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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1884)
STATE RICHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVBEnXIie MEDIUI IN THE TOLAMETTE VALLEY. i ' i ii bm femes t mios in ixea! ;t nnifiKc ii ,-,,,, fr llne. Reaadar Ltea noiiees 10 ccniaf4r line. Tor ib Osnsient adterlkerjMnia f . oo i er snnro for jhe im lesertioo m M SSBtS iHr Mjuare for eacb subaenoew insertion 1 itatea for olbrr advcilbemcnts made nown on sppJkation. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES ANUTTINe. GSlNG8rFICEl Bcaacral ttulldlag a Broadnlbla Stmt. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION sinrls copy, per jwr, In advance - 5 g a2a . mr mar. at piul til veer 8 00 Single copy, mx nwnwi x v " 1 AO 76 10 VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 901 1884. unfit copy, three months, tad number VO 47 S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Mate BemoctaL PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U riOXH. . CHAMBERLAIN. FLINN A CHAMBERLAIN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregosu TOffloe in Foster's Brick Blook. v!5nl8tf. R. S. ATTORNEY AT L.AW. Albany. Oregon. wrtt r. MiffllOl IK ALL THE Y Courts of this State. Will fWe special attention to collections snd probate "office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Notary Public. Albany, Oreaon. Office upstairs, over John Brinrs8tore, 1st street. HBmt Tbl we atherford, (NOTARY PUBUC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, A LB AWT. sMtEfiOS. IITILL PRACTICB IN AUL THE CuURTS OF TUB If SUta. 8peial attention given to collection ami probata matter. in Odd Fellsw's Temple, lis: POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Ckaigjy. ALBANY. ORMitM. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. fTOffloi In Foster's Brivk.-tR vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Gomisdllor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Courts of this State. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. rOftWin OToole's Block. E. VY. LANCDON & CO., DRlGGlSTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. orrr tdtitjo- store, iyl AABAMY. .. FOSHAY & MASON, noutui an asTAn. Droggistsaiid Booksellers, ALBANY, OBECOS. vlfinlltf LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp azorn. which sre alvray kpt in good condition, an 1 hair cut in the very beat style. JOHN SCHMEER, LITERY, im AID SALE STABLE. Albaiy 'Oregon. Houses kept cn reasonable terms. Horses and buggies let to suit tbe time. Corner Second and Ellsworth streets. "SAN wa wm. LAU1TDBY AJfD CHDS4 MEBCHA.VHIXO BUM; NESS. Bice, tea and Japanese (food. Ladies onderclothes. sold at bottom price. Contractor lor China labor. larTTezt to City Bink. HENG TENG. Bwst washing and Ironing in the cite. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere H u-t SAM COHEN. Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES ANO ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest bi'.lard hall In tbe city. L I will also sell real estate, merchaadise household goods, etc, at auction for any one In ti e cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. 6t SAM COHEN. SCI6 BISiSESS DIRECTORY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. DE LERS IN CLOCKS AND WATCH ES. Kp a full lire of jewelry. Watches and clocks repaired In fiqg-class order. SCIO OREGON. w. m. MORROW. Tk EALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, I f copper and sheet Iron ware, crockery, table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDCEFORD & BEARD. KEEP A FULL T.TNE OF PURE groceries, frenh candies, nots, and ail kinds of confeetionaries, tobacco, cgara, etc , etc. Cash paid for produce of all kiQds. SCIO, PRECOX. W. H. TALCOTT, DEALER TS DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boota, shoe. haU and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. 00RRIS, ge BaiMci' -AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON". fc I J tlvIK VA7 i J Aav swju a m ii.t VJt J UV" t JS LICITED. Plans and .specifications 1 rarnlshed on short notice. Don't Forget It WOOD'S IMPROVES BIN DER,W00D'S MOWER, LA BELLE WAGON, The wwrtla "La BUe" in French mean "the beauty." PLOW8 AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, . AND All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by tlie imdersiped. JULIUS CRADWOHL, Asent ftp Frank Bros-, Portland THE ALBANY FURNITURE HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, luuractares and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the nubile ibst thev msnufactur. to order, and will keep constantly on hana. a complete stock ot all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public thst he la new pre pared to do all kinds of stone snd marble work on short notice. All work is wsr rsnted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of atone, but deal prin cipally In Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aid resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before parchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Phop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post oflice. .., . G. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. -Office and residence in Mcllwaln's Block. Albany, Oregon. NEW BARBER SHOP. . JACKSON - - Proprietor. )pposite Revere House Shavin r and hair dressing done In first class stf'e. First-class bsth rooms. Bath for ad ies snd gentlemen t all hours. Terms reasonable. REVERE HOUSE, Came. Vlrst aad EUawortli Albany, On go.. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. -n.i. n Holsl la fitted uv In first class style. Tables snnoUed with tbe best tbe market affords. Spring Beds in every Boom. A good Sample Boon for Com mercial Travelers. iTFree Coach to and from the Hotel. -3 MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILL-HEM AHD DSESS-HIKIIB. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS. t W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, O RE QON. Offer thfeir professional services to the citizens of Linn and sdiacent counties. Office acd resi.leii. aear Court H use. Call at Langdon and Co s Drug Store. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT IA AND-' Notary Public. Office in States Rights Dbmocba office. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNIXG & CO., PROPtt'8 (TEW PROCESS FLOCK SUPEHIOB FOE FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF nCILiTIES. Highest Urice in Cash .for Wheat ALBANY OR. DR. J P. WALUCE.- Physician and Surgeon, Oflaceak residence on First Street be Kilawoth and Lyon Streets. Calls left at E. W. Langdon A Co's. Drugstore. Albany. Oregon. Win POWDER Absolutely Pure. lis im tftn stri and wbleeonietMa More economlrsl than the ordinary kinds, and mi H be sold In competition lth the niuliitnde on low tea, short weight, alutu r lhwhal powders. Ho'J only in nana KoTAL lUaisu powtiaa Co. KM Wall Street, N. Y. tfcirra A Positive Cure for Every Form of the Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. TU..I AMS K l.r.TrKKSin oar . Tf I- this t..r ; I have been a terrlbls suSrn-r (or years Uh Hlund an.l Mkln Humors; ha ln obliged to shun nubile places by teaaoa n( my dls flfOiiuic humors ; be had lbs boat physicians ; hate aient hundreds id dollars and got Bo real rsltat until I uaad the CuUcura Hseolveul, tbe new - -I Puna r, internally, and I'Mk-wra and t'uttrura Soap, tbe tiraat Mkln Cures and Skin Usaullners, sstsrnally. which have cured mm and left my akin and bUJ as pore as a child's. ALMOST INCURABLE. Jasaea i: Klrkard.aa. ut..m Huae, New Orleans, on oath, ears. In IsTo SV-nduluus I i broke oat on my body unUI I eras a mass nf eorrnp tiea. Everytaing knosm to the medical hwrult was tried in vain, i became a mere wreck. At limes could not lift my bands to my bead, coald not turn 11, bed was in runslaul (win. anu luod upon It's a a curse. Itorellef or eurein tea years. In is " I beard ! tbe I'utkura Remedies, used them and teas perfectly cured. Ssiiro t txKore v. n, I on. J. l. UWrWN STILL MORF SO Will NrhsssM, -i- Uesborn Street, flfefisssss gratefully aeknowlstlKee a cure id Kcsettia, or hall kbeum. on bead, neck, face, arms, and logs for seventeen years ; txA able to nvote, sscsft bands and knees, foe one year not able to brlp himself tor et;bt years : tried hnodreds of rnaedlre ; .!- t..r. prououncc his wo bopeleaa, cured by tbe CuUcura Krtuedies, MORE WONDERFUL YET. H. K. larseslrr. HcnderwMi, N. V.. cured of IkflOMtl or IsMraaqr. tif tvsuty esuine, Ur Catlcura Kemedles. The moat woelrf ul cure on record. A dustnfal of scales Mt bass dally Physicians and bis frirnda tbou?ii Ih must die. (Sure sworn to before a Justice of the wx and II rn- derson's most prominent ctlurtis DON'T WAIT. Write to as foe these testimonials in full or send direct to tbe parties. AU are absolutely true aad given without our knowledge ee solicitation. Don't wait. oW is the time tecurr err simclee of It. U ing. Scaly, l'uupi , Hcrefulous, Inherited, 'ontaebtus and Copper .colored Iia Scalp with Lea of hair. the lil -!. Hklnand Hold by all druet lata Pibc : ('itlcura, tA cents, t'otler Urug and Resolvent, si ; Soap, rents. I'htmic: Co., bneton, Mass. DCAIITV '"r ""'h- 1 - I aadtSly skin HU. ktK-sdst and hkin blemishes, use Cuticura K m. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SHOP. EMTABIsIslHED 1S09. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Ha vine taken .barge of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every dosrrlptlon. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma cninery. rafter. Making daw. la all Its forma. 16:1 ly t A. F. CHERRY A SON. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. Dy its use light or red hair may be darkened, thiii hair thickened, and baldness often, though not alwnys, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stlum lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals near' . -try diseasa iiecullar to ths scalp. As a Iulles' Hair Dressing tha Vioor is unequulled ; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appenrHiice, and imparls a delicate, agreenM'-, and laHlntj; eriilliie. Mk. P. RttM it- :: writes from Klrby, O.. ::, i-v-j : &M fail my hair commenced fiiiug out, ani in ii short time I became nearly bald. I urfed part of a bottle of Avku'h ilAiit Viook, which stopped the fall ing of the hair, and started a new growth. I have now a full head of bair growing vigor ously, and am convinced that but tor tha use of your preparation 1 should have been entirely bald." .1. W. Bowkx, proprietor of the ifi: Arthur (Olno) Km iiircr. any : "AVER'S If AIR Viooh m a most excellent preparation for the hair. 1 speak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy ami soft. The Vioor Is also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever failed to- give entire satisfaction." Ma. Axnrs Faikrairx, leador of the celebrated " Fairbairn Family" of Scottish ViKalists, writes from liotton, Alan., Feb.O, 1880 : " F.vtr since my hair began to give sil very evidence of the change which fleeting time procureth, I have used AVER'S II a i it VlOOK, snd so have been able to maintain an appearance of youthfulness a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ora tors, actors, and in foot every one who Uvea in the eyes of the public." Mits. O. A. Pukwott, writing from IS Kim St., CkurteftowH, Ahm., April I I, 1W2, says : " Two years ago about two-thirds of my hair came off. It tliitiued very rapidly, and 1 was fast growing bald, on using Avku'h Maui 'Hi hi the falling, stopped and a new grdVtli commenced, and in about a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It has continued mi grow, and is now as good na before it fell. I regularly used but one bottle of tUe V i'i it, but now use it occasionally us a dressing." - We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of AVER'S IIairVioor. H needs but a trial to convince tho most skepti cal of its value. prepared bv Dr. J. C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Hi THIS toil. OK TIM t1MttlM Editor Democrat I wan little a r prise J to see Hi the last issue of jour paper tho statenieot that the diaouaftion in regard to tbe Woman Suffrage Amendment would probably cette for awhile. If you main by that remark that our r.vont defeat in this state hss beeu so overwhtiluiicig that we will not dare to assert our prio oip'ea you are indeed very much in er ror. Thin is not tho only righteous cause that has suffered defeat. When John Qaiuoy Adams in 1837 presented a petition in Congress praying for the abolition of slavery in tbe United States be was booted at, cursed, maligned and mistreated on the fljor of the bouse. When he attempted to lead the peti ion he was iaterrupted in such a way tbst he vu compelled to read it amidft a perfect torrent of ah lie and deafen ing yells. What is the situation now 1 Tbe very ajeeaeat which waa tbe cause of the trouble are not only free but have been sent to those very halli of Con gress in the capacity of Legislation. It the quest ion of the abolition of alsverr had st that turn been aubmittei! to a popular vote it would have b da feattd 1-v a much larger msjjtity than tbe proposed Woman Suffrage Amend ment to our fckete constitution. I j -t me remind you that the right of wo men to vote is not disturbed by the re cent vote takan. It is a right that can not be taken away. It eaiated when tlie goveinment was formed and eiisU to-day and is aa cleatly denned in tbe very nature of our peculiar ioatitutbne as the right of self defense or any othr natural right. Tbe right to vote in a republic is our political right of self de fease. No body of man however nuu eroua can take it away. It is guaran teed by tbe very foundation principles of our government as enunciated in our Declaration of Independence. I will quote tbe language : "We hold these truths to be self evident: Tbst all men are created equal; that they are endowed with certain un alienable rights lin ing which are life, liberty and the pnreult of happinase that toir; these right. Bummmfnts were instituted among men serving their just powers from the content of the governed." Tboae were tbe principles upon which the Revolutionary war Was fought. They formed the foundation of govern meet at the time the Constitu tion was adopted. To deny intelligent womanhood the right to give or to re fuse to give Ift content to the tasnner in which she is governs 1 is destroying tbe fundamental pr n:i'e upon which s Republican form of government rests. Any one ought to be able to see tb u J The Declaration distinctly states that "all men are created equal." Kqual in what respect t Three points are men tioned, viz : Life, liberty and urauit f happiness. If the right to vote issn inherent right in men by a bat process of r a son ing do some persons conclude hat it U not also inherent in woman ? They sre both included in tbe Declara tion. A woman hat exactly the same right to life, liberty and pursuit of hap piness that a man has. I f then voting is a man's mode of securing and defend ing those rights there is ne reason under Heaven why a woman should not be given tbe same means of self defense. Tbe miserable degradation to which some women aro compelled to submit ia caused by this feeling of dependence. She is taught that to disobey a cruel and drunken husband is a violation of God's law. That ber fate is to tubmit. Submit to what 1 To drunkenness acd diapair, to want, villainy and all man ner of personal abuse. All brought about by tbe mistranslation of one little word a mistake ma le ffuriog the feudal ages when women were mere chattel of men. Paul enjoined that wives sheii Id ahow due deference to their hus bands, but a few men unler the reign of Jamea, whether dosigneJIy or not L cannot tell putJn tbe word "tubnit" carrying wit4rpio idea ot' obadienea of the slave or a child. This is the mistake tbst baa placed womanhood in bondage te men, Who id so ignorant of the history of this country as not to know that it has only boon a few years since tbe opportunities of a higher edu cation were denied women. Even to day we have oollees in our land which close their doors to women. They are it ia true few in number but they are standing monuments of what was once the rule in this country. A few yeara ago it was considered a disgrace for a woman to address a promiscuous audi ence. To-day in every city in the country women address large and in telligent audiences on tbe most impor tant questions that can come before the people. These things are sure indica tions of the changes iu the minds of the public regarding the true sphere of wo manhood. A great many men and women believe that tbe kitchen and tb wash-room are the only places where women cau be useful. They say : "wo man's place is at home taking csre of tbe children." Yep. but who made that her sphere ? It was woman her- self. It is foolishness in this enlight ened ago of the world for men to claim that they have a Uod'given right te online women to any aphern in life con trary to her wihe. Let her choose her own sphere of sotion. Oivo hir the aame liberty of ocnacienco and fi-esdom of will that man enjoys and he will more ofton do that which is right than ho will. If men think that tbe purity of wouif.m depends on their confining them at home, like an Arab does his wives in tho harem, they mako a fatal mistake. Nothing but ignor ance wuuld over suggisat such an ides. We have in all the more importa&t cities and towns in thia country an tr ganization called the "Woman's Tern peraace Union." It is composed of christian womuu who leave the kitchen and the wash- tub, yet do not neglect them to engsgo iu a work of far great er importance, viz ; the banishing of the wbiakey trelll: from this ountry. Tbov employ political methods as well at religions mean. They petition leg islationa sn I city citioiU , they mako public addresses nu po)lttMl qnfations. They appear bef te legislative commit ttes and ph n I f r their cause They have been engag -d in lhi W irk f t r years. They bave last eSS nn- of the most puwerfiil tetup. i auce oigatiiza i ins in the land. Wuere is iho man who has ever dared to protest against the efforts of these wjmnu. They aro re Secled by all because thry are out mothers, aiaters and wives. Yet they bave left the home and are engaged in a Kiiitlcal weik of great importance. At their last National Convention held in Detroit tbey eaked for tbe l a" lot. The time is coming when the people of the Uuited Sutea will ace the necessity ofgrsnting this request. Whenever they see tho necessity of wielding tbe power of the ballot from the heme in stead of the saloon then women will vote. When young meo who go up to the (Kills now snd vote against wo man auffiage becauee thev are afraid that their own mothoi'o Virtu wou'd become con lain i nsted by wnjiyin such a right, hocntne ashamed of themaelvra for suggesting swell a Sjland r on tbe purity of th w itueu of this coiiotiy, then she will vols. When gotxl rro sea that the tiower . . i now wielded be tti.j abton v ita of thia country Caonot be overcom- except by the ieiluenco of a pure baMot in the hands ol the beat rUmnt in tb- land, then alio will be no longer deprived of this right to vote. Who has more in terest st atake than the wive and molhtie of this country in tho result of every ' ion I She owns pnyeity snd paya Vexes. Ought she not to cave the right to no who sbsll assess thst pr -ieify '-'If so, then she should he allow ed to Vote f r the aniens. ir I she ntt tnterestsfl In theq lestion as to ahelher license -hall be graute I Uiuentoaell ber boy whisky ? If ao, ought abe not to have the right to vote for the men who make tbe laws on that subject ? If she commits a crime is abe not amen- able to the criminal lawa of the conn- try ? Is sho not taken before courts to be tried in the miking of which abe bas no Voice ? Those were the questions involved when our tore-fathers fsuoht tin- Revolutionary war. Tuey dectdtd by that war thst taxation without raj- resentation was tyranny. How is it to-day ? They decided that govern- menu derive their just iiowers from the conseut tf tbe governed. I a that not just aa true to-day 1 Why was the bal- lot put into the ba.vh of the Negro 1 80 that he might protect himself. How much better la he thin eur own wives, mother and daughters? Is he more inteierted in the welfare of this country than they 1 Think of depriving tbe idow of the soldiar who lost his life to free the negro of the right to vote, aud at the aame tiruo placing it into the hand of the ignoiaot slave thus set free. It is inconsistent. The time will come whan these f-lie notions snd prejudices concerning woman's rights will be done away, "-hen temperance men will uot unite with the whisky i "Is vote to deprive them f a 1 ight decreed to them by Heaven and vouched-safe the morning after the Presidential elec to Ihera by all tha fundimental laws of tion in 187G, that he waa d feared, had the land. Justice. Alb.vnt, Juno Ui-b, 1884. Andrew Jackson, in hia firewall ad dress to the American poople, said: Rely upon it, the design to collect an extravagant rsvenue, and to burden you wiih taxes beyond the economical wants of the government, is not yet abandon- ed. The various Interests which have combined together to impose a tanffand to produce au overflowing treasury ars too strong, and have too much at stake, to surrender tbe contest. Tij 0 rpora tions and wealthy individuals wh are engaged in largo manufacturing estab lishments desire a high tariff to increase their gains. Designing politicians will a- - , a" 1 .Kit' i-wsv- 1 ' support it to conciliate their favor snd to obtain the means of profuse expen- diture for the purpose of purchasing in fluence in other quarters. Thess words were spoken forty-four years ago, Snd they are as true tod - ' s then. sttri mirix uii'im. o tu:io'u vrir cmoisD Years ago the Diaieeraifc of this coast, loth in California, Orrgon and Nevada, took strong 'ground in f'.ivor of legialation restricting the in flux f Chinese cheap laborers to this country. Republicans at that time simply ridi cule 1 the Demoorats and taunted and aneereJ at them, and aaid Democrats werj afraid that Chinamen wculd be regarded aa equal to them if they came iu centaot with them. Rut the Demo orats knew tbey were tight on thst subject, and amid these taunt! snd lueers stood up and with windy besting contended most esroestly for the doc trine that Ameriosn free labor should be protected from the overpowering comjMftition of the pauper labor of tbe Chinese Kingdom. Hero waa a fins opKrtntity to test tbe sincerity cf Republicans on tho sub ject of protecting our laborers. Time snd agsin hsd they shown a rushing willingness to protect the iich manu facturers of the country bv moms of a high tariff. Here th-y were asked directly to protect lab ji iii m ui against Chinese rhesp labor. H it tloy ans wered with a sner. Kvery onrSOfl wfco lived In Oregon from 1HG1 to 1H7 I remembers that Republicans Itnated this dsmand with ridicule Bat Dees ocrsts urged this policy u. o the tien of tbe (teople with an !i earnest ness snd real that Republic-ins of Ore. gon wore compelled to ie in their adhesion to the duett im-,liot tb matter was treated with ritfitwte bf Republi cans throughout the c Mntrj , except on thia coast. B it DarSSoevstS pushed tho issue so strongly that conre was com pelled to paaa a reatnetion bill, but Arthur vetoed it. A few Republicans, however, were found who eie willing to listen to the voice of the (leople, snd the bill waa oaaaed over the executive veto and becstne a b. All thia waa done in the face of active opposition from the Republican psrty, but now they come fore rd aud camp on the ground which Democrats occupied 13 yeara ago. Of like fta oiy was iheir course on tbe stiver bill. And co it is on nnnirfiril land orsnts. TKtf lav . . . . 0 ljeen driven at the ooint of Democratic opinion to grant sbat legislation has b ti given in favor of iho jieople. They coma now end! occupy the ground which Democrats hare been standing on for years on the auVjcts of Chloese itnmi grttion, unearned land grant, lagialativn ontrol of cjtj.uate jwer and otbei kindred subjects. BETTtK TO BC Bit. II r Til IN I'll I -III! N ( . How much more valuable and ho much more to Le desired ate the reputa- tion and esteem in which Mr. Tilden Is held and thst in which the fraudulent Hayes ia held. Mr. Tild-n yielded up the Presidential oflice to which he hsd bran fairly elected because of his patriotic desire to promote and preserve peace in the nation. Mr. Hayes accented the Presidential offico to whica he was not elccto I for the niggardly purpose of sav- ing into salary snd emoluments. Mr. Tilden is he d in bt -b and in. j creating esteem by the pwq lo of the Unired States. Mr. HariS is held in silent contempt by even a larjjr. jot tion of his own party. Fraud fir-a ttiutuph ant in Ameiican bistorv vtiil attache atigma to ths name of Hayes in all fu turo annala of constitutional liberty while devoted patriotism and love of country will in all time to come, stand out in bold relief as predominant traits in the charaetei of Strauel J. Tilden. Tbe united voice of the demociacy of the country ia calling loudly for Mr- Tilden to accept their uomiuatiou at Chicago for the Presidency. Wher be does 83 or not, the fact r -mains that by ominent ability, integrity . f cbarac- ter, purity of private aud public life p 1- triotic purpoae,he rules supremo in the hearts of all conservative met.. This is a practical illustration t f the truth that it U bettor to be li-ht than President. If Hayes, when So saw on announced bis intention to obey the emphatically expressed will id" the peo ple, and declined to take ud office to which he had not been elected, he would have endoared himself to every lover cf constitutional liberty and to-duy would have been held in the highest esteem by every citizen of the country. B it he was a weak ve9sul and his ambition and mercenary chaructaristios had complete control of him and led him out of the path of duty. Surely the way of the transgressor is had - Dariug tho past few days there has been a good deal of ta.k about the woo - ' interests, the sugar interests, the jute interests and scores of other interests a ' . - The Springfield Register asks: Would it not be well, to vary the programme and bavo something said about the peo- - pies interests? It is altogether likely thai the Democratic National Conven- tion, which meets in Chicago July, Sth, jy will devote itself to that much neglected subject. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMEHT. J ii'i .t r KiuTKfj nr Ti a WonifD'i Uimlian Ttiaprranre Inion Regular rneetiu;; ftf V. C. T. V. held June 10. ), rsftowsl exerciei Ird b Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. Turfkil Kfcirod tile ofb -I Cor. Sicretury, position up. n J' t ijr ? sntl prize cuuinittie, woik uj.on eel urnn and Bjasafal elomaiitos to proettre sign for HaP. Ilesignatiou accept I. Mrs. Peters ;.pjM,i ii tod to fill vacancy on lecture c mmiite, end others up pointed to assist ber iu prsMarln (,t1 Mrs. Foster's IssttlH. Mrs. Riatn a alel nrj.vU -.1 V. J'. T. U. and Ksketl voluntm-r help to procure teachers, Mrs. (Jrsy end Mrs. Kelly will give the required anistacc?. Mrs. Wo' vet ton was excused fiom chsrgo of course tf reading and dipatt raent of Scientific Instruction fo- thiee months. Mrs, If Mailt sppoioted U fill tbe vacanev during tint tisss. Itiswitti prreet rwgret tbst we ss noil ne '.tie dVpftrfl frnui 'b:-. j less of Alts. j. (j. r ..... s h .. I.,, of our aVsH i ill --,- v. ,U.-r ! s;i y asiswed. H o i I West, baf r : it ,!.. ,( ,, (i he Bjsay faj4 ,. t new boms n one d iii ay hi . Thti si .ill snd new fri-:,j, M epprede i., n iKush he Mi just lift is the ai ,f every sseoaU-i of our Union. - aw- Mavor Mi-tin( of Rit'o-i, i-j , ssHms Itsiaess to Utlaor 4eieva u city, ibe fhcision of thj i.tJfreae court of the aiHi, reoderrd iu J;;-d t a-t, ia b. bin I Mayor Mttnin. i'.y lbs Massftchun t?a SUttite ali lid MSSJ a fut the bale of intoxicatioj li juora to U drunk ou the prrtiii.tcs ruust contain ihe jrovUiju ";hat tbe licensee &hall not keep a pub.ic bar." Jvery :0'jii in Rosloo tu-d-iV Cdii 1st nvir-l t .1 keeping a public 1 uu J consequct.lly every saloon is ilJegab The fcalcooiata arc thtinieives appialtt.g to th htip: mei urt against May.,r Martin, and ibe matter la oue Of rJaS on at rupliraisjd in licem-r hii(ory. A society hss Ion formed it. Bag land, Dr. N'jrinan Keir at tha head, for the atudy into the crises nhd cur, of inebrirtv. It is eom'iwfj lrr-K- r ' e J of m-ti. Tiiia ia foin rlnwn a a - to the roots of .-t il, but we tbonl 1 j f -- dict HUn bettt-r rMiliK from ll:r n j if the mothers of Knidand wi ie to be nurcbered srofo these students. Fch-n tifc frsoerch of this u, and ; un-on- n?eds t deal .i h thesaerrd beefnnll n of li where, f God has made m ,:! .1- the tendev custodians. At tho annual meet it 4 of 1L3 iilir.t.i Homeopathic Medical Association in 1 1 1 1 Mil.. 1 1 . . 1 prominent member, that the W. C. T. U. is the Wr-t m uium i f c n. i m.'c -.. tion between tbe profer.iion and the laity. Of conrao not evr-yonL- will sc cept this proposition without question, but the maker of it stands ready to mako good tbe assertion by actual dem onstration. It serves to point another moral however in our own perrnal in terest, which we are not tlow to "rrtks s uole ut " AVe ere receiving ssany words of commendation for tho jicsii 1 taken bv The 0 nioH Signal in rejj.ird to the exclusion of all iidveiti&in" ot patont medicines and o'.hr medicinal recommendations. Please rr Minainr. good fiiendu, that the ipSaW oiljbl to be Ailed with B-.ieh ad v.-rtisnruenN as 0:i would like to see in a Christian tem perance paper, nnd make a little effort in UlaS lehalf. If the "V. C. T. U. is audi a valuable medium fir the trans mission of scientific truth, it is quite as true that there h probably no better advertising me liuru among weik!v pa pers in this country to-day than the national orgn of the society, The Union Sijnal. It goe3 to the heart of Ihe home is a heart investment in these homes, and is read conscientiously and lovingly, as only a iap?r in which such investment has boon made, ia lead. Many a subscriber says, 4I read the paper, every page, sdvanttsing end ali as I rsssl riM other periodical that comos to Our home." An abundance of Mich testimony j istiaes us in ths statement that no better advertising medium can be found, and quite con trary to editoual custom in this paper, we have made tnla mueh of an appeal to the generous readers that they use ttje information so kindly riven us, "whore it will do tho most aood."- -As- nal Union. Thn generul conference of tho M il e dist Episcopal church, wbtoh has dclib ersted at PhilaJelphia throughout the mouth of May, made a good record on the temperance question. The adoption of the report of ira special committee on temperanca commits this vast bodv of ministtrp.and prosu'iiably ths church which they represent, to total abati.-nc prohibition, severance of political party ties wherever these parties oppose or impede the enactment and enforcement of prohibitory law, to a tomneraace de partment iu every church paper, to ompulsory temperance education in the public schools, aad to quarterly temperance lessons in tho Sunday School, Ten cents a word ia now tbe highest rate paid for telegraphing from oce Kint to another in this country. That p ie is charged for mesaagea between Porilcnd, Ma ne, sn 1 Portland, Oregca It will tiki more deniala than one newspaper and a Congressman oan aup ply to remov.i the arabesques from tbe c iticle of the tattooed candidate. Tbe peepers cannot chsnge bis spots, aod Mr. Basins a ill neyer be mistaken for a statue in Carrara marble. The Utica (X. Y.) 0-erter aaya: Mr. Hayes will never be charged wish having allowed I is name to be used by a firm of swindlers' You couldn't ge a loan of ten c-nts on K. B. Hayes name. Since the founlatlon of tbe crema tory st Gotha 1C3 bodier have Ween b ;n. d in its furnace. GERM GREAT veffHf AN R CMiLifl C U RES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbcco. Bacsacne. neaaaasa. l,orrrrtt.wrlllwsBa.ajrrssisvl $-mm. n-nin.. irwi mfrwwm, imi m wiHta soeiLT rsis sis starx U. I 1 l);giS l B slinwn 1 ilisi. VRtv OWSVa SSCSSt pimSsi la II L s rm irtui.ta . vweua cat -1 1 . . , 11 IS aco 1 Mtsnri. Ba-,C.S. m ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order en shortest notice Use only best CaJapooia timber Fries and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. -A.llan,y, Or- OR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon in Odd Fellows Building. ALBANY, ORECON. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No oisasT comj'";ut. are o ius.Jioa lu tSear as tltose affecting the rhreat siWI Inagy. assal ? U-itW aitti by ttc n:a.oriry is! ul!er . Tiie orJOiary cowU tr coal, reaaltiag l-r'.iap9 (tnm a trifling 01 uucoassiusw csi ;. nrc, ia o(ten but lUe bctinair-ic ts! a fatal i... 'neas. Ayeu's Cui.uuY Ps-croKAL aaa imTcn its efficacy iu a forty yeara" Sgkt uii'u throat auU Imift Uireaic. and sstouW be lakes la aM eases vitlioat delay. A Terribio Coach Caresl. " In 1"."T I tno'is sorere c..M. sbleS aSscted 1 listl .n t. n il.lp roa-U. and aasaed 1. fUl sltt-r 1 1 v 1 1 1 w :tiicu! .-'. 1m asHoaa rjv? me up. 1 tried Avss'k t'SKSBt Pai- ri BAL, hich relieved my luaev, if k)tfr. and sfforded me the ri ies for the reeorerr of my strcucth. My coutluucl ua of the rri-roatAi. a inac !!. 1 cure was ellecteh I aai bow as yras oM, hale Bflsi hearty, and am sattsried jwm CliaUUlV l'L.Toi:l. avcd me iffOKACK Fa t nuno rn i:n." ::-.: AS-.i.hain, Vt., Ju!y 15, It-. Croup. A Muthor'a Tribute. " Wkila in tlie country last winter my Utile hnv. three years oUt, was taken ill with cfwap; it seemed "as if ho would die from siraaga lation. tmeor the faially sujested the as of Avku'h Oiniutv I'cuokal, a bottle o which was always kept in the bouse. Tkls v. .is tried in small ami fre;aent tWe, bjkI to our delight in loss Utsii half an bour the hulc patient a as breathing easily. The doe Mr said that the Chkmcy PriToaai. had svel my darling's life. Can you wonder at onr cratiiudo? SiiiCereH vours. Mus. Km m a GrDXST." 150 West 12Slh St., New York, May 1, 1S. I have nsed Avun's CnanRY Pkctorai. In my family for eversl ears, and do not heditato to prouotnicc it the most etTeetoai remedy for coughs and edU'.s we have ever tn?d. A. .1. f'BAxa" lvako Crystal, Miuu., MarcU 13, li2. u I suffered for eight years from ProneblUa, ami after-trying ni.-uir rcmclies with no i no cos, 1 was c'urcd by the use of A v Kit's Ciieu r.v I'KiToaAu JosKftt VAUIa.,, liyhalia, Miss., April 6, ISC ' I cannot sav enongh in praise of Area's Chkkhy PBCTOBab, believing aa 1 da tbst but for Us use 1 should long since have died from hmg troubles. K. H SAO DOS.' l'alestiuc, Toxa, April 22, U82. No case of an affection of the threes lungs exists which cannot be greatly reUr by the use of Ayee Cheuby Pectosu.. and it will a.';rajs estre when the disease a not already beyond tho control of mediciue. rUETAEED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mi8S. Sold by all Druggista. $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. HE