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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1884)
Rulers 1 at tba Pst O.Uo at Albany, Or, as seooud -class mail matter. FRIDAY. .JUNE 13, 18 84 ST1TS3 & NUTTING. I lltar i l lririplr. tnti Nirrn !.mi r.itir. MM tintij aiJ Git Papar. A lirawln InUu-lty. Albttty te slow! bat WWty dsvcnloplag intn Hmturfair ciiv. Il in much better kit vm as suoti av frow home than here. It f nindriee, us wire works, its ttoHS.mtti ii olaaaor and threher manufa ry, are known nearly all over the Coast, During the last year or two another in. lust ry has been developing, which is boond to obtain large propor tions, and that is tho manufacture of furn iture. Albany furniture oven now Is known all over Oregon as not only the best but the cheapest, aud is shipped from thi place to Ashlau I on tho south, to The Dalles in the norlluM-t. We predict that in nostreat length of time Alluuy will have the largest furniture factory iu the State. Besides the factories of Qiaf A Frotn, and Blink A Son, Mr Jjium lUur.als a couple of month ago started one at tho west end of Third stree t, an i is now woil establish ed, with ail the feel lit lea for complete work. With a twelve inch whcti.aad a fell of twenty-six feel of : r Uo ins a four teen horse power. Kipii-jsrd with a good planer, s.ivs. tu ubters, t ., ho can make auything in the furniture line. Making a specialty of bed-room sets, hi trade is mostly wholesale, yet so avail In fee known through the eoan'y that he is working up qnite a local trade ; but only des I aval work to order. Having the machinery he will make all kind- ef furniture to meet individual orders ; hut al the MM time he bands Meat of his energies on bedsteads. The inauni'aeturd ot farntture may be ma le. a ureal industry here, and it cer tainly deerws the encouragement of all. neettaa Basnj. An election without a startling iucident is a failure. The one iu this city last week.wc are told, had one. hut on account ef the high standing of the parties it has been suppressed nntil the present time. As narrated to us the following BIO the particulars: At one of the polling places a pile of tickets was placed ready for voters. They were like any tickets except that "Yes"' was written after the amendment part. A young man stepped up to the said pile, and began striking out the word "yes" and writing ''no " Suddenly he was interrupted by a large dirk being raised above his head, and he was ordered to desist. Stepping back he pulled a revolver an,j levelled it at the intruder, and demanded by what right he interfered with him. Immense excitetwnt it said to have prevailed. Said he with the dirk. 'Don't you kaow that that is private prop erty, and that you have no light to naal flats it" "Is that so?" said he with the revolver. Revolvers and dirks were put up. without any blood being shed, matters cooled down, and people went on voting two nees one yes. Vteemavess Rp-rt. Mtawiag isttel reprt of Mrs. L K.Blaio. Treasurer o! the State W, C. T. W. which shows the coiiditiao of that orgn-ivtion . From uimjrHsp in Portland Jane ir,th, iss3 imlss From advertisements in minute July 18th. 13 From County W C I Dt Total. PA in OCT. To A. Drew, July 18th. 1SS3 To Mr? K J Hin. 18H3 To E ASwope, 1883 To J X Donalson, IMS To Mrs M J Towpsend. March 14. Dvv4 To Mrs K J Himes, March 21st, 184. To Geo H Mines, May 17, 1884 To Mrs A R Riggs,Jaae 5th, 1884 To Mrs M E Edwards. June 5th. 1881 To Mrs M M Wain. June 5th, 18S4 . . To Mrs M H Cartwriuht, June 5, MM To Mrs M J Town.-.rid. Jnne 5th, 1164 To Mrs E J Himes, June 3th. 1884 Total on hand Total. A lone ( all Lest Saturday Mr J H Campbell, while working on the new warehouse nf Foshay A Mason, back of their fctore, met with an accident which cams near proving fatal. Mr Campbell was working near the eaves of the building on the roof, when one of two sticks above him, which held a pile of lumber, broke, letting the lumber fall against h-ra. He was knocked off the building, his feet catching for an instant, sa that be bung suspended head first, al lowing the lumver to pass over him to the ground, and then he foil nearly head first to the ground, a distance f about fifteen feet, striking on bis face. Several severe gashes wer-3 cut, but, almost miraculously, not a bone wa broken. He was taken to Dr Kelley's office, where he was well attended to, and afterwards was conveyed in a hack to his horn1?, where good atten tion is bringing him out all right. IMggUU Freak. A very swinish freak has happened at Marion Station not often chront led, A sow belonging to Mr D Pi vabtrec, recently gave birth te a large litter of pigs. Three of them immediately deserted their mother in a dis obedient manner and took np with a cow, which nursed them in a very motherly man ner. One was accidently killed, another was taken away, but the third continues to live with the cow, and is outstripping all of its unambitious brothers and sisters by getting uncommonly fat. A stranger freak rarely occurs. II irlwburs Stem. J. P. Schooling returned home from east of the mountains last Sunday. Minnie Train is very low wi'h lung afTc tion. Alfred Humphry is very low with some thing like paralysis. Judge Tandy was barely able to come out to the election. Prosecuting Attorney-"001 elal. The official vote for Prosecuting- At torney of the Third Judicial District gives the following majorites : Geo. E. Chamberlain Linn, 575 ; Polk, 1GS. Total, 743. CE Wolvertou Marion,213, Yamhill, 88 ; Tillamook, 69. Total, 370. Chamberlain's majority, 373. HOME AND ABROAD. F M French, jo wider. The Circuit Court is in session at Salem. Hen Butler for President. Great Spooua ! Gradual growth and not booms ia what it wanted. Pay your city taxes, and do not grumble about it. O H Irvine will be deputy clerk uudor D. Andrews, There will be a laigo crop of blackberries this year, r'r complete local and uouuty newa read tho Ftemwii H Vhein M Bruuk ia clerking id a store at Eik city ou the Day. Vermout has had a big flood and storm, causing great damage. Geerge Karris killed his step-father near McMiunville last week. Several steamers will be ruu between Va- quina bay and Portland. The regular meeting of tho VY. C. T. U. at the Hall at the uaual hour. Wool begins to arrive iu thia city but ouly 15c ia obtained tor beat grade. Stcchan, the dude manager, has had hia San Francisco theater closed. , "Fools rush iu where augels fear to tread,' may he applied to many things. Remember the commencement exercises at the College next Tuesday night. A man need enly to ruu lor etliee to liud out how few or manv friends he has. The total valuatiou of the real and person al projerty iu Seattle is $lO,O00.UO. Our oflice has p.t yet Won iufeated by mountain trout, we are aorry to aay. Mr E I i'.nss is building a bath-house aud wood shed on the back of his residence. 1 ..d men will have a tire bell in a short time. It is becoming an enterprising city ( Mrs Ptta Sod Irons and Euterpriae cotree mills just received by Petera Jt Blain. Cheap Still greater reduction in price- of Univer sal and Ejreka wringers at Peters k Blain'a Portland U at a standstill in many respects. There is alimut no building at all going on there. Anew Presbyterian church will bo built in i .ehuu.'M, work to ho begun in a abort time. The June apportionment of school funds has been made and clerks can now et their money. Things have worked together for the goed of wheat iu a very satisfactory manner thia Spring. A row iu a saloon last Sunday added a small amount of money to the funds of the city Treaiu'ry. In the official vote given iu another column the first names are Democrats and the last nes Republicans. The County Pioneer's meetiug was held at So-laville last Fridaj. There was not a very large attendance. Remember that wo take wood on aabacrip tieu, aad tho aoouer received the most con venient it will be far us. A large line of harveat goods, consisting f overalls, jumers, cotton pants, gloves, etc., . just received at L E Blain's. This is commence nent week tu Salem. Am ng the graduates will be John O Goltra, son ..f W Gejetea, of thia city. Foshay Mason, en acoount of their large ly iucreaaed busiuess, arc building a atwra- :. aae back of their present store. Considerable immigration now is towards Southern Oregon, the travel ou the O a- C being much larger than a month ago. There will be nineteen graduates of the State Cuiversity thia year, the commence sent exercises taking place next weak. Jua Kenwiek won the three fourths of a mile frte for all race at Fairmont Park last wek. tie is liable to make Oregon famens. Getting anvils ready to fire over the result from one precinct is very bad policy. Never count your ggslings before they are hatched. flarrisburg is making preparations to r ganize a tire department, an excellent move, for a stich in time often saves a whole shirt. Ladies' ulsters in linen and tnobair, also the newest and latest styles of ladies' spring ';'. -'7 andaom-ner garments at Monteith .t Seiten- bach. A Republican iu Cdchalem, Or , went six miles after a voter, and when he got him he voted the straight Democratic ticket, a pecu liar joke. Our contemporary of last week does not give ourcity enough furniture manufactures. IKe have three instead of two, and a chair factory besides. An elegant gold plated band nog for 70 cents, stands acid test. Send stamp for cat alogue, Smith k Co., 721 : Market St., San Francisco, Cal. The vote in Wasco county has narrowed down en the (lerk ao low that both men claim to be elected. Ouly the official vote will decide it. Last week the gnat mill far the brm near Alkali, meutioued ia the Dkmockat a few weeks ago, was shipped from this city by Cherry k Paikee- The alnmni meeting of Albany College will be held at (J H Stewarts on next Mon day evening, instead of C E Welverton's, as announced last week. Dr D B Rise, we are informed by our gen ial station agent, has purchase d forty acres ef fine land near Ashlaud, and will devote part of it to fruit raising. Uuiversalist iiervices in the W, C. T. U. Hall next Sunday afternoon (June 15) at half past three, conducted by Rev. E. A. McAl -ister. All are invidod. Mr Lemon, recently of Salem, has bought out the dairy and milk rout of A D Barker in this city, and will hereafter run it . He is an experienced dairyman. Superintendent Moses has kindly furnish ed us a list of School officers for the county so far as reported, which will be found in another column. Save it for reference. A Salem paper says : "Portland is the most prosperous city in the State. Albany, the most orderly, and Salem the most virtu ous," the last of which at least is a very good joke. The K. of P. is the name of a new and popular cigar, which is tecoming a great favorite among smokers. E W Langdon k Co.. have a large stock of them at their drug store. The sure effects ef Ayer's Saraaparilla are thorough and permanent. If there ia a lurk ing taint of scrofula about you, Ayer'a Sar saparilla will dislodge it, and expel it from your system. "Poker" Smith last week while calso miaing in J E Sorbin's saloon, slipped on a ladder and (ell to the floor, spraining one of his aukles.and confining him for some time. New quartz claims are being taken up rap idly near Quartzville on Canal Fork on the North Santiam. Quite a large number of claims have been filed for record in the clerks office this week. The Salem club which played in Albany at the Firemen's picnic were beaten by the Dallas nine on Decoration Day 42 to 9. The Salem boys are splendid players, except when they are playing. Remember the commencement exercises of Albany College next Tuesday evening. Col lege chapel will be crowded. The commence ment sermon Sunday night by Prof.WyckofT will be worth hearing. i mm -" ' "i. hp i' i m SOCIAL AND KRSINAL Binge r Herman passed down the road last Tueaday. Fred Bluutlierg and wife went te the Bay Tuesday- Mack Mouteith returned frsm Smi Fran -ciseo Tuesday night. Miss Woodin is visiting with her brother, Mr. A. B. Woodin of this oity. 1 8 Train, editor of tho lUrrisbiig l)it-m-..:'', was in the oity Monday. Mr McAfee, of Salem, ia a guest of her aister, Mrs W B Barr, in thia city. George Fish went to Corvnllls yesterday, aud will work iu a tin shop in that oity. (ioorge Young returned from a two woeka trip to Southern Oregon on last Saturday. Mra J M Nolan, of Corvallis, spent Sab bath iu Albany, likewise her brother Thomaa Callahan. Mr. J. J. Fiiilaysou was married nt Foreat Grove last week ton lady whose name we dhl not learn. Mms Bert Euoe, who hat been working in Portland for nearly a year, returned to Al bauy last week. Charles PfeiOer. W B Scott, Jas Pip,Al Carey and Jack Burkall left for the stay Monday morning. ( 'ill I It Mnanvi nf S ilnm rueeutlv lout I -st Saturday Whit Crawford was tearinir ai i .... ,.' . . ..V....J, ..... .... OT. 'Q...... . 0j paralysed by sxuoeaive smoking. If you want good yollow fir lumber, ttfoaa ed or undressed, aee Eli Carter, he it prepar ed to fill your order. Yard ou K. R. switch between 4th and Dth Streets. A whisker dye must be oonve nieut to use easy to apply. Impossible te rub off, elegant iu appearance, and cheap in prion. Bucking ham's Dye for the whiaker unite in it-. 1 all these merits. Try it. We have reooiyed a neat invitation to the commencement exercises of the State Nor mal School, held at Monmouth on HVdans. day last. A line picture of the College build ing iaon tho back of the aame. L E Blain has just received a new line of Brownsville goods. They are becoming very Kpular and are selling faat, not ouly be cause the cloth is made in tiie county, but as well became they are splendid goods. MrS F Hammer left at thi otfieo a very fine aan.plo of new potatoes yesterday. They are of the early Toae variety and stoak well fer the entcrpire ot pluck of Mr Hammer as aa a farmer, who has lately settled among tie- 1 -v t Monday afternoon the Singer sewing machine team of Frank French ran away, only stopping by reason of the strength of County Cicrk Stewart's fence. A broken rem caused the disaster. Little injury was dene. 22.50 liS. 52 1 7--0 15 00 48.90 10.00 4.60 8.08 5.00 5.60 8.75 10 15 5.60 2.80 32. 40 71 IP down an old barn in this oitv. when the er second story came down before its time, striking Whit on the cranium, cutting a bad gash which required several stitches It inrnd it. Religous Services at Trinity Chapt I on Sat urday afternoon at o'clock. Also on Safc bath morning at 11 o'clock and in the after noon. Rev. Mr. Keuumtou will preach iu Albany at II o'clock on Sabbath morning. at M. E. church. W R Privett, of Jefferson, came within 118 of being elected Clark of Marion county, certainly a great compliment to him In a county that goes nearly eevou hu mired Re publican. It ia to be regretted that he did not get 200 more. A dispatch from San .lose Cal. siya that a divorcj has he. i' granted Mr. Iuiaa A. Woods from Ex -Governor George U Woods for abandonment Thi w ill I..- no surprise to many Oregnnian. ai they kuow "George the auet-xor" is tricky. Safety laxlge, A. O. V. W.. eluded the following officers last weok Julins Joseph, P. If. W. ; A. D. Barker, M. If. ; F. Grab Foreman ; M. Cowan. O. ; B. Brainier. Re corder ; N J Henton. R e d : E. A. 1 'at ker Fin. ; E. D. Sloan. 0. Mr. Steven Drckard.we have just learned, was ou Wednesday of last week, married t one of Victoria's (B. A. ) fair and accomplish ed daughter's, Mm Minnie M. Blackett. We exteud hearty congratulation to Steve and his handsome wife, and w ih them long, well matched years of life. The two Astoria p.V'.-r arc at the mud slinging business, but they do not step with mud. They threw stagnant pools, slops, bone yards and alaughtrr houses, at each other aa well. We pity their eubacribcre, who are uot allowed even to sueal. The waiting noin of the lit Ib-trl ia fj becoming a curiosity shop. The last acquiai tieus are a atutled eBuiu, kid I in this county, a rare bird here, the key that Morie practiced telegraphy on in IS36, and a cone from the Yucan river in Alaaka. The pea tpain ia gunuuie, but it will not do t inves tigate the others too thoroughly A few weeks ago we stated that it pai I t e raise good ho,-ca, and gave an incident to prove it. A Portland pt-r. a uaual. stele the item, and cow it is going the round of the press with all credit to some Portland i , . . norses ior bringing good ri ;e There is a certain class of men in society who are always looking for bonaza. No matter where they are the Pactelian stream ia somewhere else. They forget that a roll ing atone gathers no moss, ami that seme times it ia policy to lot well enough alone. The State Teacheis Ai i itt :i will be held in Salem June Xm an i July 11, 2nd and 3rd, and every preparation i being made to make it a great success. Hevcral teachers will attend from this county, some of whom will take part, arnorg other Prof. Hill wiH deliver the resMince to the address of wel come and Mis Ella MaBrido will revl a pa per. Next Friday afternoon the closing exercise of the public schools will take plo-o at the ceutral achool building. Thsy will le of an Geergo Humphrey, J K Weatherford, and D Maustield and wife went to Portland Tues day t attend tho Grand Lodge of Masons. R N Williamson, of Welts, called on us Tueaday. lie haa purchased the warehouse in that place, ami will hereafter run it him self. Jaa Foster, Jr., returned from Oakland, Cal.,ou last Friday evening after an absence of two or three mouth, and has since guuo te tho Bay. Mrs L G. MoCau'.ley, stater of our popu lar city Itecorder, lelt for Ellenaburg, W, T. last Wednesday, to bo gone about three mouths. The genial Col. Kolsoy, of Cjrvalli sailed on u Weduesday. The Col. barring his politic, would make a good I'uitml Slate Senator. N J Cochran, of Brotvuavtllo paid ua a friendly visit last Monday. He wa on Id way home from attendance on the Baptist Association on Soap creek. Rev Mr Fmley, ef Saute IUa, Cal.. waa in the city Tueaday, a gooat nf Judge R S Strahan. Rev Fiuley waa the tho first Presi dent of tho State Agrtcult iral College at Corvailia, and is an accomplished gentleman. mm Tf c in tr ji M nun B Clarpuvl, sTATR W, C, T. 1 1 rumi, JaJr, John lautn anJ I The matter of the application of Ja. M.-flargue for legation of roiiaiy read was coutinaed. Toe petltlan of I) ii Mollum for loca tion of county road, was granted. The application of J H Horner for a scholarship In the state rnlversity was granted, also application of Viol A. Colbert. The an i report of P A Moses, School Superintendent wise accepted. The petition of George Gelseneiorfer for damages suetaiii-d by Supervisors taking hi grayei was contluued. JO Saltmars.i, Read Supervisor al lowed 5000 feet of lumber, also hupar visor of District 40 f r JO feet of Iu n b- r ami '.o lbs. ef spikes Also W T Jor Han, for -j feei of lumber. Also F s Thayer for 5000 feet of lumber. Also II Bishop for '.h feet of lumber. Also H Freekseu for HKJO feet of lumber. Alao fl Cnwadle for 7N feet if lumber and 7 pouuds afuells. Also J H Coury fer oOOO last of ltimbei and 25 pound of uails. al-o F M Wetfall, for lot i feet of luiulx r and B0 iHiundMof nails. Fe v sta'e ugt. W H Anders u al lowed. J Froman, Sup allowed lluj feet of lumer ordered that c ulract bfl let io J F. Michael to build road If) let long across - wale near H. Burtoiishaws place where there I now a infaotWn brblg-, the old planks 10 be placed on ground. I Tgo logs to be placed ou either side to be filled with rock or stone to llilcku?H of 14 Inches, then covored with realtor dirt to depth of 2 inches, aud dirt well Convontlon mt on Juno 4th. I8H4 t o'clock, , m, Devotional eaorolseM con ducted by Mrs ituhb. Convention called to order at 10 o'olnok .rrosldsnt Mrs Ulnes presiding. Committee on oredentlal appointed, consisting of Mrs I, 1C Blain, of Albany ; Mrs Rlgg. of Portland and Mrs Nash, of Corvallis. While waiting for rsnort of ooinmllteo, Mrs nvltt made many valu ablo suggestion Iu regard to tho work of tho Convention mid lh manner In which h should ,(, I'ou liDtod. Commltteeon OratltitaVUl reported .() deltgafea prasent. Roll nail ofdoegates. Noxt In order was the address nf Welcome" by Mra (Jeorge TurreP, or Albany, and rosonso by Mra Latum Tumor, of Rist Portland. Both were listened to wllh marked attention. Report wrthu Kio-utlvo Com in I tle fol lowed. Wo regrnt tin t wo are not able le glvu this roport h U would be of inunh In t rest to teiiipuranco workers, Appolut ment Of now IWltlntl WaVl Host taken up re sulting as follow s On Finance, Mrs Biuln, MrsTuiroll and Mr Worth. On Principle- uirl Plan of Waik, Mrs raters, MrsiSuitck and Mr Allen. On Resolution, Mr lloxtor, Mr Blain aud Mrs William Oa Oourtesloa, Mr Brown and Mr Irving. On Superlnten hniis or lopuiltnoiit,Mrs Russ, Mrs Roland and Mrs Dr Kelly, After slnrlns the daxaateaT tha .(IP V 1. 1 I . r r- lion a.TJ iii niosl lo inoet al 1 o'i lock, p. m, AtrrKllMoo.N sKHaio. On rcassoiabling devotional exercises were . ondueted Oy Mis Rlgg, aller whlnh the onontlon was callod lo order by the Presldont. Minutes read and approved. The prosldentthen Oaited Mrs Rlgg to the flbair and delivered her annual a hires. Sho congratulated the Unions noon the work done, om oursgod aud advlaed thorn and prayed that all would rottwa to their several ( uions with renewon sal aad earnsitnos for the work of the wining yoar. We have uol poo to mention the many good thing uggoUi,, but hope that each ono will reine-mhor and carre out ker mtrii-llau a far as may bo prac ticable. We will glvsherearier in ur i el umn so mo or her special point, In the different linos of work. Reports of Vi. Presidents retlowsd this addres. Mrs Rlgg. or the 11 district, reported unions organized, with much atiooeas and en couragement Ju d dut nit no report,. Ird district, Mra IvUard reported 10 Unions orgaulsd, present moniber-hlp jot. n. report frecn the lib, ai, and 6th district, Repertsor Suporlntondanti cf Ipr; meuts. There Ixung llfteeu de(artmeota of work, it is lanposaibls. n the space allot od, to get In the reHrt rroui each or them. The reports show that work baslssen don in all tho Departments and the way open ed Tor greater progress In the year to come. Convention adjourned to meet at 7 .30. thanks and tXprtM our high appreciation Of kar work In our state, and pray that the Dloaslng of heaven may rest upon her and all her labors. Resolved. That this State Convention tender lis sincere thank to the pastor, Rev lirowtiaon and the board of trustee for their kind Invitation to hold theli sessions In their church and especially to the pastor rr his cheerful holpfiilltios In many ways, Mum. II Mrs. N. WiM.iaM, Mum. L K. Ki.AIN, Committee. It was doclded that tha n ixi State 0Ofl veullon would ho hel l In ICist Portlaml. Nsxt in order ws the mlseollanoous busl naas, answers to quQstlooa by Mr Leavllt followed sad this closod tlm exocutlve session or tho (invention. Adjourned. evKitisu y .i o. jienai with prayer by Rsv Simpson, M lowd by marching, aongs ami recitations by tho Band of Hope under the direction ef Mrs L m Blaiii. The erforinaBce was very good and roll s: ted much credit upon those having charge of thia depsrtsierit N-xt in order wasadiiet by Mrs I.aiig.len ami Prof Donal son, It was grand. An instrumental solo by Miaa Certrudo Walker came next, in which she displayed much skill. Mrs I.v ilt's addreaa, much the moat interesting of auy delivered during the ( 'eiivcntien. waa iiatened te with great interest. Tho oven isg's nxerciaes closed with a duet of unusual brilliancy by Mr langtlon and Prof Donal son . Benediction by Rev Simps .n. The Convention was entirely harmonious, entertaiiiug te our MWMMs of great profit te tho delegates, an l through them will be of great benefit te the various Unions repre sented. Mrs. I .eavitt aMrussas and pointed re marks during the business srsj.ioua, her in tereatiug replies te tho pieri a of the .pins- ROn box, and oapecially her a.bireaaea have uontributeil io tho higheat degree to the sue-' cess of tho Convention. The delegation waa uot ao large as waa ex pected, eeyeral Unions being nun preeented. A much larger delegation will be secured by holding the anuaal conventi in at another time ot the y e;.r. The outlook for the State ..rgam .lien ith its thirty three auxiliaries, i bright. and promiaes great progreaa fr the coining year. The Dkmh ha i with Its asnal kiudneas gives us pce in its IojsI column for our re port W.C. T. U. Ki.irMi'a. teuarll Proeeedlag Tuesday evening, June loth. IS84, Present -Msyor, Recorder, and Abb. rFoodin, Monteith. Rriggs, and Brash. Ab ent -Fushay and Marshal Dickey. Committee on Streets reported that route for sewer on Calipooia street had been sur veyed, also that flu rne te Turner's mill wa lowered te grade. Committee on Health and Police recom mended that nuisances near Block KM and 23 he removed. Adopted. Marshal waa ordered te have obstructions in troet near Block 1 3 removed. Ordinance 127 was passed. Matter ef standing water near lot 4, block 4, was re ferred te Committee on Health and Police. On suggestion of Chief Engineer, Msrshsl was ordered te make opening on Brosdslbin stret flume, IN inches in the clear, cover 3 inches thick and ring te raiae it, alao te put gate iu Hume on Raker north line First street also ordered to have private cross walks on First street lowered to grade, and te have fence in rear of No. 1'a building repaired. Recorder was ordered te advertise for bids for sewer on Cslipo ia atreet, of 12 ins. terra cotta pipe, bids te be opened at next meet ing. 'I he following billa were ordered aid . R D Munay, 92. 7.1 ; R R Croeby,$3..p0 ; cost v Ryan and Dougherty, 110.20 ; N J Hen ten. $8 35 ; I C Dickey, $71 ; Itebinaon k West, tMI and 33.86 ; M Co was, gravel, SI ; J no Maxwell, 92.41 ; Itebt Brown, HO, fLAlU ULL ear Albany aqnlrl Cue Iievotlonal exereiaa OOOtflMlOal by Mr Turner. Couvention called lo ordor by Che re let!'.. !:xer.-lss opwnod with a ado by Mr Blumkerg 'utifu ily ren derol and well rsxelv...! i,y lb largo au Renc., Prayer bUowod Itet ll.rrla. Piano solo bp Mis Del! Hniilnra Miss Heu-lera In a skii.ed ,frormor and a ravarite in Aioauy. ni ad dross of Wsl- I am 'he dudent dude lit town, and all the girls are crar.y over my iieuo. Sau Wa, 1 saw throe quarters of a cord or wood and charge for a cord. A heap iaart ( hiaaiaan I am. Handnomo. I kit old Ugly Mug wltk a stick or wood and I am the pugUtstlrusaet Celestial in Albany who eata rice and cheap pork, Tern. I am tho heavy weight barker In nigger ekows an i dare yelp at the blackest darkey that ever raised his clarion notes. -W.R's dog, I am the worst looking bug eyed, sal low coiuplexioned gentlemen In the Wil arnette alley, and evorvbody turns aghast at me. Kwoog Mows Head Clerk. I am the Important -at f dlowor of Con- onus but Mold Thieves. Wednesday morniog two boys, one a;ed '' . .t thirteen and the other aUut ten.weie arrested, on a warrant, b 0 G Burkhart, chargul with ateahmr, and taken before T P Hackleman, Kvj , when they plead guilty aud were seatniceI to oue months imprison ment in the eounty jail, where the little fel lows are now spending deapondent hours, often iu a very tearful and penitent manner. The offenae waa the stealing of two shirta,an undershirt, some towels, milk, etc., from the yarda and houses of Johnny Cleland, Kill Knox aud Mr Conn, at various times lately. Part ef these things they hid under a pile of ties near the railroad track, where they were found. atoth of the beye. we understand have been living in a house of ill fame near the Third street ball grounds, the oldest one going sometime ky the name of Charley laker Tho punish meat is a hard one on boya of their age ; but an example at the present time ia almost a necessary one. There are several other boy wKo had better mend their ways, or they may find them selves iu a like predicament, certainly not a good way to begin life for a boy of a dozen years. como ler Hie I bun hoa.l.y Prof V k. oil fuschi in Albany, and would like to be or Albany was n warm welcome, full or, Presldont or the Unit ed Slain or bake omrwastyi;itny r.r trruissrnnco workers I broad or noinn Uofc mau.-Jl .9239.27 interesting, though uot elaborate nature. ' be 1 graveled to depth of 4 inches, the road schools under the superintendence of Prof, j ,0 be 12 feet wide between tho logs and Hill are mating with good success, and he j 03 Inches above plaiiks.with provisions deserve the tapper of ail of Albany's citi- i (or bulMIOff of ditches and colverla. I lie road to be completed by Nov. 1st, and to be kept pasoaklo until built. Said Michael to receive 90j0 for same, to bo done under supervision of B. Uurteu- ehaw. The application of Mrs Bella Homer fer scholarship te State University was granted. Application of W 5 Huston and Wm Carnes for relief of Charles Kuel con tinued. Wm Baltimore allowed 3000 feet of lumber and keg of spikes for Hist, 10. Jurors in County Court were allowed fees. Petition of Jas A Hichardson for loca tion of county road read and Peter BIl- yeu, Alex Montgomery und Ed Daly appointed reviewers. The following bills were allowed. zens. A Kansas ppr taki-s occasion to warn Oregon apers against a man w ho managed teget in on it for subscription, who haa come to this state. It wc were to keep warning the public agtinst such meu, wc would have to make a regular department of tho matter. It is becoming newspaper experience in Ore gon te have nearly a fourth dead beat their paper. A very disastrous water spout happened at Iast Chance ranch, Briduo creek, last week. Mrs Wilson and three children were drowned. Several houses were washed away snd a number of horses and cattle perished. Two teams loaded with freight were caught by the water, near tho mouth of Bridge creek, and washed about thirty mile down the John Day river. Nearly all tho farms on Bridge creek are ruined. Mr B A Freeland. who came here from Upper Ochcco last fall for the benefit of his health, and who is very low with consump tion, started for Ahlaud Monday evening, where he expect to receive treatment for the benefit of his health. He was so weak that he had to be carried in an easy chair to the dejot. Fltwhitry PlaiMdealef, People are warn.-d against buying too many l imp, steS -i Kgtnos, etc., for Kdisen says that withiu the next fifty years elec tricity will propel the cars on the street and elevated railroads, light tho city within and without its buildings, furnish power for all purposes, work telephones and burglrr alarms, convey parcels, direct and signal ffres, operate fire engines, and poss ibly dis place animal locomotion for vehicles. 0 L Morris, keeping county poor $87.05 M G Moss, keeping Hutchlus, at 92.50 per week A B Mcllwain, mdso 8.50 Wm Balston, house rent Mra Sims 2.50 j H Powell, medicine for Mrs 81ms 5.60 Robinson A West, lumber 120.12 rt K Young, two scrapers 80.00 J A Crawford, water rent 3,00 R R Humber. lumber 10127 K K Montatruo. 2 kears nails 9 r OT Croft, keeninir Cole 10.75 W B Donaca. mdae. Mra Hlraa. . . . 12.00 J M Irving, postage 19.16 L Fllnn 75.00 Expenses te Baleen 8.00 Geo Humphrey, Sheriff -12.00 B It Clay pool 6.00 John Isom 0.10 Sth of July Celebration at sclo. Scio will have a grand colcb ration on the old baskil picnic style, the program will be about as fallows : Orator C. A. Johns, reading the declaration of independence, also speeches and music by band and choir, games by the archery and base ball clubs, foot races, sack race, wheelborrow race ; the plugs will alao make their appearance, wind ing up with a grand ball at night. All those wishing to have a good time should not fail to attend. Committee. Letter List. Tiae following ts the list of letters remal alng In the Post Office. Albany. Linn county. Ore gon, June 10th, 1884. Persons calling lor these letters must give me date on which they were aaveniaea. Acorn. Alex Farrier, Mrs. Sarah Etrglcston, Mollio Harris, B. For first class millinery goods at greatly re duced rates, go to Miss Mattie Fosters. Blue It Hilton lull. The Blue Ribbon Club will meet at tho W C T U Hall this Friday evening at 8 o'olock A good program has been prepared. Rev J R N Sell has been secured to address the club. Mr Bell is one of the best temper ance lectures on the Coast, Following is the program : Prayer. Song by quartet. Recitation by Sarah Sternberg. Address by Rev JKN Bell. Song, duet. Recitation by Allio Scott. Recitation by Flora Mason, Song by quartet. Brick ! Brick 1 1 Kiley, Miss Mary J. M. IRVING, P.M. After July 1st I will have 250,000 gooi merchantable brick which I will sel pJieats. t2n.ll on tindaraiiraed at Al I banj. 1 W. B. CUNDIFF, mmm mm a iriuuio 10 wmuau was mors than they dcisrrxod ; but we hops In Hum that by prayer aud eonaecratlon to Jod Ihey may bo abln lo place themselves ujm.h t, pttetal ho, In his broad eharitr. erected for them. The Response by Mrs Ieeviit wa Uko all her addresnns, well exprensod nod to the point. Following hsr nddroaa wna the gem of the owning, a solo by Praf Iionalaon, of Inlein, - a laHBPOVOBOt aeag ami exqulaitnly sung. f.xerclnes eiosod with tbo benediction. wammmkt mhi.o sKio.t. DtfOttoOOl exercises for half an hour tlautail hy Mrs Wllaoo. Annual report of correnpodiug ecrolary, cauuot give the report In full. Ropottod H Cnlonn In tho .Stale, all In good working order. Treav urer'n report, balance tu the Ireasury fias.tM. The ministers of the different churchoa iu Albany and Itev .Simpson, of Kiigoua. were then introduced and addressed the oouvontlon, giving to the women of the W. 0. T. V., words of encouragement and 'omtnoudalion. Flection of olllcers was noxt in order, resulting in the election of the old ellieera, without an exception, thereby showing a just appreciation of tbolr ntnens for tho panltions, The State oflioers are : Mrs II K Hinen, Prealdent ; Mm Belle i'.oko, Corresponding See ro tary , Mrs M II ( artwright, Recording Secretary ; Mrs L K Ulaln,Treasurer. Tho ice Prentdenta of tho several districts and Superintendents of Department we will give at another time. Convention adjourned nntil 1 o'clock, f.m AFTEKNOON SKSSION. Convention reassembled, Devotional exorcises led by Mrs Adams. Convention called to ordor by the Presldont. Minutes read and approved, Reports of Commu tes were callod for, these reports we were unabte to got, excepting the report of Committee ea Resolutions, which was. as follows : Resolved, That the sincere thanks of this Convention bo tendered to Prof. Don aldson fur hi -1 very finely rendered somrs. and to all the singers who have so kindly enlivened our meolings wllh their music Resolved, That evaagollsts work among our soldiers aad seamen demands some new plans of operation. KoHol veu, That a delegation or ladles bo selected who are in the spirit of the work to co-operate with the W. C. T. U.,of As toria during tho fishing Moasou.and further that the same ladies alter correspondence wita luo olllcor.H in command of the mill' tary posts of the state institute similar meetings tor soldiers in connection with our nearest local Unions. Resolved, That this Convontlon recom mend that the members of the W. C. T. U. devote time and study to the Important matter of touched upon in our "signal union" in regard to the selection and preparation of food for table, that we tempt not nor create an appetite for strong drisK. llesolvod, That the W. C. T. U., of Ore- iren is utterly onoosed to liceuso either high or low, of the liquor traffic, or any otaer evil, Resolved, That in the opinion of this convontlon, Alcohol is not necessary as a medicine and tberetore, that it is necessa ry for our druggists to keep it for that purpose 18 not valid, Resolved, That iiuamuoh as blackmail- Ins is practiced bv thn"dundav Mercurr aud we believe the reading of the same has a demoralizing effect upon our people Therefore, bo It Resolved, That the members of this union use every moans In their power to suppress its sale on the railroads and lines of travel Resolved, That this Convention tender the ladies of Albany a vote of thanks for extending to delegates from abroad the hospitality of their homes, thereby making It a visit which we shall remembor with pleasure. Resolved, That the thanks of this Con vention are hereby extended to the mana gers of the lines of travel in the State of Oregon for fa vers In granting reduction in fares to delegates. Resolved, That in view of the faithful and untiring services of the Supt. of the department ef the Pacific Coast our be loved Mrs Leavltt we tender our sincere Crand Lodge Unease. On Plnln Sal.Jrrll. BY A ri.AIK CIIAF. Recently an operator in London talk ed io the Morse language with another operator in Calcutta, a distance of seven thousand miles, the moat wonderful (00t of the kind ever reformed. Whan considered caimly it startles ono to think of the magnitude ef a aoucd be in made In London that could be heard in Calcutta. "Are you reaJly London -said the startled Calcutta operator, arid ho was assured that he was. Tho salmon we get In market here are captured by the famous fish wheel of tho Cascades, a terrible enemy to thia mot noble the finny tribe. The wheel revolves, catches the fish, throws them inside and by another action into a largfrtank, uninjured, where they are taken out as needed.and shipped to cus tomers over the state. We had rather ruu the chances of being a whale in the ocoan or a dude ia a city, than a salmon in the Columbia. At the game time we have to have the nnfertunate salmon on our tables, and whether eaught by a heel or net bring them on. e A LOaOiM aaaoclation haa offered prizes of tH-'jtfO and $UM for the beat Bon-alcobellc drink, not to exceed tl3 per 100 gallons in value, or 15 cents per gallon. Thia is a good blew at the use of Intoxicating liauors, and if It will only have the fleet of prodocW a good beverage to meet the taste of the it Will no doubt work to the benefit of the Knglitb peepl a" Tbere are HMsiO.OOO car wheels in the I "ui ted States. Persons who have heard the terrible rattle of a train of fifty car wheels need to atop a long time to figure out the enormous rattle of atrain of ten tnii! ions, could one be construct eel of that length. Aa nearly as ws can calculate il would make a train across the laded Htates aud nearly back gain. Deliver us from it and the Niagara falls.ora bore's tongue. a A man running for othce should never get road. Oue of the perquisites to a good office seeker is equanimity of temper, a disposi tion to be talked about, if net lied about ; aud when a man baa not these 'purifications it ia a good sign that ke has no busineaa in the political arena. A ( terry Stealing EleJ I nm only a aide-walk but I let my nails grow Iviiger than a Cannilsal. Shoe Tearcr. I protend la be a nruool building, but I look more like a barn, and even Bungle- town would disown me. -Central School Building. I am a DlP-u with onough water in my craw to run the machinery of a Minnea polls ; but the ipopl alesg my banks have their eyes full of dirt. Santiam Canal. I am a woolen mill, but I am not ia Al bany, I ought te le there though, for think I could put a little life into seme of Albany' fossils. In presperio. I am the worst used up institution in Christendom. I am attacked on all ear ners and devoured by rich and poor; but 1 ama lah de-dab affair anyway Ahmo teh. I am a nuisance in any cit. Yet I am fauna in many places in Albany, and do a great deal towards incraasinK the patent medicine trade. I cuckt to be annihilat ed, but my enemies are not enterprising enough for that. -Stagnant pools. I am the masher among the :iuhetic in stitutions of Albany, I am the admired ef the admired, a swell chsp and belle com bined, yot I ought to be encouraged and given more ribbons. Handsome Yards. In order te make room for new goods Miss Msttie Foster will sell her present stock at far below usual rates, dive her a call. Aa i:rrlleat Kaiertalnmrnl. Lasi Friday night the Hampton College Students played to a good house In this city. Those who attended expressed them selves as amply paid. A bettor troup has not been here, They gave as much genu ine music and enjoyment as could well be crowded into one night. The Itslian can play on his harp.the German on the piano, the Spaniard can dance a fandango, 'and the Yankee can talk you into a bargain, but commend us te the darkey for genu- ne chin music, and to the Hampton Col lege Students above any we have heard . Their bass would have made a lion crawl nto his den, their soprano, alto and teuor wore good, and Billy Speed, the mixture of all, takes the wheat field. Their voices are not cultivated, but tone, expression and harmony, aro all tha'r, and that's music, This troupe deserves big houses. Ho Iodfe is io session this week at Pert land. Amonir the deleiraUa present from this county are the following : Corinthian No. 17 Albany. K W lang don, R A Foster, (teorge Simpson. Halaey No. CI H alee v. S A Smith, W P Smith. T J Black. St. Johns No. H - Albany. J K Weather ford, Ceorge Humphrey, D Mansfield. Ibanon No. 44-Lebanon. J L Cowan, .1 H Cusick. bedd a No. 79 Shedd a. C W Davis, H B Springer. P.ranail No, 28 Rrowusville. J B R Mere look, Peter Hume. Scio No. 3C Scio, J J Djitis. The following officers were elected, Mason, of this city getting the highest 1 Urand Master. 1) P Mason.of Albany. Deputy I rand M-tstrr, J C Fullerten, of Koeeburg. Senior Crand Warden. A Naaburi?, of Marsh field. Junior Grand Warden, B. Van Dusen, o Astoria. (irand Treasurer.Sarauel Hughes.of Forest I 1 (irovo. 1 J rand Secretary, F J Babcock, of Salem. M r. For the next ten days Miss Mattie Foster will sell millinery goods at greatly reduced rates. tarsnrrs Now is the time to prepare to save yonr fruit, the prospects are favorable for an abundant crop of fruit of all kinds, there fore if you are wise you wi 1 take advan tage of it and let none of it go to waste, but provide yourselves with machines for evaporation, and dry the whole ot it. Ist Thursday afternoon agentleman of this city heard two boys.of woil advan ced ages for boys, coneoctiog a plan f,r getting their fill from a luscious looking cherry tree, the coming evening when the shades of night should have fallen suffi ciently. Consider this scene one. After the evtning train had come in, aud when moat people were courting sleep, these two youths stole cautiously toward the coveted fruit.t liruked the tree, and began devouring cberrJea by the handful, in whet they supposed waa com pletc security. Consider this scene two. Suddenly from the yard hose a stream of a ater at full force struck the boys on their heads, bodies etc., causing cemfu nion, w hich tumbled thorn promiscuously to the ground. Like heroes ia dime novels they made a break for the fence but one had only made three steps when a whole pail of water came full in his fice "Won 00 oh !" Then another took him in the back of bis neck, and about thia time the other young man was in the clutches of another conspirator against the youths, who al lowed him to depart without further pun ishment. This rray be considered aa scene three. It is safe to say that there will be no more cherry mealing in that yard. All cherry tbiefs should be treated in the aame way and they would soon be ex terminated. A boy need enly aak any one who has a well filled tree, and he can obtain plenty, but let him attempt to steal them, and wo to him if caught. solire Tbal Frank Daunals is prepared to make ever and to repair spring and wool matreasra aad lounges at Daunals new factory west and The best evaporator in the market is tho ajoinmg Judge Strahan s. "Improved Plummer Family and Factory Fruit Drier" it has been the longest in use and has never failed to give satisfaction. which have abuudant testimony to 1 prove. For aale by Jobs Brumjs, Albany, May 18th, 18S4, Steve Dealer. binutna Wire. Owing to the uncertainty in the amount of llinding W ire to bo used tnls season, there will not be any more imported than ia actually ordered. Those intending to use it will have to send their orders to me not later than June 1st, aa much earlier as possible, as aame will have to be order New laces, embroideries, silk glove, iie ed from manufactories in the East, and thread gloves, mitts, aad a full assortment orders must be aent in at once, fer it to be of kid gloves in black and color, in the Cele- here in season. brated Centomeii and Mather styles at S,MlHL fc.. iol.M'. SV C M rF.ITIl vv oil ten BAi II. Pnalar lkvslrlans. There is a growing demand on all .dde for remedies agreeable to the taste Improved farms in Linn and Lane as weH M beuelioial iu e fleet, and the counties in the heart of the finest farming leading physicians and druggists gladly dlatrict west of the Rocky mountains. or w,icoine to he list of new remedies al particulars address or call on nrenArfttinns nossaaino- wnl mrHt and A. TV, I !.., Tf la rw. ... omlllrul Shedd, Li an Co., Or. Krport. The following is ffce latest report of Dr J W Watte on the number of signatures in Linn eounty to the petition asking the aub mission of tho prohibitory ameudmcnt : Albanv 1410 af as, a Hsrrisburg. 00 Providence Lebanon 402 Scio 352 Brownsville 332 Mt. Pleasant SH Tangent 209 Crawfordaville 1S4 Sweet Home 168 Sodaville 146 Shodd 90 Halaev 91 Fox Valley 65 Keizer si Brush Creek 29 Mabel 8 a pleasant taste. by all who have tried the uew remedy, L id ius, misses and children's fine shoes and which ia having such an immense aale slippers, just the thing for summer wear, the Syrup of Figs that it is the most argest stock in the city at the Boot k Shoe efficacious preparation ever discovered. Store of If you want the best of all liver medi cines and purgatives, Syrup of Figs ia s I your choice. Trial bottles free aud large bottle9 for aale by Langdon Jb Co Total. .4733 BUCKLES' ARXIC t SALYK. The best salve In the world for outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped nauos, cnuoiaina earns and all kinds of skin eruptions This salve Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money re funded. Pries 85c per box. For sale by Foshay fe Mason. Beat harneu'at J J DubruiUVa. 1 OK SILK Sami ki. E. Yoi no's, MAKKir.n. FLOCK FOR SILK. COX BUTCHER. On Sunday, June 8th, 1884. in Albany, by Rev M Judy, Mi Vn.i.unf!. Cliix tn Mhs Sk.uv.s v Rl'TrHKlt 11 of Linn county. The best quality 01 Maguona uew fWs congratulate Tube and his wife, and process ttour, for f4 per barrel, or $1 per I m a ,aa - 1 1 a wish them as serene and pleasant a life as can aac. a nour wul 00 aeuverea to any part or tne city 01 Aitany. can on tne undersigned at the Magnolia Mills. Isaac B. Bkan. Sfrnp mt F las Nat lire's own true laxative. Pleasant to the palate, acceptable to the stomach, DIKB be picked up thia aide of V a lie jo. MORGAN STEVENS. On May 23rd, 1884, at the Depot Hotel, in thia city, by Rev J W Harris, Mr Wm Al Mono as, of Portland, and Miss Rons E Stbvess, of Linn county. TRACHSEL 8PRING Near Sweet Home on June 7th, 1884, at the home of the 1 r vi 1.,,, v Tkachsel and Kosisa Si'RISu. both of . . ' . 1 inn countv. 1 uon- cures naunuai consupauon,uuiious- neaa, luuigesuon ana kinareu 111s. iiesns- es the system, purifies the blood, regulates a a as a a aa a I Ha.a.l.a. onsiTDVDT n t .,i-.. in., ion, ioc. inenvor anil acts ou tne ooweiw. joreava.s it J as tu a x a u a. tawuaejr , v uuv tvvut i" 'i, 1 in Albany, of consumption, Miss Pauline up eolds.cuuis and ievers,etc.,sirenginen8 Scuubert. j the organs on which its acts, net -Diwer, Miss Schubert came to Albany several nauseous liver medicines, pills, salts and months ago from New York, for the purpose draughts. Sample bottles free, and large of visiting her relatives here and perhaps bottles for sale by Foshay fc Masonr improve her health, intending though to re turn home ; but she grew worse immediate ly, and continued to fail until her decease. I Ws are now prepared to make loans in She was a sister of the Misses Schubert and I aay sums desired on improved farm land in Charles Mueller, a niece of Mr Fred Mueller. 1 Linn and Benton counties for any length of and a moat estimable young woman, who I time not less than one year. Money to Lena. leaves many to mourn her untimely death. Bur xh art Bro.