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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1883)
BBBBBBaaaBBBBBBBnBBBns WATERLOO SAW WILL. WATERLOO, OREGON- Six miles above Lebanon, the south side of the Santi am River, opposite Water loo &oda Springs. Good roads, no hills, accessible at all seasons. Postofflce, Waterloo, Or. mm FiPimn eatsae reoaedy and MM I tenia is um iwiuiime re ult of oyer itww ream lot pracUcel experience. land cure with utilallittK I certainty Nervous ami I t.hvaicai debility, stmt rial weakness, akWaWaBaS" Irhoea, proa unorrnx-A, Lnilaeioiis, m i o tem y , l.hausted vitality, iuv r . lure decline end loss of Una fin aSMIa complications and from whatever produced, ttenricnes i - " strengthens the tiervea, brain, mueelee, aiinuiw, re productive organ and phraicad nd menial iMMMn h. . ...n.tarmi rfnhiiitaiuur drain nnon the atain. preventing involuntary losses, debilitating na.a .i loaaaa with the urine. etc., so do- atruetive to mind and body. It U a aure eliminator . n and wilder iiibmiiIsIii'i It contains as amrieua ingredients. To those suffenuS from the I effects ot youthful rndlacmlne. a speedy th..r estrh and permanent cure ta UUARANTKtU, MM Stis par bottle, or five bottles in ease, with full di rections and advice, 10. Sent aecure from r Soil to any addreea upon receipt of price, or t . U. v., ke ba had only of IDR. C. D. SALFIELD, SIC Kearney St., aa Fraaetaen. Cat. Consultations strictly toundessiel by letter or at effl-e FRKF. For the canvanienca of pat ten U and in erder ta Irstnre pa ;fcteecreey I have addopted a pri vate address under which all packages are forwarded, TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. . to show iu merit, will bo aent to any one by letter, etating hp aiujtoni and age. Oosumumcai Dr. SPINNEY, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Chronic and Special Diseases YOUNG MEIS a-Tma as M HlPUllfi FtOn affota of yonO foUlaa or hadecretion, Oe waU toaeaathsnsseof this, ihstsstes. mrmr laid at the altar of suffering humanity. 3PQIXKT will guarantee to forfeit gSOOfor every caee aascinale wwakneaa or private dteaae of any kind ar aaanotar waieh ha undertakes and teilg to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEM. there are many at the age of tadrByJlvaao atxty who troubled with too frequent tiiataataon of the blad aftan aeooeapnnied by a alight smarting or burning ette and a weakening el thaaistani m a naaanar e patient cannot account for. On ovanthnng the eSfravv dapoatts a ropy aadhnant will often he found and iiiaaarirnis small iraithsos of el1-"- will appear, er the color will ke of a thin Baaattaa tree, again rKiBsj tan as a dark and torpid appearance. There are many aaaa who die of that diaWty ignorant of thecaaae, wlaiob ia the aaeond stage of seminal weakness. Da. s. atn guarantee a perfect cure In all such eases, and heaftthy reetoration of the geitito-urinery organs. emci Hocas 10 to 4 and 6 to E Sundays from 10 toll a. m. CoraratBtin free. Thorough smtnalssr ad advice, $6- For private illSTaliii of short ttandlng a full eonrsa aaedicin e aoAcient fur a core, wtthaS instructions, anil be ml to any address on receipt of HO 00. fanles Hi am DhV PIKT at CD., Tl Ko. 11 Kearny St. San Frandaoo, Cal To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 JEAK3TT ST.. con. or of Commer cial Street, San FrancJseo. ,Sa1bUabed ia ISM. tor I the Sreanaeot of Sexasr land Seminal Dtaaaaea, su-h rhesv. alleel. Mrlctaire,SrpailU in ai .iu (ornts. issnoieaar Wraksm. niirht losses br dreams, P.:n i an (ha face and loss of manhood can poatuvaiT Tbe tick and afflicted should not au so e anon aim. Tbe Doctor baa traveled extetauvelv krone, sad inspected thoroorbly tbe varioua noapi Sale there, ebtaixuna; a great deal of valuable tnionaa- San. arfaich ha la competent to impart to taoee in af bis aerrleea. DR. GIBBON will make no aalass he affect a cars. Persons at a distance M K ClIIB AT HOME. All cor-munie sferiesfy eonfldential, Ton aee no one bo tbe jad an doUara for a package of medicine. Persons writins; ta tbe Doctor ariU please state the name of tbe ' they see una adverueement im tnaro rea te. Call or write. Addreea Dfb J. V. GIBBON, : 18i7, San Fraucisco. v!5o43 RUSSELL & CO.'S PORTABLE SAW fVIIUS, FARM SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. at Pin THIS WELL KJfOWK HOUSE HAVE OPENED J a Branch Omoeand .S ippry Heuae at Cor, Front aad Taylor Streets, Portend, Or,, where they will Sf!7 Jn Portable and Stationary Saw Mill, f4rrtW? Ttactlon sjai Stationary eneinee and boilers. rjH Jf n thrsan. hontepowera, etc., etc. write for lHortrated catalogue aent free addreea (nam - thin paper.) KISS ELL at Co., Portland, Oregon. Summons. In Of Ore Court of the Stte of Otiaon wdc ,vu7uy of istnn . M E Nichols, Plaintiff, ) TS, l It B Nichols, Defendant, Te L B Nicholt, tlte above named Dejtndant, Is iaiL aAMiC of THE STATE OF Oregon : - You are hereby required to Mpasar and answer the complaint of the nboTs named Dlsln tiff now am fli with th. Clerk: of sboaOoTe entitled Court on or b-e arca uw nros aay or tbe next term of said Court, to-wit: Monday, lOth day or .VI arch, 1SS4. aad yon are herebv noHfiari that r n fcii to appear and answer said compbaint the plaiatiff will apply to the Court for um reuei aemanded therein, to-wit : a de oree dissalyiag the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant, awarding to pUinUff tbe care, custody and sentrol of the children, Linn Nichols and Frank Nichols and for the costs and dis barsments of this suit to be taxed. This ummons is published 'by order of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for linn county, made and entered of record at the reauiar October term, 1SS3 Thereof. WEiTHEKFOBD fc BLSCKCBJf . Attorney's for Plaintiff. Sou!0.-' busineM ln tbe U. S. Patent wntee attendeded U for moderate fees. Oaroffloe ia opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, and Im uTr!ul" " ln 18S Ume tbm thoM remote asJaSfie ?r drawin?- We d"e as So patent aty free of charge ; and we make no charge unlei we oaaain patent. fctL nifil-' .the Poatmaater, tbe 8nnt. of ey Order D, andto officials of the U. 8. Patent C. A. SMOW&CO., iia oppesitol Patent Office, Washington, D r. OTho Buyebs Gctde is is sued March and Sept., each year: 216 pages, 8JzlH inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole pic ture gallery. Gives wholes sale prices direct to consumers on all good3 for personal or family use. Tell ho .r to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fen with. These in valuable books con tain information gleantsd from the rr.aia kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of tho potSage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Eespectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO- S? at 888 Wabaah Avenue, Chicago. IU. i Sheriff's Sale. In Um Circuit Court qf th SUM qf Oaf t or in wounty qj jutm : A J Warron, Plaiutiff. J W Swank and Martka Swank, hi. arlfo, w m a wan a ana m b a. swank, h wire, Susan D Keener and J B Keener, her husband, M B Sanders and Joseph Ban dera, her hunband, K J Watklns and Lee Watkins, her husbntKl. Jesephltu' Jsfler aen, Mary Ann JefTerson and Nancy B Keeaey, DefenUatit. n Y VIRTUE Or AN KXKCUT10N II and order ef hIo issued sut of the nUrtYP named Court lu the ahore eniillei suit to me directed and delivered, I will on Monday tbe Hth day of January, IS84, at the Court lletiHA door, ta iheeity of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of oue o'clock, in., soil at public auction for cau in hsna to tno nigbest bidder the resl proper! v, described in said execulioit and order el rale as follows, lo-wit : 1'he donation land claim of ilitrtnon Kwauk and M A K Swank, being Notification No. 2133 and claims Noe. 38 ami 30, in Tp. 13, K It 2 and 3 west and contutninu (iio scree also 130 23lw9 acrea cotuiuciiciiiK at ttte northeast corner of the donation land claim of N DJack, it beittg Notlllcation No. 2139 and claim No. 40 in Tp 13, S K, 3 west, and running thence eouth 41 (11-100 chains ; thence wet tl 30-100 chains ; thence north 41 61-100 chains ; thence oast 81 30-100 chain to the place of beginning, aud also 153 GO 100 acres, being lota Mo. one (1) end two (2) In the northeast quar ter of section thirty (30) la Tp. 13, a) K, 2 west, all of said land being west of tiie Willamette meridian in the county ef Linn ami Siste of Oregon and containing in the aggregate 93 e3-100 acres more or loss : the proceeds arising from said asle to bo applied as follows, to-wit : First to the payment of the costs and disbursements of said suit, taxed at 811H.41 aad the coats ami expenses of sale. Second to the pay rteut to the said Plaintiff the sum of 870e and interest thereeu at the rate of s pot cent per nnuuai from January 2nd, lh3 Third to the paymeut to the said Plaintiff the sum of i,5dy,22, with intercut taereou at the rate of 10 per ceut per anuuin from tbe 25th day ef October, 1583, aud the overplus if anv to be paid to the defend ants, J W wank. W 11 &wank, Susan I Keenev, Nancy K Koeney.K J Watkins, M K San a ere, Josephine Jetlentou and Nancy Ann Jefferson, said resl property bain a sold subject to the curtesy of life ostate Andrew ureas. Dated this 30th day of November, 1653 UKO. llt MI-nitlY, Sherifl'of Linn Co., Ur. Farm to Rent. A stock and wheat fsrin of 2300 acres lying in Polk and Benton counties four miles west of Sonver. Splendid meek ranch. 300 acres of farm land. For particulars inquire of Weatherford and Blackburn, at Albany. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A LB A 3iT, OB. The Second Term cods on Thurs day. Jan nary 31, 1883. For partici. ,r concerning the course of rfurtr aad Ui price of l' tiioB, applr to HXT. tLBK.Hr S. ! 0.DII, Frcaineat. AGENTS wanted for The Lives rt all tho I'resi'ientsof the U. H. The larirast han'Ja.mest, best txtolc ever sold fr ieas than twice T. - ( i : v. l- ; . Immense profits t- ant All inteliicM fole want it. Any one cau become a siicceaarul asjant, Terms free, Ualuitt Book Co., 1' -rtU-r', Mail.. A PRIZE Send nx aenta for pesaSfS, and reecive frco, a cosUy box of gooia wntcn will neip you 10 earn more moni:y than any thiiijf else in this world. All of either sex, succeed from first hour. Tbe broad road to fonuns oeita neiorc tne worKors, atioiuteiy sure. At once ad dreas, Taxx A Co., Augusts, Uaine. Pinal Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the uodcrrikT, ed Administrator of the estate of J F Ooltji;n baii.r, 't l has filed his final account as such Administrator in the County (,'nrt of Linn county, Oregon, fcy order of said Gourt, Saturday tho 12ih day of January, 1881 at the hour of one o'clock, p. in. of said day has been set for tho bearing ef said account and objections tbercto. Any person interested in said account is huroby notified to appear and file his or bw objec tions thereto on or before said Jay. Dated Pectmber I ith, IS83. UiibB PjtTxns. Gko. B. CuAUBBLAJJf, Adrnr. Att y for Admr. - Pinal Settlement To ail whom it may concern : Notiee is hereby given that the nna'crsian. ed Administratrix of tba estate of Robert F Yantis, has filed her final. account In said estate in the County Court, of Linn county, Oregon, and that the Court has appointed Monday the 71 h day of January, A. D. 1884, at obe o clock in the afteroom for nearinsr objections to said acceunt and for the settle ment ef the same. Eliza M. Yantis, Powell & Bilykt-, Administratrix. Attorney s. wiDB JD&bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI !aaaaaaaaal . v as I i ' dHHHHHHMnalaaaHsB - A aall sa DdRor. aaaaaaaa bb SaaaaaHaWl aHIl aaaM?2 J I Infanta and Children WlOtrnrt Korplihwi or Niajpootliu cmr Ct Hilrert roar ortrna, Wist cainat thedr frrea utaVoa tfiran alcont Tta Caatortia. When IbabVe rrrA oral Cry by tnrns. What onros tbetr ooiio. kult Hwir worm Uw CwatoTfo. Wbnt (THMrly t'inW CVwiatfaaffuO, Sow Sioanooh, Ooit! Iodoson Ttamrrfi then fr IDwpMhe fl ruisu dsatoc Oil antt l"wria, snl ' If all Castor! a. Centaur telnlmonta-. solato ear far Rheum rati am, Bprataa, Burns, Oalla, o aad sue lnstantaHemta Pedaareilarfw, 1884. Harper's Bazar. ILLTJSTKATB3D. "Harper ' Baaar" Is at oaoa the tuoat brilliant and uaatul ltoaehl4 Journal In extstenre. It la lbs ac knowledged arbiter of faahion In thla country. Its faablon ulata arc the arweat arid in oat atyliab ; and Its pattern sheet supplements and scanamle stiggea lions alons are worth many times Ihocoat ofanb acriptioa. Its tliuatratlona of art needlework (rem tba beat auirco. lu literary and erltt lo mart La are of tho highaea order, lu atorlea, poems, and as says are by tbe first Ameriasa and Rurenean autsera. its ohoiee art picture would All portfa!i- snd iia humorous cuts are tba moot eoc tag tabs found in aay journal lu Kr- '.'ea. A hesi of brilliant aeiralUss are urtttnUeU lor 1S4. HARPER'S PERIODICA IaS. Tft Yoar : IUni KH S BA7.AK H 0t n urtR8 WBaaui as it ahpkks maoazink 4 e llAKI'KR'M YOUNU PSOPLS 1 BARTERS rKaSKIM KWl'ARB l.ll'-UA RT. One sear (M Humba.-a) ....10. Portage. frt to alt !v-rilrri in th UnHA Stt4$ or Gamaria. Tba vo!nmaS af tbs "Baaar Jsawin with tbe Number fur January ef aaeb year, What aa time ta mentioned. It will be oaderatoot thai tba sabecrt bar wiakaa to eemmance with lbs Kumber east after tbe receipt of ordar. Tba but Panr Annual Veloines of "ilarpar's Basar ia neat detb binding, will be etnt b? malt, as g paid, or by riprees, free ef sxpeasa (pasrtdad tbe height does net saceed ana Aeltar par talama.) far 7 er volame. Ootb eases far each relaroe, au.tabla far binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt efft each Beniliuncea aaOSM be made by Peat OfEoa Meoey Ord-r er Uraft, ta at aid chance af lea. r..apee are not ta copy thii adreraianasal without the a; rsa order ef Harper t In ilasis Ari Usm ! ARI'ER t riROTnCIlS, Kaw York for the werklag claas nana iu oeni for noatage ml wa will mail trae, a rural valuable SOS sc asaspsofooai uat wtii put na in iho r 4 ma Sag ai'ir money in a few dya than na Tr th'ueht posslols at any tuineaa. Captui at rcqairod. Wa will start Too. on nan work ail tba time or ia spare .. amy. tits wora ta uniifaraallr adopted tn Ortin a , Tnuo and old. You ran aaai'.r earn from M eanu to f5 erery araning. That 1 11 who want wora tnar at tb make ink unparapllal- tl nr ; sa all h are not well aaiiated we will and f io pay for tho troable of wriUng aa. Fall particular, mroetlone, et . Sent tree, Fortune will as made by th'.ae who gie their whole tima t.. tho ork. Oreat ucoeaa aiotuteiy ante. Don't delay. Aoofasa swiaaaa a w., tortUrm,Haiaa DR. LIEBIC DUpeaaary, Car. Crary and Jaaaan Nta.. Saa I rae.rUro, Cat. milE COLLEGE IVTSITtTE FOB X t lie curt of all atrial com- rlltateS and ao-caUeil Incurable chronic dlaesaee. nr. EJebls'a aersaaa invigormter is puat liteiy Kuaraj.bmi to rure sorveta and pbyalcal SeblUiy, aamlnal weakrirae, leat of mauhond. aper ma ton bra, loas ef energy, rln.tig and dlaxloess In tbe bead, me tan ebolto, hopataaa feellnfa, prnat Vn hra, asd all tba nsulta ef youth tul luiprndenea aad excesses af mauire cara. I no ooctor, a rewti tar eolleee pbyatdan from Enrupe will arre to furfeit one thousand da liars tor a caee tbe In vibrator wtll not cure under dal Uetment and ad vie. Tli rtaatin so many can not set ruret of weajrneae and tba above (ibeaaee la owina tn a oempliauon, called 1'ruetaU.rrliaa, which requires pet-ultar treatment. Dr. Llebn'a lavlcoratar Sa. S U the only positive sure for Froa UUrrhea. Price of either iuwUro rator, 2 per bottle ; six for 10. bent to any address on receipt of Responsible persona can iv when prlee. urCOD. cured. Strictest aecrecy mainutned. Fatienta cun d at home, Ir. Ltebls I'lejienaary baa an ele gant drug- store in Its building Too frequent evacuations of the bladder and ropy Sediment in urine are sympAtnaof aeeorxlary msl nal a rakuesa ami nrnetatorrtiea. Comptainta readily yield to the Dr. Ueblg treaUnent. Ordinary CasesAny recent eaae of tnectal or private diseases cured for 910. itemed lea euflleient to cure will be prompUy scut, with full directions and ad ice, on receipt of $10. All packages are securely covered from observation. In Iterator Saruplra Free To prove the wonderful power of the Orrat Oernaaa Invlgorator a S3 bottle of either nnwiber will be sent free of charge. Persons ordering a free bottle will oal have to pay expreaaageon delivery. Moat powerful electric belts free to patients, f'on saltation, examination and ail vice free and private. Call or write. Dr. LIEBIE A CO.. toe iirmrj Private l.ntraarn. es Msaan St., mW Ca AffJ a week at home. S outfit free. I er abso- VW lately sure. Ko risk. Caoltsl teutiired steader, if you want bosinesa at which persons of either sex, young or old, sen make great pay all the Ume they work, with absolute certainty, write for particulars to u. uax,Lsrr and Ca.. Portland, Mains. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published erery Sstnrdsy AT tlarrisbarg Or?goav S. A. 1 1ST Eli tor -V Proprietor. DR. ALLEN'S I'EIVATR DBSFSXflAnT, SrOj Kearny ft! reel, fast Franetsws, OsrW, KSTAaLIffSSD TO a TBS flwill ITlt AST SPBBBT SSl fr Cnaoffic, Nssroes awr THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DK. ALLBX, AS IS WK1,L KWOWW. IS ular rStjaU4 Plirsician, adnaates at ust (.'ullage ami I, ai varsity of Mi(Alr.atv. Ma baa Ssr 'as rsl alifcUma ta tbastuay of the sretaent snd diseases witbla his spacUlsy. And middle-aged man. who are snffstlag tram sVs offset of yonthf ul lndfaarstlsss ar excesses in rm tnrer years, nervous and physioal debHlty. lnpe tne, l.jet manhood, conraaion ef ldesa, Sail eyes, averaton to soeiety, deapondency, piiplas en Ss face, loss ef enerry asd memory, frequency ef urfiuaV insr, ete. Remember, that by a oombinanei ef T-.nifiiot oi great curative power, fhe Doctor ban s arrangd his treatment that it will not only aSerS Immediate relief bat permanent care. HT ttasriTAl. EXPSUfKVrS Having been surgeon n tn ebarvs of two lsaafj to treat all prlvata transi I. I wish It distinct trofld oosDitais; enaoies me t with excellent results. stood Si at I de not elaim te perferm lmpotsiMlries, ijstb niiracujoiw or snporziaiura.1 power. J i only to be a skillful and aneeeesfnl Pbvalalari Surgeon, thoroughly informed in my sjjeelalnJu- 0aSKAKK OF DIAir. AU appMnff to roe will reoeive nrv henest anMaa or viieir oornpiainve jtio experimenting. nve a positive cure In every esse 1 i . . . . - - ' f . . . t. . r forfeit $1,000 Consultation in effioe er by letter I and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Taeroi examinatioa, isaludinar chemieal and nleroseec analysis of urine aad ad vies. to. Call or address DR. ALLC.f, 4fl Xearnsy strost, Ban FrsBciSDo, 9 to I daily, T to 8 evening. Gal. Offies hears James Russell Lowell will giro ro more autographs. His patience is worn ottt, i 2 I tX Li t PRIAT..Mu...DKCEMimR21, 1883 OUR CHESS COOMN. slelreii all ooramunioailons for this eienartmenl to P. O. box 91, Indepea- slsnoa, Or. With thin wtekx Issue, we begin ike Democrat's itVh problem tourney. Tbe tourney will oonsist of eight three move problem!. First prise, Maraiehe's Manual of Chess ; second prise. 100 chess dia gram. Two wetki will be allowed far solutions'. In case of a tie the chess editor to decide, Neatness end analyU ioal thoroughness of solutions will bo taken into consideration. TORNST TROBLKM NO. 8. Mitt fat three moYts. 3. mm ,,t! H" 1 M Si 51 JaCifflmiaf m a aiiai m m '.. j ssi ., rmtm ewTr- m , rwears an r- - i tm twt- t- SOLUTION" TO PROBLEM NO. 12. 1, B lo K It 1 key 1 , P to K H 7 2, B to Q R 1 2, moves. 3, mates. Solved by U. K , King's Hibbop sad Dr. J. E. K. Tbe late team chess match between New York City snd Philadelphia n suited in favor ef ibe former. There ia to be a return match before long when Philadelphia will nut her verr best c er w players in the field, seversl of when were absent from tbe lata match. Tbe ?biladelphisni ere strong players snd ongbt to snore even boners with she New York's. The following brilliant gams ooenred between Messrs. Brenzinger and Perrin. Bevei si years age. If bite- Mr. B. PtoK 4 K Kt te B 3 Pte Q 4 KKtxP Q x Q Kt K B to Q3 Castles Q Kt to B 3 (a) Q B to B 4 K E to K 1 eh Q Kt to Q 5 Q B to Kt 5 ch Kt x Kt (b) QBxPcb BPxP Q R to $ 1 Q mates (e) Blsck Mr. P. P to K 4 Q Kt to H 3 KP x P Q Kt x Kt Q to K 2 P to K D 4 BPxP K P x B QtoQB 4 K toy i PuQ 3 K Kt to B 3 Kt P x Kt K to Q 2 Qto Q4 K K to Kt 1 (a) The sacrifice of B Is perfectly sound. f The coup da grace. Black has ao reeonroe after this move. (o) What a chorus of pesns every penny trumpet would have raised had Morpby er Stsinitz made this extraor dinary entertaining dash upon a player of Mr. Psrrins force and usual solidity. General Rosecrans is ibe reps ted" au thor of s new scbemn for the organise- tien of the democratic part far the next presidential campaign. He pro pises to divide the demosrstic rotors into sections of tens. STties. hundred thosssads, ten thousand snd twenty theussnd. Esoh section shall here s chief whose duty it shall be to see tbst tbe rotors under him shall be in line for part service, st the poles or elsewhere in obedience to orders received by him fross the head center. The chiefs ere also to be intrusted with the daty of collecting campaign fund, snd of die tributing campaign document, as well as the menagment of campaign work within their jurisdictiea. Tbe nstionsl csmraittee, under this lyttets, would is sue its oider to the ststo eossmittee, snd thej would in turn instruct tbe ehiefs of twenty tbeussuds, and soon down to the chiefs of tens. It Is under stood that General Rosecrans also pro poses to raise campaign funds by vol - untsry contribution ef five cents each from every enroled democrat in tbe er- ffaniaatiou. lie estimated tbat vie re turns from such a subscription Would amount to $1,500,000 per year, upon the basis of tbe Hancock vote of 1 880. it is proposed that a proportion ot one haif of this million and a half dollars be reserved annually among the states for use in local and congressional cam paigns, while the other $750,000 will bo stored in the vaults of the Democratic nstionsl committee, for use in close con- tests, eto. In speaking ef the campaign of 1880 Judge Blsck said hs considered ths bargain made between Garfield aad the New York stalwarts by wbidh they were te gee, in consideration of their support of Garfield, Mr. J. D. Morgan ss Secretary of the Treasury and Stanley Itathews as a Jnstice of the Supreme Court the most infamous ever made in this country. Jl was in finitely wevrse than the bargain of 1 876 sr Adams Clay bargain, whereby Andrew Jackson was cheated out of the Presi dency. ss m e Prince Napoleon's son, who has been at school st Cheltenham College, Eng land, has been summoned back to France in consequence of having been drawn in the conscription. At). c. it: U TIM A TAB I P, Albstny NtoiiOD. tWARTTBR Of TBUKK. ssigs Roatn. ALBANY KJiiniKNH Deparl st t:S0 A. t 0:00 A. M. H I'. A. M. IXiOi'i J. M HAIL TRAIR J ?ZZZ."L M a 1... a s j-eai -m iv noma aoosu. f Arrives st U 1 ft Til T 11I4R A. M IZior, ! M. ft:: U I'. M. n-M V. If. 1 Ii r vitKinriTTUAiiJ Al-RAN I KXTHIKS All! llaft All Train dsiiy. earept Sara day. TfoTiOK. On and after thin date rngtilar tlnkets wfll ho sold st our tlnket ofUo for follcwlnu; Tieinteon Columbia river: IT n nor CasosdeH, Imllns, Umstllln, WaJlula, Walla Witlla and Ainxwortb. Wiu II. Rf, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A 0, It. si. Cm. AJbaogr, June intb, m PRRMOSAI. The Dnchesa ef Edinburgh, daughter cf the late Czar, 1s tho btightest and most amusing talker ef the British royal family. 8he says very funny things. Sarah Bernhardt Las bought a farm adjoining her villa near Havre in Francs, snd, among other itooompHsh ments, Is making cheese for I'srlnian customers. Attorney-General Brswsttu is In -soribsd as wearing yellow pant, a broaoadod vest,a grsat ruby breast -jin, a tremendous collar and lace frills ut tho wrist. Jaw Breakere. Several of our eilizsss have received a copy ef an eastern magaaiiae.and with It the efler ef a prise for correct answers to tbe fallowing sueatlon. vHiicb snane have worked on, euly te find them selves swamped i What ie "easuviulsuV and from what le tbe wore derived ? When shoeid the abbreviation for Master cf Aits be written "M. A.' aad when "A. M." T H ko originated the expression "one tongue Is sufficient for a woman," and aoder whet circumstance ? What were tbe Isidorisn DecroUls, and wky were they forged ? Give tbe nine meet cam men elk names for N apcleoa Ul. What Is the origin ef the cvpresslou "sardoaio grin?" What was the Itueentaur ? What Is the derivation el the word "UcydS,' used r eenaectiou with ma rine incuraaee ? What was the Feast of Asss ! What are tbe Institutes ef Menu, and who founded them ? Who was the first Pope ? What was the "bed of Ware," men tloaed la Ahakespesre's "Twelfth Night r Notwithstanding the law af March 183, which abslished many of the In ternal Revenue duties, hro Wa stlH collected from that soarca for ths fiscal year$H,353,$CC. Toe next yoar, how ever, will make a await redusuon. The revenue seuroes will tie fomented liq Vers, Lu banco and bank circulation. But from these il is believed that a revenue will be collected amount imj to $130. 000,000, or but $14,000,000 leas than was collected the present year. T. P. G ia. Moots st taoir reams in Fos ter brick building on Saturday evenings al 7 :3U o'clook, and on Sabbath afternoons at 4. Business meeting are bold on the erect ing of the suoond Monday la each rat an Lb. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. Cm vai M.- l'mach lug e very Sabbath, at 11 A. a., and 7 ft a. by Itev. F.. O, Ir vine, D. D. Sabbeih School at 2:30 r. st irayer meeting every Thnmlay evening. RvAJcuKticAt Cacacn. Preaching on Hab bath at II a. and 74 r. au HaMutth Kchonl 12:13. I'raycr meetins every Than. day evening. J, A Uolicubaugh, pastor. Cos o SJM atioh a I C v scu. Services e very Rabbets at J I a. at. and S r. st. Sabbath School at 2:.lQ. I'raver mootinff on Thursday evening of each week. f. W. name, pastor. M. R Cwrnrm. Knarrir Hnevlnsai 5ml and 4th Sabbaths at St, Pssd's M. K Church, South, st 11a. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. a. sham. Prayer mootinff evorv Thurs day evonug. Joa Emery, pastor. M. E. Cncacu. Preachiuir even Sabbath at 11 a. a. and 7 r. u. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School .a A -ii . - m , im aa - mi r. m. rraynr meeiing overy inurs day evening. Itev. M. Judy, pastor. PS 1 1 i I I 1 a . . . Qi.1. m i Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. nroanaimn anu ruin su. sunaayncnooi at 2:30 n. rn. I'raver mcetinir ovenr ThunhUy evenina. Uov. Isaac IL Condi! pastor. Cbsihttas Church Preaching every Sabbath at Y P A HaU at U o'clock, a. af., and 7:30 r. st. Pulpit supplied by Eov H. F. Morrison. TSeeaJr ktwwasssssnafOTaWeyte Ktaa. TB eVIso tor Sssasju aaA raflla Bleassss Serveen Wsafcasss U taattaaUy reaterss as4 earea. TUsess sueec aaS qaLakeas ahssrUtt earoaaaOoa. Seotrav was ferms cat sSsesse aaS saves stslrase s Oarss !A SKEPTIC SAID ir blotcbos snd stuBbora blood sores. Rlnntnafe Bous, Carbsaelos and Scalds. IJ'oruaanently aaS prompUy euros paralrala. Tea, It Ii a charming and KealUif al Aperient. Kills Bcrofnla end Kings Erfl, wtn brothers. Ctanges bad brcsSA W good, KhduT- tag tbs cssser Beats bftVma teadoacTss snd make clear eompleztoa. Eitrall4 by none tn the Uellrttra Of fever. A cDaraiing resolvent snd s matehlesa laxative.' U Artve BlcK neadaebo Into Um wind. fWCoDfrtni do drattfo eatharUe or optsess. Uellevo (THE GREAT) Jl I I I V j r I I 1 1 I LWERy EICON QUBROMj tbe brats of morbid fancies. Promptly cares Bbce mstlsm by routing ft, Bosssie Ufc-grrlng proper ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to core art nerrons disorders, prissllablo when sO opiates fan. lis rrastte tbe mind and brrigrsaftBs Uie body. Cure erspeuskt or money refonded. N E flE RTF AILS Wscasesef ttebkodcwnftjnonerer. Endorsed In wriUng try over fifty tboasand leading ettixcna, clergymen and physfefsns ln U. S. and Barope. t IS'-JVxrssaobyaUkiadlnganiiastB. SUQ. (7B) Tfte Dr. S. A. Bftatumuni Hed Co.St.J.S8pbf So, l For toetlmxmtahi and otreulare 9enrtQnj). j 'BKMSCtOS CO., ete, Sea Frcles, g AGENTSWaNTmaMMl 5tnv riuljwrlviloa elltm tow reatty, lLs nsa (sc;nut ever jjnx'raeart. fnptTb Pfcot. Al taimi, in oxeluHlTO deewrna, inreotiy iniiarti ; rV narflwii tracle, and stanuanl iuitatraaVii : KUiB fan'aal, lneUirtea, etc. VTe nftvw uurlvtiOed in SsjaeeoentK, with exotufdro tarrltory. v ritu to n& PAIRD & DILLON ain una nu H. oiarS St.CnicAoo, tva. MI88 EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLHEBY AID DRBS8-IAUII, Ontting and itUnghy lbs new Taylor's tijnUtn. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. G. COHN A BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND. OR SHIPPING AMD COMMIS SION, ME ROHAN DISC AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN QROOERIES AND PROVISIONS. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGER K. X. On. SacsaaS asai YassWIl Stt., roHTLxia oaaoox. A. f. Anuiniiaa. J. A. Waa. , Usiaai far ik Daaaesi UsesUas of Seta Sgxss. AaltnlttrS on any sreck Say oftka year. -aflPBHtWORK l ail sins lf"iU' le rsrev si naitsia. i -a Ku'nte. Th Collsge "lowval," onUlolosr I a form ef ths rv.uisa i,f 'J., rstsw ef InlMaas, ties i ii su ssBtesascf isa teas cswassSsSsli BMiiali.p, In a. 500 UBIrkss'i SaMn aa at. a Oassa Oasaersa nm ani mmmA mSm . Setae ISO l(S aflil UlV Mt-l.tlllllU Itbrfk ' .L, awt sil prlaiarv Urma of the flail as i. BJsewn as 8V1 km. I... & . ... - - - i i torn, t jwi mtntin. leSllekaai'a f. a Id en Balsa an Ve. t Oaree Tertiary, ksarcurUI, ftvfallltia RbeauiaaBBB. BMMHilarv atagea. Cains In tbe fVneo. riaeraaed Tliraal. Mrphllttle Itash, t.amfa, ate., aad sradleaUw all SsSSbSbS f rwui ISeWI' ni. whethar saul fcr latd trsaunrt.t or abtiae '.f saSfSBafw. isatlaj Mte bUjd yore aiwl heaJUiy. Vntm, S6 wr UHUe. Satitevar7wbre,0. O. C, saonrsfy fswWed per er ptess. c r KiriS law at CO., ASTBfa, CTT m osa tuevt, ( orrwr ( lay, San TT Cssmrasa. KENDALL'S Sr AVIN CURE The Host Mnreessfal B meals- srar itimtmi aall lanarta:n hi tie iC-. a.d doss net s' 1st ST ftea.1 prwf hlrw. Kendall's Spavin Core. attsBsissa, Jane lath, 181. n, J Krvnxti. S o, liveta lTis ta U ert!f Uiai I bare tuod Kei.Cali's Svin Cure end have SJSSl It in be all It i inmmnvtA te be and In fact mora ta., ; 1 havs rmi'ivcst hy eaStig Use above : ('Jiuaa, Pk.n jvni, Hlua bntursk hpljiU, aad MR eSeerfullv IssSS ty and roaaniieid it to he lha heat tbiittf rroi huuy subetauaa I have ever oarn aad I hava it mi cu!., as I aavs uvts that say atuiy tot years. Bsspsetfuay ytrr P. T.CKTST. FROM THE OffEORA PiUSi 1. 1. Trb, Jan. Ota, ISSL J Kendall asiS l.. of vjl(j last sWassast a r.nWmt Kails Tt , .ira. t with ths haiiera af tne ' rraas" far a ha.f mhiaiu sltat for one lear estUa; lerth the tnu ef 1 1 a it a IIS Seama Cure. At the bum tltae w avoro froaa alts llrtn a '(Uantlty ni Soaks, snutlrd Sr. SeosUlra Trsay rtse en ths lisrse and bta staaws, a hi ah wa are ifr lag to advanee jmg enasmtMsrs aa the "fnaf aa a SsCsSSSBSi Abaoj ths Ume the advertisrtneat rsS appeared ba this )l-r Mr. f . U. Schenoerham, whe resides near c .!ra had a spat load Ssraa. He reed the ad for tlavmenl aud eencludnl te teas the efflsaey ml the rvna4, allhoagh hie rrtanda liufhsS at his crnlultty. lie hatubt a hettls ef Keaaall s Saa.n Cure aad oats Btsnses) sslag U ea the herse is aawsrdanos with Use dlitlns and be lr.tonaed ns lata area that It W Saoaad such a uetnj ,cU eore tbat aa aipert herao tnan, whe eaamlned the aatcnal recenUy eontd asd Be Irmos ef the asatln at the sl, where It bad haea located. Mr. hVhonuarhr.ra Was situs aarttroa a wry ef KciulaliaTreaiise en the neree arid SIS Masaaa, whh h be jjrlaea wry hlgbl and wauld he lath la taart with at any pr1, !etled he ooold not ebaaln an other eosy. Re a txn far adverUalng reliahM arUetea Kendalls Hparin Cure. W::iee, Mine . iaa. llib, 181. XR J. Kaxatu. and Co., Ceats : Saving gvt a ETaa ho.-k f yna hy roaU a year aye, the ceatoasj ot alilch persuadat torn ta try &eceslis Spavlo ( Xire n Uss hsSi le -( one of ray harass wbleS wee swur.tau end cauls not be raiued Wyany ether rensa dff i Sl te boulee ef Kendall ' hoavin Caws a lrseto. snJ Lul.tuth, D reruns ef Wissia, wsoek oouipletely eurd sty horse. A Boat See years aaw 1 had a thrre rear eld celt tweeeled very basil. I Sad veer raaiedy ae given la year boek witbeea rawelliBe, aad 1 must aay te year credit that Mte east is enUrely eared, which is a urease net eely te tag. a. il bet ale. te aay netghhera. Tea sent me the boek for the tnfling aum ef ttt oeate and U I eenM not grt another altk j ii I wnid aei take iweaWSre dollars tor IU faSSSJ Sruly, Oso. Marsswa, HEAD PROOF 0?W0HDEOTL0Um FremoiiU Ohio, Jan. Sitb, 1581. us. ii. j . tvsanALL and Co., uenu : I thlak It aay duty to reader vou my thanks for benefits aad pvoCtS whirh 1 have derived from vour lavaluahla and far tamed Spat in Cere My naualn and I has a valuable stallion, worth t00 which ha a very bad ere via and arse protiaoaced hy fear emlaeat veterinary sur geons, beyond aay cure, and that the herse waa deae ler evrr. As a last reeerl I advised my cousin le try ahotllaef Kendall's Spavin Care. Jihad a Baagdeal tffact, the third bottle cured tt and the herse li aa wall ae ever. Dr. Dirk ef Kdlaburt h, she eminent vsierinar surfreen waa an tinea ef mine, end I Sake great Interest in assisting his aieteaalen. Tears truly. Jambs A. Wiltos, Civil BagiaseSl Kendalls Spavin lire Is ears In Ua eSeeis, tnUd"ln Its actlop as It dees set blister, yet It Is penetrating and powerful ta reaeh eery deeesnatetl pain er remove aay bony growth er eHier eulatgtnir-ite, SB h as epavtna, splints earSs, saieua, sprains, i!tirM sr.d any Jamesessand en- largemenw et me n: iimha, er (or rheuseaMean In ma a and for any put pass frwhlsh liniment la used for man or beast. 1; U aow knows to be the host liniment fi r Bvto ever used, aaStnf anlld end yet certain ln lta rCfect. Bend addreea for Moe'rat-d t'lnnjlar which we think gives positive pri .l of its vii us. Ss remedy DBS over met wnn s4Ti nniu.i:,r. l .a.-ecBSlo w knawledge, for seaaiaswe'l as man. Price 1 tier bottle, or six bottles for SS. All Crtig gtau havo it or can get tt for you, er It will be seal to env address on receipt ef price br the proprietors. Dr. B J. E bmd tia. and Ca, Bneeburgh rails, TV U) BY ALL DRU0GI8T8 Administratrix Notice. Notice I hrbv givpn that tke ender aigned has boou dnlj ap pain ted adsnla! tratrix ortaoeatats r limry O. llsnn late ef Linn renniv, Cretan, d seen sod AH persna having claims agsiast said eatate are hereby reanired te preseat the same with nrener venohera, within six month ef tne dste of thin netlee, ka the undersigned st Hsnnese, Linn eooaVv, Oregon. - Kevembor 16thi8SS. GRlSBVfHTB llBSJllW, SSHiJSajtDB A 11 am msr. Admr. AttJS. mmm " assumJceDoTIj? LBIDOI, ESTAJJLbtH KD, A, D. 1821. Capital subecribed, tut.oes.ese OapfbsJ pnM np S.eSe.CC Notk This eotupauy has the largeai Eald up capital of mpany doing uslnesH in the Unshed ftrtates. lnsnraaus aooepted by Host. A. ForrrB, Agt cf Albsssy bWsWBsbI HftHmTMsl JULIUS CRADWOHL ibe Wails' e CROCKERY, CLA88,SILVER AID 1 LargeTJLBsortoent of Baby Caniagec, ' And a Choice Selectcn of Caffee, ud In " ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI. OCX SHELF HARDWARE. 01L,tLKAD, WIM C lltLlb AD LIME. BIOIIEST MARKET EenEttter! What I Say, Glva le s GalL eooBSLseio as::lgw m n nui fifti n oims HOFFJHA.s st JOSEPH, fTtOPBnrroKa or ALBANY SODA WORKS, Kmported and DomesUo Cigars, caatUffn nuts and Albany. AX TUB OLD VIABD, 72 FliW WJro, II AS OS JBLAJTD AM COOK, BOX AND PARLOB STOVES AUD RANGES, " lr sxaa tsi tba wjtfiej. Bo ta so frrspssrtg sstsd aetsssjssjastai TW, SHEET ROB A9ID COPPER WJUM w aaaa a anwiairi ! II BT.MJK HAJTD, , A TJJM OKNUINB QRAratTK mOM WA1 sUi 07 WHICH US OfTSsBaSBS Tfi Til IB mttil BHB .aa - a - .iiiv ava nu 1 m. ' oryurmrna. cat.t. at 73 jpiti vmxm, asjtToi Kepair work doco e:aviiw. sSaWBSbaBBBBBBsWSSt .-. .ar.Maaaa yssassaasss asaaaaaaassssi u wit' &v xv U 1 on & ir CTlLZlM all e3isfjfSanttt Cpf 4V rwsoeCle Ve. l e - - JSXm thesibOTO eV noxmoo it to sf3jaT sUutLxBuY TO2SA1T. Quaranttod to mrc JtyqpepHa TIAJH alABst Laboratory 77 7. 3d St., Vcw MARBLE WORKS, STAI0KR BROrj. Prerf eten at nORORiniTS. TABLETS, HEADS rONES Ex cm ted in Italian or Veruioru Marble. Also, every variety of oometery and ether stone work done wait n net nee aad disTsateh. Special stttntion given to orders all parts ot this State and Washington Territory. jScTAU work warrants I. l 74s C, C OTTBStBT. OS 'Ul ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Snoossaorc to C. C. Cherry.) MacMnists, MillwrlglitoS and Irca FwiiialBrs. WE HATK OTJR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. We will manufaotnre rrteani r-higluea. Grist and Saw Mltl Maehinerv, ansj all kinyta en iron and Braes OaaSnga. rtTTHRFf Bit DB OS BHOstT KOTTCB. Speetal attention given to repairing ail kinds of machinery. Will also manufhe tare the improved Cherry tt White Csntiu Separator. Shop en Baker SC-OfSee a laJer Sard. Albany, Or., Dee. 1, 1880. IStf WaWjVB Asx iasAa sasaage 1B HyeUsia, Liaaa KeA -sTBB, wrnvs Binrelavi of a mm liin a WrV.I. .. . . a. HaAaaias a? tliai Wi -n w ; ana aesssig te mtsory. CBtoag nod itatre Cad Age, Sestasiwrei, Lcs vt rower -Ti v. 7 r " il mesassr ssa. JLavsaanasry tcsasfi, sxn EtoenaaV onsesa sensed hyorar-eosctk?! of U e Uaia. self, absaaa or ervwrUnOai Isfati oe. Eeeh box cottons one Masses trnabBiesrt. gl.08 a buz, or afx boxes tctMsTa. jeWejljrssBaiA trie. weaa an u ss-aaes js i n siv asp A. aS to sssts) asy easve, Tfltii csarA erder raoeired by wa law sax sues, miss eausie tmi nu bajIU we wnii ssr ear wrreten sraaeentee to re ts - . . mr . a ease. Graaraortees isswajl oelv by We AISJX sLASJra A VS W Juieasile suaA atetexJJ. cvasrcJbtsw POKTXAICD, OKBOON. Orders by ntsO vU recvive prcrapt attentkai. w mmmmm u aw I ami ail uuss CCS G. m - Waaras 3 l ' SBBBfsBBBfSBBBseaSBaSaWaBBBb ,.. . . ava- st U Wjaayrjl telaelve fBICEd'AlDTOB Bes Tobsuvoo-, Groceries lavl, Tropical Frulu. QS1 TO OMDFPt ALB!. ST ABBCiKTUim OS? at rMaSotutbie e i 'aa-a w w A. -Ci i" nftmed diammagm. nd b-n Uio ity. Thmggistm twllii lfWTCastIve Tblsri Of JurSB or possessors a W bar taken aa a ft UtapeaBsiaiebaesj tut in tba as a. ateljr SJBlete VrftS see snares! vee a eoaes be atower. jrnesa he n boa, or, 3 rtearee ferSSXa sil e! 1 OKI i by caAl ' ETTABLlS-safo IK lUT ARMES & DALLAM, Manufaotnrers and Importers ss Wodden & Willow War. fwiiias, Brooms, BniElies, BasMT liia, Tn!?, fhsTim. rerSage, TVranpfag Pa sera. Beav Bnlldlng rapera, Watrlsea. Bandies, Clothes Wrtngera, Cas pets Sweepers, Feather Bas Crs, Stationery, she. 230 and 233 Front Street. SAN FRAKCIBCO, CAL. The Great English Reme dy. a never tailing cwea fee nrveos DeMirey, Semrnal aaaness, Eseanaed vs. ity, Situ laatorrhota, aT nt'RD. Tat- I i tst-ey, faraJyeBa, and aO icrr.bla eSeeSB of Sag. A leas, yoatbSal BaUliaS aa lees ef B emery, luas, Batbsloa. Aver- ta Bnfiatr laaaBl ml 5SB-evt, beijea kt the Head; the vital fluid passing asalisej i id tate BBS BSBs end nta i other di eases leading to Inssnfte tR MlTIF will aareo to forfeit! '"l iir for a case of this kind she tire (tinUrr bts speetal advice) anj Be oure or for aevthlnj impure or rofB ft rr. Mlrtlle treataall ettvata llsssss wtth.twt tnermrt ('eosaltattiea free. misv.ioa tn I a('ic inslodtar analrsteef rn co of Kestontttvo, p a benisv er leer Save the qnnmtir SIC, cent te any address open reedm st rwic or O. O. D, ebsesre from obeti rastoa end rs prV vane u aeaireo, oy a. a. sturoab A ! is sss, sen r r.ifi-ow, uat tstrtrle Vw.- la troe. 8rrt en stealer srnnsont, tea arsi ap sartrtflr oTrfiJoiitlaL Or, HlnUes KiJtioy Remedy, KsisiSajinii, oars fl g .Isnf btttiiwyanit Marl.lar .nwJhjpSsgaavgTliiea, iriavt, i-ou..rrhorn Fnrsalebf eldrnawwts, f 1 bottlt or ts'x Vittlee tr $?. Dr. Mlntie a PUIa are the best snd StaSBu est D.speia and Bittooa enre tn the market, For sCe br all draaeltts. Wm the south. 4 rerfert Centbinatlea wish twe SaTteat Advantage r7hy It Ceaeersu em. "Tb ire ia no mistake abont it." reaaarked Vr ST f Flowers, of Gallatin, Miasonrl, ''Beageah "if rni Poeeni flaste'e are one ef the B entreat aasabieaineBS ever a -educed. Tbey have two kiaCsof ae veasaeNS over all oihsrs, wnich ws raay san Iks afaa aa See BMter. First, tky are aleas aad alasaaat te nse. never Holling tbe Sends ner tke Uses e SB wsaser. secrms, tney are qaicaiy aaa seBTSUy. tried tie aclBe Plaster ea atyaatf far ant ana oo my paitcisi isr vanent at nenraieia, mast, alar, raeasaet BBhthss leaakare, res rati i hnj tele 9S1."" u-ovbltu eta, aa is all from trree te furBy-eigbt boi Dr newev aaerely veiees tbe writ ass er esal of thetisaeds io bis prefessien. Bssnea's Porous Plasters are tbs pert set external applies cion. i n genaias nave too worn lapctne eat la tbe i iTice a;) cents. Seabtu-y and Johesou, Cbeaalse New .Dm. nsr.TX iaZ mmlvmi .n .h.11 mi Staha. - " T 1 r i r iFT n"miTirtSa an I I i itarb. etm.aaerw ?5ev VfJ ?34 jSfSrSSBaBB? BsfsTmS jaVc--fraeaJsTeasrTWaaasn art flaatv vrrfia. I save Eel"? ssaalen