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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1883)
uas m etsj E w 01 ciai County Paper. Pod Omoe at At ban j, Or. nd-claaa mall matter. FRIDAY APRIL 27, 1883 8TITE8 & HUTTING. c m. r. Albany PATI KK T TAIXs. albany bx rasas Peratts PBJciuMT nuixs MAIL THAIS ' socks suvta HAIL TRAIJf FK RIGHT THAIS " . ALBANY Kir BBSS ArrressVt 6:10 A. M 90 A. V. 11:44 A, M. um P. M ii:s;a. m li:06 P St. S:30P. B. KM P. M. AH TvaBBt Sally, except Norton. On and after this data. regular tiekda will be sold at oar ticket office for following paint on Columbia ri ran Upper OaaaaB Del lea, Umatilla, Wdlula, Wdl Walla and Alnsworth. Wttx. B. Rica, freight snl Tioket UC.HU.Co. Albany. Jun 18th. 188. ACaunr. Following are the D&xocjlat's duly au thorised agent to receive subscriptions or Hsmsbsrg Bmwasville Sam lfaj ...U P. Coshaw T. I Potter F. A. Wat W. R. Kelly If yon talk with Portland bntlaeee mea tbey wUl tail you that there are notenough men la Portland to do the building start ed, and that there la any number of build -tag waiting to be tnlebed on account of a lank of carpenter, brink maaona and plasters. Now, the troth is, then are bare laced fhkeahooda. 1 be contrary la true. There are any number of carpenter and brick-maaoo who cannot find work. One man who te building there told a cHieen of thirdly that in a few bourn day he was applied to by eighteen ten who were oat of work and could find nothing to do, and a firat elaee brick maaon and phtsisrer of thla city whe baa recently been to Portland, ear a that while it ia iron that good wage are paid, that In his Una the buaineea ia overrun there, and there are a great many la the city who are doing nothing. It fa true that there is a great deal of building bains done, and it 1 also true that there ia a surplus of men waiting to do . Ths cheek of seeteiu advertisers is ex cruciatingly big. They not only are over bearing, bat many of them are diebooeet to the cere. Moot of them want their ada ran next to rending matter at the top of the column, nod if it la not done strictly according to contract they try to disallow it. And then they want it done for half price. For our part we have ehnt com. pletely down op, thia hut. There should be a state organisation to guard againat the miserable eat of advertising sharks who prey on the newspapers f the coast. Several of oar exchangee are running ads far firms we know to be dead beats, and they keep it np and will never find it oat till the end of the year. Probably there is no ease of bnstneaa man who leas more by bad debts than the editor, ao that those who do take any interest to their welfare should he prompt to their with them. Base's are. Paying for a cord of wood and only get tiag three-quarter of a cord. all the goods in a thaw haws them leave.remark ing, "Well, I gnees I'll wait till you got your new stock." Having soma one) start the report that the small-pox is around whenever any one has the measles. Doing boainoss with a Chinaman. Lending a dollar to a deed best. tending on Front street without being able to discern a person the whl length. Weeiag young hoodlums around the door of a public place insulting people ss they come oat. Having people go away to get goods which they can obtain as well at home. On Thursday evening of tost week about IS or 30 lad tee and gentlemen quietly wend ed their way to the residence of Mr. John Clelaod's, completely taking Mr. J K. Daniel and O. B. Young by surprise. Mr. Sasr . m - a m mm . s is . x oung new uueiy arrived in the our, on a visit from the States to hie uncle 'e to this dty. After seme time Mr. Daniel and Mr. Young recovered from their embarrassed when music, charades and were introduced and kept up until 12 o'clock. Daring an interval between games a repast was spread, which was unanimously pronounced the successful feature of the evening, which judgment is fully corroborated by the printers of thia office who were kindly remembered. The entertainment was a most enjoyable one. The Can The route from Oregon City to Bridge Creek Is becoming celebrated in connec tion with the Star Boats osee. It leaked oat to the testimony that the mail bad been carried in a gum boot, end yet the contractors made a profit of 191X1 per annum. Here is the wsy Mr Kerr sum med up the evidence in reference to It : The mail was small, Scarce any at all ; A letter or two and n paper, Went over this route, In tb tog of a boot ; And the horns on a five mile caper. - ; Warns Albany Reeds. A woolen mill. A shoo factory. An Opera House. A large tannery. A Board of trade. A good circulating library. A manufactury of woolen good into clothing, etc. Besides other Institutions whieh need net be enumerated. This is a good loca tion for those uaea tinned, and capitalists need havs no hesitation in coming here to locate and invest their money . They have a brave young man in Field i Gulch, aad a muses uu- chap too,. He offers to pot up coin that he can whip any woman In too county over sixty years of age. Such an offer weald he promptly taken up hers, and ths young man would and himself without a probsocis and two black eyes in abort metre. HOME AID ABROAD. Kelaa's CaehStore. ' F at Preach, Jeweler, Rlue Ribbon Club to-night. . Fiae liae new corsets at Nolan's Cask Store. Dr Gravis beildin aa addition to his barn. Corvallie kas four csadidates for City Re- oorder. A Urge stock of oaaaed g-wd selling ohss at Redfleld'e. Remember these Coupe Jeuvia gloves a Miss LeavltV. The State Orange meets o i the 4th Tues day in May. The HkLOo have began drilling for the test at Salem. Oae dollar ualaaadried shirts, 63 oeata at Ndsa's Cash Store. Table linens, towels and aapkias, cheap at Nolan's Cash Store. Sailor and tun-down hats at 40 to 73 oeata each at Miss Leayttt's. A thirty foot piece of spruce for a ladder is not to befouad ia the vaMey. Cabbage, cauliflower and tomato plan hi ia quantities to suit at Redaeld. DrK ft Johnson tarnishes his jm trout medicine without extra expense. Will Bros., eon fataieh you a fishing out fit, from 50 cents to a $25. outfit. A box of aesae pens at this office, quill acting with fountain qualities for fl.fiO New liae of Standard white and oolered shirts just opened at Noma's Gash Store. The fiaest hate and honest te sail all shades and complexions at Miss Leevitt's, 90,000 cabbage and tomato plants for sale by J H Towueend one mile south of Albany. There are about 75 newspapers published ia Or agon, being one te every 2,500 of Maatillas, dolmans and walkiag jackets, the finest selection ia the dty, at Meateitk Seiteabach'a. Pert of thia knee is dated two days ahead of time, on aceoAut of a alight mistake ia Them desiring paiatiag done by Robt Bowman, oaa leave their orders st Lasgdon t dreg store. Will Bros., are opening a general sewing tmaohins agency here ia connection wit heir jraa tore. We have a 12 iaoh turbine water wheel, brass lining, ia splendid condition, which we will sell cheap Bemaaate of embroideries, ribbons, laces, muslins, flannels and giaghaaes cheap at Nolan 'a Cash Store. Any person having mowers that need sharpening can have them ground syetesaat ttcelly by John Briggs. Some grain was drowned oat ia the low lands, hat the crop generally is bound te be good, rain or sunshine Brooads silk, Ottoman si k and Ottoman brocade. Surah silk, Saaunar silk, utc, at Meateitk A Scitoabech't. The Abeam trial will be brought up he fore the Lane County Circuit at Eugene, a week from next Meoday. There has been some sickness among young people, hot we are glad to report no serious cases have oeenrred. Will Bros , successors to W B Scott, repair all kinds of sewing machines at reasonable raise and warrant their work. Stanley, oldest son of Coaaty Clerk Stew art, was quite ill the first of the week, ha ws are glad te learn is now improving. Yon oagbt te call at Peter A Bteia and see the Acme Pulveriting II arrow. If you can not some and so it send for a circular. Beautiful weather. First else groceries at Hoffman and Joseph s, everything fresh, good quality and reasonable prieee the role. The Portland New Northwest Xtws baa roost red its aew pre and consequently a Urged. It presents a good appear- Senator SUter hsa b:ja receive! einoe hit return to Oregon with considerable warmth. He made aa able representative of the pen- pie. If Sams d ear friends near ths city would like te confer a keg favor on us tbey can do ao by bringing us some wood oa subscription. Hurry up. Dr. J camp's valcanixer, in Portland, the ether day blew up, making a fearful nearly killing the Doctor and hit No insurance. The Wmtebnrg Timet says one of it sub scribers found the best thing it had seen in that paper. It ws a bottle of whisky wrap ped np in it. A large stock of ladies,' misses' and child rest' shoes have been received direct from the Best, by Mooteith Sdtenbach, they are superior quality. It ia now legal to catch trout, and baa been sins April 1st. A grant many of the speckled beauties have been caught along the river ia this dty. Those of our citizens who invested in Al bma property ar getting sadly left. We understand sons were offered ever twice what they can get now. jr- Mr Frank French has lately purchased the house and lot on the northwest corner of Washington and Fourth street, recently occupied by Dr Dedd. Several of our young peopU, we under tend, are about to take shares ia the lottery of married life. This will probably be good for tb ministers. Al Day, a bey about 12 years of age bad his thumb crushed off in tb cog wheel d a cutting box at the place ot D D Hack leasee near this city a fsw day since. Monteith A Seitenbach havs a very Urge took of dress goods in all the new shades ad patterns. Ladies should not purchase elsewhere before examining the. Hamad E. Yoaug's is the best place in the dty to get your ladies', muses' and child ren's fine shoes. If you want cheap thoes, be baa them aa cheap aa anyone, and no trash. Stages now carry passengers between the gap on the Northern Pacific Railroad in forty right hours, so that passengers will now be gin te come overland and save a sea voyage. Mr Eugene Buohaaoa will have a new residence aeon. Glad te hear of it, fos whe men build, they usudly mean to day, aad become "one of us." W W Watchman, A boom has started. A bars is being con structed somewhere ia the eastern part d the dty, we were, unable to locate it exactly. It oaa be seen by the aid of a powerful tele scope. Mr. J. Humphrey, who has kept S fish market in this dty for severd months, has moved to Astoria, where he ha charge of the mending of nets in one of the packing bouses.. Oo last Tuesday $800 bad been raised by the Salem firemen for the atate contest, and it was thought 1200 would be obtained in all. This will insure good prizes for all the contests. What we would like in the Democbat of fice i a subscription list of five thousand names. A tew thousand more will help a out, come dong and we will bless ou as long as w live. A good shoe will wear like the friendship of a true mis, which remind a that not only the most durable bat the most stylish stock d boots and thou in the Valley, ia to be found at L. E. Btia's. Farmers and other desiring s genteel, lucrative agency business, by whioh $5 te $20 a day can he earned, mod address at once, an postal, H O Wilkinson 4 Co., 197 Fulton street, New York. In Foahay Maesa's is a large picture, neatly framed, of the late graduating olass is the Medical department of Willamette University. They are a good looking set of young usee, aad Udy, We are told that a friend at Peoria it soon to build a line residenoe, aad that a our res pondeaoe with first-class oootraoter is solic ited, but at ws think we "smell a mice" we will not give particulars One day it is cloudy, aad the next warm aad bright with sunshine. Then ia the time to sail mUX, HI sin aad get oae of hi nobby straws. Tbey will make you comfort able aad improve your appearance. Albany will toon have three skating rinks If the new ones would make money they should havs started earlier, bat ao doubt many of our young people still havs oeneid- srsbls spirit left in them yet. Mr Uut Koglander last week s dd hit bar ber abop, opposite the Ksvsr II use, te Mr M Jack son, whe has swung the raeor at BrowusvilU for ths last two years. He Is said to be a good touteriel artist The Orrgoa aerometer it a strange iustitu. Bare retsN are supp jeed te tell tin future oeuditiou of the weather, bet here they only tell the present ooaditUe, soots - thing anybody ceo do without even a psir of e pecks The good people ia the neighborhood of oae mile this side of Willamette Church. have joined together te build anion chare building. Church member aad non-church member are contributing alike te build it. Hoeosss. Star Brewery beer, now thst the sua has eoms out. will be called for bv drinkers of the beverage. It is always ea draft at tin brewery and can be obtained at sesrly all ia the vtiley where bee- ii A sard table has bee ia vested, with top so arranged that by a saiek teach d s spriag the top will Hop over leaving the table with Bibls t it instead of pack af card. There is add te be rrett demaad for it. A Chinaman ia Portland wae arrested for carrying baskets oo the sidewalk. The Chinaman naked that the ease be dismissed on ths ground that he earred the baskets oo a pole instead d on a sidewalk, lis was fined $5. Even the Chinee ar appreciating the value d printer 's ink, as may be aeoartaiasl by rdsesnee to ear ad vw Using coin mat. White the chinaman wants hit work doe cheap there is considerable satufactioa ia tb fad that he is ears pay. I 'lows are being pushed with vigor. When our yeaag friends ia the country got through with taming the soil fur this Spring, they should come to the city and call oo I.. K BUta, and see the latest styles d Spring seita, aad they will be sure to bay. A new testing riak ha be established ia the basement d Senders ft Sternberg s store, twenty -five pair d skate having beta purchased. The floor is a good one, so thst it will no doubt make a coed riak. There is pUaty of room for imm greats in Linn County. If instead d mortgaging their farms farmers would adl part d their lead it would be money in taeir pocksts. Nearly dl the large farms should be cut in two, sad thoroughly cultivated. The distinguished temperance lecturer. Miss Fraacis E Willard. will arrive ia Port land in a abort time. While n the North- she will visit Albany, when preps r twos will be made te give her a big reception. She is said to be a fine speaker. Some d the bed made aa 1 moat styluh carnage seen ea ear streets ar from the shop d Mr Fred Wiltert, of this city. H has obtained a good ru potation and people go to him from all over this part ot ths stat, which speak vd a met for him. People this tide d Oregon City ar get ting anxious sheet that fish Udder whteh was to be built there by sa ad of the last legislature, Mr Baldwin d Corvallie was given the soa tract to do the work aad per haps be can fsraith the necessary informa tion. Firemen sad ths friends of firemen she Id saake airsageaaseto to attend the acrid te be given by the Luliee t offee Club st No. 2s Hail on the evening d May 15th. At their last social about a year ago, d though for their hsnsfit, there was hardly a firemen I present Let thorn tarn over a ted this year. The Dstta has organised a Ladies Bead, and is thus placed oa a footing with Albany. The instruments ased are solid silver, bat we wager the marie discoursed, until they be come as proficient as the members d the ladies band of this dty. will be say thing but silvery. Mr. Henry V ilUrd passed through the city the first d the week, but for some reason or other be negtested to call at tb DxmocbaT ofhos, hence we are unable te publish any interview with him. This was a breech of etiquette, for which we shall ad soon forgive Mr. Viuard. Ia our notice last week of the new Nation d Bank te be established here, we emitted the earns d Judge Flinu as one of tb stock holders. At the time w did not know that he was connected with the bank, but ar glad to bear that be is not ody a stock holder but a director. J L Cowan, Lebanon's popular merchant, has just opened bunk at that piece, and will receive deposits and do a general bank ing business- The lank will be located in the rear d his store, where ha has just put a a Urge fire proof safe, which will enable him to keep deposits with safety. Tnere Its " iier able talk about the poetd route between Corvdlis aad New port, various charges having been mad against the agent aad his employes, the charges rebutted, etc. etc., but most of the matter seems to be as much smoke as fire. J. H. Maine has been putting up a shingle mill on the property d Ashby Pierce, across the river, and will soon begin run- fning itst full speed The mill is first-cUs and capable of ddog the very best work. Mr. Maine already baa contracts for a great many thousand shingles, and ao doubt wil make a good thing at ths business. Some d the farmers state thd the reason they dp set raise a variety of products is be cause they caanot get cash for most d it, aad few of them do enough buying to trade it out. It eertainly is to be regretted, if it U a fact, that there U no steady cash market for all the prod acta that can be raised in the county. The following very beautiful lines we clip from the Laramie Boomeranj. They tell their own story : "The roller skate is s wayward little quadruped. It U as frolic some and more innocent looking than a Umb, but for interfering with one's upright atti tude ia the community it is perhaps the tost machine that has appoa red in Sdt Lake dty." Orders have been issued by Mr VilUrd to extend the lis of the west side road from Corvallis to Junction City, and work will immediately be begun. The distance is 1 twenty-five miits and it is cUimsd thst the work will he pushed so as te be finished this year. This wUl take (ram CorvsJJii the proud distinction of being the terminous of a Ches H and Drills Rosd expose spirted, ists to this dty to-morrow, evening. Every body should go m Mr end Mr Read have a good reputation. See artiol is another oolsmu. Last Monday a young mea la this dly attempted te ride a pony so well that even the raising of an umbrriU could not be the means d dismounting him j but the poay changed hU course a qaiokly a to threw his rider to the ground. This Is about the first time on record whoa an umbrella same eat shesd. Dade is the Utess. We have sesro bed Shakespeare aad Webster but oaa find no defidtien to it, so it mast be a eetoed in stitution. A near as are oaa ascertain from privet sources it mean a young man who sags around the theater or eheroh door, or a coord ing to other versions a man whe sponges his reading. We aoknowlsJge the receipt d tioket te a oanoert and ball te have been given by the L O. O. F. d Portland, oo but evening The entertainment wae te tea pUeo at the Mechanic's Pavilion, and already at hut so ooeute, 1.200 tickets at 9 1 eaeb, bad been add. Tb funds were to go te the feed for the Orphans' Home. The Of g mix of Wednesday hat a eeuaa tiooal Item about tb wheat fields near ltd any being cover! with gcee,nd suggests last there could be mere mosey made harvest! eg then from the wheat. While it is true thst there ar asm geese ea the prairies it is sot true that tbey era as thick ss repress a ted, nor aay whore sear it, About seventy-five papers ar now pub lished to the State d Oregon, which, eetf mating the pop Id km d 225,000, U one for vary 3.900 ia net i Lasts. The total number published ia the Uaitod States is about It. 000 being out fur about 4.500 iahebilaaU. New York, with her five million inhabitants, has about an paper to each 1,500. The plsy of "Breed en the Waters u be ing rehearsed by aa xwstsur earn pea y ia this dty, aad will he presented i T P C A Hall ia short time, the time will be an nounced next weok. The pUy u aa interest ing drama, full d life, aad will ao doubt draw a good heass. It has lately bees pre seated in Seattle, sad ether place with sac ease, aad we hssish for it a big be here No more rick headache. For p omens of delicate health and nervousness, hear what a emmeut Udy lecturer says : "Having suffered from aery ens heaa'ashs for some time, aad not hading any relief from the treatment d ear beet physicians, I tried Pf under s Oregon Blood Periflor. Oae ease d this remarkable remedy gsve immeduts relief, aad a few betstee d the see cured as eo far. I oaa rioossmsai it, specially te ladies so (faring similarly." There are aew semen to Liae county as wsll so ether part d the North weet. S d them insist eo testes a Usui paying for it. Much aa ws they will do it. This U not the proper wsy. Tbey should epeeg their paper the wey asaay d the taiatiatod do, or cam to oar of. Boa, ask to see a espy aad take it away without offenag to pay for it. Although it is ad particularly sUftorent from taking a d d bread east not offering te pay for it, is a aios wsy te da. Hasbtt, the iadeteat tramp printer waa In the city hut Friday and Saturday There may be bigger bore te the world, but we have never seen one. A nun who will work If hs can sad ad spend all hi money to dis sipation we are willing to help, but one who makes begging from the trade a business draaet. we have little sympathy for. Ws did giv tb poor wretch four bite, though, te get him out of tb city. We havs been opposed to dabbing with Ksstore papers, but proposition from the LovieviiU CWvr Journal, one d tb bed papers in the l otted Stoles, U ee advantage ous to our u been bore, that ws are tndaeed to do it, knowing that the oared eon be Bunded epoa t cum to hand as seoo as the sMlsMtriptioe is received. The regular d the Jtumu is gl.fiu, but by thU means it can be obtained for stash less. Ve under taod severd lots were sold en Front street jud east d DixU liae lately for 900 lot Persons wwhiag te invest their y advantageously can not do bettor by potting it iu real property in Al baay. It u bound to iasraaoo fort sow Aboat the time it baa trebled there will be enough who will wish they had Oo Warmouth, writing to the WAlamtUe Farmer, from Hahuy says : "I so by the Former it u thought all the wheat sow hut fall waa killed. 1 had 90 acres d the d white wheat sown but fall eo summer follow; ear u a a m s w acres or is ioos ee nns as i save ever ssen ; the rest is not so good . but will all make a crop. My land Uys four mile from any timber ; where my best wheat U lend Uys to the east sad south. I havs also gray oats that will saake s four crop. A woeten mill could eerily be started to this city with not a great amount ot eater priss. A tew men were talking recently on tb subject, when it was ascertained that juat from those present fir thousand dollars could be raised. Making allowances for part d them becking out sad the whole dty be ing canvassed it U amy to he asea that at least a Urge sum of money could be raised for the purpose. It eon Id only be expected thst S reasonable amount he raised. Any oa who would try to bleed us and gd more, would not be the kind of man we would want here. The local paper is the best paper to ths world. All tb oity papers caanot supply ths pUr d the home paper. No other con tains the marriages sad deaths, to my noth ing of di vetoes sad births ; no other relates the accidents happening before the doors d ths town people ; ao other gives the time for the next ball, picnic, or political mod tog ; no other publishes the "roll of honor' of the public school j no other discusses the affairs of ths tow aad country, or gives in detail tb local news, which eanaot be ob tained from aay other sou res ; "everybody read it," aad that is why the "little local piper" is the bed read paper in the world. WhiUlaw itdd. A Bad Mans way. Last Wednesday evening about ninu o'olook while Dr. T W Harris, accom panied by bis wlfo and babe, were re turning from the country, where the Doctof had bass on a visit to a patient, a strap of one of the harnesses broke, frightening the horses. Tbey fan at full speed throwing the Doctor, Mrs. Harris and tbo babe to tbe ground, breaking one of Mrs Harris arms, but fortunately doing little other iajury. Parasols, Parasol Ha v tog bought my parasols of cue of tbe bed manufacturers ia the United States, I am prepared to adl yon good, stylish goods si reasonable rates. I also have a has of cheap grades that cannot be excelled for tbe price. SAAtUBL E. YctHO. 800IAL AID mSOlAL Mrs Sklnaer, of Halem, spent Ud Sunday Iu Albany. Mrs A L stiuton, of Sdm, was is Albany over Sunday. 1 i William, J P, ef tell waa ia the oity Tuesuay aad made us a call. Mrs J A Up ham weut te Portland Tues day owe visit d s fsw weeks. UrHA Davie and Hon J P Schooling of H srrisburg were In tb oity yesterdsy. Dr Fdix OTooU returned from Portland last Saturday, having been ia that oity several weeks. Chas Pipsr, came np from Salem Saturday and remained with his sister Mrs E W Lasg don, until Monday. Mr E Henderson returned to Hsrrisburg last Saturday. Undsr ths excel leet oar of Dr Hill Mr Hsudsrsea has aeerly recovered. Mr sad Mr B F Ksnyon, returnsd from a short trip test Sttsrdsy. Tbsy wilt go te their future home at Hen Jeee, Cel., in a short time. Ala Hart is and Robt Fester s sited on the stsaater last Meadsy eveniag for Ssa Fnu e.sos, th former to remain and the Utter only temporarily. Julge Cheuowlth, ef Corvallie, pasted through ths dty Saturday eo his wey bom from K J gene. Me bad been tick for several week, bet was nearly recovered st the time. Last Tueedsy as truing Mr Frank Shields, the teUgraph operator at He! toy, aad Miss Ijiadtey, of aUle-n. wire united in marriage at the retitoot of tin ItridVs iaSatem. Mr A W Citrate Uft last week for Portland, where he has a poeitiea te the large sstab bshmeet d Keapp, Burrell A Co Ous is s relUble, study young msn, and trill eo doubt do well. Fred Lines eases over from PrioevilU lately, aad next week wOl start back for Foeeil. ia Waeoo county Hie brother Perry has gone to the earns plane, whore Lines brothers have a ranch of cattle aad burse. Oe E CltamWUto, Ktq , returned from a trip to Beaters Oregon but Moodsy. Hs suited Pendleton. Centorvills. West. Milton and ether places. They are having e semi-torn perary usees, so that business here it unltretely Usukt i bvstai. ire arsis. Thia has been a good year ao far for cry.. tal weddings to Albany, several having been oeUbrstod previous te Ud Saturday Oe that day another wae added te the tut. Mr. Mrs. L. Martin were the happy c uple. They were netted to the holy bonds d mat ri stony oo the 21st day d April, 1808. Those who heew d this fact oonsptrsd against them aad brought aa immense oompaay together Saturday evening at their residenoe. oo th of Brueddbta sad Fifth Street. It eompteto as ased surprises. The first great aetoeishiaeat on the part d everybody soon govs way, sad the livdy gaeets made taesnseivoo st some iu a most oOtetous man Stage each rides were tokos ; a game i which brought eat ves t ksowledeo of sm reels, psehydermato. pasasoiaec, leemnmal ooptorygta. Ac. other sta isao. -u d tongse ee well as esa vers woe. sad ths to tries, whwb imuud in practice of oo .veytog eed- so th m .nth. It was highly enjoyed by dl. Many aedui as wed as ornamental present were Uft with Mr ami Mrs Martin, testily- ing to the regards of tbe company fur ths geaid beet and bottrss. A soas mabU ed- t eras hal at no bejr w nee insured all those present being in she arms of Mor pheus before th sabbath waa saber I in. On of our young meu ha a gruel fotidseas for bunas, particularly the aame. and leufbsa aoeo eadiua- bis ev te . towarto r.liforole Itebv carrianee ar hemmlne nulla' fash ions bl , This oonaudrum was propounded by one of ths eerioue members of ths A H C a raw nights ago "Why doe not a cook eat her aprou ?" can nay oou an swer It. A social club la tbls oity has a pecu liar ssastituttoa In order to give all of lis members aa omoe, It provides for eleven vice president ; ottleers am elected monthly except the poor secre tary wboee term of office is perpetual The president has absolute power and is sbove even Cushing. A member auggeetlug aa amendment to the no stltotloj te subject to expulsion. Urea ah 4 Alpaca. Aa manufacturers we have taken great patas t supply a article to every way reliable, and unsurpassed by similar good either forahrn or domedlc. and would raeneotfuUv oak an examination of the various stvtee and shades to be found oo ado by mercbauto who are agent for tbo good. All good of our manufacture ahould bjar tbe name and trade mark of Braadhmi WorMed MHU. Jamestown, N. T. Tb Broad heed alpaca aad dram fabrics are Justly celebrated aa bring positively the beet dram goods la the market for the pries. Serosal E Young has just received direct from the factory a full lino of (bene good, bought st Jobbers price for cash, no middle men. Call sad so our assort moot of surahs, mohair and huntings. 8am un E. You no. FvUowing it the program far the meatio; f th oluh to lu held this evening st V P OA Hall : Heading minutes. Ilecitatiou Miss Maggie Partou. Music. Reading Miss Margaret Foster, Address -Rev D W Cameron. Solo Mist Kmiry TurrsP. Deelamation Mr Krank Propat. Mario. Reeding Mr Fred Nutting. MuoslUasous business. Adjournment. - . - s Kw sieette. . Ar arriving daily at Allen A Martin's. If you want such bargains as you have never before had go at once aad aee them. Thes goods are sold lower than ever before in A bany. A Old Wants a Ptee. Emma-Stellmaoher, a girl 15 waata s place to do bonse-wo. at this Omor. years old i. 1 '.quire Per Sal An upright show osee, Store. at Nolan Cash Abetter fulai. The fauosnng 1 the ltd of latter rental jlng In the Post Offlcs. Albany, Linn county, Ore gon, April 80, WB. Persbns tailing tar thaw letters must give lb date on which tbey were advertised. Owlet, II. Rydoll, Wa Spares., Ueo. (S) Wagouer, L. P. Wtdsworth. Hen. M. W. J. M. lRVINtt, P. M. all tor a nearer' Heeling, The undsfslgned dUxens who edited in LI nn county at or prter to Dec 1st, 1862, after due oondderatlon and consultation with pioneer aeUlera la all parte of the county, have been induced to make s call to all pioneer's wko made aeUlement to tblo county ml or prior to said date to mod st Albany for the ptirpoeo of uras Ulng a Pioneer's Asaocldlou for add oouaty. To tbd eod a roeding 1 hereby appointed to be held on Thursday, May 2itb, 1889, d the hour ofono o'olook, p. m, In the Court House in Albany, for the pur pose of effecting the organization sbovs named. Every person who sdtled In Una county d or prior te the date sbove mentioned U respectfully snd most earn eetly requeeted to lend bis presence d mid meeting to assist la mid orgiaixation. Barnes. WM hetehuia, Issas Hsjrs U r Msnpseo.... r SBorkbart... JeSSCS Itaonato S M AlUteuse. Milton Hale Thai Mentetth W B Ueneoo rtevM rrowtsn Martin Payee.... JHh Settle mry 1 147 1st .m,i rOsasa ISV) W II MuKerland. . Hie o ii .uk nci a S Powell I hit J Keter . .IMS J S PWkaoe tSkOSSM S W-V lv 147 IS ..ISM) ...1M . I&2 . ISM ..ISM ISfrf ISM . ISM 1S47 J W Allbeiuw 161 1SAI 147 MW CuwtlS Webber K Jarube I MensSsId R r Hill ... O M Sue I a r rowan lawie gasstiu I i'thm Boihcsrs. 0 H Heeaet.. . 1 MHMinif 0 ii '...... r w sptsa. V Prtcfsy , ists KWWsstfell UU7 4 l oose ts A It Mellosla . . .ISM ...ISM ISM Mllvrm llooeurti ... AirMtrettell S I lrtl .1 .1. , I T leeram ...PJM 16 1 IS47 IS I .l4i WIlMses 1S47 . ISSO J J irt'ta . SO Irvine Jte A "ro1ir.J . . ISM WW M.iiuhM. Phillip wi.k 1M U MMJevmeU orOievAssr 147 ISM IS&f I P Miller ISM swosc of Ceaelaerawte airkaees. There considerable rick nee to tb oity Bmong children, mostly disease of tbe throat. A a old bachelor reM nests ue to publish the following and give It a prominent plane, claiming there le uy amount of truth In It : Kvsrybody U expected to kiss the baby. The timid lUtieuirf who shrinks from th proffered oaoultlon Is ordered by the par eat to kiss the visitor. The visitor lias s alight or severe sore threat. Tbe diphtheric serins are conveyed to the Hp or the re luctant child, end find lodsrroent to tbe threat. A violent attack of diphtheria re suite and spreads through the fantilv, usudly by the suns dlrec. lufe-rtlon. Toe brokeu-beartod mother bows her bead to tbe inecrutable dispensations of Provi doooe. aad wonders why her dring should be token -her darling whom she bad kept d home safely guarded against ailespeeure. The doctor talks learnedly about sewer gas and bad water-end thee may be tbe vehicle, but never tbe origin of the oontagioo but the fatal disease ws Imparted through the lips of that thought less visitor. Many wis m Mhere will not permit a rangers or friend to kiss their children. Their exempt eh uld be fol lowed. Under tbe motto. '! I Bless Our Home" should bo upn tol another, "Don't Kins OurChlldron." if Indianrlm Inato klaalng were only tissty It might So tolerated ; but. as it may b-. snd of.en U, deadly, it should bo abolished. snairt Ausa biie. We, tb andersigned, having witnessed tbe tWMHM ml MtdntasJ Vll,.,r... PMr r'k.. M ,, . . ... , . city, on the evenings d April 18 ami 19th, 1883, mast say thai a , better exhibition or performs woe has never been given in Orrgoa City. We hope thet tbe Prof, and hit Udy will lu wdl patron i Jed wherever they go, ae they are worthy ef it They perform every -thing they advertise : J. M. Beeea, P. M. II I. K-lly, Co. Trass. W H Pope, l W Kberhn, R II Johnson. W C Johnson. Fred K Chairman, Prd C Raird, H Kapt T A Pope, V HowdU K W Wed, D. P. M. C M kostor. Mr ami Mrs Used will sxhibtt in this city to-morrow. Saturday evening, April 28th, at V HI' t Hall. Admission M crt.ta. roetsl Itoceut ruling of th Post-office de partment prohibit the forwsrdinlng ut .all mall matter nfor it has retched its wrlglual addrsas, wllhou- alJlllooal pay maul of poetoge. rootage on second, third and fourth class matter mud be paid in advance before It can be forwarded. Letters, or first-class matter, may be rated up and ths amtago collected at ths office to which It Is forwarded. Heretofore It has been the custom to forward sll mall without auy addition al postage but th goad nature of L'ocle stem was Imposed upon to such an ox tout that tbe new ruling became neces sary. It will no doubt result iu largely increasing th postal receipt. .V. Hm Institute forth Sscoud Judicial District wilt be hsld at Kugene City, May 1, 2, 3 aad 4, The program, which State Sapciietondcnt McElrny very kindly sent ue, would indicate that this will be one ef the most Interesting and instructive institute yet held Soma of tbe best educational talent of the State arc dawn either lor n dteous sloe or addreea, snd this alone would insure its suoces. It will pay the teachers of this county to attend, as no peine will he spared by Kugene people to entertain them well. The usual re duction in tbe Railroad fare will be made to those attending. Ageacy for sa Axle ell. J.J. Duaruille baa just received the gency for tbe celebrated D els' Axle Oil, which can be had by calling on him. Give It a trial and you will use no oilier. Here to what It will do: Prevents dl friction, wesring or beat lot; of axles. Outwears any known ale e 1, castor ollf orgisses. A greet lubricator for Wind-Mills, Reap ers, Mowers, snd Threshing Machines. Invaluable to tbe stable or farm as a horse or cattle ointment. Wl 1 cure Scratches, Cracked Heels Oalle, Sore, Fteah Wounds, or any 8kin Diseases. Contracted Hoofs and Quarter Cracks cured by its application. Strang Story . Tuu Weston Leader says that A J Krofut. who formerly reaided lu that vleluity and now owns a tins farm about sovan miles southwest of Alkali, in Wasco county, relates that in digging a wsll, whan he attained a depth of about sevsnty-flve feet, ho came upon a porous rock, evidently of Igneous formation, the peculiarity ef which was thst the pores in ths rock were filled with loo Upon beiug brought to the service the ice speedily melted. How did it remain In a congealed state st s depth of seventy five feet? Will some of cur scientific readers explain the phenomen ? BllK UtSCS A BX If A KALVK. The best salve in the world for cote, bruit ee, sores, ulcers, sdt rheum, fever sore, tet ter, chapped bands, chilblains, corn and all kinds of skin eruptions. Thu save U guar anteed to give perfect stufaction in every case or money refunded. Price 35c per box. For sale by Fosbay and Mason, Aaeat the Sm In Albany The subject of tb following, clipped from tbe Corvalils "Uszette," U known by many to tbls city, and the lesson I bay teach, are once wblch might well b considered here : Young Cox. whoso habit baa been for a Ions time to take n about all of tbe ardent spirits he could get, baa again drank re cently to such au extent that he very near ly has snake la the boot. Tbe marshal on laat Monday morntrg looked blm up In the dly boarding bouse to await further development. We team that he has been declerod a common drunkard a long time asobytho nty Council. If t hie is the osee the parti supplying blm with tbe neoe'ary poisonous compound should be severely puuUilMef. Htlll tbere bt catching before hauiclou, and It U more than likely that tbe city authorities will not rut?b the party who gave it to him. Another pitlinl see Is that of a young fourteen year ol! boy whi 1mm been con fined In the calahooee for tuoom ns drunk on he drede, occasioned by seme tew. breakers giving him tb wherewith to get drunk upon. Tbe reopte of tbissr; lo-il didrlrrt are be coming very Impttutit over the deley In tiling meeting to nalevrt site for now rhoof bouse, end man v arl'leUme sro In duiged In. A very lrg majority of tbe peoploere tnxlou for immediate action and talk aa though tbey would nest brook delay much longer. Jjct oa have tbe meet ing by all mmne. a Verml Clergrmta. Even the patience of Job would hecotne exhuatod were be s preacher and en deavoring to lutered bU audience while they were keeping up sn loceeaant cougn Ing, making It Impotalb'e for him to I beard. Yet, bow very easy can all Ibis he avoided by aim ply using !r. Kings New Diary very f.r Cotauuiptloti, Couhs snd folds. Trial bottle given 'ay at Foahay A Maaona Drug Store. rw Meeie al-rr. J II Daniel iiasopone'l a rauric stare at Langdon'edrug tnr- snd will soil tbe Mathusti k plu, probably lbs beat oonstructod in the market, nud the Hhonlnger CyintuHe organ, one of the te st organ, an I getting them direct from manufacturer will aril them a bottom rate. Those dedriti: first class, reliable instrument wi.l do well to cll and ee Mr Daniel before purchas ing. was ran. We want dock land, grain farm, and dl kinds of lends to soil to em migrant tbd are constantly arriving hare in search of hems. We have made arrangements in Portland and n Francbno by which al persons that want to buy tend in (bis part of Oregon a ill Ire .tent to us. If you desire your lend sold soon and on good term call on or need f t blank con tree for de scription. IU Kkiunr II aos., Keel Eetoteand Loan Agent. Albany Or e Tints a a Kx pease- Save. Hard workers a o subject to bilious altar-ks which may end in dana-erour Illness. Par-ker's Tonic keep the kidney and liver active, and by preventing ti attack aavee sack no. Urn an 1 expenm "Detroit Preso M Summons. nstoVe Coat for the Pnrimri e."fc-c, S' Ue OJ UremoM, ' oea'y of Un . W E Potter. M' I Milter, PI'S. W'mUSmltb.Deft To Wm. II. Snulh t'u l 'rv HUM' J Jej'mlani In tbe noma of tho State of Oregon l You are hereby required to appear before tbe undersigned Justice of the Peso for tbe precinct af iresaid. on the 9th day of June, 103, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon d add day. at tb nfltoe ot said Justice, in sad precinct, to answer the above named plaintiff in civil action. The defendant will take notice, thet If he fill to answer tbe complaint herein, tbe plaint' rT will take judgment axllnst hi u for thirty ntes dollars on an account due said piaintld and casta of this s-uon. I'.iblt .hd io the Ntatm Kionr Dsm jcbat bv or ler zt James Williams, J. P , wuich order bean date April 3rd, IK83. Ulveu under my baud thlt 23r 1 day of April, m. JAMK W ILI.IAM. Justice of the Peace. Stock-holders Meeting. Tho auaual meeting of the Stork-holder or the Alhany Farmer Co. will be held at their office In the cltv of Alhanv. on Tuesday, Mav tbe 15th, 1883, at erne o'clock P. M.. of etid dev. for th purpvo of electing eevon directors to nerve for the next ensuing year, and such other busmen as may come before tbe meeting. Full reports writ be preeentod of hud newt transactions. A lull attendance. I dedrod. Attest M. II. Wit.n, D. Mamsfikld, Sec President. Notice. Healed proposals will e received bv tbe Albanv Cemetery AseocUtian at tho oflioe of the Secretary until three o'clock, p. Mav 2nd, 1883, for furnishing material and eroding a new fence along tbe east snd south aides of the grounds of said Aaaocia tlon. Specification of aaid fence can be scan at the office, of tbe Sec-etarv. Th Kosrd of Directors r serve the rlht to re jeot any and all bids. J. II. lit-it k us ar. Director. E stray Notice. Edraued from Tangent on or about April 9th. 17 'head of ahsop. mostly yewa and lambs, branded with heavy black mark oh hi pa Anyone giving information their whereabouts will be suitably reward ed. Am dross Bk vrd '83 A G3AND OJMBIHiTIOH '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND TUB LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL. Out year fa only SI 5. Two nspres for lit tit mors than Uiti price of one. Bv styinj ut St. 50 jon will receive f-r one year your lioias paiwr with the " Vourier-Journal," tbe reorett illative uwtpausr of th j S utii, ! aooratio S u fr a tariff for revenue only, sikI ths osO,bris stand ablest fsinlly weekly in the Unital States. Sues was, deare to estmine a tani oopy oi fourier-Jouniai" can do to st this oflioe. PERSONAL. Would like to correspond with some young man of good habits, wdl situs WhI in life, need nd bo wealthy, with a view to matrimony. Address. 89wi Maid, Caro Dbmccrat Uffl oe. MIIIIBS. HYDE BUSY At Uarritbum, Wndnsa day. April 2oth, 1883, Mr Olivbr Hydb aad Laura Busy, both of that tow. We informed Oliver some time sines that he could not be happy without the Dkuo crat. Acting on our advice he subscribeo, when we assured him that happineas would net fdl to follow such aa act Our assur ances are veri6ed. May happiness and pros perity attend the newly-married coo pis, and nay every young man in tbe county leant a lesson from this. Subscribe for th Demo crat and be happy, and when, they git married they cannot fsil to get a good wife. nan.v MURRAY Oa or about April 18, iu Al hany, to the wife of R D Murray ft girl. OUB PUZZLER Answers Is tost Weeks rsnules. K.ijre word I- AMB A 8 I A MINT BATE Diamond V PEA Fl AT A SS T Answers to both sqaar owl sad diarnotwl pnzxkrs of Ud week were recti v. i from L M Iteed. Diamond - A omtaoitnat ; norm-thing to ride in ; tone thing to live in : some thing rvr wheat to go in ; acouenaiit. SNI3MA. I am composed of nine Ulb-ra My first is lu hoodlum hut not in bov. My second la n truth but not iu liar. My third ia in Willamette but not iu Hantiam. iy fourth Is in ('altpooix b it n -l in J p(Munc My fifth is in Newport but 04 iu V equina. My sixth i iu Ja ksonvilie bat not in Itooeburg. My seventh Is in Marten but not in Pdk. My elgtli is- in Eugene b t not in Corvailis. My ninth is Hweet Home but not ia Lebanon. My whole ia moth lag should get rid of. Albany Referee's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of trojm for Linn County. John iiuvton, Plaintiff. va. ' Rosa B Huston, and Eddte Uuaon, Ddoudanis. Kotice U hereby given that pursuer t lo decree of the above entitled Court, duly rendered in the soove sassttwd ai'i ,n Thursday the 10th day of March, 1603, or tbe fourth judictol day of tho regular Marab term of said Court for tbo y-si 183, duly appoiuung the nndaretgne t n ttofereo to sail the red property horeiisfier de scribed aod duly auth uiziu and uotu msudinK mo to eel" said real property in the uiauucr provided by tew. I will an ftatardey the Ittt day of May lmM at tbo hour of one o'clock in bo af srnoon of add day at tho Court ilouat door In tho city ot AJhany to Linn oouuty, OresroK. offr for sate toe f dlowing da scribed premises, t twit : The sootbweet one fourth of Boot ton 86 in Towmbip 1, south of ranee 3 west of the WiiUmotto Meridian in Linn county. Oregou : aImo the following dssscribed tract to wit : Be ginning at tbo northeasA corner of the donation tend cidm of John A uuib, U being Notiduatton Mo 4745 te Towtesbip 13, south rnngo X, went -f tho Wlllautetto Meridian In Linn county, trregon. sn I running thenue utb 6 34-loo t-t,ius; thence went OO ebsiua to the are line f said claim; tbenoe north S Stt-lUO chains to tho north went nuraer af mud claim; tbotK-v east 01 chains to tbe place of beginning : Bxhdsrid tracts containing IPs 14-ls acre to tbe burhre bidder tie cash iu hsud in United mates gold rn. O, M. Imvinb, rtofere. 91199 FLORA MCCALLEY, Will open a store oa April 2 1st AT LEBANON, Wth a eelect line of iadtes and children 'a furnishing GDOD3 AND NOTIONS. This will te the plaoe to got torztins n thia line. MiSS EMMA SCHUBERT, M PORTER OF FINE MIL LINERY GOODS. OPPOSITE REVERE MOUSE. KELLY, ENGLAND & CO, or S.U.SSI, 03. Carriage, Wagon aid Buggy Makers, Uav dways on hind ths beat q-ia!in of their own make ef POUR SPSIN8 WAGONS, CARRIAGES AID BUB6IE'. All made ont of tbe beet svjoond aroath Hickory, and warranted. W. II. Goitre, in Albany, handles the work of the above Ann. SAN WA VINC as ths uldest esubhsbed snd sett eo COOll lHoJ LAUNDRY In Albany, and his new fails to tte Cniiia and Jeeeeese ye sis, Sns isbor. Next to City fur China EDWARD EVERETT. Sired bv Putamlth. by Pathfinder, first dam by Vermont, sire of laid v Faustina, (2:29S ; Ella Lewis, (2ri7 ;) Parrot, (.-.M ) Will make tho season of 18 , Moudava and Tuesdays of each weak at - Shedd'n Station; Wednesday and Thursday at home. Sand Klda an 1 Fridays and Saturdays at Lebanon. Edward Everett Is a dark laty, 16 bands hitrh, weighs 13od pouud, very stylish and full ef eped. 1S to iueuro. Addrvass McKmoht Bros.. Albany or. Administrators Notice. Notice Is hereby given thst tbe under feigned administrator of tbe estate of Mar garet Hughet, deeeasad baa fi ed with the Clerk of the 'ounty Court, of Linn county, Oregon, hia final account for settleiuont and that said Court ha made an nrir appointing Tuesday, June 5tb, flBsium hour of one o'clock, p. in., of paid day at tbe Court House in aekl ounty for the bearing of objections to said final account and tbe edtlement th-reof. Nkwtow Huowet, HBwrrr A BBTtsrr, Avmiuistrator. Attorney's, When a merchant charges hdf what an article of good qudity is generally sold at, you can make up your mind that the article ia shoddy. It is the same way with sal ear tising. 60 A SURk OU'?E for all disease cf th .uneye and LIVER r Ithaaapeciflasattonca ttu stoet luijsslsiil ' argil, onablins It io threw off torpidity and : iaeotiea, sUau'spac- teneaiuur sseseneas the Bile, sad ty kocpjig the bowels In fists oondition, eflteUxic Its regular diecharee. ISBJolofelch 1? yon tresajfertop Tron BwialSXriCle mslsrls, nave the rhiVi, ere bllioua, dyepeptte, cr eoaf xi, KIdaC7 T ort will surely reUeveaad nelrty ears. , In the Spxto to cleanse the Cystem. every one should take a those ss tussss ot to U- ISOLD BYDPUOOiaTsV PrtoaSI.