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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1885)
Publi. .v- I Sworn Circ '0. Thl! -.:;.:. -l.' I- - v Hl' imtitlMttiff i ! t r.i ii. ;. , attire, A'l, K:'o;m:i ' ' - i IK.i . !' Puulu ar tbe lh.y .atHtvrj re I -i ti MmVt :. dK-u.-. . purity ut mlf, .-. I ti.i ke n ttipj euv:vr id copi SUDSCMPTi'Jj PQICr.. 50 CENTS Pcfi- YEAR. iWhlcti cuti tsreXSJ in Kitt :mijn.) PREIVilUIVi LlSlVcn l834-'85. A Literary Revolution. A Whole library for Fifty Cents. GIVEN TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. mm- ron oke sL'jaor.iOCR. To every wNwrtbcr sending SB rents I t ..if ytu's sulwitpooti In Hi. MTU and HONS, wc will give any one !' the hdbiv. iny tvii I rem ium : No. 1. Dr. BAUTs Photo. (Cabim-i KtaaJ Ko. 3, A Lady's OWM to PaMCI (EdXB Xo. 6. Gem or Art MM IMrrnv. The CnicKrr on twa Hkartii. Hknkv ASKKI.L. Hue K V is ANotiot.nE.v UaiA. I'UT.VtN Al.tX k'S l.K.. Puiimt M -U. Enoc.i AUI.I.S. Tiir l.ojrr rt.K Norr, Mam At. or Knoi nTK. Thk MNtAHn l.i rn:i:-VttiTte, WiSTtas i:vt MM; i:: i:kvtion Thk Hour. Coos 1-ook. KNOtt LKixiK Full Till'. Mll.l ION So, No. 9. 4 for roun To every person s. mllii" itf".M fur lour w:.i give any 01 tu ttie follow ti:;; ten I'rviiii'ims No. 11. U.i.vtuoiKorrM:ntIxf')i: tx,N Ko. 12. Pun la r BaUM v or Titt-Cmi. v No IS. Dr. Footi;'s Plain Hum YaUC No. 14. The Lives or m i: Pkcsihi.nt. No. IX Tut Gcm Alcouoi. Srovr. At. ro.T five suescr.:; eis. To every person retuHni." MS2$M fir rive Rnnvu' o - !p;i"Jtis wo will cul lWautlnil Zturac Slxoe cotixOMril Qi iwvoly CXjtOHMk) MlneiuU To every ihtshii MtssltM H SM i Uttl Shpll'.r direct tr.w tlie miulmmiil, Fen TWENTY SU3:CR!SEnS. To every htu,i swwUm snft9 ior iweti'y KHIttatl RlbcCriflltOSMi c Hffll enl a SubstRll liaHIaivl Mill nrtiftMltiaj llntWsti :eu!.ty Or " Ik in. ("urn. vhlo!i mil utc 1U) per cent, iu keeping poultry. This IYcmnt!:i Ijt vlM. :nnl.i!i tod girts of every ntnit home uti i Conies Rsi'.in u- i.vij-' " Usitslj i f :! :.. :.i tallfRV " I LXIUZ! LIST Write . -i 'mric pi ; i . lt sweep; MFtMS Al.o. v. . lc- 0. P. Chxtrch. Preaching every Sbbth, at 11 a. M., and 7 p. m. by Rev. R, Q. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. at Prayer meeting every Wedneaaday evening. Etanoeucajl Chckch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 A. X., and 74 r. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. JtJollenbaagh, pastor. Coxg rug atios al Chtjbck. Servicea every Sabbath at 11 A. x. and 8 r. X. Sabbath School at 12.-15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Hams, pastor. M. E. Church, South. Servicea held every second and fourth Sabbaths in each month at St Paul s M. K Church, South, at 11 a. st. Sabbath School at 2-30 P. st. sharp. Prayer """g every Thurs day eveang. C. H. Canon, pastor. M. EL Chcbch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. X. and 7f p- M. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.-30 i. x. Prayer meeting every Thurs- day evening. Eev. M. Judy, pastor. sj, jsaoaw. Servica svsrv . vervice everw rentng SO Inurcn PaSBBYTERIAX ChCECH Sabbath morning and evening in Omrch cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 D. m. Praver meeting evarv ri j... : t t ii " 4 evisniDg. xxct. xsaac n. vtmui. gTTbose who call see bo m.e but the Doctor. Con- pastor. j filiations free and saereofy OhtWJcntial Cases fHSimiv Puri,p p, ., , i ,QK i ahich have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec- rv-Vk J'w i - ii";. r g islly s-dicite.1. Kcmale diaeasss sSeessfully uJtsd. Oath at W. C. T. U. Hall, at 11 A.M. 7 JO P The Doctor will seree to forfeit tl.oou tor s case un X. Sunday School at hJlf past 2 o'clock P. dertaken. not cured. Call or wite. Hours, daily, from sf. Rsv.IT Fine, I nuls a.Ta. to 4 p. m., to 8 evening; Sunlaya, 10 to . J ' r nasr dajtist t-HtiBCH. .rreacning every smiree. Aooress as aoov - Sabbath at 11 o'clock Am. .at Chorch on 5th 1 DB Ll Blt Street. Sabbath School imme'liately after . .T morning services. Praver me tint? everv Westderral Crrmaa latrigorctcr Thnraday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T; 6 Brownaon, pastor. v Jiv aKAALlTH CsTCSt'H. rreacning every econa ana fourth sabbath of each month Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m and o'clock, . M. OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. Pajfoatze men who advertise. They are alive, Tbey mean business. They appreciate the newspaper. They are the men te deal with. Following is a list e the Dexocxat's advertisers this week, In Albany. Call on them : oeneraJ Merchandise 8 B Young, Hon With Sc Setter, bach, If H Allen, A BMcUwsin. . Groceries Hoffman A Joseph, Frank Bead. Agricultural Implements Peters A Blain, W B Oottra, S E Young, j Gradwokl. Hardware Peters A Stewart, J Grsdwohl. Clothing L E Blain. rugs-Fsshay dt Mason, E W Langdon and Co., sakie Prushsw. Store res and Tinware John ttrinn Furniture A B Woodin, Brink and Son. x.Bairs u ru to am. Millinery- Emma Schubert, Mattie Allison, Mattie Foster. 8eda Works Hoffm-tn and Joseph. Jruo Work -Cherry and Parkes, A F Cherry and Marble Work-A SUiger, G W Harris. Hour Bed Crown Mills, (Magnolia Mills. Lumber Albany Saw Mill. Xobacee, Knives, etc -Sam Cohen. Meat I S Roberts. Hotel Be vere House. Restaurant J as Msdy . avusn ii Kenton . : or Hair Cut I. ('imnmn Jnm U',.l.lj.r rsSAiadrySan Wa Ying. Legal Adviee B S Strahan,PoweU and Bilyeu, J K Weatherford, J J Whitney, L H Montanye. Md-iAdvice-0 WMASton, J P WaliAce, M II Ellis, J W and Mary T Cole. To the Unfortunate ! DE GIBBON'S Dispensary. QQ KBABHY ST., UrWfJ cornee of Commer cial Street, Sau Franciscj. .Established in 1S54. for ' the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such fas Gonorrhea, Gleet, t rletare, y phlUs in a) its f nrma laiul.. SenUunl Weak ness. niifht losnes hv dreams rsnt INSson the face and lots of manhood can positively be eared. The- sick ind mtmtmA shfiiilrl nnr. fail v mII ssaBa wm SBk. -S.- BBBBBBBBBBBaSlBYSBBDaAYfXVVV. pxMiuun. ine xioctor iiaa traveled extensively in f if?!!6' andvlnPcti tbororighJy the various nospi- . sssWe tsere. obtain iricr x stsMil r,t ira.v.iA f . w . 7 s v vaiuauic ' 'f "T iaiat won, which he incompetent to impart to those in need .SLuJ. will niake no charge isT??1 a cure- rersons at a distance MAY Sttilf? ,T Ml communications ErlLi n e'Uial- Tou M no " " the Doctor. SfTr. , ?l ,or a P- ot medicine. Persons wrtnugto the D-xrtor will please state the name of the r TT, auverusement in. rss. iuvuhs. caj, or write. A ex 1957. San Francisco, there fail. Try him, Address DR. J. F. GIBBON. a TV. . . xne Aocvor cures when viSnU A GOOD CHAXCK FOR 8EB8CB1 BEBS. To every subscriber to the Democrat who pays np his subscription and con tinues bis paper, or pays in advance, we win Have sent to him the "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a large eieht page, forty column, Monthly papt,M and is full of excellent reading matter, A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chance to fat a good paper for nothing. Those de airing the paper sent to them will please Ktalejso at timefof paying their subscri . S ft" M HALE, M, D. i .:.-. I in every thins, loncc, Liter i I.. - l.iHltes, I'tUo ivt iuaUh. prevent A Nl I I AT! l Pi ANT I'tUlliAJOB. AXKAtcA Tr. ijtctc Srr.AKta f HtsrroKY okCommo.v Tittsus, I Tnt i. vt utt turn, J l: r;N..tniii:r PKorta, i a Brioi From Tm Sea, I TltK t 'lTlr-s Of THK NtCW WonlO .4i:an tmcuMni Poems. No V Ill . II ATlON. AMU Kkadimcm. thk to Deer or Wit xa Hiuos. SlXTKKN TM 1 IT SlORIKS. A t!lLI't:t Six. IllMtS lUltTON. Iwtt Hist. No. 10 it'OscniDEs: attiiiuU ntl.-eri;t Ions to IIkaltu ASD Home, No H run Hoy's D:ay rao pages). N. IT. A liuourx Wedpixu Rtso (WO pes). Nk V. D. fiMtSSSO Hook (100 pocc). Xu. ;.. A Village Goasir's Diary (233 pp) s Gi'toc to Lao: Patterns. Etc. .i"rser!jtlon v.- w end a $5 00 Corn I'h .i-Jint 'i l luenttlvt iovnu-nl to the boTi hi t;i uort wc will (:;rtukl as many scinpto CLOU' - ; OU MAY 3 885. til . hi tout, nncl State. AND !..t Money OrUer, or w - :;d home, VTasfciBtjtoiie D. C. t y . DR, LIEBIC Q Prtxate ssistM-Bxarr. Ij 400 Geary bu, Han Prancucu Cal " Conducted by Vualiflrd Physicians ana surgn.ns regular graduates, f tiS The Oldest pceialtsU in the tf t nited states, life lonir experience I. 1 if'it ntibwl snd pure u.r-io m. , imni. -, '-j inu nwicn( rum 9a c ail 1 I utlr. t'hniik ukI TV - ,11. inscaiMs (Tectiocs j the liloud. Skin, kid oe, UUdder, Eruptions, Ulears, Old byres, HweiHng of Lbc a SSI m.m . W . lianas, jore stoma. 1 tiroal Uutic rwtns,ier(uancul'y cur. d and eradi cate! from ttte system for life MCXt IOI n Debility. Initency, eVnunal Losses, brxuai Decay. Men Q talaio Pbiskwl V. caii ness. Palling Oiiciuory, weak Eyes, Stunted De vekpmcnt,lnidtmenU UiMarnage VmJ etc., rrom excess or youthful failles. -j- "any cause, speeully, safely and anssij lane. Vmbw HiUdlr. i.r.a nut HIOle-Aged nd Okl en. and all a ho need o.!lcai .kill .1 ttwneim Kit,. oil ik. ,.i.i ! sr and exneucc, consult the old gCat Euroiweai Phyaicsan at once. His oeuiiion costs iwln. I . . . si - j i ssvs TLituif riiiM-rv . -.-1 . 1, . .... I .7 - "- I 1 . . T., , th. city l tnt that a class iroueh- an oe sent everyw express iree ironi ooeervauon. it is scll-ct incut that 1 physician who gives bis whole aUcntiou to a class i (aiseasssisttains great skill, and pbysKians through- i oat the country.knowuig this, frequently recommend j ctbTcu difficult cases to the oldest specialist, ( bmi every I Kno,rn ooa expeneaes a II only. Send for the Sanitarist Gnkle U HeeJtb. Permanently prevents all l unslural Lueses from the system, tones trie nerves, strengthens the niui -lea ' checks the waste, in vu.., rates the ahoU.v.t.m ...J ""l"c" amjcxeu loueaim arm llappine xne reason so manv cannot tret cor. l ,,i snnin.i i veaaness, uoss ol jtannood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Prostalorrhca with II vt.ri K. I which requires peculiar treatment. Dr.' FJebb?. T ox'jishu is iik oniy posiiivc cure lor lrsvUtorrhca with peculiar special treatment, used at the LiebhJ Dispensary . jPrsee r lavlgerater, at. Case of sis bottles e. peui wo iy auoress, covered secure: from ob- Most powerful electric belU free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the Invurorator A Ot Battle 4.1 vea or Rent Vrte. Consultation free and private. Call or address LIEBIC l)!l'l. I l. 400 Geary hum, hi ftttf ei i Private entrance, 405 Mstn ttim, 1 Geary Street from Kear By, M ki islttiMi Dispensary Drug Store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the V. 8. Patent rt attendeded to for moderate fees. Our office is opposit the U. 8. Patent Office, and we can obtain Pstents i, tin, .... .1 1 , .amu uc.v iuiimh; vui tsasssaBSBB. .f? rmtn- We advise as to patent amjity free of charge ;snd wemake no charge unless we obtain patent. at?! r to the Postmsster, the Sunt, of Money Order Div. and Uj officials of the 15. 8. Patent .?rclrVJJar' advice, terms, and cfereuces ui your own fswte or county, address Ce Aej SNOW CO Oi'Posite Patent Office, Washington, D . OF ANOTHER ACE. Gradually Sapplaated by a Better Article certain Old Time are Dene Away. fiP ener' reception room of the Western swegrapn ouiioing on Mroadway, New Vork !'fcfsX crnde and clumsy hattrw i tSf he lnry 01 telegraph. They are only relics now. More peifcct machinTrv hmm J,..? seded them. ' r IMri SLOrs-k asKate ass siK.i if. . s e -ZSrr - -T oiu .aan.onea porous rzr-rr. . -:r- try, sw vsew, mere was then noth- 7trSa!"f hf Ve fne deePer int secrete Sin! TJIZSl11. a le excellencies , , IU an c a vernal remedy. 1 he ohl plasters are slow-the Caieine If rsSsOs they were nneerUin--the Capcine 'is .ore ! C arth-lc-s bear similar names. Be careful thereL.r , . some thrifty does nTSJS' pffi Bcabury A Johnson, Chemist, New York. GrnE Janied March and Sept., each year; 224paKes,.8JxlU awlmlepictaregallery. Gives wholesale pncea direct to consumer on all goods for KhS1 . invaluable hooks contain i information gleaned from theniarketsoftheworld. WewiUmaS copy Free to any address upon receipt ofjhe postage 8 cents. Xct us hear from you. t. Kespectfully, m Bpasaj ssssaa THIS PAPER IS ON FILE -AT- PALMER & REY'S ADVERTISING BUREAU! 4W5-7 Sansome U, (Son Francisco. AND AT PALMER & REY'8 Pacific States idveiliisliiBiirean! 46 Tribune Building, NEW YORK. dralt , Whero Advertlefng Contracts can be mads. Chin wavuvA Jf)lWVlW4TWUW. mtQz KCARHYSrSXCiu BTAblMII TOR Till BOIRRTlFtO AMD fRBBY OVRI or Chrokio, Nrryovi and RnciAi. DmubmI THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLEN, AS IS WELL KNOWN, 18 A REG ular v ml us ted Physietsti. tiiwateU at llowvioin t "llotfo ami t nlvmlt if Michigan, lie has dovuUtl a lifoUms to the study of aatl lsaekiioillgtRi to M th most expert student In hie specialty on the Pr elite CHmmI And mtdile-aed men. who ore sufferinii from the efforts of youthful Indiscretions or esosssss in ma- turer years, nervous and physical debility, linpo tence. lost manhood, confusion ot Ideas, dull eysa, aversion to society, despondency, pimples on the (see, loss of energy and memory, trequeiiuy of urinal injr, etc sWHemember the Doctor has a Vegetable Com nouiid.tho result ot many years of speelal practice and hard study, which under his special advice has never (ailed of success lit the cure of Lost Manhood, prosU- ton iiea, etc. MY riTAE KXriCMlKNCB. Having been mntron in chary of two leading hospitals) enables me to treat all private troubles with excellent results. I wish It distinctly under stood that 1 do not claim to perform imposalbllUss, nr to have miraculous or supernatural power. I claim only to be a skillful and successful Physician and 8-r,9e.i, ksroutfhly nfouneil n my speoltlty UlREAMK or -NAM. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaint-ne eapertmeitling. i will guar - autre a iMiaitivn eum In . . r I Hi-.i.rt.w. ... forfeit 91.IHH). ConsulUllon In office or bv loiter tfi and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination, including chemical etui microscopical analysis of urine and atlvlee, 6. tHhce hours u to 3 dally, own evening. Sunday 9 to . van ou ot auuress iK. AIXEiK, m kcRrtay Etreel, Ran I ranrUro, tsU. 25 1YEARS IN U8E. The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. eee of appetite, Bewela coat t v e. rata la the head, with a dall eeasaulea la the bark part. Pain aader the shoulder blade. Fullness niter rating, with a dis inclination te exertion of body r salad. Irritability o( temper, Law spirits, with a feeling of hn Tins aaglected some duty. Weariness. Dtsxiaeea. Flatt trisf att the Heart. Dot before the eree. Headache ever the right eye. Keatleaeaeaa with tfxl dreams. Highly colored I rlnr, aad CONSTIPATION. - 'I'D 'IT'S FaXIsS are especially tulap d to such cases, one dose effects such a change Of feeling a to astonish the sufferer. Thee Itieresise tstsi Xwsasslte.shil u ih. body to Take oa ricsstVthiis tba sr stem is now risked, and by their Tost le Art loss oa the ptaresUre Oitsbi, ttratular N louls are 1 ' l ' " S.-Ve. it Wurrsy sit.. ft. TUTTS HAIR gray iiaxb or wuttuks changed to a Gus r Black by a stnglo application of this Dtk. It imparts a natuntl color, acta Instantaneously, hold by Druggists, or sent by express on receiptor EI. Offlco,44 Murray St., New York. Dr. SPIMIaEi7,- NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all t hroalr aad hperlal M ss YOUNG MEN Wxo mat be nrrrBsaNt. rxox txe effete of youthful follies or huiaresfAnei rltl do well to a rail IlislliSid i SS of tkhv thsspsasBSSt hsSSA ever laid at the altar of rafferiosr hSMSSVRllv. dm SPINNEY will gusraoUe U, f,rfrtt ,vmry osse Esi hh asxfcxsBi r sartsae alssasa at aas w.a.i earac'r which he undcrlakea and taite to cure. MIDDLE-A t.t.D EMEV. Tbsrs - maiy a. tits see sf sUrhsasarkaslBSBs -s- . l1'UWoa "1U Uj" rrenuenl svMuaLiMt us the ahtsV j. utieo MCarmtmiicl by - -lrtf sssaillns i TZnTi uutlt, audTwsdZ ol S nstesnTtlaTltS . -a insi m s naaMT W" warn OBOBOa TTTITins SB. Us c - ..7 wmwmi -ill utMSl S mnwrmsssi ssssin wssssisa ist siisn... ot . . . " . - - ' " ine eosur srui i c a Wain uuiklsh ing io a dark and tortiid -iftSHMice. T,TT I h-, die cd tbidniyigw which is the esound stage of ssnilasl ssk tJL" I will guaranuaj a pwfect cure in sit sock mmi aod a I w - - .i . .. ssse as which 11 will hsaJthV Z "c ocaaio to 4 sad te a Sundays lo to 1 1 a. SL OMasuiteAkisj free. Tbeevugh and advice, Sk. can ate- sdstrew. DB rtM.T Ho. 11 Kearny St. Saa Cad PDPCII.PXTrr I! IM DI ATx TUTT'S PILLS DYE. a xtAiOiiixi l IjIjL &LAflU.!Its triumphant course." The proof Will be Inaugurated March 4th 1885. f THE WORLD, TUo Uaoiter Democratic Newspaper. 1.0. Weckl7rne dollar per year, Mouey can be made by any man or woman, etrl rr l.n m. I.a uiol ..... m ' nr I.,,., 1 , . . ' J ' C,UM THE WEEKLY WORLD Tbc great farm and home newspaper. AGENTS PAID II 0A8H, For lOOatibscribors at SI Mrii aor. win v.- I n!H r,., u i In V... - r I rTorTulr To sail I . Sb.s a s. . .TY -w f ew V f - -1 w svauiisc-riuera, a.1 : MM subscribers, 12 ; for 6 subscribers, l. Agenta wanted in every Town and Villa. Circulars and Sam Die CVmhsw fr- B Send for them. THE WORLD, 31 PARK ROW NEW YORK. An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled b. eery licensed rum-hote as a awisiness any Set of Politicians or Manipulators an lawful as the grocer's or te dry Devoted to Collecting and Publithinrral xxia marchant'e flail b u hat vnn the News of the Day in the most Inte esting Shape and with the crreatest not sible Promptness, Accuracy and Imoai. tiality ; and to the Promotion of Demo I cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs Government, Society and Industry. I Bates, by Mail, Portpaid, . DAILY, per Year .... mm ax DAILY, per Month - . . .f- - . S SUNDAY, per Year - . . . . . f, cm DAILY and 8UNDAY per Year . . .Itsx WEEKLY, per Year - . Addrem. THE BUTT, 2ew York Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at the Dexocrat iam bas charge oi the followinc nJmCmZ Insurance Companies : S..TN M'TISH AMD MEBCMfTllE. IMPERIAL. LOMnnM Mnp-rnrmi v. eo QUEEN. " H L AND WMCASHIBE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA SCOTISH UNION AND RATIONAL SALE CJIEAr iiriUio thirty? and saddle horse. VV. T. tfOCHRAW, Brownsville, Or. SA WA VLt3. ATJNDRY AND CHTXA vm labor. wnwaeter aw AaTNext to City Bank. - FRIDAY MARCH 13, 1880 TEMPERANCE DEPaRTMENT, KIUTKU BY THE Womil'i Christian Temperanre Ultii The W. 0. T, U., sliterhood lo the southern states have been accustomed to call, themselves new to public effort. Such a statement will be difficult of belief after reading of their wall planned campaigns for scientific tem perance instruction. In Alabama, the bill providing for this beneficent teaching has already passed both houses of the legislature, and its speedy success Is directly traceable to the faithful and wise work of the W. O. T. V. Mrs. Obapalnwrltes of the effort, giving honor to whom honor 1' due, In the following strain: En Route to Qa., Feb. 20. "I wrote you In December frosa Alabama, that the legislature which was then In session would probably grant our petition making the study of hygiene and phlslology, with special reference to the effects of al coholic drinks, stimulants and narco tics upon the human system compul sory in all schools and colleges sup ported by public money, or under state control. The bill baa passed both houses, almost unanimously, there being but two dUtenting vOt t in either Aoum. Alabama leads her south era sisters, but Georgls, Florida and others will soon follow ; It Is simply delayed lo South Carolina. All honor Is due the W. C. T. U. lo Alabama who brought this to pass. The legtolatare of Oregon has voted to submit a prohibitory amendments to the "tale constitution, to the voters of the state. It has also passed the local option bill, so that Oregon Is sure of prohibition more or less gen eral. Let every frlond of temperance help the noble workers of Oregon to rejoice r Oregon and Mlcbgan verily, the cause is not set back but way into the millennial dawning." "Union As for whiakey, we are In favor of such restrictions as the continuance f thejloternal Kovenue tax, which will certainly continue to make whis key higher, and we doubt not there are those who devoutly wish means cMiid be devised to make whiskey better. iV. Y. WotLL Experience is a good teamer, and Kngland has been to hie school for a long time. High license haa prevail- ed there for years, and the London Timet summed up the result recently . 'w saying : "Drinking baffles us, . . . . " ' OOOtOUnds US, ShsmSS US and mocks us at every point. It outwits alike the teacher, the man of business, the patriot, aod the legislator. Every other buiilBaes flounders in hopeteatt 1 i ARn. I f 1 1. . ... I.I 1 n W l-J- r esswsewsweuuawsxaasxi Of the podding Is In the eating. The Tnmm says the taste Is very bitter, and it has been eating this high-license pudding for a good many years, and ooght to know the taste by this time. YOE MAYVBE a nMAMt. What has the national Congress to do Willi Prohibition, hat been asked. A partial answer can be found on our third raasrsi In (ha msn est a rmrtlnn nf a-.- ss -ir mm - r " WaAlngten City. Betw eeo the Cap. . w 1101 and the White House there Is not a block without its liquor dens, every one Uosrjsed by the national Govern- moot, in the city, with a .oopulation of 147000, there are 1,040 saloons, or onaj to 141 inhabitants. Omr Con- eea, the body that reprr teents the nation, grants tkem 1 It-en as and In- surei them protection. TI ie pollco- avt paid with our money, are paid to protect those saloons as w ell as the puibllc buildings and monu amenta of iilf ist.ririUH man Tha vutrf a unhfllrl 1st our exrjenae ara bound tn r Brotrnlae lisletise the Canctionnf th lev ar tha tv jieranco of tha laxravarv rtiMshaa I'Dledtraa tn tha man hn th protection of tha fWarnm. ant Tf ldanirer to hla hualnaaa sawsatixas. a. .nr man of us may be drafted Into pom - as comiutu to come to the rose em, and we are bound to respond. Jut. gfio as we may with words and p torases, every license means that tb axtgrov ernment shares In the gains elf this crlme-biIng. rTasntngwnp spar. As Meissonier, the artist, was rwoent ly passing a street in Paris an o tit beg gar gravely bowed to him, by reey of soliciting almi. "I hae no ofa amge,'' 9 1 Sk a a set - sass . ss said Aieissomer, reeling iu his socket and about to pass on. "Thou, at t least, return me ray bow," replied ti te -old man, which was no sooner said ', viiee done. A German paper states that eg ra wrav be kept perfectly fresh for a y ear Vr rnbbing them with vaseline wh kdh Iras been melted with three-tenths sir -cent of salicylic acid. The application sjhonld ss . -i as s. . oe made twice at an interval cf a month. !! Ibis is worth trying on a very aw 11:1 scale. England thinks that Russia ing a double on the b Afghanistan. The central A tion onee more looms up to a tffllers 6f itan,q,aes- iitrou- ble between the nations. NEWS IN BBIEY A gargle of strong black toa used oold night snd morning is now fashion able in London as a preventive of sore throat. The building of the Georgia State capitolat AtlatiU develops the fact that granite can be quarried in Maine, ship ped to Savannah, aud tbsnoe carried by rail to Atlanta, at a leas cost than It can be bad at a quarry only sixteen miles away. A Pennsylvania paper says thsrs is scarcely a farm in Burke County to-day that would sell for more than the im provements in buildings and fences would cost. The criticism would justly apply to many other older sections ss wall as to Pennaylvanla. Land is still falling heavily in Boot land. A property baa judt been sold for $80,000 which, a few years ago, cost $135,000. Many tromou arc becoming commer cial travellers in Kngland. The wholesale price oi granulated sugar in Boston has declined to i j eenta per pound. The price at this time in 184 was 7, 11, 16 cents, and in 1883 the price waa nine cents ei pound. The refined artioles continues low com pared with previous years. "I have been on the road ten years, and have travelled over the New York Central road Winter after Winter," aays a commercial traveller. "The snowdrifts we encountered after the storms on the Ifith and 1 7th were high er than any 1 have ever aeen in this part of the country. Tbey reminded one of mountain travel in the tar West." A Northern contractor grading a railroad in the South had considerable trouble with bis negro laborers, and complained to a friend of their slow- oees. "Discharge the leader of the gang," said the latter, "and get you a man who can sing lively songs." It waa done, and the desired effect - the negroes' picks and shovels moving obe diently to the melody. The total capital inveated in cotton manufacturing in Msine at the time of tba census in 1M80 wa $15,292,000. The capital invested in that bueintaa in Iwiston alone now reaches $7,500,- 000. In the Kcole de Medecine in Paria, there are 7 woman student, of whom 46 are Russians, 14 Ft eoch women, 11 Englishwomen and 7 Americana. The New York "Sm" aays much of the fine comb honey exhibited in gl boxes in New York city merely repre stmts Yankee skill. The comb and the honey never saw bees. Tbey were manufactured by human bands, the comb of Darafflne or beeswax, which is B , also false, blown in by machinery Another kind of hooey which is put up in glass cups, with a email piece of comb in the centre, is made from one sugar, glucose or syrup. We hope New York city will monopolise all of this class ef honey The export of wheat from San Fran- eiseo for the first twelve daya of Feb ruary was 2,400,000 bushels, against 1 ,8$0,000 bushels for the same time in January. February's shipments o wheat from California promised to exeeed those of any month since the settlement of the country. In England obituary notices now frequently contain the statement that bv the wish of the deceased will not sr wear mourning. In 1878 the yield of California honey was about 3,000,000 pounds; in 1884 the amount was trebled. The tota honey crop of the United States laat year was about 60,000,000 pounds, so that California produced considerably oyer one-seventh of the amount. A family in Hariland, Me., was late ly quite seriously poisoned by eating baked beans cooked in a new bean pot which evidently contsinod poison of some kind. rOI't LAB SCtBECE Dr. C. C. Abbott avers that crows have twenty 'Seven distinct cries, calls or utterances.each readily distinguish able from the others and each having an unmistakable connection with a certain elass of actions. For fetnoving paint from iron a eaizture of one pound of lime to four pounds of potash and six quarts of water has boon recommended as most efficient ; other proportions of the same materials do not do so well. The attempts to raise vegetables In Greenland aro not marked with any great success. In 64 latitude, how ever, csrrots prosper, turnips come to perfection, and cabbages produco toi erably largo leaves. Potatoes never get larger than marbles The wax olant nf Carolina and -Peunsylvanlaj is now grown on an inttustslal scale in Algeria. The fruit, enclosed In a bag of coarse cloth, is plunged Into boiling water on the .surface of which the liquid wax i floats after a few seconds and dried. This wax, of the same chem. ical composition as beeswax, makes an excellent substitute for It for laun dry and similar purposes. Tiio cultivation of the sugar plant was introduced into this country about the year 1751 by some Jesuits from Santo Domingo, who, with some negro slaves, settled upon the banks of the .Mississippi, just above New Orleans. The first sugar mm was constructed aboat 1758, but the Juke of the cane was not converted into sugar until 1764. The busines was eo prosperous that iu 1770 suga was. the staple product of that region. Albany Market. Wheat 1 2d por btihel, Oata 20o a Beef on foot, 3c. May baled, 11(313 per ton. loose, 7 to 10, Potatoes now 25 eta por buabel. Bacons barns, 1 1 1 , shoulders, 7o. sides, 10c. Lard ISoper lb. Flour, 4.90 per MM. Butter 16 to 3fi ota per lb. Chickens 3.00 per dor.. Hngar San Franclao o, 0o. Mill Feed bran. 10.00 per ton. aborts, 15. middlings, 20. KKKtlK cents per dots. Inssjraaee AS. During ISS4 fourteen fire Insursnce com panies failed in the United Blate from cutting of rates alone. In 18S3 tbe num. ber waa tbo same. It pays to deal only with reliable companies. The North British, London f? Lancaablro, Usrtford, Sl uttish Union, Imperial, London, North era A Queen and Commercial of ( -'alitor nla, represented by F P Nutting, of this city, are all solid, safe companies, having done business for years. Tbe person who Insures) want to know that ho will get bla inauranoe if he meets with a loaa. In the companies mentioned you are sure lo. Muru Following is ths summary of the wealth of Oregon rami products f 1 0,000,000 arms armiou machinery A iuiuhmenta LfJsV179 Ave stock 13.000,000 lUilroads 2. 000,000 Mines ami implements Unknown Othor personal property Unknown Total $rJO,,173 S.ssk mm I sash. Ask for "Kouch on f-ouifhs," for ou.-t., CoMs, More Thr-sTt, Uuarsusss. Irutbss, lie I.I'U11 - "Rouau Bats. Hear irttt rata, mier, rray-hes. flies, arils, Usl bugs kunhs, i. Ill , tii uti ks, goihers. 14c. Druggists. Brart lalas. ralflUtion, lo. .,,! Hsrlin.jf., Dltsirtesa, IihII gsstlon, llasdat-he, Hl'-elilrssiiesa cnrel hy "Wells II s I tli Kenewer "Bough est ('eras.' Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." Ite. yelck. complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts, I. nni... "Rough on rata" raraaaed Plaster. Mtrengthliiir. Improved, ins Ust lor nerluvlis. sa1im In ins t iicst or side, t ItcutuaUstii. ncarakgkv YXla rroplr. "Well's Health lUnrwer" rsstorrs hrsdlA and Igor Cures I) ftia, lleadacl.e,N-rous.iss, IMMtily.Sl- M hooping t out: It snd lite many Thtoat Alrrtium of rhilden, prompt plreaeiitlr siul safely relieved by ' sWSXh on t eufht." Troches, It- , UsJssxii, .- MeeXera. If yttu arc falling, broken, vorn out snd neootis. as "W.lls llraith .1. l;ru.v-sU . Lire Prese-rerr. If ton are kajteur i our rnn on lite, try ' VWiis Health ktneerr." Uti direct to weak Sfuts. "Beaak ea Yaetaarke." Instant relief f-r Nruralats. T--aluKlsr. KseeXSka Ask fur "Hough un Tootlrue." Ii simI 2S oeoU Prrtly Weasea Indies siho srwukl retain freshness and raldy Dunltall to try "Wells- Health Kenewer." Catarrhal Throat Amnion.. Ha. kirjf. Irr-Utlug Coesjhs. t utde. Sore Throat, cured by ' Kongb on Cough. Torches, lis- 1.1IJUI.1, 'Beaak ea llrh. "Rough on llcb cures humors, eruptions. ring worm, tetter, sail rheum, IroeUtl U,t, i tiiinuui.s. The Hapr of the Xatlea. Children, slow In devcbipmeul, puny. serawn,and delicate, use "Melts' Health llelicwer." WMe Awake BBSS or tear hours every night cinghing. Get im mediate rttllcf aixl souii'l rest bv tisinif Wells' "ItoU.-b a Coughs," Trucbua, lie. ; balsam, z&c. 'Rough ea Pala" foransrcl Pla Dr.SANFO INVIGORATOR Is just wnxt its name implies; a purely Vegetable 'Compound, that acts directlyapon thelxver curing the mandiseases iwiA armo that portant organ, and ptemting the nn tnerons ailmants tiigarise from Us deranged ornr5ctioTi, sucli ai CosMsremcsNMarla, Sict-neadache. faukmretc. It is therefore a 'Tolixre GoodHtaltli tlic lrvrtniist be kept in order DR. BAITPOED'S L1VXB INVTOOSATOE- Jnvigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens the System. Purifies tbo Blood .Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. JJE. BAlfTOEB'S LITER HTVIOORATOR. Jin experience of Forty year, and Thou sand cf Testimonial prone it Merit. 0) TOR SALE BY AT.I. DRAl-V-K") IN MKDK'IKKS. For full information end yur address for KB mm Book on the " Liver and its dlwsscs," to a.SAJtroan ti suabs sr., ww yomx eta. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumbcr.laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Prico and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A. WEST. Albany, Or. NICE'S A beautiful work of 180 pages. Colored Plate, snd 1000 la lustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, end how to . prices of Seeds and Plants, end now to grow them. Printed in Erurllah and German. Price only Is cents, which may be deducted from first order. nteuawnai you want lorwe uaraen.ena oowmpi It instead of running to the grocery st the last moment te buy whatever seeds happen to be left ov dmnpnintment after weeks of waiting, v'TTX'sI SF.RTW AT HRADOUARTKRS" eft over, meeting with Atux until JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. X. RD'S FLORAL JULIUS GRADWOHL IIbb the only xelalv Utork of CROCKERY, CLASS.8ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selection of Coffee, Tea and Rug ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E TOE HIGHEMT MARKET I'lill i: PAID FOR KW. Remember! What I Say I Mean. Give Me a oall. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- HOFFMAN aY JOSEPH. PROPR1ETORH OF ALBANY SODA WORKS AND DEALERS US I m ported and Domeatio Ciajaxa, Tobaccoa, Groceries, Candle, Nuts and Tropical Pmlta. Albany, OME LOOR BELOW FOR SALE i SAW MILL AND WATER POWEE At Waterloo. I. inn county, on tbe Sen tient River, between five and six miles from I ehanon. Tblslstbo finest available water power In Linn coanty, and the mill baa been put in thorough running: order. Htice 000. One thousand cash down, balance secured. Also a FINE LOT OF LOGS, In hape to run te the above mentioned mill, oKi tain ing about MM thousand feet st A--., par thousand, together with a tract of timber available for present use. ONE FARM in Linn county of 218 acres within three miles of Albany, on tbe road to Corvallln. Of t hla w acres are cleared and under cultivation. It has a fine young orchard, (now bearing, of well known varieties of fruit.) a commodious barn and small dwelling house. TermsSSOOO. 1500casli down, balance on time secured by mort gage. Also A FINE RESIDENCE In Albany with barn and two lots, (or six If wanted.) Price Si 800. Terms ij caab, balance secured by mortgage. Ad joining this bouse la a email pasture wiUi a large new and commodious barn fit for storing wheat, oata, SO tons or more of balled hay. Terrra according to amount of land wauled. This barn is just outside the city limlu and consequently avoids tbe city taxes, while it ie close enough to residence to be under constant inspection. Also a TRACT OF 44 ACRES adjoining Albany and available for about ISO town lots. The preliminary survey of the Oregon Pacific crossed the Oregon and (elifornia Railroad on this tract which adjoins the depot grounds of the latter road. Terms $10,000. See owner, ROBERT L STEYEiNS, or call at Democrat office. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State ofQrtfon, for Linn county. T P llackleman, I Ma! n tiff. vs. R E Harmon and Nancy At llar-non, Defendants. To R K Harmon and Nancy X Harmon the above named Defendants : IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OREGON. TOO and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above Plaintiff in tbo above enUUed Court, now on file with the Clerk of said Court on or before the first day of the October term thereof ISHS, to-wit : on or before the 2Cth day X October, 1885, and you are hereby notified that it you fail to appear and answer said complaint as here by required, the PlainUff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, to-all : For a Judgment against R E Harmon for S10&.00 tn U . 8. gold txin with interest thereon in like at the late of 10 per cent per annum from January 2bth, 1883, until piid, lessS-22.13 paid thereon January 20th, 1885, and fur the further sum of 25.00 as attorney's fees ami tha costs and disbursements of this suit to he taxed and for a decree against you foreclosing the mortgage described in said complaint and ordering the mortg aged premises therein set forth, to-wit : beginning; at the northeast corner ot Block 53 as the same Li known, designated and described on the maps, plain and surveys of llackleman s Second Addition to tho City of Albany, Oregon, now on file in tbe office of the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, beint; situated in said addition, running thence west paral lel with 7th street 132 feet; thence south parallel with Hill sti'set 110 feet ; thace east parallel with 7th street 132 feet ; thence north parallel with taid Hill street 110 feet to the place of beginning, be sold according to law, and that the proceeds arising from said sale bo applied to tho payment of the Judgment rendered in favor of tbe plalnUff and against the de fendant R E Harmon and attorney's fee and costs aud disbursements of suit and costs ot sale and the surplus if any paid to the Defendants herein, and that the Defendants herein and all persons claiming, by, through or under them or either ot tbem, any inter est in said premises be forever barred of all interest or equity of redemption in or to the same or any part thereof and tor such other relief as plaintiff may be enUtled to in equity. This summons is published in ths States Rmbis Demochat by order of Hon R P Boise Judge of said Court, dated at Chambers in Salem Oregon, th 9th day of January, 1885. WXATUXRFORD A BLACKBURN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. more money than at any thing else by iakinr sa agency for the best selling book out, Beginners suc ceed grandly. None fail, Terms free, 11 allctt Book Co,, Portland, Maine, A PRIZE. Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a cost I v bex of roods winch win nelp you to more money right away than anything else in this world, All of either sex, suc ceed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At onee address Tun and Co., Augusta, Maine. JJARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, Axes, mattocks, brush hooks, picks ahovels,spades, forks, grindstones, wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything you want, can be had cheap for cash at Peters & Stewart. ... JOHN BRIGQ6' STORE. Oregon. sayt ATERRyT I Bfe. . Wm be sasjtsrl saamssawSJassA4sf HSwsaaaaists, erdswlngit. it 'tms. irricos. D. M. FERRY SFffip G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. $200,000 J. mail you wiT get free a I presents gbe away. eases iinstasi . sad hv ect tree a mi -..t. .j i.r rl .Wa. will 1 1 . ' --, "m.k us. mrmrng jmu in aaimry lajsaw Usee anything else in America. All assert UasSaW j in praseuu each box. Ammsssistr' where, of either sex, of all ages, for all the Urn, sr "(w sas tsnij. to wars ear as at taetr earn Fortunes for all worksrs .llm.l. ...... i delay, H. Hallktl aad Co., Portland. Maine W.I. KELLY Hotary Public and Conyejanc r, Collections made on reasonable term. MAIN ST., - - SCIO, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Coimalor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice iu all tbo Courts in tb. State. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT AND Notary Public. OPIUM AND MORPINE HABIT CUUD BY n W. P. ALEXANDER, M. D., I guarantee a cure in all case, if my d.reetions are strietly followetl. So pain or loss of time from business, Ad dress above at Albany, Oregon. DRS I. W. & MARY T. COLE, Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, 02 2 I . Offer their professional services to the ctUams of uiuii anu adjacent couittua uffas aai near Court H msc Store. Call at Langdoa and Co's Drug ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- M4CHLE SHOP. JE8TABL1SHED 186S. By A. F. CHERRY, Rjtuated at corner of First aud Montgomery Streets, A litany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the shove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engiues, sw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm na chinery. Pattern Slaking done la aU Its forms. l&llyl A. F. CUERPY A SON. nio-t n.iroi'itr um.mU Is psprr oevoTen t..i k.?inft msihinw. . . . . " w. ciutoii in. oio,riei, mw ciiom ana patents rfr P.Vll"le!- lsrynuuiber illnstrsted with iplendid eupravinri ThU pnblication. furnishes a most valuable e novel ononis of information which no person should l-o without. Tb. popularitr of the Scucsrnno Avcurix is such that its cir culation nearly niuals that of ail othtr papers of uc' aas combined, l-riee. $3.20 a yet r. Diaoonnt oClnba. hoW by a!1 newsdeaiers. MUK.V A CO., Publishers. No. 3C1 Broadway, ff. Y. ATENTS. Mosn A Co. have also had thirty Seven Year.' ii-A It. fr.r the Patent OCice, and bavo preuari more than One Hundred Thou a: on .' appr.c.nijca ior patent, in un tea t tUs snn fnrei'-n rcanbha 0.i-eatSL Trade-linrks. Comriehtal Ass .-nmcnts. aud all other t.aiT for seeuring to inventors their riclua ia tho United r- :ates, C's:ui'la, Karls.nd. Franca. German .- and otoer foreira coantrten. pre parcdal .-Hort notice snd on rrstf-iilb torius. Inforiii-tion as to obtaining l :-5;s chesr fnlly g. en iritboui ciiarjjf. 'I.- :-l n!. of intorm- tion tent frer. fs'.-1-liI .btA:&ad throe gh Menu f'o. are noticed m l ctlaVj American free. Ths advantace e: r-i. h notice M well understood by all persons who va:i a dispose of their patents. Address MIHTN A CO.. Office Boggling ajaoucAS, XI Bfcadway, Haw York. awe v AwasaV sm AaaaTl T"BB A LU "aBaBT BY AY 1