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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1883)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT 133UBD JBVKRY FRIDAY HTITE8 dTxirTLN. at !rrricr,..i ikwrmt ne.ista. Kraadalbia Mrl. TSRM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION aiaafc e ipr, prr jntr, U aJvam-.......... W m,: o , w l oJ 00 aia-U eapy, m unxilh 1 AO tart a.jr, tknr semths . kW aueaear W ft ja Ok-, "afatfB fla A&vrf.ri-inc rtslr I wa I 1 sr. 1 3 m I Cn iOO" lilsT 1 fuel. 2 1 " 4 " 1 ou 2 00 son 400 P. IUt 3 00 A OU BOO 7o 1200 22 tt 27 60 V M 48 00 0 (Si 100 0t - td 1 1 - - 1.1 1000 12.--0 l.'iOO 1800 I s 00 V mv 1 v wrsr ! ) OU 2.5 00 .1000 40 DO fiOOO , .to ra 1ST lootr I . 100 : 25 00 " I IS OP i 20 00 1 400V npectal busmese notices IA00 2D 00 i 400 In Loeaj (v i- omns 24 coots per line. Kewulsr bxal notlees 10 cents per line. For legal and transient sdvertleemei-t I Ot per square for tbe first Insertion and &0 rente per so, us re for each subsequent insertion. vol. xviii. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 4 188:J. NO 40 State tights PROFESSIONAL CAIUa U FMNN O. K. CH AMBRRI.A1X. KUXX & (HAMBKRLA1N, ATTOK.1KYK AT LAW, Albany, Oregon). BFOraee In Foster's Brick Block. "w vl&nl8tf. Re Se STRAHANa ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. . WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court of thin State. Will give special attention to collection? and probate matter. Offlce in Paster, new briek. 9tf lTh. montanye. attorney at law, ANI Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brigga store, 1st street. v I4n23tf J. K. WXATHERFORD, (NOT ART PL'BUC.) , iTTORXRY AT IAW, ALBANY, BECO. .L PfUCnCB IN ALL THE COURTS oV THE State. Seaelal ausauoii rives U collection sad probat aiattar. XdrOaVe in Odd FellWi TwH- U:S J. C. POWKLL. W. K. RILYRO POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery 4LB4MT. ... ORCuOM. Collections prompfy made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jerOme. in Foster's Brick. 14nl9tf. E. R. SKIPWORTH, mx AXa coixsKton at law axd ftOTABY PtlUC. WILL practice in all courts of the State j tl basinets Intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. OJfcV in 0' Toot Block, Broa,ialf'n StrH. 4 V. 1 J&aae, O. 'tfon. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La7 AND - Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in ail of the Courts or this State. Ail business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. .par Office in OToele's Block. LEWIS 8TIMS0N'8 L1VEBY AMD PEED STABLE. First class vehicles, fine horses, kk) feed, accommodating proprietors snd rea sonable chances. Give them a call. Sabifcs near Revere House. m . W. LANCDON & CO., iRVCaCaiirr. . Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT 3DRXJG- STORE, 2i 4UBaST. aacsax. FO8HAY & MASON, YHOULiU AXB RKTa 'Druggists and Booksellers, ALBAXY. OKECOM. Hall If REVERE HOUSE, Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r Thia a ilolei ia Sued ta trat daaa atyia. Tmbtea aoppiied with tint Ul the market affonla. Sprlsg Bada in every Boom. A gotai Sample Rnom tut Ccau ,tu.rciai Travtaara. 'Vtftt Cmmth l and Aratnt Mxi.a DANNALS & WOODIN saxurAcrciss ass deilfr m FURNITURE g BEDDING. Carwer Ferry anal &eead Streets ALBANY, OBECON. vHtoalyl T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT L-A7 AND Notary Public. Office in States Riohts Ijk-av nv, olftso. J. A. DAVIS. M. D., Physician and Surgeon CIO - OREGON. Aloany Bath House. - pUK USDKKSl'. NED W01 LD RESPECT JL tally iaform the citisana of Albany and vi :mitj that rhsveta&auehargsofthia Estabiiib uiant, and, by keeping clean roouia and pay in atriet attention to business, expect tu auit at those who may favor us with their patronage (laving heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Ciass Hair Dressing Saloons xpeeta to give satire aatiefection to al "OhUdion and Ladies' Hair neatly cu shampooed JOS WE KB EK. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALU I BY, OK. Tb Third Ter n begins on Thins day, February 1st, 1883. For particular, concerning1 the count of atudy and tha price of tuiUou, apiiy to BEV. ELBKRT X. t'SaMT. Preaioeat. RED CROWN MILLS. ISOM, IjANSIXK & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PBOf;ES FLOt-'B .St'FERlOK FOR FAMILIES AND BAKEE.S USE. BEST STORAGF iCJLITIES. Highest ;Frice in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. M. M. JONES Bre f d r nu nipper of PURE POLAND CHINA HOGS KE1THSBIRU - ILLINOIS. My breeding stock is registered in the Central Poland China Record. Stock for sale at reasonable rates- Therte hoga are descend ants from the best Iterd in Indiana and Illinois, are quiet, decile, easy fatted and splendid mothers, order received by We SeFI.ETCllKR, Shedds, Or. ECROPEAN STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Conference Rates. Tickets sold to and from all pnrt or En rope, to and from all points ot Oregon, Washington. Idaho and Montana at greatly reduced and low eat possible rates aver Hie following linen 1 Norsk Qerasaa Cord ftVaklp C o. Hamburg Anserleaa PaekeSSJa. nr kite Star Line Stoaanaklp t o. Rod star Line Mteainshlp t o. Anaerleaa Line Ntenntship t o. Apply by person or kjr letter to 0L0END0RFF, HARVEY & LEAHY, ACENTS. No. IO. Waaklagtaa St.. Xatianal Kan k Rnildlng. P. O. br x. US. PORTLAND - - - ORKtiON. EDWARD EVERETT. Sired br Putamith, by Pathfinder, first lain bv Vermont, aire of lady Faustina, vaH ;) Ella Lewis, ("27 ;) Fsrrot. Will make the season of 1883, Mondava and Tuesdays of each week at Nbedd'a Station; Wednesdays and Thursdays at home. Sand Kida, and Fridsys snd Saturdays at Lebanon. Edward Everett is a dark bay, UV . hsnds high, weighs n ,j pound, very stylish stid full of speed . f IS to iusure. Address McKsmut Bros.. Albany Or. KELLY, ENGLAND & CO, OF H VLKM, OR. Carriage, Wagon and Buggy Makers, Ilsvestways on hand the bst quality of their own make of FOUR 8PHIH& WAGONS, CARRIAGES AID BUGGIES. All made oat of the best second growth Hickory, and warranted. W, H. Goltra, in Albany, handle the work of the above firm. . J. DORRIS, Bridge Builder AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR. SCIO, OREGON. XT OTICE OF PUBLIC LETTJJCCS SO 11 LICITED. Plans and sfecif.cations J urnished on short notice. R0BT.13ROSBY THE DRAYMAN. PACKiffO axd novi.; PI A MON, organs and furniture a Nnecialty. All kaallag wiikln tke city promptly attended to. Will plow gardens in flrst'CloMK style. 3-2h. J. NAT HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Will practice in all the Courts in this State. 105, First St., Portland, Oregon. (With Curtis & Gibbs.) LOUiS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness a no snarp razors, whicn are alway- asp: 111 koou condition, and hair cut in style. the very lsht SAN WA VINC ' Jlaa the oldest establiahe'l arid tjeat cia4u':U1 LAUNDRY- In Albany, and hia waahmg and ironing never taila t'. (rive aatiafactkm. And provlaion ntorc, China sad Japaneeegootlft, ftne tea, faru. Ojntnu:tor tor China laW, Next to City Bwik. HBNO TENGk Best washing and ironlajf in the city. No. 11, Ellsworth Street. One door eaath of Revere House. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IMPORTER OF FIHE MIL LINERY GOODS. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. '831 BRAID COIBIMTION '84. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AND THE L,0UIbVILrJ: WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL One year for only S3.M. Tsro paprei far litsla- mare i i w a the prU of oue. By paying ua-SOjou will receive for one year yoor h.nae . jjaper with the "Courier-JoumaJ," the re pretentaUve newspaper of the South, Democratic ant) for a tariff for revenue only, and the beat.hriB'h- st and ablest family weekly in tbe United statex. uo e w hit do-ire to examine a sample copy of the ourier-Jouraal" can do go at this office. THE KEY. GEO. H. THAYEK or Bourbon, Ind.. says: "Both myself and wife owe onr lives to SHILOH'.S CON SUMPTION CURE.' POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThU tMiwder navar aHa. A nianol 4 purity t rr'iKth and li 'l- n. . Mure M'utvmili'tl than Iba onlltiary kinoa, .ixl . t u- M iii MatwUt-M ill. Ola nulutttrfe o low last, -' I aratyht, alum Sf .li-Jil invtn. NnH ! Hi rati.. Km t HRiHi).pN rv I ml nl at.. N. Y. T.wm.H cam J1 'hcaitn ft wciiii'r y. ?? 13 THZ WSPC 1 "www. f, 1 n r.tu' y lUk'llLl A. .JVOVLJ t. I AC A 040, LYD1A E. PINKHAM ' VECHSTASLE COMPOUyr. A Here Care tar all Vf.M,i. WfeAKa NKHMBM, leelsans. Iatcsrra. Ir ra.Nter and PmiafuJ Meaavrsmtttra. Ia.aaaa.aUa aad flervaf lea si as Weeaan Floaalaf, mo- 1. tpsm rrau. a e. te"rWaaaatUataasr. aSVartun. aaaai Uata iuite:arc Htoa.rart ata pssjansa sad e a pmln dai;a l.liar alkd at rtu. . : , i rstirutaiiT as rcratatst tt tarm. rrrsi u. watsaaaai sf Sstlssssnsitni r nraaa at atUarr u laaaat-ml iaa r-.? . tl k r bmm Won Ua aaailrt aatd Car I if... oi -u- Z STKIDEY rOMPIJUNTM sf Either Sex I isdiireat Hetlrf In Its t ee. LTBSA r nkua-. num. rtnrnrtt wS trada-at rwrf ircaOa. lluw.n troat " Ui -jiA . at Um am um U r'- '' a4 nm rtk 1 afSJWIBi. AaMarTeOMnn rwitta.taaUiaitatt a I l ti lia Cfr"t a.t f3t4 Fartf T arv " pr4 at SB aa. -' WaaW Avrnaa. Iaa. M rvk .rf attSar, $1. tlx UtUr f,rf. TV t'cani-oa U act by mU in tU fom of j4JU. r C kawatf... . ra"ept of prtc-, rs ,tt"-r. r. t"lahr.i tntl .-?- alt tattrrt of leetry. fta-ka I crut frT.ta S. twa' : nrtluri rr fN r ta ' - a'a f vrf ' af M r. . u. TUTT'S C7ASPTOM8 OF A TORPID LIVER. ! i otf appetite. Bowels costive. TaJn in . Head, witrt a doll sensation In th toe use.- part. Pan under the fthout tr nuviie, mimosa atrer cat inc. witn a dtem-i-i-miiion to eaertlon cf body or ir.iu't. tr cf tamper. Low eptrtta, wit 1 a feetittit of harlna naslecSed some dutv. Wenri- e.e, lJiazioeaS, fluttertna st lb) Heart. Dote before the eyes. Yellow ektn. Headache etncraHy over the rbtht ere. Htat leewuess, with tfui dreams, highly colored Unse, and TVTT'S FlLLHar.--..-. lullr adaef to aurli ikmm, onedoto cttca .urh a cnatige of feellns; aa to aatoiih tlu- iB rer. Vwy laeeeatae tier Aifwm.,H.-i cn th "niv to Take -. WitntU. thu. Uv eyt.l-iu 1. Matr4sltaS. aixt by Hr A-t ton Ht thm ive firjpiti Vrlea 31 BeMlul' Meet an ii Ss Ban ay St . V. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. riBAYUcitORWniitKKra fhstict loaiOiiaav )Ii.ack iy n ttiiigie pr,.mv.tut iu t i. itim. WIS a uiUural col r. tu-t. ln.otniui.wxiaij-. MU1 L Jrugifl:a. "i t i . , i. . tt vtrtl. rrir, ;y rr ma. , h- ., y 70MIA. Or. rtTTO ihi.i, - v f. . :.. ........ ... . DR. D. B. RICE, Physician and Surgeon. U AS RRTrRSF.D to thl city and reeumcl Tra I Uea. ortice In new telng-apb nCica. OTRle'it I!nihiiiii(., Brnadaihin atreat, lMtweuu t iratinid Sec ond tri.. An...! -, Or., He. H, wu, TsraTr mSmmwSmW JCM tbt lookout Cr chan oca U inT-ae thmr oarhinva, and in time become wcitlUiy i tlame who de nut improve tbeir iiptiortunl lien remain In poverty. We offer a eras chance to in ke unmoy. v. i .'e want many nam, woinan, boy a and be X i to work for aa rtgnt in tnuirown locaiiuea. aqt i tlx otic ran do the work iiro.irrlv tha flrat atart. 1'tie buwew will (mv inora M.mi ten ttmee ordinary aKa. HxpeiaSv o-jtSt itimiahtfd free. Nome wlto engage (ad. t.. iwU m . nuidly. You can de v ..n arJ'd t.i,..: tiiu v.-.ik, or only your apare a -11 bittirniruon nd all that is needed wilt ire. Addre Smao:.' A Co., I'orUanu, Maine. GUARDIAN ASSUHAHCE LONDON, CO., OF ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1821. Capital snbcribed, $lf),(X)0,0o0 Capital paid up 6,O00,00f Notk. This company has th largest Eald up capital of mpany - doing usineas in tbe United tttalea. Insurance sccepted by KOBT. A, roSTFB, Agt of Albany. A week made at home by the ' In dtiHtrioua. Beat buaineaa now be tore the public. Capital not needed. We will atar vou. Men, women, boy and trlrls wanted every where V work for ue,. Now ia tho time. You can wore in atmre time, or irive your whole time to 'the buxineaa. Nootner buaineaa will pay you nearly aa well. No one can (all to make enormou pay, ny en- urasrinir at once. Coatly outfit ana term free. Mone; made (aat, easily, and honorably. Addree Tart. Co., ;Auiruta, Maiiie. SAM COHEN Keeps tbe best brands of imperial and domestic cigars. Also the FINEST AND BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, POCKET-KNIVES AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Ke ps the finest billard halt in the city I will also sell real estate, merchandise household goods, etc., ai auction for any one in tLe city or county Htoro ' opposite Kevere Heuse, Albany, Or. Gf SAM COHEN. PILLS ?rw?T'prT'?r) wsit auskat ri.n Nihirttiittin SAtS AM.I T 1 Ml T AMI) I The following letter was written by B. D, Uuford, of Rock Islsnd, III., the I tad of one of the largest iluw factories iu the world, ta answer to an inquiry by the Davennort Free Trade esgnes ss to how fiec trade would uffvct Amer isn uisnitfacttirrrs ef sgricnltwr.l iui ptsSaSOts. It will be found tutftrsiing resdiog to nil classes of readers, faiuters, introhanta, niMhsnies, Isborvrs, snd irofMionsl men. Keck Island, III-, Feb. II, I8& Oeo. C. Preaun, Kq., Davenori, oui-h ." the tSt leonived. As I hav about a mub time now ss over, I wilt ntske a brief reply to your inqui ry as to bow free trade would afl.-ct plow factories, ft is charitable to suj -l'Mf that the (arty in Moline who wiote "free trade would wit from tb. lend .very tow fsrtoiy," is not a pljw manufacturer, for th.y ere oetter in loriii'tl. Tb i ow factories, aod in fact the manufacturer, of all kinds of implements, skip abroad in value one bundled dollars for every dollsrs' worth that Is imported. They reaei. no pro tection and datii. none. But every thing they export baa cost tbeui an ra ti pris. to manufaotur. by reason of tho kigh UritT ou the raw material used. our factory f r example. We b.vo now in tranait to I.-atUt, Kigtand, a abipmeot nf plow bottoms consigned to a msnufacturer of .team plows. W. have also a lot of cbillsd plow, and out ti v.tors in transit via New York for Mexico and South America, and we aell o n iutplemeula to Australia and New aland. Now, upon all these uoods we have paid protective duties on the aw materials in them, and besides tke frrikt to New York, we have to sottl pete with manufacturers of otker conn trie, who are not handicapped with irotrctive duties. We alo sell large qusnttties of our plows to Msnitobs, j and it so happens, to a plew meuufac 1 Hirer ,l f'anads, who r ins s branch house st Winnepeg, snd who also pre fers our good for their superior quality, though be has to ay on them a duty of 39 per cent, to Canada tariff cut lect ors. W can tbank our eastern friends for this (by their abolishing reciprocity with Cauada.) I think I bate shown alote tlst taiilV hur'.s o. as exfNtrters and thai we get no benefit from it either directly or I indirectlv. Now to home trade. Our i custeraeis snd those who support us en-1 tirely are farmers. They are our only pop end sopatt, and uiuat be oar MaasWi Wbst helps tbem beJi ue, snd wbst hurts them hurts na. It ia ouc interest thst everything they buy, they should get st the lowest price, and that everything tbey have to sell they should get to msrket .1 tbe lowest rat. and gt the bigbeat possible price for it. V I - 1 mum . . 1 uw, now uoe. toe tanu .sect tnem 1 w r Kh"" . ." " ''" r aell i neni ana every uouy our plows snd ... . . ... . . nsui 1 bl a 11 a vnnrna iiricej uv mm son of our having to pay higher prions for raw materia! out of which thej are mads, which is eaussd by protective du ties on tbtae materials. Tbey pay an average of about 50 per cent, increased price on everything tbey use and every thing tbsy wear, even when the., things are staples such as trace chain., all kinds of hardware snd wood, screens, blsnkets, clothing, bate and caps and boots aod shoes. When these earns farmers cue to sell tbeir oats, corn and wheat, hogs, eattl aud sheep, do these protect ed manufacture! a pay tbess farmers any more for their produce than ths markets of the wot Id quote tkem stl They do not. Tbe only pretense pro tected monopolies bare for making tbe ariners pay this enormous tribute is, tbat tbey consume tbe farmer' produce and pay tbem a far better price than tbe farmer would otherwise get. To abow tbe utter fallacy of this argument, I will mention the fact tbat the protect ed Industrie, cf thix country employ less tban 7 per cent, of the population em ployed ia manufacturing ; tbat the em ployes of protected Industrie i do not constitute two per cent, of th. popula tion of tbe country, including and count ing tbeir families Tbe farmer can sell tbo produce and meat tbat these tao per cent, would consume anywhere out of tbia country st aa good a price ; or, if tbey bad to burn it, or even one tenth of tbeir producf , tbey would be better off, if by doing so tbey could buy what they required at about half price, or even ofle quarter less. Congress has no right to tax one aec tionof tbe country and to support snotb er. If the farmers can raise more tban .1 II . I S - 1.1 tuey can ben, iney nave to now it or sell i; fjr fuel. If tbe crop does not bring enough to pay tbe cost of raising, congrass never comes to tbe aid of tbe farmer with a subsidy. Those who run protected industries are constantly st i-brifd with tbeir operatives, and tbe lat ter are demanding some portion ot the "boaunes" granted them, but rarely get it, except temporarily. They aie gen erally in a destitute condition. This matter of protection has so growu and fattened oil' tbe customers, that tbe du ties are demanded as s right and not aa a gift to a few monopolists. The farm ors are the great source of wealth to thia count ry. Tftey should see that they are no longer tobbrd an they bav. Wen. if taut i iiooee to y Penney I rani, or Msa.aulMis.tts largely increased Hoe for their protected gooda, (and they bate to pay fur their gooda juat as if they imported them,) let them under stand thst tboy pey thee, extra prices imply aa a charity, and not to help themselves. It the farmers would vole sgsiust.rCiy prelect ionist, no mstter what hi jolitio, they would soon see their rights recognised. With my best wiebes for the Pre. Trade League, I remain Yours truly, I'. !l. HCKOMJi. rainsK ratisristi. The block sre all of the ssme sixe, about eight by twelve inches, and about half an f neb thick. Rich block repte sent, two leavea, or (our psg. of th. book, being engraved en Irolb sides. The blacks for a complete work can thus be stowed away in a very small corn- The coat of eugreviog a page of theae wooden blocks is said to la but idngU year under his management, tittle m jr. than sett iig up a page of disbursed more than $1,000,000 for rndneae type and preparing it for the this purpose. His Interference with press. A a addition f one copy can b. the administration of our courts of printed, if no ssor are lequired , end Jwtice is Illustrated by bis telegraph, thus th. expense of keeping a large United States Senator Plumb stack of printed books 00 hand is eu- sakiof him to support Stanley Mat- tirely avoided. Aoy errorsor misprints MtsjW for the United States Supreme that may be discovered can, as a rule, Court. Aod tho striking spectacle be eorrscted on th. blocks, with but WM presented of Wbltelaw Held, very little trouble. A skilful printer edUor of o0e f lh lading Itepubli- can print by hand :000 leaves of two can Jouroals of the counlry, and Hen page, each s day. iiamg no pi ess or m.- Watlerson, eriiior of one of the a . 1 . . . a a a ai aa chliierv whatever. Ha eur.olu s toola. .ad revives as waeea about one shilling a day. The taper ordinarily used is white, and of ths beet quslity, slthongh .yellowish kind uj slso mtyle use of at a reduction of twenty per cent. 00 selling nrtoe. The books sre in tit9 aua Chinese aiyle, and 1 .i...i .iik wLiu. .itk it.ra.l Ti.-. i. Tliev re printed on! v on one sole, r".reretif. t I KIWI MM Vfrttw The hurrii-tne of tndO tdew over uumberle-as iimiunut ir- in th 'lahama NtHtK lu-tead of dying, each prtettruie tree sent up aW upright sbrrot from the tip.( N iw theso brancbw ar0 froro twenty to f.,riy ,n ne,hl nU y-d anund intly. II U ,d tbat "h'nV 'r w,,i' freaks, are to he found III every species of bird and beast 1 Not long ago, Mr. Huston, of Ken nan!, Ind.t caught a white tqulrrel. The little creature h ss white as snow, and ap pears t be healthful. It pluya a good deal, and Is quite a pet. In Fluvatrns Co iauy, Vs., during the Winter just gone, a sportsman shots white partridge. Tho bird's plumsgt is as white as tbat of a see-gull. It was sent to Richmond, where it hss been staffed snd mounted ss a curl- "ly. The O'gsntic Assoclstion U the name of ait organisation of heswy weights in proceas of r.rruatlon in New Haven, Ct. Requirements for membership are a weight of 220 pounds and a circumference about the chest of forty-five inches. The members must also be at least five feet and eleven luchc in height. One of the movers in tbe enterprise weighs 225 pounds, stands five feet eleven and a quarter inches in his stockings, and measures forty.five Inches at the chest. Another mem- It six feet tsll and weighs 2o2 pounds while a third member weighs nearly li.'tfi pounds. , : . " " - i SF.stlwra. Serious charge, sre Isid at Congress man Qoorge's doer. Tke settlers of v .amain oouniy. wao aw a right to ue,,wanltoaeeC.t. T " I . . .. a . . . . O. C. Applegst.agentcf the Klamath Governor, although electeni by rail Indian agency and sent a petition nu- VQte-( V(jloeJ Thtt merously s.gned to that effect to Mr. BgUn u Qm t veU) . but George, a. also making charge of a thQ Aljaemb,y lietiUted, and bribery, damaging ohsracter against Nickeraon, tne raonopoy we-JKjn in uch th. present ae..t. It bow appears that reS4)rtod to. An investigs- tbe whole matter was suppressed and Uou was ordererl, aud the committee tbe commissioner of Indian affairs at report(J that tUo brlbory w-9 fuiy Waebmgton knew nothing about it. provou, aud that John J. Cronier was It is more thsn likely that Nioksrson the man wno did ,r u ha8 not woald not have been reappoicted bad yet beea triod AQfi lt remains to be tne.utno.mea oeen ooguuant ot the ctr- cumstances.Jacksonville Times. Tbe Democrats of Indiana are talk ing of making Win, S. Holman tbeir candidate for governor next year. Air Holman is in hia elcbteenth year in sistent and aggressive antenista with whom tbe extravagance autl con option of tbat body baa bad to deal. He has , , .... j saved the country millions, and ths peo- pie will be sorry te loese him irom me house, but he would make a first class governor, and tbe New York Sun sug gests, looking farther ahead, ra Jack aonian President." It is amusing to note tbe anxiety of tbe Republicans lest tbe Democrats make a mistake in tbeir choice for President. isafspiTisuK eai ra. That (iould, VaoderblO, Hunting. tn, Mtanford, Ksge, Field, fie, twenty years sgo were comparatively poor men, and to-day these Ave men re worth probably $900,000,000 ; end through tho corporations they control wield the power of $3,000 000,060. Thst they control absotutelv the legislatures of a majority of the Ststes in the Union ; make and unmake Governors, Judges, United Ktates Senator- and Congressmen, and un der tho forms of popular government policy of the United fltste. That within twenty j ears two hundred millions of acreVof the pub lb: lands have toon given to corporation-, equsl to about four acre for every man, worn in and cltil 1 In the United States. That thN wealth and power has been acquired largely through trllMry and corruption. Mr. Gould testified In 1873 that he coutrlbuUti money to control legislation In four Slates ; and it was proved that the Erie road, In a lUinf LMfimx ralui j mm -H o. (lie country, lobbying on the lloer of the United States Senate to secure Mr. Matthew's conflrmatin as Judge of the Supreme Court of the Uoited States. That hecauee Senator Thurraan was cllve ,a "PUlng the Pacific rail- roaus, in which Mr. 0uld was Inter. eted, to fulfill their contracts with the Government, that honest man aud able statesiuan could not return to lire United Stale Senate. That K. D. Worcester, treasurer of the New York Cenlral Railroad, testified before the late Constitutional ( ' iventlou ef the slate nf New York that that road paid $205,000 one year and $1:0,000 another to obtain legisla- uotlt Bn lh.t IT wjis onTAU'CO. q hat the United States Senato- rial contest last year In the State of V.ta? Vortr nmrwr Aflno TtrUla- " a wm ) a ea-v aa a tiiv aVar- g Bav turo stated that hei had iMaen lven $J,0O0 to vote for a railroad candidate for the United Slates Senate ; that he had glveo tbe money to the Speaker and asked for an investigation. An Investigation was ordered, and a Slne Senator snd two lobbyists were lodlcted ; but they have out been tried, and it is ststed that corporation influence will prevent their trll, or, if tried, secure their sequitta!. That In 1877 tho railroad riots in Pittsburg destroyed n large amount of property. The railroads refused to indemnify shippers, but endeavored to make the people nf that Butte aui0 to tho railroad. I hey tried to buy a bUI through tbe Legislature saddling several millions ot dollars upon tbe public. Their usual method of bribery was employed, hut was detected ; and . J. lV.r ir, a mem. ber of the legislsture, with several accomplices, were tried and found guilty ; but hero political influence was brought to lesr, United State Senator Don Cameron leaving his seat in the Senate and going home to look after thinirr, asd they wrre FARD0XF.D. Thst last winter tho railroads of New Jersey united in an effort to secure tne entire water front of Jersey City under the specious guise of con tlrmlnflr (ho boundaries nf a man M I IowmoU8 blll WM tt fl(IKrant jigrd of public riflfe. the set whether Jersey justice is equal to the task of punishing a corpora tion briber. Aa Maaeal Man Jng We MVerel subaerlbers who have taken the Dkmockat sinoe it started about eighteen years ago, whekave never missed coming promptly to time. Ihey form of8UKn8hinernour fe.s journey, mud deserve the greatest blessings to be i obtained. We have discovered a man here on the Bay who ha been a subscriber to a Wash in sum Territory paper for the last 23 years, ami tbe beauty or it is, he baa paid his subscription up like a man every yei May he live, thousand year.. If bow ever, ke should die before the expiration of that tiuie, we are certain St. Peter would swing open the pearly gate, to admit him, and remark: "Here is an honest man who never cheated tbe printer." WAsHISiiTaS LETT C. I Mom iu Hayiilar orraaygtHJatil.J Wanhisotox, April 13, 1383. Noiwiihsanding rb fact tbat spring baa been here some time sci-ording to the calender. Wtlmy weather lags be. biud, and as yit spritf I run net have looked more sppropriale on the waxen figures in the shop windows thsn on the heads of the promonsdors outside. Kit her the sessons sre lea. accenluated now, or else tasldofl is less subservient thsn it used to be to their ioootning or outgoing. For the obligation to appear in a new I sonnet Kaater is entirely overlooked, now if tb. season proves disapointing, and ia mare proiifie in east winds than spring blossoms. Here there sre only a few prim-rosts and crocuses in sheltered spots te stray against the quantitie. of flowers brought up from tb south that fairly mocked the norther! Vjbiatknes of this c'imste with tbeir Uitliaart huea. But, as is usual, tb. tisusiiioii ftom winter to summer westh- will le suibJen here. The grass in the snke is growing beau tifully green, the bud. are expending, em'- in two weeks Washington will look paradiaical. The artificial finra of the millinery windows fLmriah brave ly in spite ot the lardy season, and judging from these display the f .-mi- nine world has decided to wear as many H were aa it possibly en, and prefers the blossoms of the ottage gar den and badge-row to those cf the par terre and conservatory. Yellow is tbe rage now. and in tbe face of stinging sarcasms en tbe tyranny cf that ixq-er-sonal Mrs. Grundy, eveiy woman will consult, imitate ber, and wear yellow flowers regardleaa of what tbe color of her eyes, hair and complexion may be. In tbe inielst of tbe aoperb shows of material and brilliant preparations on every bead erhich dxz!e tbe eyes, it ta amusing to h told tbat tbe women mean to go in for simplicity this lassa. Tbat tb. world is a little tired of floun ces, thst even kilting, pall after a pro longed inning, and tbat aeverity of outline is to xs adopted. Tbe fact ia such su immense "tore of extravagaace and elaboration baa been exhausted in female sttiie thst acy change, tbat can possibly pieavut themselves must nec cestarily be in a more simple form. Ftshiou it always m re or less eou veutional. aa tbe ore-eminent veilow e J ... ' f to-dav furnisbes ai instance There' aie ruaay flatei to which neither tkeir natural uolora nor six, are auaign e i. CJomflowers are mads as 'arge as dahlias, marigild. and a. magnihed in lordly blonsoms ; crimsn j Ireartarase and acariet lilac are mixed incongruously in spite of the iinpoati bility of tbe reality. And we even sea pinkish mauve geraniums that would immediately carry off tbe prise at a horticultural fair. Brilliant contrast meet with ready favor, and many wo men aubject tbeir attraction, te lb. most trying teat by adopting th dazzling iu consistencies. It is a coo- apicuooa lict that the ave.age woman is poorly dressed. She baa spent auflici a. .ft a cut money, no doner, and has given much thought to tbe sul ject, but tbe woa come into geueral asn.aait s res desired effect is not always reache-' in both time, lahur aud space. For a tbat way. It is pleaaant to know tbat joncil memorandum it is more con ten ia spite of fashions despotism tbe to is a ' ieQt to simply underscore the black growing tendency among women of 1 men instead of writing tbem in vtnall thought to a-lop; mora individuality in ; letters. "Ye gaPaat knight" are dress. Tbey rationally study their j challenged te charge with lance and mean and tbe of tbeir toilet. . Suck women can, with s little money, combined with taste, ingenuity, and akillful, energetic fingeia atransform themselves into eympboaioa and poems tbat the. uui'iitiated despair of attain- . .-a a St a a a . ' ing or imitating. And why should not a woman ot retinem.ut and culture, who baa bestowed an amount of intelligent reflection tijam the requireuents of her face and figure, be more harasontously and exquisitely dressed than tbe on. who has committed the selection of ber ' attire to tbe interested mercies of shopgirl or modiste who ia ber inferior morally, mentally, artistically. I have a lady friend of limited means but who, through the economy of making ber own dresses sod ttonnets, Njeseaae. all those exquisite trifles oc which women are so depeudent. Never once depart ing from tb. prevailing styles, with her skilled fingers sb. attains effects tbat women ot fottune mig'it envy. Her last aobievment was a twenty dollar parasol, mad. ef ten dollars worth ef material. She first bought a worn colored brocaded silk parasol and cover ed it so exquisitely with whit. Spanish lace that the moat critical eye would not detect its borne made character. She bought a fichu of black lace, a buuch of l'Vench flowers, a little twenty cent frame, and by tbe power of inven tion and handicraft she bad a thirty dollar bonnet with but nine dollar, outlay. In the matter of hats tbia eoaeon fanoy does pretty much as b like., turning the brims up or curling tbem down ; lining them with Wright color or giving tbem dark tone ; placing the whole wealth of floral decoration ou the outside or a portion beneath in the hair. Ladies wear what they please, provided it pleases. 18 COLDII. We begin with this, April 0 1j . another Tournament c-uiautini of eight problems. To tbe w-rori who will solve all tbeae pioblem s priz- will be given. If two or nsore akali tie in th solution of protdetas, then lo-atueaa and system in tae mocbanical at range wnt of the solutions, as well ss fuilaoss of solutions, will las taken Into tbe account in determining to whom the priz absli bs given. Dante's Works is tbe (.nze to bo given- The letter Containing solution must bo post marked w 11 Inn two weeks from date ot paper contain ing problem. Tbta ia opu to all. Torasr.Y raosLEM an. . White K at Q Kt .5 Hat g 6 Ratals Ulack Kdgi I, st k w : Y at k 4 KtetQ 6 B at K Kt 4 White te ply and aasta ba.two move. Tb. prize, awarded to -on trat ants in enr first tourney are as follows : J. E. K irk ps trick 1 (Mi blank dragraus. A. RindiHg, 7 Uaok dragraass (1 if ton Kirkjwnck, Vi blank diagram, which will hm duly forwarded by Mr. I Vaney. soixriovs. Tourney proMem No. ?, 3. T. Pord. IxDErrxDEScr., Or., April 10,1833. F.'I'tUrrn Democrat : With your permission I will give fw the I woe fit of your cbess reader., a con cise abatement of tb. 7ray tb ej stem for noting a cbess pcition. The mHk od is quite simple sad very convenient According ti this system tbe figures represent Uank space, in each tank, beginning at black's Q It q snd count ing to tbe right. The letters represent tke asea remaining en tbe beard. Th c apical letters represent tb. white men and tk. smsll letter, refrteaeat lb. V.lack men. Tke letUM S. (Springer, German for knight) is used instead ot tbe letter. Ku Take for an example the following lieatrttful problem from "M.rache'a Manosl,M abieh I will set area according to tbe new system and then according to tke system ia present use : New aryle Black 4 K 3 8 C p 1 2 p 2 k P 1 2 P 2 B 2 5 PR 1 8 68 1 j White mat. in 4 j Old style. White K st K 8 aq ' Black K at K B4.q Ps at K 3 sq snd s B 4 sq K at K Kt 3 sq Ktat K Ktsq B at K B 4 sq Fast K Kt 5 aq. hi B3aq,andQB4aq 1 White to play and mate in 4 moves, It is claimed by tbe eeatera press that Forsyth's aystom with iu A men- I ... ... ; can improvement, aa herein given will s,.ur .rinst tbe above coital ct I .irmtageai. Respectful'iy J. T. YoRD. : Aa.- Paul Toian., the niiHitMiaire, pro to found a poor boys' college iu Now Orleans. Her. Heary Ward Becht-r ou Satur day attended the per f .r the first time ia hia life. Tbo wife of Senator Piatt eon paddle i ber own canoe with skill, being an ex- a ... pert who tne oars. Rev. Dr. S. F. Smith wrou, ''My Country 'tm of Thee," fifty years ago, when he was ia Harvard. Ths whole civil list of Norway it bu 125f000, and there are throat 1 of cut ting off 828,000 from tke king's allow- Probably tbe 6 rat white man tat tread tke .tree's of Kiengbi-toa will be Hon. Lucius H. Foote, United State. Minister to Core.. Tbe effect of alcohol is always to ar rest vitality, aay. Dr. T. K. Chamber lain, physician to tbe Prince of Wales H. ought to know. A London paper aay a Mr. Lordl ia not oaly an ambaasador, out a distin guished man ef letters, and oue of the most courteous of hosts, resembling Husea Biglow only in abrewdutas. PlTTSFOBD, MA.S8, Sept. 28, 1878. Sirs I have taken Hop Bitters and recommend tbem to others, aa I found tbem rory bonioeiai. SiHS. J. f, TULLER, Sec. Women Christum Temjterunet fTaisw. SUILOH'S VlTAUZKH is what yo awad for Constipation, Loos ef Appetite Dizziness and alt symptom, of Dyspepsia PtieelO and 75 cents per bottle.