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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1883)
J. -I L 1 . .Jll! ."! "I i S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Democrat THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, a the of ear ISSTJEB EVERY FRIDAY ike state eatelele errertlaaeL sad the refers to Use m BEIT ADYERTMHB ODIUE 8tecial business neticee In Local Co 8TITE9 & NUTTING. ruasttovncE-im Dfr Baiidiagon Broaitnlblu turret. irons IS cents ner Him. Rtnlir toikm iu cents per tine. For leial anrl ul TERMS OF 8UB3CRIFTIOK II AO Ttr Mniri fnr the Hrm 1 mmA singta eesv, per year, in advance .... stogie eopy, per year, at end of year w eisgie copy, tlx month 1 " f 1 I V inirie oopy, three month V a-c etns-U number lv I V) rente ner iriiiara Car awih eiiliaan ewS lwertkm. - - Kates for other advertles mouto mod own on application. State Eia MS - - "" " ' " ' " ' 1 i i i i i i i .. Xr X. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 88, 1883. NO 2? PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U WtSKV. . CHABtBBPXAIW. FLINN 6 CHAMBERLAIN, HTTOB1EVS AT LAW, Alba 7, Oregon. rOfnee in Foster's Brick BlHk."B 15nl8tf. R. 8. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE nf th,. State. Will Rive special attention to colleoUons and probate n at t fa Office in Foster's new brick. 49it ATTORN EJAT UW. Notary Public. tiimiiT. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Briggsstoro, 1st street. vlinMif J K. WEATHERFORD, (HOT ART PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALB t V, OKl.t.OK. triLL PRACTICK IS ALL THE COURTS OF THE Y state. Special attention given to collections aad probate matter. garOSice in Odd FellsWs Temple. C POWBLL. w- PILTKU POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. - OBBOOW. .. n i. nn .11 nninn. Uoiieeuans pnmii , jsmsSssSSSS Vl4nl9tr. E. R SKIPWORTH, arrenxrr ajuxor xsiwon at uw a.tb kotart rcnuc. WILL practice In all courts of the State All business Intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. -OjfiVe ot 0' Toole's Block, Broculalbm Street, 45yl Albany, Oreqon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney AM Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. . ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Courts of thlsState. Ail ousinesw miruww i will be promptly attended to. Office in Toole's Block, E. W. LANGDON & CO., OBVGGISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock aad Low Prices. CITT DBTJG STORE, 2yl AUI1ST. EOS. FOSHAY & MASON, ybolki l a so utao - Draggistsand Booksellers, ALII IS Y, OBEGOS. vWntltf SEVERE HOOSE, Carve, rint aad Ettswortk Albany. Orecasu Chasr Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thw uc HoSel w fitted up in firrt cUai rtyla. Tabla qppiied with Uw best the market affords. Spring BBs in erary Room. A good Sample Boom tor Com aaar al Travel a. ATTree Coarta to aad froaa thr Hotl.Ta T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAV AND Notaxy Public. Office In states Rights Democrat oAce. drs. J.W.& maryTIoleT Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, OR 2 GON. Offer their proteeaional service to the citizen ot Linn and adjacent cwantifi. Office and residence near Court H.use. Call at Langdaa and Go's Prujf Store. Aloany Bath House. rHE UNDKE6H4SBD WOULD RESPECT fully 1-form the citizens of Albany aad vi jiaity that I have taken charge ef this Establish mant. and, by keeping clean rooms and MVSS Urict attention to business, expects io suit al those who ma; favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat Flrst-Ciass Hair Dressing Saloons expects to give entire satisfaction to al TChU(iien and Ladies' Hair neatly es Tbamfoeed JOS WEBBER. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, LANKIK0 & CO., PROPR'S. STEW FKOCES3 FLOUR 8CFEKI0R FOR FAMILIES AXD BAKERS TTgS. BEST STORAGE iCJLITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Assets, Dec. 1882. f3,295,326 Premium income 2 607,189 Sae, reliable and quick to pay in case of JOSS. ARCH MONTEITH, Agent. Al b any, Oregon, D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet & TJBSCEIPTION" San Francisao, Cal. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE USPKRSIOHKD WrSHM TO inform the pnbllo that ha la new pro pared to do all kinds of atone and marble wore: on snore notice, ah worn is war ranted to atve satisfaction. Will work any and all kind of atone, but deal prtn oipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning. repairing aad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not bo undersold shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post otuce. Q. W. HARRIS, Prop. JOHN SCHMEER, Jjygpv yggj) JJJ gLE STABLE. Albany, Oregon, TTnraM Vent on reasonable terms Horses and buggies lei to suit the times. Corner Second and Kllaworui streets. ROBT. CROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKING AMD MOVIM M- AsOM. organs ana inrsitnrr iaaneelaltv. All hauling within the -it j promptly attended to. LOUIS CAMPEAO'8 Barber Shop. Sharing done with neatness and sharp razor, which are always kept In good condition, and hair cut in the very beat style. . wv nim' m SAN WA YIN. L AIT PRY AND CHIS -U bm; riii RW ih ud Japanaaa roods. Ladle nnrfarcleihc. eokl at bottom prices. Contractor for Icy na labor. SWKaxt to Cltr Bank. HENQ TENG. Bsat washing and lrenlng In the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door sooth of Revere House. NEW BARBER SHOP. M. JACKSOH - - Proprietor. eppealle Revere House Shaving and hair dressing dene In first- class st v a. First -class bath rooms. Rsuh for ladies and gentlemen i all hours. Terms reasonable. '83 A GRAND COMBINATION '84. State rights democrat AND THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. One year tor only Two paprea for HtUa more than the price at one. By paving ostS. to oa will receive for jour horn, paper with the "Couner-Jouraal. repreaentative newspaper ot the South l" awJ for a tariff tor revenue anly, and the beet.brtgb ,t Mnd ab Umily weekly In the United Sjau mw he desire to examine a eample copy " urier Journal" sen do ee at taie eeaea. W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS. DOORS, W1IBHTS, PULLETS l&D GORDS. WINDOWS. aT-County dealers are respectful iy invlt. ea to can sua w our prices snd fsyoraoie terms. Send for Price List. WILSON & BROTHER. Manufacturer. Wholesale snd Retail Dealer, 18, 20, 22. DmsrfrjaSt., San Fraaeisce , Cal SCIO BUS1SE8S DIHECTOEY. MONTGOMERY & DILLY. TaEALERS VS CLOCKS AND WAWn I I XJ-, . . full Hna ef owe IT Watches and clocks repaired m nrst-ejsas oraer. 8CIO - - - OREGON. We M. 1HORKOW, TkEALER IN STOVES, TIN w Attn, JJr copper snd sheet iron wsre, ereCKery table cutlery, etc., etc. SCIO - - OREGON. BRIDCEFORB & BEARD TTEEP A FTTLVL IANE OF PURE la erncflries. frenh eaadles. DBtH. and all kinds or conrcetlonartes, toDacco, ei )rs, nte.. nte. Cash raid for rrodnce O )f all kinds. gCIO, OREGON. W. H. TAJLCOTT, DEALER Ilf DRY COODS, CLOTH INO, boots, shoes, hats aad caps, groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. Main Street - - SCIO, OR. J. J. BORRIS, Bridge Builder -AND- GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE Or PUBLIC LE TTINQS SO LICITED. Plana and .cpecinoaaone lurnistted on short notice. BlaXXtTDS POWDER Absolutely Pure. This iiowder never variee. A marvel of puriety, trengta and wholMomemwa Mra ri:nniUl than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he eold In competlUun with the uiulittnUe on law teat, ehort weight, alum or K" iiephate powders. Sold only in can.. Uutal tisu liwp To. IOS Wall hirer t. N Y. NOTICE. Senders & Sternburg, of this city, having taken the machinery agency of F. Simpson, for Frank Brothers, of Portland will carry a full line of FARMING IMPLEMENTS suited to the trad wit : WACORS, HARNESS, PLOWS, AND DRILLS, CUTTING BOXES, and all FABMINQ implements of less note They will keep the LA BELLE WAGON, also the KUSHFOKD a new wagon with all the late improvements and warranted one of the best wagons in the mar ket. ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND- MACHINE SHOP. HTABL1NHED 11165. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner ef First and Montgomery StreoU, Albany, Oregon. Hs vine taken ehaxjreof ibe above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture seam Engines, Raw ana nrm Mini, Wood-working: Machinery, Pumps, Iron aad Brass Castings of every dea rtplion. Machinery of alt .kinds repaired. Spo ols! attention gi veufio rwpairing farm ma chinery. rsttera flaking; done Is all Ita forms. 16:111 A. F. CHERRY A MS. SAM COHEN Keeps the best branda of Imperial and domestic cigar. Ala the FINEST MB BEST BRANDS Of TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Keeps the finest bfllard ball in lbs city. I will also sen real estate, merehajfiae household goods, ate., at auction for any one in ti e euyor county Store opposite Revere House, Albany, or. W SAM COHTJN. SCROFULA ami nil scrofulous diseases, Soree. Erysipe las, Eczema, Blotches, King-worm, Tu mors, Carbuncles, Bolls, ami Eruptions of the Skin, are the direct result of sa impure state of the blood. To cure these diseases the blood must be purified, and restored to a healtby and na tural condition. AVER'S SARSA!'ARIL!.A hftS for over forty years been recognized by emi nent medical authorities as the most pow erful blood purifier In exlsteuce. It fixes tbe system from all foul humors, enriches and strengthens the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves itself a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Recent Core of Scrofulous Sores. " Some months sgo I was troubled with scrofulous sores (nlcurx) on mi legs. 'J he limbs were badly swollen and inflamed, and th. sores rtisessretl Urgs quantities of ; i i 1 1, Ait. i. l.very remedy 1 tried failed, until 1 used Aruu's Saiisaparim.a, of which I have now taken throe bottles, with the result that the sores are healed, ami my general health greatly improved. I feel vesy grateful for the good your medicine has done me. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Axx O'BniAX." 11S Sullivan St., Sew York, dune M, 7 All persona Interested are Invited to call on Mrs. O'Brlan; also upon tho Itev. Z. P. Wilds of 7S East 54th Street, New York City, who will take pleaeuro in testifying to the wonderful efficacy of Ayer's Sarespsrilla, not only In the enre of this lady, but In his own case and many others within his knowledge. The well-known writer on the Rotton Jferaltt, B. W. Ball, of IlocItesUr, N.U., writes, June 7, 1882: Having suffered severely for some years with Eczema, and having failed to Hud relief from other remedies. 1 have made use, during the past three months, ot AVElt'S SARSAl'A HILLA. which has effected a complete cure. I consider it a magnllicout remedy for all blood diseases." Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the action o the digestive and assimilative organs, renews and sti .ngthens the vital forces, and speedily cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheuma tic Goat, Catarrh, General Debility, and all diseases arising from an impoverished or corrupted condition of the blood, and a weak ened vitality. - It is incomparably the cheapest blood medi cine, on account of its concentrated strength, and great power over disease. PBEPAREO BY Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price 91, six bottles for 5. PLAIN TILE, os I' lulu sabjcefs. BY A rLAiJI CIUI'. A certain farmer in Linn county, who, we are assurtd, ii uot a iubtcritr to tho Dkmocrat, raised H IHrge orop of wheat last fall, which whs all right. Now ho owes several ot our merchants romiideuble money, which he promised to pay this last fall Immediately after harvest, and they need tho money, bat instead of selling enough wheat to pay these debts while he Can get 03 cent per bushel, ho is holding on to it till next summer, when be will meet fhesf lemands, without interest, fir if the merchants should charge interest he would get mad. They think thectse locks something like this : he is specu lating on some one elses money, and whether be gets 90 cents or a dollar they only get their deUt, without a cent for the timo they will have to eait,aad some raise tbe question wheth or it is a fair way to do business, and I have heard it olaimed that when a farmer had agreed to pay saob a dvbt in the fall after harvest he could not consistently keep his wheat fef an ex pected s mount next June, without at least going to tbe mercbsnt ar;d arises Ug the debt en it wonM draw interest , and seme esy he should sell enough wheat to meet the debt at a reasonable time, even if tbe price is 5 or 10 cents less then what the farmer thinks ho should get. It will do no hurt fcr the subject of these lain reteaiks to pon der for a few moments. e Next Tuesday will be tbe first ef an other of very fleeting years, and it is t. be hoped that it maj be an eventful one to Albany and Linn couoty people As we look back over 183, now fading away, w can not put our finger on much (bst it has dene either good or bad in our city and county. It has been whst one would csl! sn "unevent ful year" with us. This fact should epur the citizens f Albany up to a pitch which will ind UCe I he in tO do something in 184. New is the time to strike, if ever there was afftiaie. There is no better agricultural county on the Coast, and thera is no city with greater natural advantages for growth, and if we do not prosper it ia our fault. e A certain gentleman objected to going to a certain cbuieh in this city because he said tbe members of it were net sociable enough. "They hold their heads high and take no pains to notice anyone when on tbe street, and rarely in (he church, however well they may kriw one,'' and there was more troth in his statement thsn manv of the v me raters of tb church reelixe, we aay this plainly ; wo believe, tboagb, any such coldness is unintentional on their mrt ; but that it exists to a certain ex teat is true, and it might be well at the heginaiog of a new year for them and the members of all churchea and no churches st all, to turn over a new leaf and learn to be more cordial and considerate, and let it always be with an air of equality. We all believe now that religion consist! in something more than long faces, and the time baa long since been past when man in order to stand well with Ms Maker goes off into some cave and sc urges himself for life. Nor do long drawn faces count, nor north pole manners, nor the big Califor nian tree style, nor Yosemite Vslley looks When a christian holds him self aloof from association with tbe so called sinners, or only associates with them in a pstronizing msnner, be spoils tbe beautify of his religion, snd shows that it is only skin deep. We are glad to notice that there are not many in Albany this way, though there are some. a In a certain sense tbe ofhoious person is needed in society. Unintentionally aad ignorsntly be serves ss a sort of csts paw with which to poke the burn ing ohestunla. Society sometimes needs a man or woman in it who imagines himself or herself born to lead, and who oflicioualy insinuate themselves into the graces of those around them in such s manner that it would bo a direct insult not to recognize thsir supremioy. I say they need them, boosnss so many are backward nothing would bo done were some one not to push himself forward. We were once in a play. In arrsng- ing it, there being no manger, one of them who imagined himself capsble of taking the leading part, said, "If I am given that part I shall do so and so." Of course he got the part. We mention this as an excellent illustration of the officious person. We know of another whose duty it was to call a meeting to order, and tbe next thing was lo ask for tbe nomination of Chairman, instead of doing wbicb, be simply took it for granted that he was Chairman and con tinued with the business. CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronehllis lm medisteajnmeved by Hhlloh's Our. e 5sLaw. The above is a correct nictura of Ssnu Clsus a ben he is not dressed tor distributing presents. These general ly seen sre risionsry. This was taken by our special artist at tbe heme of the irenisl old fellow himself, snd rosy bo relied nion to be correct. Tbe benign, kindly, generous look io bis face,speaka for itself. He loves children old and young, and laat Tuesday morning and night was profuse in giving presents to all. lie srss born in Pi .! . fsi I.rcis ahous 230 yea is A. 1), and lived ia Europe until several years ago when he moved u Us f goat Ho hsa always teen revered l. i Id and young. The idea that be cornea down the ehimney is uot correct. That course is aot ueo aaty, f.i it is only necessary, for him to rsy, 'open purse," snd the door leading directly to tbe suspended stock ings is always opened. Dear children look upon bis face snd save the picture, for tbe opposite side is a patent modi olus cut, and there is no certainly ef Ibis being preserved. ABTIC't LATIO). No oae accomplishment adds more to the force and effectiveness of a speech, sermon, reading or conversation than pure, distinct srtioulation. No means of sttracting ths attention of an audi ence is more certsin of its purpose. Nothing is more certain to ptesse, or rather no public address, reading or conversation will fully please, unless the speaker be thoroughly trained in articu lation. Nothing adds so much to tbe beauty of expression as distinct articu lation. We fear this matter of clear cultivated artioulation is muoh neglec ted. From observation, we have lean led to believe that most tesohsrs ia our public schools of ths present dsy teach articulation, if at all, only with advan ced reading. We are informed, at least, that msny teachers do not teach oral spelling at all, hence, in thst caae.there ia no opportunity of teaching and cul tivating ths powers of articulation in connection with spelling. While we are glad to see teachers making progress snd advancements by introducing new methods of teaching. thus plaoing them selves in line with the progress of the age, we are not satisfied that ths writ ten method of teaching spelling is better thsn tbe oral one. There is no meant ef oeltivatiag Ibe powers of the organs ef speech with such happy resalts as oral spelling as taught ia the "good old days when we were a bey." No better method ef disclosing any defects in tbe organs ot speech than oral spelling in which olear and distinct pronunciation of both syllables and words are rigidly required under the rules of tbe tsaober. This furnishes the opportunity to cor rect these defeots where they are mere ly temporary. The powers of artioulation should be trained and cultivated from tho time the child commences to learn bis A B C. It should bo taught in connection with spelling and this induces us te say that we believe better remits are obtained from theoral than from tbe written method of spelling. Why do we hear so much repeating snd jumb ling of words among young persons in reading ? Why i it so unentertaimng to hear many pupils read inyjur public schools I Simply because articulation and pronunciation are so bad as that no listener 4s interested in tbe subject mat tor of the reading. We hope by oalling attention to this matter to induce teach ers to take up tho subject and pursue it to a correct solution. SHILOH'S COUQH andConsnmptlon Cure U sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, ner KIUTK0 BY TMI W.mei'i Ckfliliai TcDLpertiet LbLoi anas vulastus casTflsrca). Al the Tenth Annual Meeting at Detroit, Mich. ,October 3 Jet to November 4th, 1 .18,1. NATIOVAL HIADQUABTBIiS. The problem ef National organization being so well oa its way toward solu tion, snd the official organ of ths Na tional having beooiau a field piece thst is fired fifty two times a year instead of twelve, my strongest interest centers in tbe building up of National headqoar tern for our White Ribbon army that shall be to us whst headquarters were to Illinois in the davs of our groat ltition what those of Dos Moines were to Iowa in tbe struggle of 1882 nsy, later on, what those of Clevelsnd were to Ohio in tbe unrivsled year of the recent heroic campaign. Te achieve this will take measureless toil, much money and many yssrs ; but this ws bass lo do, and by God's grae we are capable ef great tasks. Oer National htadqn altera must be, first of all, a faith eonter.a prayer-center, heart-ceoter. It must be msde of pat lots aa well s j offices and prayer a aa .a .a Toms most of all. it must bo tbe temperance Mecca of this continent nay, better fsr thsn that, the beloved nd sacred home of the reform that eeks home's purity and peace. It must also be tho whispering gallery where meet all voices writ by to be heard in the discussion of this mighty movement. Every temierance paper in Christendom must be on file there, and every speech of value, from pulpit, platform, or halls of legislation. Tbe freshest ststiatica must be on view there, cot in dry tabulated statements, but speaking to the eye in form aad color, by chert, map and diagram. Telegraph and telephone must connect us with our most diatant auxiliary ; type-writers must keep up their music und stansgrsphsrs ply tbeir swift art. Kvsry week our Newa Bulletin most go oat to alt tbe leading papers, both religious and seculsr, while pointed paragraphs, brief articles, repliea to cur rant press misstatements snd mistakes, mast keep our pens busy, snd temper aoce literature of the most practical 0ft be furnished through the columts of America's ten thousand magszinse and newspapers. There must not be a local unionso smsll, so distant or ob scure, but that our alphabetical direc tory of towns will reveal at a glance tbe names of its standard-bearers, nor a worker wboae residence we cannot locste by our directory of persons. In addition to our paper, sending out its broadside of family reading every week, with conatant helpful auggtioas for all departments of the work and news from ths field, there must be a watch ful little War Bulletin, furnished at cost to State and local unions for dis tiibution in audience, through poet- o Sices, etc., the inside psges of whish should be filled with ths most clesrsnd pointed refutations of the "license," 'moderation, "and other fallacies , while for these Stales that desired it tbe out side could be left vacant to print thsir n local news, plans and documents. This handy weapon would enab'e our seldiers to puncture the dreary false hoods with which the partisan press is teeming, to the effect that "the Maine aw is a failure," more liquor is drank in Kansas than under license," and so on to tbe end of the ridiculous chapter, whose only hope of momentary accep tance lies in ths ignoranos of tbe intal- igent aad tbe credulity of tbe obtuse. "Ye shall know tbe truth, and the truth shall make you free," is the law of intellectual growth. We must be torch - bearers of God's truth written in science, experience and revelation. But to this department of Che press, with ths myr- isd amplifications of which it ia suscep tible, ws must add the department of organization, sanding out National workers to such sections as are least- able or least inclined to help themsel ves, and selecting with a serpent's eye and dove's heart, the strategio points. It is found that ths jersey is an ex eel lent thing to wear under the large heavy cloak, wbicb, however smooth and soft thoir lining, crush and spoil dtess trimmings, especially those Upon tbe waist. Tbe newest way or orna menting tbe jersey is to border it with chenille fringe, around the hem, and also lo place about the throat and down the front. A syndioate has ttken part of the bonds owned by the Oregon Transcon tinental, amounting to between nine and ten millions. This will relieve the company of the larger part of tbe debt of late so burdensome. A report of tbe condition of tbe oompany will be made in a few davs It is positively a a s . .1 a '. ttl aasertea nowever, tnat toe report wu show on band an aggregate of stocks fully equal to the amount held at the time of the annual report in June j last- t nr. a or. os stems. The natursl term cf (bo oyster's I Ifo Is iioltki r,wn, t ut (hcrnhflr aon to be lie vo that It rnny extern! to twenty years or mere. An oxcellont , authority. Froftsior Mobians, is Of opinion tint mot of thH adult 8th - , . , laiwlg oyster stro from svn to ten yosrsold, and Hint (bough oysters, o?ir twenty years f atfraro rare, he Ml met wiili otcasltfsal specimens majority obtained by fvarfi eld. But at Which had attained bstwson (wen- this taat election the Democrats were ly five and thirty years. barfly divided in New York City, Brock- Oysters breed long before they sre Ho, Buffalo sad all tbeir other strong full grown, very probably in the first holds, while Ibe Ropnblicans ware well year ? lliolr age, certainly in the I united. Such Republican victories as second. Tbeir productivity appears tj reach its maximum at five er six years, and afterwards to decline ; but much further obsarvatian Is r...,,u,i w - - - ------ wmm MVVVIVU before any definite rules can be laid down on thl subject. a a. :'a . - - J snrposo that when the rapid and! Slippery morsel which Is and is ( gone,llkoaflaehofgutatory Sum- user lightning glides along the pal ate, few people imagine 'thst they are swallowing a piece of machinery (snd going machinery, too)' greatly more complicated than a watch. But so it la : the ovstcr bosseeses renra. w 0 m C - mm sentatlvesof all the roost Isnpoctant organs of the highor animals, and is endowed with corresponding funct ion's. The 'doves of tho ovstor" may be mythical, and we may even he skeptical as to ita parental tender ness ; but no parent can take fa-renter eare of its young. And thongh the oyster soems Um type ef its adult condition, It passes through a vaga bond, If not a stormy youth, be tween the time in which It is shel tered by the psrentsl roof and that In which it "ranges itself as a grave and sedentary member of the eystor community. aa Claws sad A Ilea .Santa Clsus and Martin Allen have formed a perrtnerahlp to last nnlll Hew Tears, In the meats time hefllay goads ef nearly til kinds can bo bought ef tbta Grra, of a kind not only to please but te laat and be ef aervice. Becietes cloaks, lane gooda, handkerrhkefa, ate., there wilt be found albums, celluloid sets, varietiea ef Jewelry, well selected and callable far the occasion, and a thouaaad aad one things which can be understood better by examination. This custom of giving prea eata la a good oae and will be generally observed this year. It can not be done better than by getting holiday gooda of tbe elaaa eold by Allen .t Martin. Mssleal laetrasae a is. J. H. Daniel now has a complete lino of miialiel klJ. m. I sale, consisting of the Mathuahek piano, tbe Shoniager organ. flJdlra, violins, guitars, etc , as well as the latest sheet music. Uls instruments are all of the best grades, and are aot the cheap traan, so that when you got aa Instrument of any kind you may know that yon are getting one that will laat and hold its tune. A Caret. To all who are suffering from tbe errors and indiscretions of youth, nerreus weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OP CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in Sooth America. Send a aelf-addressed eavelope to the Rav. osaru T. In has. Station D. New York City. Acres mt Land far One farm of 390 acres very desirable. One farm of 135 acres. Ons tract of 169 sores of wild land. One tract of 80 acres. One tract of 70 acres. One tract ef 135 acres, and ether small tracts. Will sell in Bote to snit purchasers. Will trade for other property. Call at this office. rai far Sale. One hundred and forty acres, nine miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown to rasa Comfortable dwell! og, good outhouses, ('heap. Inquire at this office. ess Money te Loan. We are now prepared to make leans ia aay sums desired en improved farm land in Linn and Beaton counties for any length of time not less than one year. BrsKHABT Bros . A Mare Chases. Wringers at reduced rates, both the If ov elty and Baraks, the best mads, at Peters A Blaine. far Beat, First-class house. Cheap. Pessessien Inquire at given aboot 15th to 20th Inst. this office. . Methrr Swaa's Werui Sprup. " Infallible, wasteless, harmless, cathartic ; for feverithness, restlessness, worms, consti- ation. 25c, Baohnpalha . Quick, complete cure, an annoying kidney bladder and urinary diseases. 1 1. Drnggiste. eee - Tr AT HACKING COUGH can be to Quickly ear by Shilob's Care. We gutratee is, WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Livsr Complaint t Shlloh's Vitallxer is guaranteed, to eure yeu. For sale by Foe hay A Meson. LBE PLISS NIGHTS, msde miserable by the ter rible cough. Shiloh's Cgce is the remedy tor yea. CATARRH CURBD, health and sweet breath secured by Shlloh's Catarrh remedy. Price 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Feshay and Mason. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Porous Plasters. Price 25 cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZES is what you need for Con sUpaUon, Loss of Appetite, Dizxisets and alliymp toms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 sad 75 esnts per bottle. New, tbst foil returns of the electron ' la New York have ftbeenj received, ft I won Id be well lo inquire upas whst grounds Republicans clsitn a victory, Tho following are Ibe majorities ; 0,Pi1. r-. &e"p. .sss ataswell, Own., O SrUn. Dew., ever Roseell. Bee u, 1 8"' um" uim r-HU'. KtJS I aar.. vtm as wsissbv-bsalsss' rtiaitm Icvr, Bee., ever Hayaars, nasi tasts I The average Democratic majority Is 19,500 which Is within 3,000 ef the I ths shots sre pleasing to Democrats mmm II h tb manufacturer whs makes both sods meat. Three snd a half seres oT hnus!l fenced, basse anS awsstja J2' " Call at this office. A splendid lias ef hell daw A Martin's. WeU ! beautiful. tin last 1 i - "" 1 0 A ssveea saj. U S tium v sumiLiu a iiim 'llOUHl 3U0S TB01 HXOOi 1B0TCTIH 'oBuquin-i 'sonera? Iffrsunaai 'HtfUYVIa2HH 'nTuuoj xaiiMisi AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Xo other eoasplalpu are wo i attack as those sneetiog the throat bows so trifled with by she ssajortry of j ers. Tbe ordinary perhaps frees a leore. Is of tew bat ths begraalsg ef a fatal sickness. Am 's Csraaav Pacvoaai. has well proven Us etfleaoy la a forty years Sght wttb throat aad lmng dlsewssa, aad showJS he taken ia all eases without delay. A Terrible Cow " Cawed. Ili 1S97I took a severe eold. whiehi mv lenss. 1 bad a terrible see after SSght mm up. 1 t gave mm ap. i tnea atss e vshmt rw I..KAL. which relieved ssy lsags. Issnse sleep, aad aKorosa sse tue reas ttewawawy for the recovery of say strength. By She (-outfitted swe of tbe JrwcTOSAL a psrwav aeat ears was effected. I ssn sew St years eld, hale and hearty, and am aaaafled ywar Caavav Pectosai. saved sse. llosAca rAiaaaorsrse." I: M-ktnKham, Vt., July IS, 1SBS. Croup A M other' e Trfbwte, - While in the country last wlater sny Hub) l-.v. lUree yean old, was takes 111 wil creep it eermed as if be would die fmw sli as Uiion. One of tbe f aniiry swggewted tea awe of avks's Caaaav PacroaaL. a betMe of which was always kept la the bases. This w:is tried In small aad f request doses, aad lo our delight in less than half aa hoar She little patient was breathing easily. The doc tor said that tbe Cusaav Pacroaaa had aved my darling's life. Can you woader at our gratitude ? Sincerely yours, Mas. Hum a Gmjrrr.' 190 West 138th St., New Tors, May IS, tstz. ' I have need Araa's Caaaav Pecreaas. iu my family for several years, and de saw hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual r. lut-Jy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. 4. Caaaa," Lake Crystal, Minn., March U, UsB. I suffered for eight yesrs f rout Bronchitis, aud after trying manv remediee with ao suc cess, 1 wss cured by die use of Avaa'e Caea av Pi-ctosal. Joemra Walosw." Bybalia, Miss., April 5, 18SS. i cannot ssy enough ta praise ef A van's Cressy Pectos a L, believing as I do thai hut for iu use 1 should long slnec have died from long troubles. B. BBAODOa." Palestine, Texas, April Jt, 1982. No case of aa affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the ase of Araa's Cheust Pbctobal, and It will arrays cars when tbe disease a not already beyond the control of medietas. ruriiiD av Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Miss. Sold by all Druggists. THE ALBANY FURNITULW WOODIfl, BRIM fi SUCCBawOM 19 DANNALS A WOOD Ms Manufactures and dealers fin all MsaftgT FURIHTU1M, would respectfully inform tbe aa Wis tet tbsy manufacture to order, ana will fcssja constantly an hand, a complete stoea It all desirable lines a FURNITUHB, and will aell at bed rook prices. They also keep constantly oa aaad a complete line of Undertaker's Goods and will guarantee satfsfeetiea ta all whs may favor them with a eelL Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given tbst Ibe ed has filed thsir final aoeeaat as Adi trators ef ths estate ef Rossel Altera, ed, in the Couaty Court, ef Lias i Oreaon. and by ordsr ef said GsaaV day the 8 th day ef Jaauary. It at ass hour of one o'clock, a, as., ef said aay has been set for hearug of said Baai Anv narson interested ia said harabv notified te Ale bis or bar el to said acooaat as a tne setuecseat oa or before said day. Dated Deo. 7th, 1883. "I . WaS a S a. A. M. AV