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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1885)
SfATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITEsS NUTTING. Braarialbia street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION injl copv, Pr year, tn adrano .. ainle pv, par yew. t end ol yew eingl oopy, tlx nnmth ring) copy, three month einirl number 8 00 1 60 76 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. ST RAH AN. ATTORNEY AT IiAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will Hive sipeotal attention to collections and probate matter. . , , Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND-- Notary Public. Albany. Oregon Office upstairs, o ,r John RrifrjrV store, J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. OBM.OV WILL PRACTICK IN ALL THE COURTS OK TlIK State. Special attention given to collecUons and pro bat matter. fjrofflce la Odd Fallw's Temple. tl: r. O. rOVKL W. R. 1'ILTKU POWEIili & BIjLYEUf vTTORNKYS AT LAW, Ami Sinliiotnrsj in 'haillY! V, ilUU wwaaa-.vaw m mm - . ALRAMT. - - - OROOM. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonamo terms. BBTOfflce in Foster's Brick vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Pnbllc. ALBANY. OREGON. will nraWlfA In all of the Courts of c his State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationerv and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY T)TlXJQ- 8TORE, 2vl tlBltT.OKEtO. FOSHAY & MASON, wholblaii A?fD si-tail Drnggistsand Booksellers, ALII AX Y, OREGOM. v!6n41tf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Met Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany; Or. DR. 0, Wf MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad Haven. ALBANY, ORECON. dii7i7h Physician and Surgeon. "Office and residence in Mcllwain's Block. Albanv, Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cut in the very best style. REVERE HOUSE, fonif. Tint aad Ellsworth Albany Oreoa. Clias- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. 1TuneHolelilBtedapinnrteUityle. Table Supplied with the beat the market afford. Spnn? Beds in ever? Room. A good Sample Room for Com mercial Travelers. sSrTree Coach to aad from the Hotel.'! FURNITURE. have the bes stock of furniture in city and will sell the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OB. The First Term will commence on Taesday , Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the course of study and the price of tuition, apply to KEY. ELBEST V. C JVlllf, rresmen . Aloany Bath House. - .. ii i t , i Tnri WATTT.ri T VfiBVPT I f0iiy inform the citisan of Albany and vi j eioitTthat I have taken charge oitnn -Bianusn ant, aad, by keeping olean room and payia itrict-ttantion to bafinesi, expactf to suit al thoie who may favor us with their patronage Having Heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expect to give aitir satisf -clion to al Osidten aid bti' Htii ntly en Ta-po,d. JOS WEBBER. CHAS. METZGER'S Fisli, Poultry and Game ui.v. Hah nt all kinds constantly on i ifnin drfissftd to order. All uauu. .. j .iAc, ramA in season. Goods deliver ajuu. vf. & ed promptly, free of charge to any part of the city, next uwr c winw.. Tin and Stove Store. Mutt figlttsl VOL. XX. TEST IQOR BAKIKOPOWDER TO-DAY! Ilmndi ar-rtlc4 aa absolutely pur COMVAIW AMMONZA. THI TISTs PIMfnt.pflwmiii a hut Mo, unl'thcuir.l, I hen rwnT th. cr MM wll. A clivnnt will ttul be r juiivu toilvteol the preMnoo of animoula. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. IT KBAI.TMrtL.1KS9 WAS NtVBW MM DttfllOJIA In a million home for a quarter of a century It but ttowd tai con.amer.' reliable tr. t. THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDKUCO., MASKS or Dr. Price's Special FlaToring Extracts, TV. t!rm(M,iM.I ud WmllmfliHi,ci4 Dr. Price's Lupulln Ytist fiarr.s "r Urallhy Hrrad. The li. . Dry Up Ynul In lb World. FOR SALE BY CROCERS. CHICACO. ST. LOUIS. For aale by utt ng. Mario k Co, IVrUand. Or. ECZEMA And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Posi tively Cured. ECZEMA, or Salt Rheum, with U aff.-nixiiif Itch. iag ami burning, iastaatlr roilcl by a rm bath with OlIKI aa r. ami a alnjrle application of ID Tin ba. the treat Skin Cure Thte nrwatd daily with two or three doe of Ctw Raaotvavr. (be Sew Mood Purifier, to keep the blood chJ. the er. piralion pure and unlrriUUne. the N.wtia oprn. the lier and ktdnee actite. will peellly cure Ei-rma. Tetter, Riturwonn, PaoriAala, Kuhen Hrurilua, Srail lll tlKn.lrtiff and etrerv ifvic of Itchinif, Scejy. and Pimply llumn f the Soalp JI Skin, hcii the beat phyaU-iana and all lnn rcmeuiee iai. will MrBVaaiaia. VAi Dearborn St., Chicafo, rTcatefullT atkiKJwledirea cure f Ifawa r Salt Hhcum on" hand, neck. face, arma, and le-a for ev en teen tear : notable to walk ecpl o hand and kneee f-r one veer: not able t help hiawetf for eijht year J tried hundreda of remcUea : rfocVre pronounced bla caae holeae ; iwmianenlly cured by CfTiciaA RitviT (Wid purtfiei) inlernal'v. ad CVftcnu. and CtTWOTU Sor (the irreat akin cure) externally. Ckav irasktok. Bsl . lawyer, Hte St. ti.. for ten year, which covered the patient' bo-ly h & .-su of Kfzeeaa unoer mi owna- and iiniba, an J to whuh all Known nir.n. m m-nthail been apflled with.ut bencfll. which rae comtJetelv cured aolely by the Citri R KcuKblca, . 1 J w -.1 . .L .. leatinjf a ciean waae wmmmt r n. n,,ir Eaev. lnrii. Mu-h.. .urrerei un- arhw7a UUimem4exm; aad a nwhuini ct'ra Rtaeww, and was cured, and ha remained so vo I --a. wnk-harre. Pa . write. : t hare tr. e SS a mm 1' a i jflcre.1 from Salt Rheum f- r over eh(hl me td that I could not a'tend to my l,uinee for week at a time. Three boaea of Tt.ta and four bottle Rart.KT have entirely cured me of thu dreadful diao-w," . aa-B-B-i ait tinir-w s.,wby .11 drusnri.ta. price : meAets Baoi.vr.ST. l : or. ci. iuiwi I Chemical Co., RwU.n. Hh. Patter Drws aad heasleal r.. Batea, f U I I Nuraery Sanative. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H Goltrs.) r- DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HiCKS, BUftBIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Daeai8, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures aud dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that they manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on nana, a complete stock ol all desirable lines of and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. v iuc ttwi iikkm itn PjU nioui ...nunn nTTOUVO i inform the public that be is now pre- pared to do ail Kinas oi -L-w .hnri. noli. All work is war- ' . ..a. munrt nntloii. AH work ranted to give satisfaction. Will work an v snd all kinds of stone, but deal prtn- irii i -- fiiv trranite. Cleaning, repairing ad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before P"rcba inir elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. . ,, G. W. HARRIS, Prop. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLIHEM AND DRESS-M4KIHB. Outtin and fitting by the new Taylor s System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. "IOR SALE. One half block in eastern part of the city with fair house and barn will be sold cheap B ARNDOOR HANGINGS, .i.i hraablnff. nnloss vou have tbe kind sold by Peters & Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought iron, cannot jump tbe track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen them. uritiM A The constitution of the United States provides : "The Senate of the United Suites shall be composed of two Sons tors front eaoh State ohosen by the Leg islsture thereof, and if va cancies happen by tesignsiion or o'her wise, during the recess of the Lighla ture of any Stste, the eseoutive there of may make temporary appointment until the next meeting of the lgiala ture which shall then fill sush vacan cies." Io the discufaion of the ques tions which have aiiaen under this provision in the Senate, three different views have been taken : Int. That under it the eircuttve of a State can never fi'l a vacancy except for an unexpired term. That is, he can not in any esse fill s vacsncy beginning s new term ss was the esse when Sens tor Slater retired the 4th iiist. 2nd. That in no case can sn execu tive Appoint to till a vacancy st the beginning of s term where the Legisla ture has been in session and hss failed, neglcted or refused to elect, ss in the present caae in Oregon. 3rd. That the Governor of a S ate is authorized to till all vacancies whether they occur at the beginning or middle ofatt-tm, or whether the Legialature has a. tempted to elect or not It seemg that down to the year 1817 B number of appointuieota srere made by State executives to till vacancies occasioned the expirstion of the term, snd such Senators were admitted without objec tion or debate, though ir none of these caws dot-H it appear that a Legislature bsl been in session snd attempted or neglected to elect. But in IS'JS the term of James LfiU man, of CoBBee tieBt expired doling a rece tf the l'giaUme assembly, snd the Governor of that Statu appointed him as his own sucoessor, but he was mt admi'ted. I' fortunately, no record of thta debate baa been kept, and tw j reasons ir given why be was not sdmitted. () .e wt that the Governor made the appointment a few days prior t the expiration of the term. Oi course this reason wss not sound, aa it might be urged with equal reason against the siroiasion of a Senator tdecled by the t e.. .t . : ... .l -'"e-""-' ' - - - I piration of the term, which is nearly .Iwavs the case. Mr ll n ton in bia tnict. jMt- jQ tbe Uuilid States Senate Mu l.rinmsr, ca.e f uuy ami c.est . - ... follows J ,u,,u Jr. Lsuman had Served a regular ... term a He u a to t ftom Connecticut. His . of aervice extdred on the third of March of tbis year (1825.) and the General Assembly of the State having failed to mae an election of Senator in his place, he received a teinjioamry sp pointmcat from the Governor.'' Now, tbis case is analogous to lbs present esse in Oregon. Mr. Benton goes oc to say that the resson given in the Sen ate for the rejection of Lsnmsn wss be cause it was not such a vacancy as a Governor could fall, not having "liap pened" or cores by cssuslty ss was im plied in the word happen. From 1825 to 1 8 70 the decision in tbe Lsnmsn case was tbe of tbe Senste. During tbst period ten cases o.' failure to elsct by the Legislature occureJ, snd in but one of these cases did tbe Governor ap point, but tbe Senate rejected tue ap pointment on tbe ground that when tbe Legislature failed to elect,tbst exhaust ed tbo power of the Governor over the matter. Tbe case of Bell of New Hampshire is the lsst esse, snd is stated as follows . Toe term of Senstor Wsdleigh expired Msrch 4th, 1879 in s reeess of ths leg islature, snd on the 13th of March the Governor appointed Ball. By reason of a change in tbe consti tution of that State which took effect October, 1878, two Legislature were chosen ibst year, one under the old constitution in Msrch, whose term of office commenced in June 1878, and will terminate in May 1870 ; tbe other uoder the new constitution, was chosen in November to serye f"i two years, the tern: comnienein? in J tne 1879. The act of Cougieas uf July 25tb, 1866 I the ex piration of the time for which any Senator was elected to represent such State in CoagreSs, shall, on the second Tuesday after the meeting and organization thereof proceed to elect a Senator." It will be seen that neither legisla ture elected in New Hampshire in 1878 could elect a Senator under the above statute of Congress, lbs brst one chosen could not for it was not tbe one cbossn next proceeding tbe expiration - . f Wsdleigh, Tbo last one chosen could not, for under the new constitutiou it could not set until i June 1879. The debate on the question to a lmit Bell was exhaustive and delioerate. Bell was admited on the ground that n State should be deprived of its equal representation in the Senste without its con-tent. An important case came up in tbe U. S Senate n 1794. George Resd t TNB (iOHIO i SKVITOK ALBANY, OREGON, Senator from Delswsre resigned on tbe 18th of September, 179.1. Tbe Legii. isture met in January and adjourned in February following. On the 19ib of Msrch, subsequent to tbe sojourn ment of tbo legislature the Governor appointed Kensey Jones to fill the un expired term. His credentials were referred to the Committee on Elections which repotted against his admission and tho appointment was rejected by s vote of 20 to 7, the reason for the re jection being that a "easion of the legialature of said State having inter vened between the resignation of the MM George Head and the apKiotment of the taid Kenny Jones. From this it appears that we have a precedent under which the Governor osn not appoint when a Legialature has been in session snd neglected or refused to eleeL As touching this point ws quote from the Congressional Record aa showing tbe views of Mr. Blaine upon tbis subject : Having the Bell caae under considera tion Mr. Tburman inquired : Is there a iy pi- ibabilty of Congress being in session during those three months ? Mr. Wadlcigb. I do not know about tbst. Mr. White. 1 ask the Senator from New Hampshire why the Governor of New Hamahire can not a;joini for the vscancy until the legialature meets in June ? Mr. Blaine. He can not do tbst if the previous term has fully expired. Mr. White. Wuppose tbis Legisla ture bss powsr to elect snd doss not elect, is not that s vacancy ? Mr. Blaine. Then the power of tbe Governor does not corns in. Mr, White. It does, apparently. Mr. Blaine. .Vot at alt. Mr. Da we. Kvery precedent of the Senste is against that. Mr. Blaine. The Senator from Msryland is too good a lawyer to make that assertion. Mr. Wadlcigb. Having examined the precedents, I am inclined to th nk the Governor can not appoint Ar. Blaine. f course the Governor can not appoint. Nothing is better settled than that. Here Mr. Blaine expressly lays it down tbst if a Igialsture, having power to el ect and dees not, the power of the Governor to appoint it does not spply. Mr. Carpenter, Senstor from Wiscon sin, and one f the aUeat lawyers tbst ever appeared in the A!aie, in discos sing the power of tho Govern r sp point In tbe Bell car, said: "In tbis matter th legislature reprer senta tbe StaU! and when tbe legisla ture last in session previoui to the ex piration of a Senatorial term, having power to make an election, refuses or negiects to do so, then until sn election co be msde in conformity trite the Constitution of tbe Uoion, the State by its L'-g'siature, has consented to wsive ita right of equsl representation in tbis Chamber." Hon David Davis said: "The principle aserted in tbe Lan- mau decif ion,"Jis that where opportuni ty is given the Legialature to choose a Senator, the Oovornor cannot appoint. Mr. Davis of Massachusetts, discus sing this question in as early caae Bail' 'I think it equally clear that it is ths duty of the legislature in any case where they know a vacancy is to ex ist, to make tbe appointment season bly ; and it results from tbe decision in tbe case of Lanmso, tbst if they fail to exercise thst power when they have bsd sn opportunity to do it, tbe seat then becomes vscant and the executive has n right to all it." Tbe elder Mr. Bayard discussed this question with great sunny arm ieur eration in IHO. lie iaui oown ino same rule as Blaine, Carpenter, Davis, of Illinois, snd Dsvir,of Massachusetts, ss follows : "But tho case, (Lsnmsn's,) recognizes the principle that vhen the legislature hsve once had the power to appoint, and made uo election, a deficiency in legislative action cannot be supplied by an executive appointment." Mr. Benton ssys: "The term "sp point" is the word spplisd to a guber natorial aonointment. The election ri was tbe tegular mode of tbe oonstitu tion and wss not to bo superceded by an annointmcnt in snv case in which -ri - the legislature could act whether tbey acted or not." Mr. Beck said : ,4I have come to tbe conclusion thst the legislature of the state is tbe primary constituent of th6 United States Senator, and it is only when the state legislature has no opportunity to act, that the gov ernor is permitted to fill the place temporarily until the legislature can act." It is said that the aamijior of Mr. Blair of New Hampshire, few days ago under nn appointment from the governor of that atata is a precedent under which Gov. Moody could appoint. But tho case or Uiair is exactly similar in every respect to that of Bell heretofore referred to. Blait'a term expired the 4th of the present month io the recess of the legislature. The legUlatoreof that FRIDAY, MARCH atatoran elected In Nov. 1882, and also a new legislature whs elected last Nov. hut under the constitution of that stale its term will not begin until June. The legialature elected Io Nov. 1882 can not elect for It is not the legislature elected next pro cdlng the expiration of Blair's term, nor can ho legislature elected last fall oloet for Ita constitutional term does not begin until next June, ilenco in this case no legislature has attempted or refused to elect as there la no legislature that can elect. And unless the governor can appoint the state would be doprlved of Its equal representation In tho Senate. But in Oregon tho esse Is different. Here the legislature solemnly and dellher atlly decided to go to unrepresented and they are responsible therefor. In view of the above facts and opinions we are unable to see that Governor Moody has the power to appoint. The increase in ootton manufactur ing interests of the S mill during tbe last three ytars has been remarkable. Tbe fig. i res show that there, are now 314 ootton mills in the Smth. having 1,276,422 spindles and 24.H73 looms, wbils at the time the census wss taken n 1880 the South had only 180 mill, with 713,980 apindles and 14,222 loom Tbe largest increase was made in North Carolina, where a gain of 43 mills and 110,993 spindlea ta exhibited, wbile Georgia mads an increase of 139,1 3G apiodles and 22 mills. In 1880 the value of tbe tnanufisctmeu cotton pro duced at the Scuth was a little over $21,000,000, wbile now the value is more than donbl. T'.is ltcord .Lores np that during the last three yetrs and a hslf about 20,000,000 baa len In vested by new snd eld Southern milts in mscbinery, tbe bulk of which h been paid to Northern and Western manufacturers. Miss Cleveland, who i. to be tbe 'first bdy in tbe laal, f, like Mrs. Haves. Umiierane II r in- fiuenos over CleveUn I will ft 4 is all that which a wif i could wieM, but it will be wiser and loaaibly stnMgef in a . a a t a S a some directions. Ileal l tin-, Him- are some things to be sai I f Cleveland himself that go a grea. lowaid iromisiag better for Washington a ci- ty. Tbe man does n i pr.-u-u t Ui society man, and bis friendship are sol permitted to entet into and contr.d In official conduct. Tbe new pre.i l ml will apply stvil ear vie reform princi ples to (he social system, an I ths re sult will be wholesome. 'Old Tom Hendricks, tbe copper head, (we are living in the confederacy now, you know,) brings down tbs sena torial gavel, and , 'Senator Dolph of Oregon ' quietly takes bis seat. Ho humiliating tbis must be to "Senator Dorpb of Oregon who made such a btilliaut and such a decent campaign against Cleveland and Hendricks laat fall. Mr. Dolph may now look upon those whom be maliciously maligned laat fait and then comprehend ths full force of the divine proverb : "Surely be aoorneth tbe scorners, but he giveth grace unto the lowly." Civil service reform does not mean b rofnlinn nf an of!iri. m-rf v be- cause he has been in office a long lime. i, i. ,w b. -b navar K.. v in ee y mm vuav uu v v K as-w v been nut in st all. Io that cace reform demands tbat it shall be turned out as aoon as possible. A woman bss been sentenced to nine months' imprisonment who bss carried mm a mi on a lucrative iraue io an rniisu town by selling cats as Scotch han s. day that a couple of J On the very - - tue colored gentlemen were. opportunity to skate in a Boston rink a colored gentleman was admitted to , o practice in the auprems coon of Georgia KuKhx! KuKInx! The olsrgymen who complains thst roller skating is immoral probably bass their opinion on the fact thst any one who learns is is bound to fall sooner or later. It is said that at ths Blsine receptions the ice cream grows so cold after it is brought on tbat it is almost impossible to out it. When a man boasts tbat he oan make up his mind in an instant, you can feel nrettv certain that he hss not muoh to make up. There is s good thing about plsno playing for young ladies. It develops lots of muscle that will come handy for spanking. The world does not know ho. many ... , . u .i uu JW""B cold cream every night and sleep with nAlinil Un AH Vlllllllb L1IU11 HO""" .vi. kid gloves on. A ring around the moon is a sign of bad weather. A ring around the Stute House is a sign of bad government. What the United Statea needs isa sinking fund. mumi 80, 1885. N.H. Having purchased the BANKRUPT STOCK of merchandise of Oolwell, Becker & .Licke, Salem, Oregon, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of DRYC00D8,CL0THINC, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., much of which has been and our customers shall secure rare bargains FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Remember the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO. eWKgr aosr.. Seel Home, March ll, '8o. Aa two other corres,oudenls from or near this enterprising village have given you tbe hsp;wiiings of tbe times and aa we ratbsr aufect tbat the' are not bona fid residents of thta imme diate neighborhood, raibar above Sweet Huiue OUj, we your humb'.e servant i.l undertake to re,.ot i at this time for Sweet Home proper. II it gentle read er understand lo commence with ws sr.- not living wholly in that elyaiusa that oatv name would indicate. We have ihe usual brails and dttc.rd thst afltet aivttfaslioa the world over. The business part of out c:.ty is r p- resentel by two general alofes kept by John Dornca and Alonz Ames, two hotels snd teed stable. Tbs St. Jchns kept by mine host, J. Donaoa, Eq Tbe Independent kept and run by Geo. ft well,his estimable wife and daugbl At either of tbo above Intel tbs put lie will he fed snd cared for with tbe best the aeaaen affords and the most polite attention,-! prices tSat defy com tietition. Kscb of the above hotels keeps s fed stable where horses are csred for at moderste prices. Ths Piosser saloon, kept by the genial Wo K. Simons, administers stimulants to the needy, but is an orderly and well kept house, snd s drunk man on our streets is a rare sight. The tannery run and owned by Rumbaugh St Son's is turning out a good product of leather, and seems to be meeting with ths en- couragemen nes-ssary , B a. A I 1L. UUBineaa a Sh usw. , mm ih7 eoterprising and deserve aoo osss. Sweet Home needs more such ss i I. a -- .- ty 8 neu oa e- loP hr Qt mnuiacturiog city of no importance, aa we have unlim ited water power furnished by the osn- twm rivmf and Xmm Creek. Tbe saw mil op(rated by E. Abbott, Esq., is tnrn;n-rnnaiderable hrst-c ass utn bej but tbe tronrjle seems to be that e demsnd is greater thsn the supply. I a ti a S i Our enterpriaing fellow citizen, E. C. Jackson, is building s saw mm on nia farm above town, on Ames Creek. He ...... i hopes to get his mill in operation some time during the coming summer, aad when he does we expect he will make ,t g0 as tbst is s part of his nature. Tbe Lewis Bros., shoemakers, are turn ing out considerable first-class work snd deserve to do woll as tbey sre first-class workmen. Tbo school in this district, No. 55, closed Feb. ltth, W. 8. Cal vert, teacher. The board hsve employ ed him to teach five months more, com mencing March 23rd, wages $40 per month. Joseph Riggs, Esq., was elect ed Director and Jno Thompson Clerk at the late election. L. K. Brooks will teach in Z. B. Moss' district the coming summer. We congratulate the nennla on securing the services of so M teacner, as hs hss taught two ohool8 in our district, giving universal 8atisfaotion. jn8. Rigga and Mr. Rlfe are prepar- Ing to build themselves barn. They an having the lumber aawod at ths 0 Sweet Home mill. The people of tbis community sre well supplied with preaching. On the second Sundsy of esoh month br Rev. J. Joslin, Free Will Baptist ; third Sunday by either Rev. Bowersox or Hollenbaugh, Evangelical ; fourth Sun dav bv Rev. Hsmilton, Adventist. j VO 4 Allen have the benefit of the Prayer meeting Wednesday and Thurs- " day nigbts of each week. Mr. EJitor you should bvesen one of those large two dollar .miles that illuminated the usuaPy quiet I. row of. our aedat P. M.,when be rd in ) o.r paper of your offer lo dispose of such peat offices aa Sweet Home, Pine, e c , but Richard is bimielf sgain and loes not seem to fear removal. Tk i besltk ol tbe fieople i generally good, evoept wbojptng cou,h, wbch ass been in our iu:d: for a-ime Ussa making some of nr little folks quite , aick, especially tbe infant son of Mr. EE. j Abbott, but we ere glad to record thst i , , , he is slowly r jcovetio'. Our prospects are good for an abund ant crop. Uncle M. G. Moss and others are making garden Code J. W. Gil- liland is at work with a fuses of hands on tbe Cascade rut road, preparing tbe road for travel as soon as the snow gets off the ruts. We have several pros neotive weddin in ibe future. We have hopes of gelling the bridge tbat we so badly need serosa tbe Ssntiam at thia place, as we think that our County Conrt will cooclu I. tbat it will ba to the greatest advantage to the. whole people to locate the biidge at this place. Occasional. WHAT TBIE BKXTWS SAIB), j Me. Li wis El ward, Sixton of Mt. Vernon Place Church, Washington, D. C, certidea that for several months past be had been Buffeting with a sc- rc cough which distressed him day sua night. He was very much debilitated. with constant pains in his chest. After trying various temedies he used the Red Star Cough Cure, which gave him entire relief. THAT HACKING COUGH can b so quicklj t ared by Shlloh's Care. W guarantee it. WILL YOUBUFfFR with IjrspepU ami Liver Complaint ? Shlloh's Vluliser is iruarauteeu to cure yoa. THE REV. OEO. H. THAVRR, "f Ilourbon, InJ. says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHI LOU'S CONSUMPTION CURE." For lame back, aid or chest, ue Shiloh' Porous Platter. Price S5 coots. Whan you wish to subscribe for uews papers aad magazines don't forget to leave your orders with F. L, Kenton, I hey will receive prompt attention. gHlLOirSVITAMZKRU what you neel f.r Cou sUpatioas, Lo of ApiUte, Diulnem, and ail symp tom of Despspsla. Pries 10 and 75 cents per bot tl. -THE g BEST TONIC. 9 ThU medicine, oomblnisg Iron with pure vegetable tonics, qirickly and cpi,letely aad Nearalala. , , U Is an untallinr remedy far Diaeasesor Le Kidneys aavd Liver. It It In valuable fbr Diseases pecullsr to Wumn, and all who lead sedentary lives. 1 1 does not Injure the teeth, cause produce eonstipstrOn ofAr Jroa medicine if. Itcnrlehesartd purifies the blood, stimuliite fie sppettte, aids the assimilation of food, n-- .res Heartburn and Belching, and strength a the muscles and nerves. , , i-'or Intermittent Fevers. Laadtude, Lsck ol ) it-rty, &c., it has no equal. mW The genuine has above trede mark snd t rossed red lines on wrapper. Take po at i u only r aaowi cbssical co aaiTisess. -RID1KGT0N, "WOODABD a CO., Portland" Or. BaaaaB bb a a " i-iixi isi m ij - as - i s mmm STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. m fist nmnm nam 11 the iiimiin mm. tySSSBl Uimum mikckiii UmI Cl limns ii wiih r III. ftrgnlsr fat SKrtfess 10 cent tier line For 1hhI anil transient kdrirtWmenU IS 00 per Miiare for the Oral ir.wrtUoi,J an renin rr Mjuare for oaeb aubse)u-t insertion. : f.,r r lvfri-em eta vsde known oo appli-auo:i. Co., lo w prica3 Gome and !6HT HEALTHY BREAD YEASTEBB The best dry hop yeast In IBs raited by this yeast Is Isght, white a4 t., like our granamothar CROCERS SELL pce J PowdtrT COm, JaTHSl Dr. Fnstl flKUl ItTITia tUQ Crcao, in. 8t-Lwi I' rtilib ICiun Morto aal Co . t!. Sf. Eed CrownMills ISOM, bANNIXG & CO., PROPM. SB- PROCESS FLOCK SCIUOR PBS W, JtXD BAKXJtS CSS. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash for Wheat ALBAN YOR. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED OOBTZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, ORECON. Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for both m!4 aci onng, at bottom prices at tbe fasts ry eT Albany, Ortfta GRAF & FROMM, Manufacturers and Dealers In all kia off T R, V X URE, AND UNDERTAKERS. 81 First Street Alban v, Or QUTLERY. The best lice of cutlerv in the valley l be found at our store. It embraces poeaws knives, table knives, forks snd spoons, butcher knives, bunting knives, par hag knives, shears and scissors of all ktastaa, and the best line of razors ever brsoffht into Albany. Come and see for yoar selves. , PsPK ut rswAwr. JJIOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, sans miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in aauv tl vat ion. 10 acres slashed aad sown lb grass. Comfortable dwelling, g4 outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at fttle office. o. c cherry. asurvscs- ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machiuists, Mwrights, and Iiw Founders. I7E HAVE OUR NEW 8HOP8 All EHAVKOUM nJSiw anuro a.i completed, and are now prepared la B all kinds of heavy work. We vtj fart n re Steam Engines, Osist ial handle ..1-mifart.iire Steam En urines. Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds 'ri and Brass Castings. PATTEKXS HIDE OX SMOKT Hi Special attention given to repairiag aH klnda of machinery; Will also mssftsav ture the improved Cherry A Wbtts I Separator. ghl Vaker St. SSe a .aasaeaf