of the N. W. U. T. U. Subacriptions i f Ge dollars secure tbe Iruok to the todi tdu! and the public WAR INAUGURATED BY H Allen Go. We found wh coul nf PrAfii- Sekik so we concluded to get up a little inauguration of our own S?n this Spring which would interest everybody. Accordingly a WAR ON that old enemy of the people, HIGH PRICES was determined upon and prepared for as a glance at our unequaled new stock of Spring and 8ummer goods, and unparalleled low prices will con vince you. SUCCESS will crown our efforts if you will favor us with your patronage, for by large sales at a small margin we expect to win the light. Come and Help Us. Our stock is all bought for CASH at Bankrupt Sales. We only sell for cash or produce, and propose to sell at prices that defy competition. A new feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5, 10 and 25 cem counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. W baa been traveling through tbe Sontb , 324,866. Tbe liqn.r Tbe liquor business nourishes in It aj ton. It appears that In a dtsUnce i ess than bslf a mile, on Knee! and and Kiliot Streets alone, there"are ov.-r one hundred and twenty-six licensed asmaaf to say nothing of tho scores of places wbiob are run with ut licene,. nnalajt the protection of lbs b and whole salers." In such a nw rho ai, sc eoidiug to the tae'imoiv ' ieotitie tm of the I in " I St II i I ' efun ibe lasWreaewltaN P die- 1 1 .-n-ui .on , tbere a, n.'o.aiiv mnag, "tit only of life and ,.r 94Md y the gangs ofho'eilom wt. . far tag hmui evrty Crne, the din ut aid b . v hich atetqiriM and afltMH a- tea- t f thietea, aaa the sjasytirlaisiUiia fr ewSMestttnl of crime by ibe liquor ileatere.who vit iate the law in ever oonceivahlo wy." Rbwkaas tea and dec ! of, violence air of frequent uceuiarce,etid,saye ire w Unet S in qunn, "lie immortslttv prc lsed by these fellows is sinned twvond twbf. Boston receives in license fees an an nual aggregate of $507,672, aud pays out for Hlice,crimlnal court,eltnhoue, snd h c pi tat expenditueea, in large tatt rendered neoesaary by the liq tor trsflic busioeMS in H. H. ALLEN & CO., 57 rirst Street, AIb:my, 0. recently, and he now says that in nil Beaton, as in this city and elsewhere ttmaie falTa. sspsett to glv sd BSj-otudtsB aai n banspooad. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THK UNDBRSIONED WISHES TO inform the public that be is now pre pared to do all kinds of etone and marble work on short notice. AH work Is war--,.,owi in ova fintiafantion. Will worK ,i.r.,tin to al I any and all kindti of stone, but deal prin lti? "S"?rtW Icipally in OreKon City granite. Cleaning 4,Mwn repairing ai4d re8ettinK a specialty. Call Ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold, tfhopon west aide of Ferry street oppo site post office. ... 1 O. W. HARRIS. Prop. Administrator's Notice Nf tice is hereby given that the UDderaifrt ad has been by an order of the County Court of Linn County Oregon, dulv appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of James keeiiey deceased, lata of said county. All person having claims against said aetata are hereby notified and required to present the same properly verified within six months from the date hereof tothe undersigned at his residence about five mile- south of Brownsville, UM County, Oregon. (Ixo. D. Overton, Administrator. Dated May 2Uth, 1885. B A UN DOOK HANGINGS, r. a lwva lireakiror. unless vou have the kind sold by Peters A Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought iron, cannot Jump the track and will last a Hie time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen hem. MHIe Sand i cent ttr tMHitaire.ant! fa rilaa.B receive trmi, a cily box f nui hich will holp you to mora money rijcht away tnau w .nythlalaelnthUworlU. All of sfthsr ssx, sue ea o. from flrat hour, The broad road to fortune nana before the worksra, alawlutsly aurs. At oueu udioas Tsvs sad Co,, Au-uaU, Malua, DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. ucnsaasaLK bbvis uvr. U'V. ftm Jjnes, s minister of the goel in (Jeorgia, is said to be one of the most lemarkaUe revivalists that the country has ever had not excepting Moody. Some days ago he closed a revival meeting in Nashville, Tenn. where the number of converanns ex coed ed 2000. His last sermon in that city wss presched to 10,000 colored people. His sayiugs are peculiar, beau tiful and excentric. The following are extracts taken from Nashville pajiers : "The lawyer who knows as liitle about Blsckstone and tbe Supreme court reports ss tho average Chriatsin does about the Bible would never have but one caae. "You don't believe what you dont see. Did you ever see your back bone?" "You don't believe what you don't understand. Do you understand why some co s hsve liorna and some are tnuley ?" "We see fJ d 11 around tin. Tbe mountains ate J ni'a thoughts upbeav- . m a . 9 ed. Tbe tiver are (ijd's thoughts in motion The oceans are God's thoughts an imbedded. The dawdrops are U d a houghts in pearls." "I never saw a man yet who disbe lieved in a hell, who, if tbere is one, is not making a bee line for it." "There is not a society ronan. in Cbattai.oogo who doesn't know that she has to get out of society before she can get to heaven." Tbe working force of this ouutry numbers 17,400,000. Of these on'y 2r 400 000 are afficted in their occupations by foreign commerce. These are bene fited to some extent by a high tariff, while 15,000,000 are injured by it. a .a - av. 1 .1. - 1.. ... ass aaaa nnalitina of morality nd good govern. cept lor me irauer tpa, - .B( rb.SUorb i. in advance of lbs will be een, most, nantaawwsw ..- Nih. These uMerancH, will put H.I- cUlly as it is runinons morally to all an t . atnad. of ihe Cincinnati C7ommrcrl 6'o- ooncernaa. xr. i. aavo. Vile, on tbe waf-psth sgain. mAitorUi o( lh(l New Yoik Sa I a si as f. II . 8am Jones aud tbe democratic ad- 7V&iii in the days betore us iaii,ssys . . . . I I ..V . ; I .r., r.f ill tifl'tlkf miniai raioi are doing woonera ior me pracui omwiwwwii. south. The latter is turning the reseats system will ever sensibly mitigate the out snd tbe formei is converting tbiro evils of mteropersnce. But lei the by his eloquent preaching and Ida epi- laws inflexibly forbid the sain of alco grammatic exhortations. holic beverages, ana every youm - - warned from the cradle tnat tneae oev- Ibere is now oo deposit in the New hurtful aad dangerous, and York City banks, over end above their , . Ariukinf. them he encourages a legsl requirements, $60,768,9 2f,a larg- tior. 0f tha Uws of the lend. It er sum than has bven thus held at ary M cominand the respect even of is Tbo J p tiiM f irii of utlmi.ii ter- ing ait oath is li dip n linger In ink. (it Is.utUm u .itp.iiesv ailncsa ass sworn tti Hi a vtey tho other day, ai d after the formdity he retnarkt-d that it was Urteltft, as lie koew no. hit g ais.ui Ibe caae In quealluo. Ibere were J 3, i'M iJfiiiih trot js kept in Ireland last yt ar, ext lusjvo of omenta. This is the lrged number i i i a la -r ' idi i. exeepi in ioti, svnan u tr J' tie larger, and 18S2,whD t'o ro were 66081 inon Theroacra ln) recruits enlUted i i Ireluml tli r log the year. In the hast vo'urne iauHl by the Qaulogteal Surv. y of India an i C C unl td a fiery eruption fim tne Of tho mud volcanoes on ('hedutst Isl and. A body of flimeCOO feet in circumference Is said to have st tne timereachtftl an elevatiou of 2400 ftfet, petroleum being the cm - A man, during hh lif-lime of fifty years, according to a paper recently read teforj the Academy of Sciences, Pari, sleeps away an aggregate or 0000 days, works away the same per- iod, eats away 3000 days, walks away 800 days, is ill during 500 days, aud amuses himself with t.e remainder of his half-centnry on earth. A curious phenomenon is renor ed fmm aome of the vinovards in the province of Malaga. According to Spanish papers, plants attacked by the phylloxera, and given up as pract ically dead, have begun to show marked symptoms of vitality, due, it ia believed In the localities, to the destruction of the insect by gashes or electrical conditl-nv consequent on the earthquakes. niASe. h. c F.-ont, :;3C and Vino 8ts., PORTLAND, ORBCON,ep Z IMPORTKliS or , x; a Ti A sysa eaavapawsa a sew se epsss A wsp a TT t"fTWW " iLfUtJJ W OlUa, iJ IN t AIM U I d 1AA ma a. FARM MACmNEBY? n. f..r foe fJnwinr oeUbrated ImpletaenU: :.CO WBR AND TVELAJ&SXm. Send for Catalogue, 1885. Send for Special Circulars. time before. antagonists. We dun't see any reference to Mr. Tilden's health in the republican papers nowadays. Probably tbe old yarns are now in sosk to be brought out sgsin about convention time in 1888. Of the 1500 members of the Phila- delphia bar,nine-tenthsare either church members, or have well denned church affiliations. Ou the ranch of H. M. La Rue, in Yolo county, Cal., the other day,a mare gave birth to a mule colt snd a horse colt at the same foaling. am , 4at . . rl-M. "WCKKY2 ON TIIK IMA1. "T.-.e itwli':! arc t- wiM kiio-n to tMd com iiki'.. T ,-. :..;. of fanner. Iicrt have uacd tbciu, a m! !1 ;-as ol theui wtth pntlc. Tlw are In avcry w.v t!n. is j-lua uitra v( Ibr.c.t Mu usrn. Tli- tef of Twevrt BaSWasn havr mailc man if cat the mtaataabts durability mi Um W KCTs roaultiiw lruj Hh a SHiM f aii-l SMwaSBwa wl it iHtH-lianiiuu, an t a i iuiiiifnai mijonit iir tanrcrs In tlc IVilk st ... . .. ..I Tcriit-aica hara cben Uie aanic verdict aa fie Unite r in every )rt ot the world where tla llnckcyc lua boon uJ, peunouiivins it to be Tha only Sarvaating Mashiae that will give Entire Satisfaction to tho Purchaser. w mMlei Vibrattns; Tkreakcr. The moat Effective and Stneesaful Ooaabtaalawa Is Bating sad Ctoaniag Oraia avar uauaruotad. The Sew Model Threaher ia taa reeult of yaats at patient and careful axeerfaneat. coadoctad by Mr. Jacob Miller, one of the moat expariwaorl and sassMa tu! hrriVleni of throahiag mscalaas la America. Tha Icct aimed at waa to produce a machine that wouU thivah faster and do better work than the beat wa. h...c already in operation ware capaMe at, and aaa that wwast, In addition, aeparate out from the atra . M i avC tho grain in a more perfect manner thaa tsnjl prv i' machine what ear ver. - rTT"TTV- ' r,, w9 : rv r" wra-- w i a-.t-" ... wa ' The Woman's Christian Temperance Union from tbe outset has three dis. tinot sisos set before it ; whatever line of work has been taken up, or new de- pi rt ore made, these have ever been in vie 1. Tbe reformation of the drinker. 2. The salvation ot tbe children ani youth from the degradation of drink. 3. Tbe 6nal banishment of the dram shop by prohibitory law. , nwa a Th- arnrlr of the W. C. T. U. for ww w " ww - better Sabbat h obstuvaoce is very pros iiasnin already, thouah the department The Presiuent writes aUays with an . fc fuW months old. Thirteen ftrdinary steel pen snd a plain wooden I I-VII appointed superintendents, holder. A small statue of Anurew neat, adilion of three excellent Jackson graces the Executive deak. leaflets on this topic, has been exhsust- " ' I .i 1 .i.inn i riancreHS ia being .... , . 1 . . 1 ou . nuu J hihviku w ' Torn tbe light on the pension lists, ' , , ;r.iaroH 5 . 1 . . lasaival and extensive:? ctrcuiatea. Mr. Secretary Lamar. Tie people want ' , hl4. wrounht a . I lun new uo miiuv. ' -' a to know how many dead men are draw ing pemdous Tbe republican postraistresa at Napo leon , Mich., has married the democrat whom she expected to be appointed her successor. Tbe new dep good work upon us. Tlirfie well bred stallion, and thirty dralt and saddle horse. W. T. Cochhait, Brownsville, Or. H OIKLFOK SALE. The Jackson House, Prinevillo, Oregon. 32 well furnished rooms, the only notej in town, larire and couvenient, with all neceaaary furniture. Price reasonable aud terms easy, , A. B. Colver A Son. Frineville, Oregon, There is a painful suspicion abroad that tbe Republican office holders re moved for "offenaiae partisanship" are not doing their swearing according to the ievifed version of the Old Testament. Mark Twain's bt other. Orion Clera an Iowa farraer,hppier,healthier, snd more contented than Mar'c. A boy died a few 4ays ago at Staten laland, New York, from easing canned Columbia river salmon. General Ciook, tb Indian 6ghter, knows what he ia about, lie wears bis hair cropped close. The Bu-eau of Agriculture has $38 lo its cnedlt. That is tbe only thing to its credit. W ' 1 The man that knows bis own mind ia the man who usually has a mind worth knowing. Vatcaat laindesu - t t Much excitement has been mane uy reports recently published on the vile condition of tbe slums of London. In one cellar was found a family consisting of a man sick with small pcx.M dying wife, three half nsked and dirty cbil dren, and one pig. In rome part there is one gin mill to every hundred person. What defilement. Yet cor responding impurities, often defile the human blood. They can ba cast out by Brown's lion Bitters, the great strengthener and purifier. Mr. .T. B. Strange, of Stark Lake, Florida, says, "Brown's Iron Bitters is the test blood purifier I eveetried. It gives all the satisfaction a man can want." De Neuville, the French painter cf n ilitaiy soenes, recently deceased, car ried his love of the tealistic so far as to smabh the windows of his studio, tear the doors off and riddle the walls with bullets. His models, moat of them soldiers who had made the campaign, were often nearly suffocated by being piled upon one another; the horses that came to him from tbe knacker s yard still alie, were shot in the work shop itself, so that it miit fall natur- . a ally. All thgi was to the great dismay of his neighbors, ihe beginning, not knowing wast te make of all this noise, frequently ran to the police. The guardians of the law in their turn in vaded the premises in order to prevent ihv imagined 10 be wholesale ww u c v m slauizhter. They only found D i Neu ville with dishevelled lock, pistol in hand arrengmd Roene Hl1 retired with a handsome pourboire to wash down the smoke of the gunpowder with which they were almost, choked. Health of Jews. rv.. n,oir.Aahli feature about Jewish - " in th aoutta is the soaroety of newlv made graves after an epidemic of cholera or veuow mver. cut-v. . -. that fewer of them die than any other race from these or kindred diseases. During the cholera scourge in Toulon only two orthodox Jews died of it. wblle in num bers they equalled fully 20 per cent of the nomilation. Their immunity Irom die oase and the certainty with wnien mey recover when attacted by it. is accounted fofby the simplify of their diet. They 1 "I ' Lhw -hout following the dietary laws prescribed by Moses. Isn't it a lit. tie strange that Moses, if he was only a historian, should have possessed knowl edge superior to that of the wisest and best physiciars of the preent day? He evidently believed in preventing disease rat? tiaa cuswvg it. This is what De Haven'a Despepsia Cure aims to do ; it few direotlv on tbe digestive juices of the R.rLLu LV.i Knth nrvnts and cures In- digestion and Dyspepsia, Free sample I bottle at Foshay A Mason's Drug tto v HE HI.VT Till". WHOLE HOte n WaHWOTOH, D. C Mr. F. O. Mc- Clesry, a prominent solicitor of patents a a- i . . . I of this city, was troubled tor several weeks with a aevere cough, which not only deprived him of sleep but annoyed others. The only thing which did him any good, be seys, was the new prepara tion Red Star Cough Cure, a purely vegetable compound, free from opiates, narcotics or poisons of .any Xtnd. Tlio ti. ,..-. a. mmtatrikiiMrtv dit littuUt tl ' . tc a T :J u V 'n."cr i"l he ma.le avtous hy a : At eur.llnitrt-.m. It ia a lower, naenivci r, s-l . :-r i ' tB,iiniisi awa. H will mm In a stralrhf lino Oir-Mi-.-h H r . n . ; . -.115 it eon oa wn tiuww Va-wlrrrU It b rvadiU- nuaUaJ by twe p d 1. vacs, i u v.; , ioan!iulled aaaw ottaar W..aas The DKMtM KAT will Uke 100 cords of woo - : 1 ...... .t. 1 lilrn aa itivjiiI on auoacriptiou, mui w - wcxkI ah if we were not public lie net actors. Parties already subscribers to the Demo- EdCrownMills IS0M, LANNIKG & CO., PROPR'. S KV PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR rtUS AXP BAKERS CSB. BEST ST0RAGF VACUITIES. Highest .Price in Cask for Wheat ALBANY OR. QUTLERY. The best line of cutlery in the valley can be found at our store. It embraces packet knives, table knives, forks and spoeas, butcher knives, huntinx knivaa. paring kitivna. ahnars and scissors ol all sua. CRAT. who wish to send the paper ott to a Rnd tfae beJjt ,,ue of rftaorg 8Ver brmagbl friend or bunds can do eo tor into Altanny. st-lves. A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. The aneation has probably been asked thousands of tUneVjHow can Brown' Iron Bittera ouie iwwj iniFVaU, tt doaant. Bat it does cure any fir wntoh a reputable phyaiolaa would aeAaiaoa Phyrioianfl wloowniae Iron aa the beet reetoraUTS aaent known to the profeaaioa. and inquiry of any lSXg chemical nrmwiU rabataiwiate OaaaOo that there are more preparation of iron than of any other aabetaaoa naaofln modioneThiawii con cluaWely that iron la acknowladad to be t the mat BROWR'S IRON BIHERSufS headache, or produce oootiption-all orl Iron medicines do. BROWN'S IKON niTTElt8 enras Indtaeatloa, BUtoasaeas, Weakness, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Chills and Fevers, Tired Feelina.General Debility, Pain in the Hide, Back or l.lmb,Headnehe and Neural gia for all these ailments Iron la prescribed daily. BROWN'S ERQN BITTERS.noTcSe tr, inlncte. like all other thorough medicines. It acts slowly, when taken by mm the first symptom of benent Is renewed energy. The muscle t hen become firmer, tbe digestion improves, the bowels are active. In theeffeot is asunlly more rapid and marked. The eyes begin at once to brighten : the skin clears up; healthy color oomes to the cheeks; nervousness disaoDears: functional deranaemeats become roiru- l.vr, and if a nursing mother, abundant sustenance ts suppnea tor tbe nnua. rtememoec Brown's iron Bitters is the ONLY iron medicine that is not in- Come and see for yonr Pxrsm Jfiwitr. JpOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, win miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cut tivation. 10 acres slashed snd sown to grass. Comfortable dwslih if, jrd outhouses Cheap. Inquire at this ofliee. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, KIIMERY AHD PR1SS-IAKIIB. Cutting and fitting hy the new Taylor'a System. OPPOSITE REVERE MOUSE. is BUT jurious. Physician anil Prugfists rtcaamrnd it. The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. RSD1NGTOM, VVOOOARD O., Torvland Or. OPIUM AND MORPIHE HABIT OPiD BY - W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D.t Tarnaraptee a cure in all cases if jr j d.reetiou are Strictly foUowett. No pain or loss f time from business, Ad dress above at Albany, o'on , "If Oil SALE, . One half bloek in ea.tem pa ef l eltj with fair house and bean WilllM st A cheap