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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1884)
SLATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IS THE WILLAMETTE YALLET, Hpe ial buafneee notices in Loeal Col nans" J oente per Jlne. Kegalar Lean notices 10 centa r fin,. For legal and transient sdver ttseroaato H hj per square for tho first iaeertlaam .0 cent per square for each subacqoen inartio re Kates for rthr advertisements mado nown on supplication. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. mlWKlt In Itrmurrtil llulldlngua Brouiiaib'.n etrrct. TBRMS OK SUBSCRIPTION single copv, ier year, In ;i.lvmv 50 aini3 cm, it yoar. at and of year S 00 aiinrla copy, six months 1 0 mn-U eopv , three months 6 itiirl n'ti'br 10 tmrnt VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1884. VO 45 it Rights 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. FLIKN. O. K- CHAMBKRUUN. FLIXX A CHAMBERLAIN, ITTOREYK AT LAW, Albany, Orcsrou. iTOfti.v in Foster's Brick Bltx'k vlSnlStf. R. S. 5TRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of IBAB State. Will alve spevial atten ion to .oUeattaan Mil probate matter. Ompe in Pouter's new briok. 4iHf L. H. MONTANYE. TTOItN EYAT LAW, Notary Public. alaaay. rea. Office upstairs, over John RrijrirV store, 1st street- vl4n2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, NOTARY IfJBUCJ iTTORNEY AT IAW. ALU IN Y. tlflLL PRAOTirE IN ALL THK COl'KTK OK THE V State. Special attenu u -'.von to i!eetions aed pro hair matter liBj!nc in O . I FelUW Tempi, fl: r c row bli w- R- BtLVKr POWELL & UILYKU, .TTORSRYS VT LAW. And Soliritoi-s in hnneery. ti,nt. - - ouf;om. 0ul1lWlW promptly mte on all point. Loan nesrtiatei on ranwiw term. STvlffit-e in Foster's Hn. k. vl4nl9i r. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney ini Councilor It Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will peactioe in nil of the OourtB of th:State All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. .wa-OftVa in OToole's Block. L W. LANGDON & CO., OUl'CililST. looks. IHalionwrj ant Toi!et Article, A Larve Stock and I-ow Prices. CITY DRUG STOE3, lyl UBHiT.OEEUOS. FOSHAY & MASON, nMUU SB d amti. Drag?istsand Booksellers, &LB&1T, OKKGOS. vln41tf LOUIS CARMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shavinz i"ne with neatness and shrp nmr-, wMea are always kpt in i condition, and hair cut in the very et style. SCHMEES, LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLF. Albany. Oregon. Ho-se kept on reasonable terms. Uonws and busies let to BB the times. Corner second and Ellsworth streets. S IX WA VIG. LACSDRY AND 004 MERCH ANIStNG EL'SI nB. Bice, tea sad Japanese gtol. Ldier underclothes, sold at bottom price. Contractor fcr Chin labor. X"Xext to City Bank. HENG TENG-. fV-st washing an 1 ironln? in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere II nine SAM COHEN- Keeps the best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. TCeep ttwj finest billard hall in the city. I will a!o sell real estate, morcha.i lise household goods, etc.. at auction for any one in the cityor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. Ctf SAM COHEN- MONTGOMERY & D3LLY. DE LEl-S IN CLOCKS AND WATCH ES. Ktp a full line of jewelry. Watebea and cloQhs reaired in Crat-class order. SCIO - - - OREGON. W, M. SIOKBOW, BEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, copper and sheet iron ware, crockery, Uble cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - - ORECON. BRIDOEFOHD & BEARD. KEEP A FULL LINE OF PURE groceries, fresh candies, nuts, and all kinds of confectionarias, tobacco, c-gars, etc , etc. Cash paid for produce oi all kinds. SCIO, OREGON. W7H. TALCOTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING, boots, si of--, hats and caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OK. J. J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LE TTINGS SO LICITED. Plans and .specifications I urnjajbed on short notice. II o n't Forsrt It WOOD'S IMPROVED BIN DER, WOOD'S MOWER, LA DELLE WACON, The wank "I.a Hclle" In French mean "the Martyr." PLOWS AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, AN D All kinds of Agricultural Imple ments kept by the undersigned. JULIUS CRAOWOHL, kgmi for Freak Bros, Partita THE ALBANY FURNITURF HOUSE, BTtlrCK & SON. (Soooi awn to) Binnaig, Woodin & Fisher, M UBttfartavH ar.d dealt rs in all kind FURNITURE, .von'.d respectfully inform the public that ihev manufacture to order, and will keep u instant Tr on hann. a complete stock of all de-drab'.e lines of FURNITURE, and witl sell at bed rock prtcsa. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS. THE UHDEBSIOHED WISHES TO inform the public that he la now pre pared to do all kinda of ntnne and marble work on short notice. All work la war ranted to srive satisfaction. Will work any and all kind of tone, but deal prin cipally in Orejron f'ity granite, fleaning. repairing ai.d reaetlinn a woecialty. Call and xarnin my piica before purchaa inar elnwhero aa 1 will not be underaold. hop n west side of Ferry street oppo site post otnee. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. jroAVe and re-idence in Mcllwain's Block. Albany. Oregon. NEW BARBER SHOP. . JA( KSOS - Proprietor. )pposiie Revere Houe Shavin and hair dr-aine done in firat class at;'e. Firat-clasa beth rooms. Bath for adiea and gentlemen! all hours. Terms reasonable. REVERE HOUSE, rami Viral and Kll-w rlh Albany, Oregon. Chas PfeiflTer, Prop'r Thia new H.11 it fitted, on In flnrt claaa "t vle. Table dipplied with the bat the market ifforda. Kprng Beds in every Itoom. A (food Sample Hoon for Com marcial Travelars. CSV rrr 4 oarh to and from the Hotel. Ti KISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLIHBRY AHD D&ESS-MAKIHG, Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DBS. I. W. & MARY T. COLE. Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, O REQON. Offer their professional acrvicca to tha citizen of Linn and adjacent coiintiia. Office and remdem-e lear Court H mse. Call at Langdou and Co' Drug store. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAV AND Notary Public. Office in States Rights Deocka office. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANNIKG & Cn PROFR'S. SEW PROCESS FLOUE SUPEKIOR FOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE CILITIES. Highest iFrice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. DR. J P. WALLACE. Physician and Surgeon, Office ar- residence on First Street bo ween Etlswoth and Lyon Streets. Calls left at E. W. LangdonA Co's. DrugStoie. Albany, Oregon. pOJAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th'a powder naer varies. A marvel of pi rey, alreiigt n and wh letoinenraa. Mora aconotutci I th mi ' ordlmrv kinU, ami ami t Im- a, In MB) rtit ui tha tmitlUiiilo on I in.i. .Iirl Mtgfct, lu "r : !: 'pli.t M,wilcni .So d only in Ma II n i: auuMFjwaaaOa km fhM rrct, n. v. uticura A Positive Curo for Every Form of the Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to f crofula. TBOCSANDH OK l.KTTF.US In our -..i.m rr at Una l,rv , I lia.o Iwii a U rnhlr .otferri for rra altli I. ... i and Rkol II i liac MM v 1 1 . , ... . 111 . - I . ft - . . , I V iii .. J lift . . I M ' I 11, J uiw ngurtmr huuiora ; lnvr had (he !.! dival-iaiw .hava IWIIt h'i"dr.l. ol dollar, and fl no nil relief imlll I uwkI the Ciitli-ura KrWvrnt, (he new Mi.-l Purlfl er, tntenially. and utl. nr. .n ii'i. ura Hoap, lha liraal Skin tSirea ami Kkla fWallf IIW, etternally, which have rured Uie ttti Wfl m .am and HMi aa i i aa a t-hikl'a. ALHOSr INCURABLE. Jinn E. MirliartlamH, OtmHam Hoom, 90 Or Iran., on -ikth, n. in I "TO . rOfatOM 171 Tm brukv out on m bly until I aaaa niaa. of eorrnp tion Kirnlhi'v Vnnan to th In. dlral fa ultv aa trid in vain. I twaiuct mere wrwt. At tinea ' a l nt lift my hand, to my i !. routd not tin In bwl . a. in -onataiil aiii. an I looked u.,n Ufa aa a euraw. No relief or euretn tan veara. In la 0 I hear I f the I 'ulicura Hrnicdi t. uteal thrin and avaa pcrfec'.'y twaa Kauni '.. More 1 S. im. J, l t'RA ft HT STILL M03f SU Will 1rnoDalil. i Daai '. lu.aifo groatafully arkuowletlga a rure r H. trti ( (,r .'ait Itheum, on head. ne--k. hve, arm. ami ley lor aventn ara . not ' to n.or, BMH ,.n hat d. an J kocea, for one year . not ahlc to hlp hiuwlf for aitfht ycara . tr;. l hundreda maMMMj ,, . , r, prouounta, hta caae hietean. pcrtnaUcn'.ly curtd by th t'ut:cur lU-medlra. MORE WONDERFUL YET. . E. .tr.. ntrr, II-.!- ..i. S H , . ured of I'aorUai. or lirmj, of tenty year tatidtn4. hv futwrura lienwdiea. 1 !.o ntoat axidvrfuj cam mt rarord. A dutvnfnl of Main fell frnm him daily ITij .1.1 an. in. i hi. irtrnua (noti',1 tit moat die l.ure .worn to f r. a of MM ait and lien. claraon'a moal (vminent eltiieii. DON'T WAIT. Write la Ma t .r tiles' tinn '.!) in f,il! r fend direct to the ptMHa All are aliaolutrlt true and given without our kiowlcdK ar aollcltatiitn. Iton'l wait. oW i. the li'pe ta . ;ir ever ( .;. of lu ll inr. Scaly. Ptmly, St-rnfuioiu, Inhrrttrd. otilajftou., and L'ojijicr -Morel iiwomj -4 the Ulcnd, Shin and Scalp with - f hatr. SoU by all aiaa lla MlVi l nil. ura, Vl rmt. Reaolvent, $1 j Soap, TU ecnla I'olter Prurf and t'hemtcal ', 1 loot, mi, VtaM. DCAIITV ' ,r llo'ijfli, i M i I ami Oily MR DC.HU I I WaeaJlMit, Ud :.kln nieau.l.c, ue utii ura S . ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- iuhim: shop. KNTiKI.IftllKD lr65. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of Find and Montgomery Street, Allaany, (Jregan. Havingtaken charge of the a hove named Worka, we are prHareti to manufacture Stearn EncfOM, Saw and Orist Mill 4, Woad-workiiiK Machinery, Pnmia, Irot) and Bras Ca,tiuga of every dtw rlption. Ma:hinerv if all kinda repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm n:a chiuery. PattVrn Maklac done In all Ita form. 16:llyl A. F. CHJEBRY A SOU. h Marvelous Story TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: ' (iintUmen: My father raidn at GIoer, V't. He hM be:ii a r:at iiuffi-ri'r from Kerol nla, and the inclosed IctUir Mill tell yixi what a iiiarreluus effect Ayer's Sarsaparilla hail had in hla ran". I tlilnk Mi Wood muet have contained tlm humor for at leait ten y-ars ; Imt it did not nhow, excjt In the form of a Hcrofuluu ton on the arUt, until about Jive yearn ago. Frrmi a few apota which ap p. .'( red at tfattt time, it gradually anread so aa to corer lila evtira h'ulv. I aiure you he waa t.-rr:lily aflUctod mi l :t:: ''''j'-ctof ity, when hutiagiiiiirilnrjyiiiir uii dlr Sjw, there are fSw ntn r-r hi- .-iiioy aa good health : ba hat.. I eoiu sstly name fifty persona who wouhl testify to chc lax:ta la his case. Yours truly, W. M. PHILLIPS." FROM THE FATHER: a duty f'r me to state to you the benefit I have derived from the use of Aver'8 RARfiAPABUXA cures fscrofala nd all Scrofnlous Complaints, Kryslp lae, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Tt f, BoUs, Tnmors, and Eruptions ot e Skin. It clears the blood of all Impn rttles aids digestion, stimulates tho nction of fue bowels, and thus restores Titalitjr aud rtrengtbens the whole system. PBEPAKED BY )c J.C.Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; SI, six bottles for SS. kxravQ Kavoairta villa m m ItflhlB the m H i aai aaW a ' life , Bajtaa M He nil iiH v.'hafl t fl 9 B 11i::au lui.Ln'l." WAMMJNC.TOII LBTTaM (from our regular run imndtat ) Wabuinot.i, Mny 17th, 1884. Money for the ludlana ; money tor consult snd dlplorniitN ; money for the Dint riot of Columbia ; monp for the civil government in Ahtk . ; money forjtlio iMiorJman'fi Bureau ..of Labor HlallatlcM, ami luonay foe private In iivltluala,among4thom Qo.Oraat are iomooftho qtiOMtlona on which Obs lire hu voted during tho weelc. The BeoMM wanti the unfortunate Wall mreet ml venturer to bo placeman' he retlretl Hat, whh the rank and pay o ion. of the Army. Twenty thousand dollars n yeaf wou'd "Temper the wind in the ibara lamb" in n very omfuriuble manner. In reference to thla bill Sermtor Vat made a person at explanation In the Sanato. Tho Htntement had gone to the proa, be aid, that the vote kto retire Qao. (Jrant had lioen u .anim ih vaf, had velod against It. He had raado no taetlOoN oppoMltlon, btauaa two years ago he had roled againat a similar UK, ami given his renon for doing It. Ho had no personal oppo sition to (ien. (Jranl, hut was oppo ed to the ptioeiple of Hie bill. The Hnu-o ins devotett two days to debate on the Diplomatic bid, and the BBeaaori la still pmiit.g. Kepra aaoUUve Hilt, of III., moved to re store to $t:,in the nUris of minis, t-rs to Austria and Italy. The tall re. dueea them to $l0,0o. After a Ion wrangle the amendment failed. Kep rrsentutivo It-hp v,u expressed his i-ontempt for the Diplomatic advice, which be regarded aa a humbug, a nuisance, and a m-hool for anobbery. Minister Lowell he deuouneed as a lick spittle of monarchy, ai d all our Kmbassadors abroad as not vortti a shilling a dalM, He gavo notice that when the proper time cams; he would BtOVO la oIkmIsIi the ofTi nf Minister to Kngland and whieh be ' r.u,.. 7a I The Uoaee Mean friendly to the District of Columbia the other lay and ded letl a number 4jf imairtsnt queallatM in its favor, one of which waa the grant of half a million detta I to complete the sewerage xyntom of this ciry. When tho question of tap. pretafug the sale of lottery tickets in the District was up, a member refer rel to the Loulsiiiua lotlerv. as the r ---w, eoloasal Hwindle )f the age. Heprc sentatlvo Wellor refaffiad this ss one f the minor twlodlti OOmpaiad with the national Banking system, which he called the product of tho maaJpa lators of the H publican party for the l-t twenty years. Ho regardail this i the mot outrageous monopoly thai th Ooreroaaaol had known since me diysofbhe U.S. Bank that Jaekmin throttled, and tiopel that the Demo cratic party would be inMrumental in wiping the national nystem from tho statute taioks. The Wall wtreet apeeuIaloM have be. n fairly ehrieking to Congress for help. Hundreds of Telegrams were received by Members on Wednesday, urging immediate legislation to ro Ueve the financial ntraiu. Represen tative Springer asked unanimous con Kent tz put upon its passage the bi(i authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase about $42,000, 000 bonds with the green backs held in the Treasury for the redemption of retired National bank elrcalatlarj which it was cxplaimd would relievo the money market t: the extent of ad-ling that amount ta the circulation. Objection was made by Representa tives Holraan, and Weller, and tho House adjourned without action. Next week an effort will be mado to pass the Blngly, and McPbcrsen cur rency bills. The news of tho Wall street break created considerable excitement iu this city, and many inquiries were made at tho bankers offices. A bill to prevent officers of National tianks from speculating in utocks, grain, or oil was introduced yesterday in the Senate. Wiliards hotel, the well known Washington rendezvous for politicians which, the other day,o narrowly es caped conflagration, presented at fhe lively scene. Panic stricken ssmen tumbled their baggage the windows as last as they and took to the streets with Ives, and children. One man ted to save his library by ty- beoks up in a sheet and drop em from the fifth story wiu- Their weight rent the flimsy n twain, and unfortunate pe ns on the pavement were in a shower of literature. There never waa but alight opposition to the election of Gov. Thayer to the Supreme bench, and that has about din- appeared. A motion is now in order to make it uuanimous. Received direct from Chicago a uew lineof fashionable dress goods, ladies kose, notion etc., at NKWH IN UKIM-. A publio in. m.I uf jiigeon dights be twaao Kejrport, S. J., and Ljnohburg, Vs., a Uistanoo of X)ti miles, reoantly, showed that thrtta of tha bitds pnrform etl the jaurnay in seven hours sod fifty eighty ttloatat, flying at an aveiaga rata of 1240 ysrds a mioute. The gold-fib globe must go. They aotas burning glasses, end it is stated that one insureno company has refus ed to take riaks on bouses ivhere they are kept. The Iaierul Canal of China is the longest in the "orld and tha greatest in point ef tratfirj. Us length, including river seotiuns, is 2100 milus, omneet iog forty -one oitiee. The cotTee fields of Hresil caver tt 000,000 acres, with 800,000,000 tress that is 400 oer aeta, Koh tree av ersges o;ia pound of coffee per annum, thn industry employ 800,000 hands. The Oamaoibart coere in Franoo avfra-e yeatly sbfttt $180 per haad io cheese. In droit Britain ll is found that 100 notlH aoM go HM, m oenipsied with fmrtcen fi-insle. ( 'apital punisbmetit was sboliahed in Italy in lH7r and aurders increased forty-two per cent. Salrnen caught in the fay, Scotland, sometimes weigh as much ss seventy D uls, but the averege weight is only eibt pound. In Or,pn. thwy w?igh as hih as 100 pounds. The rasn who sowed the first field ct potatoes in Sciileed died in 1850. The proportion nl the t.ade of New Voik for l83 wss of the entire trade of the I'nited Slates 54 J per cent. An leternational I odusl rial Congress is to 14; held in Berlin, the preliminaries for which sre being arranged. The past year has been only moder- etely proejarrous for the iron end steel j trade, end will b atill Uso for this i r i '.aorgtan raaeal, luaaimfi! rith his wifes coiikini'. to k a reI hot iron si.d braaile,! h-r H vraa given a Teat's koptiaauaiaot aui fine l $1000. John llo;n, who rouhi not read or wiit, tlietl i-.f .r Colombia, is. (., on a pile of straw. II 1 ad 7000 in grew becks in hi. belt, si t wned flA.OOO worth of real eatste ail and h? hard s in V . An entire bond of Indiana n Caoaaa have patilionetl for the full ti;!it af etUaaaaaip. Iu K'-, last vtwir. 52,721 screa of sorghtio- vrciii i .!.! for forage alone. Mattel (ha "tiielrlivcrable" letters which reach trmsin y c nae from the Unittifl Statea. The Austrian g-varnmeut hss lately ismd rigorous regulations res-cting boaatiiora, hair dyea, patent metlicines, ate. Those containing oisons must be olJ by Hpotbecaries only by medical prescription, and none are to be aold of which the authorities do not know the composition, or which they recognize as prejudicial to health. Two slsves, formerly owned by Jeff Dsvis, new own his plantation, for which thar paid $210,000. An Australian ram was sold in thst country for the large sum of $17,000. Tho wool taken from its fleece wss over four inches in leugth. Iu the Italian Pari i mi en t the voting is dono by electticity. An Ontario village is lighted with gas made from sawdust, said to be equal to coal gas and free from sulphur. Members of the Mexican Legislature wear natty suite of black, and white neckties and g'oves are numerous enough to give the aasemblsge tho took of a iull-dres party. Nearly all the men are middle aged, with black hair and eyes. Hardly a gray or bald head can be seep. Parties at Caribuu, Me., are gather ing the cedar bark about the shingle mills and other plaoes and ship it to Massachusetts, where it is manufactur ed into a coarse paper, to be used under carpets to keep a way moths and other insects. EngliMu railways are cutting down expanses and discharging employes. A gun weighing 212,000 pounds has been suocoisfully cast at South Boston, Mass., for the United States Govern ment. The natives of tha island of Chiloe use the shell oi a crab as a barometer. Iu dry weather it is nearly white, but on tha approach of rainy or stormy weather it is flecked with ted spots. Louisiana hs school accommodations for only 75,000 children, thenh there are 250,000 in that State. Wild flowers are the fashion in Eng land, and are gathered and 8 ild in such large quantities that croakers sre crying that England will soon be primroseless. The primroses were sold in large quan tities on the anniversary of Lord Bea- oonsfield' death, they being bis favorite flower. The members of the New York Pro duce Exchange had a wild frolio at the opening of their new buildinpr, throw ing grain bags and flour sacks at each other. There are 8800 miles of completed railway in Caasds, and 3500 morn pro jected. The debt of the country ie very rapidly inoreaeing. Tha itiissiea (loveroment haa borrow ed $60,000,000 to build rail ays. A London newspaper assarts thst true refinement does not exist in the atstee, except in tho narrow Puritan circle at Boston. Afr. Theodore A. Havnueyer asys that the ssme area of lend that former ly supported only two cows, now sup ports fifteen times that number, owing to ensilage. There are 1 124,000 mil a of reilrosd in tha United States, or aeven times ss many milea ss there are iu the United Kingdom of Croat Britain. In Washington county, N. Y , pots toes sra a drug io tho market and are being bought for the starch mills st twenty cents er bushel. a traaiLLiati Bri4onc A LtM-atnalive fcagltHW's laallarl Haw ke SavaS a Trala ami ar aav44 aaaaaat On one of the darkest and atorminat nigbta af the recent ueuKual winter, the express an one of tha leading New York railroads was moving westward from Albany. Tbe engine's headlight threw a Strang reflection in advance, but the storm was so blinding it wa almost impossible to distinguish snythingeven st a short distance. Coder such cir cumstsnces instinct necesssrily takes the place of s.gbt. All lOBaM I to be going well, when, in an instant, the en gioeer reversed bia engiie-, applied the air brakes, ami csmc to a full stop. Why he did so he could Rot tell any mora than say of us can aooount for the dread of coming disaster end death, and ta tbe wondering inquiry of his flremsn be simply said : "1 feel that some thing's wrong ' Seizing a lantern he swung himself down from the cab and want forward to investigate. Every thing appeared to be right, aad be wan about to reiuru to his engine when bis ef e caught aight of a pecaltar apar aact at the joint of the rail next to him Itrtiabing the accumulated snow away, be looked a moment, and then tittered an exclamation of horror. The rails on both sides hail been unspike.f und would have turned over the intent the en gine t-.uched tbein. What inspired this sttempl at train-wrecking to un known, but it was presumed tbo con federate of some prisoners who war on the traiu hoped, in the confusion at an ac:t lent, to deliver their frt i 1, Engineer John Denohoe, of Albanv, to whose wonderfal instinct was doe the salvation of the train, when asked by the writer why he atopped his en gine, said : "I can't tell why. I only know I felt something was wrong." "1 you have these feelings often when upon the road ' OoaiiaOod the writer. 'No, very seldom, although for the past twenty yesra I have been in a con dition to feel apprehension at almost anything." raow in w, . "Why, I have been a victim of one of the wo rat case of dyspepsia sver known. I have not been confined to my bed, aa like thousands ef others, I am csmpelled to work whether able or not. Indeed, when it first began I had only a has of appetite, a faint feeling that would oot geaway and a bs l tas'e in the mouth, but I finally got these terrible craving snd k us wing feelings that make life so unbearable and sre known ss genersl debility." "What did you do ?" 'I tried physicians until I becaroo discouraged. I gave eight di fferent ones fair tests, but none of thm bene fited me I then tried propr ury med icines, but they failed, likewise. It looked pretty dark tor me so far as any more peace or enjoyment in toil world wore concerned and I baosrae terribly discoursged." "You certainly do not look that way now." ''Oh, no, indeed, T am in perfect health now," was the reply "aud I pro pose to continue so. My nervousness is entirely gone ; 1 can sleep nights ; the aching numbness has dtssppeaied ; the pale, sickly appearance has given place ta the color of heslth, and I have readily put on flesh. This is whst has been accomplished by means of Wsr- ner's Tippecanoe. If I can be cured after a chronic illness of nearly a qnar ter of a century I believe all utF ring in a aimilar manner can be restoied by- using the same great lemedy.' Such is the testimony of a man who could detect and remove unseen dan ger on tha road but o mid not rem ove the dang' is from within his own sys tem until brought face to face with the great preparation above named which did so much for him and can do as much for all those who requite it. a bee s un Naturalists say that the feet of the common working-bee exhibit the combination of a basket, a brush and a pair of pincers. The brush, the hairs of which are arranged in symmetri cal rows, are only to be seen with the microscope. With this brunh of fairy delicacy the boe brushes its velvet robe to remove the pollen dust with which it becomes leaded while rifling the flowers and sucking up their nec tar. Another article, hollowed like a spoon, receives all the gleanings which the Insect carries to the hive. It is a panier for provisions. Finally by opening them, one upon another by means of a hinge, these two pieces become a pair of pincers, which ren der imDortam service in the construc- lion of the comb. TEMPERANCE DMA iii Mis NT, waaasfj . i mm 1 -r -" Kin ran nv no. Wsmen'i Christian Tunarranrc Liiti The n-gulnr meeting of Albany Uatfrti occurring epoa Msv 27, lb day of prayer aKiifded Of the W N. C. T C, the topic named in the c-tll U prayor w r cotitidered, Mr. Turn leading. In 188.) Mist Wdlard with Miss Anna Qafiaoa, her Bastesary, visit, d every Htae and Territory of theenti;a forty-eight, Puget Sj .r.d toil a (iulf of Memeo, beeide nearly all lie provinces ef Csusda a temperance trip without a parallel in the annals of tha reform. As a result of th-ir work st.d that of Mrs. Sallie V Ch.ein, f Charleston, S. X'., (float of W. C. T. U. io tbe South, )with the pioneer trips of Mrs. M sry V. Shields in Wromintr, New Mexico and Arizona, and Mrs If. J. C. Iavilt in California, ihedecn- nial of tbe cii.asde haw thia "gOOPtl tooaaatasesr'a aty of ai ren not ot'y introiccM! in i he chief towns, but rr- gaaiBM ty rn?i nnd Iertitonee through'. ot tbe United S ale. Mean while Mr, h-titia Yeoreans of (Janada has'ani-d tt.e white ribbon all over the Dominion, an-l Mrs. Marg-iret Li - cae, (tbe si-ter of Join- Bright,) has, with the help of Mrs. Mareset PeffcaB introduced it throughout l real Biitain. In Jspao, India and Australia the so ciety is also known. John B. (jotigh declared that after fvrty years ol oe serration he bOaietrai the W. 0L T. U. is doing more real solid work then all other temperance s cieiies combined Prohibition in Iowa is confessedly tbe direct result of the Waasea's work ; In Ohio the splendid campaign for Con stitutional Prohibition was caadoeted by tbe W. C. T. U. in a man net ; ro- aoaaeai by ptiblsa joiraals hi anperioi1 . . .. re anviMti avi-r i ..e in , iaal party, la m abigan, N . hire and Vermont, the laws requiring scientiGc temjieranc- iaatTaOtioO in the system if public Boaool ed- cs'ion were enacted ihronsrh the direct, i, fl tence of the W. C. T. U. ; in Fmr.d. .t Beearad local option ; in Atkaricaa the "Home Protection" law by which the higna turea of wom-u again ksIooo licenae have the fore it aallotBj and have driv ea the trslh: from throe-fourth, of ti e Ounaiisaj af that lwirlr State, while in a dezeo Stales tbe W. C. T. 17. has urged to ths front the c'sims t.f C'm -atHatioaal Peaeibition. Tim Hayes M-motial P,r rait- wa placed in the White Hon aoaiaaalt af taair afJfotto the circulation of t-mperauce literature by their ysl-tn alio methods is incalcu lable in its extent sn I influence ; the fi'iarteilv temperance leBBOn in Siindsy Schoul was introduced in answer tc their plea ; the largest temperance j-e-titions of history, notablr in Ohio, Illinois, Iowa and Massachusetts, have been circulated by thou.-. Thev have eatabli.ahed a National organ, "The Cn ioa Signal,'' edited by Mi. Mary B. Willaid, in Chicago, which has a large and representative circulation. Their wcrk has followetl the law id' all re forms, w hich st first desl only with re. suits, but undar the tuidance of relic tion and experience go back a". l-t-cans,--. ll--: -f it grows more thorough and educational each rear. .Kxtrsct from his Mir 7 ef W. 0L T. U.. by Jennie Eggleston Z'mraerman. Tbe W. C. T. U. of Iowa now propo ses to go into the enforcement law. An enforcement committee is to be a feat ure in every local union. We ere glad to get a word of sub stantial encouiHgement concerning pa ctions. It uppears that the latest leg islature of Kentucky was eo moved by these silent appea h that as one school house alter another was fenced round with prohibition, a member of the sen ate arose and said : '1 move this body adjourn, f r if it remains in srsMon two hours longer all the state will be under prohibition." , San Francisco. May 2, 1884. The Fifth Annual meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was held Aptil 23rd, in Y. M. C. A. parlors. Reorta from officers showed tbe society to U, in a flourishing condi tion. Since last Annu-il meeting, the Wiilard Kindergarten has been estab lished at 232 Fell stieet. The coffee bouse at 629 Sacramento street, estab lished five years ago, was never in a better condition. This was the Pioneer coffee house of the Pacific Coast. It was started to give men a cheap lunch free from the temptations of tbe leer saloon. The proceeds of this house f r the last two years has boOS uied to maintain a free reading room next door When Miss Wi'lard was in San Frunoiico, she recommended our Union to increase our lists of V ice-Presidents, I and try and Secure one from each church. List year our list was incom plete. This year we have added some to it, and it now represents twenty-one churches, with a hope of more. These Vice-Presidents together with the other officers, constitute a Board of Manage- rnent. Their duties in connection with their respective cburches.are t interest the members in etir work, and attend to the notices from tbo pulpits. Cob. Sac. OOi hundred millions surplus blow ing into the Treasury annually extor ted from the laborers of the country by the present tariff. Hermann in- tieta there ahull be no reduction t eauae it might enable the people to buy cheaper goodi. What will bo do with the.e millions, wrung from the people uselessly for the emole- mont of tno few. And how long does he propose the present condition of things shall continue. Ov i alligator hides were ship cd in one week from a Florida port. Rhoumatism,CrifeTjralqiaf Sciatica, Ltenbago. Backache. Keaoacae, Toetascaa. reTbrsal.SNrninf.Seaa1BeBawa Kami. H Altl. irwM OH, as tlx .rinm sesiLT raiss ass atan. inakU wt -frTWbT. fifty Caaa tilBi IHi la 11 t.utf4. fttr. llUI. A. V44r.!.KB CO. a. i i ,., i . isaaa a oa s.himt,, s c. a a ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on 'hand - Bills sawed to order on shortest notice use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany, Or. DR. E. L. IRVINE Physician and Surgeon Office in Odd Fellows Building. ALBANY, CRECON. Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENE WEE was the Cm preparation perfectly adapted to curr ducats ot tbo scalp, aud Oae first so. cvsio'ul rolorer j( laded or gray Uair to its i I'.i.ral coior. gwtrtb, aud y utliful beaaty. U U.ia hod many imitators, but Coue have so tally tact all Uie requirements needful for tbe i-rnpcr treatment of tbe uair and scalp. HAIX'S Btaai Kcneweb has steadily groan iu favor, suJ spread its fame and usef ulaesr t i t .,! quarter of the globe. Its unparal leled success can be attributed to but sne csose: the cntirt fm'jiimeMt of Ui promt t. Tbe proprietors have often been surprised st tbe receipt of orders from remote coun tries, where they had never made an effort for its introduction. Tbe aa for a rhort time of Hall's ILaia naaawaa wonderfully improves tbe per sona; appearance. It cleanses tbe scalp from sit BWaariBaa, cures all humors, fever, aad arjaaaa, snd thus prevents balduess. It stimulates Uie weakened glands, and enables taea to push forward a new and vigorous fUWMh The effects of this article are net traiiMeut, like those of alcoholia pre pa ra ti. :iv but remain a long tiiue, vhicb makes its ut-e a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S LYE FOB THE WHISKERS Will change tbe bear I to a natural brows, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY B. P. HALL & CO., Nashna, H.H. Sold by all Dealers iu Medicines. FOB ALL THE FORMS OF Scrofulous, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders, the best remedy, because the most searching and thorough blood-purifier, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists ; SI, six bottles, S5 Durham is historic It was neutral around durlnK the armistice between Sherman and Johuson. Soldiers of both armies filled their pouches with tho tobacco stored there, and, after the surrender, man he-1 home ward. Boon orders came from East, West, North and 8outh,for "more of that rierant tobacco." Then, ten men ran an miVnown factory. Now it emrleya aw men, use the pink and pick of the Golden Belt, aud the Durham Bull in the trade-mark of this, th bt tobacco in the world BlackwellV Bull Durham Smoking- Tobacco has the Uuve-t fal A of any amokicif tobcco in the world. Why? Simply bees it is tbe '. AU dealers have it TeiAo-uiark of the It j L sCbBBB9 t saaaaal f FOR PAIN. isea vbBBBBhbIS "W BHK SawsaBBi iii'f-i isofSSkwsrfi Bull WaiaE3 . he v a t i.d. he MSaaP tddf't trve 1-eeu AJJ. a TTBTSm7 CiSntCrtdbw , bud.