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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1884)
mm WATERLOO SAW MILL. WATERLOO, OREGON. Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santi- am Kiver, opposite v ater- oo Jsoda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postofllee, Waterloo, Or. t.vib Blreelery. TT v Cm rch. Preaching every Sabbath, at 11 A. M. , and 7 P. . by Rev. R. G. Ir 1 r Katihath School at 2:30 P. M Praver meeting every Wedneaaday evening. Ill Will CHi Kon. Preaching on Sab hath at 11 a. ml. aud 74 r. u. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thura- day evening. J. A. Holleubaugh, pastor. ComjukuatiosalCiicroh. Serviceaevory c.kk.k t 11a. m. and 8 r. M. Sabbath - - - t o-jbi l'ravor meeting on ,-ll-V' - . ThniM.l'iv viuniik.' of each week. J. . . i.i... .j - o Harris, naator. M E. Chi'Rch, Socth. Services held every Sabbath at St. Pauls M. K. Church, South, at 11 a. M. sauuaui icnwi a iv A. m. sharp. Prayer moeting every Thure- day evemui. C. U. Carson, pastor. M. E. Cucaca. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. M. and 7a r. u. Song service in the eveniug before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.: ?. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. Prxsbytkriax ChCRCH. Service every Sabbath mornim? and evening in Church cor. Broadalbiu and Fifth Sta. Sunday School mt 2 30 u. BS. Prayer mevtmg evory Thursdav evening. Rev. Isaac H. Coudit - pastor. Christian Cui-rch. Preaching everySab- oath at W. C. T. U. 11 a.m. t :30 r u. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock i. sc. Rev J T Floyd, pas tor. First B.u-nsr Cuitkcu. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., at XV. C. T. U., Halt Sabbh School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O Browuson, pastor. The jtreai slreactk tilit retucu v tuu urn o alt ill avrteuly years oi anaHav qpeneaeaj and cum ith untailinK ctiUiiHv Nervou. and phvskal dcUlitjr, rnu nal wcaknesa, jTinaor- p r e tawariss, hausUtl vtiauiT, pr- . ture decline aiul loss of ... j.t .ti.uvitr taanhoud in all it compuoaw""" ' " T7 . cu l-lTTl ' H enriohss ana nunnes xnc MavlkaM th nerrea, brain, moavlea, digrauoij, re productive orsan and physical md menial laculue ft ttop auv unnatural, debilitalinif drain nin lbs sratem. prevenUajr inroJnnlary loeava, deUUtatm dreams, seminal lcaes with the untie, eU- . de mtctive to mind and hodr. It is a sure HaM ot all kidney aud bladder complaints. It ciiUun iio injurious insrredient. To those .uffennj; from the erfleffei ts of youthful indicretl'-n, a spwdy, Un.r ouch and permane it cure is GCaKANTKEI', rWBS 2 it per bttl or Ce bottles in case. ilh ruil di rection and advice, MO. Sent secure Irum obeerja an to any address upon receipt of price, or C. O. U., o be d .-ill v of DR. C. D. SALFIELD, M ti krarnr) St.. aa rrasielac . al. Consultations tri.?Uy tonndential by letter or at me KKF.K F..r the canvenience olpatienU and in jrdir t. i:iare perfect secrecy I have addopted a pri ata tv. lrej under which all pack ayes are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient to show iu merits, will he sent to any one apply in.' by letter, staling hi symptom and a-e. t'ouuuunl catiou slri-Uy confidential, Dr. KJm. l;lilail a NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treat all Chronic aad Special Dlacaaca. YOUNG MEN WHO MAT BE ftrPFEKIVC I ROM THE efictsof vouthfal follies or huiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of thi. thereate boon ever laid at the altar of suffering- humanity. DK. SP1KVEY will troarantse to forfeit tSOOfor every case geminate wsakness er private rlisf n of any kind or caracxer which he undertakes and failgr to curs. MIDDLE-ACiEB MEM, There are many at the are of thirty -fivejto sixty who troubled with too frequent evacuation ol the blad often accompanied by a slight smarting or barnitif; tim and s weakening- of the system in a manner e patient cannot account for. On examining the arinarv deposits a ropy sediment will often be found vod sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, r the color will te ol s thin milkish hue, sain chang is? to s dark snd torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant ol the cause, which is the second stage ol seminal weakness. Da. 8. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, snd healthy restoration ol the gemto-urinary organs. Omc llorss 10 to 4 aad 6 to 8. Sunday from 10 toll a. a. Consu'tation free. Thorough exminauot r..i ad-"ic.i. i'. For private disease of short standing s full course me.licin e sufficient for s cure, with all instructions, will be nt to any address en receipt of 910 M. Call i' aidress, DR RP1. Vi: V A CO., 71 Wo. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco, Cal To the Unfortunate! DK- GIBBON S Dispensary. rOQ KEAE5IY ST., )-CJ come' of Commer cial Slrttl, san r rancisco. , Etar.Iihd in 1X54, for !tbe treatment of Sexual snd Seminal Diseases, such as .onorrbra, l.lert. t rlrlMre .ay plilll in ai its forms, laaaeteary Seminal WrakarH. night Issses by dreams, pirn pies on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. Ibe sick nd afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor ha traveled extensively fa Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various nospi ais there, obtaining a great deal of valuable informa tion . which he is competent to impart to those in need of hU services. DR. GIBBON will make no chary? BWsBSBteesfeesaeam Persons at a distance 31.1 BE CTREB 4T HOME. All cof municaUona strictly eaSaHaaBaL You see jo one bu , the Doctor. Send ten dollars for s package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the nam of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. ai. or write. Address DK. J. Y. GIBBON, Box 1367, San Francisco. Un43 R(a3SSLL A COs'S POilTAOLE 3AW MILLS, FA8?.1SAW MILL ENGINES, THSESHIKfi MACHINES, ETC. At First Bands. THIS WXU, KNOWN HOUSE HAVE OPENED a Branch Office and Supply Ilouse at 0r, Front snd Taylor Street, Portland, Or,, where they will earry in st.jek Portable aud Stationary Raw Mills, PorU.oU Ti act ion and Stationary engines and boilers. New ilassilion" threshers, horsepowers, etc., etc.. Write for illustrated catalogue sent free address (nam ng this paper.) Bl'8EIx:t Co., Portland, Oregon. PATENTS Obtained, and all other businessfin the U. S. Patent Office attended ed to for moderate fees. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we e-iii obtain Patents in leas time than those remote from Washington. Send modie or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ;and we make no charge unlew we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Mjney Order Div. and to official of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and eferences to actual clients in your own State or county, sddrese Ca A. SNOW&eO., Oppositel, Patent Office, Washington, D . Farm for kale. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivatiou. M) acres slashed and sown to rasa. Comfortable dw I ling, good uthouses. Cheap. Inquire at this oce. ... .lnfaT wm a ar BM BBBBBBBSfr Official Directory, NTATK. U 8 Souators-IIon J II Slater. Hon J N Dolph. Congressman C liworuo. Supremo Court Jiidifoa-J II Waldo, W P Lord, E 11 Watson. Uovernor Z Moody. Secretary of State KF Earhart. Stat Treasurer--F.d llimeh. U . " 1 ......... 1.... SB It I Eiroy. Ulroult Jutluo (Ctril Ulst) k t x. iw. Dial Attorney (3rd dial) W 11 Holmes. COUNTY. County Judge Ij Fllnn. County Coiure. Johu laom, S K Clay- pool. CierK i' iiMewaru Sheriff Sum Humphrey. Treasurer J II l'eery. School Supt I A Mow. Surveyor D V S Held. Assessor N 0 Dozler. Coroner Dr E. 1 lrviue. CItY. Mayor-J, L Hill. Recorder N J llentou. Marshal I C Dirkey. Treasurer N Soitenbat'h. rr M. Three and a half acres of good garden land.ail fenced, bouso au.l western edge of the city Will be aold oheap atthia office. ,Dp. ABE&NETflY MANHOOD I & Co.'s VITALIZED - THE llr uring the irreat Vitalizei. '.he KtiiK of all KontoraUtcH RESTORED I King of all Known Kemeuiea. T IS BEYOND .V lol 1TT1IE MOST UEI.l Mil. I I useful and l'e.UKim nt to lb reproductive organs of oolh nexe known. It acU dtrwtly iu the nervous ytem. It rwHorr dvbilitatwl function of the principal onran d the nd unutMUid a a Nervine. It i a pcHSIlIU, pennanciu ami mm Utmiined Apnordi.Uc It 1 an Alterative and Aa crieot ol sasaMaM tin iuallt. It relieve weak neas and paih. ill th. kioiie.i . It preient I.MUir frvm the ytetu from unnatural cauo I It cure frouUl headac he, pimple, on the jaco . ! M ineni Ory. relaxed condition.. the mru.ui MSUttlMillaS tkn, tour .Umiach. dialwuw, aul all urinary trouble. Those who hve flled t.v ot.tam a cure h 'U! i ii" mediaUIv site the vitalizer a tria'. It 1 the tv Be of alt. It ha never failc-1 In a single ease. Rh company will pay V for a co it wtli not cure-, M matter whether complicated or not. The cwtubfeM lion ol the Vitaliter t acl that ituurva Ik.Ui SMM is and complicated i-a.. Mi i ewtesjtea pnu tnul experience of 3D year. Dr. A. t . HI g-uaratitce a permanent curi in every ce taken under their rvattuent snd special advn-e. Tun MejMtMi i """ one to three mouth treatment. If the w feat YitalUcr fails, the money paid for the remedy will be refunded or ioi) forfeited. Call or write for our Observation, on Manhood, which will suable the .ulTercr to an war the necessary ituelioa, that rich can haw the proper remedy ferwanled .uitalde for hi. SMOsaJ Case. COXl LTATIOS KSSS .t'irltST1AL. PTiC" nf the great Yttaliser, or aia Uotllee and case 10, Si nricisjrrto Ct ss Most Cass sent by t :cis. on receipt ol price or(C t D ) a Ifllf Q .uffcriiij; from Jiww j e. u!lr to aVfllf IskVJ their sex. invaluable alt an.l pely cure obtained. Our Female Monthly Ild are un HaSaaaa a regulator. Sent on rece ,'t of price, as. oo. r. Abernrlby .V . IMS Market at., t sraer Math. I'rssrUr. al aTake Market and Valencia Street Dummy Oshst Car from the Kerry , etc. G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. f r the working class rtend lo .riil for ptac. and e aiii null free, a royal mIiuI. : t. of scruple gMjU, that will put vi.u in ths way SB mak ing m re money tna lew t.'iau j ,u ii. t thouiit iMe at suv ituaioe. Capital not re.ju.rei. W c will atart vou. You can work all the tune or ta .pare only. The work it uni.ersaiiy mi Kli U tjolh sexes, youtig and old. .u easily ea.-n from SO cents to 9& every evening. Thai all who want work may teat the busiucM.we make this uniiauaidlel- ed offer ; to all who are riot well au.S.d will send BJ to ay for the trouble of wrtattig ua. Full particulars, direction., etc , seiil ire.-, t-..rlun.r aid Be made by those wh'. give Uioir w hole tune to the work. Oriat sueceas sbeolutely sui c. Don't delay. Start now. Addrecs Sri.sov & (V,., Portland, Maine. . IDR, LIEBIC Q -rliilr m.pruaar). 1 1 f M8 Ccary M., Sun 1'raii. ;o Cal CC Cestdoeted O snd .te. stir Ibe Oiliest SpeclsfaltS in the et L lifted States, ut- long expert nee, i.i prrtrct STwrlltisI snd yrwrs n.. -ii. ii.-, ii .i.rr , eoy Slid -crmaurtit cure i.f ail I'm ale, 1 hfss k BSSS BafWsssj Dinasc. AfTt.-tioi-, of ll;e IUjd, Skin, kidney., llladder. t.r ij. l ice r, llnl .. r, the lilail. Sore Mouth. TaUSsrf Paiiu.permanent'y cureU and cradi cated from tne oatrm for life. M.R lot M ! kil Seb.inal jmn, Scaual Decay, Mcu ta and Physical V. -akiitu, lailmg Memory, Meak Eyes, stunted ! ".tloj n.ent,Iuieeliu.eiitji U Marriage etc., from ex. es or youthful fllie, r any ciuw, speedily , safely and privately d ied. losnt, Kiddle-aged ai d Did men, and all w no need m.jdi. ai skill and exrience( cnault the old Euopcan Physician at oner. III. opinion toxta nothing , and may save future misery an.: shame. When inconvenient to . . it the city lor treatment, medicine can be sent tverywiwre ly express free Imm observation. It is elf-eudut that s physician who gies his whole attention to a class of diseases attain great skill, and physicians through out the country, knowing this, frequently reoornincnd difficult cases to tbe oldeet sj ialist, by whom eery ksown gixA remedy i used. The HMsl age anu experience make hi optnion of supreme iui.rtii,-e. g&TThiime who call see no one but the ! eUr. Coti sulutions free and ss redly 0nf ttsatisl. t'ase. which have failed in obtaining relic! elsewhere esec ially olicited. Female diseases successfully tfaatai, The IcU,r will atrree to forfeit tl, for rase un dertaken, not cured, Call or writ. Hours, daily, from 9 a m. to 4 p. m., ) to 8 evenings ; Sundays, M to 12 only. Send for the Ssnitar Ut Guide to Health, sent free. Address a above OB. UEBIC'S. Wonderful Crrinaa In vlitoraD.r Permanently prevents sll Unnatural Losses from the system, tones the nerve, strengthen the muscle, check the waste, invigorate the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and llapniues. Tbe reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Mauhod, etc., is owing to a corn plication, called Prostatorrhea with Hyperaethesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's In vigorator u$ the only positive cure for Prostatorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the Liebig Dispensary. rrlee r In vigorator, UP.. Case of six bottles $10. Scut to any address, oivered s: ur. from ob servation. Most powerful electric belt free to patient. To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A B? Battle (dun r arnt Frre. Consultation free aud pri i ate. Call or address MUSK. UIPEB1. 400 Ueary Street, San Francisco, f'sl. Private entrance, Mason Street, four blocks up Geary Street from Kearney , Maiu entrance Ibrougi, DisiMsnsary' Drug Store. Dissolution. The partnership iierttot'ore exitiny; nn der the firm nstue of Allen & Martin has this day been diuwAvfA by uiutual con aet.t, J. A. Martin rr-tiring. N. H. Alien continue; in the buxitiew, and i authoriz ed to collect all debl due -.aid firin, and i to pay ail indehtcdncca 0OD1 racttd by Ibem. Albany, Or., April Mth, 1884, N JI, ALl.K.V, J, A. Mahtiw. I take tbia opportunity of thanking al for the liberal patrongae extended us in the past and to say that I shall continue the business at tbe old stand, and would respectfully. ask the continuance of pa tronage of both old and new customers. New goods will be received by every steamer until my stock is complete'! . which will be sold for bed rock prices, for cash and produce. St, H .ALLKN A iO0B H V M t. FOB l BiSCKlKKBX. To every subscriber to the Dkmocbat who pays ap his subscription and con tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him the "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a large eight page, forty column, monthly papo. , and is full of excellent reading matter. A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints. on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a cbauco to get a good paper for nothing. Thoe de siring the paper ssnt to them will please state so at time of paying their stibserip ion. 1" Infants and Children WiOiont Tyfr?'tne cr Narootlne, Vlinl rlvi- i-ur ('Iilli1rrtt roar i-Ikm'Ic, What are i lh Ir i vts s, tnaViai t ti.-m alaepi "ri itofiit. tv!tu n.tblrs fr', nntl err by turn. AYliat ouros Unur colic, kills Uilr worms, Ull ClIMlotlli. wii:if uulealr cure Qjusatpatloa, Sour Ii, t'"'..!", Indigestion : lint nsHirtiy, T)irvwrn then to Whrpblno Hyrtijt, Cot'r I'll tunl l'uiiiKortc, ami Hnlldtaforla. ?nrnMr Linlment.-Au ab solute onrn for Rheum atlsui, Sprain. Burns, Galls, Ac., and an iustiittttnoon Paln-relleTar. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From tlioao Moutvca nrlso thi lottrtlis of tho illsctacrt en' the) htllliHt ruco. Tlioao symptom itithi .no LbAlr existence : T.oss of Appetite, aiotrel ro.rive, nteia nehr, fullness alter entlug, a version to eaertlnn of lKMljr r mlnil, Itrnrtatluit of food, IrrlfnUlllty of temper, l.oxr spirits, A r"eelln of liartna; stearlerted MM dnty, lrasliies, FlutrerliiK at thn Heart, !ot Ik-f.u e the eye. It Ik) col ored t'rlue. 0.'s1xilATIO.X7 ItiM !" numd t!io uo of it numuly tluit acts ilin-cil oatba l iver. AsaLtvt'r nie.iicliieTrTT'a I'l l.l.N havo no asnaL Their aotlon on Um Kl Ineysiiinl skin la al to pruimtt ; rumovlntr nil Impurities IhrotiKh tticno tlireo kst rngers of the sratem,; appr. tito, sound digestion, fmilnr strMils. a t leur j kin aBdawlsorousboa i . ti fT's vtt.tJ cnttne no nausea or KHpliiK nor lutcrfsro wlUi tl-.uiy work and nic a iH-rfvcl ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. - llsrery wl.pre.aa. t'ttW.ft M urmy ht.,S . V . TUTTS HAIR DYE. GaaT Haib a Viiisk'&s ehatiro.l ln stantlr toaOiar I!t. a tyttinlo ap. pltcmtlon of 1UU lTK. Bo! 1 by nnufglsU, or aunt by c-xprwsa on receipt of 01. Oftti o, 44 Murmy Strwit, New York. TUTT S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. Ti THIS MAGNETIC BELT 13 WARRANTED TO CURE&;,ftr wtthnet mrtlrtna Pala la the bast, hi, kM. er llt,,lsat, (ratrui ailU,. jata. ...rslals, a. talW-a, atas llasha. IW,M . !lll rSMiai.ti.w. (.anal sanl the L 1 Jo. , ! .1 Slsita.e. rmtm ll-. fnmU i.k'i.I .SlUal.aa, Intralrar,, aalhSSSw Mr i l- d T Srpal . rmaUUaa, rTSTla. IsSljs W. r-la m, tmmUum, eaOsurrk. Use. estlssy. tlae WmmmtSyimlimr of lhcrwrUATVr OB64SB M.- .-r. la.t .ItMllt.. I.rl .flrrt. I.f.. a.UaaT ...ItMHl, aa aUI taeae suseaawa a stial aaiarr. tmt aer rauav, U-.o roottaso iUmrn . f Sfaa-rwtiam perruti'.iui: Ikraafl arl ssestr(are tliraa te kraitSy artla-Sb IUHUs. ruUlaao ai. ut UUs a;.pUaace. tAOlEGMETlC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. TO THE IABJ--gg Exkast!-.lTeM-rala.erwttli lje-..ef t. Us er, UUm, ,a. UraVwhe SWCMi rU -lla e Xffmk AaLIra, er SajMlrsi fwl, an Attoiuioai Halt mn4 a ta.r .,f Barntic root BjfBsTSSS las wwf'oi In Ui r.. lof afi.l .-u" of all t ..ri ialrkta. Jhrf earry a ,-ueerrui uiafUUo furee U Lbe eoat of Us aWMSsV r Lasso Bask, WeslaM ef tae Sola., Fait. Is., ef I Sr. veastt. L-e corrb a. f kraatr IsSaasasa- Um aa I Lrrailan of the Wees. leeUceiavl '- .rrs.gc ar f loa-dlr. f al ,,.l.r Hraitra.lloa. ii. alafal, Sappr. . mm Ir- il.m.n.M. a'.t lafp. tat. U lit Ileal Assllaase a. CaraUI.e A r "raJI form. f resaale mttrattla It Is unssi pt 1 by any thin a- lf'.re asacmrallT airsat asdusa.urar .f par an4 lta.lalioa. FrUmi f rllfcr i--lt with su-t'i.r t tiaumes,fr. Geatbjr rrpraasCO. Ii aj, t . i ruination br mall oo BaMM of fan r i.i . riirnag aan'l BSJMNVS of SM sJid .1 "f f I.. n can l tUmtlm la car- reraryeat In Irttrr at -T ru. Tbe SafnrVm Ua.- its iuiaptr to all SAT, are vorn o.r U.s u a. laai aatt la, Imm War Ua. tae sua, fcalr.ilr as4 BssatsSS Maes. af. avS.rrttard mm rilr..l,l. an.l 1.1 be taken itt at nlarht. TT.-t IkU1 Uwatr posear eraser, aad aTeaorn at all srarm ti.- ym. Hrn 1 atamt, f-.r th ftfw .rmi-i tn St adlraJ Tieal merit H liSaai alaaasfa. srltb tti.nnasraU uf taatles THE MAGNKTON AI'l'I JANf 'K OO X IS bUatej Ht., CUlcavKOi IU. DR. ALLEN'S PBIVtTK Blall:SSABT, .26i Kraray Stttef, n rraarlara, Cal., Rstrlimiisd MB tub IBBBBBS i si-.mir Cess or QBasWBv Saseavi ass Bacua iisssas. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, Dlt. AI.I.KN, AH IS WELL KNOWN, IS A BBS Ular i.iti .1 DiysK'iati, eluaitl al bowduln OaBtM snd IMvtSSBj t Mi MgatV lie has devoted s lifetime t. the study .f the ticlutcnt and cure of disease, ai hin his cialty. Ami middle ! nun, a ho n re suffering from the tffict ol 0Utli(ul Indiscrclions ar exceaaes lu ma turtr years, nervou and nhysical debility, iniau tence, ; ' u.anlxKsl, itintusion of idea, dull eye, aversion Ut society , deoii'.ei'y, pimple on In face, loss of rii r,- and memory , fruqucticy uf urinal Inf, etc. ttr linn. ii. Ur the Doctor bss a Vegetable com imund, the reeult of many years speoial practice and hard study, which under his se:ial advice has nevsr failed of success in the cure of Lot inanood,prostaljr rhea, etc. Ml HOariTAs, l in itllMl Ifsvinif leen surgeon in charge of two leading hospital.) enables me to treat all nrivats truuhles with excellent remits. I wish it distinctly under sUssl that I do nt claim to m rform imHaaaiblltio, or U have iniraculoiis .or uicniatural ower. 1 claim only to be a skinful mid mem nslul I'hysicisn snd Surgi.oii, ihorouublv informed in my sjiucialty BaaBAMES MtK. All ap p'ying to mc will ri ive my honest opinion ot their cufnMtintS- no expermn tiling. 1 will guar ante a H-ailic eiire in every case i mialertake, or forfeit : OoWSnltattOB mottlco or by letter Ires and strictly private, t 'harges reasonable. Thorough .lamination, includingr ehemicul and inicroscopiual a&s lysis of urine and asiftsa, Ba 0 Ott.ce hours u to I daily, ii to 8 evening. .Sunday 0 to 12. 1'nll 011 or address int. AUSJS, earneystre Han Kran ei t PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. AuMits, Deo. 1882... Premium income 18,296,828 2 007,189 Safe, reliable and qoiek to pay in caae of toss. AKCH MONTEITII, Agent. Albany, Oregor, FUll Sti.K. Two builditi"; lots leneed nsr depot. One house and lot on Third Struct. One housse and lot on Lyon Strent, Inquire at this oftk-e, For Male. A set of copper for distillers, second hand in first-class condition, will he eold cheap. Enquire of Johu Briggs, tin smith, iVlbany. WITHOBTMtMME. r . --v. 3t bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBIBBBI S feudri ilk so FRIDAY JUNE 13, 1884. BUM OttOI M HATTfcBa. A good lit a fit of laughter. Talephona stock is a sound invest ment. The favorite Roman hero of school girls is Marina. Artificial oork has been invented ; wa will soon have adulterated life pre servers. The Chinese say they invented hair pins. We do not oare where thej came from but where they go to. The greatest oleomargarine fraud yet pet etrated is labelling tbe buckets with a ferocious billy goat to indicate genuine butter. Bread and stockings are said te be the cheeriest things in Norway. We do not see the connection between the two articles, thaugh they are both kneaded in a civilized community. If you will sit down and wait, yung leaat onn hat! or thn sood thtntra i ,.f ... .. -"Jfihe horso Ii sound, ami ho answern, r him mill ml notnn limn addv around I near ju, while the more ytt chase Lbrra the more they will break into a run. "Ah 1 Pat, I understand you were bitten by a dog yesterday. Do you know if he was mad V "Mad, ia it ? Faith, what might had he to be mad t Be are 'twM roeailf that was mad in toirely." When thuir tpieen died, the poor eo ple ot Madagaaoar wore no ctothea for a (wriod of thiity days. This ia a good deal cheaier than th American plan of baukrupliag yotirslf in a mourning s'ore. "Juat think ! 1 onoo oamv acroaa a negro that was actually so blaok that he could not be aeon without a light." "H 'tn ! 1 saw a fellow one time wbe was so thin that he always bad t? enter a reon. ta ice before he oould be notic ed." Little Tommy was having his bait combed by his mother, and be grum bled at the operation. "Why, Tommy, yon oughtn't to make eucb a fuss. I d"n't, when my hair is combed.' "Yes, but your hair ain't hitched to yoar head." A hotel man in Philadelphia wbe haa been troubled with gusata blowing out the gas is said to bare obviated the dilhcuity by posting this notice : "The relatives and frienda of tbe gueata who blow out the gaa will have to pay for the amount waated before tbe body will be delivered." Tbe judge got borne tatber late tbe other evening and found a young fel low sitting on sofa with tbe "sole daugbJ ter of bis bouse and heart." "Well, sir," said the judicial gentle man, "What are yeu doing here T '1 have come into court, your honor, tor tho defendant," wee the ready re ply. rori i tn t ii m i. Although it would aeeni that no salicylic acid exists in tbe flowers of the pansy, Messrs. (iriffitbo and K. C. Conrad have extracted that acid from paony leaves, stems and rut. AtBourke, Near Snitb Wales, the average temperstuio of tho hottest part of the day for the first fifteen day a ef tbe present yeat was 110.6 P., snd the highest teropei a tore recorded dur ing that peiiod was 122 F. In Europe glaciers never come down below 5000 feet aSove tbe sea, hut in Greenlsnd and other very cold countries tbey come down to tbe ocean itself. Ulaciers sometimes take 200 years to make their journey from their native heme to tbe ses. The time required for tbe formation of mineral veios appears to he much less than has been generally supposed. A ditch which wss filled up two years ago with common clsy containing iron, bas jrst been opened sgsin by Dr Fleitmsn, who bas found, to bis great surprise, that the clay hss become whits and is permeated by cracks filled with compact iron pyrites, these veins being from a twenty -fifth to a sixth of an inch in thickness. The word chlorophyll leaf, or leaf in grten. This leaf-green cannot come into life without tbe help of light, for it is light which turns seme f the elements sf plants into chloro pbyll, and when gardener wiah to make the leaves of a plant white they keep it in the dark. The substance which gives other colors not green to different parts of plants is called cbro- snule. It, too, can only be made with the help of light snd sir. A passengercar conductor who hsd been on tbe road fifteen years, and during which time he had been turned over embankments, busted up in tun nels, dumped off bridges, telescoped in collisioDH, blown off tbe track by cy clones, run into open switches, etc., says that the ssfest part of a car is that which happens to be in tbe shop for re pairs at tbe time of tbe accident. Judsb Benjamin bad an interesting scale of prices. He said : ''First I charge a retainer, then I charge a re minder, next I charge a refresher, and then I charge a finisher." His client by the time be got through must haye been pretty well finished. The Turks have a superstition that an angel has charge of each hair of the beard, and for that reaaon tbey break snd bury each one whlc falls, that the angel may be set free from his task. LIANI IjITY FOB ACT! Of BIRI'.D ME. Fovv farmors havo n correct Idea of the extent of their liability for acts of hired hoi p. Judge Parrlfili. In a late address before tho Grand Itsplds (Mich.) Farmers' Club, explained tho rules m relation to tho tort and nog llgeuce of farm employ es. Tho osson. tlal portions of his remarks wo con dense : Tho farmer, according to this authority, "is rosponslblo in datnagos to third persons for wrong acts or negligences o! hired holp occasioning Injury, whether tho act be one of omission or commission ; whethor in conformity to his ordors or own in disobedience to them, by negligence, fraud, decolt, or even willful raixcon duct, so long as It was In tho course of the employment." For instance: The farmer has a horso affected with the glanders or htaves,and ho ordors his hired nann to take It out on tho road and soil It or trade It off. He is told not to warrant or rocommend tho horse, or to roiort to any Joeky tricks in order to mako a sale. The first person met is stumped for a trade Tho hired man Is attkud If I'errectiy anuntJ ; not a blemish or fault about him ; mid that he would not bo afraid to -vurriint hlra." The trade It made, mid the employer la liable for the deceit, hocrtuse the swindle was In tho course of employ moot. A hired man in driving it neighbor's cow out of hH employer's rortiHeltl, killed It With a fdone. Th 'ourt hold tho employer liable f .r the value of tho caw. A f irmer la llabh for treNpnss of hit lured man, dom hono-diy In the ('our ho of his employ. mem aa cutting tlrnoor on land of an adjtcent proprietor, it being the duty of the employe to a cer tain load of wood, and by throwing It overboard ho accldontally or pur posely wounds a bystander, tho em ployeris liable. Hut If tbe unloading was no part of his duty at the time, there would be bo liability. The bb ot reaponsibility is not whether the act wan dono according to instruction, but whether done in tho prosecution of the work ho whs doing for his em ployer. If the hlrod man, in per forming a particular set In a part leu lar miinncr, depart from ! Mructions to Inflict a wanton injury on a third person, the employer is not linMe. T ftubsrrlbrrs l rriurtlllr. Many of our subscribers at 1'rinovUle havs) rnUfMsUMl us lo uatua aomo one a rrloovllle to whom Jiy could av aub- acrllou. For the convenience ol all our so beer i hers al that j we have left ac coanla at the onl.e of J. N. Duncan w ho will reoelve and rerlpt fr aubacrlptlou due or to become due to tho Iikmockat Novelties in neckwear for ladies received from Chtca k, at Kami-ei. K. Yocnu'a, FURNITURE. I have the beat slook nf furniture In the city and wdl sail Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the cltv and tliw .)wr.t i.ri. o lo the Valley. I'ome and aee. Undertaking, A eainnlete atock and can arlvo SATIS- FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, S2600. (ed farm, ene mile wet of Brownsville oa the road leading to llalaey, containing 102 acres, oak ridge land, seme line oak groves, all enclosed, 75 acres in cultivation, a yonng orchard and shrubbery t Med barn and fair house, two good well with mimps. Trice $2600, one years time on one half amount if desired, with security on premises. Call at premise or address I). A. Carter, Kfcan, Qirani eouaty. Or. Tho r.CYnn.s' Cii im: la Is sued March und Sept., !i year: 210 poca, 81x11) f .. ...... tni-ntu, wnn over s,.iv illustrations a whole pic- turo irallerv. (Jives a hole- sale prices (ftrfef to consumer un all goods tor personal or tami'y use. lclis liw to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or )iao fun with. These invaluuhlo books eon tain information gleaned from the nus kets of the world. We will mail a a yy Free to any address upon receipt of tho postage 7 cents. Let ua hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. est a SSS Wahaaa Aveeaa, Uhlsaco. Ill Tb only known speclfla tor Epileptic Flu. TO Also for Spasms and Killing Slckaraa. Kcrrou Weaknc It Instantly rsUeres aad core. Cleanses alood sad quickens slafglsh ctrcalatlon. Neutra lises gvnat of dlscsse and saves sickness. Cores tj SKEPTIC SAID Sly blotahe and stubborn blood sores. Ellml nates Bulla, Carbuncles and Scalds. faVl'ennanent) jr and promptly euros paralysis. Yes, it Is a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, romoT- lag the cause.' Bouts bilious tendencies and makes clear complexion. Equalled by sons In the delirium of fever. A charming resolvent and a matchlese laxative.' It drives Sick Headache Ilka tbe wind. OT Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. IlcUeros (THE GREAT) jt i i a r i i ilia INIEIRiV EICON QUEROR VI I I I 1 I I I w I I i l if the brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Rben- matiam by routing it. Restores Ufo-glYlng proper- MM to the blood. I guaranteed to cure all nervous nisorucr. i ueuauui wuca au opiates isu. no. .. . . . - frsshes tbe mind aad Invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money rcfunaed. Macasos of the blood own ft a conqueror. Endorse! la writing by oyer fifty thousand leading citizens, clergymen and phyitsian in U. 8. and Europe. IJfFor sass by all leading axngglgta. 11.30. (78) Tte Dr. S. A. Ricfamoncl MbU Co.SLJos8phtMo. For teatimonisls aod circtuars amdSstamp. 5lIWUT0K A 99., Agent., Km JTsnclsca. j (I BIor FACTS. Tho natives of Australia oat the bats of the country, roasting them on coals. A found of raw silk contains litiO mllosof thread, each thread compos ed of eight or ton Ohiments of silk. A spring of blood-red water, smelt ing llko creosote and having a very pungent tuste, has boon discovered In n mino near Virginia, Nov. Tho Chinese represent tho moon by tho llgnroof a rabbit pounding rice In a mortar, mid sometimes by a beautiful young woman with a rabbit at her fed. Tho Finns uso a stone a a b.irome lOfi It turns black when It is going to rain, mid white when fair weather approaches. I n other wordn, it con taln.i nitre, which Incomes visible When the air In dry. Cipo dismond havo mo greatly fal len off In prlco that a very largo stone recently found w h appraised at only $15,000, which was tho .sum paid for cutting the Pitt diamond, it Jewel hardly larger. Tho fj Woof Whlttlogton and hia cat h of Oriental or.'gin. The hero N a Persian vu arrive In India with his cut at a moment when tho country Is plagued with rat,and noon bBQQBiei rich and fKiwerful. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIUEU BROS. Proi-rior ALBANY, OKI (.ON . MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ABO HEADS 1'0 i : Kxwutod in Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of rmtry and other stoua work done with aBStBSSS BBtf dispalch. HisrM-la) attention irlvn to orders from all part of this NUto and WaBBIBftlBI Territory. BaTAIt work warrant I. 17:1 Quimby House. QUIMBY & HERSEY, Proprietors. CWi Ith "iid I . Him., Portland, Or. Onk or thi: iriMEBf anu mobi complete hotels lu Oraa'ntt. i'oiiduet d both by Aiaerb-an and Kuropean plana All (he modern Improvements, ItO ltnl roouis, well furnished, ha?.' t. and we I ventlla taxi Kirst-cl reaiintc rn, harhar sU ;. An ev.f. kf mil Stl latest ' vu! en . BOOKS .roK 'BrM'Ulern,ArrhltrrlN. Bnlldera,1 "Itsehlnlal, i t'. OSBORN & ALEXANDER, tt'29 Mtarkel NI..Ntan FrtanriHeo. Mechaiiirs' Tools, Hardwan. and 3Iarhiner. i V.alofUc of all --ur g -kI s-i. frc-j a ;;' ti W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. PATENTS MTTKN A CO., of the RnxNTrno Americas, oon tlnuotonct as Sollmi' r for Patents, ('avuala. Trade Marks, Copyrights, fur the L'uiu-.l 8taUs, Canada. Kiitfliind, I nuice. Uermsny, etc. Hand llook about 1'iiitMit s'nt f rwv. Tlilrl y-scvon yi-ars' eapcrtsaos. Iatni'l'tstnd fSiroimli MUNS t'O. vo noticed In tho Hi n NTiru.' Amcuica.v, the larost, Issst, and most wldily ciroulntod stlcntlflo paper. (3.30ayear Weekly, gpiunaid engraving ana inierasung formation. Sneulmen copy -f the fScleNtlSe Amer ican sent frao. Ad.ta MINN A CO 8ciXKTUraf Ma.o.M oaea. al Broadway. New York D. BROWN, JiitSicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SXJ BSCBIPTIOIT tSan Francisoo, Cal. "HEALTH AND HOME." Port Chester N, Y, CIRCULATION 63,000. Edited by W. II. H.LE, M. D This Is largft eiKht pas. "'"ty column, monthly paper, and is tievoted to every thinir neitainiiik' to health and home, marriage, social science, domestic medi j cine, science, literature, art, economy, cookery, hints mi health, dietetics, and everv leaini ui iinurin nnnn nw.i ..v.- I . . " ... . . i totaiprove ueaitn, prevent iiobjw. jiumy anorals, and make home happy, 8il)8oription Price 50 cts, Per Year. Address- DR. W. H. HALE, "Health andillome." Port Cheater, N. Y. 1ieaVove DD6r will be sent to every subscriber of the Dkmoohat who pays up I '" Vl 1 ln avaoes H I JULIUS QRADWOHL line the only exrlaelve aloek e 0 CKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sng ONE DOZENXUPS AND 8AUCER8 SI. 00. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME. TniUIOIIIT SABKETPIE PAID FOR I.U ts Eemember! What I Say I lean, Give Ii a Gall. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- -moi'itiirroitH or ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AN I DEALERS IN- Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Fic vision Candler Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albuny, ONE I OR tSLOW JOHN BRIQGS AT TH I OLD (fTAND, 72 FIRST HTRKET, HAS ON HAND AS FINE An AHHOKTMKNT OF COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES 4 wni t.ue In Ibe alley. Ue TIN, SHEET IRON . ua i iiai tv usnitr ity ! VKI. I Ill II !" 1 i ' " v HAND, A FUUi sJBUKlMtSl ur GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OK WU It'll II K uKKEKS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY i oMi KTITION CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done viSn2! o. o oh BRUT. c.a. Paaaas ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHESBT & PARKES, (Succensora to 0L C. Cherry.) MacMiiists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to liandle ad kinds of heavy work. We will man 1 1 fart urn Strain Eiurine. t.rit and ! Saw Mill Machinery, and all klnda of Iron j aud Brass ( 'asting. Ctl1I Ks B4BE ON MIOBT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing- all klnda of machinery. Will alo manufac lure the improved Cherry A While Grain Separator. Shap ea Baker St.- OfSce a Laaawcr ar. Albany, Or., Dec 1, 10. 18tf HERE AT LASTa sr.-. a... an.l Hr.rt Waltlax Belief Is s a - " Braagtaf ta Those who Stead It. "Well Pat," uicl an Otange county Physician to a complaining lnh patient some year ago, "for that iuii in vur chest tuu had better go bune and pot un a mustard plaster. I can't think thi minute uf anything better. And by the waj added U1 doctor - kmm I... ...1 "I alali would ll.VCIlt a rial ifooJ plaster 'something actuailt helpful for audi awasaalm. Maue the) alll swlime, wba it too late (ur n.e lu use It . When BENSON'S t'APCINE POROUS PL-STER was placed on the market about ten years ago tbe doctor' hone became s fact. Bccsum) ol the rare medical virtue inherent in it, iu rap d action aod sureresulu, BWCsBalSS 1 fast displacing the slow acting plasters of former days, for all aflecUon to which a plaster i eter sppltcable. Price U.. cenU. In tbe middle of the genuius is cut the word CAP- MSB. . SeabuT)' A Johnson, ChcmUU, Nrw iork. The'Great English Reme dy. I a never fauine cur tor iNervous Debility, Seminal Wi-akNeas, Exhauatea vi tality, Spermatorrhea, LOisT MAKBBBB, lav potency, raralyaia, snd all teinble effect ot Sell- Abuse, ))Uthlulfollie,and x cesses in maturer year- j auch a Us of Memory lassitude. EmuaSon, Aver sion to Society. Dimness of Vision, Noises in th Head; the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urino, and manv other disease leading to insanity ami death. Itt Ml vriK will agree to forfeit Five Hundred ISollars (or a case of this kind the Ital Orstara live (under his special sdvice and treatment11 wo' not cure or for anvthing impure or Inju lous found a It. Dr. Mintle trcaUall nrivat disease sucoess.u without mercury. l'onullatlon free. Th irougn ex snilaation and adice including analiof urine.Sb. Price of Vital KesUirative.ll.M) a bottle, or four limes the quantity $f, sent to any address upon receipt of price or l O. D, obscure from observation and in pri vate If desired, by DR. A. E. M1NT1E, 11 Kearuey street, Sau Fnuiclaco, Cal. Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, stating symptom, sex' nd ago. Communications Strictly confidential. Dr, Mlntie s Kidney Remedy, Nephreticum, cures all kinds of kidney ssil bladder complaints,gonorrhuaa, gleet, leouchorrh'am. For sale by all druggutt $1 a bottle or ix nottles forfiu. Dr. Mintle Dandelion Pills are the best and cheap eat Dyspepsia and lliliou cure in the market. For sale bv all dnnn'isU. Barnes' Ptatrnt Foot aad Sfeaui l'ower Scroll Suu. CircuUir Satc, Mortettr, Laths, Ttnontrs, rormeri, rtc. mm & ALEXANDER Sole Agents, 628 Market Street. San Francisoo Mechanic' Tool, Hardware aiul Machinery goods seat free on application. For Sale. One half block in eastern part of tbe city with fair house and barn will be.soid cbeaf & JOSEPH, JOHN BRIGOH' STORE. Oregon. 39y AND RANGES, a ao Import and manufacture AND COPPER WARE D TV. ADTtDD ilBA UU tTt7VtJi fmi i ' .ini.Yv. auau, ua - at reasonable figures. aOR. FELIX I BRUIfE Gr Preventfse and 4 are. for rlfaer Hex. TKis rpmMv iMna- il !-t .! dsaerflv tn tla assst of those diseaaea of Ue Genito-0 nbary (jy-r.a, rinir-e to chsrfe of diet tr nge of diet ar bmimss n n Afiou rpoiaucoti. niiiciL-s to ue teaeci inlti jsSsj. otaoDotis niiicit-e to ta tejsee in.iJ5 . lum takt-n aa a preveaXtve b t Was it ia imptssaible to aotittsetacjr eitl dveaa- hut in the case or tlioee alreaor sis nil tm nately aSSIeied with Goncortsas and Glet, we sua ranter 9 boxes to cure or w WaK reSoxMl the money. Price by vail, rosier (sssd. m6 I r Ijox . or, a tosea ror aajw. w nun iSsned ty sll souiontsd ages la. Dr. Felix Le aBraus i 4 o. Bele nOODARD. I. ARK 1 CO.. Authorized Acent. WteUce: e it d. Zteraail : rtlBTUM). OKfcGOX. Orde rs by mad will n-ceise prompi attettioa. jflTERVOTTS DEBlXalTY! 1 URAU 1 Ba E. C Wkst's Nrsrx axe BsAts 1iit. (SrXSs! "nt NoI,CSu raimaC Headache, crvoa l'royHrraedOy taeaae of siookol or obnece. Wakefulness, Mental Da. preassoa. Softening ot the Brain resulting ia is sautty and lendang to acisery, decay aed death. I'ressatare Oid Age, BsiTtnntsa. Loss of power neither sax, lavohintary Loaaaa. and Spermat orrlsoas caused by orer-exertion of th bins, self abaae or over-indulgence. Each tx coetsins one month s treatment. $1.00 a box. or six boxes ; focfVUO, Mnt by maUnrepaad cwjaccrpl of rice. WE . I ARAXTEE Bllt SStVS to core any caae. With eaca order recetTvd by aa for six boxes. aeoosBpaaies witii AUu, we will nq tbe purefaaeer ear writtea goaractse te re fund tbe money if tbe treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantee issued only by WOODARO, CLARK, aft CO.. W licsal ani Hstail r-ug-ljotaj, rORTI.AXI. OREGON. Orders by map 'ill receir orompt at? ntioxt. 500 urn tm ri r v ' LeKlrhaa'a Celdea Balsaaa Me. 1 Cures t'haiicres, first and second stages: Sores the legs and body ; Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased sc and all primary forms of the disease, knowu fas Sjr hllis. Price, f$ pet bottle. LeBleltaa'B Golden Balsaaa Se- S v urea ieiuiajy, acnuia, oti p.iuwv .u..u..aM., secondary stages. Pain in ths Bone. Ulcerated Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lump, etc, aad eradicate i all disease from the syU m ahether caused by bad . -,- : 11 ........ 1 G.-nkiliA Hli.i.Mt.llaB treatment or abuse of mercury, leaving the blood pure and haelthy. Price, S6 par bottle. SentverjahereC. 0, D ape u rely ackod r ex press. F- K It II 4 BUS t o.. Agrala, Sausome atrest. Corner Clay, ban V 427 4 4i rauciaeo, California. ALBANY COLLEGIA IE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OK. Ths Second Teiiu ends on Thurs day, January 31, 1883. For particulars concerning the course of udy aad i he price o( tuition, apply to KEY. ELK Ear N. t'OSBIT, Prestoens. Aloany Bath House. THE U NDhi KMNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the oitissns of Albany aad si einity that I have taken charge of thi Establish Slant, and, by keeping olean rooms and payia trie t attention to business, expects to suit al those who may favor aa with their patronage daring heretofore carried on nothing hat First-Class Hair Dressing 8aloons expect to give entire satisf noato al BCrMdier ad Ladies' Hair neatly haaponed JOS WRBPVR. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday AT llarrisbarKOrecon, TaA-IMil I c Pii i rietor. s