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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. State Eights Democrat. STATE RICNTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST AD7ERTIRI8 ISBIM 1H THE WILLAMETTE TALLU. Npoeial not tree 1b Leesd QftJ uiiiiin is fi,m r line. k.gslar Ls noti'-ew 10 cents per line. For legal ani transient sdvsrieiwseia. 1 1 00 per square for the first laewHon,.. Ml cents per square for each subeqsB insertion. BrSISESB6FriCEla Democrat Bnllulna oa Broad lble K tree I. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION eepf, mr year. In advance S3 60 S 00 1 80 Tt 10 tagi oopr, per yr. at nd of vr VOL. XX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH G, 1885. stagi oopy, six luontH faff copy, thre month atjrU nunW SO H2 Rates for other advertisement known on application. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. -CTVTT.T. PRACTICE IN A Mi THE onrta of this Mate. sm aive . . tutu a epeeial attention to collections and pro oaie matter. . . . J1W Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brijrgs store, let street. vUn23tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OEECOX. TVT1U, PRACTICE Dl ALL THE COURTS OF THE W gut. SpcUl aUantion pi Ten U collection and probu matter. flTOflc la Odd Fllw Tempi. POWELL, & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chanfjr ALBANY. - " OBG?M Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. JaVOfflce in Foster's BrUk.-a Tl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Comisellop At Lar AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON. V trnt v.MAMk in all of the Courts o thisState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDOK & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OIT"5T STORE, Sri ALB 4 XT. OBEiO. FOSHAY & MASON, TOOLBXALS ASS MMtATb Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. vlBniltf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office on Fret Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, ORECOM. DR. M. H. EULIsj Physician and Surgeon. roffice and residence in Mcll wain's Block. Albanv, Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. 8naving done with neatness and sharp which aro alwavs kept in eood condition, and hair cut in the very best style REVERE HOUSE, Crac. virst sad Ellsworth Albany, Oregsau Clias- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. tm. nw TTnl.l U fitted no in first class style. Tables ntmlied with the best the market afford. Spring Beds in every Boom, a goon oampw nwm i ii 11 Traveler. tTVrtit l oach la ana. frees Che H)tel.V FURNITURE. I have the best stock of furniture in the city and will sen Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stoek of WALNUT FURNITURE tn the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, a mn and can rive SATIS- FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY n.-.iii?r'rATl7 f WflTTTTTTl 72 EIGHTEENTH Ellin I tCI Cr. ALBA 3 Y, OK. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 18&4. For parUcalars concerning the course of study and lb price ot tuition, apply to KEY. ELBERT S. COSD1T. Preiaen Aloany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully Inform the oitiaeni of Albsny and vi laity that I have taken eharge of this Etabliab Bleat, aad, by keeping eleaa rooms and payia rtrict attention to businen, expecta io suit al those who may favor us with their patronage Haying heretofore carried on nothing but Flrst-Olass Hair Dressinz Saloons expects to gir entire satisf ?ttioB to al flB-OVUdtea aad Ladies' Hair neatly os bampoood. JOS WEBBER. CHAS. METZGER'S Fish, Poultry and Game Fresh fish of all kinds constantly on hand. Poultry dressed to order. All kinds of cam 'in season. Goods deliver ed promptly, free of charge to any part of ID uw, w.t.w - Tin and Stove Store. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF Vonlllo.I.fnion.OraBir, tlTr Cad, Crrain,, P uddtii, itr. , na drllralrly .d mat- rally aa the ftrat. iVoa which larr aiaSa. FOR STRENGTH AM) TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THET STAND ALONE. Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. ! or Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdt r . Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Hems, Best Dry Hm Trail. 70S BTT 3KOC3B0BBa3. WE BASIC BCT ONE QUALITY. For aalo by Cutt nj, Marl A OS, IVrUand, Or. ECZEMA And Every Species Of TroViinty a-nri "RnrniTrcr W Hft VWT MkMMg Diseases Posi tively Cured. gj KM A. or Salt Rheum, with iU goniiag MSB a. lug and buitMiff, itttaatly rcllvvnl by wnn bath with ClTKi aa S-r. and a .:riL-Io appth-aUon of I'l'TKTaa. the jfreat Skin Cur. TbU repeal! J11 with two or it r doe cf Ci Tin a i Rct. rT, (be Sew BJoud Purtfler. tu keep the I1mmI saatj the prs P'.ratlua ; ure an 1 ttnirtllaUny. the bowel in. the uver aij4 kaaaaaa aaShra. will iaaaaSs carr rU-trraa. Tetter, Ringworm. Paoriasia. Kichen lYurttu. Scail ilea.1. UaneruS. anj every x-ic of ItchinK. Svaly. I and Pimply ..f tbe Scalp anJ skit-., wuen the I Will NrOoaaM, !M2 tarbra St Chkan. I' jrreatefully atknowlwljea a cure of Kczensa .Hall l Kiicum on bana. neck, race, arm, ana iTf ror t. enteu year ; not able u walk except on haixla and knee for one year; not able tu help hlmaelf lot lie year; not able tu help hiiaaelf lof l ; tried hundred of remedies : doctor eiifht t .f . : .1 ! I . ..- I 4 .-a-- f. " HirfiT t t fM 1 .. ..... .. i,.-.. ,wi i'..,...ta-. im.,.u, I a"d trncraa. and (.Vnct a.v Soar (the great km I cur)eX!e.-na!ly. Sa. MoMshtoa. Y.m , lawyer, M State St.. ii (, report a cam nf Eczema under hi oherv turn for tea year, which covered tbe I atieni' body and limb, and to which all known method of treat ment hJ been aniilied without henrfl. which waa cmHeteiy cured oieiy by th Cmcrsa Hcaewaa, ieavirur a clean and healthy kin. I : I F. O. Brake. Km . !rir;t, M -h uflnrcl uu. I told wrturc (rum, wsich appeared on hi hand, head and fce, and nearly destroyed hi eye. I After the mt carefuJ docmnir and a onuiUtw.n I . . 1.. ..- ... ...I.... .. Kin. It. ,.-.l t I ' i t 1 I ctaa KKMKDtaa, and waa cured, and baa remained w I " tWrn u-Um TklM Wi kMlnrre. Pa., write :l ,mm 1 "1 have cuficred frotn gall Rheum fsf ever cikht I year, at time o bad that I could not .tend tomyl huainea for weea at a nine inrte t.e Tici and four botUe ItsaoL r have entirely cured in of thi dreadful diacaae," Sold hy all dru8irit. Trice : Ci tKCSS. M eta. ; RasoLvrxT. $1 : Snr, cu. Putter Imu and Chemical CV li.t4ri, Ma. Patter Drata sad Uemlral .. SUaloa, farl'iU W)P, an exUU4U- T..:ct liath.aad S V 8 a Nursery SanaUve. DEYOE & R0B30N, (Sacceesors to W. H. (Joltm.) DEA.LERS IN Farm Machinery WAGOUS, H4GK3, BUOQIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL. OOOIS, THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dajinalg, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform th .public that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on hano, a complete stock ol all desirable lines of FURNITURE. I I ' and will sell ai Dea roc; pnu. I Bed-steads a Bpeciadty. i STONE AND MARBLE WORKS TV.b.thel?owp " I ntTnTTnc rrr 1 pared to ao an sinas 01 r ..i. , 4 n,. All wAik la war- ranted to give satisfaction. Will work KjSfeS ZSrZdS: Tnu WJ . u v.v,,- , repairing aiiQ reselling a upt;uii..y. and examine my prtces , no P-- ing eiaewuwr n wn u w Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo- site post omce G. W. HARRIS, Prop. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AND D&ESS-IION&. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. -OR SALE, One half block in eastern part of g the city with fair house and barn will be sow cheap B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, Are always breaking, unless yoa have the kind sold by Peters & Stewart, or Al bany. They are made ot wrought iron, cannot jump tbe track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen toem. EXfjjfQlTS TMK J. .! K MOS4B4 II aierjr r Sssthers. India There ate two principal waye In Southern India destroying the jungle monarch. One is with beaters nod elephants gathered in array to drive the gsuie from his cover into the open ; and tho other method is sitting up all night over a "kill" ('. c , a dead cow or goat struck down by tho tiger,) and thus patiently Waiting until he oomes t) finish the carcass, when at least one go d shot is certain. The 3rst of these processes is nivr adopted in jungle .nets, such as that of which I write in the Cochin country, simply because tilt thickets are so dons, and vast that the quarry might travel ail day at his beat Speed without onea showing hiinaulf. The second, a more sure but teas excit ing style, was the one adopted an J aarried out with much good luck, in the instance I am about to describe. It was unfortunately only too little shooting that we hard working 1 1 li ters ever got, even when we lived, as in my caae, in a district, abundantly atoeked with big game of all sorts. These soldier-sahibs, dwelling away to the northward in the beautiful slopes of tbe Himalayas, or in the fertile Dec can plains, could take six weeks' ieave of absence almost whenever they liked, and naturally made laree bass, while bT ending home vivid accounts of r ww w theM rtoD "ve 0,ujn ircn luo British public an exaggerated idea of aport in her Majesty's Indian Empire. But in truth to shoot big game requires much care, time, and expense, in none of which were we planters able to le lavish. Consequently we did our shooting when and where we could, Coming upon a sambur here and there, or RittinT Ul for a night in S ties Over the deau UOOV Ol a COW WUIC11 SOme orowiinc ticer usu s a intcreo. n waa . . . w , 10. BUCQ a purjmae uiai i wuwj to makn a moonlight expedition to a ,, a . a. i patCH of Ungled jtingle which Crowned A a a ..a the rockv summit of a iur ntii ovi-r . . ; r - - a looking our coffoe gardens. At this spot, only eight hours before, a herd cf the smooth coated Indian kino bad been feeding under care of a native sbepheid boy. when, not dreamiiiKof any lurking J 9 fnev and intsnt onlr on the succulent ' ancar Snd MaSOO Its, a VOUOlf betfer had atraVf'd from hr fllors. and lfSa- mg along the edS of the SUOia . ... . . . sprung upon an" Kiiica ouuigru, tue r a BHt J jqj at)d his chsrges flying for "' . ineir lives i own me mountain sius to the homestesd. It ususllj falls to the lot of Englishmen to avenge such forays upon tbe tiger that makes them, and, tbe news having been br ugbt tn,tnyself and a sourade forthwith summsrtly condemned to death the striped terror cf the iunsles. snd asreed to rnrwt at W aav nurht and ourselves execute the sen tenrr orr to the jcsole st siuut. As darkness settled on the little en campment, luidor tbe guidsnce of sn agile old low lend shikaree, we took onr way through the dense black jungle, tramping in and out of tbe water-courses which intersected our path to the foot of the mountain. For a little time we walked in silence, smoking and enjoy ing the cool of the evening, while our aforesaid guide stole cn before us light ly sad silently as a wraith, creeping round tbe tree-trunks and picking his path through the carpet of fallen leaves without the leaat noise to betray hia movements. After a time the ground began to slope upwards, and we were breasting a steep ascent of tho precipe toasbiI!,sometimes on hsnds snd knees ; bnt tbs top once resohed we were amply repaid for onr exertion by tbo loveliness of tho scene at our feet. Moonlight in India renders beautiful tbe moat com mon pi ace Hpots on tbo face of tbe globe. Nothing ngly can stand tbe fatr wand of the enchantress ; the fairest prospect Dy dav. under her influence, become J am7 ' u u more than ever fascinating. lielow us, and extending as far ss the eye could reach, spread the ereat ownerless jangle i , .... -nnj Ar i0.P ofone Ol OUW Ul nio wimm .....w v. "'-- udis, miaMv virgin forest, I ,- 1 1 :.. .1...... ,.ran undulations, the ranks of its mighty .rmr of giant tree., tnok.n only b, . natch or two ot bare rocu nere ana toere, I r or tbe serpentine course of a uver that ran brokenly under tbo moonlight, now . .... ...... . .Xl 1 i widening into a guttering t"uv wui, . non M-:M . narrow thread of o m under the shadow of the trees. Not a sound could be heard from tho edge of the rocky plateau where we afvd loaninc on our srunf. except the v v n o ' deep belling note of a sambur deer echoing up from the valley, and making the succeeding silence seam even, yet more deep. WATCHING OVEtt A "KILL." For some minutes we drank in the fresh, cool air of the mountain top, and then in obedience to tho impatient ges tures of the shikeree, proceeded on our march to a clearing some couple of hun dred yards farther along tho ridge, mak ing as little noise as possible, for wa were now in the enemy's territory. The place where the kill had taken place waa a wonderfully "tigerish" one a grsflsy level of a few hundred yard-, fringed on the upjier aide by a long strip of tbick j unfile which ran over tho brow of the hill into the neighboring valley, and bisected by a deep stony nnllib, high banked, and doubtless filled by a foaming torront in the wet sesaon, but now boasting of only the smallest trickle of white water, finding its way amid a disproportionately large bed of sand and loose boulders. Proceeding cautiously in the deep gloom of the jungle we saw the dead tody of the slaughtered cow, lying in full inoonlighttand most strange and' 'uncanny ''it looked. But our native guide, whispering that we wers already late, now glanced round, and selecting a neihboting tree, signed to ua that we should climb into it. Nothing loth for the shadows of the jungle were fearfully dark and the tiger was, as my comrade said in my ear, "overdue" we were speedily aloft and safely torch ed in the hollow of a deep fork, com mending a god viow of the dead heifer. O tr rifles loaded end arranged, wo pruevedud to brace our nerves to an tron-olsd calm, while enjoying tbe con rrast of bright whits light and deep shadows on the plateau before our eya. But the suspense of waiting soon be camo rery haid to bear eveiy rustle in the jungle, eveiy chirrup of a cricket made us grip our guns under the im pression that tbe enemy was at band. 11 yelty, bowover, at home is not to be butried, and the boast took bis own time. THK OLI atilKAMEE TXI.UI A TALK The "Old Shikaree" tells i story of this midnight watching, fcood hich also iliuatistes an Indian superstition, lie asked bis native hunter on one oc casion whether it was true that he bad ail tit for a tiger by tbe body of a man who had been kilted. The native nodd el, and in a whisper, stealiog a glance along the margin of the jungle, pausing to listen now and then fur a few eo ondsFaid it was in tho hot weather five yesrs ago, and he had gone home to his vUlacela Mvtorewitb some rupee, savtHi, .ud nilr. Hn had been idje for.fw days, when news came one morning to tbe hesd man that a woman bad seen a faki, stricken down by a tiger not a mile Ir.m hi, door. From n what th woman told the tiger was roc- ouA as a well-koown ro-nater. one thst h. Hong been the dread of the lonely stretch of rosd ho haunted, the bsnt being supped to liva protected by the souls of nvple h had killed. Novertheles, tho huutsuin determined to sbot him it pasaibls ; said his pray ers, and loading his gua w th two bul lets, wbeu evening camd went out alone to aveoge the oor pilgrim. It was snob a night as ours.with a bright moon aud no sound any a-here, and he soon r ached tho soot siul climbed into a ,-.. .lirrl. over the dead bode, which horrihlv mantled and torn. -i,h it faca downwards, in the trass. wa. not afraid" aaid the shikaree. but I looted lor the tiger to come, and b.d nt tn in the tree for ten min- mIas -ban aome oeacocks at rOOSt in tho jungle began to chatter and cry, thoa -k k- ... A verv tt e h;U Inorrar and he stole out of the ' " -a)-- deep shadow as silently as tho moon omergeafrom behind a cloud, creeping forward to begio bis meal on the body in tho grass below, I made sure of kUliog bim and only waited to nre until he came a little closer. What 'm going toaay, sahif, you will not believe, but it is as true ai that 1 am hern that when the tiger had arrived within ten yards of the oouy ana my ,. a i 7 . . .. .1 - finger wa just pressing tne trigger, u. dead man slowly lumea nim,.i or, . - . . 1 L1- II and rauina one of his shattered arms pointed to mo for a. long a time as it would take to count ten, whereupon .. dt ie. - jD n.l i.niinrlad iiUW llKCl wiiu m ui' J, back to tbe jungle. For a moment or two my heart was as cold as mv - Ill V M V WW W WW r w - SV ii .ifl Kill ervin lh h nnd Uiouunuai iiu7, u . "w.. ----- moved again and I was more than ever ucicouiucu vv ouw spite of tho aplrits that seemed to care for him. Twice more, sahib, determined to MOOt tne ugor in did the lean, mangy beast come out oi tne jungio an nuuciy iui mo io, . .. - , .ti i . r.. r..aS snrlAseh i Iran the horrible mangled fakir t on snd nointed at me In the bright moonlight. At last when the, Hcr hrl n-nn swav the third tltt,e T rm down from the tree, and with th huntinfr knife which hung at my belt cut two strong bamboo pegs, and ih thPa fsmnfid down to the ground the broken and chrushed TT.... . W hands of the poor vlctem; then tak mW nosltlnn ss-sin waited the "LJ ' i nf the, ticrnr This ... .uik mi.. came once more from the gloom end crawled up slowly to the dead pilgrim, who writhed eneffectually to free his hands, For a minute the tiger watch ed, and then, hungry with waiting, seeing no warning sign, sprang upon his benefactor with a roar like the thunder of a bursting monsoon. I hit him hard, so that he fell helpless, and sliding down from my seat, I walkotlup to the beast as ho waa roll ing over and kicking, and killed him with a efeot through the heed." It waa ray companion who recalled this story, and hh veraon may be a little oft tho original, but with our Vcmhleefet the utmost tension wo almost seemed to hear tho crackling of human bones and tho rasping of tho greet monster's tongee on the flesh of his prey in the manner the tale had eo vividly called before us. Dut nothing yet occured. The de lightful quiet of tho evening was broken only by the familiar voices of the forest, grown n common fo our sense of hearing that they were now hardly perceptible. Ever twig had its humming night-performer, every blade of grass or loose atone waa an orchestra for e chorus of winged fnwect musicians adding f the general murmering. Now and agalo the black monkey in a sal troe In tho valley below appoarod troubled by dreadfully bad dreams f wandering panthers or gilding snake, and 41 turbed the anlvorsal peace by a sud den chorus of harking. Over-hoad the leaves made a fairy tracery against the purple vault of heaven spangled with glittering constella tions, and a shooting alar flatbed occasionally across the vault, dragging after It a palo stream of saffron light. tuc Tioca's ArraoAcit axd okatii Suddenly tho cold, black, nervous fingers of the shikari tightened on my and I could feel bis agitation, though ho was invisible, for at this moment the moon went behind a fleet of light, fleecy clouds sailing up from the westward before th faint midnight wind. My own hsnds closed on my rids, while eyes and ears were strained ineffectually to ses or bar anything in the gloom, and heart end hroathiog ware; sept uooer close ceniro. to ,re- a a a I a. m osat.tiity ol any sound escap- "ow ,on8 lpn,,on w" PT' il difficult to a,, ; hut tn par- bspa rorty seconus we u,r.wra rage ino O,oua" ' ,,,?,fjr wUh ' nd or lwo "w f1 vor rode out trinmphsntly int sp , 17 J" t,ro-4 10 aaaaa M 0 at . I m l ouf ,wr- l P'" -noounocu uy , ngl. twig or me o nn pebble, st4 onr quarry, ma mysi i.e. ery ot striped gold and Mac aWwing nth wooderffl richness in the c tr glimmer of the stars; one m.ns'rous paw planted firmly on tbe swelling flank . f the dead kittO), and the imperial jowl already at work "no riling" under tte eroatnre's body for tho trickle of blood yet welling from the ugly gashes in its neck. Then the roysl besst, giv ing wsy to his sppotite, tore a long I . . p M i r .1 t I I. I VP nean irom vna coou, .r, .., WM tUo8 himself down to a comfrt- bla evening's repast. But he never M - W tteal! I w my Waaid'a rile go up to bis shouldet ss 1 a a . a J a. I a ,JUa I o tiger itirBw bsb oro.aa, aw .or Omont,anu tne v a 'S . i . i . . . .. f A leaped forth, and tbe sharp crack of the "He liusueu ovsry w..u .u v.,D forest, while iU own echoes rolled away .... . , , among tho distent hills to right and lft- It was clearly a hit, for wo noticed the bullet "plump" on the mark and I heard tho shor, sharp, angry growl, which responded like an ectio io toe shot, and when the smoke drifted of through the branches we perceived "stripes" limping away, badly wound e .a i! . : sr . . i .a. .iam ed, in too airecwou o. uuu.u r I . .L!.. J A A watercourse uurvy y-, I T . . L . U . 1 . ... grass, imo wn.. ... J I aa I got a good sight upon bim,aod my ball taking bim in tho back, made him leap Ulgn in me air anu pmug, mVl,mw- sntlv deed, into the cortnda hushes. I . . . . - -My companion ever impeiuous w down to tbo ground ana running n,sr a a . i ara. - . . . W- II ? 1 A. him quick as thougut. r diowing, out F illowinc. but . I t a . k . n KMIiina a resoy nuwi uu hid i.iIK w i - meet any charge of tbo enemy-for , i nntiunn la nmrr iiananrniis tnsn a oauiv . - T " ... ... - , wounded t,g.rI was at the brink almost as soon ss my comrade. " i. ho ?" was then tho question, and tor m moment ws were uncertain out .vu . . . sw-at a atones thrown into a pawn oi aw bamboo elieited a feeble stu and a taint Waugh 1 waugh 1" from the tigor.who actually endeavored te crawl up at us, atumbling acrocs tho stream bed. riflea were on him a. he made a feeble .prmg at the bank on wnicn we stooo , i - a , a a J nut be could, as we saw,donothing,ana, 1 . .. . , I seratohing ineuectiveiy at tne ary ousn - es on top, ie.i oaca. pitiful to see the royal beast in ms I , . ,1, IOriOUS ueiuiVBBUCBB. 1 for . D.oe OD a Pok of iroooth spark Hog ., whieiog and in aav tones, our barrels always covering him, while he gnawed his groat paws and due tho ciawa of bis hinder legs into the soil, lashioff th. streamlet into foam with his tail. Then suddenly, his end approached, perceiving tho dianitv of these actions.he screwed him self round to face us, and half raiaing his massirej head, glared al ns with un- N. H. Allen &Co., Having purchased the BANKRUPT STOCK of merchandise of Oolwell, Becker & Licke, Salem, Oregon, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of DRY C00D8,CL0THINC, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., and our customers shall secure rare bargains FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Remember the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO. dying fsroctty for a moiifiif. th-o gave j furth si.cb s final roar as I hoe nevrr ( to hear again. Crag and precipice shook with it all around. It set tbe elephants trumpeting in the forest, and diove sleep fur the night from the eyee of the black monkeys. With the savage cry stiil sounded I fired tho coup do grsos into his brsin, snd tho strong neck of the jungle roonsch howt-cj ; dosth fell like s cloud upon the green glitter of bia eyes, end limp, and l.armIoas.aa tbe r Wsn bushes around bim, tbo terror of the forest and plunderer of tbo abep hrei' herds lav stilt ! We were safe , t. ,l.,nstthi "Never km j tig'.r, sahib," Le aaid, unconsciously Irish, "until yon sre pretty suie tbst he is dead." London Ttlmjraph. TEMPERANCE DEPaRTMEHT, BDITBD BT TUB Women' Chriitim Tfmptrann liin Two deates from inebriety are re corded hy the "Weekly Censor" aa having occurred in tbe jsil at Los An geles, California, trithin one week. The citirens of fciabine parUb, Louis- ians, lecently refused, by a voto of 359 to 199, to lioenss tho sale of intoxicat- ing liquors.,if iAn ntimMt is gaining ground every dsy. 0 Baas. T-uUture in nrovidint O . fw rf tfnrM)r.nce bygiooe in the schools of Orogon did a great terrico to tho people of thn kUto. In 0rdor to harvest temperate men you Qiust sow temperate youth. Tbo children's Temjierance Union of Albany is now held regularly every two weeks, on Friday afternoon, be- einnimr at 3 o'olock. The next meet. - - mm c" lOX WaM OO OBIU tUO wooa nuu. -7. - I vvr..w..- I t. 1. . t. vniin4F . " t' T faTTT. j 1 i. doaired. " ' , Nw York salooniaU are askins for m I. ...... ... 1 m r,ght to do what has long noon S at tneir iUegal prmctlet to keep their I S U I dans onen on Sunday. That is the none open on ounaay. I ..... 1 nf lliinm nnrA MiniJ. nu' ' Vl r i i ... n a- l tali What you let the lienor traffic do with- ' 7 "i Z . a v- nut a or in violation oi iaw, win , . . ... vj-.t 900n bo demanded aa a right. Neither th. Sabbath cor tbe home is sacred from suoti uepreoations. Our last State Legislature provided for tho submission of a prohibitory . & a a amendment to the constitution of this state by a good voto. If the next log' ... .11 .ft'.- .1 ft Zft :ii ii... lslature snail rainy tma awi. ss waai at tho next election aftsr January,! 887, bo submitted to tho people of Oregon, rho will have an opportunity to aay rhether the infamous business of sol- I " - y u?he,d fcy lhe gUt- v irj the form 0f Hcense. - tho oocaaian of the prohibition of ham - ,ed ..loon, in Ho' Spring. Ark.n. Tbe statute require, that at each state election the question of liconae shall be submitted to the electors. If a major- ity of the voters on the question he not as for license, then it is unlawful for tho in - county court to grant them. At the - last election the question appears to have been overlooked. It seemed to have baen taken for granted that by much of which has been have the bene at of the common consent license svonlsl bo ewCesI but the letutno showed three BadlcH the onniy agsinst liceuse, aad BOM for. Thus tbe legalized aaliMins f vblch there are many. r all to u closed for the next two years. The curiosities oi legislation bid fair to be ezbsusted in the effort to regulate tbe liquor trafiic. The latet device is being considered by the legislature of Minnesota, in a bill which prooses to license tbe drinker instesd of the ieller, permits to te sold st rive doUan to persons who may he able to prove to the satiaisction of municipal author ities that they are only moderate drink ers. No sales are to be made to resi dents who do not have such iermits, and all violations of this law to be puniahed by hvy tiue'. Such a law would prutect tbe sulo mist and may therefore be considered hy those whom tbe people sleet to protect their homes. In the lecent great tight to gain no license io Laurens Court House, North Carolina, women came six miles fiom ike country, and mauv of the ladifs went to the polls at day I; .ht, remaining 11 dJ- Pre gve the colored men nd women ; white and colored worked shoulder to shoulder for tbe l S a vara cause oi booi oruer and sobriety, ino children of the Sunday Schools and Band of Hope, both white and black, ui siIZs. .u. -.a- u a. UMIVUCU UI UUVII VIJO BIICXIB W 1VU SUCH in8cribed nn banners : "Vote for mother and mf ..probibition will prohibit." .sTe our boys." "Dare to do right." "Down with King Alcohol." "If you voto with us." No wonder j the good triumphed Henry George says a mighty revo- . .. . comm(,nr.a ; England and o . fc Mr j h c-hamberlmin wU1 orob. .u, be the leader of the new party. - PTOdUCt f gld in lowiee uunng me jbsv yoar was fow, 1 000 in excess of that of 1883. Tbe I . i I . - AOA OA" 1 t i soiai ouipur. was soy:oo,iou When yea wish to subscribe for news papers and magazines don't forget to leaye yoor eiders with F. L Kenton. They will receive prompt attention. j I f HE BEST TONIC. This medicine, corablnisg Iron with pnre vegetable tonice, quickly and Hpjlttely vSmm Dyapepala, Jnlsi.on. W eokne. i iHpars taloo.1. Malaria, Chllla and Ferers, Tj tsTn untamremedy tot Diseases of the UIt "ts'TsTaAuable for Diseases pevmar to M'oman, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itrloenot injure the teeth, cause I.niduce constipation other Iron medicine do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulate. iia supetile, aida the assimilation of rood, it r Heartburn and Belching, and stmiuUi , . the muscles and nerrea, r -r Intermittent Ferer. lassitude, Lack rt -uy. Ac, it has no equal. iftg- The genuine has above trade mark si i : ad red lines on wrapper. Take no ou -.. mi, w, saowi cuasiCAL co, baltisokk 13 WKaiX, WOODA.RD CO., Portland Or. Ripsg p I 5J t- low prices Gome and LIGHT HEALTHY BREAB aVOti YEMTEUIS The bant dry hop yeait 11 te erertd, SaSf rait rt by this y ml 1 liQt. w"rTlto aad SjjsC ton l like our qrandrroiriw SeUcjoaBfJ GROCERY SELL THE. r.fI3 TmS Price Baking Powder Co) arm ti n. Pn's sm rtaTum ixnaft Crocaso, 111. Hi Lsaatae mm. r ,r BBS s fOsM i IV rte auJ Co.. rtlaaat Or, Eed Cro wnMills ISOM, LAXXIXG & CU., PiatlPR-g. KKW PROCESS VLOLB SCPKRlOR FOB SAM1UB1 AD BAKBBS CSS. BEST STORAGK FACILITIES. Highest 'Price in Cash for Wheat alban;yor. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOBTE.) Will keep a fall supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON. Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom ohalrs for both aid oung, st bottom prices at the faessry 4 Albany, Oreft GRAF & FROMM, Manufacturers snd Dealers Id all ktaaV . PUBN1T I'RE, AND UNDERTAIEES, 81 First Street Albany, Or QUTLERY. The best line of cutlery In the valley I be found at our store, it embraces knives, table knives, lorka snd speeaa, butcher knives, bunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors ot all k!ads and thn best Pne of razors ever brosf Bt into Altjany. Come and see for yoi Bstvea. F OR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, a as miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in mh tivation. 10 acres slashed aad sown te grasa Comfortable dwelling, gmm4 outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at fhfe office. 0. 0 OHXBBT. C.R.P t : ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Snooessors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Ire Founders. w 7E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS A1X comDleted. snd are now preDarsd to handle all kinds of heavy work. We wfll manufacture Steam Engines, Ovist aae Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Iress and Brass Castings. PATTEKSS HIDE OW SHOKT HBTtOL Special attention given to repairing ast kinds of machinery. Will also raanoBasv tare the improved Cherry A white Separator. Shep s Baiter a