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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1883)
Wk tmtnt FRIDAY APRIL 27, 1883 POLITICAL POITT. STIMUCM W KirAVA4iANCI. 0UUKTIL Mtoy of our reader remember how indignant the people were some years since over the needless tad unauthorized use of public funds in the office of attorney general of the 1 United State, and especially because Tt mr. nn.uv .viJt that K.l. of the fact that the then attorney gen u hi. P,ja i..l oral. Geo. H. WUHama, had provided ti; i j w i I himself with a iandaulet at public aumimws te ae pvn vw aa wa w k flakinaiL .x twiw aim- Li firat nIr I OXpense. ofkwite. It waa hoped and believed at that mtnr Shran i. i Ohio ho. time, that the crlticiMn. indulged in nW--lbes is to say, kia visit here nnaparingly by the press and the means business. - people would teach these people in lrland i Ens-land's rreateat eoann- th department of Justice to reform drum, and sh may have to giro it op the manner of conducting the affairs aw ' of the department in an economical When a peliskol rty geta bodly way and according to law and Justice. left, it ia always the User elements of Mi reading me report aociatr that d.d it. I attorney general mr i( tl n t.r hmm d.,n. u much food for reflection. It appears much crowioo of lote that be is realre they disregard these words of dlsap- ouito fetiansad. proval from the people, but eontlnue Ohio is the Oliver Twkt ot RepuUi- expend tho fundi of th public in njjt. .d i.,... MMMd iB the most eatravagaot and ant horlaed passing op its plate. At last Indiana gets into the Cabinet Still, we do not understood that this makea Indiana a Republican State. An Indiana mao hoe been given way. It waa intended by our forefather, whew establishing our government, that It should bo simple in all Its workings. That it should be cheap place in the Cabinet when several Ohio and economical. That Its working men were out of a job. Wo fail utterly should be so plain as to be understood to understand this. I by ail eltleens, high or low, ru n or The Cincinnati Enquirer ( Democrat I poor. That its expenses should bo as ic) boosts that "ita party could nomU cloeely guarded an curtailed as tnoae nate yellow dogs in that city this spring I of a well regulated business enter- and elect every one of them by prise. But, alas, how far have we big majorities." I departed frouo these wholesome first r. Attorney-General Brewster principles. It would appear from should not blame the newspaper corre I reading this report that not only the spottdenta if they truthfully report the I officials thomaeives, but their subor- premat ore explosions of his mouth. If I dl nates and families moat have many he goes out of the etty for a few days, I oi their personal and private ex penses and on his return finds that one of hi I pa Id from tho funds of the public. As friends has keen indicted, aad immedi-Ian example: For the year ending ately curses the life out of kia subordi- July 1st, 1882, the department was nates for finding the indictmente, and I charged and paid for 3425 ear tickets the newspaper men learn of bis tower-1 During the same time a department ing outburst of passion and send it to I carriage was kept with a driver at an their papers, he should not howl when I annual salary of $720, besides Items he sees it in print. The truth ia that I of horse hire almost beyond number. Brewster did abuse Memok and Ker I jfow the attorner general and his for finding the indictment against Kel-1 taurtants receive salaries ranging from logg, but after he discovered the next 14000 to $8000 per vear, while the - day that he had made a mistake he I darks in the depart moot receive from wheeled backward and denied the whole 1 $2000 to $3000 per year. Now if story. I dork of the department should see fit to We are willing that Butler should I e take a street car ride to attend some a Democratic governor in Massac ho I show or theater, we think he should but we are unwilling that he I par for bis ticket as an ordinary mortal should be a Democratic president We would have te do, especially ia view of the fact that be is the recipient of s lam aalarv from the government. There is no more reason for paying for car tickets tbaa there would be in paying for shaviag and shampooing. We find in this interesting report The stalwarts are right in opposing I '-hat for the two years ending July 1st, Blaine for president, os bis sins ol 1 1882, the department was charged and omission and commission disqualify him I paid for washing 3600 towtls. Now, for such a position. . I the people wsnt the attorney general and Lis subordinates to appear in tbeir Atchison city, Kansas, elected a I person neat and slean, but the un so- Democratic Mayor and 3 out of 5 of I phist icated ordinary mortal will think can do so much better, you know. Republicans may bo said now to understand "division" and "silence," because the party is well "divided" and are "silent" generally about the matter. Tin cold blooded, frigid nature of t)' I loll, the iceberg editor of the Statet man, betM) s him Into fofgetfulncae as te the fact that the Herald, of this city, charges him with having' betrayed, and old out Mr. Mitchell, the caucus nomi nee of his psrty, for Senator, last fall, for the paltry sum of $500. It is said that if O'Detl would tell all he knows about this matte-, it would consign kirn and several others to oblivion. He farther forgets that leooU Republican postmaster of his own town, hss just rsfresbed the minds of the put. lie with the fact that thsre wero some corrupt appearances connected with hia being elected a Presidential elector in the fall of 1876. It was currently repotted at that time, that one of the electors had made an arrangement by which his vote should tie transferred from Hayes to Tilden. O'Dell expected to receive an appointment to a federal ofttce ujon the inauguration of Hayes, but when the eleotion came off and it was seen tbst Tilden waa elected, O'Dell saw, at once, that bis hoties of a federal oilice were lost, unless bs could plaee himself upon terms of ftiendship with Democratic leaders. Many of his itolitical friends now believe, and charge, that he at tempted to do thia. But tho damnable frauds inaugurated by "visitkg states men," culminated in tho aucovssfu stealing of the Presidency. Hayes was inaugurated. Certwrigbt and Watts, die two electors besides O'Dell, both re ceived appointments from Hayes, ss was customary, while O'Dell did not and has never been able to secure one even for a friend, although he went to Washington city some time since to euro the appointment of a Marion eoun ty politician to tho office of Surveyor General, O'Dell knows bow good an office it is,) but in thii he failed. Now people inquire why O'Dell did not re ceive ao appointment, especially in view of the fact that he had such an inaatia tiable desire for one. All the electors in iouisiana received their reward al though they committed perjury ana fraud, and all kinds of dirty work for Hayes, but tbe dirty work which O' Del is said to hove projoaod to de waa in tbe interest of Tilden, hence Hayes, (fraud as ho waa,) would nut consent to reward a traitor. It is believed that if t Del would tell all ho knows, about that mat- tor it would biing to light many things that would place him in no enviable light before the people. OORRESPONDENOB tbe council, on last Monday. It is tke first time tbe Democrats have had eon' trol of that city since I860. A rthvr and his crew hove taken tbe loaves aad fishes and given thanks (te flubbell and bis "eoap") and have given them (spairiagly) to their followers, but yon may be sure they have not given a. s a t wem to toe multitude nor indeed were there seven boskets full left. it should be done ot their own ex penes, sad not at tbe expense of the govern sent. While they want to see these officials cleanly ss to tbeir person, tbey are more anxious to see them cleanly as to tbeir conscience and official iutegrity We find also tbe following cbargad to and paid for by the department : Hair brushes, many items of ordinary rash ine soon, several chares for alcohol, (prohibitionists, take notice,) There are two things that excite the I and then charges for tbe bottles that ear of tbe New : One ia that the Ore-1 contained it, numerous charges of horse . .ft a a gonum may get some of tbe News I aire, (cieiKS uaiiy exercise eviaentiy. ; advertising patronage, and tbe other is We fin lbM0 items: "One stiff hat tbat Samuel J. Tilden mav La the for driver $4.00." ' Combination knife Democratic candidate for president. for driver $2.75." "Rubber Coach man's coat $5.50. A number of charges m m m . . I nreot Mot tet,r word m for lard and soda. etc. etc. nasnmg ana scintillating alternately It wiH w, hard to UDOVrUnd wbv between the sanctums of the editors of Ll .1Lbji Itue government snouiu pay lor a nai, knife, or coat for this coachman when T - Ji I .1 . 1 msss sou gentlemen, we nee to move be reoeivc, a j., monthly salary of saattne turt&er consideration of tbe point of difference be indefinitely post poned. Senator Bay aid says that the Demo crats will elect Xbe next President by a much larger majority than they gave Tilden, but aa to who the men will be is tbe merest guess work. Tbat tbe people are weary of Republican rule, and tbe demand for a change will over balance all the devices Republicans bring to bear. $6$.00. When we look upon these evidences of profligacy and extravagance in high places we are not surprised st tbe growing distrust a" over the country with Republican rule. fis : bkad : You can have the State Righto Democrat, the best weekly newspaper in Oregon, outside of Portland, and the Louisville Courier 'Journal, Waterson's The Newt says that "fuesation" is the great leading weekly Democratic paper latest addition to tbe English Isnguage. in tbe South, for the small sum of $3.50 Tbe Journal is a large, raagnificient, ably edited paper, tbe price of which is $1.50 per year. Send us $3.50 and we will send both patters for one year. Let one man wbo wants tbe Democrat and one wbo wants tbe Courier Journal, join together and send us tbe amount and we will send tbe Democrat to one and tho Journal to tie ether. Every subscriber to the Democrat might, by getting us a new subscriber, thus get the Courier Journal on the above easy terms. Tbe presidential election is coming on apace and it be hooves every Democrat to keep himself posted as to tke political movements that are to result iu the election of a Democratic President ia 1884. The Courier Journal will be wide awake and aggressive. Then let every subscriber to the Dem ocrat join with some one wbo is not now taking it, induce him to take it and tbe subscriber the Journal. It means the condition of affairs tbat u-iiially exists when school boards and municipal bodies in general bold meet ings." We think it might have added very truthfully, or when two Republi can papers raise a row over "special and grasshopper dispatches." Fob some reason our Democratic friends all over tbe country are makiog practical contradictions oi the assertions which Republicans make concerning them. It has for years been a loog hackneyed charge made by Republicans that Democ. ata are opposed to schools aad education generally. We are in formed that tbe good people of Halsey held a school meeting last Saturday for ihe purpose of voting a tax to build a 5000 school bouse. Tbe contest was a hot one, the vote standing 42 to 40 ia favor of the tsx. We are informed that the main opposition came from Republicans while tbe most active w oik era for the tax were Demo crats. Now we do not think that poli tics has any thing to do with such matters, but we mention it merely to show that one by one tbe props which heretofore supported the Republican party, are tumbling down, and tbat the eld hulk itself will soon crumble to pieces. TOO B I It is too, oo bad that Gen. Iosecrans shnuid have written a couple of letters to Gov. Stonemsn recommending some personal friend for sn office. But, coma te tbink about tbe mstter, we remember tbat theie are probably not fifty leaders in tbe Republican party that have oot done the same thing many times. but as these men are ell of tbe goody, goody tort we can net see that the General has committed sn offense that should be telegraphed all over the land, ami yet it was so telegraphed. If tbe General is to be condemned then shall tbe same condemns tion rest, in an increased ratio, upon tbe beads of Republican lesders all over the lend. Verily the ways of Republican news- gatherers is past finding out. MiRKItKl IUU ITKMS. Harrisburg, Or., April 35, 188. HI. DmwrtU : Grand-pa Kitchen was buried front this plaee last week ;alau a little irrsnd- child of W. 0. Thomas', who disci, af ter a lingering illness, of a ooneestive chill. Tbe Good Templars held an open meeting last Monday evening for tbe purpose of selling more stock for tbe new building or hall, spoken of last week. Tbe required amount has been taken, and as soon as the organisation of the stock company is perfected, act ive operations for the erection of the building will cominenoe. The Templar's ieuge is sun gaming new members, and the oause growing in the estimation of tho people in the community. Rev. Mr. Whitney, of Eugene, deliv ered a very impressive, end original discourse on Temiiersnoo last evening, at tbe Christian Church. I should have stated last week, that at tbe previous meeting, Rev. P. A. Moses delivered a stirriag speech on the same subject, io but usual humorous and impressive style. Tbe "American Bible Society's" Agent, presohed here last Sunday even ing. Another litertry entertainment' will be givea here at Smith's If all, on Friday evening. May 4, 18H3, by the Aloys Brass Hand, and all are looking forward to the event with anticipation of a good time. lion. J. P. Schooling and Dr. If. A. Davis will visit your oity to-morrow, and the former go Kast of the mountains in a few days, for a two week s tup. Dam. warm loo rrasta. Waterloo, Or., April 21, 1883. FA. Ihmn. i.U i I believe tbat our little town of Wa terloo will be a noted place yet, but am sorry to say tbat it is noted for a con tinual wrangle among its citisons. It seems that a certain part cf the com mumty takes delight in attending to their neighbor's business, snd not tbeir own. While working en the mill race tbe other day, an old lady made charge on tbe men, with her apron full of stones, weighing from two to Ave pounds. J. M. Dollar hid waa under the bank in the race, when tbe old girl made her debut. Mho eame u to tbe bank, and waving a five pounder over her head, told him to get off of her premises or she would mash his brains out, and if that wou'd not do, shs would bring ber pistol and shoot him. She said shs had ad vice from her lawyer to that effect. Now, we would like to knew if tbat is law. There waa a rope cut tbat night that held one of the boom logs in the river. While running toga into the mill-race last Saturday, J. M. Dollarblde was thrown from a log into tbe river, and tbe current took him under tbe boom ; but fortunately be got bold of a spike pole bis brother threw to bim, and was pulled out considerably frightened. S. D. Gsger's wife is confined te Ler bed. The sawmill men say, let it rain ; the Santiam farmer is crying for a little dry weather. G sa. rr,a.d east of tho mountains h doing the town. Strayed, A spotted pony, rod and white ; about i hands high ; while eyes. Any one knowing of the whereabouts of said animal will do a favor bv informing Jerry Keeney. Iirownsvllle, Or. WllANOglt. JOMOAft V I I I 1 . JSdt. Democrat : f have been hard at work, both In and out of the ofllco, since I wrote you last. A short tlmoago I entered Jordan Valley and saw tho country proper and school. I have often heard the song, "Jordan is n hsrd road te travel," but 1 found tho mud to this Jordan quite Hoft. I also en. countered hail and rain, but tho hos pitality of the people limply repitid mo for tbe trip. Jordan valla? Ih on Thomas Creek about ten miles above Helo. It Is formed by tho conver. gence of several small valleys form- log an open rolling valley) containing many valuable farms, all constituting a beautiful and picturesque land cape. Tho whole of theso converged Valleys 1 surrounded by mountain and presents a sconery such m MM rarely sees. All this Inclosed region is called Jordan Valley." lis former name was "sleek leg," In honor ol tho old bachelors who reigned supremo, but l believe they buve all either died, left, or fallen victims to those charms, that rosvJe Jacob weep so heartily, and which perhaps you and 1 have felt The scene Is changed from those bachelor halls, whole cronies of gleeful boys and girls Dsue with gleeful thouts and cheerful songs, and hie away to fsrm work or to school One could hardly pass through this delightful valley in buy time and not think of Maud Uuller. It Is now settled by an intelligent and thrifty people. That good, but ezeentrlc man, Joab Powell, gave tbe valley Its present name, and organiz ed a society here. Hero many tlmee that man of God warmed with grace and filled with divino inffatus, freighted his voice with divino truth and brought many weeping and wounded hearts te Chrht. Home of the bent citixunsaro menioers of the society he formod, and their lives still tell that he labored not In vain. Miss Paul has charge of the school and is dolog good work. The grangers hare a nice ball and a good grange which moots from tlmo o time, to discuss topics, compare thoughts and measure appetites. I Ike tho grangers. I was wander. ully pleased with the healthiness of the babes of their region. They all have strong lungs, and give a full tost on almost every occasion. I. A. Moca. School Sup! kWitargarD maicm 34, 1ST9. i wsttmwm , V" v. When ia need oi anything in Call on THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. TI.U Uvrr Md Ktilnry llruWU.r la rrv.ra pMilr fid !Te U rrwrr ctirao Un iiy on tho l' .n- ' "m.i KutvI-hI um it ami IImhm wo try It ..n. ua It si. Its Ml vrbr. SI pur jUI;s ImiUJm Uit f STONE AND MARBLE WORKS TBI TINDKRSK1NED WWIKS T Inform tbe public tbat ho In now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and mar Me work on short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any snd all kinds of ston but dsn) prin cipally In Oregon City granite. Cleaning, rnpalring a.d resetting a specialty. Call and saaaslne my prices before patobao Ing elsewhere aa 1 will not be undersold, ttkopon west sldo of Ilroadalbln street, opposite telograph oltlce. (i. W. JIAHKH, I'rop. WILL YOU HtJKKKR with aJypepsl and Ufa Complaint T Hhlloh'M Vitalizer la guaranteed to mire you. oe CATARRH CUBED, healthaud sweet breath secured by Shtloh's Catarrh Reme dy. Price f0 cents Nasal Injector free. Tit AT HACKING COUGH can be mo quickly cured by Mhiloh's Cure. We Rnsr antoe it. I tee rrr. Lsa rr aatr desirable. PETERS & BLAIN, a no equity Ageolo far too J. I. Case & Co. Engines, Threshers and Headers. DEERINC TWINE BINDERS, STUDEBAKER FARM AND SPRING WAGONS. TM : I .VKRIZING HARROW A.I ( LOD CRT HIIER ACME 0 ' aaaaaaaaaaa I oV aad all klnda of FAEM MACHINERY. EC CE ITT LETT KB A terrific cyclone swept over the towns ef Wesson and Beaosegard in Mississippi on the 22nd last., killing 83 persons and wounding hundreds of others. Many dwellings were blown down and much damage to property was done. Editor Democrat : Mr. Villsrd, tbe K. R. magnate, visited the University last Monday at 5:30 r. u. Pres. Johnson introduced him t j tbe students and citizens, wbo bad met to receive him in the chapel. His time being limited, bis address was short. He said he saw the rapid stiides tbe material interests bad made in tbe laat year and a half, and he hoped tbat there waa a corresponding impulse added to tbe intellectual interests. When this country shall be linked with all tbe wealth, culture and intellect of tbe U. S., by a direct lice of It. H , tbe world will then make greater demands upon the ranks of the edncst'-d, aud be hoped thiawonld encoursge the students of the Oregon .State University to greater sea). The education ef tbe youths of Oregon will add to tbe advancement, and t bia institution is one of tbe princi pal ueans to bring about this state of affairs. He was glad the State had ac eepted bis proposition tc endow the Uoiversityi and hoped that it would do more than it has yet done. He assured us tbat n tbe mean time, be would be no loss active in advancing the institu tion than in the past , tbat his interest waa still with us. He also premised tbat be would endeavor to secure the finaacial services of his wealthy friends in tbe East, and win tbem to our favor. Mr. Villsrd bad expected to make no speech. But reeeivei the hearty cheer of everyone, and tbe audience was dis missed, and he interviewed tbe faculty and board ot regents to ascertain in what direction donations could be most effectually applied in the future. There was one circumstance which occurred that will interest Albany read ers a little. As tbe crowd came in many mistook Judge Strahan, for Mr. Villard; nor were the students much to blame. Straban U as good looking ; hutjthe chief resemblance was in the length of their waist-bands. The Teachers' Institute will tte held here next week. The program ia a good one. The trial of H. W. Abrami was de ferred to May 7tb. Tbe case is looked forward to with great interest. It will be hotly contested by Diet. Attorney Hurst, sssisted by O. B. and G. A. Don i, G. H. Washburn and it. Mai lory, on the prosecution. The defense, by Strahan Sc Bilyeu, Waatherford k Blackburn, John Burnett, Richard Wil liams, J. W. Wright and N. B. Humph rey. M. The Supreme Court, of Iowa, has, on a rehearing, decided tbe prohibitory amendment adopted last June, unconstitutional. raavitxa itbs. Brownsville, Or., April 24, 188S. E l. Democrat : We are glad to note an improve ment among the ones pronounced sick incur last items. Born- To tbe wife of R, H Coshow. a girl, weighing seven pounds on laat Wednesday. J. M. Howe and family paid a visit to relatives in Kagene city last week. Mr. Fletcher Moses, of Crawfords ville, paid our town a visit last Thursday. James Gil more waa In our town Friday, tke guest of James Curi. Rev Mr. Adams was canvassing our town in the Interest of a Bible society last week. Waters k More lock bought the grist mill at Sclo, belonging to Mr. Pent land, and sold It last Monday night to Mr. N Yeung, makiog five hundred dollars by tho transaction. On laat Friday night some of the few hoodlums of this place baving "ejunaed up" a little went about doing what they called serenading, but tho citizens were grievously com plaining of being disturbed from their usually quiet slumbers and wish the next time they (tbe hoodlums) would go out of town to serenade. Jimmy Blackburn of your city is visiting relatives in this place. Mr. Sanders, who has been to Cali fornia for tho past six months return ed last Saturday looking much better. Erastus Thompson who has been In Idaho for the past six months re tamed last week. He went there fn hones of reffalninsr health, which Is Improved but little. . Mr. Rowland is Improving his residence, formerly occupied by Mr. GIMer, and expects to move in soon. J. B. Herner, our excellent school teacher, waa unable to be at school last Monday en account of sickness, but we are pleased to note tbat he has been well enough to be on duty s luce. Mr. Dolf. Brusha and wife have been visiting friends at Hock Hill the past week. Miss Emma Kirk, of Halsey, is visiting friends in this city at present Rev. Mr. Oondlt, of Albany, was In our town last Sunday. He visited the different churches and Sunday schools. He gave an excellent talk at tho Baptist S. S., which was duly appreciated by all. Dr. R. H. Curt has gone to Sclo on professional business. He expects to visit Polk and Yamhill Co. before his return. O. P. Coshow has gone to Hills borough on business. The concert given last Sunday by the Baptist S. S., was a success. Each one acted their part well and deserve credit. Miss Maggie White is stopping in the millinery shop with Mlsa West. Miss Wet was confined to her room part of last week by sickness, but we are glad to see her at her place o business again this week. Mr. Molerd. conductor on the i ail One farm of .'W0 acres very loe farm of 135 acres. One treelof 1C0 acres of rfld lata! One tract of M0 acres, fine tract of 70 acres . Odd tract of 13.1 acre, and other small tracts. Will sell in lots te sort purchasers. Will trsde lr othr propsrty. al! at tlm office. Are Vast Kssm4 Te malarial Influences T Then protect your system by uslnjr Parker'a Jlnfer Tonic It strengthens the liver and kid neys to throw ef malarial poisons, and ia gocd for general debility and nervous ea ba nation. Yon can keep yonr hair abundant snd g1cMv, and retain IU youthful color, with Parker's Ha'r Ilaisam. A arw. To all nho are sefbriog frotn tho errors and indiscretions nf youth, uarvoas weak ness, early decay, loaa of maahood, etc. , 1 will send a recipe that will enra J on, FHKK OF CHAItOK. This great remedy wss dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a setf-addreased envelope to the Uav. Jimkmi T. Ixeuw, SUtioo V. New York City. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Conference Ratese Tleketa old to and from all part of Europe, to aast from all Klafta ol Oregon, Washlsstos, she and Moataaa at greatly redeeee aad lewesi poaalaie rale orrr Iter follow lug line : North Uersnaa loyd Kt'ahip t o Hamburg Amrrlrsn Paekel 'o. White Mtar Line Niesmhlp Co, Kod tar Llao MteasBahlp t o. Asnerleaa I.iae Mteasnahlp C o. Apply by peraon or by letter to 0LDEND0RFF, HARVEY & LEAHY, AGENTS. No. IO. Wanblagtoa Hi.. National Hank Kulldiog. P. O.bri. ft. PORTLAND - - - 0BEOX. ROBT. C3ROSBY THE DRAYMAN. wllh Hiittint't Hi LI , many Save smh Utstn per- I mmrmmtsm. mm MA..lkl, u. v li . w wn, n n m tn nw w i rur i iii unm, law i m awaawaawaaawawaasaw-aaasvaaw. aeaaawawaaaa.aavaawa.aea.aa F Willert -MAM'FACTrHEK OF The sm rriiablr. rarefaUjr prepares lltlo r Iter prr.rnl mem U BKAXDKKTirS FILLS. flay art SMBBaaajfal IUku, llrru s4 QSSB f Ihc .rlli.4 Ul.rli.ul kll.U As s family maOlcin tk mtm ur.rt iij, coriof leel eSkSj roittllon, hi.t r.oi.lint. rhrumt Um. .1) BjajSb clrring Uw Uood ( mlt iMpunllM aSaag Um Ur, kldf)l mmI oUmt ImiwrtMit offWi. mnoilui lle mU llaaur. tui aJUinf )in to Um Utm mi all who um Umiu. K-jT Sfty tn Umji h been turn.' by lb Amerl can imbllr, umI thalr ronaUtitly luiraaaluf aaloa ahuw but Hi- ar aaeracistaO. A Perfect Remedy in 20 Diseases. Aaensui, U.. . I aut tanriajr on alghtjr yaars, ai4 J or to ti my July to uSoritig humanity to an) thai my utnj IUa IsuiMto B4sarfli'a HtlX which haa bava my sola asAalai hi hail s canlury.' I know tha laat forty Ih raa rears ol my Ufa ia olng sulaly to thair Yorur PUts ssved tot inany tlma aft. r tha ssatteal skill In aevrJ Sutas had gitsn i ia up 1 ha had tuaity couvarta to puryatlon CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES Second Street between Ferry and ashlnirton made of Eastern h I Hv. I JW Everything is material, and every carriage and buggy will be GUARANTEED. a ' i4 3 REPAIRING, TRIMMING AND PA I NTING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. F. WILLERT. IMMENSE BARGAINS! - AT- form almost atraWea of cur. aa hara ounad m al aa, aomrlai f.var, ami wboop- aarwaKb. In all fsssal lruhlaa snd wealcne. I have nevar known tbem to fall, in adult male I have known them te cura the worat oaaea ol dyanap- sw, rkeamaUam, k kin ay dksases, dysentery and tr i Sail evea dropsy, paraJyala, and speplaiy save ylalded to a p.raiatcnt cours ol Uiaiut)i'i Pitxa. in tact I bata touml tbem Um truo Ufa Elixir. They set ss coailntal preventives ayminat tbe effoda of time, tlleanse, snd labor. JOHN II MANN. M. ANOSJ. sksm and furnllurr aMrialtj. All ban Una w I thia tbe city promptly attended la. Final Settlement. Notice la hereby siren that tha ur ler- signed AdminlstraUr of the aetata or Caw K. MoCay, dlaeaaed has filed in the 'aunty Court for Linn Oonnty, Oregon, his final account aa auch dnsloiatraler, and by erder of amid Court, Tuesday, tbe day of June, 1883, at the hour of oae o'clock, p.m.. Is set for hearing obiectlens thereto and tbe settlement thereof. Any person Interested In said eetato is hereby notified to appear and file hla or her objections to said final account on or before bald day. Dated April 20tb, 1S8S. J. F. McCot, L. H. MOMTANTK, Atlrnltiistrator. AU'yfor Administrator. r The aad aad Worthier are never imitated or countrrftUtd. This Is especially true cf a family medicine, and It is positive proof that the remedy imitated of the highest value. As soon as It had been tssted and proved by the whole world that Hop Hitters was the purest, best and most valuable family medieine on earth, many imitations sprung up and began to steal the notices in which the press ana people or ine country had expressed the merits of H. B., aad In every way trying to Induee sutTerlnff invalids to use their stuff in stead, expect ing to make money on the credit and good name of H. B. Man ethers started nostrums. put upin sim lar style to H. B., with variously devised names In which tbe word ' Hop' or "Hops" were used in a way to Induce Kople to believe they wero the same as op Bitters. All such preteuded reme dies or eurea, no matter what their style or name is, and especially those with the word "Hod" or -'Hops" in their name or In any way connected with them or their name, are imitations or counterfeits. Beware of (hem. Teucb none of them. Use nothing but genu ine Hop Bitter, with a bunch or cluster ' . . i St. a t s pes A. of green Hops on ine wnite louei. 1 rust nothlnir else. DruKirists and dealers are warned ucralnst dvulinir la imita tions or counterfeits. Administrators Notce. Notice is hereby given that the under lorn! ha thin dnv been annolnted ad minlstrator of the estate of John W Fronk, deceased. All persons having claims aaralnst said estate will present the same oronerl v vended to the administrator at the late residence of the dooeased in Con ter Precinct, Linn county, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 24th day of Maroh 1883. J. D. Fkonk, Administrator. Weatherford & Blackburn, Atty's. Will plow garden in Bnst-eiaaa atyle. !-. Catechisms were compiled in the eighth or ninth centuty ; Luther's were published 1520 and 1520. Tke catechism of the Church of England at first contained only the baptismal vow, the creed, the ten commandments and the Lord's prayer with explanations, but an explanation ot the sacraments was added by the bishops in obedience to an order made by J sines I. The Store of Julius Gr ad wo hi IN CLASS WARE, CROCKERY, SILVER AND CHINA WARE A large assortment of baby carriages, and a choice selection of coffee, tea and sugar .Jerk. - ALSO A 11 ALOE ASSOB31HXT OF SHELF HARDWARE, OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIMB. GOODS SOLD IS LOW IS ill OTHER HOUSE Of OUBOI. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR COOS GIVE IE A ( ALL FOR I MEAN WHAT I AY. JULIUS GKADWOHL. FQ3 TKE PEuMANEIlT CUBE OF CON&TPPATIOrJ. tr7 a iCnnrt'. -".. a" I u let a waa leurv. WUtan.'t vjo.I .owswcrtiaUaaa Mat r5- ' ' ovar...- ..... mi er- j u-i-rju.-.j S I kklu.X . '. Li t i tc aaaaaClaaSad wltic . ..'. .r a)jVlUii f i .x c : v Lea pLj m a.d v ' -L. i . oncr.MauM.. 4 ( ZX jruu luw a.i aer ol utoaa itomoh:i USB Druggists aii "HACKMKrACK," a lasting porfume Prico 25 and 60 ct,nU. J. J. D0RRI8, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SCIO, OREGON. NOTICE OF PUBLIC LETTINGS SO- 3I LICITED. Plana aud specltiratlo i uruisbei on short notice. M. JONESL Brkcaler aud shipper of lor Sale. A naif interest in the Albany Soda Works and Grocery Store of Hoffman & Joseph, for particulars inquire' at tbe stole. PURE POLAND CHINA HOGS KE1THSBURG - - - ILLINOIS. My breeding stock is registered in the Central Poland China Record. Stock for sale at reasonable rates. These liojrs are descend ants from the beet herds in Indiana and Illinois, arc quiet, decile, easy fatted and splendid mothers, ordevr received by W. S. FLETCHER, Shedds, Or. Sheriff's Sale. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S In the Circuit Court, of the Suae q Orryon 1 WnfWf fWWJ. for tk touaiy of Limn Shaving done with neatness aad sharp Rebecca Carter. Sjamuel K Younc and L E raxora, wnlch are alsraye kept in gaod . - ' 1 j S 1 m. a a. a. Itlain, I'lalutitl. vg- GUI A. S D Oagerand Mary J Cir his wife, J C Hudson and Amauua J Hudson bia wife. J 1) fJibaon and Mary A tiioson his wife, ana W W lhayer, Governor, R P Earhart, Secretary and Ed Hirsch, Treasurer of tbe State of Oregou,contitut- inir the Roard of Con: nasal oners for the sale ol school lands and the nisnairement of the common school fund. Detetidsuts Notice is hereby aiven that by virtue of an execution and order of sate issued out of the above named Court In the above entltlec1 suit to me directed and delivered I will on Saturday tbe 28th day of April, 1KHS, at the Court House door in tbe city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. mM sell ac public auction for oaah in hand to the highest bidder the following1 real property, de scribed in said order of sa.'e as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a point 10 70 chains west of tbe south east corner of the Elmer Keen donation land claim in Waterloo condition, aad hair ont in sty la. th very beat Precinct, Linn county, Oregon, and run ning tbenoe eat is chains ; ttaence north 30-37 chains ; tbenoe east to the middle of tbe Santiam River and down it to a point due north of the place of beginning ; tbenoe south to the place of beriuning, containing 61 acre more or lea, execepi alwsys the building lota iu said town of Waterloo and containing aome six acres, the proceeds of sale to be applied first to tbe costs and expenses of aalo snd next to the payment to the said Plaintiff Rebecca Carter tbe sum of $784 K with interest thereon at the rate of one per cent per month from the 2 1st day of October, 1882, and iuterest on the sum of $1778 70 at the rate of one per cent per month I'jxtm the 14th day ot March 1882, to the 21st day of October U82. 1) tied this 80th day of March, 1883. feSJQ MI'HKKY, Sheriff of Linn Co , Or. - Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the uuder Hlgned Administrator of the estate ef ' Tyre Alley deceased, has filed in th County Court for Linn County, Oregon, . his final account aa such administrator, and by order of said Court, Tuesday the 8th day ef May, 1883, at th boor of nine o'clock, a. m., is set tor bearing object! s: to said account and to settlement tbereot.. Any person inuraated ia aaid etate ia? hereby notified to appear aad tile hi or her objections to said final account on or berere said day. IV ted April 5t,i883. J. r. Wood, a Administrator tiro K CmMHKHLMH, Att'y for Administrator. J. NAT HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. -AND Notary Public. Will practice in all the Courts in this State. JOS, Hrat St., Portland, Oregon. (With Cunia a Oibbe,) Notice. Is hereby given that the hair Grounds will be let te the highest bidder. Partie securing grounds are to put the track and fence iu suitable order for holding a fair. All bida to be in writiag. Rids to be opened Tuesday, May 1st. 183. P. W. Sth k, Robert AFoster, President. Secretary. HENG TENG. Best washing and ironing in tlie city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door south of Revere Houso. Administrator's Notice. Mrui ia hsmbv sriven to all pan having claims again the Bstate of Sarah M. Smith deceased, to present the same to 11. Bryant tbe duly appointed administra tor of tbe estate ef said deceased within six months from tbe date of thia notice, at the office of said administrator, in Albany, Oregon. Dated this 17th dsy of March tan. H. Bhtattt, Adminmtrator of the Estate of Sarah M. aaith. SHILOH'S VITALIZER ia what ye need for Con -Upation, Loss of Appetite Dizziness an 1 all symptoms of Dyspepsia Price 10 and .5 oenta per bottle. cirTTHHS OATARRU REMEDYa- positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthena and yon have a printed guarantee on every ttleof Shileh's Vital i nor. It never fails to care.