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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1883)
Official County Paper, Entered at the Post Office at Albany, Or a aecoud claw mail matter. FRIDAY DECEMBER 21, 1883 STITE3 & Klitor ail NUTTING. rroprlc tan I'RKtt F. r r fl Vi., Lscal EJltor. MtKKIACEs DIYOsUS. Lisa a Medrl Couutjr. Sinco ths year 1850 there hive been con summated in Lma county, we had by ex awning tho record at the County Clerk's office. H:H0 marriages, nearly all of which, as a matter of fact, were since IStk). Now it is well knowu that all marriages are not happy ones, and so,examining the Circuit Court records for the same period we find that 20S divorces were granted, nearly all of which No were, of course siuce IMaV According to this there were 6,3 per cent as many divorces as marriages. It Is gen rally supposed that this is a country of divorces ; yet these tigures show the falsity of any such statements, and, as figures will not lie, make Linn coanty out a very virtuous section of country, which will no doubt surprise many, A comparison with other pis -cs reassures us. In 1882 in Maine there 10 per rent as mauy divorces as marriages, in Massachusetts, 21.4 per oent as many ; in Ohio 16.9 , in Connect! cut, 10.4, a model .state iu this respect ; in Rhode Island, 11.0 ; in Vormout, 14.0 ; in New Hampshire, 10.9 ; Michigan, 13 2 . New York City, 34.4, and there they are only granted on the grounds of adultery ; Philadelphia, 1C9 ; St Louis, 14 ; Chicago, 13.4. Only one place reported is ahead of Linn county, and that is Sau Francisco, with 5.8 per cent as many divorces as marriages. Some may claim that the per centage in Linn county would be greater during the last few years, and to dispel any such idea wo agaiu examine the records for the last year and find that the per centage is only 6, shewing that the county is improving. The facts stated above cm bo proveu, and they speak volumes for uiuu county Lebanon to Bakrr lit; bJ Kali road. The old Lebanon Road Mining and Lumbering company have increased their capital stock to $200,000, and filed with the Secretary of State supplemen tal articles of Incorporation. The object of the lew company is to construct a railroad from Lebanon to Baker City, the course laid out being from Lebanon, as a startiog point in an easterly direc tion up the south fork of the Santiam to the mouth of the middle fork, thence up said fork through Summit Lake pass t Three Fingered Jack Mouutaln, Blue Lake, Prineville and Canyon City, to Baker dry, the eastern terminus, a distance of about 350 miles. Iu its arti cles the company has all rights for own ing and occupying lands, or disposing of them, etc Whether active opera tions will occur -or net we are not suf ficiently informed, bit it is to be hoped that it is something that will be pushed- JopuKiUB of Precincts Following is the population of the precincts ef Linn county in 1880. By adding a few to each of these the pros -ent population can be obtained. As It has never been published, we give it oemplet : Browasville 1,259 Brush Creek 344 Center 480 Last Alhaay, Lebanon and Syracuse 3,518 Fex Valley 194 Eranklin Butte 446 Halssy 885 Marrisburg, ieeludiugcity 1.274 Liberty 278 Orleans 466 Santiam 587 Scie 1,144 Shedds 603 eweet Heme 269 Waterloo 890 Weet Albany 639 Thirty Dollar or Fifteen Days. "Thomas Fisher. ' That was what he told E R Ski p worth Esq., Friday morning wbeu be was asked what his name was. It was proven that he took a pair of gam boots from in front of the store of 8. . Young, without the permission of either the genial proprietor or his clerks, on Thursday night at between 17 and IS o'clock. He admitted the whole sneaking business, and said he threw the boots over the fence about five miles from here, when be had fuily ascertained that he could not sell them. "Thirty dollars or fifteen day's" said his honor. He turned his pocket wrong side out several times and not a bit dropped to the floor, and as he is a poor miserable tramp, he is now taking the fifteen days. Wfcere Linn 1'aaaty People Ca I rem. In 18S0 there were 12,676 people in tbi county, and here is where they a1 came from, a matter of considerable interest, a there has been some question as to which state is entitle 1 to the precedence : 6,210 were hern in the State. Of other states Missouri takes the lead with 843 ; Illinois' 814; Ohio, 570; Iowa, 522; Indiana, 503; Kentucky, 283; New York, 258; Pennsyl vania, 2S3; California, 204; German Em pire, 214; England, 127; China, 100; Brit ish America,' '97; Ireland, 77; Scot land i 33; France, 17; Sweden, 14; Switzerland, 11. A Holiday Treat. Prof. F T. Merrill tho champion bi cyclist of America, in conjunction with Wm 1 Warren, the champion of Oregon, and J. Manciet, the champion skater of Oregon will give something never before seen in this country, a "Bicycle Tournament. " They challenge the world to compete with them. They will exhibit at Y,t P. C. A. Hall on Wednesday, Dec. 26th, afternoon and evening. Admission 50 cents, children 25 cents. Ladies' and childrens matinee at 2 p. m. This is something novel and interesting. Do not miss it. The Mechanics' Baud will furnish the music. 'And Mill they Came. As we were going to press J M Nolan in formed us that he had just opened a fine line of ladies and gents e nbroidered slipper, silk handkerchiefs, new neck wear and ether novelties for the holiday trade. Call and them. HOME AND ABROAD. A MERRY CHRISTMAS. F M French, jeweler, Holiday goods at French's, Portland is infos tod with burglars. Klegant cabinet frames at Langdon's. It is 1912 miles from Portland to St Paul. A splendid assortment of 183 4 diary at Langdon's. All kinds of holiday goods at bottom prices at Langdon's, Take a peep at French's show window it will cost yon nothing. Traiqs run from Portland SO Grant's P; a distauco of 296 miles. Next year will be leap year ; but, thank fortune, we just escaped. Astoria has a new $36,000 school house. Let Albany people think. The amount of the rebate ou tobacco will be about 50,000 iu Oregon. There are sereral hue residences in Shedds, and a now one is bein built. For a cough or cold there is no remedy equal to Antmeu's Cough Syurp. Remember the "Btoycle Champions" at Y P C A Hall on Wednesday next Grant county was the first to pay auy of the filthy lucre into State Treasury. Ik might not bo out of place to begiu prao- ticisg tho use of tho figures 1-8-8-4. Candles aud small Chinese lanterns for Christmas trees at Hoffman k Joseph's. There should bo a place in Albany especi ally for the display of Linn county products. There will bo a Christmas tree at Tangent on Monday evening next, to which all are invited. Cents make dollars, yet Albany has any number of men haviug dollars without any sense. Preaohiog by Rev E T Lee, of Portland, Thursday evening, Des. 20, at the Presby terian Church. A call meeting of the Presbytery of the State of Oregon was held inthe Presbyterian Church yesterday. Hon Rufus Mallory wishes to know why the Democrats call him tho "White eyed man of destiny." The Ladies Band has another son, in tho ortn of a boy born at Prineville to the wife of J N Duncan. The play of "Above the Clouds" is being prepared for rendition at an early date. It is an interesting drama. Dr Ed Geary, of Ashland, is physician for the O. k C. IX. It , on the extension, a verv w or ocrative position. Mr John Wallace, near Lebanon shot the ittle finger of his left band off with a revol ver last Tuesday. Take the little ones to see the wonderful Bicycle Exhibitions at Y P C A Hall on Wednesday afternoon next. One thing is certain in Oregon and that is, you can hot judge a man by the umbrella he carries. It is liable not to be his. The prospect in Linn county for a big wheat crop next year is excellent, the fall wheat being in good condition. Simon S. went a banting for to kill n duck. He stepped in the quicksand unto mm e m his middle, aad said dogon such lnek. Since the year 1350, practically I860, 2614 cases were tried in the Circuit Court in this county, an average of about 100 a year. If you desire to examine an oxcellen stock of goods suitable for tho holidays call at Allen k Martin's. They have then. Trains leave Portland at 7 :30 a. m. and arrive at Grant's Pass at 1 :20 the next morning, about seventeen miles an hour. A public examination of teachers will be held by Superintendent Meaes at the Court House on Friday aad Saturday of next week. The firm of IFoodin, Brink k Fisher was dissolved last week, Messrs. Brink k Fisher continuing in the business at the old stand. Some of oar subscribers enjoy the same life now that they did when at school, Tbey were strapped then, and are now, to osr sorrow. Remember that tho place to get holiday groceries, as well as fancy candies, nuts, eto, for Christmas and New Year's, is at Hoff man k Joseph's. Rev J P Floyd, of the Christian Cbarcb will preach at the Court House next Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all, A pull man palace car passed through tho city a day or two ago with several passen gers en board. We understand they wUl be run regularly twice a week. Allen k Martin have just received new goods direct from the East, and can sell cheaper than ever. Go and see them before you boy your fall and winter goods. There are about 350 parsons in Oregon over 80 years of age ; about 125 over 85 ; about 30 over 90 ; only 8 or 9 over 95, and perhaps 3 or 4 over 100 years of age. Every tramp caught begging in Albany should be immediately arrested and pet to work on the streets, Let our citizens see that they are watched in this matter. The play of "Among the Breakers," an excellent amateur drama, will be given at Brownsville Christmas night, Dec. 25tb. Everybody in that vicinity should attend. The entertainment given by the dramatic company at Lebanon en Friday night was well attended, by a very enthusiastic audi once, and we understand gave general satis faction. A subscriber advertised a harness for sale in the Democrat, and obtained over fifteen applications for it. One of our oldest sub scribers being the first on hand obtained the bargain. If you want something elegant in the line of watches, clocks, jewelry, silver ware, knives, forks or spoons, do not fail to call at F M French's where yon can bny at yonr own price, Eugene City claims to have a violin made in 1687, and now they are trying to make the antiquated instrument talk. As far aa its age is concerned it had better keep its mouth shut. The first quarterly conference for the M E Church South, Albany Station, will be held at the church in this city en Dec. 22nd and 23rd. Services commencing Saturday at 11 o'clock. Standard time prevails in this city, bat as the two regulators are two or three minutes apart it is difficult to tell whieh is correct. It would be a great convenience if they were kept together. Mr F S Hammer, Linn county's first new comer by tho N. P. has rented S M Penn ington's farm in this county. He is a live farmer and we are glad to see him make Linn coanty his home. To-night (Friday) the literary entertain ment for the benefit of the College Library will be given aad our citizens ' should make an extra effort to attend, as this is an insti tution deserving of support. We have just learned that a few week's since a young child of O L Parkes, of New Tacoma, formerly of this place, wan drownsd in a tub, having fallen into it while alone, and drowned before discovered. We were sorry to learn recently of the death of Miss Jesse Rudd, formerly of Shedds, at Sheldon, Dakota. She was pure minded, intelligent young lady, with many friends in this county to mourn her loss. A First street merchant who gets heme late of nights says that when they begin counting up to twenty-four o'clock he pro proses to get home before thirteen o'clock because that is an unlucky number. This is good news for his wife. A clear bead is indicative of good health and regular habits. When the body feels heavy and languid, and the mind works sluggishly, Ayer's Cathartic Pills will won- derfally assist to a recovery of physical buoyancy and mental vigor. The constipat ed should use them. No ether medieine has won for itself such universal approbation iu its own city, state, and county, and among all people, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the best combieation of vegetable blood purifleJS, with the Iodide of Potassium and Iron, ever offered to tht public. Of the 12(176 people in Liun oonnty in 1880. 11,953 were uative born and 721 for eign born. There were 38 Indians and 19 negroes, ,S6e were males and 5,8 If ware females ; of those from 5 to 17 rears 2.0Cft were mains aud 1,996 femi males. There were 2,671 between 18 and 41, and 3.492 ovor 21 The population of Liun county in 1850 was 994 ; iu 1880, 6,772 ; in 1870 ; 8710 ; in 1880, 12,676. At this rate at tho present time the population must bo at leat 15.CKX), and the way many of the precincts have grown during the last three years will carry this out. Capt Shields, who was recoutly in Ken- tueky after an absence of over thirty Tiffs, says be had no trouble in recognizing the old and marks, and that everything was about aa when he left there, many of the old lej houses remaining the same. Most of the pioneers though found wonderful changes. The Benton County Teachers Institute will be held st Cervallis Wednesday and Thursday, Doc. 26th and 27th, under the charge of E A Milner, County Superintend ent. Au interesting program hat beoa ar ranged, in whieh Superintendent P A Moses, and J B Horner, of this conuty, will take part. It is a peculiar fact that in the new Coun cil four out of six will be Johns, to-wit i John Brtggs, John Foskay, John lsotn, John Brash : none of whom have a middle name ; ten being the most letters in any ono name and eight the least. This reminds us that all of the new council with one exception, are men of about fifty years of ago, or ever. A new custom has bosn introduced, and that ie for marriages to be performed under a large tloral wish bone, and immediately afterwards the couple pull the bone, and the one who gets the short rone has to get up and butld the fire mornings. Albany should have had such a eastern before this time. Following is the amount of work already done on the O. P. It. EL The forty-five miles to be graded between Corvallis aad tide water on Yaqutna Bay, seventeen miles has been graded on the eastern uod and two miteeon the western end ; tunnel Ne. 1, near the summit, 700 feet Ion.', is in about 300 feet ; tunnel No. 2. 600 feet long, is peforatod a distance of 200 feet, and tunnel No. 3, 650 feet long, a dUtaace of 450 feet. Attention is called to the advertisement of A B fToodin in another column. He has jast opened a furniture and undertaking store in the Kronen brick, on Kirst street, and will keep en hand a good stock of furni ture, bedding, etc., and undertakers Roods of all kinds. He proposes to make it au ob ject for all to trade with him. The December number of Dio Ltuu' JfenMy is one deserving of more than or dinary notice. It treats on subjects relat ing to health in a manner interesting to all, seauy of tho articles containing information ef great value to all. It is a magazine that should bo on the table of every reader. By all means send 25c. to Dio Lewis, 71 Bible House New York and get a copy, Mr Jas Dacnals has hired the vacant house back of the residence of It 8 Strahan, which he is Gtting up preparatory to menu factoring bureaus for Portland firms. The place is next the ditch, where water can easily be introduced, and will make an ex oelleut factory for such a purpose. Aa Mr Daoaals is a skilful workman, he will no doubt do an excellent business iu this line. The next regular meeting of the Y. P. T. U. will be held on Friday afternoon Dec 28th at 3:30 at the Y, P. C. A. Hall. In order to secure an increased attendance of the boys of our city, the above chang- of day and hour baa been decided upon. il'e hope also to procure additional assistance among the teachers of ear public schools end trust that the Work may go on more satis factorily than heretofore. Secretary. In another column will be found aa ad vertisoment signed by the Coanty Clerk, asking for bids for keeping certain, and all, of the County's poor for the ensuing year, Under this bids are wanted for all, and net for one or two or three. This is aa excel lent move and no doubt will save the county many dollars. It will be a good chance for some reliable, energetic farmer, who raises his own produce to do a good thing for himself and the county. On last Wednesday evening a supplemen tal lecture was given by the W C T U, by Rev Wm (J Simpson, of Eugene, at Y P C A Hall. His subject, was "Scotland," which being his native land, he was able to handle in a very interesting and able manne r, giv ing descriptions, and incidents of the most striking character. We regret at not being able to be present, aa we are aasured it was one of the best lectures of the course, and very justly attracted the closest attention from beginning to end. We have been handed a piece of poetry containing eight verses on Ben Butler and his defeat, with the request to doctor it and apply it to one of the defeated candidates in the late city election : which we hereby de cline to do, as ere have no ill-will against any of them. At tho same time we will give the first two verses, and, if inclined, our readers can do their own doctoring : "Old Ben is dean, that good old man, we ne er shall see him mere, he wore a vest of human skin all tattooed down before. The bottom dog was his delight, his aim the peace to keep ; he never told the truth but eoce, and that was in his sleep." There is probably no state in the Union whose resources are less exagerated than these of Oregon, and no where has there ever been a claim raised that this was a land of milk and honey. As a curiosity we pub hsb in another column extracts from an ar ticle in a Georgia paper, which shows, how, untentionally perhaps, a Georgian -can ex agerate matters as well as others, Mr Good man ascribed to the soil what was really poor farming. He was a splendid man, but that was not hie calling, and genuine Orego- nians never try to raise much wheat wbi e oil , as bis farm was. Great improvements have recently been made in the Clerks office in the arrange mente of papers, in a systematic order, unti now it is one of the best kept of any in the state ef Oregon. The last improvement was the complete aystemizatien of all the Circuit Court papers. This was done by Messrs. . 0. H, Irvine and T. J. Cline, under the County Clerk. They are now numbered and arrang ed in tin boxes, aoeordiog to their date, each box correctly labeled, and aa iadex ef the whole made, direot and indirect, so that any ease since the establishment of the Court can be referred to instantly. The work ooa fsrs great credit en those who did it. An immigrant who recently came from Oregon City, having stopped there a moath and ten days, wanted us to show np s real estate dealer there because he attached his things on account of his starting to leave the city without paying for the seeend months rent, claiming that ho intended aa soon as be got away to send the money for th e ten days, fearing that if he offered to do so then n demand would be made for the whole mouth. As the real estato agtut did about right, we shall do ne shewing up. The tin migrant, will sometime learn that there is nothing like a straight forward course, and that it would be dangerous business for owners of property to give tenants too much leeway in suoh a changeable country as this. Last Monday Dun Humphrey, the five year "Id son of Tip Humphrey, was chasing oow n the street, near his parents homo when the beast suddenly tamed, caught him on his horns, and threw him soms distance nn tho ground, the fall being so severe as to break one of his legs, between the ankle aud tho knee. Dr T W Harris was called and Set the leg in skilful manner, aud Don ia now doing aa well as could be expected. It was an experieuoo long to be remembered, and ons not to be courted. People have a right to buy where they please, yet if oue stops to think, one will soe that it is much better to patronise home merchants than itinerant auctioneers. As a rule you get much better goods of home merchants and cheaper ie the long run. licit assured men are net traveling around tho country without it ia for the purpose of making monoy. Ofteu we have seen more paid at suoh auctions than a better quality of goods oould bo obtained for of our ewa merchants. Help build up your oity by patronizing the men who patronise yon. Sake. The psople of Peoria says the Portland Standard, and vioimty are anxious to have some one ereect a (touring mill at that place. Poeria is surrounded by a very productive section of country, and a custom mill would no doubt hayo all it oeuld do and reap a handsome income. To a proper person, the peepU) will contribute liberally to aid the enterprise aud wa are reliably informed that not lees than a bonus of $3000 in cash would le giveu. This offers a meet excellent op portunity for seme ono that understands the business and can givo the necessary refer cuce, Mr Wm Aschieu, formerly ef Pert land, has recently started a store there and the place is picking up generally. It was once one of the most (loo robing towns en the river and there is no good reason why it cannot be made so again. There is a very rich agricultural country surrounding the place, and the farmers iu the vicinity ate a ell to-do and prosperous. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Frank Ingram left for lae By last Moo- day. Bruce McK night is spending the holidays in Portland. Ilobt Cos haw, of R.-ownsville, was in Al bany Wednesday. 1 Nr Dodd .nd family will spend the winter in California. Nick Springer came up from Portland last Friday to shoot duck for a week or two. Mr B Burtons haw, one of tho DssIucsat's veteran subscribers, called on us Saturday. Miss Hettie Miller returned Wednesday night from a two months visit in 1'ortiaud. Hons Geo K Chamberlain and T J elites have been in Harrisborg this week on bnsi Mr J F Jones, of Potnerory, W. T., is ia the coanty sod called on as Tuesday. He will return home in about a week. Ceo I Foster, who is attending Princeton College, who was receotly taken sick with typhoid pneumouia, we are glad to near, is improving. K Mills, an enurgo.ic young man of Leb a.i ii, kit i'uoidsy for Ashlaud, where he arid work on some of the bridges being con structed na the extension. Mr George Young sod Qeorge Voang, 2nd, returned from tbe pioneers excursion Fast on last Monday. Tbey were ia Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, etc., and report an excoileut time. Mr V cs Cannon aud son left last Monday for WaiUburg, W. T., where they will re- mtiu two or three wetks. s.r Cannon probably did as much aa any otitor person towards giving thst place a start, and has a host of friends all thtougb that country who will be glad te see him again. Wo received a call Tuesday from Mr FT Merrill, the most expert bicyclist on ths Coast, who with Mr Warren and Mr Man ciet, of Portland, will give an entertainment at Y P 0 A Hall next Wednesday afternoon and evsuing. It will be a novelty and every- body should attend. Jadge R P Boise and wife returned Satur day from their trip to Washington, in at tendance upon the National Orange. Tbey rutted Congress, saw Senator Doipb "sworn in," and took notice tnat Oregon's Senators and Representatives Dolph, 'Slater and George, compare well iu size and personal appearance with the members from any State in tbe Union. Statesman. Dr. K. L Irvine and family, on last Tues day, moved to Lebanon, where tbe Doctor has opened an office for the practice of his profession. Dr. Irvine baa been for several months in partnership with Dr. Hill, and has gained an excellent reputation as a reli able physician. He is steady, attends strictly to bis business, and already dis plays that skill which insures his becemisg one of the leaders in his profession in the Valley. Lebanon people may wall plac their cases in his care. Now is the time to hand in your subscrip tion for papers and magazines for 1S8 Leave yonr orders with F L Kenton, they will roceivd prompt attention. Catted Order of Aneteat Templars. At the regular meeting of this organization held last Tuesday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing term : A B W oodin, P. T. J H Burkhsrt, Templar. Mrs E A Wcodin, V. T. T P Haokleman, Lecturer. H Lamp man, Recorder. C G Burkhart, Fip. Sec'y. E VV Laogdem, Treasurer. Mrs M T Colo, Guard. Ben Wsstfall, Watchman. loiim! Dead. Tuesday evening about 8 o'clock Riohard Fox, on going to his home on First streeb found his sister, Miss Elizabeth Fox, aged about thirty-five, lying dead near tbe door, where she bad fallen and expired, probably a abort time before Mr Fox entered tbe house. She had been troubled with the dropsy for several years, which probably went to her heart, causing instant death. The funeral ssrvices were held at the house Wednesday afternoon. ne View ef Oregon. Mr R H Ooodman.whe recently return d to Atlanta, Georgia, on account, as he told as, of his wife's health, was Inter viewed by an Atlanta reporter, and gives some very queer ideas about Oregon. As wears willing to present all sides of subject, and have great confidence In the reputation of the Mate, even after the pudding has been eaten we give extracts or tho interview : "Oeortia Is bud, after all." said Mr K I Goodman to a "Canal I UK ion" oian vaster day, as hi pluaaaut face shewed up on (lroea street. "Which inenas T" remarked the repor ter Inquiringly. That 1 bavo come back hers to atav .' Five years ago I left Atlanta for Ore gon, a laud flowing with milk aud honey, according to the boat Information I could got, certified to by even the Governor himself. Yes sir, rive rears ago 1 id my place on llairls street to Captain Bob narry. re-uay i srn pack here, aud ready to Day a lioml and stay here the balance of my lire," " Von did net like Oregon T" 'Oregon don't suit me. It Is not what I thought it waa. The poof of the puddiri is wsj eaung uieroor, and I neve eaten. When I UJi Ueorgia times were dull and money wa hard to irnt. Into ruv hand fell pamphlets and book descriptive of am sat. i .j m ... ... . . . u r.imirsmi ivregnu. wen, l wnlit mere I had been told that there wa govern ment land that I could take ut When I get there I found that the laud 1 oould laun up was not worm taking up. I went up the Willamette River to within two iwlos of Albany and bought a faim at thtr(y-hve dollars an acre. It was a love ly valley from ten to forty miles wlde.end as pretty noil as you ever saw I raiaed fifty -four bushel of wheal to tbe note on that prairie land. But Oregon I a laud of wild oata, sorrel aud larweed, 1 had plow my land six inches deep, and In aa evil hour I decided to go two I none deejier. In turning up that extra two lac Sea, I Mir sod up wild oat seed that had been there I knew not how long; but they grow ud choked out my wheat, and my crop was ruined and gradually decreased from ear to year until, In place of fifty four tiabels to the sore, I made only sixteen. Oh, the wild oata I the wild oats I they are strange thing. I y a handful en tbe grouud and pour water on them, aad they will crawl like bug. Thoy have a beard tike the nose of agar-fleh, and they turn up en that boanraud go dowa Into the ground like tbey had life. Below aeer- talo distance ike nam will not sprout, but whenever you turn them np near enough to me surra!-, they forget now long lhe have been In the ground and grow iiko you had just plsutod them." Tuere are people there, though numbers of thorn, who are well aaiUliod, pneipor ntis and happy It la altogether owing to the wsy a man has been raised. It did not mui'. iuo ins I catne back to Georgia." "It Is a great whoat country, though. Is it not T" Wheat there 1 like cotton I here a elaple product that means so much gold for e much wheal cab down. Albany Is a small plane of two thousand Inhabitants. IU three mills grind twenty four bundled barrels of Hour per day eleven month In the year, yet de not touch one-tenth the wheat t last is made. ' College Brad lag Room Katerfalasatnt. Following is the program fur the enter tainment at tho College Chapel this (Friday) evening : Chorus, 'Christmas Morn," School. Welcome, Frank Propel. DecUmatiou, "The Owl Critic," Henry Conner. BvciuUoo, "Tbe Children," Ksther Mar. shall. Doci&sialion, "A Boy's R .uonstrance,'' Persy Young Vuoros, "lbs Bird Caro:. I'umxry De partment. 1-ssay, ''Longfellow, .1 ..- harlton. Instrumental solo, M Ltura fate. (A) Idvdlle -Lysberg. (Mf Titania LefobnrePreiy. itociiaiton, "Uuil-l:ug ( shiSL Rrodeluhi- an Society." Duett, "1 Live and Live Ttioe," Mrs Laagdou and Mrs Statger- Deolamattoo, "Schneiders Irmartere, " Quinoy Propst. Heading. "Bob Cratcbot'e D.uner Party." Vesta Mason. Essay, "Reading," Miss Kitty Althouse. ttolo, "Down the Shadowed Lane She Goes," Mrs Leagdon. Recitation, "Saodalphor," Kate Price. Instrumental solo, "Wait Till the Clouds Roll By." Beth Conner. Recitation. "Tbe Witches Daughter," Mrs Nutting. bw leafa BoeetnUeue. We present below several resoultions, which we give tbia week foraomsot Albany's citixeaa, bopiog that by tbe first of the year a few who need to make tbem most will have borrowed a Ib:M-sar and read and resolved, aa some of them are too tight to take a newapaper : 1 bereky resolvefer the year ItSi, Tbat 1 eg qei. spjtif ing say tobeeoo, sad sjwl lbs measy towsrSs a woolen mill . Thst I will ivs up my aslsersbly ptcayuaUh bsbite aad work for lb tnursst of the ay. Tbat I will ge le with ihrs other sad ln4 tbe Sty foor iboussed islsatB of the sixtosa thousand with whieh to builua new school house, bating complete conndooeo in tho sbiltty of tho tr embers of the school district to repay the moaor, aad iu the security of. awed, Thst I hsvs msec op my mind that I can not take my mooc.v with me when I die, aad will spend sem of it for ths good of others and not be saeh a pour, miserable, selnsh being ss I bars been la , the past. That I will join heart and hand with everything that will advance tb Interests of the eute, the ooauty. and the rkiy, even If 11 costs nis a tooth of my io- asms. That It I better t be s man than a mere piece t flesh, and t will be one if it takes every last cent. Thst I have eome to the couclusloa that a good is bolter thsn groat riehes, poorly used, and whereas, I ra bow despised by all, I propose to do something to gsin the respect of thoee around me The cboapest house in the Valley, K L Thompson k Co. A Good Thiwo. Enterprise and euorgy are good qualities In business, but unless you have something that will stand com petition, yon will find It up-hill work to suocoed. There sre many patent modlclnes for colds and ooughs, some ef whloh are flrst-clasi and probably do all tbat oould be expected of them ; bat we here never heard ef any cough mixture that has been so successful in winning Its wsy into pub lio favor aa "Am men's Cough Syrup." I1 is having an immense sale, and everyone that uses it speaks loud in its praise. Editor "Pioneer," Han Jose, March 25th, 1882. e Buy your harness of E L Thompson A Co. Trmprranre Work. The following committees have been ap pointed at the meetings whioh Dr. J. W Watts has held to cooperate with Exeou tlve Committee of the Linn County Tem perance Alliance in their respective Com metiees- Scio Precinct R. F Ashby. Mrs. E. E. Psatland. Mrs. Annie Epley, J. S Morris, J. J. Dorrls. Tangents- John Luper, Mrs. Sarah Luper, B. L. Bryan, A. L. Bridgefarmer 3. J. Beard, John II. Scott Sbedd, D. P Porter, Mrs. P J Portet, R. M. Caughsell, Geo. Dav.s, J. W. Pugb, Austin Watts. Fnrthor reports will be nude next wsslc Executive Committee. Central Heat Market. The undersigned having bought the Central Meat Market, hopes by fair dealing snd strict attention to business, te merit a fair share of the trade of Albany. He will always have en hand afresh supply of meats ef all kinds, and will make an extra effort to mako it give satisfaction. M. Hydi Mormon Ism. Friday eight Hon. Addison C Glbbs f Portland lectured to s good audience on the above subject. Probably few men in the United Btate outside of Utah are more familiar with tbe sub jeotthan Mr Olbjbs, snd In this lecturel he presented the. mot Int-resting fea tures, commanding the closest alien mi si a i e am . a tion or ins uearers for more tuan an hour. Beginning with Joe Smith him self he told of hlsdebsssd character as well as the oharacter of his parents Ho vina bora In 180', and in began the establishment of the Mormon church, taking as his lever, pretended revelations from above, claiming to have found stones containing the lew. to look upon wnloh by auy but himself would cause Instant death. He ioratfd at Feyelte, N. Y. Tneooe moved to Ohio, where tbe fir. t Mormon book was published, really written by a christian clergyman. Wm. G. Hpauldlng. With his followers he lived atdlflsrent tlmvta in Ohio, Iillnels. Indiana and Missouri. on account of thnlr lawjnfN beluz InvKtifrom these places, until finally Hmlth was assassinated, when, InlKMi the remnant of to church movod to Utah, where they practically renounced. as they de uew, all alleghmce te the government ef the United States. Mince then they have Increased until they number IflO.Ofg. hi Utah and about 70, 000 ia the alloinlnsr Territoiles. there being sev u memben of the Montsoa legislature alone who are Mormon. I lie speaker showed the tricks which hey used to obtain new members from Os'ope, their practices, the cede of their belief ; told bow polygamy first crept into tbe church, and what a curse than proven. His description of the sceuein the temple was graphic. as well as his picture of the advantages the country has from its soli, water, etc After hearing him one law more than ever ths necessity of putUug down saeh a blot oo the fair feme of Ameri can Institutions. Tee Brewasvtliw etsr Klerllaa- The city election took placo Uew Monday st the above ulaee. caosior eu.t j a contest I Ulereeo the two t hU. The High Uceose icket waa elected. Following were the twe tickets : aiou ucsssa tickkt. I 'resident of Council. W It Kirk ; Conn tlmeo, II B Mover, Thomas Kay, R N honpseo, J M flows ; Recorder. II J C Avenll ; Marshal. S P Banter : Treasurer. PCreft. iVDcrcHUKST Ticsr.r. IVeaidootef D Arthur ; Record er. H J C Averill ; Marshal, D Bruahe ; Treas urer, 0 K Staoard ; Couacilmen, B P Ruby, II W Codaard. Sani Snyder, VV A Cos. "SltalUeel air ' Ur Tate will keep tbe Vitalised Air" on hand until Wednesday, the 26th lust. 'ssli duys the lowest prices at S L Thorop- si t sn ft o. W O O D I Sr. - o s fJIV DERTAKER Notice of Dissolution. XTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT jJK the partnership heretofore existing unler the tlrm name of Danaala A Wood In. Is this elav dissolved Lv mutual con sent. All debts due the aald tlrm anouia be paid to Mr. A. B. Woodin who rill pay all liabilities of tbe said firm. Albany. Dec. 19, 183. Jan. Dannals, A. B. WooniN. WAGGONER-ROBERTSON At Woodburn, io Marion county, on Thursday, Deo. 13, 188S. bv Rev. J. R. N. Boll, Hon. Gko. A. WaoooKsa. ef Corvallis, aad Miss Wil- HKLMJNA K JbBERTSoK,(HoCCK,) of W'ood- born. Mra. Waggoner, ne Miss Dolly Heuck, has been for years one ef Albany's most esti mable young women, and has a host of friends here who wish her happiness untold ; while Mr Waggoner is one ef Benton county's best known ssd most respected eitixens. Mr. Waggoner will make ths fifth husband the Indies Band has taken unto itself during the last two or three years, antil now it is nearly all husband. While we have lost ths Band, it is a plsaaaat fact to be able to observe that the destroyers of it hsvs all obtained excellent wives, ii n is sruo mat ium Band conduces to this, aa the experience of this ona would indicate, then it might be well to have ope established permanently with a law compelling all young ladies te belong. WIISON WILLETT8 Oo Dec. 12th, 1M3. at Iluntaville. W. T.. Ma ParriR FT iLson and Miss Lou Wiltxtts. Last week we shot somewhat at random and before the official returns hsd been received, but yery luckily, we hit the mark on ths hsad, and hereby renew our oongrat ulations. MoBKlDE BAIN, On Dee. 19th. 1883, bv Uav A M Acheson. Ma Johs A Mc ttsinit and MlHS MlNKlK BaIN all of Linn county. MILLARD YANTIS On Dec. 20th,1883, by Rev A M Acheson, Mr John A Mil- laRO, ef Albany, aad Uiuza m. x awtis, of Oakville. Our heart is too full for utterance, and we have only space to offer our heartfelt congratulations. DIKD. CLEMENT. On Thursday, Doc 13th, 1883 at New Tacoma, of diphtheria, Ella, daughter of HO Clement, aged 7 yeara 1 month and 16 davs. We knew Ella before she went to her Washington Territory home, as a noble, bright, lovable little girl, thoughtful beyond, her years, kind and considerate towards all ; and it is with great sadness that we hear of her death, while yet so young aud promising. We are told with pleasure of her tree child heroism when in her last sickness, thinking, unaelflshiv nore of her sister than herself, uncomplaining, hopeful. As seme one say she loved everybody and everbedy loved her. Rer parents have the sympathy of all their many friends in Albany. f s Choice Styles IN BOOTS AND 8HOC8 FOR PALL AND WINTER WEAR. COMPRISING EVERYTHING NEW IN GENTLEMEN'S, LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOE8, HAVE ARRIVED. SPECIALTIE S IN GENTLEMEN'S EM BROIDERED SLIPPERS. JUST THE THING FOR OHRISTMAS GIFTS. Also specialties in ladies' gos samer ovarshojs. (Jail early. Hamael 10. Young" . Albany, Or. For Bale. One half black In eastern part ef the elty with fair house aad barn will be sold ebeap. d"i J ratOS. " rf4-4ii NalMfgwrgjaa ' BBBw! BwaBBTSSai BBBBwi m Bsef ng esSsrssJ : FA VHflHjBI a mmwm suras, BHHHH -TOKO CIA86WAIE, SafaHMHHI lam piKICAR rib ma, : 1 WM aH hn T. AUnHiarp onr1 Trciarn af,wtV sasaassss a i. uu uni wviaju x auu avjhu x ovwa. v v vi aavesjaae I .a. jl J m. J.H Jt I rt i x j j xi. Tsr . awmim s resi lj ..t oeiocueu uuuw iuo jl ui atun lAviiAUH rawu I nrVi r a n fVi n ar 4Aa saOvt f r anil atvaver-f Vt wi or ssO m a saw esser 1 1 Com plete Libra ry of Books, beau tiful stock of statuary, Albums of all Muds, Mirrors aud Vases, Musical Instruments Toilet Sets, Ghristmas and New Years Cards, Pic tures, Perfumery, Inkstands Etc. ! XMAS GOODS vAT H. E wert's A sfdendld lhae ef LADIES' AUD GENTS' WATCIE8, Carol a and Silvor, RISC8, BRACELETS, iriRTxiT lmjkmMJtanm9 OLOCK8, BROOCHES, EARRItgQS, SPECTACLES, THIMBUMfc SLEEVE BUTTONS, HAND80ME STUDS BEAUTIFUL CHARMS Gold Pens and Diamond SOLID GOLD AND PLATED Silver and Plated fan, lit., Re., AT II. Ewcrt's, Albany, tr., OWE NO MAN ANYTHING AU persons knewrasr to the undersigned ere rsaw seat ally ed to call at ones far make collections te A ilisregsrd of on fie Ibanon. Xev. 0th. 1 r JiuaTRrae wM sesW) ess uUdasT 4 s I I hags' and any saesjk wHl bo taOJii fat Sssa 1 sa4Tsa9w'sSS Sfcw wissessvHsaS SaT tsaaVS w(SswBSS . TJOHffS, on. Soods - i HaV-ini leaWaWee i!