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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1883)
FRIDAY DECEMBERS 1, 1883 II stems to bt "Keifer's grand eld party." The ticket will likely be Arthur and Htttea. Tee Widow Mahene can now be had for the Raking. The Democrats mean to make a stand for redeoed taxation. The local ieiue in Georgia are pro habitation, no fences and taxed dogs. The Speakership hss seldom proved a stepping-stone to anything higher. When analysed, the Dantille affair does not show even the remnant of a bloody ehtrt. la 1983 we may hare a free trade. In 1883 all that we demand is tariff reform. The Danville Issne ia too thin a cloak to keep any thivering party If there be anything in the world that sends a shadder through the grand eld party it ia the mention of "the eld ticket" Secretary Teller says the lad tan is improving. That is more than can be said for the tramp and the Motmon. m m m Depress ioa in the iron trade is not dne to a lask of protection, but is cano ed by too mnoh of it, in short, by over production. The shotting down of a few iron mills and decreased production is the first de velopment in the little game of the pro The United States Senate, as now constituted, is a gigantic fortress, be hind which corporations and monod ies stand securely intrenched. If somebody could paint the smile thai wreathed Conkling's visage as he read Blaine's last bid for the Presiden cy, it would make a great historic pic ture. m m m Arizona aspires to be the leading copper producing country on the continent It claims that the output this year will double that of last sea- The true attitude for the parties to assume towards the colored race is this : They are entitled to all the po litioei rights which white people en- Joy. g The Republicans are willieg to give the colored men all the civil rights they want except the right to hold office. They have to draw the line somewhere. The outrage mil) has fallen into de cay and its grists excite only contempt and ridicule. There onght to be enough life left in the Republican party to in vent something new. We think the Republicans are mak ing a mistake ia dragging the bloody shirt out of its cerements. There is a big thing in the surpi as-revenue racket and they should give all their attention to it. The Democratic party stands in csm servstivs lines with respect to the tariff and every other issue. It wants con servative taxation and conservative government. In this consists the prosperity and happiness of the pee- m m Mahone quietly advisee the Pres ident that he proposes to head the Republican delegation from Virginia in the next National Convention. From this circumstance Mr. Arthur is reminded that a man should always know on which sick of the bread the butter is. Mr. Randall does well to corns for ward early in the session to oppose the careless r reckless passage of deficien cy bills to repair some lack in the pre ceding Congress. All such schemes should be referred to the appropria tions committee and subjected to the same careful examination as the bills which eome regularly before the House each year. mmm It is officially announced that Henry Yillard has resigned the presi dency of the Oregon Transcontinental and the Oregon Railway and Naviga tion Company ; that W- Endicot. Jr., of Boston, succeeds him as president of the Oregon Railway and Transcontinen tal Company, and T. Jefferson Ceolidge of Boston) as president of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company. A gtartllag Discovery. Physicians are often startled by remark able discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's JJeW Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them tc realiza their sense ef du ty, and examine into the merits of this wonderful discover? ; resulting in hun dreds of our best Physicians usisz it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at Fosbay Mason's Drugstore. Regular size fl.OO. Everybody Goei Everybody comas to Allen & Martin, Al bany, Or,, they come from every nook, crook and corner in Linn and Benton counties, to buy their fall and winter supplies. People say they can do better at their store than any other store in the State. New stock of carry combs and brashes at EL Thompson Co's. THK COMMITTEES. The speaker will announce his com m it tees the Utter part of this weok,proba bly Friday Members of the prtncipa 1 committees have already been assigned, but changes may Iks made before the list is filled. . At a meeting of the committee on rules a tuonohttion to increase a the members of the ways and means committee front twrlve to fifteen mftmheru. was disousscvl. If the membership is increased, the democrats will be given niue end the republicans six representatives upon the committee. The majority, in any event will be composed exclusively of low tariff membets. Mr. Mvtryson will be chairman, and among his dem ocratic assciates are Me-srs, Blackburn, Burd and Hewitt. Hath of Missouri is mad because he eannot be chairman of the committee on agriculture, a position for which D. W. Aiken of South Carolina is booked. Among the chairmanships said to be disposed of are the following : Feriegn affairs, S. S. Ccx of New York ; ju diciary, Randolph Tucker of Virginia ; peasiens, C. C. Mason of Indiana ; District of Columbia. Goo. W. Cussi dy of Nevada : naval affairs, Leopold Morse of Massachusetts : military af fairs, II. W. Slocum of New York ; Pacific railroads, General llosecrans of California ; commerce, J. IT. Reagan of Texas ; P. M. stocks, Liger of Iodiana ; revision of the laws, Burton McMilan of Tennessee. J uJge llolman will be second member of the appropriations It is, of cenrso possible that the speak er may decide to change some of the names of the foregoing liar. I lo XOTEM. Lebasox, Or., Dec. IS, 1883. Eds. Democrat : Dr. Pettigrew, hai returned to Ieb anofl. The converted Jew lectured Item two nights last week. Mr. Tom Parker wife died near this place last Saturday. Mr. Anda Cowan is somewhet indis posed at the timo of writing. There is to be a match hunt at this place next Friday. A grand Ball will be given at the Hall on the eve. cf the 24tb. Mr. John Wallace bad the little fing er of his ieft hand shot off with a re volver yesterday. Seme one tore Mr. Jenny's beat sign down on the night the Albany troup performed here. A game of base ball was played on the public square last Srturday. Result, the college boys won the game. The Aloany dramatic troup per formed in a splendid manner last Fri dsy night, and gave good sadiifactiea a every particular. i There will bo a Christmas tree at the Academy on the -4tb. C. B. Montague will deliver an address for the occasion. We are proud to announce that Dr. Irvine, of your City, has located in cur town. He came yesterday, and bad not time to pat away his horce un til he hail a call, in which ho showed considerable skill. We predict for him a large practice. The ladies of the 1st Preabj frian Church held a festival at the City Hall, last Thursday night for the teuefjt of the church the hail wag beautifully decorated, which added much to the success oi the occasion a good supper was served to sll who desired. There wore tore booths, at either of which could be found a fino display ef fancy work wrought by the deft hands of the ladies of the church ; the receipts of the evening were $G5.00. The Masonic Fraternity elected officers at their last convocation, as follows j EL Keebler, W. M ; J. W. Cusic, S. W ; W. B. Donaca, 8. W. ; J. M. Ralston, Tres ; T. L. Wallace, Sec. ; W. C Cowan, Tyler ; Youxa Amebica. u.H0 Birra motes. Kxox Bctte, Oa., Dec. 17, '83. Editors Democrat : The Butte scboo1 closed the fall term with the usual literary performance practiced in the common schools. At noon a well prepared oyster dinner was in readiness for the teacher, pupils and the invited guests in the school room below. The Grange Hall having been opened for the school above gave ample room for the affair. All partook of the dinner heartily, for the benefit of those who were not oyster lovers the ladies furnished plenty of other substantial, such as cakes, pies, candies, nuts, etc. , so that all could enjoy the dinner. After noon instrumental music was furnished by Mr. J. H. Daniels, the Sbonninger agent, having one of his first-class organs in the ball above added life to the occasion. Many pie ces were read and spoken. Miss C. Chambers read a piece, Mr. J. Archi bald made some well timed remarks. Mr. Kisley made a short address to the school, his object waa to impress on the minds of the pupils that they can and must learn. Moses Miller made some lively remarks, contrasting the changes in our common schools, concluding all things changed. He then called on Mr Daniels to play a quick and suitable piece, which he did equal to the re marks, to the mirth of the audience. Mrs. A. C. Miller read a short address, afrer which Miss V. C. Kisley made the closing remarks, thanking all par ties for thair many fa vote, recommend ing the school to her predecessors. School Patkox. The Republican politician is always looking for an office worthy ef his steal. A High Opinion . Capt. John J. Dawson, late of the Bri tish Army, residing on Love street, be tween Manderville and Spain, this city, says he used St Jacobs Oil with the great est possible advantage wben afflicted with rheumatism. "New Orleans Times- Democrat." BROWNSVILLE ITEMS. Bhowxsvillk, Or., Dec. 17, '83. & ti, Democrat i T. P. Itoby is here visiting his brother. Miss Amy Templeton is vory sick. There was auite a number of ths young folks of this place went to Coburg a mm oa the excursion last rutay evening. Miss Emma Hudelsen. from Indiana. and Mr. Jos. Templeton, of this place, were married on the 1 3th inst. Dr. Watts will deliver a lecture at the City Hall on Thursday and Fridsy evening. lltv. Mr. Houston, of Junotion City. preached at Bishop's Hall Ssoday morning and evening. The merchants are all busv oneninc Christmas goods. W. R. Kirk purchased thirtv-sevan pair ef skates tor the skating rink which Ilk nr . will begin on Wednesday evening. Mr. Hucrh Field came home last Thursday. An entortaiament is to be given at the City Hall, by Prof. V. C. Brock, Christmas eventne. the ulav i"Aruonu the Breakers," the proceeds go to buy an organ for the M. h. Church. Born to the wife of Jas. Stand ish on the 16th inst a daughter. Miss Becca and Sinnie Sperry left Tuesday morning for Melfinnville, in tending to stay till after the holidays. Mrs. Cochran wont to Portland last Thursday on business. The following committees were so r ST pointed to arrange for a Chtiatmas tree to be held in the Uty Hall of Worth Brownsville on Christmas eve : Committee to procure tree J. B. Horner.Alvin Templeton, Lincoln Kirk, . . a Uiyde foster. Com. to put up tho tree Cbas. Wil lert, J. D. Arthurs, 8. P. Barger, O. P. Coshow. Com. to decorate the Hall George Dyson, Uinton ibompson, Charles Hewland, Mrs. J. B. ilerner. Mrs. Olive Stanard, Miss America Kirk, Ida Coshow, D. n. Putmsn. Com. to hang ths presents Mrs. J D. Arthurs, Misses Sarah Coahow Alice llausman, Ltbbie Kay, Beooa Leach, Lizzie Rowland, Mrs. George Dyson, Mrs. tables, Lena Galbraitb. Com. to read names George Dyson William Cochran. Com. to carry the presents to the happy owners Clyde Foster, W. W Waters, Bert Willson, fene Arthurs Lenore Key, Rstta Brown. Com. oa music J. B. Horner. Com. on program J. P. Galbraitb. The following committees wore ap pointed to arrange for a Christmas tree to be held in Bishop's Hstl en Christ mas eve : Committee on tree Albert Keys, Nelson Cochran, John Standish, If. B. Standish. Com. to decorate house and tree Miss Maggie White, Miss Rosa White, Mrs. Alderson, Wm. Alderson, Mr. and Mrs. Doaier, John Wolfe, Petar Hume, Mrs. Washburn, Mrs. Lindsey, Mrs. Lilly Hasbrook, Wm. White, Miss Joy Templeton, Mrs. Grover. Com. on music Mrs. J. Standish, Bert Templeton. Literary exercises Prof. Brock, Rev. Alderson, Wm. Templeton. Com. on ways and means Mr. Ore baugb, Wm. Templeton, Rev. Alderson, two Misses Cooley,two Misses Keeling, Mr. Ltadsey. Com. on program Wm. Templeton, Peter Home, J. B. Horner. Com. to distribute presents Scott Aldsrson, Bell Acock, Fred Templeton, Gleir Hume, Kdith and Annie Aider- son, Maud Howe, Annie Younger. SLSLSET ITEMS. Halaet, Ob , Dec. 18th, 1883. Eels. Democrat : The entertainment bv the Sbedd amateur dramatists on last Tuesday eve- mag was played to a full house, well liked. The glee club of this place holds weekly meetings, furnishes music for most of our entertainments. Dr. J W. Watts lectured here on Wednesday evening to a full well pleased house. A Christmas tree has made several attempts st budding but has been nip ped by the frost so far though smother bud is still sweiling;if things are favor able may be hot -boosed into a tree. School closes Friday for the Holi days. Farmers are very busy while the fair weather last; if all things contin ue favorable, we will have bountiful crops next year. Mm ma. A DUTIMBK9 DBEAM Of HKlHTM.t In Which r Drvll Get Thins MlxeO. Christmas has come, Yum, yum, yum, What will the treo Hare for me? Perhaps a gun From Mr Mason ; Or a box of pills From the Wills, Likely a bunn From Ed Langden, Or a cask of "lire" From Mr Meyer, Perchance a spool From J. Gradwobl, Or a "little gem" From A. A M. Maybe seme dirt From II. Ewert, Or a barrel bung From 8. E. Young. Possibly a wrench From F. M. French, Or something stolon From J, M. Nolan, What if a chain From Li, E. Blain, Or a bale ef hay From H. fc J. We hope a t'hrlntiBUM Present. The Treasury of Song, containing over 550 pages of choice music, oan be had by calling on Eli Carter of this city. A choice Christmas present. Call on or write to Mr Carter. E L Thompson A Co. still continue to ( sell at reduced rates far cash. LOCAL EDUCATION, GENERAL LITERATURE, Bdltor J. 11. HOJtNKR. Neles aad ielcctlaai. BSsjsHSsaaai Teachers and others Interested in the cause of public education are lavlted to contribute to this column. Mr William Alderson, formerly princi pal ef the Prlaevllle Public school. Is at present visiting relatives and friends In itrownsvllio. Mr Alderson Is a good tear her, aad it Is understood that bo will remain In Linn oonaty. A Uoaton teacher made a speech to her pupils Just before the last term of school olosed, She said she hoped that they would oome back to school resolving that their behavior should be perfect end that they would give up all had habits. When she had oeooluded the speech, a little girl In ths book ef ths room Jussped up and said : "The same to yon ma'am !" The duties of ths teacher are many and varied, and nothing but an earn oat devo tion to our calling will enable in, at all times, to exercise patience, firmness Judg ment, kindness and oheerfulneas, which are essential to a well regulated school. Let us remember thatour perplexities snd duties oome singly aad we have hut te meet them one at a time. The duet, "Lullaby," as sung by the little Misses Eva Cowan aud Ore Ballard, of Lebanon, has elicited favorable mention from various audiences. That lovely mu sic holds' the hearts of listeners captive. The diapason blends the true material with the Juvenile ; and there 1 just enough alto Intermingled to leave the mind to gaae upon the soloran contrast between now snd the d aya of "lullaby." No finer selection can be put on the program for the entertainment to be given In connec tion with the Btato Teachers' Association at Salem. The new school law of Washington Ter rltory contains a good many excellent provisions. It has the compulsory law or 109, making It obligatory upon all child ran between eight and eighteen years of age to attend school at loast three months In a year. It also provides that In ail in corporated towns aad cities, the city as- seasment roll shall be used to compute special tax os upon, aad makes the school clerk of such districts the collector of such taxes. It gives county superintendents $100 per annum, and compels teachers to attend county Institutes, allowing their time to go on, as though they were teach ing school. It la popularly believed that all profes sions, except one, must be learned by tudy and practice In their own particular Unas, but that teaching the most Impor tant of all professions, does not require any special training. A greater mistake eould not bo made, A knowledge of geog raphy, arithmetic, and the spelling book will not make a person a successful teach er. Home of oar college graduates could not teach a country school, becauee they have never learned to teach. Our normal schools and county Institutes are intended to aid persons In learning the science and art of teaching, and jdl who wish to be come successful teachers ought to attend them. "Iowa Teacher." Jane A. Ullmoro was born In Christ lan county. Kentucky. April 22ad, 111, where she remained with her parents until 1833. when she was married to John W. ( Honors, and removed to I 111 noli the same year. They remained in the frontier of that country until 1867, when they, with ox teams, crossed the plains, and settled in linn county, Ore gon, where they have lived near Leban on ever since, the was a noble, Christ, lac woman and bore her suflerlags to tho last with great fortitude. Rhe leaToe a kind husband, sad a family of three sobs and three daughters to mourn her death. W. Seeacthlas Wevtfc Hradiag. I will sell for cash all good in my lias st the following price : Good heavy 1 in. 5 nag halters $1.00 Good heavy 1 in. 3 ring halters 7ft (ioed Web baiters with Use SO Good riding bridles 1 .2.1 Good linee with snaps 2.75 Good heavy team harness, all complete with the Boston team cellar '29 00 Saddles from $6.50 to $30. And everything ia my line at proportion ally lew prices. It is money in every mans pocket to call and examine my steek before buying. My stock is No. I, and all work is warranted notwithstanding all windy reports to the contrary. J. J. Dt'aaciLue. Utter list. The roi lowing is the list of letters remalalnff in the Post OOlce. Albany, Una oonaty, Of- Con, loc. so, 1SS3. Persons sailing lor tuM urs mutt give the date on whlea they wer advertised. Brewer, L J Brown, Mis a Jd.- Mem, Knmk Hunter, i a KmkUII, r S Kelly, lUrry KiralsiMl, Mr W W Ksprf, K ' Turnw, K - J. 11. IRVINO, P. M. SEALED PROPOSALS. -FOIL- Keeping the County Poor. Q BALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED O by the Connty Court of Linn County. Oregon, for the bearding, washing and lodging of the following Indigent persons : Benj. Holoomb, Horace Davie, busen A Carnee, Sarah Clark, - Cole, Lame, and Gray. Any other persons who may become connty charges dnrlng the year, and who are In like condition, to be awarded the contractor at the same rat. The contract for keeping the sane to be Jet to tne lowest responsible bidder, and suffi cient security will be reeuired for the faithful performance of said contract, All bids to be dslivered te the Connty Clerk at or before 1 o'clock, p. m., en Wednes day, Jan. 9th, 1884. Contract to be for one year, commencing Jan. 15th, 1884. For further particulars apply to the Coun ty Clerk. By order ef the County Court. C. H. Stiwabt, Clerk, GRAND BALL -"-TO BE GIVEN AT- Panish's Hall CHRISTMAS EVE. DEC. 24, 1883. -BY- Albany Engine Company No, 1, Music under the leadership of Prof. Vaughn. Everybody invited and a good time guar anteed. TICKETS - $1.50 SUPPER - - $1.00 Holiday CYRUS & PETERSON'S OF iM3 3le ts, Solid (old and Rolled Plate, Brooches Butter Dishes, Berry Dishes, Collar Buttons, Celluloid Goods, Chains, best, Nickle, Rolled Plate, Silver, Cold, Hair and Silk, Chain Quads, Gold and Rolled Plate, Crosses, Charms, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Castors, Combination Napkin Rings, Cups, Emblems, Ear Drops, Fruit Dishes Forks, Garnet Jewelry, Jewel Caskets, Knives Lockets,Neoklaces,Optieal Goods, Pearl Goods, Pen and Pencils, Pins Veil, Shawl and Cuff, Rings Gold, Silver and Plated, Sets, Studs, Sleeve But- tons,Scarf Pins,spoons, Tea sets, Vases, Waiters, Spoon Holders JhimblosJoilBt Stands.Watches, and a foil line of Seth Thomas and Waterbury Clocks, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, piano rgans, Guitars, Violins, acoordianHarmonioas Fifes and Flutes,8hee Mnsic and Music Books, Sewing Machines, UL Guttlery, albums Photo, and autograph.Scrap Books,Box Stationary, all kinds of Sta tionary, Whisk Brooms, Pictu frames and Pictnres.Iiisio Boxes Piano Oovers.Fine hand lirrows.Ms and Doll Houses.Building bloc Card Board and zephyr.Mottoes.Blank Books, Slates'Purses, Rug Patterns1Game8 and toys of all descriptions, Perfumery, Moody's Charts and Traoing Wheels, oo numerous to mention, Lebanon on ToP, WITH C. B. Montague in the lead. WITH AN immestse stoo: OF NEW GOODS, Suitable for and General Trade. GOODS, NEW 8T0RE, SOLID BARGAINS, C00D C00DS, AND LOW PRICES. Toys! Toys! Toys AN IMMENSE STOCK OfeverytlilDg imsginabla, conceivable or desirable ever invented iu the line of toys Is now on exhibition and for sale st Conrad Meyer's, 4 Grocery, corner First and Ilroadalbla streets, Albany, Oregon, connoting in part Of DOLLS AND DOLL BUGGIES, STEAMBOATS, RAILWAY TRAINS, AGRICULTURAL HALLS, OUP8 AND SAUCERS, ALPHABETICAL TOY BLOCKS, TOY KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, WALKING MONKEYS, VASES, MUGS, T O CASTERS, WORK BOXE8 TOY PISTOLS, TOOL CHEST, TEA SET, TENPINS, BANKS, HORSES, ETC., ETC., I am selling out my toys, as I am toing laugnierea lrregaruiesH oi oomi. aw outer A good supply of cakes and confectionary, lot of groceries Just received. Come and s HEADQUARTERS Fred Muller's, Whero you can find the larsott assortmedt of toys ever brought to Albany, tUrvtfrom New York. CAST IRON TOYS, WOODEN TOYS, TIN TOYS, RUBBER TOYS, IfEMAMlO CAL TOYS, PAINT BOXES, BUILDING BLOCKS, PHOTQCRAPH . ALBUMS, INKSTANDS, VASESUBBER DOLLS, DRESSED DOLLS, WAX DOLLS, TEA SETS, BABY BARRIACES, EXPRESS WACONS, CHILDREN'S MUGS, AUTOCRAPH ALBUMS STORY, BOOKS, PIANOS, WORK BOXES, RATTLES, DOMINOES, SURPRISE BOXES, &C, &C , &c. And a new stock of fine Crockery and aiaasware.iGroceries and Provisions, Tesscoo and Cigars, Pipes, Cuttory and Kotions, Candy, Bird Cages and Nuta. Botttn and Shoes. At Allen fc Martin's is the place to find hoots an Jshoss Io any quality you wish, and at any price. Good goods in this line will be sold cheaper than at any store in the valley and no old stock to work off. ' RIIKLKVA ARNICA 1ALVB. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Feres; tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns and all kinds ef skin eruptions. Thi5 salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money re funded. Price 35c per box. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Goods besides a great many other articles out of thst line of business. Holiday toys gooua in in v une som very low ior caau. nuts and candies always on hand. A fresh e ms as I mean buslnbas. OF SANTA GLAUS AT- BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! Until after the holidays I will sell GOLD SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER WARE, JEWELRY, ETC., at cost. Come aad see me before purchas ing elswhere. You will buy of me if you see my goods. J. ZUKERMAN, Albany, Oregon SANTA HAS ARRIVED On a Special Train, AND OPENED HIS IMMENSE STOCK OP Toys, and Fancy Goods IN MY STORE, R0CERS BROTHER'S SILVER WARE, MAJOLICA WARE, FINE CHINA WARE, AND CRYSTAL GOBLETS, BOYS WACONS, DOLL CARRIAGES, BABY CARRIAGES, OIL PAINT INGS, AND PICT0RES, AND DOLLS BY THE THOUSAND Which will be sold at New Yorlc DON'T FAIL TO Santa AT NOLAN'S NEW HOLIDAY STOCK HAS ARRIVED. Royal Bargains throughout dur ing the Holiday Season. EVERY ARTICLE MARK ED IN PLAIN FIGURES. New STORE CROWDED FROM MORNING TILL NIGHT. Jot Lot200 Large Bottles Flor ida Water at 25c. Worth 50c. V "Polite attention to all." ONE PRICE NOLAN'S CLAUS ! CALL AND SEE Clays, J. Gradwobl, of DRESS GOODS Jest Received. CASH STORE.