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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1882)
1 IL i I ... 1 J . M mmmm Ik mmit. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1883 The Fo'aris, a politico-religious pap er, edited by an unsuccessful ciorgy sasn, ia dividing its time fairly Wtween the Roma a Catholic Church and tee Democratic party ol the Sooth. If it makes as ssanv fatso statements about the Roman Chuieh as it does about the people of tho Sooth, theo it is to ue homi that aoaaeooo will give it such a caatigation aa it received at tho bands of the OtsgoJUksis some 3me since. CoxoaBSSMAX Kkifkr, of Ohio, ia complaining that tho pease of the Unit ed States has done hisa injustice, but tho eritieiasas to which be haa been aobjeotod boar no comparison te the in justice done to the Democratic members of tho last Congress hy Ksifer by his ar bitrary and unjust manner of enforcing the roles of the House so as to gain a party advantage, aa well aa bis violation of all the ordinary rules of decency, propriety and courtesy of deliberative bodies. It is to he aoeed that the les son, thus taught him, will neither be less open him nor any other who, under similar circumstances, might be tempt ed to do aa bo did. Wi thaak our many friends thieugh out the county who give ua an many kind words of encouragement and ap proval aa to the manner of conducting the Deuocbut. While wo ar, in many respects, inezpetisncod, yet we shall labor earneetly to moke up tot this de fect by aw entitling attention to the wants and interacts of our readora. Wc hope our friends will be patient until wc acquire tome proficiency in the gen eral management of the bust new, when we hope to become, to noma extent, efficient in promoting the public wel fare. If strict attention to bucinos energy, earn est aess, care, and patience will aaake a good newspaper then our friends shall have such a one. But, in order to thus devote our boat energies to furnish our friends with a newsy readable paper, we must have their sub- atantial aid aad encouragement. It cur friends will labor to spread the circula tion of the Democrat, they will do it a service which we will not aeon forget Let each friend of the Democeat secure as, at leaat, one auhecriber from among bis f leads, and tho work will be like "bread east upon the -rate re." A W0)B AIlOlftTE!IT. The Board of School Lend Com- salerionore have appointed Mr. Poery, ear County Treasurer, as their agent ia loaning the State school fond Id this count e. A. better appointnaent eoolu rot have been made, and the Board de serve, and will receive, the thanks of the people of the county and State, fur the care they exercise in the se lection of an agent to man-age a fond at once an important and sacred. We understand Mr. Peery has forward ed bis bonds nod as soon as they are approved by the .Board he will enter a pen tho discharge of his duties. aMK Brmocrats should congratulate them selves apen the fot that the Congress (the forty -eighth) to be elected en the 7th inst., will canvass the next presi dential vote. The dctcrminaion of the question, ss to who shall be declared elected, will not be entirely iu the bands of those who have already once stolen tie preei-Jeacy. Another result of the election next month devoutly to be wished for by Democrats, is, that Democrats may hsre a majority of the Congressional delegations of a majority of the skate, so that in case there should be no election of s president be fore the people in 1884, then the House would, being democratic, give us Democratic president. conn U9uu to boost. It will be remembered thst Repub lican leaders last spring, as a oceans te induce Democrats to vote for M. C. George for Congress, urged 'he advan tage of baring a member of Congress who would be in harmony, politically, with the majority of Congress, which they assumed wenld be Republican beyond question ef doubt. We were told in every Republican newspaper ia the Siste, as well aa by every Re publican atump speaker, that material, financial, commericial, and political ad vantages would accrue to the State in consequence of Mr. Geae's being placed on the committee of com me ce, end many Democrats were wheedled rate voting for him bemuse ef these reasons. The election of next month will most certainly place Mr. George on the minority side of the house, and on some mi mo unimportant committee when he will be lest sight of, and where his services will be of no value to the State. If the arguments made ly Re publican in the lsst campaign were sound, then is it unfortunate that Mr. George was elected as he will most sural v be ranged on the side of the mineity when bis presence w 11 do the State no good. Democrats should make a proper application f the lesson thus taught them and never again listen te the wily but insincere arguments of Republicans to gain votes. Last Jfonday a w in N. Y. city killed her 1 1 ree children, in cold blood. Her name was Mr-. Seguin, the wife of Dr. Edward C. Seg tin. cAiss or ucn ulic a ukfrat it . It haa been generally said that the cause of the Republican defeat in Ohio waa the position which that party mv sumed with reference to the temper ance question, but facts are now com ing to light which will undeceive the public mini upon this question, and the true cause of their defeat will be shown to be the same disintegrating element which ia destroying the vigor and working capacity of the party not oty iu Ohio but in fact in nearly all the Statea of the Union. Thia ia boss ism It was as id that the German element in the Republican party bo came alienated iu Ohio because the party favored sumptuary laws, but this ia anlv ana of the incidental CaUHea of defeat, aa is shown by the election re turns which show that Democratic gains are not only made in the eitiea and towns, but in all the rural districts mm wall net oulr in sections whose voters are Germans more or lees, but in districts where there ere but fw or no German voters. But it will be fmiH thia. that we will have to seek elsewhere for the cause of their de feat. As wc have said before, the Amu m.iviiitr causa is boaeisra. The jealousv of the hoeea was fully shown m br the ironical, spiteful tdKr4ii which p il between ex-Kv. T. L luui) and G v F ter of Ohio the nxt day after th a'' atina. The truth is there was a tei rttic fight -roiug on between Foster and Deoun Smith on the one aids, and Sheituau and Young on the other. Each bad his fiery lead era and obedient henchmen in all parta of the State, so that the bitter fight between these bosses raged all over tho State at every vetiug piece, and heooe the Republican Issevil general. The truth is that the party for some years haa been drifting into the bands o a few bosses in each Bute bat aa the perty haa been allowing itself to have bosses, tuanv would) bosses have sprung up and ere now contesting with these whe have control, for the future management of the party. Th is now the disease that ia threatening the very life et the party, and there euly one remedy that will restore it to termer heahb snd vigor, and that ta fof the voting element of the perty to srush the power of bosses all over the country and then an sLajm tho manage ment of the perty aa that its legitimate will may bo fairly x nosed ia all convention. rax (.Lota isk nnxAnitt. Tne R'tmMicsris . tw .k and Other S'atcs a ho are ll'.ii-g the oom inationsuf their party, because the federal administration in'erterad te centred the nominations of the Repub lican conventions uf their Spates, nave just learned a leason bich they should have learned during Grant's admit is tration. They have just learned that it it wrong aud detrimental to the pub- lie interests for the federal sdmiuistrs tion to interfere- te control the nomine tions of the conventions of tb eevera States, and we tkiuk these boliert and half breeds sre eminently oerect in this matter. Bat whv hsve th v been so slow in learning this taeoont Or rsinly if it is wrong to interfere to on erol a oirs (tarty convention, hew m'ich m-tre wrong and detrimental was it for Grant to interfere to control the legislatures of South Carolina, L uuiana and other States hy forcibly taking- pos session of the state capi -s th miii tar? fores and com filing the legiala tore to organize in the interest of Grant iaoi? We say we think these Rpiibti cans are right butlli- f rce of their ob jections is much w akened when we consider that manv of these nu hearti ly endorsed Grants interference which was not only eiade to control the poli tics of the south, but their legislation aa well. We hope our Republican friends who ate thus opesiiig federal iuterfer enc wili not lose sight ,f the tact that in a party seuse Arthur's interference is a violation ef the genius of the prin ciple -ji Slate right, as Grant's inter ference in the herniation of the Statea was a violation ef he rights ef the sies, and especially of each ghat, to ider and control its own judgment ex clusively. Wc welcome them over to be army of defenders f the rights of tbe rentes snd nope rhey will tnti isin their belligerent attitude uuul tinsc rights shaii he acknowledged and re spected hy every puMicau iu the Und. Terily we I lieve the cl- u eta ni mak ing. wa it mm. u aHMUf s tva. The old democratic war horse, Hon. Ben. Haydeu. say a that Oregon adit vote hist, ta-t and all tae time for Field. He savs Field is bound to be be next iioutocratn: candidate, end that be would sw -, this coas- h i e fear b migbn Slem Paly Talk Tae Th. k must eonie SM fur ex i eas ing the gravest doubt i as to Hon, Ben. Hayden syintr swyabiiiSj of the kind Field will uc -w the uet 1 -ol r-tut: candidate for pieei ient, nor won id he sweep this eoa-it if he were, J isiioe Field is an able, pue J-'dga, hut he has a fatal teudenc in the direction ol tbe interests ot mot.opolo'S. It it, th signs uf(the tiuo-s nou the itomiua tion of a D iu icratie SaootJe'e, win will not only sweej Uts coax', ut the country at large. Oh Tuesday next electio m occut ia tnost uf the States iu the United States. Look out f ir star. ling return?. rmu meet hoi se op araKhT ativee. When tho present OoagsjM met to organise in March, 1881, its political complexion was aa follows : Republicans lu Democrats 37 ftreenheckers 1 Thia left the Republicans in the mi nority, but the Oreenbaokers joined in with the Republican; and assieted them to elect a Speaker and other officers of the House. There were a large number of content, four of which were decided in favor of the Republicans, which, add ded to the Oreenbaokers, gives the Re publiosna 100 votes, while tho Demo crsts hsve 137. Tho membership of the House, under the new appointment, ia increased from 293 to 325. Accord ing to reasonable probabilities this in crease was supposed to be evenly divid ed between the two parties, but aa the Republicans, with the Qreenbackers an added, have a Majority of 87, the Dem ocrats will have to gain 14 to bavo a maioritv in the next House. Will j 4 they gain them 1 In the elections to far bold the Repaid loans hare gained two Congressman in West Virginia, and in Ohio they loet 9. Hence in these States their net loos is 7 juat one half what Democrats would have to rain to have a majority in the lower House. The indications are that they wil make the followiag gnina : New York J Pennsylvania 3 Connecticut 1 Indiana. . . . Illinois. . Missouri . Iowa , Wisconsin. 8 O . ....... J . . . 1 ft e e . s es.cs.J T a anMHhftt . Kentucky Sooth Carolina. Fiends Colorado California New Jersey . . . 1 1 1 1 3 1 Making of Democratic gains .... 97 There are some indications thst Dm eerett will lose ss follows t Virgtais Iferth Carolina. Arkansas 1 Texas Mississippi 4 I Making of Democratic lacs 6 Making a net Democrat' o gain of 21 which would give tao Democrats a ma jority of 41 Of c wrsa, at this distance from the scone of conflict, this sboatd be taken with the necessary allowance. Yet, we say, them are indications point ing to tbe above reeelt. Butoorftgeros will be proven true or false before our next issue. ajaaaaaaM9aBHaan? COWimof af delegates from Northern Idaho who isvor arnexatioa to Wasbingten Territory mat last week ia Lew is ton for tho pur pea ef nomina ting an Independent candidate for dele gate to Congress. Theo lore F. gtngiser Republican nominee, was en oreed he having declared h purpose to labor for an negation in case be should ba elected. Thia may res ia tho de feat of Mr. Ainalie tbe Democratic nominee. saw l t wa. The following billa passed by the leeulature have been signed hy tbe Governor a d are law : 8. B. 105 An act to create the cou ty of Klamath, and 6s the sal a rice of county judge aud treasurer. S. B. S3 An act to change the time of meeting of the Legislature of the State ef Oregon. H. B. 132 An act t amend an act entitled "An act to iaouriKrate Baker City," etc. H. B. It 3 An act to eaaead aa act entitled "Aa act to provide fur the o struct ioa of a brick insane asylum building," etc, etc H. B 121 An act U. define the boundaries ef Coca aad Douglas conn ties. 8. B. led At cot to inoorperata the city ot McMtanvillc, in the ewooty ef Yamhill, State ef O.ogoa, and re peal an act to ineenorate tbe city of Minnville, etc. S. B. 82 An act to provide for the limes and places for holding tbe oirosir courts ia the first otfhial district. S. B. 65 An act to create the eona ty ef Crook, and to fix tbe salaries ef tbe county judge and treasurer thereof. il. B 1 An act to provide for pilot age ea tbe Columbia aud Willamette rivers. S. B. 7 An act granting to the Ore gon Short Line Railway Co., the right of way through tbe lands ef tbe State of Oregon, and necessary grounds for 4tations, depots, side tracks, turn tables, etc , etc S B No. 51 Amendatory of the in corporate act of the city of Eugene. S B No. 24 Aa act te establish paid fire department for the city of Portland. 8 BNo. 25 Amendatory of the lncerpoiate act of tbe town of Ash land, Jackson county. S B No. 71 An act to incorporate the town of Buena Vista, Polk county. 8 B No. 82 An net te provide for tbe times and places of holding the circuit courts in tbe first judicial dis trict. H B No. 20 Amendatory of the incorporate act iu the town et Sheridan, Yamhill county. M B No. 23 An act te appropriate money to furnish tbe Oregon State In sane Asylum. H B Ne. 62 An act to repeal sec tion 34 of article 6 of the incorporate act of East Portland, and to ravish the jurisdiction of the county court in the matter of roads and highways within tbe city limits. S B No. 3 An set to regulate and license public shows. 8 B No. 15 Au act to authorize tbe superintendent of tbe penitentiary to make conxaote for convict labor. 8 B No. 116-An act to anthorias tbe Governor to contract for keeping tbe insane snd idiotic. S B No. 128 An not to provide for ths ordinary expenses of tbe state gov ernment, and general and specific ap propriattona. 8 B No. 27 An aot providing for taxing private prosecutors with costs and disbursements of criminal actions when found to be malicious or without probable cause. 8 B No. 4 1 --An aot to amend sec tion 2 of sn aot entitled an aot to in corporate Dalles City approved Catc her 21. 1868, snd also an act entitled aa aot te amend an act to Incorporate Dallea City, approval Ojtober 26, 1870. 8 B No. 42 An act entitled an aot to regulate the salaries ef c-unty judge in tbe state of Oregon. 8. B. 9, of 1880 An act f u ths re lief of Umstilla county. Passed Sunste and House Oot. 2 and O t. 4. respec tively, notwithstanding the veto of ths Uovernor. H. B. 30, of 18SJ - An aot tj pro vide for tbe erection of a Ash way or lad der at the falls of the rFillsmntto river, and to appropriate monev therefor. Paaaed Sonata and House Sept. 27 and Sept. 28, respect! vly, notwiihstsndiug tbe veto ef the Governor. 8. B. 87 -An act to inoororatn the oity of Pari land. 8. B. 5 An act to define the terms "Land" and "Real Property H for the purpose of taxstien, and to provide where tho same shsll be assessed and ttxed, and te declare what instruments whereby land or real property is msdo security fur the payment of a debt shall ba void, and to reeat seotiont 2 and 7 Of chapter 57, of the miscellaneous laws of Oregon. 8 B Ne. 60 An act for tho samao, ef tbe State Agricultural College. ' M B No. V.V-Vu act mtkinj pre vauonsfor the tne-irp iration of oomstry association a. H B No. 4 An act to pjr ivlde fox tbe government of ibe O egon Htu. Insane Asylum. H B No. 57 An aot to amend sec tions 638 and 639 d title 3 t ubaptci 7 of the code of civil procedure. H B No. 104 Aa aot te incorporate the oity of Philomath. H B No. 117 An act te aid ia tbe support of the University of Or goa. H B Nc 126 An not to amend aa act entitled an act to incorporate the town of Independence, in the county of Polk and State of Oregon, rap proved October 17, 1878. 8 B No. 6 An aot for the protec tion of fish aad game. 8 B No. 26 Aa act to repeal see tions 20, 21, 22, 23 aad 24 of an act eatitled aa act to provide for the sup port and government of tbe University of Oregon, etc. II. B. 130 A a aot to incorporate the city of Newport, in the county of Benton, etc 8. B. 103 An act redietriotlog the State Into judicial districts , and to pro vide far theitsso sad place of holding sopaesse, circuit and county court, etc & B. 29 A bill for aa aot te amend aa act eatitled aa act to amend an act entitled an act to regulate tbe aalariea ef county treasurers in the State of Oregon. H. B. 10 An act entitled an act to regulate the marking ef domestic am. male on the oar. Bifl contains no en acting clause, and ia therefore returned without the Governor's approval. & B 123 Aa act to regoiate tbe buildiog of railroads through paaasa, gorges, defiles and canyons. BUI can tatas no enacting clause, and is, to sre fore, returned without tho Governors spproval. If. B. 16 Aa act to amend sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7 ani 8, and to repeal sec tten 10, ef an act approved Oca. 29, 1874, entitled aa act to repeal sections 2 and 4 of aa aot approved Oct. 23, 1872, entitled aa act to amend chap ter 18 ef tbe general laws concerning fees of officer s, i te. U. B. 21 An act to amend seorions 40, 41 and 42 of title t of ebsptor&0 of the miscellaneous lawa of Oregon as compiled by Deady and Lane. H. B. 1 19 An act te amend section 21, title 3 of chaptor 4 of trie misoella neoas laws of Oregon, etc, M. B. 148 Aa act te amend section 4 ef title 1 of caaptor 50 ef the miscel Isnoooe laws of Oregon, eta. H. B. 51 -Aa act te amend sections 558 and 684 of chapter 3 ef title 2 of tbe criminal code of regno, etc H. B. 134 Aa act to punish tree H. B. 56 An act te amend sections 574, 677 snd 578 ef title 2 of chapter 7 or tbe cede of civil procedure. H. B. 55 An act to amend aeetion 878 ef title 3 of chapter 1 1 ef ths code ef civil precaauro. H. B. 28 An act to amend an aot entitled an act to incorporate tbe city of Jefferson, in Marion county, etc. H. B. 2 An act to amend an aot, entitled aa act to amend section 8 of chapter 8 of the general lawa of tbe State ef Oregon, approved Oct. 25. H. B. 17 An act to amend sections 37 snd 57 of title 4 ef an ace to estab lish a uniform ecu res of public in struotion in the common schools of this State, approved Oct. 29, 1872. H. B. 1 2 An act to amend an aot to provide for clearing creeks and other small streams from driftwood and other obstructions, approved Oot. 25, 1880 H. B. 14 An sot to smind section 1121, title 6 of chapter 15, of the code ef civil procedure of the general laws ef Oregon, re 1 ting t conveyances exe cnted by executors or administrators, etc EL B. 68 An aot to prevent swine frcm running st Urge. VI. B. 166 An act to ptotect tha ring nook Mongolian pbeesant iu the State of Oregon. H. B. 108 An aot to amend section 918 ef title 1, cf chapter 12, ef tbe civ il code. S. B. 41 An set to provide for the election of sssessnrs, abolish the office of county assessor, ohaogo the method of tusking asKtssments, and fer the r cording ot listed and naiented lauds to comisnies, persons or corpo rations, that the as me may be asses cd.. Tetoed. H. B. 160 An act to prevent the depositing of offal in the Wallowa lake, or any ef its tributaries, or in tbv Wallowa river, ate. 'H. B. 135 An act to Organize school districts in incorporated towax ef 10, 000 inhabitants snd to provide for the maintenance and government of public schools thersin. H. B. 165- Vn ot to amend sec tioas 34 sud 8ft of chapter 1, title 4 of the miscellaneous, laws. II. B. 44 An aot regulating the amount to be paid on a ;sli sy of insur ance. Vetoed. 8. B. 18 An aot to aaiwnd seution 46 of chapter 7, title 3 of the miscalls, neons lews of Oregon, otn., o incoming the mode of to appropriate land by private corporations. 8. B. 121 Aa aot to protect labor era in timber and togging cam pa. 8. B. 115 An aot te authorise ths removal of the dead from the oemeory in tho town of McMinnville, Yamhill ocunty. 8. B. 39 An aot providing for the estsblishing ef State normal sehnola. 8. B. 101 An set to smsnd an act, etc ,etc ,to provide aboard of canal I m missionera for the canal and lucks at ba Willamette K.dls, sc. S. B. 1 10 An act to legalise certain acts of the Htat trees rev, fm era e A a . n i. in n aot entitled sn sol to empower i he G ivemor ta grant pardons in certs in oesaud to de-dare tho eflVt of the same. O ORRBSPONDBNCE teat sax novae Hon. M. C. George, and ex-minister () M. Downy hsve been visit Ing relation and friends In and around Lebanon. They taith look well, and were nearllly greeted hy the old ritlsens who have known them from tne time of e.irly boy. hood. The members tf the fres'iyterlsu Church have extended a rail to Dr. lettlgrcw, to become their paster for the coming year, aad the Or. hss accepted the call. Dr. Pettlgrew is s gradutte of Princeton college, u holds a diploma from the medical college at Si. Iiuls. lie Is a mm ef rare scholarship, and large exrl once, and undoubtedly will prove ac ceptable to the people generally. Uur poctruaeter msde quite a sale a day or twe age ef a pair of his Man g lien chickens, he received $)d la eegoi table paper. He is net able to tell whether the price waa owing te the chickens being abovt par or the peper below. Wm M. Smith, who has bawn ill for the last throe weeks is no better, In fact ho seem to ba gradually grow ing warso. The doctors express hut Hide hepe ef his recovery. B. 11. Bsrker, has opened a shoot, lag gallery, which offers a tine oppor tunity te thneo whe pride themselves as msrksmea to test their skill. R M. Powers haa concluded to re turn again to Weston. lie does net soem to like the outlook In tho val ley. Tho women fotkra will go by tall; ht snd the beys will go by wag. on. It was te be hoped that they would find everything satisfactory and make thia thetr heme bat clr eu casta ncesq are such that a better opportunity offers Itself elsewhere, and they wi.t accept. May sure see attend them. The past twe weeks ef fair west her gave a good chance for the farmers te get In their fall grain. From tho present outlook there is much more sown thia fall than last. Heme Holds slresa v look floe aod n general foot ing exists (Kit the season will be goad. Aeeea of horse steslleg toek place a few days age. It seems the parties worn oe a trade with each ether, each, being an x loos te cross the mountains. Geo the Cascades, tha other the Coast range. As they both expected te start on the came dsy, and as the Coast mountain msn had his horse on tha Cascade man's road, the Cascade man thought It was not necessaryte talk trade any farther hut called at the place where the animal was aad represented that It was his ami took it, end lit oot ae fast as pos sible. The ether man did not find it eat aatil seme two days after, when he procured a warrant for tho other fellew'a arrant, but after deliberation, be concluded he would rather lose the horse than pat the county to cools la pursuing thief. The party who lost the horse was li. H. Miller the; one that took him was William E-igon. The election of J. N. Dslph, lo the United States Senate, is none te well received. Those who opposed Mitch ell, preferred a man more in sym pathy with tho Interests of the peo ple than aueh a one as Dolph, and the friends of Mitchell fuel groat In dlgnatlon, that te choice fell where it did. Many think that a bargain was made between tbe twe men Gne getting the hoaors while the other will receive his consideration here after. Lr.iv aeowssviiui trews. Mrs. W. It. Bishop, ef Port Und, is visiting her dsugkter.Mrs. I. W. Ltan, of this city. On Wednesday night, the 25 Ji inst., tha ruling people bad a nice little daucc in the new oity hall. On the 26th inst, Mr Frank 1 1. -non, while clearing a harrow, 1st it fall. One tooth struck his foot, breaking a bone at ths root tf the secend toe. On lsst Friday the dwelling bouse belonging te Nathan Baird caught on fire, but was soon agtsagotahed, The blaze barely gb through the roof. It is occupied diy Mf i . Shank if ford. Ed Trmideten if con tin d to his room with rheumatism. Dick Stevens is again cmitine-d to kia bed by sick noey. Mr. Will (J. Kmg lectured to large snd attentive audiences on la a Siturd aud Suudat avaaieg. After the.lecture, on 8s' in day night, the Good Templars and their friends repaired to their hall, ehnre they found a b nii.trOus u pt spread out hefots tlnm. fSveryt'Odt seemed bnnurv, and did foil justice to the sunner. at Woajtoia Mil I LOU'S VITAolZBH is what jou ntted for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness ami all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. CROUP, WH03HING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Mil an's Cure. Jrm:aio items. il. Democrat : In opening this communication, 1 wish to sty that tho ratin feature of a country paper Is the Interest mani fested by lis correspondents Iu giving regularly item of general Interest to IU readers. Now there are many localities that are not represented In your columns and, as 1 understand It Is the fault of Its renders, und of ( Mine not the fault of Its editor. The Items lr mi different places are the first thing I to Ail and I notice It is the same with most others; h let us hear from alt tho school districts, If possible. An accident occured on hist Hatur. day, on Charles Ubbey's farm 9 miles in irth-west of Jefferson, which Is al most a miracle. Mr. Llbbey, engag ed J. H. Crabtree to blast In his well and Crabtree had hi nted orn three feet, about a month ago, and went hack again last Friday evening, and commenced agnin Siturd iy morning, and about half past Id a. m., had succeeded In getting in two hiast holes drilled down about two feet snd had put In atsiut one-half pound ef giant powder la each, and had all ready for lighting the fuse -Crabtree came out, and by means ol a pole set fire to the fuse from the top, and they waited about half an hour sup posing that the (Ire h,id gone out. Crabtree agsin went down In tin well, fixed the fuse, cametut again and was la the act of selling Are to the fuse again, when the Moat went off throwing recks out weighing from a few ounces to probably twenty-live lbs. each; several of which stru :k Crabtree In the face. Gne struck him on the left check that simply made Jelly of t$ flesh, lie was also struck en the nose, in the left eye, forehead, an t over tae l-fte-ir, alto gether a very aevere leaser! to him for hi thoughtless way of handling powder. Mr. Llbbey was alsw struck on tho ear, unking blood run rather freely which scared him so that he run like .ehu. Dr. Dear, dorff, of Jeffersoo, dressed Crabtree'e wounds and at present writing Cr.tb tree feeds very comfortable. There Is to be a surprise party at Mrs. I'Vnnell's to olght and all the ueighber boys, are preparing to par thdpito, and as it Is necesssry that sa ti should have a partnet of the opposite sex, II Is plainly evident that no o,i: h making any allowance for auv one else to bring tbeir girl, hence, there is a gi and. rush today, aod all anticipate a most enjoyable time, having been I hero before on a similar occasion. Mr. Oreenberry (Join, J. R. BM yeu, Geo. M. D-Vaoey, and Lee DeVaney, are making preparations to attend srheol, under the tutorship ef Prof. J. L Gilbert, at L-tbuien, Ogn., ior tbe coming winter. Ll ier W. L. Uiym nd. of Gieton Washington Co., Ogn., witl pre.i' ' the DeVaney school house, Friday Not. 2nd, and will pro'wbly co itiuue evenings till over Sunday. Singing school every Sunday, at the asms school house at the hour of 3 oVIoek p. m.. F. P. DeVaney's sales of wheat, brought him twenty-three hundred and sixty seven dollars and fifty cents. Plenty ef r.tln sgals. and in good time, as there was considerable com plaint about it being a little dry for good plowing. Some of our far mors talk of bus ponding sowing felt wheat, for tills ML S unn of our ladles seem to sntlcl pate a oceasity of seme one spring ing the woman's righta question, aud getting public opinion awakened to tbe propriety ef discussing the merils which taey say will tie sure to enable the friends of the ( sine to bring out their principles and thereby secure te thorn their undoubted rights of tfet liberty of free ase of the ballet. I understand th it Mr. J. E, Hays, has bought the beer stand at Jeffer. son. E. N . Tbom ts of Jefferson sn J Dr. Kirk pa trick, wf Scio, are plaifig a gaunu of chess by mill. Have made about twenty moves on a side. It is getting to be quite i uteres ing. Snowed sora I last i j if, (Jt S ; ; a ntrnsT t emiov Kit. Democrat Knowing the interest you have for education and all religious advance a w a a mem, i semi you a lew items rela tive to the Biptbt Convention of tbe rth l'aclflt: Toast, 'fhe Conven tion was held nt JcMiuvillo, corn, metieing on tne 2.ih lust., and con. a 1 . a I a f as aefk.a- SSBaa iiuueu im inn .in. imoe were representatives from die greater uuai ber of our association iu Ur. gon and VV. T., and amne fr en the adj lining Terrotone. OalfCarnia Bip iit were asBetently repraeuuteu. llev. Dr. Nlsbet of Salem presided efficiently giving genenl sstlsfaction conducting the order id buainess with marked ability, demonstrating tbe tact mat srtabllity anil firmness, combined facilitate business. The missionary work of tho past year has been quite encouraging. Partial sid has been afforded for more thnn twen ty missionaries. Our board being aided materially by tbe missionary, board of New York, that board ad diug two duller for evegy one duller we deposit in tho treasury thus du plicating our contributions and per mitting tho labor to te performed on our destitute fields. The convention was very gratifying, quietly conduct ed iu a dignified manner. The effi cient preddent ef McMinnville col lege, Hev. Dr. Anderson in his usual modest petite way arranged for a visit, to tbe new college building, a mitgnillt eul edifice of stone and brick four stories high, not inferior to any college building in our State. The building will be completed in a few weeks. Gratitude to God for the untold benefits conferred in inspiring liberal hearts to lu.iko libsral centri buUoO, et only for tbe endowment fund, but for the building fund, uuuld bo plainly read in tbe counten ance of those noble self sacrificing souls, whoso labor and prayer, hsv been earnest and fervent for success in the enterprise We could thank God, and take courage to work and hope. R. C situ B0s0SWO!awaaMPFii t i i Df MOT AIM 1SK THE Fl M no v or nei.PM. fill. Democrat: Immediately after the adjournment of the legislature, word came to Albany that Judge Boise had favor ed the election ef J. N. Dilph, tho vice president of the monopolies. This surprised the judge's grange friends, and upon his arrival to hold the court, he was Interviewed upon thlseubject. He replied ttint he had not advised the election of Mr. D lph and that Mr. Dilph and' J.t h ell, being both identified with the Interests of the corporation, were alike objectionable, and could net ho expected to abandon former coovlc tions and favor the regulation by congnes of Interstate commerce on railroads, which regulation he re garded as vital to the prosperity the Klitte. K A of Sheriff's Sale. a (Ac V'urtmit Court, cf the StU oj Orfjm, or the CoMfUn of Limn I Ea Fiiun, PlsintiiT, vs Kit Carter and Jane K farer his .r Kd K M Carter ami Ma J Cat tec hia wife and Moses Mternberg, Defendants. fly virtue ef au execution and order ef aale laseed out of tbe above named Ceurt In (tie above eiuiilad eui'- i rue dirrctad and delivered, I elf! on Saturday, the 2n J 'lay of fMotisilr, i'SJ, at the t'curt Hausa'duoi, In tbe city -i Albno, I J nn county, Oreg"nt at lbs hwur or aa aah p u , ml at pub'lo auction far sli la band to tbe highest lddar the uu.ijm ed premises daMcribed la said ttdr , aale aa lollews, to ii : 1ej. Ne. sis (O) and fractional lot Ne. five i.) in blo-k is, in the eastern addition lo tha uy of Al bany, In Una ooiirity, OrCgOSB, i. dracrib ed on the 1'Uta and M-irvv of aeid east ern addition on rcird. In l he oltbs rf tbe Ceunty Cleric, uf I. tun ciuny, Oregon, and mora particularly dawribai as juJ losrs : Uet;nmiiir at ttio utti-at corner of let Ne 7, In aatd block U, an 1 running thence easterly alone tbe souf! line uf aaid block 13. to the esat trie efTii'iinaa M ntellb's Oenatioo laad claim ; thence north atonic aid SaSjaai line to the center line of eaid block 13 ; tbaane wsa-arsy aad aarabel to tbe aoulk line of said blk tS o tha aorthcaat mrnvr of aatd lot No. 7, la said block 13 ; thence southerly .aloSSg the east line of aeld let 7, to tho fle of itogtenlng. lbs prcceiii arioaK from the aale of said (rerty tobsapp'iei aa provided in eaid erder of aale. Kinrf, to the ay asset of the and UUbur- utaola of suit taseJ at $31. 7U and the ' aud exponas of sale. Secoe l, to the pay menl te the Plaintiff, . Minn the eumof lose Is U. S. gold cola with tmcrcetln like esta at tbe raa of one per -nt per rnoniD rrom tne lsy of ocilr. ItHi Third, to lbs ytuul to the de- fso'lani Mease member the aucn ef fiOO In I- SV role ci wttn iuiMret ther on at the rate ef ten per cent per aanum from Uis 3rd dsy of Ju!y Isso. Fourth. tkst tbarsaller if any of the said nred of aala remain, the -am be paid Over lo tne saia r. I nrr an J Kd K M Carter. Ueted tbU 3rd dsy ef November. IkHt. ae. 11 cm rs aav. Kberllf of Lena ceni.ty. SUdrilTi Sale. I'. v titue of two separate writs of esc e -i. .i each sucl ut ef ibs m-uit t'ourt, . be :alc, ef Oregon, for lbs QsnatJ i Lam Tbe flrt in favor ef Met at sjf and A ud re wa, pjalnlifl's. aad aa nst "at. K. f.bla. lJOfenlant. for tbe sum of fHLSI wttb i a Ureal thereon at the rate -T ten per oontper aaauirfrom tbe 2ht day ef January, 1179. and tec second to favor ef J sates , Cowan, Plaintiff, and aalnat H. K. Goble, Defendant for tbe auni of 997.00, with interest tber.on at the rate of ten per rent per annum from the 16lh day of February, IS79. I have levied upon tkc undivided naif of the fdl wiiur deeerihed real property to-wit : Boginninaata jaint Si rt-it nertb of the aouth west oeraer mf Jehn Burgea Donation Latnd Claiau and running t hen -e eaat 151 ro.ts ; thence south i-s rods; theme wast rods; thence north IM o ike place ol teinuing : ('ontain Ina ac-bundred and tweatv acrea. lying and bclos; in county. Ntate of Dra gon, taken as the real property r the ss d lsfendast, 8. K. ttoble. aad on Saturday tha'.'nd day of Decern I r. IhiSj ataine Court Uouae door in city ef Albany, Lihn ceun ty, Oregon, at tbe hour or oee o'vleck p. m., Igwill ell said real property at publiQ auction fer cash in hand ta the bibeat bidder to satisfy aai 1 writs with ai sr. in r sBsaa Dated tb's 3rd dav f Novemter 1 OCO Hi driiR, Saerin f I. in ti (nuiiv. Dissolution of Partner ship. Notice Is hereby given that the co part nershtp heretofore existing between t'bas, W. Watts and Jaa. K. (edfrey under the Arm nameef Watia AOedfrey, in tbe cl.y cf Albany, Oregon, haa been Lhls day dlsao ved by mutual consent. Tbe bunt nose will in tbe future tie conducted by Chaa. W. Watts wbo is authorized to col lect alt accounts and pay all liabilities of aald firm of Vtatta & (edfrey. On as. W. Wtts. Jamkc k ttonresT. Albany, Oct. 28, 1882. Twill cure your oolu. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALB 194 Y, OR. The First Tern eidine; on Thar? day, Nerember 16th, l. The Muaieal Dewtsw t i utiJer tbe cua o Mr NetUS L.inoln dm Piear. acbJui nt rsioaa. InetramFntal. prirste, tl" wr u rm. Inatrumemal, cm of tw, my j. r tortn. Vuoal, ptiraU 16 i- r term. Vocal, claaa of two, $0 par Venn Tooal, claw ot (uur, 0 jwr Ihb, wOSa in this tlep tit met. t aill m otiimi .iti Mui - SajrOet. lUi. For rarucvlsrs otncernlnf Uia eoursm .W ttul) d th i rico of tutUoa, apiv tu BKV. E1IB1T St. o Mi IT. rrcMirat. FEED STABLE AT Sweet Home ! Parties gnina up In the mountains a. hereby notifted that tht-y wi l net 1 ere aftor be ooropallari te mj extortionate rat oa for boraeleed st Kuclihead in Sweet Home Valley I have opened up a feed stable aud nave reduced the rates to a ngure so low that all can afford it. Give me a fair patronage and tan prevent a return to tbe old extortionate OEO. ROWELL. Otf. HOGS! HOGS! THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE paia ior riotrs bv Frstl Mnl!- cr, the Grocer- Opposite Re vere House FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION- No other diaeaaaia bo pre vaJent la thia ooua- Itry aa OooaUpaUon. aad no remedy baa ever equalled tbe celebrated Kidney-Wort aa a I cure. Whatever the cause, however obetinate I the cabo, tola rented y will overcome it. nil THIS distreasini com- rlliBvi plaint ia very apt to be oompUoatadwlthoonaUpaUon. Kidney-Wort hSiaiaUiiiiiB tbe weakened parta and quiakly lenrea all rmna or jraies even when phyaieiana , wen Manna nave bexore nuied. llTIf you have either of these troubles rfPRiCI $lTJ Uo6 I Drugista 8eiT Bcsseasker Taiga f h It you srs sick Hop Hitters will surely aid fteture In making you well waavi ah vise falls Jfvnuarft coetivs or dypptlc. or sre snrferlna from any otaer of tae. aetm roos ', )lNess of the sumiacb or Dowels, it is i ymr own fault If you remain ill . f.r Hop Hitter- ar a soyarMgn ranseoy ta all aueu complaints. s eHfMa f yon are wasting away with any form ot Kidney drseaes, stop tenrrtins; Death this moment, and turn tt a cars tu Hop It it tors. If yon are sick with tha' terrible i-kn Nervousness, you add Fnd a 'Balm in Cilead" in tbe use of Hop lilttera. Tf you are a frequenter, ore rssKiiaSufe mlasrna'.lc district, barricade yrur system atfslnst tbe son nr ire of all countrtee ma larial, epidemic, billlous, and intermittent fevers by tt. use of Hop Ultters. If you have rough pimply, or sallow -kin, hid breaie, pains and achan, and fact miter ble gca rsli.v . B-p SuaVk will ive yon fair skin, rtcb )iord. sod sa eat breath, health, od . .,a)' a. In short ihf rrsm n THesaaee of the stomach, ftowels, Itlood, Liver, Nirvea, Kidney-, lirlgbl's DUeaee. fAOO wIM be paid for a ease I bey will not cure or help. That poor, bedridden, invalid wire, s ster m 01 her, or daughter, can be made the picture of health, by ifxe b4tie of Hap Uittern. coaling bat a trifle. Will you let them HuffeiT O. B. P. Win, Xfnnilei to fi uuaaOofi, If yaa warn ltinvaal 1 W aoft't pM'Mivh thmm, bat rsisr yea irywmn. It has no mymL SI u th ymr IriClim T Wn. 1J. EJIRH'k, aeaaew tiQ. it. Hsight in the Central Market, invites all of his old, an well aa near eas terners t call pn him fr their meat, at O. B. Halht'a old stsad. This i tbe place t g '. ten Jar teaks, ate. 6UUD1AN ASSURANCE CO., CF L0I80I. KSTAHLfSnKD, A. D. IJ2t. 'a pi La! in h-ri! d. Capital paid up fie ooe.owo s.oeo.oet Notk.. This company haa tbe large t paid up capital of any rrrrreny doing bnain-wsi in the United Mates. Insurance aeeepled by 1 .( KT A. K1KH. A jt i f Albany STAR BREWERY. , s - ' , I save J urt heard tble popniar rs abiiab meni of Mr. Eallenger, aud am prepared to furnish the ublic THE BEST BEER manufactured in the Vallev, both - j Mas . At Wholesale AND Yon are sure of good treatment at the Ktar Ilrewery. WM. FABER. DOfsACA'S STORE -AT ! Sweet Home. Keeps a full stock of Grorerb. Druic, Melicinea, 1 jquora, and every thin a that m 'Manas in caeuraiassU reqwre, at prk-e verv reaeouable In connection with tbe Mars a atable, whera horeee will be (ed bay and oats over niebt for M rente. Oae-an boresn one reed In a rain. 2S centa. In going up to the mountains yea wi'l erMatba creek before coming; to my atore ai.d suable. JOIIX DOXACA. rnt wanted! J Forty cords of oak and ash wood for which cash will be 1 aid. For particulars call at thia office. by tha public foe over twenty and is the best preparation over invented for RESTOR ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND LIFE. It supplies the natural food and color to the hair alanda without atainlna the akin. It will increase aad thicken the growth of the hair, prevent its blanching and failing off. and thus AVERT BALDNESS. It eurea Itching-, rnp- tioTia and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING it la very desirable, gjiving; the hair n silken softaeae which all admire. It keeps tha clean, a .reet end healthy. BUGWNGHMrs Dy WHISKERS will chance tha beard to n BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being: In one preparation It la easily applied, and prodacea a permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. H. SoW by ai Osiers a MaaVlai, .tTro ataca SS. ISfS. imiHiBii llaa been In wn,ta. I State ' Assaver I