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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1883)
- "1 do not adveitieo I do ! This great strength- rvwedv itd ire tonic t the jgtunve re- II of oyer teeitly year orac-Ucal, and turos with tiutaiiinir est taint nervims an.t hv steal debility, scad- itai wcaanaam, spemetor rli'M-a. irui lalorrUooa, usetotis, am o tency, !ao-t,Ht tttahty, pre mature ilwllne and less ol eauee produced. It enriches and purines the MhhI strengthens the nerves, hralu. SaSatNSS, digesUor., re produeUve organ aad phvtriral and roentei faoulUes N atops ant unnatuaal debilitating tralu npou the . t - - - - . I hi 1 1 ta I i it ie rvinuHr larotuaiart nww, - dreanu. seminal loaaee with the untie cu . -o mm- .inirflr ftn mtiitt antt H. m ! v It is a iui ,tm...-- ,rf ati kidney and bladder eompJenia. injurious iturredlenta To thoa suSennll fJNui the erll effeete of youthful indiretttma. a -jvedy-. thor ough and permanent cure is 01 AKAaTaal', rnce fi 50 par bottle, or ftve botUea in ease, with full n rasaloni and sdviee, $10. 8ut aeoure from NWa Uoa to any addresa upon receipt ! price, or t. o. v., to be had only ol DR. C. D. 8ALFIELD, 1C tiearary M . Stus erase taco. Gal. c.msultatkna strictly tonlMcnUal by letter or at oVe VRKK. For the cant enienee of patients and Hi order to insure po rfect secrecy I hare addoptd a prl vate addrcw under which alt packages are forwarded. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient to show it nicrita, will ha emit to any applving by W t tor, stating hjS aimiaoata ami Coaunuuicationa uict!y coBMenUal, The Ureal English Koine- i a Saver latiinr cure sar iarvHj llabty. braiinal ieaknent. r.kbautru t- itv. ypvmiat.rrhaa. LOaT StNSttttll. Im I potency, 1'aralyaia, and all hern hie iffccla of Keif- Abute, youthful fllie,aiid seeaeea tn ataturer jmr laacb as U of Mtury, lljualtude, Ktiiusion, Avr- U Soctetv. lniiiiw-f rksaat, etsss in tuv lliJ, the vital OsM passing nnobeenred Into Ue uriuc, and many other dteeaass leading to insanity and death, last. MISTUC anil agree to hHcit MaaaWtrat UnlUm fora eaas of tsia kind the VlUl Veatara- tl aaj (unWr bis special advice and treatutenti id not vura or tor anytbia? impure or iojurioua found iu it. Dr. SUnlic ucaaualt rfvatadaaaeasucvfafulh without mercury. Owiauitabuii free. Tb wugh cx asuinaOon aud ad viae includiag anal)ala.d urine, (p Price of Vital Restorative, S3 a bottk, or lour Ussea She (uanUty tlO. sent to any address upon receipt of Pck or C. O. 1. obscttrefrom observation and iu pri vate if desired, by ML A. K. X1STI E, It keamcy street, Saa Praaciaco, Cat. Samtde bottle free. Sent oa applicatU.ii by ctter. staliax sTtupttan. sex arid aa. ouiouuilt.iu strioUv vtmfldential. Dr. VUa tie's Kidney Basnedy, Sepbretlcum. cures all kind of kidney aad hladJer contpiauiUiiliiil IBSSS. srlert, leoucborrbosa. For sale by ail drum late, 1 s battle or six HotUes for Si. Or. MiaUs Dandelion Pill are the beat sad cheap eat PrM-eaa sad DUioua cure in the toai tct. for sals by all druavists. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CUREJUARIRTEED. DR. K. C. WKSTS XERVE AXD BRAIN TREAT ueat. a apeciflc for ifyatoria, Duzioeaa, Con vulxtous. Nervous liasdacbe. Mental Depression xs of Keniory, Spemtatorhnea. in:- t : ;. . In !uotary emiaaions, premature old age, taussil by overexertion, selT-abuse or over-indulgence, which -d to misery, decar and death. One box will cure rtcent iUnsss. Each has contains oac month's treauaant ; one dollar a Box, or aim bases for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee six boxes to curs any caae. Wiut each order received by us for six boxes. acceaopanUd with Ave dollars, are will send the purchaser our Hi retara tba ar u the treat- not effect a cure. Unaraatees iucd only by WOODARD, CLAKKE A CO, Wboleasle and Retail Druifgists, Portland, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. Dr. SPIWEV, SO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats aU nronlr amd perlal YOUNa MEN Wno mat u arprEBixc nten THE effete of yonthfnl foflies or hniac ration, wiB do well to avail themselves of this, thegreatest boon star laid at the altar of suffering hawanity. DK. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit tSOWor every caae Setninale weakness ar private diaeaae of any kind or - which be undertakes and failg to sera. HIDDLt.-ACCD MEN. i are many at the sge of thirtv-flve to sixty who are troubled with U freqacf evacuatioo of the blad der, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning ssasatSML, and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient eaaaoa aecosnt for. Ue examining the urinary deposits a ropy sedimaat wilt often be found tad sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, Jt the eoior will he of a thin milkiah hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid ajpearance. There are many t - .Lf. i m . i- " . . . r wno uie m inn unnctuur wnarana me caw, which is tho ssesod atom of sssahisl weaJrness. Da. M. will guarantee a perfect cure ia all such esses, and healthy nsturatiun of the geaito-urinary organs. Orm 1 toe as JO to 4 aud 9 to A. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. a. Consultation free. Tboron-rh eamiitatiwf i dad vice, fa. For private diseases of short standing a ful miss median e sufficient ror a tare, with afi Statnsgtions, it ill be sect to any address en receipt of 910 00. Call duress, DM. sriXXET dk O., 71 No. 11 Kearny St. San Francisco. Cal To the Unfortunate!. DR- GIBBON'S Dispensary. KEtBjrr t ) -C ) crfw of Com iner- cial Street, San Franessoo. 1 Established iu IS&4. for the treatment of Sexual ' and Semitic! Diseases, such bssorrsra, Vleet, : MPlrarc,n phllls in si its lonon. I mi ualearv utfanl Weakness, nncht loaaes bv dreams, pirn pleH imi the face ami low of manhood can positively be cured. I lie sica and afflicted should not fail to osil upon him. The Uoutor lia traveled extensively-in Kurofie. and inspected thoroughly the various nuispi- taw latere, ontatrung a orsat deal of valuable lniorass- tion, ahish bo htcoazpetont to impart to those in need of his services. OH. UfBBOIf will make no charge uiueos ne ecect a cure, rersons at a diets nee MAT K CT UV.O AT HOMr, Ail cor tuuiiications strictly conndentud. You see no one bu the Doctor Bond tea dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state tho name of the paper they aec this advertisement in. Charges rt sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, box 11)1, Ran r nuictsco. vunsj $3 to 1520. Portland. Maine. at Lomr. Hample Adret Ktsnox l worth dt Co. M ted Price-Lisa saP Fll and Win ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly vith the consumer, sCid sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. Yoo can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WABD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Avenoe.ChicagoJlL PATENTS Obtained, and all oth- business Infche UJ IPatent Office attdMiedcd to for moderate tZ. " 1 w!fr!",CPpo"i the U" S- Patent Office, and Jroin TU UU"U th- -nota abil!frdiei:,rdrawin?- We assess to patent W refer here, tn tbo Postmaster tho Hum ,.i JJgoy Order Div snd to .mTTT. Wient toaaaDalPHa. ' ad"c. te. snd references toaatual clients m jour owa State or county, uddreas, a. snow aco Opposite Patent Offiee, Washin-ton, I). C. THE DISSEMINATOR. Published every Saturday -AT Ilurriaburg Oregon, S. S,T5LAI JT,Editor & Proprietor. Terms $2.00 petannuiii. BIIHk Jt. ' 1.1 EE ! HI K w ill.ff III a BsaVr X "iafaaal Administrator's Sale. Notion la hereby given tbst the under signed. Administrator of the ostnte of A. K. Breeden, persuaiioe o( an order of theOonnty Court of Linn Coun ty, State of Oregon, duly made end enter od of reoord, wilt on the 88th day of April, 1883. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day at the Court House door in the otty of Afbany, Unn county .Oregon at pnblio auntion to tne nigncst otuuor, m tbe right, title and interest of Raid .ii In ati to the following described real property, to-wlt : Beginning 23 chains and 50 links weat of the south etwt corner or A K Bieeden's donation land claim Notification No. 3710 and oiaitu No. 45 in Township 14. 8. It. 1 W. of the Wil lamette meridian iu I.!nn county, Oregon and running thence wot 4! chains and 50Jinkato the south weat comer of aald land claim ; thence north 33 chain ard 63 liuka ; thence ot 33 cha!nt and 75 links ; thence south 14 chain and 4- link ; thence east 12 chains ; thence in a south a IUa Mlnaa Mai it Mfl t j 1 1 1 1 WMai. niiir-M i.i inn iiimih ass t-cuiiiitini . tees all in Unnoonnlv. UrMtlt. w Terms of sale cah in hnd on the dsy of sale. Dated this the 22nd day of March. 1883. J. v Bio, Administrator. Sheriff s Sale. iHlke Cittuit Couti vl'tU Sitt cj 'hfjOH for Ihh County : James L Cowan, riaiutiir, ) va j C C Burge, Defendant, J TtwirtMo nfan Axnmtt'.on and order of la i-mtad out of thtt above nsmetl Court in the above entitled action on tho lith .1. v nt A mil Ln TltA directed Httd dc- Hwad I will on Saturday tho 12th day of aiWiX S tho hour of one o'clock, n.m., ecu si puu,.- aticttou ftr caalt Iu naurl lo in ria-nt bidder the real property heretofore attach ed in aald action and deecrlbod la alJ order of sain as follows, to-a lt : Commencing at tho northeast cornrof the donation land e'alm of Joint Burgo and PollvW Buncn, lelng notification No 2M50, certilieate No claim No 5. n Section 31, Township 12, sunlit range, 1 west Willamette meridian, Unn joounty Oreon, running thrnce wct, :57 75 100 chains thence south 58 I-ICO chains ; thence east 87 75-1UO chains ; thence north 58 24 10 chaloa to the placo of beginning, containing 220 acres more or lesa, the pro ceeds of aale to be applied ft rat to the jiay mnt of tho aum 44 55 oosU snd the ontt'a a ti I AIlWHim of xalo. MOMM totM itovmnitt ti f nlaluiUTthc sum of I . hipii. w f - 1 - - - ecu tat with i ntr.xt tiorott at lb ral 01 one per cent per mouth from the 24th day of October. 18K2. Dated this 13th dav of April, 1SS3. tiort. HrjatriiaKr. SberilT of X Jttn coanty, Or. RUSSELL & CO.'S PORTABLE SAW MILLS, FARM jiAW MILL EHGIHES, THRISmNQ MACHINES, ETC. At riraf Hani!. npHE ABOVE WELL KNOWN H0CH HAS DE M cided U open s Branch MBa and Sunnly iiotiar lnHalla Walla, T. Tbev ill .!.. caTV a full Vmk of their machinerv at Mitchell. Lrwis Sk ('"' Wagon Depot, crruer Kront and Mtxriaoo trr. i rear of the Eamntul liouae. Ptland, Or. The be; tertn acconimodate tbair uOoniera in tho interior and on tho coast. OtalBLE ACE VTA TT iTED Sand for eimtlara ami pneo II rt present, address, naming Utta par. f-c -. r r Um KiaACLf.Sk CSki Fortljn.l. Or. Hone offke, MassUiUia. ftlfr. nr. j. i.. nii.i., it. v. k. i.. inviK, u. t HILL cV IKVIr. Physicians and Surgeons. ALBANY - - OREGON A;?Bonjce Poteron?s Klm-k over Kronen's Jewelry .Sterc.Vat Mnl KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Tb Mass eaoroaafal If rsnrdy sow Slotilissfoit, salt iacartaia in its effens and dA aaS blister. Head proof below. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Iiasailbm, Ho., June 1 tth, 1SS1 . B. J. KrDALL Co,,-tiasiU: -Tata lo to orrUlv that 1 base used Kebdsll's bpsvin Cure and have found it tn be all It is recosimended to be sad in fact more too ; I have removed by tiring tbe . : Cslloaa, Bono Hpasins, Hi nit Units. Sphnta, stul can cheerfully testify and reesatmond It to be the best thing Utr any bony ubatsncs ibatecscr uaedand I have tried many as I Saas main U. a my stu ly for years. Respectfulfy ycura, f.'v.tniST. FROM TBE OHEORTA PRESS, fi. Y. Oneoata, Ken TorSc, Jan. Oth, pjSL Early lsstsnmner Mesars.-B. J. Kendsll and Co., of Knosburic falls V'C. osadea contract with tho pul Habeas of Om "Preas" for s balf column ativertistucnt tor one year setting forth tbe Btsnts of Kendall's Hparm Cure. At the same time we secured from tbe firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Trt-a rise on the Horse and bis Diseases, which we sre giv ti'K to advance paj log subscribers to tbo "1'rcW as a premium. About tho time the ad vert I ement flrst appeared in this paper Mr. P. O. Scttermerhoru. who rtide near Odiiers had a sfvlned hjrse. Mo read the adver tisement and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, altbouyb tus friends Wughed at bis credulity. He bought a bottle of Kendall's bpsvin Cure snd cutu menc' d uaing it on the horse in accordance with the directions, aod be informed us this week that it ef fected such a cainplete cure that an expert horse man, who examined the animal recently eould find no trace of tbe stariu or the place a litre it had been located. Mr. bthsrtnerhom Has since aecurcd a copy cf Kendall sTreatise on the Horse snd bis Disease, which he prizes very highly aud would Lo loth to (am aith at aii price, provided he eouki not obtain an other copy, go much for lu.vertisiug reliable -irticles. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Wilton, Minn., Jan. lith. B. J. KfMMLi. and Co., Gents : Havii g got a horse Ixiok of yoa by mad a year ago, tlie contents of which persuaded me to try Kendall's spavin Cure on tbe bind ler of one of my horses which was badly swoolea and could not he reduced by any oUtcr reme dy. I set two bottles of Kendall's Sf.avin Cure of Preston and Ludduth, Di-uggists of Waseca, which completely cured my horse. About five yam ago I had a three year old . colt tweeuUd very badly. 1 used your remedy as given in j our book without rowelliug, and 1 must say to your credit that tbe colt is entirely cured, which is a surprise not only to my self but slso to my neighbors. Vm hent me the book for the triflinir sum of 2S cents and if I could not get another allies it t would not take twtnti -five dollars for it. Yours truly, Oao. Matiikws. READ PROOP'OFWOHDEBPUL CURES KrssaosSi Ohio, .fan. lUh, 18B1. Dr. B. J. Kendall snd Co.,- (lent :- I think it un duly to render you my thanks for leneflts and profits which I have derived from your invaiuahie and far famed Spavin Cure. My cousin and 1 had a valuable stallion, worth 44600 which bad a very bud sistvin and was pronounced by four eminent veterinary Bur geons, beyond any cure, and that the horse was done lor ever. Asa last resort I advised my cousin to try a bettle of Kendall's 8 pa v in Cure. It had a magical effect, the third bottle cured it and the horse is us well as ever. Dr. Dick of Edinburgh, the eminent veterinary surgooa was an ancle of mine, aud I take great Interest in assisting his profession. Yours truly, Jamb A. Wilton, Civil Engineer Kendall's Spavin Cara Is sure In its effects, mild In Its action as it docs not blister, yet it is iienetrsling and jiowerful to reach every deep sealed pain or remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as spavfns, splints curbs, caloua, sprains, swellings snd any lameness and en largements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effect. Send address for Illustrated Circular which vvj think gives positive proof of its virtum. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man, Price SI per bottle, or six bottles for gS. All drug gists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Dr. B. J. Kendall and Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS aHaMtHa 36P JSff'5' t- -Tig HI la W KENDALL'S mm smvjncueIB Summons. U thf Count tf Cduri 6 Linn County, Shut e (hvffon t Q C Coo ley and J II Washburn eo-part ners doing business In Brownsville, Ore gon, under the ftrm nam tf Oooley A Washburn, rialntlffs. vs. U sorgo L Breed en, Defendant. To (J tariff L llttrAtn tht abomnainfil l)Jl. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear snd answer tho complaint of the above plaintiff in the alovoeutlt1n1 action now on tile with the Olerk of said Court, by the 1st day of May term 1SS3 of said Court, towUt the 7th day of My 1883, and you are hereby uotititHi that ir you fail to appear and n swer said complaint, as hereby required, the Plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of 108.45 and Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the second dsy of June 1877 and lor the coat and disbursements of this action to be taxed. his MiuuuiouM Is published by order of Hon 1j Fllnn, Judge of said Court, made at Chamber March Kith, 1883. T. J, Si itks it G. K. ( um huhi.sin. AV,t', for lMlf. DR. LIEBIC Dixpraaary, t r tsssry sail Q Msaaa s4s.. saa t'raarlsros I . I t si L milEroLLKUE INT8ITI TEFOR 1 tho cure of all special cum O I Heated and so-called Incurable H- throttle dlsoasss Br Lie bigs (n aicraaaa aviaaraisr is posi- . , lively uuaraidv-d to cuts norvnus sod physhjal debility, seminal weakimaa, Ivat of atanhosd, siwr matorrhea, loss Of energy, ring-log and diaslooaa Iu the head, taslsn- rhollo. IioimIoss fossiuga, araata- Ltorthta, aod all tho results of youth ml ininrudeii o snd etrsssss of mature vaara. Tho doctor, a roi lar college pby.itlau fruin Kurvie ail) agree to forfeit one thousand O dillars lr assan thrlnvigorator will Own cure umicr ini uhphui auu advhw. O 1 he reason m msnv ran not got T" cured of weak lisos ai d the above dtaaaaes la owlat? to a mmui 2. called I'rwSUtorihca. whkh rw-iuloa lacunar treatsnotit ar- ksr Lie fast ' lavtaoralar Sa s f is the onlr nosillve cur tor I tatorrhea. fries of either luvbro rator. i ior hiitsss : sis for tiO Sent to any adiUsaa on reosipt 4 nrt.w. .r (' It. Iteai-onsibir twra.ns can ithn cured. StrH-toat ssarmy maintained. FatlaatO ourvd at hoii-o. Hr. l.ibirf ant dtui stoic tit its buiidltg Tini trriiiit vi uationa of Uis blsdd-r and rop Sciiiiicnt in urine arr tilitia of ac.ilarv ml weakness and pmatatorrhee Cumplaiuu readll) teld to lbs Dr. llehU trat,iK.nt. urdlaary Cssaea- Any reossst eaas "I special or ITivaU diaea w curtd (or fte. lissaodlso suffleient to cure w lit be iromi4ly sent, aith fuU dlroottoaa and advice, on receipt of 10. All tavkasso arr or nn-ij covered from oborrvarlon. lavlgoralor Samples Free. To prove the Wonderful power of tho Ureal Uartnan lawtswrssor a 9t U tile of eiO aaSssf tn l sent tree of hart FereoB rdrng a free UolDe wUI only have to pay asprssaafs oa dan vary, MoaA tMiaarful ahMtrte balU fras toSSlksnla ulutbm, exaii.iaatlon and sdviao frve aud prl tats fall or write. lr UUUIdt'.. eaaiirarrsi rrit . ic Eatraaec, 43 Naaea SI , a V Cal. SMITH & McCartney, SUCCE8S0BS TO MCOY & ELLERT DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery, Froman's Block. Albany, Or. IhyHicianw preaicrip- tioriM carelully prparecl day or night. NTISELL 10 000 Pianos I UOO Organs. a-ftai(. Sr ' i Hu il.i. r. , eaas. a. tit .r la.L.iiM.t.1 OsUJ.wa r.. AMTfSfLL - "i - n CD 0 CHEaT. c. a. PARK ALBANY IRON WORKS. C'HBKRY & PARKES, t 1 1 , j Li W s e - (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) lachifflgts, Killwrights, and Iron Pounders. w KlfAVKOTJR NEW SHOPS Af.L com Dieted, and are nosr prepared to m - mm .X..'.. ' - handle a 1 kious of heavy work. We wll manufacture Nteam Engines, Urlat and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron sou nra Castings. rATTEKSft X40B OX MUOItT BOTICE. Special attention given to renalrlng at kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Urate separator. Skot oa Baker M. OfUee a La saber Yard. Albany, fJr.. Dee. 1, 1880. IStf W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, HACKS. BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, not. life tsawaoplrtff 1... .... .,..! ,t - wT fore rou ilia, soiaattUnf niishty and sublime leave be moil u conquer lime, px; a eek in your own town. $6 outfit free. No risk. Kverythingr new. Capital not required. We will furnish yon everything-. Manj' are making fortunes. Ladios make ss much as men, aad boys and girls make great pay. Header, if you want luisineass at which you can make irrat pay all tlie time, write for partfrulars to H, Hallkttk fc Co.,Portbvi Xaino D. BROWN, Judicious ADVERTISING, Discreet SUBSORIPTIOIT FREE 330 TJSErXJt, Hook, to ail wk. Mas .mm tm liaekla.. MSeatlon SSta gmpmn. . u. SiSTOBi ss es. saw tubs. I PIANOS (IRP.IIIQ ft FRIDAY APRIL '11 , 188S J ; ' 1 TEMPERANCE DEPAETHEHT. "-.'o ms-fsssrst i t j . . - '.: bdxtmd nr ma Woneii CbrliliU Trnpenaee taion Tho followlnf dlafMtoh to the 0r- ganian tnnouncM the arrival of Miss Francos E. Wlltard, ProslUoitt of tho W. C T. U., In San Franclaco. Wo are not aware aa to tbo eiact date of her visit to Oretfoo, bet our Unions il other ttmperacce organiEations should be ready to lend all assistance In their power to this most efficient organiser and worker in the cause of temperance. Sam FeUMueoo, April 17. Mies Franc K. Wtllard, president of tbe National Woman's Christian Temper ance Union, and Miss Gordon, ber private secretary, arrived In this city this afternoon from Imi Angeles. They will bold their first rocoptlon at Dr. Harrows' First Congregational church thta evening. Mim Wlllard and her secretary will be the guets of Charles Uoodall of tbe Pacific Coast Steamship company. It Is announced that Miss Wlllard will not receive any callers nor make any engage mom, as her time will be fully occq. pled with ber duties. w si nasi rem MMsff aem. mm t. 11V MKV. F. A. .VOBf.K. D. D. It Is said that prohibitory law are Well enouirh where them la a ntihlh- " sentiment to back tbem uo u butWT" .s a w. - w . w otherwise they are too pera live. There area goou many assumptions in mat statement, and a good many things which at beat are on! half true. But granted that ft be altogether so, and that It Is la vslo to look tor soy good results without a public sentiment to enforce the statute ; why fa there not this public sentiment ? It is Just simply bees use so many men are say. Ing "if," and "and," aod "but," and all that, urban lhav talk- shmii th MWpfMloooftbleeell of liquor eel- ting by law. lf only every man who says, I should be In favor of a pre hlbltory law if there were a public sentiment to sustsia It," would just say, ! am in favor ef a prohibitory law," that would make a public sen. tltoent. There would be no divlaian of ranks, and no doubt about tbe oploions and determl nation of the people. But wait log for public sentiment ! What klod of an attitude la that for a true aod earnest man to take in tbe presence of a needed moral reform ? Paul did out wale for public senti ment to rjpport him In preaching the gospel ; km went te work and made public sentiment. Richard Cobdeo did not wait for pontic sentiment to be well defined and clamorous before he began his agitation for corn law repeal ; he set out solitary and alone, and winning John Bright and a few I other abte men to his side, he tree. m ersed the land, planning, speaking, agitsiing ; he created a public senti ment before which Sir Itobert Pool sad tbe whole Tory party were only as so much chaff before the wind. Bismarck did net wait for public sen- A. a t se my s f j J tf mom to push blm to tho task of unifying and solldifyiog Germany; he pushed the people, and brought them to hie own mind. The heroic Garibaldi did not wait ; he saw clear, ly what ought to be done to redeem Italy from the thraldom of the Pope, and make it a nation amongst nations, and he threw himself into tbe breach and led the way to victory. The dead Gambetta did not wait ; he took the people lo their hoar of despair nod trained them into hope ; when tbey were In confusion and organized them ; when parties were plotting, and dethroned dynasties were schem ing for reinstatement, end mado France a republ ic. Neal Dow did not wait for pubtfc sentiment to support him In his demsnd for prohibition. Month after month, year after year, he and his faithful co-workers wrought at the business of msktng public sentiment, and they did it. Public sentiment does not make Itself. Public sentiment does not move forward of Itself. When there Is a vigorous public sentiment on any question ef morals, It Is because somebody has taken an advanced po sition, and educated and drawn the people up to It lf all who think and even aay It would be a good tblBg to close liquor saloons, and to put out tbe fires In these distilleries and breweries, and to stay the vast waste of strength and thought and time and money, and homes and hopes and lives, would only ssy It without any "Its," and "aads," aod 'buta," and having said It would stand by it, public sentiment on this iquor business would swell and press on like an incoming tide, and in little while there would be laws look ng to the suppression of this evil which would have in them the force of the right hand of Ged. Meantime let no man nor woman ose heart, for In spite of back-setting eddies here and there, and stagnant basins, the great stream of temper ance sentiment and9 conviction aad purpose moves steadily forward. "Our honored guest must not leel that I turn down my glass from any motives of discourtesy," said Preti- dent TTobhs, of the Board of Trade, and our W. 0. T Us sooclal brothnr. i WF 7 " ' In-law, .the other day at the banquet given to (leoerst Dies, "Ah, no I" respouded the Mexican General through bis Interpreter, "I perfectly recognise the value of the total absti nence principle and example, and myself drink very little, believing that uo man of affairs ean do either himself or bis causo Justice unless he keeps a clear brain." Now but for our brother Hobbs' excellent example and trave independence, we might never have had this little speech to report from General Diaz Himal. there are 10,ooo"rum shops in New York city, and only 7,880 places for the sale of food. The number of ar rests per annum Is 08,000; one third of which, 22,000 are for drunkenness and another third for disorderly coo duct incident to a drunken state. There is a rum or beer shop tor every 126 persons, or every 2.1 fsmllles. Miss Wlllard writes of promising W. C. T. U. organ last Ions newly formed at Trinidad, Col,, Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Moslco, and Tucson, Arizona. The Praeldont and Cortes ponding .Secretary of the Cali fornia W. 0. T. TJ., mado a Journey of 600 miles from Han Francisco to Los Angeles, to meet our travelers, on ibe ILawatba prinelnlo. "Since you come so Car to see us." - Sujmd. CHESS COLUMN. We begin with Ibis issue, April Gtb, aooiber Tournament consisting of eight problems. To the person who will I -II .1 . t.i . i f 1 1 L w mm. asa. os .a aivso. If two or more shall tie in the solution of problem, than Matrices and eyetow ia Us macbaatcsl arraogement of tlie eolutioos, as well as fuilaeee ef solutions, will betaken Into ibe account in determining to whom the priie shall be given. Dante's Woiks is tbe iriie to be given. The letter containing solution moat be poet marked within two weeks from date of paper contain ing problem. ThU is open to all. Tot ax a v raeautM lo. 4. White Black K atQKt-6 K K W at K 8 P at K 3 Rt at g 5 P at K 4 Kt at K I B at K J P at K B 4 White to play and mate in two movee aoLtTiOsa. To.tmey problem No. 2, J. T. Kord Hr. S. A. PeVaney calls oar atten lion to the faot that substitute for No. 0 is sound. Aod it is sound aad neat aa furnished us by Mr. DeVaney, but oar oempoeitor, (of coarse the compositor is to blame 1 f ) made a mistake in setting a . mV . m mx It tit. It is now too late to restore it to its place in the tournament, but we will make use cf it in tbe futare. KJilvrs Jjrnwntt : Foe the most accurate and skillful blindfold game by a resident player of the state, T will offer a prize "Matache'e M aanal of Cbcss.' Tbe gams is to be ptayed under the following conditions ine player contesting tor tbe prize must play without sight of the board or men, and is not to keen any reoord of tbe game to assist him while plsying. The effort is to be purely a feat of the mind and memory. Keck game mutt be duly endorsed by both the blindfold player aod his opponent ss having hex plaved strictly according to the above conditions All games sre to be for warded to tbe chess editor of tbe Deao cbat who after a critical examination of tbe games will then award the prise lo tbe plsyer exhibiting in bis judg ment, the most skill and accuracy. The contestants must send ia their games within fear weeks from tbe date of the publication of this communica tion. The game awarded tbe prize to be published in full in the chess column of this journal. Respectfully, "K ma's Knight." Tbe above proposition ie made by s lover of tbe royal game. Now let the knight's abut (open) their eyes and enter tbe contest. pori lib eriaxra By wearing gloves made ef asbestos hot coals snd iron may doubtless be handled with impunity, aod this fact offers a suggestion to peirforaieM of sleight-of hand tricks. The Lancet concludes that sewers must not be ventilated by street gratings, but only by pipes reaching above the houses, so that the gases may mingle with the higher strata of the atmosphere. The post-mortem examination of a mulatto who died recently in Cincin nati revealed a brain weighing sixty one ounces. There are on record but two brains heavier than that ef Cuvier, weighing ounces, and Abercromble'ii, weighed sixty-three ouncej. this 64 33 which i oa TMK LaJMS. Ladies suffering from sick headaches, neuralgia, colds, fevers, indigestion aad habitual constipation will find Syrup of Figs as effective in affording relief at it ia pleasant ia the taste. It acts thor oughly, yet gently, a very small quanti ty sufficing to remove all impurities from the system and make one feel happier aad brighter. Large bottles for aale and trial bottles free at Foshay & Mason's Drug Store. WXSISil AXXIVSJUABIES. First, - Paper wedding. Beoond, Straw wedding. TBlrd,Oendy wedding. Fourth, -Leather wedding. Fifth, Wooden wedding. Tooth, Tin wedding. Twelfth, Linen wedding. Fifteenth, Crystal wedding. Twentieth, Floral wedding. Twenty-flfth, Silver wadding. Thirtieth, Pearl wedding. Thirty-fifth, China wedding. Fortieth, Coral wedding. Fiftieth, Gold wedding. Seventy-fifth, Diamond wedding. We are not quite up to the dia monds yet, but we aro willing to make a large discount, to realise nt once. Kx. PiTTsroati, Mass , Kept. 28, 1870, Hias I have taken Hop Bitters and recommend them to others, as I found them very benificial. MliH. J. W .TtflXKH, afec Women $ Christian Temjranr. Union. Y. I', a A. Masts at tkeir roosss in Koa- ter s bhuk Uuldiatf cm Saturday eteaiuas at 7 ..10 o'clock, sod oa Hebbeth afUrr noons at 4. Business rsrotinfft sre held on the even. lag ol the second Moodaw is each raonth. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. CwcarH. Praachiwf every Kabbatk, at II a. m.. aud 7 r. M. by Est. T. O. Ir vine, D. D. satbhath School at 2:30 r. m. Prayer most big every Thursday evening. KvawofftXLAL Cw cacw. Preaching en Hab bath at 11 a. at . and 7 f. a. Sabtsatb School 12:1ft. Prayer as set rag ovary Thurs day evening. J. A. Bolloahoaigh. pastor. ( 'so a so atios AL Cacao. .Services every Sabbath at 1 1 a. at. snd S r. u. HabUth School aS SdQ. Prayer meeting on TbsrwUy evoaing of each week. . W. Harris, pastor. M. K. CacacM. Sorn-ii. Sorvicos tad at.d 4th Sahbatha at Ut. Paul's M. K. Church. South, at 11 a. M. Sabbath School at 10 a. at. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evsaog. Jos. Emery, pastor. M. E. Capaca, Preaohiag every si 11 a. m. aad 74 r. ml Boaw i the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2 30 r. a. Prayer meetiag every Tnurs- Uy evcatag. Rav. IK W. Uamsrou pssswr, raassmtaiAV encacw. -servioe every sbbaih asorauaa aad sv sales in Choroh cor. BrosrUiUa aad KUth SU. st 2 30 p. m. Prayer Thursday eveeiog. Kev. Isaac II. CoadU pastor. Kriatxrat Cn c turn. - Servioes every Saa a S A as J m . mmm oay, sseraiag at 1 1 a. ss., evening at , p. m. noly coeamaaaoa eyery Saodsy m ing at ilS a. m. Wednesday T 30 p. Rout. L Steveaa, pastor. a" sa ' ems mm itaisTiAN incacu rreacaiag every sabbath at Y 1' f A If all st 1 1 clock, a si., aad 7 JO r. w. Polpit eapplied la order by Kors. r loyd, aitoey aad IXty Sheriff's Sale. tn At Cirrmit Court of tAf SUaU q Orjom for tkr Conmlv of Umatilla L White, I W bile, and William Lane part ners doing business under tbo firm name of lm Waits Company, PlaJntf rft. It E Wilson, Defendant. Notice la hereby given lb si by virtue of a writ of esecutioo Issued out of tbe above name eoort In tbe sbove entitled action tn ma directed aod delivered for tbe sum of B98 with interest at law rata of ie per neat iter annum from tbe 27 tb day of October, ISM and tbe further sum of Si? b coats. I nave levied upon all tbe right, Utle sod Interest of tbe said Defendant R K Wilson, on or after August 28th 1S77, In and to tbe fallowing dearibtd premises, to-wit : Be f Inning at a point ls-67 chains south and 4 So cbalna east of tbe south east earner ofacotlon 14 and running tbenoe north 41-lo chains t tbenoe weat 76 15 cbalna ; thence south A'i-JH chains and the nee east TSet cbalna lm the place of beginoiog In Town ship 138 R 4 west of the Willamette tne JssaVan in linn ooonty, Oregon, Also tbe aouth half of Sevtiou 24, in Township IS, M R 4. west, .Lao tbe . fol lowing : Com moncing at tbe north' east corner of Mnaolaa MlUer's daastlon land claim Iu HsotioM 2ft Tp IS.8 K 4, went, Islam oounty, Oregon ; tbsnce oast 19 15 chains ; thews south 2S-1S chains; Ihetioe west 14 94 ohaioa; thence south 27-84 chains ; tbence wcs44ai ehalna; thence north 61 cbalna to tbe place of beginning, eosUinlnjr 66 7-1 scree, and on Saturday tbe 28tb day of April, ISHS, at tbe Court House door in tbe city of Albany, Linn oounty, Oregon at tbe hour ef 1 o'clock, p.tu.,1 will aell said real property at public auction for cash in band to the highest breeder to satisfy aald execution with scorwtag costs. Dated this SOU day of March 1883. Ono UUMPfl REV, Sheriff of Una county, Oregon. TUC NEW PATCMT DUST-PROOF Stem finding Open face Case. M 41 arTLMEA BV THB American Watch Co., WALTHAM, MAM. This case to lonned ia eoe soikl piece without juiat or ssssn, apesiagtn frost only, thus avokllaf the usual cap, and ssntirltif greater streagtJt and dura bility. These Watches are all open awe. Tbo basal, into which aa extra strong- crystal to fitted with an es pecially prepared water proof cement, to attached to the ease by eerawie- It that sou, and Usui forms an alr tiftit junction with the bedy ef the ease, whtoh to proof against dust and luwtotnrs. The railroadmen, travelers, miners, lumbermen and others who aro almost constantly exposed and who hasa to malts frequent refgrsnos to the watch, these qualities are of the utmost I urtance. The fol Ian lag letters story. tell their awa V.tldosta, Georgia, July SO, 1882. "I sold ono of your Patent Dust Proof Case steal tm months ago, and the other day it came back to aw wlUt the asqeest to make M wind easier. On sxammation I found that Ota stem was rusty, aad I Inquired into the cause of it. The ganUemen stated to me that he was starting- some saw-logs that had lodged In the bend of the river, when his chain caught ia a bush and threw his watch Into about twelve feet of water, aad he was shout two hours finding it. When be got it out it was running ami he thought ail right. In about three months be found that toe stem was hard to turn and seat ft to 1 can my that the watch to ail that tht company claims for it aud lecommend it to ail and m'.ll men, B, W, Btxwr." Clinton, lowo, April 2t, 1481. "I wish you would send mo a spring for Uw Wm Ellery Watch By the way this guery is a watoh I sold in your Screw Basel Case to a farmer last fail. The flrst of January he lost the watch in the woods, aad foasd it thai week tn about one foot of water, It had lata three' months and over in snow and water, with but slight injury to the watoh only a hair-spring, C. 8. Ratmomo." The above were very severe teste, and demonstrate beyond a doubt, that far any resonable length of time during which a watch might be under water it would, receive no Injury whatever. We make these cases in both gold and silver, and as a perfectly Dust-Proof , Stem Winding Watch Case, challenge the world lo protest its equal. Far tale by all Brst -class Jewelers. iwfA WEEK SIS a day at home easily mad AO Costly Outfit free Auuress runs a to August a, Hoi ue. H0FFJIA -PRDPRIKT0E8 OT- ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN 1 fli'tJL 1 Ail I Imported and Doraeetio Cigars, Tobaccos, Grooeriea, Pr o vleiona, Candler. Nuts and Tropical Froits Albixn.v, ... Oregon. ONE DOOR ULLOVV J(UM llHUSi' H. SSyt AT THE OLD STAND, 71 Fliorr rtTRItET, HAS SSORTMRNT O'J COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES. As amy bouw la tbo "alley. He a ae Imports aad aaaulacturei TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE Of FVKRY DRW.TlIPnON IN STtKJK OR TO ORD15R. ALSO, HE KEEPS OS HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OP WHICH UK OFKKKS TO THE FUI1LIO AT PRICES, THAT DEFY COMPETITION. CALL AT It PIKftT STREET, ALBANY, OPJDOON. Repair work done at viSn2S Dr. Indian Cures all diseases at ML Bowel, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testify to its effioacv in heal ing the above named diseases, and pro nounce it to De tne BEST B.E1tTKT)Y KNOWN TO MAN. Guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. Tlt.VDn MARK HFA GENTS WANTD.- Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it THE BOOK OF BOOKS! OsWESft UTUTH tssT!!! TV. mhon niPTfbjf aJPf Sk tmmt T.. Saw iaii-ii iu. . ; jLaeJhZE 3 mmm, .. aaaaea xtffi&mmt m mmnt mTf&'mmmfTZ ytwaa" aaS Urn RUlsrameaLI r iT luiLlu. mkmmmA wia iaa iiTj 'ijiTT i "7, r""saii- i . w Sjp-'i?' ' hi aSsssasass SW SStarMUaasaUa SsamPS rW4SjaaaMa t mm atrj ' ' "j? 1i?niafTaCi''rs' jl sas a M,ns,aaatai.Maalaa,MS taSa U'm. ii 'l .Vn. mm mm, wmtimt mmm. wm tlaSi3 QCMD sad saslfshisisssr The Norac t We hare reeeired aeuanMty of treat- i isesou the horar, which we propose to giro away to erery subwriVr paying in advance, If renuesteHl, whether per- I sonallj, or by mall. WL will sell the , book to others at th bottom price, tm mt : if, orJ. r.-'. hv mail poelaxe WIU be prcpnirt. Tlie Amrrimm CmUrmMor baa the following to say of the I realise : i "Kendall's Treatiae on tbe lioree is a book of about 90 pages, with paper covers, fully Illustrated, and containing an "Index of Diseases," whirh gives the syrnptonit, cause and the best treat- .' meat of each ; a tab:. giving all the principal drags used for the home. , with the ordinary doe, flfrrts and aa tkloto when a poisos n table with an eugravlng of tbe horse's Uib at differ ent ages, with ruiea for telling the age of the horse ; r. valuable collection, of j receipts, and much other rnloable Ui(ar- , mat ion. la preparing copy fur this book it was the aim of the author to make it as plain as Doasible for the i.ou professions! readers, and give, llietu information whish i of the gf talent i importance to horeemen. and yet avoid- 1 ing all teebuioal terms aa sanoh as possible, and also enndenalng the book . as much as possible without leaving out tbe real essential information iu treating each subject. Erery farmer ' or lioree-owiu r siiouhl own oneof tl eea ItUe books. ALBANY .1 Z ilNe. af fto MARBLE WORKS, sa STAIUER BROS. - Proprietors ALBANY, Olti l.O. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, awn iii:jvis roiNES Executed in Italian or Vermont Marblu. Also, eyery variety . of cemetery and other stone work done with ueatueas aad dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. SfAUwjrk warrautjl. 1 7:42 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. EST A It LI. SHED 1SG5. Br A. F. CHERRY, 8tuaed at corner of First and Montgomeiy Street, Albany, Oregon. a Having taken tharge of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Milli, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Macblnerv of all'lkinds repaired. Spe ehd attention givenfto repairing farm n.a ohinery. Pattern Malting done In all its farms. l&llyl A. F. CHEKRY & &J$. cHQtCt a week in your own town. Terms and S5; outfit free. Address H. HaLLETT A Co.. Portland, Maine. IbbbWswMHbbbbY k SMt mm, ON HAND AS FINK AN reasonable flLgures. CLARK JOHNSON'S Blood Syrun of the Stomach. Liver. ERAL OfTtR OfEB AJrfea, Tssrufaaar raa.?'1''. wa u luaj i - Stw i w. cnin la aa- rrO a rm . mr,m aa . mm easts kuf as 'MMM. wit am. tm yt S. ar aa. v e : y V i ta mn mm . mm I 'vl i. - ix aaa- W ira MaS a-ln kl ma. m a Uio, . a. j . isaasnscMassi(a- - - tL , Sw at 'St am. ss. ' ' a WSeaas.T hi f least rtoO-rts Dim. Pwaars Hair to fmeW pcsiasaxd- asal SB WstfTeHfcseSQ m H:Xt,a.r SOa. aa4 fg GIMfiEP.'fONiC ysta,ar Mtl wtti sL. drWS cat with knM shnssi - 'm0mU If -TT rAMXMm t OlSttl luSOC -y'meisJaw aaasr aagstsamlaats.bBtuac Psskcr's sfranaca.teaata. hioad or ame. P..' n. TcaticasScassyaBa ItUUasCraaStitBfaod Parmer tJti tht tttt sss tain fnBaiiCfw Bsaa. If TOu are wastiac awayy fxooa mgt, rTaiparirai or T 1 rt sttiI rrmart a iliaaiilnu I Vr Guscaa lassc st once; asSaeirast aad baaal rou up boat tbe ant dose tost wis a It has mssstaussareds rt Sees ; n . CAXTIOM aaaatafliaasii rlitii'iSSli Taavk MSalamaiaamfU.uSsa af fSajaa ahaav SawJ tm etna tea. a eTaaaa, at eSalam ta mrm. cacAT tarcto tense rxxxaa srza. ttsrkh and lasting fsagraaos has aasda east dctegnsau Bcxaaae ea iHsotklaalikeit. tow ColosBbS aad leak sot BBSta Aar rat fi ly yaa. t tmA W AT L.UtCK SAVISQ SWTUtO Tie. THE Hut tog attal&ed a utioul repU VaM itt FINE POCKET CUTLERY, Ladies' Scissors and Ink Erasers, the saawsiasjraire of U stmU m of SEBJL PENS. With a sktlkS. aptili Usshsl la that arrt. ntent, enpplemested hy extended experience la tht working of Saa steel, we are enabled to aSsf Kuotis of unrivalled quality. To lalruduce our PATENT ADJUSTABLB ! Qui".' .Pcn- in adrarce of regular trade chaamls vrc show eat of it, uii'l will mail a sauinle cross to uav tuitln-ss ou tcctiytvt as. Carres as stark Isk as aay foastaia IVa. n - ZT a sr Sa, TUIS PITS ANY HQS Ith B, Onr who! Tt- . of Pent will be sold by tbe trade. I'rimm bistsfi salt U tatheSesa sa sypilaatiuiu . 'FREEmTWAL Aa anfalUaa awl as.Str- mM?Z jirgtias imXimlrm at V itai it aad Vt fra6slaawa THE STSJI tPAJiaXD " VjtT ffstst Md STT. bcrss S Smt year aaaaay U-ey ' u-W.-m r taM rsmmmmx raaar. hm at L im Caaaa aaaaSsaasasaaa . wmrni iiiaii iwaa iwaawaa asssi ' i r r" aas "ktm ? aaaaJatS "TLr IwrmammmMmrZLFm.mmmm I Aat mmr papar it aV SJ in aTh c i ui, jaacajasBaaaaaaaaf rsasaaaii. U-trf l?a- inff"faWaa" im" PARKER'S HATR BALSAM. LsbbbV . Tkl t ,E HSIbbbbbbV prefcm hp sUae b whoaave saedst. to ac y mm PPssaBfialSIa' Wcto, aa ac 11 ISI mthm Swpoace i tost least sa i jny. VJ mm9mWlt coaLua rsain ih BsP aasfly OtSy Umt ae tcarficul 3aJsLlr taa acss aad haw "VgKf aadalways tetrsm SstTsaawsiCeto ml jeJea as ShessSi asnarsr megeieiegeiatai n T7 wn n taRIDEN LQasH. U.aXTV, tn A aBBBBBBBSl aBBSkv ST MaaH BBsBsaBaSsssQ, r- J "I i i i aaWsWrtsWU! JW 4or, ar aar 'taaan BA.ods7es CtssTat. rtaae.oaKiaao, liim