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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1883)
THE STAT! RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Hs the laraest ESStTK BVR&Y FRIDAY the State laSSs of Uwefare ss She THS BEST ADYBBTI8IIB 8TITES & HUTf m Ascia basineos aodcee In LeeasOsA. umes Uceuts per line. Bsgelar jseem notices 10 coot mr lloo. Krea Serbia street V r Jetfal and transient advf II 0s per square for the first rs OF 8T3JWCTUITTOH stngte epr, per year, la idnm .. IS 60 4Mt epy, Pr year, steed of veer. ...,...... JJ stag copy, ttx menUM W stasta cepj, thrae mouths.. ...... .." J' str' nvsber 18 0 rnts per square for each Insertion. VOL. XIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBERS.!, 188. NO 3J Itate for other advi known osi appIicaUoa. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT State Ht0 lite PBOFESSION JlL t'AUm U Oh CBAMRKnXAQJC. FLIKN CRARBRRLAIR , ATTORNEYS AT IsAWJ Albsay, Oregon. sssroSQoe in Foster's Brick Block ,'B ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACfTICH IN ALL TBS Courts of.thn State. Will gre special attention to uollretiogend probate malt sr. Office in Foster's now brick. 4fXf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEJT HAW, Notary Public Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, owr John BrtRjpVgore, 1st street. vlgBqg J K, WEATHERFOED, NOTART PCBUC.1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, JtLBASY, KF.ftS. vrrrLL PRACTICE IX ALL mi COURTS OP THS TY Rate. Special MMMtkl given m eonecUons sad probate matter In Od3 Feiisw's TSeapie. le:a y. o. rowvu. ww??'TtT POWEIiti & BUVTEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors Lb CiTT, 4LBAIT. - 6RKGOI. Collectlens promptly msde on all point. Losns negotiated on reasonable terms. jan-Office in Foster's Brfok.- wMnlOtf. 4TTOKVKY 4B COlltsaXOR AT UtVf AJTSS ROT ART PCKUO. TJBTTLL practice in all courts of the State ff All bislneen intrusted te roe prompt Ty attended to. OfU in O'TooV Blorh, BreU&S Sfcasf, 43yl Atbany, Oar-gen, JU J. WB1TKEY, BtsmBj AM Counsellor It Laf AND Notary Public. A&SKY, OREGQH, Will practice in all cf the Courts of this State All business Intrusted to fcim will be promptly attended m, crCffice in O'Toela's Block. E. W. LANCDOH & CO., DRCGttreTS. Books, Stationery and ToCrt Articles, i Large Stock and LOW riyics. CITY DRUG" ETZTOXtlK, lyl SUttKY . REG. FOSHAY & WBOXJKJ.tS ASS &ASON, Dnreeritssii'd Booksellers, ALBANY. r26n41tf BEvSlI HOUSE, Com. Tint att EUswertk Albany, Oeegea. Okas- Pfeiflfer, Prop'r- TWs 3ieel Sl ap fes first bSSB) style. Sal wtth tbe tc. v.- taarsex sssssw "vsi in StsH ISSnW A t BSSnSS Otxm wr ucn- srcisl riMSMS A&t 'rv Csanh to aa the Betel. -B T. J. 6TITBS. ATTOKNEY AT Ajrr- Notary Public, Office hi -States Rights Bkxocray oemee. . IRS. J. W, & MARY T, COLE, Physioan & Surgeons. ALBANY, ORf QON. Offsr thsir profcspiscsl serrlcet ftsAS dUwni of Tins snd sajsccst coanti. OS nd MMN aLr Court Hu. Call st In?d and C ITr Svor. Aloany Bath House. rHE UNPKE31NED WOTLD RESPECT fully iaform the citben ofAlbaoy and Ti elaity that I hnpe tskea charge of this Establish neat, and, by koepiag clean roomg and psyia tiWtattsotioa to basiaess, oxpeefs to sou si those who way favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bnt First-Class Hair rsssiaeioos exrci to eiTe entire jatfsfetleij to si Cliifcis sal its s hsofed JOS WT. inr. BED GROWN MILLS. 1S0M, LiSSISfl & CO., PEOPR'S. rrir rzoczm ruoxxa. zurvuon nan takilizs A51 BAKERS UHE BEST STORAGE iCiLITIES. Wshest rprice in Cash for ALBANY OB, PHESIX IIRWIAIKE C8MPARY 9 BBB8SELYN, N. Y. Assets, Dsc. liSa. f3,S95,MB Pro lium inosme - 3W7,l 5aje, reliable and qaisk to pay In osse ef JOSS. ASCII MOKTEITCU Agent. XI b any, Oregon, 0. BifSH? ADVERTISING, STORE. AND MARBLE WORKS THE TJTIDBRSIOB V.9 WTAHM TO Inform the pnklie test he la new pre psred to do all kinds ef stene and marbls work on short netlos. All work is war ranted to giTe satlftoiion. Will work any nd all Wads of stone, bnt deal prin cipalis in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairtagaad reeettiag a specialty. Call and examine my prices bofero purchas ing elsewhere as I will not be uaderseld. ft hop su wont aide ef Ferry street oppo site post office. Q. W. HABRIS, Prop. JOHN SCNMEER, LIYBBY, FEED AID SALE STABLE. Albaiy, 'Oregon, Hmsa kept on reasonable terms. Horsos and bngles let to suit the times. Corner Beoend and Ellsworth streets. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYRIAR. P4CKIBQ ANB HOYIlid PI Aa, nrfHRi Mel rnrsltnrc m sioiHy All karaltac within the city promptly sltesded to. LOUIS CAMPEAB'S Barber Shop. Sharing done with neatness and sharp - ki .r. ilwin knot In awod condition, and hair cut in the Tory best LAUWDRT ATO CDT5A MKRCHAltraiNO OrST HIS. Rfcfc yPns vooto- J" uw1k1oUm. hU st btmtm prtcss. Cantrmctoc lor LOUrs Uber. MNxtto ChyBesk. HENGr TENG. Best washing and ironing In the elty. Ifo. 11, BJbswortb Street. One door south of Bnenjnj House. scant D ADDED CUAD IfCWW wnittn e 3L JACKSON - Proprietor. Sharing and hair dressing done in first- clans sty e. Hirst -olsss ostn raom Bath for ladisssnd gentlemen i all hours Tsrms reasonable. '33 i 8RMD OOIBIUTlOl '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT A.ND THE LOTJISVTLLB WEEKLY C0UR1ER-J0URN1L ' only ai.Se. Two VTTtm tor UttU not Iba lb. prve t am9. Br paring,n will rwtiM far n jsf I W . 4W Sfr "l AMnf Jnt;rSfli IDS I EtoSHE m w hAmr t ssmminss susfl sspr f the amrsarnsl" esn As tost tSls sdw. W. H. QOLTRA DKALER Df v a I Fana Machiaery, WAGONS, HACKS; BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, DOORS, WEI8H15, PULLET! ill CORDS. WINDOWS. grcotinty dealers are respect fnlly Inrlt ed to call and examine onr stock, note onr prices and nsreranie lorras. tad for Met LisL WILSON & BROTHER. HnvfnctBrem, Whelesale and BotSkfl Deslers, IS, 20, 22, XtennftnSt., Ban Fmneinte, Cnj scie mum micTeRT. MMnivAasjnipnif f In 3 1 I V Mftfl 1 liaJPKCn I L U2hl.Ii If ES. Keep a foil Hije of jewslry. Watches and clocks repaired ia Brst-elass ar-aWAT.VItSTTSCLiCKJIiJS ADD v A i ii- order. 8CIO - - OREGON. We M. MOIROW, "ITa EA TVER IN WTOVm, ii.tvai.b, 11 copper n saest iron ware, orw.oi j , table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO OREGON. BRIBGEFBBB & BEARD. EEP A TGTAj Iatte or ruRii inds of esnftvetioaaries. tobaeso, einars, etc., etc. kinds, Cosh paid for rredace I ! 8I0, OTtlWON. W. H- TAliCOTT, TBATRIS DRY ftOODS. CLOTW- 1J psfG, boots, sboes, lists asd eans, groceries, cianrs, tojssooo, etc. Main Street - - BCIO, OB. J. J. B01KI8. Bridge liilder AND GENERAL CONTEACTOB, SCIO, OREGON. VTOTTCE Or PTJBIJC LETTINaS BO llj tilCITED. Plans and npecifloalSone luasjiiw d on sfaent PQce. saw POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tats acmim nswr vrle. A mr .1 of purlsty, ftrvoftb Md whnlMnmenms. Mors rconsni)rl thss MM onllnart hAoia sn.J rnl bo In rnpctlilon wih th malUtnd cm Uw UsS, hnr walgkt, slum nr ehosshsts fowdwi. Au tU uitlv Is cans. Rotti. Baiiss PewossCo. ISt Wstl str i. I. Y. NOTICE. Senders & Sternburg, of this cit v. haviner taken the machinery agency of G. P. Simpson, for Frank Brothers, of Portland will carry a fall line of FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trad e,to wit: WACORS. HARRIM, PLOWS. ARB DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, and all FAEMING iTtinlATnAnt.fl rvf Una nnte They Will keep the LA BELLE WAGON. also the BUSHFORD a new wagon with all the late improvements and warranted one of the best wagons in the ra at feat. ALBANY FOUNDRY XACUSE Hm?. MHTADLItli KD !69. By A. F. CHERRY, silastod at oornor of rim .uu muuijijukti; First sod MontcouK'iy S.rteto, Albany, : token enante of the aors r wined Werhn, v are pro pared so raattulwisrs It worn Knginoa, ,aw sjtd Arkst Mi!U, Wood-workinr Maehlnsry, Famps, Iron ad Rnasa Casiiags of every deesrfptlon. Manhlnery of all Jcinds repaired. IsJ ntsentlon givnnl.o repairing f.rm , nbteery. Patcrr Vafclas Astir Hi sU its feraes. lfcllyl A, F. CBKUBT A MM. SAM COHEN Keens the best brands of toiperlal and dosaeUe elta. . Aloe she FINEST Atl ICIT IRMliS Of TOBACCO, PBCKET-KHIVES AND ALL R1HBS OF NOTIONS. Koono the finest hUlard hall In the ally. I erfll also sen real estate, merehssdlse boonsheid goods, ete., at aaetien fer amy one in the ettyor oonnty Btore onneeite nevore Bouse, Albany, or. M SAM COHEN. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. Wilds, well-known dty missionary In Mew York, ami brother of the late eminent Jmigr Wilds, of tno Maseachueette nnpromo Court, suttee as follows : "TS JT. MM St., Xne Trrrh. M 16, IffA Mnseswt. J. C Avir it Co., Unntlemen : Lest winter I was troublod with a nmt BncjinforUble lushing humor atforUng inorn enpocially my llinbs, which itchod so futolerabljr at night, snd imrned so int. - .- If, that 1 eoaUl scared? bear any cluthiug over them. I was also a sufferer from a serere catarrh and catarrhal cough; ray aypctlte was poor, and my system a goud deal run down. Knowing the yalne of A y nil's BABaArAniM.A, by obserratloa of many other cast, and frois j- r nal use in former years, I If ((an taking it for Ue abore-namcd ilituirdcr". My sn petite In proved aliuofit from tlie in -t (lose. Aftr a sbort tBSS the tcrvt and Itching w-re aiioyed, and n'l r,' . s t Irritation of Uie sV'.s dlss;isr;t. My catarrh and cough t. also curel by the same meant, aud my general lictlth groatly tmprured, until it'is nflSy excellent. I feel a iiundred per cent stronger, and I attribute these results to the use of the 8a iisatauilla, which I recommend with all oonndeuce as the boat blood medicine ever devised. 1 x,k it in small doses three times a dar, and used, in all, less than two bottles. I place these fact at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. WlLOS." The above instance Is but one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Aykb's Habsa-r-AQikLA to the cure of all diseases arising front impure or impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer'sSarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of tho stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the syAtem to resist and overcome the attacks of all Scrofu loiit Diteates, Eruptions of the Skin, l?Ae matlsm, Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. PREPARED BV Dr.J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Masa. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottles for S3. AYEB'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine cure Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, and ail: vinous w isorder Sold everywhere. Always reliable. WAisTHflTw ijrrritn. (Trwa our regular oovusw, owdsns WAsjrTwoTofr, JJTow. 5T, IR8n Ere this letter te fn typn yen wfl) probabry hitvo mem tight en the (laeeUon who te U be the SpenJrer nfthe Ilenso of ftnjyresentativpw, I will therefore keef near the ahorr Hint av.4iI predlcUena. It te fmpe- slble to tell whe is aheed ot tbfej writ ing, neveral new elements btfte mAde their appenrenco in the content derr- ieg the past week, end there te yet time for the Appearance of oilier ele ment, end tho contest may be Tory mech eoaipiicated In unexposed ways beftyu thu first Monday in De cember. The Dtrnacrats am thoroughly Im bued with a fooling ef the importance of pratlenceand caution, They dcyire to avoid the blandore whleh the Be. bublieaus aroao aoxione they nhjJl commit. It ratsat bo confessed their way is beset by ft angora, bat, on lb ether band they are strong in ante itt id tried lead era. A pariieapeeUry-v majority that can const euch men no fioimaa, Hurd, Bar hear, Tnckor' Fiewitt, Btsckearn, Oerttele, ToUott, Hand si i( Ox, Bprlngnr, ami many others, hae little tefeurfjeia a mioK orii; whose leaders are ronh men an Uiarock, Ron, and KXfer. Quite a number of Democrat lr Bon- ateni have arrived tn this cflgp and have secured homoe for the wt I hare talked with a number of tejem and have losrned that tkero te a gen eral and very earaoet wUh that the Ohio legislature shall retain fttSka atrThurman to the Sonato. Xe leraocrHU of that body fool tho toot 'f his wise loadoTsblp, his Immeastt iejra! learning, aad acquaintance with wrTslra. The minority In the BoWafQ ia not lacking ia ability Hut K bee never bofsro had a lender who ncaaea- sod lateweh an eminent and ackaowl eIged nrgreo fho power to course", decide, combine, aad control ee Allen (1. Thurman. The Kepubilmns hare no longer such landers as Blalue, Coakflng, and Morton, and, If E Senator Thurman were rotarnf d his empty eba!r:eere weu!d bests remarkable an laiclleclual Democrat- ic prepondoraucw In tho iieaite as thero Is in tho House. The Senate thki winter will Con tain thirty member whs) have ear e l aloe In the House ef Itepreeeots tlvoo, which la Urge preneraW?i when It Is considers! thorn nro only sovonty-!ght iocnaaejrs in all Tte Iilalns have arrlvfd and occu py a rented house on LaFayette bquare. Mr. Blaine's new bouse It Will hi rem a aide red bsi been rentod td Mr. Letter of Chieago. Tho dif- fereaco between what Mr. Blainn pays te tho wealthy Cnicagean le eqnAi to tho eatery of a Cblaet ofll- cor, ox a Justice of the Supreme Court, It ia ant difflcnft even this ear p ia theseaito to see a dozen Preside av tlal pemlbititlei In Washington. One of tho latest srrlvnU Is Jndge Holmao of Indiana who is here with bla who and two daughters. Thoy occupy rooms In the Hamilton Housoy ft rather exclusive up town hotel. There oaa be no doubt that ''thing are being fxed" to put Arthur reg ularly on the track for tKe Presiden cy, lie has bat one reel competitor at preeent Sherman. Grant, and Windnm are all off the track, tav gan and Edmund era regard d aa possibilities, but Blame alone la for. midable, aad thoee whe Imagine that hla aatnd dwells serenely tn pol itico, hi stories I Utaratare and la efTsc tually divorced from pros idea tin 1 as plratlene, know net the man. There was an arrival In the city last night Goo. li Spencer exet-whfro a carpet b. Boaater from AlAbneia , came under escort of two Dajraty Mnrshala. He had been arrested In Nevada, and he is wanted to testify In the case of another ex-carpt bag Senator, Wm, Pitt Xetiegg, now un der indictment for cemailcltyin the Star Route Cjnspiracy. Thus, ana by one the political mimieimry, seat out by the party ef moral ideae te regenerate the wleked South, are dodging the law and State Prison Dorsey, Patterson, Kellogg, Spencer! To such usee and men haa the grand old party come at lean, It is with anallold pleasure that we note the fact that our brother of the Monmonth Herald gives In hia adhesion te onr posUien that preaching politics in the pulpit retards and chests the growth of religious belief. Now tbat he ''endorsee aad impress-1 the lee s m which we taught n against this practice, we dismiss tbo subject with out farther remark. The announcement by the several eandidaVm fur the Speakership that "no UquerJ would he served ia their various heavieuartexs eveated aa im pression among the army ef loungers and ear-room politician in "Washiagtoa that the coantry is going so the d oo nition bowwewt, TSMPmaCl DEPARTMENT, arrrrsiD nv tiro WefVi ChiiUu Temprraie taloi errss vni.nsjrsrs asnaasa cesrtit ae. M It TmtA Annual Mating at DtUrmlt Mi,Ociobr3lH to IfooemUr th,XM: aiqp upfuraa The pant year haa wituessed no dis aeter be onr oause like the blight and mildew of the "high beeoea" fallacy. Oor tetrperanoe army eras ad fencing In solid phalanx wtb fixed bayoaei. The blast (A be bngtee gae no nocer- tsrn sound. It demanded of the as loon 1 'interest ahaolute, unoonditional and mnodia'.e aarrender. That was a war cry to stir the blood ; Its Impassioned f eheiuenoe had the elements from which victory ia wrought, and oar temeeranoe egieae asarehed "with the awing of osnqussn." Bet a halt arm celled ; a par lay fol lowed. "Of two en Is obeeee she least , same the oeroj remising motto of well rosea hag hut an nary loaders, and down tho srindrng hy-psth of high license many do taeb merits of oar army went tVfr war. Hot so the Vfomaa'e Christian Temperance Uaioa I "Of two evfla ehoeee neither" was onr watch - rrd, aad with ne stood the Oeod Temalnesv firm and on swerving in their Ioya'ty ; with na nsood every temper- sues a pert and a pasta Hat In all the ss SJ land men who hare etedled the ro ferm tn aij lit anfiect , nod invested h?r rteos on Hi IWiaif. We knew the people srtn not ra! to 1' air-hearted nmaMirri' ; th-.y tiU tul folluw timid aud Sf olo-eti': lenders? nut when re formers wase tho dag and sonnd the bugle fir v lhA where thtiUing volens cs!l 'Etiolsior l1 thm the arm vf hnmariit) marchra to t ic lories oet- taiu n thev ate taered. Wc kas alo thi what ic false In prinrlpie. is aiwaa onwls ia poluHmd we saw tliat ttiider high liceo Isws wo sunsild tnd oursel -ssi nrstfreftrr be two ttdoattab!e e- mtrs in;i I rf , , the hiixiaean iMtiacts 'A the bitr elaas. acmoj. to Um theif tas rubes, bsieg he,rejr addsVl to lbs avarice of the dealer oor - i m ..t! most releethns foe. AS a oM Ohio farmer sstd sieakiugcf ko hi, .'i "Sostt Ac.:M Tin In (hrec of It erory time, fjr hasn't it rciu-r t the texea In our Couuty nfnru ihcr.od dollars already and my snare c4 that is twenty dollars." We saw that tide "share" was n fatal delusion, making sasu err la vision and stumble to jnj,; ment. "The lave of money is the rit of all evil," and we were unwilling to lam the mighty gone of that relentlees love against the sscred cause of proh i bitlon. Moreover, while we would not assail the motiroS of good men bewil dered and deluded by the prefix "high," we oould not, after years spent in proving te the eeple tho inlqoity of the itcenso principle turn about and dftfend on n Urge scale whst upsn a email scale we bad utbemelized. At my recent temperance, oooseution in Seattle, Waebington Tet ritory, 1 took this position, sad wbilo the msjority wsarnin sytnpath with my slow, as slwne s "neve douhtod," and those lent sllsd out a former jadge, now a re tired lawyer, who did not claim to be aether a Ohrlstisn or a total abstsiner, but who was unquestionably qualified bo iso these church people the view herd by nrinknrs and ea ef ihe world. Bat the high license miuotit had "reckoned without their host," for the jadge spoke te this effect : "It fi iiiende. this high licenee msvs meKt dees very well for politicians, hot when ministers snfi Christian people, wro1ia, sU their lircs been saying, ''What we licease we woted' (a correct principJo in law ;) ihe parlskor is as koJ a thn thier' eouallv souud :) "the govemmsnt makes It self ptirticeps crimini by aooepttng a sort of bribe, rrush money, retainer's fee in return Or throwing e closk of legality aronnd the most accurBsd trafllo known to mod ern tiMos" (also correct ;) when minis ters and good poople, I say, turn them selves about and begin to defend this err methftd of dealing with the traffic, only more so, and go in for a liesnar because it is high, they stand cenviotsd ef poor logic, worso conscience, or else no brain at all. Let us cry np license on the streets, at the caucus snd dram shop,but I should hope the walls ef this church dedicated te the worship of Rim r wkoae chief doctrine is the golden i ale, would never echo to sentiments, thut sorely wound the great Tesoher iu the house of Hia friends." After that speech the high license leaven of unrighteousness had net a rote te give it currency I Dear sisters, let us not speak harsh ly of those who have not seen so clearly es ourselves the heavenly vision, but to all furnersiens end reproaches because wi will net worship at the shrine of high Ueense, this deceitful Diana ef an hour, let us make brave Luther's ans wer t "Here I stand I oaa do ne othee Ood help meAmen !" PL 411 TALK, en rum sajcto. ar a i t. a i ciiai. A minister of a New York eborrh was recently compelled to resign his pastorate because he acted lino a man. A husband was boating his wifo, when ho interfered and told biui ke must not strike a woman ia his prenssnce, when the man tut nod aad pitched into the minlater. "Forgetting," the letter said, "last I was a clsrgmso, and in ihe bent of passion acting only as a man, I return ed the blow with the forot snd skill I had learned at college." In other words, to use a oommoa ex pression, be 'thrashed the ground" with the belligerent husband, aad be did right, mi sister or no minister Instead of being compelled to rcsignds salary absuld have besn doubled. rWh need snerw ministers whe act like feeo, and lorn like iotrinod smks. When they come down and act like ordinary bod, never forgetting right end justice, then wUl their Hold he widened. The idea tbat a minister should not defend aa appraised woman Is s barbarous one. Not half of a ministers doty rents be hind the pulpit ; much of the good be oan do Is outside. When bo assists in lessening tbs sorrows ef the downcast, be does someting for bis relieion the same as when he oenverte the sinoner. One cannot carry char-ectAr In block broad sloth. Actions spsk loudsr. Ws srs glad that sscst ( cur Oregon mh latent ate of tb jl'e hi .i, whose stands! vocetu-a rsa lo ro'.d more from vhetr deeds th-u itwm eny st. Tend nbi'.s t.kli-4 l.esrio. A ftroat i oo is a goasmna I: l - tslitr. Wi, e , . a bM ' ' ' ' - and generutii.: , p-rl sp dJst jr, , i J ;', f eu'.ertara'', ha fesTl a Wsrmtl fr Ua entortsiuera not ossi! exp'si irI, h ehtanlie a better opinivu I f peankittJ lb gisseraL A gesiiiei, rbv:ro.ilej style, iss.rr.uch L-e'ter than tb! cold, Icy maiulrim one nets rnxnc ti;nr, u.d is hoand to rep .me sssunet aryVnty oonct:T..r!. Tkesc ptotVamd thoesdttS Are sfik'jfeUrd hy the aplendd rnnener n whith me writer was receot l v.ccd while st fchedd'e. Fur the i:-- .-i.dTsI fow h' has tho lt feelings for Use whole plsce, as i it is ;hus tits, a ril'.age or city is judged by the conduct ef twr three. Let a man go into a place and be abus ed an i he wil curse the whple jsijmla tion, cbttrch steeple end il ; but let him be kind! treated and h- will vote the plsce the best in crest; o e a We understand that Vemlerbiii got ) provoked a', his sen recently about aome trivial matter, such as heavy losses in Wall street, and cnt down bis income to $100,000 a yesr. Poor boy, what will be do now. The President of tho United States orly gets $oO,000, the Governor of Oregon f 1500 and Al bany's City Treasurer $100 ; bnt then the do not have to run steam yachts, fast horses, fast women, fast clubs, etc., and msnsge to get along ; but thia wretched young msn in thus being re duced to the interest on a million dol lars st We h foot rates, is entitled to the sympathy of the whole world, the poor hair brained, uaelrsapicos of l umsnity. It is to be hoped some poor widow will take pity oa him and keep him for splitting her wood. At the same time we would not object to having our in come reduced to $100,000 a year or as for that for fifty years, payable in ad vance, e e n A young roan in Loa Anc'es recsnl ly shot himself because ''hi girl Went ock on hitn." This lea Is us to r.. jnark t Ust the sooner such fools nre dead the better. Jfo man vith god sense would over shoot, beoMtme a woman ftkn rcmc one cl?c better .a a S a a lis than him. And why a tnno snomo dssire ft woman to unite her fortune with his where she has no such feelings for him as would permit of her p.ccopt ing him, has always been a tsysUry to me. Tho idna of getting down on ones kuesi to another for such a purpose is nothing less than ridiculous, and any woman who would accept one who would do it would be deserving of a life of unpleasantness. ee Wcnroplfiased to noto the fart that the TTtftxetitfe Fit,rm;r m tnifests a disposition to give ia lis adhesion to the principles of the mortgage tax law. We hone It will yet find It better In the end to X'onteqd earnestly for the goneral interests of the people at large, thaa to advo cate the interests ef tho few at tho ex pense ef tho many. Does the Enterprise believe the legislature hy a mere statute can increase the salaries ef the Circuit Judge 7 I it net a faet that their salaries are fixed by the const i tat ion and can he increased only by amend ing the constitution ? WATrnioo irKna WATr.atoe, i , Um . 13, 1883. Editor $ rraurrat : 1 baTe no si, to offer tor not writing last wes4r,hnt can only add that ws are basing ,ms . f the finest weath er ever kuown at ttia time ti er. Waterloo tow aOoro's 'he best sot's1 wafer In the state. Ths mill men are busily socared in building their dam across the Kantiem. but i fear the next high waters ther will be en imj roeetnsnt te be made. Osr town ia more lively than it has been for tU pest few weeks. It las ben of isfci wearies; rather a deN ap pesrancs. Miss Annie Sims, ef IebsT.en, is cow in this city. Some of ear old obusis from Umtti! )a eoenty came to this vicinity lent week, for the purpose ef laying in a supply ef whip stslks, which is not s good recommendation to Umatilla in regard to choice wood or timber. Mrs Alice Keel, of Reek Hill, has been very ill fer tbo past fsw months. It is the wish of bar sassy friends that aha will recover soon. Mr. Ed. Mills will sun aresent! en his journey to Grants pass where he will remain fer some time. We wish kirn auocess, hoping be may have a pleasant trip. Mr Jay Mesbolder mskee bis regular appearance ia oar city twice a week. Mr Husael ef Center tills gsse us a pleasant call a few days since, which ass appreciated very highly. We have acme little siokness in car city, bat not of a Serious nature. Maud Mulls. C Ums mm J AUen Se SUrUa. "!' a t'iaus and Mar:in A A ilea have formed a pannerhlf to '.nut until If ew Tears. In the ruov - in heli lsr urvl. ' .ts. noiis j oougm mi idu fir n. of. kind no: ,-.'-, i. n, a, a. an m as set ass tl LI.J. s . ... tmt and be ef Mi rhm Resides clonks, goods, hand.. lefs, e?"., there will be fhund sJboVns lo'old aeta, varieties of Jswt. ry, well :: and oitsble for the o!ceelon, : .usad sad one thlnirs wbka - Bsteei better by examination. . .. ,-.. cfIvms: pres- sssmatasjaodeea . pusraiiy obeervvMl t! . it rra not be done reiver tbav tr 0sttns Itssleay (soda of , tfce uas) : : .v - v .. i. snSoal j.'-fa' as.. J. H. Itjifi sew hie e oemplsts line of musical larsiruiiirnta of all kinds fur sale, con ketlttg of tbo Mathushek piano, the Bhnelnger mgse. fl idles, violins, gultats. etc., as well as the latest Btsnjie, Uh instrument are nil of the best gra tes and are r.ot tbecbcsp tras't, so that when you get ne Instrument of any kind you may know tbat yoo arc gnfflajt HISS tbat w:i last and hoM as tuue. A Ca To .H bo arc sutTvriog from tlie errors nd tndiseretious of y.uth, nerveas weak ness, early decay, sSSS of manhood, eta, I will send a recipe that will cure yea, T2EE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered hy a missionary ia South America. Rood a sel (.addressed envelope to ths Rev. Joenru T. Istsas, Station D. Ksw York City. l rw Seres er Land rer ne farm of 3U0 acres very desirable. Ons farm of 135 acres. One tract of 169 seres of wild land. One tract of 80 sores. Ons tract of 70" acres. One tract ef 135 acres, aad ether small tracts. Will sell in Pots to sail purchasers. Will rride for other property. Call at thia office. eat fer Sale. One hundred and forty scree, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rase. Comfortable dwelling, geed outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this ofliee. Neney ts Lean. a srr sow prepared to make leans ia any nulla desired en improved farm land in Linn snd Rsnton eoaatit-s for any length ef timo tiet leas than quo jsait J ' ;. k :i as r Bros. S Stare Cssssa Wringers at redoo! ratas, belli the Nor city and Hurska, t!.o host msds, at Paters fc Blain'a f-r Krai, First-class heass. Cheap, given about 15th to A):h iust. tLts office. Pessession Iu at 'Hether Swma's Weesn Sw ap. Iofallible, taetf let.8, l.araiioss, oathartie ; for fewarishncss, rctleesness, worms, consti ation. 25c, rScltupaOs Quick, complete euro, an annoyinc; kidnsy bladder and urinary diseases. $1. Druggists. TflAT HACK.ISO COUOU can be so qloklyeard by gblloh's Cure. We yusrsUo It, WILL YOU IX FFKtt WB Dyssesfsa and Lisr Complaint T ghil.ih's Viuilt it ts goarmte to cure you. For sale by Foshay A Msson. LBEPLRSS NIGHTS, msde miMrble by ths ' te: rible cough. ShUoh'a Care is the remely trir you. CATARRH CURED, hoslih snd sweet broath secured by Shlloh's Catsrrb romsdy. Price 50 cents. 5s sal Injector tree. For sale by Fcshay and Masse. For lstne bsok, side or cheat use Shlloh's Porous Plasters. Price 2f cents. 8niLOnS COUQU and Consumption Cure ts Sold by us on a guarantee. It cures oonsumption. SHUjOH'8 YITALlZSIt is wbat you need for Con stipstion, Loss of Appetite. Dizsmsss andatlsymp toms o! Dyspepsia. Price 10 sad 76 cents per bottle. CROUP.fHOOPINO COUGH aad Broashius 1m medlsttTjelioved by Shlloh's Cure. ASvseslse. I f t 'u have a farm for sale, advertise It. If yea haves house and lot for ssls.sdver- tlse it. If you want te employ girl tor housework, advertise for one. in a wore If yoa have anytbirfg to sell or rent, or if you wsot to boy anything, or If you nave lost snything, sdvertlao it. By advertis ing in the Dk moo sat yon will, for a smaU sum, rsa-h not lees than S,000 or 11,000 read, rs. Jn this way yon will likely and the very person meet anxious to hey or el), and benee eevare the beet bargain. Tiion advertise as n matter of profit tn yeurelf. s Chesea VrtseSs Th- JOCK resets at Odd Fellows Rati svery 1st sod 2od Kridsy ia seen snsnth, at 7:C0ooi'ck I Me. 21st is eteeiiee, and a full stteadance of mess bars is desired. i. If . Toweaaso, Chief Coooeitor. rer Three and a half acres ef good garden land, a I fenoed.boaae aei barnJn wesAessa edge of the city. Will be said Shown. Caii at l bis office. A splendid lias ef holiday a Martin's. Watt beaatital. Rheumatism,Ctfeu? algla, Sedation, ellleiaV.nsersasM. SSrwAsoo. L st unrrrwe Swts. sts it OTesa aaoitt riss s k, . ixwe. trj V-."rr-i akara riSf Dalit MBfe TsnnuiLts s. --. Vegetable Sicilian HAIR BENE WEE was til,; first preparation perfectly adapted to core diseases of use scalp, aad the first sao eessful restorer of faded or gray hair to Us aatssal okr, growth, aad youtid al heaaty. It bas had maay Initiators, hot aoos havs so lolly tact all the tewolretnests needful for the proper treatment of the hair, aad scalp. Hall's Ham Baxrwza has steadily grown In fsvor, and spread Us fame aad uaifalaaas to every qaarter of tike glebe. Its unparal leled soeeess oaa be'attrihated to bet one cease: 'ke nUtrr fulfilment of U promi. Tbs proprietors have often besn sarprissd at the receipt of orders from remote eosav sbere they had never made ss effort for lu.ibUadnctibn. Tbe use for a short time of Hall's Batb Hr.5KWEa wooderfally Improves tho per sosai sppesrance. It cleanses tUe scalp frosa all taiarlt!es, cares all heasora, fever, aad dryness, snd thsa psseeats bsldiists. It stimtOates the weakened tiiem to posh forward a STowtb. Tbe effects of this transient, Ube those of sAssnnns tions.bat remain a long ttsse, which ii use a matter os! BUCKINGHAM'S DTE yon WHISKERS Will ebange the beard to a cr black, as desired. It prod' color tbat wlU not wash sway a single preparation, it Is applied trouble. PREPARED BT E. P. HALL & CO., Hasina, I.H Sold by all Dealers tn btorttoiaas TOE ALL TEE POEMS os Scrofulous, Blood tbe best remedy. most soarcai Aycjr's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggtats ; gl, six bottles, tn THE ALBANY FURNITORf WGODIfl, BRINK ft FISOB. SUCCEB90RB TO DANNAL8 A WOO DIN. I Manufactures snd dealers a all sleds ef FURNITURE, would rsspectruiiT infssm me nni they manufacture ts order, aal will Ssnm constantly oa hand, a ensnplese sawek or all dssirabls Jinea ef FURNITURB, and wSU sell at bed They also keep ntty tat oa m pi ete nnser Undertaker's Groods and will guasantee aattssWlen to aal msy faror thsm with n sail. Final Settlement. Xetioe is hereby given that ths mai ad has filed their final soceant aa Adsaii trators of the estate ef Rnssel Afford, sese so ad, ia th) unty Coart, of Lfaa sosatf, Oregon, nnd by order of said Const, Tees. day the c th day of January. IS, at the hour of ose o'clock, p. ro., of said day bas been set for hearing of said leal aeeeaat. Any portion interested ia said estate Is hereby Lti&ed to file his or her abjections to said .voouut and ths settlement thereof on or bsf re said da v. Dated Deo. 7th, 1883. E. N. Taxdt, , . M tarn a J. Axnasp, DTT As nynsBsawm m lands, and enables tide are sot boss s psrssaaews 1